HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190821Avista to Staff 135 Attachment B.pdfInterconnection Feasibility Study Report INTERCONNECTION FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT FOR PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Richard Maguire Avista System Planning Engineer Kevin Damron Avista System Protection Engineer Avista Project Account 77705266-186200 Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 1 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 2 of 37 Executive Summary On December 15, 2014, Avista received a completed Interconnection Feasibility Study Request from the Project #43 Developer for a proposed 150 MW wind generating facility located near Lind, Washington. On February 12, 2015, Avista and the Project #43 Developer completed the Interconnection Feasibility Study Agreement. The Interconnection Customer has given a projected initial operating date of December 31, 2016. The Interconnection Feasibility Study Agreement states that Avista will study the possible interconnection of Project #43 at either Lind Station or a new switching station near the current location of the Ralston 115 kV tap. The goal of this study is to determine interconnection impacts and cost estimates associated with the integration of Project #43 being studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service and also concurrently studied for Energy Resource Interconnection Service. A power flow study was conducted by Avista’s System Planning Group to determine transmission needs; no dynamics studies were performed. A short circuit analysis was completed by the System Protection Group to determine if the existing equipment is adequate for the interconnection. This study evaluated two possible options for interconnection:  Option 1 – Interconnect Project #43 directly to Lind Station  Option 2 – Interconnect Project #43 to a new station near the current Ralston Tap Both options, with defined system enhancements as identified in the report, were shown to provide acceptable performance, resulting in no adverse impacts to the local Transmission System.1 Option Project Output Condition Total Cost ($000) Option 1 150 MW None $20,700 Option 2 150 MW None $60,500 All construction costs are in 2016-year dollars and are based on engineering judgment only with +/- 50% error. These cost estimates assume that the Project #43 owners are responsible for all necessary facilities from their facility to the POI. Detailed cost figures will be determined during future studies. 1 Further studies conducted as a part of the Interconnection System Impact Study may identify additional issues or limits which must be addressed if the Interconnection Customer wishes to move forward with this project. Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 2 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 3 of 37 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................... 2 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................... 4 POINT OF INTERCONNECTION..................................................................................................................................... 5 INTERCONNECTION OPTIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Option 1: Interconnection at Lind Station ........................................................................................................... 6 Option 2: Interconnection at a new Hiller Station ............................................................................................... 6 SCOPE OF FEASIBILITY STUDY ................................................................................................................................... 7 POWER FLOW ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................................... 8 GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................................................................................ 8 STUDY CASE DESCRIPTION AND DEVELOPMENT ....................................................................................................... 9 2019 Heavy Summer ............................................................................................................................................ 9 2019 Heavy Winter ............................................................................................................................................. 10 2019 Light Summer with High West of Hatwai Flows ....................................................................................... 11 OPTION 1 RESULTS: INTERCONNECTION AT LIND STATION ..................................................................................... 12 Option 1 Incremental Generation Analysis ........................................................................................................ 13 Option 1 Thermal Performance ......................................................................................................................... 14 Option 1 Voltage Performance .......................................................................................................................... 17 Conclusion for Option 1 - Feasible .................................................................................................................... 18 Option 1 Impacted Transmission Facilities ....................................................................................................... 18 OPTION 2 RESULTS: INTERCONNECTION AT A NEW HILLER STATION ...................................................................... 21 Option 2 Configuration Feasibility .................................................................................................................... 22 Option 2 Incremental Generation Analysis ........................................................................................................ 23 Option 2 Thermal Performance ......................................................................................................................... 25 Option 2 Voltage Performance .......................................................................................................................... 26 Conclusions for Option 2 ................................................................................................................................... 27 Option 2 Impacted Transmission Facilities ....................................................................................................... 27 SHORT CIRCUIT ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................ 30 GENERAL: ................................................................................................................................................................ 30 ASPEN MODEL DEVELOPMENT: ............................................................................................................................. 30 Station Transformers .......................................................................................................................................... 30 Collector String and Pad Mount GSUs .............................................................................................................. 30 Wind Turbines .................................................................................................................................................... 31 Transmission ...................................................................................................................................................... 32 FAULT ANALYSIS STUDY ......................................................................................................................................... 32 Fault Duty Comparisons .................................................................................................................................... 32 Option 1: ............................................................................................................................................................ 32 Option 2: ............................................................................................................................................................ 33 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................................... 34 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................................................... 35 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................................ 36 ASPEN MODEL DEVELOPMENT: ............................................................................................................................. 36 Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 3 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 4 of 37 Introduction General In the application for Large Electric Generator Interconnection, the Project #43 Developer requested the study for Project #43 be conducted both for network resource interconnection service and energy resource interconnection service. Avista’s System Planning Group contends that if a generator is studied and can connect for Network Resource Interconnection Service then it can also connect for Energy Resource Interconnection Service. Energy Resource Interconnection Service allows the Interconnection Customer to connect the Large Generating Facility to the Transmission System and be eligible to deliver the Large Generating Facility's output using the existing firm or non-firm capacity of the Transmission System on an "as available" basis. Energy Resource Interconnection Service does not in and of itself convey any right to deliver electricity to any specific customer or Point of Delivery. For Network Resource Interconnection Service the Transmission Provider must conduct the necessary studies and construct the Network Upgrades needed to integrate the Large Generating Facility in a manner comparable to that in which the Transmission Provider integrates its generating facilities to serve native load customers. Network Resource Interconnection Service allows the Interconnection Customer’s Large Generating Facility to be designated as a Network Resource, up to the Large Generating Facility's full output, on the same basis as existing Network Resources interconnected to the Transmission Provider's Transmission System, and to be studied as a Network Resource on the assumption that such a designation will occur. Network Resource Interconnection Service in and of itself does not convey transmission service. Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 4 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 5 of 37 Point of Interconnection The Interconnection Feasibility Study Agreement states that Avista will study the possible interconnection of Project #43 in the vicinity of Avista’s Lind Station. Figure 1 depicts the local 115 kV transmission system for the area surrounding the POI. Figure 1: Project #43 map Project #43 Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 5 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 6 of 37 Interconnection Options Option 1: Interconnection at Lind Station Figure 2: Option 1 Oneline; 2019 Heavy Summer case Option 2: Interconnection at a new Hiller Station Figure 3: Option 2 Oneline; 2019 Heavy Summer case Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 6 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 7 of 37 Scope of Feasibility Study As outlined in Section 6.2 of Avista’s Large Generator Interconnection Procedures (LGIP), this study evaluates the impact of the proposed interconnection on the reliability of the Transmission System, and it consists of a power flow analysis and a short circuit analysis. The study considers all existing generating facilities, pending higher queued interconnection requests in Avista’s queue (including associated identified network upgrades) and interconnections on Affected Systems that may have an impact on the studied interconnection request. The resulting Interconnection Feasibility Study report includes the following information:  Preliminary identification of facility thermal overloads or facility voltage violations resulting from the interconnection  Preliminary identification of any circuit breaker or equipment short circuit capability limits exceeded as a result of the interconnection.  Description and non-binding, good faith estimated cost of facilities required to interconnect the project to the Avista Transmission System and to address the identified power flow and short circuit issues. Neighboring systems were not contacted or involved with this study work. If the Project #43 Developer moves forward with an Interconnection System Impact Study for Project #43, those neighboring systems that are identified as Affected Systems and which may be impacted by this interconnection will be sent a copy of this report. Avista will coordinate the continued study work with any such Affected Systems. Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 7 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 8 of 37 Power Flow Analysis General Information Steady-state power flow simulations were performed to identify thermal and/or voltage violations as a result of connecting Project #43 to the Transmission System with all facilities in service. Contingency analysis was performed to identify facility thermal and voltage violations under credible outage conditions. Results of the analysis were evaluated against the current NERC TPL-001 through TPL-004 and FAC-010 standards. Important Notes:  This study considers all other higher queued interconnection requests that directly impact the Project #43 interconnection.  The transmission additions simulated in the study cases were based on the best information available at the time the study was initiated. It is likely that the actual plan of service will differ from the plan of service studied, and Avista reserves the right to restudy this request if necessary.  Transmission capacity impacts and upgrades beyond the Transmission Provider’s Interconnection Facilities identified by this Interconnection Feasibility Study Report are provided for informational purposes only. A complete analysis of these transmission capacity impacts associated with Project #43 and any facilities needed to mitigate the impacts would be identified through the study process for Transmission Service, once a request for Transmission Service has been made. Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 8 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 9 of 37 Study Case Description and Development Steady state and contingency power flow analysis were performed using three Avista Planning Cases: 2019 Heavy Summer, 2019 Heavy Winter, and the 2019 Light Summer with High West of Hatwai Flows. Avista Planning Cases are tailored from approved WECC cases, and a standardized set of steady state contingency scenarios are run against each case for different levels of Project #43 generation. These contingencies include outages within the Avista Transmission System as well as select outages in adjacent Planning Coordinator and Transmission Planner areas. Contingencies are also added or modified to include elements added to the Transmission System for the purposes of this study. 2019 Heavy Summer This is the typical summer peak study where the balancing area load is heavy and the transmission system is at its most limiting condition due to high temperatures. A summary of regional flows is shown below. Total Output % of Max Total Output % of Max Western Montana Hydro 1390.0 MW 72.82 Pend Oreille River 693.0 MW 61.34 Noxon Rapids (567 MW) 420.0 MW 71.62 Boundary 635.0 MW 61.07 Cabinet Gorge (276 MW) 240.0 MW 83.54 Box Canyon 58.0 MW 64.44 Libby (605MW)540.0 MW 89.26 Hungry Horse (430MW) 190.0 MW 44.19 Lower Snake/N.F. Clearwater 1541.5 MW 47.46 Dworshak (458MW)316.0 MW 69 Spokane River 163.8 MW 78.73 Lower Granite (930MW) 415.5 MW 44.68 Post Falls (18 MW)9.8 MW 54.17 Little Goose (930MW) 416.0 MW 44.73 Upriver( 22.6 MW)11.5 MW 65.34 Lower Monumental (930MW) 394.0 MW 42.37 Monroe St. (15.6 MW)10.5 MW 67.31 Upper Falls (10.2 MW)9.0 MW 88.24 Area Thermal Nine Mile (24.3 MW)7.0 MW 28.81 Boulder 0.0 MW 0 Long Lake (88 MW)84.0 MW 94.92 Colstrip 2278.0 MW 98.79 Little Falls (32 MW)32.0 MW 94.67 Avista Colstrip 242.7 MW 0.983 Coyote Springs I 220.0 MW 86.79 Columbia River 14811.5 MW 69.13 Coyote Springs II 260.0 MW 90.91 Grand Coulee 4822.0 MW 70.41 Kettle Falls 45.0 MW 97.83 Chief Joseph 1801.7 MW 69.11 Lancaster 249.0 MW 82.61 Wells 640.0 MW 74.85 Rathdrum 0.0 MW 0 Rocky Reach 985.0 MW 72.37 Rock Island 388.0 MW 57.57 Avista Generation w/o Mid C 1704.2 MW Wanapum 852.4 MW 75.46 Total Hydro 823.8 MW 76.15 Priest Rapids 701.7 MW 69.75 Total Thermal 814.7 MW 0.8103 McNary 785.8 MW 70.16 Total Other 55.8 MW 62.07 John Day 1522.5 MW 61.39 The Dalles 1366.0 MW 65.55 Avista Native Load w/o Losses -1612.9 MW Bonneville 946.4 MW 75.12 Avista Balancing Area Load 2157.5 MW Avista BA Loads w/o Losses -2103.2 MW Avista BA Loss Percentage 0.0258 West of Hatwai (Path 6) 987.3 MW Lolo-Oxbow 230kV 259.5 MW Dry Creek-Walla Walla 230kV 41.8 MW Montana-Northwest (Path 8) 811.5 MW Idaho-Northwest (Path 14) -38.1 MW Midpoint-Summer Lake (Path 75) 349.8 MW Idaho-Montana (Path 18) -249.7 MW Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 9 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 10 of 37 2019 Heavy Winter This is the typical winter peak study where the balancing area load is at its peak. A summary of regional flows is shown below. Total Output % of Max Total Output % of Max Western Montana Hydro 1099.0 MW 57.58 Pend Oreille River 537.5 MW 47.57 Noxon Rapids (567 MW) 400.0 MW 68.21 Boundary 480.0 MW 46.16 Cabinet Gorge (276 MW) 185.0 MW 64.39 Box Canyon 57.5 MW 63.89 Libby (605MW)324.0 MW 53.55 Hungry Horse (430MW) 190.0 MW 44.19 Lower Snake/N.F. Clearwater 2234.5 MW 68.8 Dworshak (458MW)316.0 MW 69 Spokane River 152.0 MW 73.08 Lower Granite (930MW) 693.0 MW 74.52 Post Falls (18 MW)7.5 MW 41.67 Little Goose (930MW) 693.5 MW 74.57 Upriver( 22.6 MW)6.5 MW 36.93 Lower Monumental (930MW) 532.0 MW 57.2 Monroe St. (15.6 MW)14.0 MW 89.74 Upper Falls (10.2 MW)9.0 MW 88.24 Area Thermal Nine Mile (24.3 MW)7.0 MW 28.81 Boulder 0.0 MW 0 Long Lake (88 MW)84.0 MW 94.92 Colstrip 2237.9 MW 97.05 Little Falls (32 MW)24.0 MW 71.01 Avista Colstrip 236.7 MW 95.86% Coyote Springs I 244.3 MW 96.37 Columbia River 17598.8 MW 82.41 Coyote Springs II 260.0 MW 90.91 Grand Coulee 5679.1 MW 82.93 Kettle Falls 45.0 MW 97.83 Chief Joseph 2280.5 MW 87.48 Lancaster 249.0 MW 82.61 Wells 720.0 MW 84.21 Rathdrum 0.0 MW 0 Rocky Reach 976.0 MW 71.71 Rock Island 365.0 MW 54.15 Avista Generation w/o Mid C 1618.2 MW Wanapum 852.6 MW 76.7 Total Hydro 737.0 MW 68.13 Priest Rapids 787.6 MW 82.38 Total Thermal 815.7 MW 81.13% McNary 997.4 MW 89.05 Total Other 55.5 MW 61.74 John Day 2082.5 MW 83.97 The Dalles 1766.8 MW 84.78 Avista Native Load w/o Losses -1740.8 MW Bonneville 1091.4 MW 86.63 Avista Balancing Area Load 2376.4 MW Avista BA Loads w/o Losses -2355.5 MW Avista BA Loss Percentage 0.0089 West of Hatwai (Path 6) 330.3 MW Lolo-Oxbow 230kV 135.7 MW Dry Creek-Walla Walla 230kV -21.2 MW West of Cabinet 1488.8 MW Montana-Northwest (Path 8) 906.6 MW Idaho-Northwest (Path 14) 195.8 MW Midpoint-Summer Lake (Path 75) 359.2 MW Idaho-Montana (Path 18) -63.6 MW Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 10 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 11 of 37 2019 Light Summer with High West of Hatwai Flows During light summer (night time loading), high western Montana hydro and high Montana thermal generation, the WECC rated path “West of Hatwai” (WECC Path #6) reaches its heaviest loading. During this scenario, elements of the transmission system are nearing their stability limits. These limits define some of the operating constraints for the region and also establish some of the trigger points for local Remedial Action Schemes (RAS). This case is also limited by the summer thermal limits on all transmission equipment, which helps to indicate where the system is near capacity in normal and contingency operation. A summary of the case MW flows is shown below. Total Output % of Max Total Output % of Max Western Montana Hydro 1680.0 MW 88.02 Pend Oreille River 1033.0 MW 91.43 Noxon Rapids (567 MW) 520.0 MW 88.68 Boundary 975.0 MW 93.77 Cabinet Gorge (276 MW) 240.0 MW 83.54 Box Canyon 58.0 MW 64.44 Libby (605MW)540.0 MW 89.26 Hungry Horse (430MW) 380.0 MW 88.37 Lower Snake/N.F. Clearwater 867.0 MW 26.69 Dworshak (458MW)315.9 MW 68.98 Spokane River 174.8 MW 84.01 Lower Granite (930MW) 138.5 MW 14.9 Post Falls (18 MW)14.3 MW 79.17 Little Goose (930MW) 139.0 MW 14.95 Upriver( 22.6 MW)14.5 MW 82.39 Lower Monumental (930MW) 273.5 MW 29.41 Monroe St. (15.6 MW)14.0 MW 89.74 Upper Falls (10.2 MW)9.0 MW 88.24 Area Thermal Nine Mile (24.3 MW)7.0 MW 28.81 Boulder 24.0 MW 97.56 Long Lake (88 MW)84.0 MW 94.92 Colstrip 2191.7 MW 95.04 Little Falls (32 MW)32.0 MW 94.67 Avista Colstrip 229.8 MW 93.06% Coyote Springs I 220.0 MW 86.79 Columbia River 3943.4 MW 18.41 Coyote Springs II 260.0 MW 90.91 Grand Coulee 405.5 MW 5.92 Kettle Falls 45.0 MW 97.83 Chief Joseph 230.2 MW 8.83 Lancaster 249.0 MW 82.61 Wells 320.0 MW 37.43 Rathdrum 140.0 MW 84.13 Rocky Reach 470.0 MW 34.53 Rock Island 164.0 MW 24.33 Avista Generation w/o Mid C 2118.3 MW Wanapum 378.7 MW 33.53 Total Hydro 934.8 MW 86.41 Priest Rapids 350.8 MW 34.87 Total Thermal 1027.8 MW 102.22% McNary 351.8 MW 31.41 Total Other 55.8 MW 62.07 John Day 554.2 MW 22.35 The Dalles 396.2 MW 19.01 Avista Native Load w/o Losses -989.3 MW Bonneville 321.9 MW 25.55 Avista Balancing Area Load 1444.8 MW Avista BA Loads w/o Losses -1364.3 MW Avista BA Loss Percentage 0.059 West of Hatwai (Path 6) 4276.4 MW Lolo-Oxbow 230kV 92.6 MW Dry Creek-Walla Walla 230kV 173.1 MW West of Cabinet 3579.3 MW Montana-Northwest (Path 8) 2170.5 MW Idaho-Northwest (Path 14) 928.1 MW Midpoint-Summer Lake (Path 75) 818.3 MW Idaho-Montana (Path 18) -223.4 MW Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 11 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 12 of 37 Option 1 Results: Interconnection at Lind Station The interconnection cost of Option 1 is approximately $20.7Million, and Option 1 consists of: 1. Reconstruct Lind station; $9 Million 2. Rebuild the following lines or line segments to minimum 205 MVA summer rating: a. Lind – Warden 115 kV Transmission Line; $8.4 Million2 b. Othello SS – Warden 115 kV Transmission Line Segment; $3.3 Million The Interconnection Customer is responsible for providing all necessary facilities up to the Change of Ownership. All construction costs are in 2016-year dollars and are based on engineering judgment alone with +/- 50% error. Figure 2: Option 1 project drawing 2 Existing Avista project: “Lind – Warden 115 kV Transmission Line Rebuild”; see 2014 Planning Assessment Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 12 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 13 of 37 Option 1 Incremental Generation Analysis The software program Simulator from PowerWorld Corporation includes a tool – Available Transfer Capability (ATC) – that returns “next most limiting” facility violations for incrementing levels of Project #43 generation. The ATC tool provides a helpful first-look at how the System reacts to increasing generation. Important Note: Because of how reactive power is handled in ATC analysis – in this study reactive power was held constant during contingencies – these results are for informational purposes only. More exact results from standard Contingency Analysis are presented in the following sections. Table 1 presents ATC results before any corrective actions are taken to mitigate new facility violations, and Table 2 presents results after mitigating projects are installed. Table 1: Incremental Generation Results for Option 1 Scenario Gen Output Limiting Element Limiting CTG % OTDF 19HsLind 63.35 Line LIND (48187) TO ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Devils Gap - Lind 115 kV (LIN-RIT)100 19HsLind 64.9 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Othello SS - Warden #2 115 kV Open @ WAR -24.63 19HsLind 64.92 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Othello SS - Warden #2 115 kV (WAR-L&R)-24.63 19HsLind 70.77 Line LIND (48187) TO ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Washtucna 115 kV 100 19HsLind 70.78 Line LIND (48187) TO ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (LIN-EWN)100 19HwLind 84 Line LIND (48187) TO ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Devils Gap - Lind 115 kV (LIN-RIT)100 19HsLind 84.23 Line ROXBORO (48375) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Devils Gap - Lind 115 kV (LIN-RIT)100 19HsLind 85.97 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BUS: MIDWAY B1 230 -17.37 19HwLind 87.88 Line ROXBORO (48375) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Devils Gap - Lind 115 kV (LIN-RIT)100 19HwLind 88.75 Line LIND (48187) TO ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Washtucna 115 kV 100 19HwLind 89.68 Line LIND (48187) TO ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (LIN-EWN)100 19HsLind 91.67 Line ROXBORO (48375) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (LIN-EWN)100 19HsLind 91.82 Line ROXBORO (48375) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Washtucna 115 kV 100 19HwLind 92.7 Line ROXBORO (48375) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Washtucna 115 kV 100 19HwLind 93.74 Line ROXBORO (48375) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (LIN-EWN)100 19WohLind 104.91 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: GB1250 Sand Dunes 115 kV, Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden -62.79 19WohLind 112.21 Line NELSONRD (46050) TO WHEEL TP (46121) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A254 Warden 115 kV, Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden -128.49 19WohLind 115.39 Line LEE&REYN (48308) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A308 Warden 115 kV, Othello SS-Warden #2 -104.25 19WohLind 115.42 Line LEE&REYN (48308) TO