HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191125Technical Hearing Transcript Vol II.pdfo a CSB REPORTING Certified S horlhand Reporten Post Office Box 9774 Boise, ldaho 83707 csbreport i n q(g)vahoo.com Ph: 208-890-5198 Fax: l-888-623-6899 Reporter: Constance Bucy, CSR BEEORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OE THE APPLICATION OE AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF I DAHO CASE NO. AVU-E-19-04 BE EORE .:i i) COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER (tresiding )' COMMISSIONER KR]STINE RAPER 'u PLACE :Commission Hearing Room 11331 West Chinden Blvd.Building 8, Suite 2 01-ABoise, Idaho DATE:November 22, 2019 VOIUME 1]Pages 16 - 99 o ORIGINAL o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 o 11 12 13 t4 l5 16 L1 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 ]NDEX WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE Efizabeth Andrews(Avista)Mr. Meyer (.Direct )Prefiled Testimony Commissioner Kjellander 20 22 48 Joseph Miller (Avista) Mr. Meyer ( Direct )Prefiled Testimony Commissi-oner Raper 51 53 Donn English(Staff)Mr. Hanunond (Direct )Prefiled Testimony Commissioner Kjellander 66 68 92 EXHIB]TS NUMBER DESCRI PTION PAGE FOR AV]STA CORPORAT ION: 13 Stipulation and Settfement Prema r ke d Admi t t ed 2t 25 INDEX/EXHIBITS I 1 2 3 4 6 '7 I 9 10 o 11 t2 13 L4 15 t6 l1 18 19 20 2L 22 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 APPEARANCES For the Staff:ilohn R. Eli'nond, Eaq. Deputy Attorney Generaf PO Box 83720 Boi-se, Idaho 83720-0074 For Avista Corporation:David l{eyer, Esq.Avista Corporation PO Box 31 21 Spokane, Washington 99220-3121 Eor C]earwater Paper Corporation: Peter J. Richardson, Esq. Richardson Adams, PLLC PO Box 7 218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Eor CAPAI:Brady M. Purdy, Esq.Attorney at Law 2 019 North 17th StreetBoise, Idaho 83102 Eor Idaho Conservation Benjamia J. Otto, Esq. Idaho Conservation League 71,0 North 6th StreetBoise, Idaho 83102 Eor Waf*Mart:Noman I.{. Seoanko, Esq. PARSON BEHLE & LATIMER 800 West Main St.reetSuite 1300Boise, Idaho 83102 o 25 AP PEARANCE S o o 1 2 3 4 6 1 I o 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 L1 IB r9 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890. s198 COMM] SSIONER KJELLANDER :Weff, good a hearing, aand place formorning. This is the time technicaf hearing. on the AVU-E-19-04, also known as proposed in the settlement in Case matter of the application of Avista Corporation, dba for authority to electric service i-ncrease its rates and Avista Utilities, charges for in Idaho. My name is Paul Kjellander. I'l-l- be the Chairman of today's proceedings, To my right is Commissioner Eric Anderson, and to my left is Commissioner Kristine Raper. The three of us comprise the Commission and ultimately, once this hearing is concl-uded and fu1Iy submitted, we wil-1 defiberate and render an Order. We1I, why don't we begin with the appearances of the parties this morning and why don't we start with the Applicant. MR. MEYER: Thank you. David Meyer on behaff of Avista. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, and morning, and I believe the room and we']l head if we can just sort of move to the back and we']I go to good around you .o 25 t6 COLLOQUY BOISE. IDAHO, ERIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2019, 9:30 A. M. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 1l 72 o t-3 74 15 16 11 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB RE PORT ING 208.890.5198 L1 Norm, why donrt you see what you can do to get your microphone -- MR. SEMANKO: Parsons Behle representi-ng COMM]SSlONER Mr. Purdy? Got it. Norm Semanko with Wal- *Mart today. Thank you. KJELLANDER: Thank you, and MR. PURDY: Yeah, Brad Purdy representing I daho .Cornmunity Action Partnership Association of COMMISSIONER KITELLANDER: Thank you. Let's go to the back row, if we could. MR. RICHARDSON: Peter Richardson representing Cfearwater Paper Corporation and with me is Dr. Reading. COMMISSIONER K,fELLANDER: Good morning to both of you. MR. RICHARDSON: Good morning. MR. OTTO! Benjamin Otto with the Idaho Conservation League. COMMISSIONER l-et ' s go to you. MR. HAMMOND: KJELLANDER: Excellent, and .lohn Hammond,Deput y Staff.Attorney General, representing Commission COMM]SS]ONER KJELLANDER: GTeat. Good morning to everyone, Is there anyone that we missed for purposes of recognition for the official record? 1f not,t 25 COLLOQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 11 72t13 7S 15 l6 71 18 t9 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ]NG 208.890.5r98 then, are there any preliminary matters that need to come before us today? Mr. Purdy. MR. PURDY: Yes, Mr. Chairman. You probably have been advised already that my client, Will Geh1, who previously prefiled testimony is extremely iI1. I received an emai.l- this morning at 5:30 a.m,, so f rm not sure what is going on there, but hopefully, her11 be well soon. In that light, I think that maybe it would be best if rather than attempt j-ng to put his testimony in as such that we offer it as comments in thls case. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Mr. Purdy, I will just a]Iow to see if there's any objections to that and I doubt that there are any objections, so -- and certainly since thls is a settlement stipulation thatrs in support of that, I think that that's fine. It shouldn't hamper any of your positions with regard to this case, so we'11 certainfy accept those as comments, nor wil} it hamper any abj-lity that you might have to have been fuJ,ly engaged in the process here as we1I, so just wanted to let you know that that's also the scenario, MR. PURDY: Thank vou. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: for bringing that before us. Are there Thank you, too, any othero25 18 COLLOQU Y t 1 2 3 4 5 6 't I 9 10 11 L2 a 13 L4 15 76 t1 18 l9 20 27 ?? 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208 .890.5198 pre.Iiminary matters that need to come before us? Yes. MR. MEYER: Yes, just -- thank you. What is the Chair's preference for the order of witnesses? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:H.istorically, we forward, but ifbegin there with the Applicant and then we move is any kind of order that you al-l-may have agreed hear it now and process we would to j-n advance, I 'm certainly wiffing to would accept it as themore than Iikely use to move forward. MR. MEYER: Very good. We'11 begin with the Company, then. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, let's do that and without objection, then, the show is yours. to theMR. MEYER: Thank you. I call stand Elizabeth Andrews. a 25 19 COLLOQUY a I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 13 l2 a t4 t6 15 l1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 nA CSB REPORT]NG 208. 890.5198 ANDREWS (Di )Avista Corporat ion ELIZABETH M. ANDREWS, produced as a witness at the instance of Avista Corporation, havlng been first duly sworn to te1l the truth, was examj-ned and testifj-ed as follows: DIRECT EXAM]NATION BY MR. MEYER: Q Eor the record, please state your name and your employer, A My name is Elizabeth Andrews and I work for Avista Corp. Q And what is your position at the Company ? A requirements. o testimony and A o appear in t.hat the same? A o I am senior manager of revenue And have you prepared and prefiled an exhi-bit in this case? Yes, I have. If I were to ask you the questions that prefiled testimony, would your answers be marked as Exhiblt No. they would. are you sponsoring what has been L3? Yes, Andt 2A o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 l0 11 t2 o 13 14 15 16 l1 L8 l9 20 27 22 23 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 ANDREWS (Di )Avista Corporation A o stipufation A Yes. And is that a true and correct copy of the among the parties ? Yes, it is. MR. testimony be spread move the admis sion MEYER: With that, I ask that her into the record as if read and would of Exhibit No. 13. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ANd WithOUt objection. we will admit the testlmony as if read and spread the testimony across the record. There being objection, that is what we shal1 do. (Avista Corporation Exhibi-t No. 13 was admitted into evidence . ) (The following prefiled testimony of Ms. Elizabeth Andrews is spread upon the record. ) no 25 2T o 1 3 4 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 a l3 l4 16 11 18 19 20 2L 22 24 Andrews, Di 1Avista Corporat ion I. INTRODUCTION O. P1ease state your name, employer and business address. A. My name is Elizabeth M. Andrews and I am emp.l-oyed by Avista Corporation ("Company" or "Avista") as Senj-or Manager of Revenue Requirements in the State and Federal Regul-ation Department, at 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington. O. Have you previously provided direct testimony in this Case? A. Yes, My previous direct testimony in this proceeding covered accounting and financial- data in support of the Company's need for the proposed electric increase effective January l, 2O?O. I explained pro formed operating results including expense and rate base adjustments made to actual operating resul-ts and rate base for the 2020 rate period. O. What is the scope of this testimony? A. The purpose of this testimony is to describe and support the efectric revenue requirement elements of the Stipulation and Settlement ("Stipufation") filed on October !7, 201.9, as wel-f as explain why the Stipufation is j-n the publ-ic interest. The parties to the Stipulation include the Staff of the Idaho Pubfic Utilities Commission ("Staff"), Clearwater Papera25 22 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 10 11 t2 a 13 I4 15 l-6 L7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Andrews, Di 1aAvista Corporation Corporation ("Clearwater"), Idaho Eorest croup, LLC ("fdaho Eorest"), the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho, Inc. ("CAPAI"), the fdaho Conservation League ("ICL"), and Walmartr Inc, ("Wal-mart"). These entities are coll-ectivel-y referred to as the "Parties" and singularly as a "Party", and represent all who have appeared in these proceedings. A11 Parties to this case are in support of this Settlement. o 25 l1 o 1 2 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 I L2 13 L4 15 16 l1 18 19 20 2l 22 23 Andrews, Di 2Avista Corporation Company witness Mr. Mil-l-er discusses the non-revenue related elements of the Stipulation agreed to by the Parties, such as e.Iectric Cost of Service, Rate Spread and Rate Desi-gn, as well as othe.r Stipulation components reLated to the Power Cost Adjustnent (PCA) and Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism authorized level-s and customer service-reLated initiatives and programs. O. Are you sponsori.ng any exhibj-ts? A. Yes. I am sponsoring Exhibit No. 13, which is a cbpy of the Stipulatj-on and Settlement filed on October 77, 201,9, with the Commission. O. Did the St ipulat j-on? A. Yes, on revised page 9 to October 25, 2079, Lhe Company filed a removed an Company submit a corrected page to the inadvertent re fe rence Stipulation to "natural gas" at paragraph 11. appendices that were the t hat At the same t j-me, it fj-led certain previously agreed-upon by the Parties and referenced in the Stipufation, but never actually filed. No party to the Stj.pulation objected to t.he filing of this revision or the provision of missing appendices. The e.rror was on the part of the Company, and we apologize. Exhibit No. 13 incl-udes the revised page 9 to the Stlpufation, as welf as the required appendices (Appendices A - C) .I 25 24 o 1 2 3 4 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 74 15 16 L1 18 l9 20 2L 22 23 24 o Andrews, Di 2aAvista Corporation II . SUIiIIiIARY OF ORIGINAI FILING O. Please describe the Company's general rate case request, as f i led. A. On June 70, 20L9, Avista filed an Application with the Commission for authority to increase revenue effective January 7, 2020, for efectric service in Idaho. The Company proposed an increase in electric base revenue of $5.255 milfion 25 25 o 1 2 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 o 11 l2 13 L4 15 l6 l1 1B 19 2A 21. 