HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190703Avista to Staff 1-35.pdf#wsrfr RECE IVED 2019 JUL -3 AH il: 05 luly 2,2019 t,]ril-iC ;:'UELICr iLiTIES COfu!MISSION Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702-0074 Attn: Edward Jewell Deputy Attorney General Re: Production Request of the Commission Staff in Case Nos. AVU-E-I9-04 Dear Mr. Jewell, Enclosed are Avista's responses to IPUC Staffs production requests in the above referenced dockets. Included in this mailing are the original and two paper copies of Avista's responses to production requests: Staff No. I I Supplemental, 13, l4r l5r 17 ,18, & 26. Also enclosed on three separate CD's are copies of Avista's responses to the production requests. The electronic versions of the responses were emailed on 07102119. Also included both on paper and on a separate CD are Avista's CONFIDENTIAL response to PR 017C. This response contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL informationand is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233,and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. It is being provided under a sealed separate envelope, marked CONFIDENTIAL. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact Paul Kimball at (509) 495-4584 or via e-mail at paul.kimball@avistacorp.com. Sincerely, Avista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O.Box3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 TollFree 800-727-9170 ?' Paul Kimball Manager of Compliance & Discovery Enclosures CC (Email):IPUC (Hanian) Idaho Forest Group (Miller, Williams, Crowley, Miller) Corp, z AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff-01 1 Supplemental DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RE,SPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: 0710112019 Elizabeth Andrews Joel Anderson State & Federal Regulation (s09) 4es-2811 j oel.anderson@avistacorp. com Please provide a list of "out-of-period adjustments" and "extraordinary items" for the years 2017-2019 to date. RESPONSE: The Company believes there are no extraordinary items for years 2017 through2019 year to date, which includes the test period of twelve months ended December 31,2018. Each month, as the Results of Operations reports are prepared, the Company reviews unusual fluctuations in revenues and expenses. Certain prior period costs are removed at that time (primarily tax retum true-ups for prior years). The Company is in the process of reviewing all non-standard journal entries for the period 2017-2019 to date, and will supplement this response at the conclusion of that review. SUPPLEMENTAL - Julv l,20l9: Upon review of all non-standard journal entries for the period 2017 -2019, no additional items of note came to the Company's attention. However, the following non-recurring 2018 expense did come to the Company's attention: Although the Company recorded (deferred) the 2018 tax benefit associated with the AFUDC Equity tax impact, to return to customers at a later time (see Andrews testimony starting at page 43, line 15), by recording the deferral within its general ledger (and Results of Operations for each of jurisdictions) in December 2018, the Company failed to remove within its direct filing the amortization expense associated with this item. See StafLDR_O1I - Attachment A. The impact of this adjustment would reduce Idaho electric expense by $389,404, and reduce the Company's requested electric revenue requirement by $391,000. Page I of I REQUEST: [ "oo-t3ttt.J dc$ 3 du 8\*:J$13aL + ,$ =ry cIs EE oo:)L oo aN_o@{oo@d- ?oNNd sru*+eof@oonrNOO@dd.,tddOTOFNNFO !@' 6_ r_ ni ts N tobto{*ooFjdFjboo ii boo i o o o *'o t'- * o e oF 6 6 NO NL 6 6 N* N;6-@-o;o-oEO{6!.osl +o60cNNOOO60I r 6000$00o ts o@ooooNo'lj dnjsidFjdF:o o NNFOOT-ON N IO FFNS--.s9':-St xxxxLFFFts==?EBEEEEEEdrd'nrn oNrtoooooootsos(o @oNoooo'ddo 6Oa@F@-Ortd NONOOONOOOOotoo oNl6rO Oriri oo- d tis$Es + o'o -N N N.@Io-N E l- o oo)(g(L N ri o N a F o c ;RS*)e8oov60F6OOOooNto+ac.,i-doooo I toI o; t ;e:(sSsoo@ooo+600o@N60odNai do6@o zoFozIo 3 t Io C,i * Nooooo_ o Not-N o?ONONtooolooodFJdoo-NtN!N$No' N_ GoF U)u,tr)trl{l FN6ai Sre888ooooooooooooooocidcicidoooo Eo g II =ulFU' o t I oEEo(o 6 0) Eo CLo U) o Ino-*t (E U) oa 6q8d&!eeFfEP .E E osEEEs'i6 h€+ EB€EHfrhoti6;tsE-ets:.E t oo-zo;,z ooo) UJ ooz(, tr fiu,GoFulzc&.FotljJul T UJ =8z3i EE.UHLz^o iEHtt= HE? ?,x F t_lte) te2o _t E$t,6tr E ftHdPoBstti rJ BBE(ts(LF r! 0aIIJ 9,tr 6tsooo ao _ql Etr tsu- TUuol!u.l@6ooJ UI =oo4,(,z l^- #tu(LoFt!z tlr UJeolJ-trJdto[!a u,IxtrlJ FoF oUJozEIGxUJ) dtlJzIUoc! =o J t-oF #go 9a-8ERo Eoo-ooFoie*do6E 8e- 5 EE*EE ,88$tEs$**$1fic E c e o.r8.B.8.egEfi,i,i,I gE E6E5EE EEEE,S€OE€toE EETTE,I (,oF ilaie-NotoIttttttAJJJJJ(J<<<<< 9 di u: '.,i ui uiJ FI-Frtrtr uJ trJ uJ r60FOottgFNNooott* OOF NNONNNooo+t!t) ooNN(o. o-{N60NO;o' !oo@ooNooooNIOt Nt_N.o-o_ r.@@oN o+060 0iooc,i {- o o 6 0 0 N-o o a D u) oO 6 oFOt@o N o NrNNNNO * NeO@NOo N- o- NFgv_ON F.Nod |io!- i@600Nt(otONNOddNoioooot-o @-oo NO0@ot++(oiljtsioo ooIut o oN,i o.ocoIo 8EluaEco =o E I AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff - 013 DATE PREPARED: 0710112019WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews RESPONDER: Mary Tyrie DEPARTMENT: Communications TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4470 REQUEST: Please provide detail of all advertising expenses recorded above the line including account and subaccounts where posted, dates posted, vendor names, explanations, and amounts posted during 2018. RESPONSE: Cost of Customer Communications/Advertising Please see Staff PR_013 Attachment A for detail of all advertising expenses recorded above the line. Due to the voluminous nature of the attachment, it is being provided in electronic format only. See the Company's response to Staff PR_014 Attachment A for copies of advertisements. Description of Customer Advertising The Company advertises on a variety of topics using a number of mediums to help inform and educate customers about topics of importance to them. Advertising is defined by paid media including TV, Radio, NSP, On-Line, direct mail, includes production costs, media placement costs and printing. The main categories of communications include: DSM Outreach & Advertising Customers were provided information about energy efficiency tips and Avista's rebate programs through television, print, and digital advertising well as our website and program partners (e.g., contractors and equipment dealers). Safety Advertising Safety