HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190809Avista to Staff 67-109 Supplemental.pdfAVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION lqano Public Utitities Commission Otfice of the SecretaryRECEIVED AUG 0 I 2019 JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff-067- Supplemental I DATE pREpARED: OyOTl2OIg Boise' ldaho WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews RESPONDER: Liz Andrews DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8601 REQUEST: Please provide updates to each Pro-Forma adjustment included in the Company's case with actuals through June 30, 2019. RESPONSE: Please see the following adjustments with updated information available to date. Updated workpapers are provided in electronic format only. 1. Adjustment 3.07 Pro Forma Property Tax Please see excel file StaflPR_067-Attachment A and StafLPR_067- Attachment B for updated workpapers. The Company received the final property tax returns for 2018 and updated assessed property valuations for 2019. The original adjustment increased pro formed property tax expense by $1,317,000. The revised adjustment shows pro formed property taxes should have been increased only $841,000, reducing expense pro formed expense by $475,466 (or $479.000 revenue requirement). 2. Adjustment 3.12 Pro Forma Colstrip Amortization Please see excel file StaflPR_067-Auachment C and StaflPR_067- Attachment D for updated workpapers. Actual transfers to plant through May 31,2019 and re-forecasted transfers to plant beginning in June 2019 have been updated for Colstrip property. The original adjustment adjusted regulatory amortizations by $863,000. The revised adjustment adjusts regulatory amortizations by $861,000. The original adjustment adjusted rate base by'($5,1I1,000). The revised adjustment adjusts rate base by ($5,169,000). The net impact of this adjustment reduces electric revenue requirement by approximately $7.000. 3. Adjustment 3.1 I Pro Forma Fee Free Amortization - Please see excel file StaflPR_067 - Attachment E. Actual expenses available to date (through April 2019) have been included, with estimated amounts May through December (based on average of prior 4 months actual.) The net impact of this adjustment increases electric revenue requirement by approximately $88.000. 4. Adjustment 2J2 Colstrip/CS2 Maintenance - Please see excel file Staff_PR_067 - Attachment F. Actual expenses available to date through June 2019 have been included, reducing system Colstrip/CS2 maintenance expense. The impact of the updated expense reduces amortization expense from $1.158 million to $1.270 million, reducinq expense an additional $112,000 (or $113.000 revenue requirement). Page I of2 5. Adjustment 3.09 Planned Capital Add 2019 EOP - This adjustment will be supplemented once completed on or before August 7, 2019 with actual transfers to plant through May 2019 and re-forecasted transfers to plant from June - December. The Company re-forecasts the remaining months of the calendar year only twice ayear, i.e. July (actuals through May) and October (actuals through August). No other pro forma adjustments are impacted by actual information or known corrections at this time. See also Avista's responses to Sta[PR_0I l-Supplemental, StfLPR_03 4, and Staff_PR_040 for additional adjustments that would have been included in Adjustment 2.08 Miscellaneous Restating had they been known at the time of filing. The net total included within these 3 responses (01 l, 034 and 040) reduce the Company's revenue requirement by approximately $418,000. SUPPLEMENTAL I: 5. Adjustment 3.09 Planned Capital Add 2019 EOP - This updated adjustment and details are provided in StaflPR_067 - Attachments G and H with actual transfers to plant through May 2019 and re-forecasted transfers to plant from June - December. The Company re-forecasts the remaining months of the calendar year only twice a year, i.e. July (actuals through May) and October (actuals through August). This updated adjustment reduces electric net rate base by approximately $1.1 million, and reduses electric revenue requirement by approximately $32 I .000. In addition, a correction related to Accumulated Deferred Federal Income Taxes (ADFIT) in Adjustment 1.04 Restate Capital 2018 EOP, reduces the electric revenue requirement by an additional $17.000. (See Sta[PR_067 - Attachments G.) AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff - 82-supplemental DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 08/08120t9 James Kensok Jim Corder IT & Security (s09) 49s-444s REQUEST: In Exhibit 9 on page 133, the Company shows "Expand private network infrastructure (recommended) startingin2019 with completion December of 2023." Please provide the project completion percentage, cost to date, remaining costs to incur, and the expected total cost of the program. RESPONSE: Project completion percentage: The business case has an estimated 36 projects and 12 are active in2019. Of the 2019 projects, eight are in the execution phase and have the percent completion available and four are in the planning phase. Projects in the planning phase have not developed a firm schedule and the completion percentage is not available. The business case projects in future years will be reviewed each year for scope, schedule and budget, and December 2023 is not a firm completion date. 2019 Execution Phase: Gas telemetry 3G replacementis20o/o complete and in the Execution phase. (3 projects) Rural satellite network is 50% complete and in the Execution phase. (4 projects) Private 700 spectrum FCC safe harbor is 95Yo complete. 2019 Planning Phase: Spokane field area network upgrade. (2 projects) Meter AMR fixed network 3G replacement. Distribution automation 3G replacement. Cost to date: $974,702 (System) Remaining costs to incur: Estimated costs (spend) per year: (System) 2019: $3,772,674 - $974,702: $2,797,972 2020: $3,727,015 2021 $3,237,053 2022:52,777,034 2023: $1,927,369 Expected total cost of the program: $15,441,145 (System) Only 2019 Idaho electric transfers to plant have been included in the Company's case. *Discussed with Staff during onsite visit August 8.2019 - Supplemental In the original filed case, the system transfers-to-plant for this program (ER 5156) was 92.752 million in 2019 and Idaho electric's allocated share was $610,052. The Company's updated transfers-to-plant, as provided in Staff PR_067, includes $3.915 million for this program on a system basis and Idaho's electric share was $321,278. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff-88 Supplemental DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 08107t2019 Jim Kensok Andy Leija IS/IT (s09) 49s- 4602 REQUEST: Please provide a detailed list of projects, cost estimates or cost breakdown, and descriptions included in the Technology Refresh to Sustain Business Process IS/IT Capital Project. RESPONSE: The Technology Refresh to Sustain Business Process Business Case is a program consisting of various projects under 6 technology domains (i.e. Business Application Refresh/Updates, Central System Refresh, Communication System Refresh, Distributed Systems Refresh, Environmental System Refresh, and Network Systems Refresh). This particular business case was determine to sunset at the end of 2018, as projects completed. The following 27 projects were either completed or scheduled to be completed in 2019. The Company will supplement with costs at a later date. BI Busjness Appllcation Refresh/Update Business Aplication Re{rest/U$ate 09905825 Websile Replacement m805860 Seneron ll/l View 099061 93 2 Central Refresh Communications Refesh Communications Refresh Remote Oftce TelEtony Ref Distributed DS PC Refresh Distribded Refresh 09906079 Sotware Pkg lmpln Ph3 0S Refresh Phase 2 Networlr SW 2016 Network GCN Mission Head End Network Klamath Falls Network Refiesh Network 099m189 ItilAN Head End SW Netwo*[,lAN Backhaul Refresh Network Refresh FAN Refresh ttetwo* Syslems Refresh Enterprise Switch Refresh Network Refresh 09s6166 Performance REF Mission Dta Ctr Sems RedhaUSpacewalk Upgrade 2017 WnSener 2008 0S Ref - Pkg 2,stems Reteih ,09906231 ions Systems Reftesh m905638 C0 Audio Visual Relresh Blnkt Mission Cell Booster Refeshystems Refesh m905904 09906218 Refresh Refresh Jos &Gmund Data Center Cabinet Ref,esh Data Center Core Network Ref Discussed with Staff during the onsite visit the week of July29-August 2. 09ffi093 SUPPLEMENT 1: (Aueust 7.2019) Many of the 27 active projects under the Technology Refresh Business Case were completed and transferred to plant in 2018, with only trailing charges in Ql of 2019. The table below includes details of the remaining projects that have incurred costs in 2019 and their expected transfer-to-plant dates and amounts. As you can see, there are only two remaining projects that are forecasting cost and are scheduled to transfer to plant in the latter half of 2019. Project Remote Office Telephony Ref - 09906218 Cabinet Gorge HED Network Pief - 09906232 WAN Performance Refresh - 09906166 Serveron TM View Upgrade - 09805860 Mission In-Building Cellular Booster Refresh - 09905964 TTP Date Actuals through June 2019 41s,387 51,890 353,769 38,014 411,732 Forecast July - December 0 0 0 3,260 5 5 8,014 Estimate At Completion 415,387 51,890 353,769 41,273 969,746 I 9-Jan 1 9-Jan I 9-Jul 19-Aug l9-Dec AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 08107120t9 Jim Kensok Clay Storey/Andru Miller Security (soe) 49s- 4132 REQUEST: Please provide a detailed list of projects, cost estimates or cost breakdown, and descriptions included in the Enterprise Security IS/IT Capital Project. Kensok Schedule I at 10. RESPONSE: Please see the table below for the listing of project and descriptions. The Company will supplement with costs at a later date. The Company reviewed this project during the onsite visit (July 22-26). Privileged Management Password vaulting solution and workstation privilege escalation management Website Filtering - PCs The purpose of this project is to implement Website Filtering capabilities on Avista Corporate network PCs End Point Security Software- 099061 85 611116: Per Clay, push this work to start in 2017. Leveraging the lntel Security Data Exchange Layer (DXL) with the advance malware detection platform for the Avista corporate network. McAfee Threat lntelligence Exchange combines multiple threat information sources, and instantly shares this data out to all connected security solutions, including third-party solutions. lt provides adaptive threat detection on unknown files, resulting in faster time to protection and lower costs. Substation Security - Access Control Currently a physical key solution is in place for access to all Avista substations. Over time keys have been lost or are not returned at the end of employment. The project will purchase a new substation keying solution (cyber or physical). This project is considered a refresh of our current key program. Threat lntelligence - CRISP- 099061 68 Cyber Risk lnformation Sharing Program W NERC Noxon HED Switchyard Security Continuation of physical security work at Noxon Switchyard to implement physical security measures that have been designed and identified in the Physical Security Plan for Noxon switchyard CIP-014 R4/R5). Certificate Management - Management Platform The Certificate Services Phase ll project will utilize the new Public Key lnfrastructure (PKl) environment that was established within the first phase to upgrade Avista's internal certificates to sha256. This will meet the requirements instituted by Microsoft and multiple browsers in 2017 , maintaining certificate security and currency. A determination of the business value of a Certificate Management Software solution will also be included in the scope of this project. Security Monitoring - Logging- 099061 33 A dedicated centralized logging platform will increase adoption across the Enterprise Technology teams, increase capacity for long term log storage, and greatly reduce the performance impacts against the McAfee SIEM. PCI - Walk-ln Compliance - Line school 09906136 This project will ensure PCI compliance for the line school. Currently the line school processes payments over the phone on an unencrypted line. The new method will use a PCI compliant card reader. Hydro Security-Cabinet There is a long approach road leading to these gates. This project will replace the gates with an automated anti-ram gate and harden the area adjacent to the gate. IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff - 89 - Supplemental Name Descriotion Substation MO Physical Security - Structure This project scope will deliver a physical security model office environment for substations at the Compton location. SUPPLEMENT 1: (Ausust 7.2019) Please see the table below for details of the above projects