22 o) 24 Andrews, Di 3Avista Corporation or 2.LZ for 2020. By Order No. 2 019, the Commission suspended rates and charges for e.l-ectric 34368, dated JuIy 1-, 20L9, the proposed schedules of rates and service. cost of service study (sponsored to spread propos ed the general, increase, increase generally resuJ,ted believe it is reasonab.l,e 34368, dated JuJ-y 1, the proposed schedules of charges for e fect r ic service. By Commission suspended the spread of the in the rates of Order No, to use the cost The Company used the results of the efectric by The Ms. Knox) as a guide return for the various e.Lectric service schedu.l-es moving cl-oser to the overal]- rate of return (unity) . Whi]-e we and appropriate as the basis forof service study resu.It s the amount of movement toward due primariJ-y to the impact the rate schedules. rate spread, we unity proposed in such movement woul-d t empered thi-s case have between O. What are the primary factors driving the Company's need for an e.Iectric change in rates? A. The primary factor drj.ving the Companyrs el-ectric revenue requirements proposed change in 2020 is an increase in net plant investment (including return on investment, depreciation and taxes, and offset by the tax benefit of interest) from that currently authorized, In addition, net power supply expense j.s reduced from thato25 26 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 12 a L4 15 16 L'l 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 Andrews, Di 3aAvista Corporation currentfy authorized level-, offsetting the Company's overaf .I increase as originally requested, El-ectrlc specific capital investments for the 20L9 period include, among other things, upgrades to certain major generating facilities, such as the Littfe Fal-l-s Powerhouse Redevelopment, Noxon Rapids HED SpiLlgate Refurbishment, as well o 25 21 t 1 2 3 4 6 't 9 10 11 l2 a 13 74 15 16 l1 18 t9 IU 2t 22 23 24I Andrews, Di 4Avista Corporation as capitaf investment associated with the Clark Eork and Spokane River License agreements, discussed by Company witness Mr. Thackston. Eor power witness Mr. Kafich, supply, as the Ieve.l-of ldaho's share of discussed by Company supply expense for rate year 2O2A pro formed into case has decreased by approximately $3.8 mill-ion power this (S11 mil-l-ion on a system basis), from the level currently included in base rates. III. SUIIIIABY OE SETTLEMENT STTPI,'I,ATION O. Wou1d you briefly summarize the Stipulation? A. Yes. Under the terms of the Stipulation, as discussed further by Mr. MilLer, Avista wouJ-d implement revised tariff schedules designed to reduce annual electric revenues by $7.188 milLion or 2.8* (billed basis is also a decrease of 2.8%1, effective Decernlcer !, 201,9. This rate changes is desiqned to provide retai.I revenues necessary to aIlow the Company the opportunity to earn the rate of return agreed to in the Stipulation for the 2020 raiue period. As noted by Mr. Miller, a residential customer using an average of 900 kilowatt hours per month would see a $0.86, or 1.0t, decrease per month for a revised monthly bill of $84.45. (See also Exhibit No. 13,25 28 t o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 l4 15 l6 L1 1B 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 Andrews, Di 4aAvista Corporation Paragraph L4, for the December L, 2019 efectric percentage changes in rates by rate schedufe. ) In determining this revenue decrease, the Parties have agreed to various adjustments to the Company's original- filing, which are summarized in Stipulation, and described further 1n the testimony below. the t 29 o a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 The Stipufation calls for an overall rate of return of 7.35%, determined using a capita.I structure consisting of 50* common stock equity and 50? debt, an authorized return on equity of 9.5? and cost of debt of Lastly, the Parties agreed to certain rate spread and rate design changes as described by Mr. Mj-ILer in his supporting testimony as wel-f as customer service-refated initiatives and programs. O. Pfease explain how the Parties arrived at the Stipulation in this proceeding. A. The Stipulatj-on is the product of settlement discussions held in the Commission offices on October l-, 2019, It represents a compromise among differing points of view, with concessions made by the Partles, to reach a balancing of interests. As wil-l- be explained in the Company's testimony, the Stipul-ation represents a fair, just and reasonabl,e compromise of the issues and j-s in the public interest. In addition, the Stipul-ation is the end result of extensive audit work conducted through the discovery processl, j-ncluding various on-site audit visits by Commission Staff, and hard bargaining by the Parties in this proceeding. The Stipulation resolves a.Ll- issues among the Parties associated with the calculation of the Company's Andrews, Di 5Avista Corporat ion 10 11 72 13 14 15 16 71 18 l9 20 2L 22 23 24 a 25 30 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 o 10 11 t2 o 13 l4 15 l6 l1 1B 19 2A 2L 22 23 Andrews, Di 5a Avista Corporation requested and cost issues. includes cost of capital, including capital structure components, and resolves al-l- revenue requiremeht As discussed by Mr. Mil-l-er, the Stipulation aLso agreement regarding certaj.n rate spread and rate wefl as wel-.1- as other Stipul-ation componentsdesign related as to the Power Cost 1 Avista responded to over 194 production and audit requests (including sub-parts) from IPUC staff and other inLervening parties.o 25 31 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 1.2t13 74 15 76 L1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 o Andrews, Di 6Avista Corporati-on ITI . ELECTRIC REVENUE REQUIREMENT ELE}IENTS OF THE STIPTII.ATION O. Please explain the derivation of the Electric Revenue Requirement outl.ined in the Stipulation. A. The Parties agreed that an electric revenue25 32 Adjustment (PCA) and Eixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism authorized fevels and customer service-related inltiatives and programs. 0. Why is the Stipulation in the public interest? A. The Stipulation is in the "public interest" for several reasons, The Stipulation was the product of the give-and-take of negotiation that produced an "end result" that is just and reasonable. In addition, it is supported by the evidence, demonstrating the need for rate adjustments to provide recovery of necessary expenditures and investment, the costs of which are not offset by a growth in sales margj.ns. The Settlement enjoys broad-based support from a variety of constituencies, including CAPAI, Clear$rater, Idaho Eorest Group, Wa.Imart, Inc. and the Staff of the Commi"ssion, In addition, the Settl-ement provides a base rate .reduction by December 1-, 2019, which woul-d benefit a1l customers, as they plan and budget for their 2079-2020 winter heating season needs. o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 a 13 74 15 t6 t1 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 Andrews, Di 6aAvista Corporation decrease is necessary, effective December 1, 2019. While Avistars filing requested an electric revenue requirement increase of $5.3 million effective January 1,, 2020, the Parties agreed-upon adjustments, including the agreed-upon rate of return, result in recommended el-ectric revenue decrease of $7.2 milfion. This decrease IS designed to provide o 25 33 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 a 13 I4 15 16 L1 1B L9 20 2I 22 23 24 Andrews . Di 'l Avista Corporation sufficj.ent retai-l- revenues for the 2020 rate period, and wouJ-d provide the Company with the opportunity to earn the return agreed to in the Stipulation. O. P.Iease explain the Parties' agreement with regard to an Authorized Rate of Return, including the Return on Equ j-ty. A. The Parties have agreed to an overafl rate of return of 7. 35?, equity component comparison, the overall rate of based on a return on equlty at 50% and cost of debt of of 9.5%, an 5.202. By requested an on equity of of debt of Company ' s return of component original filing return7.55%, of 508 and cost a 9. 9E, an q ,n9 O. revenue equity for rates effective December 1, A. The Parties agreed to by the Parties 20L9. an electric revenue 20L9, Lhat reflects the Please p-rovide an overview of the electric requirement adjustments effective agreed to December Lrequirement adj ustments Stipulation: shown below in the excerpted tabfe from the I 25 34 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 o 13 l4 15 16 L1 18 19 20 21 22 23 Andrews, Di IAvista Corporation Table No. 1: Electric enue Requirement &) b.) c,) d.) G.) r) c) h.) i.) i) k.) r.) m.) SUMMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO ELECTRIC REVENUE REOUIREMENT EFFECTIVE DECEMBER I, 2019 (000s ofDoll8rs) RGvcnue Requircme[t Rst BrlG Amoutrt 83 Filed: Adjus tme rts : Cost of Capital Conparry 2019 Nct Ratc Bas€ Updates Mbcclhneous Company Updates: Redwc Property Taxcs, CobrilCS2 Malr Maintcmrcc Expense, Cobllb R€guhtory Amtrtization aDd rernove norrccurring AFUDC DFIT Expense. Rcmovc Offrcr Inccrnives 8nd Rcduce NoF.OffEers lncentives Reduce Offaer Labor Expenses Adjui Employee Bcnefts Renrovc Ccrtain 20 I 9 Capilal Projccts R€vi5c Fcc F.cc Amonizatih ard Annual Expense Restate Uncollectbhs Wcathci Nonnalizatbn Adjustment Updats Net Pro Fomla Power Suppty Experce aod Transmbsix Rcvcoucs Udate Pro Forma Gas Prbes trrchdc Pabusc ard Raulcsnakc Wind PPA ConEacts ir PCA Revbe Transmhsin Rcvenucs Remvc 2020 Expcnsc 2020 Non-Unim Labor Increasc 2020 Rcrnovc lSnT 2020 Exp.Ilse Miscclhn€ous Adjush€ots: Rcchssifpatbn of nofl-utlity flEhts gnd fDGd c6ts, as wcllas cxpird hasc cxpelse Essociatcd with rlE airphne; rcclassilrcatln of oth€r a&ninbtrativc ard g€ncral experses; adjust inrervcnor firndir& and an agr€ed upon ovcrall expcrsc adjustnEnt to rcfbct hvcl of apprcved cxpenses Adjusacd Amounts Eftctiyc Dcc.mbcr l,2019 s 5,255 S 836,820 (7,7 t3) $ $ $ (22lr) (317) $ (990) $ (t294) (58) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (438) (32) 86 (1215) $ (370) (163) Qn) i.) ii) iii) i.) ii.) ( r,620) (42J8) (520) (2't4t (255) 45r s (7,188)$ 827,750 As can be seen by a review of the individual line descriptions provided within the summary table above, the adjustments accepted for settl-ement purposes cover a broad range of revenue and cost categories, including the authorized rate of return. The individua.l- adjustments should not be viewed in isolation;ra ther, entirethey shoul-d be viewed in total- as part of theo25 35 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 l 8 9 Stipulatlon, and are the result of hard bargaining and comprom.r se . 