OTHELLO (48307) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A308 Warden 115 kV, Othello SS-Warden #2 104.25 19WohLind 117.79 Line SCHRAG T (46091) TO WARDEN T (46117) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A254 Warden 115 kV, Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden -119.66 19HsLind 118.7 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BUS: MIDWAY B2 230 -15.98 19HsLind 120.22 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: MidwayB2 230 Wanapum Tp Line -15.98 19HsLind 137.17 Line WARDEN A (48455) TO WARDEN T (46117) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A254 Warden 115 kV, Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden 113.16 19WohLind 137.31 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Othello SS - Warden #2 115 kV Open @ WAR -24.88 19WohLind 137.31 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Othello SS - Warden #2 115 kV (WAR-L&R)-24.88 19HwLind 137.87 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: GB1250 Sand Dunes 115 kV, Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden -62.79 19HsLind 155.3 Line BERNE (46861) TO COLESCRN (46864) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2: Cat D - Common ROW - Sickler-Schultz, Douglas-Rapids, RR-Columbia #1, RR-Maple Valley, RR-Columbia #2, RR-Cascade (with DR and RC - Config 2)-0.63 19WohLind 162.38 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1-1: Sand Dunes XMFR & Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden 115 -35.86 Table 2: Incremental Generation Results for Option 1 after mitigating projects installed Scenario Trans Lim Limiting Element Limiting CTG % OTDF 19Woh 118Line BASS JCT (46130) TO WHEEL TI (46119) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A254 Warden 115 kV, Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden 119.66 19Woh 121.62Line RUFF TP (46085) TO SCHRAG T (46091) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A254 Warden 115 kV, Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden -119.66 19Hs 173.1Line BERNE (46861) TO COLESCRN (46864) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2: Cat D - Common ROW - Sickler-Schultz, Douglas-Rapids, RR-Columbia #1, RR-Maple Valley, RR-Columbia #2, RR-Cascade (with DR and RC - Config 2)-0.63 19Woh 196.04Line RATTLEFLAT (48362) TO LIND (48187) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]PSF: Warden 115 kV 100 19Woh 196.04Line RATTLEFLAT (48362) TO LIND (48187) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BUS: Lind 115 kV 100 19Woh 196.04Line RATTLEFLAT (48362) TO LIND (48187) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Warden 115 kV Open @ LIN 100 19Woh 196.04Line RATTLEFLAT (48362) TO LIND (48187) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]Base Case 100 19Hs 196.06Line RATTLEFLAT (48362) TO LIND (48187) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]Base Case 100 Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 13 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 14 of 37 Option 1 Thermal Performance Project #43 introduces 167 new facility thermal violations when operating at 150 MW and interconnected via Option 1 (see Table 3). All of the new facility violations found during this study are mitigated by the Option 1 projects. NOTE: The Lind – Warden 115 kV Transmission Line, which is composed of the Lind – Roxboro and Roxboro – Warden 115 kV line segments, is already identified within one or more Corrective Actions Plans documented in Avista’s 2014 Annual System Assessment.3 Table 3: New Thermal Facility Violations caused by Option 1 Label Element Percent Scenario N-1-1: Sand Dunes XMFR & Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden 115 LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 246.79764 19WohLind BUS: Sand Dunes 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 245.65347 19WohLind BUS: Sand Dunes 115 LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 245.65347 19WohLind N-1-1: Sand Dunes XMFR & Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden 115 ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 244.64856 19WohLind N-1: Devils Gap - Lind 115 kV (LIN-RIT)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 244.49753 19WohLind N-1: Sand Dunes - Warden #2 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 244.1599 19WohLind BUS: Sand Dunes 115 ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 243.51204 19WohLind BUS: Sand Dunes 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 243.51204 19WohLind N-1: Devils Gap - Lind 115 kV (LIN-RIT)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 242.4039 19WohLind N-1: Lind - Washtucna 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 242.15297 19WohLind N-1: Sand Dunes - Warden #2 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 242.02852 19WohLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV (BENT-SOT)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 241.56345 19WohLind BF: A561 Othello SS 115 kV, Benton-Othello Switching Station LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 241.48485 19WohLind PSF: Othello SS 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 241.47186 19WohLind BUS: Othello SS 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 241.47031 19WohLind BF: A562 Othello SS 115 kV, Othello Switching Station-Warden #2 LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 241.46452 19WohLind N-1: Devils Gap - Lind 115 kV (LIN-RIT)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 241.31293 19HsLind N-2 (ADJ): Benton - Midway #2 230 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 241.2988 19WohLind N-2 (ROW): Benton - Midway #2 230 kV and Benton - Midway #1 115 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 241.25131 19WohLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV (OSS-SOT)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 241.19852 19WohLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV Open @ OSS LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 241.19344 19WohLind N-2 (ADJ): Benton - Midway #1 115 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 241.17619 19WohLind BF: B544 Benton 115 kV, Benton-Othello Switching Station LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 241.08757 19WohLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV Open @ BNT LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 240.98581 19WohLind N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (LIN-EWN)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 240.88144 19WohLind N-1: Lind - Washtucna 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 240.04764 19WohLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV (BENT-SOT)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 239.44978 19WohLind BF: A561 Othello SS 115 kV, Benton-Othello Switching Station ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 239.37172 19WohLind PSF: Othello SS 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 239.35884 19WohLind BUS: Othello SS 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 239.35729 19WohLind BF: A562 Othello SS 115 kV, Othello Switching Station-Warden #2 ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 239.35155 19WohLind N-2 (ADJ): Benton - Midway #2 230 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 239.18695 19WohLind N-2 (ROW): Benton - Midway #2 230 kV and Benton - Midway #1 115 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 239.13979 19WohLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV (OSS-SOT)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 239.08736 19WohLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV Open @ OSS ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 239.08234 19WohLind N-2 (ADJ): Benton - Midway #1 115 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 239.06519 19WohLind BF: B544 Benton 115 kV, Benton-Othello Switching Station ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 238.97717 19WohLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV Open @ BNT ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 238.87613 19WohLind N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (LIN-EWN)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 238.77948 19WohLind 0 N-0: All Lines in Service LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 238.40079 19WohLind 0 N-0: All Lines in Service ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 236.30907 19WohLind N-1: Lind 115kV Switched Shunt LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 234.18478 19HsLind BF: A561 Othello SS 115 kV, Benton-Othello Switching Station LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 232.61359 19HsLind BUS: Othello SS 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 232.6019 19HsLind N-1-1: Columbia-Larson-RockyFord230 & Frenchman-Potholes (G)-Sand Dunes 230 LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 232.29672 19HsLind N-1: Sand Dunes - Warden #2 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 232.26714 19HsLind BUS: Sand Dunes 115 LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 232.17908 19HsLind BUS: Sand Dunes 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 232.17908 19HsLind BF: Columbia 230 Flt Ancient Lake Ln LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 232.01921 19HsLind N-1: Lind - Washtucna 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 231.89755 19HsLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV (BENT-SOT)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 231.82913 19HsLind N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (LIN-EWN)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 231.72345 19HsLind BF: Columbia 230 Flt McKenzie Ln LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 231.32391 19HsLind BF: A342 Columbia 230 kV, Rocky Reach-Columbia #2 230 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 231.32391 19HsLind 3 Avista 2014 Annual System Assessment Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 14 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 15 of 37 Label Element Percent Scenario N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV Open @ BNT LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 231.17488 19HsLind BF: Cat C - Breaker Failure - Columbia: Rapids-Columbia Line (with DR and RC - Config 1)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 231.06754 19HsLind N-1-1: Cat D - Switching Station - Columbia 230 (with DR and RC - Config 1)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 231.06754 19HsLind BUS: Columbia 230 LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 231.06754 19HsLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV Open @ OSS LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 231.02956 19HsLind N-1-1: Cat D - Switching Station - Columbia 230 (with DR and RC - Config 2)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 230.99962 19HsLind BF: Cat C - Breaker Failure - Columbia: Rapids-Columbia Line (with DR and RC - Config 2)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 230.99962 19HsLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV (OSS-SOT)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 230.93233 19HsLind N-2 (ADJ): Benton - Midway #1 115 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 230.77261 19HsLind N-1-1: Sand Dunes XMFR & Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden 115 LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 230.34169 19HsLind N-2 (ADJ): Benton - Midway #2 230 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 230.26395 19HsLind BF: B544 Benton 115 kV, Benton-Othello Switching Station LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 230.04422 19HsLind N-2 (ROW): Benton - Midway #2 230 kV and Benton - Midway #1 115 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 230.0143 19HsLind BF: A562 Othello SS 115 kV, Othello Switching Station-Warden #2 LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 229.41576 19HsLind PSF: Othello SS 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 229.34319 19HsLind BUS: MIDWAY B2 230 LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 229.17198 19HsLind BF: MidwayB2 230 Wanapum Tp Line LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 229.15526 19HsLind N-1-1: Columbia-Larson-Rocky Ford 230 & Priest R-Midway-Frenchman H 230 LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 228.89299 19HsLind N-1: Othello SS 115kV Switched Shunt LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 228.72839 19HsLind 0 N-0: All Lines in Service LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 226.71115 19HsLind N-1: Devils Gap - Lind 115 kV (LIN-RIT)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 206.84663 19HsLind N-1: Lind 115kV Switched Shunt ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 202.34575 19HsLind BF: A561 Othello SS 115 kV, Benton-Othello Switching Station ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 198.72188 19HsLind BUS: Othello SS 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 