HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191125Technical Hearing Exhibits .pdfa o CSB REPORTING Cerlified S horth and Reporlers Post Offrce Box 9774 Boise. ldaho 83707 cs ortin hoo.m Reporter: Constance Bucy, CSR BEEORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UT]LITIES COMMISS]ON IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OE AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OP I DAHO CASE NO. AVU-E_ 19_ O 4 EXHIBITS BE EORE COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER (eresiding ) COMMISSIONER KRISTINE RAPER COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON PLACE :Commisslon Hearing Room 113 31 West Chinden Bfvd.Building 8, Suite 2 01-A Boi.se, Idaho VOLUMES I III Pages 1 105 O ORIGINAL Ph: 208-890-5198 Fax: l-888-623-6899 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) o o o DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COI,]NSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 I4I I EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220 -37 27 TELEPHONE: (509)495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 49s-8851 DAVTD.MEYER@AVTSTACORP.COM BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. AVU.E.I9-04 EXHIBITNO. I3 OF ELIZABETH M ANDREWS FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC) EXHIBIT I !I(,3 o o Davil J. Meyer, Esq. Vice Presitlent and Chief Coursel of Regulatory and Govemnrental Aftirs Avista Corporation l4l I E. Mission Avenue P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220 Phorr: (509) 495-4316, Fax: (509) 495-8851 John R. Hannrnnd Jr. Deputy Attomey General Idaho Public Utilities Conxnission Staff P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-007 4 Phone: (208) 334-0357, Fax (208) 334-3762 BEFORE TTIE IDAHO PLTBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF TI{E APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION DBA AVISTA UTILITIES FOR AUTFIORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE IN IDAHO CNSE NO. AVTJ-E- ]9-04 STIPULATION AND SET-ILEMENT This Stipuhtion and SettlenBnt ("Stipulation") is entered into by and anmng Avista Corporatiorq doing busirrss as Avbta Utilities ('Avbta" or 'Conpany'), the Sraff of the ldaho Public Utilities Commissbn (Stall), C learwater Paper Corporation ('Charwater'), Idaho Forest Group, LLC ('Idaho Forest'), the Community Actbn Partnership Association of Idaho, Inc. CCAPAI'), the Idaho Corservation trague ("lCL'), ard Wahra4 Inc. ("Walnurt'). These entities are collectively relened to as the "Parties" and singuhrly as a'?arty", and represent all who have appeared in these proceedings. The Pa(ies understand this Stfulatbn is subject to approval by the ldaho Pubh Utilities Commission ('IPUC" or the 'Commbsion"). ) ) ) ) ) O SNPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E- I 9.04 Page I o I. INTRODUCTION 1. The terns and conditions of this Stipuhtion are set forth herein. The Parties agree dlat thb Stipuhtion represerfs a fair, just and reasonable conpromise ofall the issues rabed in the proceeding is in the pubh interest and its acceptance by the Commission represents a reasonab le resohrtion ofthe muhip le issues itlentified in thb case. The Parties, therefore, recomnrnd that the Conrnbs iorL in accordance with RP 274, approve the Stipuhtion and all of hs terns and conditbns withorrt material change or condition. II. BACKGROTIND 2. On June 10, 2019, Avbta filed an Application with the Con'rnissbn for authority to increase revenue eftctive January l, 2020, for ebchb service in Idalrc. Ttp Conpany proposed an irrrease in electrb base revenrr of $5.255 million or 2.1%o for 2020. By Order No. 34368, dated July 1, 2019, ttrc Conrnission susperded the proposed schedules of rates and charges for electric service, 3. Petitiors to irfervene in this proceeding were fibd by Clearwater, Idaho Forest, CAPAI, ICL, and Wakmrt. The Conrnission granted these interventions in IPUC Order Nos. 34369,34374 ard 34384. 4. A settlenEnt conference was noticed and held on October l,2019,and was afiended by the Parties to this case. As a conprombe of positbns in thb case, and for other consideratio n as set forth below, the Parties agee to the following terms: III. TERMS OF TI{E STIPT]I.ATION AIID SETTLEME,NT 5. Overview of Setthnrnt and Rcvenue Requirenrnt. 'Ihe Parties agree that Avista should be allowed to implenpnt revised tariff schedubs designed to decrease anmral base ehctric revenue by $7.188 milliort or 2.84Vo (on a billed basis the decrease is 2.8070), with an effective o o STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU.E- I9-04 Page 2 o O Component Capital Structure Cost Weighted Cost Debt Comnnn Equity Total s0.00% 50.00o/o 5.200 9.50V. 2.60% 4.7 5o/o t00.00%735% A.ELECTRIC REV-ENUE REOIJIREMENT 7. Overview of Electric Revemre Reorrirenre nt Below is a surrnary table and descrfitkrrs of the electric revenue requirenrnt corponents agreed to by the Parties, effective December 1,2019: o STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E. I 9.04 Page 3 date ofDecember 1. 2019. The Partbs will take all necessary steps to establish an approval process that will allow for the Stipulation to be approved and beconr effective by December l,2019. 