HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171222Hearing Transcript.pdfI t BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UT]I]TIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPL]CATION OF AV]STA CORPORATION DBA AVISTA UTIL]TIES FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ]TS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAI GAS SERV]CEIN ]DAHO REPORTED BY: JULIE MCCAUGHAN, C.S.R. NO. 684 NOTARY PUBL]C CASE NO. AVU-E_17-01 AVU-G-17-01 lfDnrrilnRn n TRANSCRIPT OF PUBLIC HEARING HELD ON NOVEMBER 30, 20]-1 AT THE MIDTOWN CENTER MEETING ROOM 1505 NORTH sTH STREET COEUR DIALENE, IDAHO 6: 00 P. M. BEFORE COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER t\) --.1 e -lC.=" a fr:i!: qI ir1 t1:,: s E\.(-c I**, ?- rna_F:o ::t1 4(rx Jq, r\)()a Coeur d'Alene, ldaho Northern Offices 208,765.1700 1.800.879.1700 Spokane, Washington 509.455.4515 1.800.879.1700 www.mmcourt.com Boise, ldaho Southern Offices 208.345.96'.11 1.800.234.961'.1 I Excellence in Court Reporting Since L970 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 'l Court Reporting t o 1 2 3 L4 q 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 76 71 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good eveni-ng, Iadies and gentlemen. Can you hear me okay? Thank you. My name is Paul Klellander. f'm the chairman of this case. f 'm a commi-ssioner with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. f'm one of three commi-ssioners. The other two commissioners will be able to review the transcript from tonight's hearing. We have a court reporter who will- be taking down everythj-ng we say verbatj-m. She's promised, though, that if I say anything foul, she wil-l- use it phonetically so no one will get in trouble. She's not in total agreement this. This evenj-ng, the way the proceeding works is, in a few moments, we have a list of those of you who have signed up to provide your public testimony tonight. Matt Evans, who is in the back -- Matt, raise your hand. There's afso for those of you that may have come in and haven't yet signed onto a sheet, there's a sheet that you can sign up on there. And how we'Il- work through tonight is just sort of on a first-come/first-serve basis. Ir11 call your name, you'11 come forward to the witness stand over there. The microphone should be on. I think the room is small enough that you shoufd be able to hear people well, but we do have a microphone system to move things forward. As I cal-l- you up, the first thing that we will- do is Page 2 77/30/20:-1 o www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing t I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 l4 15 1,6 l1 18 t9 20 27 22 23 24 25 have the Deputy Attorney General representing the staf f in this case, Sean Costel-l-o, will I'11 f irst swear you in, and it wil-l 90, "Do you swear or affi-rm that the testimony you are about to provide wil-l- be the whol-e truth and nothing but the truth?" The answer to that is "Yes." And then Sean wil-l ask you just a few quick questions to get you officially on the record. He'.1-I ask you your name and have you spe1I it of f iclally for the record so that we have it 1n the transcript, he'Il ask you your address, and then if you're a customer of Avista. And then at that point, you'11 be asked to provide your statement for the record. So officially, this proceeding this is the time and place for the public hearing in Case No. AVU-E-71-Ot, and AVU-G-1701, al-so known as In The Matter of the Application of Avista Corporation dba Avista Utillties for Authority to Increase its Rates and Charges for Electric and Natura1 Gas Service in Idaho. Just as far as what's in front of us with regard to the caser oo December 8, there is a schedul-ed technical hearing for the proposed settl-ement that has been filed in rel-ationship to this rate case, and that date, December B, also represents the cl-ose of the public comment period. So if tonight, after you provided your public testimony, you think of something Page 3 7t/30/207'7 t www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 t6 l1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 efse that you would like to submit for the official record, there will be an opportunity to go on our website and actually fill out some additional comment section that wil-l be a part of the offlcial- record for this case. So again, the intent tonight is to take your public statement, to get it officially in the record, and our job is to help facilitate that process. So why don't we begin wlth and I apologize if I butcher anyone's name, which is code for I will probably make a mistake on every name. Terry Bostick. Terry, if you coul-d come up here, we'11 get you sworn in. Right over there. And if you wouId, Terry, could you just speak into the mike just very quickly. TERRY BOSTICK: Of course. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good, it's working. Terry, could you raise your right hand? Do you swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to provide will be the truth, the whol-e truth, and nothing but the truth? MR. BOSTICK: I do. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. And let's see if we can get Mr. Costello to ask you a couple questions to get you official-1y on the record. MR. COSTELLO: Thank you, Mr. Bostick. Page 4 7t/30/2017 I www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 L1 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 Would you state your full name and spell your fast name? MR. BOSTICK: My 1ega1 name is Terrell, T-e-r*r-e-1-I, Bostick, B-o-s-t-i-c-k. MR. COSTELLO: Thank you, Mr. Bostick. And what is your residence address? MR. BOSTICK: 2933 East Spring View Drive, Coeur d'Alene. MR. COSTELLO: And are you a customer of Avista Utilities? MR. BOSTICK: Oh, yes. MR. COSTELLO: Thank you. And do you have a statement you'd like to make? MR. BOSTICK: A short one, yes. MR. COSTELLO: Pl-ease go ahead. MR. BOSTICK: I'd just like to sdy, to begin with, I've been a customer of Avista, sj-nce it was Washington Water Power, which is a considerable number of years d9o, and I'd al-so l-ike to say that we do appreciate the services of Avista and the energy conservatj-on efforts that they have made in the past and continue to make as a with regard to home energy. I do have some concerns with regard to the issue around rate paying, and I say that as a again, dS an investor in utility stocks and in energy companies, and as a rate payer for Avista. Going onlj-ne and looking at Page 5 tt/30/201,1 t www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing t a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 76 t7 18 1,9 20 27 22 23 ZLi 25 the information that f've seen, I do understand that we do need some infrastructure changes, everything from substations to transmission l-ines. I can see that. But I do have some issues about the Colstrip p1ant, the coal- plant located there, and using rate increases to continue to prop up that plant. f'd like them to be extremely transparent in how they intend to use rate-payer doI.l-ars with regard to the plant there. Again, looking online, it's rather evident that it's one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the United States. And by happenstance, I've been both 1n Houston and in Page in the last couple years, and I've talked with folks at those l-ocations about their plants and what they intend to do about them. So the l-ast thing I would say is I do want them to continue to be extremel-y transparent in what they do with the Colstrip plant and with the money from rate payers, both with the cleanup and with the phasing out of the plant. The other utilities in Oregon and Washington appear to be wanting to phase out by 2035. I can't find anything in any of the lnformation that Avista has provided regarding this matter as to when they wlsh to phase out the plant and how do they intend to address the matter of the cleanup. So thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. And if Page 6 Lt/30/2071 o www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 d 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 1,6 t1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 we coul-d have you just remain there for a moment, Terry. I've done enough of these public hearings that you would think that I woul-d remember to recognize the official appearances of the parties, because there is an opportunity for them to ask what's referred to as cross-examination. My sense is they will not have any questions, but officially, for the record, we need to get them recognized. So why don't we begin first with Iega1 counse1 representing the staff of the Idaho Publ-ic Utilities Commission. MR. COSTELLO: My name is Sean Costel-l-o. I represent staff in this matter. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we also have, from Avista DAVID MEYER: Yes. Thank you. My name is David Meyer, and we have also Pat Arehart, who is a director of rates regulation, and our president of our company Dennis Vermillion, and other representatives. So if you do have questions afterwards, durj-ng a break, we're happy to answer them. Thank you. And I won't be cross-examining. I can't imagine what I would. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Is there any other party with the case that needs to be officially recognJ-zed for the record? MATT NYKIEL: The Idaho Conservation League a I Page 1 Ll/ 30 / 207'7www. mmcourt . com Public Hearj-ng I t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 L6 71 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 is here. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And just officially, for the record, your name? MR. NYKIEL: Matt Nykiel. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And Matt, could you spel1 your name? MR. NYKTEL: Yes. M-a-t-t-h-e-w N-y-k-i-e-1. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. And Terry, we made you stand for all that. So 1et me say thank you again for your testimony, and we appreclate it. And again, if you have any additional- comments you'd l-ike to fi1e, please feel- free to do so. MR. BOSTICK: Thank you for the opportunity. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. We' l-l- cal-l- next Fl-orine Dooley. Florine, if you could raise your right hand. Do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to provide will be the whol-e truth and nothing but the truth? ELORINE DOOLEY: I do. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. And we'11 have General to a few questions now from the Deputy Attorney get MR your full name you officially on the record. COSTELLO: Ms. Dooley, can you state and spe11 your l-ast name for the record? Page B t7/30/2071 I www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 72 13 T4 15 76 71 18 19 20 27 22 z3 24 z5 MS. DOOLEY: My Iega1 name is Georgia Florine Dooley, G-e-o-r-g-i-a E-1-o-r-i-n-e D-o-o-1-e-y. MR. COSTELLO: Thank you. And what is your resi-dence address? MS. DOOLEY: I have lived in North Idaho since 1965. MR. COSTELLO: Thank you. And record, just in case we need to fo1Iow up j ust with for YOU, down the do foryou have a residence address that we the record? MS. DOOLEY: I also have sj-nce Washington Water Power. MR. COSTELLO: And do you you'd like to make? can take been a customer have a statementI MS. DOOLEY: I can't hear you. MR. COSTELLO: Do you have a statement you'd like to make? MS. DOOLEY: I do. MR. COSTELLO: Go ahead. MS. DOOLEY: So I've l-ived here since ' 65, but I grew up in West Virginia, so f 'm sort of famil-iar with coal mj-nes. I've had family and friends, schoolmates, who l-ived on the sides of creeks who got washed away from the Buffal-o floods, and they're stil-l dealing with strip mining. So I have some concerns Page 9 1-7/30/2071 I www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing o t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 76 71 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 about Colstrip, and I, too, did some research. And I see that here in your printout, you say that the l-aw allows a reasonable income based on prudent expenses. So I'd like to stress that. In Colstrip, they're basing their production on coa1. There are only ei-ght years of coal reserves }eft under the current system. The solution that is being offered is a new strip mine. I woul-d object to that. I question the prudence of investing in a source of electricity -- and bel-ieve me, I'm glad to have the lights come on when I flip the switch, and it has since 1965, other than a storm or So, or an ice storm. I question the prudence of lnvesting j-n yet another way of producing electricity by coal. f've not seen any answers. I read a l-ot. I've not seen that prudence addressed. So I'Il- have a question or two after the meeting. Okay. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. And we appreciate your statement this evening. Let's move now to Deanna Wilson. DEANNA WILSON: Hi. you swear or provide wil-1 truth? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Hi, Deanna. Do affirm the testimony you are about to be the whol-e truth and nothing but the MS. WILSON: Yes. Page 10 77/30/2071 o www. mmcourt. com Pubfic Hearing I 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 t6 71 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 Thank you. you state the record?your ful-l- name and spelI your last name MS. WILSON: Deanna Wilson,D-e-a-n-n-a W-i-I-s-o-n. MR. COSTELLO: Thank you. And what is your residence address? MS. WILSON: 1111 East Ade1ine Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, 83814. MR. COSTELLO: And are you a customer of Avista Utilities? MS. V{ILSON: Yes. MR. COSTELLO: Thank you. And do you have a statement you'd l-ike to make? MS. WILSON: Yes. Thank you to the commission for having this hearing and being here, and thank you to Avista for al-so belng here to l-isten. As far as I can tell from my research and I apologize if any of this is incorrect l, too, have concerns about the money being used to invest in Colstrip, partj-cu1arly I understand there may be other uses for the money with regard to infrastructure. Erom my research, 1t looks l-ike Portland General- Electric and Puget Sound Energy are both making plans to puII out of Colstrip and phase that out. Also Talon Energy, the plant's operator, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : MR. COSTELLO: Ms. WiIson,can for t a Page 11 7t/30/2071www.mmcourt.com PubIic Hearing o a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 o 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 t6 71 18 t9 20 2I 22 23 24 25 testified to the Montana state legislature that the coal- plant has been loslng tens of millions dollars per year, al-so a concern. So there's the economic part which is that it seems not a great excuse me not a great investment of the rate payers' money to prop up a business thatrs obviously losing money. And f woul-d l-ike to see that money go towards something that's more economically and environmentally viable in the future. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. We appreciate your statement. Ray Libby. Ray, do you swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to provide will be the whole truth and nothlng but the truth? RAY LIBBY: I COMMISSIONER MR. COSTELLO: do. KJELLANDER: Thank you. Thank you. Can you state your l-ast name for the record?your ful-l- name and spell LIBBY:Raymond H. Lj-bby, R-a-y-m-o-n-d L-i-b-b-y. MR. COSTELLO: And what is your residence addres s ? MR. LIBBY: Address is 505 Sitting Bul-l Road, Sandpoint, Idaho. MR. COSTELLO: And are you a customer of MR Page \2 17/30/2011 t www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing I I 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 76 11 18 19 20 2t 22 Z3 24 25 Avista? MR. LIBBY: I am not. MR. COSTELLO: Do you have a statement you'd l-ike to make? MR. LIBBY: Yes. MR. COSTELLO: Please go ahead. MR. LIBBY: Okay. Not being a customer of Avista, although I do have property that is a customer, so I'm indirectly invol-ved with the pay rates, but my status here is simply we cannot afford to continue to dis-acknowledge the fact that we need to get away from coal- and fossil fuel-s. I know itf s a big topic, it's a big arena, but this is just so1e1y my piece, and I think it needs to be heard in as many voices as possible. You know, economically or for whatever reasons, you know -- and she presents an excellent I don't have that information for the economic reasons of not going with the Colstrip there, but simply environmental- reasons. We can't just keep going down this road. And I think we're very short-sighted. And I know, without getting too winded, that the viab1e alternatives are just coming online and there's a lot of debate about that, but therers no debate about fossil fuel-s contributing to the dec1ine of life on earth on this planet, and I seriously feel- we are two to three generations away from being Page 13 71/ 30 / 207'7 t www. mmcourt . com Pubfic Hearing t I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 16 71 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 endangered species. And you know, that being said, it's a concern for me that we continue to support dny, particularly ones such as this. That's my statement. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you for your statement. I've done so well with names. Chuck Sheroke? Not even close, was l? CHUCK SHEROKE: You were very c1ose. Sheroke. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Sheroke. Okay. Chuck would you raise your right hand? Do you swear or affirm the testimony you are about to provide will be the whol-e truth and nothing but the truth? MR. SHEROKE: r do. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. MR. COSTELLO: Pl-ease state your full name and spe11 your last name for the record. MR. SHEROKE: Chuck Charles Sheroke, S-h-e-r-o-k-e. I reside at 1,621 East Lost Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and I am an Avista rate payer. MR. COSTELLO: Thank you. Do you have a statement? MR. SHEROKE: Yes, I do. I want to thank the commission for this opportunity to provide public comment regarding Avista's latest of many requests fortPage 74 t7/30/2071www. mmcourt. com Public Hearing t 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 1,6 71 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 rate increases 1n the proposed settlement that has been proposed in this matter. Not to get off the subject, I hope while the commission is here and commission staff, they get an opportunity to see the eagles at Wolf Lodge B.y, because it's quite a sight. As you can see, I have an anti-coaI button and I know a little bit about coal. My late father was a coaf miner in Pennsylvania, and he died from complications associated with bl-ack 1ung. I have two major concerns regarding Avista's current proposal. The first is Avista's continued involvement in Colstrip unlts 3 and 4 and their significant impacts on the environment, human heafth, and the potentially significant costs imposed on rate payers, and that it is not units 3 and 4 are not rel-iable generation sources. The second issue f have is the inequitable distrlbution of costs imposed on rate payers versus stockholders, particularly in regards to Avista's pending sal-e resulting in a financial windfal-l- to institutional- investors and Avista management. First, the environmental- effects. Coaf is the dirtiest form of fossil fuel- energy and the single largest contributor to globa1 climate change. Mercury, one of the several- toxins emitted in this stew of pollutants, is responsible for elevated mercury levels in our oceans o Page 15 77/30/2071 o www. mmcourt . com Publ-ic Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 L7 1B t9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 resulting in heal-th advisories regarding fish consumption. Respiratory probl-ems in humans and other heal-th concerns have been l1nked to coal- plant emissions. Cost to rate payers. Whil-e most util-ities recognize a Colstrip is a di-nosaur in a financial sinkhol-e, Avi-sta reguests millions of doLl-ars from rate payers to maintain its interest in Colstrip and extend its end of useful life to 2031. This bej-ng done despite the fact that alternative energy and efflciency costs are decreasing while coal- is becoming more and more expensive. Moreover, Avista's integrated resource plan does not take into account any money for clean-up of a very contaminated Colstrip community and continues its overdependence on fossil- fuels for generating facil-ities whj-ch are not cost effective. The Washington State Utility CommJ-ssion, while addressing Puget Sound Energy's contlnued ownershlp interest in Colstrip, decl,ared, "Puget Sound energy should not assume it wil-l get relmbursed by Washington consumers for any more expenditures at Colstrip. " Afso, PP&L, a CoJ-strip plant operator, is spinning off and you heard this before and is expected to lose 28 mil-l-ion over the next 20 years at Colstrip. The Washlngton State Utility Commission acceptance letter addresslng Avista's 2015 integrated resource plan and its conti-nued i-nvolvement Page 76 t7/30/2071 I www. mmcourt. com Public Hearing t t 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 16 71 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 in Colstrip declared at page \4, "Avista should continue to evaluate scenarj-os rel-ated to contj-nued operation of unit 3 and 4 of the coal power generating facility j-n Colstrip, Montana. As a component of this evaluation, Avista should provide an assessment of the impact of rates on a hypothetical portfolio that does not incfude these unj-ts. " Portland Genera1 Ef ectric is required to be out of Colstrip by 2030. Talon Energy, the plant's current operator, stated it is losing tens of millions of dol-l-ars every year and is now seeking a loan from the State of Montana to help keep the ol-der units operational until- 2022. Unlt 4 has had several breakdowns causing shutdowns since 2009. In 2073 to 2074, unit 4 had a breakdown which caused it to shut down for over half a year. Who paid for that? Is that rel-iable or 1s that cost ef fective? No, it's not. Reliability, cost effectiveness of Avistars continued invol-vement in Colstrip, must be adequately and impartially addressed. The inequitable di-stribution of cost to rate payers versus stockholders. Avista's stockholders have approved the sale of Avista to Hydro One, a Canadian utility. Hydro is buying Avista stock for $53 a share, whlch constltutes a 20-percent premium over the company's closing price on July 79, which is the date Page 71 17/30/201.1 t www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing I t 1 ) 3 4 5 5 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 T6 t1 18 L9 20 27 22 23 24 25 that the safe was announced. The recent spat of upgrades to Avista's generating facilities have unquestionably increased the value of Avista's assets. These upgrade costs are solely borne by rate payers while stockhol-ders benefit financially and excl-usively. Have these upgrades been expedited to accommodate the sal-e of Avista? Thatrs al-I I have to say. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and we appreciate your statement. Thank you for your testi-mony, Chuck. Russ Hersrud? RUSS HERSRUD: Hersrud. Russ, if you to testify, questions, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Hersrud. could come forward. MR. HERSRUD: I didn't realize I was but here I am. I signed so I could Okay. going ask Page 18 71/ 30 / 201.1 get you to afflrm the the whole but f can talk. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Russ, if f could raise your ri-ght hand. MR. HERSRUD: A1l- right. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Do you swear or testimony you are about to provide will- be truth and nothing but the truth? MR. HERSRUD: To the best of my knowledge, I www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing t I 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 76 77 18 19 ZU 27 22 23 24 25 yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. And we'11 see if the Deputy Attorney Genera1 has a few questions to help get you on the record. MR. COSTELLO: Can you state your fuIl name and spell your l-ast name for the record? MR. HERSRUD: Russel-l Stafford Hersrud, H-e-r-s-r-u-d. MR. COSTELLO: And what is your residence address ? MR. HERSRUD: lltl Woolsey Drive, Coeur d'A1ene, Idaho 83816. MR. COSTELLO: And are you a customer of Avista? MR. HERSRUD: Yes. MR. COSTELLO: And do you have a statement you'd like to make? MR. HERSRUD: Yes. MR. COSTELLO: Go ahead. MR. HERSRUD: Can I ask a question of these gentlemen? Is that al-lowed? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: During the break, if you want to ask any questions, you can. MR. HERSRUD: Okay. Listening to this testimony like I said, I didn't plan on giving Page 79 tT/30/2071 t www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing I t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 l4 15 t6 l1 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 testimony, I planned to ask some questions, but we'lI do that later. Listening to this testimony here, whi-ch I agree with al-I of it, with the facts and figures, €t cetera, et cetera, et cetera, I think we're missing something. Irve got two grandkids. Looking at you guys, you've probably got chil-dren and grandkids. Okay? That's what we're talking about here. Their health. This is an intergenerational- thing. ftrs not about me. It's not about you. Itfs not about you. It's about the people coming behind us. Vie northern European, whatever we want to caII ourselves, seem to have a hard time looking ahead beyond our nose. In example, I can remember I'm that old in the 1960s when the attorney general not the attorney general, the health I think it was call-ed *- the health education department came out and said that smoking causes cancer. There were a thousand people Iined up to say he was out to lunch. These thousand people, probably five hundred of them died of cancer. However, they denied, they denied, they denied. And that's what I'm hearing constantly from organizations l-ike yours, that we don't realIy have a problem, it's a bunch of erroneous scientists and so forth. Wel-I, we've got a problem. And it's not golng to affect me. It's going to affect my grandkids and my great-grandkids. It's not a lack of Page 20 77/30/2011 o www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing o t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 l1 18 19 20 2t 22 Z3 24 25 factual evidence that you guys need to l-ook at. It's a lack of your conscience. You need to take a hard look at your conscience. If you can live with this kind of damage, go for it. But not on my life. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. And we appreciate your testimony this evening. Let's see if we can excuse me. I hate to say this, because I know that there are a lot of things people say that you may want to show some emotional support for, but this is about getting this official-Iy in the record. So if you could please l-ook at thls as you would a distri-ct court. You wouldnrt clap in court, So please, I woul-d ask you to restrain on any support or opposition to what somebody may say. So let's move forward. And Doug Fagerness? Remotely close? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: He went to the bathroom. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We wil-l- remember to come back to Doug when he comes back to us. And we'l-l- move into Emily Clevel-and. Emi-Iy, if you could raise your right hand and see if I can find mine, dS wel-l. Do you swear or affirm the testimony you are about to provide will be the whole truth and nothlng but the truth? Page 27 tL/30/2011 t www. mmcourt . com Publ-ic Hearing I 1 ) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 74 15 76 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 Z3 EMILY CLEVELAND: I do. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. MR. COSTELLO: Will- you state your full name and spe1I your l-ast name for the record? MS. CLEVELAND: It's Emily Cleveland. My last name is C-1-e-v-e-1-a-n-d. MR. COSTELLO: And what is your residence addres s ? MS. CLEVELAND: Itrs t2l5 Superior Street, Sandpoint, Idaho. MR. COSTELLO: And are you a customer of Avista? MS. CLEVELAND: Yes. MR. COSTELLO: And do you have a statement you'd lj-ke to make? MS. CLEVELAND: Yes. And f'm also I also work as the community engagement associate for Idaho Conservation League. And first I'd like to thank the commissioners for havj-ng this public hearing. I rea1ly appreciate the opportunity for North Idahoans to be able to have this opportunity to give public testimony on this issue. ftrs something that's reaI1y important to a lot of us, and so I appreciate you taking the time to come up here and l-isten to us. And that goes to the Avista staff here, ds wel-l-. t Page 22 1.1/ 30 / 2071 t www. mmcourt . com Pubfic Hearing I t 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 !4 15 t6 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 On behal-f of my organization and 30,000 supporters we have in the state, I have concern about the Colstrip coal--fired power plant and whether or not that's a sound investment for Avista. There are a l-ot of reasons for concern, but I think flrst and foremost that people shoul-d be abl-e to be able to weigh 1n on how their money is being spent, and that comes first with transparency. And I've felt that in this process it was reaIly difficul-t to discern how the money Avistars putting towards Colstrip is actually being spent and whether that money is going towards propping up this plant and extending the useful Life. And so I would l-ike to encourage Avista and encourage the commission to think about that transparency and making sure the customers can be able to see how their rate payer money is going into these various investments. For example, j-n the proposed rate increase, it l-isted $24,000,000 in capital expenses for Colstrip between 2071 and 2019, and it was unclear what of that percentage is being incl-uded in this rate case, and it was interesting to understand or to learn that part of that 1s going towards pollution control that is not required and was put under a mandatory expense, and that is also ineffective at actually cleaning the air. So I think some of that information could be a little more transparent for the Page 23 77/30/2071 I www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearlng t t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 !2 13 74 15 t6 t7 18 79 20 27 ZZ 23 24 25 customers and trying to understand how their money 1s golng into this p1ant, this plant that many of these customers are moral-Iy opposed to. And it's a difficult thing to know that your money that your hard earned money is going into something that you know you'11 be facing the costs of in other ways, ds well, whether it's increased smoke in the summertime with fires or other effects of climate change. So I would just encourage that Avista think about that transparency and make sure that it's as clear as possible how theyrre investing that rate payer money, and I woul-d encourage the commj-ssion just to take a hard l-ook at Colstrip and whether those investments are in the best interests of Idahoans. One thing I l-earned today is that the CEO of the Westmorel-and Coal Company resigned on Tuesday, and that that coal- company who supplies the coal for Colstrip it's the on-site mine is over $300,000,000 in debt and their stock price has dropped 94 percent in the l-ast year. And so that, to me, is a rea11y big red flag that this 1s somethj-ng that should be taken with some cautj-on, and so I just I appreciate the commission in looking out for the rate payers, and I hope that they'Il take a hard look at Colstrip. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. We Page 24 77/30/2071 I www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing t 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 1,6 71 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 appreciate your statement. Let's go back Doug, have you are you here? DOUG FAGERNESS: Too much information. I was worried about that the whole time, actually. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: I have the same feeling. It always happens to me. The best part about that experience, though, is I usual-Iy speed up when I talk and get done quicker. MR. FAGERNESS: I shou1d have waited then, right ? o way you're withln reason. hand? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : prepared. You can go as Doug, can I get you That's fine. This Iong as you want, to ralse your right MR. FAGERNESS: Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Do you affirm the testimony you're about to provide whole truth and nothing but the truth? MR. EAGERNESS: I do. swear or will be the COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. And Doug, we have a couple of questions to help get you on the record from the Deputy Attorney General-. MR. COSTELLO: Can you state your ful1 name and spell your l-ast name for the record? MR. FAGERNESS: Yes. Douglas Paul Page 25 77/30/2071 o www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 t6 71 18 t9 20 27 22 ZJ 24 25 Fagerness, F-a-g-e-r-n-e-s-s. MR. COSTELLO: What is your resj-dence address? MR. FAGERNESS: 2L93 West Aviara Place, Coeur d'Al-ene, Idaho . MR. COSTELLO: And are you a customer of Avista? MR. FAGERNESS:Yes, I am. And do you have a statementMR. COSTELLO: you'd like to make? MR. FAGERNESS: I do, please. MR. COSTELLO: Pl-ease go ahead. MR. FAGERNESS: WeIl-, f j-rst, I wanted to affirm what many have said. Gratitude for your taking time and making this hearj.ng possible to hear from us here in North Idaho. So thank you. My background is early chifdhood education. And so I guess the most compelling thing for me is wondering about what will happen with our chil-dren and for our children. So with that, I guess springboard, I move forward. I was here long enough when Washlngton Water Power was requesting rate increase to increase their investment in nuclear power, the "Whoops" plant. The Idaho Publ-ic Util-ities Commission at that time denied that request. And as a result, our Washington Page 26 77/30/2011 a www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 t6 L1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Water Power became and sustained being a good investment and was good for our rate payers. I appreciate the emphasis on that conservation since Washington Water Power and Avista has made. f can't I think it was the threshold there, and we're at another threshold now, and it's about coa1. I thlnk we have an opportunity to move forward, move away from coal-, with wind and with solar, and I sincerely hope we can take that advantage and not continue reliance on a dinosaur, 1iteral1y. So thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. We appreciate your statement. Matt and I'm not even MATT NYKIEL: Nykiel. COMM] SS]ONER KJELLANDER : you coul-d raise your right hand. Do the testimony you're about to provide truth and nothing but the truth? MR. NYKIEL: I do. going to try. Okay. Matt, if you swear or affirm will- be the whole COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. And couple questions to help get you on the record. MR. COSTELLO: Will- you please state your ful-l- name and spell your l-ast name for the record? MR. NYKIEL: Matthew Nykiel, M-a-t-t-h-e-w N-y-k-i-e-I. Page 21 77/30/2071 o www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing I 1 2 3 4 tr 6 1 a Y 10 11 72 13 74 15 t6 L1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 MR. COSTELLO: What is your residence address ? MR. NYKIELz 123 North Ell-a Avenue, Unit 7, Sandpoint, Idaho. MR. COSTELLO: And are you a customer of Avi sta ? MR. NYKIEL: Yes. MR. COSTELLO: And do you have a statement you'd like to make? MR. NYKIEL: Yes. MR. COSTELLO: Go ahead. MR. NYKIEL: I just want to start out and echo, thank the commission and staff and Avista and Avista staff , ds well , for taking the time to l-isten to comments today. And another short quick note, just about the hearing tonight. I just recommend that the commission, in future hearings, rea11y takes a l-ittl-e bit more time to advertise and get the word out a l-ittle bit. There wasnrt a lot of notice in community cal-endars or radio, public notices, and I think folks rea11y do appreci-ate when the commission is here in person and can hear comment from fol-ks in North ldaho, and I know I've heard commission staff say that sometimes the commission can be a l-ittle hesitant in coming up here because these meetings can be thin at t t Page 28 tt/30/2011www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing t t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 !2 13 74 15 76 71 18 79 20 2t 22 23 24 25 times, but I think the more we can get the word out, the more people there are people interested in participating. So just a friendly suggestion. Rate cases provide an opportunity to consider how Avista is spending its customers' money. And in this case, we learn that Avista and its Idaho customers wil-I be spending a significant amount of money on the Colstrip coal-fired power p1ant. And in my view, Colstrip isn't a good investment of Idahoan money, and because of this Ird encourage the commission and its staff to more critically evaluate Avista's financial expenditures at the plant in this rate case and the rate cases that wil-l fol-l-ow. Coal plants throughout the country are like a fleet of sinking ships, and Colstrip is no different. More than 250 coal plants throughout the country have retired since 2070. And as stated in a Forbes articl-e this past May, the central thread in util-ity decisions to retire coal- plants is that coal is increasingly priced out of the power markets by natural gas and renewables or made obsolete by shrj-nking demand. The expense of coal power is relative. Renewables and natural gas are in many cases cost competitlve if not less expensive than coal-, and the expense of coal also comes from additional costs unique to burning fossil- fuel-s and co-owning such a large facility with multiple Page 29 17/30/2071 t www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 76 t1 18 t9 20 27 22 23 24 25 owners. As part of this f l-eet of sinking coal- plants in our country, Colstriprs unique addltional costs are like leaks springing into a ship, and Avista is trying to paper over them with hundred thousand dol-1ar biIls, and I just don't think that is a good use of Idahoan money. So for example, coal ash ponds at the facility have leaked and theyrve contaminated the locaI groundwater in the town of Colstrip, and preliminary estimates indicate that just the first stage of cleanup may cost upwards of $138,000,000 and itrs anticipated that the second and third stages of cleanup will be more expensi-ve than the first. On a separate note, other coal_-owning util-ities are setting the stage to end their use of the p1ant. For example, two Oregon-based util-ities that part-own Colstrip with Avista will be 1egaIIy prohibited from distributing power from that plant by 2030 or 2035. And Puget Sound Energy, which is a predominant sharehol-der of the plant 2S-percent ownership in units 3 and 4 -- is in settlement negotiations that if finalized woul-d require PSE to be financially prepared to end its use of units 3 and 4 by 2027. In addition to a1l- these costs, Avista's application in this rate case indicates that Avista has been spending rate payer money on what, in my opinion, o t Page 30 7r/30/2071www. mmcourt . com Publ-ic Hearing t 1 Z 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 1,6 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 are risky and speculative capital expenditures at Colstrip without providing the public and the commission much explanation or analysis of why they chose to do so. And it's come to our attention that similar speculative expendltures at Colstrip were included but perhaps not clearly explicated in the prior rate case to this one. And so going forward and understanding the tenuous circumstances and economics of Colstrip, f'd request that the commission and 1ts staff scrutinize closely any expenditures at Colstrip that Avista requests in the rate cases to come, and I woul-d request the commission encourage Avista to be more forthcoming with information that will help customers understand how and why their money is being invested in this facility. Thanks. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. And Matt, a1so, in reference to the one of the age ol-d probJ-ems that we run into is trying to figure out the best way to get the word out that we're having a public hearlng. So if you would meet with Matt Evans and I know you've met Matt. He's our public information officer. If you have some thoughts or ideas every community is a littl-e different, every region of the state is a little different. f know he'd be more than willing and eager to hear your thoughts about ways 1n which we might be better about getting the word out. t Page 31 t7/30/2017 I www. mmcourt . com Pubfic Hearing I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 11 1,2 13 74 15 16 t7 18 79 20 27 22 Z3 24 atrZJ MR. NYKIEL: creat. Will do. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. MR. NYKIEL: Thanks. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: All right. I'm sorry. Michael- FuIler or Full-en? MR. FULLER: Pufl-er. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Ful-l-er. MR. FULLER: Yes, sir. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: If you could raise your right hand. Do you swear or affirm the testimony you are about to provide will be the whol-e truth and nothj-ng but the truth? MR. FULLER: f do, sj-r. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. And if we could get a couple of questions from the attorney general to get you officially on the record. MR. COSTELLO: Wil-l- you please state your full name and spe1I your l-ast name for the record? MR. FULLER: My name is Michael R. Fuller, F-u-1-l--e-r. MR. COSTELLO: And what is your residence addre s s ? MR. FULLER: 1507 Fairmont Loop, here in Coeur d'Alene. MR. COSTELLO: Thank you. And are you a Page 32 77/30/2071 o www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing I t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 d 9 10 11 72 13 l4 15 76 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 customer of Avista? MR. FULLER: Yes, I am. I have several accounts with Avista in Coeur d'AIene and Sandpoint. MR. COSTELLO: Thank you. And do you have a statement you'd Like to make? MR. FULLER: Yes, I do. MR. COSTELLO: Pl-ease go ahead. MR. FULLER: Wel-l-, once agaj-n, thank you for being here Avlsta and commissioners. I've served on commissions in the state of Montana in my past, and I know it's sometimes a thankless job, but one that's very important to hear the voice of the people. I was born and raised J-n Montana, as I've stated. I was in southern Montana going to school- when Colstrip was first developed in the early 70s. And I saw a fot of things happen there that were reaIly concerning to me, both for workers and for people in the community, people that were injured during the constructlon of the plant, people who suffered pain and suffering through the early stages of it, and I know the community still has a lot of concerns about the wel-I being of the community. Also, having been a Montana native, f know what's happened in Libby, Montana, what's happened in Butte, what's gone on in Missoula prior to cleaning up a lot of the wood mil-Is plants in the Missoula area, but ongoing Page 33 tT/30/2071 I www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing I t 1 2 3 4 q 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 t9 20 27 22 23 24 25 issues with Libby in the cleanup, ongoing issues with Butte, Montana and the mining operations there. That was 40 years ago. Hard to believe. I was a college student in southern Montana. And it's striklng to me that we cannot rea11y appreciate the technol-ogy that's happened that's brought us from 40 years ago to develop the energy we all need to survi-ve and to prosper, and we're still leaning back on that potentlally with development and the contlnuing support of the Colstrip plant. It's pretty apparent to me that climate change and the development of coal- is an age ol-d industry. I personally believe that al-ternative energy is and I support Avistaf s program with bl-ock wj-nd and power payments on my account, which I thought was kind of amazing. I was just going to drop one of my Avista bills in the box over here on 4th on the way here, so I'm stil-I supporting Avista. I think itrs a great organization. And they treated me wel-l. When gas came to my area of Coeur d'Alene, which is a l-ittl-e on the perimeter, we were one of the first to sign up because we love cooking with gas. Avi-sta's gas is great. It was a big factor for us buying and living where we live j-n the Coeur d'Al-ene area, to have gas to cook with, and they were very good, and to get into was very reasonabl-e. So we now have that instead of propane. So Page 34 t7/30/2011 I www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing t 1 2 3 4, 5 6 1 o 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 18 19 20 2! 