HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190401Avista to Staff Supplemental 12-22.pdfAEutsra Avista Corp. l4l I East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 5 09-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 March 29,2019 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise, lD 83720-0074 Attn: Diane Hanian Re: Production Request of Commission Staff in Case No. AVU-E-18-12 Dear Ms. Hanian, Enclosed are Avista's Supplemental responses to IPUC Staffs production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in this mailing are the original and two paper copies of Avista's response to production request: Staff 12-14 Supplemental and Staff 22 Supplemental. The electronic version of the responses were emailed on 0312912019. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact Jaime Majure at (509) 495-7839 or via e-mail at jaime.majure@avistacorp.com. Sincerely, /d/9a,-%grr"" Regulatory Policy Analyst Avista Utilities j aime.maj ure@ avistacorp. com s09.495.7839 Enclosures AY AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-12 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff - 12 Supplemental DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 03/25120t9 N/A Amber Gifford Energy Efficiency (s09) 49s-2896 REQUEST: Exhibit 1, Section 5.5 indicates that the Company's fuel efficiency program realization rate was 62Yo. What steps are the Company taking to improve the accuracy of the methodology used to estimate this program's savings? RESPONSE: Avista has updated its Fuel Efficiency program's savings values based on Nexant's 2016-2017 Electric Impact Evaluation Report. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE (03 125 /2019)z To provide fuither context, the information provided below outlines the conclusions and recommendation identified in Nexant's 2016-2017 Electric Impact Evaluation Report, with respect to the Fuel Efficiency Programr: Conclusion: The evaluation team found a low realization rate for the Fuel Efficiency program (62%). We believe this unchangedrcalization rate from the previous biennium is primarily the result of two issues: r Reported savings for the 2016-2017 program cycle were, on average, high as the program savings value was initially reduced in mid-Q2 2016 and then further reduced mid-Q1 of 2017 to be in alignment with evaluation results provided from the previous program cycle. . Annual average household consumption was, on average, 18% lower for participants in the 2016-2017 program cycle relative to participants in the prior program cycle. If participant consumption had been similar to the previous biennium, the program realization rate would have been approximately 74o/o. Recommendation: For future program cycles, we recommend Avista reduce their reported savings for the Fuel Efficiency program. Avista should look to the Low Income conversion deemed savings assumptions and consider better aligning assumptions used to estimate reported savings for Fuel Efficiency and the Low Income programs. Additionally, customer profiling will help gauge anticipated savings by understanding customers' annual consumption profile and the expected percent savings that can occur through implementation of the Fuel Efficiency program measures. Avista's response to Nexant's recommendation was to adjust the savings values for the 2019 program year onward, in accordance with Nexant's report. Tables Nos. 1 and2 below outline | 2017 Avista Annual Conservation Report, Appendix A - Idaho 2016-2017 Electric Impact Evaluation, pg. 107 the modifications that were made to the incentive levels for each measure within the Fuel Efficiency Program, as well as the revised cost effectiveness values: Table No. I - Revised Incentive for 20192 Measure Description 20r 8 2019 E to NG Furnace $ I,s00 s 1,200 E to NG Combo $ 2,250 $ r,700 E to NG Wall Heater $ 1,300 Eliminated Table No. 2 - Revised Cost Effectiveness Values for 20193 Ileasure Description Program ID tlnits Inceutive Est. Sub TRC Est, Sub LICT EI.EC RES -.} CE}ITR.4,L NG Fuel Con,'ersions 82 $ l,:00.00 1."I2 4"49 E --> l,IG $pace arrd DH1&r Fuel Coff-ersien*i9 $ 1,700.00 1.08 .