6. Cost of Caohal. The Parties agree to a 9.5 percent retum on equity, with a 50.0 percent comrnn equity ratb, whbh represents a continuation of the presently authorized ROE and capital structure. The capital structure ard resulting rate of rettrn is as set forth below: o o Table No. I a. Cost of Capital. As prevbusly described (see Paragaph 6 above). This adjustment reduces the overall revenue requirenrnt by $2,211,000. b. Companv 20 l9Net Rate Base Updates. Reflects adjushrrnts to net rate base to update infornration rehted to 2019 capital additions, irchding rehted depreciatbn expense, as well as the inpact on Accurruhted Deprecbtbn and Accwruhted Defened Federal a.) b.) c.) d.) e.) f,) c) h.) i.) j.) k.) r.) m.) i.) ii.) iii.) i.) ii.) SUMMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO ELECTRIC REVENUE REQUIREMENT EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 2OI9 (000s of Dollam) ReyeIrue RequiremeDt Rate Base Amount as Filed: $ Adjustmetrts: Cost of Capital $ Cornpany 2019 Net Rate Base Udates S Miscellaneous Company Updates: Reduce Property Taxes, $ ColstrilCS2 Major Maintenance Experse, Colstrip Reguhtory Amortization and remove non-recuring AFUDC DFIT Expeme. Remove Offrcer lncentives and Reduce Non-Officers Incentives $ Reduce Ofhcer Labor Expemes S Adjrst Employee Benefits $ Remove Certain 2019 Capital Projecrs S Revise Fee Free Amortization and Annual Expense S Restate Uncollectibbs $ Weather Normaliution Adjusfrnent S Update Net Pro Forma Power Supply Expeme and Tmrsmission Revenues Update Pro Forrna Gas Prices $ Include Palouse and Rattlesnake Wind PPA Contracls in PCA $ Revise Transmission Revenues $ Remove 2020 Experse 2020 Non-Union Labor Increase $ 2020 Remove IS/IT 2020 Experse $ Miscellaneous Adjustrnents: Rechssification of non-ut ity flights S and fD(ed costs, as well as expired lease experse associated whh the airphne; rechssification of other adminbtrative and general experses; adjust intervenor firnding, and an agreed upon overall expense adjustrnent to reflect level of approved experses 5,2ss s 836,820 (7,7't3) (z2tl (317) $ (9e0) s (438) (32) 86 (1215) $ (370) (r 63) (287) (1,620) (4288) (s20) (274) (255) 451 ( l2ee) (s8) Adjusted Amounts Efrective December 1,2019 _$_-q2zl!!_l o STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E. I 9-04 Page 4 $ (7,188) o o Inconr Taxes, to reftct bahnces as ofDecember 31,2019. This adjustnrnt decreases t}e overall revenue requirenrnt by $317,000 and reduces net rate base by $1,299,000. c. Miscellaneous Comoany Undates. Reflects adjustnrents for updated infornrat io n, irrchd ing: rermval of certain 2018 AFLIDC DFITI expeme as non-recurring major nqintenance expense associated with the Company's Colstrip generation plant, propefty taxes, and correction of DFIT within the Colstrip reguhtory anrortb t io n adjustnrnt2. This adjuslrrnt decrrases the overall revenue requbenrnt by $990,000 and reduces net rate base by $58,000. d. Rermve Officer Incentfoes end Reduqe No!:Offcer Incenliyes. Rellecs the rennval of all offcer incentives. This adjustnrent also reduces incentives br non-offrcers to 2018 target versus tlre Company's 6-year average. 1tb adjutrrcnt decreases the overall revenue requirenrnt by $438,000. e. Redme Offcer labor Ercenses. Redwe officer labor expenses to 2018 test period Ieveb allocated 90% utility / l0% non-irtility. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $32,000. f Update Pension and Medical Ilxoerses.Reflects updated infonnation rehted to increr,rental pension and nredbal expenses in 2019, and includes 40lK expense based on 2018 test perbd leveh adjusted for 3Yo bbor increases. Thb adjwtnrnt irrreases the overall revenue requirenrent by $86,000. Rennve 2019 Caoital Additions. Rennve caphal investrnens rehted to: I ) Digita I Critl Network project; 2) Rattlesnake Fhts lntercomection and I Allouance for Funds Used Under Construction (-AFUDC"); Defercd Federal Incorne Tarcs ("DFIT") 2 The Panies otherwise accept the Crlstrip Regulatory ArDniation adjustnEnt as filed by the Conpany, including approval ofthe Crlstrip capital additions included in the Regulatory Assetthrcugh 2019. The resulting regulatory arno iation beginning December 1,2019 totals $863,000 annually. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E 19-04 Page 5 o o o 3 The Fee Free program allows customeE to rnake payfiEnts by credit or debit card without pay ing a serv ice fee. Th is prognm \r,as apprcved in Conrnission order No. 33494, caseNos- AVU-E-I&01 andAVU+16-01 andsuccessfully implemented in Febnrary 2017. ' The Company will updats the deferal balance in its nex general rate case to reflect actualepenses deferred through Novernber 2019 and true-up any rermining amunts to arpni.4 up or dovm for thc rernainder of the thrce-year anDrtization .o STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E.I 9-04 Page 6 Transmiss b n/S ubstation projects; 3) Distribution asset project (Metro Line); 4) IS/IT Mobile Application and Custonrr Facing Technology projects; and 5) Transmiss io n/S ubstat bn upgrade project, all originally planned for 2019. The projecs have been removed for review in the Conrpany's next general rate case dw to timing of cornphtion of projects. This adjutnrnt decreases the overall revenue requireme nt by $1,215,000 and reduces net rate base by $7,713,000. h" Revise Fee Free Armrtization and Annual Expense. Adjust the annual Fee Free3 expense to approxirnately $311,000 ard Fee Free defenal bahnce to approximate Iy $696,000 to refect actual arnouts ttrough April 2019 and estinnted bahrrces