HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170814Attachment 31A (2015).pdfTC48951 8-16-95 S o ax on or before the last day of the month fo lowing the end of the reporting month. Payment of the license tax due must be enclosed. MAIL TO: ldaho State Tax Commission, PO Box 36, Boise, lO 83722-0410 IDAHO KILOWATT HOUR KILOWATT LIGENSE TAX STATEMENT DURING MONTH EI{DING May, 2015 AVISTA CORPORATION 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WA 99202 EIN / SSN 91.0,46247A Totaladjusted from ldaho hydroelectric power plants. Amount from line 5, page 2,.. KWH sold to ldaho customers...2 7 Percentage of total adjusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power plants to KWH sold to ldaho customers. Line 1 divided by line 2.................. Less exemptions: a. KWH used to irrigate land to ldaho 3 0.5928 4a 1 b. KWH for industrial use ir ldaho 4b 420 c. Total KWH exemptions. Add lines 4a and 4b 4c 37 856 Net irrigation and lndustrial KWH exerrption...... Line 3 times line 4c. 5 22 341 954 Net taxable KWH. Line 1 minus line {i .......... ....... Tax Due" Multiply line 6 by 112 mil. (.0005). lnterest from due date: Penalty Totaldue. Add lines 7, 8, and 9 6 112 17 183 7 $56 59 8 I 10 $56 208.59 SIUNA I UKtr ANIJ VtsKII.IUA I IUN Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true,correct and complete. Signature: &i-*^^r, C**^ Date lQ Suxs zfir Title Tax Analfst Catherine Cooper -4* 48 TC48952 METHOD OF DETERMINING KILOWATT HOURS GENERATED FOR BARTER, SALE, OR EXCHANGE May 2015 Supplemental Statement ldaho Hydroelectric to System ldaho Hydroelectric Power Plants KWH Generated KWH Used During Generated Period KWH Transformer Loss During Generated Period Post Falls 9,842,000 42,000 )8,420 Cabinet Gorge 139,027,000 141,000 1,390,270 Totals 148,869,000 183,000 1,438,690 1 147.197,310 2. Total kilowatt hours to interconnected systems,....... 3. Kilowatt hours bartered, sold or exchanged 4. Percentage of total KWH in interconnected system to KWH bartered, sold, or exchanged. Line 3 divided by line 2 5. Total adjusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power plants. Line 1 multiplied by l:ne 4 Enter here and on line 1, page 1 688,737,000 630,537,000 0.91550 134,759,137 AVISTA CORP. Vendor No. : 5617 Check Date: Vendor Name: Jun 19,2015 IDAHO DEPT OF REVENUE No. 1164371 Invoice Number Invoice Dcte Description Doc Amount Discount Amount Extended Amount 993930-INV 611sl201s MAY 2OI5 56,208.59 .00 56,208.59 56,208.59 .00 .allr- - _ AvrsTACOrP. lvellsparsoBank,ohlo,N.A 5648a4l[EttlTISTfr ,**u'*?f,ii'H*.,,,, 'll',jt"fl*H;, Corp. No.1164371 Pay: To the Order Of: Fifty-Six Thousand Twci Hundred Eight Dollars And Fifty-Ning Qgs6*r'l*** IDAHO DEPT OFREVENI.JE ANDTAXATION PO BOX 36 BOISE,ID 83722 United States {*--*O* Date Check Number Check Amount Jun 19.2015 116437 L 56,208.59 il. L lEl. J ? lr. r:o1. L eo t8 ehr:ElEooo 3l e a 5ll. t- 48 IDA}IO KILOWATT HOUR KILOWATT LICE}I$E TAX $TATEMENT DURING MONTH ENDING June, 2015 AVISTA CORPORATION 1411 fA$T MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WA 99202 EIN / SSN 91-0462470 Total adjusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectric polwr plants. Amount from line 5, page 2 1 1 KWH sold to ldaho customers.. Percentage of total adjusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power plants to KruH