{ '}{ Revised Savings values In addition to the modifications above, Avista has historically revised its savings values to align with Nexant's evaluationsa in order to adaptively manage its program and better refine our savings forecasts. Table No. 3 below illustrates the annual revised savings values. Table No. 3- Annual Revised Savings Values Please see StaflPR_l2 Supplemental Attachment A for a copy of the memo sent from Nexant to Avista that illustrates the adjusted savings values. Avista incorporated these savings values into its 2019 Annual Conservation Plan. 2 lD 2019 Annual Conservation Plan Appendix A - Program Plans 3 lD 2019 Annual Conservation Plan Appendix A - Program Plans 4 Staff PR_22 * Attachments A & B Measure Description 2016 kwh 2016 Therm 2017 kwh 2017 Therm 2018 kwh 20r8 Therm 2019 kwh 2019 Therm E to NG Fumace 12,0t2 (4e8)7,48s (3le)7,524 (498)6,104 (27 s) E to NG Combo 16,043 (7 14)9,442 (402)I 1,280 (7 t4)8,513 (420) E to NG Wall Heater 10,932 (466)t0,624 (4s2)10,624 (466)NA NA t\4EIUORANDUIV March 29,2019 To: Amber Gifford; Avista Utilities From: Evaluation Team Re: Fuel Efficiency Measure-Level Savings Estimates This memo presents estimated measure-level savings for the Fuel Efficiency program The evaluation team conducted a difference in differences regression analysis to estimate impacts for the electric Fuel Efficiency program for the 2016-2017 biennium. While the regression analysis did not support a measure-level analysis due to lack of available sample for certain measures and associated wide error bounds, the evaluation team did attempt to estimate impacts using a load disaggregation analysis. End use shares sourced primarily from the Residential Building Stock Assessment (RBSA) were applied to participant consumption to estimate the measure level impacts presented in Table 0-1. For comparison purposes, the end use shares are equivalent to the percent impacts found as part of the 2014-2015 evaluation activities. The estimated savings are based on an annual consumption value of 16,062 kWh, which is derived from the 2016-2017 program participants. Table 0-1: Estimated Fuel Efficie Measure-Level Im E Electric To Natural Gas Furnace E Electric To Natural Gas Fumace & Water Heat E Electric To Natural Gas Wall Heater E Electric To Natural Gas Water Heater E Multifamily Electric to Natural Gas Furnace AVU-E-18-12: Staff - 12 Supplemental Aftachment A Nexant | 867 Coal Creek Circle, Suite 120 | Louisville, CO 80027 | USA I Tel: +1 303 4022480 Copyright 2015, Nexant, lnc. oNo@nT 38.0%6,104 s3.0%8,513 7.60/o 1,221 15.Oo/o 2,409 26.60/o 4,273 End Use Share/ Percent lmpact Estimated Savings per measure Measure AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-12 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff - 13 Supplemental DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 0312512019 N/A Amber Gifford Energy Efficiency (509) 49s-2896 REQUEST: What is the increase in the number of Therms of natural gas consumed by customers who participated in the Company's fuel efficiency program (Converted their HVAC and other appliances to Natural Gas)? What is the average net savings, in dollars, of customers who participated in this program? RESPONSE: As is reported in Nexant's2016-2017 Natural Gas Impact Evaluation, the increase to the number of therms used by residential customers due to the Company's Fuel Efficiency Program in 20L7 was 82,948 (verified gross)r. For the 2016 program year, the increase was 350,976 therms (unverified - adjusted reported gross)2 Avista does not record the billing impact of a conversion on a per customer basis, however, the Company could calculate an estimated annual net savings value based on an average of electric and natural gas rates for a particular period of time. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE (03 125 12019',1: The below information is intended to provide fuither clarification regarding the negative therm values from Avista's Fuel Efficiency Program: 1. Table 3-7 inthe 2017 Annual Report states negative 118,905 therms for the Fuel Conversion Program, which are the reported values without the realization rates applied. This table should have presented the negative 82,948 verified gross value as reported in Table 5-15 of the 2016-2017 Natural Gas Impact Evaluation. 2. The 70o/o realization rate found in Table 5-15 of the Natural Gas Impact Evaluation suggests that Avista over-estimated the negative impact to therm savings or "gas penalty" of conversion projects. In addition, the following information outlines the conclusions and recommendation identified in Nexant's 2016-2017 Natural Gas Impact Evaluation Report, with respect to the Fuel Efficiency Program3 : Conclusion: The evaluation team found that the homes analyzed that converted from electric heat to a natural gas furnace showed an average weather normalized gas I Idaho 2016-2017 Natural Gas Impact Evaluation, Table 5- l5 2ldaho 2016 Annual Conservation Report, Table 3-7. 