HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181106Avista to Staff 5-13.pdfAvista Corp. 1 41 1 East Mission P .O . Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office ol the SecretaryRECEIVED ocT 0 6 20t8 AHvtsrfr Gorp, Boise, ldaho November 6,2018 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83720-0074 Attn: Ed Jewell Deputy Attorney General Re: Production Request of Commission Staff in Case No. AVU-E-I8-09 Dear Mr. Jewell, Enclosed is Avista's response to IPUC Staffs production request in the above referenced dockets. Included in this mailing are the original and two paper copies of Avista's response to production request: Staff 5 - 13. Also enclosed on CD are copies of Avista's response to the production request. The electronic version of the response was emailed on 10/31/18. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact Paul Kimball at (509) 495-4584 or via e-mail at paul.kimball@avistacorp.com Sincerely, Paul Kimball Mgr. Compliance & Discovery Enclosures -- AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST F'OR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-I8-09 REQUESTER: StaffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-05 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: rU5l20r8 N/A Ken Sweigart Transmission Design (s09) 49s-4417 REQUEST: Has the Company completed an inspection report of the assets being acquired? If so please provide details of the Company's inspection. If not, please explain why not. RESPONSE: BPA last performed detailed inspection of these assets in 2015. Like Avista, BPA is a Transmission Owner and Transmission Operator subject to applicable federal reliability standards. Accordingly, BPA's inspections and inspection reports are acceptable to Avista. In addition to performing an informal visual inspection of the BPA assets being acquired, Avista has acquired and reviewed BPA's inspection documentation. See Staff PR_05 Attachments: Four Lakes Ground Line heart Rot Contract Report 2015.pdf Four Lakes Insulator History 2015.pdf Four Lakes Replaced Cross Arm Report 2015.pdf Four Lakes Replaced Pole Report 2015.pdf Four Lakes Sectionalizing Switch Report 2015.pdf Four Lakes Wood Pole History Report 2015.pdf B-239.x1s Four Lakes Taps.xls Cheney Tap Ground Line Heart Rot Contract Inspection Report 20l5.pdf Cheney Tap Insulator Damage 20l5.pdf Cheney Tap Insulator History 2015.pdf Cheney Tap Replaced Cross Arm Report 2015.pdf Cheney Tap Replaced Poles Report 2015.pdf Cheney Tap Sectionahzing Switch Report 2015.pdf Cheney Tap Wood Pole History Report 20l5.pdf B-l732.xls Cheney Tap Sl.xls Insulator History Report Legend.pdf Wood Pole History Report Legend.pdf Page I of I -0.800 -0.700 -0.600 -0.500 -0.400 -0.300 -0.200 -0.100 0.0000.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 1/ 2 C e l l V o l t a g e ( V o l t s ) Impressed Current (Milliamps) Four Lakes Tap to Sunset -East Colfax, Structure 1/2, Switch B-239 Bell TLM BPA Sectionalizing Switch Data Page 1 Date: Voltage:115 kV Line: Structure No.1/2 Switch No: D-4208 B-239 Gnd. Sw. No.:NA -0.836 Volts -0.639 Volts 32.9 Ohms (C2 at 100 feet and P2 at 62 feet) 5.) Impressed Current Test:6.) Soil Resistivity Test Current (ma)1/2 Cell (volts) Probe Spacing (Feet)Reading (Ohm- 0.00 -0.406 2 130.0 497930.18 -0.420 4 43.0 329400.43 -0.442 8 22.0 337060.69 -0.465 16 14.0 428991.02 -0.494 1.21 -0.512 1.69 -0.554 Manufacturer: 2.08 -0.590 2.49 -0.628 Model: 2.93 -0.668 3.33 -0.705 Voltage 115 kV Nom. Current: 1200 Amps 3.90 -0.757 4.46 -0.807 BIL 550 kV Max. Current: 61 kA 5.12 -0.866 5.89 -0.935 Year of Mfg.Year Installed 1952 Manufacturer: -0.639 volts 38302 ohm-cm -1.75 volts 32.900 ohms 250 ohm-cm 4.) Investigators: - JJ Pachot & KJ Brown 8.) Add-ons: Model & Ser No.: 7.) Switch Information: BPA Order No.: Mfg. Order No.: Serial No.: Pacific Electric Tall Arcing Horns 9). Additional Switch Information: Caution Tags, etc. - Switch mounted on H-Frame Wood Structure. R(Hi-Pot anode + Tower) Standard H-1 Mg Anode R(H-1 anode + Tower) Mg Anode Packing Soil Resistivity 1/2 Cell - Tower Footing Hi-Potential Mg Anode Tower Footing Resistance connected: disconnected: Page 2 Location Current (ma) Volts Corrosion - Pit Depth 1/2 Cell to Structure Potential: Voltage across Grounding Cell: 1/2 Cell to Structure Potential: None. Recommendations: OK as is.. Lb. Mg Anodes required to achieve -0.850 Estimated number of New Hi-Potential, Anodes required to achieve -0.850 volts -2.000 -1.800 -1.600 -1.400 -1.200 -1.000 -0.800 -0.600 -0.400 -0.200 0.000 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 1/ 2 C e l l V o l t a g e ( V o l t s ) Impressed Current (Milliamps) Cheney Tap to Silver Lake -Sunset No. 1, Structure 1/2, Switch B-1732 Bell TLM BPA Sectionalizing Switch Data Page 1 Date: Voltage:115 kV Line: Structure No.1/2 Switch No: D-9166 B-1732 Gnd. Sw. No.:NA NA Volts -0.800 Volts 6.3 Ohms (C2 at 100 feet and P2 at 62 feet) 5.) Impressed Current Test:6.) Soil Resistivity Test Current (ma)1/2 Cell (volts) Probe Spacing (Feet)Reading (Ohm- 0.0 -0.799 2 15.0 57458.4 -0.867 4 9.0 689415.2 -0.950 8 5.6 858023.0 -1.035 16 2.9 888634.2 -1.174 42.5 -1.258 50.9 -1.495 Manufacturer: 63.4 -1.666 77.4 -1.745 Model: 82.7 -1.616 92.6 -1.693 Voltage 115 kV Nom. Current: 1200 Amps 103.1 -1.760 119.1 -1.862 BIL 550 kV Max. Current: 61 kA 130.0 -1.930 146.6 -2.033 Year of Mfg.Year Installed 1971 Manufacturer: -0.800 volts 8733 ohm-cm -1.75 volts 6.330 ohms 250 ohm-cm Cheney Tap 3.) Switch Footing Resistance: 1.) Remote 1/2 Cell Reading with all Anodes connected: 2.) Remote 1/2 Cell Reading with all Anodes disconnected: 08-Aug-13 Cheney Tap to Silver lake - Sunset Dispatcher Number: Total Number of Bottles: AVB 16691 14-03-3192-A Swing Handle Dampers or Bumpers: Y/N SO No.: Operator Type: Manufacturer:Allis Chalmers 9). Additional Switch Information: Caution Tags, etc. - Switch mounted on H-Frame Wood Structure. Page 2 Location Current (ma) Volts Corrosion - Pit Depth No Anodes Present. Recommendations: Install 2 Hi Potential Magnesium Anodes. Lb. Mg Anodes required to achieve -0.850 Estimated number of New Hi-Potential, Anodes required to achieve -0.850 volts 1/2 Cell to Structure Potential: Voltage across Grounding Cell: 1/2 Cell to Structure Potential: -6130 CHENEY TAP TO SILVER LAKE-SUNSET TLM Bell 10/01/2015 11:59:53 Page 1 of 1US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration GLHR Contract Report Mile Str Pos Design Str. Type Str. Code GLHR FY Notes A 02001 D 32ST 2007 DISC SWITCH B-1732 D-8916 B D 32ST 2007 A 03001 TA1 31UT 2007 A 04001 TA1 31UT 2007 A 06001 TA1 31UT 2007 A 12001 TA1 31UT 2007 A 02003 TA1 31UT 2007 A 02007 A1 32WF 2007 Poles were sonic tested only. Groundline decay data is from the last inspection cycle. 2X1 ROT POCKET 6130 US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration Insulator Damage ReportTLM Bell Select - ORG=TFSF/ADNO=6130/ - CHENEY TAP TO SILVER LAKE-SUNSET 115 KV 10/1/2015 11:48:17 Page 1 of 1 Insulator Type Cond. Type U/S S Dmg Dmg1 Dmg2 Dmg3 Dmg4 T Damper Spacer NotesCond/OH Hdwr TypeMile Str Pos Dsgn Type 6 1 B 1 1CONDPOS1B 04006 E Total Damage: 1 6 1 B 1 1CONDPOS1S 05006 A1 Total Damage: 1 6 1 B 1 1CONDPOS3S 02007 A1 Total Damage: 1 6 1 B 1 1CONDPOS1S 01009 A1 6 1 F 6 6CONDPOS2S 01009 A1 6 1 F 6 6CONDPOS3S 01009 A1 Total Damage: 13 6 1 F 3 3CONDPOS2S 07009 A1 Total Damage: 3 US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration Insulator Hardware History ReportTLM Bell 6130 Select - ORG=TFS/ADNO=6130/ - CHENEY TAP TO SILVER LAKE-SUNSET 115 KV Page 1 of 110/1/2015 11:46:13 Hdwr Type Hdwr Detail Insulator Type Cond. Type U/S Damper Spacer NotesCond/OHMile Str Pos Dsgn Type CONDPOS1 1S 11001 CONDPOS1 0J 01003 CONDPOS1 1S CONDPOS2 1S CONDPOS3 1S CONDPOS3 6S 05004 CONDPOS1 0A 03006 A1DB CONDPOS1 6 1 broken insulator BOL position #1. 03/21/2011 B CONDPOS1 6A 04006 E CONDPOS1 6B CONDPOS1 6S 05006 CONDPOS3 6S 02007 CONDPOS1 6S 01009 CONDPOS2 6S CONDPOS3 6S CONDPOS2 6S 07009 -6130 CHENEY TAP TO SILVER LAKE-SUNSET TLM Bell 10/01/2015 11:51:56 Page 1 of 1US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration Replaced Cross Arm Report Str PosMile Replace FY Replace Cause Contractor Replaced Due Notes 003 07 A 2010 Split or Broken N A 2010 Split or Broken N 2005 003 08 A 2011 Split or Broken N 2011 003 10 A 2010 Split or Broken N 2005 004 02 A 2010 Split or Broken N 2005 -6130 CHENEY TAP TO SILVER LAKE-SUNSET US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration Replaced WoodPole Report 10/01/2015 11:55:11 Page 1 of 1 Mile Str Pos Design TLM Bell Str. Type LStr. Code Replace FY Replace Cause Cntr Repl WPRC Due WPRC Priority WPRC Reason NoteK Mfg Date 001 06 AR1 31UT 1994 Internal Decay, Ground Line N55 PTA1 55 N 1/1/1992 New Pole Information: 1/1/1971 001 07 A 31UT 2014 Vehicle N60 P TA1 60 D 1/1/2013 New Pole Information: 1/1/1971 CEMENT BARRIERS 1 UG TREATMENT 001 09 A 31WS 2014 Bird Or Animal N 2013 1 DP55 P TA1 55 D 1/1/2013 New Pole Information: 1/1/1971 8 wood pecker holes in close proxmity, 3 larger holes at top stack insulator bolts. 3X3X4, 4X4X10, 3x4x4. Other holes right below middle stack insulator and top stack. 05/11/12 Replace with Cl. 1 Pole (Nando Jul. 22, 2013). 