HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180124Certificate of Attorney.pdfELIZABETH THOMAS PARTNER K&L GATES LLP 925 FOURTH AVENUIi SUITE 29OO SEATTLE, WA 98104 PHONE: 206-370-7631 LTz.THOMAS@KLGATES,COM REC E IVE D ?OI8 JAN 2L AH 9: 55 ii),n,i,'ii) ullilLl0f ir l-1-ii:ri coMMtssl0N BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OT THE JOINT APPLICATION OF HYDRO ONE LIMII'ED AND AVTSTA CORPORATION I?OR APPROVAL OF MERCER AGREEMHNT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. AVU.E.I7.O9 CASE NO. AVU-G-i7.05 ATTORNEY' S CERTIFICATE CLAIM OF CONFIDENTIALITY RELATING TO HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S DISCOVERY RESPONSES ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE . 1 600992033 v2 FOR HYDRO ONE LIMiTEI) I, Elizabeth'fhornas, represent Hydro One Limited.I arn a partner at K&L Gates LLP, and I am appearing on Hydro One's behalf in this proceeding, I rnake this certification and claim of confidentiality pursuant to IDAPA 31.01,01 because Hydro One, through its response to Idaho WNIDCL PR 20(HC)(H1), is disclosing certain information that is HIGHLY CONF'IDENTIAL and constitutes'IRADE SECRETS as defined by Idaho Code Section 48-801 and protected under Idaho Code 74-lO7 and IDAPA Rules 31.01.Oi,OOZ and 31.01,01.233. The printed information Hydro One provides will, as rcquired under IDAPA Rule 3, be marked as I{lGIilLY CONFIDENTIAL and will be reproduced on green paper. The highly confidential infonnation that Hydio One is di.sclosing is a list, timeline, and schedule, for the period 2017 -2021 , of its future or active capital projects valued at more than $ I million. Hydro One asserts that the aforementioned informalion is highly confidential because: (1) the information is not publicly available, (2) Hydr'<r One's potential contractors could use this information to Eain an advantage in Hydro One's bidding process tbr future projects, and (3) Hydro One's competitors and suppliers.could obtain econornic value from knowing Hydro One's list, timeline, and schedule, for the period 2017.2021, for its future or active capital projects valued at rnore than $l rnillion. I am of the opinion that this information is HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL, as defined by Idaho Code 74-rc7 and 48-801, should tlierefore be protected from pubtic inspection, examination and copying, and should be utilized only in accordance with the terms of thc protective agreernents between Hydro One Lirnited, Avista Corporation, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Stafl, and the other parties to this proceeding. ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE . 2 500992033 v2 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 13 TAY Of JCN,, 20 I 8. Elizabeth Thomas On behalf of Hydro One Limited ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE - 3 500992033 v2