3 Idaho 2016-2017 Natural Gas Impact Evaluation, pg. 87. consumption increase of 328 therms per year, resulting in a 70o/o realization rate. This impact andreahzation rate is very similar to findings from the prior evaluation (384 therms increased consumption with a7lYo realization rate). Recommendation The evaluation team recommends Avista review its forecasted gas penalty for the Fuel Efficiency Program. Based on two cycles of evaluation, the program appears to be over-estimating the actual impact. Avista's response to Nexant's above recommendation was to adjust the savings values for the 2019 program year onward, in accordance with Nexant's report. Please refer to Staf{_PR_l2 Supplemental for a table that identifies historically savings values for the Fuel Efficiency Program. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-12 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff - l4 Supplemental DATE PREPARED: 0312512019WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Amber Gifford DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-2896 REQUEST: Exhibit l, Section 5.7 indicates that the Company's Shell program realizationratewas 27oh. What steps are the Company taking to improve the accuracy of the methodology used to estimate this program's savings? RESPONSE: Avista will begin using Regional Technical Forum (RTF) savings values in 2019 for all shell measures in the residential prescriptive portfolio. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE (03 125 12019)z In response to Nexant's recommendation regarding the residential shell program, the Company updated its savings values based on the most up-to-date residential weatherization workbook available on the RTF's website (ResSFWx_v3_7). The development of the UES value for shell measures incorporated both insulation upgrades and insulation installation measures, with savings based on homes with R0 and Rl1 insulation upgrading to R38 and R48 insulation. In addition, the Company ultimately used as their UES value an average of the individual measure applications, which did not individually separate electric heating type (Electric FAF, Heat Pump,Zonal or DHP). Another measure included in the residential shell program are window upgrades. The program requires that customers install windows that are Class 30 or higher. Using the RTF ResSFWx_v3_7 workbook, the Company also updated its UES values for windows. Like insulation measures, the Company averaged the savings for Electric FAF and ZonallDHP. Avista recognizes that more accuracy could be achieved if individual offerings were created based on the customer's heating system, however, we view that approach as a detriment to customers and feel it is in the customers benefit to use an averaged approach. The Company also implemented its "most favorable fuel" rule for its Energy Efficiency Shell Program beginning in2019, which allows individual measures to be rebated at the higher of the electric and gas incentive amounts. The Company anticipates that the residential shell program will have more throughput in2019 than it had in the previous years, which will lead to a larger sample population for future evaluations. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUzuSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E- 18- 12 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff - 22 Supplemental DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 03125120t9 N/A Amber Gifford Energy Efficiency (s}e) 4es-28e6 REQUEST: Please provide the technical manual(s) used to estimate DSM energy efficiency savings for 2016 and2017. RESPONSE: Please see StaflPR_z2 - Attachment A for 2016 unit energy savings and Staff PP.-22 - Attachment B for unit energy savings. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE (03 125 12019)z Per a conference call with IPUC Staff on 0312112019, clarification was provided around this request, making clear that Avista is being asked to provide a technical manual listing the procedures, policies, and guidance that identifies how savings are estimated for all site specific projects. As all site specific projects are custom and unique in nature, no technical manual exists to support this request. Each site specific project contains a full project documentation file that consists of calculations, methodology, assumptions, etc. Because of the nature of the specific request, Avista's Energy Efficiency Engineering Staff proposes an in-person meeting with Staff at your offices to walk through any of our site specific projects and corresponding documentation, with explanations, would be in order. This would also give the engineering team a chance to review and explain how our internal processes are changing given the implementation of iEnergy, our new Energy Efficiency database, and get Staff feedback while we are designing new programs in the software. Three hours should suffice for project samples and questions from Staff.