HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161115AVU to Staff 14 Attachment A.pdfStaff_PR_14 Attachment A Page 1 of 11 Agreement for Installation of Energy Efficiency Measures This Agreement for Installation of Energy Efficiency Measures ("Agreement') is entered into between Avista Corporation ("Avista"), a Washington corporation, and Community Action Partnership -Lewiston (the "Agency"), a Washington nonprofit corporation, (sometimes individually, a "Party" and collectively, the "Parties"). Background and Purpose: A vista is an investor owned utility whose rates, services, and practices are subject to the regulatory authority of the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (singularly, "Commission"'; collectively, the "Commissions"). Under its electric Demand Side Management ("DSM") Schedule ("Schedule 90") approved by the Idaho Commission, Avista provides DSM funding for the efficient use of electricity. The Agency is able to qualify customers and administer programs to assist low-income, residential households with supplemental financing to implement certain weatherization measures and/or to change-out inefficient energy equipment in low-income residences. Avista and the Agency are Parties to Agreement No. D-35088 (the "Current Agreement") for installation of Energy Efficiency Measures ("Measures") in 2014, consistent with the policies specified in Schedules 90 and 190 ( collectively, the "Tariffs"), in Eligible Low Income Households. The Parties desire to terminate the Current Agreement upon execution of this Agreement for installation of such Measures in the State of Idaho, beginning in 2015. Therefore the Parties agree as follows: 1. Definitions. For purposes of this Agreement, the following definitions apply: 1.1 "Administrative Costs" mean administrative and general costs (including salaries and overhead) directly or indirectly related to the Agency's participation under this Agreement, excluding the cost of equipment or the labor associated with installing such equipment. 1.2 "DOE Specifications" mean the document entitled "State of Washington Department of Commerce Weatherization Manual for Managing the Low Income Weatherization Program; April 2009 edition (including 2010 through 2014 revisions)" which is incorporated into this Agreement by this reference. 1.3 "Eligible Dwellings" or "Dwellings" mean real or personal property within Avista's service territory in the State of Idaho, inhabited as the principal residence of a Low Income Household, and include single-family homes, duplexes, triplexes, four-plexes, multi-unit residential housing complexes and mobile homes that utilize Avista-supplied electricity; except that duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes and multi-unit residential housing complexes are eligible only if at least one-half of the Dwelling units are occupied by a Low Income Household. Electric Dwellings must utilize: (i) permanently installed electric space heat (identified by A vista as a Dwelling with heating usage of at least 4,000 kWh for the most recent winter season, excluding base load energy) to qualify for funding for weatherization improvements, electric space heat conversions to natural gas and/or other Measures agreed to by the Parties; and (ii) Avista-supplied electricity to qualify for funding to upgrade or convert non-space heating measures such as water heaters, refrigerators or other electric appliances. 1.4 "Energy Efficiency Measures" or "Measures" mean the measures (including certain weatherization materials and/or change-outs of inefficient energy equipment) described in Avista's "Approved Measures List" incorporated into this Agreement as "Exhibit A" and "Rebate List" incorporated into this Agreement as "Exhibit B", and/or the DOE Specifications. Contract No. D-35104 Page I of7 Staff_PR_14 Attachment A Page 2 of 11 1.5 "Measure Costs" mean the installed costs (including labor, materials and direct costs) incurred by the Agency to effect the Measures in an Eligible Dwelling. 1.6 "Health and Safety Measures" mean measures that do not result in direct energy savings but which are necessary to make a Dwelling livable including without limitation, the equipment improvements described in Exhibit B. 1.7 "Home Energy Audit" or "Audit" means an on-site inspection of a Dwelling for the purpose of soliciting bids from Qualified Contractors; and estimating the potential energy savings from installation of the Measures and the cost of achieving such savings. 1.8 "Household" means an individual or group of individuals who reside together in an Eligible Dwelling provided that the Dwelling is not an institution. 