22 23 24 25 thanks, Avista, for that. One of the things that I noted in the back of the l-ittle handout we had here is my question to Avlsta is a utility submits burden of proof demonstrating the additional expense as j-ncurred is necessary to serve customers and prudently incurred. I'd like to rea11y ask everyone else here this question of whether or not it's prudent to contj-nue to support a plant that has really met its age and is a dj-nosaurr ds so many people have commented. There are much better ways to produce the energy we're going to need in the future, and I'm looking forward to many more years with Avista contlnuing to provide my power. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. And we appreciate your statement. Art Piltch, do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to provide will be the whol-e truth and nothing but the truth? ART PILTCH: I do. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. MR. COSTELLO: Please state your full name and speIl your last name for the record. MR. PILTCH: Arthur Piltch, P-i-I-t-c-h. MR. COSTELLO: And your residence address? MR. PILTCH: 87 Rock Road, Sandpoint. o Page 35 77/30/2077 o www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 o 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 16 77 1B 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 MR. COSTELLO: Are you a customer of Avista? MR. PILTCH: Yes, I am. MR. COSTELLO: And do you have a statement you'd like to make? MR. PILTCH: Yes. MR. COSTELLO: Pl-ease go ahead. MR. PILTCH: I'm opposed to the rate hike being requested by Avista. I have seen in Avista's latest integrated resource plan that they plan on keeping their share in the Colstrip coal-fired generators and keeping these plants operational for the next 20 years. I understand from testimony of Ben Otto of the Idaho Conservation League that the rate increase is needed for further investments in the Colstrip plant and to pay for a share of Smart Burn technology which is supposed to reduce the amount of nitrogen oxides and agents produced by the facility. The testimony incl-uded expert opinion that the Smart Burn technology is not only not required by law, but is ineffective in reducing pollution. Most j-mportant to me is that it does nothing to address the huge amount of greenhouse gas emitted by these plants. It is obvious to me, ds well as most people on Earth and the entire community of cl-imate scientists, that we need to take immediate steps to reduce greenhouse emissions or face a catastrophic I I Page 35 71/30/2071www. mmcourt. com PubIic Hearing I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 t6 t1 18 19 20 27 22 Z3 24 25 future. We have seen an alarming increase in fires in the west since the I910s that has been associated with increasingly 1ong, hot, dry summers and early snow melt. The rest of the nation or the rest of the worl-d have been experienclng more frequent and severe droughts, heat waves, extreme storms and flooding, sea-Ievel-wise is on a course to make the coastal areas where much of the world's population lives, uninhabitable. When considering what energy choices to invest in now, how can we not take into account the cost and suffering that not adjusting to climate change will- impose on our future. There are clean energy options avalfabl-e that coul-d replace the electricity f rom the CoJ-strip pIant. For example, the same area of Montana that provides coal to Colstrip is among the best in the country for wind resources. Wind-generated electricity can be transmitted to Avista customers along the same power lines that now bring us power from Colstrip. The other utilities that own shares in Colstrip have plans to dj-vest. They apparently don't agree with Avista's assessment that maintaining the Colstrip facility makes any economic sense. As members of the Idaho Publ-ic Utilities Commission charged with looking after the best interests of Avista customers who are Idaho residents, I urge you to reject this request for a rate increase. I t Page 37 t7/30/2011 a www. mmcourt . com Publ-ic Hearing I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 t6 71 18 I9 20 2I 22 23 24 25 would not be opposed to a rate increase if instead it were being used to invest in clean energy. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you for your statement. We appreciate that. We'11 cal-I now Suzanne Marshall. Do you swear or affj-rm the testimony you are about to provlde wil-l- be the whol-e truth and nothing but the truth? SUZANNE MARSHALL: Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. MR. COSTELLO: Pl_ease state your name for the record. I N/Iq MR. MS. MR. MARSHALL: COSTELLO: MARSHALL: COSTELLO: Suzanne Marshal-l-. And your residence address? 620 North 16th, CDA, 83814. And are you a customer of Avista? MS. MARSHALL: Yes. MR. COSTELLO: And do you have a statement you'd l-ike to make? MS. MARSHALL: Yes. MR. COSTELLO: Pl-ease go ahead. MS. MARSHALL: Yes. I just moved here a couple years d9o, and I do love North Idaho, and I particularly like its cl-ean air. I happen to be a person who suffers from asthma, and so it's sort of a Page 38 tT/30/2011 I www. mmcourt. com Public Hearing I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 I6 71 18 t9 20 27 22 23 24 25 personal thing. I'm wearing this coal button where I'm against coal-. I grew up in a house partly in western Kentucky that burned coal, so I wonder if that had something to do with the asthma. And then I lived in eastern Kentucky when my husband was in medical school, where he saw Iots of patients with black lung and all sorts of respiratory illnesses, so I've become aware of sort of the medical effects, health effects of coa1. And so when I began to read about Avista's interest in continuing to run the Colstrip plant for another until- 2031 , I was concerned about that, because j-t's a 3O-year-o1d plant and I woul-d prefer that my money be spent on better energy sources and not be used on, like other people already said, a dinosaur. And so that's what my concern is. I have asthma. I know what it's like. Kids get it. Itrs an effect of coal-fired plants, and so I think that would be something Avista might want to take into account. I also thank you for coming here. This is my first public meeting 1n ldaho, although I've been to many in other states, and so it's nice that you came up to way up Irm not used to how big this state is. You came clear up here to l-isten to uSr and I appreclate that. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you for your statement. I appreciate you showlng up this evening, as Page 39 t7/30/2071 I www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing o 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 74 15 76 71 18 !9 20 27 22 23 24 otrLJ WCII We have Linda Sanders. LINDA SANDERS: First f have a book I want to recommend to everyone. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Linda, could we get you sworn in first? If you coul-d raise your right hand. Do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to provide wil-l be the whol-e truth and nothing but the truth? MS. SANDERS: Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. And we have a couple of questions from the Deputy Attorney General to help get you on the record. MR. COSTELLO:t MS. SANDERS: Post Fa1Is, fdaho. customer of Avista? you'd l-ike to make? MS. SANDERS: MR. COSTELLO: Thank you. And are you a Can you state your full name for the record? Linda Sanders. And your residence address? l'725 North Stagecoach Drive, and spe1I your MS. MR. Iast name SANDERS: COSTELLO: MS. SANDERS: Yes MR. COSTELLO: And do you have a statement o Page 40 77/30/2011www. mmcourt . com Pub11c Hearlng o t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 b 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 16 71 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 MR. COSTELLO: Please go ahead. MS. SANDERS: First I want to recommend this book for the latest information on climate change written by a wonderful Native Amerj-can young man of 71 years old. Anyway, he's leading a movement called "The Earth Guardians' Guide to Bullding a Movement that Restores the Planet. " Climate change 1s real-. Human beings have caused it. We've known about the relationship between carbon dioxide and 91oba1 warming since the 1890s. For about 50 years, coal burning has been belching tons of greenhouse gases into our air every day. Avista has been participating in this pollution by using a mj-x of energy including 10 percent coal. Along wlth other dirty energy producers, Avlsta has been Iagging behind in dealing with climate change. Surely, Avista can replace the 10 percent energy from Colstrip coal in Montana to clean solar or wind power generated local1y. It woul-d be a wise change both financially and environmentally. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. We have exhausted the names that were on the l-ist we have. Is there anyone else that would like to testlfy this evening? Why don't you go ahead and just move up to the podium and we'l-l- get you sworn in. If you could Page 47 77/30/2071 o www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing I t 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 a 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 16 71 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 raise your right hand. Do you swear or afflrm the testimony you are about to provide will- be the whole truth and nothing but the truth? KRISTI MILAN: Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : a few questions to get you Thank you. And officially on thewe'11 have record. MR. COSTELLO: Wil-l- you state your ful-l- name and spelI your last name for the record? MS. MILAN: Kristi-, K-r-i-s-t-i, Mi1an, M-i-l--a-n. MR. COSTELLO: Thank you. And your residence address? MS. MILAN: 1310 Coeur d'A1ene Avenue, Coeur d'Al-ene, Idaho, 83814. MR. COSTELLO: And are you a customer of Avista? MS. MILAN: I sure am. MR. COSTELLO: And do you have a statement you would l-ike to make? MS. MILAN: I do. MR. COSTELLO: Pl-ease go ahead. MS. MILAN: I actually only heard about this meeting last yesterday, and so f don't have a long Page 42 77/30/2071 I www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing t I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 10 11 12 13 L4 15 t6 t1 1B 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 prepared statement, but I've gathered several thoughts as f l-istened to other people. I'm a retired teacher. I am a mother of three. Two of my sons l-ive here in Kootenai County, and I am a Nana of five who all live here, and I'm very concerned about the environment and their living conditions. I'm a history retired history teacher, and my belief is that we need to learn from history. And unfortunately, it seems like a l-ot of times we are not. If we remember correctly, when we used to smoke on planes and pretend that in the back of the plane that the smoke woul-dn't affect us if we were j.n the front of the p1ane. In mal-l-s and in cars. In history, we remember that there was a big fi-ght over whether or not we should switch from horses to cars, and the pollution that it would keep. Last month f am active at the Kootenai Environmental All-iance, and we had a water keepers fil-m festival which there was a film about the dams in the Washington peninsula and the effort to tear down those dams, because they were no longer the source of electricity for the town on the peninsula, and the reason they coul-d tear those down was because of more efficient ways of providing energy. And that's what we need to l-ook into is the fact is is that history wil-l- show that coal is dead, and it's not only dead, but it is causing incredible pollution. ft's not Page 43 t7/30/2071 I www. mmcourt . com Publ-ic Hearing I t 1 2 3 4 q 6 1 B 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 16 71 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 onl-y causing pollution as we burn it, but it is causing pollution as we mine it, it is causing poJ-Iution to those who mine it, and it is causing destruction all- along the wdy, and it is time that we get rid of it. Science doesn't 1ie. I will- admit that I am under the belief that utilities should be for the pubJ-ic good, that they reaIly shouldn't be making a profit, and that sharehol-ders shoul-d not be the end al-l- as to how a utility, a public utility, shoul-d be making its money, that 1t should be for the public good and not for the shareholders. We have to change. We have to make the change, and we have to l-ook in the future, and we have to invest 1n the future. We cannot continue to l-ook at a product that will be extinct and wll-l- not be viabl-e 1n the future. f've noticed that aI1 the people here that have spoke up have been against the coal-. ft is for our benefit that we do not use Avista's money to invest 1n a source of energy that w1l-l not be viable in the future. We need to j-nvest in the future. And we in history, it says that if we do not l-earn from history, that we are doomed to repeat it. And I would hope that you do not repeat it. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you for your statement this evening. Is there anyone else who would Page 44 7t/30/2011 t www. mmcourt. com Publ-ic Hearing o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 76 !1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 l-ike to testify? If not STEPHANIE HALLOCK:I ' Il- testif y. Wefl-, we got a oh COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : taker. MS. HALLOCK: I wasn't going brave, I guess. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ]f you raise your right hand. Do you swear testimony you are about to provide will truth and nothlng but the truth? MS. HALLOCK: Yes. Apartment 95, 1n Coeur d'Afene. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : you to spe11 your l-ast name one more more slowly for me. MS. HALLOCK: Okay. It's COMMI SS ]ONER KJELLANDER : to, but I ' l-l be I could have or afflrm the be the whole t COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. MR. COSTELLO: Will you state and speI1 your l-ast name for the record? MS. HALLOCK: Itrs Stephanie last name is H-a-I-l--o-c-k. address ? your fuI1 name HaIIock, and my MR. COSTELLO: And what is your residence MS. HALLOCK: It's 2501 East Sherman Avenue, And could time, just T ask a Iittl-e H-a-l--1-o-c-k. Okay. -o-c-k.And Page 45 77/30/2077 t www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing o o 1 2 ? 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 your first name? MS. HALLOCK: Stephanle. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, Stephanie. Sorry to interrupt. MR. COSTELLO: Are you a customer of Avista? MS. HALLOCK: Yes. MR. COSTELLO: And do you have a statement you'd like to make? MS. HALLOCK: Yes. MR. COSTELLO: Pl-ease go ahead. MS. HALLOCK: f've been a customer with Avista for 13 years, and any time there's a rate increase, it affects obviousl-y all of us economically. And I know I have a lot of friends that are living paycheck to paycheck, so when theyrre talking about rate increases, that concerns me. I know that in the past, Avista has had to pay for like mi-tigation with their re-l-icenslng, and they have to do stuff with like the Coeur d'A1ene Trj-be on Lake Coeur d'Alene, and thatrs mil-]ions of dol-lars that are and some of our rate payer money is obvj-ousl-y going to that. And I don't mind my rate payer money to going to stuff that benefits me 1oca11y. I recreate on the l-ake all- of us do and I wouldn't mind if thlngs are protected from bank erosion and et cetera. But to me, this proposed plan to Page 46 77/30/2071 o www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 t6 71 1B 19 20 27 22 Z5 24 25 invest in coal does not benefit me. Like many here, I be1ieve that we should be looking for future. There's a lot of renewabl-e energies we need to invest in, and there's alternatj-ve energies. It's sort of an exciting time because there's this time where all these it's not just people here in the U.S., but all over the wor1d, there's dlfferent countries that are going to be investing and researching different technologies, so it doesn't make sense for the people in the state of Idaho to having our rate payer money going to an industry that is like many people said, it's a dying industry, and the future is in these renewable energies because and al-ternative energies. So I personally, if I had a way I naively didn't realize how much Avista is investing in coal. If I had my way, I would choose a utility that didn't invest anything i-n coal-, because to fre, that's just like many said, it's increasing our greenhouse gases. Climate change is going to be a big thing. So I wish that f had a way to not invest have my rate payer money go at all to anything with coal, period. But in this case, since I can't choose my utility, I would since I don't have a cholce, I would like to say that I don't support any investing a rate payer increase to go toward investing more into the strip coal or whatever j.t's caIIed, their proposed t Page 41 Tt/30/2071 o www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing t I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 !6 71 18 t9 20 27 22 23 24 25 pl-ans. I lust think that that's not a good choice economj-ca11y and mora11y, too. So thanks. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and we appreciate your testimony. Why don't we go ahead and you move up to the podium and we'l-l have you raj-se your right hand. Do you swear or affirm the testimony you are about to provide wil-l be the whol-e truth and nothing but the truth? SHIRLEY BLACKWELL: I do. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. We have a coupJ-e questions from the Deputy Attorney General to get you on the record. MR. COSTELLO: WilI you state your full- name and spelI your l-ast name for the record? MS. BLACKWELL: Shirley Ann 81ackwell, B-1-a-c-k-w-e-1-1, 1620 West Canfield Avenue, Coeur d'AIene, 83815. MR. Me.,.) . MR. like to make? COSTELLO: BLACKWELL: COSTELLO: Are you a customer of Avista? I am. Do you have a statement you'd MS. BLACKWELL: Yes, thank you. So many things you've stated, Ifve read and studied, and I totally agree with everything that people have said. One thing that has not been mentioned, which I think is Page 48 tt/30/2071 t www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing I t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 16 71 1B t9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 real-1y important for wise investment, that pays good divldends for our future here in Coeur d'Al-ene, is what I've studied in the book by Carl Pope and Michael- Bloomberg in "Climate of Hope." And they start out Bloomberg, of course, is very staunch Republican conservative, and CarI Pope is the former director of the Sierra Club. And they've come together to make dollars and sense. And the dollars and sense that Bloomberg talks about, being the former mayor of New York several- times over, he coul-d see that it was not wise investment to invest in a dinosaur and things that were absolutely not good investment for the community in itself on a small scafe from grass roots up, that wlth our beautiful town here of Coeur d'Alene and thls whole northwest area, it would make much more dol-l-ars and sense, whether you're a Republican, Democrat, Independent, whatever, to provide an environment that wou1d attract families and business. Most people today are more wel-l- educated about this subject, and they don't want to bring their famil-ies here if they know that we are golng to continue along with this dinosaur polluting our air and our water and our natural- resources. So for business investment and good dividends, long-term, Iong-term, 1t woul-d be wj-se to invest in sustainabl-e development and our environment to Page 49 t7/30/2071 I www. mmcourt . com Public Hearing I o 1 2 3 4 5 A 1 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 L6 L1 18 19 20 2t 22 Z3 24 25 attract business that wil-l pay for our future and our schools and our cl-ean air and our water and our l-and. It makes dollars and sense. Simple as that. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you for your statement. Is there anyone else who would l-ike to provide a statement this evening? If not, w€ are to that point at which I woul-d l-ike to remind everyone that the next step in this proceeding is for the technical hearing on the proposed settlement which wil-1 occur on December 8, and that date wil-l- al-so represent the cl-ose of public comments for this caser So therers still time j-f there's other things that you think of that you want to submit to be a part of the official public record, that you can do so up until December 8. I would also l-ike to say thank you to School District 217 for making this facility available to us. They were very generous. If you couId, if you did bring anything in with you, take it out. It's sort of a courtesy to make sure that we don't leave anything behind. Again, they've been very generous. And as far as facil-ities go, this is one of the nicer ones that werve been able to deal- with in terms of being able to just wal-k in, have a public hearing and have comfortable seating. So again, I want to thank District 211 for their generous offering of allowing us to be here this o Page 50 77/30/2077www. mmcourt. com Publ-ic Hearing t 1 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 76 t1 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 evenr-ng. I know that there are some people that had some questions of the utility, and I believe they said that they'd be avail-able for some O and A. And I know that we have some staff membersr ds we1l. If you have procedural questj-ons, that's about the only thing that I can deal with, because I serve as an adjudicator over this case. So j-f you ask me a question and I give you a blank stare, it's because frm supposed to give you a blank stare. That's my role in this. I speak official-Iy through our orders, So we'11 be looking at the case going forward. And with that, then that concludes this segment of the process of the public hearing. And again, I want to thank everybody, too. At a time 1n which we talk a lot about the l-ack of civil discourse, I think you demonstrated this evening that there is quite the ability to agree to disagree without being disagreeabl-e, and I really do appreciate your willingness to come forward and to present, in a very civil fashion, your comments, thoughts and statements this evening. So thank you. And with that, we are adjourned. (Hearing adjourned at 7:05 p.m. ) a Page 51 t7/30/2071 o www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 t6 71 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 REPORTER' S CERT]FICATE I, JULIE MCCAUGHAN, Certified Shorthand Reporter, do hereby certify: That the foregoing proceedings were taken before me at the tlme and place therein set forth; That the proceedings were recorded stenographically by me and were thereafter transcribed by me or under my direction; That the foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings, to the best of my ability; That I am not a relative or employee of any of the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand and seaf Dec 8, 2071 . JULIE MC GHAN, rD C.S.R.o. 684Notary PubIic 816 Sherman Avenue, Suite 1 Coeur d'Al-ene, ID 83814 My Commission Expi-res May l, 2022. a t Page 52 tT/30/2071www. mmcourt . com PubIic Hearing A Apartment 45:20 apologize4:9 11:18 apparent 34:10 apparently 37:20 appear 6:19 appearances 7:4 application 1:3 3:16 30:24 appreciate 5: 19 8: 1 1 10:18 12:11 18:10 2l:6 22:20,23 24:22 25:.l 27:2,t2 2 34:5 35:15 38: 39:23,25 4B:4 approved 77:.22 area 33:25 34:L9,23 37'.14 49:L5 areas37i7 Arehart 7:16 arena 13:13 Art 35: 16,19 Arthur 35:23 article 29:17 ash 30:6 asked 3:12 assessment 17:5 37:2t assets 18:3 associate 22:17 associated l5:9 37:2 assume 16:18 asthma 38:25 39:4,15 attention 31:4 attorney 3:L 8:22 t9:3 20:14,L4 25:22 32:15 40:12 48:ll attract49:18 50:1 Authority L:4 3:t7 available 37:12 50:L6 51:4 Avenue 11:8 14:19 2B:3 42:15 45:19 48:16 52:19 Aviara 26:4 Avasta l'.3,4 3:ll,L6 3:16 5:9,16,19,25 6:21 7:14 tl:lL,t7 13:1,8 14:20 15:20 16:6 17:L,5,22,23l8:7 L9:L4 22:L2,25 23;4,13 24:9 26:7 27'.4 28:6,L3,L4 29:5 29:6 30:3,16,24 31:10,12 33:1,3,9 34i15,L7 35:1,4,13 36:1,8 37:17,24 38:16 39: L7 4O:2L 4I:t2,L4,16 42:18 46:5,L2,L7 47:I4 48:18 Avista's 14:25 15:10 15:11,18 L6:11,24 17;17,2L l8:2,3 23:929:ll 30:23 34:L3 34;2t 36"8 37:20 39:9 44:18 AVU-E-17-O1 1:3 3:15 AVU-G-17-011:3 AVU-G-17013:15 aware 39:7 B-l-a-c-k-w-e-l-l 48:16 B-o-s-t-i-c-k 5:3 back 2:15 2l:2O,20 25:1 34:8 35:2 43:10 background 26:17 bank46:24 based 10:3 basing 10:4 basis 2:20 bathroom 21:18 Bay 15:5 beautiful 49:14 becoming 16:10 began 39:9 behalf 23;1 beings 41:8 belching4l:11 beliet 43'.7 44:6 believe 10:9 34:3,12 47:2 5l:3 Ben 36:12 benefit 18:5 44:18 47:L benefits 46:22 best 18:25 24'.13 25'.6 31:18 37:15,23 52:10better3l:25 35:10 39:13 beyond 20:12 big 13:12,13 24'.20 34:22 39'.22 43:13 47:LB bills 30:4 34:16 bit 15:7 28:18,19 black 15:9 39:6 Blackwell 48:9,15,15 48:19,22 blank 51:9,10 block 34:13 Bloomberg 49'.4,5,9 book 40:3 4l:3 49:3 born 33:12 borne 18:4 Bostick 4:Lt,L5,2L,25 5:2,3,4,6,LQ,L3,t5 8: 14 box 34:16 brave 45 :6 breakT:L9 L9:22 breakdown 17:14 breakdowns 17:13 bring 37:18 49:20 50:17 brought 34:6 Buffalo 9:24 Building 41:6 Bull 12:23 bunch 20:22 burden 35:4 burn 36:15,18 44:1 burned 39:3 burning 29:24 4L:tO business 12:6 49:18 49:23 50:1 butcher 4:9 Butte 33:23 34:2 button 1 5:6 39: 1 buying 17:23 34:22 C-l-e-v-e-l-a -n-d 22: 6 C.S.R 1:18 52:18 calendars 28:20 call 2:20,25 8:16 20:11 38: 5 called 20:15 41:5 47:25 Canadlan t7:22 cancer 20: 16, 19 Canfield 48:16 capital 23:18 31:1 carbon 41:9 Carl 49:3,6 cars 43:12,L4 case 1:3 2:4 3'.2,14,20 3:22 4:5 7:23 9:8 23:20 29:6,L2 30:243l:6 47:21 5O:ll 51:8,12 cases 29:4,13,22 3l:ll catastrophic 36:25 caused 17:14 4l:8 causes 20:16 causing 17:13 43:25 44:.t,t,2,3 caution 24:21 CDA 38:14 CENTER 1:10 central 29:17 CEO24:L4 CERTIFICATE 52:1 Certified 52:2 certify 52:3 cetera 2O:4,4,4 46:25 chairman 2:4 change L5:23 24:8 34:10 37:11 4l:3,7 41:15,18 44:12,13 47:L8 changes 6:2 charged 37:23 Charges 1:5 3:18 Charles 14:18 childhood 26:17 children 20:6 26:L9,20 choice 47:22 48:l choices 37:9 choose 47:15,21 chose 31:3 Chuck 14:6,8,11,18 18: 11 circumstances 31:B civil 51:16,21 clap 21:12 clean 37:12 38:2,24 4t:.17 5O:2 clean-up 16:12 cleaning 23'.24 33'.24 cleanup 6:t8,24 30:9 30:11 34:1 clear 24:tO 39:22 clearly 31:6 Cleveland 2l:21 22:I 22:5,5,9,13,L6 climate t5:23 24:8 34:LO 36:23 37:ll 4L:3,7 ,15 47 :18 49:4 close 3:23 l4:7 ,8 21:16 50:10 closely 31:9 closing 17:25 Club 49:7 Page 53 co-owning 29:25 coal 6:4 9:22 l0:5,6,t3 L2:t 13:12 15:7,8,21 16:3,10 17:3 24:15 24:t6,16 27:6,7 29: 13, 15,18, L8,2L,23 29:23 3O:t,6 34:ll 37:L4 39:L,2,3,84t:lO,t4,t7 43:24 44:L7 47:1,t5,L6,2O 47:25 coal-fired 23'.3 29:8 36: 10 39: 16 coal-owning 30:13 coasta! 37:7 code 4:9 Coeur L:L2 5:7 ll:8 14:19 19:11 26:5 32:24 33:3 34:19,23 42:L5,L5 45:20 46:L9,19 48:L6 49:2 49:L4 52:20 college 34:3 Colstrip 6:4,L6 10:1,4 ll:20,24 t3:LB 15:LL 16:5,7,t3,17 L6:2O,2O,23 17:1,4,8 17:18 23:3,10,18 24"12,17,24 29:8,9 29:14 30:8,16 3l:2,5 31:8,10 33'.14 34:.9 36:10,14 37:13,15,18 37:L9,21 39:10 4l:L7 Colstrip's 30:2 come 2:16,21 4:lt 10:10 18: L5 2l:2O 22:24 3L:4,LL 49:7 51:20 comes 2l:2O 23:7 29:24 comfortable 50:23 coming 13:21 20:10 28:25 39: 19 comment 3:24 4:3 14:25 28:22 commented 35:10 comments 8:12 28:15 50:11 51:21 commission 1:12:5 7:lO ll:16 14:24 15:3,3 16:16,24 23:t3 24:12,22 26:24 28:13,L7,2L,23 28:24 29:tO 3L:2,93L:ll 37:23 52:.2t commissioner 1:14 2:t,4 4:L6,22 6:25 7:t3,22 8:2,5,9,15 8:21 LO:17,2t Lt:L t2:tO,t6 14:4,1O,L5 L8:9,14,19,22 t9:2 19:22 2L:5,L9 22:.2 24:25 25:5,11,16,20 27:lL,t5,2O 3l'.L5 32:2,4,7,9,14 35'.14 35:20 38:3,9 39:24 40:5,11 4l:20 42:.5 44:24 45:3,7,12,21 45:25 46:3 48:3,10 50:4 commissioners 2:6,6 ability 51:18 52:10 able 2'.6,23 22:20 23'.6 23:6,15 50:22,22 absolutely 49:12 acceptance 16:24 accommodate 18:6 account L6:12 34:L4 37: 10 39: 1B accounts 33:3 active 43: 16 addition 30:23 additional 4:3 8:12 29:24 3O:2 35'.5 address3:10 5:5 6:23 9:4,9 ll:7 12:22,23 L9:lO 22:B 26:3 28:2 32:22 35:24 36:2t 38:13 40: t7 42:t4 45: 18 addressed 10:15 17:19 addressing L6'.16,24 Adeline 11:8 adequately 17:18 adjourned 5L:23,24 adjudicator 51:7 adjusting 37: 1 1 admit 44:6 advantage 27:8 advertise 28:18 advisories 16:1 aftect20:24,24 43:Ll affirm 3:3 4:18 8:17 10"22 t2..L2 L4..t2 L8:23 2L'.23 25'.17 26:14 27:16 32:10 35:16 38:6 4O'.7 42:L 45:8 48'.7 afford 13 : 10 age 31:16 34:11 35:9 agents 36:17 ago 5: 18 34:3,6 38:23 agree2O:3 37'.2O 48:24 51:18 agreement 2: 1 1 ahead 5:14 9:19 13:6 19:L9 20:12 26:12 28:11 33:7 36:6 38:21 4l:1,24 42:23 46: 10 48: 5 air 23:24 38:24 4l'.ll 49..22 50..2 alarming 37:1 Alliance 43:16 allowed 19:21 allowing 50:25 allows 10:3 alternative 16:9 34:12 47:4,13 alternatives 13:21 amazing 34 : 15 American 41:4 amount 29:7 36:16,2L analysis 31:3 Ann 48:15 announced 18:1 answer 3:5 7:20 answers 10:14 anti-coa! 15:6 anticipated 30:10 anyone's 4:9 Anyway 41:5 8:21 4 51:19 c www.mmcourt.com Public Hearing tLl30/20t7 22:19 33'.9 commissions 33:10 community 16:13 22:t7 28:Lg 3L'.22 33:17,20,21 36'.23 49:12 companies 5:24 company 7:18 24:15 24:16 company's 17:25 compelling 26:18 competitive 29:22 complications 15:9 component 17:4 concern l2:3 l4:2 23:2,5 39:15 concerned 39:11 43:5 concerning 33:16 concerns 5:22 9:25 11:19 15:10 16:3 33:2L 46:16 concludes 51:13 conditions 43:6 conscience 2l:2,3 conselvation 5:20 7:25 22:LB 27:3 36:13 conservative 49:6 consider 29: 5 considerable 5:17 considering 37:9 constantly 20:21 constitutes 17:24 constructaon 33:18 consumers 16: 19 consumption 16:2 contamanated 16:13 30:7 continue 5:21 6:6,15 13:10 14:2 17'.1 27:9 35:B 44:L4 49:21 continued 15:11 16:17 16:25 L7:2,17 continues 16:13 continuing 34:9 35: 13 39:10 contributing 13:23 contributor 15:22 control 23:22 cook 34:23 cooking 34:21 Corporation 1:4 3:16 correct 52:9 correctly 43:9 cost 16:4,15 L7:t6,17 17:2O 29:22 3Q:9 37:lO Costello 3:2 4:23,255i4,B,Il,l4 7:1l,tt B:24 9'.3,7,13,16,19 1l:2,6,10,13 t2:17 t2:21,25 13:3,6 14:16,2t 19:5.9,13 19:16,19 22:3,7,t| 22:14 25'.23 26'.2,6,9 26:12 27 :22 28 : 1,5,82B:Il 32:t7,2L,25 33:4,7 35:21,24 36:l 36:3,6 38:10,13,15 38:18,21 4O:L4,t7,2O 40:23 4t:L 42'.9,13 42:17,20,23 45:L3,17 46:5,7 ,lO 48: 13, 18 48:20 costs 15:14,L7 t6:9 lB:4 24:6 29:24 3O:2 30:23 counsel 7:9 countries 47:7 country 29:14,16 30:2 37:t5 County 43:4 couple 4:23 6:12 25:21 27:2L 32:15 38:23 4O'.L2 48:.tl course 4:15 37:7 49:.5 court 2:8 2l:Ll,L2 courtesy 50:19 creeks 9:23 critically 29: 1 1 cross-examination 7:6 cross-examining 7:21 current 10:6 15:10 17:9 customer 3: 11 5: B, 16 9:11 11: LO t2:25 13:7,8 19:L3 22:LL 26:6 28:5 33:1 36:1 38:15 40:21 42:L7 46: 5, 1 1 48: 18 customers 23:15 24:l 24:3 29:7 31:13 35:6 37:17,24 customers'29:5 d'Alene 1:12 5:7 lt:9 l4'.2O l9:L2 26:5 32'.24 33:3 34:19,23 42:15,16 45:20 46'.19,19 48:t7 49:.2 49:14 52:20 D-e-a-n-n-a 11:4 D-o-o-l-e-y 9:2 damage2l:4 dams 43: 18,19 date 3:23 17:25 50:10 David 7:15,16 day 4L:L2 dba 1:4 3:16 dead 43'.24,25 deal 50:22 51:7 dealing 9:25 41:15 Deanna lO:19,20,2t lL:4 debate t3:22,23 debt 24:18 December 3:2O,23 5Q:lO,L4 52:14 decisions 29:18 decla red 16 : 18 17 : 1 decline 13:24 decreasing 16:10 demand 29:20 Democrat 49:16 demonstrated 51:17 demonstrating 35:5 denied 20:19,2O,2O 26:25 Dennis 7:18 department 20:16 Deputy 3'.I8:22 