communication educates customers on various aspects of electric and natural gas safety, including the importance of calling before they dig, knowing what to do if they smell natural gas, using common sense around power lines, removing snow off of gas meters, etc. A variety of advertising methods are used. Limited Income and Senior Outreach A variety of outreach programs are focused on supporting limited income, senior, working family and children with information and resources to assist them in managing their energy use and energy costs. Senior outreach focuses on connecting seniors with energy assistance options and services they may need. LIRAP provides energy efficiency tips and products to limited income customers. Additional detail about three of the programs that are supported by the LIRAP conservation education funds include: Senior and Vulnerable Customer Outreach Page I of2 Advertisements are placed in publications and newspapers in Avista's service territory that best target senior and vulnerable adults to highlight the assistance programs and customer billing options that are available for seniors and how to access those programs. Enerry Fairs Outreach Avista held Energy Fairs in 2018 in our Idaho service area in Lewiston and Coeur d'Alene for the pu{pose of reaching out to limited income, senior and working families living in a rural community with resources and information to assist them in managing their energy costs. The events included Avista staff providing energy efficiency demonstrations, giveaways of energy efficiency items (LEDs, door sweeps, window plastic, etc.) and information about customer service billing and payment options. The Community Action Partnership provided information about energy assistance grants and weatherization programs. Other community partners participated by providing information on financial counseling, fraud and scam prevention, independent living skills for those with disabilities and health screenings were provided for all attendees. Bill Assistance We inform customers about comfort level billing, preferred due date, flexible payment arrangements, energy assistance programs and energy efficiency programs. Print advertising and emails were used to educate customers about the many options they have for managing their energy bill. The Avista website has additional information and ways that customers can sign up for various bill payment options. Natural Gas We inform customers about the benefits of natural gas through advertising (television, print and radio) as well as direct marketing. Other Advertisements and customer outreach not covered in other categories are included in "Other." This includes vegetation management outreach, meter testing information, rates communications, customer service information, storm preparation, planned outages, community support, products and self-serve options. fiii :iii \ 3 d6 ,6 q nd Pi I d.iUE n 3 i vieo= $d 9N s s Q4 s il n BE g a nn83 nd;8 $ I E3 ts 9\ddq;ilqnd 8c.i:Fo3N6 de jq q N SPPEEEEECE 8 di 8S t3 I dq 6 I ; ! Et N EI8 I 8 88 l It: T I!e !N: !I I!IE !Nu ? aaea9eaa9a:JXtsE<48:<A:X n eH n 3 8;8 E gFg i . n: .;o I-! 6I si ea I il I I )!-- tGx I .i,Ni'= i ! 1 ) i : I i I i6 -i n I It 5 E i l : : : : I 2: l: ,6 et I e EEe8 d ri 88 EBE le TH E 3 €I!t Ec2 .a ERo: : : l t!2 .bRie8I - I 8 3I: I II fe I 1 l 1 it q:t 8 i !: Ftd : : fiiE g ?! ' I rie EEt, ?l ' cin qnigFx I l : : : I i hoo ! Io o I ot{ Fo I :Fq o, o,uZ :I tsoU t 8es8:qi Euieui,3 *:fil, Q9l99iGI!690 c +888i gI:gr 3ri vi 6.48E I9 TE ,i4 $a : E!tix Hx6= daBR sE B:di -l i lnI HEH I d9.l!r; BSSOE') ,) ) :l fl$$EE 'Il1 i! it; t $I i?BExiXriRIS fli8 B i5H qi 6i i i i f.l , ra o:c)tFti I I I II I I,i1 j : )i I .1,!!E.? s,+ : qqq\ooc@hdroEai;9uie{} HHPEHSi riil hgB I TI IFt Ea s !Ek r g q I I ..1 .l I o ul o n9!t4{{9n;!?Y@O6N6i600 SEFggEgEEE E t I p s:t aa5IX{s t RTc$;Ex:i:Ge-=s- I 8 iE I l -Q -a : do E EE €EE 64 i dJJ :$ R EBX t t,IY EEEEEEEeEI--"""'I 8grgs tcn-5I 8 EIT F I .E ! c ,, : , EEtx t : e ^l I iN Fin aeaa88 IIId ! Ix& e o ! ai l:8 <s j:di.i i I aa H co R6 o .i t n n T n 3E dil i9 il68? 888* d ,? l-do =3 I'' a ,9g I :9 GT e Q6 I ;Eie ,R ie 5 l oi g: j=<iF I 8i+I B€ dgi 8o 3Eti hd=g Ad d dId;6qgq$EgB3i.n8 =*i ++ 6 R I 8 d I I _c]gtrd B:Y : Db 6= iiii i I : i,t *H$E i,': . TilfiS fifigE . l i i.ilil:N 1..d! t!BH 83D9 88 E$t' 66ail an3$ DQ a a a'a a - a - $EEE3i*$ i.,' : dP R} ri\ d= i {I i I ri ., T,H : c969I: ii.i q a3sB'p rE 3i- i : JE ::ii:i i I i dEXE t)i1 : iiii !,8 *il9frr l III i ,'''1 1i ') i :l )ltllltl tE dEEd t t8 '(!OYEd AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff - 014 DATE PREPARED: 0710112019WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews RESPONDER: Mary Tyrie DEPARTMENT: Communications TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-4470 REQUEST: Please provide copies of all advertisements used during 2018 and conelate the advertisement with the specific detail provided in the Company's response to Request No. 13. RESPONSE: Please see Staff AR_014 Attachment A. Due to the voluminous nature of the attachments (over 290 files), they are being provided in electronic format only. Page I of I AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Production Request Staff - 015 DATE PREPARED: 07 l0ll20l9WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews RESPONDER: Paula Nichols DEPARTMENT: Customer Service TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8532 REQUEST: Please provide copies of all billing inserts for 2018, and indicate the states where they were sent. Please also provide a schedule showing the amount and account numbers charged for all costs to produce, print, and distribute the inserts. RESPONSE: Please see Staff PR_01 5 Attachment A for a listing of billing inserts. A zip file which includes an electronic folder containing copies of billing inserts labeled by state is also provided. Due to the voluminous nature of the zip file attachment, it is being provided in electronic format only. See Staff PR 015 Attachment B and C for the costs associated with the inserts. Page I ofl ITE:\I C'ODE DESCRIPTIOi-L}IT PRICI EXTEIDED TransCentra insert costs. January 2018 zzz6tt Inseraing BRE antUor Ilserts 855,237 0.003000 2,565.7r -{\,4268I AvA269t A\,'A27{I A\iu79I A\:A.28OI A}},281I AV'A282I IYA288I .