HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161013AVU to Staff 5 Attachment P.pdfStaff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 1 of 73 Lr~Nexanr May 27, 2015 Attn: Dan Johnson Dan.Johnson(a,,A vistacorp.com A vista Corporation East 141 l Mission Ave Spokane, WA 99220 Subject: Invoice Period: Invoice Number: Project Number.: Contract Number: Nexant, Inc. Fed. l.D. No.: April 4, 2015 185278 A02410.000 0 -35110 94-3342927 Total Contract Value Cumulative Amount Billed Budget Available Task Name A02410.000.00I Eval Work Plan A024 I 0.000.00 I.I A \, I\ NG Work Plan A024 l0.000.001. I B \\ ·\ Elec Work Plan A024 I C A02410.000.002 A024 I A024 I 0.000.003 A024 l0.000.003.3A A02410.000.003.3B A024 I 0.000.004 A02410.000.004.4A A02410.000.004.48 A024 l' A024 I 0.000.005 A024 I 0.000.005.SA A02410.000.005.5 B Total invoice Amount Cash Terms: Elec Work Plan Narural Gas Impact Evaluation WA Natural Gas Impact Electric Impact Evaluatation ~A Elec Impact Elec Impact Process Evaluation Report \-, \ Elcc Process \.. \ NG Process Elcc Process Reports with Cost Effect Analysis \ \ Cost Effect Cost Effect Net 30 Days Please remit payment to Nexant, Inc., Dept CH 16356 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Current Invoice Amount $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15,615.00 $15.229.52 $10,3 18.22 $12,63 1.50 $7,608.50 $6,I 12.00 $22,310.00 $18,055.00 $107,879.74 Mayl ,2015 $1,138,575.00 $294,2 16.74 $844,358.26 Please contact Lynn Roy at (303) 402-2488 if you have any questions concerning this invoice. Sincerely, Lynn Roy Principal Nexant, Inc. 995426 ~#IS Prepared for Payment Approved for Payment l>G Description tf'ex4 11T 11<¥-V Project Task Org. Amount Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 2 of 73 Invoice Number· INV-0000185278 BIii To Avista Corp. East 1411 M1ss1on Ave Spokane, WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Number Subcontractor Number Project Number Project Name: Terms: Due Date OTHER Project Coordinator Kuech, Ashley J Michaels, Jessica A Analyst Hope, Matthew H Kuech, Ashley J Michaels. Jessica A Sndhar Vikram Project Analyst Dionne, Andrew R Seruto Cherlyn M RIA Director Ryan Bliss Senior Consultant Benton, Nat11anae1 H Hodgson, Wyley C RIA Managing Director Mariorle McRae Paul Schwarz Principal Bums Patrick A Roy, Lynn M Consulting Labor Subcontractor Airfare Lodging Ground T ransportatio Meals Courier & Postage Other Direct Costs A·C000003008 0-35110 A02410.000.001 Eval Work Plan NET 30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date· Rernil To: Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Cost Fee Total· Contract Value $143,685.00 S0.00 $143,685.00 05/27/2015 Funded Value $143,685.00 S0.00 S143,685.00 Cumulative Amount Billed · $48.462.01 Billing Period From.04/04/2015 Billing Currency· USD To·05/01/2015 Current Current Cumulaltve Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount 0.00 0.0000 SO.DO 0.00 SO.DO 0.00 S0.00 0.00 S0.00 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount 0.00 65.0000 SO.DO 8.00 $520.00 0.00 65.0000 0.00 5.50 357.50 0.00 115.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 115.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 115.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 115.0000 0.00 5.00 575.00 0.00 130.0000 0.00 4.50 585.00 0.00 130.0000 0.00 53.00 6,890.00 0.00 158.0000 0.00 23 00 3,634.00 0.00 160.0000 0.00 11.00 1,760.00 0.00 160.0000 0.00 55.00 8.800.00 0.00 191.0000 0.00 10.00 1.910.00 0.00 191.0000 0.00 22.75 4.346.25 0.00 230 0000 0.00 17 00 3,910 00 0.00 230.0000 0.00 47 50 10,925.00 0.00 $0.00 262.25 S44,211.75 SO.DO $1 ,303.04 0.00 2,018.60 0.00 367.26 0.00 338.89 0.00 201 .97 0.00 20.50 SO.OD $4,250.26 Page 1 of 5 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 3 of 73 Invoice Number· INV-0000185278 Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours Cumulative Incurred Hours. For US Wrre Transfers. Nexant, Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2-nd Floor San Francisco. CA 94104 Account 756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 Project Number Project Name: Nexant, Inc. A02410.000.001 Eval Work Plan 0.00 262.25 Billing Currency· Invoice Date $0.00 Page 2 of 5 USO 05/27/2015 $48 462.01 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 4 of 73 Invoice Number Group Description Labor Cat Desc ANL YST Analyst ANL YST Analyst ANLYST Analyst Consulting Labor Nexant, Inc. INV-0000185278 Project Number· Project Name: A02410.000.001 Eval Work Plan Labor Supporting Schedule • T&M Consulting Labor TIS Current Emf:!INendor Date Hours Rate Hope Matthew H 03/20/2015 0.50 115.0000 Hope, Matthew H 04/30/2015 -0.50 115.0000 Hope, Matthew H 0.00 Hope. Matthew H 0.00 115.0000 0.00 Billing Currency· Invoice Date. Page 3 of 5 USO 05/27/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 5 of 73 Invoice Number INV-0000185278 Bill To: Av1s1a Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane WA 99220 Customer Number· Prime Contract Number: Subcontractor Number. Project Number Project Name Terms: Due Date: Analyst Hope, Matthew H Consulting Labor Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours: Cumulative Jncurred Hours· For US Wrre Transfers: Nexant. Inc c/o Bank. of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Account756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SW1FT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A02410.000.001.1 A WA NG Work Plan NET 30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date· Remit To· Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine IL 60055-6356 Cost: Fee. Total. Contract Value S20.000.