HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191126Public Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfa IN THE MATTER OF THE APPL]CATION OE AVISTA CORPORAT]ON DBA AVISTA UTILITIES FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES EOR ELECTRIC SERVICE ]N IDAHO CASE NO. AVU-E-19-04 oRDER NO. 34462 PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 1, 2OL9 7:00 P.M. COEUR D'ALENE,"^bmIGINAL o APPEARANCES: PAUL KJELLANDER, PRESIDENT KRISTINE RAPER, COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON, COMMISSIONER JOHN HAMMOND, DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL O Coeur d'Alene, ldaho Northern Offices 20a.765.1700 '1.800.879.1 700 Spokane, Washington 509.455.45r 5 1.800.879.1 700 www,mmcourt.com Boise, ldaho Southern Offices 208.345.96r r 1.800.234.96"t1 Excellence in Court Reporting Since 197O BEFORE THE ]DAHO PUBLIC UT]LITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) \ L .. Court Reporting o o O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 1,5 16 t1 18 19 20 27 23 24 PROCEEDINGS TAKEN NOVEMBER ?, 2019 MR. KJELLANDER: Good evening. This is the time and place for a pubJ-j-c hearing in Case No. AVU-E-19-04, also known as: In the matter of the applj-cation of Avista Corporation dba Avista Util-ities for authority to increase its rates and charges for electric servj-ce to electric customers in the state of Idaho. Good evening. My name is Paul- Kjellander. I'11 be chairing tonight's public hearing. To my right is Commissioner Eric Anderson, and to my left is Commissioner Kristine Raper. The three of us comprise the Comrnission. When the case is fu1ly submitted, we will be the three that ultimately deliberate and decj-de the outcome of the settlement stipulation that has been presented before the Commission in relationship to this Why donrt we begin with the appearances of the parties. And let's start with 1egal counsel representing the staff of the Idaho Public Util-ities Commission. MR. HAMMON D: John Hammond, Deputy Attorney Generaf. MR. KJELLANDER: And representing Avista? www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing Page 2 7r/1/2A79 o 1- 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 o 10 11 t2 13 l4 15 l6 L7 18 19 20 21. )) 23 2A 25 MR. MEYER: David Meyer with Avista. Thank you. MR. KJELLANDER: Is there any other lega1 counsel that needs to be ... MR. JEWELL: Ed ,Iewe11, Deputy Attorney General of the Idaho Publ-ic Utilities Commission. MR. KJELLANDER: Thank you. Anyone representing any of the other intervenors in the case? MR. NYKIEL: Matt Nykiel with the Idaho Conservation League. MR. KJELLANDER: Could you spelf your name for the court reporter. MR. NYKIEL: N-y-k-i-e-1. MR. KJELLANDER: Thank you very much. Wel-l-, at this point since there are no eligible members of the public to actually testify, it will be my intent to take a break for five mj-nutes, at which point if someone does show up we will then give some brief introductions with regards to the procedure that wiLl- fo1low with regards to the public testi-mony. If not, I wil-l- ]-eave that section of the corunentary out of this evening's proceedings. And so with that we will go off the record for a f i-ve-minute window - (A short break was taken. ) O o www. mmcourt . com PubI j-c Hearing Page 3 1L/1/20L9 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 1l L2 13 l4 15 L6 71 l8 L9 20 2t )) ,l 2A 25 MR. KJELLANDER: We wiff go back on the record. And before we begj-n, I believe we do have at l-east one member of the public who wishes to testify tonight. So before I call- the name, I'I1 just offer just a few very brief instructions. We have a fittle table here and a chair. And once we call your name we'lJ- have you come up. The legaI