HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170112AVU to Staff 30-34.pdfe------------------------------------------ Avista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 January 12, 2017 Camille Christen Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Re: Case No. AVU-E-16-06 Dear Ms. Christen: .~ · .... ~-- :;,.i:o ~r (f)C) en 0 z ,.... ' '--' _ __. w Enclosed on a separate CD and on paper, are copies of Avista's responses to IPUC Staffs production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in this mailing is Avista's response to production request Staff 30-34. The electronic versions of the responses were emailed on 01/12/17. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact Wendy Manskey at (509) 495-4565 or via e-mail at wendy.manskey@avistacorp.com. Wendy skey Rates Coordinator A vista Utilities Enclosures , -· ,• '' 0 rn < rn 0 JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORP. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO AVU-E-16-06 PUC Staff Production Request Staff-30 DATE PREPARED: 01/12/2017 WITNESS: Dan Johnson RESPONDER: Mike Dillon DEPT: DSM EMAIL: rnike.dillon@avistacorp.com Please explain why A vista missed its 2015 electric IRP savings target and the steps taken to ensure that IRP targets will be met in the future. RESPONSE: During the 2015 time period Avista fell short of its 2015 electric IRP savings target primarily due to an underperformance in the Non-Residential sector. The Company believes the primary drivers of this shortfall were due to lack of natural gas programs that challenged the viability of duel fuel conservation projects, increased capital spending in prior years to take advantage of increased incentives for Tl2 lighting and the EPAC tax deductions which had expired at the end of 2013. To improve the performance of the non-residential sector, the Company proposed to increase and simplify the incentive structure to a flat $.20/kWh compared with the previous tiered approach. The Company believes that this allows for more certainty of the incentive amount for customers performing site specific projects. The Company also worked closely with Idaho Commission staff on the resurrection of natural gas programs and began to roll out the Small Business Direct Install program to our Idaho small business customers which will help us toward achieving our IRP savings targets. Page I of I JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORP. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO AVU-E-16-06 PUC Staff Production Request Staff-31 DATE PREPARED: 01/12/2017 WITNESS: Dan Johnson RESPONDER: Mike Dillon DEPT: DSM EMAIL: mike.dillon@avistacorp.com Please provide the electric avoided costs workpapers, including values and sources for all assumptions. RESPONSE: Please see Staff_PR_31 Attachment A, B, and C. Page I of I JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORP. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO AVU-E-16-06 PUC Staff Production Request Staff-32 DATE PREPARED: 01/12/2017 WITNESS: Lynn Roy RESPONDER: Linda Gervais DEPT: State & Federal Regulation EMAIL: linda.gervais@avistacorp.com Please provide copies of all interviews conducted as part of the evaluations, referenced on Page 9 of Lynn Roy's testimony, including but not limited to the 82 contractor interviews, 27 lighting retailer interviews, implementation contractor interviews, and A vista program staff interviews. RESPONSE: The Company can make these interview files available, however, given the size and sensitivity of the confidential conversations, access to a password protected secure ftp site can be provided to review the contents. The Company will coordinate this access with Commission Staff and Nexant. These files are confidential and not to be shared with the public. Page I of I JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORP. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO AVU-E-16-06 PUC Staff Production Request Staff-33 DATE PREPARED: 01/12/2017 WITNESS: Dan Johnson RESPONDER: Chris Drake DEPT: DSM EMAIL: chris.drake@avistacorp.com Please explain the timeline of events and the circumstances of events that led to the inadvertent elimination and reinstatement of 0-Power reports. RESPONSE: A vista DMS program management staff worked closely with the billing system team but did cease issuing Opower Home Energy Reports in January 2015 due to technical difficulties related to its new billing system. The Company was not able to resume issuing reports until August 2015, resulting in a program interruption of eight months. In response to the program interruption, the Company extended the study period for the program, including the three Home Energy Reports that were not provided to customers. Ratepayers did not experience any additional costs as a result of the program interruption. Further, A vista invited a representative from Opower to participate in its energy efficiency advisory group meetings, where they were able to answer relevant questions, help assess any potential impact to the program, and provide recommendations for the continued implementation of the effort. Any costs associated with Opower's participation in the advisory group meetings was borne by A vista. As provided in the Nexant Impact Evaluation in Exhibit No. 1, Schedule 2 at page 128: "It is important to note what is happening during the period of February to August of 2015, when home energy reports were not being sent out to customers. The monthly savings by year are shown in Figure 6-17. With the exception of July and August, each month's estimated savings grows from 2014 to 2015. It is also important to note that the savings during this period hold fairly consistent with what was observed in the year before, meaning they do not grow, but do not diminish significantly either. Additionally, once reports resume in September 2015, monthly savings surpass what they were in the years previous again." Page 1 of I AVISTA CORP. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO AVU-E-16-06 PUC Staff Production Request Staff-34 DATE PREPARED: 01/12/2017 CASE NO: WITNESS: Dan Johnson REQUESTER: RESPONDER: Mark Baker TYPE: DEPT: DSM REQUEST NO.: EMAIL: mark.baker@avistacorp.com REQUEST: Please provide the amount of labor expense charged to the DSM tariff rider for the years 2010- 2015. For each of those years, please include the number of Full Time Equivalents funded by the rider. Please also provide the general wage adjustment percentage for non-union personnel approved by the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors for each year. RESPONSE: Salaries Benefits Total FTE 2010 344,169.52 262,968.97 607,138.49 4.65 2011 381,412.22 303,685.79 685,098.02 5.24 2012 364,073.56 303,967.59 668,041.15 4.86 2013 468,975.80 480,515.25 949,491.05 5.83 2014 458,710.22 386,730.82 845,441.04 5.43 2015 471,917.46 410,212.65 882,130.11 5.04 Non-Union % Increase 2010 2.9% 2011 2.5% 2012 2.8% 2013 2.8% 2014 3.0% 2015 3.0% Page I of I