10 t1 1.2 o 13 1-4 15 76 l1 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 o Andrews, Di 8aAvista Corporation 25 36 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 't 8 9 10 11 12a13 l4 l5 16 L7 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24a Andrews, Di 9Avista Corporation O. wouLd you please tine items contained within el-aborate on the individual Table A resu.It ing Decerber 1 Cos t Yes. A description of in the electric revenue No. 1? the adj ustments requirement, effective 2 019, f olJ-ows. of Capj-ta1 requ l rement reduces the overalf 52.21L mif Ii-on. The components are shown reduction re.l-ated to the cost of (Iine a.) The overall- revenue for capital electric byrevenue requirement agreed-upon cost of in the tab.le bef ow: capital Component Capital StructurE Cost Weighted Cost Debt Conrron Equity Total s0.00% 50.00% 5.20o/o 9.50o/o 2.60% 4.75% 100.00%7.35% 2019 Net Rate Base U dates ( Iine b. ) The 2019 filed electric capital additions were updated by Avista to reflect adjustments for updated information, including refated depreciation expense, accumulated depreciation (A,zD) and accumulated deferred federaL income taxes (ADFIT ) reflect ba.Iances as adjustment resulted of $1.299 million, associated with these adjustments to of Decenber 3L, 2019. This in an overal-l- reduction to rate base and a decreased revenue requirement of25 31 Compa nv o 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 1l L2t13 r4 L5 16 \1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 Andrews, Di 9aAvista Corporat ion $317, 000. Misce.l-laneous Company Updates ( l-ine c. ) This adjustment Reflects adjustments for updated information, including: removal of certain 201-8 AEUDC DEIT2 expense as non-recurring, major maintenance expense associated with the Company's Colstrj-p generation pfant, property taxes, and correction of DFIT within 2 Al1o.a.tce folr Funds Used Under Construction ("AEUDC"); Deferred Eederal Income Taxes ( FDrIT" )a 25 38 I 1 2 3 A 5 b l 8 9 10 11 72 a 13 l4 t-5 16 l1 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 Andrews, Di 10Avista Corporation the Colstrip regu.l-atory amortization adjustment3. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $990,000 and reduces net rate base by $58,000. Remove Officer Incentives and Reduce Non-Officer Incentives (line d.) This adjustment al-l- officer incentives. This incentives for non-officers toadj ustment 2 018 target adj us tment $438,000. versus the Company's 6-year decreases the overall revenue re f .Iect s the removal of also reduces average. Thi s requirement by Reduce Officer Labor Expenses (1ine e. ) This adjustment reduces officer labor expenses to 2018 test period .Ieve.l-s allocated 90% utility / 108 non-utility. This adjustment decreases the overafl .revenue requirement by $32,000. Update Pension and Medi-cal- Expenses - (line f.) This adjustment Reflects updated information re.l-ated to incremental- pension and medica.I expenses in 2019, and incl-udes 40lK expense based on 2018 test period leve1s adjusted for 33 Iabor increases. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $86,000. Remove 2019 Capital Additions - (1ine 9. ) This adjustment removes capital investments refated to: 1) Dj-gital Grid Network project; 2) Rattlesnake P1ats Interconnection and Transmiss i onl Substat ion projects, 3)I 25 39 o 1 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 10 a 11 I2 13 14 15 76 t7 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 a Andrews, Di 10aAvista Corporation Distribution asset project (Metro Line) ; 4) IS/IT Mobj-1e Application and Customer Facing Technology projects; and 5) Transmis s ion/Substat j-on upgrade project, alI originally planned for 2019.4 The projects have been removed for review in the Company's next general 3 The Parties otherlrise accept the Colstrip Regulatory Amortization adjustment as filed by the Company, including approval. of the Colstlip capital additions included in the Regulatory Asset through 2019. The iesutting reguLatory amortization beginninq Decenbe.r 1, 2019 totals $863,000 annua-I1y. 4 Each of the identified projects were described in the dilect testimonies of Cornpany lritnesses Ms, Rosentrater and Mr. Kensok.25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 ).2 o 13 l-1 L4 15 L6 L1 rB 19 20 2l 23 24 rate ca se due to timing of completion of decreases the overall revenue proj ects. Thi s requirement by $7,713,000. 2019 of $232,000. This revenue requirement by adj ustment beginning decreases Restale Uncolfectibles $370, 000.6 (Iine i. ) This uncoflectible expense based on the 12 balance as of June of 2019. This adj ustment $r,21s,000 and reduces net rate base by Revise Fee Eree Amort i zat ion and Annual Expense - (line h.) Thj.s adjustment adjusts the annual- Eee Erees expense to approximately $311-,000 and Eee Eree deferraf bal-ance to approximately $696,000, to refl-ect actual amounts through ApriJ- 2019 and estimated ba.l-ances for the remainder of the year. This adjustment also revises the Eee Eree deferral balanceamortization expense of the ($696,000) December 1,, the overall adjustment restates month actuaf expense adj ustment $163,000. to reflect a three-year amortization decreases the overall revenue requirement by Weather Normalization Adj ustment (line j. ) This adjustment reflects higher normalized .Ioad revenues net of power suppl-y expense from that inc.Iuded in the Company's original filing. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $287,000. and Transmission Related Net Expen s e s Update Net Pro Forma Power Supply Expense and Power Su I Andrews, Di 11Avista Corporat ion o 25 47 a I 2 3 4 5 6 1 B o 10 11 L2 a 13 L4 15 t-6 L1 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 Andrews, Di 11aAvista Corporation Transmission Revenues (line k. ) Update Pro Eorma Gas Prices (Iine i. ) This adjustment restates pro forma power supply net expenses to reflect updated natural gas 5 The Fee Free program allows customers to make pa)znents by credit or debit card lrithout paying a service fee. This program was approved .in coltftission Order No. 33494, case Nos. AVU-E-16-01 and AVU-G-16-01 and implemented in february 2017, 6 The Company wj"1l update the deferral balance in its next general rate case to reflect actual expenses defe!red through Novedler 2019 and true-up any remaining amounts to amortize up or down fo! the remainder of the three-year amortlzation.t 25 42 o 1 2 3 A 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2t13 L4 15 L6 L1 18 19 20 2l 22 ?3 24 forward prices for January 2020 through December 2020 contract months based on the most recent one-month settlement period for the transactlons. Thj-s adlustment decreases the overafl revenue requ.irement by $1, 620,000. Incfude Palouse Wind and Rattlesnake FIats Wind PPAs in PCA (line ii. ) This adjustment ref.Lects the removal of the Pal-ouse Wind and Rattlesnake Wind Power Purchase Agreements ( "PPA" ) net expenses Thisfrom base power supply expense. decreases the overal-fadj ustment requ i rement discussion revenue by $4,288,000. at Exhibit No. See further 1?Paragraphs I for further(Palouse ) and 9 (Rattlesnake) information. Revise Transmission Revenues - (line iii. ) actua IThis adjustment revises 2018 transmission .revenues to reflect a three year prior average for each month of November and December, to norma.Iize those months to remove the impact of the October 2018 Enbridge pipeline rupture on Company transmission revenues. This adj ustment Andrews, Di 1"2Avista Corporat ion I 25 43 t 1 2 3 4 C, 6 '7 I 9 10 11 L2 I t-3 l4 15 16 L1 IB 19 20 2t 22 24 Andrews, Di I2aAvista Corporation decreases the by $520,000. transmission reflected in overafl revenue requirement The resufting annual revenues wilf also be the PCA authorized base effective December 1 2079. Remove 2020 Expense (1ine I. ) 2420 Labor Increase - (fine i.) This the 2020 i-ncrementafadj ustment IEMOVES non-executive. non-union l-abor increases. 2020 union labor increases, however were included based on union contract I )q 44 o 1 2 3 4 6 1 I o 10 11 L2 a 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24 Andrews , D.i l3Avista Corporation increases for 2020. This adjustment decreases the overafl revenue requirement by $274,000. Reduce 2020 IS/IT Expenses - (1ine ii.) This adjustment reduces 2020 ISlIT expense included by the Company by 50E. Incrementa] IS/IT expense included for 2020 reflect actual- contractual- obligations. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $255,000. Miscellaneous Adj ustments - (line m. ) This in operating expenses non-utility flights lease e xpens e amort i zat ion adjustment reflects the net change related to: 1) reclas s i fication of and fixed costs, as we.I1 as expired associated wlth the airplane ($93,000); of 2018 intervenor funding over two-yea.r 2) agreed l- eve f ($20,000) ; 3) removal of misce].Ianeous (accounts 912, 921 , and 923, total.ing pe ri od A&G expenses S36,000); and 4) an the overall revenue requirement the impact of these revenue requirement agreed to upon increase to overa.l-l- expense to reffect a of approved expenses ($600,000). The net effect of th j-s adjustment increases by $451,000. O. Pl-ease s umma ri ze adjustments on the electrico25 45 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I o 10 11 l2 a 13 L4 15 16 l1 18 19 2A 27 22 23 24 Andrews, Di 13aAvista Corporat ion by the Parties effectj.ve December L, 20L9. A. The adjustments discussed above, and agreed to by the Parties, reduce Avista's proposed 2020 rate year electric revenue requirement increase of $5,255 mil-1ion to an electric revenue requirement reduction of $7,188 mif l-ion, resulting in a 2.84t electric base rate decrease (on a bil-l-ed basis the decrease is 2.808), effective Decenlcer l, 2019. The net rate base agreed to by the Parties for electric services is $827.8 miflion. a 46 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o o 10 o l1 72 13 74 15 16 T1 1B 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 Andrews, Di L4 Av.ista Corporation v. coNcr.,usroN O. In concl.usion, why is this Stipul-ation in the public interest ? A. This Stipulation strikes a reasonable bal-ance between the interests of the Company and its custome.rs, including its low-income customers. As such, it represents a reasonable compromise among differj-ng interests and points of view. The terms of the Stipulation represent an electric base rate decrease, but wiII sti11 provide necessary retaif revenues for the rate-effective period beginning December 7, 2019. The Parties have agreed that the Company has decrease for its In the a compromase fn Commission has demonst.rated the need for the revenue el-ectric operations, f inal- analysis,sett.l-ement re flect sany ofthe give-and-ta ke negotiations. The before it a Stipulation that is supported by of sound analys i s which is in the and supporting evidence, the approval public interest. O. Does this conclude your direct testimony? A. Yes, it does. a 25 41 o 10 o ,l? 11 l2 L4 15 16 71 18 L9 20 2l 22 23 24I CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 ANDREWS (Com) Avista Corporation (The foffowing proceedings were had in open hearing. ) CoMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Mr. Meyer. MR. MEYER: And so she is available for cross. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And ny guess is there likefy wiIJ- be very l-ittle cross, but we'11 just go through the room for kicks and giggles on that since everybody j-s a party to the stipulation. Does anyone have any cross? I thought not, so it's up to us if we have any cross. Are there any questions from members of the Corunission? BY COMMISSIONER KJELLAN DER: Q I do have one and perhaps you're not the right witness to ask, but I do want to ask a little bit about a specifj-c issue and it is tied to the merger and I apologize for raising that, but when the merger was -- when that particular merger, how do I want to characterj-ze it, feII shy of its expectations, there was an exit fee that came to the utilj-ty and I was curious as to how or if that was represented at al-l- within this25 4B 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 EXAMINAT ]ON t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t 72 13 L4 15 16 11 18 19 2A 2t 22 23 24t CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 ANDREWS (Com) Avista Corporation particular settlement Idaho j urisdictional- wanted to find out a item. stipulation and if there was an share that was discussed and just fittle bit more about that specific A Okay. Yes; so what you're referring to is the 103 mi.If ion termi-nation fee that was establ-ished at the onset of the merger agreement that was meant to compensate investors for the lost opportunity cost of a fai.Ied merger, so j-t was supposed to represent the time and effort devoted by parties to any merger that occurred or did not occur, I should say. Of that money, 52 million was rej-mbursed to Avista for expenses, incl-uding costs and interest. The remaining 51 million was -- during 2019, the Company had planned to issue shares of stock for financing needs and they were abl-e to forego that need by using those additional 51 mj.llion, so during the settfement, there is no specifj.c funds re.Iated to the termination fee that were part of the settfement, although completely independent of the termination fee, the Company did or shareho.Iders did put forth $800,000 towards an energy efficiency fund, but we did not tie that in any way to the termination fee. Q So from the Company's perspective, is there a sense that the resol-ution of the termination fee 49 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 l0 l1 L2 o 13 t4 15 16 L1 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 COLLOQUYAvista Corporat ion and its usaqe is compl-ete? A Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, thank you. Any other questions from members of the CorEnj-ssion? ahv redi rect ? MR. MEYER: No redirect. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and you are excused. THE WITNESS: Thank you. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER K,-TELLANDER: Mr. Meyer, if you would like to caf l- your next witness. MR. MEYERT Thank you. Mr. Joe M11ler, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: When I heaT that name, I think of a very different ,Joe Mi11er. COMMISSlONER RAPER: I was thinking that, too . MR. MEYER: And as to that, number of ema.ils I have sent to the I can't tefl you the Milfer meant to go to this Joe Mill-er, so just about everything Irve COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : wrong Joe he's had a done. And he ret ired sneak peak at too soon. then. MR. MEYER: Yes. a 25 50 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 o 13 l4 15 l6 l1 18 19 20 27 22 2A CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 MlLLER (Di )Avista Corporat.ion JOSEPH D produced as a witness at Corporation, having been truth, was examined and the M I L]-ER, instance of Avista first duJ-y sworn to tel-l- the testif ied as f o.l-.Iows: D]RECT EXAMINATION BY MR. MEYER: Q So for the record, would you pl-ease state your name and your employer? A My name is Joseph Miller and f'm employed by Avista Corp. Q And what is your title? A My title is manager of pricing and tariffs. Q And in that role, have you prepared and prefiled testimony in support of the stipulation? A Yes, f have. Q Do you have any changes or corrections to make to that ? A No, I do not. Q And are you sponsoring any exhibits? A No, I am not. Q So if I were to ask you the questions that appear in your prefiled direct testimony, would youro25 51 o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2 o 13 l4 15 16 l1 1B 79 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 MILLER (Di )Avista Corporation answers be the same? A Ye s, they MR, MEYER: testimony be spread as if cros s -examinat ion . wouId. So with that, I ask that his read and tend.er him for COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you very much. (The fol-Lowing prefiled testimony of Mr. Joseph Mil-Ier is spread upon the record. ) t 25 52 a o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 11 l2 13 t4 15 16 L1 18 19 2A 27 22 23 24 Mi1ler, Di 1Avista Corporation I . INTRODUCTION O. P1ease state your name, emp.Loyer and business address, A. My name is Joseph D. Miller and I am empl-oyed as the Manager of Pricing and Tariffs for Avj-sta Utifities ("Company" or "Avista"), at 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington. O. Have you previously filed direct testimony in this proceed j-ng? A. Yes. My testimony in this proceeding covered the spread of the proposed 2020 efectric revenue increase among the Company's eLectric general service schedules. My testimony also descrj-bed the changes to the rates r.rithin the Company's el-ectric service schedules. O. What j-s the scope of this testimony? A. The purpose of my testimony is to describe and support the non-revenue requirement portions of the Stipulation and Settl-ement ("Stipufation"), filed on October 1L, 20L9 between the Staff of the Idaho Public Util-ities Commiss j-on ("Staff'), Clearwater Paper Corporation ("Cfearwater'r), Idaho Forest Group, LLC ("Idaho Eorest"), the Cornmunity Action Partnership Association of Idaho ("CAPAI"),the Idaho Conservation League (ICL), Wafmart, Inc. (Walmart), and the Company. These entities are collectivel-y referred to as thet25 53 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 l0 11 t2 a 13 74 15 16 L1 18 L9 2A 27 22 23 24 MiIIer, Di 1aAvista Corporation "Parties. " In my testimony f will expJ,ain the f oJ-1owJ-ng Sett]-ement component s : 1. Rate Spread and Rate Des i gn Settlement Items2. Other O. Are you sponsoring any exhibits? I 25 54 o 1- 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 o 11 72 13 74 15 t6 L7 18 l9 20 27 22 23 24 o Mifler, Di 2Avista Corporation A. No, I am not. Company sponsoring Exhibit No. 13, which Stipulation and Settlement fifed with the Commission. witness Ms. Andrews is rI . RLTE SPRE,AD & RATE DESIGN O. Pl-ease explain the settlement terms relating to electric cost of service. A. In this case, the Company prepared an el-ectric cost of service analysis that incorporated, among other things, a system load factor peak credit method of classifying production costs, allocating 1008 of transmission costs to demand, and al-locating transmission costs on a twel-ve-month coincident peak al.Iocation factor, The Parties, however, do not agree on any particular cost of service methodofogy. Nevertheless, in recognition that certain rate schedul-es are wel-1 above their relative cost of service the Parties agree that General Service ScheduLes ll/L2 and Large General Service Schedules 2l/22 wil,l receive a revenue decrease above the overafl percentage base rate change, i-n order to move these schedufes cl-oser to cost-of-service parity. The befow the overaff is a copy of the on October \L, 20L9, percentage base rate change, move the majority of these maj ority decreases of remaining schedul-es wilI receive revenue at varying levels, that will25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 o 13 t4 15 16 L7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 Mi1ler, Di 2aAvista Corporat ion schedufes closer to their relative cost -of- se rvice . O. How did the Stipulation address rate A. For settlement purposes, the Parties design? agreed to in my resulted the rate design changes proposed by direct testimony. The agreed-upon in no changes to the basic charges, changes collected the Company rate design with the revenue a 25 56 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 O 11 tt 13 L4 15 l6 L7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 Mi1ler, Di 3Avista Corporation through the Stipulation current and volumetric enerqy rates.Appendix C of the a sumrnary of the(Exhibit No. l3) provides proposed rates and charges, O, What is the effect on retaif rates. by rate schedule, of the proposed settl-ement? A. The following tables reflect the agreed-upon percentage decreases by schedu!-e for electric service: Effective December l, 2019 Rate Schcdulc Decrease in Base Rates l)ecrtase in Billing Rates Rcsdential Scheduh I (icrrral Scnice Schedules lli l2 Largc Ceneral Scni'c Ssh.dules 2 li22 Extra [,arge (ien:ral Senicc Schedule 25 C learualer Papcr SchcdLrlc 251) Punrping Scrricc Schcdulcs .l li32 Street & Arr'a l-ights Scr-hdtfus ,l | -.1t1 Ovc rall - L0'/o - 8.4-"4 --1.,s% -1.0% -t_0% -1.6% 0.0% - 1 .0o/o -8.2% -t 1()/ -1.0% -t.0% -1.5% 0.0o/o-2.1t% L8% A, What ar:e the residential bill impacts if the Sett.l-ement Stipuf ation?Commi s s ion approve s Effective the A Decercer I, 2019, an el-ectric resldential customer using an average of 900 kilowatt hours per month would see a $0.86,or 1.0t, decrease per $84.45.month for a revised month.Iy bill ofa25 51 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 't I 9 10 11 l2 I 13 l4 15 16 L1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24I Milfer, Di 3aAvista Corporat ion III. OTHER E].EI,IENTS OF THE STIPUI,ATION O. Pfease explain the settfement terms relating to the Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) authorized levef of 1 The Parties agreed to incorporate the current Schedule ?2 (Permanent Fedei.al Tax Rate Credit) as part of base rates and to cancel Schedu-Ie f2 altogether.25 58 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 a t2 13 t4 15 16 71 2t 18 19 20 22 23 24 Miller, Di A Av j-sta Corporation A. The new fevef of power supply revenues, expenses, retail Ioad and Load Change Adjustment Rate resufting from the December 1, 2019, settlement revenue requirement, for purposes cafcufations, are detail-ed of monthly PCA mechanism in Appendix A of the Stlpulation (Exhibit No. O. Please explain the authorized base for 13). the settlement terms relating to the Electric Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism. A. The new level of baseline values for the electric fixed cost adjustment mechanism resulting from the December 1, 2079, settlement revenue requirement are detail,ed in Appendix B of the Stipulation (Exhibj-t No. 13). O. Please explain the other issues agreed upon in the Settlement Stipulation. A. The Parties agreed to increase funding for the Low Income Weatherization Program from the current Commi s sion-approved levels of $800,000 to $850,000. Second, the Parties agreed that Avista w111 establish an Energy Efficiency Assistance Fund ("EEAF"). The purpose of the EEAE j-s to provide additionaL funding for projects that are not otherwise fuJ-1y funded through existing energy efficiency j-ncentives, or do not otherwise quafify for traditiona] energy efficiencyI25 59 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I o l0 o 11 72 13 L4 15 l6 L1 o 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 funding. o. EEAE? I Did the Parties agree as to how to fund the settlement Yes. As part negotiations and disbursed of the give and take of the Parties agreed the EEAP will- as fof Iows :be funded .I The final deferral bal,ance re-Iated to the "AEUDC Equity Tax Deferral", addressed in Case Nos. AVU-E-19-02 and AVU-G-19- 25 6A Miller, Di 4aAvista Corporation o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 l1 72 13 14 15 L6 71 18 19 20 2L 2? 