HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190109Avista to Staff 11-22.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O.Box3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 TollFree 800-727-9170 4Wtsrfr Gorp,RilC E IVT D i8l9 J&t{ -9 AH 9: t+3 January 8,2019 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise, lD 83720-0074 Attn: Diane Hanian Re: Production Request of Commission Staff in Case No. AVU-E-18-12 Dear Ms. Hanian, Enclosed is Avista's response to IPUC Staffs production request in the above referenced docket. Included in this mailing are the original and two paper copies of Avista's response to production request: Staff ll-22. The electronic version of the responses were emailed on 0110812019. Also included is Avista's CONFIDENTIAL response to PR_llC. These responses contain TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section 9-340D,Idaho Code. Due to their voluminous nature, they are being provided in electronic format only, via thumb drive, under a sealed separate envelope marked CONFIDENTIAL. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact Paul Kimball at (509) 495-4584 or via e-mail at paul.kimball@avistacorp.com. Sincerely, Paul Kimball Mgr., Compliance & Discovery Enclosures JiJLIC MF,4lSSlOt; AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-12 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff- 12 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 1212912018 N/A Amber Gifford Energy Efficiency (s09) 49s-2896 REQUEST: Exhibit 1, Section 5.5 indicates that the Company's fuel efficiency program realization rate was 62%o. What steps are the Company taking to improve the accuracy of the methodology used to estimate this program's savings? RESPONSE: Avista has updated its Fuel Efficiency program's savings values based on Nexant's 2016-2017 Electric Impact Evaluation Report. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-12 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff- l3 DATE PREPARED: 1212912018WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Amber Gifford DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-2896 REQUEST: What is the increase in the number of Therms of natural gas consumed by customers who participated in the Company's fuel efficiency program (Converted their HVAC and other appliances to Natural Gas)? What is the average net savings, in dollars, of customers who participated in this program? RESPONSE: As is reported in Nexant's 2016-2017 Natural Gas Impact Evaluation, the increase to the number of therms used by residential customers due to the Company's Fuel Efficiency Program in 2017 was 82,948 (verified gross)r . For the 2016 program year, the increase was 350,976 therms (unverified - adjusted reported gross)2 Avista does not record the billing impact of a conversion on a per customer basis, however, the Company could calculate an estimated annual net savings value based on an average of electric and natural gas rates for a particular period of time. I ldaho 2016-2017 Natural Gas Impact Evaluation, Table 5-15 2 Idaho 2016 Annual Conservation Report, Table 3-7 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-12 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff- 14 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 1212912018 N/A Amber Gifford Energy Efficiency (s09) 4es-2896 REQUEST: Exhibit 1, Section 5.7 indicates that the Company's Shell program realization rate was 27%. What steps are the Company taking to improve the accuracy of the methodolory used to estimate this program's savings? RESPONSE: Avista will begin using Regional Technical Forum (RTF) savings values in 2019 for all shell measures in the residential prescriptive portfolio. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-12 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff- l5 DATE PREPARED: 1212912018WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Lynn Roy DEPARTMENT: Nexant, Inc. TELEPHONE: (303) 792-8668 REQUEST: Exhibit 1, Equation 3-2 includes the variables "event" and the interaction term, "treat X event." Neither of these is described in Table 3-5. Please provide a description for these variables. Also, please explain why the variable "treat" is not included in the model. RESPONSE: The below response has been provided by Avista's 3'd party EM&V evaluator, Nexant, Inc. Equation 3-2 contains a typo. The correct regression specification is in the revised section below and highlighted in yellow. The word "event" has been replaced with the term "post" which is the post-treatment indicator variable. The "treatment" variable is part of an interaction term ("treatXpost") which is equal to 1 for the treatment group during the post-treatment period, and 0 otherwise. In other words, the term is equal to 0 at all time periods for the control group and during the pre-treatment period for the treatment group. The methods described here do not apply to Nexant's evaluation of Oracle's Home Energy Reports program, so the reference to that program is stricken. The evaluation methodology for the Home Energy Reports program is described in Section 5. Ex Post Estimation Method - Revised with edits indicated in yellow After the comparison groups for treatment customers were selected and validated, energy impacts were estimated using a difference-in-differences (DiD) methodology for the Shell, HVAC, and FuelEflrciency@programS(theLowIncomeandHomeEnergyReports programs used a participant pre/post billing analysis, see Sections and 5.8, respectively). Impacts are estimated as the difference in average consumption between treatment and comparison customers in each month, with the slight difference between the two groups on the pre-treatment year removed. This calculation controls for residual differences in load between the groups that are not eliminated through the matching process, thus reducing bias. The DiD analysis can be done by hand using simple averages or by using panel regression analysis. Customer fixed effects regression analysis allows each customer's mean consumption to be modeled separately, which reduces the standard error of the impact estimates without changing their magnitude. Additionally, panel regression easily facilitates calculation of standard errors, confidence intervals, and significance tests for load impact estimates that correctly account for the correlation in customer loads over time. The model specification for estimating load impacts is shown in Equation 0-1 and Table 0-l provides detail for each model variable. The model was estimated separately for each month. Variable Description Equation 0-1: Monthly Energy Savings Model Specification daily-ronsurnptionr: a * laost*BheaE(post, * u, * e Table 0-1: Description of Energy Savings Model Regression Variables d,aily -c ott suntption i Per customer consumption (kWh or therms) for customer i Mean consumption for all customers The coefficient on the post-treatment indicator variable post Equal to I for the post-treatment period and 0 for the same month in 2015 DiD estimator of the treatment effect (the impact in kWh or therms) keatXpost Interaction of treatment and post variables, equal to I for the post-treatment period for participants and 0 otherwise The customer fixed effects variable for