001 11 A 31UT 2001 Line Relocation N55 PTA1 65 D 1/1/2000 New Pole Information: 1/1/1971 003 08 A 32NX 2011 Age Related N50 P A1DB 50 P 1/1/2009 New Pole Information: 1/1/1971 Arm is still bad. 10/15/2009 B 32WF 2011 Split Or Broken N 2011 1 DP50 P A1DB 50 P 1/1/2009 New Pole Information: 1/1/1971 2"x4'x4" crack from arm bolt to top of pole. 10/15/2009 Repl. Pole & X-Arm (Nando). Page 1 of 110/1/2015 11:58:19 6130 - US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration Sectionalizing Switch Report Mile Str P SJC Distance Oper # BPA #Mfg Type KV Amp YI Maint. Int. Last Due Notes TLM Bell Select - ORG=TFSF/ADNO=6130/ CHENEY TAP TO SILVER LAKE-SUNSET 115 KV --------------- Service -------------------- Manufacturing Data ------- Switch Nos -- AVB 115 1200 02/26/2015 02/26/2021 001 02 SILVER LAKE-SUNSET1971 60N D08916 B-1732 ELTEC Total for Adno - 6130 1 STRUCTURE LIST COND.:ACSR Partridge M.W.T.:3000#ICE:1/2"OPER. NAME:Cheney Tap to Silver Lake-Sunset PD1 - PD2 M.W.T.:1000#ICE:1/2"DESIGN NAME:Four Lakes Tap to WWP Co. Silver Lake-Sunset Line GW.:M.W.T.:ICE:115 M.W.T.:ICE:1 STATION:61+32 PL-6: BY:JBI CK:MB DATE:01/71 SHEET:1 of 2 REV.:07/90 Removed X-Arm mounted switch on str. 1/2 (PD2). Added stand mounted switch at str. 1/2 (PD2)NOTES: 10/98 Re-typed 06/01 Str. 1/10 (PD10) Replaced with Str. PD10A and moved, str. 1/11 (PD11) Replaced with Str. PD11A and Moved 12/10 Modified station, str. type, height, operating name and field marking 01/14 PD9 Rebuilt OPER STR SERIAL SPAN CL COND STR.STR.POLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION & REMARKS 39+75 475.0 2442.5 2491.5 UTA1 70 70 Bottom Conductor Rt. 44+50 250.0 2446 2491 UTA1 65 65 Bottom Conductor Rt. 1/12 PD 12 47+00 331.0 2449.8 UTA1 55 55 Bottom Conductor Rt. STRUCTURE LIST COND.:ACSR Partridge M.W.T.:3000#ICE:1/2"OPER. NAME:Cheney Tap to Silver Lake-Sunset M.W.T.:ICE:DESIGN NAME:Four Lakes Tap to WWP Co. Silver Lake-Sunset Line GW.:M.W.T.:ICE:115 M.W.T.:ICE:1 STATION:61+32 PL-6: BY:JBI CK:MB DATE:12/70 SHEET:2 of 2 REV.:02/72 Operating name changed NOTES: 06/01 Retyped on new form, WO 82540 12/10 Modified operating name and field marking OPER STR SERIAL SPAN CL COND STR.STR.POLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION & REMARKS STRUCTURE LIST COND.:ACSR Partridge M.W.T.:3000#ICE:1/2"OPER. NAME:Cheney Tap to Silver Lake-Sunset M.W.T.:ICE:DESIGN NAME:Four Lakes Tap to WWP Co. Silver Lake-Sunset Line GW.:M.W.T.:ICE:115 M.W.T.:ICE:2 STATION:114+12.5 PL-6: BY:JBI CK:MB DATE:01/71 SHEET:1 of 1 REV.:06/71 Changed str type PD18 NOTES: 02/72 Operating name changed 12/10 Modified operating name and field marking OPER STR SERIAL SPAN CL COND STR.STR.POLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION & REMARKS 2/16 PD 32 111+50 527.6 2577.5 UTA1 65 65 Bottom Conductor Rt. STRUCTURE LIST COND.:ACSR Partridge (Except as noted)M.W.T.:4500#ICE:1/2"OPER. NAME:Cheney Tap to Silver Lake-Sunset PD33 - PD36 M.W.T.:3000#ICE:1/2"DESIGN NAME:Four Lakes Tap to WWP Co. Silver Lake-Sunset Line GW.:M.W.T.:ICE:115 -kV, ST TYPE:MARKING M.W.T.:ICE:MILE 3 STATION:155+20 PL-6: BY:JBI CK:MB DATE:01/71 SHEET:1 of 1 REV.:02/72 Operating name changed NOTES: 12/10 Modified operating name and field marking OPER STR SERIAL SPAN CL COND STR.STR.POLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION & REMARKS NO.NO.STATION AHEAD ANGLE ELEV.ELEV.TYPE HT A B C 3/1 PD 33 116+77.6 422.4 33°28' Lt 2615.5 C 60 60 1-1/2" SM TPA Side Guy, 1-6' FG Ins/Strand1-28" Plate Anchor; 1"x10' Rod 3/2 PD 34 121+00 150.0 2625.1 UTA1 50 50 Bottom Conductor Rt. 3/3 PD 35 122+50 424.9 2597.6 UTA1 75 75 Bottom Conductor Rt. 3/4 PD 36 115+03.4 Ah 821.6 33°18' Rt 2608.5 F 60 60 60 60 6-1/2" SM DPA Line Guys126+74.9 Bk 6-28" Plate Anchors; 1"x10' Rods 3/5 PD 37 123+25.0 275.0 2619.1 A1DB 60 60 60 3/6 PD 38 126+00.0 700.0 2636.2 A1DB 60 65 60 3/7 PD 39 133+00.0 446.4 2708.7 A1 45 45 45 X-Brace 3/8 PD 40 137+46.4 753.6 2728.4 A1DB 50 50 50 X-Brace 3/9 PD 41 145+00.0 500.0 2790.5 A1 65 65 65 3/10 PD 42 150+00.0 650.0 2810.8 A1 60 60 60 Single Arm & Single Pole CHEYT SLSU 770-36 STRUCTURE LIST COND.:ACSR Partridge M.W.T.:4500#ICE:1/2"OPER. NAME:Cheney Tap to Silver Lake-Sunset M.W.T.:ICE:DESIGN NAME:Four Lakes Tap to WWP Co. Silver Lake-Sunset Line GW.:M.W.T.:ICE:115 M.W.T.:ICE:4 STATION:208+00 PL-6: BY:JBI CK:MB DATE:05/70 SHEET:1 of 1 REV.:02/72 Operating name changed NOTES: 12/10 Modified structure type, operating name and field marking OPER STR SERIAL SPAN CL COND STR.STR.POLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION & REMARKS 166+45.9 0°04'10" Lt.Survey Angle Point STRUCTURE LIST COND.:ACSR Partridge (Except as noted)M.W.T.:4500#ICE:1/2"OPER. NAME:Cheney Tap to Silver Lake-Sunset PD57 - SS Hand Jumper M.W.T.:ICE:DESIGN NAME:Four Lakes Tap to WWP Co. Silver Lake-Sunset Line GW.:M.W.T.:ICE:115 M.W.T.:ICE:5 STATION:332+12.5 PL-6: BY:JBI CK:MB DATE:05/70 SHEET:1 of 1 REV.:02/72 Operating name changed NOTES: 12/76 Revised guy at str. 5/7 (PD57) WO 150-605 12/10 Modified structure type, operating name and field marking OPER STR SERIAL SPAN CL COND STR.STR.POLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION & REMARKS STRUCTURE LIST COND.:ACSR Partridge M.W.T.:4500#ICE:1/2"OPER. NAME:Cheney Tap to Silver Lake-Sunset SS-1/1 M.W.T.:ICE:DESIGN NAME:Cheney Tap to Four Lakes Tap to WWP East Colfax-Spokane GW.:M.W.T.:ICE:115 M.W.T.:ICE:1 STATION:52+80 PL-6: BY:THB CK:JBI DATE:02/69 SHEET:1 of 1 REV.:07/71 Correct str.types NOTES: 02/72 Operating name & nos. changed 12/76 Guys at str. 6/1 (PM1) WO 150-605 add Anchor rod extensions 12/10 Modified operating name and field marking OPER STR SERIAL SPAN CL COND STR.STR.POLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION & REMARKS STRUCTURE LIST COND.:ACSR Partridge M.W.T.:4500#ICE:1/2"OPER. NAME:Cheney Tap to Silver Lake-Sunset M.W.T.:ICE:DESIGN NAME:Cheney Tap to Four Lakes Tap to WWP East Colfax-Spokane GW.:M.W.T.:ICE:115 M.W.T.:ICE:2 STATION:105+60 PL-6: BY:THB CK:JBI DATE:02/69 SHEET:1 of 1 REV.:05/69 Retyped, Mile Nos. changed NOTES: 07/69 Relocate 2/2 & 2/3 Changed Pole Ht. and add X-Braces 2/2, 2/3 & 2/4 02/72 Operating name & nos. changed 12/10 Modified structure type, operating name and field marking OPER STR SERIAL SPAN CL COND STR.STR.POLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION & REMARKS STRUCTURE LIST COND.:ACSR Partridge (Except as noted)M.W.T.:4500#ICE:1/2"OPER. NAME:Cheney Tap to Silver Lake-Sunset Lark PM24 - PM25 M.W.T.:8000#ICE:DESIGN NAME:Cheney Tap to Four Lakes Tap to WWP East Colfax-Spokane GW.:M.W.T.:ICE:115 M.W.T.:ICE:3 STATION:158+40 PL-6: BY:THB CK:JBI DATE:02/69 SHEET:1 of 1 REV.:05/69 Retyped, General Revisions and Mile Nos. Changed NOTES:** Bottom Strand is Buckle Guy 02/72 Operating name & nos. changed 12/10 Modified structure type, operating name and field marking OPER STR SERIAL SPAN CL COND STR.STR.POLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION & REMARKS STRUCTURE LIST COND.:ACSR Partridge M.W.T.:4500#ICE:1/2"OPER. NAME:Cheney Tap to Silver Lake-Sunset M.W.T.:ICE:DESIGN NAME:Cheney Tap to Four Lakes Tap to WWP East Colfax-Spokane GW.:7 No. Alumoweld M.W.T.:4000#ICE:1/2"115 M.W.T.:ICE:4 STATION:212+01 PL-6: BY:THB CK:JBI DATE:02/69 SHEET:1 of 1 REV.:05/69 Retyped, Serial Nos. and Mile Nos. Changed NOTES: 02/72 Operating name & nos. changed 12/10 Modified structure type, operating name and field marking OPER STR SERIAL SPAN CL COND STR.STR.POLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION & REMARKS Begin G.W. STRUCTURE LIST COND.:ACSR Partridge M.W.T.:4500#ICE:1/2"OPER. NAME:Cheney Tap to Silver Lake-Sunset SS-1/1 M.W.T.:ICE:DESIGN NAME:Cheney Tap to Four Lakes Tap to WWP East Colfax-Spokane GW.:M.W.T.:ICE:115 M.W.T.:ICE:5 STATION:PL-6: BY:THB CK:JBI DATE:02/69 SHEET:1 of 1 REV.:05/69 Retyped, Serial Nos. and Mile Nos. Changed, Angle PM38 changed NOTES: 10/69 PM38 changed and span, SS sta. changed 02/72 Operating name & nos. changed 12/10 Modified structure type, operating name and field marking OPER STR SERIAL SPAN CL COND STR.STR.POLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION & REMARKS TLM Bell 6130 US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration WoodPole History Report - CHENEY TAP TO SILVER LAKE-SUNSET 115 KV Page 1 of 710/01/2015 11:41:49 Select - ORG=TFS/ADNO=6130/ Mile Str Crit Pos Design Str. Type Str. Code STB LTH K YM YI CL GLHR 1234 S YT TR AGHR HT 1234 S YT PTHR D LN YT YR S C I B F O YR XARM C M YT TB Notes 15 N71 G C0 0 15 15 GGGGGGN01001 G 07 7171D40 A 32SF D 0 0 15 15 GGGGGGN G 07 7171D40 B 32SF D DISC SWITCH B-1732 D-891615 N71 F C0 0 15 15 GGGGGGN020019 Su07 7171P55 A 32ST D 0 0 15 15 GGGGGGN9 Su07 7171P55 B 32ST D N000 0 11 11 GGGGGGN030019 Su07 7171P55 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 09 09 GGGGGGN040019 Su07 7171D55 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 11 11 GGGGGGN05001 G 07 7171D55 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 09 09 GGGGG N06001 9 Su072 9492N55 A 31UT TA1 N00 N07001 2 1413D60A 31UT TA1 BIRD DAMAGE, WOODPECKER (MINOR) Small feeder cone at pole top 3X3. 05/11/12 N000 0 11 12 GGGF GGN08001 G 07 7171D55 A 31UT TA1 N00 N09001 1 1413D55A 31WS TA1 N000 0 11 11 GGGGGGN10001 G 07 7171D55 A 31UT TA1 N00N110012 0100D65A 31UT TA1 N000 0 11 11 GF GGGGN120019 Su07 7171P55 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 08 08 GGGGGGN13001 G 07 7171D60 A 31UT E2 14 N00 G C0 0 14 14 GGGGG N14001 G 07 7171D55 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 11 11 GF GGGGN15001 G 07 7171D55 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 11 11 GF GGGGN16001 G 07 7171D55 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 09 09 GGGGGGN01002 G 07 7171D60 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 11 11 GF GGGGN02002 G 07 7171D70 A 31UT TA N000 0 11 11 GGGGGGN0300220 9 87 G 07 7171D75 A 31UT E2 N000 0 11 11 GGGGGGN04002 G 07 7171D70 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 08 08 GGGGG N05002 G 07 7171D60 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 11 11 GGGGGGN06002 G 07 7171D55 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 11 11 GF GGGGN07002 G 07 7171D65 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 11 11 GGGGGGN08002 G 07 7171D70 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 11 11 GGGGGGN09002 G 07 7171D55 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 11 11 GF GGGGN10002 G 07 7171D55 A 31UT TA1 TLM Bell 6130 US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration WoodPole History Report - CHENEY TAP TO SILVER LAKE-SUNSET 115 KV Page 2 of 710/01/2015 11:41:49 Select - ORG=TFS/ADNO=6130/ Mile Str Crit Pos Design Str. Type Str. Code STB LTH K YM YI CL GLHR 1234 S YT TR AGHR HT 1234 S YT PTHR D LN YT YR S C I B F O YR XARM C M YT TB Notes N000 0 11 11 GGGGGGN11002 G 07 7171D60 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 11 11 GGGGGGN12002 G 07 7171D60 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 11 11 GGGGGGN13002 G 07 7171D70 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 11 11 GGGGGGN14002 G 07 7171D60 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 11 11 GGGGGGN15002 G 07 7171D55 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 11 11 GGGGGGN16002 G 07 7171D65 A 31UT TA1 NO LINKS 04/14/2008 llc6140 N000 0 09 09 GGGGGGN01003 G 07 7171D60 A 31UT C N000 0 11 11 GGGGGGN020039 Su07 7171P50 A 31UT TA1 N000 0 11 11 GGGGGGN03003 G 07 7171D75 A 31UT TA1 14' POLE SPACING LINKS IN DE 03/05/2004 14 N71 G C0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN04003 G 072 7171D60 A 32NX F 0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN G 07 7171D60 B 32NX F 0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN G 07 7171D60 C 32NX F 14 N71 F C0 0 14 11 GGGGGGN05003 G 11 7171D60 A 32NX A1DB 0 0 11 11 GGGGGGN G 11 7171D60 B 32NX A1DB 11 N71 G C0 0 11 11 GF GGGGN06003 G 11 7171D65 A 32NX A1DB 0 0 11 11 GF GGGGN G 11 7171D60 B 32NX A1DB 10 N10 G C0 0 10 10 GGGGGGN07003 G 07 7171D45 A 32WF A1 WP / FEEDING CONE a pole 2 inch 6 feet off 04/14/2008 llc6140 0 0 10 10 GGGF GGN G 07 7171D45 B 32WF A1 N11 N08003 2 1109P50A 32WF A1DB N 2 1109P50B 32WF A1DB wide flange 04/10/14 14 N71 G C0 0 14 11 GGGGGGN09003 G 11 7171D65 A 32NX A1 0 0 11 11 GGGGGGN G 11 7171D65 B 32NX A1 10 N10 G C0 0 10 10 GGGGGGN10003 G 07 7171D60 A 32WF A1 butt damage from farm equipment. 