HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190904Avista to Staff 149-154.pdfAVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff-149 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 08/2y2019 Clint Kalich William Johnson Power Supply (s09) 49s-4046 REQUEST: Schedule 3 of Mr. Kalich's Exhibit No. 7 shows "Douglas PUD-Wells Purchase" costs of $2,898,000 for the 2020Pro Forma. Through communication with Avista, it should cost $2,997,000 for the 2020 Pro Forma. Please explain the cause of the difference and provide workpapers that calculates the correct cost. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 149C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section 9-340D,Idaho Code. Please see StaflPR_l4gc Confidential Attachment A for the correct Douglas PUD-Wells Purchase expense of $2,997,000. The pro forma incorrectly reduced the Wells fixed charge by the Colville Tribe's 5.5o/o allocation of the Wells output. -"-{c=t lr,ofrvrrnrCrrm 3ro {i(3 o Page I ofl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-I9-04 IPUC Production Request Staff-150 DATE PREPARED: 08120/2019WITNESS: Clint Kalich RESPONDER: Xin Shane DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-4121 REQUEST: Schedule 3 of Mr. Kalich's Exhibit No. 7 shows "Palouse Feather" costs of $221,000 for the 2020 Pro Forma. Please confirm whether or not the $221,000 for "Palouse Feather" is intended to capture the payment Avista makes to Palouse Wind for the curtailed hours beyond the 50 hours in each rolling 2-year period allowed in the contract. Please include workpapers calculating the $221,000 amount. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 150C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section 9-340D,ldaho Code. Page I ofl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff- l5l DATE PREPARED: 0910412019WITNESS: Jim Kensok RESPONDER: Stephanie Myers DEPARTMENT: Customer Solutions TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4620 REQUEST: Regarding the Customer Facing Technology Project Production Request No. 94 Response, for Customer Experience Platform (CRM), myAvista Web Enhancements, and CC&B/MDM enhancements, please provide all analysis including: cost benefit analysis, request for proposal, and break out ofall expenses. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response l5lc, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section 9-340D,Idaho Code. According to supply chain guidelines, a project may or may not require an RFP. The myAvista Web Enhancements, and CC&B/MDM enhancement projects that will be completed in 2019, no projects required a request for proposal. The first project within the CRM program (which did require an RFP) will be completed in2020. The CRM cost benefits analysis is provided in Staff-PR-l51 CONFIDENTIAL Attachment D. This analysis was an initial estimate based on benchmarking data from our software vendors (based on work they have done across many industries). The worksheet does not include projected benefits in customer satisfaction/experience including ease of doing business from the customer point of view. The enhancements projects contain very small to medium sized enhancements. The backlog for the web enhancements project in20l9 contains almost 200 enhancements yet to be completed this year. We perform cost benefit analysis for some enhancements in the web enhancements project, but not all of them. See list of all enhancernents in Staff-PR-151 CONFIDENTIAL Attachment E. The company has provided a sample of the 'automate start service' enhancement that contains a cost benefit analysis in Staff-PR-I5l CONFIDENTIAL Attachment F. The company will supplement this response with the CC&B/MDM enhancements list and samples of cost benefit analysis at a later date. Please see Staff-PR-l5l CONFIDENTIAL Attachments A-C for a detailed break out of all expenses related to the CRM, myAvistaWeb Enhancements, and CC&B and MDM enhancements for January through June 2019 as listed in the Company's response to Production request No. 94. Page 1 ofl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E- l9-04 IPUC Production Request Staff-152 DATE PREPARED: 0813012019WITNESS: Jim Kensok RESPONDER: Walter Roys/Andy Leija DEPARTMENT : Enterprise Technology TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-2878 REQUEST: Regarding the Data Center Compute and Storage Systems Project Production Request No. 109 Response, please provide purchase orders and supporting cost benefit analysis documents for Linux OS Red Hat 6 Refresh. RESPONSE: The Linux Operating System (OS) Red Hat 6 Refresh project that was presented in response to production request No. 109 is in the initiation phase. Therefore, no purchase orders are available. Additionally, this particular project is an upgrade of a server operating system, on which various financial and database application systems run on to support automated business processes, such as procurement, billing, month-end closing, etc. Ongoing operating system upgrades are necessary to maintain patching and support of the server operating system technology to reduce security vulnerability and maintain system reliability. There is no cost benefit analysis required for operating system upgrades, as they support existing technology and reduce overall risk to Avista and its customers. The Red Hat 6 Refresh project has been deferred to January 2020 and therefore has not been included in the Company's updated re-forecast transfers-to-plant update provided in Staff-PR-067. Page 1 of I AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-I9-04 