HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190103Avista to Staff 1-10.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 TollFree 800-727-9170 RIC [.IV ED ?illi JfiH -3 PH 3r'38 January 3,2079 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83720-0074 Attn: Diane Hanian Re: Production Request of Commission Staff in Case No. AVU-E-18-12 Dear Ms. Hanian, Enclosed is Avista's response to IPUC Staffs production request in the above referenced docket. Included in this mailing are the original and two paper copies of Avista's response to production request: Staff 01-10. Due to the voluminous nature of StafLPR_0I - Attachment A, StaflPR_03 - Attachment A, and StaflPR_Og - Attachment A, these files have been provided separately on a thumb drive. The electronic version of the responses were emailed on 0103t2019. Also included is Avista's CONFIDENTIAL responses to PR_06C, PR_08C, and PR_10C, also provided on a thumb drive due to their voluminous nature. These responses contain TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. They are being provided under a sealed separate envelope, marked CONFIDENTIAL. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact Paul Kimball at (509) 495-4584 or via e-mail at paul.kimball@avistacorp.com. Sincerely, /d/fu,,-%g,,," Regulatory Policy Analyst Avista Utilities j ai me. maj ure @ avi stacorp. com 509.495.7839 Enclosures {rustfr Gorp, . ,:,-,., lt f iil I 1',': 1,1. i:st-,{u'iSs;Ci: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E- 18- 12 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff - 01 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: r2lt9t20t8 N/A Amber Gifford Energy Efficiency (soe) 4es-28e6 REQUEST: Please provide a list in Excel format showing all expenses charged to the electric DSM Rider in 2016 and 2017. Please include the following information fbr each expense: the date, vendor, amount, program, and the account to which the charges were accrued. Please include and identily any adjustments made in 2016 or 20117 to previously booked expenses. Please separate all expenses by program. If'any amounts are allocated to multiple programs and/or ir,rrisdictions, please describe the allocation method. Please identify if each expense is an incentive payment, purchase, service. labor/admin. materials. or any other classification of expense. RESPONSE: Please See StaflPR_Ol - Attachment A for the transaction detail for the Idaho electric DSM program during 2016 -2017. Non-incentive expenditures are separated by sector (i.e. Low-Income, Residential, Non-Residential) and are not categorrzed by program. For general implementation costs, please see task numbers 242609 through 242623. Incentive payments fall under Task numb ers 242633- 242639. Please see the table below for the expenses by type and the associated task number: Erpense Type Implementation Costs DSM Incentive CosG EM&V Costs DSM Educational Task Number 242609 242610 242612 242614 2426t5 242623 242633 242634 242639 242658 24266t 242663 242664 242688 242689 Task Description DSM Residential DSM Limited Inc Eff DSM Regional DSM General DSM Non Residential DSM Compliance DSM Residential DSM Limited Inc Eff DSM Non Residential DSM Residential DSM Regional DSM General DSM Non Residential DSM General DSM Non Residential Tariff Rider 242697 Tariff Rider Erpense Type Task Number Task Description ID University Research 242620 242622 242643 242&4 242&5 242@7 242648 242649 242690 242692 242693 242695 RSVC Super Hydrophobia RSVC Phase 2 (DSVC) Micro Grid Smart Wires RSVC Phase 3 (DSVC) Micro Grid Phase 2 Energy Mgmt Phase 2 CAES Water/Engy Cons RSVC Phase 4 (DSVC) Energy Storage Aerogel Insulation In December of 2016, there was an accrual adjustment related to SBW consulting for $34,580 to accrue 2016 expenses. Please see the tab "Adjustments" in StaflPR_01 - Attachment A. In December 2017, there was an accrual adjustment related to SBW Consulting and CLEAResult for $46,492.05 to accrue 2017 expenses. Other small adjustments exist to correct miscellaneous reclassifications. Again, please see the tab "Adjustments" in StaflPR*01 - Attachment A. In regards to allocations, implementation expenses are directly assigned when appropriate to do so. For common costs that are allocated, the Company generally uses a 70% Washington, 30% Idaho allocation between jurisdictions. For service allocations, a 90Yo Electric, and 10Yo Natural Gas allocation is used. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUzuSDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-12 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff - 02 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 121t912018 N/A Amber Gifford Energy Efficiency (s09) 49s-2896 REQUEST: Please provide copies ol'all internal audit reports for all audits completed on the Company's electric DSM expenses and processes from 2016 through 2018. RESPONSE: Please see Staff PR_02 - Attachment A, and StaflPR_02 - Attachment B for copies of the Company's internal audit reports. DATE: TO: CC: FROM: SUBJECT: lnternal Audit Department Audit Report August 4,2076 Dan Johnson, Chris Drake, Tom Lienhard Kevin Christie, Dennis Vermillion, Scott Morris, Tracy Van Orden, Mike Dillon Janice Gibler and Amy