04/14/2008 llc6140 0 0 10 10 GGGGGN G 07 7171D60 B 32WF A1 14 N71 F C0 0 14 09 GGGGG N01004 G 07 7171D70 A 32NX A1DB 0 0 09 09 GGGGG N G 07 7171D70 B 32NX A1DB 10 N10 G C0 0 10 10 GGGGGGN02004 G 07 7171D65 A 32WF A1 TLM Bell 6130 US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration WoodPole History Report - CHENEY TAP TO SILVER LAKE-SUNSET 115 KV Page 3 of 710/01/2015 11:41:49 Select - ORG=TFS/ADNO=6130/ Mile Str Crit Pos Design Str. Type Str. Code STB LTH K YM YI CL GLHR 1234 S YT TR AGHR HT 1234 S YT PTHR D LN YT YR S C I B F O YR XARM C M YT TB Notes 0 0 10 10 GGGGGGN02004 G 07 7171D65 B 32WF A1 13 N03 F C0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN03004 G 07 7171D70 A 32WF A1 0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN G 07 7171D70 B 32WF A1 13 N03 G C0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN04004 G 07 7171D70 A 32WF A1DB 0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN G 07 7171D70 B 32WF A1DB 13 N76 G C0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN05004 G 07 7171D55 A 32WF A1 0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN G 07 7171D55 B 32WF A1 13 N03 G C0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN06004 G 07 7171D60 A 32WF A1DB 0 0 13 13 GF GGGGN G 07 7171D60 B 32WF A1DB 13 N03 G C0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN07004 G 07 7171D70 A 32WF A1DB 0 0 13 13 GF GGGGN G 07 7171D70 B 32WF A1DB 13 N03 G C0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN08004 G 07 7171D70 A 32WF A1 0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN G 07 7171D70 B 32WF A1 15 N03 G C0 0 15 15 GGGGGGN01005 G 07 7171D70 A 32WF A1 0 0 15 15 GGGGGGN G 07 7171D70 B 32WF A1 13 N03 G C0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN02005 G 07 7171D60 A 32WF A1DB 0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN G 07 7171D60 B 32WF A1DB 13 N03 G C0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN03005 G 07 7171D55 A 32WF A1 0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN G 07 7171D55 B 32WF A1 13 N03 G C0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN04005 G 07 7171D65 A 32WF A1 0 0 11 11 GGGGGGN G 07 7171D65 B 32WF A1 13 N03 G C0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN0500525 99 90 G 07 7171D55 A 32WF A1DB 0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN25 99 90 G 07 7171D55 B 32WF A1DB 14 N71 F V0 0 10 10 GF GGGGN0600530 99 90 G 07 7171D60 A 32NX A1DB 0 0 10 10 GF GGGGN30 99 90 G 07 7171D60 B 32NX A1DB 15 N00 G C0 0 15 15 GGGGG N07005 20 9 9 90 G 07 7171D70 A 31UT E2 Four Lakes Substation NOT INSPECTED 13 N00 G C0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN010068878 No13 7272P70 A 31UT E 14' POLE SPACING structure is is swampland area, standing water. 03/21/2011 11 N68 F C0 0 11 14 GGGGGG N02006 G 142 6868D55A 32NX E 0 0 11 14 GGGGGG N G 14 6868D55 B 32NX E TLM Bell 6130 US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration WoodPole History Report - CHENEY TAP TO SILVER LAKE-SUNSET 115 KV Page 4 of 710/01/2015 11:41:49 Select - ORG=TFS/ADNO=6130/ Mile Str Crit Pos Design Str. Type Str. Code STB LTH K YM YI CL GLHR 1234 S YT TR AGHR HT 1234 S YT PTHR D LN YT YR S C I B F O YR XARM C M YT TB Notes 0 0 11 14 GGGGGG N02006 G 14 6868D55 C 32NX E 11 N68 F C0 0 11 14 GGGGGGN03006 G 14 6969D75 A 32NX A1DB 0 0 11 14 GGGGGGN 9 No14 6767P75 B 32NX A1DB 14 N68 F C0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN04006 G 14 6868D55 A 32NX E 0 0 11 14 GGGGGGN G 14 6868D55 B 32NX E 0 0 11 14 GGGGGGN G 14 6868D55 C 32NX E 14 N68 F C0 0 14 14 GGGF GG N05006 G 142 6969D55A 32NX A1 0 0 11 14 GGGGGG N G 14 6969D55 B 32NX A1 14 N68 F C0 0 14 11 GGGGGG N06006 G 122 6969D65A 32NX A1 Bit of shell rot quarter 1. 1/2 depth, soft decaying wood. 03/21/2011 0 0 11 11 F GGGGG N G 12 6767D65 B 32NX A1 SIGN, MILE REPLACED 06/20/12 08 N68 G C0 0 08 08 GGGGGG N01007 G 12 6969D70A 32NX A1 0 0 12 12 GGGGGG N G 12 6969D70 B 32NX A1 Poles were sonic tested only. Groundline decay data is from the last inspection cycle. 2X1 ROT POCKET 13 N03 G C0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN020079 9 Wo12 6767P85 A 32WF A1 0 0 11 14 GGGGGGN 9 No14 6767P85 B 32WF A1 13 N03 G C0 0 13 14 GGGGGGN03007 9 No14 6666P75 A 32WF A1DB 0 0 13 14 GGGGGGN 9 No14 6767P75 B 32WF A1DB 13 N03 G C0 0 13 14 GGGGGGN04007 9 No14 6767P75 A 32WF A1DB 0 0 13 14 GGGGGGN7777 No14 6767P75 B 32WF A1DB 13 N03 G C0 0 13 14 GGGGGGN05007 G 14 6868D80 A 32WF A1 0 0 13 14 GGGGGGN G 14 6868D80 B 32WF A1 09 N99 G C0 0 09 14 GGGGGGN06007 G 14 6868D75 A 32WF A1 0 0 09 14 GGGGGGN G 14 6868D75 B 32WF A1 14' POLE SPACING Structure is out of plumb 4 pole tops. 11/10/2009 no links 06/26/12 13 N00 G C0 0 13 14 GGGGGG N07007 G 142 6868D70A 32NX C No links 09/27/13 0 0 13 14 GGGGGG N G 14 6868D70 B 32NX C No links 09/27/13 0 0 13 14 GGGGGG N G 14 6868D70 C 32NX C TLM Bell 6130 US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration WoodPole History Report - CHENEY TAP TO SILVER LAKE-SUNSET 115 KV Page 5 of 710/01/2015 11:41:49 Select - ORG=TFS/ADNO=6130/ Mile Str Crit Pos Design Str. Type Str. Code STB LTH K YM YI CL GLHR 1234 S YT TR AGHR HT 1234 S YT PTHR D LN YT YR S C I B F O YR XARM C M YT TB Notes foot patrol from 7/8-7/10. Tilled farm land. 11/10/2009 12 N68 G C0 0 12 11 GGGGGG N08007 G 122 6969D65A 32NX A1DB 0 0 12 11 GGGGGG N G 12 6969D65 B 32NX A1DB 13 N03 G C0 0 13 14 GGGGGGN09007 G 14 6868D85 A 32WF A1 0 0 13 14 GGGGGGN G 14 6868D85 B 32WF A1 11 N68 G C0 0 11 14 GGGGGGN10007 G 14 6868D80 A 32NX A1 0 0 11 14 GGGGGGN G 14 6868D80 B 32NX A1 14' SPACING ON POLES NO LINKS, visual from ground, did not conduct PTHR 03/21/2011 & 12 06/20/12 13 N00 G C0 0 13 14 GGGGGG N11007 G 14 6767D65A 32NX C NO LINKS, Visual from ground only, no PTHR 03/21/2011 3/4 inch shell rot from ground line to 8 feet up 02/21/14 0 0 11 14 F GGGGG N G 14 6767D65 B 32NX C NO LINKS, Visual inspection only, no PTHR 03/21/2011 0 0 13 14 GGGGGG N G 14 6767D65 C 32NX C SIGN, MILE REPLACED 06/20/12 12 N03 G C0 0 12 12 GGGGGG N01008 10 9 90 G 12 6767D65A 32WF A1 WOODPECKER (MINOR), SMALL FEEDING CONES 06/20/12 0 0 12 12 GGGGGG N 15 9 90 G 12 6767D65 B 32WF A1 10 N77 G C0 0 10 10 GGGGGGN0200820 9 90 G 14 6767D65 A 32WF B2 0 0 10 10 GGGGGGN15 9 90 G 14 6767D65 B 32WF B2 pole top split, however already has split bolt in pole top. 11/10/2009 1 1 15 15 GGGGG N 30 9 90 G 14 6767D65 C 32WF B2 14' SPACING ON POLES crossarm is cracked and weathered. hot crossing single phase distribution 435' AHOL. 11/10/2009 10 N68 F C0 0 10 10 GGGGG N03008 15 9 90 G 142 6868D60A 32NX B1 0 0 10 10 GGGGGG N 30 9 90 G 14 6868D60 B 32NX B1 0 0 10 10 GGGGGG N 25 9 90 G 14 6868D60 C 32NX B1 TLM Bell 6130 US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration WoodPole History Report - CHENEY TAP TO SILVER LAKE-SUNSET 115 KV Page 6 of 710/01/2015 11:41:49 Select - ORG=TFS/ADNO=6130/ Mile Str Crit Pos Design Str. Type Str. Code STB LTH K YM YI CL GLHR 1234 S YT TR AGHR HT 1234 S YT PTHR D LN YT YR S C I B F O YR XARM C M YT TB Notes hot crossing distribition single phase and 3 phase 230' AHOL. 11/10/2009 08 N68 G C0 0 08 08 GGGGGG N04008 10 9 90 G 082 6969D70A 32NX A1 0 0 08 08 GGGGGG N 30 9 90 G 08 6969D70 B 32NX A1 14 N68 F V0 0 08 13 GGGGG N05008 20 9 90 G 08 6969D70 A 32NX A1DB 0 0 08 08 GGGGG N 15 9 90 G 08 6969D70 B 32NX A1DB 10 N68 G C0 0 10 10 GGGGGGN0600830 9 90 G 14 6868D60 A 32NX A1DB 0 0 10 10 GGGGGGN20 9 90 G 14 6868D60 B 32NX A1DB 14' SPACING ON POLES10 N68 G C0 0 10 10 GGGGG N07008 20 9 90 G 14 6868D105 A 32NX FH 0 0 10 10 GGGGG N 25 9 90 G 14 6868D105 B 32NX FH 0 0 10 10 GGGGG N 15 9 90 G 14 6868D105 C 32NX FH 14' SPACING ON POLES11 N68 G C0 0 11 11 GGGGGGN08008 G 09 6969D105 A 32NX FH 0 0 11 11 GGGGG N G 09 6969D105B 32NX FH 0 0 11 11 GGGGGGN G 09 6969D105C 32NX FH 10 N81 G C0 0 10 10 GGGGG N01009 G 15 6969D70 A 32WF A1 0 0 10 10 GGGGG N G 15 6969D70 B 32WF A1 14' SPACING ON POLES LINKS IN DE 03/05/2004 14 N68 G C0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN02009 G 142 6969D70 A 32NX F 0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN G 14 6767D70 B 32NX F 0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN G 14 6969D70 C 32NX F HOT CROSSING AHOL GOOD LANDING 06/20/12 Rebuild Structure; Nando, Aug. 25, 2015; 14 N68 B C0 0 14 15 BN03009 G 14 6868D65 A 32NX A1DB 0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN G 14 6868D65 B 32NX A1DB 14 N68 F C0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN0400910 999 85 G 14 6868D65 A 32NX A1 0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN25 999 85 G 14 6868D65 B 32NX A1 14 N68 F C0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN0500930 999 85 G 14 6868D65 A 32NX A1 0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN25 99 9 85 G 14 6868D65 B 32NX A1 13 N03 G C0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN0600915 999 85 G 14 6868D65 A 32WF A1DB 0 0 15 15 GGGGGGN20 999 85 G 15 6868D65B 32WF A1DB WP / FEEDING CONES 12/22/2004 15 N68 G C0 0 15 15 GGGGGGN0700910 999 85 G 15 6969D65 A 32NX A1 TLM Bell 6130 US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration WoodPole History Report - CHENEY TAP TO SILVER LAKE-SUNSET 115 KV Page 7 of 710/01/2015 11:41:49 Select - ORG=TFS/ADNO=6130/ Mile Str Crit Pos Design Str. Type Str. Code STB LTH K YM YI CL GLHR 1234 S YT TR AGHR HT 1234 S YT PTHR D LN YT YR S C I B F O YR XARM C M YT TB Notes 0 0 15 15 GGGGGGN0700925 999 85 G 15 6969D65 B 32NX A1 15 N68 G C0 0 15 15 GGGGGGN0800917 999 85 G 15 6969D65 A 32NX A1DB 0 0 15 15 GGGGGGN20 999 85 G 15 6969D65 B 32NX A1DB 14 N68 F C0 0 14 12 GGGGGG N01010 15 99 9 85 G 15 6969D60A 32NX A1DB POLE (SET DEEP) no through bore showing 06/20/12 0 0 12 12 GGGGGG N 35 999 85 G 15 6969D60 B 32NX A1DB 08 N96 G C0 0 08 08 GGGGG N02010 30 999 85 G 15 6969D70 A 32WF TE3 0 0 08 08 GGGGG N 25 999 85 G 15 6969D70 B 32WF TE3 10 N68 G C0 0 10 10 GGGGGGN0301015 9 99 85 G 15 6969D70 A 32NX A1DB 0 0 10 10 GGGGG N 20 999 85 G 15 6969D70 B 32NX A1DB 14 N68 F C0 0 14 10 GGGGG N04010 25 999 85 G 15 6969D65 A 32NX A1 0 0 15 15 GGGGGGN20 999 85 G 15 6969D65 B 32NX A1 14' SPACING ON POLES15 N68 G C0 0 15 15 GGGGG N05010 20 99 9 859 No15 6565P75 A 32NX F 0 0 15 15 GGGGGGN30 999 85 G 15 6767D65 B 32NX F 0 0 15 15 GGGGGGN10 999 85 G 15 6868D75 C 32NX F 95Total Number of Structure: Grand Total of Structures: 95 -6144 FOUR LAKES TAP TO SUNSET-EAST COLFAX TLM Bell 10/01/2015 12:02:01 Page 1 of 2US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration GLHR Contract Report Mile Str Pos Design Str. Type Str. Code GLHR FY Notes A 04001 A1 32WF 2007 WP HOLE 2X3 ABOVE XARM 88FY X-BRACE B A1 32WF 2007 A 05001 A1 32WF 2007 Split bolt. 12/21/2009 A 08001 A1 32WF 2007 This str is staning if 3 ft of water 4 months of the year and needs Relocated 50' AHOL 04/20/2011 B 09001 A1 32WF 2007 A 10001 A1 32WF 2007 B A1 32WF 2007 A 01002 A1 32WF 2007 A 05002 A1 32WF 2007 B A1 32WF 2007 A 06002 A1 32WF 2007 SHALLOW WOODPECKER HOLES AT top of pole(feeder cones). 