{\4289I Dec-Conneclions 11'A,1ID Dec_Connectious OR OR Rights & Responsiltilities Jrn_Connections rr\A/ID Jrn_Conneclions OR EITC Spokane Countl free tlx prep! CO I)eleclor \lA_R&D Trriff 7,267 5,G{3 5,6t3 254,072 60,783 I20,lu 3,8r3 112,515 8{,186 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A\IO3B Avista #9 BRE Ilt'IB (repl 028)20r,203 0.000000 0.00 855237 -201,203 = 654034 x.003 = 1,962.70 (cost to distribute inserts) Feb ZZZ6IO Inserting BRE an<L/or Inserls rr50,6r3 0.003000 3,45r.84 A!i{230I -{\'A270I .{\A?79I A\A28OI A\A28II .{\4282I A!A283I A!A28{I A1'A285I AVA288I QICOIT Feb_Jiaturol Gas Sdety ID_ HouToCalcNon-Res Jau_Connec tions \1'A{ID Jan_Connections OR EITC Spokrne Counl-v Free tlx prepl Atiste h'imcv Policy Connections \liUID-Feb Connections OR_Feb CO Detector QIC Landscnpe Flnt Env 201,923 1,757 9,001 4,150 .1,137 247 325.484 237,343 57,8r0 llJ,21 9 557 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.261600 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 145.7t A\l,L03B Arists #9 BRE I}IB (repl 028)f89,5,12 0.000000 0.00 1150613 - L89542 = 96L077 x .003 = 2883.2L (cost to distribute inserts) March ZZZ6IO Inserting BRE nnd/or Inserts 1218,068 0.00J000 3,65{.20 ITE}I CODE DES(?IPTIO\QTY PI.'RCII I.'\IT PRICf,E]iTE\-DED QIY PI'RC II T:-IT PRICE EXTE}'DEDITE}I CODE DES(RI?TIO}- Staff_PR_015 Attachment B Page 1 of 6 .{}A23OI .,{\4270r A}'A283I A\i{284I AvA285I A\:A286I .*'A287I .{vA290I A\A2,97I .{\,A300I Feb_Naturnl Gas Safery- ID_ HowToCnlcNon-Res Arists Privacy Policy {lonnections \\A{D_Feb Connections OR_Feb Connections \\l{,[D_]lar Connections OR_]Iar Leuk Sun'ey Buck-A-Block llerge info for 11A 21,r85 6 285 37,702 73,373 10,092 261,8,t6 66,681 r!3,201 258,322 186,1.11 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.(x, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A\AO3B .{r'ista #9 BRE f}IB (repl 02B)223,740 1218068 -223740=994328 x.003 = 2982.98 (cost to distribute inserts) April 0.000000 0.00 ITEII CODE DES( RIPTIO}QTY P[RCH I.]]IIT PRIC-E EXTE\DED z2z6t0 Inserting BRE andlor Inserts l l8l,6r 2 102,835 72,485 238,398 56,512 238,398 291,50.t 0.003000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3,544.84 0.00 .{\4290I A\i4,292I A\i{293I AVA29{I A\'.{,295I A1'.,\-296I Leak Survey Power to people_electric vehic April Connections WAIID April Connections OR E nergy' Efliciency .{wareness 81l/Pizza promo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A\.AO3B Alist* #9 BRE IMB (repl 028)181,.t80 LLBt6t2 - 181480 = 1000132 x .003 = 3000.40 (cost to distribute inserts) May plus printing IIE}I CODE DESCRIPTIO}-QTYPTiRCH L\II PRICE F]\TE\-DED ZZZ6IA Inserting BRE and/or Inserts lIal'_Geti\'IoreOutOfl-curFurnace Po$'er lo people_electric rehic April Connections llAIID April Connections 0R Energy f,fliciencv An'arenesl 8ll/Pizza promo Buck-A-Block Connsctions lliVlD_lky Connections OR_IIl,r Renewnble Energl' Credits r285,107 0.003000 3,855.32 Page 2 of 6 Ari{r92I A\A:92I AYA293I A\.'A29.{I A1i,t29Sr A\i{296I Ali{297I A\'A298I AYAX99I AYA3OSI .{\.'A038 31r,823 93,99! 23,066 10,085 23,066 30,287 91,109 251,011 60,806 175,580 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Aristn #9 BRE L\{B (repl 028)214.282 1285707 -2L4282 = 1070825 x.003 = 32L2.48 (cost to distribute inserts) Printing AVA308i Staff_PR_O1 5 Atlachment B 0.000000 0.00 QTY PI'RC'H r\IT PRICEDESC.RIPTIO:- 2.1# generic roll stock Laser F First Sheet Printing Black Ink Digitrrl Form Printing Cutting Charge 6rJ3.l 61J3.1 6rJ31 61,33{ l 22,668 0.007200 0.059500 0.000000 0.00{{00 0.00.{600 Tr\ CL{SS DESCRIPTIOI AIPORTION o-.TAX RATE TI\ASLESIT Printing Taxable Printing Taxable 27.6750 27.6750 52.2650 52.2650 6.0000 6.0000 9.9000 9.9000 1.084.6{ 278.31 2,018.42 525.75 ITE1I C'ODE QICOsR ZZZO60 zzzz50 ZZZSOO ZZZTIO STATE June ID ID 11A \14 ESTEIDED PRICE {{1.60 3,6{9.37 0.00 269.87 561.27 T.r\.,L1tOt'\T 65.08 16.70 202.79 52.05 Tnxable Sales: 3,937.18 Non Tsxable Sales: Location: 07 Des }loines Regulur charges sales tax wlrere Nexus octurs. 987.93 Subtotal: Srles Tax: .t,925.11 336.62 5,261.7JInvoice Amount:l)etaclr Here QTY PT:RCH T]NIT PRICE EXTE\-DEDITETI CODE DES('RIPTIO\ ZZZ6IO Inserting BRE antUor Inserts 1176,931 0.003000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3,530.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A1'Ar92I A\4297I A\1L298I AVA299I AVASOlI AVA3O2I AIASOTI AvA3OSI A\A3TOI 13,767 174,171 10,169 < <oo 288,486 7{,305 36J,321 9,116 19,330 i\'Iay_Get\'IoreOutOflburFurnoce Buck-.4-Block Connections \Y;UID_Ihy Connections OR_l'Iay Nnturol Gns & Electric Safety Natural Gus Safetl illarketplace sw€epstskes Renewnble Energy Credits 2017 .{nnReportCard-StcQuality AYAO3B Arista #9 BRE IIIB ['epl 028)215,76.1 tL7693L-215764 = 1070825 x .003 = 2883.50 (cost to distribute inserts) July plus printing ITtrlI CODE DES(RIPTIO}QTY P.tRCH T]:iIT PRICf,EXTE\DED Z2Z6IO A\,'A273I A\A3O3I .,{\430!tI .,{\zA309I A\ZA3IOI Inserting BRE an&or Inserts ID FCARrte Adjustment Connections \VA/[D_July Connections OR_,Iu\' !14 Sch 91/l9l DSII filing 20I. 7 ArnReportCrrd-StcQuality 791,473 6{,480 251,899 60,393 58.725 r67,r50 0.003000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2,39!.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.(x).{\4038 Arista #9 BRE IIIIB (repl 028)r9r,826 797473-t94826=L070825 x.003 = L807.94 (cost to distribute inserts) Printing Staff_PR_o1 5 Attachment B Page 3 of 6 QTY PTRTH I.lIT PRICEITT}I CIODE DES(-RIPIIO\ Qrc08R ZZZO6i ZZZ2SO ZZZ3OO zzz7t0 24# generic roll stock Laser F First Sheet Printirg Black Ink Digital Form Printing Cutting Charge lr{,750 1r{,750 I1{,750 rr4,750 229"50$ 0.007200 0.059500 0.000000 0.004400 0.004600 STATE TIX CLASS Df,SCRIPTIO\APPORTION g o TI-\ RATtr T,I\.I,BLE JI1IT TD TD \14 \IA Printing T$xable Printing Txlble 27.6750 27.6750 52.2650 52.2650 6.0000 6.0000 9.9000 9.9000 2,O29.?7 5:0.E1 3,832.37 983.59 EXTEfDED PR1CE 826.20 6,827.63 0.00 50.1.90 1,055.70 Trt.\..\'1tof'\T 121.76 31.25 379.40 97.38 Tsxable Srles: 7J66.04 Non Taxable Srles: Location: 07 Des *Ioines Regulus charges sales tax where Nerus occurs. r,848.J9 Subtotal: Sales Tax: 9,2r1.{3 629.79 Detach Here Invoice Amount:9,8.t{.22 August plus printing ZZZ6IO Inserting BRI antVor Inserts 1060,036 0.003000 3,180.11 AVA273I A1.A303I A\A3O.II A1A3O5I A1A306I A\1r,309I A\A3III AVA3I3I Av'A31.tI ID FCA Rate Attjustnr€nt Connecfions !\'AJID_July Conn€ctioDs OR_July Con nec tions \l"A.fID_Au g Connections OR_Aug \lA Sch 911191 DSII ftliug Rir.er lllap \\1{LIRdP ID PCAIDSII/BPA./Decoupling 36,83r 9,967 5,599 258,991 64,422 t21,892 l.tl.119 r50,286 57,676 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .TYAOJB Arista #9 BRE I\{B (repl 028)213,653 0.000000 0.00 1060036 - 213653 = L070825 x .003 = 2539.15 (cost to distribute inserts) Printing 68252 3 up for 313i ID ID w.A. WA Ptinting 27.6750 ?7.6750 52.2650 52.2650 6.0000 6.0000 9.9000 9.9000 2,176.81 558.68 {,111.07 r,055.13 130.61 J3.52 {07.00 l0{.