HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180711Avista to Clearwater Paper 4.pdfAVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST F'OR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-18-03/AVU-G-18-02 REQUESTER: Clearwater PaperTYPE: Production Request REQUESTNO.: Clearwater-04 n[C[:lVI:D DATE PREPARED: 07 /ll/2018WITNESS: N/A l0lil _!UL I I pi4 3:35RESPONDER: Karen Schuh DEPARTMENT: Resulatorv Affairs, , .. i,. 'iCTELEPHoNE: (sig) +gs-z2g\ i:'" ':; " 1.'ils5'C" c) REQUEST: The Settlement Agreement in the Avista/Hydro One merger docket (AVU-E-I7-09) provides, beginning atParagraph 69 that the depreciation useful life of Colstrip Units 3 and 4, subject to Commission approval, will terminate on December 31,2027. A.) Does the accelerated depreciation of Colstrip also increase Avista's share of the Asset Retirement Obligations (ARO)? Please explain. B)Does the accelerated depreciation of Colstrip also accelerate Avista's share of the ARO? Please explain. Please describe the impact of your responses above on the estimate of Idaho's annual allocated portion of ARO? D)What will be ldaho's annual share of accelerated depreciation for Colstrip Units 3 and 4 assuming a useful life through December 2027? RESPONSE: A.) No. Avista's share of Colstrip Units 3 and 4 assets, depreciation and the associated ARO is l5%. This share will not change with the acceleration of the depreciation life of Colstrip. B.)The acceleration of the depreciation life of Colstrip will increase the amount recovered in each year, because it is over a shorter depreciation period (2027) than the expected useful life of 2034 and2036.It should be recognized that the ARO is not presently included retail rates. If the ARO were to be recovered over the existing depreciable life (203412036) that annual amount is $1.26 million. However, using a depreciable life of 2027 results in an annual ARO depreciation of $2.52 million. (See Table No. 1.) C.) The Company has estimated Idaho's allocated portion of the ARO associated with the Colstrip assets to be $22,661,100. With a depreciation life of December 31,2027, assuming recovery over 9 years, this would result in an annual depreciation associated with ARO of approximately 52.52 million starting January 1,2019. D.) Below is summary Table No. I showing ldaho's undepreciated Colstrip Unit 3 and 4 balance, including the current estimate of ARO (Idaho's share), as of December 31,2077 of $60.58 million. The current depreciation expense level included in retail rates is $2.48 million. Assuming the IPUC approves a2027 depreciable life, the new annual depreciation amount to recover the undepreciated balance of $60.58 million in retail rates over the remaining 9 years (effective January 1,2079 to December 31, 2027) would be $6.46 million annually, an annual incremental increase of $3.98 million. Table No. I Summary of Colstrip Costs (lD Share) lncremental Current Annual Accelerated Depreciation Depreciation Annual AmountTotal Amount 1203412036t. Net Book Value of Colstrip Units 3 & 4, including transmission assets, at December 3,,,2OL7 Estimated Asset Retirement Obligations (ARO) Undepreciated Ba la nce 5 g7,gl4,s4l s 22,66L,1,00 s 2,47s,227 5 1,462,47s S S 2,s17,soo 5 3,937,702 5 2,s17,900 5 60,s7s,647 5 6,4s5,602 5 2,47s,227Current depreciation expense included in rates Annual lncremental Accelerated Depreciation effective January t, 2079 S 3,980,375 The "Net Book Value" and "Undepreciated Balance" values will vary slightly from that shown above once updated to reflect changes through December 31,2018, prior to depreciation rate changes effective January 7,2079. As shown in Table No. 1 above, the incremental increase in depreciation rates to reflect a 2021 depreciation life results in $3.98 million annually if depreciated over the remaining 9 years. If this Commission were to approve a different amortization period. this annual amount would vary. For example, in the Company's Washington jurisdiction, the parties to the Hydro One/Avista Merger proceeding, Docket U-110970, have agreed to amortize the undepreciated balance of Colstrip Units 3 and 4, after taking into effect existing annual depreciation expense levels and a one-time offset related to amounts deferred associated with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), over a 36 vear period. As shown in Table No. 2 below, a similar approach if approved in Idaho, would result in an incremental annual amortization of approximately $662.000 over 36 years. Summary of Colstrip Costs (lD Share) Net Book Va lue of Colstrip Units 3 & 4, i ncl uding transmission assets, at December 37,2017 Estimated asset reti rement obligations Undepreciated Balance Futurecurrent depreciation expense recovered January 1,2018 - December 37,2027 Tempora ry TCJA Ta x Credits (a va i I a bl e per Ca s e GNR-U-18-01) lncremental Net Colstrip Unrecovered Balance 365 23,823,37 7 S oot,zoo Amortization Total Amount Period (Years) Annual Amount 5 3l,gu,sqt 22,667,r00 60,575,641 .24,752,270l. (12,000,000)