sold to ldaho customers, Line '1 divided by line 2...,............. L**s oxemptions: a" KWH used to inigate land to ldaho 2 128 0.4932 4a 277 b. KWH for industrialuse in ldaho c" Tolal KWH exemptions. Add linee 4a and 4b Net irrigation and industrial KWH exemption... Line 3 times line 4c. Net taxable KWH. Line 1 minut lina 5 .,......, Tax Due. Multiply line 6 by 112 mil. (.0005) .,..,....,, lnterest from due date: Penalty 4b 302 779 4c 580 ?oo 5 752 203 110 742334 7 371.17 I I I due. Add lines 7, 8, and I 10 1.17 Under penafties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and lo the best of my knowledge and belief it is true,correct and complete. Signature: [1*]0,,^rh., [1tu00,\ Date 2t{ Juw 20lg Tiile Tax Analysl I Catherine Cooper ,hona Number'5oq) 4 qs - Ll28 5 TC48951 8-16-95 s ax eorn on,on or before the last day of the month following the end of the reporting month. Payment of the license tax due must be enclosed. MAIL TO: ldaho Stata Tax Commigsion, FO tsox 35, Boise, lD 83722-0410 TC{89t? METHOD OF DETERMINING KILOWATT HOURS GENERATED FOR BARTER, SALE, OR EXCHANGE June 2015 Supplemental Statement ldaho Hydroelectric }{IIIH to $ystorn ldaho Hydroelectric Powsr Plants Kvt,il GEnerat*d KWH UEed During Generated Poriad KWH Transformer Loes Ourlng Gsnerated Perlod Post Falls 3,018,000 40,000 30,1 80 Cabinet Gorge 121,118,000 126,000 1,211,180 Totals:124,136,000 166,000 1,241,360 1 122,728,640 2. 3. 4. 5. Total kilowalt hours to interconnected systems..,...,. Kilowatt hours bartered, sold or exchanged.......... Percentage of total KWH in interconnected system to KWH bartered, sold, or exchanged" Line 3 divided by line 2 ....,. Total adjusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power plants. Line 1 multiplied by line 4. Enter here and on line 1, page 1 ............. 774.513,000 716,236,000 0.92476 113,494,537 AVISTA CORP. Vendor No. : 5617 Puy: To tht Order (}f: Alfiwsril Corp. avtmA co*,r. P.0. llnr l7!? Stl()KlLi{li. WA 99}:0-37tr7 Check Date: Jul 24. 2015 Vendor Name: IDAHO DEPT OF REVENUE, 5S.18r{tl No. I172494 No. 1172494 Chcck Amount 53J71.17 lYcllr *'rrgo B$l1lr, Ohlq N-il. tlSlloqrkalDrtvc Vln Wcrr. OH 45Sil Dqtc Jul 24.2015 Chsck Nun*cr n72494 Fifty-l;ivc'htrusand Thrce l"lundred Sevcnty-One D<rllars And Seventeen Ccnt$***:ir IDAHO DEIYT OFREVTNUI; ANDTAXATION rs Box 36 BOTSEJD tl372? United States Inl'oiee Nunrbcr lnvoicc Dult Dcscription I)oe Amounl Discount Anrount fix(endcd Anrount t00_1104-tNv 7tlt/20t5 JUNE 20I5 55.3?r.r7 .(n 55.37r.r7 5 I .00 I ll' L I ? eLqL[. r:O|. I eO ]g aLr:qeooo 3 I e e Snr t-14^- c-tt 48 IDA}.IO KILOWATT HOUR KILOWATT TICENSE TAX STATEMENT DURING MONTH ENDING July,2015 AVISTA CORPORATION 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WA 99202 krN / ssN 91-0462470 Total adlusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power plants. Amount from line 5, page 2.1 48 34 KWH sold to ldaho customers.., Percentage of total adjusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power plants to KWH sold to ldaho customers^ Line 1 divided by line 2,......,.......... Less exemptions: a, KWH used to irrigate land to ldaho 2 259 3 0.1867 4a b. KWH for industrial use in ldaho 4b 11 803 c. Total KWH exemptions. Add lines 4a and 4b 4c 241 ?59 Net irrigation and industrial KWH exemption. Line 3 times line 4c. 5 1 375 Net taxable KWH. Line 1 minus line 5 ......... ....... Tax Due. Multiply line 6 by 112 mil. (.0005). lnterest from due date: Penalty Total due. Add lines 7, 8, and 9 7 17 294.46 I I 10 $17 290.46 I'IUNA IUKT ANU VT,KII.IUA IIUN Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true,correct and complete. Signature: fak**.