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 Cumulative Amount Billed: S0.00 05/27/2015 Funded Value $20,000.00 $0.00 $20 000.00 Billing Penod From:04/04/2015 Billing Currency: USO Current Hours 0.00 0.00 Rate 0.00 0.00 115.0000 To:05/01/2015 Current CumulaUve Cumulative Amount Hours Amount $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page4of5 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 6 of 73 Invoice Number Group Description INV-0000185278 Project Number. Project Name Nexant, Inc. A02410.000.001 .1 A WA NG Work Plan Labor Supporting Schedule· T&M Consulting Labor Labor TIS Current ___ ;:.C::.al'--"'D"'e"'sc=----___ E:cm=p"-IN""'e"'-n'-=d"'o'--r __ =:cD.:.at:.:e ___ ---'H'""o::.:u:.:.rs=---___ R~a~te __ ANL YST Analyst Hope. Matthew H 03/20/2015 0.50 115.0000 ANL YST Analyst Hope Matthew H 04/30/2015 --~-0~5~0 115.0000 ANL YST Hope. Matthew H 0.00 Analyst Consulting Labor Hope. Matthew H 0.00 0.00 115.0000 Billing C11rrency. Invoice Date. Page 5 of 5 USO 05/27/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 7 of 73 Invoice Number· INV-0000165278A Bill To: Avista Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99220 Cu sterner Number. Prime Contract Numbe, Subcontractor Number; Project Number Project Name: Terms. Due Date· Project Coordinator Michaels. Jessica A Analyst Hope Matthew H Sridhar Vikram Project Analyst Penzkover David J Seruto, Cherlyn M Senior Consultant Benton, Nathanael H Hodgson. Wyley C Principal Roy, Lynn M Consulting Labor Airfare Lodging Ground T ransportatio Meals Miscellaneous Other Direct Costs Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours Cumulative Incurred Hours· For US Wire Transfers: Nexant. Inc c/o Bank of lhe West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco. CA 94104 Account756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWlFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 0-35110 A02410.000.002 Natural Gas Impact Evalua NET30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Dale Remit To Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine IL 60055-6356 Cost. Fee· Total Contract Value $205.000.00 $0.00 $205.000.00 05/27/2015 Funded Value $205.000.00 S0.00 S205,000.00 Cumulative Amount Billed: $54,409.60 Current Hours 3.00 34.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 25.50 21 .00 103.50 Bllhng Period From:04/04/2015 Rate 103.50 371.00 65.0000 115.0000 115.0000 130.0000 130.0000 160.0000 160.0000 230.0000 T o:05/0112015 Current Amount $195.00 3,910.00 0.00 0.00 2,600.0-0 0.00 4 080.00 4 830.00 $15,615.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 S0.00 $15.615.00 BIiiing Currency· Cumulatlve Hours 3.00 117.50 25.00 1.00 90.50 12.00 64.00 58.00 371.00 Page 1 of 12 USD Cumulative Amount $195.00 13.512.50 2.875.00 130.00 11 765.00 1,920.00 10,240.00 13 340.00 $53.977.50 $160.00 82.68 53.45 129.11 6.86 S432.10 S54,409.60 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 8 of 73 Nexant, Inc. Proiect Number. A02410.000.002 Invoice Number. INV-0000185278A Project Name: Natural Gas Impact Evalua Labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Group Description-Consulting Labor Labor TIS Current Cat Desc EmQIN endor Date Hours Rate ADMN Project Coordinator Michaels, Jessica A 04/24/2015 1.50 65.0000 ADMN Project Coordinator Michaels. Jessica A 05/0112015 1.50 65.0000 ADMN Michaels. Jessica A 3.00 Project Coordinator Michaels. Jessica A 3.00 65.0000 ANL YST Analyst Hope, Matthew H 03/13/2015 33.50 115.0000 ANL YST Analyst Hope Matthew H 04/30/2015 0.50 115.0000 ANLYST Hope Matthew H 34.00 Analyst Hope, Matthew H 34.00 115.0000 PRJANL Profecl Analyst Seruto. Cherlyn M 04/1 0/2015 10.00 130.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto, Cherlyn M 04/'17/2015 8.50 130.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto. Cherlyn M 04/24/2015 1.50 130.0000 PRJANL Seruto, Cherlyn M 20.00 Pro1ect Analyst Seruto. Cherlyn M 20.00 130,0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson, Wyley C 02/27/2015 3.00 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C 04/10/2015 1.50 160 0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C 04/17/2015 4.50 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson, Wyley C 04/24/2015 12.50 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson, Wyley C 04/3012015 0.00 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson, Wyley C 05/01/2015 4,00 160.0000 SRCON Hodgson. Wyley C 25.50 Senior Consultant Hodgson Wytey C 25.50 160.0000 PRIN Pnncipal Roy, Lynn M 04/10/2015 4.50 230.0000 PRIN Principal Roy Lynn M 04/17/2015 5.50 230.0000 PRIN Principal Roy, Lynn M 04/24/2015 6.00 230.0000 PRIN Principal Roy, Lynn M 05101/2015 5.00 230.0000 PRIN Roy Lynn M 21.00 Principal Roy Lynn M 21.00 230.0000 Consulting Labor 103.50 Billing Currency lnvofce Date: Page 2 of 12 USO 05/27/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 9 of 73 Invoice Number INV-0000185278A Bill To· Avista Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane. WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Number; Subcontractor Number· ProJect Number Project Name Terms Due Date· Senior Consultant Benton, Nathanael H Consulting Labor Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours. Cumulative Incurred Hours. For US Wire Transfers: Nexant. Inc do Bank of the West 1 BO Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Account 