spend in20l9 as well as the expected transfer-to-plant dates and amounts: Actuals through Forecast July - Estimate at Project Name *TTP Date June 2019 December Completion Network Access Control - Refresh l9-Oct 321,972 147,930 469,902 PCI - Walk-In Compliance - Line school09906136 l9-May 71,558 10,463 82,021 Privileged Management lg-Oct 342,387 11,746 354,132 Cenificate Management - Management Platform l9-Jan 382,254 79,209 461,463 End Point Security Software- 09906185 l9-Mar 511,478 71,094 582,572 Substation Security - Access Control l9-Aug 6\2,165 426,701 1,038,865 Website Filtering - PCs l9-Jun 308,033 0 308,033 Substation MO Physical Security - IT 19-Sep 4,915 336 5,251 Substation MO Physical Security - Stmcture l9-Jul 5,015 0 5,015 Facilities Security - Mission l9-Jun 261,408 86,247 347,655 Hydro Security-Cabinet l9-Mar 516,646 15,410 532,057 Security Monitoring - Logging- 09906133 l9-Jan 720,096 102,812 822,908 Security Operations Center- 09906195 l9-Jun 190,743 152,301 343,045 The Threat Intelligence - CRISP and Noxon HED Switchyard Security projects listed in the initial response table transferred to plant in 2018, only incurring trailing charges into 2019 and were therefore not included in the supplemental table. Security Operations Center- 099061 95 Build out the physical space for a Security Operations Center (SOC). Facilities Security - Mission Add cameras and fencing to Mission Campus locations Network Access Control - Refresh lmplement the detection and response functionality through configuring the software for all expected production devices. This project scope will deliver information technology necessary for the model office environment for substations at the Compton location. Substation MO Physical Security-tT AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff - 90 - Supplemental DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 0810712019 Jim Kensok Clay Storey/Andru Miller Security (s09) 49s- 4132 REQUEST: Please provide a detailed list of projects, cost estimates or cost breakdown, and descriptions included in the Security Systems IS/IT Capital Project. RESPONSE: Please see the table below for the listing of project and descriptions. Capital spend amount will be supplemented at a later date. Name Description Surveillance - Cameras - CDA This project will replace the current analog video system with an lP based camera system that will be an extension of the MVSS. The new system will tie into the enterprise video system housed at Mission Campus. Video will be recorded and stored locally and can be accessed from the Mission Video Surveillance System (MVSS). This project will be Phase 1 for this location. GCN Security lnformation and Event Management SEC Currently Avista uses a shared Corporate Security lnformation and Event Management (SIEM) system. Best security practice thru multiple assessments indicate that a dedicated SIEM is a more secure and manageable solution. This project will separate the corporate environment from the Generation Control Network (GCN). Through alerting, the SIEM allows Security Operations to respond and investigate potential security events identified by the system. Network Malware Monitoring (FireEye)- 09906351 This project will refresh and increase capacity for Avista's security operations team to monitor network traffic for potentially malicious activity. Removable Media Control- 09906352 SEC Expand the corporate network capability to manage removable media devices connected to endpoints Website Filtering - Servers The purpose of this project is to implement Website Filtering capabilities on Avista Corporate network servers. The solution will continue to support web filtering as part of a Human Resource requirement to prevent inappropriate web content as well as enhancing security. Data Center Firewall Services SEC - 09906323 This project will create network segments with firewalls for operating systems that are unsupported by their manufacturer and for business critical applications. lt is necessary to support unsupported operating systems due to the fact that some legacy applications cannot run on newer and supported operating systems. Business critical applications contain highly confldential information making them a target for hackers. Today business critical applications are not protected differently from other applications. This segmentation increases corporate network security and improves the protection for the unsupported operating systems and business critical applications. Endpoint Protection Suite Refresh SEC This project will update the Endpoint Protection systems enterprise-wide, which includes servers and workstations. This upgrade will allow for security software compatibility with Windows 10 and offer enhanced security through the use of Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) devices on the network utilizing Threat lntelligence Exchanges (l-lE) and Data Exchange Layers (DXL). GCN Firewall Refresh SEC The firewall solution protecting the Generation Control Network (GCN) must be replaced to meet the Avista standard. A new, modern firewall will provide greater protection and offer better response and reporting capabilities. The GCN is considered critical infrastructure and must be protected against emerging cyber threats. GCN Vulnerability Scanning SEC This project will expand system vulnerability scanning to the majority of the Generation Control Network (GCN). This will enable Avista to accurately analyze the device vulnerabilities throughout the lifecycle of the asset. lt will also drive remediation of identified vulnerabilities and provide additional verification of patch deployment to those managed devices. SUPPLEMENT 1: (Aueust 7.2019) Please see the table below for details of the above projects spend in2019 as well as the expected transfer-to-plant dates and amounts: Actuals through Forecast July - Estimate at Project Name *TTP Date June 2019 December Completion Data Center Firewall Services SEC - 09906323 l9-Jul 581,779 374,316 956,095 Endpoint Protection Suite Refresh SEC l9-Nov 92,576 160,012 252,589 GCN Firewall Refresh SEC l9-Sep 64,057 59,738 123,795 GCN Security Information and Event Management SEC l9-Nov 4,109 1,723 5,832 GCN Vulnerability Scanning SEC l9-Sep 25,680 77,435 103,115 Tripwire Licenses SEC l9-Mar 42,423 102 42,525 Network Malware Monitoring (FireEye)- 09906351 l9-Jun 309,115 l8l,75l 