{6 Tnxlble Printing T*xatrle ITE}I C'ODE DES(]RIPTIO\QTY PT'RCH T'IIT PR]CE E\TE\_DED ITE]I CODE DESC RIPTIO\QTl',P[?CE I\IT PRIC E EXTEI'DED PRICE QICO8R ZZZO6O ZZZ2,SO ZZZ3OO ZZZTIO 123.095 123,095 123,095 123,095 246,190 0.007200 0.059500 0.000000 0.004.t00 0.004600 8E6.28 7J2.t.I5 0.00 5{1.62 I,lJ2.47 2.1# genedc roll stock Loser F First Sheel Printing Black Ink Digitol Form Printing Cutting Chrrge ST.{TE AIIoRTIO:.. 0o T..1-\R{TE TA.ltLBLE -4lrT T^4I Af IOT'\-TTA.X CLTSS DESC'RIPTIO\ Staff_PR_o1 5 Attachment B Page 4 of 6 Taxalrle Sales: 7.901.72 Non Ttxable Srles: Locslion: 07 Des lloines Regulus charges snles tax where \-exus occurs. 1,982.80 Subtotal: Snles Trx: Invoice Amount: 9.88,t.52 675.59 r0,560.rrDetach Here Sept ITE}I ('ODE DES(:RIPTIO:(QTY PTTRCH I. NIT PRICE EXTENDED ZZZ6IO Inserfing BRE aadlor Inserts 882,852 69,7t6 t.lJ62 11 17' 25.{,86s 6r,605 51,583 179,2?1 0.003000 0.000000 0.00000{t 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2,6.t8.56 AvA3llI A!'A3l3I AYA314I A\TA3I5I A\..$r6I .{r'A3r8I AV.{319I River )llap \\'.r LIRAP ID P(:.{/I)Sl\UBPA"/Decouplin g Connections lllVID Connections OR ID PG,DS}I/BP.{ \\Id PGA,/B P.4,/LIRA,Pi DECOT:PL ING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -{}A038 .dvista #9 BRE IIIB (repl 0lB)199,r 25 882852 - 199125 = 683727 x .003 = 2,051.18 (cost to distribute inserts) Oct 0.00 QTYPIiRCHITETI C'ODE DESCRIPTIOI lZzzen I Inserting BRE anrl/or Inserts I ara,zos I 9,659 5,342 168,769 I,I93 9,t1,6 ?62,1{6 66,136 90,936 I o.oozs+o I z.*s.rz 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 tf.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 .{vA3r5I A\''A316I .{YA3l7I .{vA318I .NIA3I9I AvA32OI AVA321I AVA333I Connections l1'A"/ID Connections 0R EV charger program TD PGA/DSI{/BPA lVAPGA/BPA/LIRAP/DECOL?LLNG ('onnections 11'A,1ID Counections OR ID How to Cglc res bills 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .{\'A038 ^{rista #9 BRE I\IB (repl 02B)218,{58 838765 - 218458 = 620307 x .002940 = L,823.70 (cost to distribute inserts) Nov ITE}I CODE DESCRIPTIOI PI'RCH I. ]\IT PRIC:E EXTE\T}f,D 2ZZ6IO fnserting BRE an<Uor Inserfs 103J.211 99,652 :{6,903 176.1t2 252,112 60.555 0.002940 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.080000 3.037.64 A\4275I AVA297I A\4322I -{vA323I AVA324I ID_Rights& Responsibilities Buck-A-Block lleetRenEnrgyTa r gettl 9 31 Connections WA/ID_Nov Connectionr OR_Nov 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .{\:A038 ^{listr #9 BRE L\IB (repl 028)791,577 1033211 - 197577 = 835634 x .002940 = 2,456.76 (cost to distribute inserts) 0.00 Staff_PR_01 5 Attachment B 0.000000 Page 5 of 6 Dec plus printing ZZZ6IO I Inserting BR-E andror Inserts E94.E35 0.002940 2,630.8r AvA274I A\A275I -{\'A297I .{\4322I .{\4323I .{\.,A324I A\:.{,325I A\:A327I Ali{328I A\:.{329I OR Rights & Responsibilities ID_Rights& Responsibilities Buck-A-Block lleetRenEnrgl'Ta r gell I 9 37 Conneclions WA.{ID_\ov Connections OR-Nov Alista Nlurketplace Connections \1i{"/II}_Dec Connections OR_Dec ETO notice(Rates) 58,021 r,{6r 10,96r 9,637 9,90t 5,517 239,062 239.062 58,02r 64,190 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00{t000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0-000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .{\'A038 .{ristrr #9 BRE IMB (repl 028)198.371 0.000000 0.00 894835 - L98377 = 696464 x .002940 = 2,047.60 (cost to distribute inserts) Printing EXTEI-DED PRIC'E 204.86 1,-55{.95 0.00 rl{.99 245.34 TI!(I\IOI'}T 27.73 7.47 86..tr 23.30 Toxrble Sales: 1,69{.88 Non Tuxrrble Sales: Locutiou: 07 Des \Ioines Regulus charges sales tax n'here Nexus occurs, 125.26 Subtot0l: Srles Trx: 2,t20.11 l{,1.91 Detach Here Invoice.{mount:3.265.05 [TE}I ( ODE DES(.RIPTIO\QTY PI-RCII t r-IT PRI( E f\TE\'I}fD ITEU C.ODE DESCRIPTIOS qTvPL:RCH TNIT PRICE Qrc08R ZZZO60 ZZZISO ZZZ3OO zzz7t0 2.1# generic roll stock Laser F Firsl Sheet Printing BI:rck Ink Digitul Form Printing Crrtting Chnrge 26,661 26,661 t6,661 26,667 53,334 0.007682 0.058310 0.000000 0.00{312 0.00{600 STATE T.!\ CLdSS DESCRIPTIO]T AIPORTIOi- q!T,\X R.I.TE TI\ABLE A\IT 27.6750 27.6758 52.2650 52.2650 6.0000 6.0000 9.9000 9.9000 d62. l5 12,r.58 872.81 235.3{ ID ID \\,A \\,A Prirting Taxable Printing Taxrble Staff_PR_01 5 Attachment B Page 6 of 6 N o C)o)(trL xoxo co EEoN oo tl(L tsl6 U' EEccooooccOG FF NNIl-NNii U)oaoo(o ott!tt c!(oN@ o Esg= i55i5d;oooNc)r)oc.l o).EEe de,.9 ou EEEE{iEH>eoyor6,t ! _ LgE5B6kcr<r5363ecI5Ii; l:)6>><<.JJ)J5fff,faala? ccoooacclll! tt (gEo o o-9H<=o^E= $o 6dm6OooaD oo NNoooool o)Or O)ooor)oooN ooc!q(o6Nco@ l.-()(o od e =35 o ol(,oo.E oa o 6fcc J:)uJ=zz:) :)-- -9oo eo = o|l)z o o o t-ooo,oo @aN Nr) oo (!c.o(!z EoOE E3.Ep6pZF s833'1 @zzU---i-oo'o--VN(oOOU};;;O Ye$$o.:oooov/oooooNooF6OTOOO-.---bgooooaorrNTNNNO /\ O O Oo=ooooEooo6u666ol!ooo OrNO,joqc!qtosNrfO(OON6rt 6oo o oc .E I to€ OOt*<<36ts8 ii it i{ i5oo)ooN C',1 F c, o=u Eo Eoc IJJE!ocot = q @oo ccooooa ll>l!t!F 6c.9oficEe b= u=b gi!QEoe8 E{5F onz o o o\tooo o Noooo,ooaooo() oDotoc.9 fo'E .9o o ooo E oF(!z voooooo Qoot'-oooo,o e(! = No,N oooco oooooo o;od 6c o..oooq)6 6;;'i8 oo 3sg i63oo)NN uo- o6z orloo-{oOrfo€)NOorooo)e\ro NF.oooo@o,O, O,oooq N@o,N oc.9oc)ccoo()(Dag)=o<6=co o aE,d,6A =< ooooooooo o6Gccc.o.o .9(E(!(,zzz ooCniFOoc{o6r) a(5 = Eo 06 < =6oN oelo E0, d = o6z o <t mmoOl o F.o OlOlo i5i< 5@@ oNN O o o .E ccooooccfflt lr acoooccoo IIoott == o E = oc.eo6) cooo 3 or)z o o o$(f)ooo, ot-ooo)o,o qo@oN .oou- -9oo oc.ooz 6c.9z(!:o(! e 6NN ao oc o, 6 o(!ooF;oI e d =dtuJlt o6o ocoFGz onz s$mmoOl orooOlOl to od (,'t @tr1 dItU T! 