customer i The error term In Equation 0-1 the variable daily_consatnptioa, equals electricity or gas consumption during the time period of interest, which would be each month of the post-treatment period. The index I refers to each individual customer. The estimating database contained electricity and gas consumption data during the pre- and post-treatment periods for both treatment and matched comparison group customers. The variable post is equal to I for months after installation and a value of 0 for the same month in 2015. The treatXposl term is the interaction of treat and post and its coeff,rcient f is a differences-in-differences estimator of the treatment effect that makes use of the pre-treatment data. The primary parameter of interest is p, which provides the estimated energy impact of the rebate programs during the relevant period. The parameter a is equal to mean daily consumption for each customer for the relevant time period (e.g., monthly). The vi term is the customer fixed effects variable that controls for unobserved factors that are time-invariant and unique to each customer. This was estimated for each month of 2016 and 20ll separately. Impacts are estimated on a per-customer basis. Reference consumption is equal to observed treatment consumption plus the estimated impact. a Y F rri a AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-I8-12 REQUESTER: IPUC StaffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff - 16 DATE PREPARED: 1212912018WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Lynn Roy DEPARTMENT: Nexant, Inc. TELEPHONE: (303) 792-8668 REQUEST: Regarding Exhibit 1, Equation 5-2: What steps were taken to guard against multicollineaity? RESPONSE: The below response has been provided by Avista's 3'dparty EM&V evaluator, Nexant, Inc. No steps were taken to guard against multicollinearity in estimating the model specified in Equation 5-2 because multicollinearity is not a problem in the lagged dependent variable (LDV) model. There are only two predictors in the model - prior electricity consumption and the treatment variable. The treatment variable has been randomly assigned and is therefore not correlated with prior consumption. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-12 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff- 17 DATE PREPARED: 1212912018WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: LynnRoy DEPARTMENT: Nexant, Inc. TELEPHONE: (303) 792-8668 REQUEST: Regarding Exhibit 1, Equation 5-2: What was the reason for incorporating the double sum, II'o-,.,t=:. r=l in the model? RESPONSE: The below response has been provided by Avista's 3'dparty EM&V evaluator, Nexant, Inc.: Nexant estimated monthly energy savings for two calendar years. The double sum allowed us to compactly express these terms in one expression, covering two years, rather than two expressions - one for the first year of the evaluation, and one for the second year of evaluation. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-12 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff- 18 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: t212912018 N/A Lynn Roy Nexant,Inc. (303) 792-8668 REQUEST: Regarding Exhibit 1, Equation 5-2: Please define the index variables t, y, and n. RESPONSE: The below response has been provided by Avista's 3'dparty EM&V evaluator, Nexant, Inc.: The variable "t" indexes the month of the year, the variable o'y" indicates the year, and "n" indexes the number of years under evaluation. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-12 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff - l9 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 1212912018 N/A Lynn Roy Nexant, Inc. (303) 7e2-8668 REQUEST: Regarding Exhibit l, Equation 5-2: How are the effects of weather incorporated into the model for kWhity. RESPONSE: The below response has been provided by Avista's 3'd pa.ty EM&V evaluator, Nexant, Inc. Avista's Home Energy Report program was implemented as a randomized control trial (RCT), whereby Avista customers eligible for participation in the program were randomly assigned to either treatment or control conditions. Customers assigned to the treatment condition received the Home Energy Reports, while customers assigned to the control condition were not. Assuming the assignment of customers to treatment and control status was random, the treatment effect on electricity usage, as estimated by the LDV model, can be interpreted as net of any change in energy usage due to weather. Thus, there is no need to model usage as a function of weather, in fact the strength of the RCT approach lies in eliminating the need to model electricity usage as a function of weather. The electricity savings for behavioral programs such as Avista's Home Energy Reports are generally too small to be detectable using a weather modeling approach; an RCT is required to estimate Home Energy Report electricity savings with an acceptable degree of precision. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-I8-12 REQUESTER: IPUC StaffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff - 20 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: t212912018 N/A Lynn Roy Nexant,Inc. (303) 7e2-8668 REQUEST: Exhibit 1, Table 5-21 explains that o is a coefficient on the billing month t, post-period year indicator variable that is left-out due to collinearity. Please explain how this differs from the intercept that would normally be included in a lagged dependent variable (LDV) model. RESPONSE: The below response has been provided by Avista's 3'dpa.ty EM&V evaluator, Nexant,Inc.: Table 5-21 of Exhibit I should not have conditioned the description of Fo as omitted from estimation due to collinearity. The LDV models were estimated using Stata statistical software; the Stata regression output for the 2013 and 2016 cohorts is shown below in Figures 1 and 2, respectively, and confirm that no variables were omitted due to collinearity. Figure l: Regression Output - 2013 Progran: Opof,er Behaviorial erogran (Home Energy eeports) rdaho Electric: 2O1l cohort source I ss df i{5+------------ Mode nesi dua .rota'l Humber of obs = 1514102F(112'1513989) -19566. oOProb>F - 0.OOO0R-squared - O.591aAdj R-squared - O.5914Root MSE - 15.445 rt.rt 522759970 a12 4667499.743611645201513989 238. 551615 avg-dai1y--e I !ml#treat0ent641 1647 L coef. std. Err t Dltl [95X conf. rnterval] 643 1644 1645 1646 1@7L 648 1649 1 650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1 657 1658 1659 1660 1 661 1662 1663 1664 1 665 1666 1667 L 668 1669 1670 I67L !67? 7 673 7674 a675 1676 1677 7-678 7.679 7680 1681 1682 1 681 1684 1685 1686 1687 1 6E8 1689 1690 169L 1692 1691 1 694 1695 1 -. 1108631 -.3987121-.47t44L-.5555372-.71t?973-1. 022308-1. 1516E3-. 9219373 -.8088417-. 5673261 -.529987-.4520659-.535E852-.7002598-. 6006658-.581E468-.7285415-.9645496-1.287911 -1. 132946 -.8791212-.6872546-.6690006-.5061554-. 5905715 -.6132217-. 5514078 -.613299{-.88176E6-L.2?)7)4-1.678238-t.777977-1.516285-1.250375-1.092369 -.8857696-.8788168-.8841299-.7951595-.7885804-.8281S7 -1.063952-1.55549 -1.701514-1.475895-1.150869 -1.017644-.7 54917 3 -.6962691-.7819115-.8618011-.9011054-.9773718-1.193719-1.728594 .1805795.1789957.t747977.178592 .1785013.1747292.1747043 .1786866.179051 .1816511.1825436 .1912421.19126E8 .a9147% .1,97.5?42.1917268 .1917431.1920264 .1919708.1903714 .1900617.L90721 .1921989.1985099 .1984673 .1987615.1990692 .199405.1995615.L997379.1998101 .2000014.2001153 .2007469 -70??829 . 