23 24 Miller, Di 5Avista Corporation t-1. 11i iv. v. 01, as ordered in Commission Order No. 34326 wj-I1 be a source of funding. The estinLated deferral balance is approximately $800, 000.Avista wi- l- l- contribute be]-ow- the- l- inedol-lars of $800,000 in 201-9 as a match tothe estimated AEUDC Equity Tax Deferra.l-(in subsection i. ) . The funding wiff be disbursed as directed by the Energy Efficiency Assistance Eund Advisory Group, a new committee of stakeho.Iders tasked with determinlng whichexisting o.r new programs shou.Id receivethis funding to address energy efficiency,weatherization, conservation, and low-income needs in Avista's Idaho serviceterritory. The EEAE Advisory Group wilI consider the needs of all partj-es and remain f.Iexibfe on the ti-ming of any dlsbursements. Anyentity seeking funding must first attemptto qualify their applicable project under Avista ' s exj-sting energy efficiency programs . The conunittee wil-l- initially consist ofrepresentatives from the following stakeholders: Avista, Staff, the Lewiston Community Action Partnership, ICL, Idaho Eorest, and Clearwater. The Committee may add representatives at its discretion, O. Did the Stipulation address certain DSM pro j ects specif ical-1y rel-ated to C.l-earwater? A. Yes. Avista agrees to work with Cl-earwater to attempt to qualify the fol-l-owing projects for DSM funding under Tar.if f Schedule 90: Variable speed drives on the No. 1 paper machine hydropulper.Variabfe speed drives on the No. 4 powerboiler deminerafized water pumps . Energy efficient chil-l-ers and compressorsfor the Lurgi system. A variable speed drive on the No.1 papero25 61 o o 1 2 4 5 6 '7 I 9 10 1l 1-2 13 74 15 t6 1-1 18 19 20 27 22 23 2A Milfer, Di 5aAvista Corporation o 25 6? machine white water system.' Variable speed drives on the two waste water outfall pumps . O. Did the Stipulation address certain DSM projects specifically related to the Idaho Forest croup? A. Yes. Avista agrees to work with the Idaho Eorest Group to attempt to qualify the foLlowing projects for DSM funding under Tariff Schedufe 90: o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I o 10 11 l2 o 13 t4 15 16 1.1 1B 19 20 2l 22 1.1 24 Mil-l-er, Di 6Avista Corporation Installation of information technology to gather pJ-ant information data (PI Data) on energy usage at Idaho Eorest's Lewistonplant, and through an instal-l-ed interface,transmit real- time energy J-oad j-nformation data for each ope.rating station to the Idaho Eorest Group and Avista. This may serve as a usefu.I demonstration project for data interfaces with other customers on Avj-sta's system. The total estimatedcost j-s $300,000. Replacement of aging compressors, saws andother equipment with state of the art machinery at fdaho Eorest's Lewiston andGrangeville plants, in order to increaseproductivity and energy efflciency. Is DSM funding addressed in Tariff Schedule 90?o A Yes. Tari.f f Schedule 90 aLl-ows for poss j.bIe DSM funding of up to 708 of the cost of the project, subject to meeting certain specifj-ed cost -e f fectivenes s crj.teria. The portion of the estimated cost of these identified projects for both Cl-earwater and the Idaho Eorest Group that wiII be considered consider the needs is not reimbursed under Schedul-e 90 for funding through of af l- parties and disbursements. the EEAE, who will- remain f l-exible on the timing o. A. of any Does this concl-ude your dj-rect testimony? Ye s, it does . I 25 63 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 10 l1 L2 a 13 l4 15 16 T1 L8 79 20 2L 22 23 24I CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 MILLER (Com) Avista Corporation (The following proceedings were had in open hearing. ) as sume COMMISSIONER K,JELLANDER: And I'm going to the same as fast time and so at this point are any questions from members of the Comnission? Commissj-oner Raper. there EXAMINAT ION BY COMMISSIONER RAPER: Q On page 2, you reference cost of service methodology and allocation. but the record as to when the last I didn't see anything in cost of completed by Avista. I don't know if but when was the last cost of service service study was I mj-ssed it or not, completed? accepted cost of service study in you did Ms. A Are service study? We this proceed j-ng. study. referencing an fil-e a cost of Knox supported a cost of service Q In the original filinq? A In the original f1l1ng, yes. Q And when was that study completed? A It was completed -- it was part of the original fili,ng and it was based on the test year supported in this case.25 64 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I o 10 11 t2 o 13 t4 15 16 T] 18 l9 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 MILLER (Com) Avista Corporation accompanaes a cost of service study that was no, it was updated for this case. It was based on the test year, the 2018 test year. COMMISSIONER RAPER: Oh, terrific. Okay, thank you. That's all I have. COMMISSIONER K,f ELLANDER 3 Are there any further questions from members of the Commission? Thank you . Any MR. redi rect ? MEYER:None, thank you. K.JELLANDER: ThanK we appreciate your testimony today, Mr. MilIer. you, and Than k you. THE WITNESS: Okay, thank you. (The witness left the stand. ) MR. MEYER: And with that bit of the Q so guess my question service study that could have been a completed in 2005. A Oh, COMMI SS IONER testimony, which I might add opportunity to testify, the the settlement is complete. COMM]SSIONER in the future, whenever you it was a 20L9 cost of service study? I is a lot of tlmes therers a cost of rate case fiJ-j-ng, but it is Mr. Miller's first Company's case in support of KJELLANDER: And if you could have a rook.ie heading up to25 65 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 t4 15 L6 L1 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 ENGLISH (Di )Staff the witness stand, could Iet us be very -- well, you If we the Pubfic Utilities representing sta ff, forth your witness. you got easy. could move now, Commi-ssion and know so that we can Thank you. then, to Staff for the Attorney General it is now your opportunity to put MR. HAMMOND: Thank you, Chairman. The Commission Staff would call Donn EngIj-sh. DONN ENGL] SH, produced as a witness having been first duly examined and test i fi ed at the instance of sworn to tel l- the the Staff, truth, was as foffows: D]RECT EXAMINATION BY MR. HAMMOND: Q Sir, could you tell me your name and spell your last name for the record? A My name is Donn English. Last name is E-n-g-1-i-s-h. Q Can you te11 me where your re empLoyed and in what capacity? A I'm employed by the Idaho Public Util-ities Commission as a program manager in charge of thea25 66 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 ENGL]SH (Di )Staff accounting and audit department. Q In thls case, this rate case, did you have an opportunity to file testimony in support of the settlement agreement that was reached by the parties? A o with you here A o Yes, I And do on the Yes, I did. you have a copy of that testimony stand today? do. have any changes or corrections you that testlmony? do not. Do would like to make you to IA No, Q If I asked you the questions, the same questions. that a.re in this prefiled testimony today, would your answers be the same? A Yes, they woul-d, MR. HAMMOND: With that, I would offer Mr. English's testimony and ask that it be spread upon the record as if read and would offer him up for cross. COMMISSIONER K,JELLANDER: Thank you very much. (The following prefiled testimony of Mr. Donn English is spread upon the record. ) o 61 10 11 L2 l3 L4 l5 L6 11 l8 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 o o 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 t-0 1t- L2 13 t4 15 L6 ll 1B L9 20 2L 22 23 24 CASE NO. AVU-E_ 19-O 4 t0 /31./L9 O. Please state your name and business address for the record. A. My name is Donn English. My business address i-s 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., BLDG 8, STE 201-A, Boise, Idaho 83714. O. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? A. 1 am employed by the Idaho Public Utlflties Commission as a Program Manager overseej-ng the Account j-ng and Audit Department in the Utifities Division. O. What is your educational background and professional experience? A. I graduated from with a Bachel-or of Business Boise State University in 1998 Administration ("BBA" ) degree in Accounting. position as a Eollowing my graduation, I accepted a Trust Accountant with a pension administration, actuar.ial,and consu.l-ting f irm In Boise. Pension Administrator, fn MayIr, L999, I of 200L, t Society of I was the was promoted to became a designated member of the American Penslon Professiona-ls and Actuari-es ("ASPPA"). first person in Idaho to rece.ive the Qualified 401(k) Administrator certiflcation and was al-so one of approximately ten Qualified Pens ion people in Idaho who have earned the Administrator certification. In 2 001, I was promoted to a Pension Consultant. I was hired by the Idaho Publ-ic Utj-lj-tieso25 6B ENGL]SH, D (Stip) 1 STAEF' I a 10 l-1 1.2 13 1.4 15 l6 l1 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 CASE NO. AVU-E-19-04 L0/37/79 (Stip) 2 STAEE inc I udi ng prov i ded Commission as a Staff Auditor in 2003. In 2016, I became the Audit Team Lead, and in 2018 I was promoted to Program Manager of Accounting and Audit Department. At the Commission, I have audited a number of util-ities comnents and testj-mony in numerous companies, and cases that dealt with genera.l- rates, tax issues, pension issues, depreciat.ion and other accounting issues, and other regulatory policy decisions. In 2004, I attended the 46th Annual Regulatory Studies Program at the Institute of PubIic Utilities at Michigan State University sponsored by the National Association of Regulatory Utility Comm.issioners ("NARUC"). Since then I have regularly attended NARUC conferences and meetings, Society of Regulatory Financial Analysts ("SUREA") meetings, and other. regulatory training opportunities. I am the Commission's representative on the NARUC Subcorunj-ttee of Accounting and Finance. 0. What is the purpose of your testimony in this proceeding ? A. The purpose of my testimony is to describe Avista Corporation's ("Avista" or "Company") Application to increase its rates and charges for electric service in Idaho, describe the proposed comprehensive settlement reached support by all parties in this case, and expl-ain Staff'sfor the proposed agreement. electric, water, and naturaf gas a 25 69 ENGL]SH, D 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 a I 2 3 4 5 6 7 o 9 10 11 l2 13o 15 74 L6 L1 18 L9 20 2L ?? 