for the remainder of the year. This adjustnrnt also revises the amortization expense of the Fee Free deferral balance ($696,000) to refbct a three-year amrtizatio n beginning December l, 2019 of $232,000. This adjustnrnt decreases the overall revenue requirenrnt by $370,000. a i. Restate Uncollectibles. Restate urcollectible expense based on the 12 nnnth actual expense balance as of June 2019. This adjustrrcnt decreases the overall revenue requirenrnt by $ 163,000. j. Weather Nomalization Adiustnrnt. Reflects hfuher nrcrrnalized had revenues rBt of power supply experse from tlut inchrded in the Conpany's origina I filing. This adjrstnrnt decreases the overall revenue requirenrnt by $287,000. k. Power Surplv ard Transmbsion Rehted Net Experses. o O i. Update Pro Fonna Gas Prices. Reslates pro fonna power supply net expenses to reflect updated natural gas foruard prbes for Jamrary 2020 through December 2020 contract nnntls based on the nrcst recent one- nrcnth settlenpnt period. This adjustrFnt decreases the overall revenue requirenrnt by $ 1,620,000. lt.Include Palouse Wind and Raulesnake Flats Wind PPAs in PCA. Reflects tlre renrcval of the Palouse Wind and Rafibsnake Wird Power Purchase Agreenrnts (?PA') net expenses from base power supply experse. This adjustnnnt decreases the overall revenr requirenrnt by $4,288,000. See Paragraphs 8 (Pabtue) and 9 (Rattlesnake) below for finther inforrnatio n. iii. Revise T s lo t'l Rerenues Revise 2018 actual transmiss io n revenues to reflect a ttree year prior average for each npnth of November and December, to nornalize those nrontlrs to remove the inpact of dre October 2018 Enbridge pipeline npnre on Conpany transmission revenws. The resuhing annr.ral transmiss bn revenues will also be reflected in ttr PCA authorized base effective December 1,2019. l. Remove 2020 Expeme. l.2020 l.abor Increase. Renpves thg 2020 increnpnta I rnn-executive, non- union hbor increases. 2020 unbn hbor increases, however were included based on union contract increases for 2020. This adjusfirrnt decreases the overall revenue requirernent by $274,000. ii. Reduce 2020 IS/IT Experses. RedLrce 2020 IS/IT expense included by the Company by 50%. Irrcrenpntal IS/IT eryense included for 2020 reflect O STIPULATION AND SETTI,EMENT - AVU-E- I 9-04 Page 7 o actuirl contractual obligatiors. This adjusrnent decreases the overall revenue requirement by $255,000. m MiscelhneoLrs Adiustnrnts. Reflects the net change in operating expenses related to: l) rechssifrcation of non-uility fl[hts and foed costs, as well as expired lease expense associated with the airphne ($93,000);2) anrortization of20l8 intervernr finrding over two-year period ($20,000);3) rermval ofmbcelhneous A&G expenses (accounts 912, 921, ard 923, totaling $36,000); and 4) an agreed upon irrcrease to overall expense to reflect a level of approved epenses ($600,000). The rrt effect of this adjustment increases the overall revenue requirenrnt by$451,000. 8. Paloue Wind. The Partbs agree tha! for purposes of this case, the recovery of costs rehted to the Palouse Wind PPA will continue to be incltded in the PCA, subject to the crrrent sharing (90% custonrcr, l0% Conpany).5 ldaho will continue to be assigred its proportional share of all environmental attrbutes. 9. Rattlesnake Wind. The Parties agree that, for purposes of this case, the recovery of costs rehted to the Ranlesnake Wind PPA will be irrchded in $e PCA, subject to tlre cr.rrent sharing (90% custorrcr, l0% Conpany).6 ldaho will be assigned its proportional share of all environrne nta I attribr-[es. B. OTIMR SETTI-E,MENT COMPONENTS J The Palouse W ind PPA is a 3Gy ear contrdct that was e)€cuted in 201 I by the (brlpany and purchases all of its output (105 MW namplate capacity) and envtonnEntal attribules. The project began conrrrrcial operation in December 2012. 6 The Rattlesnake Flat Wind PPA is a 2Gyear contracl yhich consists of50 Si€rEn's 5-129 2,9 MW wind turbines with a totalcapacity ofapproximately 145 MW's. The project will be dlrectly connected to theAvista electric system and is e&ected to begin cornrErcial operation in Decernber 2020. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E- 19-04 Page 8 o o 10. PCA Auhorird kvel of Experse. The new level of power supply revenues, expenses, retail load and kad Change Adjustmnt Rate resuhing tom the Decembe r I , 201 9 o REVTSED tD/24t2019 settlement revenue requirement for purposes of the monthly PCA mechanism calculations are detailed in the attached Appendix A, incorporated by reference herein. 11. Electric Fixed Adiustment Mechanisms Authorized Base.The new level of baseline values for the electric fixed cost adjuslment mechanism ('FCA') resulting from the December 1, 2019 settlement revenue requirements are detailed in the attached Appendix B, incorpomted by reference herein. C. COST OF SERVICE/RATE SPREAD/RATE DESIGN/LOW INCOME 12. Cost of Service/Rate Spread (Base Rate Changes). The Parties do not agree on any particular cost of service methodology. In recognition, however, that certain rate schedules are well above their relalive cost of service the Parties agtee that Schedules I l/12 and 21122 will receive a revenue decrease well above the overall percentage base rate change in order to move these schedules closer to cost-of-service parity. The remaining schedules will receive revenue decreases below the overall percentage base rate change, at varying levels, that will move the majority of these schedules closer to their relative cost-of-service. The Parties have agreed to restate present base revenue reflecting the agreed-upon electric weather normalization adjustrnent. 