HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171102Avista to Staff 1-4.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O.Box3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 TollFree 800-727-9170 Aftlnsrt Corp,RECEIVED ?0lt t{0Y -2 ltt 9r l9 uTrLl?Hsodi}iffil8t'o*November 1,2017 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702-0074 Attn: Daphne Huang Deputy Attomey General Re: Production Request of the Commission Staff in Case Nos. AVU-E-I7-10 Dear Ms. Huang, Enclosed are Avista's responses to IPUC Staffs production requests in the above referenced dockets. Included in this mailing are the original and two paper copies of Avista's responses to production requests: Staff 1-4. Also enclosed on three separate CD's are copies of Avista's responses to the production requests. Also included both on paper and on a separate CD is Avista's CONFIDENTIAL response to PR 2C. This response contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL informationandisseparatelyfiledunderIDAPA3l.0l.0l,Rule06T and233,andSection9-340D, Idaho Code. It is being provided under a sealed separate envelope, marked CONFIDENTIAL. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact Paul Kimball at (509) 495-4584 or via e-mail at paul.kimball@avistacorp.com Sincerely, Paul Kimball Regulatory Analyst Enclosures - AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQIIEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO AVU-E-17-10 IPUC Production Request Staff - I DATE PREPARED: r0l3ll20l7WITNESS: N/A ?01? HOY -2 Atl $ 2lRESPONDER: James Gall DE'ARTMENT: E_,:,.ell.nr,fwHi*,b,,ffi i8r, o*TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-2189 REC E IVE D JUzuSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: Is Figure I in the Company's filing the same load and resource balance used in Avista's published 2017 IRP adjusted by the additions or cancellations of long-term contracts since the publication of the2017 IRP? If not, please describe and quantifu the difference. Does the difference change the first deficit year or the amount of deficiency in the first deficit year? Please explain. RESPONSE: No, this is an updated load and resource balance, but uses the same peak load forecast. Unfortunately, Figure I included the incorrect peak load forecast. The chart is amended below, Table 1 included in the filing includes correct loads. As compared to the 2017 IRP, there is no change in deficit year. The changes since the 2017 IRP include updates to short term contracts, off system reserve requirements, and maintenance schedules. The table below is a comparison of December positions capacity position in megawatts between each of the load and resource balance calculations. Amended Figure I 1 Hour Peak Load & Resource Position 400 300 200 100 0 (100) (200) (300) (400) (500) (600) (700) OO O) O tF N .L t lO (o N c(, CD O F N (v) t rO (O I\ EtF rF N N N N N N N N N (\l (A (v) (v) a!, ct (? (? (., (,oooooooooooooooooooooN N N N N N N N N N N OI N N N N N (\l N N N o*,*,(E =(E E)o = !January r August Page I of2 Ir i.trr t Load and Resource Balance Comparison Year 2O17IRP AVU-E-I7- 10 Change 2018 217 228 ll 2019 187 198 11 2020 172 183 10 202t 178 188 10 2022 154 163 9 2023 r44 153 9 2024 165 173 8 2025 155 t63 8 2026 (1 36)(129\7 2027 (146)(139)6 2028 (163)(16r)2 2029 (r71)(16e)2 2030 (t7e)(177)2 2031 (264)(262)2 2032 (273)(270)2 2033 (281)(27e)2 2034 (2e0)(287)2 2035 (2e8)(2e6)2 2036 (307)(304)2 2037 (31s)(313)2 2038 (324)(321\2 Page2 of2 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-I7-10 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff - 2 DATE PREPARED: l0l3ll20l7 WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: James Gall DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2t89 REQUEST: Please provide in Excel format the load and resource balance data used in Avista's 2017 IRP adjusted by the additions or cancelations of long-term contracts since the publication of the 2017 IRP. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 2C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section 9-340D,Idaho Code. Please see Sta[PR_2C Confidential Auachment A - Capacity Report 9.29.17 _Confidential. The file is being provided in electronic format only. NT = onJ r()I\)m D?-mr.o(J P -"t :pu<F o?r)U,oz. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-17-10 IPUC Production Request Staff - 3 DATE PREPARED: I0l3ll20l7WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: James Gall DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-2189 REQUEST: Please provide in Excel format the load and resource balance data used to calculate the first capacity deficiency date in Case No. AVU-E-13-10. RESPONSE: Please see Staff PR 3 Attachment A.F? -c3N1mrCrt\) m ==9C't\)w C;r*--i(J=>-'c] o: =ht-r(/,{} cf)6 (\l o oo,o(L xox EoE o(o (f) tl(L tsl(5q o la (ola onl.o c,!)lo U' .o (\.o)t |oot o !l o to lo oN oN to roo to N o o o,J o =ozc .9it0q. J(uoq. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o s00 st- s(o I s(o I s(o s1 sf sI sN s(e st slo sto s(o sF s(\lN sto(\l sto(\l sg(aij s$ .EaeEE CeE*IE.9() =o-Ez (o ra)I (o9 oc)I oa)I ra> l.P .\lcr,Y rJ) GOY oFY !t a F(o ro aoN c,.l , to ao9 ro N g)r.) !r,N a (, oolC troo, -9ao&J(Uoo. (OF(OOFNt Fq5 Y $o(ooorI'-$ O1T f NF(OOl\F-\t OT5 T oo@otot,-$ ory5 Y @o(oo(l,(o$ oq: T F-O(OO-(o$ o$r Y rr,o((,oo(o$ o)6l- (t ('ro)(ooF(o (o o)N- C) r\f(OOO@\i O$.; T o)$@oG,lr)t cD$5 t? @(f)(ooto|r)s ct)N- .v)tt (oN(oo(\ar,S CDN- (t \tr(OOCDlr)$ @Nr (,) c\lo)(oo(0lr)(o €q5 G? -or@otlr, (') G)N- C.,rl o)(a@oNs(o ,\N- C)ttt F-N@ot\t(f, NqT 6? toc!(ooc{s(f) i\N- C,tl NO)(OOtOs(e FNe a) F(OOt @N(v,I tsN bE=on,=(E=:BE o,tr< .Eo> co!2 tre .9b s = =.f;gB!i g18 ftHd=E<-E&.ul !2rc oE- fE;EHE[ioFtroe toto AIr()ri anf rONa; N a gt (o6I ar, I (o6tN F:'(\l ttN rl(o(\a c,(o C\l NcoN @ CDN co!o(D (t(ot ae$ (ttG' (,t|oN zo 6o&v UJo. (r)OI'-ONF(')N- rf ro)(o N€^ (V)OF-ONF(oN- $eo (o c\,t o- F (OONON-(ONr sf-o(o N@- (f)OF-ONF(ON- rtro)(o N€. (f)@NoNo)(Y)N- .if-o(o N@_ F (OOl.-OC!-d)Ne tFo)(o No- F (Y'ONON-(f)C!F *tFo)(o N@- (rr@NoC\lol(Y)C{F lf-o)(o No- (a@rr,oN@(Oc{O) SOro)@ Ne o,i (')o(roNo(oNo, $o)o)@ No-N (f)olr)oNorrNo) $o)o)o No (\a ("@rooc\6('rc\o) soo)@ No-N ('rorr)oc\tF(oNo) $o,o)@ Noc{ $orrc)6t-(f)No) sfo)o)@ No c.i SSTOONlo(ONO) \tO,o)@ (\to- (\l Ntr)lr)ONrtfrO) $rO)@ N Nlr)TOON -tf)O) $eO@ N r.-o)tr)oNd)r@O) $$F@@ NAN F-cotr)oN.')r@O) sf t-@@ c{q$l F(Ol-f.-,No- oI tl N@C)lJ)r(oor- ot- $(oovrtoo- or- o@(o(f) | (')o- o- N(O(.)-rC{o)- ol tl t(ooOl-o- or- r(Ol:o)ro)@- 6- @@lfNr€@. co- tl tO(OF(o rN@- 6- lr (a(oo)rorlo@^ o- o(o(or+ rtooJJtl r..@tNr(!)@- €- tl lr)(OF -rN@_ co- (')(oo)oro@- €_ o(oNCDIO)\ t'- @@rtl*rOl-- t-- (o(oo)(OrFN-'F. tt (')$l\lr)F(Of-- ,\ tt o\fr,$(ooF-FO) (otoN(Oo)l--@ (oo)rooN(\lrFO) $NFOr@ NAN o 6t(\t o N.,i ga E F eE 9,5 gepEp3* HSFgsr*q ocooEooE._= -:' rI ge ords €ePZ|.L (to IUJItzo ctz uJo o olrJotfooUJt odo o ouJuoIIo o 3llJz Its =(r,2oF -ooo. ot LrJ2uJ€ 6 A oouJF oo-f Fot @C'N (to) o00 oo \ttJ, a,t () (o co o00 o roo @c, N tl6r, (o t@ @ zoF6oo. u,z o2l,ll(9z zo(, N(f)lr)orC{ (f'Ntr)OrC{I ntNr{)orc! (O-lr)orc!I (f)N1r)(aF C\l (f)C\t|l) (t,FC! Or-(r,(orCrl c!otr)o -N (')olr)o -N NO)rO O) I (o o)1r)o) N@r) o, I (o@|r)o) I N l.-ro o) (r)F.rf) o) I N(Orr)o) rc)|r)o) I N|r,$O) costr)-FN I rif rro (or olI (, ===da>gat =tBagEs l-.= E =*E\roo(J(L() (, ro lr)rl a on , oN , oN a o !, I ? o ao ort cro cD o oltt aN oaN ifroN ,0N zc ncL CDF\tOtNOO$losro oJ d)-(OO(9N@OSlot|r) oJ O)FtOtN@Otlos|r) o- F o-(OO(0N@OStOtrr) oJ oF*OtNCOO$lO$|r) 0J O)F(OOaO6tootltortlo o- oFtOtN@Ottos(, o- O)F(OO(ON@O$lotr{) o- O)-rrON6l@1"-$Ols@ ot OTFOTOO)N@F$(O\t F- a\{J O)F.iiOC)c\lOF$(D$F. otJ OrFl.-ONN@r\f(gsF. (\l F OF(r)Ot(r)@F\l(O$l- NJ Or(OOF(f)@rrt€tt F* o{ -e.tOrO(f,cON\tl\\t F- (\lJ tO--O@tO@-:fO$l- N- (ooNoNt'- O, (') S ..,$ F- a'r- F (ororr)oNF-O)-siO{S F- c'r- or')ooNNO)F.+€F rt l- Cr- F o)|r)|r)ooNO)NSO)Frf N cr- sroo)o,o61 6t rl (Olr)-OrrO -61rl oro(v,co ro)aa olf)(,cor€-q N'l)FF-rN-alr \t lr) O)(or(o-alr (OlO-rr)r(l,aq @rr)(,Srto-a rl or.r)ro$ rt-- Nrr)r\(f) 'c)-a lorr)oN 'A)aa tl NION -rNaq rl O)rl)tOr-aa tt c{lr)Noro-.4 tl vrr)o)orro)o-q F- rr) (\aoro)o- o- o)ool-FO)o-ro- NC\ltt-FOo-'q $(o€(o(oNo- 'a F-CrrOlr)(oNo-'r. tt $ =o Et EH frg EEi ^- 695S2; E 3 E UE ^EPEde53EefiiiS='t g o 6Eo *.9tr (i= gEg,p HtEsS.> e OJ-ELri o .='EZll-q t(AoN (Y)(r,oN clc)oot aaoot o(')o$l o,Noat @(\loN l\(\lo(\l (oNc,N rO(\lo(\a tNoN a)NoN (\'GIoGI 6toN oNoot o) o(\t €oN ,\oot (o oN roool otulzlrJ c! oN o)o)(!(L xox co E o(E (o EI(L EI([ @ 6l(0(, IJ'(t (rtE'{,) toa{(t, la (r, (r,o(? (rtoN (r) N arl {(\t t (v, oN o I to@ (, o N o,,t! =oz o 6oo- Jtuoo. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o (o(a o :s t so I so I sg) so)I sEII slsI st\ so, beo so s s(\a s(\T s >e$l sto :eao s6 s@ -EFsEEg? C€costtE.goloH=, N(ta' rO? o(,lr? u)N? rOI c,(,I o!6N o, Na F(, !tNa tF o(\t (, a t lt)(0 o rD? (\t C'troE o(, ,tro 6oa.vll,oo. OI'-F-OO(o (o o(o(ooo(o@ oN6roo@@ ooooer'- F- oooooNT\ oo)o)oo(o (o oo)o)oo@(o O-FOOo@ OFFOO@@ oooooo6 ooooo@o I o@@oot'- l- ONF.OOF- F- o(o(oooF. I'- oit$ool.- F- o(f,rrooNl- I oo@oo(o (o OF-F-OO(o(o I oo)oooF- r- I o@@oo EE8E o)(r< .go> co!2 tro .9b .s =..f gEt i P-r,g * f;d?E"dd& H;t HeE Ho-Ftro (OO(OFtr, f- COl.c ? (')- @o(ootIr) NNlr) F(9- (oo(oo)lr) l'. I\rO - (9- (OO(O-ro NcotO F ({,- (oo(oC,)|r) NT\rr) -o- (oo(oo)lr) r'- r\lr) r3t- (OO(OFtr) l-cott) - (Y)- (oo(oo)l,c) NNlO - fit_ |r)o(oo,o Not- F@- l.r)O(OF@ l'-Fr.- -@ rro(oo)@ NO1.,- F @_ rr,o(oo)@ NOF, F(o r0O(O-@ NFf.- r (D rr)o(ocr)@ l.-or.- F (o- lr)o(o@@ l'- (OF- - tO- !0O(O-@ F..FF- rlr) lr)o(oc,@ t_(\1f.- F (g O)Flr)O(OFN(r)@ F-ar(OF- F(oJ o)(a|r)o(o(Y)N(OO F-ll)(ot- -(oJ orNrro(o6NoO F-O,F\t\ F(oJ lr)sc!N(o (r 6tc\t (\l(o rr) 6lc\l c!(0 lr)rlfc!N(o rr, (\l6t (\t(o rr) c!Nc\t(o |r)sc!N@ lr)6tNC!@ (,NNC!@ ros c\,1 c{(o trr 6tNC!(o rr, 6lNC!(o (osN(\(o (oNNN(o (ooN@l..) (o(f)N@ro o)@N('(o rO F- (rlt(f),tr.-- \ tt (oF-oNr(tF-- \ lr -F.6\\ tt @N(oorro@-\ tt @Nrt@ICD(o- @- \iNorNIG'@- @- Nl'-o(o,F@- (0- rl -N@tr)ru)(o- (o- oF-@(a,t(o- @- l.- l.- ll,c!r(')(o- (0- (ol*(') -rC{(o- @- !.t-GlOr-(o- (o- lr (ol'-oo)rorr,- q tt Fl-g)cor@ro- rl,- rl o@@NIN1,r)- rar_ or@t\ror(l,rr)- u)_ tt @tf)(9$rG,rO'lO;J (olIrFO-lO,r,- , lr)- Vrr)O)N(o@lr)F(o c!ro(l,F(Ol\rO-(l, Ua EE$En I $EEeE;E dsrgEp*tr HoEa *.9E-i 3 s E ge u;8 E5.E ePfi: t'q t3.'o6l (r)d)o(\l (\I a,)ocl c)oN o(v,oN (r,Noal oNoN i\NoN (oNoN tO(\lot\l tNoN (toloal GI$lo(\l NoN oNoN o oN @ oN o(\I @ oc{ lO oGI I€ Y uJc u,:)of dUJ ==)o AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INF'ORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-17-10 IPUC Production Request Staff - 4 DATE PREPARED: l0l3ll20l7WITNESS: NiA RESPONDER: James Gall DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources TELEPHONE: (s09) 495-2189 REQUEST: Please provide and explain the major drivers that cause the first capacity deficit year to move from 2020 in Case No. AVU-E-I3-10 to 2026 inthis case. RESPONSE: The change from 2020 to 2026 is driven by two reasons; the first is a change in the peak load forecast. For example, in January 2026, the forecasted peak load is 1,865 MW in the AVU-E'13-10 case, while the current forecast for the same time period is 1,743 MW. The second major change is the extension/continuation of two contracts for power from Mid-C hydro projects, these include contracts with Douglas County PUD and Chelan County PUD. Without these contracts, the utility would be short in202l due to their previous expiration dates. t\;,g cf Aj r()t\) rnpe3rnr.o (3 r\}F$ 7.U (rx] cfj()z,