HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180925Avita to Staff Attachment_040A.pdf9/18/2018 U.S., Mexico Agree to Weaken Rights to Dispute Trade Practices - WSJ https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-mexico-agree-to-weaken-rights-to-dispute-trade-practices-1535394021 1/3 DOW JONES, A NEWS CORP COMPANY DJIA 26246.96 0.71%▲S&P 500 2904.31 0.54%▲Nasdaq 7956.11 0.76%▲U.S. 10 Yr -1832 This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visithttp://www.djreprints.com. https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-mexico-agree-to-weaken-rights-to-dispute-trade-practices-1535394021 WASHINGTON—The Mexican government agreed to Trump administration demands to weaken key provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement that allow business and government to challenge other member countries over trade policies. The changes will make it harder for Canada to join the deal hammered out between the U.S. and Mexico and announced on Monday. It will also draw opposition from big American business groups whose support has generally been vital for trade deals to win U.S. Congressional support. WORLD U.S., Mexico Agree to Weaken Rights toDispute Trade Practices Businesses and governments would face new limitations to challenge the trade policies of other member countries, though Canada may yet object Robert Lighthizer, left, the top U.S. trade negotiator, and his Mexican counterpart Ildefonso Guajardo, approached the White House on Monday after negotiations. PHOTO: LENIN NOLLYEFEZUMA PRESS Aug. 27, 2018 220 p.m. ET By Jacob M. Schlesinger Staff_PR_040(AVA) Attachment A 1 of 3 9/18/2018 U.S., Mexico Agree to Weaken Rights to Dispute Trade Practices - WSJ https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-mexico-agree-to-weaken-rights-to-dispute-trade-practices-1535394021 2/3 U.S. Trade Rep. Robert Lighthizer said, in a briefing Monday with reporters, that the two countries had agreed to drop a portion of the 24-year-old pact that gives participating countries the right to challenge penalties imposed by the other nations to combat alleged “dumping” or subsidies. The three countries would still be able to challenge such trade cases at the World Trade Organization in Geneva. But that process is seen as much slower and more cumbersome than resorting to the panels that have been created specially just for the three Nafta members. The upshot is that is will be harder for member countries to challenge each other over allegations of dumping, or selling goods at artificially low prices to grab market share. Canada has said that preserving that provision—known as Chapter 19 in the current Nafta—is important for its continued support of any rewrite of Nafta. The Trump administration has ramped up use of such penalties against Canadian exports over the past year. “That provision will not exist” if the U.S.-Mexico pact is ratified, Mr. Lightzhizer said. Mr. Lighthizer also said that the two sides had agreed to soften the Investor-State Dispute Settlement chapter in Nafta, a provision designed to give multinationals the right to challenge government decisions in special arbitration panels. Corporations say such provisions make it easier to invest in foreign countries. The Trump administrations has sought to discourage American investment abroad. Mr. Lighthzier said the existing protections would remain for “certain sectors where there’s contact with the government,” such as oil and gas, infrastructure and telecommunications. Other industries would have more limited recourse to ISDS provisions, making it harder for them to use the measures to challenge government regulation as they currently often do. Big U.S. business groups—backed by Republican leaders in Congress—have warned that weakening ISDS could prompt them to lobby against the new pact. While the Trump administration appears to have succeeded in getting Mexico to sign on to its proposals to weaken the enforcement provisions of the pact, U.S. officials in return compromised by significantly watering down their demands for a “sunset” provision that would have made the agreement expire automatically after a few years unless each of the countries took the active step of renewing it. Instead of an automatic expiration date, Mr. Lighthizer said the countries would review Nafta every six years. He also said “the agreement will be for a period of 16 years,” and that after each six-year review, it would be extended for another 16 years. Mr. Lighthizer didn’t say what would happen if either side fails to sign off on the review. Staff_PR_040(AVA) Attachment A 2 of 3 9/18/2018 U.S., Mexico Agree to Weaken Rights to Dispute Trade Practices - WSJ https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-mexico-agree-to-weaken-rights-to-dispute-trade-practices-1535394021 3/3 Copyright ©2017 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visithttp://www.djreprints.com. Mr. Lighthizer acknowledged that much of the detail—including new auto rules—was complex, joking “if you’re not confused, you’re just not paying attention.” Mr. Lighthizer said talks with Canada would now begin immediately with the aim of completing a three-way deal including Ottawa “by the end of the week.” He didn’t elaborate on how firm that deadline was, and whether the failure to reach a deal with by then would prompt the U.S. to try and move forward without Canada. Write to Jacob M. Schlesinger at jacob.schlesinger@wsj.com Staff_PR_040(AVA) Attachment A 3 of 3