490,867 Password Vaulting SEC l9-Dec 0 105,139 105,139 Removable Media Control- 09906352 SEC lg-Oct 57 ,997 120,091 178,088 Surveillance - Cameras - CDA l9-May 244,832 133,447 378,279 Website Filtering - Servers l9-Mar 150,994 101,666 252,660 Tripwire Licenses SEC Tripwire can impact the ability for software to run and alerts on deviations from normal behavior. Tripwire in MO is necessary because we must find out what could cause a problem in production before we promote to production. Password Vaulting SEC lmplement a password management system enterprise wide to safeguard user credentials Enterprise Centralized Logging - Log lngestion Expansion A project in 2018 implemented an enterprise wide centralized logging solution utilizing the Splunk system. This project will expand on the capacity and utilization of the new system with increased adoption and usage by operational teams. Operational teams will have more logs to use for monitoring and reporting to identify malicious activity and other security related events. This increased capability will improve the security team's ability to detect and respond to more potential cyber security related incidents with greater speed and efficiency. Firewall Refresh This project will identify and then refresh at or near end of life flrewalls across the Avista enterprise network. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E- 19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff- 9l - Supplemental DATE PREPARED: 0810712019WITNESS: Jim Kensok RESPONDER: Clay Storey/Andru Miller DEPARTMENT: Security TELEPHONE: (509) 495- 4132 REQUEST: Please provide a detailed list of projects, cost estimates or cost breakdown, and descriptions included in the Generation, Substation, and Gas Location Security IS/IT Capital Project. Kensok Schedule I at 91. RESPONSE: Please see the table below for the listing of project and descriptions. Capital spend amount will be supplemented at a later date. Description Model Office Substation - Cyber Security This project scope will deliver information technology necessary for the model office environment for substations at the Compton location. Model Office Substation Physical Security - Structure SEC This project scope will deliver a physical security model office environment for substations at the Compton location. Model Office Substation -Comm Project will deliver a physical security model office environment for substations at the Compton Sub. The intent is to develop and test physical security controls for production subs. Cyber Security will be delivered at the Data Center. Cabinet Gorge operational camera refresh ln order to support security and operational needs for camera footage this project will refresh the existing camera and video management systems (as needed) that currently reside on the generation control network. At the end of the project both security and operations staff will be able to view and controlthe cameras they need to perform their job duties. SUPPI,EMENT 1: Please see the table below for details of the above projects spend in 2019 as well as the expected transfer-to-plant dates and amounts: Project Name *TTP Date Actuals through Forecast July - Estimate at June 2019 December Completion ModelOflice Substation - Cyber Security l9-Nov 0 223,091 223,091 Model Office Substation Physical Security - Stmcture SEC l9-Nov 0 201,839 201,839 ModelOffice Substation -Comm l9-Nov 0 8,000 8,000 After fuither review of the Cabinet Gorge operational camera refresh project, it has been determined that it will transfer to plant in 2020, therefore the company has not included costs for the project referenced in the table above. Name AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff-92 Supplemental DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 0810712019 Karen Schuh Walter Roys IS/IT (s0e) 4es- 2878 REQUEST: Please provide a detailed list of projects, cost estimates or cost breakdown, and descriptions included in the Enterprise Communication Systems Capital Investment Business Case. Kensok Schedule I at 47. RESPONSE: The following projects fall under the Enterprise Communication Systems Capital Investment Business Case for 2019. Please see the table below for the listing of project and descriptions. The Company is only including2}l9 transfers-to-plant in this case. The Company will supplement with costs at a later date. Remote ofice Telephony System Relrsh Remote ofrco Tslophony System Relresh Refresh olCall Center sotvareVerint Call Center Applicaiion Suite Relr6h Entsrp(be Mobility Management8C{CS€MM Enterpfl se oeploymenl Enterpnse Content Deliwry Netwrk Refresh (ECDN) - Client UpgBde Enterprise Conleri oolilery Netv,ork (Kontiki) Clienl Upgrade the Skyp€ deploymenl Nil model of ohone will be SkyDe comDatide. Tiis projocl will replace all remainirE AEya telephones from the Mission Mission Campus Telephone Refiesh IPC Turel System Retesh This project wll decommission th8 IPC desklop phone tutrots that ar8 used by the eneEy tGders and schedules The tuneis are beirE rcplaced by Cloud I and A%ya tshnologi6. fiis projecll purpGe wll b€ t0 deploy in+ortfolio audioisual (AV) solutiore to accommodate grmlh and undann€d redacamst. Audio Visual (AV) Technology Deployment Comm Ds,ice Ttrhnology oeployment nis proiect! purpGe will b6 to deploy inronlolio communication deice technology solutions to accomm0dat6 grMh and undannod r€dacement. support Viilual Hold - call back assist systemVinual Hold - Call Back Assist RefrEh IVR Syslem Reiesh lnteractiE Voice R6ponse System Refresh Audio Visual {AV) Technology oedoyment Ihis pr0jec13 purpose wll be l0 deploy inrodblio audiovsual (AV) solutiom to accommodate grilth and undanned redacemmt. 'I}lis p.ojects prrrpose will be to deploy inrorttolio communicatim de\ice technology solutions to accommodate orilth and unDlanned reDlacement. Da,ice T*hndogy Deployment Efierpnse Content oeliwry Network (ECDN) - Li!