IPUC Production Request Staff-l 53 DATE PREPARED: 0910312019WITNESS: James Kensok RESPONDER: Chris George DEPARTMENT: Customer Solutions TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-7911 Customer Comment Include access to current amount due during the month. Real time amount due during current usage month. Add live chat with customer service til 8pm at night or start at 5am til closing to maybe improve customer help. Should have an on-line chat mechanism. You guy really need to create a mobile app where you can pay your bill. It would make it much more convenient. Almost every other company of your size or bigger has one and it makes it very fast and easy. REQUEST: During an on-site Staff audit visit survey metrics regarding the Customer Facing Technology Mobile Application were referred to and not presented. Please provide all customer survey metrics and documentation in relation to customer satisfaction, requested technologies, and payment satisfaction utilized in the Customer Facing Technology Mobile Application case. RESPONSE: Specific customer satisfaction metrics for the Mobile App include the Star Ratings that appear in the Apple (IOS) and Google (Android) App Stores. Since the mobile app was first implemented with view/report outage functionality in June, 2017o 12 ratings have been received for IOS, with an average star rating of 3.3 out of 5 stars. There have been no IOS ratings received since billing/payment options went live on the mobile app in June, 2019. c 20 ratings have been received for Android, with an average star rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars Only two of those ratings were received after billing/payment options went live on the mobile app in June, 2019. We also survey our website (myavista.com) customers for overall satisfaction with their website visit, and ask respondents what we can do to enhance their online experience. From January I't, 2019 through July 31't, 2019 we have received 2,102 completed website/feedback surveys. 25 of those responses included comments related to requested technologies and are listed below. Date 0Llo3/2OL9 07/24/2Ot9 07/28l2OLs Star Rating (out of 5) Satisfaction Score (out of 100) Survey lnstrument Web Survey Web Survey Web Survey Web Feedback 85 92 7 93lu2o7 L Sta Page I of2 3/8/2O7 3l72l217e o4lo4/2o7e 78 o4l04/2OL9 100 o4lLtl2otg 041!2l2OL9 417512079 4 Stars 0s/28lz0Le Web Feedback Web Feedback Web Survey Web Survey Web Survey Web Survey Web Feedback Web Feedback Web Survey Web Survey Web Survey Web Survey Web Survey Web Survey Web Survey Web Survey Web Feedback Web Survey Web Survey Web Survey Web Survey rs rs Sta Sta 3 2 9 I think an avista app would help alot. It would be nice if the were some way on your web site to find out if gas was available at a particular location. For instance my house does not have gas but neighbors just down the street do and I would like to have gas in my home. As it is now I have to wait for your business hours and call to find out. online chat with customer service phone app I would LOVE some more payment options, like PayPal or some other social media payment services (Zelle, Venmo, etc.). real time smart meter power usage. Develop an iOS app that allows me to log in to my account using Touch ID to view and pay my bill. You should have a way to schedule an 8l I locate appointment on the website so we don't have to call I couldnt find your app to down load on my phone I am not able to add Project Share contributions to my online payments. I would like to be able to do that. A mobile app for bill pay. An app. Im still waiting for a smart phone app that will let me see real time how much power Im consuming at any given time. An app I would love to be able to chat with a representative on an online chat if I have any basic pa1'rnent questions. Make an app. So it's easier to pay your bill It would be nice to have the website in an Apple app so that I don't have to find it every time. It would be nice to have it as an app I can save & just click into Make an app for cellphones Mobile app for online bill payment would be nlce Would love a text telling me bill is ready and amount due 100 67 89 07lozlzlLe 07lo2/2}19 oTlosl2oTs 07/0612OL9 07/o6l2OL9 07lo8l2ot9 071t2/2O79 0717612O7e 0712612019 07l3Ol2O19 100 78 15 92 100 100 9t2/zOL7l rsSta4 78 60 100 Page2 of2 5/LI|2OL9 2 Stars -r- O6/05/2OL9't 67 8 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff- I 54 DATE PREPARED: 0812012019WITNESS: Scott Kinney RESPONDER: Scott Kinney DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (s09) 495-4494 REQUEST: From the New Generation Resource Integration Study (Kinney, Schedule 4C at 181), please explain how the Othello/Lind Interconnection for the Rattlesnake Flats project, which required substantial investments for transmission systern upgrades and construction, was selected over other resource locations such as the Thornton Station (4C at 185) Interconnection point, which didn't require substantial investment. RESPONSE: The Company didn't receive any bids through the RFP process to connect renewable generation to the Thornton Station. The Company also didn't bid in a self-build project to the RFP because a self-build resource could not have been completed in time to take advantage of the expiring Production Tax Credits and Investment Tax Credits. Interconnection costs for all short listed bidders were evaluated in both the Company's and consultant's (Black & Veatch) RFP financial model. Rattlesnake Flat was the most cost effective resource including investments for transmission system upgrades. Page 1 ofl