207 5096.?07444.2076154 .207637.2078061 .2080199.2081318 .2081951.2085077 .2086047 .2090598.?70577 .2151807.215229.?L54434.2157065 .2160028.2161152 .2161501.216709 0.4690.0260.008 0. ooz 0. ooo0.0000.0000.000 0. oo00.002 0. oo4 0.018 0. oo5 0.0000.0020.0020.0000.0000.000 0. o00 0.0000.000 0.0010.0110.0010.0020.0050.0020.000 0. o000.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0. o00 0.0000.0000. ooo 0. o000.0000.000 0. ooo 0. o000.000 0.0000.0000. oo00.0000.001 0. 0000.0000.0000. 000 0. ooo0.000 -.4847928-.7491574-.8228985-.9055713-1. 08114q -L- f726rt -1. 501937 -L. ?74157-t -1,5977 6-. 9233605 -.887766)-.8268938 .2210666-.0479069-.1219E16-. 2055011 -.3814159-.6720045-.80142E5 - .5737L78 - .4579079-. 2112921 -.L722478-.o77?38L-. 1610049 -.3249667 -.225285-. 206068E - . 3527 3L7 -.5881844-.9116553-.759E209-. 5066067-.3134447 -.2S1SO54-. 1172828 -.2015845-.223656-. 163219 -.22?4725-. 4906149 - .8322547-1.286617-1. 385982 -1. 124065 -.8569177 -.6959014-. 479058-.472226-.4771,7t7-. 3883981-. 381287 5-.42M45?-.6560204-1.147041 -1.292866-1.0670t7-.7411193-.6050279-.3311705 - .27 44277 -.3596499 - .4390717 -.4777474-. 55?7 542 -.7696801 -1.303852 -o.72-2,2)-2.66-1.11-4.10-5.72-6.44-5.L7-4.52-?.L2-2. 90 -2.36 -2. EO -3. 66 -3. 14-3.03-3.80-5.O2-6.7\-5.95-4,63-1.60-3. 48-2.55-2. 98-3.09-2.74-3. 08-4.42-6.13 -8. 40 -8.89-7 .58-6.2)-5.40 -4 .27-4.74-4. 26 -3.83-3,79-3.98 -.9107655-1.075553-.9760466 - .9576247 -1. 104 3 51-1.340915-1,664168 -1.506072-1. 2 51636 -1. 061065 -1. 046096-.895428-. s7q5625 -L.OOZ7A7-.9435766-1. 004126-1.277902-L,6L5?L4 -2.069859 -2.7-69973-1.908504-1.643832-]-.4a8837-t.29248L-1.285408-1.291088-L.20232L-1.195873-1.235909-L.47t88)-1.963937 -2.L10202-1.884753-1.560619-1.43026-1.176664-1.118111-7-704t73-t-28l574-t.324463-1.400989-L-6L7758-2.151336 -5.11 -7 .46 Cohort -8.16-7. 08-5.50-4.83-3.51-3.24-3.61 -4. OO -4.17-4.5?-5.52-7.98 88392d49L1514101. 583.7949t2 yn 61264) 644645 646@7 648649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657658659660 661 662 663664 665666 667 668 669670 67L67? 673 674 675676 677678 679680 681 682683 684 685686 687 688 689 690691 6926936v695 696 _cons .5369213 -.15934614.9027547.7427648.9522956.8800656.6599048. 5384194.37289 -.4663182-L. )52947 -1.486806 . 0432504 -1.546391L.2420341.8815184.381t112.882114 .5625188 -1.154102-1.713329-3.758042-2.47)741,1.14088 1. 518388 -2. O345281. 195 52 2.5194042.1942862.70A]-721.57322L -.8181855-2.246638-5- 204896 -1.391399-2. 4862 -7.679171 -2.9,18?781.6240642. 5546981.0534656.9188510.050786.1015917.348694 -.9083125-1.148916-7.07706.4442 551 -.4939993. 548011 5. 317 532.69324 -9765)74 4. 138812 .2063855 .2059647 . 2061 52 .2060816.20tr43 .2068428.206837.2068165.208044/.2084266 .21340/+4.2t31754 .2135441.2135067 .2136886.2L3676V .2140516.2144389 .2135321.2111281 .7L3?9?2.2141948 .27.77272.2176614.747 V4 .21811?4 . ?183467 .2184507.218732E.2191735 . 2193 584.2192264 .2L94204.220?4!2 .22128.2212039 . ?233291.?237799.2233481.2234796 .2?377.67.2212784.224)776 .2242195.2742947 .2250917.2278537 .2278162.2280282.2282177.2?84593 .2285696.2288781 .2295103.1o8579 -2. 1615.5123.26LL.77 4. 0413.41 0. oo9o.439 0. ooo 0. ooo0.0000.000 0. ooo0. ooo 0. ooo0.025 0. oo00.0000.8390. ooo o. ooo o.000 o. ooo0.000 0. oo80. ooo 0.000o. ooo 0. ooo o. ooo 0.000 o. oooo. ooo o. oooo. ooo 0. oooo. ooo 0. ooo o. ooo o. ooo o. ooo 0. oo00.000o.000o. ooo 0. o00 0. ooo 0. ooo 0. oo0 0. ooo 0. ooo 0. oooo,000 0. o000.0510.030 0. ooo 0. ooo 0. oo0 o. o(}0 o. ooo .1124]-29 -.56301014. 