counsel that represents staff from the Deputy Attorney Generalrs office, Mr. ,Iohn Hammond, will just ask you a few brief questions to get you on the record, name, where you 1ive, and then I think there's a general question if you're a customer of the company. Pretty simple and straightforward. And then we'11 take your testimony at that point. There is an opportunity for what we call cross-examj-nation. But itrs not like Perry Mason or some of the old court things where everybody is starting to say, "And you committed the murder. " It's not like that. It's if therers a cfarification that we need, we may follow up on that. And then the other legal counsel and parties to the case al-so have an opportunity for follow-up questions. It's very rare that we see much happen. So I only bring that up is because there's a possibility that there may be a couple of questions, but o o Page 4 7t/1 /2A19www.mJncourt.com Public Hearing ,1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 !4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2T 22 23 24 25 $ronrt be too deep and too detail-ed. And, again, you don't always have to answer. But you will be sworn .in. So we have a court reporter here to do that. So hopefully we have you at ease and haven't scared you away. And hopefully you're Heather Ross. And so, Heather, if you'd please come up. (Witness sworn. ) MR. HAMMOND: Hi. I'm John Hammond, Deputy Attorney General. MS. ROSS: Hi, John. MR. HAMMOND: Could you give us your first and Iast name and spell your Iast name for the record. MS. ROSS: My first name is Heather. My l-ast name is Ross, R-o-s-s. MR. HAMMOND: And where do you reside? MS. ROSS: lO37 North Eourth Street in Coeur drA]ene, 83814. MR. HAMMOND: What state is that? MS. ROSS: Idaho. MR. HAMMOND: Are you a customer of Avista? MS. ROSS: Yes. MR. HAMMOND: Okay. Go ahead and provide your t e st imony . MS, ROSS: I am concerned as a citizen of this o ,Page 5 t7/1 /2A79www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing o 1 2 4 5 6 1 I o 10 11 L2 13 74 15 16 l1 18 L9 20 21 22 23 24 25 O o www.mmcourt.com Publ- j-c Hearing Page 6 t7/1 /20L9 country and as a human of this earth about the use of coal and gas as sustainable energy sources for the present hour that we're in and for the future generations, for our children's children's children. Those sources of energy may have been appropriate and applj-cable for our grandparents and their grandparents when we had an industrial revolution and that was the form of energy that was the most -- the easiest, the most viable, the quickest to get cfean water and shelter and food and electricity -- electricity to people. It was actuaffy the cheapest, fastest, most effective way to provide for the masses a hundred years ago, 150 years ago, when it was real-J-y booming. Today that is not the case. Today we are in an ecofogical crisj-s and a climate emergency that is demanding from us to appl"y our creative intell-igence toward finding more sustainable energy sources. And so I have a questi-on -- I'm sorry; my hea.rt is racing; I'm a 1ittle nervous -- to the Commission and also to Avista. This is my question: How can we as a humanity apply our creative intelligence to a smooth and sustainable transition to cfean energy with a threefol-d focus. E.irst, that honors the earth; that does not cause harm to the earth or to life on earth. Second, that is profitable; that is economical-fy, financially o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11, L2 13 t4 1.6 l'7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 profitable and that does continue to generate a profit. And, third, that is a clean source of energy, an actual c.Iean source of energy. So, again, how do we apply our creative intelligence