HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191125Telephonic Hearing Transcript Vol III.pdfa o o BEEORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OE AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ]TS RATES AND CHARGES EOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF I DAHO CASE NO. AVU-E-19-04 BEEORE COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER (lresidingi COMMISSIONER KRIST]NE RAPER : COMM]SSIONER ERIC ANDERSON . . PLACE:Commission Hear j-ng Room 113 31 West Chinden Bfvd.Building 8, Suite 2 01-A Boise, Idaho DATE:Novenber 22, 2079 VOLUME III - Pages 100 - 105 CSB REPORTING C e nified S ho rth and Re po rte rs Post Office Box 9774 Boise, Idaho 83707 csbreportins@vahoo.com Ph: 208-890-5198 Fax: 1-888-623-6899 Reporter: Constance Bucy, CSR ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ORIGINAL o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 o 13 L4 15 L6 I1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 APPEARANCES For the Staff:ilohn R. Ilamond, Esq. Deputy Attorney Generaf PO Box 83720Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Eor Avista Corporat ion:David Meyer, Esg.Avista Corporat ion PO Box 37 21 Spokane, Washington 99220-3121 For Idaho Conservation League: Benjanin.r. Otto, Esq. Idaho Conservation League 710 North 6th StreetBoise, Idaho 83102 a 25 AP PEARANCE S O o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 l2 t3 L4 15 16 11 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.51-98 BOISE, IDAHO, ERIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2079, 1O:30 A. M mornfng. hearing in the matter the authority to el-ectric service Idaho. i-ncrease its rates and to electric customers COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Wef1, good This is the time and place for a telephonic Case No. AVU-E-I9-04, also referred to as in of the application of Avista Corporation f or: charges for in the State of My name is PauI Kjeflander. Irl-f be the Chairman of today's telephonic hearing. To my right is Commissioner Eric Anderson and to my left is Commissioner Krj-stine Raper. Earl-ier this morning we hefd a technical hearing on the settlement stipul-atj-on and it's now time for a telephonic public hearing. Eor the record, we went to northern Idaho in Coeur d'Alene last week where we hel-d a live hearing. We had two public witnesses at that particu.l-ar event. We had a workshop prior to that with several- other members of the public there, and we do appreciate aff of the parties to the case who particlpated in that workshop to help us develop the record, Why don't we move through quickly with the appearances of the parties and ]et's begin with theo25 r00 COLLOQUY o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 o 11 L2 13 L4 15 1.6 1.'1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 Applicant, MR. MEYER: Thank you. David Meyer for Avista Corporation, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, Mr. Meyer. MR, HAMMOND: John Harnmondf Deputy Attorney General, for the Commission Staff. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and I also recognize that we also have one of the other intervenors, if you could just for the record identify yoursel f . MR. OTTO: Benjam.in Otto with the Idaho Conservation League. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, Mr. Otto, and I donrt believe that we have any of the other intervenors from the technical hearing earlier this morning, so with that, then, we'l-1 look to the process that vre will go through today, and as I understand with this teJ-ephonic hearing, we will have the potential for individual-s to cal-l- in and then we wiII swear them in when they do cafl, but at this point before I go through any further instructions, I recognize that there is no one who has by my watch for a period calfed in for is 10:34, so this hearinq, and the time now it would be my intent to recess of 10 minutes and hopefully, at that pointo25 L 0l-COLLOQUY a I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 1.2 o 13 L4 15 L6 Ll 1B 19 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB. REPORTING 208.890.5198 if someone has caffed in, then we wifl go back on the record and I wifl provide additional instructions on how we wil-1 proceed with the telephonic hearing, assumj-ng that we have witnesses. I would afso say that for those who might be anticipati.ng witnesses, my sense is we likely wil-l- not have anyone call in, merely because this represents a rate reduction as a part of the settlement stipulation and al,so based on the fact that when we had an opportunity to have a live hearing, there were only two witnesses that provided testimony at that point; however, not knowing exactly what the future hol-ds, we'11 all,ow for 10 minutes for that opportunity for individuafs to caff in and so we will recess at this point for a period of 10 minutes. (Recess . ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we'11 go back on the record and fet me just confirm there have been no additional- ca 1lers ? MR. CULBERTSON: That is correct. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And if you could can have ajust identify name that goes your response. CULBERTSON: My name is Travis yourself for the record so we with MR. Cul-bertson, C-u-I-b-e-r-t-s-o-n. I'm part of theo L02 COLLOQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 a 11 12 13 l4 15 16 l'1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTlNG 208.890.5198 Commission Staff. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And you've been monitoring the phone calls for this telephonic public hea r ing ? MR. CULBERTSON : Yes, that ' s co.r.rect . COMMISSIONER K.IELLANDER: And it is at this point, then, that there have been no caffers in the 10-minute window where we were in recess; correct? MR. CULBERTSON: That's correct. Thank you. seems to be no COMM] SS IONER KJELLANDER : thereWe1I, that being the case, then, reason to prolong thls telephonic public fulf ill,s our obligations under statute, Rufes of Procedures to hold hearing and it as we]] as our public hear j-ngs in and so since there are no any kind of long and we would actualfy do the there is anything association with rate cases, ca.l-f er:s, I faborious testimony, wonrt go through exp.l-anation of how and I believe that unless else to come before the Cornmission business that needs to come before -- is there any other the Commission? f see heads shaking before us? Tf the only thing is the request Does the Commission have anything to bring point of re fe rence, regards to this case intervening funding. no. not, then, j ust left to show up or requests for as a witho25 103 COLLOQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 a 13 L4 15 16 77 18 19 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTlNG 208.890.5r98 We've already estabfished that deadline and it woufd be the Cornmission' s dec i s ion,then, that this record now is I bel-ieve we wifl not be takingclose to any more however, being publ i c if one closed, so comments in relationship trickle in, to the case,' or two more my assumption is positioned we11, to within a week that wetff make sure at least they get but I belleve we I re i-n a good position to render abe abfe timely by the see the to deliberate and decision in a fashion in order to meet the deadlines estabfished Applicant with rates go into regards to effect as when they woul-d l-ike to a result of the being no further adj ourned. settfement stipulation, so there business before us today, we The Telephonic 10:48 a.m. ) are Hearing adjourned at a 25 104 COLLOOUY o a 1 2 3 4 6 1 o 9 10 l-1 l2 13 74 15 16 T1 1B l9 20 2T 22 Z3 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 AUTHENT]CAT]ON Thj-s is to certify that the foregoing telephonic proceedings held in the matter of the application increase its of Avista Corporation charges for the State of for the authority to e.Iectric service torates and electric customers in Idaho,commencing at at the10:30 a.m. on Friday. November Commi.ssion Hearing Room, 11-33L Suite 201-A, Boise, Idaho, is a transcript of said proceedings for the fil-e of the Commission. 22, 20L9, Ch j-nden Bl-vd. , Building 8, true and co.rrect and the original thereof L6Lsloucl CON STANCE Certifi-ed S. BUCY Shorthand Reporter !I coNsTAt{C€ S BUCr NOIARY PUBLC . StAlE OF IOA}IO coMMlssloN I,IUMBER 12905 MY COMMISSION EXPTRES 0+m24 187 o 25 105 AUTHENT ICAT ION o o a