01/31/2011 B A1 32WF 2007 SHALLOW WOODPECKER HOLE at top of pole QTR 3. 01/31/2011 A 07002 A1 32WF 2007 Pole has been cracked since installation. 01/31/2011 B A1 32WF 2007 A 08002 A1 32WF 2007 B A1 32WF 2007 B 02003 A1 32WF 2007 A 04003 A2 32WF 2007 B A2 32WF 2007 A 05003 A1 32WF 2007 B A1 32WF 2007 A 06003 A1 32WF 2007 B A1 32WF 2007 A 07003 A1 32WF 2007 B A1 32WF 2007 B 03004 F 32WF 2007 C F 32WF 2007 A 05004 A1 32WF 2007 B A1 32WF 2007 A 07004 A1 32WF 2007 B A1 32WF 2007 A 01005 A1 32WF 2007 B A1 32WF 2007 A 02005 A1 32WF 2007 SIDE GUY NEEDS TO BE REPLACED AND ANCHOR. HAS BEEN BURIED UNDER DIRT AND IS RUSTED B A1 32WF 2007 B 07005 A1 32WF 2007 A 08005 A1 32WF 2007 1 INCH SHELL ROT 12/21/2009 -6144 FOUR LAKES TAP TO SUNSET-EAST COLFAX TLM Bell 10/01/2015 12:02:01 Page 2 of 2US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration GLHR Contract Report Mile Str Pos Design Str. Type Str. Code GLHR FY Notes B 08005 A1 32WF 2007 1 INCH SHELL ROT 12/21/2009 A 10005 A1 32WF 2007 soft wood is present due to old age and weather throughout the years. Approximately 1/2" of soft wood on the outer layer of pole. 02/02/2011 B A1 32WF 2007 soft wood is present throughout the entire pole. Approximately 1/2" of soft wood around the entire pole. 02/02/2011 A 11005 A1 32SX 2007 B A1 32SX 2007 A 01006 A1 32WF 2007 B A1 32WF 2007 A 03006 A1 32WF 2007 Pole is starting to rott from old age and weather. There are also cracks at various locations on the pole from groundline to the pole top. 02/02/2011 B A1 32WF 2007 Shell rott is becoming more and more worse, approximately 1" of outer wood will peel off when climbing or touching, there are also various cracks from groundline to the pole top. 02/02/2011 A 04006 A1 32WF 2007 Structure is leaning. 10/12/11 B A1 32WF 2007 A 05006 A1 32WF 2007 B A1 32WF 2007 A 07006 A1 32WF 2007 Soft wood, wood is starting to rott slightley on the outer shell due to old age and weather over the years. 02/02/2011 Needs Landing,wet marsh surrounding structure. 10/12/11 B A1 32WF 2007 Soft wood is on the outer shell of pole due to old age and weather over the years. 02/02/2011 A 08006 F 32WF 2007 END PARTRIDGE 14' SPACING BETWEEN POLES NO LINKS IN DE Structure has WF Arm. 10/12/11 B F 32WF 2007 C F 32WF 2007 NO LINKS IN DE US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration Insulator Hardware History ReportTLM Bell 6144 Select - ORG=TFS/ADNO=6144/ -FOUR LAKES TAP TO SUNSET-EAST COLFAX 115 KV Page 1 of 110/1/2015 11:47:19 Hdwr Type Hdwr Detail Insulator Type Cond. Type U/S Damper Spacer NotesCond/OHMile Str Pos Dsgn Type CONDPOS1 6S 02003 CONDPOS2 6S CONDPOS3 6S CONDPOS1 6S 04003 CONDPOS2 6S CONDPOS3 6S CONDPOS1 6S 07003 CONDPOS2 6S CONDPOS3 6S -6144 FOUR LAKES TAP TO SUNSET-EAST COLFAX TLM Bell 10/01/2015 11:54:25 Page 1 of 1US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration Replaced Cross Arm Report Str PosMile Replace FY Replace Cause Contractor Replaced Due Notes 001 01 A 2009 Split or Broken N B 2009 Split or Broken N 001 02 A 2009 Split or Broken N 2007 B 2009 Split or Broken N 001 07 A 2013 Age Related N 2013 003 03 A 2015 Age Related N 2011 004 02 A 2013 Age Related N 2012 B 2013 Other N 2012 005 03 A 2015 Age Related N 2010 005 06 A 2015 Split or Broken N 2013 006 01 A 2010 Split or Broken N 2008 006 02 A 2009 Split or Broken N 2008 -6144 FOUR LAKES TAP TO SUNSET-EAST COLFAX US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration Replaced WoodPole Report 10/01/2015 11:56:55 Page 1 of 4 Mile Str Pos Design TLM Bell Str. Type LStr. Code Replace FY Replace Cause Cntr Repl WPRC Due WPRC Priority WPRC Reason NoteK Mfg Date 001 01 A 32ZX 2009 Shell Rot N 3 OC-Sound40 C22WDWSH03dgKD 40 D 1/1/2002 22WDWSH03dgNew Pole Information: 1/1/1952 B 32ZX 2009 Shell Rot N 3 OC-Sound40 C22WDWSH03dgKD 40 D 1/1/1977 22WDWSH03dgNew Pole Information: 1/1/1952 National Wood Treaters, Albany Oregon. - Contractor Inspected - 7/12/2007. BEGIN PARTRIDGE 001 02 A 32WF 2009 Internal Decay, Ground Line N 2008 1 DPC55 C22WEWSH03dgKD 55 D 1/1/2007 22WEWSH03dgNew Pole Information: 1/1/1952 National Wood Treaters, Albany Oregon. - Contractor Inspected - 7/12/2007. Poles were sonic tested only. Groundline decay data is from the last inspection cycle. / METAL STUBS Stubbed Pole - Stub: STEEL Kind: S Year: 1994 Mfgd: Jan 1 1993 Lgth: 14==GLHR: 3, 4, 1, 1 Sonic: Date: Jan 13 1999== AGHR: , , , Sonic: Date: Hght: ==STEEL STUB 94 X-arm cracked X-arm cracked 01/13/2006 B 32WF 2009 Internal Decay, Ground Line N 2007 1 OC-Rot55 C22WEWSH03dgKD 55 D 1/1/2007 22WEWSH03dgNew Pole Information: 1/1/1952 National Wood Treaters, Albany Oregon. - Contractor Inspected - 7/12/2007. Poles were sonic tested only. Groundline decay data is from the last inspection cycle. 001 03 A 32WF 2008 Internal Decay, Ground Line N 2007 1 DP-2Inch60 C22WAWSH00dgA1 60 D 1/1/2006 22WAWSH00dgNew Pole Information: 1/1/1952 B 32WF 2008 Internal Decay, Ground Line N 2007 1 OC-Rot60 C22WAWSH00dgA1 60 D 1/1/2006 22WAWSH00dgNew Pole Information: 1/1/1952 WPKR HOLE 3X5X6- 5' BELOW XARM (3-92) 001 06 A 32WF 2008 Shell Rot N 3 OC-Sound55 C22WAWSV00dgA1 55 D 1/1/2007 22WAWSV00dgNew Pole Information: 1/1/1952 National Wood Treaters, Albany Oregon. - Contractor Inspected - 7/12/2007. B 32WF 2008 Internal Decay, Ground Line N 2005 1 DP-2Inch55 C22WAWSV00dgA1 55 D 1/1/2007 22WAWSV00dgNew Pole Information: 1/1/1952 001 07 A 32SX 2013 Internal Decay, Ground Line N 2013 1 DP55 C A1 55 D 1/1/2013 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 Rebuild Structure; Nando 10-19-12. B 32WF 2013 Internal Decay, Ground Line N 4 Minor Decay55 C A1 55 D 1/1/2013 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 3X4'' WP HOLE 89 -6144 FOUR LAKES TAP TO SUNSET-EAST COLFAX US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration Replaced WoodPole Report 10/01/2015 11:56:55 Page 2 of 4 Mile Str Pos Design TLM Bell Str. Type LStr. Code Replace FY Replace Cause Cntr Repl WPRC Due WPRC Priority WPRC Reason NoteK Mfg Date 002 01 BR1 32WF 1992 Internal Decay, Ground Line N65 CA1 65 D 1/1/1985 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 ON 92/06/03, FAC CHNGD FROM WP614400201B / TO WP614400201BR1 / ROCK HOLE 11/7/77 4X8 ROT POCKET 1984 002 02 A 32WF 2008 Internal Decay, Ground Line N 2008 1 DP-Rot60 C22WAWSV00dgA1 60 D 1/1/2007 22WAWSV00dgNew Pole Information: 1/1/1952 National Wood Treaters, Albany Oregon. - Contractor Inspected - 7/12/2007. Poles were sonic tested only. Groundline decay data is from the last inspection cycle. BR1 32WF 1992 Internal Decay, Ground Line N60 CA1 60 D 1/1/1991 22WAWSV00dgNew Pole Information: 1/1/1952 ON 92/06/03, FAC CHNGD FROM WP614400202B / TO WP614400202BR1 / ROCK HOLE 11/7/77 3X8 ROT POCKET 1984 002 03 A 32WF 2008 Shell Rot N 2004 1 PR1-SCIBFO65 C22WAWSV00dgA1 65 D 1/1/2004 22WAWSV00dgNew Pole Information: 1/1/1952 National Wood Treaters, Albany Oregon. - Contractor Inspected - 7/12/2007. 003 01 A 32WF 2009 Structure Retired N 3 OC-Sound60 C A1 60 P 1/1/2008 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 National Wood Treaters, Albany Oregon. - Contractor Inspected - 7/12/2007. B 32WF 2009 Internal Decay, Ground Line N 2006 1 EP60 C A1 60 D 1/1/2007 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 003 03 A 32ZX 2015 Age Related N 2015 1 DP50 C D 55 D 1/1/2015 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 Bad: Due to X-Arm Condition; Rebuild Struct. (Incl. Guys & Anchors); Nando, Sept. 12, 2014; B 32ZX 2015 Age Related N 5 OC-Sound50 C D 55 D 1/1/2015 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 003 10 A 32WF 2015 Pole Fire N60 P A1 60 D 1/1/2013 New Pole Information: 1/1/2008 A 32WF 2009 Internal Decay, Ground Line N 2004 1 EP60 C A1 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 B 32WF 2009 Structure Retired N 3 OC-Sound60 C A1 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 B 32WF 2015 Pole Fire N60 P A1 60 D 1/1/2013 New Pole Information: 1/1/2008 -6144 FOUR LAKES TAP TO SUNSET-EAST COLFAX US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration Replaced WoodPole Report 10/01/2015 11:56:55 Page 3 of 4 Mile Str Pos Design TLM Bell Str. Type LStr. Code Replace FY Replace Cause Cntr Repl WPRC Due WPRC Priority WPRC Reason NoteK Mfg Date 004 02 A 32ZX 2013 Age Related N 2014 1 DP60 C D 60 P 1/1/2009 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 CRACKS removed nest. 01/04/2010 02/02/2011 Bad Arms & Old Poles; Need to Repl. 10-19-12. Rebuild Str. in FY-13; Nando 10-19-12. Rebuild Structure; Install X-Brace OR Bring Cl. 1 Poles; Nando Jul. 23, 2013. B 32WF 2013 Age Related N 4 Minor Decay60 C D 60 P 1/1/2009 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 Cracks removed nest. 02/01/2011 02/02/2011 004 04 A 32WF 2010 Structure Retired N 2010 1 DP55 C A1 55 D 1/1/2000 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 National Wood Treaters, Albany Oregon. - Contractor Inspected - 7/13/2007. Cracks from butt of pole top of pole on all quarters. Split pole top, can see through pole top. Bad 02/19/2009 mjk3630 Replace Anchors & Guywires OR Replace them with X-Brace (JBR0475) 10-30-09. BR1 32WF 1989 Internal Decay, Ground Line N55 CA1 55 D 1/1/1985 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 SHELL ROT HOLE 89 ON 89/08/11, FAC CHNGD FROM WP614400404B / TO WP614400404BR1 / 004 06 A 32WF 2009 Structure Retired N 3 OC-Sound50 C A1 50 P 1/1/2008 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 National Wood Treaters, Albany Oregon. - Contractor Inspected - 7/13/2007. B 32WF 2009 Internal Decay, Ground Line N 2008 1 EP50 C A1 50 D 1/1/2006 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 National Wood Treaters, Albany Oregon. - Contractor Inspected - 7/13/2007. DANGER POLE 005 03 A 32SX 2015 Age Related N 2015 1 DP65 C C 65 D 1/1/2012 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 Bad: Deteriorating Arm & Old Anchors; Rebuild Struct. (Incl. Guys & Anchors); Nando, Sept. 12, 2014; B 32WF 2015 Age Related N 5 OC-Sound65 C C 65 D 1/1/2013 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 C 32WF 2015 Age Related N 5 OC-Sound70 C C 70 D 1/1/2013 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 2 Woodpecker feeding cones 2x2. 