*" Ca'*1r,o Date 14 Aut u,;-( Zot{ Title Tax Analyst Catherine Cooper -r{B5 TC48951 8-1 6-95 e ax com n,on or before the last day of the month following the end of the reporting month. Payment of the license tax due must be enclosed. MAIL TO: tdaho State Tax Commission, P0 Box 36, Boise, lD 83722-0414 tta*911 METHOD OF OETERMINING KILOWATT I.IOURS OENERATED FOR BARTER, SALE, OR EXCHANGT July 2015 Supplemental Statement ldaho Hydroelectric to ldaho Hydroelectric Power Plants KWH Generated KWH Used During Generated Period KWH Transformer Loss During Generated Period Post Falls 1,281 000 26.000 12,810 1,242,190 Cabinet Gorqe 50,755,000 107,000 507,550 kilowati hours to systems. 3. Kilowatt hours bartered, ssld or exchanged..,."..... 4. percentage ol total KWH in interconnecled syslem to KWH barlered, sold, or exchanged Line 3 divided by line 2 5. Total adjusted KWH from ldaho hydroeleclric power plants. Line 'l multiplied by line 4 Enlor here and on line 1 1 51,3E2,640 T',2m'm;u60- 779,616,000 0.94262 48,434,304 Totals 52,036,000 133,000 520,360 AVISTA CORP. Vendor No. : 5617 Puy: 1'o the Ortlcr (}f: Chcck Date: Vcndor Name: Aug 14" ?015 IDAI"IO DIIYI" OII RIVENUE No. 1l77ll7 No. I l77l l7A,Yvtsrat Corp. AVIliTrt COtrlP. P.O. Bor 371?sPoK^titr wA 9clx)-17!7 lYelb t*rgo Burh, Oblo, H,,L l15 llspltel Drirc Van Wen, OH il5.99l 56--1tty4 t 2 Scventeen'Ihousand Two Hundred Ninety Dollars And llorty-Si; (gs1q**'*** rDAH0 DrIvr 0r' R.trvtiNutr ANDTAXATION P0 rlox 36 B()r$r.tD 837?2 United States Invoict, liurubcr Irrvoice Dutc Descriplinn I)oc,\ntorrrrl [)ixcount ;tnrounl lixtended Amount rm8563-lNV t1/l]/?0t5 ruLY:015 r7.290,"16 .(x)t7.?90.46 t7.290.46 I)atc Clrcck Number Check Amount Aug 14, ?015 ll77ll7 t7,291 .16 il, I l?? I I?[' r:Ol, I eOlB ?\r;qgOO01l e e5[. l*l4*. ^2.04 TC48951 8-16-95 s s on 0r before the last day of the month following the end of the reporting month. Payment of the license tax due must be enclosed. MAIL TO: ldaho State Tax Commission, PO Box 36, Boise, lD 83722-0410 IDAHO KILOWATT HOUR KILOWAfi LICEHSE TAX STATEMENT DURING MONTH ENDING August,20'15 AVISTA CORPORATION 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WA 99202 EIN / SSN 91-0462470 adjusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power plants. Amount from line 5, page 2.., KWH sold to ldaho customers.... Percentage of total adjusted KWH from ldaho hydroolectric power plants to KWH sold to ldaho customers. Line 1 divided by line 2...............,. Less exemptions: a, KWH used to inigate land to ldaho b. KWH for industrialuse in ldaho c, Total KWH exernptions, Add lines 4a and 4b Net irrigation and industrial KWH exemption... i-ine 3 times line 4c" Net taxable KWH. Line 't minus llne 5 ......... Tax Due. Multiply line 6 by 112mil. (.0005)............. lnterest from due date: Penalty Totaldue. Add lines 7, 8, and I 4a 3 4b 4c 5 6 7 I 2 I 10 0,0732 65?916 878 993 356 $7 178.22 1 1 Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and to the besf of mV kno*ledge and belief it is true,correct and complete. 