13. Rate Desisr. The Parties agree that the base revenue changes would be collecled through the volumetric energy rates, with no changes to the basic charges. 7 Appendix C provides a summary ofthe current and revised rates and charges (as per the Settlement) for electric service. 14. Resulting Percentaee Change by Electric Service Schedule, The following table reflects the agreed-upon percentage change by schedule for electric service: 7 This includes the proposed addition of banded LED rat€s and adminisiative changes as described in the direct testimony ofCompany wimess Mr. Miller on pp. 13-14. ID addition, the Parties agree with the Company's proposal to incorporate the curent Schcdule 72 (Permanent Federal Tax Rate Credit) as part ofbase rates and to cancel Schedule 72 altogether. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-19-04 [Enata Sheet] Page 9 o o o Effective December l, 2019 Rate Schcdule Residential Schedule 1 General Servbe Scheduhs I I /l 2 Large General Service Schedules 2 I /22 E>ffa Large General Service Schedule 25 Clearwater Paper Schedule 25P Punping Service Schedules 31/32 Steet & Area Lights Schedules 41-48 Overall Decrease in Base Rates Decrease in Billing Ratcs -r.0% -8.4Yo -45% -1.0% -1.0% -1.6% 0.0% -1.0% -8.2% -4.4% .0% .0% .5% 0.0% -l -1 -l o -2.8o/" -2.8.,/. 15. [.ow Inco lssues. The Parties agree to increase fllrding for the [.ow Inconre Weatherization Progra.m from the current Commission-approved bvels of $800,000 to $850,000. D, ENERGY EFTICIENCY COMMITMENTS 16. For consileratbn rehted to the agreed-upon revenue requienrnt adjustnents dbcussed above, Avista, as a part ofthe give-and-ake of settlenrcnt negothtbns, and for other settbrnent consideratbns, agrees to the following: a. The parties agree that Avista will establish an Enerry Eftiency Assistance Fund ("neef1. The pwpose of ttr EEAF is to provitle additional finding for projects that are not otherwise fully futded through existing energi eftiency incentives, or do not otlrerwise qualift for traditional energl effrc ierry fi.mding. The EEAF will be finrded and disbursed as follows: The fual deferral balarrce rehted to the "AIUDC Equry Tax Defenal", addressed in Case Nos. AW-E- 19-02 ard AW-G- I 9-01, as ordered in Conrnissbn Order No. 34326 wil be a source of firnding. The estirnated defenal bahnce is approxinrately $800,000. Avista will contribue below-the-line dolhrs of $800,000 in 2019 as a rgtch to the estinrated AFUDC Equity Tax Deferml (in subsection i). Tlre fi-nding will be dbbu'sed as directed by tlrc EEAF Advbory Group, a new cornmittee of stakeholders tasked with determining which existing or new prograrrs should receive this filrding to address enerry efficiency, t. ll lll o STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E- I9-04 Page l0 o lv weatherizatbrL conservation, and low- irconr needs in Avista's Idaho service tenitory. The EEA-F Advisory Grorry will consitler the rceds of all partbs ard remain flex.ible on the timing of any disbursenrrnts. Any entity seeking f,urding must frst attenrpt to qualify their applhable project under Avista's existing energy efficiency prograns. The conrninee will initially corsist of representatives from the following stakehoHers: Avista, Stafi the lrwiston Conrmmity Action Parnrership, ICL, Idaho Forest, and Clearwater. The Commicee nray add representatives at its discretion. b. C learwater DSM Assistance : Avista agrees to work with C learwater to attempt to quaLry fte following projecs for DSM finding under Tariff Schedule 90: . Varbble speed drives on the No. I paper nnchine hydropuSer. . Variable speed drives on the No. 4 power boiler demineralized water purnps. . Enerry effcbnt chilbrs and compressors for the Lurgi system. . A variabh speed drive on the No.I paper nnchirr white water system.o Variabb speed drives on the two waste water outhll pumps. l ariff Schedule 90 allows for possbb DSM firding ofup to 70% ofthe cost of the project, subject to nEeting certain specifed cost-effectiveness critEria. The portion of the estirnated cost ofthese identified projecs that b not reimbursed under Schedub 90 will be considered for flrnding through the EEAF, who will consider the needs of all parties and renrain fexib le on the timing of any dbbursenrcnts. c. Idaho Forest DSM Assistance: Avista agrees to work with ldaho Forest to atterypt to quafiry the following projects for DSM funding under Tariff Schedub 90, upon closing of the Proposed Transaction: Irstalhtion of infornntion technobgy to gather phnt ffirnratbn data (Pl Data) on enerry usage at Idaho Forest's l.ewiston phnt, and droryh an instalhd interhce, transmit real tine energ/ load infornration data for each operating statbn to Idaho Forest and Avbta. Thb rIly serve as a usefi.rl demonstratbn project for data interfaces with other customers on Avista's system The total estirnated cost is $300,000. Rephcenrnt of aging compressors, saws and other equipnrcnt with state of the art nachinery at Idaho Forest's [rwiston and Grangeville phnts, in order to increase productivity and enerry effic iency. o o STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU.E. I9-04 