€ Broadcast IIis projocl is tho socond phase ofthe ECDN initiati\€ and will Ibcus on dedoying a Lilo Broadcast capability within the company Session lnitiation Protocol (SlP) Deploymenl SlP Deployment lo manage real-time sessiorB in\olvng video, roic€, mBsaging, and dher communication apdicaliore and se^ices on lP retwrks. RrghlFa System Refr6h lompliance Stotroe (evautt) Refrmh 2019 lRelresh 0l c0mplrance slorage system I Svslpm Rcfresh r0lq SUPPLEMENT 1: (Aueust 7.2019) Please see the table below for details of the above projects spend in 2019 as well as the expected transfer-to-plant dates and amounts : Project Mission Campus Telephone Refresh - 09906344 BC-ECS-EMM Enterprise Deployment - 09906273 Enterprise Content Delivery Network Refresh (ECDN) - Client Upgrade -09906320 IVR System Refresh - 09906404 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Deployment - 09906486 Virtual Hold System Refresh - CallBack Assist - 09906401 *2018 Audio Visual(AV) Technology Deployment - 09906334 *2019 Audio Visual (AV) Technology Deployment - 09906465 *2019 Comm Device Technology Deployment - 09906466 TTP Date l9-May I 9-Jun I 9-Jul l9-Jul l9-Nov l9-Dec Monthly Monthly Monthly Actuals through June 2019 287,481 285,009 21,332 293,214 366,716 32,367 106,799 39,669 41,719 Forecast July - December 1,463 2,602 16,484 t45,1 I I 479,542 247,657 0 50,423 40,152 Estimate At Completion 288,944 287,611 37,817 438,325 846,258 281,768 106,799 90,092 8 I ,871 *These projects support quick tumaround requests and are therefore blankets that transfer to plant costs monthly. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff-94 -Revised DATE PREPARED: 0810712019WITNESS: Jim Kensok RESPONDER: Stephanie Myers DEPARTMENT: Customer Solutions TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-4620 REQUEST: Please provide a detailed list of projects, cost estimates or cost breakdown, and descriptions included in the Customer Facing Technology Capital Investment Business Case. Kensok Schedule I 17. RESPONSE: Please see the table below for the list of projects and descriptions. The costs listed below represent system costs. The Idaho allocated share is approximately 22Yo of these system totals. Reviewed with Staff during the onsite visit (July 29 - August 2) 2019 CC&B COBOL to Java Replacement - 09906309 Q1 2019 The Customer Care & Billing (CC&B) application language was written in COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language). Oracle Utilities Customer Care & Billing announced that they will not support COBOL based architecture in application versions after v2.S.therefore the need to replace with Java, which is a general purpose language that is more secure and architecturally neutral. ln addition, this project replaced the XML application integration to lnbound Web services which provides more web capabilities, flexibility and security. This project is a pre-requisite for the CC&B application upqrade. $860,955 $0 $860,955 Mobile App Enhancements (Payments)- 09906206 Q3 2019 This project expands on the need to provide our customers additional communication preferences and self-service options. The following enhancements were made to the existing Avista Mobile Application available via both iPhone and Android. Customers will: have access to account and billing information; have the ability to make payments; get billing and payment push notifications; have the ability to manage preferences regarding bill and payment notifications. $935,569 $44,700 $980,269 Project *TTP Date Project Description LTD Actuals through June 2019 Forecast July-Dece mber TotalEAC DSM System lmplementation (Commercial Programs) - 09906470 Q3 2019 The Demand Side Management (DSM) team facilitates and implements energy conservation programs and rebate incentives for Avista customers. This team required a business process management system to improve planning, visibility, management and control of energy etficiency, renewable energy, and water programs. They also required the ability to accurately report on program conservation and regulatory compliance requirements. This project implemented a DSM system (via Nexant) to meet these requirements for commercial customers (and future residential customers). $163,950 $108,350 $272,300 Customer Experience Platform (CRM) - 09906307 Q4 2019 The Customer Experience Platform will allow employees to personalize interactions with customers, help reduce the amount of times employees have to repeat information by providing a single interface for all customer related information. $576,427 $5,589,97 3 $6,166,400 myAvista Web Enhancements - 09906459 / 09906458 Q4 2019 The myAvista.com web is the primary communication channel for our customers, and vitalto Avista internally as it receives important customer information, including bill payments. The need to provide continuous improvements and enhancements to the web is essential to meet business requirements and service our customers. Enhancements are released on a periodic basis. Additional scope is evaluated against existing priorities to ensure the highest business value is being delivered. Some of the 2019 enhancements include:. Prior Obligation . Energy Assistance WorkBench. Landlord Tools . MultiAccount Payment lnterface. Promo Carousal . Comfort Level Billing . Max Pay Date . Various user experience improvements $1,371,433 $1,184,26 7 $2,555,700 CC&B/MDM Enhancements - 09906435 / 09906436 Q4 2019 Oracle's Customer Care and Billing (CC&B) is the primary Customer lnformation System (ClS) used for billing and providing customer service to Avista's consumers. Oracle's Meter Data Management (MDM) is the software application that stores, validates, edits, and analyzes the interval consumption data, as well as coordinate specified metering commands. Meter data information $1,403,321 $1,046,87 9 $2,450,200 Reviewed with Staff during the onsite visit (July 29 - August 2) from this system is routed to CC&B to perform a range of business functions such as customer billing, use of specialized rate options, and/or the presentment of customer usage data. The CC&B/MDM applications necessitate coordinated, systematic enhancements to meet the changing business requirements to continue to serve our customers. These regular enhancements confirm we are meeting our strategic initiatives to provide 'Customer Engagement and Value, and Safe and Reliable lnfrastructure'. myAvista Web - Automated Testing 0990641 5 / 09906416 Q4 2019 Due to the high demand and multifaceted architecture of integrated systems and need to release frequently, it is extremely important to ensure that effective quality assurance and testing measures are in place prior to deployment. The Quality Assurance (QA) and testing team at Avista has been working to implement a standard Quality Assurance and Automated testing solution that reduces manual testing efforts and allows for