198.68585 19HsLind N-1-1: Sand Dunes XMFR & Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden 115 ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 198.64359 19HsLind N-1: Lind - Washtucna 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 198.38051 19HsLind BF: Columbia 230 Flt Ancient Lake Ln ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 198.21199 19HsLind N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (LIN-EWN)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 198.14594 19HsLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV (BENT-SOT)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 198.02785 19HsLind N-1-1: Columbia-Larson-RockyFord230 & Frenchman-Potholes (G)-Sand Dunes 230 ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 197.67912 19HsLind N-1: Sand Dunes - Warden #2 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 197.57275 19HsLind BF: A342 Columbia 230 kV, Rocky Reach-Columbia #2 230 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 197.53865 19HsLind BF: Columbia 230 Flt McKenzie Ln ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 197.53865 19HsLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV Open @ BNT ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 197.39442 19HsLind N-1-1: Cat D - Switching Station - Columbia 230 (with DR and RC - Config 1)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 197.29053 19HsLind BUS: Columbia 230 ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 197.29053 19HsLind BF: Cat C - Breaker Failure - Columbia: Rapids-Columbia Line (with DR and RC - Config 1)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 197.29053 19HsLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV Open @ OSS ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 197.2538 19HsLind BUS: Sand Dunes 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 197.24353 19HsLind BUS: Sand Dunes 115 ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 197.24353 19HsLind N-1-1: Cat D - Switching Station - Columbia 230 (with DR and RC - Config 2)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 197.22484 19HsLind BF: Cat C - Breaker Failure - Columbia: Rapids-Columbia Line (with DR and RC - Config 2)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 197.22484 19HsLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV (OSS-SOT)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 197.15973 19HsLind N-2 (ADJ): Benton - Midway #1 115 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 197.00526 19HsLind N-2 (ADJ): Benton - Midway #2 230 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 196.51344 19HsLind BF: B544 Benton 115 kV, Benton-Othello Switching Station ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 196.30112 19HsLind N-2 (ROW): Benton - Midway #2 230 kV and Benton - Midway #1 115 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 196.27217 19HsLind BF: A562 Othello SS 115 kV, Othello Switching Station-Warden #2 ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 195.69412 19HsLind PSF: Othello SS 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 195.62408 19HsLind BUS: MIDWAY B2 230 ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 195.45885 19HsLind BF: MidwayB2 230 Wanapum Tp Line ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 195.4427 19HsLind N-1-1: Columbia-Larson-Rocky Ford 230 & Priest R-Midway-Frenchman H 230 ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 195.18962 19HsLind 0 N-0: All Lines in Service ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 193.08798 19HsLind N-1-1: Columbia-Larson-Rocky Ford 230 & Priest R-Midway-Frenchman H 230 LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 173.31564 19HwLind N-1: Devils Gap - Lind 115 kV (LIN-RIT)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 172.74808 19HwLind BUS: Sand Dunes 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 172.15823 19HwLind BUS: Sand Dunes 115 LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 172.15823 19HwLind N-1-1: Columbia-Larson-Rocky Ford 230 & Priest R-Midway-Frenchman H 230 ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 170.43803 19HwLind N-1: Devils Gap - Lind 115 kV (LIN-RIT)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 169.97797 19HwLind N-1: Sand Dunes - Warden #2 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 169.49048 19HwLind BUS: Sand Dunes 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 169.29611 19HwLind BUS: Sand Dunes 115 ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 169.29611 19HwLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV Open @ BNT LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 169.01021 19HwLind BUS: Othello SS 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 168.87686 19HwLind BF: A561 Othello SS 115 kV, Benton-Othello Switching Station LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 168.86409 19HwLind N-1-1: Columbia-Larson-RockyFord230 & Frenchman-Potholes (G)-Sand Dunes 230 LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 168.75563 19HwLind BF: B544 Benton 115 kV, Benton-Othello Switching Station LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 168.71695 19HwLind N-1: Lind - Washtucna 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 168.71013 19HwLind BF: Columbia 230 Flt Ancient Lake Ln LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 168.63455 19HwLind N-2 (ADJ): Benton - Midway #2 230 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 168.63268 19HwLind N-2 (ROW): Benton - Midway #2 230 kV and Benton - Midway #1 115 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 168.61717 19HwLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV Open @ OSS LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 168.60382 19HwLind N-2 (ADJ): Benton - Midway #1 115 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 168.59644 19HwLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV (OSS-SOT)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 168.58543 19HwLind Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 15 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 16 of 37 Label Element Percent Scenario BF: Cat C - Breaker Failure - Columbia: Rapids-Columbia Line (with DR and RC - Config 2)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 167.76892 19HwLind N-1-1: Cat D - Switching Station - Columbia 230 (with DR and RC - Config 2)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 167.76892 19HwLind BF: A342 Columbia 230 kV, Rocky Reach-Columbia #2 230 kV LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 167.66133 19HwLind BF: Columbia 230 Flt McKenzie Ln LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 167.66133 19HwLind BF: Cat C - Breaker Failure - Columbia: Rapids-Columbia Line (with DR and RC - Config 1)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 167.6579 19HwLind BUS: Columbia 230 LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 167.6579 19HwLind N-1-1: Cat D - Switching Station - Columbia 230 (with DR and RC - Config 1)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 167.6579 19HwLind N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (LIN-EWN)LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 167.38611 19HwLind N-1: Sand Dunes - Warden #2 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 166.66068 19HwLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV Open @ BNT ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 166.18633 19HwLind BUS: Othello SS 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 166.05463 19HwLind BF: A561 Othello SS 115 kV, Benton-Othello Switching Station ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 166.04202 19HwLind N-1-1: Columbia-Larson-RockyFord230 & Frenchman-Potholes (G)-Sand Dunes 230 ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 165.93491 19HwLind N-1: Lind - Washtucna 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 165.9339 19HwLind BF: B544 Benton 115 kV, Benton-Othello Switching Station ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 165.89671 19HwLind BF: Columbia 230 Flt Ancient Lake Ln ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 165.81531 19HwLind N-2 (ADJ): Benton - Midway #2 230 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 165.81346 19HwLind N-2 (ROW): Benton - Midway #2 230 kV and Benton - Midway #1 115 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 165.79817 19HwLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV Open @ OSS ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 165.78497 19HwLind N-2 (ADJ): Benton - Midway #1 115 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 165.77768 19HwLind N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV (OSS-SOT)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 165.76682 19HwLind N-1-1: Cat D - Switching Station - Columbia 230 (with DR and RC - Config 2)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 164.96046 19HwLind BF: Cat C - Breaker Failure - Columbia: Rapids-Columbia Line (with DR and RC - Config 2)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 164.96046 19HwLind 0 N-0: All Lines in Service LIND (48187) -> ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 at LIND 164.88745 19HwLind BF: Columbia 230 Flt McKenzie Ln ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 164.85423 19HwLind BF: A342 Columbia 230 kV, Rocky Reach-Columbia #2 230 kV ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 164.85423 19HwLind BF: Cat C - Breaker Failure - Columbia: Rapids-Columbia Line (with DR and RC - Config 1)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 164.85083 19HwLind BUS: Columbia 230 ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 164.85083 19HwLind N-1-1: Cat D - Switching Station - Columbia 230 (with DR and RC - Config 1)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 164.85083 19HwLind N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (LIN-EWN)ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 164.61061 19HwLind 0 N-0: All Lines in Service ROXBORO (48375) -> WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 at ROXBORO 162.11546 19HwLind N-1: Othello SS - Warden #2 115 kV Open @ WAR WARDEN A (48455) -> OTHELOSS (48309) CKT 1 at WARDEN A 133.38896 19HsLind N-1: Othello SS - Warden #2 115 kV (WAR-L&R)WARDEN A (48455) -> OTHELOSS (48309) CKT 1 at WARDEN A 133.38896 19HsLind BUS: MIDWAY B1 230 WARDEN A (48455) -> OTHELOSS (48309) CKT 1 at WARDEN A 116.50741 19HsLind BUS: MIDWAY B2 230 WARDEN A (48455) -> OTHELOSS (48309) CKT 1 at WARDEN A 108.10368 19HsLind BF: MidwayB2 230 Wanapum Tp Line WARDEN A (48455) -> OTHELOSS (48309) CKT 1 at WARDEN A 107.76411 19HsLind N-1: Othello SS - Warden #2 115 kV (OSS-L&R)WARDEN A (48455) -> OTHELOSS (48309) CKT 1 at WARDEN A 102.27163 19HsLind N-1-1: Cat D - SPS or RAS - Rocky Reach and Sickler Ties WELLS B2 (47102) -> WELLS (47099) CKT 1 at WELLS 100.31872 19HwLind N-1: Columbia Falls - Conkelley 230 kV HUNGRY H (40557) -> COL FALL E (40248) CKT 1 at COL FALL E 100.08572 19WohLind Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 16 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 17 of 37 Option 1 Voltage Performance Figure 4 shows voltage performance at select buses for increasing levels of Project #43 output. The plot shows results for two scenarios: the Base Case and the worst performing voltage contingency of a failed breaker at Sand Dunes Station. The lowest bus voltage found during contingencies was approximately 0.915 PU with Project #43 output at 150 MW. Figure 4: PV performance for Base Case and Breaker GB1250 Failure Figure 5 shows voltage performance with Option 1 projects installed. The lowest bus voltage found during contingencies improved to an acceptable level of approximately 0.96 PU when Project #43 generation output is 150 MW. Figure 5: PV performance after mitigating projects Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 17 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 18 of 37 Conclusion for Option 1 - Feasible The configuration suggested in Option 1 is feasible when the output of Project #43 is limited to 150 MW. NOTE: Further studies conducted as a part of an Interconnection System Impact Study may identify additional issues which will be addressed if the Interconnection Customer wishes to proceed with Option 1. Option 1 Impacted Transmission Facilities A preliminary sensitivity analysis was performed in order to determine the transmission elements affected by the proposed Project #43 interconnection. This analysis was completed through the use of the Power Transfer Distribution Factor (PTDF) tool within PowerWorld Simulator. The point of receipt (POR) modeled was the Project #43 generation facility. The selection of the point of delivery (POD) presumes an assumption on where the energy from the interconnecting project is delivered therefore yielding different sensitivity results. This study analyzed two PODs: 1. All generators owned and/or operated by Avista, excluding Project #43 (representing the interconnecting project as a network resource for Network Resource Interconnection Service) 2. All generators in the Western Interconnection excluding those owned and/or operated by Avista (representing an energy resource for Energy Resource Interconnection Service). These studies do not cover all possibilities of where the energy from the interconnecting project may be scheduled, but they do provide a strong indication of what transmission elements are affected. Common elements showing sensitivity with different POD assumptions indicate transmission elements that should be monitored closely and may indicate other Affected Systems. If the Project #43 Developer moves forward with an Interconnection System Impact Study for Project #43, those neighboring systems that are identified as Affected Systems and which may be impacted by this interconnection will be sent a copy of this report. Avista will coordinate the continued study work with any such Affected Systems. Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 18 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 19 of 37 Table 4: PTDF with POD as all Avista Generation excluding Project #43 From Number From Name To Number To Name % PTDF From Owner Name From Owner Name To 48362 RATTLEFLAT 48187 LIND 100 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48187 LIND 48375 ROXBORO 96.22 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48375 ROXBORO 48455 WARDEN A 85.57 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 46119 WHEEL TI 46121 WHEEL TP 24 Grant PUD Grant PUD 48455 WARDEN A 46117 WARDEN T 23.98 Avista Corp.Grant PUD 46130 BASS JCT 46119 WHEEL TI 23.96 Grant PUD Grant PUD 46043 MAE VL T 46166 POTHOLEG 19.75 Grant PUD Grant PUD 40091 BELL BPA 40092 BELL S4 19.25 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 48309 OTHELOSS 48393 SOTHELOT 17.82 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48039 BENTNAVA 40097 BENTON 17.33 Avista Corp.Bonneville Power Admin 46300 ROCKYFDG 46299 NQUINCYT 17.32 Grant PUD Grant PUD 46151 LARSON 46300 ROCKYFDG 17.27 Grant PUD Grant PUD 40553 HOT SPR 40551 HOT SPR 15.44 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 48281 NOXON 48285 NOXON12 15.4 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 46166 POTHOLEG 40851 POTHOLES 15.29 Grant PUD Bonneville Power Admin 41346 MIDWAYB1 41347 MIDWAYB2 13.7 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 90047 DWOTAF12 41057 TAFT 10.8 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 90046 DWOTAF11 90047 DWOTAF12 10.71 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40369 DWORSHAK 90046 DWOTAF11 10.71 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40665 LIT GOOS 40679 LOW GRAN 10.45 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40666 CEN FERY 40679 LOW GRAN 10.26 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40665 LIT GOOS 40666 CEN FERY 10.24 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 48309 OTHELOSS 48455 WARDEN A -10 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 41113 VANTAGE 41112 VANTAGES -10.42 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 41111 VANTAGEN 46169 WANAPUM -10.5 Bonneville Power Admin Grant PUD 40665 LIT GOOS 40683 LOW MON -10.73 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 41113 VANTAGE 41111 VANTAGEN -10.79 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40369 DWORSHAK 40521 HATWAI -11.17 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40973 SICKLER 47031 DOUGLAS -11.57 Bonneville Power Admin Douglas PUD 48281 NOXON 40787 NOXONBPA -11.6 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48179 LAKEVIEW 48357 RATHDRUM -12.97 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48059 CAB GORG 48179 LAKEVIEW -13.19 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 40499 HANFORD 41113 VANTAGE -14.31 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40553 HOT SPR 41057 TAFT -15.44 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 48039 BENTNAVA 48393 SOTHELOT -17.33 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 46298 WQUINCYT 46299 NQUINCYT -17.41 Grant PUD Grant PUD 40261 COLUMBIA 46298 WQUINCYT -17.51 Bonneville Power Admin Grant PUD 46043 MAE VL T 46089 SANDUNES -19.75 Grant PUD Grant PUD 40521 HATWAI 40679 LOW GRAN -20.86 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 46039 LARSON 46121 WHEEL TP -23.51 Grant PUD Grant PUD 46091 SCHRAG T 46117 WARDEN T -23.93 Grant PUD Grant PUD 46085 RUFF TP 46091 SCHRAG T -23.94 Grant PUD Grant PUD 46130 BASS JCT 46085 RUFF TP -23.96 Grant PUD Grant PUD 40288 COULE R1 40287 COULEE -24.76 Bonneville Power Admin USBR 40091 BELL BPA 40288 COULE R1 -24.84 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 46089 SANDUNES 46087 SANDUNES -28.53 Grant PUD Grant PUD 46087 SANDUNES 48455 WARDEN A -33.97 Grant PUD Avista Corp. Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 19 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 20 of 37 Table 5: PTDF with POD as all WECC Generation excluding Avista Generation and Project #43 From Number From Name To Number To Name % PTDF From Owner Name From Owner Name To 48362 RATTLEFLAT 48187 LIND 100 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48187 LIND 48375 ROXBORO 96.22 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48375 ROXBORO 48455 WARDEN A 85.57 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 30000 PTSB 7 30527 PITSBG E 27.55 PG&E customer owned facilities Pacific Gas and Electric 46119 WHEEL TI 46121 WHEEL TP 23.94 Grant PUD Grant PUD 48455 WARDEN A 46117 WARDEN T 23.92 Avista Corp.Grant PUD 46130 BASS JCT 46119 WHEEL TI 23.9 Grant PUD Grant PUD 46043 MAE VL T 46166 POTHOLEG 19.76 Grant PUD Grant PUD 48309 OTHELOSS 48393 SOTHELOT 17.94 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48039 BENTNAVA 40097 BENTON 17.45 Avista Corp.Bonneville Power Admin 46300 ROCKYFDG 46299 NQUINCYT 17.3 Grant PUD Grant PUD 46151 LARSON 46300 ROCKYFDG 17.25 Grant PUD Grant PUD 46166 POTHOLEG 40851 POTHOLES 14.85 Grant PUD Bonneville Power Admin 30055 GATES 30073 GATMID11 14.59 Pacific Gas and Electric Pacific Gas and Electric 30073 GATMID11 30060 MIDWAY 14.59 Pacific Gas and Electric Pacific Gas and Electric 41346 MIDWAYB1 41347 MIDWAYB2 13.85 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 30050 LOSBANOS 30070 LOSMID11 12.48 Pacific Gas and Electric Pacific Gas and Electric 30070 LOSMID11 30071 LOSMID12 12.44 Pacific Gas and Electric Pacific Gas and Electric 30071 LOSMID12 30072 LOSMID13 12.44 Pacific Gas and Electric Pacific Gas and Electric 30072 LOSMID13 30060 MIDWAY 12.44 Pacific Gas and Electric Pacific Gas and Electric 30040 TESLA 30050 LOSBANOS 11.6 Pacific Gas and Electric Pacific Gas and Electric 30050 LOSBANOS 30056 LOSGAT11 11.16 Pacific Gas and Electric Pacific Gas and Electric 30056 LOSGAT11 30055 GATES 11.15 Pacific Gas and Electric Pacific Gas and Electric 60240 MIDPOINT 60237 MPSNT501 11.11 Idaho Power Company Idaho Power Company 30060 MIDWAY 30063 MIDVIN21 10.73 Pacific Gas and Electric Southern California Edison 30063 MIDVIN21 30064 MIDVIN22 10.73 Southern California Edison Southern California Edison 30064 MIDVIN22 24156 VINCENT 10.51 Southern California Edison Southern California Edison 30061 MIDVIN11 30062 MIDVIN12 10.44 Southern California Edison Southern California Edison 30060 MIDWAY 30061 MIDVIN11 10.44 Pacific Gas and Electric Southern California Edison 30062 MIDVIN12 24156 VINCENT 10.23 Southern California Edison Southern California Edison 30035 TRACY 30050 LOSBANOS 10.05 California-Oregon Trans. Project Pacific Gas and Electric 48309 OTHELOSS 48455 WARDEN A -10.07 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 41113 VANTAGE 41112 VANTAGES -10.57 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40973 SICKLER 47031 DOUGLAS -10.67 Bonneville Power Admin Douglas PUD 41111 VANTAGEN 46169 WANAPUM -10.73 Bonneville Power Admin Grant PUD 41113 VANTAGE 41111 VANTAGEN -10.94 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 60235 MIDPOINT 60237 MPSNT501 -11.11 Idaho Power Company Idaho Power Company 60241 MIDHEM11 60155 HEMINWAY -11.11 Idaho Power Company Idaho Power Company 60240 MIDPOINT 60241 MIDHEM11 -11.11 Idaho Power Company Idaho Power Company 40499 HANFORD 41113 VANTAGE -16.85 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 46298 WQUINCYT 46299 NQUINCYT -17.4 Grant PUD Grant PUD 48039 BENTNAVA 48393 SOTHELOT -17.45 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 40261 COLUMBIA 46298 WQUINCYT -17.49 Bonneville Power Admin Grant PUD 46043 MAE VL T 46089 SANDUNES -19.76 Grant PUD Grant PUD 46039 LARSON 46121 WHEEL TP -23.4 Grant PUD Grant PUD 46091 SCHRAG T 46117 WARDEN T -23.87 Grant PUD Grant PUD 46085 RUFF TP 46091 SCHRAG T -23.88 Grant PUD Grant PUD 46130 BASS JCT 46085 RUFF TP -23.9 Grant PUD Grant PUD 46089 SANDUNES 46087 SANDUNES -28.48 Grant PUD Grant PUD 46087 SANDUNES 48455 WARDEN A -33.9 Grant PUD Avista Corp. Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 20 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 21 of 37 Option 2 Results: Interconnection at a new Hiller Station The interconnection cost of Option 2 is approximately $60.5 Million, and Option 2 consists of: 1. Construct a new 4-position station east of Lind Station; $5 M 2. Rebuild the Lind – Hiller 115 kV line segment to 205 MVA summer rating; $6.2 M 3. Rebuild Lind – Devil’s Gap 115 kV line; $18.5 M 4. Rebuild Lind – Shawnee 115kV line; $30.3 M 5. Open Lind – Warden 115 kV Transmission Line at Lind Station 6. Close normally open transmission lines: a. Devil’s Gap – Lind 115 kV Transmission Line b. Lind – Shawnee 115 kV Transmission Line 7. Add Capacitor bank at Roxboro Station; $500 K The Interconnection Customer is responsible for providing all necessary facilities up to the Change of Ownership. All construction costs are in 2016-year dollars and are based on engineering judgment only with +/- 50% error. Figure 2: Option 2 project drawing Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 21 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 22 of 37 Option 2 Configuration Feasibility Option 2 aims to interconnect Project #43 by changing the underlying configuration of the Transmission System; therefore, the feasibility of this option depends on satisfying two criteria: 1. The configuration change alone must satisfy performance metrics 2. The configuration change with Project #43 at full output must satisfy performance metrics Performance of the Configuration Change Alone The Option 2 configuration does not introduce any new facility thermal violations, but it does introduce numerous facility voltage violations as shown by the abbreviated listing given in Table 6. NOTE: All voltage violations noted below are mitigated by Option 2 projects. Table 6: Sample list of Voltage violations due Option 2 System configuration change Scenario Label Element Value 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV TURNER_WSU (48291)0.55495 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV EASCOLFX (48115)0.56483 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV CHAMBERS (47503)0.56651 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV CHMBRSTP (48073)0.56707 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV ARMSTRNG (47501)0.56866 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV SHAWNEE (48383)0.56888 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV DIAMOND (48109)0.60245 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV EWAN (48121)0.63433 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV MARENGO (48221)0.69512 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV RALSTONB (47073)0.71079 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV HILLER (48150)0.7109 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV RATTLEFLAT (48362)0.71094 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV WASHTUNA (48457)0.75432 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV DELIGHT (47025)0.75493 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV LIND (48187)0.75755 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV RITZVILL (48365)0.7981 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV SPRAGUE (48411)0.85354 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV GAFFNEY (40449)0.87335 19WohHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV TURNER_WSU (48291)0.92839 19HsHillerBaseFix BF: GB1250 Sand Dunes 115 kV, Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden ROXBORO (48375)0.92976 19WohHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV EASCOLFX (48115)0.93221 19WohHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV CHAMBERS (47503)0.93271 19WohHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV CHMBRSTP (48073)0.93287 19HsHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV REARDAN (48363)0.93295 19WohHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV ARMSTRNG (47501)0.9332 19WohHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV SHAWNEE (48383)0.93326 19HsHillerBaseFix BUS: Sand Dunes 115 ROXBORO (48375)0.93637 19HsHillerBaseFix BUS: Sand Dunes 115 kV ROXBORO (48375)0.93637 19HsHillerBaseFix N-1-1: Columbia-Larson-RockyFord230 & Frenchman-Potholes (G)-Sand Dunes 230 ROXBORO (48375)0.93953 19WohHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV DIAMOND (48109)0.94169 19HsHillerBaseFix N-1: Sand Dunes - Warden #2 115 kV ROXBORO (48375)0.94651 19WohHillerBaseFix PSF: Shawnee 115 kV EWAN (48121)0.94872 19HsHillerBaseFix BF: GB1250 Sand Dunes 115 kV, Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden WARDEN A (48455)0.94904 Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 22 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 23 of 37 Option 2 Incremental Generation Analysis Table 7 presents incremental generation results for Option 2 with the Project #43 generation installed; no other projects, like transmission line rebuilds, were simulated. Of note are overloads along the Devil’s Gap – Lind and Lind – Shawnee 115 kV transmission lines as Project #43 generation output in increased. Table 7: Incremental Generation Results for Option 2 before mitigating projects Trans Lim Limiting Element Limiting CTG % OTDF 36.6 Line MARENGO (48221) TO HILLER (48150) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: N-2 (ROW and ADJ): Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV and Devils Gap - Nine Mile 115 kV -67.36 36.84 Line MARENGO (48221) TO HILLER (48150) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ROW and ADJ): Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV and Devils Gap - Nine Mile 115 kV -67.36 38.9 Line EWAN (48121) TO MARENGO (48221) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: N-2 (ROW and ADJ): Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV and Devils Gap - Nine Mile 115 kV -67.36 39 Line EWAN (48121) TO MARENGO (48221) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ROW and ADJ): Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV and Devils Gap - Nine Mile 115 kV -67.36 39.98 Line DIAMOND (48109) TO EWAN (48121) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: N-2 (ROW and ADJ): Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV and Devils Gap - Nine Mile 115 kV -67.36 40.19 Line DIAMOND (48109) TO EWAN (48121) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ROW and ADJ): Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV and Devils Gap - Nine Mile 115 kV -67.36 44.87 Line DIAMOND (48109) TO SHAWNEE (48383) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] RES: N-2 (ROW and ADJ): Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV and Devils Gap - Nine Mile 115 kV 67.36 44.92 Line DIAMOND (48109) TO SHAWNEE (48383) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (ROW and ADJ): Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV and Devils Gap - Nine Mile 115 kV 67.36 48.55 Line MARENGO (48221) TO HILLER (48150) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A526 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap -100 48.56 Line MARENGO (48221) TO HILLER (48150) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A521 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Addy-Devils Gap -100 48.58 Line MARENGO (48221) TO HILLER (48150) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]PSF: Devils Gap East 115 kV -100 48.72 Line MARENGO (48221) TO HILLER (48150) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BUS: Devils Gap East 115 kV -100 50.07 Line EWAN (48121) TO MARENGO (48221) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A521 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Addy-Devils Gap -100 50.15 Line EWAN (48121) TO MARENGO (48221) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A526 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap -100 50.23 Line EWAN (48121) TO MARENGO (48221) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BUS: Devils Gap East 115 kV -100 50.54 Line EWAN (48121) TO MARENGO (48221) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]PSF: Devils Gap East 115 kV -100 51.4 Line DIAMOND (48109) TO EWAN (48121) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BUS: Devils Gap East 115 kV -100 51.4 Line DIAMOND (48109) TO EWAN (48121) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A526 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap -100 51.4 Line DIAMOND (48109) TO EWAN (48121) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A521 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Addy-Devils Gap -100 51.4 Line DIAMOND (48109) TO EWAN (48121) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]PSF: Devils Gap East 115 kV -100 54.74 Line DIAMOND (48109) TO SHAWNEE (48383) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BUS: Devils Gap East 115 kV 100 54.74 Line DIAMOND (48109) TO SHAWNEE (48383) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A526 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap 100 54.74 Line DIAMOND (48109) TO SHAWNEE (48383) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A521 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Addy-Devils Gap 100 57.42 Line MARENGO (48221) TO HILLER (48150) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (LIN-EWN)-100 57.86 Line FORD (48123) TO LONGLAKT (48203) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: N-2 (ROW and ADJ): Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV and Devils Gap - Nine Mile 115 kV -32.64 59.02 Line EWAN (48121) TO MARENGO (48221) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (LIN-EWN)-100 60.32 Line FORD (48123) TO LONGLAKT (48203) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ROW and ADJ): Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV and Devils Gap - Nine Mile 115 kV -32.64 68.54 Line LIND (48187) TO HILLER (48150) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV Open @ SHN -100 68.54 Line LIND (48187) TO HILLER (48150) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: BUS: Shawnee 115 kV -100 68.54 Line LIND (48187) TO HILLER (48150) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (STR): Shawnee - Thornton 230 kV & Lind - Shawnee 115 kV -100 68.54 Line LIND (48187) TO HILLER (48150) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (SHN-EWN)-100 68.54 Line LIND (48187) TO HILLER (48150) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: N-2 (STR): Shawnee -Thornton 230 kV & Lind - Shawnee 115 kV -100 71.95 Line LIND (48187) TO RITZVILL (48365) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (SHN-EWN)100 71.95 Line LIND (48187) TO RITZVILL (48365) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: N-2 (STR): Shawnee -Thornton 230 kV & Lind - Shawnee 115 kV 100 71.95 Line LIND (48187) TO RITZVILL (48365) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV Open @ SHN 100 71.95 Line LIND (48187) TO RITZVILL (48365) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: BUS: Shawnee 115 kV 100 71.95 Line LIND (48187) TO RITZVILL (48365) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (STR): Shawnee - Thornton 230 kV & Lind - Shawnee 115 kV 100 82.67 Line RITZVILL (48365) TO SPRAGUE (48411) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (SHN-EWN)100 82.67 Line RITZVILL (48365) TO SPRAGUE (48411) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (STR): Shawnee - Thornton 230 kV & Lind - Shawnee 115 kV 100 82.67 Line RITZVILL (48365) TO SPRAGUE (48411) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: BUS: Shawnee 115 kV 100 82.67 Line RITZVILL (48365) TO SPRAGUE (48411) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: N-2 (STR): Shawnee -Thornton 230 kV & Lind - Shawnee 115 kV 100 82.67 Line RITZVILL (48365) TO SPRAGUE (48411) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV Open @ SHN 100 83.97 Line GAFFNEY (40449) TO SPRAGUE (48411) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: N-2 (STR): Shawnee -Thornton 230 kV & Lind - Shawnee 115 kV -100 83.97 Line GAFFNEY (40449) TO SPRAGUE (48411) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV Open @ SHN -100 83.97 Line GAFFNEY (40449) TO SPRAGUE (48411) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: BUS: Shawnee 115 kV -100 83.97 Line GAFFNEY (40449) TO SPRAGUE (48411) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (STR): Shawnee - Thornton 230 kV & Lind - Shawnee 115 kV -100 83.97 Line GAFFNEY (40449) TO SPRAGUE (48411) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (SHN-EWN)-100 84.99 Line GAFFNEY (40449) TO REARDAN (48363) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: BUS: Shawnee 115 kV 100 84.99 Line GAFFNEY (40449) TO REARDAN (48363) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: N-2 (STR): Shawnee -Thornton 230 kV & Lind - Shawnee 115 kV 100 84.99 Line GAFFNEY (40449) TO REARDAN (48363) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (STR): Shawnee - Thornton 230 kV & Lind - Shawnee 115 kV 100 84.99 Line GAFFNEY (40449) TO REARDAN (48363) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (SHN-EWN)100 84.99 Line GAFFNEY (40449) TO REARDAN (48363) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]RES: N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV Open @ SHN 100 87.34 Line DEVILGPW (48105) TO REARDAN (48363) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A634 Shawnee 115 kV, Shawnee-South Pullman -100 87.34 Line DEVILGPW (48105) TO REARDAN (48363) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A632 Shawnee 115 kV, Shawnee-Terre View -100 87.34 Line DEVILGPW (48105) TO REARDAN (48363) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BUS: Shawnee 115 kV -100 150 InjectionGroup At Rattlesnake Base Case 0 186.49 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO LONGLAKT (48203) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] RES: N-2 (ROW and ADJ): Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV and Devils Gap - Nine Mile 115 kV 32.64 188.95 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO LONGLAKT (48203) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (ROW and ADJ): Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV and Devils Gap - Nine Mile 115 kV 32.64 Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 23 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 24 of 37 Table 8 presents incremental generation results once mitigating projects for Option 2 are installed. Table 8: Incremental Generation Results for Option 2 after mitigating projects installed Trans Lim Limiting Element Limiting CTG % OTDF 173.1 Line BERNE (46861) TO COLESCRN (46864) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2: Cat D - Common ROW - Sickler-Schultz, Douglas-Rapids, RR-Columbia #1, RR-Maple Valley, RR-Columbia #2, RR-Cascade (with DR and RC - Config 2)-0.63 196.06 Line RATTLEFLAT (48362) TO LIND (48187) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]Base Case 100 196.07 Line RATTLEFLAT (48362) TO LIND (48187) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A289 Pine Creek 115 kV, Burke-Pine Creek #4 100 196.08 Line RATTLEFLAT (48362) TO LIND (48187) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A290 Hot Springs 230 kV, Hot Springs-Rattlesnake 100 196.09 Line RATTLEFLAT (48362) TO LIND (48187) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A291 Pine Creek 115 kV, Burke-Pine Creek 100 196.1 Line RATTLEFLAT (48362) TO LIND (48187) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A31 Burke 115 kV, Burke-Pine Creek #3 100 205.12 Line LEE&REYN (48308) TO OTHELLO (48307) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A308 Warden 115 kV, Othello SS-Warden #2 103.79 208.87 Line LIND (48187) TO ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Devils Gap - Lind 115 kV (LIN-RIT)100 211.59 Line LIND (48187) TO ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (LIN-EWN)100 211.65 Line LIND (48187) TO ROXBORO (48375) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Washtucna 115 kV 100 213.76 Line BASS JCT (46130) TO WHEEL TI (46119) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A254 Warden 115 kV, Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden 113.16 213.8 Line BASS JCT (46130) TO RUFF TP (46085) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A254 Warden 115 kV, Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden -113.2 213.83 Line SCHRAG T (46091) TO WARDEN T (46117) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A254 Warden 115 kV, Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden -113.2 217.74 Line NELSONRD (46050) TO WHEEL TP (46121) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A254 Warden 115 kV, Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden -112.9 217.78 Line RUFF TP (46085) TO SCHRAG T (46091) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A254 Warden 115 kV, Larson-Sand Dunes-Warden -113.2 227.89 Line ROXBORO (48375) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Devils Gap - Lind 115 kV (LIN-RIT)100 235.6 Line ROXBORO (48375) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (LIN-EWN)100 235.66 Line ROXBORO (48375) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lind - Washtucna 115 kV 100 249.58 Line LEE&REYN (48308) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A308 Warden 115 kV, Othello SS-Warden #2 -103.8 Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 24 