Page I I o Tariff Schedule 90 alhws for possible DSM f,nding ofup to 70% ofthe cost ofthe project, subject to nreting certain specified cost-effectiveness criteria. The portion of the estirnated cost ofthese identified projects that is not reimbursed under Schedule 90 will be consitlered for flrding thrordt tt* EEAF, who will corsider the needs of all parties and renrain flexble on the timing of any disbursements. IV. OTTIER GENERAL PROVISIONS 17. The Parties agree that fiis Stipuhtion represents a compromise of the positions of the Parties in this case. As proviCed n RP 272, other than any testinnny filed in support of the approval of this StbuhtiorL and except !o tlrc exlent necessary for a Party to exphin before the Conunissbn its own statenEnts and positiors with respect to the StipuhtiorL all staterEnts made and positions taken in negotiations rehting to this Stfuhtion shall be confidertial and will not be admissble in evilerce in this or any other proceeding. 18. The Parties submit thb Stfiubtbn to the Conrnbsbn and recomnpnd approval in ib errirety pusuant to RP 274. Parties shall srpport this Stipulatbn before the Conrniss ioq and rn Party shall appeal a Conrniss ion Order approving the Stbulation or an issue resofued by the St[uhtion. If this Stbulation is chalbnged by any person not a parly to the StipuhtiorL the Parlies to this Stipuhtion reserve the right to file testinnny, cross-examine wihesses and put on such case as they deem appropriate to respond firlly to the issues presented, incld ing the right to raise issues that are incorporated in tlr settlenrcnt terms embodied in this Stfuhtion. Notwithstard ing this reservation of rights, the Partbs to this Stbulatbn agee that tlry will contintle to support the Commission's adoption ofthe tenrs of thb Stipuhtion. 19. If the Conrnission rejects any part or all of this Sthuhtion or imposes any additional nnterial conditbrs on approval of this Stfulatior\ each Party reserves the nght, Won written notice !o ttre Conrnbsbn and the other Parties to thb proceeding within 14 days of the date of swh action by the Conrniss ion, to witMraw fiom this Stipuhtion. In such case, no Party STIPULAION AND SETTLEMENT-AVU-E-I9-04 Page 12 o o o shall be bound or prejudiced by the tenns of *ris Stfulatioq and each Pafiy shall be entitled to seek recomlleratbn of the Commission's order, file testinnny as it chooses, cross-examine witrrsses, and do all other things necessary to put on such case as it deems appropriate. ln such case, the Parties inrrrdiately will request the prompt reconvening ofa prehearing conlbrence for purposes of establishing a procedural schedule for the completion of the case, in accordance with hw. 20. The Partbs agee tlut this Stbulatbn is in the public interest and tllat all ofirs terms and conditions are fiir, just and reasonable. 21. No Party shall be bound, berpfted or prejudiced by any positbn asserted in the negothtion of this Stipuhtion, except to the extent expressly stated herein, nor shall this Stbulation be construed as a waiver of tlrc rights of any Party r,mhss swh rights are expressly waived herein Execution of this Stipuhtion shall not be deenred to constihrte an acknowbdgme nt by any Party of the valiCity or invalid ity ofany particuhr nrcthod, theory or princf le ofreguhtion or cost recovery. No Party shall be deened to have ageed that any nrethod, theory or prirrcip Ie of regulatbn or cost recovery erpbyed in aniving at this Stipulation is appropriate for resohing any issues in any otier proceeding in tlp fi-rnre. No frrdings of frct or conclusions of hw other tlran those stated herein shall be deenred to be irnplic it in this Stfiuhtion. 22. The obligatkrns ofthe Partbs uder thk Stipuhtion are subject to tle Conrnbsion's approval of this Stipuhtion in accordance widr its terrns and conditions and rpon such approval being uplreld on appea[ if any, by a cor.m ofcompetent jurisdiction. 23. this Stfuuhtion nny be executed in counterparts and each sigred counterpart shall corstiute an origina I docrment. o o SNPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E. I 9.04 Page 13 o DArED this L[* "ro"rrber,2o1e. Avista Corporation Idaho Publb Utlities Corrnbsion Statr ffii. t tiy"' Attorrry 6r Avista Corporatbn John R Flanrmd Jr. DeprSy Atomey General Charwater Paper Corporation Idaho Forest Groq LLC Peter Richardson Attorney 6r Cbarwater Paper Corporatbn RonaH Willhms Attomey br Idaho Forest Grorp LLC Conrnnity Action Partrership Associatbn of Idatp, Irp. Idaho Corsenatbn lragrc, Inc. o Brad Pr.ndy Attomey br CAPAI Ben Otto Attorrry for Idaho C onservation Leagw, Irc. Wahnart Inc, Vicki M. BaHwin Attomey for Watmt lrc. o STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E I9-04 Ru Err rr,,. Page 14 o OetPO ttris l&ay of October,2019. Avista Corporation Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff By By, David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation Jr. ty Attorney General Clearwater Paper Corporation Idaho Forest Group LLC By:By: Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper Corporation Ronald Williams Attorney for Idaho Forest Group LLC Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho, Inc. Idaho Conservation lrague, Inc By: o Brad Purdy Anorney for CAPAI Ben Otto Attorney for Idaho Conservation [,eague, Inc. Walmart, Inc. By: Vicki M. Baldwin Attorney for Walmart Inc. a STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-I9.04 Page 14 R. R,,._ o ft,DATED this Avista Corporation of October, 20 | 9. Davli J. Meyer Auorney for Avisla Corporation Paper Corporation ldaho Public Utilities Conrniss bn Staff John R, Hanrmrd Jr. Deputy Attonry Gereral ldaho Forest Group LLC o C Richardson for Charwater Paper Corporatbn Community Action Partnership Assochtion of ldaho, Irp. Wahnart, lnc, Ronald Williams Anomey for ldaho Forest Croup LLC ldaho Conservatio n League, [nc. Ben Otto Attomey for [daho Conservatbn League, Irr. O STIPULATION AND SETTLEM ENT _ AVU.E. I 9-04 Page 14 n-'- Brad Purdy Atlomey for CAPAI 4.,._ Vicki M. BaUwin Attomey for Walnarl lrr. o DATED this _ day of October, 2019. Avista Corporation By: David J. Meyer Attomey for Avista Corporation Clearwater Paper Corporation By: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff By: John R. Hammond Jr. Deputy Attorney General Idaho Forest Group LLC By:P..11 L. o Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper Corporation Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho, Inc. By:By: Brad Purdv Attomev for CAPAI Walmart, Inc. Vicki M. Baldwin Attorney for Walmart Inc. Ronald Williams Attomey for Idaho Forest Croup LLC Idaho Conservation League. Inc. Ben Otto Attomey for Idaho Conservation League, Inc. o STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E-19.04 Page 14 o DATED rhis -Llt*rof october,2019. Avbta Corporatbn Davil J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporatkrn Clearwater Paper Corporation Idaho Publb Unlities Corrnnissbn Satr John R }lanrrnnd Jr. Deputy Attomey General Idaho Forest Grop lJ-C Peter Rbhardson Attorrey frr Charwater Paper Corporatbn a Attorrcy for CAPAI Walmart, Irr. Vbki M. Ballwin Attorney 6r Walurt Ilc RornH Williams Attorney 6r Idaho Forest Grorp u-C Ben Otto Attomey for Idaho Consenation kague, krc. Corrrnnify Act'nn Partrership Assocbtion Idabo Corsenatbn kagr:e, Irrc. of ldaho, lnc. Purdy a STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E- I 9-04 Page 14 Eltr o 1L4.,DATED this ofOctober,2019. Avista Corporation By:- By: David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation Idaho Public Utilities Comrnission Staff .Iohn R. Hammond Jr. Deputy Artorney General a Clean.r'ater Paper Corporati on By Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper Corporation Community Action Partrership Association of ldalo, Inc. By:- By: Brad Purdy Attorney for CAPAI ldaho |'orest Group LLC P-,_ Ronald Williams Attorney for Idaho Forest Group LLC Idaho Conservation League- 4nc Ben Otto Attorney for Idaho Conservation LeagueJee, Walmart, Inc By: Vicki M. Baldwin Attorney for Walmart Inc. o STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU.E. I 9-04 Page 14 o DATED this .- day of October, 2019. Avista Corporation Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff By:- B David J. Meyer Attomey for Avista Corporation John R. Hammond Jr. Deputy Attomey General ldaho Forest Group LLC By: Peter Richardson Attomey for Clearwater Paper Corporation Ronald Williams Attomey for Idaho Forest Group LLC Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho, Inc. Idaho Conservation League, lnc. By:By: o Brad Purdy Attorney for CAPAI Ben Otto Attomey for Idaho Conservation League, Inc. Wal By: Vicki Baldwin for Walmart Inc. o STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-I9-04 Page 14 Clearwater Paper Corporation R.,'_ o APPENDIXA o I xozulLo. zoF Jlo-FahF2 UJElltJ L UJo o IJJ f, ciz ulo o Po E p .e p E 6 . ri .i(E>6 .1ii N s5i6 Eheog * 93 I E qoEI;EE 6 3,9 :e u9s TE S P E 9;; ilE t 2EdYigSF dfr 5t H 5 Et g Et setzl ge d EI N "iH ht I .'B et IEt " El n EI = 6l o a3:s i,I EEIC 3E di.'i.j,jct€idd .i,j.j6ee.i .j.-..j6o-. di-,je.dt ciNqt-.tt.irt ... .j .j 6 6 .\i o.i.t-ct+oN ;.j.j66i gg93R9BB 6@@;6-6Eia'* a o'l!8t o,ol rse il3gg ^'gEE"JEiEcir'E;*H,I ,i&EiE9:i:EE&tEEig-iEEEE:EEEI :;nl,51-:<tIEEE;E;8fl di-;e6'0; d..iF:-ct{.i-' si,j;66?+ sa r- o- o- o- 'i o- -, rj-.:e6?9. @'.j.je.ci cj.j.j66ct i;-'66i :l N- ?- 6- -EI : E P T eld'.idaitq o e 6 9l d 6i,jNgl s s-8,& El q r'*-@- El Es5; Et 3 t b 3 :i .d.i d.tzlo 6 o 4 :t o N-o- q il 6 @ o-.q <66-+ {@N-6-cl or fi - o_a tr6-iri No.@.o' >to@-N-@- o-6,F-q A--+\ol f,l ..i 6 di 6_EbB-e-3 dl . di i.i El F o o q o SP:;at *- o_ r- o-tBEgiS 5t ---- El ..i di d .,t :l aq o --q?l D333 ,illh!ll:!5"";t!I?l q.i ff,9at u=v:q sE;€dlo-r-za <l 55556l B8ESo-l<<<< i E! i,E* 86 - <.8.8 o.d ! I ;daz;i<9ieEE o o o APPENDIX B O a o o ao OJ00 o, 9i ga -6 F q ...i F" ;r-o9 €E 3 z.E i 9- UE ,.i F -dt!qtr!ri .t r:rl o 9I ^i xqxq; .-i d,+o^ ,., Ld =>oFdi! (, O zdIL; QIA ,.,1 () o .J- z>u,l aO!! z f I9* v-6a-h= 12 'D---N 6 z o-+so=6--^e-"oii 3e3-FR A A\oE'aE-& coxoz UJ zoF f,6-tr FzuJ LU Ft- g1 l dz 99Q I 3 =3^-o:.iI{ E r'1 .9-va = e&E ,EaE^E < i -1 =3i4 E BA.:ujE!>.!a< E: + J FC J ac J ; q -4 2a Ei0 \J ? alo ., E5a 9 uo. ; = s6 "E,x E i;t u 6<<ccu<< <s6 60 ,! ^ ioo oo 99oo zz -s d& 66 €.4 UU J 9 F; e !*ii'.F -E a .oo\= a! J --.t J --i J G:a * !9 rolE6 =49l.]-EE!IIZ)>aLtL s-'o3g 9 =NE' .-,; dBE ^O" E ..EA 9dd. 6 E6z ed U t; !- UEo.x Nob0 o cox6z o- z tr f tr Fztr.l IJJ LT! a or f ciz IJJ L) .r"1d.J-s 60\ o\oFl-F:o\Fes 5g a-q9- dd eaz ,). EI t t-sE I -;za*::ae i'r;<E<,lE* .9:< a U() do-E a!, 3dd-;cr6i E ! \Jl 5 L 5E I \l 4 -t EE ,o- il !- E :o-e < E< 3 < -a i g; a d ! > ; el ; > ; Ptlo oii 4 -til = 'ti .aF rL <l rL F rL UI :I\I Eil EEt 3 EI; SE :q .!r.ll rJ. :Z o !! .ao- -c q,o! 8: ') E 3 E ! J t $ xii iEer#irB9gE96E€:E;tat9+li c *,! 