Parsons Demand Side Management (DSM) Review Purpose: The objective of this review was to ensure that the DSM department has appropriate policies and procedures in place in order to accurately process qualified customer rebates. lnternal Audit has limited its testing to rebates issued in 2015 for both residential and non-residential customers. Procedures: lnternal Audit performed the following procedures: o lnterviewed DSM management in order to determine areas of risk/concern within the department, validate that the new organizational structure is operating as intended and verify that communication within the department has improved since our last review.o Obtained an understanding of the various reviews performed by third parties (Nexant, WA/lD/OR commissions, etc.) and inquired of any material exceptions/findings observed in recent reviews.o Reviewed the DSM Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)to obtain an understanding of rebate qualifications and procedures in place for processing rebates.o Selected 15 residential and 15 non-residential rebates processed in 2015 and performed the following procedures:o Verified the rebate qualifications were met and the amount calculated appeared accurate.o Confirmed all required paperwork, signatures, approvals, etc. were obtained prior to payment to the customer. Results: The DSM department appears to be working as a cohesive group and the current organizational structure appears to be operating as intended. Per inquiry of management and review of the Nexant report for 2074-2075, no material exceptions or findings noted from third party reviews. Current SOPs appear to be robust and sufficiently outline qualifications for each rebate and internal policies and procedures. Residential and non-residential rebates selected for testing appear to meet specified qualifications and be accurately calculated. Further, with the exception of the observation noted below, it appears that internal processing requirements were followed. a a a a Alirrtsra' Observation: One residential rebate selected for testing was not signed by the customer and instead stated "Refer to File" on the signature line. Upon discussion with DSM staff, it was not known if a customer signature was a legal requirement or an internal policy. Further, it was noted that signatures are not obtained for rebates submitted electronically. Recommendation: lnternal Audit recommends that the DSM department work with the Legal department and determine what the appropriate operating policy should be in regards to obtaining signatures from customers on submitted DSM rebate forms (both hard copy and electronic) and update current SOPs. Conclusion: Other than the observation noted above, it appears that the DSM department has appropriate policies and procedures in place to accurately process qualified customer rebates. Internal Audit Department Audit Report TO: Bruce Folsom, Pat Lynch CC: Jason Thackston, Dennis Vermillion, Karen Feltes, Scott Morris, Tracy Van Orden FROM: Lauren Pendergraft DATE: April 3,2014 SUBJECT: Wild Rose Review and Demand Side Management Follow-up Background and Purpose The Demand Side Management (DSM) group is made up by two teams - the Policy, Planning, and Analysis (PPA) team and the Implementation team. From an organizational perspective, the teams report to different directors and executives; but are collectively referred to as the DSM group. There have been organizational issues between the two groups as the roles, responsibilities, purpose, and authority of each team are not understood and implemented by all. ln2013, the PPA team became aware of the Implementation team's activities associated with the Wild Rose Church and evaluated the prudency of the time and expenses associated with this project. The PPA team's review resulted in a $22K adjustment to move the associated time and expense below the line. The review of the Wild Rose activities was not conducted in a transparent manner and was not communicated to Implementation team management in a timely manner. The purpose of this review was for Internal Audit to provide an independent assessment of the Wild Rose activities. Additionally, Internal Audit performed other procedures over DSM including detail testing of the Top Sheet process, a review of the installation verification dates of completed projects in2014, and a review ofthird-party reports issued about DSM since July 2013. Scope and Procedures The following scope and procedures were performed during this review: 1. Wild Rose: Inquired of PPA and lmplementation team employees in order to understand the nature of the Wild Rose Church activities and calculate any necessary adjustments. 2. Top Sheets: The Top Sheet process was implemented in July 2013 to ensure compliance with policy, procedures, and documentation in site-specific projects. Internal Audit Ai-stsra tested a sample of 25 site specific projects for the existence of Top Sheets. Projects were randomly selected from the population of all site-specific projects with a contract start date and payment date after July 2013. 3. Installation Verification: Reviewed all completed projects in 2014 within Saleslogix to determine installation verification rates in both prescriptive and site-specific projects. 