as humans to a smooth sustainab.l-e transition to cfean energy that honors fife on earth, that does generate a profit. We have to have honor first. We have to have honoring life come before profit to have integrj-ty and accountability to the future generations. So honoring the earth, generating a profj,t and being actual clean energy, question mark. Itrs a question. How do we apply our creative i-ntelligence toward that end? MR. KJELLANDER: Thank you. Does that conclude your testimony? MS. ROSS: Um ... MR. KJELLANDER: And if not what we can do is -- MS. ROSS: I do -- I have one -- I have one point. MR. KJELLANDER: Please. MS. ROSS: But I can save it if you were going to say something, MR. KJELLANDER: No, no, no. Werre not backlogged. Eeel free. o www-mmcoltrt.com Publ-ic Hearing Page 7 tt/t /2019 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 76 L1 18 19 20 2l 22 24 25 MS. ROSS: We are unde.r an enormous amount of pressure at this time. There's never been more information on the table, more -- therets never been more at stake for humanity than at this hour that we find ourselves and collectively. Not just in this city and in this town, but g1obally. We're now a global economy and a global. humanity. And we're under so much pressure. And we have an obligation to consider the living future with the choices we make in the living now . We do need to vision into the future in a way that aIIows for a future to exist. That is our duty. We have a duty and a responsibility to the future generatj-ons, and we need to remember that even in the pressure. We need to keep that in the forefront of our decision making, in the forefront of the information that we take in and vrhat we focus on and how we choose solutions, We need to take the vision for a livlng future into consideration with every choice, MR. KJELLANDER: Thank you. Let's see if there ' s any cros s-examinat ion . MR. HAMMOND: No, none. MR. KJELLANDER: Erom Avista? o MR. you for being MEYER: Just a comrnent. Number one, here and also being passionate about thank this , www . IIuncourt . com Public Hearino Page 8 lL/1/?At9 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I o 10 11 1.2 13 l4 15 L6 l7 18 19 20 2L )') 24 25 issue. The same questions you are asking are actual-ly being asked within the company, fn fact, a lot of our newer employees are insisting on answers themseLves within the company. And Ird be happy to carry on this discussion with people in our organization after this hearing. Thank you. MS. ROSS: Thank you, MR. KJELLANDER: And anyone -- any other intervenor? No? Okay. Thank you very much, and we appreciate your testimony this evening. Thank you. And thanks for being first. Appreciate that. And Althea. There is a good chance that I wil-1 make an error on your last name, but I'm going to give it a whirl . Is it Sawdahl (phonetic) ? MS. SONDAHL: Sondah]. MR. KJELLANDER: Al-thea Sondahl, if you could please come up if you choose to provide some public testimony. And our court reporter wiff swear you in. (Witness sworn . ) MR. HAMMOND: Can you state your name, first and l-ast, and spell your last name for the record. MS. SONDAHL: So my IegaI first name is Carolyn. I go by my middle name Althea. And my last name is SondahL, S-o-n-d-a-h-l-. MR. HAMMOND: Can you teII us where you o ,Page 9 lt/1/2019www.mmcourt.com PubIic Hearing o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I o 10 11 L2 13 74 15 16 1't 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 reside? MS. SONDAHL: Yes. I Iive at 31848 North Third Street in Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869. MR. HAMMOND: And are you a customer of Avista Utifities? MS. SONDAHL: I am. MR. HAMMOND: Go ahead and provide your testimony for the