0ou,**, &"* Signature l8 9mtanr;sR %tE Date Tax Analyst Catherine Cooper Iitle 6- 48 1 262.912.891 $?3.919 rc48a5? METHOD OF DETERMINING KILOWATT HOURS GENERATED FOR BARTER, SALE, OR EXCHANGE August 2015 Supplemental Statement ldaho l Hydroelectric l KWH to System ldaho Hydroelectric Power Plants KWH Generated Klll/H Used Buring Generated Period KlfilH Transformer Loss During Generated Period Post Falls 988,000 26,000 9,880 Cabinet Gorge 19,442,000 92,000 194,420 Totals:20,430,000 118,000 204,300 1 20,107,700 2. Talal kilowatt hours to interconnected systems. 3. Kilowatt hours bartered, sold or exchanged,...... 4. Percentage of total KWH in interconnected system to KWH bartered, sold, or exchanged. Line 3 divided by line ? 5. Totaladjusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power plants. Line 1 multiplied by line 4. Enter here and on line 1, page 1 . ........... 767,422,000 0.95652 19,235,428 AVISTA CORP. Vendor No. : -5617 Check Date: Ventlor Name: Sep 18,2015 IDAHO DETT OI.'REVENUE No. 1185092 ^lYvwrr ,IVIST,\ CORP. P.O. Bq 172? st$NAI.{Ii WA 9q:3i-1?:? lVclb l'argo Bmk. Ohlo, !{..{. I lS llmpital tlrirr Van \l'** 0ll "l5*tl 36".1&U,ll:No. I ltl5092 Carp. Pr1': To thc Order 0f: .Scven Thousflnd Onc Hundred Seventy-Eight l):llars And Twenty-'l'u'n (gn1s***** IDAI{O DETTT OF RTVENUE ANDTAXAI]ON P0 rlox 36 BOISE.TD 83732 United Stntes Invoicc Nunrtrer Invoicc Dnle Dcscription Doc Anrount Discount Amount Exte ntlcd Anrount t0t73,llt-lNv 9/r5/:015 AUCUST 2015 t.lcltlNsll TAX 7.t78.??.fi)7. t ?8.?3 7.t7t4.?2 7 I Datc Check Numbcr Check Amount Sep 18,2015 I t8509?1,178.22 N I lg 50q eil. r:Ol, I aO 18 eqr:qSOOO 1 I e e 5[. t* V,r^. z-O4 TC48g51 8-16-95 S ax 0n or before the last day of the month following the end of the reporting month. Payment of the license tax due must be enclosed. MAIL TO: ldaho $tate Tax Commissisfi, PO tsox 36, Boiss, lD 83722-0410 IDAHO KILOWATT HOUR KILOWATT LICENSE TAX STATEMENT DURING MONTH ENDING Septembe!,2015 AVISTA CORPQRATIOH 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WA 99202 EIN / SsN 91-0462470 Total adjusled KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power plants. Amount from line 5, page 2.... KWH sold to ldaho customers.. Percentage of tolal adjusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power plants to KWH sold to 2 938 955 ldaho custorners" Line 1 divided by line 2................. Less exemptions: a. KWH used to inigate land to ldaho 3 0.1278 4a 177 594 b. KWH for industrial use in ldaho 4b 7S.181 c. Total KWH exemptions. Add lines 4a and 4b 4c 7 279 Net irrigation and industrial KWH exemption....." Line 3 tirneg line 4c. 5 1 1 116 Net taxable KWH. Line 1 minus line 5 ................ Tax Due. Multiply line S by 112 mil. (.0005) lnterest from due date: Penal$ Totaldue. Add lines 7, 8, and 9 6 1 879 7 78 I I 10 78 }jIUNAIUKT ANU VtsI'(II.IUAI IUN Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true,correct and complete. Signature f-*r-**- $*r^ Date 30 buoa*. 20ts Title Tax Analyst I Catherine Cooper q6 - r"1865 48 rc4695? METHOD OF DETERMINING KILOWATT HOURS GENERATED FOR BARTER, SALE, OR EXCHANGE September 2015 Supplemental Statement ldaho Hydroelectric to ldaho Hydroelectric Power Plants KWH Generated KWH Used During Generated Period KWH Transformer Loss Durlng Generated Period Post Falls 991,000 20,000 9,910 Cabinet Gorge 31,305,000 90.000 3't3,050 Totals 32,296,000 110,000 322.960 1 31,863,040 2, Totalkilowatt hours to interconnected systems... ,... 