HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200901Avista to Staff 1-5.pdfruRISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: RECEIVEDAVISTA CORPORATION 2020 Septemberll AM t0:0s RESPONSE TO REQIJEST FOR INFORwTA*TION IDAHo PaBLIC ATILITIES COMMISSION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0813112020 AVU-E-20-07 WTINESS: Annette Brandon IPUC RESPONDER: Annette Brandon Production Request DEPARTMENT: Power Supply Staff- 001 TELEPHONE: (s09) 495-4324 REQUEST: Please provide all electronic workpapers with formulas intact and documents supporting the Application, testimonies, and exhibits. RESPONSE: All electronic workpapers were sent overnight to Staff with original filing. Subsequently, in response to this request an additional set was sent, as well as an ernail of Brandon workpapers. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-20-07 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff - 002 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 08t3U2020 Annette Brandon Annette Brandon Power Supply (s09) 4es-4324 REQUEST: Please provide the following in Excel format with all formula intact a. Actual monthly mega-waff hours (MWhs) and costs for Avista's generation resources and purchases from July 2019 through June 2020. b. Authorized monthly MWhs and costs for Avista's generation resources and purchases from July 2019 through June 2020. c. Actual monthly MWhs and revenues for Avista's sale transactions from July 2019 through June 2020. d. Authorized monthly MWhs and revenues for Avista's sale transactions from July 2019 through June2020. RESPONSE: Actual and authorized monthly MWHs and revenues were provided in the "Variance Analysis" included in the non-confidential workpapers. Additionally, email files have been sent to staff via informal requests including Power Transaction Registers, and Aurora output files. Avista intends to work collaborate with Staff in a similar manner as in previous years when on-site visits were done. As such, several email exchanges have gone on between Avista and Staff in order to provide additional analysis and/or discussion regarding parts (a) - (d) above. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-20-07 IPUC Production Request Staff- 002 DATE PREPARED: 0813112020WITNESS: Annette Brandon RESPONDER: Annette Brandon DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4324 REQUEST: Please provide the following in Excel format with all formula intact a. Actual monthly mega-watt hours (MWhs) and costs for Avista's generation resources and purchases from July 2019 through Jvne2020. b. Authorized monthly MWhs and costs for Avista's generation resources and purchases from July 2019 through June 2020. c. Actual monthly MWhs and revenues for Avista's sale transactions from July 2019 through June2020. d. Authorized monthly MWhs and revenues for Avista's sale transactions from July 2019 through June 2020. RESPONSE: Actual and authorized monthly MWHs and revenues were provided in the "Variance Analysis" included in the non-confidential workpapers. Additionally, ernail files have been sent to staff via informal requests including Power Transaction Registers, and Aurora output files. Avista intends to work collaborate with Staffin a similar manner as in previous years when on-site visits were done. As such, several email exchanges have gone on between Avista and Staff in order to provide additional analysis and/or discussion regarding parts (a) - (d) above. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-20-07 IPUC Production Request Staff - 003 DATE PREPARED: 0813012020WITNESS: Annette Brandon RESPONDER: Annette Brandon DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4324 REQUEST: Please provide the amount of monthly sales and purchases between the Company and Clearwater in dollars and MWhs from July 2019 through Jwe2020. RESPONSE: Please see the table below for net sales and purchases between the Company and Clearwater paper: S Volumes : 201907 5 L,438,922 29,648,650 201908 $ L,629,672 32,657,540 201909 s 1,886,148 39,269,540 201910 s 1,592,340 31,549,500 2OL91L s 1,620,950 29,938,810 zotgt2 s 1,537,865 29,702,540 2O20OL $ L,645,9L7 31,900,980 202002 5 1,509,765 29,545,320 202003 5 L,523,84L 29,955,380 202OO4 s 1,618,893 30,960,950 202005 5 L,662,082 31,395,190 202006 5 L,764,3O9 32,464,L2O Please note that in addition to those numbers provided above, the Company also charges Clearwater for a portion of Transmission $165,040 and credits for a portion of REC revenue ($410,960), in accordance with Contract Terms. These numbers can be found in Brandon Workpapers, tab Actual-Authorized-Proposed line 57 and 58. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AW-E-20-07 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff - 004 DATE PREPARED: 0813012020WITNESS: Annette Brandon RESPONDER: Thomas Dempsey DEPARTMENT: GPSS TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4960 REQUEST: Please provide a list including the date and duration of all forced outages for all generation facilities from July 2019 through June2020 for the following facilities: Colstrip, Coyote Springs II, Rathdrum, Noxon Rapids, Cabinet Gorge, and Lancaster. For all forced outages longer than24 hours in duration, please provide an explanation for each forced outage. In the explanation, please estimate incremental power supply expense to Idaho customers as a result of the outage. RESPONSE: The Company experienced forced outages exceeding 24 hours at Colstrip, Coyote Springs II, and Cabinet Gorge during the PCA review period of July 2019 through June 2020. Please see the following attachments for firther explanation: Staff PR_004 Attachment A contains the Owner Summary Event log for July 2019 - June 2020 for Colstrip. The attachment provides a brief summary for the reason for the various outages. The total outage hours represent approximately 4.5%o of the total period hours. Staff PR_004 Attachment B contains a sunmary table of outages for all of the named facilities except Lancaster and Colstrip. The first tab of this sheet gives all the facilities and the associated forced outages. The second tab is filtered to illustrate those outages longer than 24 hours in duration. (i.e. Cabinet Gorge Facility and Coyote Springs 2). Although Lancaster did not have any forced outages greater than24 hours, the detail is provided on a third tab labeled "Lancaster". Staff DR_004 Attachment C contains an estimate of the incrementall replacement power costs associated with these outages. It is not possible to definitively determine the replacement power cost given how the market adjusts to varying resource mixes day to day, and even hour to hour. However, in order to be responsive to this production request, the Company has provided an estimated cost. I In this context "incremental" is meant to represent the difference between the amount embedded in Customer's rates as part of overall Authorized Power Supply Cost compared to the actual replacement cost (MWh x price). AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AW-E-20-07 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff - 005 DATE PREPARED: 0813012020WITNESS: Scott Reid RESPONDER: Thomas Dempsey DEPARTMENT: GPSS TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4960 REQUEST: Please provide an update on the Comprehensive Report the Company mentioned in Reply Comments in the z0lgPcAAnnual Rate Adjustment Filing (AVU-E-19-09). Reply Comments at 2,line 5. Also please provide an update on the Company's future operating plans for Coyote Springs II. RESPONSE: InAvista's Reply Comments inthe 20lgPc[Annual Rate Adjustment Filing (AVU-E-19-09) the "Comprehensive Report" was referring to a "root cause" analysis and report being conducted for failure of the Transformer 3 (T#3) outage. This investigation report, conducted by ABB Industrial Solutions in Ontario, Canada, is attached as Staf{_PR_O05 Attachment A (Incoming Inspection and Test Avista.pdf). Additional forensic investigation and disassernbly will be performed in the near future. Should there be any significant findings from this additional investigation, the Company will provide an update at that time With regards to the future operating plans for Coyote Springs 2, the company has elected to replace Transformer 4 (T4), which is a dual wound three phase transformer, with three dual wound single phase transformers plus an additional unit that serves as a spare (T5). The Company considered a number of options before selecting the three dual wound single phase transformer option. Please see Staff PR_004 Attachment B (20191224 CS2 Single Phase Transformer Final Note to File.pdf) for the initial information utilized to make this decision including the Business Case, Engineering Studies, Financial Analysis, and Decision Tree. Once the project began, additional information/requirements resulted in the identification of additional project costs. At this point, Avista updated the financial analysis to include these additional costs. The resulting analysis confirmed that the chosen option (Option V) to replace the 3-phase transformers with a new single phase installation was still the best course of action. The cost increases were associated with a ntrmber of factors: o One of the factors contributing to the increase in cost was our decision to split the outage into two separate outages to minimize power expense. Had we proceeded with only a single outage, it would have taken 6-8 months to complete which would have meant the unit not being available during one or both of the summer and winter peak seasons. Splitting the outage into two parts increased the total cost but avoided much higher power supply cost impacts. o Another factor confributing to increased costs was the installation of the new fire wall. NewNFPArequirements dictated thatasignificantlymore substantial firewall was needed for equipment and personnel safety. Please see the following additional documents for additional detail regarding our most current project estimates and additional background: Sta[PR_004 AttachmerfiC (20200513 New Financial Analysis of T5 Project.docx), and Staff PR 004 Attachment D (White Paper Coyote Budget 5.7.20.docx)