HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190924Avista to Staff rpt-Chas Raymond CS2 10-07b.pdf. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Prospect Street Ballston Spa, NY 12020 Phone (518) 884-4080 FAX (518) 884-4051 E-mail c.raymond@ieee.org Charles T. Raymond, P.E. Transformer Inspection Coyote Springs Areva GSU 213/284/355 MVA Areva S/N 316322 In-Service Gassing Teardown Investigation Charles T. Raymond, P.E. October 29, 2007 2 Summary This transformer developed combustible gas in excess of industry standards while in service. The levels were initially detected by the Severon gas monitor. Because of the high levels of acetylene and ethylene, imminent failure of critical insulation was highly probable. A spare transformer was installed and internal inspection and testing of the subject transformer failed to disclose any evidence of a source of the gassing that could be addressed and corrected at the site. No facilities have been identified in North America that can effectively and economically rebuild this transformer for less than the cost of a new transformer. Based on this and the prior experience with this transformer, it was decided to scrap it and purchase a new transformer as replacement. The salvage dealer agreed to disassemble the transformer in a manner that would allow reasonable forensic examination of the transformer insulation. Examination of the winding insulation revealed extensive damage of the critical winding insulation between the H1 line lead and the regulating winding which is at the neutral end of the winding. This damage was due to partial discharge that was particularly intense beneath the lower regulating winding. This partial discharge was most probably due to manufacturing variations in the spacing of the cooling ducts within the insulation system. The spacing of the ducts is critical and fill shims were found in the area of partial discharge that would indicate excessive variation in oil duct width. These dimensional variations would cause increased local dielectric stresses and as well as reduction in dielectric withstand capabilities from design values. The transformer would not have been serviceable without a complete rebuild to replace the damaged insulation and correct the underlying cause in all legs. It is further noted that this transformer was very near to experiencing a complete insulation breakdown from the incoming line to the grounded neutral in the regulating winding. This breakdown would have resulted in an arc within the transformer that would have a current magnitude of that experienced in the 2002 failure of the duplicate transformer. Based on that experience, tank rupture and fire could be expected to result. Charles T. Raymond, P.E. October 29, 2007 3 Background This transformer was manufactured in Gebze, Turkey in 2002 as a spare for a duplicate transformer that failed when first energized and was scrapped following an intensive failure investigation. The history of this transformer includes 1. A failure during factory impulse tests, 2. Shipping damage that required factory disassembly and repair at the ESI repair facility in Westminster, CA. 3. An insulation failure in service that required return to Gebze, Turkey for repair (this failure was evidenced by the development of combustible gas). After more than a year in service, it again developed evidence of gassing in service as detected by the Severon gas monitor. Of particular concern were the levels of ethylene and acetylene. These gases indicated a high probability of insulation degradation. On site testing and inspections followed to assess the condition of the transformer prior to final disposition. Site Inspections Scott Wilson and Sara Koeff supervised on-site tests and made internal inspections after the oil was removed. I was provided results of the tests and a video of these inspections as well Mr. Wilson’s descriptions as conveyed through phone conversations. The following is a summary of my opinions leading up to this teardown: 1. The makeup of the combustible gases indicated a high probability of insulation failure. 2. Based on the history of this transformer and its prior duplicate, continued operation of this transformer with these high gas contents was not advisable. 3. The in-tank inspections did not indicate any evidence of a problem that could be identified and corrected without going through extensive disassembly in a transformer facility. Charles T. Raymond, P.E. October 29, 2007 4 4. The transformer, if properly constructed, should have been capable of performing in the service conditions encountered including operations in back-feed from the 500kV system. This was investigated in detail previously by Dr. Degeneff both theoretically and in conjunction with transient measurements with the Areva provided transient measuring equipment. 5. The transformer could not be considered operational without a thorough teardown investigation. This would undoubtedly have necessitated a complete rewind to restore a reasonable level of serviceability. 6. Because of the cost of a teardown, investigation, and rewind, replacement was considered a more economical and reliable alternative especially with the problems encountered with this design and the absence of any qualified repair facilities willing to undertake a redesign and rebuild. Charles T. Raymond, P.E. October 29, 2007 5 On-Site Teardown Investigation The Teardown of the transformer was begun on the Coyote Springs site beginning on October 23, 2007 with the forensic investigation continuing until October 26, 2007. The tank was removed by burning off the bottom seam weld and lifting the tank. This operation was completed on October 25, 2007. On October 26, 2007 the high voltage (HV) lead entrance tubes were removed from all three (3) phases. Fig. 1 - Evidence of Partial Discharge at H1 HV Lead Entrance With the lead entrance shield tubes removed, evidence of tracking could be seen within the insulation assembly. This was seen on H1 (see Fig. 1) but