HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190725Avista to Staff 40-58.pdfAvista Corp. 1 41 1 East Mission P .O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 TollFree 800-727-9170 Aftstsrt Corp,RTCEIVED Zill9 JUL 25 AH 9: 3t+ July 24,2019 iii,.Fiu iUiLlC .J i iLiTITS CO.\{MISSION Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702-0074 Attn: Edward Jewell Deputy Attorney General Re: Production Request of the Commission Staff in Case Nos. AVU-E-I9-04 Dear Mr. Jewell, Enclosed are Avista's responses to IPUC Staffs production requests in the above referenced dockets. Included in this mailing are the original and two paper copies of Avista's responses to production requests: Staff 40, 45, 46, 48, 49,50, 53 & 58. Also enclosed on three separate CD's are copies of Avista's responses to the production requests. The electronic versions of the responses were emailed on 07ll9ll9. Also included both on paper and on a separate CD is Avista's CONFIDENTIAL responses to PR 053C. This response contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. It is being provided under a sealed separate envelope, marked CONFIDENTIAL. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact Paul Kimball at (509) 495-4584 or via e-mail at paul.kimball@avistacorp.com. Sincerely", -;y''-""-zL/ Paul Kimball Manager of Compliance & Discovery Enclosures CC (Email)IPUC (Hanian) Idaho Forest Group (Miller, Williams, Crowley) AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff-040 DATE PREPARED: 07 l2ll20l9WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews RESPONDER: Joel Anderson DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2811EMAIL: joel.anderson@avistacorp.com REQUEST: In Adjustment 2.08 - Miscellaneous Restating, workpaper 2018 - Plane Reclass - ID, Transaction detail tab, please provide additional information to show the purpose of the following flights and justification for inclusion in Idaho rates: a. New York Rating Agency Meetings - $114,290 b. ERM Workshop WUTC Open Meeting -I-937 RPS and Conversation - $15,290 RESPONSE: a. Rating agency meetings are attended annually by Avista Executives. The purpose of the meetings are to meet with rating agency analysts to provide financial data and to keep them informed of key issues and initiatives happening at the Company. It is important for Avista to maintain acceptable credit ratings for various reasons, including keeping the Company's cost of debt reasonably low. The cost of these meetings benefit all Avista customers and are therefore allocated to all services and jurisdictions. b. After review of this transaction, it was determined that it should be charged to Washington Electric only and not allocated to Idaho customers. The effect of removing this transaction from Idaho is a reduction of $4,239. ($3,368 for Idaho electric and $871 for Idaho Natural Gas). Page I of I AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff - 45 DATE PREPARED: 0712012019WITNESS: James Kensok RESPONDER: Clay Storey DEPARTMENT: Security TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-4132 REQUEST: Regarding Kensok Direct Testimony, Page 8-9, please identify the number of cyberattacks Avista's system has experienced in each year for2016,2017,2018, and 2019 to date. RESPONSE: Due to the confidential nature of this request, the Company will discuss its response with Staff during its onsite visit. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff- 046 DATE PREPARED: 0712412019WITNESS: James Kensok RESPONDER: Jim Corder DEPARTMENT: IT & Security TELEPHONE: (509) 495-444s REQUEST: Regarding Kensok Direct Testimony, Page 14, please provide the expected completion date, project completion percentage, cost to date, remaining costs to incur, and the expected total cost of the fiber network lease service replacement program. RESPONSE: Expected completion date: Expected completion of the fiber network lease service program is December 2025. This consists of 50 leased fiber segments that have two contract expiration points. Of the 50 segments, 3 expire in2019 and 47 expirein2027, with an option to extend for one 5 year period. The schedule is a high risk element of this work and each segment contains a planning phase to refine schedule and cost. Only 3 of the 50 segments have passed the planning phase at this time. The 2025 completion date is a high level estimate. Project completion percentage: The program as a whole is 6oh complete. As noted above, of the 50 segments, 3 are active and will complete in2019. Those 3 segments are broken down into the following completion percentages: Segment | (40%), Segment 2 (15%), and Segment 3 (5%) complete and estimated total transfer-to-plant in 2019 is approximately $806k on a system basis and approximately $179k on an Idaho Electric Share basis. Cost to date (system basis): $144,030 Life to Date, 978,797 Year to Date 2019 Estimated remaining cost to incur (system basis) 2019 $865,220 2020 $l ,245,290 202153,369,466 2022 53,155,936 2023 $3,242,742 2024 $3,155,690 2025 Sl,2g0,7gg Expected total cost of the fiber network lease service replacement program: $16,314,013 (system basis). AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff-048 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 07123/19 Jim Kensok Stephanie Myers Customer Solutions (s09) 49s-4620 REQUEST: Please provide the specific dollar amounts incurred in 2018 and 2019 to date on the mobile application referenced in Kensock Direct Testimony, Page 19. RESPONSE: In 2018, actual project costs were 5277,893.69, In 2019, actual project costs to date are $605,270.52. The tables below reflect a break out of capital spend on a system basis for this project. This project was complete in June of 2019. The total amount that is in service is approximately $936k on a system basis and approximately $207k on an Idaho Electric Basis. There will be some additional charges for warranty work and change orders that will be transferred in the July through September time frame. The difference in the spend amounts listed in the tables above and the $936k transfer-to-plant is the additional spend amounts from2017 previously incurred. Labor Prof Svc/Licensin g/Other s217,516.14 $387,754.38 Actual $156,339.42 $121,554.27 Actual Prof Labor r Subtotals $277,893.69 20t9 Subtotals 9605,270.52 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff-049 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 072412019 Jim Kensok Stephanie Myers Customer Solutions (s09) 49s-4620 REQUEST: Regarding the Request above, when are the upgrades to the mobile application expected to be released? RESPONSE: The billing and payment upgrade to the mobile app was released into production in June of 2019. A mobile app release is anticipated Q3 2019 to address bug fixes and general user experience improvements. The next major release of the app will include energy usage information and general user experience improvements; a timeline has not been established for this work. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff-050 DATE PREPARED: 0712212019WITNESS: James Kensok RESPONDER: Clay Storey DEPARTMENT: IT TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4132 REQUEST: Regarding Kensok Direct Testimony, Page 19, please provide the cost savings to Idaho customers by implementing the payment card industry compliance (PCD business case. RESPONSE: There are no anticipated cost savings achieved by being PCI compliant. Maintaining PCI compliance reduces the risk of a breach of credit card information, allows us to continue to accept credit card payments from our customers, and avoids possible future penalties of not being compliant. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff-053 DATE PREPARED: 07 /2412019WITNESS: Mark Thies RESPONDER: Violet Makhanov DEPARTMENT: Corp Accounting TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2883 REQUEST: Regarding the Company's response to Production Request No. 4, please provide copies of invoices, contracts, workpapers for Rating Agencies - Moody amount of $ 1 10,000. RESPONSE: TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code, and pursuant to the Protective Agreement See Staff PR_053 Attachment A for the Moody's $110,000 Invoice 52019747-000 and Staff PR_053C Confidential Attachment A for the Service Application with Moody. INVESTORS SERVICE Moody's lnvestors Service, lnc. TWTC at 250 Greenwich Street New York, NY 1 0007 lNVOICE t Patrice Gorton Di rector Fi nance, Assistant Treasurer AVISTA CORP. 1411 East Mission PO Box 3727 MSC-37 Spokane, WA 9S220 Payment inquiries contact: Collections Team Phone: 2121553-1134 Email: M lSCollectlons@moodys.com 0??O3B7o ?y,toa F€/ INVOICE No.: REFERENCE No. CUSTOMER No.: INVOICE DATE: s2019747 .000 us18000978 130030 January 25,2018 For Professional Services 000.00 Please do not conlact youlAnalyt]c Teqq regarding thls involce or any olher fe+related matter, Return This Portion With Your Payment lnvoice Amount: USD 110,000.00 INVOICE PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLAR Fed Wire or@r,rn Invoice Number to : oR Mail Payment with lnvoice Stub tor SUNTRUST BANK MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE Transit Routing # 061000104 P,O. Box 102597 ACH # 061000104 Atlanta, Georgia 30368i0597 [4oody's Account # 8801939847 USA Account Name: Moody's lnvestors Service, lnc. Swift Code: SNTRUS3A pAytyENT DUE UpON RECE1pT Moody's Taxpayer lD #: 13-195-9883 lnv No.: S2019742 - 000 (Januaiy25,2O18)RefNo.: US1B0O097B Statf_PR_053 Attachment A Page 1 of 2 Moopv'S lVlo-opi's Moody's lnvestors Service, lnc. TWTC at 250 Greenwich Street New York, NY 10007INVESTORS SERVICE Type of Fee Supporting Detail lssueriFamily Fee Amount Long-Term Annuat Fee Avtsta Corp. Fee Period: January 2018 - December 2018 110,000 Grand Total:usD'110,000 lnv No.: S2019747 - 000 (January25,?O1B](Paoe 2 of 2) Ref No.: US18000978 Staff_PR_053 Attachment A Page 2 of 2 N o FIo(,l C,c oOla J00I Co E-cL,l(oD+) x -9,x< Pco E (J(I,D,t @tr)o dlo- LI(oPa tiuco) OJ Lo!yoo3b|g L Eog xo5o tn0oUql .E.(f =L.,xo -oE o,).NE ELo L llto =tJ.5 (o'{=u(oLLocU'-,9!seO)sco';-i trtrFEg.eo.EE -ct (, -)H.9Y>AE'= o-g)o (u1, =oIlaE9(oEqE -I-I(,)>6Eo:l LE-ofo\Ora -li+ Uo'a Lo- .9'o 8_otc)P(E ( d.9o(o iEfi:1{co).9jj.E.elgEEzE<'6 -c!E'=B+,qa 'E qJ Loo- o H#'- trtl t.rt =FrmoNO EgHgooP tttgE u.9(,)ElIr-3b€6d_tco;oo>cD=EIJfa,-o'=ti o.lOJJ.!uECooHB98 =gSEOEN=-).= o- r{N tln (\t o) roco rl) t,N oNt $tt N (o c)t- $ro z No o.r_(o@(o (0o^ lfrO ro a.oqlo rO (a o-€c)ro Nol(o t lo@ tN$-t€ o ao- No oo c,)-(oro o€\!f@ O, o\ s_ScoosN c\ls5l.- (') c.)C\| \o(o 9: [o :-vN(o@ Na. rir- tf-c.)\fN *KhN.;No = sE* N(.)1r)s o(tsr 1eRiUo(, P- loo-(9 o d$(, *lol $l C'o\(\t(t N85o(ooro OXo-:o(ooo_ >sEB9) <,oc.)(oo- s=x-!iN o(oo 3 \o(\tol:o-;o(f)C)o- 5-) t IJJ thr,gE !, uJ r0 o E o @ C)c{ os o N z o o Eo U) c(u o. "t2o .9 o(D uJE0)'6 IL cLoo c(E E c.9o.9, Eoc(I, Fo o-gtll tr)ON O)r()oN NEoN o)Ol(oo- th (I,fts I coE.c.UlI,E EEoo th ul3=ooCCtl 6 6E o*bgo EE:'=oE: E'trq b_?o'6IiEtrj 1=qfYr! -1vu)o@oooElf!JJJEEE.E .E .C NoN d,o(Yl ;{ looort\oto N orail c,Nlo r.