HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180613Avista to Sierra Club 1-8.pdfJURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORP. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: AVU.E- I 8-03/AVU-G- 1 8-02 WITNES S : Siena Club RESPONDER: Production Request DEPT: SC _ 1-I TELEPHONE: EMAIL: REC E I VED oercerf)j1siiJii l3 Atl l0: l2 N/A ri:tr-lC Paul Kimbr11,- " ,1:Il5sf t,f . Regulatory Affairs (s0e) 4es-4s84 paul.kimball@avistacorp. com REQUEST: Provide electronic copies ofall data requests and responses received from or sent to other parties in this proceeding. If electronic copies are not available, please contact counsel for Sierra Club to coordinate response. This is an ongoing request. RESPONSE: To date Avista has not had any other data requests however, Avista will continue to provide copies of data requests, along with corresponding data responses, from all parties to this proceeding as they are completed. Page I of I JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORP. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: AVU-E- 1 8-03/AVU-G- 1 8-02 WITNESS : Sierra Club RESPONDER: Production Request DEPT: SC _ 1-2 TELEPHONE: EMAIL: RTSEIVEI) 06t0612018:ii rii:, lI BH l0: lZN/A {_!r } u r, ui { Paul Kimball ,1 ' ,i,: , .;iii-li:l Regulatory Affaiis' fl I r :ii iii ISS ICI:l (s09) 49s-4s84 paul.kimball@avistacorp. com REQUEST: Provide all confidential testimony and exhibits included in Avista's application. RESPONSE: Avista has not filed any testimony in this docket. Page I of I AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E- 1 8-03/AVU-G- 1 8-02 Sierra Club Production Request sc - 1-3 R[CriVEI) DATE PREPARED: 0610612018WITNESS: N/A i*i*.j:lii 13 ,{l{ l0: 12RESPONDER: Thomas Dempgey DEPARTMENT: Mgr. Thelryra!,-Ops-;",1.it-i1) TELEPHONE: tSOgl +gs-qg6O:'i .:ir'1fF"ll$sl0H REQUEST: When does the currently applicable coal supply agreement for Colstrip Units 3 and 4 terminate? Provide a narrative description of the status of any negotiations or discussions regarding the extension of any currently applicable coal supply contract(s) for Colstrip Units 3 and 4. Provide any documents prepared by or for Avista summarizing these negotiations or discussions RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 1-3C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233,and Section 9-340D,Idaho Code. The current coal supply agreement for Colstrip Units 3 & 4 expires December 31,2019 The plant ownership group and WECO have engaged a number of times over previous years to negotiate a new coal supply agreement for Colstrip Units 3 & 4, but a final agreement has not yet been achieved. The plant ownership group is currently evaluating several issues, including areas to be mined and duration of the term of any new agreement. The owners expect to continue to work with WECO to determine the best course of action. Avista objects to the request for further information summarizing the negotiations or discussions to the extent that it seeks information that is subject to attorney-client, attorney work product, or similar privilege. Without waiving the foregoing objection, Avista provides the following response: SC_PR_I-3C Confidential Attachment A -*20150618 Operations Council.pptx" is a presentation prepared by Thomas Dempsey and given to Avista's Operations Council on June 18,2015. SC_PR_l-3C Confidential Attachment B - *20160919 RMC Meeting.pptx" is a presentation prepared by Thomas Dempsey and given to Avista's Risk Management Committee on September 19,2016. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E- I 8-03/AVU-G- 1 8-02 Sierra Club Production Request sc - 1-4 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: o6to6t2dfrc I l\,/ED N/A, ., ir,J*',ti sul,{,fl..gtt Io: I 2 Mgr. Thgrrnal Offt.ii; (509)' 495-4960 ) i'i l,r ! l:;$ I O F,l REQUEST: By what date does Avista and/or the Rosebud mine owner expect that the Rosebud mine's currently permitted coal reserves will be exhausted? RESPONSE: We cannot speak for the Rosebud mine owner regarding its estimate of when the permitted reserves will be exhausted. Avista expects that the currently permitted reserves will be adequate for the current contract as well as adequate for the terms being considered for an extension of the existing contract or a new contract. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E- I 8-03/AVU-G- r 8-02 Sierra Club Production Request sc - l-5 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: RT C I IVEt) 06106120t8N/A l0ll] .jtj[.,t t3 fiffi l0: t3 Thomas Dempsey Mgr. (s0e) Thermal Ops .i ,,,,,,,.,,495-4960 ' r'';"' REQUEST: Does Avista anticipate that all of the currently permitted coal supply at the Rosebud mine will be economically feasible to extract? If not, when does Avista expect the currently permitted coal reserve to become uneconomic for use at Colstrip Units 3 and 4? Please explain who bears the risk (i.e. Avista or Westmoreland) for any potential increase in coal extraction costs in the event the mine's permitted reserves become more expensive to extract. RESPONSE: Avista does anticipate that all of the currently permitted coal reserves will be economically feasible to extract; however, economic feasibility depends heavily on unknown factors, such as wholesale market prices. The current contract construct is a o'cost plus" contract that does not require the ownership group to purchase uneconomic coal, with the exception of a circumstance where we (Avista) would be required to supply coal to meet its minimum obligation. So, for example, if one of the other owners wanted the unit online and their share of generation was below the minimum load allowed on the unit, the other owners would be required to supply their proportionate share of fuel (ao'minimum take" obligation) so as to meet the total unit minimum output. Since the current coal supply agreement is a "cost-plus" construct, the owners bear the risk of coal extraction cost increases. If all owners agree, the owners do have the ability to shut down the units when they are not economic and, under such circumstances, no owner would have a "minimum take" obligation to the mine. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUzuSDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E- I 8-03/AVU-G- I 8-02 Sierra Club Production Request sc - l-6 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: r i: n trlvED 06/06120lg r'\ '|-- rJ r N/A ruffi,rlili l3 frt"l lo: l3r nomas uempsey Mgr. Therm4l Qps", r, -, ;*l.l# (509) 495'i4960: ::' r':-r ;,,1 ful i S $ I 0 i'l REQUEST: Provide Avista's understanding of the status of any efforts by the Rosebud mine owner to obtain permits to expand the Rosebud mine. Please provide a narrative description of the impact on available coal supply of any such efforts and the expected timing of any required development. Provide any documents prepared by or for Avista summarizing these permitting and/or expansion efforts. RESPONSE: It is Avista's understanding that the mine owner is currently in a permitting process for Area F and Area G of the Rosebud Mine. Permitting of these areas would result in a significant increase in permitted coal. Avista does have an expectation that Area F will be permitted in late 2018 or 2019 but these processes are uncertain and depend on unknown agency timelines, etc. Avista does not have a reasonable time estimate for Area G at this time. Please see Attachments A and B provided in the Company's response to SC - 1-3. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUzuSDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-I8-03/AVU-G-18-02 REQUESTER: Sierra ClubTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: SC - 1-7 Flf:Cf lVE[) DATE PREPARED: 0610612018WITNESS: N/A i0tt -iii;; tl f,H l0: I 3RESPONDER: Thomas Dempsey DEPARTMENT: Mgr. Thermal.Opi _., I :,.tlr-l,ig.,^, TELEPHONE: (509)495-496'0 ' ' -' ';rrr'j'irdlrui REQUEST: Please describe how a bankruptcy by Westmoreland Coal Company could impact the coal supply to Colstrip Units 3 and 4. Provide any documents prepared by or for Avista that address any contingency plans in the event of a Westmoreland Coal Company bankruptcy. RESPONSE: Avista does not have sufficient information to know all of the various potential impacts that a Westmoreland Coal Company bankruptcy could have to the coal supply to Colstrip Units 3 and 4. Any response to this request would, therefore, be speculative. Avista does not have any documents responsive to this request. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E- l 8-03/AVU-G- l 8-02 Sierra Club Production Request sc - 1-8 P.E f, =.IVED DATE PREPARED: 0610612018 WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: tilt$v${ l3 Al{ l0: lt+ Thomas Mgr,ON(s0e) REQUEST: Has Avista or any of the Colstrip Unit 3 and 4 co-owners explored the potential of Colstrip Units 3 and 4 to receive coal from a supplier other than the Rosebud mine? If yes, please describe the cost and feasibility of such alternative supplies. Provide any documents prepared by or for Avista addressing such potential alternative coal supplies. RESPONSE: Avista has not prepared any documents addressing such potential alternative coal supplies. Alternate supplies were considered by the Mine Operating Committee a number of years ago when evaluation of long term fuel supply options was initiated. Alternative options were ultimately determined to be unfeasible for a number of reasons such as large transportation costs associated with rail supply and also because the Title V air permit allows only for Rosebud seam coal to be used: From the Title V Operating Permit: A.15. In accordance with the conditional certification of Colstrip Units #3 and #4 made pursuant to Section 70-810 (L), Revised Code of Montana (R.C.M) 1947 of the Major Facility Siting Act (MFSA), Talen shall utilize only coal from the Rosebud seam within Units #3 and #4 (Boord of Health and Environmental Sciences (BHES) Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Low signed on November 21, 1975; this requirement is "State-Only").