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 25 of 37 Option 2 Thermal Performance Project #43 introduces over 1800 new facility thermal violations when operating at 150 MW and interconnected via Option 2. Table 9 lists the worst performing contingency scenarios found during this study. When the Option 2 projects are implemented, all of the new facility thermal violations introduced by Project #43 are mitigated. Table 9: New Thermal Facility Violations caused by Option 2 Label Element Percent Scenario BUS: Devils Gap East 115 kV EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 309.16742 19WohHillerOn BF: A526 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 309.16312 19WohHillerOn BF: A521 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Addy-Devils Gap EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 309.15479 19WohHillerOn PSF: Devils Gap East 115 kV EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 309.15064 19WohHillerOn BUS: Devils Gap East 115 kV DIAMOND (48109) -> SHAWNEE (48383) CKT 1 at DIAMOND 306.39368 19WohHillerOn BF: A526 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap DIAMOND (48109) -> SHAWNEE (48383) CKT 1 at DIAMOND 306.38931 19WohHillerOn BF: A521 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Addy-Devils Gap DIAMOND (48109) -> SHAWNEE (48383) CKT 1 at DIAMOND 306.38025 19WohHillerOn PSF: Devils Gap East 115 kV DIAMOND (48109) -> SHAWNEE (48383) CKT 1 at DIAMOND 306.37604 19WohHillerOn BUS: Devils Gap East 115 kV HILLER (48150) -> MARENGO (48221) CKT 1 at HILLER 295.66998 19WohHillerOn BF: A526 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap HILLER (48150) -> MARENGO (48221) CKT 1 at HILLER 295.66608 19WohHillerOn BF: A521 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Addy-Devils Gap HILLER (48150) -> MARENGO (48221) CKT 1 at HILLER 295.65903 19WohHillerOn PSF: Devils Gap East 115 kV HILLER (48150) -> MARENGO (48221) CKT 1 at HILLER 295.65518 19WohHillerOn BUS: Devils Gap East 115 kV MARENGO (48221) -> EWAN (48121) CKT 1 at MARENGO 295.00247 19WohHillerOn BF: A526 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap MARENGO (48221) -> EWAN (48121) CKT 1 at MARENGO 294.99857 19WohHillerOn BF: A521 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Addy-Devils Gap MARENGO (48221) -> EWAN (48121) CKT 1 at MARENGO 294.99167 19WohHillerOn PSF: Devils Gap East 115 kV MARENGO (48221) -> EWAN (48121) CKT 1 at MARENGO 294.98782 19WohHillerOn BUS: Devils Gap East 115 kV EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 284.90378 19HsHillerOn BF: A526 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 284.90353 19HsHillerOn PSF: Devils Gap East 115 kV EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 284.89438 19HsHillerOn BF: A521 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Addy-Devils Gap EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 284.89392 19HsHillerOn BF: A526 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap DIAMOND (48109) -> SHAWNEE (48383) CKT 1 at DIAMOND 280.50662 19HsHillerOn BUS: Devils Gap East 115 kV DIAMOND (48109) -> SHAWNEE (48383) CKT 1 at DIAMOND 280.50644 19HsHillerOn PSF: Devils Gap East 115 kV DIAMOND (48109) -> SHAWNEE (48383) CKT 1 at DIAMOND 280.49674 19HsHillerOn BF: A521 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Addy-Devils Gap DIAMOND (48109) -> SHAWNEE (48383) CKT 1 at DIAMOND 280.49573 19HsHillerOn BUS: Devils Gap East 115 kV HILLER (48150) -> MARENGO (48221) CKT 1 at HILLER 275.24991 19HsHillerOn BF: A526 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap HILLER (48150) -> MARENGO (48221) CKT 1 at HILLER 275.24908 19HsHillerOn BF: A521 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Addy-Devils Gap HILLER (48150) -> MARENGO (48221) CKT 1 at HILLER 275.24179 19HsHillerOn PSF: Devils Gap East 115 kV HILLER (48150) -> MARENGO (48221) CKT 1 at HILLER 275.24149 19HsHillerOn RES: N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV Open @ LIN EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 273.64807 19WohHillerOn RES: BUS: Lind 115 kV EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 273.64453 19WohHillerOn N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (LIN-EWN)EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 273.64346 19WohHillerOn BF: A36 Lind 115 kV, Lind-Warden EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 273.64026 19WohHillerOn BUS: Lind 115 kV EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 273.64026 19WohHillerOn BUS: Devils Gap East 115 kV MARENGO (48221) -> EWAN (48121) CKT 1 at MARENGO 272.77924 19HsHillerOn BF: A526 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap MARENGO (48221) -> EWAN (48121) CKT 1 at MARENGO 272.77847 19HsHillerOn BF: A521 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Addy-Devils Gap MARENGO (48221) -> EWAN (48121) CKT 1 at MARENGO 272.771 19HsHillerOn PSF: Devils Gap East 115 kV MARENGO (48221) -> EWAN (48121) CKT 1 at MARENGO 272.77078 19HsHillerOn RES: N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV Open @ LIN EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 271.45261 19HsHillerOn RES: BUS: Lind 115 kV EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 271.43643 19HsHillerOn N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (LIN-EWN)EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 270.99716 19HsHillerOn BF: A36 Lind 115 kV, Lind-Warden EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 270.99612 19HsHillerOn BUS: Lind 115 kV EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 270.99338 19HsHillerOn RES: N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV Open @ LIN DIAMOND (48109) -> SHAWNEE (48383) CKT 1 at DIAMOND 270.84525 19WohHillerOn RES: BUS: Lind 115 kV DIAMOND (48109) -> SHAWNEE (48383) CKT 1 at DIAMOND 270.84149 19WohHillerOn N-1: Lind - Shawnee 115 kV (LIN-EWN)DIAMOND (48109) -> SHAWNEE (48383) CKT 1 at DIAMOND 270.84033 19WohHillerOn BF: A36 Lind 115 kV, Lind-Warden DIAMOND (48109) -> SHAWNEE (48383) CKT 1 at DIAMOND 270.83698 19WohHillerOn BUS: Lind 115 kV DIAMOND (48109) -> SHAWNEE (48383) CKT 1 at DIAMOND 270.83695 19WohHillerOn RES: N-1: Devils Gap - Lind 115 kV Open @ LIN EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 269.8367 19WohHillerOn N-1: Devils Gap - Lind 115 kV (LIN-RIT)EWAN (48121) -> DIAMOND (48109) CKT 1 at EWAN 269.83228 19WohHillerOn Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 25 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 26 of 37 Option 2 Voltage Performance Figure 6 shows voltage performance for increasing levels of Project #43 output for both the Base Case and the worst performing contingency: N-1: Lind – Shawnee 115 kV at Shawnee. The worst case bus voltage is 0.87 PU with Project #43 output at 150 MW. Figure 6: Voltage performance for Base Case and N-1: Lind – Shawnee 115 kV @ SHN Figure 7 shows voltage performance for the above two scenarios after the Option 2 projects are installed. Lowest bus voltage is adequate at 0.955 PU with Project #43 output at 150 MW. Figure 7: Voltage performance for Option 2 after mitigating projects installed Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 26 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 27 of 37 Conclusions for Option 2 The configuration suggested in Option 2 is feasible when the output of Project #43 is limited to 150 MW. NOTE: Further studies conducted as a part of an Interconnection System Impact Study may identify additional issues which will be addressed if the Interconnection Customer wishes to proceed with Option 2. Option 2 Impacted Transmission Facilities A preliminary sensitivity analysis was performed in order to determine the transmission elements affected by the proposed Project #43 interconnection. This analysis was completed through the use of the Power Transfer Distribution Factor (PTDF) tool within PowerWorld Simulator. The point of receipt (POR) modeled was the Project #43 generation facility. The selection of the point of delivery (POD) presumes an assumption on where the energy from the interconnecting project is delivered therefore yielding different sensitivity results. This study analyzed two PODs: 3. All generators owned and/or operated by Avista, excluding Project #43 (representing the interconnecting project as a network resource for Network Resource Interconnection Service) 4. All generators in the Western Interconnection excluding those owned and/or operated by Avista (representing an energy resource for Energy Resource Interconnection Service). These studies do not cover all possibilities of where the energy from the interconnecting project may be scheduled, but they do provide a strong indication of what transmission elements are affected. Common elements showing sensitivity with different POD assumptions indicate transmission elements that should be monitored closely and may indicate other Affected Systems. If the Project #43 Developer moves forward with an Interconnection System Impact Study for Project #43, those neighboring systems that are identified as Affected Systems and which may be impacted by this interconnection will be sent a copy of this report. Avista will coordinate the continued study work with any such Affected Systems. Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 27 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 28 of 37 Table 10: PTDF with POD as all Avista Generation excluding Project #43 From Number From Name To Number To Name % PTDF From Owner Name From Owner Name To 40449 GAFFNEY 48363 REARDAN 101.68 Inland Power & Light Avista Corp. 48365 RITZVILL 48411 SPRAGUE 100.73 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48187 LIND 48365 RITZVILL 100.32 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48362 RATTLEFLAT 47073 RALSTONB 100.01 Avista Corp.Big Bend Elec Co-Op 48103 DEVILGPE 48269 NINEMILE 42.6 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48269 NINEMILE 48164 INDTRAIL 42.04 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48164 INDTRAIL 48461 WEST 41.98 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 90013 BELTAF11 41057 TAFT 41.58 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40091 BELL BPA 40096 BELL SC 41.32 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40096 BELL SC 90013 BELTAF11 41.32 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 48103 DEVILGPE 47513 W.PLAINS 34.86 Avista Corp.Inland Power & Light 48009 AIRWAYHT 48421 SUNSET 34.12 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 627206 GARTOW22 627202 TOWNSEND 24.92 Bonneville Power Admin NorthWestern Energy 627204 GARTOW12 627201 TOWNSEND 24.92 Bonneville Power Admin NorthWestern Energy 627203 GARTOW11 627204 GARTOW12 24.81 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 627205 GARTOW21 627206 GARTOW22 24.81 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40453 GAR2EAST 627205 GARTOW21 24.81 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40451 GAR1EAST 627203 GARTOW11 24.81 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 48463 WEST 41275 WESTBPA1 23.38 Avista Corp.Bonneville Power Admin 40084 BELL S0 40092 BELL S4 23.29 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 48123 FORD 48441 VALLEY A 22.54 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 623207 COLSTRIP 500 623504 COLSTRIP GN4 22.51 NorthWestern Energy PPL-Global 623207 COLSTRIP 500 623503 COLSTRIP GN3 22.51 NorthWestern Energy PPL-Global 48103 DEVILGPE 48203 LONGLAKT 22.49 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48339 POSTSTRT 48431 THIRHACH 20.55 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48123 FORD 48203 LONGLAKT -22.54 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48071 CHEWELAH 48441 VALLEY A -22.77 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 40017 ADDY 48071 CHEWELAH -23 Bonneville Power Admin Avista Corp. 90063 GARTAF22 41057 TAFT -23.01 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 90061 GARTAF12 41057 TAFT -23.01 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40459 GARRISON 90062 GARTAF21 -23.14 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40459 GARRISON 90060 GARTAF11 -23.14 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 90062 GARTAF21 90063 GARTAF22 -23.14 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 90060 GARTAF11 90061 GARTAF12 -23.14 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40084 BELL S0 41275 WESTBPA1 -23.46 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40453 GAR2EAST 40459 GARRISON -24.81 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40451 GAR1EAST 40459 GARRISON -24.81 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 623512 BROADVIEW 627202 TOWNSEND -25.54 NorthWestern Energy NorthWestern Energy 623512 BROADVIEW 627201 TOWNSEND -25.54 NorthWestern Energy NorthWestern Energy 623310 BROADVIEW B 623512 BROADVIEW -28.88 NorthWestern Energy NorthWestern Energy 623309 BROADVIEW A 623512 BROADVIEW -28.88 NorthWestern Energy NorthWestern Energy 623207 COLSTRIP 500 623309 BROADVIEW A -29.53 NorthWestern Energy NorthWestern Energy 623207 COLSTRIP 500 623310 BROADVIEW