1.9 "Low Income" means a Household whose gross income satisfies the Agency's qualifying standards for the federally established, non-farm poverty level for the number of members in the Household established by the governmental authority overseeing the Agency's standards. 1.10 "Owner" means an individual, partnership, corporation or other party ( or their authorized agent) who has legal title to a Dwelling, is the mortgagor under a duly recorded mortgage of real property, is the trustee under a duly recorded deed of trust, is a purchaser under a duly recorded contract for the purchase of real property, or has legal title to a mobile home. 1.11 "Participant" means a Household that resides in an Eligible Dwelling who receives assistance under the Program for the purpose of installing the Measures. 1.12 "Program" means the process (administered by the Agency and funded by Avista) utilized under this Agreement to implement Energy Efficiency Measures for Households. 1.13 "Qualified Contractors" mean contractors who are licensed and bonded, and who meet DOE Specifications. 2. Program Procedures -Agency's Responsibilities 2.1 Certification of Low Income Household. The Agency shall verify that a Participant qualifies as a Low Income Household in accordance with this Agreement and the DOE Specifications. 2.2 Certification of Eligible Dwelling. The Agency shall determine whether or not a Participant resides in an Eligible Dwelling. 2.3 Performance of Home Energy Audit. After verifying that a customer qualifies as a Participant, the Agency shall perform a Home Energy Audit consisting of an on-site inspection of the Dwelling to estimate the potential energy savings from the installation of qualifying Measures. The Agency shall solicit bids for the installation of the identified Measures and determine the cost of such installations. In conjunction with the Audit, the Agency shall provide Participants with written material pertaining to conservation and written information that outlines A vista's involvement in the installation of the Measures. 2.4 Records. 2.4.1 The Agency shall maintain records evidencing the eligibility of Households and Dwellings to participate in the Program ("Records"). Such Records must include the Household information, amount of expenditures per Household, and other information gathered in the regular course of qualifying such Household (including the inspections described in Section 2.6 below). The Agency shall keep all Records until the earlier of: (i) three (3) years after creation of the Records, or (ii) until such time as Avista has completed a financial audit of the Records as set forth in Section 5 below. Such Records must be made available to Avista upon Avista's written request. 2.4.2 In order to insure that all work under this Agreement is being performed and/or the materials are being acquired in the most cost-effective manner, the Agency shall solicit bids from Contract No. D-35104 Page 2 of7 Staff_PR_14 Attachment A Page 3 of 11 Qualified Contractors on a regular basis, but not less than annually, unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties. 2.5 Assistance in Arranging Installation. The Agency shall administer installation of the Measures. The Agency may install Measures through its own employees or agents or arrange for the installation of such Measures (in whole or in part) by a Qualified Contractor; provided, however, that the most cost­ effective method or combination of methods must be utilized for all Measures installed at a Dwelling. All work performed under this Agreement must be completed within a reasonable time period from the date installation of the Measures is authorized. 2.5.1 Installations by Agency. Subject to the conditions set forth immediately above, if the Agency installs (in whole or in part) Measures in a Dwelling, it shall do so in an expeditious, safe, efficient and workmanlike manner, consistent with prevailing industry standards. 2.5.2 Installations by Qualified Contractors. The Agency shall encourage competition among Qualified Contractors for supplying materials and/or installing Measures. The Agency shall utilize a competitive bidding process to insure that contractors selected to provide the material and/or labor to install the Measures are providing such services at the lowest price, with due regard for materials, labor and qualifications. Bids on materials and labor must be conducted in accordance with DOE Specifications and this Agreement. The Agency shall insure that the rights, remedies and protections afforded A vista and participating Households are preserved when employing the use of a Qualified Contractor. The Agency shall be solely responsible to A vista and participating Households for acts or omissions of any contractors hired by the Agency to perform any portion of the work applicable under this Agreement, or any person directly or indirectly employed by such contractor, and shall indemnify Avista and/or participating Households from same. 2.6 Post-Installation Inspection. 