HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180925Avita to Staff Attachment_034C.PDFI Avista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.A.Box3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 TollFree 800-727-9174 RECEIVED ?0lB JU!- 20 Alt 9: 116 -.r -r a- JiLl\J .. ., il'Ii,il'i!SSl0ND T July 19,2018 Diane Hanian, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Statehouse Mail W. 472 Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720 RE: Joint Application of Hydro One Limited and Avista Corporation for Order Authorizing Proposed Transaction Docket Nos. AVU-E-17-09 and AVU-G-17-05 / Standard and Poors Update Released on July I 8, 201 8 Dear Ms. Hanian: As promised in our July 18, 2018 letter regarding the recent developments involving Hydro One's CEO and board of directors, this letter provides a further update on events related to the changes to Hydro One's management. Attachment A is an update from Standard and Poors, which (a) maintains the credit watch negative reflecting the potential for a one notch downgrade to Hydro One Limited's (HOL) current credit rating because of the Avista transaction, and (b) notes the possibility that HOL's governance structure could result in an additional one-notch downgrade, if it concludes that recent developments adversely affect management decision-making and fail to promote the interests of all stakeholders. Sincerely Kevin J. Christie Vice President, External Affairs and Chief Customer Officer Avista Corporation Staff_PR_034(AVA) Attachment C 1 of 7 a & Chief Legal Officer One Limited Attachments: Attachment A: S&P Update of July 18, 2018 Cc: all parties 2lP age Staff_PR_034(AVA) Attachment C 2 of 7 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have this 19th day of July, 2018, served the foregoing letter regarding an Update on Recent Events in the Merger Case Nos. AVU-E-17-09/AVU-G- 17-05, upon the following parties, by sending a copy via electronic mail. Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W . Washington Street Boise, lD 83720-5983 diane. hanian@ouc. idaho.oov Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorneys General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, lD 83720-0074 brandon. karpen@puc. idaho.qov Danielle Franco-Malone Schwerin Campbell Barnard lglitzin & Lavitt LLP 18 W. Mercer St., Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98119 franco@workerlaw.com Larry Crowley The Energy Strategies lnstitute, lnc. 5549 S. Cliffsedge Ave Boise, lD 83716 crowlevla@aol.com Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, lD 83703 dreadino@mindsprinq.com Norman M. Semanko Parsons Behle & Latimer 800 West Main Street, Suite 1300 Boise, ID 83702 NSemanko@parsonsbehle.com ecf@parsonsbehle.com Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N 17th Street Boise, lD 83702 bmpurdv@hotmail.com Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams PLLC 515 N.27th Street Boise, lD 83702 peter@ richardsonadam s. co m Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. P. O. Box 388 802 W. Bannock St., Suite 900 Boise, lD 83702 ron@will bury.com Ben Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th St. Boise, lD 83702 botto@ idahoconservati on. orq Dean Miller 3620 E Warm Springs Ave Boise, lD 837'16 Dea n i m i I Ier@ca blesne. neJ Paul Kimball Sr. Regulatory Analysist 4 Staff_PR_034(AVA) Attachment C 3 of 7 S&P Globat Ratings Research Hydro One Ltd., Hydro One Inc. Ratings Remain On CreditWatch Negative Following CEO Exit And Board Resignation Prirnsry Crcdit Anslyst: Andrew Ng, Toronto + I (416) 507 2545; andrerrng@spglobal.com Sacondery Contacts: Vinod Maklar, CFA, Toronto + 1 (416) 507 3271: vinod,makkar@spglobal.com Obioma Ugbo{a, New York + I (212) 438 7406; obioma.ugboqja@spglobal.com . Toronto-baeed xydro One Ltd. (HOL) recently announced Lhe retirement of its chief execuEive officer (CEO). effective immediately, and the resigaaLion of its encire board of direcE,ors on or prior to Aug, 15, 2019.t Our baae case conEinueE to reflect t.he likeLihood that HOL's pending transacEion vith Avista Corp. wil-J- close.. Ilorrevet, Ehe CEO'g departure and pendiog resignation of Ehe enErre board create uncertainEy regarding the effectiveneEs of HOL,E governance Btructure, parEicularly tiEh reEpect to Ehe influence on managemeAE decision-making and promoting Ehe interesLs of alL stakeholdere.. As a reeult, ye are updating our Creditlilateh negative placement. on lIOt and Hydro One Inc., Eo reflect the governance developmentE