3. Kilowatt hours bartered, sold or exchanged.......... 4. Percentage of total KWH in interconnected system to KWH bartered, sold, or exchanged. Line 3 divided by line 2 ......".. 5. Totalad.iusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power plants. Line 1 multiplied by line 4. Enter here and on line 1, page 1 ... .. 666,0S3,000 627,568,000 9.94221 30,021,675 AVISTA CORP. Vendor No. : 5617 Pay: lb thc Order Of: Chcck Date: Vendor Name: Oct 30, 2015 IDAHO DEtrT OF REVENUE No. 1195476 AiFwsrE Nine Thausand Nine Hundred Thirty-Nine Dollars And Seventy-Eight Cen15**+** TDA}{O DEIYT OF REVENUT ANDTAXATION PO UOX 36 BOISI.ID 837t2 United Ststc$ -16-:811.{ I :No. 1195476 $eara, $ieBrm Rsesiml fsr /qrwt* Os t, lmffiro tllsTA COm. P.O. Bcr l??7 st{)KANu. wA gq3&3??? lYdL L'rrgo Banl, Ohlo. N.,1. I I5 tlqiul DrivcVrnWsrt Otl 45tql Corp. Invoice Numtrer Invoicc l)nle Description Doc Amount Discount Amsunt Dxlended Amount l02775GrNV tot26t20t5 SEITTEMBER 20I5 9.939.78 .00 9.939.78 18 Date Check Number Check Amount Oct 30,2015 I r 95476 9,939.78 [. I lq 5k ?Biln r:0[ I rCI 3a eLrlqBoB0 ] I e e sil' 48 IDAHO KILOWATT HOUR KILOWATT LICENSE TAX STATEMENT DURING T{ONTH ENDING 2415 AVISTA CORPORATION I411 EAST MI$SION AVENUE SPOKANE, WA 99202 ElN I SSN 91-0462470 otal adjusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power plants. Amount from line 5, page 2.... KWH sold to ldaho customers,. Percentage of total adjusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power plants to KWH sold to ldaho customers. Line 1 divided by tine 2................. Less exemptions: a. KWH used to irrigate land to ldaho b. KWH for industrial use in ldaho c. Total KWH exemptions. Add lines 4a and 4b Net irrigation and industrial KWH exemption... Line 3 times line 4c. Net taxable KWH. Line 1 minus line 5 ......... Tax Due. Multiply line 6 by 1/2 mil. (.0005),....",,..... lnterest from due date: Penalty Totaldue. Add lines 7, 8, and 9 581 790.83 2 3 4a 4b 4c 5 1 b 7 1 I 1 o 10 243 265 560 143 373 5 0.1632 700 496 5IUNA I UI(tr, ANU VtsKIFIUA I IUN Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and to the best of my knowledge and belief il is true,correct and complete. (-t -*"., &"*," Signature ?o r'la/srnsffi. ?ol5 Date Tax Analyst ! Catherine Cooper Title TC48951 8-16-95 IS ax se,on or before the last day of the month following the end of the reporting month. Payment of the license tax due must be enclosed. MAIL TO: ldaho State Tax Gommigsion, PO Box 36, Boise, lD 83722-0410 TC4835' METHOD OF DETERMINING KILOWATT HOURS GENERATED FOR BARTER, SALE, OR TXCHANGE October 2015 S u pplernental Statement ldaho Hydroelectric KWH to System ldaho Hydroelectric Power Plants lflrrH Generated KWH Used During Generated Period KWH Transformer Loss During Generated Period Post Falls 2,336,000 30,000 23,360 Cabinet Gorge 36,482,000 98,000 364,820 Totals:38,818,000 128,000 388,180 1 38,301,820 2, Total kilowatt hours to interconnected systems......,.3 Kilowatt hours bartered. sold or exchanged.......... 4 5 Percentage of total KWH in interconnected system to KWH bartered, sold, or exchanged Line 3 divided by line 2 .".... Totaladjusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power plants. Line 1 multiplied by line 4. Enter here and on line 1, page 1 ............. 