55?:;:EErEgtE&dr,:,5;3 i-3_5.- ;! 3Ga- 3: G a I =!-* sgeitiis,!,lilftteiria?;?:6In:E"i,3.!.!el!;EEEEEF!': 2ZE'$. ! I 3B!'t j B aE Z' I Ei s. ii6 -E E" qn 8 3 6E E ! E 9 I: s I E sa g n 8 a s s e I F as 5oz zoF l tr Fz FF o Ot l dz U :Y E ai I gt 53 ^E-i -4; d9 r 1 EIi'!68TJ 6iiJg€l Hx+ g9E -i-g; !t 1 it g E; il$ s ttlH li_ ilfl j iui i r!dSjrdri! Egqg+' a{ a 3 ?_ SE!t-= E {-i,= E!: zt_ is!E 33+; E ; !I !! t""i!tg E3Ir Ig3;g! E I E IEll !| ls sl :E flfli algr i ao =::1::9 a= 9Ei*i i n*isR O O o t i ; E E ;U :i = !I != € i; .u3.;i i =EEE)r. a:8,'; < i 8! - ts .l: r.r i! -ai !.!€< - ,7 'i, ! Suficost S.enario AVU'€1S04 SefEmeni C6e Load Factor Peak O€dil Transmhsion by D€m&d(b) (c) (d) AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue lD Cosl by Funclionai Component Summar) For tle Twe ve Monlhs Ended December 31, 2018 ldaho Jurisdiction Ele.hc Llrilrry 10/03i19 Sysl€ln Desqiflion Tod Furcdonal Coct Compononta n Curgt Retlm by Sahat ul6 Prcdudion 112,176,719 Trarsrnission 28,901812 Distib{lion 64 810,663 44,0$,364 11,467 382 ,m8 901 15,155 295 4,3960m 11,8m,455 7,433,179 24,0s0 948 6,474,882 12,7U.A27 10,833,738 2,464,819 1,976,212 15,592,561 3,686,745 &1,211 2,101.758 457,301 2,212974 343.055 41,614 2,663,883 584 4,{l 0) Resirenlid SeMce Sdr l (h) Gercral &lvioe sch 11.12 t0 L?r!B G€n Service Sch a'22 0 Exlre DEe Gonse icg sd 25 (k) Exfa Lrge S€rvice CP Sch 25P o Pumpng S€rvice Sdr 3l-32 (m) Sreet E Area ughb Sdr 11-{S le)(1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 TohlCuneit RaE Revenue 472 806 24 601 1 144 2 232 3 967 253,252,m0 113,180,000 38,791000 51,192000 17867,m0 22,7m,000 5,006,m0 3,6360m i0.08425 $0.09707 t0.10349 S008159 $0.0s631 1005100 $0.09335 t0.31460 318 323 36,91i 2,183,910 534,871 253,252,tm 119,204,193 33,884,254 50,0613U 18,285.156 n,7q,M 5311,6n 3,074,052 Errcssad as lfwi PrDduc-lbn Tr srnissim Distiiruon Common TolrlCwe Meldad REbs s0.03732 50.00€65 s0.02156 10.01573 50.03782 50.00984 s0.02&31 t0.02111 t0.04013 s0.01173 s0.03150 $0 01983 50.0:aB s0.01032 s0.02037 $0 01257 s0 03415 $m7r/ $.m623 10.00817 s0.034s1 50 00825 50.0m81 &.m703 60.03381 $0 00735 10.03558 $0.01658 !0.0m8 s0.00386 $0.23049 50 05057 Funciion.l CoEt Compononts at Unrform Curront Rolurn 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1S 20 $rstributi(n CdntTD,r Tord Unilo.m CunnlCo€l 112,215,071 23,099,149 64 509,25 17128,fi4 45,619,21{ 12,589789 35,42t,ffi3 25,U7,87 13,U1,825 3,510,794 9,856,317 6,669,31/ 23,715,648 6,239,292 12,357,357 7,753,026 11,011,130 2 575,637 2,054,N 2.6a3,651 15,575169 3 675971 360,278 3,135,326 2127,163 470718 2,2f9,072 1,014,426 ErFersed 6 5AWl1 Transmission DisriMion Crmmon Ioial Cuflrd Unirom Mald€d Rahs 21 R.vru. ro Co.r i.to d Cumnl R t{. 22 24 25 26 FuncfmC Caa{ CofipdrcrL A PoDoaad Rlim by S.nrtubProduciirn 1,t0.127,5t5Transmbsio0 27,581,8mDistitulion 62114,4mCommon 46,21(),145 43,fi2,m 11,258,837 32 559,376 24/13,W 11286,016 3807,t/9 10,510,061 6925,343 n,w,117 5,995 268 11,918 502 7,616,112 14,757,751 2417,416 1,S42,618 2,570,215 15,471,250 3,612,266 351,760 3,110,724 2,085.408 445879 2,165,213 1,019,500 313,052 44,614 2,663,890 *4,144 Totd Poposed Fate RevenLre 246,061000 112045,000 35529,000 48,898,000 17,688,0@ 22,552,m0 5,716,m0 3,636m0 n 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3S 40 41 42 Dbtihn,on Crmmon Total PDpos€d Mdd6d RaEs s0 02066 s0 01538 $0.02793 $0.0m94 s0 0200{ 50 0r 818 $0.019m $001211 l0 00612 t0.00010 $0.0m7s l0 m696 i0 03481 i0.01639 s0 2304s s0 05057 Tolal Unirom Cost R4nse to Corr Rdb n Procos.d Rn8! FundonalCoat Cofiponant3 at Unifo.m Rrquertod Ralum Prcduc[oi 110,1$,7m Tr.rsmission 27,658,451 Dslitulion 61,909 376 44,773,074 11,966,469 34,084,26S 25,069,821 13 590,97 3 336,S75 9,173,385 6,519,281 2X,275,77X s,930,385 11,801,820 7579,7X 10,806,897 24{f,117 1.964,371 4584,1m 15,286,577 3,493,974 3t4,514 3,65,08S 2,0$,m3 u7,413 2,171,625 1,021.039 312,119 35118 2,069,388 s23,037 s0.08186 S0.096j0 E0 00479 $0.0r/9{ 00.05575 t0.06049 $0.09190 1031460 46362.453 216,061,m0 115,&93,633 32,920,619 ,t8,587,7{X 17,86,818 22,1$,154 5,728.080 2,S39,963 El,lrssrd as ta$ih TransmEslon Disfibution ComnEn Total Unllorm Md&d Rales s0.03661 s0 009m $0.02060 $0 01542 $0.03840 $0.01026 $0.0423 $0.02150 $0.03626 s0.00890 N02527 $0 01739 $0.03710 $0 m945 $001881 $0.01208 t0.03406 $0.0012 $0.00619 s0 00815 $0.0323 $0.00782 s0.00077 $0.00606 $0.03357 50.00719 s0.03,491 $n 01642 t0.02703 $0.m304 $0.17$5 $0.04526 43 C{n$i tLv.n'x 5 Bqo..d Co.t tt lio {4 Tr!.a in t|. llifla. 6l€: loElec C06 SefderBnt CEs AVUEI $04.xls,n / SunEt Erhiba t0 08186 1.m t.03 o,188,mo) s0.099{0 097 0.s6 2,713,000 10.08783 1.08 i.ll (5,870,000) $0.0741 1.01 1.05 (2,601,000) s0.05612 0.99 t.m (0l,o0o) ${.04$8 1.02 t.0t (s0,000) m.09200 $0.25439 1.m 1.24 t.ot t21 (18,000) (66,m0) Pege 2 ol1 27 2E Prcductioi 30.03661 t{.00918 10.03758 40.m956 40.03611 10.01016 10.03725 s11.00956 t0.03391 s0.00752 30.03155 s0.008{9 t0.03353 $.m7t7 10.02968 t0.00386 CASE NO. AVU-E-19-04 SETTTEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX B Page 4 - Cost of Service t003733 m.03913 S0.03695 t0.03780 10.03171 $003407 t0.03420 $0027s4 t0.m068 $0.01080 $0.00937 m.009s4 t0.00812 $m823 i0.m757 $0m320 0002146 1003039 t0.02630 $0.01970 s0.m648 $0.m081 $0.m648 $0188S6 i001578 $0.02200 $0.01779 5001235 $0.00&33 $0.m702 $0.01679 t0.01628 10.08425 IO10231 10.