23 24 CASE NO. AVU_E_19_04 1.O / 31/ 7e o A How is your testimony organized? My testimony is subdivided under the following Ba c kground Settlement Overview Staff Investigation Settlement Evaluation Revenue Requirement Al-l-ocations and Rate Design Energy Efficiency Other Terms and Conditions Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page I Page 10 Page 15 Page 17 Page 18 Background O. Please describe Avista's original filing. A. Avista made its original filing on June 10, 2019, requesting authority to increase its electric base rates in Idaho by $5.255 miLl-ion or 2.7%, effective January L, 2020. The requested increase was based on a 2018 test year, with proforma adjustments through 2020. Rate base was presented on a 2019 proforma end of period basis. The Company proposed a capital- structure of 50/50 and a return on common equity ) of 9.98. Based on the different cost-of-service methodologies filed, the Company proposed no increase for General- Service Schedul-es LL/12 and Street and Area Lj-ght Schedufes 4L-49, resulting in a 30? movement towardsI 10 ENGLISH, D (stip) 3 STAF E headings: o 1 2 3 4 5 6 "l 8 9 10 11 t2 o 13 T4 15 L6 1't 18 L9 20 27 22 23 24 CASE NO. AVU_E_ 19_ O4 t0 /3L/t9 (Stip ) 3a STAEE unity. Ext ra 25P) , Large Generaf Service customers (Schedules 2L/22\, (Schedules 25 andLarge Generaf Service customers and a 25 ENGLISH, D11. o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 a 13 t4 15 16 71 18 19 2A 21 22 23 24t CASE NO. AVU-E-19-04 70 /31/t9 ENGLISH, D (Stip) 4 STAEE Pumping customers (Schedufes 31/32) wou.Id receive 75* of the overafl base requirement was Service Schedufe revenue increase. The remaining revenue proposed to be spread to Residentiaf unity. Tabfe No. 1, resulting in a 34? movement towards 1 bel-ow il-lustrates the proposed revenue spread and refative rates of return ("ROR") for the customers classes, TaJrle No. 1 Proposed Rate Spread atrd Relative ROR Increase in Base Rates ProposedRelative RORRate Schedu].e Residential Schedule I Gen. Service Schedules 11l 12Lg. Gen. Service Sched:ules 2l/22Extra Lg. Gen. Service Sch. 25 Clear$rater Papwer Sch. 25P Pumping Service Schedules 31/ 32Street & Area Lights Sch. 4l-49overall 3.42 0-0? 1.5? 1. 5? 0.0% 0.88 1.36 1.06 0. 90 0.95 0. 96 t-.382.r*1.00 O, How was the case processed after the Companyrs filing was received? A. The Commission issued a notice of filing and established an .intervention deadline. fntervenor status was granted to Cfearwater Paper Corporation ("Clearwater"), ldaho Forest Group, LLC, the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho, Inc. ("CAPAI"), the Idaho Conservation League, Inc. ("ICL"), and Walmart, Inc. A procedural schedul-e was approved by the Commi-ssion and a settl-ement conference was hefd on25 12 o 1- 2 A 5 6 1 I 9 October 1,2019. A comprehensive Settlement was reached by all parties, and 10 11 1.2 a 13 l4 t-5 16 L1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CASE NO. AVU-E_ 19- O 4 10/3L/19 (Stip t 25 13 ENGLISH, D ) 4a S TAEE O I 1 2 4 6 7 I 9 the Motion to Approve the Stipulation and Settlement was filed with the Commission on October 75, 2019- settle0eat Overvisr 0. Would you please describe the terms of the Settlement ? A. The proposed Stipulation and Settlement ("Settlement") specifies a decrease in el-ectric base revenues of $7.188 miLlion (2-842) on December -1,, 2079. It afso specifies a 50/50 debt to equj-ty capitaf structure, a 5.29 cost of debt, and a 9.5t return on common equj-ty. The overall return is 7.35t. Besides specifying capital structure, return on equity, and the cost of debt, the Settlement also specifies a variety of expense and investment adjustments, The revenue requirement adjustments falf primarily into three categories: 1) update 201"9 pro forma expense and j-nvestment with known, actual amounts; 2) modify or update miscel.Ianeous test year expenses; and 3) fenqthen amortization periods for deferred accounts. The revenue requirement is further adjusted by continuing the Palouse Wind Purchase Power Agreement ("eee", expense recovery through the Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA") mechanism rather than through base rates. The revenue decrease will be spread to the customer classes in varying amounts to move towards CASE NO. AVU-E-].9-04 t0 /3t/19 (stiP) 5 S TA F'E 10 11 L2 13 74 16 15 L1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 o 25 14 ENGLISH, D o o 1 2 3 4 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 L6 l1 l8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CASE NO. AVU_E_ I9-04 t0 / 3L/\9 cost-of -service Parity. and re.Iative ROR for each below: The decrease by customer class class is shown in Tabfe No. 2 Table No. 2 Stipu]-ated Rate Spread and Relative ROR Increase in Bas€ RatesRate Schedule Residential Schedufe 1 Gen. Service Schedules 11l 12 Lg. cen. Service Schedules 21l22 Extra Lg. Gen. Service Sch. 25 Clearwater Papwer Sch. 25P Pumping Service Schedufes 31/ 32 Street & Area Lights Sch. 41-49 Overall -1.0% -8.4% -1.0? -1.0? -1.6? 0. 0? -2.4* 0.861 'tr 1. 05n o? 0. 99 1.00 t.61 1. OO The Settlement al-so provides additional funding for energy efficiency projects in Idaho, and increases the annuaL funding for the Company's Low Income Weatherization Program from the currenly approved $800,000 to $850,000 per year, O. Are there any other provisions included in the Sett lement ? A. Yes. The Settlement also specifies the new Ieve1 of base power supply revenues, expenses, retail 1oad, and the Load Change Adjustment Rate resul-ting from the stipulated revenue requirement for purposes of the monthly PCA mechanism calculations. It a.Iso specifies the new level- of baseline va.Iues for the efectric fixed costs adjustment ("ECA") mechanism.o 75 ENGLISH, D (StiP) 6 STAFF Stipulated Re].ative ROR o I 2 3 4 5 tr 1 I 9 Staff Investigatioa O. What type of investigation did Staff conduct to 10 11 72 o 13 14 15 L6 l'l TO L9 20 27 22 23 24 o CASE NO. AVU-E-19 - O 4 to /3L/79 (Stip )6a STAEE 25 16 ENGLISH, D O evaluate the Company's rate increase request? A. Staff's approach prior to the settfement conference was to extensively review the Company's Application and assocj-ated testimony and workpapers, identify adjustments to its revenue requirement request, and prepare to file testimony for a fully-litigated proceeding. Three Staff audj-tors were assigned to the case and began reviewing the 20L8 resul-ts of operatj-ons before the Company filed its Applicaton in June of 2019. After the filing, the auditors reviewed the capital budgets, capital spending trends, operations and maintenance ("O&M") expenses and trends, and verified al-f of the Company's cal-cul-ations and assumptions with regards to the overal-l- revenue requirement. The auditors spent two weeks on-site at Avista's corporate headquarters in Spokane, Washington, j-nterviewing Company personnel, reviewing thousands of transactions, selected samples and performed transaction testing in accordance with standard audi-t practices. The auditors reviewed the Company's labor expense, incentive plans, and employee benefits to insure the appropriate fevef of expenditure. lhe auditors worked with ten other technical staff from the Utilities Division, consistj-ng of engineers, utility analysts, and consumer investigators, to determj-ne the prudence of capitaf additions and verj-fyin-service r0 11 t2 o 13 l4 15 16 l1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24o CASE NO. AVU_E_ 19_ O4 10/31/19 25 11 ENGLISH, D (stip) 7 STAFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 o 10 l-1 L2 a l3 l4 15 15 L7 18 \9 20 21 22 23 24 CASE NO. AVU-E. ].9.0 4r0/3t/L9 ENGLISHI D dates. Staff reviewed both completed and proposed Company investments, evafuated expendj,tures incJ-udi-ng pension, salaries, and operation and maintenance expenses, investigated power supply modeling, weather normalization, class cost-of-service methodologies, and compared rate deslgn alternatives. In totaL, Staff submitted over 150 production requests to the Company as part of its comprehensive investigation. In addition to audit work on-site, other Staff al-so conducted on-site investigations. O. How did Staff prepare for the settl-ement conference? . A. Staff prepared for the settlement conference by preparj.ng for testimony as in a litigated case. fn developing its revenue requirement proposal-, Staff identified 28 adjustments to the Company's requested revenue requirement totaling $14.35 nillion. Staff developed its revenue reguirement proposal and established positions on various issues for presentation at the settlement conference on Octobe.r 1, 2019, while simu.Itaneously preparing direct testimony to file on November 5, 2019, should the case be litigated. Satt].@eat Evaluatioa O. How did Staff determine that the overall- o 25 1B (Stip) I STAFE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I o Settlement was reasonable? A. In every settlement eval-uation, Staff and other t I 2 3 4 6 1 I o 10 11 t2 o 13 14 15 16 l1 1B l9 20 2L 22 23 24 CASE NO. AVU -E- 19- O 4 10/31/19 part ie s overaf 1 of the 2B Staff were revenue requirement incorporated either must determine if the outcome chan could be agreement is expected at adj ustments totafly or a better hearing. A11 identified by partial-ly in $5.255 miflionthe Sett.Iement. Rather than an increase of as proposed by the company, electric revenue decrease of the Settlement specified an S7.188 mi11ion. Other 0. Does Staff support the proposed Settlement as reasonable? parties, made up .repre sentat ive s , Settlement. A. Company' s books and parties to Settfement. between the affordable Company's opportunity rates for customers. to earn a return and Several of Staff's revenue requirement of customer groups and 1ow income agreed with Staff in support of the Yes. After a comprehensj-ve review of the Application, thorough audit of the Companyrs records, and extensive negotiations with the the case, Staff supports the proposed The Settfement offers a reasonable balance primary goals after have been met with eval-uation of this Settlement. ft provides additional- funding for energy efficiency projects and the Companyrs fow income weatherization program. Not alI cost-of-service affocation concerns or different methods addressed by other parties are incl-uded in thiso25 19 ENGLISH, D (stip) 9 STAFF o 1 z 3 4 6 1 o o Settfement. However, it does cost-of-service di f ferent ia 1s properly address raised by the var.ious 10 11 L2 o l3 L4 15 L6 L1 l8 l9 20 ?1 22 23 24 CASE NO. AVU-E-I9-04 t0/31/7e (stip )9a STAFE o 80 ENGLISH, D o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 a 13 t4 15 t6 l1 18 l9 20 27 23 24 CASE NO. AVU-E- 19-O 4 10 / 31/ te 81 ENGL]SH, D (stip ) 10 STAFE parties, including Staff, by distributing the rate decrease base on cost causation princj-ples to bring customer cfasses c]-oser to parity. Staff believes that the Settlement, supported by al-l- parties to the case, is in the public interest, is fair, just and reasonabl-e, and shoul-d be approved by the Commj-ssion. Roveau€ Bsguir@€nt O. What type of revenue requirement adjustments were proposed by Staff and included in the Settlement? A. The adjustments proposed by Staff covered a broad range of revenue and cost categories. Besides a reduction in ROE, the adjustments generally fa11 into the three prevj.ously identified categories: 1) update 2019 pro forma expense and investment with known, actual- amounts; 2) modify or update mj-scellaneous test year expensesi and 3) fengthen amortization periods for deferred accounts. O. Please explain why Staff believes the 9.58 ROE is