756001459 ASA routing 1211-0078.2 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A02410.000.002.01 Natural Gas Impact Evalua NET 30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date RemltTo Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Paiallne IL 60055-6356 Cost: Fee. Total· Contract Value $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Cumulative Amount Billed. $0.00 05/27/2015 Funded Value SO.DO $0.00 S0.00 Billing Period From:04/04/2015 Billing Currency. USO Current Hours 0.00 0.00 Rate 0.00 0.00 160.0000 To:05/0112015 Current Cumulative Cumulahve Amount Hours Amount S0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 SO.DO $0.00 Page 3 of 12 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 10 of 73 Invoice Number INV-0000185278A BIII To: Avista Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane. WA 99220 Customer Number Prrme Contract Number Subcontractor Number· Project Number· Project Name Terms· Due Pate. Analyst Hope. Matthew H Project Analyst Penzkover David J Seruto. Cherlyn M Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C Pnnc1pal Roy. Lynn M Consulting Labor Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours Cumulative Incurred Hours. For US 'Mre Transfers· Nexant. Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco CA 94104 Account 756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SW1FT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 0-35110 A02410.000.002.1A NG Impact Res NET30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date. Remit To: Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Cost Fee Total: Contract Value $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 Cumulative Amount Bllled. SO.OD 05/27/2015 Funded Value $5,000.00 $0.00 S5.000.00 Billing Period From.04/04/2015 Billing Currency: USO To:05/0112015 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount 0.00 115.0000 $0.00 0.00 SO.OD 0.00 130.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 130.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 160.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 230.0000 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SD.OD SO.OD SO.DO 0.00 0.00 Page 4 of 12 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 11 of 73 Nexant, Inc. Project Number: Invoice Number INV-0000185278A Pro1ect Name· A02410.000.002.1A NG Impact Res Labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Group Descr,pUon Consulting Labor Labor TIS Current Hours ___ .,,Cc,:a.,_t _,,D"'e""sc,,__ ____ ....::;E:..m:.c:P::..IN!..;e"-'n""d"'o.:..r __ =D=at=e ___ -~~~- ANL YST Analyst Hope Matthew H 03/13/2015 10.00 -10.00 ANL YST Analyst Hope, Matthew H 04/30/2015 ----== ANL YST Hope, Matthew H Analyst Hope. Matthew H SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson Wyley C SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson Wyley C SRCON Hodgson. VVyley C Senior Consultant Consulting Labor Hodgson Wyiey C 0.00 0.00 02/27/2015 3.00 -3.00 04/30/2015 --~'-'-= 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rate 115 0000 115.0000 115.0000 160.0000 160.0000 160.0000 BIiiing Currency: Invoice Date: Page 5 of 12 USO 05/27/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 12 of 73 Invoice Number INV-0000185278A Bill To: Avista Corp. East 141 1 Mission Ave. Spokane WA 99220 customer Number Prime Contract Number· Subcontractor Number: Pro1ect Number· Project Name. Terms. Due Date Analyst Hope. Matthew H Project Analyst Seruto, Cherlyn M Senior Consultant Hodgson. INyley C Principal Roy, Lynn M Consulting Labor Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours: Cumulative Incurred Hours For US Wire Transfers: Nexant, Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Accounl756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 AD2410.000.002.1 B NG Impact NonRes NET30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date: Remit To Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Cost: Fee. Total: Contract Value $5.000.00 50.00 $5,000.00 Cumulative Amount Billed SO.OD 05/27/2015 Funded Value $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 BIiiing Period From:04/04/2015 Billing Currency· USO T o:05/01/2015 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount 0.00 115.0000 $0.00 0.00 SO.DO 0.00 130.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 160.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 230,0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 SO.OD SO.DO $0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 6 of 12 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 13 of 73 Invoice Number Group Descnpllon Project Number INV-0000185278A Project Name Nexant, Inc. A02410.000.002.1 B NG Impact NonRes Labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Consulting Labor Labor T /S Current ---~C~a~l ~D~e~sc~-----=E:.:.m:.i:P.:.:.IN.:.;e"-'n""d:.:::o.,_r __ .:D:..::a""te,..._ ____ H'""o,,.,u::.:.rs"--__ __:..;R::::a.!!te'--- ANL YST Analyst Hope Matthew H 03/13/2015 12..00 115.0000 ANLYST Analyst Hope. Matthew H 04/30/2015 ___ -1c::2,:..:,0=0 115.0000 ANL YST Hope Matthew H 0.00 Analyst Consulting Labor Hope Matthew H 0.00 0.00 115.0000 Billing Currency: Invoice Date: Page 7 or 12 USO 05/27/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 14 of 73 Invoice Number· INV-0000185278A Bill To Avista Corp. East 1411 M1sston Ave. Spokane, WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Number Subcontractor Number· Project Number Project Name: Terms. Due Dale Analyst Hope. Matthew H Principal Roy, Lynn M Consulting Labor Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours: Cumulative Incurred Hours For US Wire Transfer.;· Nexant. Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Accoun\756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A024 t C NG Impact low income NET30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date· R-emit To. Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Cost Fee. Total Contract Value $5,000.00 SO.DO $5,000.00 Cumulative Amount Billed· $0.00 05/27/2015 Funded Value SS,000 00 $0.00 $5,000.00 Billing Period From·04/04/2015 Billing Currency· USO Current Hours 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rate 0.00 0.00 115.0000 230.0000 To:05/01/2015 Current Cumulative Cumulauve Amount Hours Amount SO.DO 0.00 SO.OD 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 SO.OD $0.00 Page 8 of 12 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 15 of 73 Invoice Number: Group Description Project Number: INV-00001 85278A Proiect Name: Nexant, Inc. A02410.000.002.1 C NG Impact low income Labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Consulting Labor Labor TIS Current ___ .::::C.:::a:...I .::::Dc:e.:.sc=----___ E""m""""p"-IN""'e:.in"'o""o'-r __ .::D.:::at'-=e ____ __,H'""o""u"-'-r,,_s ___ .:.;Rc::a:.::te=--- ANL YST Analyst Hope. Matthew H 03/13/2015 11.50 115.0000 ANLYST Analyst Hope Matthew H 04/30/2015 ___ ·1~1~.5-0 115.0000 ANL YST Hope Matthew H 0.00 Analyst Consultmg Labor Hope, Matthew H 0.00 0.00 115.0000 Billing Currency· Invoice Date. Page 9 of 12 USO 05/;27/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 16 of 73 Invoice Number· I NV-000018527 8A Bill To: Avista Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Number: Subcontractor Number Project Number Project Name· Terms. Due Date: Analyst Sridhar, Vikram Project Analyst Seruto. Cherlyn M Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C Pnncipal Roy, Lynn M Consulting Labor Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours Cumulative Incurred Hours. For US Wire Transfers Nexant. Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Account756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A02410.000.002.1 D NG Impact general NET 30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date 05/27/2015 Remit To Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Contracl Value $20,000.00 SO.OD $20.000.00 Funded Value Cost. Fee: Total: Cumulative Amount Billed· $4.882.50 Billing Period F rom:04/0412015 BIiiing Currency· To 05/01/2015 Current Current Cumulahve Hours Rate Amount Hours 0.00 115.0000 SO.DO 5.50 0.00 130.0000 0.00 14.00 0.00 160.0000 0.00 8.00 0.00 230.0000 0.00 5.00 0.00 $0.00 32.60 $0.00 0.00 32.50 Page 10 of12 S20 000.00 SO.OD S20 ODO.OD USD Cumulative Amount $632.50 1.820.00 1.280.00 1 150.00 54 882.50 $4,882.50 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 17 of 73 Invoice Number' INV-0000185278A BillTo: Avista Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane. WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Number. Subcontractor Number· Project Number· Project Name Terms: Due Date: Project Coordinator Michaels. Jessica A Analyst Hope, Matthew H Sridhar, Vikram Project Analyst Penzkover. David J Seruto. Cherlyn M Senior Consultant Benton. Nathanael H Hodgson, Wyley C Principal Roy, Lynn M Consultmg Labor Airfare Lodging Ground Transportat10 Meals Miscellaneous other Direct Costs Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours CumulaUve Incurred Hours For US Wire Transfers Nexant Inc c/o Bank or the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco. CA 94104 Account 756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWlFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A02410.000.002-2A WA Natural Gas Impact NET30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date: Remit To: Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Cost. Fee: Total: Contract Value $85.000.00 S0.00 $85.000.00 05/27/2015 Funded Value $85,000.00 $0.00 $85,000.00 Cumulative Amount Billed S49.527.1 O Bllllng Penod From:04/04/2015 B1lllng Currency: USO To:05/01 /2015 Current Current Cumulative Cumulaltve Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount 3.00 65.0000 $195.00 3.00 $195.00 34.00 115.0000 3,910.00 117.50 13.512.50 0.00 115.0000 0.00 19.50 2.242.50 0.00 130.0000 0.00 1.00 130.00 20.00 130.0000 2.600.00 76.50 9 945.00 0.00 160.0000 0.00 12.00 1.920.00 25.50 160.0000 4,080.00 56.00 8.960.00 21.00 230.0000 4 830.00 5300 12,190.00 103.50 $15,615.00 338.50 $49.095.00 $0.00 $160.00 0.00 82.68 0.00 53.45 0.00 129.11 0.00 6.86 $0.00 $432.10 $15,615.00 $49,527.10 103.50 338.50 Page 11 of 12 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 18 of 73 Nexant, Inc. Project Number· A02410.000.002.2A Billing Currency USO lnvmce Number INV-0000185278A Project Name: WA Natural Gas Impact Invoice Date 05/2712015 Labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Group Descnption· Consulting Labor Labor TIS Current Cat Desc Em[!INendor Date Hours Rate AOMN Project Coordinator Michaels. Jessica A 04/24/2015 1.50 65.0000 ADMN Project Coordinator Michaels. Jessica A 05/01/2015 1.50 65.0000 ADMN Michaels. Jessica A 3.00 Pro1ect Coordinator Michaels. Jess1ra A 3.00 65.0000 ANL YST Analyst Hope. Matthew H 04/30/2015 34.00 115.0000 ANLYST Hope, Matthew H 34.00 Analyst Hope. Matthew H 34.00 115.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto. Cherlyn M 04/10/2015 10.00 130.