more rapid deployments. This testing solution improves the quality, scalability, and completeness of QA testing, while reducing the current manual efforts that are inadequate and require a significant time commitment on the part of both the business and Enterprise Technology(EI. $171,917 $182,283 $354,200 CC&B/MDM - Automated Testing 09906402 / 09906403 Q4 2019 Due to the high demand and multifaceted architecture of integrated systems and need to release frequently, it is extremely important to ensure that effective quality assurance and testing measures are in place prior to deployment. The Quality Assurance (QA) and testing team at Avista has been working to implement a standard Quality Assurance and Automated testing solution that reduces manual testing efforts and allows for more rapid deployments. This testing solution improves the quality, scalability, and completeness of QA testing, while reducing the current manual efforts that are inadequate and require a significant time commitment on the part of both the business and Enterprise Technology (ET). $137,825 $55,575 $193,400 lntranet Replacement (1&2) - 09906381 / 09906382 Q3 2019 This project is to replace our internal web site from older SharePoint technology to the newly supported SharePoint online platform. $127,597 $179,503 $307,1 00 Reviewed with Staff during the onsite visit (Iuly 29 - August 2) AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff - 95 - Supplemental DATE PREPARED: 08107 12019WITNESS: Jim Kensok RESPONDER: Clay Storey/Andru Miller DEPARTMENT: Security TELEPHONE: (509) 495- 4132 REQUEST: Please provide a detailed list of projects, cost estimates or cost breakdown, and descriptions included in the Critical Infrastructure Protection v5 Transition IS/IT Capital Project. Kensok Schedule I at 124. RESPONSE: Please see the table below for the listing of projects and descriptions. The Company will supplement this response at a later date. Name ClPv5 EAC - APW Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control compl iance standard. CIPvS EAC - BEN Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control com pl ia nce sta nda rd. ClPvS EAC - BLD Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electronic Access Control compliance standard. ClPvS EAC - BRX Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electronic Access Control compliance standard. ClPvS EAC - BUR Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control compl iance standard. ClPvS EAC - CDA Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control compl iance standard. ClPvS EAC - CKF Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPvS Electronic Access Control compliance standard. ClPvS EAC - CLV Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electronic Access Control compliance standard. ClPvS EAC - CLW Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPvS Electron ic Access Control com plia nce sta nda rd. ClPvS EAC - DCR Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control com pl ia nce sta nda rd. ClPvS EAC - DGP Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control compl ia nce standa rd. ClPvS EAC - ECL Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electronic Access Control compliance standard. ClPvS EAC - GRV Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPvS Electronic Access Control compliance standard. ClPv5 EAC - IDR Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control com pl ia nce sta nda rd. Discussed with Staff during the onsite visit (July 22-26). Descriotion ClPvS EAC - INT Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electronic Access Control compliance standard. ClPvS EAC - KET Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control com pl ia nce sta nda rd. ClPvS EAC - LL Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPvS Electronic Access Control compliance standard. ClPvS EAC - LLH Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electronic Access Control compliance standard. ClPvS EAC - LOL Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electronic Access Control com plia nce sta nda rd. ClPvS EAC - MB1 Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPvS Electronic Access Control compliance standard. ClPvS EAC - MTR Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control com pl ia nce sta nda rd. ClPvS EAC - NET Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control compl iance standard. ClPv5 EAC - NEZ Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control com pl iance sta ndard. ClPv5 EAC - ORO Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPvS Electronic Access Control compliance standard, ClPvS EAC - OSS Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control compl ia nce sta nda rd. ClPvS EAC - OTI Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control com pl ia nce sta nda rd. ClPvS EAC - PDL Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control com plia nce sta nda rd. ClPvS EAC - PF Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electronic Access Control compliance standard. ClPvS EAC - PIN Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control com pl ia nce sta nda rd. ClPv5 EAC - RAM Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control com pl iance sta nda rd, ClPvS EAC - SHN Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPvS Electron ic Access Control compl iance standard. ClPvS EAC - SIP Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control com pl iance sta ndard. ClPvS EAC - SLW Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control com pl ia nce sta nda rd. ClPvS EAC - TEN Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electronic Access Control compliance standard. CIPvS EAC. THN Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electronic Access Control compliance standard. ClPvS EAC - WAR Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPvS Electronic Access Control compliance standard, CIPvS EAC - AIR Purchase, design, installation, and configuration of SEL 3620 to meet CIPv5 Electron ic Access Control com pl ia nce sta nda rd. Transient Cyber Asset - CIP-003-7 Meeting the CIP-003-7 standards for Transient Cyber Assets ("TCAs") and Removable Media on Low and Medium lmpact Bulk Electric System ('BES') compliance Cyber Systems. This project addresses software vulnerability mitigation, introduction of malicious code mitigation, unauthorized use mitigation for T