4. Third-party Reports: Reviewed third-party reports issued since July 2013 including the Cadmus 2012Process Evaluation memo and Idaho Staff Prudency Review Comments (Case No. AVU-E-13-09 and AVU-G-13-02). Observations and Recommendations The following observations and recommendations were made based on the different procedures performed: l. Wild Rose: The activity associated with Wild Rose appeared to be more than incidental and on a recurring basis. As such, an adjustment to move the direct labor hours below the line is appropriate given Avista's Regulatory Accounting Guidelines related to community involvement activities. A range of possible adjustments calculated by Internal Audit are below: Direct labor (total hours worked on proiect)$ 20,944.59 Net Impact (direct labor less additional "make-up" hours worked (ie. weekends, after- hours,etc.)) $ 12,279.63 Net Impact less 8 hours of team building s 7,235.89 The calculations above are loaded at October's total payroll loading rates of 100.25oh. The actual adjustment made for labor was S21,485.60, but was only loaded at the payroll benefits rate of 63.5% (had it been loaded at the 100.25% it would have resulted in an adjustment of $26,314). A $167.88 adjustment for expenses was also made; however, Internal Audit did not find any needed adjustments for expenses associated with Wild Rose. The adjustments made for Wild Rose were conservative and more than covered all of Internal Audit's adj ustment estimates. Recommendation: The employee or manager of employees responsible for the initial charges of time and expense should be included in the evaluation and calculation of any needed adjustments to ensure the accuracy of adjustments. Management Response: Director of PPA Team response: I agree with the recommendation as written. The "in a transparent manner" (as described in the "Background and Purpose") would benefit from providing or establishing a policy in this regard. Director of Implementation Team response: I agree with how the issue has been presented and with the observations and recommendations. 2. Top Sheets: Out of a sample of 25 projects (75 top sheets total as each project should have a Technical Review Top Sheet, Energy Efficiency Agreement Top Sheet, and an Incentive Payment Top Sheet), 5 top sheets were missing or unable to be found. Additionally, 1 other project was missing a Technical Review Top Sheet as the engineering review was performed by an outside engineering firm. Based on inquiry of DSM employees, it is unclear if there is a policy that requires Technical Review Top Sheets for outside engineering analyses. All other Top Sheets were completed and saved as attachments in Saleslogix. There is evidence to suggest Top Sheets are implemented and being used on a consistent basis. The timing and nature of the exceptions are reasonable given the recent implementation of the Top Sheet process. Recommendation: Perform an internal review in the next 6 months to test both the effectiveness and existence of Top Sheets (as Internal Audit's review was limited only to existence). Establish, communicate, and document the policy requiring Top sheets for outside engineering evaluations for site-specific projects. Additionally, remind DSM engineers that Technical Top Sheets are required for revised engineering evaluations. Management Response: We agree with the recommendations as written. The two areas noted could use clearer guidelines. Any exceptions to current or revised policies should be communicated prior to implementing those exceptions. 3. Installation Verification (IV): Based on Intemal Audit's review of all projects completed in20l4 within Saleslogix, the following IV rates in both prescriptive and site- specific projects were calculated: Number of projects completed Number of projects w/ IV date in Sales Logix IV rate Site specific 56 54*96Yo* Prescriptive 276 32 12Yo *The IV did occur for the two projects missing the IV date in Saleslogix. The account executive has since updated Saleslogix and input the lV date. The IV rate is now 100% for site specific projects within SalesLogix. The IV rate for site-specific projects in 2014 is considerable improvement from the 2012 rate of 660/o presented inthe 2012 Process Evaluation Memo by Cadmus. Based on discussion with DSM employees, it is unclear what the policy or established goal of the IV rate is for prescriptive programs. Recommendation: Develop and document the policy or established goal for an IV rate for prescriptive programs. Consider developing a specific goal for each prescriptive program and include that information in the program plans. Management Response: We agree with the recommendations as written. 