and the potenEial for up to a bwo-notch downgrade of both entities and cheir rated debt.r The Creditwatch placement now lncorporaEes Che risk of a one-notch dotrrrgrade relaEed to the Avista transaction closing, and the poeeibility thaE Ehe company' 9 governance EE,ructure could resulE in an additional downgrade. Overa11, Ehese dj-sElncE developments could collectively result. in a two-notch downgrade from our currenb ratings on boch entllies and the raued debt. TORONTO (SeP Global Ratings) ,Ju1y 18, 2018--S&P Global RaEings today stated Ehat its tAt ratings on ToronEo-based Hydro One Ltd, (HOL) 6p6 Hydro One Inc uur.SflIDrrDArmools.coll O S&P olobal R!hBB Atl nthlr,eFycd No n{r*r or dilcemimtbn vi$od S&P Olobal Ratm8 ' pemisim. Se Tm d Urc/Disc{airo m rlp tal pagE JULY 18, rolE I 207X78F Attachment A Page 1 of4 - Staff_PR_034(AVA) Attachment C 4 of 7 Hydro One Ltd-, Hydro One Inc. Ratings Remain On Cred.itVatch Negatiue Pollouing CEO Exit And Board Resigtati<m (HOI) remain on Creditwatch wi-th negative implicaEions, where rhey were placed June 15, 2018. The Creditllatch placemenL on HOL and HOI continues to reflect the likelrhood of a one-notch downgrade to both companies because of Ehe Avista tranBaction, This reflects the extent. of the regulatory settlements and approvals thus far, supporLing our expecLation Lhat the pending transactj.on with Avieta wiLl c1ose, In addition, E.he Credibwatch now incorporates Ehe possibility that HOL's governance sLructure coul"d resulc. in an addiEional one-notch dovrngrade. if we conclude thaI recenE. developments adveree]y affecE managemenE decision-making and fail Lo proaote the interests of all stakeholders. Overall, Lhese distincc developmencs could collecEively reeulL in a two-notch downgrade from our currer'rt credit ratings on boEh enEiEies. we wiII resolve the CrediLwaLch lrhen Ehe Eransaction wi[.h Avlsta c]oses, and after our review of che companyrs governance sE.rucE.ure. including our evaluab.ion of iEs effectiveness in prorroting the interests of all stakeholders, RELATED CRIIER]A. Criteria - Corporates - General r Reflecting Subordination Risk In CorporaE.e fssue RaLings, March 2A, 2ol.8r General Criteria: Methodology For Linking Long-Term And Short-Term Ratings . April 1, 2017 . General Criteria: Guarantee Criteria, Occ. 21, 2016 . General Criteriar Rating GovernmenL-RelaLed Entities: MethodoloEy And Assumptions, March 25, 20].5 r Criteria - Corpolates - General: MeEhodology Ard AseumpEions: LiquidiLy DescripEors For Global Corporate Iasuers. Dec. 16, 2014 . ceneral CriE.eria: l'lethodology: Industry Risk, Nov. 19, 2013 r General Criteria: Country Risk AseessmenE l\reEhoalology And Assumptions, Nov. 19 , 201"3r Criteria - Corporates - Utilitiee: Key CrediE Eact,orE For The Regul-aEed UtiliEies fndustry, Nov. 19, 2013 o Criteria - Corporates - General: Corporate MeE.hodology: Ratios And Ad3usL.ments, Nov. L9, 2OL3 r Criteria - Corporateg - General: Corporate MeEhodology. Nov, 19, 2013. General CriLeria: Group RaLing MeEhodology, Nov. L9, 2Ol3 . General CriEeria: t4echodology: Hanagement And Governance Credic Factors For CorporaLe EntiL.ies And rnsurers, Nov. 13, 2Oa2 . General CriLeria: Use Of ereditHaE.ch And Outlooks, SepE. 14, 2009 CerEain Eerms used in Lhj.s report, parLj.cularJy certain adjectives used Eo express our view on rating relevant. facEors, have speeific meanings ascribed Eo Ehem in our criteria, and should Lherefore be read in conjunction wiEh such criteria. Please see Ratings Criteria at wuld.standardandpoors.com for furE.her w'W.W, ETAI{DARDATDP OONS.CO }'JULY 18, t0l0 3 @ S&P Global Reljngs All rishrs resprued No repanl or d6,leminalion withrut S&P Clohal Ratin8s'pemi$ion. Sre 'l emB of U,re/ljisclElmer on $e ]81pagc 2[73789 Attachment A Page 2 ol 4Staff_PR_034(AVA) Attachment C 5 of 7 Hydro One Ltd., Hydrct One Inc.. Ratings Remain On CreditVatch Negatfue Folbating CEO Exit And Boad Resigtution informat,ion. CompleEe ratings information is availa-b1e to eubscribers of RatingsDirect aE www,capitaliq.com, A11 ratings referenced herein can be found on S&.P Global RaLings' public website at wErr.Etandardandpoors.com. Use t,he Ratings search box LocaEed in the left column- W*.w. 8?Af, DARDAI{DSOORE.CO U @ S&P Glohl fuaings. All riShts rcreryed No reprjnt o dj6reDjnation without S&P Globel Ratings' permision. see Tm of UE/Di8clai]H on rhe lffit page, ,uLI 18, 'Ol8 X 2073789 Attachment A Page 3 of 4Staff_PR_034(AVA) Attachment C 6 of 7 Copyright @ 2018 Standard & Poois Financial