{ utN('ltulu)t rgoN6lno N J F-oF $^ N (v,N(0 !rrOF. Na.r- Nola ro (oc\{ (o(o (9 (9- (9lOa. (v) @rri(atf lO rO- 60rO rto+ o- ntseOe@-qO\teC)o)- @o\(f) lo!:q$sOr(f) $ -o(O o\NF-NNJsNCOc\l sf.-o? !t CO so)c.] $)(r) N @@n (f) F.- :N(n xth: Co E !(J(E LJ @LNo dlo- LI(I,a c(od Eo'r=)-o.E tJ,t i5 uc(od Eoti.9. Eoc(I,LF .T oooo E,lrl tu, la(g t q)r{oN r.O OlLN \otnt! o OtNrOo'i \ooorfl+oo cnN@ 1l!mtr{r{rO NN\O.NNco tr}(.o o? Ntnao NN(nd LN@o rON ooNto N ro @$ Otoo Nlr)Ol d o @\oo $t cri F{ HOto H h rON ht\h (n I\I{oN @t(OtFirO lf) F{tn NN H LN\t' rnLN N\o@ Noo o F{otf h]\tr{ iltnt \,-ttr) \ol,a)Or oo'(\t NLa)ootH Ho@ N\r N\o@ N Nlr)Ol Ntn NNH \o o (D LNil OlNN LNN @No N ]t)F{lno(vl F{ r{ (.,d]UII ItIt! (, o!rooNd t{rooNo-d, u,t E oo l0doN NNrno'NH aooo. Ort00 o @LNN o mmtoor.{rn oOlod@t f{o\O. H@oo (ooLN @H Ntrn lr)o F{ LN\otn H Lt!@Ol Ntn NOroo r{ O ro@N(oN NooN rf)rf) i$tnt to(.'llnoo N ]nF{oN (f)\oLN r\J'NFl OlOro LNcot o N@oa N o tlnlno;{to \rtn\oFiOtt H N\oaotN@ il NOlO Fl il NoN Oltnr{ hrohoOl no@,o. Fl@N cOOl@. lr} o HNH $ or@to'\o o Nt\h Glrfo m F{ !fr{oN notno @\o F{N@+@Ol o o o o tNoNroo t{ HNOl iloLN H \fNN (Odil rO(Orn rON NoN H N @o\o <)Oil N@LN c(i(f) lr)oN r"; rooolr)dN tf,Nlrl c.jcn LN l,a)o oo'oo o (\ @l\ rooo F{ l2t! U oOoootn(n oootn La)co oOo\oL''00 oooNtncn ooo@La,no oooollr)co ooot\ooo oool,a)r.Ooo ooo(o\oao oooN\oao ooO@r.Oao ooHOl\oco oOrnOt\oc,o ooNcoNco oornrnNrn oot(nNoo oornrnNoo GIo\@@co- (o(no- o@-(\I olrO G'(\l @- ))o lON(,d!o!I:'d @oi-. @rO(n (\l o s z o o Eo ELo U)I Eodc.9o .9. EocgFo Looifi C Lo @Ico o- Iaoo.E oo IUag oTL AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff-58 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 0712212019 Heather Rosentrater Julie Lee Finance (s09) 49s-43s6 REQUEST: In Company witness Rosentrater's Direct Testimony, Pages 15 and 21, there are two capital projects for Storms. Please provide all supporting documentation used to determine the budgeted amounts. Please also include in your response the historical amounts spent on Storm damages for the previous five years and the accounts to which they were booked. RESPONSE: Storm response is unpredictable both in frequency and severity. Whether a storm is considered a capital or O&M repair depends highly on the type of damage experienced. Minor storms, such as those that generate excess vertical loading are frequently maintenance repairs, as no Retirement Units are damaged, and repair consists of restringing conductor. Capital storms tend to be more severe, generated by high winds, ice, and wildfire. Budget needs are reviewed by referencing historical actuals and are normalized by excluding costs of extraordinary weather events. Please see Staff PR_058 Attachment A for historical budgeted amounts for ID Electric Storms for the two different ER's mentioned in Ms. Rosentrater's testimony. Both Transmission and Distribution Storms arcpartof the same business case, so the split between ER205l Transmission Plant - Storm, and ER2059 Distribution Plant - Storm for 2019 were determined based on YTD experience at the time the budget amounts were established. For that reason, more was budgeted to Distribution than Transmission for 2019. Whether a storm is charged under Transmission plant or Distribution plant will depend on the types of assets damaged. Per FERC rules, assets classified in FERC 352000 - 359000 are considered Transmission plant for the purpose of replacement, while assets in the FERC range of 361000 - 373000 are considered Distribution plant. Please see Staff PR_058 Attachment A for the historical amounts spent on storm damages for the previous five years and the applicable FERC account the costs were booked against.