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto. Cherlyn M 04/17/2015 8.50 130.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto, Cherlyn M 04/24/2015 1.50 130.0000 PRJANL Seruto. Cherlyn M 20.00 Project Analyst Seruto. Cherlyn M 20.00 130.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C 04/10/2015 1.50 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C 04/17/2015 4.50 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C 04/24/2015 12.50 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C 04/30/2015 3.00 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C 05/01/2015 4.00 160.0000 SRCON Hodgson. Wyley C 25.50 Senior Consultant Hodgson Wyley C 25.50 160.0000 PRIN Principal Roy, Lynn M 04/10/2015 4.50 230.0000 PRIN Principal Roy, Lynn M 04/17/2015 5.50 230.0000 PRIN Prinopal Roy. Lynn M 04/24/2015 6.00 230.0000 PRIN Principal Roy, Lynn M 05/01/2015 5.00 230.0000 PRIN Roy, Lynn M 21.00 Pnncipal Roy. Lynn M 21.00 230.0000 ConsulUng Labor 103.50 Page 12 of 12 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 19 of 73 Invoice Number INV-00001852786 BIii To. Avista Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Number: Subcontractor Number· Project Number Project Name Terms. Due Date: Pro1ect Coordinator Kuech. Ashley J Michaels, Jessica A Analyst Sridhar Vikram Project Analyst Penzkover David J Seruto, Cherlyn M Senior Consultant Benton, Nathanael H Hodgson Wyley C Smith. Jesse G Pnnapal Roy, Lynn M Consulting Labor Airfare Lodging Ground Transportallo Meals Miscellaneous Other Direct Costs Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours Cumulative Incurred Hours· For US Wire Transfers. Nexant, Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco. CA 94104 Account756001459 ABA routing 1211 ·00782 SW1FT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A02410.000.003 Electric Impact Evaluat NET30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Dale. Remit To· Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Cost: Fee: Total Contract Value $385.000.00 SO.DO $385,000.00 05/27/2015 Funded Value $385,000.00 $0.00 $385,000.00 Cumulative Amount Billed. $83,065.00 Billing Period From:04/04/2015 Bnling Currency: USO To:05/01 /2015 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount 1.50 65.0000 $97.50 3.50 $227.50 3.00 65.0000 195.00 3.00 195.00 0.00 115.0000 0.00 166.50 19 147.50 0.00 130.0000 0,00 2.00 260.00 51.50 130.0000 6,695.00 151.50 19,695.00 0.00 160.0000 0.00 2.00 320.00 37.50 160.0000 6,000.00 115.50 18.480.00 6.00 160.0000 960.00 7.00 1120.00 47.50 230.0000 10,925.00 96.00 22,080.00 147.00 $24,872.50 547.00 $81,525.00 S225.52 $545.72 165.48 330.96 217.48 324.36 62.76 321.32 4.00 17.64 $675.24 $1,540.00 $25,547.74 $83,065.00 147.00 547.00 Page 1 of 13 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 20 of 73 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Number Project Number· INV-00001852788 Pro1ect Name: A02410.000.003 Electric Impact Evalual Labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Group Descnphon: Consulting Labor Labor TIS current Cat Desc EmplNendor Date Hours Rate ADMN Project Coordinator Kuech. Ashley J 04/17/2015 0.50 65.0000 ADMN Project Coordinator Kuech Ashley J 04/24/2015 1.00 65.0000 ADMN Kuech Ashley J 1.50 Project Coordinator Kuech. Ashley J 1.50 65.0000 ADMN Proiecl Coordinator Michaels. Jessica A 04/24/2015 1.50 65.0000 ADMN Project Coordinator Michaels, Jessica A 05/01/2015 1 50 65.0000 ADMN Michaels, Jessica A 3.00 Proiect Coordinator Michaels, Jessica A 3.00 65.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Serulo, Cherlyn M 04/10/2015 20.50 130.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Serulo. Cher1yn M 04/17/2015 25.00 130.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto. Cherlyn M 04/24/2015 5.00 130.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto. Cherlyn M 05/01/2015 1.00 130.0000 PRJANL Seruto. Cherlyn M 51.50 Proiect Analyst Seruto. Cherlyn M 51.50 130.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C 04/1 0/2015 3.50 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C 04/17/2015 10.50 160.0000 SRCON senior Consultant Hodgson, Wyley C 04/24/2015 12.50 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson, Wyley C 05/01/2015 11.00 160.0000 SRCON Hodgson Wyley C 37.50 Semor Consultant Hodgson, Wyley C 37.50 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consullant Smith, Jesse G 04/17/2015 2.50 160.0000 SRCON Senror Consultant Smith. Jesse G 04/24/2015 3.50 160.0000 SRCON Smith Jesse G 6.00 Senior Consultant Smith, Jesse G 6.00 160.0000 PRIN Principal Roy, Lynn M 04/10/2015 4.50 230.0000 PRIN Pnncrpal Roy Lynn M 04/17/2015 13.00 230.0000 PRIN Principal Roy. Lynn M 04/24/2016 12.00 230.0000 PRIN Principal Roy, Lynn M 05/01/2015 18.00 230.0000 PRIN Roy. Lynn M 47.50 Principal Roy, Lynn M 47.50 230.0000 Consulting Labor 147.00 Billing Currency: Invoice Dale Page 2 of 13 USO 05/27/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 21 of 73 Nexant, Inc. Project Number A02410.000.003 Billing Currency: USO Invoice Number INV-00001852788 Project Name. Electric Impact Evaluat Invoice Dale 05/27/2015 Non-Labor Supporting Schedule Group Descnpbon: Other Direct Costs JE No./ Current Current Descn11t1on Transaction VchrNo. FY/Pd Vendor Invoice ID Amount Line Descri11!ion: Airfare DIR-Travel-Air Feb 2 2015 f Feb 4 2015 / 524580 2015/2 Hodgson. ER00038811 S56.38 DE Wyley Coursen Feb 2 2015 / Feb 4 2015 I DEN-GEG-DEN I ECONOMY DIR-Travel-Air DIR-Travel-Air 