2.6.1 After the Measures have been installed, the Agency shall inspect the completed work to insure that such work has been performed in a workmanlike manner in accordance with Avista's specifications, DOE Specifications, and the Tariffs. The Agency shall make commercially reasonable efforts to insure that the work is performed to the satisfaction of the Participant. 2.6.2 If, upon inspection, the Agency determines that remedial work is necessary to insure that the installed Measures comply with the installation requirements set forth in this Agreement, the Agency shall arrange for performance of such remedial work. The remedial work must be completed within 30 days of the Agency's inspection unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties. As set forth in Section 3 below, Avista reserves the right to conduct a post-installation inspection prior to providing payment for such installation. 2.7 Reimbursement Forms and Documentation. 2.7.1 Reimbursement Forms/Year End Reimbursement. The Agency shall use commercially reasonable efforts to submit all reimbursement forms ("Reimbursement Forms") within 45 days after installation of the Measure(s) has been completed to qualify for reimbursement under this Agreement; provide, however, that because a Reimbursement Form can only be accepted for reimbursement in the current year, the Agency shall ensure that all installations for the year are completed and billed by December 31 51• The Agency shall provide additional documentation to Avista upon Avista's written request. Any exceptions to this reimbursement process must be discussed and agreed to by the Agency's Weatherization Director and Avista's Program Manager. 2.7.2 Documentation. In addition to providing the information described in Section 2.7.1 above, the Agency shall record and identify any complaints from Participants regarding installation of the Measures and a description of the Agency's response, including any remedial work performed. Documentation of complaints and corrective work must be provided to A vista for each completed Dwelling, if applicable. Contract No. D-35104 Page 3 of7 Staff_PR_14 Attachment A Page 4 of 11 2.7.3 Bid Responses. The Agency shall retain a copy of all bids submitted for material and labor, including the name and address of the contractor and the amount of the bid. 2.7.4 Administrative Cost Documentation. The Agency shall maintain a detailed summary of the administrative costs associated with the installation of the Measures and provide such summary when requested to do so by Avista's Program Manager, and in any event, no fewer than within 20 days after the end of each quarter of 2015. 2.8 Reporting Requirements. The Agency must complete and submit a copy of the attach Reimbursement Form incorporated into this Agreement as "Exhibit C" along with any additional supporting documentation provided to the Agency or requested by Avista, to qualify for payments under this Agreement. 2.9 Release of Customer Information. The Agency shall secure authorization from each Participant to allow Avista to provide Household information related to electric services including, but not limited to, the Household's contact name and phone number, service address, pertinent usage history, incentive information (when requested), and applicable current rate schedule (collectively, "Customer Information") to authorized entities who need such Customer Information to verify Avista's compliance with federal and state Energy Efficiency Standards and energy savings related to Measures installed at the Dwelling. 3. Program Procedures -A vista's Responsibilities. 3.1 Inspection of Facilities. Avista may, at its option during reasonable hours, inspect a Dwelling to verify installation of the Measure(s) and compliance with the obligations set forth in this Agreement (including continued operation of such Measures); and to insure proper administration of the Program. This provision does not impose upon A vista any obligation to perform an inspection and is not intended to substitute for or relieve the Agency and/or the Participant of any responsibilities under this Agreement. 3 .1.1 If Avista elects to perform a post-installation inspection to verify installation of the Measures, such inspection will be conducted within 10 business days of the Agency's final submission to Avista of all documentation related to the installation. The Agency's payment may be delayed for any disputed work identified by Avista until such time as corrective work has been completed. Within 30 days of a post-installation inspection, Avista will notify the Agency of any defects that need to be cured before Avista will disburse payment to the Agency for such installation. 