and controls for the use of removable media SUPPLEMENT 1: (Aueust 7.2019) Please see the table below for details of the above projects spend in 2019 as well as the expected transfer-to-plant dates and amounts: Actuals through Forecast July - Estimate at Project Name *TTP Date June 2019 December Completion CIPv5 EAC - APW l9-Jan 17,494 772 18,266 CIPv5 EAC - BEN l9-Sep 27,793 6,007 33,800 CIPv5 EAC - BLD l9-May 35,101 3,331 38,432 CIPv5 EAC - BRX l9-Feb 12,879 987 13,866 CIPv5 EAC - BUR l9-Feb 15,013 893 15,905 CIPv5 EAC - CDA l9-Feb 14,588 364 14,952 CIPv5 EAC - CKF l9-May 14,684 1,553 16,237 CIPv5 EAC - CLV l9-May 22,929 2,697 25,627 CIPv5 EAC - CLW l9-Sep 18,143 5,271 23,414 CIPv5 EAC - DCR l9-May 14,747 3,778 18,525 CIPv5 EAC - DGP l9-May 15,595 2,640 18,235 CIPv5 EAC - ECL l9-Jan 923 124 1,047 CIPv5 EAC - GRV l9-May 18,168 6,429 24,597 CIPv5 EAC - lDR l9-May 23,478 1,021 24,498 CIPv5 EAC - INT l9-May 28,074 1,218 29,231 CIPv5 EAC - KET l9-Sep 43,649 10,509 54,158 CIPv5 EAC - LL l9-May 6,580 1,598 8,178 CIPv5 EAC - LLH l9-Nov 1,747 236 1,983 CIPv5 EAC - LOL l9-May 36,797 10,509 47,306 CIPv5 EAC - MBI l9-Sep 20,491 I 1,099 31,589 CIPv5 EAC - MTR l9-May 3,434 395 3,829 CIPv5 EAC - NET l9-May 9,383 5,764 15,147 CIPv5 EAC - NEZ l9-Sep 20,877 10,237 3l,ll4 CIPv5 EAC - ORO l9-Sep 15,009 7,144 22,153 CIPv5 EAC - OSS l9-May 17,485 3,106 20,591 CIPv5 EAC - OTI l9-May 14,489 730 15,219 CIPv5 EAC - PDL l9-May 14,700 4,946 19,646 CIPv5 EAC - PF l9-May 11,758 814 12,572 CIPv5 EAC - PIN l9-Sep 7,254 4,697 11,951 CIPv5 EAC - RAM l9-May 14,346 1,372 15,718 CIPv5 EAC - SHN l9-May 20,851 1,640 22,491 CIPv5 EAC - SIP l9-May 13,598 690 14,287 CIPv5 EAC - SLW l9-Sep 11,260 5,487 16,746 CIPv5 EAC - TEN l9-May 11,081 2,963 14,044 CIPv5 EAC - THN l9-May 16,098 2,054 l8,l5l CIPv5 EAC - WAR l9-May 14,357 2,323 16,680 CIPv5 EAC - AIR l9-Jan 607,678 418,975 1,026,653 Transient Cyber Asset - CIP-003-7 compliance l9-Dec 9,236 42,880 52,116 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff - 99 Revised DATE PREPARED: 0810712019WITNESS: Jim Kensok RESPONDER: Clay Storey/Andru Miller DEPARTMENT: Security TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4132 REQUEST: Please provide the completion percentage, the cost to date, remaining costs to be incurred, and the yearly expected percentage of completion of Enterprise Security. RESPONSE: The Enterprise Security business case is an annually recurring program to provide funding for cyber and physical security expansion and refresh projects to protect Avista assets, resources, staff, and customers. The business case was funded in2019 for $2,160,000 and the projects* within are expected to be complete by the end of year. The Enterprise Security business case is approximately 65% complete as of June 2019 Cost in 2019 thru June is $627,290 Remaining costs are $407,719 * Refer to Production Request, Staff - 89 project list and details **Discussed with Staff during onsite visit. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E- l9-04 IPUC Production Request Staff- I 03 Supplemental DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 0810712019 Jim Kensok Sheena Byerly Enterprise Technology (s09) 49s-4e20 REQUEST: Regarding Energy Resources Modemization & Operational Efficiency in Kensok Direct Testimony, page 12, please provide all of the costs and the expected implementation dates for; Nucleus Enhancements, ADSS Enhancements, Nostradamus Upgrade, GPSS Mobile Substation Inspections, and Unitization Project Phase III. What is the allocation percentage for Idaho gas and electric for the projects implemented in2019? RESPONSE: The table below shows each project contained within the Energy Resources Modernization and Operational Efficiency Business case, ER 5019. The Company will supplement with costs at a later date. froiect lO EBA,IOE State 9906313 Nucleus Enhancement BlaComplete 990et26 Nucleus Enhancement 8la Execution 9&06019 GPSS Mobile Solution - M Planning 9806028 Stackvision Upgrade 2019 Execution Totals Anticipated projects in2019 for Avista Decision Support System (ADSS) were moved out of this ER and instead funded by productivity funds, which are not included in the Idaho GRC. Discussed with Staff during the onsite visit. SUPPLEMENT 1: Please see the table below for details of the above projects spend in 2019 as well as the expected transfer- to-plant dates and amounts: Project *Nucleus Enhancement Blanket 20 I 8 - 099063 l3*Nucleus Enhancement Blanket 2019 - 09906426 GPSS Mobile Solution - 09806019 Stackvision Upgrade 2019 - 09806028 TTP Date Monthly Monthly l9-Nov l9-Sep Actuals through June 2019 548,020 423,868 23,225 1,657 Forecast July - December 754,836 572,772 10,509 Estimate At Completion s48,020 1,178,704 595,997 12,166 *These projects consist of monthly enhancements and are set up as blankets to transfer to plant monthly AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff-1O4-REVISED DATE PREPARED: 0810212019WITNESS: Jim Kensok RESPONDER: Leianne Raymond DEPARTMENT: IT PMO TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-2383 REQUEST: Regarding ET Modernization & Operational Efficiency-Technology in Kensok Direct Testimony, page 14, please provide all of the Idaho Electric 2019 costs and the expected implementation dates for; IT Incident & Asset Management, Non-production Environment & Data Management, ET Portfolio Management, Application Lifecycle Management Tools, and Shared Systems and Tooling. REVISED RESPONSE: The table below shows all projects included in the ET Modernization & Operational Efficiency ER. Please see the table below for system amounts for 2019, the Idaho Electric allocation percentage is approximately 22o/o. The transfer-to-plant (TTP) date listed below are the expected dates. Discussed with Staff during the onsite visit (July 22-26). Q3 2019 $22,739 $0 $22,739Cognos Upgrade - 0990651 1 Q22019 $99,810 $0 $99,810Enterprise Content Management Taxonomy - 09906362 Actian DataConnect Upgrade - 09906349 Q22019 $379,667 $0 $379,667 lnteqration Enhancements - 09906330 Q2 2019 $37,332 $0 $37,332 Q22019 $10,800 $0 $10,800QA & Automated Testing - 09906272 I 09906453 Globalscape Upgrade - 09906495 Q3 2019 $34,666 $0 $34,666 Clarity Upqrade - 09906526 Q3 2019 $16,340 $213,700 $230,040 Q3 2019 $556,436 $158,600 $715,036Data and Analytics Platform - 09906472 Q4 2019 $96,000 $69,000 $165,000Minor Application purchases / Shared licensing - 