reasonabl-e. A. The Stipulation reflects an ROE of 9.5* based on a capital structure of 50t equity and 508 debt. The Company orlginally proposed a 9.9? ROE. The 9.5E ROE is consistent with the Company's currently authorized ROE, and also with the most recent Commission decision forofnte.rmountain Gas Company in Order No. 33757. It is alsocons.istent with authorized returns granted for other o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 O 13 14 15 l6 1.1 18 L9 20 2I 22 23 24 CASE NO. AVU-E-19_04 to / 3]-/ 19 ENGLISH, D (stip ) 11 STAFF electric and gas utilities operating in the Northwest. The 40 basis point reduction in ROE from the Company's proposaf reduced the Company's requested revenue requirement by approximaLely $2.2 million. The 9.5t ROE a11ows Avista to attract new capital from the market to fund new capital investments and refinance maturing debt i-ssuances. O. Will you please explain other revenue requirement adj ustments the parties ? proposed by Staff and accepted by A. Yes. Whil-e Table No. 1 of the Settlement provides a l-ine by line cal-culation of the revenue requirement, and the Settlement further provides a sununary of each adjustment, I will highlight a few of the major adjustments. The fj-rst adjustments proposed by Staff refated to the timing of expenses and investments. The Company proposed a test year based on a 2018 base year with proforma expenses through 2020, and capital investments through 2019. Staff verified the proforma expense amounts with actual expenses as they became available. ]N-SCIV1CE Additionalfy, Staff investigated the dates of proposed capital projects to confirm be in-service and used and usefuJ- pr.ior to thethe y end would of in 2019 20L9, By from the removl ng Company' s capital proj ects request, Idaho not completed j urisdictionalo25 82 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 rate base was reduced by $9,070,000 which reduced the fdaho e.Iectric revenue requirement by approximately $1".5 milIion. 10 11 72 a 13 74 15 16 t1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CASE NO, AVU-E_19.04 70/3t/t9 B3 ENGLISH, D. (Stip I o S TAEE o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 a 13 74 t-5 l6 17 18 L9 20 21. 23 24 o CASE NO. AVU-E-19-04 70 /3r/79 (stip )t2 STAFE Updating 2019 expenses with actual amounts reduced the Idaho electric revenue requirement by another $1.15 mi1lion. O. Woufd treats emp.l-oyee A. Yes. Idaho efectric expenses through increased l-abor requirement proforma J-abor for non-executive employees, and you please exp.l-ain how the Settlement labor and benefits ? The Company proposed to include in its revenue 2020 expense through 2Ol9 for its executives. The parties agreed to only incl-ude the scheduled 2O2O wage increases for the Company's union employees because that wage increase is a contractual obligation under the Company's colfective bargaining agreements. A1l other 2020 wage increases were removed. Additj-onaIfy, the 2019 wage increase for the Company's executives was afso removed from the revenue requirement. The effect of the agreed upon l-abor adjustments reduced the Company's requested revenue requirement by $306,000. The Company also incl-uded 1n its request incentive palments for its employees and executj-ves. Consistent with prior Corunission treatment, Staff proposed and the parties agreed to remove executive incentives in their entirety from the Company's revenue requirement. Eor non-executive incentive payments, the the operating portion ofto at onlyparties agreed the incentives inc.Iude the 25 84 ENGLISH, D t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 o 13 74 l5 r6 L1 l8 19 20 27 22 23 24 CASE NO. AVU_E_ 19_ O 4 10 /3L/L9 (StiP ) 13 S TAFF 2018 target ]eve], as opposed to the 6-year average proposed by the Company. The effect of the agreed upon level- of incentives reduced the Company's requested revenue requirement by $438,000. The Company also proformed employee benefits through 2020 in its original request. Staff proposed and the parties agreed to remove the 2020 matching contributions to the Company's 401(k) and use the 2018 test year feve.I of matching contributions pJ-us a 3% fabor escal-ator for 2079. The Company's pension contributions were estimated to decrease in 2020. To remain consistent with Staff's po1lcy on excluding the parties agreed to accept the contribution. The overall- effect 2A20 Labor and benefits, the Company's employee benefits increased 201-9 pension adjustments to the Company's customer, 10t executed in 2 011, and every prevaous since its higher of the requested o. Wind and A PPAS have associated subj ect to Company ) . has never PIease explain the treatment of the Palouse revenue requirement by $86,000. Rattlesnake FIats Wind PPAs. the current sharing (908 The Pa.l-ouse tdind PPA was Both the Pafouse !{ind and Rattl-esnake Elats been removed from base rates and the costs with the PPAs wil-], be reflected in the PCA been incfuded in base rates. In se t t.l ement execution, agreement in Avista's rate casesthe expensesa25 B5 ENGLISH, D a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 L1 L2 o 13 L4 15 L6 TI 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CASE NO. AVU-E-19-O 4 LO/37/79 86 ENGLISH, D (stip \ 14 STAEE associated with the PPA have been incfuded in the PCA and subject to sharing. The Rattlesnake Elats Wind PPA deliver power begj-nning in December 2020. is expected to The capital be integrated to sharing. base rates investments necessary for this project have been excluded from the Company's revenue requi rement and wj-Il be addressed in the Company's next general rate case. Eor purposes of thj,s case, the parties agree that any PPA The associated with the Ratt.Iesnake Elats Wind reduces the Company's requested revenue requirement by approximately $4.3 mj-l-f ion. 0. WilJ- you please explain the misce]laneous adjustment l-isted in the Settfement? to expenses wilf be included in the PCA and subject effect of excluding these two PPAs from A. The miscellaneuous adjustment reflects the net for items Staff discoveredexpenseschange in operating during its audit. reclassification of associated with the Those items conslst of 1) the non-utility flights and fixed costs Company's private jet, as weff as the expired J,ease expense; 2) the amortization of the 2018 intervenor funding over a two-year period; 3) removal- of other misceflaneous administrative and general ("A&G") expenses that should have been charged below-the-fine; and 4) and agreed upon expense adjustment that increasesa o 1 2 3 4 5 6 "t I 9 revenue .requirement by $600,000. The net effect of the miscel-l-aneous adjustments increases the Company's requested revenue requirement by $451,000. A].locations arld Rate Desigrn O. Please explain the cost -o f-servi. ce methodologies incl-uded in the Company's Application. A. The Company's original Application in this case included a Base Case e.lectric cost-of-service study where production costs are classifj"ed to energy and demand based on a the system l-oad factor. Transmission costs are classified 100? demand and affocated by the average of the 12 monthly coincident peaks. This methodoloqy is consistent with the cost-of-service studies filed in the l-ast four Idaho general rate cases (Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08, AVU-E-15-05, AVU-E-16-03, and AVU-E-17-01) and ref.Iects the methodology that was accepted in the Stipulation and Settlement in Case No. AVU-E-10-01. The Company also provided three a.l-ternative cost-of-service scenarios. The first alternative scenario starts with t.he Base Case but incorporates the classification of Distribution Land and Land Rights (EERC Pfant Account 360) as refated to other distribution plant in EERC Pl-ant Accounts 361 though 367. The second afternative scenario modified the coincident peak allocation factor which is used on aL1 demand-related 10 11 L2 o l3 t4 15 76 1.1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CASE NO. AVU-E- I9_ O 4t0/3I/19 (StiP \ 15 STATF o 25 87 ENGL]SH, D o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 o 13 14 15 L6 L1 18 79 20 2L 22 23 CASE NO. AVU-E-19-04L0/3t/t9 (Stip ) 16 STAEE production and transmission costs to reflect the average test modi- f ied the of the seven highest monthly peaks during the third aLternative scenario alsoperiod. The coincident peak alJ-ocation factor by using aIf twefve monthly peaks, but the demand val-ues were weighted by the marginal cost-of-power in each month. 0. Were there any simi.Iarities in the di-fferent cost-of-service scenarios presented A. Yes. Each cost-of-service by the Company? by the Company illustrated an scenarl0 unde r- re cove ry (Schedufe 1) presented of assigned and the Extracosts by the Residential- cl,ass Large General, Service classes (Schedule 25 and 25P) . General Service Schedules 1l- and 12, along with Larger General Service Schedules 2l and 22, were sho$rn to be over-recovering their assigned costs. O. Do the parties agree on any specific cost-of-service methodology for this case? A. No, The parties do not agree on any particul-ar cost-of-service methodology for this case. However, the parties generaffy agree with the representations presented in the multiple scenarios provided by the Company that certain customer cfasses do not recover all of their costs, while other classes recover more than their assigned costs. In recognition that certain rate schedu.l-es are wel-I above their relative cost-o f-service, the Parties agree thato BB ENGL]SH, D O 1 2 3 4 6 7 I o 10 l1 L2 o l3 74 15 16 L1 18 19 20 2\ 22 23 24 CASE NO. AVU-E- 19- O 4 L0/31,/19 (stip )t] STAEF General Service Schedules 11 and 72, and Large Generaf Service Schedufes 21 and 22 will receive a .revenue decrease above the overall base rate change i-n order to move these schedules closer to cost-of-service parity. The remaining schedules wilf stj-11 receive a revenue decrease, but the decrease will be below the overa]] percentage base rate change. The rate decreases by Customer Schedufe are shown on page 1"0 of the Settlement. Energy Efficiencl' O. P.Iease explain the Settl-ement as it relates to energy efficlency. A. Ej.rst, the Settfement increases Lhe annual amount funded by the Company for its Low Income vieatherization Assistance Program admininstered by the Lewiston Cornrnunity Action Partnership. The current.Iy authorized .Ievel of funding is $800,000. The Settl-ement increases the leveJ- of funding to $850,000, The Settlement also stipulates that Avista will establish an Energy Ef fi.ciency Assistance Eund ("EEAE") to provide additionaf funding for projects that are not otherwise fu11y funded through existing energy efficiency incentives, or do not otherwise qualify for traditional energy efficiency funding. The EEAF wlll- be funded with a deferred liabil-ity owed to customers rel-ated to the A.Ilowance for Eunds Used During Construction ("AFUDC'')o 25 B9 ENGL]SH, D o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 l-0 11 L2 o 13 L1 14 l-5 L6 l-8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CASE NO. AVU-E_ 19_ O 4 1,0/3L/19 (Stip ) 18 STAEE Equity Tax Deferral and AVU-G-19-01, as addressed in Case Nos. AVU-E-19-02 ordered by Commission Order No. 34326. This deferraf balance Avista will also contr.ibute an is approximately $800, 000. addit ional S800, 000 in befow-the-Iine doflars as a matching contribution to the EEAE. The funding wj-f f be disbursed as directed by the EEAF Advisory Group, a new committee of stakeholders tasked with determining which exi.sting or new programs should receive this additional funding to address energy efficiency, weatherization, conservation, and fow-income needs in Avista's Idaho service territory. This committee will- inj"tially consist of representatives from Avista, Commission Staff, Clearwater, Idaho Eorest Group, ICL, and the Lewiston ColTrnunity Action Partnership. Other T€tes and Conditions 0. Are there terms and conditions described in the Sett f ement ? A. Yes. The new l-evel- of power supply revenues, expeneses, retail .l,oad, and the Load Change Adjustment Rate resuLting from the new December 7, 2019 stipulated revenue requirement for purposes of the PCA mechanism are detailed in Appendix A to the Settlement. Additionally, the new level of basel-ine vafues for the electric FCA mechanism resulting from requirement are detailed the stipulated revenuein Appendix B.o 25 90 ENGLISH, D o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 l2 13 L4 15 r.6 71 18 19 2A 21. 