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RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response Staff PR_O17C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233,and Section 9-340D,ldaho Code. As shown in the Company's response to Sta[PR_0 1 6, Avista has identified I 4 ERs for which the transfers to plant (additions to rate base) allocated to Idaho exceeded $2 million in total from January 201 7 through May 2019. These 14 ER names and numbers are listed below: ER ER Name 2055 2060 2470 2531 2550 2556 2564 4116 4140 4148 Electric Distribution Minor Blanket Wood Pole Mgmt Dist Grid Modernization Westside 230 kV Substation - Rebuild Burke-Thompson A&B 11skv Transmission Rebuld CDA-Pine Creek 11SkV Transmission Line: Rebuildi I ",| DeMls Gap-Lind 11SkV Transmission Rebuild Proj Colstrip Capital Additions Nine Mile Rederclopment Regulating Hydro Little Falls Powerhouse Rederclopment4152 5005 s006 lnformation Technology Refresh P rogram lnformation Technology Expansion P rogram 7131 COF LongTerm Restructuring Plan Phase 2 We have included additional cost/benefit or similar analysis for each capital project (business case), where available. Where a capital project does not have a cost/benefit or similar analysis beyond the aforementioned CIRR, we explain why such analysis was not considered. See below for discussion of the capital projects and any related attachments. ER 2055 - Electric Distribution Minor Blanket: This ER addresses minor rebuilds of distribution equipment (e.g., replacing meters, services, transformers, primary lines, etc.) as well as replacing damaged equipment. Cost/Benefit studies are not normally done on this type of work, JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: as per reliability standards, failed facility must be restored to operating condition immediately. Internal Rates of Return likewise are not performed on this type of work, as the risk of fines/penalties create a situation where it is not a viable option to leave failed plant unaddressed. This work is considered mandatory by nature, therefore no financial justification is attached. The following are types of work that are primarily reactionary, due to failure or protection against future failure. The following are examples of the types of work performed: Customer Requested: Reroute/Conversion, Customer Load Increase Trouble: Car Hit Pole/Padmount Transformer (lncluding Damage Claims), Failed Equipment (Emergency Response), Copper Theft Repair NESC / Operating Standard Violations: National Electric Safety Code ("NESC") Violation (Not related to Joint Use), Secondary/Service Related Voltage Mitigation, Fusing / Feeder Protection Mitigation, Aerial Trespass, Undersized Equipment (Transformers, regulators, etc.) Asset Condition: Deteriorated Pole, Failing Equipment (not outage related), Leaking Transformers, Replacement of Line Devices (Condition Driven, End of Life) Facility Upgrades / Efficiency Improvements: Small Scale Reconductor, Small Scale Feeder Ties, New Switches and Sectionalizing Devices, Feeder Balancing, New Voltage Regulators, Midline Reclosers, Capacitor Banks, Open Wire Secondary Removal Facilify Reroute / Location Modifications: Overhead to Underground Conversion, Facility Reroute, Relocate Midline Devices ER 2060 - Wood Pole Management: The Company's Wood Pole Management Program was designed with a reliability focus. Wood poles naturally fail as they age. Across Avista's service territory, we have poles that are nearing 100 years old. The Wood Pole Management Program proactively identifies the poles most likely to fail before they do so, potentially causing customer outages. In fact, according to Avista's failure data, 29o/o of pole failures result in customer outages. Replacing poles prior to failure in a prescriptive, preventive fashion helps the Company keep costs lower, as replacing a pole on an emergency basis increases costs. Thus, this program provides lower costs and a higher level of reliability for our customers over the long term. Please see Staff-PR-017 Attachment U for details regarding the calculated IRR. ER 2470 - Distribution Grid Modernization Blanket: This ER addresses the replacement of undersized and deteriorating conductors, failed and end-of-life infrastructure materials including wood poles, cross arrns, fuses and insulators. Work performed under this ER represents required capital maintenance to provide safe and reliable service to customers. Please see Staff-PR-OI7 Attachment T for details regarding the calculated IRR. ER 2531 - Westside 230 kV Substation Rebuild: This project is necessary to mitigate our current noncompliance with mandatory NERC transmission planning standards during heavy summer loading conditions. Failure to make these planned investments will result in our failure to comply with mandatory NERC standards. We will continue to overload the Westside #1 2301115kV transformer during Phase I of this project, which overloading will extend to the existing Westside Substation 115kV and 23OkV buses, to allow for installation of a new 250MVA 2301115kV Autotransformer. The additional transformation capacity is necessary to eliminate Page 2 of6 a a a a o transformer overload contingencies in the Spokane area. Please see Staff-PR-017 Attachments G-J for documentation on cost benefit and alternatives related to this ER. ER 2550 - Burke-Thompson A&B 115kV Transmission Rebuild: This project is a part of the Transmission major rebuild program. The purpose of this program is to rebuild existing transmission lines based on overall asset condition (at the end of their useful life). The failure to timely replace aging transmission infrastructure on a planned basis would subject our customers to the increased risk of service outages and increased restoration costs as we become less able to continue providing our current level of reliability. In addition to customer outages, the added risk of failure also impacts the economic dispatch of our Company's generation resources and increases the risk of fire in dry areas. Finally, the failure to properly invest builds a "bow-wave" of needed investments to the future, which makes it more difficult to fund these projects in addition to our already-planned priority infrastructure needs. The Company will supplement this response with any additional information when available. ER 2556 -CDA-Pine Creek 115 kV Transmission Line: This program reconductors and rebuilds existing transmission lines to maintain compliance with NERC transmission planning standards. Investments mitigate NERC transmission planning standard (TPL-001-4) deficiencies that have already been identified for both our current system and for the near term transmission planning horizon (1-5 years). Failure to make these planned investments will result in our failure to comply with mandatory NERC standards. Please see Staff-PR-l7 Attachments K - M -for documentation on cost benefit and altematives. ER 2564 -Devils Gap-Lind 115 kV Transmission Line: This program reconductors and rebuilds existing transmission lines to maintain compliance with NERC transmission planning standards. Investments