09906269 TFS Enhancements - 09906254 Q4 2019 $23,363 $10,300 $33,663 App Dynamics Enhancements - 09906253 Q4 2019 $12,278 $9,000 $21,278 Q4 2019 $26,055 $40,900 $66,955TFS Upgrade - 09906491 Q4 2019 $5,073 $13,800 $18,873Adobe Flash/Reader/Creative Upgrades - 0990&51 / 09906452 Java AMC Upqrade - 09906548 Q4 2019 $o $42,500 $42,500 Tableau Creator Upqrade - 09906479 Q4 2019 $4,829 $4,700 $9,529 Q4 2019 $45,777 $14,200 $59,977Enhancements - a .::, :.:: ,.. .. az ,:.1 1 .. :l Coqnos/Bl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff- I 05 -Supplemental DATE PREPARED: 0810812019WITNESS: James Kensok RESPONDER: Graham Smith DEPARTMENT: Ent. Technology TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s- 8466 REQUEST: Regarding Financial & Accounting Technology in Kensok Direct Testimony, page 15, please provide all of the Idaho Electric 2019 costs and the expected implementation dates for; Budget System Replacement, Power Plan Tax Upgrade, EBS Additional Modules, Cash/Treasury Upgrades, and EBS Enhancements. RESPONSE: See below table for a detail project listing. The Company will supplement this response with costs and implementation dates at a later date. 0990624s Quickbooks Upgrade 09906294 OFS/PP Enh. 2018 Pkg, 2 09906347 EBS Consolidated Reporting 09906360 Impact Budget Replacement 09906377 Unitization RUC in PowerPlan 09906420 UI Planner Upgrade 09906437 EBS/PP Enh, Pkg.1 2019 09906438 EBS/PP Enh. Pkg.2 20i9 09906493 Lease Query Implementation 09906514 EBS QA & Automated Testing 09906s23 Cashbook Replacement I Project NameProject Number Aueust 8. 2019 Supplemental See below table for project costs and implementation dates for Finance and Accounting Technology. Project Number YTD Life-to-Date Amt 09906245 Quickbooks Upgrade LzlL7l20t8 2,247,48 76,343.76 09906294 OFS/PP Enh. 2018 Pkg.2 tzlt7l20t8 8,2L6.77 482,873.47 09906347 EBS Consolidated Reporting LUsl20t8 14,929.94 335,732.8r 09906360 Impact Budget Replacement 8l30l2aL9 1,239,565.69 1,645,889,67 09906377 Unitization RUC in PowerPlan 61412019 74,705.59 76,839.85 09906420 UI Planner Upgrade tzl3tl2020 7 746 7,746 09906437 EBSIPP Enh. Pkg.1 2019 61Lsl20Le 773,724.66 773,724.66 09906438 EBS/PP Enh. Pkg.2 2019 1213U201s 0 0 09906493 Lease Query Implementation 4l|sl20Le 19,015.18 19,015.18 09906514 EBS QA & Automated Testing 12l3tl20te 79,884.41 79,884.4t 09906523 Cashbook Replacement t0l3u20te 6,604.33 6,604.33 Project Name i TTP Date (Implementation Date) i i ^- ^-)"-- AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff- 1 06 Supplemental DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 0810712019 Jim Kensok Sheena Byerly Enterprise Technology (s0e) 4es-4e20 REQUEST: Regarding Human Resources Technology in Kensok Direct Testimony, page 15, please provide all of the Idaho Electric 2019 costs and the expected implementation dates for; Analytics/Compliance, Employee Engagement, HR Information Systems, HR Management, Learning, and Ongoing Training. RESPONSE: The table below shows each HR project and associated category contained within the HR Business case, ER 5029. The Company will supplement this response at a later date with capital spend. C*tegory Learning and Ongoing Training Leerning Cpnter Reservatlon System Employee Change of Status: Web App Elearonis M*dical Record Heplacernent UltiPro Expanlion Module{s} 2019 Rescurce Hub ECM: Labor Selations Enterprise HEalth & Sefety System Complete HR lnformation Systems Complete Saf*ty and Health Planning Safeg and Health Queued Totals Discussed with Staff during the onsite visit (July 22-26). SUPPLEMENT 1: Please see the table below for details of the above projects spend in2019 as well as the expected transfer- to-plant dates and amounts: HR Management $ysterns Employee Engagement Cross-Functional 9906305 99S6308 99e6380 PRffil1212 pR0@14733 PRoffi14992 9906547 Queued Queued Queued Project Electronic Medical Record System Replacement - 09906380 *ECM: Labor Relations *UltiPro Expansion Module(s) TTP Date l9-Aug l9-Dec l9-Dec Actuals through June 2019 19,346 0 0 Forecast July - December 38,777 305, I 59 78,781 Estimate At Completion 58,123 305, I 59 78,781 *These projects are being initiated and forecasted to complete by end of 2019. $txte AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E- l9-04 IPUC Production Request Staff- I 09 Supplemental DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 0810712019 Jim Kensok Walter Roys IS/IT (s09) 49s- 2818 REQUEST: Regarding Data Center Compute and Storage Systems in Kensok Direct Testimony, page 20, please provide description and cost of the cloud services and on premise servers. RESPONSE: There are no projects or costs under this business case for cloud services in 2019. All projects under the Data Center Compute and Storage Systems Business Case for 2019 are on premise servers. The Company will supplement with costs at a later date. SUPPLEMENT 1: (Aueust 7.2019) Please see the table below for details of the above projects spend in 2019 as well as the expected transfer-to-plant dates and amounts: Project Data Storage System Refresh (NetApp) - 09906358 Windows Server 2008 OS Refresh - Package 3 - 09906306 Virtual PC Mgmt OS Refresh (vSphere) Package 2 - 09906333 Remote Office Server Refresh - Pkg I - 09906506 Windows Server 2008 OS Refresh - Package 4 - 09906521 Linux OS Red Hat 6 Refresh TTP Date I 9-Feb l9-Apr I 9-Sep l9-Nov l9-Dec l9-Dec Actuals through June 2019 1,345,190 1 55,1 36 449,431 37,043 4,937 0 Forecast July - December 0 1,020 69,750 304,712 681,582 300,000 Estimate At Completion 1,345,190 1 56,1 56 519,182 341,755 686,519 300,000 Data Stor4e System Refresh (NetApp) lRefresh 2018 NetApp Filers in Data Center Remste Site Servrr Refresh - Pkg 1 lRefresh of servers at rernote offces Windows Seruer 2012 0S Refiesh -Package 1 lUnUnUe all Microsofr Server 2012 Operating Syslems lAlindows Serwr 2008 0S Refresh - Package 3 lllris project r,rall refresh the Mrcrosofr server operating system (0Si2008 Ito meel the rnanufarturer defined end of life date ofJan 31, 2020. Server Virtualization 0S Refresh {vSphere) Package I lTlris project will be responsible for refteshrng all urtual hosts that lcunentU reside on a version of iCenter less than 6 5 Wndows Server 2008 0S Refresh - Package 4 lTlis project will retesh the Microsoft sever operating system (0S)2008 Ito meet the manufacturer defined end of life date ofJan 31, 2020. Ha$e Description