3.1.2 While Avista's post-installation inspections will be completed in accordance with Section 3.1. l above, Avista will have the right to inspect the Dwellings if or as required by a government agency having regulatory jurisdiction over Avista to verify: (i) continued operation of the Measures and (ii) the estimated savings. 3.2 Payment. Payments to the Agency will be due and payable 30 days after: (i) A vista's receipt of the Agency's Reimbursement Form (see Section 2.7.1 above); or (ii) Avista's receipt of the Agency's Reimbursement Form and acceptance of the work re-performed under this Agreement, in the event such work requires correction (see Section 2.6.2 above), whichever is later ("Payment Due Date"). Avista may, in its sole discretion, designate a later Payment Due Date provided that such later Payment Due Date may not be more than 90 days following the initial Payment Due Date unless corrective work has not been performed and accepted by A vista. 4. Program Funding. The Measures listed in Exhibits A and B may change, at Avista's sole discretion, based on the cost effectiveness of such Measures and/or the portfolio of Measures being utilized. While the Measures listed in Exhibits A and B do not required Avista's preapproval, funding for such Measures will be treated separately as set forth below 4.1 Over the 12-month period ending December 31, 2015, Avista will reimburse the Agency up to an amount not to exceed $700,000 ("Total Reimbursement") including 15% of such Total Contract No. D-35104 Page 4 of7 Staff_PR_14 Attachment A Page 5 of 11 Reimbursement, or $105,000, for Health and Human Safety improvements ("HHS Funding"); and up to an amount not to exceed $50,000 for the outreach educational program ("Outreach and Education Program") described in the attached document incorporated into this Agreement as "Exhibit D". 4.2 Agency Compensation. 4.2.1 Exhibit A Reimbursement. Avista will reimburse the Agency for 100% of the installation costs of the Measures listed in Exhibit A. 4.2.2 Health and Safety. Avista will reimburse the Agency for Health and Human Safety improvements as agreed to by the Parties. 4.2.3 Exhibit B Reimbursement. A vista will reimburse the Agency for the installation costs of the Measures listed in Exhibit B in accordance with the rebates specified in that Exhibit. If the rebate calculation is less than the total installation costs of the Measure, the Agency may, at its sole discretion, apply HHS Funding towards the remaining project costs. 4.2.4 Administrative Costs. Avista will reimburse the Agency for Administrative Costs in an amount not to exceed 15% of the amount funded by A vista per completed Dwelling. Reimbursement of Administrative Costs is a portion of, and not in addition to, the Total Reimbursement described in Section 4.1 above. 4.2.5 The Agency shall submit a Reimbursement Form to Avista, in accordance with Section 2.7 above, for each completed project. 4.3 Installed costs may include labor, materials and the Agency's direct costs for weatherizing or installing energy efficient equipment in a Dwelling. 4.4 Avista may, in its sole discretion, require documentation supporting, without limitation, the cost of the Measures, the pre-audit information, the post-installation report, and administrative costs associated with each project. 5. Program Records and Monitoring 5.1 The Agency's Records must be maintained in accordance with Section 2.4 above, in a format mutually agreed to by the Parties. 5.2 Upon 15 days' prior written notice, during normal business hours, Avista may conduct financial audits, monitor, or perform other compliance reviews of the Records and Agency procedures as Avista deems appropriate. The number, timing and extent of such audits may be conducted by Avista or its designee, at A vista's sole discretion and expense, including:: 5.2.1 Auditing all Records and accounts maintained by the Agency in accordance with this Agreement; 5.2.2 Obtaining copies of all Records and accounts for purposes of review; and 5.2.3 Reviewing the Agency's procedures utilized to comply with the requirements set forth in this Agreement. 5.3 Avista will not publicly disclose customer-specific information without the prior written consent of the Participant. 6. Term and Termination 6.1 This Agreement will become effective on January 1, 2015 (the "Effective Date"), and remain in effect until December 31, 2015, unless terminated at an earlier date in accordance with this Agreement or extended upon mutual written agreement between the Parties. 