record. MS. SONDAHL: A11 right, WeIl, first of aff, I would fike to say I'm reaIly happy for this opportunity to speak with al-1 of you. And I rea]ly appreciate the amazing work that the whole culture does to provide me with the utilitj,es that I have. So I am an Avista customer. And when a tree goes down on a l-ine and I don't have any power in Spirit Lake, I know that I can call Avista and they will take care of -- it's amazing to me what we have and the way of fife that we are provided by by your oversight of the utilities and by the utiliti.es themselves. So, again, I'm grateful that this hearing is happening and that there's this conversation and that we're invj-ted to share 1n it. So I as a -- as a patron, as a customer. get my bill. And it has this wonderfu.l- newsletter in it that I read, And it telfs me how to conserve energy, And I learn about renewable resources. , , www. fl[ncourt . com Pubfic Hearino Page 10 77/1/2A79 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 't I 9 10 11 1-2 13 14 t5 L6 l1 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 I know I can help with a Buck-A-B1ock. I can -- again, this is -- and this al-l- just comes in my mailbox. So I try to particj-pate as the best way that I can as a customer to -- again, for us to responsibly use what this amazing science does. So I -- I don't use my dryer. I hang my clothes out on the cfothesline. I don't heat with el-ectricity. I heat with wood, which, again, j-mplicates me in the probl-em that we're trying to solve, j-n a certain way, with how we use resources. So I drove here to talk to you. I put carbon into the atmosphere. Again, I think these are real-l-y complex systems that even as we try to move forward into a future that we al-f want that we're al-l- j-mplicated in -- that we can't sol-ve this problem in a simple way. So I just wanted to say that I want to work with the entities, the government and the utility companies, in the best way that I can. And I do think that in this case if we try to work together we can creatively so.Ive these problems. And I really appreciate the Idaho Conservation League that is trying to hel-p us make decisions that we won't regret later. So I would like to see Avista, you know, continue to do the amazing work that they're doing and researchlng options. I understand that ICL's concern is refated to the cJ-ean-up that wil-I be necessary when that o o viww. mmcou.rt . com Pubfic Hearing Page 11 It/1/2019 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 I1 18 19 20 2'J. 22 23 25 coal- mine is no longer in use. And that I, as a patron, may end up having to share that financial burden and that -- that's a problem for me. So, again, I don't have so.Iutions beyond my small part of trying to, again, do the things that will conserve so that we don't need to use more resources, if -- again, if all of us participate together then we can reduce the impact that we have and not waste. But at the same time I know that I have to make choices that end up participating in systems that are not the best at this point. So, again, lrm just hoping that -- that the resources that you folks have that are much greater than mine will come up with sol-utions that wilf protect al-l- of us. MR. KJELLANDER: Thank you. Let me see if there are any questions. MR. HAMMOND: No questions. MR. MEYER: None. Thank you. MS. SONDAHL: Thank you. MR. KJELLANDER: And fet's see if there's any questions from members of the Cormission, MR. ANDERSON: (Nodding. ) MS. RAPER: (Nodding. ) MR. KJELLANDER: Afthea, thank you very much o o Page 12 t7/1 /201.9www.mmcourt,com Public Hearino o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 16 L1 18 l9 20 2L 22 24 25 for your testimony. We appreciate that. And