07/29/2009 005 04 A 32WF 2009 Internal Decay, Ground Line N 2009 1 DP65 C A1 65 P 1/1/2008 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 -6144 FOUR LAKES TAP TO SUNSET-EAST COLFAX US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration Replaced WoodPole Report 10/01/2015 11:56:55 Page 4 of 4 Mile Str Pos Design TLM Bell Str. Type LStr. Code Replace FY Replace Cause Cntr Repl WPRC Due WPRC Priority WPRC Reason NoteK Mfg Date 005 04 B 32WF 2009 Structure Retired N 3 OC-Sound65 C A1 65 D 1/1/2007 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 National Wood Treaters, Albany Oregon. - Contractor Inspected - 7/13/2007. 005 05 A 31WS 2015 Age Related N 4 Minor Decay65 C A1 65 D 1/1/2013 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 falling off 07/29/2009 unstable bank 12/21/2009 10/12/11 005 06 A 31WB 2015 Internal Decay, Ground Line N 2015 1 DP65 C A1 65 D 1/1/2013 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 Bad: Deteriorating Arm; Rebuild Struct. with Cl. 1 Pole; Nando, Sept. 12, 2014; 005 09 A 32WF 2009 Structure Retired N 3 OC-Sound60 C23WCWSH06dgB1 60 D 1/1/2003 23WCWSH06dgNew Pole Information: 1/1/1952 National Wood Treaters, Albany Oregon. - Contractor Inspected - 7/13/2007. B 32WF 2009 Internal Decay, Ground Line N 2009 1 DPC55 C23WCWSH06dgB1 55 P 1/1/2008 23WCWSH06dgNew Pole Information: 1/1/1952 C 32WF 2009 Internal Decay, Ground Line N 2009 1 DPC55 C23WCWSH06dgB1 55 P 1/1/2008 23WCWSH06dgNew Pole Information: 1/1/1952 006 02 A 31WF 2009 Internal Decay, Ground Line N 2009 1 DPC60 C22WCWSH03dgA3 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 B 31WF 2009 Shell Rot N 3 OC-Sound60 C22WCWSH03dgA3 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 006 06 A 32WF 2009 Internal Decay, Ground Line N 3 OC-Sound65 C A1 65 D 1/1/2006 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 National Wood Treaters, Albany Oregon. - Contractor Inspected - 7/13/2007. B 32WF 2009 Structure Retired N 2007 1 OC-Rot65 C A1 65 D 1/1/2002 New Pole Information: 1/1/1952 Page 1 of 110/1/2015 11:58:56 6144 - US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration Sectionalizing Switch Report Mile Str P SJC Distance Oper # BPA #Mfg Type KV Amp YI Maint. Int. Last Due Notes TLM Bell Select - ORG=TFSF/ADNO=6144/ FOUR LAKES TAP TO SUNSET-EAST COLFAX 115 KV --------------- Service -------------------- Manufacturing Data ------- Switch Nos -- D92 115 1200 02/27/2015 02/27/2021 001 02 ON 97/10/04, FAC CHNGD FROM SS614400102S / TO SS614400102 / SUNSET COLFAX service done 10-24-08 installed sect. couplers bol1-2 1952 60N D04208B-239 FEDEPA Total for Adno - 6144 1 STRUCTURE LIST COND.:ACSR Partridge M.W.T.:4,500#ICE:1/2"OPER. NAME:Four Lakes Tap to Sunset-East Colfax M.W.T.:ICE:DESIGN NAME:Four Lakes Tap Line GW.:M.W.T.:ICE:115 M.W.T.:ICE:1 STATION:72+00 PL-6: BY:CK:JBI DATE:7/51 SHEET:1 of 1 REV.:5/08 Operating Name Change, Retyped on New Form NOTES: OPER STR SERIAL SPAN CL COND STR.STR.POLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION & REMARKS STRUCTURE LIST COND.:ACSR Partridge M.W.T.:4,500#ICE:1/2"OPER. NAME:Four Lakes Tap to Sunset-East Colfax M.W.T.:ICE:DESIGN NAME:Four Lakes Tap Line GW.:M.W.T.:ICE:115 M.W.T.:ICE:2 STATION:124+80 PL-6: BY:CK:JBI DATE:7/51 SHEET:1 of 1 REV.:5/08 Operating Name Change, Retyped on New Form NOTES: OPER STR SERIAL SPAN CL COND STR.STR.POLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION & REMARKS STRUCTURE LIST COND.:ACSR Partridge M.W.T.:4,500#ICE:1/2"OPER. NAME:Four Lakes Tap to Sunset-East Colfax M.W.T.:ICE:DESIGN NAME:Four Lakes Tap Line GW.:M.W.T.:ICE:115 M.W.T.:ICE:3 STATION:177+60 PL-6: BY:CK:JBI DATE:7/51 SHEET:1 of 1 REV.:5/08 Operating Name Change, Retyped on New Form NOTES: OPER STR SERIAL SPAN CL COND STR.STR.POLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION & REMARKS STRUCTURE LIST COND.:ACSR Partridge M.W.T.:4,500#ICE:1/2"OPER. NAME:Four Lakes Tap to Sunset-East Colfax M.W.T.:ICE:DESIGN NAME:Four Lakes Tap Line GW.:M.W.T.:ICE:115 M.W.T.:ICE:4 STATION:230+40 PL-6: BY:CK:JBI DATE:7/51 SHEET:1 of 1 REV.:5/08 Operating Name Change, Retyped on New Form NOTES: OPER STR SERIAL SPAN CL COND STR.STR.POLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION & REMARKS STRUCTURE LIST COND.:ACSR Partridge M.W.T.:4,500#ICE:1/2"OPER. NAME:Four Lakes Tap to Sunset-East Colfax M.W.T.:ICE:DESIGN NAME:Four Lakes Tap Line GW.:M.W.T.:ICE:115 M.W.T.:ICE:5 STATION:283+20 PL-6: BY:CK:JBI DATE:7/51 SHEET:1 of 1 REV.:5/08 Operating Name Change, Retyped on New Form NOTES: OPER STR SERIAL SPAN CL COND STR.STR.POLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION & REMARKS STRUCTURE LIST COND.:ACSR Partridge M.W.T.:4,500#ICE:1/2"OPER. NAME:Four Lakes Tap to Sunset-East Colfax M.W.T.:ICE:DESIGN NAME:Four Lakes Tap Line GW.:M.W.T.:ICE:115 M.W.T.:ICE:6 STATION:337+01.6 PL-6: BY:CK:JBI DATE:7/51 SHEET:1 of 1 REV.:5/08 Operating Name Change, Retyped on New Form NOTES: OPER STR SERIAL SPAN CL COND STR.STR.POLE LENGTH DESCRIPTION & REMARKS TLM Bell 6144 US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration WoodPole History Report - FOUR LAKES TAP TO SUNSET-EAST COLFAX 115 KV Page 1 of 510/01/2015 11:42:45 Select - ORG=TFS/ADNO=6144/ Mile Str Crit Pos Design Str. Type Str. Code STB LTH K YM YI CL GLHR 1234 S YT TR AGHR HT 1234 S YT PTHR D LN YT YR S C I B F O YR XARM C M YT TB Notes 09 N09 G C0 0 09 09 GGGGGG22WDWSH03dgN010012 0902D40A 32WF KD 09 N09 G C0 0 09 09 GGGGGG22WDWSH03dgNG 092 0977D40B 32WF KD N0922WEWSH03dgN020012 0907D55A 32WF KD N0922WEWSH03dgN2 0907D55B 32WF KD 04 N90 G C22WAWSH00dgN030012 0806D60A 32WF A1 22WAWSH00dgN 2 0806D60B 32WF A1 WP HOLE 2X3 ABOVE XARM 88FY X-BRACE 14 N80 G C0 0 14 14 F F F F GGN0400199 889 No07 5252C45 A 32WF A1 0 0 14 14 F F F F GGN25 9 9 889 No07 5252C45 B 32WF A1 Split bolt. 12/21/2009 14 N74 G C0 0 14 14 F F GGGGN050019 No07 5252C50 A 32WF A1 1X8FT CRack at base of pole. 12/21/2009 0 0 10 10 F F GGGGN7684 No13 5252C50 B 32WF A1 00 N74 G C22WAWSV00dgN060012 0807D55A 32WF A1 22WAWSV00dgN 2 0807D55B 32WF A1 N13 N07001 2 1313D55A 32WF A1 N 2 1313D55B 32WF A1 This str is staning if 3 ft of water 4 months of the year and needs Relocated 50' AHOL 04/20/2011 10 N90 G C0 0 10 10 GGGGGG N08001 20 9 909 No072 5252C60A 32WF A1 0 0 11 11 GF GGGG N 3 9 008585 No15 5252C60 B 32WF A1 SPLIT BOLT 51 FT. 1/9 - 2/2 foot patrol too muddy for vehicle. 12/21/2009 Wood is separating from pole. 01/31/2011 11 N79 G C0 0 11 11 F GGGGG N09001 3 9999 006566 No152 5252C60A 32WF A1 0 0 11 11 GGGGGG N 9 No07 5252C60 B 32WF A1 11 N77 G C0 0 11 11 F F GGF GN100019 No07 5252C60 A 32WF A1 0 0 11 11 GGGGGGN9 No07 5252C60 B 32WF A1 13 N92 G C0 0 13 13 F F GGGGN0100220 9 9 899 No07 5252C65 A 32WF A1 0 0 06 06 GGGGG N G 152 9285D65 B 32WF A1 N7922WAWSV00dgN020022 0807D60A 32WF A1 0 0 08 08 GGGGGG22WAWSV00dgN G 112 9291D60B 32WF A1 03 N77 G C22WAWSV00dgN030022 0804D65A 32WF A1 TLM Bell 6144 US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration WoodPole History Report - FOUR LAKES TAP TO SUNSET-EAST COLFAX 115 KV Page 2 of 510/01/2015 11:42:45 Select - ORG=TFS/ADNO=6144/ Mile Str Crit Pos Design Str. Type Str. Code STB LTH K YM YI CL GLHR 1234 S YT TR AGHR HT 1234 S YT PTHR D LN YT YR S C I B F O YR XARM C M YT TB Notes 0 0 08 08 GGGGGG22WAWSV00dgN03002 G 12 7878D65B 32WF A1 13 N78 G C0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN04002 G 12 7777D60 A 32WF A1 0 0 13 13 GGGGGGN G 12 7878D60 B 32WF A1 10 N90 G C0 0 10 10 F GGGGGN0500225 9 909 No07 5252C70 A 32WF A1 0 0 10 10 F GGGGGN30 9 909 No07 5252C70 B 32WF A1 SHALLOW WOODPECKER HOLES AT top of pole(feeder cones). 01/31/2011 11 N77 G C0 0 11 11 GGGGGGN060029 No07 5252C65 A 32WF A1 SHALLOW WOODPECKER HOLE at top of pole QTR 3. 01/31/2011 0 0 11 11 GGGGGGN9 No07 5252C65 B 32WF A1 Pole has been cracked since installation. 01/31/2011 11 N91 G C0 0 11 11 GGGGGGN070029 No07 5252C70 A 32WF A1 0 0 11 11 GGGGG N 9 No07 5252C70 B 32WF A1 11 N91 G C0 0 11 11 GGGF GGN080029 No07 5252C70 A 32WF A1 0 0 11 11 GGGF GGN9 No07 5252C70 B 32WF A1 09 N89 G C N01003 2 0908P60A 32WF A1 N 2 0907D60B 32WF A1 11 N91 G C0 0 11 11 GGGGGGN02003 G 11 7575D55 A 32WF A1 0 0 11 11 GGGGGGN9 No07 5252C55 B 32WF A1 N15 N03003 1 1515D55A 32WF D N 1 1515D55B 32WF D 11 N77 G C0 0 11 11 F F GGGGN040039 No07 5252C70 A 32WF A2 11 N77 G C0 0 11 11 F F GGGGN9 No07 5252C70 B 32WF A2 14 N94 G C0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN050039 No07 5252C65 A 32WF A1 0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN9 No07 5252C65 B 32WF A1 07 N80 G C0 0 07 07 GGGGG N06003 9 No07 5252C70 A 32WF A1 0 0 07 07 GGGGG N 9 No07 5252C70 B 32WF A1 11 N91 G C0 0 11 11 F F GF GGN070039 No07 5252C70 A 32WF A1 0 0 11 11 F F GGGGN9 No07 5252C70 B 32WF A1 SMALL WPKR HOLES 8212 N79 G C0 0 12 12 GGGF GGN080038899 No15 5252C60 A 32WF A1 SMALL WPKR HOLES 820 0 12 12 GGGGGGN8899 No15 5252C60 B 32WF A1 14 N94 G C0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN0900320 99 009988 No15 5252C70A 32WF A1 TLM Bell 6144 US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration WoodPole History Report - FOUR LAKES TAP TO SUNSET-EAST COLFAX 115 KV Page 3 of 510/01/2015 11:42:45 Select - ORG=TFS/ADNO=6144/ Mile Str Crit Pos Design Str. Type Str. Code STB LTH K YM YI CL GLHR 1234 S YT TR AGHR HT 1234 S YT PTHR D LN YT YR S C I B F O YR XARM C M YT TB Notes 0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN0900325 99 848777 No15 5252C70B 32WF A1 00 N90 G C N10003 2 1513D60A 32WF A1 N 2 1513D60B 32WF A1 11 N77 G C0 0 11 11 GGGGG N01004 8899 No15 5252C80 A 32WF A1 0 0 11 11 GGGGG N 9899 No15 5252C80 B 32WF A1 N13 N02004 2 1309P60A 32WF D N13 N 2 1309P60B 32WF D DE-NO Links14 N78 G C0 0 14 14 GGGGGN03004 99 Va08 5252C60 A 32WF F 0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN9 