6.2 Either Party may terminate this Agreement, at any time for its convenience, by giving 30 days' prior written notice to the other Party. Upon termination, each Party shall pay for its share of the installation costs of the Measures which were contracted for prior to the termination date, after such Measures have been completed. Contract No. 0-35104 Page 5 of7 Staff_PR_14 Attachment A Page 6 of 11 6.3 When executed, this Agreement will replace the current Agreement for Residential Energy Efficiency to Low Income Households executed by the Parties in 2014. 7. Disclaimer of Liability 7.1 Neither Party makes any warranty (including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness), representation or promise to each other, to Participants or to other third parties with respect to Measures applicable under this Agreement or with reference to any materials or labor required for the installation of such Measures. 7.2 Neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for acts or omissions of independent contractors. 7.3 The provisions of this Agreement will not be construed to authorize either Party to act as an agent or representative of the other Party; rather, the Parties are independent contractors with respect to one another. 7.4 Except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement, Avista is not, nor will it be deemed to be, a party to any contract or agreement entered into between the Agency and a Participant or with any other independent contractors for the provision of goods and services. The Agency and/or any contractors employed by the Agency are solely responsible to the Participants for the types of materials, methods of installation, quality and timing of such installations, and any warranties with respect to the Measures and/or their installation. 8. Indemnification. Each Party shall indemnify and hold harmless the other Party and its respective officers, agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising from such Party's negligent or other tortious acts or omissions including acts or omissions of such Party's officers, agents or employees. 9. Assignment. Neither Party may assign this Agreement, either directly or indirectly, or any of the rights, obligations, benefits and/or remedies conferred upon it by this Agreement to a third party without the prior written consent of the other Party, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; provided, however, that either Party may assign this Agreement without consent, to an affiliated company that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with such Party, or to a successor in interest which acquires all or substantially all of the property and assets of the Party. Furthermore, this Agreement will be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Parties. 10. Governing Law. This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Parties will be governed by the laws of the State of Washington without giving effect to its principles of conflicts of law. Any action at law or in equity to enforce any of the terms of this Agreement will be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in Spokane County, Washington. 11. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions will remain valid and enforceable, and the Parties will substitute for the invalid provision a valid provision that most closely approximates the intent and economic effect of the invalid provision. 12. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the Parties concerning its subject matter, and is not intended to confer upon any entity other than Avista and the Agency any rights or remedies under the Agreement. Any representation, promise, modification, or amendment to this Agreement or any incorporated documents, except as provided for in this Agreement, will not be binding upon either Party unless reduced to writing and signed by each Party's authorized representative. 13. Amendment and Waiver. This Agreement may not be modified or varied except by written agreement between the Parties. The failure of either Party to require performance of any provision of this Agreement will not affect such Party's right to require performance at a subsequent time. If, at any time, the terms of this Agreement are not strictly adhered to or enforced, such requirements will not be deemed waived or modified, but will, at all subsequent times, be deemed in full force and effect. Contract No. D-35104 Page 6 of 7 Staff_PR_14 Attachment A Page 7 of 11 1sra: 14. Tariff.c; and Regulation . The rights and obligations of the Parties will be go emed by the policie and procedures set out in the Tariffs, the DOE Spe-eifications. and applicable state and federal regulations. ln the event of a conflict between the Tariffs, the DOE Specifications, applicable regulations, and the provisions of this Agreement. the documents will prevail in the descending order listed in this Section. 