@40 t007980 t0.0'/63 t0.05093 !0.09604 t0.265S8 1.m 0.95 1.14 1.02 0.98 1.m 0.98 1.18 O o Line No. AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor ldaho - Electric System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2018 Description Factor L Revenues Expenses: U ncollectibles 3 Commission Fees 4 ldaho lncome Tax 5 Total Expenses Net Operating lncome Before FIT Federal lncome Tax @ 21% 8 REVEN UE CONVERSION FACTOR 9 Gross Up Factor for Revenue Related Expenses 2 1.000000 0.002922 0.002s29 0.046864 1.000000 0.002922 0.002 5 2I 0.005451 0.994549 1.0055 0.052315 6 7 0.947685 0.199014 0.748611, o CASE NO. AVU-E.19.04 SETTTEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX B Page 5 - Rev Conversion Factor o o APPENDIX C o sssrsss sl :366ltoor]ool 60';eTTr Ecil $N o c)o)t!(L o, c ID E ,6 6oo d)!o(L a Eocl Erut @(o -19l c,-r.o = .-,ocE9ot: o, = .-i :lo h 645 E,o=d el.t Es'= uEd E>E .f EE geI ouJs Eab EP€ .9 nJ o rD otC|) ,h orE -s€E E+!, 6(/)a @P I a;A I bEt Eo o Hx9 or:E Fa = -oE Hgo h.o d 6'Bl orSEl .:gl -. ,f;| EIEe03 (ooo(rroN()ldt.bF-o)(o{ 6l o.i)+art-(oco vl c,drcioFc.tdr"llr.. -C)lnrcrl(A(l'lt-69@lltai+N6A *;e:Sle:R:S:g:tqqacq u!6l oq.i.?.llT T cil T lrr(\rto, @o ol @dr(ootFN(DtAl@F(!NF(\r(A.-:<"iGit29l..6Cr@4, 6t\r \l N.(rN lol ONN(Ol-@C, @l (D@- F-- ro_ cD- @" or- rrl i-FoNr-c.{ro('l ttFF)(rF(\lartt,l(OFate@.,}(\l@q s:Qss$Ssl sqaqcq qql .qrTI'TTOI CT roo@@N (o@t !tt'a\laD@(or(.ll(OO- rn- dr_ (o- lo. r-. (ol O_(\l(,@l.-N rnol @r(rrritFNaAt,'lstFaDvrqal'No@d) roNi o)@ool 6Cr(OOtl.-NOtg9l@FGI(trNaA -c,i.(CgFjqQc, 1, O-N t-O(O@l Nao ar, (D (o @ o (Yrl (,F F--@ r\@@l (\lo o '-:r-.ilf) o1 (o -()lJ)r(\l(,rrAl|oFra@(,r6(\l@o N(V-NO)F-N.{lui.o-T:&"NE5 zIFIl(L FoFzL!EuJJFFuJo a ot d.' l o(J E_.o3o'>i9 89 5 E j', =$oaE.h B g,Ea€ sE r 6 i E go Pa;io-<qxB5P€-E=gtl:oJruo(La F(\I('trO(ON@ o ESE96 == C $E?E 6Eg6 9EBSge*# .Ori oE I E$:Eol!araCE=E(Jo a -s6EoctgF O"Eoo g g Efi EEEE-E 6a! i!oat--tr $E$E Eq, E dr oa6 I +LFhYoorla93tr€(cf, flHE E..g 6 UJ eaat8Eil,tfro:=E-goz- PFZ=UJ (! =UTHEl3a5; gEifis 14Lridfi5o./ro 3tE-da- o E o 9.(!l!DLF bd s? $eEef IDL 549E E2 b8 gEt-o P.;'jz a E(! o-a(, ot o ,x! tuAo- oF o (! oc 8t!oo 8c Etl) oo o General R.t6 lnerlOao.l (s) s0.00 10.00 ($0.01526) ($0.012,t3, no charge s0.00 $11.00 30.00 Schedulo 72 Tax Retorm Chanoe (h) Propo!ed Base T.rlf, R.to (,)(a) R.rld.nlirl Servic. - ScheduL l Baslc Char06 En€rgy Charg€i Firsl 500 kwhs All over 600 kwhs Gooet.l Setuice! - Schcdulo 1l Base Tariff Presenl Rovised Paesenl Prcsent sdl. Rsto Sd€dule 72 88ra RaEs 0016 Adi.ll) Elllino Ratr(b) (c) (d) (e) (0 $6.00 56.00 $13.00 t13.00 Proporod Btlling Rat9 (i) $0.09116 t0.10179 ($o.oo5{2) ($0.00542) s0.08574 $0.09637 ($0.00116) ($0.00116) 10.08458 $0.09521 (50.00534) (50.006{6} 30.08365 t0.09,t17 40.08482 s0.09533 30.005a2 50,006{2 46.00 i6.00 313.00 $13.00 $6.00/kw $r'r.00 t, .00 Ba6ic Chdge Energy Chargs: Firsr 3,650 kwh6 Alt over 3.650 kwhs Do,nand Charg€: 20 kW or le3s Over 20 kW $0.10435 $0.07487 ($o.oos78) (10 00578) s0.0s857 s0.06909 t0.00276 $0.00276 $0.10't33 s0.07185 t0,0057E s0.00578 i0.0s185 10.06520 s0.08909 $0.0621,a no charce t6.0o/kw no chaag€ $6.00/kw no chargo $6.00/kw L.roa Galt.d Sawh. - Schaduh 2t €nerpy Charge: Fi,st250,000 kwrs $0.06817 Allover (2) Egluhg allpre6er $0.05818 Demsnd Char06: 50 kW o( 1666 1425.00Oversokw $5.50,IWPrimaryVoltageDiscounl $0.20ikw clcarwtter - sch.dule 26P Ene.Oy Charge: Block 1 Retall kwhs Block 2 G€n€ration kwhs Demand Charge: 3,000 kv8 or hss 3.000 - 55,000 kva Ovor55.000 kve PdmaryVolt. D{scounl AnnualMinimum (s0-00456) ($0.0Ms8) $0.0€361 $0,05362 $0.00239 $0.00239 $0.06600 $0.05601 (s0.00826) (10.00759) $0.q)456 $0.00156 $0,06230 $0.06288 30,06901 10.0s049 $425.00 $5,50/kw $0.2oftw Erlrt taEa Cranaral Safrba - Schaduh i6 EneEy Charoe: Fkst 500,000 kwhs $0.05586 All ov6r 500,000 kwhs 50.04730 Demand Cheroel3,ooo*r"oi'""" $14,oooIt over 3,000 xva is.ollxva Prim8ry Volt- oisclunt $0.20/kWAnnualMinimum P,esent: 3425.00 $5.5o/kw s0.2olkw $,125.00 s5 50/kw s0.20/kw ($0.00313) (s0.00313) $0.05273 s0.M4r7 $0.00033 s0.00033 s0-05306 $0.04450 ($0.00378) ($0.00!67) 30.00313 50.00313 s0.05241 50.0{396 $0.05208 $0.04363 $14.000 55-0C/kva t0.20/kw $r4,000 $5.00i*va s0.20/kw 1698,630 t14,000 $5.00/(vE 60.20/1w $0.0.r521 s0.02456 (10.00296) s0.00000 $0.04228 $0.02456 $0.0002,a t0.00000 $0.04252 s0.02456 (10.00s,17) 30,00000 $.0r201 $0.02466 30.0a177 t0,024s8 10.00298 30.00000 s739,660 $685,640 Proposed 514,000 $5.00l(va s2.50/kva $0.2o/kw Present $14,000 15.0o/kve 12 50Ava 30.2ClkW $r4,000 $5.00/kva 32.5o/kva s0.20/kw $27,t70 It4,000 $5.0tvkve $2 50/tva s0.2o/kw Punrln! S|tvb. - Sotradob tt Baslc Charge Energy Charce: First 165 kwkwhs All additiooal kwrg $1r.00 s0.10368 s0.08837 (50.00519) (50.00s19) s0.0984s s0.08318 i0.00268 10.00258 $0.10117 s0.08586 (30.00G77) (30.008s3) 30.0051s !0.00519 $0.09963 $0-08,152 $0.0060,1 t0.0818a (1).hclgE 8ll pr6senl rab Edjustmontsr Sch6dulg 59 - Residentral& Farm Energy Rale Adjustn6nt, Sc$edulB 66 - Temporary Power cost Adjustment. Schedule 7a - Temporary Tar Credit, arld Schadul€ 9'l - Energy Effciency Rider Adjuslme . o AppendixC-RaleDesiOn AVU.E.1 S-04 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PaOe 2 ol2 AVISIA U?ILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC, CASE '{O. AVU€.1S{4 PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPOI{ENTS BY SCHEOTJLE Proposed: