HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180705Public Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfo HTC E IV EI) BEFoRE rHE IDAHo PUBIIC UTIIITIES coflflFpStIPI{-S AH l0: 03 IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPI]CATION OE HYDRO ONE LIMITED AND AV]STA CORPORATION FOR APPROVAL OF MERGER AGREEMENT. Case Nos. AVU-E-17-09 AVU-G-17-05 order No. 34061 OMilGilINAL o VOLUME ] PUBLIC COMMENTS HEARING JuNE 12 , 2O:.,8 6:00 p.m. - 5:47 p.m. 412 East 3rd Street Moscow, Idaho REPORTED BY: LEIGH DELMOND, RPR, CCR, CSR NOTARY PUBIIC o Exccllcrtce in Court Repttrting Sincc 7970 Coeur d'Alene, ldaho Northern Offices 208.765.1700 1,800.879.1700 Spokane, Washington 509.455.4515 1.800.879.1700 www.mmcourt.com Boise, ldaho Southern Offices 208.345.96't1 1.800.234.9611 Court Reporting o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 d 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 71 18 79 20 2t 22 z3 24 25 APPEARANCES ]DAHO PUBLIC UTIL]TIES COMM]SSION PAUL KJELLANDER, Chairman KRISTINE RAPER, Commissioner ERIC ANDERSON, Commissioner MATTHEW EVANS, Publ-ic Information Officer Idaho Publ-lc Utilities Commission 4'72 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720Boise, Idaho 83702 208.334.0339 FOR ]DAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STAFE: KARL T. KLEIN, ESQ. DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTIL]TIES COMMISS]ON STAFF 412 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720Boise, Idaho 83102 208 .334 .0372o Page 2 6/72/2078 o www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 77 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 MOSCOW, IDAHO; TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2078 6:00 p.m. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is the time and place for a public hearing in Case No. AVU-E-11-09 and AVU-G-17-05, also known as, "fn the Matter of the Joint Application of Hydro One Limited and Avista Corporation for Approval of Merger Agreement. " As far as this evening goes, my name is Paul Kjellander and Irl-I be the chair of tonight's proceeding. Next to me is Eric Anderson and also next to me is Commissioner Kristine Raper. The three of us comprise the commission and we wil-l- ultimately make a final determination on this case once it's fulJ-y submitted and the record is fu11y developed. The purpose of tonight's hearing is singular, it's to take testimony from the public regarding this case. This is an opportunity for members of the public to get their statements entered into the record and ul-timately assist this commission in its del-iberati-on process. As background, a1l- of our decisions have to be based on a ful-ly developed record. That record then -- once an order is issued, can actually be appealed and appealed Page 3 6/72/2078 t www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing I o 1 2 3 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 1,4 15 76 17 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 ,tr directly to the state supreme court. So as further background, this commi-ssion simifar capacity to the distrlct court and we foflow district court rul-es and procedures. We are here this evening to heIp, again, ful1y-developed record. We're not here today statements made for the serves l-n a gene ra 1J- y create a judgment on cofliments or record. The commissioners pass of f icial- serve as judges and accordingly, do not answer questions rel-ated to the case other than questions regarding procedure. The commission will not begin to deliberate on the merits of this case until the official- record is closed. Additionally, the commission, like judges, only speak through its orders as it rel-ates to the final ruling on this matter. So let me reiterate: We serve as judges and like judges, we do not comment on the merits of the case while the docket is still open. Procedurally, this evening as we progress I'l-l- calf your name from the sign-up sheet. f've afready tried to pronounce some of the l-ast names. I'm going to miss a few and I apologize in advance, so please excuse me for that. I realize with a name like this I shoufd probably be better at pronounci-ng last names, but please excuse me in to Page 4 6/72/2078 I www. mmcourt . com Publ-ic Hearing t 1 a 3 4 q 6 1 B 9 advance. Once I call your name/ if you coul-d come up to the stand and Commissioner Raper will swear you in officially for the record. Then Lhe 1egaI counsel- for the attorney general's office, Karl K1ein, will just ask you a few general statements to get you offlcially in the record. Itrs typically your name, where youtre from, your address, he'l-l ask you to spe1l your name again for the court reporter, and then you'11 be all-owed to offer your statement to the commission. And al-so I want to remind everybody to please direct your cornments to the commission because wetre the ones that need to hear what you have to say. This isn't an opportunity to address the crowd, it's an opportunity to present testimony. Pl-ease remember that wetre trying to develop a record so, again, act similarly as if you were in a courtroom. We have had occasions in the past where we tried to stop peopfe from saying, "Al-.1- right. Everybody raise your hand if you don't like this." That's not what this meeti-ng is about. This meeting, again, is to try to develop a fully-developed record. We have a court reporter with us this evening named Leigh Del-mond. Again, her responsibil-ity i-s to get a fuII 10 o 11 l2 13 1,4 15 76 1,1 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 Page 5 6/72/2078 o 25 www. firmcourt . com Public Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 l4 15 76 71 18 19 20 2), 22 23 24 25 transcription because that, again, is to help determine the final- decision develop the ful-l record. the part that we use and it also helps us Is there anything else that I think we need to do? Yes, we need to take the appearances of the parti-es. I know that some of the parties to the case are not here this evening, but I do recognize a few. So why donrt we start first with Avista Corporatj-on. MR. EHRBAR: Sure. I'm Pat Ehrbar and I'm the director of regs for Avista Corporation and with me are several -- several- members of Avista. So if there's questions after, we're here and avail-abl-e. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: But there's no attorney, so theret s no cross-exami-nation? MR. EHRBAR: That's right. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: Okay. Thatrs good to know. Hydro One -- anyone representing Hydro One? MR. LEVITAN: Daniel- Levitan, I'm director of public rel-ations and public affairs for Hydro One. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: And you are al-so not an attorney so no cross-examination? MR. LEVITAN: Correct. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: Excel-l-ent. I'm just reminding me. Letrs move then to Idaho Forest Group. Anyone Page 6 6/72/2078 o www. nimcourt . com PubIic Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 l4 15 l6 71 1B 19 20 27 aaZZ 23 24 25 representing Idaho Forest Group? Nope. Clearwater Paper? Nope. Community Action Partnership? I don't see Brad Purdy. Idaho Conservation League? MR. OTTO: Yes, I'm Benjamin Otto from Idaho Conservation League. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: You are an attorney, but you don't intend to do any cross-examination tonight either, do you? MR. OTTO: No, of course not. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: Good answer. Very good answer. And Washington and Northern fdaho Distrj-ct Council- of Laborers ? No representatives from them. Is there any party to the case that I may have missed in terms of introductions? ff not, then I bel-ieve we are ready to cal-l- our first witness and that will- be Diane Baumgart. MS. RAPER: Pl-ease raise your right hand. DIANE BAUMGART, being first duly sworn to tel-l- the truth, the who1e truth, and nothing but the truth, testified as fol-fows: Page 1 6/12/2078 o www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 76 7'7 1B 19 20 27 22 z3 24 25 MS. BAUMGART: Yes, I do MS. RAPER: MR. KLEIN: attorney for the Thank you. Ms. Baumgart, hi commission and staff I'm Karl K1ein, the ask you a few introductory questions record. . I rm just going to to get you on the MS. BAUMGART: Okay. MR. KLEIN: One thing -- if anybody who is testifying will remember this, the court reporter is trying to take down everything you're saying. So if you can try to not tafk over other people and to keep your -- not tal-k at a real-Iy rapid pace, that would be great. Attorneys are the worst offenders. I usually te1I people that and then I go ahead and do it. But if you can keep that in mind, that would be great. So would you please state your name and speIl your l-ast name? MS. BAUMGART: t name fs MR spel 1ed, KLEIN: DDt And what's your address? MS. BAUMGART: 494 Ridge Road, Moscow, Idaho 83843 MR. KLEIN: Are you an Avista customer? MS. BAUMGART: Yes. MR. KLEIN: Go ahead and make your statement. My name is as in boy, Diane Baumgart. My last a-u-m-g-a-r-t. Page I 6/12/2018 o www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing t I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 76 71 1B 79 20 2t 22 23 24 25 MS. BAUMGART: Okay. I want to first state that I support the merger between Avista and Hydro One. I understand -- after reading multiple articLes -- the 1egal protections as wel-l- as the investments of the companies concerned in the proposed settfement agreement, and I believe that they're good for ldaho, they're good for ldaho ratepayers, and they're good for myself as a resident and as a smal-l business owner and a director of a nonprofit. In terms of util-ity bi11s and smal-l- businesses, those are monthly payments. They're factored in and we are always hoping that we can rely on that number and see minimum rate increases. The bottom Line is support in smafl- businesses, so I appreciate that the l-iability of the ldaho taxpayers has been considered in this settlement agreement and that the -- and that there's some -- Irm trying to rephrase here. That the cost of the settl-ement will- be shared to a large extent by the sharehol-ders of the company rather than being passed on to ratepayers. Thj-s settlement, I think, is a wi-n for Idaho and it l-ooks like it's a win for Idaho communities. If rates are -- for ratepayers and Idaho citizens are taken into account and if the expenses and liability of Page 9 6/72/2078 t www. mmcourt. com PubIic Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 7'7 18 19 ZU 27 22 23 24 25 the risky and expensive coal mine operation is taken on by the companies and the shareholders, that feaves Idaho ratepayers enough in a favorable position and I'd fike to see this settfement go forward. Thank you very much. MS. RAPER: Thank you. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: Thank you very much for your comments. Letts move now to Mary Dupree. MS. RAPER: PLease raise your right hand. MARY DUPREE, being fj-rst duly sworn to tel-l- the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, testified as fol-lows: MS. DUPREE: Yes. MS. RAPER: Thank you. MR. KLEIN: Good evening. Woul-d you please state your name and spel1 your last name? MS. DUPREE: My name is Mary Dupree. My l-ast name is spe1led, D-u-p-r-e-e. MR. KLEIN: And what is your address? MS. DUPREE: My address is 320 North Adams Street in Moscow, Idaho 83843. MR. KIEfN: Are you a customer of Avista? MS. DUPREE: I am. MR. KLEIN: Pl-ease go ahead. MS. DUPREE: Thank you. Page 10 6/t2/2078 t www. mmcourt. com PubIic Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 l2 13 t4 15 t6 71 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 I am happy to speak in support of the agreement -- merger agreement. There are three major j-ssues that I wanted to briefly address. The first is that the Colstrip mine is now a major emitter of CO2 throughout the country and I appreciate the plan for retiring the Colstrip component of Avista's power sources. Secondly, I appreciate that the agreement offers remediation to the community of Colstrip as it transitions into a new economy. And third, I hope that Hydro Oners extensive experience and expertise will fead to more alternative energy supports in the State of Idaho. Thank you. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: Thank you, Mary. We appreciate your testimony. Any questions from members of the commission? If not, thank you for your testimony. Let's move to Victoria Seeber. MS. RAPER: Pl-ease raise your right hand. VICTOR]A SEEBER, being first duly sworn to tel-l- the truth, the whol-e truth, and nothing but the truth, testified as follows: MS. SEEBER: Yes. MS. RAPER: Thank you. MR. KLEIN: Hi, can you pJ-ease state your name and Page 11 6/1,2/2078 o www. mmcourt. com Public Hearing o 1 ) 3 4 q 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 l4 15 t6 1,1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 spel-l- your last name? MS. SEEBER: Victoria Seeber, S-e-e-b-e-r. 121 North LiJ-Iy in Moscow, Idaho 83843. MR. KLEIN: Customer of Avista? MS. SEEBER: I'm a customer of Avista and a general member of the fdaho Conservation League as well. MR. KLEIN: Pl-ease go ahead. MS. SEEBER: Thank you for being here tonight. I appreciate it. I support the Avista and Hydro One merger agreement for Idaho and request that the commission approve the stipulation therein and all of the terms and conditions without materiaf change or condj-tj-on. The City of Moscow is actively engaged in sustainabfe practices and smart developments for conservation. A couple of examples incl-ude Moscowfs Ecoscriber [phonetic] programs, water conservation and partnership with the Pal-ouse Basin Aquifer Committee, and tal-ks about developing infrastructure in areas with growth activity and urban sprawl -- and urban sprawl. Additional-Iy, proactive responses to potential cl-lmate change impact real-izes many of those same pragmatic strategies. So whether for social--economic reasons or for environmental- stewardship, reducing carbon emissj-ons and o o Page 12 6/72/2078www. mmcourt. com Public Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 q 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 t6 t1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 new options for cfean, efficient, and nontoxic energy is sound action. Sol-ar and wind energies are also cl-ean and renewabl-e energies. Moscow is highly-aware and forward-thinkj-ng, and I real-ize that Avista needs reliable energy resources. Avista al-so contributes to community programs and provides education for a wide use of those resources. In that vein, we urge Avista to cut investments from the coal-fired plant -- power plant in Colstrip, Montana. The sooner the better. Coal- is a dirty and destructive energy. ft's a terrj-ble greenhouse gas emitter and groundwater pollutant. Its day as an energy source is done and alternative new energy sources are present and exponentially growing in service, technology, and increasing power storage. Of crucial importance is the merger agreement provision for a transition fund for the Colstrip community and for energy efficient and transportation efforts in that region. We do not want to pull the rug out -- the financial- rug out from under these people without also providing a soft place to land, which wil-l- create better l-j-ving and viable working conditions for them to fl-ourish. Accel-erating depreciation of Avista's interest in Colstrip shouLd also provide stable customer rates and Page 13 6/12/2018 o www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 1.2 13 !4 15 16 71 18 19 20 2t 22 z3 24 25 avoid the possibiJ-i-ty of having to pick up costs from Puget Sound Energy earl-ier than Colstrip. A11 in all, the joint application of Hydro One Limited and Avista Corporation for approval- of a merger agreement is a mul-tifaceted opportunity to further secure an energy portfolio and address the vj-tal environmental, economj-c, and social- factors that will- help lead us into a more sustainabl-e, healthy, and protective future that this worl-d needs and deserves. Thank you. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: Thank you. Jennifer Wisniewski. MS. RAPER: And raise your right hand. JENNIFER W]SN]EWSKI, being first duly sworn to tel1 the truth, the whol-e truth, and nothing but the truth, testif ied as fol-l-ows: MS. WISNIEWSKI: I do. MS. RAPER: Thank you. MR. KLEIN: Hi, would you please state your name and spe1I the l-ast name? MS. WISNIEWSKI: My name is Jennifer Wisniewski. My fast name is spelled, Id-i-s-n-i-e-w-s-k-i. MR. KLEIN: And what.'s your address? MS. WISNIEWSKf : '727 Brent Dri-ve, Moscow, Idaho 83843. MR. KLEIN: Are you an Avista customer? I Page 74 6/12/20:-8 t www. mmcourt . com Public Hearlng o 1 2 3 4 q 6 '7 8 9 10 11 72 13 t4 IL 76 l1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 And in MS. WISNIEWSKI: Yes, sir. MR. KLEIN: Please go ahead. MS. WISNIEWSKI: Okay. I might be a minority here. I object to the acquisition of Avista by Hydro One. My one -- number one concern about the acquisition is that why as we -- as the United States want to have a foreign government in charge of our el-ectric -- our power supply. Hydro One is owned 70 percent by Ontario's government. My second concern is the rates of Hydro One. Now, here j-n the Northwest, our l-owest cost el-ectricity -- Avista Corporation's l-owest cost of e.l-ectricity tn 20!7owas just under -- it was Now, in 2015, Hydro in North America at .299 then .0897 kilowatt hours. One had the hrghest cents per kilowatt in 2018, i-t went up to 52 cents tn 2079, it went. up to 6l .614 per kilowatt cents. And Canadian electricity hour. And hour. that's Ontario I s Canadian currency. electricity price Green Act -- Green Energy Act rn showed that the el-ectric rate -- the have gone up by then and a l-ot of the up because of green energy faws. Twenty-seven percent of billing explosion began with its 2009. That's where it e.l-ectricity rates Hydro One costs go is el-ectricity used o Page 15 6/12/2078www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 C. 6 7 a 9 10 11 l2 13 74 15 16 71 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 and 73 percent of the biJ-I goes towards green mandates, globa1 adjustments, and delivery fees. I'm sorry. Irm just kind of nervous. So we're l-ooking at the posslbility of customer rates increasing drasticalJ-y compared to what we are paying now compared to what Hydro One customers are paying. I al-so found out that due to these high increases that a l-ot of people have had to have -- because they coufd not pay their bilIs, a Iot of people have had their electricity disconnected. I should have been a l-ittle bit better prepared for this, I tm sorry. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: You're fine. You're fine. MS. WISNIEWSKI: I think Irl-l- end with that then. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: If you'd l-ike to -- the deadfine for public comment is on June 27th so if you l-eave here tonight and remember some things you wanted to cover, please feel free to go to our website and submit addi-tional comments. MS. WISNIEWSKI: Okay. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: And I rea]ize this can be intimidating and we certainly appreciate you coming out this evening. Thank you. John Wisniewski? MS. RAPER: Pl-ease raise your right hand. o Page 76 6/72/2078www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 tr 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 t6 71 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 JOHN WISNIEWSKI, being first duly sworn to tefl the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, testified as fol-l-ows: MR. WISNIEWSKI: Yes. MS. RAPER: Thank you. MR. KLEIN: Please state your name and spell your last name. MR. WISNIEWSKI: John Wisniewski, W-i-s-n-i-e-w-s- k-i- . MR. KLEIN: And what's your address? MR. V{ISNIEWSKI: 127 Brent Drive in Moscow, Idaho. MR. KLEIN: Are you an Avista customer? MR. W]SNIEWSKI: Yes. MR. KLEIN: Pl-ease go ahead. MR. WISNIEWSKI: I just want to reiterate one of the things that was said by the person here prior to me, and that has to do with a foreign government being in control of the infrastructure of our electricaf system. The United States government and the Canadian government a ]ot of times have different interests. And particularly right now with the Canadian government being heavily invol-ved in the Paris Accord and Agenda 21 with the United Nations where we are not so invofved -- particularly with the Paris Accord -- I think that the potential- for the Canadian government to misuse o Page 11 6/72/2078www. flrmcourt . com PubIic Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 t6 71 18 79 20 21. ZZ 23 24 25 the system, whether it be by raising rates or perhaps if things -- maybe rel-ations between the two countries got worse, they'd use it as a leverage. A l-everage is a bad idea, so that's basically what I have to say. I'm against it. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: Thank you for your comments. Gresham -- and your last name is going to be a struggle for me. MR. BOUMA: Bouma. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: Bouma? MR. BOUMA: Or Bouma or Bouma. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: Thank you. MS. RAPER: Pl-ease raise your right hand. GRESHAM BOUMA, being first duly sworn to tel-l the truth, the who1e truth, and nothing but the truth, testified as fol-l-ows: MR. BOUMA: f do. MS. RAPER: Thank you. MR. KLEIN: Hi, would you state your name and spelI your last name? MR. Gresham, MR. MR. MR. BOUMA: Oregon, KLEIN: BOUMA: KLEIN: Gresham Bouma. Gresham is just like and Bouma is, B-o-u-m-a. And what's your address? P.O. Box 95, Princeton, Idaho 83857. Are you a customer of Avista? Page 18 6/72/2018 a www. nimcourt . com Public Hearing o t 1 2 3 4 c. 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 16 t1 18 19 20 2t 22 )a 24 otr MR. BOUMA: f am not, I am my own power company. I'm off-grid. MR. KIEIN: Okay. Go ahead. MR. BOUMA: But however, f -- you know, as a matter in the course of business, f use Avista power on a daily basis. And society-wj-de, we al] have very much an interest in the public utility grid and that's my concern. I have great concern -- I bel-ieve our utility grid is a national security interest and I bel-ieve that there's a l-ot of work to do as far as grid protection, grid security, and grid hardening. Itrs a lot of stuff f don't know about, but it has been, I think, largely neglected. And I befieve that the better accountability we have and the more loca.L accountability we have, the greater abil-ity we have to impact that area of concern for security. To me, that's a huge i-ssue. Also an issue is the fact that the -- a lot of our power comes from hydro and that real-Iy belongs to al-l- of us. It belongs to the public and f rea11y befieve that the more focalized the controf and the more focaf the accountability we have in terms of management, the better off we all are. And I guess those are my biggest concerns: Locaf Page 79 6/72/2078 I www. fiImcourt . com Public Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 q 6 '7 o 9 10 11 l2 13 t4 15 16 71 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 control-, clear accountability, and retaining the public's j-nterest in the resources and the benefits they provide. I also -- f al-so bel-ieve that, you know, water is by far our cheapest, cleanest power and we have to be carefu1 about pursuing al-ternatives that -- whil-e they make sense for me because I tm my own -- you know, I have a reason to use sofar but it's l-ocalized and it's economic for me because of the detail-s. I don't bel-ieve we should pursue afternatives at al-l- costs to the ratepayers, I think we have to be carefuf about control-l-ing costs for the ratepayers as wel-l-. f befieve hydro is our best avenue for doing that and we need to protect that resource. Thank you. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: Thank you. Pat Rathmann? MS. RATHMANN: That's me, and you said it perfectly. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: I got that one, huh? MS. RATHMANN: Very good. MS. RAPER: Please raise your right hand. PAT RATHMANN, bej-ng first duly sworn to teII the truth, the whol-e truth, and nothing but the truth, testif ied as fo.l-l-ows: MS. RATHMANN: I swear. Yes, absolutely. MS. RAPER: It just needs to be on the record. Thank you. o Page 20 6/72/2078www. nimcourt . com PubIic Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 oo 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 t6 1,1 1B 79 20 2t 22 Z3 24 25 MR. KLEIN: Pl-ease state your name and spell your l-ast name. MS. RATHMANN: Itrs Pat -- Patricia -- Rathmann, R-a-t-h-m-a-n-n. MR. KIEIN: And your address? MS. RATHMANN: 219 North Lieuaffen in Moscow, Idaho. MR. KLEIN: Are you an Avista customer? MS. RATHMANN: Yes, I'm an Avista customer. MR. KLEIN: Go ahead. MS. RATHMANN: f'm speaking in favor of the merger and the aspect that I am most favorably disposed towards is the cl-osure of the Colstrip mine. And in addition to the closure, I am so pleased that they have plans to heJ-p the individual-s who wil-l- l-ose their jobs as a resul-t of the mine closing. EinaIIy, I am very concerned about the hea1th effects of burning coal and that would be eased by the mine cl-osure. Over 25,000 lives in the United States are fost each year due to the effects of burning coa1. Thank you for this opportunity to share my thoughts. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: Thank you. Kathie LaFortune? MS. LAFORTUNE: LaFortune. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: LaEortune, thank you. MS. RAPER: Pl-ease raise your right hand. Page 2l 6/72/2078 o www. nimcourt . com Publ-ic Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 R 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 76 l1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 )r^ KATHIE LAFORTUNE, being first duly sworn to teLl the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, testified as foll-ows: MS. LAEORTUNE: ] do. MS. RAPER: Thank you. MR. KLEIN: Hi, please state your name and spe11 your last name. MS. LAFORTUNE: Kathie, with an "i-e," LaFortune, L-d, capital, E-o-r-t-u-n-e. MR. KLEIN: And your address? MS. LAEORTUNE: P.O. Box 66 -- MR. KLEIN: Are you a customer -- MS. LAEORTUNE: -- in Voila, Idaho 83812. MR. KLEIN: Are you a customer of Avista? MS. LAEORTUNE: No, Clearwater Power. MR. KLEIN: Go ahead. MS. LAEORTUNE: frm standing up here in support of the merger between Hydro One and Avista for three different reasons. I shoul-d also say I'm running for Latah County Commissioner, so I speak for a lot of the famil-ies that I interacted with over the last slx months during my candidacy. The first thing that I reaIIy like about the Avista keep locaf controf, we do getmerger is that we do get to Page 22 6/72/2078 o www. mmcourt. com Publ-ic Hearing o 1 2 )J 4 5 6 1 8 9 to keep PauI Kimme11, and we get to keep our l-ocal representatives through Avista, who I think have been very infl-uential- and beneficial to this town. The other thing that f'm very much in favor of is the 5.3 million that goes into heJ-ping Idaho homes become more energy efficient, which helps to offset energy costs. fn my rol-e as a pediatric therapist, I see a lot of families that are struggling and utilities are a huge portion of that. I see them trying very, very hard to rent -- to heat a ti-n can and it's dif f icul-t without proper insul-ation. f al-so like the fact that there's protection for rate increases because I do know that -- that Hydro One does have higher power costs than we do here with renewables, but I like the fact that thatrs built into the agreement, that there wil-l be rate credits that protect against those high costs. And that's al-l- I have to say. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: Thank you and thank you for your testimony this evening. Alan Poplawsky? MR. POPLAWSKY: That was good. MS. RAPER: And please raise your right hand. ALAN POPLAWSKY, being first duly sworn to tel,l the truth, the whole truth, and 10 t 11 t2 13 t4 15 t6 71 1B 19 20 2l 22 Z5 24 o Page 23 6/12/2018 25 www. mmcourt. com Public Hearing t t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 t2 13 l4 15 t6 l'7 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 nothing but the truth, testif ied as fol-l-ows: MR. POPLAWSKY: I do. MR. KLEIN: Woufd you please state and spe1I your name -- l-ast name? MR. POPLA!{SKY: Al-an Poplawsky, P-o-p-1-a-w-s-k-y. MR. KLEIN: And what's your address? MR. POPLAViSKY: 2108 Vandal- Drive in Moscow, Idaho. MR. KLEIN: Are you an Avista customer? MR. POPLAWSKY: Yes, I am. MR. KLEIN: Pl-ease go ahead. MR. POPLAWSKY: So f afso am speaking in favor and in support of the Avista and Hydro One merger. My perspective is mainly in terms of climate change. Cl-imate change is probably the most serious problem that humanity faces right now. Currently, our power generation with fossil fuels and our transportation sector with fossil fuel-s are the two biggest human contributors to carbon pollution and climate change and those are the two things we reaIly need to address and sol-ve. Scientists tefl- us we need to be off carbon by 2035 -- that's in 17 years -- to avoid the worst cl-imate change scenarios. So we have to convert our power generation from fossil- fuels to cl-ean, sustainabfe non-carbon based fuels Page 24 6/1.2/2078 I www. mmcourt . com Publ-ic Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 ( 6 1 o 9 10 11 1.2 13 74 15 t6 77 18 t9 20 27 22 23 24 25 while at the same time electrifying our transportation sectors. So as our power generation gets cleaner, our transportation sector wil-l- al-so get cl-eaner. The fol-l-owing elements of the merger agreement are going to contrj-bute to the cleanup of our power generation, in my opinion. Fj-rst of all-, the depreciation of and hopefully the closi-ng of the Colstrip plant, known as the dirti-est coal- plant in the West, by 2021, will be a big improvement. I bel-ieve it was previously thought to contj-nue until 2040. Using the planning process for util-ity-integrated resource plans to devel-op c1ean, sustainable energy sources to replace fossil- fuel power generation is also an ef ement of the pJ-an that I support. And thirdly, investing millions of dollars over ten years into new energy conservation programs also contributes to our reduction of carbon pollution. As f understand it, aJ-1 of this wil-I be done with no increase in rates, whi-ch is, of course, exceflent. I urge the public utility commi-ssj-on to accept this proposal for those reasons. However, I just want to make an additional- comment. I've tal-ked about cleaning up our power generation, but we aLso need to speed the electrification of our transportation sector and Avista has done a good job Page 25 6/72/2018 o www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 q 6 1 9 10 11 t2 13 1,4 15 76 1'7 18 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 starting with this in Eastern Washington. f know they have insta11ed four or five of these DC fast-charging stations in Eastern Washington, but to my knowledge nothing l-ike this has been done in Northern Idaho. I actuall-y have electric cars and I know fots of people who do have el-ectric cars. So even from a personal standpoint, Ifd like to see these DC fast-charging stations in Northern Idaho. I know the VW settl-ement funds are going to be used to start with the el-ectrification and DC fast-charging stations in Idaho and there's a plan to get to Northern Idaho, but right now the money is just there for Southern Idaho. So I encourage the PUC to conslder this and work towards efectrification i-n Northern Idaho also. Thank you. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: Thank you for your comments. Al-an Hodgdon? MS. RAPER: And please raise your right hand. ALAN HODGDON, being first duly sworn to tell- the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, testified as foll-ows: MR. HODGDON: Yes. MS. RAPER: Thank you. Page 26 6/72/2078 o www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing o o 1 aZ 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 t1 1B t9 20 27 22 Z5 24 25 MR. KLEIN: Please state your name and spefl- your l-ast name. MR. HODGDON: My name j,s Alan Hodgdon, H-o-d-g-d-o-n. MR. KLEIN: What's your address? MR. HODGDON: I l-ive in Pull-man. 605 NW Gary Street, Pullman, Washington. MR. KLEIN: And are you an Avista customer? MR. HODGDON: Yes. MR. KLEIN: Go ahead. MR. HODGDON: Okay. I just want to make four really quick points. I'm in favor of the agreement and what I Iike about it, is it emphasizes renewable energy sources and it gives heating assistance to poor people. The Washington agreement does that too, which is really important, I think. And it also subsidizes house insulation, which is a very good -- it should be a very good method of enhanci-ng energy use reduction. And the final- one I wanted to say was that f'm very much in favor of a faster depreciation of the Colstrip mi-ne . Thank you. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: Thank you. And next is Daniel- Fisher. MS. RAPER: Pl-ease raise your right hand. DANIEL EISHER, Page 21 6/72/2018 o www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing t o 1 a 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 l6 71 1B 19 20 2t aa Z5 24 25 being first duly sworn to tel-l- the truth, the who1e truth, and nothing but the truth, testified as fol-Iows: MR. FISHER: Yes, I do. MS. RAPER: Thank you. MR. KLEIN: Pl-ease state your name and spe11 your Iast name. MR. EISHER: Daniel- Fisher, and j-t's normal- spelling just like most fishermen, E-i-s-h-e-r. I do five in Moscow, 1004 Bonnj-e Court, and f am an Avj-sta customer resj-dentially and commercialJ-y. MR. KLEIN: Go ahead. MR. FISHER: f have a business in town, a manufacturing business. I'm a mechanical engineer and I have a small- manufacturing business that uses Avista, Three Eigs Power. I don't consume a l-ot of it, but I do oppose the merger based on a l-ot of the reasons that people have said both for and against. But I think the primary reason we have to fook at opposing this is what several- have a1ready said, it is a foreign-entity-owned company trying to acquire a national- asset, a part of our grid and of the gas system as wel-l-. The -- as it's al-ready been stated, f believe 70 percent of the company is owned by the Province of Ontario. Page 28 6/72/2078 o www. mmcourt. com Publ-ic Hearing I 1 2 3 4 q 6 1 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 t6 71 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 )r- Does anybody want to oblect to that? Is that true or is that false? CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: If you coul-d speak to us and not to them. MR. FISHER: Okay. I know there were some representatives here from both companies, but I think thatrs al-ready been stipulated. That means they've got a majorj-ty control- of this company and I see all those other reasons as being negative. And the rates w111 go up. There's no doubt about that because Hydro One is very heavily j-n debt and they need to spread out that debt. This is one of the ways they're going to do it, is to get us to buy some of that debt that they have. They have almost as much debt as they have assets, big business. Now, I operate a business and that's very -- I know in modern problems that's not that bad but thatrs a bad place to come from though, to have as much debt as you have assets in your business. So they want to spread it to us in Washington and Idaho and Montana and parts of Oregon and this is one of the ways they're going to do it and theyrll have ful-l- contro1 of our grid and gas at the same time. But reaIly, the primary reason I object to it is the t Page 29 6/12/2078 o www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing o 1 2 3 4 tr 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 t6 l1 1B 79 20 2! 22 23 24 25 conffict of interests. There is the Province of Ontario dictating to Hydro One, which wil-l- then eventually be dictated to Avista if they purchase Avista, as to how they're to operate. They're setting various standards for that company -- according to what other people have said -- from the Paris Accord and other conventi-ons j-nternationally and they're going to be forcing them to spend money and do things that aren't necessariJ-y economical- because of the fact that it's a legislated event, all right, which means we're going to have to bear that cost in the end. Having a government dictate to a company what they shoul-d do when they turn around and benefit from that and they make a profj-t from it -- that is, they get 70 percent of the profi-ts from Hydro One so they can tel-l them exactly what to do to be able to make more money, right? To me, that's a conflict of interests and that's my primary objection to this merger and I think you should all oppose it. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: Thank you for your comments this evening. We have -- we've exhausted this l-ist. Do we have another l-ist or is there someone el-se who wants to testify? If you want -- and I just wanted to let you know that o Page 30 6/72/20L8 o www. mmcourt . com Publ-ic Hearing a o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 t6 71 18 79 20 21. 22 23 24 25 if there are others who want to testify that didn't sign up, we'l-f -- there wrl-l- be plenty of opportunitles for you to do so. Pl-ease come MS. RAPER: forward, sir. Pl-ease raise your right hand. TIM HATTEN, being first duly sworn to telI the truth, the whol-e truth, and nothing but the truth, testified as follows: MR. HATTEN: I do. MS. RAPER: Thank you. MR. KLEIN: Hi, would you please state your name and spe11 your last name? MR. HATTEN: Tim Hatten, H-a-t-t-e-n. MR. KLEIN: And your address? MR. HATTEN: 1119 Lynandra Dri-ve. And thatrs, L-y-n-a-n-d-r-a . MR. KLEIN: Thank you. And then are you an Avista customer? MR. HATTEN: Yes, I am. MR. KLEIN: Go ahead. MR. HATTEN: Okay. So I just wanted to say that I support this merger agreement between Avista, Hydro One, Idaho Conservation League, and the other parties in the agreement. I support it because, first of al-l-, I think the Page 31 6/72/2078 o www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 a 9 10 11 t2 13 1,4 15 t6 7'7 18 t9 20 27 22 23 24 25 agreement reached to depreciate Col-strip by 202'7, which advances the depreciation by about ten years, is a very good thing. We heard some other individual-s tal-k about the importance of climate change and how thatrs -- j-t's a very large -- i-t's one of the biggest j-ssues we're facing today on this planet. And Cofstrip is a bad one, it's the fifth biggest emitter of CO2 in the United States and it's the first biggest emitter of CO2 in the Western United States so it's a major contributor. That's equivalent to 3 mil-l-ion cars a year in CO2 exhaust so, again, that depreciation i.s a very good thing. I al-so appreciate the fact that there is several mil-l-ion dol-l-ars of assi-stance funds to Colstrip's residents to transi-tion to other -- to a new l-ife after Colstrip and working at the p1ant. I also appreciate the fact that sharehol-der contributions are groing to go into our community for upgrades to homes for energy efficiency and conservation, Idaho schoofs' conservation and food assistance, rate -- and rate credits to protect us against rate increases. So theoretically, or rates shoul-d not go up as a resul-t of this merger agreement. I'd also just like to echo the sentiment of a o Page 32 6/72/2078www. mmcourt . com Publ-ic Hearing o t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 16 7'1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 previous speaker that I'd sure like to see more -- I'd l-ike to see us doing more to el-ectrify the transportation corridor in Northern Idaho. It's going on just literalIy across the county lines and state lines there in our adjacent county with DC charging stations and it woul-d be sure nice to see those come in here. Ird like to see more support for solar, both for resi-dential and for business purposes. It's always great to see that. And with that, I'l-1 close. I'11 just say again I support the merger agreement. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: Thank you for your comments. MR. HATTEN: Thank you. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: And is there anyone efse who woul-d l-ike to testify thls evening? MS. RAPER: Please raise your right hand. MADELE]NE CURTRIGHT, being first duly sworn to tel1 the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, testified as foll-ows: MS. CURTRIGHT: YeS. MR. KLEIN: Can you state your name and spell your l-ast name? MS. CURTRIGHT: My name is Madeleine Curtright, M-a-d-e-l- -e-i -n-e, C-u-r-t- r-i-g-h-t . Page 33 6/12/2078 a www. flimcourt . com Publ-ic Hearing t I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 R 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 76 l1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 MR. KLEIN: And whatrs your address? MS. CURTRIGHT: 407 College Avenue, Apartment D, Moscow. MR. KLEIN: Are you an Avista customer? MS. CURTRIGHT: Yes. MR. KLEIN: Pl-ease go ahead. MS. CURTRIGHT: I'm here today to speak in favor of the merger between Avista and Hydro one. I am a student at the university and as a young person, cl-imate change is a very big concern of mine. To know that this merger wil-l provide for a way to increase renewable energy productj-on in Idaho is a great comfort. To know that me and my descendenLs wil-l be in some way protected from the effects of cfimate change, which wifl most definitj-ve1y negatj-ve1y impact my 1ife, if it hasn't already, is a relief. So that i-s the main reason why I'm i-n favor of the merger and that's really all I have to say. Thank you. CHAIRMAN KJELLANDER: Thank you and thank you for your comments. And, sir, I think you were next. MS. RAPER: Pl-ease raise your right hand. DAVID HALL, being first duly sworn to tel-l the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, testified as follows: Page 34 6/12/2078 I www. mmcourt . com Publ-ic Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 76 71 1B 79 20 2t 22 Z3 24 ?( MR. HALL: I do. MS. RAPER: Thank you. MR. KLEIN: Hi, please state your name and spelf your Last name. MR. HALL : David Ha11, H-a-l--l- . MR. KLEIN: And what's your address? MR. HALL: The closest one ls 1334 Wall-en Road in Moscow, but I afso have property outsi-de of Sandpoint and that property is an Avista property out there. MR. KLEIN: Is this an Avista property here too? MR. HALL: No, I'm in the county here so I'm on Cl-earwater Power at my primary residence. MR. KLEIN: Go ahead. MR. HALL: From what I read of the settl-ement agreement or the -- I forget what it's cal-l-ed. I approve of getting rid of the coal connection as quickly as possible, and I l-ike what I read about the environmental- work and what's been set up with the Idaho Conservation League and the others working on that. So frm in agreement with what I've read and what f understand. Thank you. CHATRMAN KJELLANDER: Thank you. fs there anyone efse who'd l-ike to testify this evening? We are at the point in the evening where I get to say Page 35 6/12/2018 o www. flrmcourt . com Pubfic Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 a Y 10 11 72 13 t4 15 t6 l7 18 19 ZU 27 22 23 24 25 thank you to everyone for coming out this evening. I real-ize that there are a thousand other t.hings that might be more enjoyable than a public hearj-ng, but we certainly do appreciate your wilIi-ngness to come out and share your thoughts and ideas in regards to this case. Procedurally, we wil-1 have two more public hearings, one tomorrow night in Sandpoint and the third and finaf public hearing will- be in Coeur d'Al-ene on -- what is today? Monday -- Wednesday evening. The days run together when you're having fun. And with that -- I also wanted to l-et you know that the publi-c coniment period wil-l- end on June 2'7Lh. So if there is some other thoughts or ideas you'd like to share with the commission, we have a few more weeks for you to get those into the record and we certainly encourage you to do that. So with that then, again, thank you for coming out this evening, we appreciate your participation, and we are adj ourned. (Proceedings concl-uded at 6:47 p.m.) Page 36 6/12/2078 o www. mmcourt . com Publ-ic Hearing o i tl Ri;iF,()tt'l'[iR',s c"i]R i i II.lAri- l, .ls,.lh l,t.:lmilrril/ (.lct:t rlie.i :-ihor-'f hliti ilei,..-rLIr.r-, rjt'r ie I'r--'Ct Jea ,.-i t'-': i'i',.-r: i['re !iCIeqt-rIttul pf\'r\:rre\lirrq'' \var--a t;1;(eii'cai..i.'nle :i,. '.ito i::l(, .rit.l pll.'r-. llrr.:rer-rt S€l- fi:t-Llr, :.tt i'iri.'it Iilt.. .]n\.' * i i.ttitsS.:s rr,dic? !ris,:ed Ltr),.1er,.lLrt-_h,' .l:.r:. lh.r r.isf irn,rni .ri...tl it.l i ..-hi:,:.': j..itj tr.j.1r. 1*c'1.. reaa)r.'.:ie(i :ttett.).lr.rprhir:alIrr bir p'.-1 a.lni-l r{eIit ti'..it-'r..,tii-et ;l'.ll-r:ii-r'i.1,e,1 i\\i iiicr,) | iiili*t' Iflv,li rer:li L,:rt,' I'h.ll f lle f ..)r-e(J\ri.ng 1s .f f.f tle :)t.t.t .'irt l...rr'1. I.'r'rrr..l ,rl rli\:Jn,. lrr l[lr: ['rrr::;f ,rf In!,]irr. I it r ; l" tl II -i,lP:r1- lf1.r;11' fi..r!!lial I ttrt iirri r .-\r tir\ ..i i ir,, tr..rr i i..:r, ti:., t.'i i..it. ir, ::.,,.1i i'r1-:,1.i1..,'l' 1? llr i ,.) L) 'l relative or employee of any dtLL)rney n()r am I f inancial.Iy inIerested in June 2f , 2018. €/- o t' li l{ i.IN t^iI'1'NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunfo ser. m\.'hand an(J (- Lil IGH D, RPR, ID CSR 1090 NoEary Publ j-c Bf6 Sherman Avenue, Suite I L'oeur d'Alene, ID 81814 My Corunission Elxpires AugusL S, 2019 o 't. Page 31 -r:__ a-u-m-g-a-r-t 8:20 ability 19:15 37:11 able 30:16 absolutely 20:23 Accelerating 13:24 accept 25:20 Accord L7:22,24 3O:7 account 9:25 accountability 19:14 19:15,23 20:1 acquire 28:21 acquisition 15:5,6 act 5: 17 L5'.2L,2t action 7:5 l3:2 37:14 actively 12: 14 activity 12: 19 Adams 10:20 addition 21:13 additional 16;t9 25:22 Additionally 4:14 72:21 address 5:9,15 8:21 10:19,20 11:3 14:6 L4:22 17:10 18:23 2L:5 22:lO 24'.6,2O 27:4 3l:14 34:1 35:6 adjacent 33:5 adjourned 36:19 adjustments 16:2 advance 4'.23 5'.1 advances 32:2 affairs 6:19 Agenda 17:23 agreement 1:5 3:10 9:6,L7 LL'.|,2,8 12:10 13:16 14:5 23:t5 25:4 27:L2,14 3l:23,24 32:L,24 33:12 35:15,20 ahead 8:15,25 10:24l2:7 l5:2 L7:L4 19:3 2l:9 22:16 24:lO 27:9 28:11 31 :20 34:6 35:13 Alan23;21,24 24:5 26:19,21 27:3 allowed 5:10 alternative 11: 12 13: 13 alternatives 20;5,9 America 15: 16 Anderson 2:5 3:13 answer 4:lO 7:L4,t4 anybodyS:8 29:1 Apartment 34:2 apologize 4:23 appealed 3:25,25 appearances 6:5 application 1:4 3:8 L4:3 appreciate9:16 11:5,8ll:L4 l2:9 16:22 32:14,L8 36:4,18 approval 1:5 3:9 14:4 approve 12:11 35:16 Aquifer 12:18 area 19: 16 areas 12:19 articles 9:4 aspect 21:1 1 asset 28: 22 assets 29:16,20 assist 3:21 assistance 27:14 32"15,2L attorney2:11 5:5 6:13 6:2L 7:lO B:4 37:t2 Attorneys 8: 14 August 37:23 available 6: 12 avenue 20:12 34:2 37:21 Avista 1:5 3:9 6:8,10 6:11 B:23 9:3 lO:22 l2:4,5,10 13:5,6,8 L4:4,25 15:5,13 t7'.12 L8:25 t9:5 21:7,8 22:14,18,24 23:2 24:8,12 25:25 27;7 28:9,L4 30:3,3 3t:17,23 34:4,8 35:9 35:10 Avista's lL:6 t3:24 avoid 14: I 24'.22 AVU-E-17-O9 t:4 3:7 AVU-G-17-OS L:4 3:7 A B B B:20 B-o-u-m-a 18:22 background 3:23 4:2 bad 18:4 29:18,19 32:B based 3:23 24:25 28:17 basically 18:4 Basin 12:18 basis 19:6 Baumgart 7:21,23 8:l 8:3,7,19,19,22,24 9:1 bear 30: 1 1 began 15:20 believe 7'.2O 9:7 l9:B r9..9, L3,2L 20'.3,9,t2 25:10 28:23 belongs 19:19,21 beneficia! 23:3 benefit 30: 13 benefits 20:2 Benjamin 7:B best 20: 12 37 :ll better 4:25 13:10,22L6:lt 19:14,23 big 25:9 29:17 34:lO biggest L9:25 24:lB 32:6,8, 10 bill 16:1 billing 15:25 bills 9:11 16:9 bit 16:11 Boise 2:7,13 Bonnie 28:9 bottom 9:15 Bouma 18:9,9,10,11,11l9ill ,t4,L7 ,2L ,21 ,22 t8:24 l9:1,4 Box2'.7,13 lB:24 22:lL boy 8:20 BradT:6 Brent 14:23 17:11 briefly 11:3 built 23 : 15 burning 2L:17,19 www.mmcourt.com Public Hearing 6ltzl2o7B business 9:9 19:5 2B:L2,13,14 29:.17,17 29:20 33:9 businesses 9:11,15 buy 29:14 25:B 27:20 32'.1,8,17 Colstrip's 32 : 15 come 5:2 29:19 3L:4 33:7 36:4 comes 19:19 comfoft 34:12 coming L6:22 36:1,17 comment 4:18 16:16 25:22 36:L2 comments l:lO 4:7 5:13 10:7 16:19 18:6 26:18 30:20 33:13 34:20 commercially 28:10 commission L:l 2:3,6 2:L0,L2 3:L5,22 4:2 4'.t2,14 5:11,13 B:4 11:16 12:Ll 25:20 36:t4 37:23 Commissioner 2'.4,5 3:14 5:3 22:2L commissioners 4:9 Committee 12:18 communities 9:23 community 7:5 11:9 13:6,17 32:t9 companies 9:6 10:2 29:6 company 9:20 19:1 28:2t,24 29:9 30:5 30:12 compared 16:5,6 component 11:6 comprise 3 : 15 concern 15:6, 1 1 l9l.7 ,819:16 34:10 concerned 9:6 2L:L6 concerns 19:25 concluded 36:20 condition 12:13 conditions 12:12 13:23 conflict 30:.L,t7 connection 35:16 conservation 7:7 ,9t2"6,15,17 25:16 3l:23 32:20,2t 35: 19 consider 26:15 considered 9:17 consume 28:16 contanue 25:10 contribute 25:5 contributes t3:6 25:t7 contributions 32: 19 contributor 32: 1 1 contributors 24: 18 control 17:17 t9:22 2O:l 22:25 29:8,24 controlling 20: 1 1 conventions 30:7 converl24i24 Corporation 1:5 3:9 6:8,lO 14:4 Corporation's 15 : 13 correct 6'.22 37:lO corridor 33:3 cost 9: 19 15:12,13 30:11 costs 14:1 15:23 2O:LO 20:11 23:6,14,t7 Council 7:15 counsel 5:5 countries 1B:2 country 11:5 county 22:20 33:4,5 35: 11 couple 12: 16 course 7:13 19:5 25:19 court 4:L,3,4 5:10,24 8:9 28:9 couftroom 5:18 cover 16:18 create 4:5 13:22 credits 23'.16 32:22 cross-exami nation 6:14,21 7:Lt crowd 5 : 15 crucial 13:16 CSRL:22 37:20 currency 15:19 Currently 24:16 Curtright 33:18,21,24 33:24 34:2,5,7 customer 8:23 lO:22 l2'.4,5 t3:25 L4:25 L6'.4 t7:12 lB:25 2t'.7,8 22:12,14 24:8 27:7 28:9 31:18 34:4 customers 16:6 cut 13:8 D c C 2:t C-u-r-t-r-i-g-h-t 33 : 25 call 4:20 5:2 7:20 called 35: 15 Canadian 15 : 19, 19 17:19,21,25 candidacy 22:23 capacity 4:3 capital 22:9 carbon 12:25 24:18,2L 25:L7 careful 2O:4,1O cars26:6,7 32:t2 case 1:4 3:7 ,L6,L9 4: 10, 13, 18 6:6 7: 18 36: 5 CCRI:.22 37:2Q cents 15 : 16 ,17 ,lBcertainly L6:22 36:4 36:15 CERTIFICATE 37:1 Certified 37:2 chair 3:12 Chairman 2:4 3:5 6:13 6:L6,20,23 7:LO,l4 10:6 11:14 l4:lO 16:13,15,21 18:6,10 L8:12 2O'.L4,L7 2L:2L,24 23:L9 26:t8 27:22 29:3 30:20 33:13,15 34 t9 35:22 change 12:13,22 24:L3 24:L4,L9,23 32:5 34:lO,l4 charge 15:8 charging 33:6 cheapest 20:4 citizens 9: 24 City 12:14 clean 13:1,3 24:25 25:L2 cleaner 25'.2,3 cleanest 20:4 cleaning 25:23 cleanup 25:5 clear 20: 1 Clearwater 7:3 22:L5 35: 12 climate L2:22 24'.L3,L4 24:t8,22 32:5 34:10 34:L4 close 33: 11 closed 4:13 closest 35:7 closing 21:15 25:8 closure 2l:12,13,L8 CO2 11:5 32:9,10,12 coal 10: I l3'.LL 2l:.L7 21:19 25:B 35:16 coal-fired 13:9 Coeur 36:8 37:22 College 34:2 Colstrip Lt'.4,6,9 L3'.9 13:17,25 l4:2 2l:12 D 34:2 d'Alene 36:8 37:22 D-u-p-r-e-e 10:18 daily 19:5 Daniel 6:18 27:23,25 28:7 date 37: 16 David 34:23 35:5 day 13:13 days 36:9 DC 26:3,8,11 33:5 deadline 16:16 debt 29: 12,13,I5,16,20 decision 6:2 decisions 3:23 declare 37:3 definitively 34:15 deliberate 4:12 deliberation 3:22 delivery 16:2 Delmond l:22 5:25 37:2,20 depreciate 32: 1 depreciation 13:24 25:7 27:20 32:2,13 DEPUTY 2:11 descendents 34: 13 deserves 14:9 destructive 13:11 details 20:B determanation 3:16 determine 6:2 develop 5:17,23 6:3 25:L2 developed 3:17,24 developing 12: 19 developments 12: 15 DianeT:21,23 8:19 dictate 30:12 dictated 30:3 dictating 30:2 different 17:20 22:19 Page 38 difficult 23: 10 direct 5: 12 direction 37:9 directly 4: 1 director6:10,18 9:9 dirtiest 25:Bdirty 13: 11 disconnected 16:10 disposed 21:11 district 4:3,4 7:15 docket 4:19 doing 20:L2 33 2 dollars 25 : 15 32 : 15 doubt 29: 1 1 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3:5,114:5,20 5:24 6:7 10:15 16:23 23:20 30:21 33:16 35:24,25 36: 1,9, 18 event 30:10 eventually 30:2 everybody 5:12,2O exactly 30:16 examples 12:16 excellent 6:23 25:.19 excuse 4:23,25 exhaust 32: 13 exhausted 30:22 expenses 9:25 expensive 10:1 experience 11:12 expertase 11:12 Expires 37:23 explosion 15:20 exponentially 13:14 extensive 11: 11 extent 9:20 F F-i-s-h-e-r 28:B F-o-r-t-u-n-e 22:9 faces24:15 facing 32:6 fact 19:18 23:12,15 30:9 32 : 14, 1B factored 9: 1 2 factors 14:7 talse29:2 families 22:21 23:B far 3:11 19:10 20:4 fast-charging 26:.3,8 26:lL taster 27:20 favor 21: lO 23:4 24:Ll 27 : 12,20 34:7 ,17favorable 10:3 favorably 21: 11 feel 16:18 fees 16:2fifth 32:8 Figs 28: 15 fina! 3:16 4:15 6:2 27:19 36:7 Finally 21:16 financial 13:20 financially 37:13 fine 16: 1 3, 13 first 6:B 7:20,24 9:2l0:ll lt:4,2t 14it4 l7:2 L8:L5 20:21 22:2,24 23:25 25:7 26:22 28:l 3l:7,25 32: 9 33 : 19 34:24 Fisher 27:23,25 28:3,7 28:7,12 29:5 fishermen 28:8 tive 26:2 flourish 13:23 follow 4:4 following 25:4 follows 7:25 tO:12 1l:22 14:15 17:3 lB:L6 20:22 22:3 24:L 26:23 2B:2 3t:B 33:20 34:25 tood32'.2L forcing 30:B foregoing 37:4,10 foreign t5'.8 L7'.17 foreign-entity-owned 28:27 Forest 6:25 7:l forget35:15 forth 37:5 forward 10:4 31:4forward-thinking 13:4 fossi! 24: 16,L7 ,25 25:13 found 16:7 tour 26:2 27:Lt free 16:18 fuel 25:13 fuels 24: L6,t7,25,25 full 5:25 6'.3 29:23 fully 3: 17 ,17 ,24fully-developed 4:6 5:23 fun 36:10 fund 13:17 funds 26: 10 32: 1 5 further 4:2 L4:5 future 14:8 Gary 27:5 gas 13:12 28'.22 29:24 general 2:11 5:6 12:5 general's 5:5generally 4:3 generation 24:16,24 25:2,6,L3,23 gentlemen 3:6getting 35:16 given 37: 1 1 gives 27:13 global 16:2 go 8:15,25 lO:4,24 t2:7 L5:2,23 16'.L8 L7:L4 L9:.3 2l:9 22:16 24:lO 27:928:ll 29:.ll 3l:20 32:.L9,23 34:6 35:13 goes 3: 1 1 16: 1 23: 5 going 4:22 B;4 L8'.7 25:5 26:10 29'.14,23 30:8,11 32:L9 33:.4 good3:5 6it67il4,L4 9:7,7,8 10:15 20:18 23:22 25:25 27:17 27:L7 32:3,L3 government 15:8,10 L7:17 ,19,20,22,25 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15:16,17 hours 15:14 house 27:16 huge 19:17 23:8 huh 20:17 human 24:18 humanity 24:15 hydro 1:4 3:8 6:t7,17 6:19 9:3 11:11 12:10 14:3 15:5,9,1L,L5,23 16:6 19: 19 2O:t2 22:tB 23:13 24:12 29:12 3Ot2,I5 31:23 34:8 H I Page 39 7'.1,7,8,15 B:22 9:7,8 9:16,22,23,24 lO:2 10:21 11:L3 L2'.3,6l2:ll L4:23 17:LL L8:24 2L:6 22:13 23'.5 24'.7 26:5,9,12 26:L3,L4,L6 29:22 3t:23 32:2L 33:3 34:12 35:18 idea 1B:4 ideas 36:5,13 impact 12:22 l9:L6 34: 15 importance 13:16 32:5 important 27: 15 improvement 25:9 include 12:16 increase 25:19 34:11 increases 9:L4 L6:7 23:13 32:22 increasing 13:15 16:5 individuals 2L:14 32:4 influential 23:3 Information 2:5 infrastructure 12:19 L7:t8 installed 26:2 insulation 23:.LL 27:L6 intend 7: 1 1 interacf,.ed22:22 interest L3:24 l9:7,9 20:2 interested 37:13 interests L7'.20 30:t 30:L7 internationally 30:7 intimidating 16:22 introductions 7:19 introductory 8:5 investing 25:15 investments 9:5 13:8 involved 17'.22,24 issue 19:17,18 issued 3:25 issues Ll:2 32:6 J Jennifer 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: 15 mind 8:16 mine 10: I lt'.4 2l:12 27:15,17 27:21 34:10 minimum 9:14 minority 15:4 missed 7:18 misuse 17:25 modern 29:18 Monday 36:9 money 26: 13 30:8, 16 Montana l3'.9 29:22 monthly 9:12 months 22:22 Moscow L'.L4 3:l B:22 10:21 12:3,14 73:4 14'.23 L7:lL 2t:6 24'.7 28'.9 34:3 35:B Moscow's 12:16 move6:25 10:B 11:18 multifaceted 14:5 multiple 9:4 N N 2:1 name 3:LL 4:21,24 5:2 5:8,9 8:17,18,19,20 to'.L6,t6,t7,17 ll:25 L2:l l4:l9,l9,2O,2L 17'.6,7 l8:'7,19,20 2L'.L,2 22:6,7 24:4,4 27"t,2,3 28:.5,6 31:11,12 33:22,23,24 35:3,4 named 5:24 names 4:22,25 nationaf 19:9 28:21 www.mmcourt.com Public Hearing 6/t2l2O1B Page 40 Nations 17:23 necessarily 30:9 need 5:14 6:4,5 20:73 24:L9,27 25:24 29:13 needs l3:5 l4:9 20:24 negative 29:10 negatively 34:15 neglected 19:13 nervous 16:3 new 11:10 13:1,13 25:16 32:L6 nice 33:6 night 36:7 non-carbon 24:25 nonprofit 9:10 nontoxic 13:1 NopeTl.2,4 normal 28:7 North 10:20 12:2 15:16 21:6 Northern 7:t5 26:4,9 26:12,16 33:3 Nofthwest 15:12 Nos 1:4 Notary l:23 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24:18 25:17 poor 27:14 Poplawsky 23:21,22 23:24 24:2,5,5,7,9 24:lLportfolio 14:6 portion 23:9 position 10:3 possibility 14:l 16:4 possible 35:17 potential l2:2t L7:25 power 11:6 13:9,15 15: B 19: L ,5,19 20:4 22:t5 23:14 24:L6 24:24 25:2,5,13,23 28:15 35:12 practices 12:15 pragmatic 12:23prepared 16:11 present 5:16 13:14 previous 33: 1 previously 25: 10 price 15:20 primary 28:19 29:25 30:18 35:12 Princeton 1B:24 prior 17:16 proactive 12:21 probably 4:24 24:14 problem 24: 14 problems 29:18 Procedurally 4:20 36:6 procedure 4: 1 1 procedures 4:4 proceeding 3: 12 proceedings 36:20 37:4 process 3:22 25:ll production 34: 12profit 30: 14 profits 30:15 programs 12:17 13:6 25"16 progress 4:20 pronounce 4:22 pronouncing 4:25 proper 23: 1 1 property 35:8,9,9,10 proposal 25:20 proposed 9:6 protect 20:13 23:16 32:22 protected 34:14 protectaon 19 : lO 23'. 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27: 1 1 quickly 35: 17P 2:7,L M R 2:1 R-a-t-h-m-a-n-n 2L:4 raise 5:20 7:22 lO'.9tL:I9 14:12 16:25 18:13 20:19 21:25 23:23 26:20 27:24 3l:5 33:17 34:22 raising 18:1 Raper 2:4 3:14 5:3 7:22 8:2 10:5,9, 14 ll:19,24 L4'.L2,L7 L6:25 17:5 18:13,18 20:19,24 2t'.25 22:5 23:23 26:20,25 27'.24 28:4 31:5,10 33:17 34:22 35:2 rapid 8:12 rate 9: 14 15:22 23:12 23:16 32:2L,22,22 ratepayers 9'.8,2L,24 10:3 20:10,11 rates9:24 13:25 15:11 15:22 t6:4 ]-B'.1 25:19 29:ll 32:23 Rathmann 20: 15, 16, 1B 2O:2O,23 2L:3,3,6,8 21:10 reached 32:1 read 35: L4,17,20 readang 9:4 ready 7'.20 realize 4:24 l3'.5l6:2t 36:2 reaLzes 12i22 really 8:L2 19:L9,2L 22:24 24'.19 27'.lL 27:15 29:25 34'.LB reason 20:6 28:L9 29:25 34'.I7 reasons L2:24 22:L9 25:2t 28:17 29:9 recognize 6:7 record 3'.17,21,24,24 4:6,8,I3 5:4,7,17,23 6:3 8:6 20;24 36:t5 37:tO recorded 37:8 reducing 12:25 reduction 25'.17 27:18 regarding 3:19 4:11 regards 36:5 region 13:19 regs 6:10 reiterate 4:17 17:L5 related 4:10 relates 4:15 relations 6: 19 18:2 relative 37: 12 reliable 13:5 relief 34:16 rely 9 : 13 remediation 11:9 remember 5:16 8:9 16:17 remind 5: 12 reminding 6:23 renewable L3:3 27:t3 34i12 renewables 23: 14 rent 23: 10 rephrase 9:18 R www.mmcourt.com replace 25: 13 REPORTED 1:22 reporter 5:1O,24 8:9 37:2 REPORTER'S 37:1 representatives 7:17 23:2 29:6 representing 6:17 7:l request 12:11 residence 35:12 resident 9:9 residential 33:9 residentially 28:10 residents 32:16 resource 2O:L3 25:12 resources L3:5,7 2O:2 responses 12:21 responsibility 5:25 result 21: 15 32:24 retaining 20:1 retiring 11:6 rid 35: 16 Ridge 8:22 right 5:20 6:L5 7:22 10:9 11:19 t4:t2 16:25 17:2L l8:L3 20;t9 2L:25 23'.23 24:L5 26:13,20 27:24 30:10,16 31:5 33:17 34:22 risky 10:1 Road B:22 35:7 role 23:7 RPR 1:22 37:20 rug L3t2O,2l rules 4:4 ruling 4:15 run 36:9 running22:20 S 2:1 S-e-e-b-e-r 12:2 Sandpoint 35:8 36:7 saying 5:20 8:10 scenaraos 24:23 schools'32:21 Scientasts 24:21 seal 37:16 second 15:11 Secondly 11:8 sector 24:17 25:3,25 sectors 25:2 secure 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