15. Notice. and Other Communication . All notices, demand , requests and other communication under thi Agreement must be in writing and sent by mail (po tage prepaid), or delivered to the other Party either electronically or by a recognized commercial c urier, addressed as set forth below. Such notices, demands. requests and other communications will be deemed given as of the date delivered, or if sent electronically or by mail, upon receipt. 15.1 ToAvista: Avista Corporation 1411 E. Mis ion Avenue PO Box 3727 pokane, WA 99220-3727 Attention: Renee Coelho 15.2 To the Agency: Community Action Partnership -Lewiston 1240 New 61h Street Lewiston, ID 83501 Attention: Dale McGarvey 16. Insurance Requirements. The Agency must secure and, for the duration of the Agreement, continuously carry with in 'urers acceptable to A vi ta, Commercial General Liability insurance on an occurrence basi with a minimum ingle limit of $2,000,000. The coverage must include: (i) Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability; (ii) Contractual Liability pecifically related to the indemnity provi ions of the Agreement~ and (iii) Product and Completed Operations Liability to extend for a minimum of three (3) years pa t acceptance or tennination of the work. 17. Super cding Agreement. Thi Agreement supersede and cancels the Current Agreement as of the Effective Date defined in Section 6. 1 above. 18. Heading . The ection headings of this Agreement arc for convenience of reference only, and are not intended to re trict. affect or be of any weight in the interpretation or construction of the provisions of such ections. This Agreement ha been executed by each Party' authorized representative 011 the date(s) set forth below. Avista Co By: ~ature) \ J • ll · f)t ~ V \ <;. \f:tJ1 v\\L LOVl (Pri:!::ame) ~ { -tlt (J d:e ~ '-1 (l):inted Name) ~· . ...J....r.,... LJaeu;h 1/e. fU I\{µ( cH . (Title) l 1 ~ . l 6 (Title) 2/ 1 _,-#rf (Date Signed) (Date Siw,ed) Contract No. D-35104 Page 7 of7 Staff_PR_14 Attachment A Page 8 of 11 Exhibit A A vista Utilities Idaho Low Income Weatherization Program 2015 Approved Measures List Mea ure eligible for full reimbursement include: Electric Improvement : • Air infiltration • Duct sealing • Wall Insulation • Floor Insulation • Energy Star® doors Conver ions: • Electric to natural gas furnace • Electric to natural gas conversion combination (furnace and waler heater) Health and afety impro ements ("H&S.') may be paid by A vista only when the Agency is currently in the home, installing one of the approved Measures listed above. Examples of H& improvement include: bath fan , carbon monoxide detectors, repair of walls to ensure insulation is protected. etc. Funding for H&S improvements and the associated Administrative Co ts are subject to the H& allotment et forth in the Agreement. Revised: October 30, 2014 Staff_PR_14 Attachment A Page 9 of 11 J\.vista lJtilitie Idaho Low Income Weatherization Program 201S Rebate List Rebates for eligible Measures include: Electric Measures Attic insulation Duct in ulation Energy Star® Windows High efficiency electric water heaters(~ 0.93 Energy Factor) High efficiency air ource heat pump (8.5 H PF~ 14 EER) Energy Star® Refrigerators (replacement of fridge currently operating or Jailing) Other Conversion Measures Electric to air ource heat pump (when naJural gas is not a viable option) Electric to natural ga water heater* Exhibit B Per Installation $ 0.61/sq ft $ 0.27/ q ft $ 0.63/sq ft $ 53.00 $ 261.00 $ 629.00 TBD $.3593.00 $1,148.00 The rebate reflected abo e do not include the 15% admini tration fee applicable under the Agreement. The admini tration fee will be itemized eparately. on the reimbursement form. Health and Safety funding ("H&S") may be utilized for improvements agreed to by the Parties for (i) the installation of no11-e11ergy related Measures (e.g. bath fan , smoke alarms. wiring, etc), and/or, (ii) at the Agency's di cretion, to fund the remail1i11g im·tallatio11 co!t·ts related to the efficiency improvements set forth above (attic insulation, electric , ater heaters. windows etc.). lf the Agency choo s to utilize the H&S funding to fund the remaining installation co ts the 15% admini tration fee for such remaining costs will be applied to the Agency' H&S funding imilar to installation of non-energy related Measures. Note: The Agenc may ubmit a request to A vista for funding consideration for any Mea ures that may not be specifically listed above or ar unique to the re idence. The Agency