Seruices LLC, AJI rights reserved. No content fincludiog ratiogs, credit-related anatyses and data. valuations, model, 6oftw6re or other application or output themfrom) or any paIt thereof {Content) may be modified" reverJe englneered. r€prDd[ced or drstributed in ary form by any means, or stored in e data.base or retrievs] system, wil.hout the prior $rritten permission of Slands}d & Poot's FinarciE] Se:wices LLC or ilB s-mliates (collectively, S&P). The Content sh6ll not be used for ony unlawful or urauthorized purposeg S&P and any thid-party prcviden, as well aB their dirrctors, officem, shareholders, employees or agents (collectively S&P P8]ties) do not gusrartee l}le accuracy, eompleteness, timeliness or availability of the Content. S&P Pafiies are not responsible for ary errors or omissiors (negligent or otherwise), regardless ofdre cause, for *re results obtained from the use of the Content, or for the security or maintenance of any data input by the user. The Content is provided on m "as is" basis. S&P PARTIES DISCIIIM ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. INCLUDING, BUT NO.T LIMITED TO, At.tY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE. FREEDOM FROM BUGS. SOFTWARE ERXORS OR DEFECTS. THAT THE CONTENT'S R'NCTIONING WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR THAT THE CONTENT WILL OPERATE WIll{ Alt[Y SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE CONFIGURATION. In no event shsll S&P Pefii€s be liable to any party for any drrtct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, compensatory, punitive, special or consequential danuges, costs, expenses, Iegal fees, or losses {including, wiLhout limitalion, lost inmme or lost profits and opportunity costs or losses caused by neEligencel in connection wi0r any use of the Content ever ifadvised ofthe possibilily ofsuch darnages, Credit-related arralyses. including tatings, and sraEments in the Co/|tent are statements ofopinion ae of lhe date tbey are expresssd 6nd nol statements d fact" S&P's opinions, analyaes and rating acknowledgment decisions (described belowt arr Rot recommendatioDc to purchase, hDld, or sell any securities or to rnake any inye8lment decbions, and do not addless tbe suitabilily of sny seflrrity. S&P assumes no obliga[on to update the Content following publication in any form or format. The Content should not be relied on aad is not a substitute for the skill, judgment and experience of Lhe user. its management, employees, advisors md/or clients when ma.ldng invesEnent md other business decisions. S&P does not act as a fiduciary or an investment advisor except yrherc rcgistered as such. While S&P has obtained information from sources it beljeves to be reliable, S&P &es not perform an audit aad undefl.alEs no duty of due diiigence or indElendent verilicalion o[any information it receiyes. To the exlent $at regulatory authorities allor,v a rating agency to acktovledge io one jurisdiction I raling issued io anolherjurisdiction for cefiEin rugulatory porposes. S&P reserves the right to E$sign. withdraw or suspend such acbro!^rledgrDent sl any time and in its sole discretion. S&P Pafties disclaim Eny duty whatsoa/er adeing out ofttrc assignm€nt, vrithdrawal or suspension ofan ackrowledgment as well as any [ability for sry damage alleged to have been Bu-treted on accout therEof. S&P keeps eertain activities of its business unjts separate fiom each other iu order to prcserve the independence and objectirlty of their respective activides, As a result, cerlain business units of S&P may have iuformation that is not ava:labl€ to other S&P business units. S&P has established poiicies and proeedurEs to marntain the confidentiality ofcertain non-public inforrDation received in connection with each sDalyticsl process. S&P may receive compensatioD for i(N ratinSs snd cerlain ct€dit-related anolyses, normally fiom issuers or underwriters ofsecuri[es or from obligors- S&P resewes tlie righl to dissemioate its opinions and analyses. S&P's public ratings and alalyses are made available on its Web sit€s, www.standadandpoors.com (free ol charge), and www.ratlngsdirect com and vrww.globalcreditporral.com (subscription), end may be distributed through otler means, including via S&P publications ard third-party redistibutors. Additional information about ou, ratings fees is available at www. standard andpoors.com./usratin gsfees. Standard Ec Poor's | f,,crcarch I July 18,2018 { 207378l9 Attachment A Page 4 of 4Staff_PR_034(AVA) Attachment C 7 of 7