thanks for coming out this evening. MS. SONDAHL: Again, it's amazing all you people are here just to listen to us. That's real]y great. Thank you. MR. KJELLANDER: Thank you. Letrs see. I don't believe we have anyone e]-se who' s signed up to test j-f y. So at this point it ' s time for us to bring this public hearing to c.Iosure. Just to give you a heads-up, there will be a technical hearing on the settlement that I believe is next week. And there wilf stiff be an opportunity if you have additionaf public comments that you'd fike to file, you can do so. And you can do that either by directly sending those written comments to the Commission -- you can find the address on the website -- or you can utiJ-ize some of the electronic filing components that exist al-so on the website. So, again, f want to thank members of the public who took the time come this evening and provide very thoughtful input into the proceedj-ngs. Those will become an official part of the record. And the Corunission wi.IJ- also look to those as we finally deLiberate on the case once it becomes fully submitted. We expect that shortfy after the technical o o Page 13 rL/1 /2019www . mmcourt . com Pubfic Hearing o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 l1 l2 l3 l4 15 L6 l1 18 t9 )o 21. 22 23 25 hearing that I believe the conment period probably ends around the same date. MR. HAMMOND: (Noddinq. ) MR. KJELLANDER: I think the timing on that was probably well positioned. We will have one more telephonic hearing, I believe, which is al-so next week where we'If take some more publj-c comment. But lt's my sense that the deliberation on this case will Iikely be a very quick turn-around so we can get an order out towards the effective date of the application put forward by Avista. So with that, since there's nothing e.Ise to come before us this evening, we are adjourned. (whereupon, the proceedings were adjourned at 7:30 p.m. ) o , www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing Page 14 77/1/2079 a o o 1 2 3 4 6 1 I o 10 11 L2 13 l4 15 16 l'7 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 REPORTER I S CERTI EICATE I, Patricia L. PulIo, Certified Shorthand Reporter, do hereby certi fy: That the foregoing proceedings were taken before me at the time and place therein set forth, at which time any witnesses were placed under oath; That the testimony and aff objections made were recorded stenographical l y by me and were thereafter transcribed by me or under my direction; That the foregoing is a true and correct record of aII testimony given, to the best of my ability; relative or employee of any parties, nor am I f inancial-lyattorney or of any interested in the www.mmcourt.com That I am not a of the act ion . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 15th day of November, 2019. S*rt'r;^ X.P* ATRIC]A L. PUILO,otary Public 16 Sherman Avenue,oeur d'Alene, ID c.s.R. #697 Sui-te 7 83814 es ll/13/2024- Public Hear j-ng Page 15 77/1/2019 My o a qlt'' rJ r,, ... 1).' lsJa .' ;., o A abillty 15:13 accountability 7;9 action 15;16 actual T:2,11 additional 13: 13 address 13:16 adjoumed 14:13,15 ago 6i12,73 ahead 5:23 10:7 allows 8:12 Althea 9r12,16,23 l2:25 amazing 10:12,17 11:5 11:23 13:3 amount 8:1 Anderson 1116 2t12 12:23 answer 5:2 answers 9:3 appearances 1:14 2:19 applicable 6:6 application 1:3 2:6 14:10 apply 6:16,21 7t4,12 appreciate 9:10,11 10:12 11:20 13:1 aPPropriate 6:5 asked 9:2 asking 9:1 atmosphere 11:11 attorney 1:16 2:23 3;5 4:10 5:10 15:15authority 1:4 2:7 Avenue 15:22 Avlsta 113,3 216,7,25 3:15i21 6:20 8:23 10:4,14,16 llt22 AVU-E-19-O4 1:3 2:5 certify 15:4 chair 4'.7 chairing 2:11 chance 9:12 charges 1:4 2:8 cheapest 6:11 children 6:4 children's 6:4,4 choice 8:19 choices B:9 12:9 choose 