No07 5252C60 B 32WF F 0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN9 No07 5252C60 C 32WF F 09 N74 G C N04004 2 1000D55A 32WF A1 0 0 09 09 GGGGG N G 15 8985D55 B 32WF A1 11 N74 G C0 0 11 11 F F GGGGN050049 No07 5252C55 A 32WF A1 0 0 11 11 F F GGGGN9 No07 5252C55 B 32WF A1 01 N75 G C N06004 2 0908P50A 32WF A1 N 2 0906D50B 32WF A1 11 N75 G C0 0 11 11 F F GF GGN070049 No07 5252C65 A 32WF A1 0 0 11 11 F F GF GGN9 No07 5252C65 B 32WF A1 09 N74 G C0 0 09 09 GGGGGGN010052 9999 899 No07 5252C65 A 32WF A1 0 0 09 09 GGGGGGN2 9999 789 No07 5252C65 B 32WF A1 SIDE GUY NEEDS TO BE REPLACED AND ANCHOR. HAS BEEN BURIED UNDER DIRT AND IS RUSTED 14 N91 G C0 0 14 14 F F GGGGN0200520 99 849 No07 5252C65 A 32WF A1 0 0 14 14 F F GGG N 25 99 849 No07 5252C65 B 32WF A1 N15 N03005 2 1512D65A 32WF C N 2 1513D65B 32WF C N 2 1513D70C 32WF C 01 N91 G C N04005 2 0908P65A 32WF A1 N 2 0907D65B 32WF A1 12 N89 G V N05005 1 1513D65A 31WS A1 N15 N06005 1 1513D65A 31WB A1 TLM Bell 6144 US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration WoodPole History Report - FOUR LAKES TAP TO SUNSET-EAST COLFAX 115 KV Page 4 of 510/01/2015 11:42:45 Select - ORG=TFS/ADNO=6144/ Mile Str Crit Pos Design Str. Type Str. Code STB LTH K YM YI CL GLHR 1234 S YT TR AGHR HT 1234 S YT PTHR D LN YT YR S C I B F O YR XARM C M YT TB Notes 14 N76 G C0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN0700525 9 90 G 07 7878D65 A 32WF A1 0 0 14 14 GGGGGGN25 9 909 No07 5252C65 B 32WF A1 1 INCH SHELL ROT 12/21/2009 10 N78 G C0 0 10 10 F GGGGGN0800525 9 909 No07 5252C70 A 32WF A1 1 INCH SHELL ROT 12/21/2009 0 0 10 10 F GGGGGN25 9 909 No07 5252C70 B 32WF A1 02 N78 G C23WCWSH06dgN090052 0903D60A 32WF B1 23WCWSH06dgN 2 0908P55B 32WF B1 23WCWSH06dgN 2 0908P55C 32WF B1 soft wood is present due to old age and weather throughout the years. Approximately 1/2" of soft wood on the outer layer of pole. 02/02/2011 11 N78 G C0 0 11 11 F GGGGGN100059 No07 5252C70 A 32WF A1 soft wood is present throughout the entire pole. Approximately 1/2" of soft wood around the entire pole. 02/02/2011 0 0 11 11 F GGGGGN9 No07 5252C70 B 32WF A1 10 N52 F C0 0 10 00 F GGGGGN1100520 99 849 No07 5252C55 A 32SX A1 0 0 10 00 F GGGGGN20 99 849 No07 5252C55 B 32SX A1 11 N10 G C0 0 11 11 F F GGGGN0100625 99 849 No07 5252C60 A 32WF A1 0 0 10 00 F GGGGGN30 99 849 No07 5252C65 B 32WF A1 0922WBWSHDRBKN020062 0908P60A 32WF A3 22WBWSHDRBKN 2 0908P60B 32WF A3 Pole is starting to rott from old age and weather. There are also cracks at various locations on the pole from groundline to the pole top. 02/02/2011 11 N78 G C0 0 11 11 F F GGGGN030069 No07 5252C70 A 32WF A1 TLM Bell 6144 US Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration WoodPole History Report - FOUR LAKES TAP TO SUNSET-EAST COLFAX 115 KV Page 5 of 510/01/2015 11:42:45 Select - ORG=TFS/ADNO=6144/ Mile Str Crit Pos Design Str. Type Str. Code STB LTH K YM YI CL GLHR 1234 S YT TR AGHR HT 1234 S YT PTHR D LN YT YR S C I B F O YR XARM C M YT TB Notes Shell rott is becoming more and more worse, approximately 1" of outer wood will peel off when climbing or touching, there are also various cracks from groundline to the pole top. 02/02/2011 0 0 11 11 F F GGGGN030069 No07 5252C70 B 32WF A1 Structure is leaning. 10/12/11 14 N94 G C0 0 14 14 GGGGGG N04006 9 No07 5252C70A 32WF A1 0 0 14 14 GGGGGG N 25 9 9 889 No07 5252C70 B 32WF A1 11 N78 G C0 0 11 11 GGGGGGN050069 No07 5252C65 A 32WF A1 0 0 11 11 GF GGGGN9 No07 5252C65 B 32WF A1 01 N78 G C N06006 2 0906D65A 32WF A1 N 2 0902D65B 32WF A1 Soft wood, wood is starting to rott slightley on the outer shell due to old age and weather over the years. 02/02/2011 Needs Landing,wet marsh surrounding structure. 10/12/11 11 N78 G C0 0 11 11 F GGGGG N07006 9 No07 5252C70A 32WF A1 Soft wood is on the outer shell of pole due to old age and weather over the years. 02/02/2011 0 0 11 11 F GGGGG N 9 No07 5252C70 B 32WF A1 END PARTRIDGE 14' SPACING BETWEEN POLES NO LINKS IN DE Structure has WF Arm. 10/12/11 09 N94 G C0 0 09 09 GGGGG N08006 0 9 009 No07 5252C70A 32WF F 0 0 09 09 F F GGGG N 25 9 9 889 No07 5252C70 B 32WF F NO LINKS IN DE0 0 09 09 F F GGGG N 25 99 889 No07 5252C70 C 32WF F 54Total Number of Structure: Grand Total of Structures: 54 Insulator and Hardware Legend10/1/2015 11:45:26 Page 1 of 10 Mile - Mile Number Str - Structure Number Pos - Insulator Location - see Position Codes Dsgn - Design Code Type - Structure Type Cond/OH - Conductor/Overhead Position Hdwr Type - Hardware Assembly Type Hdwr Detail - Manufacturer, SubConductor Drop Links, Spacing Ins. Type - Insulator Stock Number - see "Insulator Stock Number" Cond. Type - Conductor Stock Number - see "Conductor Stock Number" US - Units/String Damper - Damper Stock Number - see "Damper Stock Number" Spacer - Spacer Stock Number - see "Spacer Stock Number" Notes - Notes related to the Insulator/Hardware Insulator and Hardware Legend10/1/2015 11:45:26 Page 2 of 10 Insulator Location Code A - Dead-End, Ahead B - Dead-End, Back J - Dead-End, Jumper S - Suspension Overhead Location Code O - Suspension P - Dead-End, Ahead R - Dead-End, Back U - Dead-End, Jumper Insulator and Hardware Legend10/1/2015 11:45:26 Page 3 of 10 Spacer Stock Number 0000600149 Bunting/Bittern 20" X 16" X 16" 0000600481 Twin Chuckar18" 0000600483Twin Thrasher18" 0000600487 Twin Chuckar 21" 0000600495 Bunting/Bittern 12" 0000600501 Chukar/Seahawk 12" 0000600506 Chukar/Seahawk 12" 0000600508 Bunting/Bittern 12" 0000600509 Bunting/Bittern 20"X16"X16" 0001000149 Bunt/ Bitt/ Desch/ Pheas 20x16x16 0001000151 Chukar/Seahawk/Jefferson 1.602"/1.603" Dia. Damper Stock Number 0000600400 Damper, 7 # 8 Alumoweld, Stockbridge, # 1701-3 0000600402 Damper, 7 # 8 Alumoweld, Stockbridge, # 1701-5 0000600455 Damper, Stockbridge, 1.487" to 1.643" 0000600469- Spiral Impact Damper 1/2" EHS Steel 0000600470 Damper, Grnd Wire Susp Assy, W/Rods, # 65100 0000600471 Damper, Grnd Wire, D/E ASSY, "Slapac" # 65102 0000600476 Wrapping Tape, Slapac Damper, Black Insulator Stock Number 0000505181 115KV NCI Horizontal Line Post 105" 0000505340 Sub Post Ins, Vertical 500 KV 0000505346 Post Clamp Top 8" 3/4 X 1-3/4 Stud (OHG)13.2 KV 0000505350 Post Clamp Top 47" Bl/Gr 12" C-C Pole Mt.115 KV 0000505409 Susp C&E Porc Brn 5-3/4 X 7-1/2, 15K 0000505419 Susp B&S Tough Glass 5-3/4 x 10, 15K 0000505420 Susp B&S Porc Brn 5-3/4 X 10, 15 OR 18K 0000505421 Susp B&S Porc Bl/Gr 5-3/4 X 10, 15 OR 18K 0000505425 15K Brown Porc. Fog Type 0000505428 Susp B&S Porc Bl/Gr Repl W/ 5434 0000505429 Susp B&S Glass Gr/Yellow Bnd Repl W/ 5435 0000505430 Susp B&S Porc Br/Yellow Bnd Repl W/ 5436 0000505434 Susp B&S Porc Bl/Gr 5-3/4X10, Yellow Bnd 25K 0000505435 Susp B&S Tough Glass 5-3/4 X 10, Yellow Bnd 25K 0000505436 Susp B&S Porc Brn 5-3/4 X 10, Yellow Bnd 25K 0000505450 Susp B&S Porc Yellow Bnd WO/Skirt 5-3/4 High 25K 0000505455 Susp B&S Porc Brn/Red Bnd 5 X 10, Repl W/ 5436 0000505457 Susp B&S Glass Grn/Wht Bnd 6-1/4X11, Repl W/5476 0000505458 Susp B&S Glass Grn 2 W/Bnds 6-3/4X11 Repl W/5463 0000505459 Susp B&S Porc Brn/Wht Bnds 6-1/4X11 Repl W/ 5475 0000505460 Susp B&S Porc Brn 2 W/Bnds 6-3/4X11 Repl W/5467 0000505461 Susp B&S Porc Brn 5-7/8X11-1/2 Repl W/ 5467 0000505463 Susp B&S Glass Grn/Bl Bnd 6-1/2X1205/8 ACS 40K 0000505464 Susp B&S Glass Grn 2/Grn Bnds 7-3/4X12-5/8 66K 0000505465 Susp B&S Porc Brn 2 Grn Bnds 7-3/4X12-5/8 66K 0000505466 Susp B&S Glass Grn Grn/Bnd 7-3/4X12-5/8 ACS 66K 0000505467 Susp B&S Porc Brn Bl Bnd 6-1/2X12-5/8 ACS 40K 0000505468 Susp B&S Porc Brn 2/Grn Bnds 7-3/4X12-5/8 66K 0000505475 Susp B&S Porc Brn 2/Bl Bnds 6-1/4X11 40K 0000505476 Susp B&S Glass Grn 2/Bl Bnds 6-1/4X11 40K 0000505540 115 KV NCI Suspension 15K 0000505550 230 KV NCI Suspension 15K 0000505553 230 KV NCI Suspension 15K 0000505554 230 KV NCI Suspension 25K 0000505555 345 KV NCI Suspension 25K 0000505560 500 KV NCI Susp for use on interphase spacers Insulator and Hardware Legend10/1/2015 11:45:26 Page 4 of 10 Insulator Stock Number 0000505565 500 KV NCI Suspension 40K 0000505566 500 KV NCI Dead End 66K 0000505568 500 KV NCI Dead End 66K 0000505570 115 KV NCI Suspension Hot Line Tested 0000505572 230 KV NCI Suspension Hot Line Tested 0000505580 500 KV NCI Susp/Dead End Hot Line Tested D.C. 0000505601 Susp NCI, Silicone D.C. Only, Length 129" 50K 0000505604 500 KV NCI Suspension DC Only 40K Insulator and Hardware Legend10/1/2015 11:45:26 Page 5 of 10 Conductor Stock Number 0000560115 Pigeon, 3/0 ACSR 0000560120 Penguin, 4/0 ACSR 0000560121 Penguin ACSR N/L 4/0 AWG 0000560125 Partridge, 266.8 MCM ACSR 0000560126 Partridge ACSR 266.8 MCM N/L 0000560130 Ibis, 397.5 MCM ACSR 0000560131 Ibis ACSR 397.5 MCM N/L 0000560135 Lark, 397.5 MCM ACSR 0000560136 Lark ACSR 397.5 MCM N/L 0000560137 Dove ACSR 556.5 MCM N/L 0000560139 Deschutes ACSR/TW 1.307" (N/L) 1,519 MCM 0000560140 Dove, 565.5 MCM ACSR 0000560141 Toutle, 795 MCM ACSR/TW 0000560142 Toutle, 795 MCM ACSR/TW (N/L) 0000560143 Rogue ACSR-TW 1048.5 MCM N/L 0000560144 Parakeet ACSR-TW 556.6 MCM N/L 0000560145 Toutle, 795 MCM ACSR 0000560146 Parakeet ACSR-TW 556.5 MCM 0000560147 Rogue ACSR-TW 1048.5 MCM 0000560155 Gull, 666.6 MCM ACSR 0000560157 Flamingo, 666.6 MCM ACSR 0000560158 Redwing, 715.2 MCM SSAC 0000560159 Egret ACSR 636 MCM 0000560160 Drake, 795 MCM ACSR 0000560161 Bunting ACSR 1192.5 MCM N/L 0000560162 Bittern ACSR 1272 MCM N/L 0000560163 Drake ACSR 795 MCM N/L 0000560165 Mallard, 795 MCM ACSR 0000560166 Mallard ACSR 795 MCM N/L 0000560167 Bunting, 1192.5 MCM ACSR 0000560168 Bittern ACSR-SSAC 1272 MCM 0000560169 Bittern, 1272 MCM ACSR 0000560170 Pheasant, 1272 MCM ACSR 0000560171 Pheasant ACSR 1272 MCM N/L 0000560525 Special, 262.96 MCM HS ACSR 0000560530 Special, 801.9 MCM HS ACSR 0000560531 Special Hi Strength ACSR 2070 MCM N/L 0000560535 Special, 1272 MCM ACSR 0000560538 Seahawk ACSR 1869 MCM 0000560539 Seahawk ACSR 1869 MCM N/L 0000560540 Chuckar, 1780 MCM ACSR 0000560541 1.6314" 1803.4 MCM AW/AA/AL 0000560542 Thrasher, 2312 MCM ACSR 0000560543 Chukar ACSR 1780 MCM N/L 0000560545 1.015" 600.8 MCM AW/AA 0000560547 1.171" 811.5 MCM AW/AA 0000560549 1.409" 1252 MCM AW/AC 0000560557 Arbutus AAC 795 MCM N/L 0000560558 Arbutus AAC 795 MCM 0000560560 Laurel, 266.8 MCM All Aluminum 0000560562 Narcissus, 1272 MCM Al Aluminum 0000560563 1.216" 113.4 MCM AWAC 0000560565 Coreopsis, 1590 MCM All Aluminum 0000560566 Cowslip, 2000 MCM ACSR 0000560567 Sagebrush, 2250 MCM ACSR 0000560568 Baker AAC/TW 795 MCM 0000560569 Baker, 795 MCM ACSR/TW (N/L) 0000560570 Narcissus AAC 1272 MCM N/L 0000560571 Arbutus AAC-TW N/L 0000560572 Hood, 1589 MCM ACSR/TW 0000560573 Hood, 1589 MCM ACSR/TW (N/L) 0000560576 Jefferson, 2406 MCM ACSR/TW 0000560577 Jefferson, 2406 MCM ACSR/TW (N/L) 0000560600 Wire, All Aluminum, Soft Drawn 1/0 0000561120 2-1/2" 3108 MCM EXP. ACSR 0000561200 250 MCM EXP. Copper, G.C. LS19238 0000561205 250 MCM EXP. Copper, P.D. 1319-MSC 0000561210 250 MCM EXP. Copper, A.C.M. 902R1 0000561215 350 MCM EXP. Copper, P.D. 1319-HSC-2 0000561225 500 MCM EXP. Copper, P.D. 1251-CHSC 0000561230 500 MCM EXP. Copper, G.C. HH 0000561235 500 MCM EXP. Copper, A.C.M. 940 I-BEAM Insulator and Hardware Legend10/1/2015 11:45:26 Page 6 of 10 Conductor Stock Number 0000561550 250 MCM 19-STR Copper 0000561560 350 MCM 19-STR Copper 0000561575 500 MCM 37-STR Copper 0000562613 3/0 Type "F" CW (SUB FOR A.C.M. 940) 0000564135 3/8" HS Steel OHG 0000564150 5/8" HS Steel OHG 0000564156 3/8" EHS Steel OHG 0000564157 1/2" EHS OHG 0000564158 7/16" EHS Steel OHG 0000564165 1/2" Utility Grade Steel OHG 0000564210 7 #8 Alumoweld Steel OHG 0000564215 19 #9 Alumoweld Steel OHG 001006128 Eagle ACSR 556.5 MCM N/L Insulator and Hardware Legend10/1/2015 11:45:26 Page 7 of 10 THESE CODES IDENTIFY THE DESIGN SERIES OR FAMILY OF A STRUCTURE. FIRST (LEFT) DIGIT SHOWS VOLTAGE SECOND DIGITS SHOWS CONFIGURATION RIGHT TWO CHAR ARE DESIGN SERIES 1 = BELOW 57 KV 5 = 287 KV 1 SINGLE-POLE WOOD STRUCTURE ALWAYS ALPHABETIC FOR WOOD 2 = 57 OR 69 KV 6 = 345 KV OR SINGLE-CIRCUIT TOWER ALWAYS NUMERIC FOR STEEL 3 = 115, 138, OR 161 KV 7 = 500 KV 2 H-FRAME WOOD STRUCTURE 00 NO DESIGN SERIES CODE ASSIGNED 4 = 230 KV 8 = 750 KV OR DOUBLE-CIRCUIT TOWER 99 SPECIAL NON-STANDARD Insulator and Hardware Legend10/1/2015 11:45:26 Page 8 of 10 HARDWARE TYPE INCLUSIVE VOLTAGE SUSPENSION ASSEMBLIES DEAD-END ASSEMBLIES JUMPER ASSEMBLIES REG. DWG. OVERHEAD GROUNDWIRE GS, GSN GDN, GDN-S, GDN-T SERIES GDNT SERIES 134557 0 TO 345 KV S, S2, S2-E, S2(YU), S-E D, D2, D3, D-E, D2-E JS, 7JV 129522A S2, YL, S2YL-E 345 KV AND UP RS, RS2(YU), RS2, YL, RS4 RD, RD-2, RD2-W, RD-E, RD-3 RJS, JSH, RTJV 129522B (SINGLE COND.) (2 COND.-REG) RS-B, RSE-B, RS2-B, RS2E-B, RD2-B, RD4-B RJS-B, JSH-B, RJSM-B 133239A RS2W-B, RS4-B (2 COND.-VEE) RSV-B(90), RS2V-B(90) RSV-B(100), RS2V-B(100) (3 COND.-REG) RSE-B3, RS2-B3, RS2E-B3, RD3-B3 JSH-B3, RJSM-B2, RJSM-B3 150892A RS2W-B3, RS4-B3 (3 COND.-VEE) RSV-B3(90), RS2V-B3(90)*150892B RSV-B3(100), RS2V-B3(100)* 750 KV DC RS-B(BETHEA), RS2-B(BETHEA), RD2-B JSH-B 148876 RSE-B(BETHEA) Some of the original RS-B assemblies in the John Day-Grizzly No. 1 and No. 2 lines had diamond plates. This is indicated by an extra "D" added to assembly type. *Because of space limitations in the six space column available for hardware type, the "R" is omitted from RS2VB39 and RS2VB30 entries. They will show S2VB39 and S2VB30. Insulator and Hardware Legend10/1/2015 11:45:26 Page 9 of 10 HARDWARE ASSEMBLY B STANDS FOR BUNDLE CONDUCTOR. GD IS GROUND WIRE DEAD-END. GDNT IS GROUND WIRE DEAD-END, INSULATED (GROUNDED OR NOT AS INDICATED. GS IS GROUND WIRE SUSPENSION. GSN IS GROUND WIRE SUSPENSION (INSULATED). GSNG IS GROUND WIRE SUSPENSION (INSULATED) WITH GROUNDING LOOP. JSH IS JUMPER STRING WITH HOLD DOWN WEIGHT. M AFTER STANDARD ASSEMBLY INDICATES ASSEMBLY HAS BEEN MODIFIED AND IS NON STANDARD FOR THE TIME OF ORIGINAL INSTALLATION. R STANDS FOR CORONA RING REQUIRED FOR EHV LINES FROM 345KV AND ABOVE. RJSM-B IS RING JUMPER ASSEMBLY WITH METAL BUS. RS IS RING SUSPENSION. RSE HAS A BALL EYE AND SHACKLE INSTEAD OF A Y-BALL CLEVIS. YL IS LOWER YOKE. YU IS UPPER YOKE. -2', '-3', AND '-4' INDICATES NUMBER OF STRINGS PER ASSEMBLY, 1 IA ASSUMED IF NO NUMBER IS SHOWN. Insulator and Hardware Legend10/1/2015 11:45:26 Page 10 of 10 HARDWARE DETAIL The following table shows the coding used on this field. Column # Items Shown Coding Explanation 1 Manufacturer Blank Normal BPA Specifications B BETHEA C NGK 2 Subconductor Drop Links Blank Normal Horizontal Subconductors T 9" Twisted Link For One Lowered Subconductor C 8-1/2" Chain Link For One Lowered Subconductor S 11" Chain Shackle For One Lowered Subconductor V Special Vertical Link For One Lowered Subconductor 3,4 Hardware Assembly 18 18" Spacing Spacing - Bundle Conductor 24 24" Spacing 26 26" Spacing Other Spacing As New Designs Desiganate Wood Pole Legend10/1/2015 11:39:59 Page 1 of 9 District - TLM District Name Adno - TLM Line Number Linename - TLM Line Name Mile - Mile Number Str - Structure Number Crit - Critical Structure Y/N Pos - Pole Position - see "Wood Pole Position" DSGN - Design Code - see "Wood Pole Design Series" Type - Structure Type STB - Stubbed Pole Type - see "Stub Types" LTH - Pole Length K - Pole Kind - see "Wood Pole Kinds" YM - Year Pole Manufactured YI - Fiscal Year Installed CL - Pole Class - see "Wood Pole Class Codes"GLHR 1234 - Ground Line - inches of good wood for quarters 1,2,3,4 GLHR S - Ground Line - sonic test (G = Good)GLHR YT - Fiscal Year Ground Line was Tested GLHR TR - GLHR TR - First 2 chars of "Wood Pole Treatment Kind"AGHR HT - Above Ground Height - indicates GLHR if less than 6 feet AGHR 1234 - Above Ground - inches of good wood for quarters 1,2,3,4 AGHR S - Above Ground - sonic test (G = Good) AGHR YT - Fiscal Year Above Ground was Tested PTHR D - Pole Top Heartrot Diameter PTHR LN - Pole Top Heartrot Depth (Length)PTHR YT - Fiscal Year Pole Top was Tested SCIBFO YR - Fiscal Year Miscellaneous (SCIBFO) was Tested SCIBFO S - Shell Rot Condition - see "Condition Codes" SCIBFO C - Cracks Condition - see "Condition Codes" SCIBFO I - Insects Condition - see "Condition Codes" SCIBFO B - Bird and Animal Condition - see "Condition Codes" SCIBFO F - Fire Condition - see "Condition Codes" SCIBFO O - Other Condition - see "Condition Codes"XARM YRPL - Fiscal Year Cross Arm was Replaced XARM C - Cross Arm Condition - see "Condition Codes"XARM M - Cross Arm Method - see "Cross Arm Methods" XARM YT - Fiscal Year Cross Arm was Tested XARM TB - Through-Bored Treated Spar Arm Indicator (Y = Yes) Notes - Notes related to the Wood Pole - The Wood Pole History report presents wood pole information in a consolidated format. The history is updated either via the TLM Pen-based Field Data Collector application or via the online TLM application. It contains a combination of wood pole data and inspection data. Wood Pole Legend10/1/2015 11:39:59 Page 2 of 9 Stub Types Other Steel Wood Wood Pole Position 1 - Fiber Optic pole number 1 10 - Fiber Optic pole number 10 2 - Fiber Optic pole number 2 3 - Fiber Optic pole number 3 4 - Fiber Optic pole number 4 5 - Fiber Optic pole number 5 6 - Fiber Optic pole number 6 7 - Fiber Optic pole number 7 8 - Fiber Optic pole number 8 9 - Fiber Optic pole number 9 A - Single Pole B - Right Pole (2 Poles) C - Right Pole (3 Poles) D - Right Pole (4 Poles) G1 - Guy Pole G2 - Guy Pole H1 - Guard Pole (Clearance) H2 - Guard Pole (Clearance) H3 - Guard Pole (Clearance) H4 - Guard Pole (Clearance) H5 - Guard Pole (Clearance) H6 - Guard Pole (Clearance) J1 - Jumper Pole J2 - Jumper Pole J3 - Jumper Pole J4 - Jumper Pole J5 - Jumper Pole J6 - Jumper Pole M1 - Obstruction Marker Pole M2 - Obstruction Marker Pole N1 - Bird Nesting Pole N2 - Bird Nesting Pole N3 - Bird Nesting Pole N4 - Bird Nesting Pole O1 - Other O2 - Other Wood Pole Class Codes 1 2 3 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 Wood Pole Kinds C - Cedar, Butt Treated D - Fir, Through-Bored E - Fir, Cellon Treated F - Fir, Non-Through-Bored L - Larch N - Fir, Copper Naphthenate P - Cedar, Full-Length Treated S - Steel T - Concrete X - Special Condition Codes B - Bad F - Fair G - Good Wood Pole Legend10/1/2015 11:39:59 Page 3 of 9 Wood Pole Position O3 - Other O4 - Other O5 - Other O6 - Other P1 - PT Pole P2 - PT Pole R1 - Reinforcement Pole S1 - Switch Pole S2 - Switch Pole S3 - Switch Pole T1 - Tap Pole T2 - Tap Pole T3 - Tap Pole T4 - Tap Pole W1 - Static Pole W2 - Static Pole Cross Arm Methods Close Inspection On Pole Drilled Visual, From Ground Wood Pole Legend10/1/2015 11:39:59 Page 4 of 9 Structure Design Voltage 0 - 0-kV 1 - 69-kV and below 2 - 115-kV 3 - 138-kV 4 - 161-kV 5 - 230-kV 6 - 287-kV 7 - 345-kV 8 - 500-kV 9 - 750-kV and above No. of Poles / Circuits 1 - Single Circuit / Single Pole 2 - Single Circuit / H-Frame 3 - Single Circuit / Three Poles 4 - Double Circuit / Single Pole 5 - Double Circuit / H-Frame 6 - Double Circuit / Three Poles Pole Material C - Concrete F - Fiber Glass L - Laminate Wood P - Plastic S - Steel W - Wood Structure Type / Angle A - Standard Suspension / 0° - 3° B - Light Angle Suspension / 3°-15° C - Medium Angle Suspension / 15°-40° H - Heavy Suspension / 40°-60° D - Strain Dead-end / 0°-3° E - Light Angle Dead-end / 3°-30° G - Medium Angle Dead-End / 30°-60° F - Heavy Angle Dead-end / 60°-110° T - Transposition Wood Pole Legend10/1/2015 11:39:59 Page 5 of 9 Unique Codes 00dg - Zero degree line angle, Design 01 - Support Structure 03dg - 3 degree line angle, Design 06dg - 6 degree line angle, Design 30dg - 30 degree line angle, Design 60dg - 60 degree line angle, Design 90dg - 90 degree line angle, Design ALP - Airway Light Pole B1 - Drop bracket B101 - XXX C1 - Double crossarm added C1NW - Unique Code C2 - Double crossarm standard C201 - Double crossarm C3 - Crossarm length variation C4 - Crossarm thickness variation DBLA - Double Crossarm DRBK - Drop Bracket FOWP - Fiber Optic Wood Pole GW - Groundwire H1 - Strs rated over 5000# MWT H2 - Double insulator strands H3 - Suspension yoke NW - Unique Code T1 - 2-Phase transposition T2 - 3-Phase transposition T2H1 - 3-Phase transposition 5000# MWT T3 - 3-Phase transposition 60-120 degrees T401 - XXX U1 - Unique angle 2-6 degrees U2 - Unique angle 12-25 degrees U3 - Unique angle 20-40 degrees V1 - Insulator position variation W1 - XXX Crossarm Type A - Sawn C - Channel D - Davit R - Rectangular S - Spar T - Truss U - Tubular W - Wide Flange X - No Crossarm Crossarm Material A - Aluminum C - Concrete F - Fiberglass L - Laminate Wood P - Plastic S - Steel W - Wood X - No crossarm material Crossarm / Insulator Config. H - Horizontal S - Staggered V - Vertical W - Wishbone X - No Insulators Wood Pole Legend10/1/2015 11:39:59 Page 6 of 9 Unique Codes X1 - Unguyed structure XPSC - PSC Wood Pole Wood Pole Legend10/1/2015 11:39:59 Page 7 of 9 Replacement Priority Codes DP 1 - Danger Pole DPC 2 - Danger Pole Candidate EP 3 - Evaluated Pole MD 4 - Minor Decay OC-Sound 5 - Old cedar 55 years old or older no decay OF45 5 - Old