498703 7.1388558.5476736.474666.254578.131065 1.96513-.874t,/7r-L.77].2t3-1.905015-. ]7 52887-1.964857.82]2L131.462779 3.9637772.462021.L440232 -L.572026-2.t31-17 5 -4.L77856-2. 600469.9142673 1. 091297 -2. 462021 .767 5685 2.091-249L.76557A?.271,6t.L43286 -1.248062-2.674694-5.636565-3.829021-2.923672-3.066889-1.3558991.186309 2.116685.6149894 6,47 9Z7L9.611009 5.662129a.909077 -L.3494U-1.595502-1.523611-.0026724-.94115543.1002194.8695412.244646.47670513.514028 .94L4297.244)3745.3068048.1466819.156916 7 .28547 7 . 0652978.9437724.780651 -.0578293-.9146822-1.068598.4617895-1.7?79261.6608564.3003174.8028453. 302607 .9810545 - .7 )6574 -1.295284-3.318228-L.7470L31-.7 67493L.945479 -1.6070351.623472 ?.947 562. 6229953.7-307452.003156 -.3887093-1. E1E581 -4.7 7 3227 -2.953774-2.048728-2.49L454-2.4806582. 061819z,99Z7L1. 491941 7 ,35842910.49055 6. 5410542.748)L2 -.467L405-.7023308-.6105092.8911826 -.04664261.9957845.7655183.141833 a.37 637 4 - 7 4)6)6 7--o.71.)7.4t. 33.)2.41.21.-7.-6.-6.0.-7.5.18. 20.13.z.-5.-8.-17.-9.6.6.- 30.44. 27.10.-4.-t.-4,1. 60 7778 57l626 ?o29 02 24 3197 20z4 81 7.7 4844 63 4Z 03 54 9E 1697l348 5303 32177t 25 63 19 1477 o7274t7L 8579 2L47 04 047) 95 1 ag-kwh-d .7098484 10. 404 58 . o005606 .1479198 1266.21 70.34 0. ooo 0.000 .7087496 10.11.466 .770947t 10.69449 Figure 2: Regression Output -2016 Cohort Prograrn: Opo*er Eehaviorial lrogram (Home Energy Reports) Idaho E'lectric: 2016 cohort Source I ss dt i{5 uodel IResidual I-------------+-rotal I 91963200.5 4441410951.1308719 21355e7. Z8L34.707796 uumber of obs * F( 44,108719) =1Prob > F R-squaredrdj n-squared -Root MSE135394154308763 438.505111 1o87645912.69o. oooo 0.6940o.694011. 585 avg-dai1y--e I coef. std. Err t P>lrl [95x conf. tnterval] ymftreatment675 676 677 678 6V9 680 681 682 683684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 691 694695 696 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1I 1 1 15.867.)7 -6.513. 56 15. 6012.6012.919. 504.2221.25 ym 676 677674 679 680681 682683 684685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693694 695 696 -.1813235-.2850918-.4)29992-.4128735-.1968818-.2038867-.4145327-.6387068 - .7 ?59327 -. 5273983 - .47445)7 -. 40137 5 -.5414156 - . s9777 66 -.5615527 -.448L677-.1836467 -.2125296-.5819736 -.8419786-, 8920167 -1.585628 - .40172)9 -3.148851 -3.036841-. 0068179.5107458 .506625 . 5011728 5. OS97l98.30778/.6.7171014.520L67?.97LOM1.385474 -1.232861.67457452.9705882.4076t92.47625 1.830959.8t92275.431689 .1879522 .1892642 1798387 18112 54 18284 l3 18476141863642 19041121911765 19221821929902 .191826.19492 1961101 19750931991881 2006694 u 021163 20119642046931.20578 1161333 t804577 .1811311821696 18305041838196 184 5018 185164 3 18659511868671 1867 567 18687 51 L87176? 188030 51887346 18971631903667 19104 591917528 .192V671940194 2 5 56208 o. l1lo.115o.0180.025 o.2910.278 0.029 0. o01 0. ooo o. 0060.014 0. o380.005 o. o02 o. oo40.024o.160 o.291 o. o04o. ooo o. o000. ooo -.5318023-.uoo924-,79r]669 - .7749546 -.5621523-, 5722676 -.7854452 -1. 011907 -1.101025-.90111405-.8s2709-.7812685-.92t4532-. 9821468-. 9486653-.838s707-.5769531 -.6086719-.9406247 -1.2437.72-L.29534-2.20524 - .7 57 4L59 -1. 504261 -3.1942E2-.3656114.1504645 . 14 50027 .13286414.7340187.94153 6.3510634. 1 518972.601752 1. 016939 .7.7at552 . 0699088 -.o7463L5 -.0506924.1683848.1644943 -. 0435802 -.2655062 -.1508402-.1506562-. 0961984 -.0214815-.159178-.2L34064-.1,74440L - . 0577 647.2096397 .1836126 -.7A11225-.4407455-. 4886937 -.9660155 -. 