mitigate NERC transmission planning standard (TPL-001-4) deficiencies that have already been identified for both our current system and for the near term transmission planning horizon (1-5 years). Failure to make these planned investments will result in our failure to comply with mandatory NERC standards. Please see Staff-PR-l7 Attachment N and Confidential Staff-PR-Ol7 Attachment O for documentation on cost benefit and alternatives. ER 4116 - Colstrip Capital Additions: This ER represents programmatic ongoing capital expenditures associated with Units 3 and 4 at Colstrip. Talen Energy operates and maintains Colstrip on behalf of all the owners. Each year they provide Avista with capital project summaries. Each project has a NPV and IRR calculated where appropriate, while projects identified as a reliability or environmental compliance driven project will be identified as such and an NPV/IRR is not calculated. Avista's share of the costs for these units is l5o/o, which represents Avista's fractional ownership of Units 3 and 4. Additionally, certain common expenditures are incurred for the benefit of all four units, generally, our share of the costs for these common expenditures is approximately 10%. Please see Staff PR_017C Confidential Attachments A through F for annual documentation of the capital project summaries provided by Talen Energy. A description of what each attachment includes is as follows: CONFIDENTIAL Attachment A - 2017 Common Capital CONFIDENTIAL AttachmentB-2017 U34 Capital I of 2 CONFIDENTIAL AttachmentC-2017 U34 Capital2 of 2 CONFIDENTIAL Attachment D- 2018 Ul-4 HR Worksheets CONFIDENTIAL Attachment E - 2018 U34 HR Worksheets CONFIDENTIAL Attachment F - 2019 U34 Hurdle Package 7.18.18 Page 3 of6 ER 4140 - Nine Mile Redevelopment: This ER addresses the redevelopment of Avista's Nine Mile hydro generation facility, which was based on the regulatory requirement under Avista's FERC license to the Spokane River to restore Units I and2, which had been out of service since 2005 and 2012, respectively. Please see Staff-PR-Ol7 Attachment P and Staff-PR-017 Attachment Q for the Spokane River System Hydro Assessment Project Team Recommendation and the Spokane River System Hydro Assessment Summary Report, respectively, which document the economic considerations related to the redevelopment project. ER 4148 - Regulating Hydro: The decision to include projects in the Regulating Hydro Program is not based on IRR or a cost benefit analysis. The purpose of the Regulating Hydro Program is to provide funding to achieve high levels of availability for Avista's Hydroelectric Power Plants that have storage available in their reservoirs. This storage capacity enables these plants to operate to support energy supply, peaking power, provide continuous and automatic output to match changing loads, and other types of services necessary to provide a stable electric grid and to maximize value to Avista and its customers. The projects are vetted holistically by Operations and Engineering to evaluate the issue, determine available options, confirm prudency, and bring the potential solutions forward for discussion with the Advisory Group consisting of the Plant Managers and the Manager of Hydro Operations. A similar vetting process is followed for funding emergency projects with the impacted stakeholders included. Over the course of the year, the program funding is actively managed by the Manager of Hydro Operations through monthly analysis and reporting for end of the year expected spend. The four plants included in the Regulating Hydro Business case are: Cabinet Gorge (Idaho) and Noxon Rapids (Montana) on the Clark Fork River and Long Lake (Washington) and Little Falls (Washington) on the Spokane River. Examples of projects in the program for each plant in 2018 and 2019 are included below: Cabinet Gorge: o Emergency Motor Control Center Roof Replacement - This building houses the electrical supply and controls for the Spill Gates at the Dam. The roof was over 60 years old and needed to be replaced to protect the equipment . 878 and 87BT Relay Replacemerl - These relays are the main protection system for the generators in the plant. They were past their useful life and need to be replaced and upgraded to the latest technology. Noxon Rapids: c Transformer Serveron Communications- This project upgraded the internal monitoring system for the High Voltage Generator Step-Up Transformers. The monitoring system provides information on the health and condition of these transformers. o .lpillway Emergency Generator Replacement - the current generator was the original one from the construction of the dam. The generator was past its useful life and not reliable. During loss of power to the plant, the generator enables opening the Spill Gates. Long Lake: Page 4 of6 Dike Rehabilitation - During high water in 2018, this dike had been damaged. The dike protects the parking lot and the powerhouse from flooding. This project repaired the dike and put in provisions to project it in the future. Spill Gate Refurbishment -Due to their age, the seals, wheels and paint on the gates were past their useful life. This project refurbished the gates including sandblasting and painting, new seals and wheels. Little Falls :o Dam Overtopping Mitigation - Concrete on the forebay of the dam was nearing 100 years old and was failing in multiple areas. This project addressed this issue.o Roll Up Access Door Replacement - the access door was past its useful life and was becoming unreliable. This door is the main access to the powerhouse for maintenance and construction. ER 4152 - Little Falls Powerhouse Redevelopment: This ER falls under the Little Falls Plant Upgrade business case, which addresses the modernization of the Little Falls facility. The existing equipment prior to undertaking this project ranged from 60 to over 100 years old. As a result, Avista began to experience increases in forced outages at the Little Falls facility. Please see Staff-PR-017 Attachment R, which is a presentation detailing the increases in forced outages since 2004. ER 5005 - Information Technology Refresh Program: This ER provides for the refresh of information technology assets to align Avista's information technology tools with technology lifecycles to replace these assets before they become obsolete, at which point the safe and reliable operation of Avista's electric and natural gas operations may be compromised. Capital expenditures under this