B -29.55 NorthWestern Energy NorthWestern Energy 48009 AIRWAYHT 47513 W.PLAINS -34.12 Avista Corp.Inland Power & Light 40091 BELL BPA 40092 BELL S4 -45.76 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 48150 HILLER 47073 RALSTONB -100.02 Avista Corp.Big Bend Elec Co-Op 48187 LIND 48150 HILLER -100.31 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 40449 GAFFNEY 48411 SPRAGUE -101.68 Inland Power & Light Avista Corp. 48103 DEVILGPE 48105 DEVILGPW -102.38 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48105 DEVILGPW 48363 REARDAN -103.12 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 28 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 29 of 37 Table 11: PTDF with POD as all WECC Generation excluding Avista Generation and Project #43 From Number From Name To Number To Name % PTDF From Owner Name From Owner Name To 40449 GAFFNEY 48363 REARDAN 101.68 Inland Power & Light Avista Corp. 48365 RITZVILL 48411 SPRAGUE 100.73 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48187 LIND 48365 RITZVILL 100.32 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48362 RATTLEFLAT 47073 RALSTONB 100.01 Avista Corp.Big Bend Elec Co-Op 48103 DEVILGPE 48269 NINEMILE 43.79 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48269 NINEMILE 48164 INDTRAIL 43.51 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48164 INDTRAIL 48461 WEST 43.44 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48103 DEVILGPE 47513 W.PLAINS 35.8 Avista Corp.Inland Power & Light 48009 AIRWAYHT 48421 SUNSET 35.03 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 40091 BELL BPA 40288 COULE R1 27.25 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40288 COULE R1 40287 COULEE 27.15 Bonneville Power Admin USBR 48123 FORD 48441 VALLEY A 23.55 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48103 DEVILGPE 48203 LONGLAKT 23.51 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48463 WEST 41275 WESTBPA1 22.42 Avista Corp.Bonneville Power Admin 48339 POSTSTRT 48431 THIRHACH 21.21 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 90013 BELTAF11 41057 TAFT 21.08 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40096 BELL SC 90013 BELTAF11 20.96 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40091 BELL BPA 40096 BELL SC 20.96 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40084 BELL S0 40092 BELL S4 20.91 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 48225 METRO 48339 POSTSTRT 18.55 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 40521 HATWAI 40679 LOW GRAN 17.4 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40090 BELL S3 40092 BELL S4 16.29 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 40021 ADDY N 40017 ADDY -16.5 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 48463 WEST 48461 WEST -16.75 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48225 METRO 48421 SUNSET -18.55 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48023 BEACON N 48371 ROSSPARK -19.97 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 40084 BELL S0 41275 WESTBPA1 -22.5 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 48123 FORD 48203 LONGLAKT -23.55 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48071 CHEWELAH 48441 VALLEY A -23.8 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 40017 ADDY 48071 CHEWELAH -24.03 Bonneville Power Admin Avista Corp. 48009 AIRWAYHT 47513 W.PLAINS -35.03 Avista Corp.Inland Power & Light 40091 BELL BPA 40092 BELL S4 -48.2 Bonneville Power Admin Bonneville Power Admin 48150 HILLER 47073 RALSTONB -100.02 Avista Corp.Big Bend Elec Co-Op 48187 LIND 48150 HILLER -100.31 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 40449 GAFFNEY 48411 SPRAGUE -101.68 Inland Power & Light Avista Corp. 48103 DEVILGPE 48105 DEVILGPW -103.12 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. 48105 DEVILGPW 48363 REARDAN -103.12 Avista Corp.Avista Corp. Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 29 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 30 of 37 Short Circuit Analysis General: The proposed Project #43 Wind generation is 150 MW in size and approximately 15 miles from the Lind 115 kV bus. Two options were identified by Avista System Planning to integrate Project #43 as an Energy or Network Resource. A fault analysis study was performed for each option. The common assumptions for the Project #43 model are: 1. The facility topology of collector strings to station GSU transformers was not provided. Two equivalent collector systems per Table 1 of WECC Wind Power Plant Power Flow Modeling Guide 2008 were used. 2. 2 - 90 MVA wye-wye-delta 3 winding transformer 34.5/115/13.8 kV step-up each with 9.5% impedance used. 3. 76 - Parallel 3MVA pad mount delta-wye 0.69/34.5 kV GSU transformers stepping up the generation to a 34.5 kV collector system. The pad-mounted transformer impedance is approximately 6% on the transformer MVA base. 4. 2 –88 MVA machines the equivalence of 76 - 2.3 Megawatt Type 4 machines providing approximately 1 per unit fault current at 26 degrees. 5. 115kV Transmission line upgrades are 795 ACSS H-frame construction. ASPEN Model Development: Station Transformers The 115/34.5/13.8 kV 90 MVA three winding transformer connected wye-wye-delta impedances were based on Zps=10% on 90 MVA base provided in the Interconnection Application. The impedance of primary to tertiary (Zpt) and secondary to tertiary (Zps) were estimated from a similar transformer connected to the Avista transmission system. All impedances were converted to the ASPEN base of 115 kV and 100 MVA. The calculated impedances are as follows:  Z1ps = 90/125 ∙ 10% ∠88° = 0.00251 + j0.0716  Z1pt = 90/125 ∙ 15% ∠88° = 0.00377 + j0.10793  Z1st = 90/125 ∙ 3% ∠88° = 0.00007 + j0.02158 The zero sequence impedances were set equal to the positive sequence parameters. Collector String and Pad Mount GSUs The impedances were converted a 100 MVA base is as follows: Collector string - From Table 1 WECC Wind Power Plant Power Flow Modeling Guide 2008, 100 MW block, all underground: Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 30 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 31 of 37  R(200)=2 ∙ 0.0168=0.0336  X(200)=2 ∙ 0.0139=0.0278 Values for zero sequence impedance were estimated based on typical Avista underground cable at 7∙R1 and 3∙X1:  R0= 2 ∙ 7 ∙ 0.0168 = 0.2352  X0= 2 ∙ 3 ∙ 0.0139 = 0.0834 Pad Mount GSU – 76 units parallel  Z1 = (6% ∙ 100/3)/76 = 0.0263  R1 = )18( 1 2 2 1 Z = 0.00326  X1 =2 1 2 1 RZ= 0.0265 The zero sequence impedances were set equal to the positive sequence parameters. Wind Turbines The generators for Project #43 will be modeled as two 88 MVA machines the equivalence of 76 – 2.3 MVA wind generators. The wind turbines were identified as Type IV. Type IV turbines typically will not provide more than 1 per unit short circuit contribution at an angle of approximately 26 degrees into the system. The wind turbine model used the worst case scenario with all machines on line (175 MVA). Since the WTG transformer is a Wye-Delta blocking the negative and zero sequence contributions to a single line to ground 115 kV transmission fault, all sequence parameters were set equal. The subtransient, transient and synchronous impedances were all set the same. The 88 MVA machine parameters are as follows: Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 31 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 32 of 37 Transmission All 115 kV transmission line network upgrades identified in each option were modeled with 795 ACSS. Fault Analysis Study A short circuit analysis study was performed to for each option to determine if Avista’s installed equipment is adequate for the proposed Project #43 POI. All normally open star points on the 115 kV transmission system were closed to obtain maximum fault duties. Identified and budgeted system improvements in the Big Bend area were not modeled. The following analysis was performed: 1. Perform 3LG and SLG close in faults on each line terminal breaker at the affected Lind bus by the interconnection. 2. Perform 3LG and SLG close in faults on each 115/13 kV substation bus affected by the interconnection 3. Compare resulting fault duties to breaker, Circuit switcher or power fuse interrupt ratings. Fault Duty Comparisons Option 1: The changes in fault duties in amperes due to the addition of the Project #43 152 MW of generation networked to the Big Bend area are shown below. Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 32 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 33 of 37 Station Breaker/Device Ratings - The three-phase and single line to ground fault magnitudes increased in the area as expected. The new 115 kV breaker ratings at Lind are 40 kA symmetrical interrupt. The 115 kV power fuses at Marengo, Washtucna, Ritzville and Lind are rated at 10,000 kA interrupt. The Mark III circuit switcher rating at Roxboro is 6000/3000 interrupt. The fault duty at the Roxboro 115 kV bus is approximately 96% of the circuit switcher capability. The interrupting devices at Ralston and Delight are not Avista assets so are not included in this study. Option 2: The changes in fault duties in amperes due to the addition of the Project #43 152 MW of generation networked to the Big Bend area are shown below. Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 33 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 34 of 37 Station Breaker/Device Ratings - The three-phase and single line to ground fault magnitudes increased in the area as expected. The Lind 115 kV breaker ratings are 40 kA symmetrical interrupt. The 115 kV power fuses at Marengo, Washtucna, Ritzville and Lind are rated at 10,000 kA interrupt. The Mark III circuit switcher rating at Roxboro is 6000/3000 interrupt. The fault duty at the Roxboro 115 kV bus is approximately 84% of the circuit switcher capability. The interrupting devices at Ralston and Delight are not Avista assets so are not included in this study. Summary Integrating Project #43 Wind generation of 150 MW onto Avista’s transmission system increased fault duties in the Big Bend area. The increased fault duties are well below the interrupting capability of the Lind 115 kV breakers. The results show integrating Project #43 Wind generation onto Avista’s 115 kV system at the requested POI will not impact the capability of the Lind substation line breakers to interrupt three-phase or single-phase faults for either option. Non-Avista facilities in the area affected by the fault duty increase should be reviewed by the facility owner. This was not done as part of this Interconnection Feasibility Study. All transmission and distribution relay settings will require review and coordination verification for the Big Bend area. Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 34 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 35 of 37 Conclusion Project #43 is a feasible project based on the preliminary analysis performed. The power flow and short circuit analysis analyzed two, and a summary of the options and their total estimated costs are given below. Option Project Output Condition Total Cost ($000) Option 1 150 MW None $20,700 Option 2 150 MW None $60,500 All construction costs are in 2016-year dollars and are based on engineering judgment only with +/- 50% error. These cost estimates assume that the Project #43 owners are responsible for all facilities from their project to the POI. Detailed cost figures will be determined during future studies. Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 35 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 36 of 37 Appendix ASPEN Model Development: The following shows the calculations and assumptions used for the 115kV transmission line parameters. Option 1 Given Z+ 115kv=0.00097 0.00538 ohms/mi for 795ACSR115HF then Z0/Z+ = 3.72 Z0 115kV = 0.00313 0.02011 ohms/mi using the Z0/Z+ ratio then for each line in Option 1: Miles LGIR43-LIN Z+16 0.01415 0.086780 Z0 0.05264 0.32282 LIN - ROX Z+0.00955 0.05859 Z0 0.03553 0.21794 ROX - WAR Z+0.01275 0.07819 Z0 0.04743 0.290867 WAR - GCPUD Z+0.00170 0.00940 Z0 0.00632 0.034968 WAR - OSS Z+0.03448 0.05336 Z0 0.12827 0.198499 Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 36 of 37 Interconnection Feasibility Study Report PROJECT #43 April 10, 2015 Page 37 of 37 Option 2 Given Z+ 115kv=0.00097 0.00538 ohms/mi for 795ACSR115HF then Z0/Z+ = 3.72 Z0 115kV = 0.00313 0.02011 ohms/mi using the Z0/Z+ ratio then for each line in Option 2: Miles RAL - HIL Z+5 0.005308 0.032547 Z0 0.01975 0.12107 LGIR43-RAL Z+9 0.005308 0.032547 Z0 0.01975 0.12107 HIL - MAR Z+5.5 0.00487 0.02984 Z0 0.01812 0.11100 MAR - EW Z+22.8 0.02016 0.12364 Z0 0.07500 0.459941 EW - DIA Z+24.3 0.01265 0.07756 Z0 0.04706 0.288523 DIA - SHN Z+17.6 0.01556 0.09545 Z0 0.05788 0.355074 LIN - RITZ Z+16.8 0.01486 0.09112 Z0 0.05528 0.338966 RITZ - SPR Z+18.8 0.01662 0.10196 Z0 0.06183 0.379291 SPR - GAF Z+6.3 0.00557 0.03418 Z0 0.02072 0.12715 GAF - REAR Z+18 0.01592 0.09762 Z0 0.05922 0.363146 REAR - DGP Z+13.9 0.01229 0.07539 Z0 0.04572 0.280451 Staff_PR_135 Attachment B Page 37 of 37