L9:3 25:22 40:12 49:ll despite 16:B www.mmcourt.com Public Hearing tl/3012077 Page 54 destruction 44:3 develop 34:6 developed 33:15 development 34:9,11 49:25 died 15:B 20:19 different 29:t5 3l:22 3l:23 47:7,8 difficult 23:9 24:3 dinosaur 16'.5 27:9 35:9 39:L4 49'.ll,2l dioxide 41:9 direction 52:8 director 7'.17 49:6 dirtiest 15:21 dirty 41:14 dis-acknowledge 13:11 disagree 51 : 18 disagreeable 51:19 discern 23:9 discourse 51 : 16 distributing 30:17distribution 15: 17 17:2O district 2t : L L 50: t6,24 divest 37:20 dividends 49:2,24 dollar 30:4 dollars 6:8 L2:2 t6'.6 L7:lO 46:20 49:8,8 49:15 50:3 Dooley 8:t6,2O,24 9:L 9:2,5,Lt,L5,L8,20 doomed44'.22 Doug 21: L5,2O 25:1,3 25:t3,21 Douglas 25:25 Drive 5:6 19:11 40:18 drop 34:15 dropped 24:18 droughts 37:5 dry 37:3 dying 47:LL eager 31i24 eagles 15:4 early 26:17 33:15,19 37:3 earned 24:4 earth 13:24 36:23 47:6 East 5:6 11:8 14:19 45: 19 eastern 39:5 echo 28:13 economic L2'.3 13'.17 37:22 economically 12:B 13:15 46: 13 48l.2 economacs 31:8 educated 49:19 education 20:L5 26:17 effect 39:16 effective 16:15 17:16 effectiveness 17:L7 effects 15:21 24'.8 39:8,8 efficiency 16:9 efficient 43:22 effort 43: 19 efforts 5:20 eight 10:5 Electric 1:5 3:18 11:23 17:7 electricity 1O:9,13 37"L3,t6 43"20 elevated 15:25 EIla 28:3 Emily 2l:2L,2L 22'.1,5 emissions L6:4 36:25 emitted 15:24 36:2L emitters 6:10 emotional 21:9 emphasis 27:3 employee 52:11 encourage 23: 13,13 24:8,tL 29:tO 3L:L2 endangered 14:1 energies 47:3,4,L2,t3 energy 5:L9,21,24 Ll:23,25 15:22 L6:9 16:18 17:8 30:18 34t7,12 35:11 37:9 37'.L2 38:2 39'.t3 4L:13,L4,L6 43:22 44:19 Energy's 16:17 engagement22:t7 entire 36:23 environment 15:13 43:5 49:L7,25 environmental 13:18 15:.21 43:16 environmentally 12:8 4L:L9 erosion 46:25 erroneous 20: 22 estimates 30:8 et20:3,4,4 46:25 European 20:10 evaluate L7:2 29:LL evaluation 17:4 Evans2:15 31:19 evening 2:1,12 10:182l:6 39:25 4l:23 44:25 50'.6 sL'.L,L7 5t:22 everybody 51:15 evidence 21: 1 evident 6:9 example 20:t2 23:16 30:6,15 37:L4 excellent 13:16 exciting 47:4 exclusively 18:5 excuse LZ4 2L:7 exhausted 41:21 expected 16:22 expedited 18:6 expenditures 16:20 29t12 3l:l,5,lO expense 23:23 29:2L 29:23 35:5 expenses 10:3 23:18 expensive t6:lL 29:23 30:11 experience 25:7 experiencin g 37 :5 expert 36:18 Expires 52:21 explanataon 31:3 explicated 31:6 extend 16:7 extending 23:12 extinct 44:15 extreme 37:6 extremely 6:7,t6 F F-a-g-e-r-n-e-s-s 26 : 1 F-l-o-r-i-n-e 9:2 F-u-l-l-e-r 32:20 face 36:25 facilitate 4:7 facilities 16:14 18:2 50:21 facility 17:3 29:25 30:6 31:14 36:17 37:2L 5Q:16 tacing24:6 fact 13: Lt 16:9 43:23 lactor 34:22 facts 20:3 factual 21:1 Fagerness 21:15 25:3 25'.9,L5,L9,25 26:.1,4 26:8,1 1,13 Fairmont 32:23 Falls 40:19 familiar 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greenhouse 6:10 36"2L,25 4l:tt 47:LB grew 9:21 39:2 groundwater 30:7 Guardians' 41:6 guess 26:18 ,2O 45:6 Guide 41:6 guys20:6 21:1 H 12: 19 H-a-!-l-o-c-k 45: L6,24 H-e-r-s-r-u-d 19:8 half 17:15 Hallock 45:2,5,11,15 45:L5,L9,24 46:2,6,9 46:Ll hand 2:15 4:L7 8'.L7l4:lt L8:20 2t:22 25:14 27:t6 32zlO 4O;7 42'.1 45:8 48:6 52t14 handout 35:3 happen 26:19 33:16 38:'24 happened 33:23,23 34:'6 happens 25:6 happenstance 6:11 happy 7'.20 hard 20:LL 21:2 24:4 24:L2,23 34:.3 hate2tiT he'll 3:8,10 health 15:13 16:1,3 2O:7,t5,15 39:8 hear 2'.2,23 9:15 26:15 28:22 3l:24 33212 heard 13:14 L6:2L 28:23 42:24 hearing l'.8 2:7 3'.L4 3;21 LL:16 20:20 22:L9 26:15 28:16 31:19 50:9,23 51:14 5l:.24 hearings 7:2 28:17 heat 37:6 HELD 1:9 help4:7 t7:lL t9:4 25;2t 27"2L 3L:t3 40:13 hereunto 52:13 Hersrud 18:12,13,13 l8:L4,t6,21,25 t9:7 t9:7,11,15,L8,20,24 hesitant 28: 24 Hi 10:20,21 hike 36:7 history 43:6,7,8,13,24 44:20,2L home 5:21 hope 15:3 24:23 27:8 44:22 49:4 horses 43:14 hot 37:3 house 39:2 Houston 6:12 huge 36:21 human 15:73 4l:7 humans 16:2 hundred 20:18 30:4 husband 39:5 Hydro 17:22,23 hypothetical 17:6 ice 10:12 ID 52:18,20 Idaho l'.L,6,12 2;5 3:18 7:9,25 9:5 L2:24 L4:20 t9'.L2 22:lQ,l7 26:5,16,24 28:4,22 29:6 36:13 37:22,24 38:23 39:19 40: L9 42:16 47:9 Idahoan 29:9 30:5 Idahoans 22:20 24:14 ideas 31:21 illnesses 39:7 imagine 7:21 immediate 36:24 impact 17:5 impacts 15:12 impartially 17: 19 important 22:22 33'.L2 36:20 49:l impose 37:11 amposed L5:14,t7 include 17:6 included 23:19 31:5 36:L7 including 41:13 income 10:3 incorrect 11:19 increase 1:5 3:17 23:17 26:22,22 36'.13 37:1,25 38:1 46:13 47:24 increased l8:3 24:7 increases6:5 15:1 46 16 increasing 47:17 increasingly 29:19 37:3 incredible 43:25 incurred 35:5,6 Independent 49:L7 indicate 30:8 indicates 30:24 indirectly 13:9 industry 34:ll 47:10 47:LL ineffective 23:23 36: 19 inequitable 15:16 L7:20 information 6;1,21 L3:L7 23'.25 25'.3 3l:t2,20 4l:3 infrastructure 6:2ll:22 injured 33: 18 institutional 15:20 I www.mmcourt.com Public Hearing 17/3012077 integrated 16:11,25 36:9 intend 6'.7,14,23 intent 4: 5 interest L6'.7,17 39:9 interested 29:2 interesting 23:20 interests 24:.L3 37:24 intergenerational 20 : B interrupt 46:4 invest tL:.20 37:9 3B:'2 44:L4,lB,2O 47:1,3 47'.L6,L9 49:LL,25 invested 31:14 investing 7O'.9,L2 24'.LO 47:8,t5,23,24 investment l2t5 23'.4 26'.23 27:t 29:.9 49'.L 49:LL,L2,23 investments 23: 16 24:L3 36:L4 investor 5:24 investors 15:20 involved 13:9 anvolvement 15:11 16:25 17:lB issue 5:22 15:L6 22:22 issues 6:4 34:.l,l 7 job 4:7 33:LL JULIE 1:18 52:2,18 July t7'.25 K K-r-i-s-t-i 42: 1 1 keep 13:19 17:11 43:15 keepers 43:17 keeping 36:10,11 Kentucky 39:3,5 Kids 39:16 kind 21:3 34:14 Kjellander l:L4 2;1,3 4:16,22 6:25 7:t3,22 8:2,5,9,L5,21 lO:t7 10:21 11:1 12:tO,L6 L4:4,L0,L5 18:9,14 18:19,22 19i2,22 2L:5,L9 22:2 24:25 25:5,Lt,L6,20 27:tt 27:15,20 3l:15 32:2 32:4,7,9,L4 35:L4,20 38:3,9 39:24 4O:5,11 4t:2O 42:5 44:24 45:3,7,t2,21,25 46:3 48:3,10 50:4 know 13:12,15,15,20 L4:l L5:7 2l:7 24:4 24:5 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long-term 49:24,24 longer 43:20 look 21:l,2,ll 24:12 24:23 43:23 44:13 44:14 looking 5:25 6:9 20:5 2O:t2 24:22 35:12 37t23 47:2 SI:LL looks 11:22 Loop 32:23 lose 16:22 losing l2:2,6 L7:9 Lost 14: 19 Page 55 L L-i-b-b-y 12:20 lack 20:25 2l:2 5l:16 ladies 2:2 lot 10:14 13'.22 2t:8 22:23 23:4 28'.t9 33'.15,20,24 43"8 46:L4 47:3 5L:L6 lots 39:6 love 34:21 38:23 lunch 20:18 lung 15:9 39:6 M M-a-t-t-h-e-w 8:7 27:24 M-i-l-a-n 42: 12 maintain 16:7 maintaining 37:21 major 15: 10 making Ll:24 23:.L4 26:15 44:8,10 50: 16 malls 43: 12 man 41:4 management 15:20 mandatory 23:23 markets 29:19 Marshall 3B:5,8,L2,12 38:14,L7,2O,22 Matt 2:15,15 7:25 8:4 8:5 27'.13,14,15 31:16,19,20 matter 1:3 3:15 6:22 6:23 7:12 l5:2 ]llafrhew 27'.24 mayor 49:9 MCCAUGHAN 1:18 52:.2,18 medical 39:5,8 meet 31:19 meeting 1:10 10:16 39:t9 42'.25 meetings 28:25 melt 37:3 members 37:22 5t:5 mentioned 48:25 mercury L5:23,25 met 31:20 35:9 Meyer 7:15,16 Michael 32:5,19 49;3 microphone 2'.22,24 MIDTOWN 1:10 mike 4:13 Milan 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22:20,2t 27:6 29:4 opposed 24:3 36'.7 38: 1 opposition 21:13 options 37:12 orders 51:11 Oregon 6:19 Oregon-based 30:15 organization 23:1 34:18 organizations 20:2L Otto 36:12 overdependence 16: 14 owners 30:1 ownership 16:17 30:19 oxides 36:16 pay 13:9 36:15 46:17 50:1 paycheck 46:15,15 payer 5:25 14:20 23:I5 24:lL 30:25 46:21,22 47:10,20,24 payers 6:17 15:14,17 16:4,7 17:2t l8:4 24:23 27:2 payers'12:5 paying 5:23 payments 34: 14 pays 49:1 pending 15:19 peninsula 43:L8,2L Pennsylvania 15:8 people 2:23 20:LO,t7 20:18 21:B 23:6 29:2 29:2 33:12,17,17,19 35:10 36:23 39:14 43:2 44:16 47:6,9,11 48:24 49:18 51:2 percent 24:L9 4L:L3 4L:L6 percentage 23:19 perimeter 34:20 period 3'.24 47:2t person 28:22 38:25personal 39:1 personally 34: 12 47:13 phase 6:20,22 ll:24 phasing 6:18 phonetically 2:10 piece 13: 13 Piltch 35:L6,19,23,23 35:25 36:2,5,7 place 3: t4 26:4 52:5 plan 16:11,25 19:25 36:9,9 46:25 plane 43:11,12 planes 43: 10planet t3:24 4l:7 planned 20:1 plans 11:24 37:19 48:.l plant 6:4,5,6,8,17,L8 6:23 L2:2 t6:3,20 23:3,12 24:2,2 26:23 29:8,L2 30:15,17,19 33:18 34:10 35:9 36:14 37:13 39:10 39:12 plant's lL:25 L7:8 pla nts 6 : 13 29 : 13, 15 29:18 30:133:25 36:11,22 39:17 please 5:14 B:13 13:6 14:16 2L:tL,L226:lt,l2 27:22 32:L7 33:7 35:2t 36:6 38:lO,2l 4L:l 42:23 46:lO podium 4l:25 48'.6 point 3: ll 5O:7pollutants 15:24 polluting 49:22 pollution 23:21 36:20 41 : 13 43 : L5,25 44:L 44:.2,2 ponds 30:6 Pope 49:3,6 population 37:B portfolio 17:6 Portland LL:23 17'.7 possible L3:14 24:1O 26:t5 Post 40:19 potentially 15:13 34:8 power 5:17 9:12 17:3 23:3 26:22,23 27:1,4 29:8,19,21 30:L7 34:13 35:L3 37:'17 37:18 4l:17 PP&L 16:20 predominant 30:18prefer 39:12 preliminary 30:8premium 17:24 prepared 25:12 30:27 43:.l present 51:20 presents 13:16 president 7:17 pretend 43: 10 pretty 34:10 grice L7:25 24:t8 priced 29:19printout 10:2 prior 31 :6 33:24 probably 4 : 10 20:6, 18 problem 20:22,23problems L6:2 3L'.t7 procedural 51:6 proceeding 2'.12 3'.73 50:8 proceedings 52:4,6,1O 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51:14 52:19 Puget 11:23 16:16,18 30:18pull LL:24 put23:22 putting 23:10 o question 10:8,12,15 19:20 35:3,7 51:B questions 3'.7 4'.24 7:77:t9 8:22 18:18 19:4 19:23 2O:l 25:2L 27'.21 32:15 40:12 42:6 48:11 51:3,6 quick 3:7 28:15 quicker 25:8quickly 4: 14 quite 15:5 51:17 R 32:19 R-a-y-m-o-n-d L2:t9 radio 28:20 raise 2:15 4'.L7 8:16 L4:Ll lB:20 2t:22 25:13 27:16 32:9 40:6 42:1 45:8 48:6 raised 33:13 rate 3:22 5:23,25 6:5 6:17 l2:5 14:20 15:1 15:14,L7 16:4,6 t7:20 L8'.4 23:t5,17 23:20 24:11,22 26:22 27:2 29:4,12 29:L2 30'.24,25 31:6 31:11 36:7,13 37:25 38:1 46:12,L5,20,22 47:LO,20,23 rate-payer 6:B rates 1:5 3:17 7:L7l3:9 17:6 Ray 12:11,11,15 Raymond 12:19 re-licensing 46:18 read 10:14 39:9 48:23 real 4l:7 realize t8:.L6 47:14 really 20:22 22:L9,22 23:9 24:20 2B'.L7,21 33:16 34:5 35:7,9 44:8 49:.1 51:19 reason 25:.13 43:21 reasonable lO:3 34:25 reasons 13:15,17,18 23:5 recognize 7:3 16:5 recognized 7'.8,24 recommend 28:16 4O:4 4l:2 record 3:7,9,L2 4'.2,4,6 4:24 7:7,24 8:3,23 B:25 9:8,10 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43:10,11 smoking 20:16 snow 37:3 solar 27:B 4t:L7 solely 13:13 18:4 solution 10:7 somebody 21:14 sons 43:3 sorry 32:5 46:4 sort2:19 9:21 38:25 39:8 47:4 50:18 sorts 39:7 sound 11:23 16:16,18 23:4 30:18 source 10:9 43:20 44:19 sources 15:16 39:13 southern 33:L4 34:4 spat 18:1 speak4:13 51:10 SPEAKER 21:17 species 14:1 speculative 3L:1,4 speed 25:7 spell 3:8 5:1 8:6,25 11:3 12:18 14:17 19:6 22:4 25:24 27:23 32:18 35:22 40:15 42:10 45:14 45:22 48:.L4 spending 29:5,7 30:25 spent 23 : 7, 10 39: 13 spinning 16:21 spoke 44iL7 Spring 5:6 springboard 26:20 springing 30:3 staff 3:2 7'.9,12 l5'.3 22:25 28:13,14,23 29:11 31:9 51:5 Stafford 19:7 stage 30:9,14 Stagecoach 40:18 stages 30:11 33:20 stand 2:21 B:10 stare 51:9,10 start2S:12 49:4 state 5: L B:24 ll:2 L2:t,L7 14:16 16:15 16:23 L7:11 19:5 22:3 23:2 25:23 27:22 3l:23 32:17 33:10 35:21 38:10 39:22 40:14 42:9 45:L3 47:9 48:13 stated L7:9 29:16 33: 13 48:23 statement 3:12 4:6 5:12 9:13,16 10:18ll:.t4 l2:11 13:3 14:3,5,22 L8:.lOt9:t6 22:14 25:t 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