8:17 9i17 citizen 5:25 city B:5 clarification 4:20 clean 6:9,22 7 i2,3,6,11 clean-up 11:25 climate 6:15 closure 13:9 clothes 11:6 clothesline 11:6 coal 6:2 12 i1 Coeur 1:11 5t17 75,22 collectively 8:5 come 4:8 5:'l 7'.8 9:17 12:14 13:20 14:13 comes 11:2 coming 13:2 comment B:24 14:1,7 commentarY 3:21 comments 13:13,15 commission 1:1 2:14 2'.17,22 3'.6 6'.79 L2122 13:16,23 15:23 commissioner 1;15,16 2'.L2,L3 committed 4:19 companies 11:17 company 4:13 9i2,4 compl€x 11: 12 components 13:18 comprise 2r13 concern 11:24 concerned 5:25 conclude 7:15 Cgnservation 3:10 11:20 conserve 10:25 12:6 consider 8:8 consideration B:19 continueT:111:23 conversation 10:21 corporation 1:3 2:6 correct 15 i 11 counsel2:20 3:4 4:9 4:21 country 6:1 couple 4:25 court 3:12 4:18 5:3 9i18 creatiYe 6i16121 7 t4 7 t12 creatively 11: 19 crisis 6:15 cross-examination 4 tl7 8i27 culture 10:12 customer 4:13 5:21 tO:4,14,23 77'.4 customers 2:8 d'Alene 1:115:18 1S:22 date 14:2,10 Davld 3:1 day 15:18 dba 1:3 2:6 decide 2:15 decision 8: 16 decislons 11:21 deep 5:1 deliberate 2:15 13:24 deliberation 14:8 demanding 6:16 Deputy 1r16 2 r23 3:5 detailed 5:1 direction 15:10 directly 13:15 discusslon 9:5 doing 11:23 drove 11r10 dryer 11r6 duty 8: 12,13 E earlh 6:1,23,24,24 7i6 7t10 ease 5:5 easiest 6;8 ecological 6:15 economically 6:25 economY 8:7 Ed 3:5 effective 6:11 14:10 either 13:14 electric 1:5 2:8,8 electricity 6: 10,10lltT electronlc 13:17 eligible 3:16 emergen€y 6:15 employec 15:14 employe€s 9:3 ends 14:1 energy 6i2,5,8,17,22 7:2,3,6,11 70:25 enormous 8:1 entities 11:16 Eric 1:16 2:12 error 9:13 evening 2:3,10 9:10 13:2,20 14i13 evening's 3:22 everybody 4:18 exlst 8:12 13:18 expect 13:25 Expires 15:23 B back 4:1 backlogged 7:25 believe 4:3 13:7,11 14.1,6 best 11:3,17 12:10 15: 12 beyond 12:4 bill 10:23 booming 6:13 break 3:17,25 brief 3:19 4:6,11 bring 4;24 13:9 Buck-A-Block 11:1 burden 12:2 c C.S.R 15 i21 call 4:5/8/ 16 10:16 carbon 11:10 care 10:17 Carolyn 9:23 Garry 9:4 case 1:3 2i5,14,18 3:8 4:22 6i14 11:18 13:24 14:8 cause 6:24 certain 11:9 CERTIFICATE 15:1 Certified 15:3 F fact 9:2 fastest 6: 1 1 Feel T:25file 13 | 14filing 13:17 finally 13:23 financial 12:2 financially 6:25 15:15 find 8:5 13:16 finding 6:17 first 5112,14 6i23 7,8 9:11,2O,22 7Oi9 five 3:17 www. mmcou rt.com Public Hearing lt/7 /20t9 five-minute 3:24 focus 6:23 I i17 folks 12:13follow 3:20 4:21 follow-up 4:23 food 6:10 forefront 8:15,16 foregoing 15:5,11 form 6:8 forth 15:6 forward 11:12 14:11 Fourth 5:17 free 7 i25fully 2:14 13:24 future 6:3 7i9 Btg,ll B:12,13,19 11:13 G H gas 6:2 general 1:16 2:24 3:6 4:12 5:10 General's 4 i 10 generate 7:1,7 generating 7:10 generations 6:4 7:10 8:14 give 3:18 5'.12 9i74 13: 1O given 15:12 global S:6,7globally 8:6 go 3:23 4:1 5'.23 9'.23 70:7 goes 10:15 going 7:22 9:13 good 2i3,7O 9:12 government 11: 16grandparents 6:6,6 grateful 10:20great 13:5 greater 12r13 Hammond l'.16 2'.23 2123 4i1O 5.9,9,12 5i16,19,21,23 8,22 9'. 20,25 tO'.4,7 72'. ta 14:3 hand 15:18 hang 11:6 hapgen 4,24 happening 10:21 happy 9:4 10:10 harm 6:24 heads-up 13:10 hearing 1:B 2:5,119:6 10:20 13:9,11 14:1,6 heart 6i18 hedt 17:7,7 Heather 5:6,7,14 help 11:1,21 hereunto 15:17 Hi 5:9,11 honor 7 i7 honoring 7:8,10 honors 6:23 7:6 hopefully 5:4,5 hoping 12:12 hour 6:3 B:4 human 6:1 humanity 6:20 8:4,7 humans 7:5 Page 16 hundred 6r12 I J Jewell 3:5,5 John 1: 16 2t23 4i1O 5:9,11 K keep 8:15 Kjellander 1:15 2:3,10 2i25 3i3,7,11,14 4,1 7 t14,17,21,24 8t2O B:23 9:8,16 12:16,21 12i25 1316 74i4 know 10:16 11:1.22 12i9 known 2 15 Kristine 1:15 2:13 ICL'5 11:24 lO 15:22 Idaho 1:1,5,11 2:9,21 3:6,9 5:20 10:3 11i2O impact 12:8 lmplicated 11:13 implicates 11:8 increase 1:4 2r7 industrial 6:7 informatio]! 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