0500318-2.793446-7.679404.35a9357 .87rAZ7.8682471.86448165.46546 8.6740197.083138 4.8864373.3382561.754008 -.46294641. 0464133.f43702?.7A2064 2.8520812.208777 1.1995395.932699 -1. 01 -L- 57 -2.37-2.23 -1. 06-1.08-2- 19 -3. l5 -3.7 I -2.V4-2.46-2.07-2.78 -3. 05-2.84-2.25-o.92 -1. 05-2.86-4.11-/r.33-5. OZ -2.24-L7.)7-16.65-0. 047.78 2.7 52.70 77.3344.4615.9724-19 025 o00000970 o05 o06 o07 000o00 000 000 000 ooo ooo o00 ooo 000000 ooooo0 000 o. 0.0.0. 0. 0.0.o.0. 0.o. o.0. 0.0. o. 0.0. 0.0. 0. -1.642775.3077359 1 ag-kwh-d_cons .90122982.160679 ?. 597 47 52.03)475 2. 10042 1. 4 53141.43897.574.93068 o011797 1126102 761.9716.29 .89891771.9007660.000 o. oo0 .90354192.420591 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-12 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff - 2l DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 1212912018 N/A Lynn Roy Nexant, Inc. (303) 7e2-8668 REQUEST: Regarding the analysis of the Company's Home Energy Reports Program (Section 5.8). Did either the Company or Nexant perform a simple, two-sample comparison of kWh consumed by each group? If so, please provide the results of the analysis with workpapers. RESPONSE: The below response has been provided by Avista's 3'dpa.ty EM&V evaluator, Nexant, Inc.: Nexant did perform such comparisons for the 2013 and 2016 Cohorts, they are shown below in Tables I and 2,respectively. Table 1: Difference in Means t-test Values - 2013 Cohort 44.23 0.43 Table 2: Difference in Means t-test Values - 2016 Cohort 37.60 1.06 These two-sample comparisons were conducting using Stata statistical software. The annotated Stata code that generated the statistics shown in Tables I and2 is shown below in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. Figures 3 and 4 also show the commands that generated Tables 5-19 and 5-20 in Nexant' s evaluation report. 44.29 -0.79 Control Average Daily Usage: Pre period Treatment Average Daily Usage: Pre period P-value (95%)GriticalValue (t) 37.52 o.29 Treatment Average Daily Usage: Pre period Critical Value (t)ControlAverage Daily Usage: Pre period P-value (95%) Figure 3: Workpaper for Difference in Means t-test Values - 20'|.3 Cohort * 4. GeaeraEe ValidaEioo Checks local state 'Idaflo"].ocal fue]. 'Eleccrici // Bashington or Idaho / / ELectri-c or Gas rA. Va]-idaEe preEreatlleaE equJ,valence for 2013 cohort use ilitodified Dat.a/02-Calendarized_'st,aEe r_'fuel'_Brllinq_Data.dta", clear keep if cohort : 2013 t 5yu. 4- lm(2013, 5) E lrrtr >- W(2012. 6) ttesE avgtaily_usagtc, byttreatDe[t) // Geaeraces NexaDE Heeora*dua Tabl.e :. collapse (mean) avg daily usage, by(:p.treatDenE) reshape lIide avg_daily_usage, i (Im) j (treaEnenc) browse // Generaces I'lextnt' Reporc Table 5-19 Figure 4: Workpaper for Difference in Means t-test Values - 2016 Cohort *E. ValidaEe preEreatEeBt equivaleace for 2016 cohort use ilHodified Daca,fo2_Cale*darized_Idaho Electri-c_Bi1tr-ing_DaEa.dEa', clear keep if coborE - 2016 & lirB <= lm(2016, 3) tcest avg_dai1y_usage, by(Ereat[ent) /l Generates NexanE Herorandum lab1e 2 col.3-apse (nean) avg daily usage, by(ip treaEmerlt) reshape uide avg_daily_usage, i {lm} j (EreatmeEt} browse .// GeaeraEes hlexa.lrt neport Tab1e 5-20 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-I8-12 REQUESTER: IPUC StaffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff -22 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 1212912018 N/A Amber Gifford Energy Efficiency (s0e) 49s-2896 REQUEST: Please provide the technical manual(s) used to estimate DSM energy efficiency savings for 2016 and20l7. RESPONSE: Please see StaflPR_22 - Attachment A for 2016 unit energy savings and Staff PP.-22 - Attachment B for unit energy savings.