684,404,000 642,466,000 0.93872 35,954,684 AVISTA CORP. Vendor No" : 5617 Fayr To thr Ordcr 0f: Check Datc: Vendor Nanre: Nov 20,2015 IDAI{O DTI/T OT REVENUI] No. 1200531 A'Vvtsra Corp. AVISTA CORP. ?.(}. B0r l7:?s[oKj\Nti wA 993?0-17:7 li tlb Fsrgo Bulr, Onb, N.'L I tl lltxpitrl DritcVmWcrt. OH 45ll9l No.1200531 A;"r*.^, tl/-@** 56.lttr.r I 3 Twrlve Thousand Seren Hundred Ninety Dollars And Eighty-Three Cenl$'r'r*** IDAI{O PEPT OF REVENUE AI$DTAXATION PO BOX 36 BOISE,ID 83722 Unitcd States Inr,oicc Nunrhcr Invoicc llrtc Description Ilac rtnrount Iliscounl o\nrount Iixtended Amount t034?64-tNV lr/18/?015 ID KW TAX OCT ?{}I5 t2.?90.83 .0t),2.790.83 l2.710.trl .(x)I 790.tt3 Dnte Cheek Number Chcck Amount Nov ?0.2015 l2m53 r 12,790.Il3 il. I IOO 5I Lfi. r:Ol, I aO lg eLr:qgOO0l I e e Sil. Scrrrd Silrturu Rrquir*r lil. Ae{Mtr {Xs it.(ll$.{Il).u, TC48951 8-1S-95 L8 TAX STAT€MENT lnsNl}# Novem 2015 IDAHO KILOWATT HOUR KILOWATT DURING MONTH ENDING 141,I EAST MI$TION AVENUE SPOKANE, WA 99202 AVISTA CO EIN / SSN 91-0462470 Total adjustad KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power plantt. Amount from KWH sold to ldaho customers.... Percentrage of total adjusted l(A/H from ldaho hydroalectrb power plants to KWH sold to ldaho customerc. Lina 1 dividad by line 2.................. Leee oxemptlonr: a. KWH used to irrigate land to ldaho Nel taxable KWhl. Line 1 minus line 5 .. Tax Due. Multiply line 6 by 112 mil. lnterest from due date: Penalty Totaldua. Add lines 7,8, and $ .5, page 2... 124.14 12*.',,4 2 3 4a 4b 64 5 6 40 7 B $'r0.03 64 16 I 10 c. Total KWH exemptions. Add lines 4a and 4b b. KWH for industrial uEe in ldaho 4.2494 ,791 765 950 141 Previously Paid Due with Amended Return Net irrigation and industrial KWH exemption........... Line 3 times line 4c. (.000s).. SI(,NA IUKtr, ANU VtrKITIUA IIUN Under penalties of perjury, I declare thal I have axamined this retum and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true,conect and complete. 0*{+*--o" C*o^ Signature: 29 5r.r Zotb Date Title Tax Analysi I Catherine Cooper ir on or before the last day of the month following the end of the reporting month. Payment of the license tax due mu$t ba enclosed. MAIL TO: ldaho State Tax Commission, PO Box 36, Boige, !D 83722-0410 TC4trr53 METHOD OT DITERMINING KILOWATT HOURS GENERATED FOR BARTER, SALE, OR EXCHANGE November 2015 AMENDED - Supplemental Statement ldaho Hydroelectric KWH to $ystem ldaho Hydroelectric Fower Planb Kl/ult Gonsra&d KWH Used During Generatad Period KVIIH Transformer Losc During Gonerated Poricd Post Falls 5,587,000 55,870 Cabinet Gorge 54,817,000 548,170 Pl?rvlct)S{-{ nEO&L?;b 54 ti6Q6oo 2-t7, tM 5L){o. Nq?06ne d|.a**xp? Totals:60,404,000 157,000 604,040 1 59,642,960 2. Total kilowatt hours to interconnected systems. 3. Kilowatt hours bartered, sold or exchanged... 4. Percentage of total KWH in interconnected system to KWH bartered, sold, or exchanged. Line 3 divided by line 2 .,, 5. Total adjusted KWH from ldaho hydroelechic power plants. Line 1 multiplied by line 4 Enter here and on line 1, page 1 ... 