ER address information technology lifecycle replacement. This program manages technology replacement according to manufacturer product roadmaps with an objective to maintain infrastructure performance and align infrastructure assets with business demand for capacity. Technology is not only subject to the traditional mortality rate or lifecycle, but it is compounded by planned obsolescence, also known as technology obsolescence. That is, whereby, the technology asset although within its functional lifespan is technologically flawed or no longer meets the need of users or customers, as expectations increase due to newer and more powerful technology that is available in the market. Reliance on obsolete technology for automated business process presents signif,rcant risk that may only be solved with the reinstatement of a manual process. Sustaining automated business process by replacing automation with workforce would increase labor expense. Additionally, with the rapid pace of technological change, technology vendors require continuous upgrades to maintain system maintenance and support, which can include security patching, bug fixes, version upgrades, interoperability, and compatibility with other technologies. These upgrades can in turn drive subsequent system replacements, creating a cascading event of change. Therefore, vendor roadmaps and technology asset lifecycles are data points that inform on how best to plan replacements, while meeting business value and strategic alignment, within the constraints of resource capacity and funding, which in turn can result in deferred replacement introducing the risk of technology failure. This program is also in place to address asset growth, driven by business need. A product obsolescence working group, consisting of Technology Domain Architects, maintains technology roadmaps to inform Program Steering Committee members of project Page 5 of6 a a demand. Project demand is assessed against funding constraints each year and prioritized based on risk of technology impact to the business. ER 5006 - Information Technology Expansion Program: This ER provides for the implementation of new information technology in Avista's operations, including, but not limited to, business process automation and technology supporting business process efficiency improvements. Project steering committees do evaluate each project to determine whether or not to implement a technology expansion project based on the business needs and associated benefits that the implementation would provide. This program addresses expansion to meet performance and capacity requirements for Business Application Systems, Network Systems, Distributed System, Central Systems, Communication Systems and Technology for Facilities. The Program Steering Committee consists of members in management positions that are identified and responsible for prioritizing the projects within this program. The Steering Committee is also held accountable for the financial performance of this program. The Program Steering Committee has regular meetings to review the progress of the program and to make decisions on the following topics: Project prioritization and risk; Approving business case funding requests; new project initiation and sequencing. The Program is facilitated and administrated by an assigned Program Manager within the Enterprise Technology (ET) Project Management Office (PMO) Department. The project queue is reviewed periodically and consists of projects needed to maintain the reliability and performance of all technology systems to enable business productivity. In 2017, ERs 5005 and 5006 were split into various smaller business cases to provide more transparency, line of sight and investment driver to each technology investment, including visibility to the business function they enable. Any investments in-flight nested in either ER 5005 or 5006 were to remain in the existing business case to provide retroactive consistency in administrative and financial reporting. However, to allow the two ERs to sunset, all new investments were chartered under new separate business cases. Cost benefit analyses or Internal Rate of Return are not calculated for ER 5005 and 5006 as technology vendors can change licensing frameworks and change ownership and therefore, it is not appropriate to calculate a rate of return or cost benefit. ER 5143 - AU.com & AVANet Redevelopment: Like many businesses today, Avista was experiencing continued growth in the use of its customer website, AvistaUtilities.com. The website was originally built in2006-2007, but because the technology landscape has advanced so quickly, the site did not meet current web best-practices for customer usability and security and therefore, no cost/benefit analysis or IRR was performed. This project updated and improved the technology, overall web usability, security and customer satisfaction. Not replacing the aging website would limit its potential for customer engagement opportunities and open it to security risks. The website is part of Avista's plan to provide customers a more effective channel to meet their expectations for self-service options, including mobile, energy efficiency education, and to drive self-service as a means to lower transaction costs. ER 7131 - COF Long Term Restructuring Plan Phase 2:Phase 2 of this plan is a continuation of the long-term program to meet our ongoing and future operating needs by renovating, improving and expanding our existing central office and operating facilities. This phase is composed of three major projects that include re-routing a city street adjacent to our campus in 2017, constructing a new building for our fleet operations in 2017 and 2018, and constructing a parking garage in2019. Please see Staff-PR-017 CONFIDENTIAL Attachment S for the Parking Garage Analysis. Page 6 of6 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-19-04 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-018 DATE PREPARED: 0710212019WITNESS: Karen Schuh RESPONDER: Karen Schuh DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-2293 REQUEST: Please provide all documents the Company used to demonstrate the benefits realized by the Company for each capital project included in the Company's response to Request No. 16. RESPONSE: Please see the Company's response to Staff PR_017 for a detailed description of all ER's cost/benefit over the $2 million threshold discussed above. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-19-04 IPUC Audit Request Staff - 026 DATE PREPARED: 0710112019WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews RESPONDER: Annette Brandon DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation TELEPHONE: (s09) 495-4324 REQUEST: Please provide the following direct labor related information as recorded for the twelve months ended December 31, 2016-2018. Information, where applicable, should be listed by O&M expense, other expense, construction and other account groups (listed by functional categories, i.e. generation, transmission, distribution, customer, A&G, etc.). Please provide the information on a system-wide basis, and on an Idaho electric and Idaho gas jurisdiction basis. The response should include wages and salaries for each employee category (officer, exempt, non-exempt, and union), paid time-off, overtime, bonuses, incentive pay, and overheads for pension, benefits, and payroll taxes. Please also include average and year-end number of employees by employee category. Include part-time and temporary employees as full-time equivalents. RESPONSE: Please see Staff PR_026 Attachment A for 2016-2018 total labor and benefit charges for System Electric and System natural gas. I Data is provided by report category (capital, O&M, non-operating, etc.), by functional category (Administrative and General, Distribution, Transmission, etc.) and by expenditure type (loading, overtime, paid time off, regular labor). Data is not readily available by employee category. Please note benefit compensation is an overhead loader which is applied to the general ledger account the labor costs originate from. Please see Staff PR_026 Attachment B for 2016-2018 incentive compensation (actual paid). Data is provided by report category and employee group (executive, non-executive, exempt, union). Please see Staff PR_026 Attachment C for the year-end employees by type, and report category on a system basis. Please note the Full Time Equivalents (FTE) are calculated based on total hours for the year divided by 2080. The Company's general ledger system does not track employees by FTE. Due to the voluminous nature of this information, data is provided in electronic format only I Please see Company Adjustemnt 1.00 Allocation Factors for the Idaho Electric and Idaho Natural Gas allocation factors. oa0(€ GO ()N O)O)oio00r\ N lf> ooOlt\ NNo Ol {.r} 00<f(r') Nr\sf FI <J\ oN00 'ri(r') 00 {.r} tn(o lJ')(o r-{FI <tr{.t\ ot\l otnOl Olosf N ltt r{slN Nrlao Ol <tt Nu)(o NNsl -l rft rnrJ)rn(nsloo Itt NoN(nsfo sf F{ !) (o oN orntn Nr\tn cn {/} stoo00or\ lJ'') N {/} OlF(o ffiOl(n r{ 1tt FIc!N(n(n\o 1r\ u) FI(noNFI(or'{ (t> LoEOo GL'oo -9CL Eur (uu o 0).z)(J OJxIJ E0)xU o. E OJxt! coz .o l E oF q d) o c.l 4 F a o o- 5 0)(J o 0)d.c(! 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OJo.o 0,, o Ef (J o .= 5IJoxl! oo .F (g oo-o oo E(o oo-o Coz EJ I -6 oF 12 months ended 12.2018 System Hours o&M Overtime Paid Time Off TotalO&lM Officers 17,66t Exempt 704,332 Non-Exempt 439,603 10,961 69,105 Union 654.797 88,306 !0!,225 Total Labor 1,816,393 99,267 276,6503,190 100,129 20,851 804,46L 514,403 67,663 519,670 447,329 2,792,370 Capital Oveftime Paid Time Off Total Capital 135,818 7,722 L9,964 631,734 84,167 108,043 1,287,955 85,889 r95,570 582,055 79,941 Ll,715 157,504 a29,944 1,569,514 9 Non-Utility/Other 10 Overtime 11 Paid Time Off 5,677 934 L2,9L7 t78 1,782 6,591 7,024 76 105,120 7,202 t4,sol 12 Total Non-Utility Other 6,611 91,656 t4,877 13,691 726,429 13 Total 27,462 1,478,L83 692,045 7,690,964 3,888,654 14 15 16 17 FTEs o&M Capital 10 347 280 44 250 76 7 407 399 7 1,054 755 61Non-Utility/Other Tota I 13 7L7 333 7,870 18 O&M and Capital FTES 10 667 326 806 1,809 Assumptionsi Paid time off (actual) is allocated between employee type on the same basis a5 paid time offaccrual. TheCompany'sadjustmehtisbasedonO&MRegularTime,PaidTimeOffLoadingsandOvertime. Non-Utility/OtherandCapital are excluded from the adjustment. Staff_PR_026 Attachment C Page: 1 of 3 1 2 3 4 12 months ended 12.2017 Hours o&M Overtime Paid Time Off Total O&M Officers 77,25r Exempt 666,876 333 Non-Exempt Union 616,085 81,061 LL3,LL2 Total Labor 7,757,329 96,3L7 304,6032,921 LL3,748 457,777 74,923 75,4L6 20,t78 780,357 547,456 2,r58,249 Capital Overtime Paid Time Off Total Capital 5L7F7s 1s1,948 609,372 7,278,895 s4t 3,728 92,070 95,739 Non-Utility/Other Overtime Paid Time Off Total Non-Utility Other 6,381 7s,978 15,010 19,101 116,410 399 91 6,137 6,627 537 5,278 786 557 7,098 6,918 81,535 15,887 25,795 130,135 Total I FTEs o&M Capital Non-Utility/Other Total 27,096 r,442,L08 735,711 1,628,095 3,833,010 10 375 279 39 263 83 8 390 381 L2 1,038 3 743 63 13 693 354 783 O&M and Capital FTES 10 654 346 770 L,780 Assumptions: Paid time off (actual) is allocated between employee type on the same basis as paid time off accrual. The Company's adjustment is based on O&M Regular Time, Paid Time Off Loadings and Overtime. Non-Utility/Other and Capital are excluded from the adjustment. Staff_PR_026 Attachment C Page: 2 of 3 810,258 1,843 ystem co Io(n aibo flJd U o E-c(J(oPP roNo Id.d slI(D vl tt-o-(EU Uc(! Los o 2,F f I .oGz)b9(,E(o'E 9 Lto ooEo P L El!6(o00o_coE(!E tt O'i;J(tre:bC(u (EL6i-or--c.9p(! -O-oot(U-OE>-L 9.t E :>f ^bO=(u=e.5>coUoO(lJEb(uE -O(t,lptic;PqP-Fl! r, ,:96o==L.-; o!t^E.!'-pOJ^6(o-iP JECE(5:(ota.E..---*9ts E-o:o(oo_!2 0- EPYc:,LL_FE,q 9 =var;=o;6(o-ci<o-F(o (n(oNrl o(oN otlJ)cO rnfnto Fl -l rn tJ.lFLL (E.=o-(o(J E (! oao O) -loo Fl r\(oN (o(o(n Nr\(.o cO -l L OJ -c,Po\- =_E_(o=)(ogi;e 5 ELl O u z @t,)(osfHlr)Or-j ooooOl l'. O)oooo(o (o cn cof\@(.oNF. Fl Nl.r)f\ (O (\(flNo., an r\\r-l Fl r-l stoo) c!@r\ (Y1 o(oN stOl lJ')-i lnstN r.,t'(oF\ N(ost @Ol.n.i N(Y)sf F(\ EPoF moo(O rJ)rlFl Nrltn strl N(O @,riFl Ncn(o Fl@ Nr\(O (O Loe PLO P-o tsE Eo9=cFeJEF- =EPE:6A€ el (.o lOrJ.) or (n NF'lN NNO-lFl el @ (Y')stsfN(n ri (n Fl F{ NC!d)FlslONdrn+.iFl ootocnNOstNc.i oiN NoO) tn(oN o.l' st(.o N Fa@sf rl (o(o @oi(.or\ o@oo rlr\Fl ooFlln lntrn 9-o!q oJ a, 'a cF(!L.=,r(o'; t- v'EbpEo2ruo(J(JdF HcnoOf\o)sf<f(osf@st(\ r\ ooNFI F{ (O Fl O)FlslOqn,"1 F\lJ1r\Or f\ O'tIn Ol F.| Osl Fl c',1NfnooFarridst (\rl (O Fl FimN(Ory(.tOr '.oN(Osl I NrnO)oiFFl N Nooco Orl @ storJ')+N rJ.) @oaO-ir\N tJ)(OF (Y)N II eE= iI E E F E (oolNsfN(Y).Nroo6 oo' oi ,-i!i@N(!oo(\J -rl(E oF NOOF@(nOl,)F -oisf'd!rOI\Ol.9 'ocf O) Or r.o.. Ol OO FlE(o-q.\tr rn Ln rr1I$-'- IJ.J oz OrOOrfO r-l !nNOr .ri oo'sN 01E(oox IJ.J ol(\ l, rn ro(nN-dbN(J so Eo ti vl (D oNci E'oT'co t^s tro E NF{