hould submit such requests to Renee oelho, by email. at renee.coelho(mavistacorp.com. • If the home is a candidate for an electric to 11a11n·al gas furnace co11versi0t1, the water heater may be co11verted at the ame time cmd be eligible for full reimbursement in lieu of the per unit fee reflected above. Revised: December 2014 Staff_PR_14 Attachment A Page 10 of 11 ---------------------------H-fl'odll-tl++ ............. ~,, Low Income Weatherization Program • Idaho AGENCY NAME TENANT NAME OWNER NAME J08 COMPLETION DATE SQUARE FOOTAGE ACCOUNT NUMBER Exhibit A Approved Measures Ust Weatherlzation Air lnfillrallon Duct Se ng Wall ln.ulabon Floor 1Mula110fl Energy Star Door Equipment Vartable Speed Motor AGENCY CONTACT NAME HOME ADDRESS (MEASURE LOCATION) OWNER MAILING ADDRESS JOB CLOSED DATE YEAR BUil T (ESTIMATED) Post-Test 0 AGENCY PHONE NUMBER CITY, STATE, ZIP CITY, STATE, ZIP RNUMBER EXJSTING SPACE HEAT EXISTING WATER HEAT TYPE OF AC TYPE OF HOME NewR-Value o __ 0 New Equipment kWh savings ... I ___ __._]~~~-'-'--~~-~~ .. _ I_ o.oo Avillll Funded 000 Health and Safety IH&S) ,---Oncn __ p,._t_lon _________________ ...,.._ Cost Avitia Funded Bath Fen(s). Timer(s), Smoke Detector(s) ,___so~o-o_~--~o=oo~_. Dryer Vent. Eteeuical Work, CO Detector, Other '----------------------"'"' Exhibit B Rebate List Weatherizatlon Albe Insulation Duct lnaulalion Energy Star W1ndOW$ Equipment High Effiolency Electric Water Heater High Efficiency Alr SOurce H at Pump EnefQY Siar Refngerator Fuel Conversions Electnc to Air Souroe Heat Pump Electnc to Natural Gas Water Heater Approved Measures List Total Rebate List Total Health & Saf•ty Total GRAND TOTAL ,------------------r--~~=--..,.....,Avi=sta unded Approved Measures List Sub-Total $0 oo Health & Safe Sub-Total 00 ...=:=:..-:..:.=='-r-'==,.;.,..=;;:;..,~New R-Value a __ .,. __ ~~ 0 ltWh .. VI 0.00 ~P~re-e=-=ICIS~·~ti""-'""""==.::._---~-===-=~:c.:;;~.:.:.c.~k~Wh..;.c;.sa.;.;;;.;.~.c..s.sc..-.. Cost -~A;.;v;;,;;~;;,cta;;,..F..cundc=.,;ed"'--11 Q,00 $0.00 $0 00 ..Q,p"'o--+-~ oo=---,---=·oo=----11 0.09 -~so=oo~---~oo~_ .. New Equipment· Bra~Model kWh §!~1 Therm SaYI & 0.00 000 0.00 Rebate Ust Sub-Total BIiiing amount avaltabte to utilize H&S funds S0.00 (Optional) Agency use of H&S funds towards Exhibit B billing 1------,.SO.OO $0.001 so.001 $0.001 SDOO Staff_PR_14 Attachment A Page 11 of 11 "Exhibit D" Outreach and Education Program The purpose for energy conservation and efficiency education activity is to equip Avista's low income individuals and families, seniors, disabled and vulnerable customers with information and resources to effectively manage their energy use. The energy conservation and efficiency education funding may be used to underwrite Agency personnel dedicated to conducting low-income outreach and education related activities and materials (collateral and low-cost energy saving items) to be distributed to A vista Idaho customers that receive education and outreach. Energy efficiency and conservation outreach includes activities that seek to heighten awareness about efficient energy use management and methods for conserving energy. Additionally, outreach activities can include promoting the availability of assistance programs for eligible customers. Energy efficiency and conservation education includes activities that seek to change behavior for improved efficient and conservative use of home energy services. Agency Responsibilities: • Provide quarterly reports, due by the 15th of the month following the end of the quarter. Agency staff should utilize the report template provided by Avista. • Provide an annual conservation education and outreach plan for reaching A vista Idaho customers through the agency's high, medium and low-touch approaches by the end of the first quarter each year. The plan should provide an overview of the agency's energy efficiency and conservation education and outreach program's goals and tactics. • Confer with the A vista Conservation Education designee on energy conservation and efficiency education and outreach program development and implementation. • Submit requests for reimbursement to A vista for energy conservation and efficiency education related expenses on a regular basis. A vista Responsibilities: • Provide oversight and guidance for the execution and refinement of energy conservation and efficiency education activities and outreach. • Monitor program performance for efficiency and effectiveness in reaching A vista Idaho customers. • Ensure that A vista-facilitated activities and agency-facilitated activities are leveraged for maximum reach and effectiveness. • Compile and report energy efficiency and conservation education and outreach activities, as needed and required.