773.'t97,000 730,14s,000 0.94432 56,322,040 29.000 128.000 AVISTA CORP, Vendor No. : 5617 Check Date: Jan 29,2016 Vendor Name: IDAHO DEPT OF REVENUE No. 1218385 ,6,38y.il3 I I T tIArYvtsrfi Corp. A1't$? eoRr, P.O. Sor.1727 IiFCTKANE" W,t 992*1721 Forty Dollars And'Ihree Ccn$r***r IDAHO DEPT OI'RSVENUE ANDTAXATIONpo Box 36 BOISE.ID 83722 United States tY.lb fergo Bsnlq Ohlq N.rt' I li lloryiral DrivcVrolYert OB 45t91 No. 1218385 ,/;/**, ,r,/"/@-.* Pnyl Invoice Numher lnveiice Date Dcscription Doc Amount Discount Amount Extcnded Amount r05204tt-rNv U25l20t6 NOV 2OI5 AMUND .10.03 .00 40.03 .ff)40.03 Dale Check Numbcr Check Amount Jan 29, ?016 12r8385 40.03 ?o lhe Order Of: il. I e l818 5[, r:Ol, I eO ]B lt r;qEBO0l I e a gI, Samd Splur f6wircd ,tr Anut{ (,Et ll$lum$, I i I : iI TC48951 8-16-95 IS ax on before the last day of the month following the end of the reporting month. Payment of the license tax due must be enclosed. MAIL TO: ldaho State Tax Commission, PO Box 36, Boire, lD 83722.0410 &8 IDAHO KILOIIUATT HOUR KILOWATT LICENSE TAX STATEMEHT DURING MONTH ENDING November 2015 AVISTA CORPORATION 1411 EAST MISEION AVENUE SPOKANE, WA Sg2Oz EIN / SSN 9't-046?470 otaladjusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power planls. Amount from line 5, page 2.,1 KWH sold to ldaho customers.. Percentage of total adjusted lCIVH fram ldaho hydroelectric power plants to KWH sold to ldaho customers. Line 1 divided by line 2.................. Less exemptions: a. KIUH ueed to inigate land to ldaho 2 944 3 0 4a 3 791 b. KWH for industrial use in ldaho c. Total KWH exemptions. Add lines 4a and 4b N€t irrigstion qnd industrial lftVH examption.. Line 3 times line 4c. Net taxable KWH. Line 1 minus line 5 ...,..... Tax Due. Multiply line 6 by 112 miL (.0005)"....,....... interest from due date: Penal$ Totaldue. Add lines 7,8, and I 4b 445 4c 449 741 1 035 096 o 168 11 I I 10 1'l I'IUNA I UKT ANU VtsT{II.IUA I IUN Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this retum and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true,correc{ and complete. $ignature: &.r*^; (ir**^ Date l8 Decarrvaffi. ZcrtS Title Tax Analyst' Catherine Cooper )hone Number(ndt\ qqs - 1t885 TC.895? METHOD OF DETERMINING KILOWATT HOURS GENERATED FOR BARTER, SALE, OR EXCHANGE November 2015 Supplemental Statement ldaho Hydroelectrlc KYVH to System ldaho Hydroelectric Power Plants KWH Generated KWH Used During Generated Period KYIIH Transformer Loss During Generated Period Post Falls 5,587,000 29,000 55,870 Cabinet Gorge 54,689,000 127,000 54S,890 54,015,110 Totals 60,276,000 156,000 602,760 1 59,517,240 2. Total kilowatt hours to interconnected systems........ 3. Kilowatt hours bartered, sold or exchanged........,. 4. Percentage of total l(A/H in interconnected system to KWH bartered, soH, or exchanged. Line 3 divided by line 2 ... ... 5. Total adjusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power plants. Line 1 multiplied by line 4. Enter here and on line 1, page 1 .........,,.. 773,197,000 730,145,000 0.94432 56,203,320 AVISTA CORP. Vendor No. : 5617 AiFvtsrrff l{clh l;argo Smk,0hln, I l5 llo*pkal &lv* Vm Wgt. OH .l5$9l Carp. 'frvcnty'Ihousand Eighty-F<lur Dollars And Ueven Ccnts{'* " *' IDAHO DEIN'OF REVIiNUE ANDTAXATION IlO BOX 36 BOIiT,ID 83??? United States AIiISIA CORP. P.0, Bor 372? sKlxANli wA 99?:0-]717 Check Date: Dcc 18.2015 Venclor Name: IDAIIO DEPT OF REVENUE, trr-it$r{ I .! No. 1207356 No. 120735d dtfu.-* N.A. l'uyr Invnice Nunrbur Invoice Date Ikse ription I)nc,,turount Discaunt Amount Exteadcd Amounl l0"l:l09.lNv l:/15/2015 NOVt;NItlIiR l0r.s t0.0li4. t I .00 20.084. r r ?0.t)tt4. t I Datc Check Numbcr Chcck Amount Dec 18.2015 r 107156 10,08J.1 I 'lir thc ()rder OI: il. L eo ? I 5gn. r:ol. I eo 18 ahr:qBooo I I e e 5x. TC48g51 8-16-95 ,.,a IDAHO KILOWATT HOUN KILOWATT LICE}I$E TAJ( $TATEMENT DURING MONTH ENDING December 2015 AVISTA CORPORATION T4,I1 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WA 99202 EIN / SSN 91-0462470 Totaladjusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectrh power plants. Amount from line 5, page 2... KWH sold to ldaho customers... Percentage of totaladjusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power plants to KWH sold to ldaho customers. Line 1 divided by line 2......-.......... Less axemptions: a. KWH used lo irrigate land to ldaho 2 291 546 3 0.2229 4a 775 b. KWH for industrial use in ldaho c. Total KWH exemptions. Add lines 4a and 4b ", Net irrigation and industrial KWH exemption.. Line 3 times line 4c. Net taxable KWH. Line 't mlnus line 5 ......... rax Due. Multiply line 6 by 112 mil. (.0005).. ., . lnterest frorn due date: Penalty Totaldue. Add lines 7,8, and I 4b 67 755 278 4c 053 5 15 ,t 274 o 49 957 057 7 978 53 rl I 10 .53 I,'LJNA I UKI ANU VLI-{'TIUA I IUN Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined tlis retum and to the best of my knorledge and belief it is true,correct and complete. Signalure: fl.rit*-*.- (t*oo* Date Zq T,+^Juylcy ?.r:t 6 Title Tax Analyst I Catherine Cooper Phone Nutrberfgc$ \qq- 9u,a5 rss o on 0r before the last day of the month following the end of the reporting month. Fayment of the license tax due must be enclosed. MAIL TO: ldaho $tate Tax Commission, PO Box 36, Boise, lD 8372?{410 ax com se, r*4$952 MTTHOD OF DETERMINING KILOWATT HOURS GENTRATED FOR BARTER, SALE, OR EXCHANGE December 2015 Supplemental Statement ldaho Hydroelectric to $ystem ldaho Hydroelectric Powor Plante KWH Generated KWH Used During Generated Period KWH Transformer Loss During Generated Period Post Falls 9,779,000 40,000 97,790 Cabinet Gorge 60,766,000 191,000 607,660 Totals 70,545,000 231,000 705.450 1 69,608,5502 Total kilowatt hours to interconnoclod systems.....3 Kilowatt hours bartered, sold or exchanged.4 Percentage of total KWH in interconnected system to KWH bartered, sold, or exchanged. Line 3 divided by line 2 5. Total adjusted KWH from ldaho hydroelectric power plants. Line 1 multiplied by line 4 Enter here and on line 1, page 1 883,456,000 825,730,000 0.93466 65,060,327 AVIS't'A CORp. Vendor No. : 5617 Poy: To the Ordur Of: Check Date: Vendor Name: Jan ?9" 2016 IDAHO DEPT OF REVENUE No. l2ltt384 lf clk Ihrgo Bank,0hio, X,rt, t l5ltmpltal Driw Vm Wrn.0H .lSiJtll Dltc Chcck Numbcr Chcck Amount Jan 29,2016 l2 I 8384 2{,e78.5J 'd;/*.*, tl/""b*"*, A,Yvtsrfr Corp. riVllil'A C0ll'f, P,(t. Bor ll7l7 st0KA.:\ti wA !q::0-17:? .16.3111/.ll ?No. 1218384 '[wenty-]:our'lhousand Nine Hundred Seventy-Eight Dollars And Fifty-'ltrree Centa]*r** IDAI,IO DffYT OF REVINUE AND'I'AXA'IION PO BOX 36 BOISE,TD 83722 Unir€d .S{ctes lnvoicc Number Invoice Date Description f)oc Anrounl Discount Amount lixtended Amount r()52663-lNV 126/20t{r DrcfiI{t}ut 20 r5 14.y78,53 "(x)14.976.51 il'I i I8 !l8r,n. r:Ol. I eO lg ?t rI9EOOO 1I d e 5[' ll6lnd Sile{rft E&tsitrd to, Afrtrutr (}rtr *l Jll,.fillj ;,,