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811 C1 -56.38 -Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Air Feb2 2015 /Feb4 2015/ 524580 201512 Hodgson. ER00038811 56.38 DE Wyley Coursen Feb 2 2015 / Feb 4 2015 / DEN-GEG-DEN I ECONOMY DIR-Travel-Air DIR-Travel-Air 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811_C1 -56.38 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Air Feb2 2015 /Feb4 2015/ 524580 2015/2 Hodgson. ER0003881 1 56.38 DE Wyley Coursen Feb 2 2015 / Feb 4 2015 / DEN-GEG-DEN I ECONOMY DIR-Travel-Air DIR-Travel-Air 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811 _C1 -56.38 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Air Feb2 2015 /Feb4 2015/ 524580 2015/2 Hodgson. ER00038811 56.38 DE Wyley Coursen Feb 2 2015 / Feb 4 2015 / DEN-GEG-DEN I ECONOMY DIR-Travel-Air DIR-Travel-Air 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811_C1 -56.38 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Air DIR-Travel-Air 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811_C1 56.38 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Air DIR-Travel-Air 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811_C1 56.38 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Air DIR-Travel-Air 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811_C1 56.38 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Air DIR-Travel-Air 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811_C1 56.38 Wyley Coursen Total. Airfare $225.62 Line Descci12t1on. !:fil!.9ln.9_ DIR-Travel-Lodging Feb 2 2015 / Feb 4 2015 / 524580 2015/2 Hodgson. ER00038811 $41.37 Sp Wyley Coursen Feb 2 2015 / Feb 4 2015 t Spokane I WA DIR-Travel-lodging DIR-Travel-Lodging 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811 C1 --41.37 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Lodging Feb2 2015 /Feb4 2015/ 524580 2015/2 Hodgson. ER00038811 41.37 Sp Wyley Coursen Feb 2 20151Feb42015 / Spokane I WA DIR-Travel-Lodging DtR-Travel-Lodg1ng 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811 C1 -41 .37 -Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Lodging Feb2 2015 /Feb4 2015/ 524580 2015/2 Hodgson. ER00038811 41.37 Sp Wyley Coursen Feb 2 2015 / Feb 4 2015 /Spokane / WA DIR-Travel-Lodging DIR-Travel-Lodging 531344 2015/4 Hodgson ER00038811 c, -4 1.37 -Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Lodging Feb2 2015 /Feb4 20151 524580 201512 Hodgson. ER00038811 41.37 Sp Wyley Coursen Feb 2 2015 / Feb 4 2015 1 Spokane / WA DIR-Travel-Lodging DIR-Travel-Lodging 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811 C1 -41 .37 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Lodg1ng DIR-Travel-Lodging 531344 201514 Hodgson ER00038811_C1 41.37 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Lodging DIR-Travel-Lodging 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811_C1 41.37 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Lodg1ng DIR-Travel-lodging 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811_C1 41.37 Wyley Coursen Page 3 or 13 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 22 of 73 Nexant, Inc. Pro1ect Number: AD2410.000.003 Billing Currency· USO Invoice Number: INV-00001852788 Project Name Electric Impact Evaluat Invoice Date. 05/27/2015 Group Description Other Direct Costs JE Nol Current Current Descri12tion Transaction Vchr No. FY/Pd Vendor Invoice ID Amount Line D~scrigyon; Lodging DIR-Travel-Lodging DIR-Travel-Lodging 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811 _ C1 41 .37 Wyley Coursen Total Lodging $165.48 Line DescriQtion· Ground Trans12ortatio DIR-Travel-Ground Tr Feb 4 2015 / PARKING 524580 201512 Hodgson. ER00038811 $12.00 Wyley Coursen Feb 4 2015 / PARKING DIR-Travel-Ground Tr Rental 526803 2015/3 Enterprise Rent-4754394 133.80 Ag reement#148983482 a-Car DIR-Travel-Ground Tr DIR-Travel-Ground Trans 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811 _C1 -12.00 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Ground Tr DIR-Travel-Ground Trans 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811_C1 -133.80 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Ground Tr Feb 4 2015 / PARKING 524580 2015/2 Hodgson ER00038811 12.00 Wyley Coursen Feb 4 2015 / PARKING DIR-Travel-Ground Tr DIR-Travel-Ground Trans 531344 2015/4 Hodgson ER00038811 _c1 -12.00 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Ground Tr Feb 4 2015 / PARKING 524580 2015/2 Hodgson ER00038811 12.00 Wyley Coursen Feb 4 2015 I PARKING DIR-Travel-Ground Tr DIR-Travel-Ground Trans 531344 2015/4 Hodgson ER00038811_C1 ·12.00 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Ground Tr Feb 4 2015 / PARKING 524580 2015/2 Hodgson. ER00038811 12.00 Wyley Coursen Feb 4 2015 / PARKING DIR-Travel-Ground Tr DIR-Travel-Ground Trans 531344 2015/4 Hodgson ER00038811 _C1 -12.00 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Ground Tr DIR-Travel-Ground Trans 53'1344 2015/4 Hodgson ER00038811_C1 133.80 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Ground Tr DIR-Travel-Ground Trans 531344 2015/4 Hodgson ER00038811_C1 12.00 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Ground Tr DIR-Travel-Ground Trans 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811_C1 12.00 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Ground T, DIR-Travel-Ground Trans 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811_C1 12.00 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Ground Tr DIR-Travel-Ground Trans 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811_C1 