not on H2 or H3. The shield tubes themselves did not have any evidence of tracking on the ends or surfaces. This tracking was not visible with the shield tubes in place. Charles T. Raymond, P.E. October 29, 2007 6 Fig. #2 – Extensive Partial Discharge Under H1 Weidmann Separation Rings The upper regulating windings and Weidmann separating rings were removed. Extensive partial discharge tracking was evident on the surface of the insulation barriers that are assembled concentrically under the Weidmann rings. There was no evidence of tracking on the Weidmann rings themselves. It was also noted that the Weidmann rings were made up of four (4) radial sections of equal thickness. The original design was made of a single thickness of Weidmann transformerboard. Charles T. Raymond, P.E. October 29, 2007 7 Fig. #3 Intense Partial Discharge Under H1 Regulating Winding The regulating windings were removed. An area of intense partial discharge was located on the insulating cylinder under the lower regulating winding. The cylinder was burned through in an area approximately .75” across. The intensity of the heat damage in this location indicated that the partial discharge activity most likely started at this location. Charles T. Raymond, P.E. October 29, 2007 8 Fig. #4 – Close-up of Intense Partial Discharge Under H1 Regulating Winding Close examination of this partial discharge damage revealed a fairly uniform area where the insulating transformer board was eroded by heating. The carbon traces on the cylinder surface indicated an upward plume of gases, carbon products and ionized oil. These contaminants most probably caused the partial discharge activity noted on the insulation around the lead entrance. Charles T. Raymond, P.E. October 29, 2007 9 Fig. #5 – Pattern of Partial Discharge Tracking Under H1 Lead Entrance The pattern of partial discharge tracking was found around the lead entrance at multiple locations on the insulating cylinders above the lower regulating winding. Charles T. Raymond, P.E. October 29, 2007 10 Fig. #6 – Partial Discharge Tracking on H1 Insulating Cylinder There were some areas of partial discharge tracking on the insulating cylinders that extended around to the low voltage side of the winding. This activity was most likely progressing at the time the transformer was removed from service and was caused by disruptions in the electrostatic field by the partial discharge on the HV front previously noted. Charles T. Raymond, P.E. October 29, 2007 11 Fig. #7 – Additional Fill Shims Added to Oil Duct Spacers in Area of Tracking Fill shims were found under the cylinder on the regulating winding where the intense partial discharge erosion was noted. These fill shims were added to fill gaps between the insulating cylinders and the support spacers. This results in variations in the radial dimensions of oil ducts in the insulating structure. It is a well established principle in the design of composite oil-cellulose insulation systems that the dielectric strength of an oil volume (volts/mm) decreases as the dimension of the oil path in the direction of the dielectric stress increases. The goal in a composite structure such as employed here is to keep the duct radial dimensions uniform and limit or control the duct thickness to some particular value depending on the design. This limit is typically 7 mm (.28 inch). The fill added here was not uniform and served to decrease the dielectric strength of the duct at critical locations. This would also have the effect of disrupting the electrostatic field and increasing the stress in the solid insulation that is in series with the oil duct. Charles T. Raymond, P.E. October 29, 2007 12 Fig. #8 – Tracking on H1 Lead Entrance Insulation Tracking was found on the lead entrance snouts around the H1 lead. This was most probably a consequence of the insulation degradation products and ionized oil from the partial discharge activity below it. Charles T. Raymond, P.E. October 29, 2007 13 Fig #9 – Typical Tracking Found on H1 Pressboard Insulating Cylinders Evidence of partial discharge tracking was found throughout the solid insulation indicating the progression of breakdown throughout the insulation system between the H1 lead entrance and the regulating winding. Charles T. Raymond, P.E. October 29, 2007 14 Fig. #10 – H1 HV Winding on Left H2 Regulating Windings on Right The insulation under the regulating windings was removed down to expose the high voltage winding. No evidence of partial discharge or other stress defect was found on the high voltage winding itself. Charles T. Raymond, P.E. October 29, 2007 15 Discussion / Conclusions This transformer was definitely not serviceable at the time it was removed from service. A very significant risk of sudden catastrophic failure clearly existed based on the insulation degradation and experience with prior failures at this station. The construction of this winding arrangement requires assembly of the regulating windings individually above and below the lead entrance after the high voltage and low voltage windings are completed. Sliding these windings and the Weidmann rings over the underlying insulation structure is difficult without providing clearance which must then be taken up with fill shims. Extreme care must be exercised to keep the shims to a minimum and make sure they are uniformly placed. This care has been insufficient on this transformer. There is no evidence that operating this transformer in the “back-feed mode” when not generating contributed to the failure. Concern for this operating mode centers around transfer of transient over-voltages from the high voltage winding to the low voltage. Failures that might be experienced in this mode would be in the low voltage windings and possibly from low-voltage to ground. There has been no evidence of this in any of the problems experienced in the transformers at CS2. The problems to date have all involved insulation breakdown between the high voltage lead entrances and ground. C.T. Raymond 10/29/07