Fir 45 years old or older Wood Pole Legend10/1/2015 11:39:59 Page 8 of 9 Wood Pole Design Series 11FF - 13 KV SP 3-Phase 4-Wire 11FZ - 13 KV SP Single Phase 11PP - 34.5 KV SP Pin-Type 11PT - 33 KV SP Pin_Type 11PX - 13, 23 or 46 KV SP Plank Xarm 11RD - 33 KV SP Reclamation Design 11UT - 23 KV SP Line Post 11VT - 33 KV SP Vertical 11WB - 33 KV SP Wishbone Xarm 21UT - 69 KV SP Line Post 21VT - 69 KV SP Verticle 21WB - 69 KV SP Wishbone, Xarm 21XG - 69 KV SP Fiber Glass Xarm 21XV - 69 KV SP Special Non Std Design 22NX - 69 KV HF Single Xarm 22PX - 69 KV HF Plank Xarm 22XG - 69 KV Fiber Glass Xarm 22XV - 69 KV Special Non Std Design 31DV - 115 KV single pole davit x-arm 31UT - 115 or 138 KV SP Line Post 31WB - 115 or 138 KV SP Wood wishbone Xarm 31WG - 115 or 138 kV SP Fiber Glass Wishbone Xarm 31WS - 115 or 138 KV SP Steel Wishbone Xarm 31XG - 115 KV SP Fiber Glass Xarm 31XV - 115 KV Special Non Std Design 32NX - 115 KV HF Single Xarm 32RD - 115 KV HF Reclamation Design 32SF - 115 KV HF Static-Free 32ST - 115 KV HF Steel Xarm 32SX - 115 KV HF Spar Xarm 32WF - 115 KV HF Wide-Flange Xarm 32XG - 115 KV Fiber Glass Xarm 32XV - 115 KV Special Non Std Design 32ZX - 115 KV HF Sawed Xarm 41DV - 230 KV SP Davit 42DV - Davit X-Arm 42MX - 230 KV HF Metal (Alum) Xarm 42PX - 230 KV HF Plank Xarm 42ST - 230 KV HF Steel Xarm 42SX - 230 KV HF Spar Xarm 42TU - 230 KV HF Tubular Steel X-Arm 42W2 - 230 KV Wide-Flange Xarm (22' Pole Spacing) 42W8 - Wide-Flange Xarm (18' Pole Spacing) 42WF - 230 KV HF Wide-Flange Xarm 42XG - 230 KV Fiber Glass Xarm 42XV - 230 KV Special Non Std Design FOWP - Fiber optic wood pole PSC - PSC Wood Pole SP -Service Pole XXX Wood Pole Legend10/1/2015 11:39:59 Page 9 of 9 Frequency (Years) for groundline inspection program Pole Kind Initial Inspection Sound Pole Minor Decay C-Butt Treated Cedar 20 10 5/10** P-FL Treated Cedar 20 10 5/10** F-FL Treated Fir, N/D 15 5/10* 5/10** D-FL Treated Fir, Drilled 20 10 5/10** L-FL Treated Larch 15 5/10* 5/10** E-FL Treated Fir Cellon 15 5 5/10** N-FL Treated Fir 20 10 5/10** Drilled Cu Naphthenate X-Special 15 10 5 * 5 years if the pole had an initial inspection and less than 3 follow-ups. Ten years otherwise. ** 5 years if no fumigant treatment or Vapam; 10 years for MITC or Chloropicrin. Frequency for stubbed poles. Wood stubs. Attachments should be inspected every 5 years. Groundline condition of the stub should be tested when the climbing inspection is due. Use the same inspection/treatment techniques described above. Follow Up THESE CODES IDENTIFY THE DESIGN SERIES OR FAMILY OF A STRUCTURE. THE FIRST NUMERAL REPRESENTS THE DESIGN VOLTAGE. 1 = BELOW 57 KV 5 = 287 KV 2 = 57 OR 69 KV 6 = 345 KV 3 = 115, 138, OR 161 KV 7 = 500 KV 4 = 230 KV 8 = 750 KV THE SECOND NUMERAL INDICATES THE DESIGN CATEGORY 1 = SINGLE-POLE (SP) 2 = H-FRAME (HF) THE FINAL TWO LETTERS COMPLETE IDENTIFICATION OF A SERIES. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-09 Staff Production Request Staff-06 DATE PREPARED: lll5l20l8WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Ken Sweigart DEPARTMENT: Transmission Services TELEPHONE: (509) 495-44t7 REQUEST: Has the Company completed an environmental assessment of the assets being acquired? If so please provide details of the Company's environmental assessment. If not, please explain why not. RESPONSE: BPA performed applicable environmental analyses necessary to facilitate the transaction. These included a National Environmental Policy Act Q.trEPA) review and a mitigation process with WA Dept. of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (WA SHPO or DAHP). Avista developed maps of the property with environmental resources identified and performed a site visit assessment as environmental due diligence. Page I of I AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-09 Staff Production Request Staff-07 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: rUst20r8 N/A Ken Sweigart Transmission Design (s09) 49s-4417 REQUEST: Are there any liens associated with the assets being acquired by the Company? If so, please provide details. RESPONSE: There are no liens associated with the assets being acquired by the Company. Page I of I AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-09 Staff Production Request Staff-08 DATE PREPARED: lll5l20l8WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Jeff Schlect DEPARTMENT: Transmission Services TELEPHONE: (s09) 495-48s1 REQUEST: Are there any lawsuits associated with the assets being acquired by the Company? If so, please provide details. RESPONSE: There are no current lawsuits associated with the assets being acquired by the Company. Page 1 of I AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUzuSDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-09 staff Production Request Staff-09 DATE PREPARED: lll5l20l8WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Jeff Schlect DEPARTMENT: Transmission Services TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-4851 REQUEST: Please provide the proposed journal entries for the assets received from BPA and the assets transferred to BPA that illustrate all assets being removed from or added to the Company's rate base. Please provide a spreadsheet showing any impact on customer rates. RESPONSE: Please see the Company's response to Staff PR_02 for details regarding the accounting entries for this transaction. The difference in book value between the transferred assets and acquired assets will be accounted for as a purchased acquisition adjustment. This purchased acquisition adjustment will be amortized over the life of the asset using the Company's composite transmission depreciation rate. Accordingly, there will be no change to the Company's rate base and depreciation expense as a result of the transaction, meaning there will be no impact upon customer rates as a result of the transaction with respect to rate base and depreciation expense. As noted in the Company's response to Staff PR_03, there will be a decrease in annual transmission expense of $7,296 (On a system basis). While this reduction in expenses will have the impact of decreasing customer rates, its impact is expected to be relatively de minimis. Accordingly, flo spreadsheet has been prepared to demonstrate impact upon customer rates. Idaho's potion of that decrease will be tracked in the Company's PCA mechanism. Page I of I AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-09 Staff Production Request Staff- I 0 DATE PREPARED: lll5l20l8WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Jeff Schlect DEPARTMENT: Transmission Services TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-4851 REQUEST: What methodology has the Company used in the determination of the value of the assets received and given up under this proposed transfer? RESPONSE: The value of the assets being transferred to BPA is the actual net depreciated book value of such assets. The value of the assets being acquired from BPA was taken from information provided by BPA. The information received from BPA is the best available information available to Avista to make its determination on the value of the assets received. Please see StaflPR_I0 Attachment A - [Email 28Aug2018] BPA to AVA Depreciated Book Value of Xsmn Assets.pdf Page I of I lGrt,IElolglrlalol:tlrtot,tqll< E!Doa E.E3oI to o =o:o oE F*o Ee noc E-o op o E: Fo 6o ox o- 3o IoIo oE oL o t q g, o u* =to D o 9.4 o @{ {oUO aqEZodq3 t? o-9iot:o ,o €-g 38.e5' ed =oL,S 6- i3 q o o? @{p 10 @{ Io =o {qgiogN l.6To 6-o{ot, o 6'o =o |no9.o 2I u- fo noc-o o bo 1o6=o =o -{ot, o o I?o F o a o z9 -,o (1uo:o -{ou zo ot? {{{{-N N N o o =Ei2o=3Ptlii! -.a p{ €e p o 6 o N AP EEqc =no4t- oao z 6{p p 6tc oeo I!a \e Q N{{6 I{ {oo !-oot oeo EotE Deo+ 6ac oco 66{6nEN9iII "r'ln HgO=lOt-&d h 5 -a i.="*''3p PE I ?T*;E A =il=sisrG-oPi 2> N! ='; eeqlr @ 'Q'* !Y=l+ 8+!i i5 =9E6)603@E. +.OJ,6<s o@ g!P@o +!T,o=*;d:cf:-cro.ootr6g g:oo !r o 6' o) !o13onoP =+6= oo, es*oJgo o 4.o) aG*,ao ocac.aEooo ot aaoI sfgE rel$r$gisQEi9.Seeo E 6-{l,ncoa:s" f g:.6) f! ,[5rl t*s f,t ? >.=' =qEF7=dp-^Nq]l @r. XiBsI 4-:eE *IiEiE=-dqY 6)-6 r:8 tg,r iB6l o3 r|-o-.;e 6+aq@-o ,!to ='o ooo:.E.)!l o oJq on3 oq o a 3 doqeog ea.oao,cp o ton3oo oJ o o,o-o o oa =.!.o) oI i3!i- JI:9-!r EL:;-= l l3 s I*o -r lii:$e lo!,oE;l g 903y (,,ta l.H q 9:!v rlrt ! -'l =d>f;qot o ool a a m e. oo ! ,! 3 !t i\Ea(th il q 3 ozaom I aI zo oIII a' 3I 3 3 I 3' !L s. 3 !r g c. o- a 3 5 !: 6', 3 I 3 -!. I3g q !0c9oo 9dtr3eE Y-o6ozof ,r --d8*5foniEe=a€ Pp-3 *8B=rgIa3 E.E;dsi5'o6Ig. I dP6fo=iq' o3 ! ,vo !t 3 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUzuSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-09 Staff Production Request Staff-1 1 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: rt/512018 N/A Jeff Schlect Transmission Services (s0e) 4es-48s 1 REQUEST: Will the proposed transfer result in a loss or a gain for the Company? RESPONSE: With respect to the entire transaction, including both assets transferred to BPA and assets acquired from BPA, there will be no financial loss or gain to the Company. Page I of I AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-09 Staff Production Request Staff- I 2 DATE PREPARED: lll5l20l8WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Jeff Schlect DEPARTMENT: Transmission Services TELEPHONE: (s09) 495-4851 REQUEST: Does the Company anticipate the need for additional capital expenditures for the betterment of the received assets? RESPONSE: No. With respect to asset condition, the Company does not anticipate the need for additional capital expenditures for the betterment of the acquired assets. While the Company does have a near-term plan to add I 15kV capacitors in this area of the transmission system and expects the Four Lakes Substation to be a viable possible location to install such reactive support, any such investment would be unrelated to the acquired assets or their betterment. Page I of 1 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-18-09 Staff Production Request Staff- 1 3 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: tU5l20t8 N/A Jeff Schlect Transmission Services (s09) 49s-48s l REQUEST: What are the estimated yearly operation and maintenance expenses associated with the assets received after the proposed exchange is finalized? RESPONSE: The Company expects no appreciable change to its transmission line operation and maintenance expenses as a result of acquiring the specified BPA I l5kV assets. Page 1 of I