22 23 o 25 91 ENGLISH. D a. Does this concl-ude your testimony in this proceeding ? A. Ye s, it does. CASE NO. AVU_E_19_04 L0/3t/1,9 (Stip I tq STAEF a o 1 2 4 5 6 't 8 9 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5r98 ENGLISH (Com) Staff open hearing . ) just go members straight to see if of the Commission. (The following proceedings were had in COMMISSIONER K,JELLAN DER : And why don ' t we there are any questions from EXAMINAT ION BY COMM]SSIONER KJELLANDER: along wan t Q And, Mr. English, I do have one and it's the same ]-ine as the term.ination f ee and I don't any granularity and certainly donrt specifics in rel-ationship to any may have occurred within the to delve into want to go into any conversations that mi 11i on, that s ort has there been a report of kind from Avista settlement discussions, but with regards to the 103 of outl-ines how that any has been used, whatmoney and has to the Commission? A There have been a report and tal-k.ing points provided to Staff, but not submitted as part of the record or to the Commission. the.ir rationale was for that,that been presented that report, would part of this ca se, report prepared so Q OkaY; it be worthwhil-e that but at feast that be so with regard to perhaps not as a shared or anothero 92 10 1L t2 13 L4 15 16 77 18 L9 20 21. 23 24 25 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o o t-0 ll t2 a 13 74 15 16 L1 18 L9 20 2). 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ]NG 208.890.5198 ENGLISH (Com) er-ff at least we can understand in case across the board in relationship and the rationale for how it was we're asked questions that termination fee used? to act ua J- 1y happy to to share those? A Yes, and in preparation for today, I prepared my own buffets points that I woul-d be share with you. Q I would appreciate that. Would you like A Oh, right now? Oh. absolutely. Q Okay. A Ultimately, Staff analyzed the woufd fove to be able to sit up here termination and tel ffee and I you that we are capturing a but what it came of that for is we actually had table that I bel-ieve progress and werre rate decrease, but the merger one that we parties for their portion down tocustomers. such a great settlement offer on the the parties did happy with the we did fook at settlement and not want to impede the negative three percent the conditions within stipulation and we found thought would benefit customers and the lost time processing that merger case and that was the stipulation that establ-ished the energy efficiency assistance fund, and Avista did agree to contribute to that fund out of shareholder money, and many of those projects are going to go to the parties in this caseo25 93 a t- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 o 13 1.4 15 1l 76 1B 79 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208. 890. s198 ENGLISH (Com) JLcI-L-L th rough Eo re st different projects at the Cl-earwater or ldaho Group, .l-ow income weatherization, and other energy efficiency projects that may not have otherwise qualified for the traditional DSM funding, so those energy savings will come back to benef it al-l- custome.rs. A1so, in our analysis we looked at what other states were doing i-n regards to that termination fee and we noticed that Oregon and Washington were also not pursuing j.t, and so given the uncertainty surrounding the outcome if we were to pursue that termination fee or a port j-on thereof, we kind of just felt that the settlement that was on the tabl-e was just a much better deal- for customers. Q So then as you Iook at the settlement thatrs before us today and as you look at whatrs happening in other jurisdicti-ons, how would you characterize if this settlement stipulation is ultimately approved by this Commission, is it -- would it be consistent or inconsistent with what other jurisdictions have done in reJ,ationship to the termination fee? A It wouJ-d be consistent, although I would state that I donrt bel-ieve the Washington Commission has issued a ruling on the proposed settlement in their state, so I wou.ld imagine if they approved that proposed settlement, then al-l- states woul-d be consistent.I 25 94 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 a 13 l4 15 16 71 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : Any other questions from members Any redirect ? MR. HAMMOND: No, Okay, thank you. Comm.ission?of the Mr. Chai rman. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Great. thank you.We appreciate (The your testimony today, wj-tness left the stand, ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: So as I look at the remainder of the witness l-ist, I'm assuming that what me very quickl-y is that you areto tellyou're going comp.Iete; is that correct ? MR. HAMMOND: You The Commission Staff has offered are right, Mr. Chairman. al-1, of its witnesses and thank you. K,JELLANDER: Thank our case is fully submj.tted, COMM] SSIONER SO much, and so as I fook at the remainder of the you very witness List, we've already dealt with the Community Action Partnership consideration and, Mr. Purdy, thank you for bringing that as a preliminary matter:, and I do not bel,ieve we have any other witnesses that are scheduled today for testimony, so I think that brings us to the part of the hearing in which I woul-d ask if there are any other matters that need to come before the Commissi-on at this time. If not, what I would like to say first iso 95 COLLOQUY o 1 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 1,2 o 13 t4 15 16 L'7 18 19 20 21 )) 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 this is our first legitimate hearing in this glad that it went as smoothly as it did. We know if your microphones work or not. Maybe room and Irm realIy don't we'fl have to have a more contested proceeding going forward to make We also have some wonderful videoworks.sure everything cameras, which individualJ-y on we did not use to the monitors, but highlight you we're glad that you could be here for our inaugural flight in the new facility. I hope you had plenty of parking when you came here today, but also, I think from the perspective of the Commission, I think eve.ryone always asks, "Gee, gosh, if we go through settlement stipulations and you settfe al1 these rate cases, is the publj-c interest broadly served, " and I think that if we issue an Order, of course, for approval of any settlement stipulations, it's because we bel-ieve that was in fact the case, because that is our litmus test, and I think what makes it possible for is the hard work that you great I y much for appreciated across constltuencies, but us better arrive at us to deliberate in scenarios fike this aff put into the board, ultimately tovrards something that is this and that is your service and broader service to your so thank you the end of tn ve ry various helping public inter:est, so thanks again for all the greater of your efforts,25 96 COLLOQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 't I 9 10 11 L2 a 13 74 15 16 L1 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208. 890.5198 and i-f there's no further before us today, then we business that needs to come are adj ourned. Mr. Chairman, Irm sorry, I doMR. PURDY: have one additional question and that COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Then what I would like to do is say that woul-d allow us to go back on of you probably askj-ng about MR. PURDY: I we are not adjourned and the record for the purpose intervening fundj-ng. am- COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, I question, but still don't have an I wiII do is suggest that typicalJ-y we the date, implementation date, that we're anticipated that answer, so what give -- what is looking for? Is 1t Janua r y MEYER:December 1st? MR. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Oh, DecembeT? MR. MEYER:1st. MR. MEYER: 1st . COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: December what? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: December 1st. In order to get an Order out that woul,d include intervening funding, we quickly, and so would it requests for intervening Mr. Purdy, and let me ask this around rather to have that in -- may be submitt j-ng quickly can $re turn have to turn be possible others that fundlng, howo25 91 COLLOQUY o L 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11 l2 a l3 L4 15 l-6 L1 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 2A CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 this around for you so that we can get this in and can also get an Order out? MR. PURDY: Speaking for myself, a week wouLd be nice. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, how is a week for everyone MR. else that may be engaged in that? OTTO :Irm stiff assessing whether vre that's plenty of time for me.wi.I1 request or not, but COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay; so we wil.I give you a week. Does that sound good? MR. PURDY: Sounds good. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: So we expect to have that filing the day after Thanksgiving with a pl-ate of food. Is there anything el-se that needs to come before the Comrnission before we adjourn again? If not, then we are adj ourned. (The Hearing adjourned at 9:53 a.n.) o 25 98 COLLOQUY o a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 15 l1 1B 19 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 AT,THENTTCATTON This 1s to certj-fy that the foregoing the application ofproceedings hefd in the matter of Avista Corporation for rates and charges for customers in the State the authority to increase its e.Iectric service to electric of I daho,commenc.ing at the Comm.ission 9:30 a.m on Eriday, Room, 113 31 November 22, 20L9, al Hearlng Chinden Blvd., Building 8, Suite 201-A, true and correct transcript of said original thereof for the fife of the Boise, Idaho, is proceedings and Commission. a the Accuracy of aII prefiJ-ed test j-mony as originally submitted to the Reporter and incorporated herein at the direction of the Commission is the sofe responsibility of the submj-tting parties. O*-t*^"- CONSTANCE S. BUCYCertified Shorthand Repor #187 CON$TA'{CE S BWT t{OIAfrY PUSLIC . STAIE OF IMI{O @ l.lBStOt{ M'rAm 12005 llYco{ rssloll ElPlREs 9+m2r o 25 qo AIlTHENTlCATlON o o _t., o