4. Third-party Reports: Internal Audit reviewed both the 2012Process Evaluation Memo performed by Cadmus issued on August 2,2013 and the Idaho Staff Prudency Review Comments issued on March 6,2014. Both reports contained observations, areas of concern, and recommendations. There is not a centralized document utilized by both the PPA and Implementation team addressing Avista's response to report findings or recommendations. Recommendation: Develop and implement a DSM "Issues Tracker" to document and track all internal and external report's findings and recommendations in a centralized location. The Issues Tracker should list the findings and recommendations, document Avista's response to the finding or recommendation, and provide an update on the status of the remediation efforts of the finding. The Issues Tracker should be owned by both the PPA and Implementation team and clearly document the responsibility for addressing the item. On a recurring basis (quarterly, semi-annual etc.) the Issues Tracker should be presented to a third party,like Internal Audit, to ensure findings and recommendations are being addressed. Management Response: We agree with the recommendations as written ^#vtsta AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-I8-12 REQUESTER: IPUC StAffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff - 03 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 121t9120t8 N/A Amber Gifford Energy Efficiency (s09) 49s-2896 REQUEST: Please provide invoices for all third party evaluators for 2016 and2017. Please illustrate how those costs were allocated among jurisdictions. RESPONSE: Please see StaflPR_O3 - Attachment A for copies of invoices from Nexant, Avista's 3'd party EM&V evaluator. Costs were directly assigned to each service and jurisdiction based on the work performed by the evaluator. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E- 18- 12 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff - 04 DATE PREPARED: l2ll9l20l8WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Amber Gifford DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-2896 Please see the table below for the amount of revenue for Avista's electric DSM programs in2016 and2017, net of a revenue conversion factor. Electric 20L6 20L7 OOOl - RESIDENTIAL 5 2,674,964 $ 3,3L5,779 0011, - GENERAL SERVICE S sga,gso S r,oss,gzs OO12 - RESID&FARM-GEN SERV s 64,839 5 82,266 OO21 - LARGE GENERAL SERV S 1,350,798 S 1,512,594 OO22 - RESID&FRM-LGE GEN SE S 15,168 s 17,560 OO25 - EXTRA LGE GEN SERV s 488,645 5 477,065 OO31- PUMPING SERVICE S 133,857 5 ug,zqg OO32 - PUMPING SVC RES&FRM s 1,1,056 s 12,006 OO41 - CO OWNED ST LIGHTS s 471 s 241 OO42 - CO OWND ST LTS SO VA S 59,394 5 66,llz OO44 - CST OWND ST LT SO VA s 1,313 s 1,856 OO45 - CUST OWND ST LT ENGY s 641 s 1,584 0046 - CUST OWND ST LT S V s 2,315 s 4,399 OO47 - AREA LIGHT-COM&INDUS S z,gso s 3,802 OO48 - AREA LGHT-FARM&RESID s 6,700 5 sJqq OO49 - AREA LGHT-HI PRES SO s 18,230 5 zz,toq 025 EXTRA LARGE GEN SERVICE/POTLATCH S 499,081 s 615,061 Total S G,zz9,3s7 5 7,347,oo3 REQUEST: Please provide the electric tariff rider revenue by year and by class for 2016 and2017. RESPONSE: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-12 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff - 05 DATE PREPARED: l2ll9l20l8WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Amber Gifford DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2896 REQUEST: Please provide the calculation of any carrying charge on the electric Rider balance during 2016 and20l7. RESPONSE: The DSM tariff rider balance did not incur any carrying charges during 2016 and2017. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: TDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-I8-12 REQUESTER: IPUC StaffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff - 07 DATE PREPARED: 1211912018WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Amber Gifford DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2896 REQUEST: Please describe how common costs are allocated among the services and jurisdictions. RESPONSE: Common costs among services are generally allocated using a 90110 allocation factor, with 90Yo going to electric and l0o/, going to natural gas. Expenses related to EM&V were allocated based on the activities performed by the third-party vendor and tend to vary. See StaflPR_03 - Attachment A for copies of the invoices from Nexant for EM&V services. Common costs are allocated between Washington and Idaho jurisdictions using a70130 allocation factor, with 30% of those common costs being allocated to Idaho, md 70oh being allocated to Washington. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-12 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff - 09 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 1211912018 N/A Amber Gifford Energy Efficiency (soe) 4es-28e6 REQUEST: Please provide the amount of labor expense charged to the electric DSM tariff rider for the years 2015-2018. For each of those years, please include the number of Full Time Equivalent positions funded by the rider. Please also provide the general wage adjustment percentage for non-union personnel approved by the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors for each year. RESPONSE: Please see Staff PR 09 - Attachment A for the historic labor amounts. DSM employees record labor related expenses under the ORG number T52. The table below identifies the FTE for each requested year under that ORG number. The Compensation committee of the Avista Board approved the salary/merit budget for non-union employees for the following years and percentage increases: Year Increase FTE 2015 3o/o 2l 20t6 3o/o 19 2017 3o/o 23 2018 3o/o 23