12.00 Wyley Coursen DIR· Travel-Mileage Feb 4 2015 / MILEAGE / 93 524580 2015/2 Hodgson, ER00038811 8.92 mil Wyley Coursen Feb 4 2015 /MILEAGE/ 93 miles / airport roundlrip DIR-Travel-Mileage DIR-Travel-Mileage 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811 C1 --8.92 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Mileage Feb 4 2015 / MILEAGE t 93 524580 2015/2 Hodgson, ER00038811 8.92 mil Wyley Coursen Feb 42015 /MILEAGE/ 93 miles I a,rport rnundtrip DIR-Travel-Mileage DIR-Travel-Mileage 531344 2015/4 Hodgson ER00038811 C1 -8.92 -Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-MIieage Feb 4 2015 /MILEAGE/ 93 524580 2015/2 Hodgson. ER00038811 8.92 mtl Wyley Coursen Feb 4 2015 /MILEAGE/ 93 miles / airport roundtrlp DI R-Tra vet-Mileage DIR-Travel-Mileage 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811 C1 -8.92 -Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Mileage Feb 4 2015 I MILEAGE / 93 524580 2015/2 Hodgson. ER00038811 8.92 mil Wyley Coursen Feb 4 2015 /MILEAGE/ 93 miles / airport roundtrip DIR-Travel-Mileage DIR· Travel-Mileage 531344 2015/4 Hodgson ER00038811 _c1 -8.92 Wyley Coursen Page 4 of 13 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 23 of 73 Nexant, Inc. Pro[ect Number· A02410.000.003 BIiiing Currency: USO Invoice Number INV-00001852789 Project Name· Electric Impact Evaluat Invoice Date: 05/27/2015 Group Description Ocher Direct Costs JE No.I Current Current Oescri12t1on Transaction Vchr No. FY/Pd Vendor Invoice ID Amount Une Descrigtion: Ground Trans12ortatio DIR-Travel-Mileage DIR-Travel-MIieage 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811_C1 8.92 1/Vyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Mileage DIR· Tra11el-Mileage 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811_C1 8.92 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Mileage DIR· Travel-Mileage 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811_C1 8.92 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Mileage DIR-Travel-Mileage 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811_C1 8.92 1/Vyley Coursen Total Ground Transportatio $217.48 Line Description: Meals DIR-Travel-Meals Feb 4 2015 / Feb 4 2015 / 524580 2015/2 Hodgson ER00038811 $15.69 PE 1/Vytey Coursen Feb 4 2015 / Feb 4 2015 / PERS MEALS DIR-Travel-Meals DIR-Travel-Meals 531344 2015/4 Hodgson ER00038811 _C1 -15.69 1/Vyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Meals Feb 4 2015 / Feb 4 2015 / 524580 2015/2 Hodgson ER00038811 15.69 PE Wyley Coursen Feb 4 2015 / Feb 4 2015 / PERS MEALS DIR-Travel-Meals DIR-Travel-Meals 531344 2015/4 Hodgson ER00038811_C1 -15.69 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Meals Feb4 2015 /Feb 4 2015/ 524580 2015/2 Hodgson. ER00038811 15.69 PE 1/Vyley Coursen Feb 4 2015 / Feb 4 2015 / PERS MEALS DIR-Travel-Meals DIR-Travel-Meals 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811 C1 -15.69 -Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Meals Feb 4 2015 / Feb 4 2015 / 524580 2015/2 Hodgson. ER00038811 15.69 PE Wyley Coursen Feb 4 2015 / Feb 4 2015 / PERS MEALS DIR-Travel-Meals DIR-Travel-Meals 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811 C1 --15.69 1/Vyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Meals DIR-Travel-Meals 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811_C1 15.69 1/Vyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Meals DIR· Travel-Meals 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811 _ Cl 15.69 1/Vyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Meals DIR-Travel-Meals 531344 2015/4 Hodgson ER00038811_C1 15.69 1/Vyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Meals DIR-Travel-Meals 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811_C1 15.69 1/Vyley Coursen Total. Meals $62.76 line Descn1:1tlon: Miscellaneous DIR-Travel-Other Feb 4 2015 /TIPS 524580 2015/2 Hodgson, ER00038811 $1.00 Wyley Coursen Feb 4 2015 / TIPS DIR-Travel-Other DIR-Travel-Other 531344 2015/4 Hodgson ER00038811 _C1 -1.00 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Other Feb 4 2015 / TIPS 524580 2015/2 Hodgson, ER00038811 1.00 Wyley Coursen Feb 4 2015 / TIPS DIR-Travel-Other DIR-Travel-Olher 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811 C1 --1.00 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Other Feb 4 2015 I TIPS 524580 2015/2 Hodgson, ER00038811 1.00 Wyley Coursen Feb 4 2015 /TIPS DIR-Travel-Other DIR-Travel-Other 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811 C1 -· 1.00 1/Vyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Other Feb4 2015/TIPS 524580 201512 Hodgson, ER00038811 1.00 1/Vyley Coursen Feb 4 2015 /TIPS Page 5 or 13 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 24 of 73 Invoice Number Group Description Description line Descri11tion DIR-Travel-Other DIR-Travel-Othe1 DIR-Travel-Other DIR-Travel-Other DIR-Travel-Other Total: Miscellaneous Other Direct Costs Nexant, Inc. Project Number: INV-00001852786 Project Name· Other Direct Costs JE No./ Trans action Vchr No. Miscellaneous DIR-Travel-Other 531344 DIR-Travel-Other 531344 DIR-Travel-Other 531344 DIR-Travel-Other 53134-4 DJR-T ravel-Other 531344 A02410.000.003 Electric Impact Evaluat Current FY/Pd Vendor 2015/4 Hodgson. Wyley Coursen 2015/4 Hodgson, Wyley Coursen 2015/4 Hodgson Wyley Coursen 2015/4 Hodgson, Wyley Coursen 2015/4 Hodgson Wyley Coursen Billing Currency Invoice Date. Current Invoice ID Amount ER00038811 _ C1 -1.00 ER00038811_C1 1.00 ER00038811 _ C1 1 00 ER00038811 _ C1 1.00 ER00038811_C1 1.00 $4.00 S675.24 Page 6 of 13 USD 05/27/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 25 of 73 Invoice Number. INV-00001852789 B1II T0: Avista Corp. Easl 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane WA 99220 Customer Number Pnme Contract Number Subcontractor Number: Project Number· Project Name Terms: Due Date: Analyst Sridhar, Vikram Senior Consultant Benton, Nathanael H Consulting Labor Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours· Cumulative Incurred Hours: For US Wire Transfers Nexant. Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Account756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 0-35110 A02410.000.003.01 Electric Impact Evaluat NET30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Dale. Remit To: Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine IL 60055-6356 Cost· Fee Total· Contract Value $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Cumulative Amount Billed. $0.00 05/27/2015 Funded Value $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 BIiiing Period From·04/0412015 Billing Currency USO Current Hours 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rate 0.00 0.00 115.0000 160.0000 To: 05/01/2015 Current Cumulative Cumulative Amount Hours Amount $0.00 0.00 SO.DO 0.00 0.00 0.00 SO.DO 0.00 SO.OD :moo $0.00 Page 7 of 13 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 26 of 73 Invoice Number· INV-00001852786 Bill To Avista Corp. East 1411 M1ss1on Ave. Spokane, WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Number Subcontractor Number Project Number Project Name: Tenns. Due Date· Project Coordinator Kuech, Ashley J Michaels, Jessica A Analyst Sridhar. Vikram Project Analyst Penzkover, David J Seruto, Cherlyn M Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C Smllh, Jesse G Principal Roy, Lynn M Consulting Labor Airfare Lodging Ground Transportatlo Meals Miscellaneous Other Direct Costs Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours: Cumulative Incurred Hours. For US Wire Transfers Nexant, Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Account 756001459 ABA routing 121 Hl0782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A02410.000.003.3A WA Elec Impact NET30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date: Remit To Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Cost: Fee. Total: Contract Value $100 000.00 $0.00 $100.000 00 05/27/2015 Funded Value S100,000 00 S0.00 S100,000.00 Cumulative Amount Billed. $45.944.40 BIiiing Period From:04/04/2015 Billing Currency USO To:05/01/2015 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount 1.50 65.0000 $97.50 2.00 $130.00 2.50 65.0000 162.50 2.50 162.50 0.00 115.0000 0.00 96.00 11.040.00 0.00 130.0000 0.00 1.00 130.00 28.50 130.0000 3,705.00 74.50 9.685.00 24.50 160.0000 3,920.00 68.00 10.880.00 6.00 160.0000 960.00 7.00 1.120.00 26.00 230.0000 5,980.00 52.00 11.960.00 89.00 514,825.00 303.00 $45,107.50 $112.76 $272.86 82.74 16548 175.64 229.08 31.38 160.66 2.00 8.82 $404.52 $836.90 515,229.52 $45 944.40 89.00 303.00 Page 8 of 13 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 27 of 73 Nexant, Inc. Project Number: A02410.000.003.3A Billing Currency USO Invoice Number INV-00001852788 Project Name: WA Elec Impact Invoice Date 05/27/2015 Labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Group Description Consulting Labor Labor TIS Current Cat Desc EmplNeodor Date Hours Rate ADMN Project Coordinator Kuech. Ashley J 04/17/2015 0.50 65 0000 AOMN Project Coordinator Kuech. Ashley J 04/24/2015 1.00 65.0000 ADMN Kuech. Ashley J 1.50 Pro1ect Coordinator Kuech. Ashley J 1.50 65.0000 AOMN Project Coordinator Michaels. Jessica A 04/24/2015 1.50 65.0000 ADMN Project Coordinator Michaels. Jessica A 05/01/2015 1.00 65.0000 AOMN Michaels, Jessica A 2.50 Project Coordinator Michaels. Jessica A 2.50 65.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto, Cherlyn M 04110/2015 10.50 130.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto, Cherlyn M 04/17/2015 12.50 130.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto. Cherlyn M 04/24/2015 5.00 130.0000 PRJANL Pro1ect Analyst Seruto. Cherlyn M 05/01/2015 0.50 130.0000 PRJANL Seruto, Cherlyn M 28.50 Project Analyst Seruto. Cherlyn M 28.50 130.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C 04/10/2015 2.00 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C 04/17/2015 5.00 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C 04/24/2015 12.50 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C 05/01/2015 5.00 160.0000 SRCON Hodgson. Wyley C 24.50 Senior Consulta11t Hodgson, Wyley C 24.50 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Smith, Jesse G 04/17/2015 2.50 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Smith, Jesse G 04/24/2015 3.50 160.0000 SRCON Smith, Jesse G 6.00 Senior Consultant Smith, Jesse G 6.00 160.0000 PRlN Principal Roy. Lynn M 04/10/2015 4.50 230.0000 PRIN Pnnopal Roy Lynn M 04/17/2015 7.50 230.0000 PRIN Principal Roy Lynn M 04/24/2015 6.00 230.0000 PRIN Principal Roy Lynn M 05/01/2015 8.00 230.0000 PRIN Roy Lynn M 26.00 Principal Roy Lynn M 26.00 230.0000 Consulting Labor 8900 Page 9 of 13 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 28 of 73 Nexant, Inc. Project Number: A02410.000.003.3A Billing Currency· USD Invoice Number INV-0000185278B Project Name WA Elec Impact Invoice Date: 05/2712015 Non-Labor Supporting Schedule Group Description Other Direct Costs JE No./ Current Current DescriQtion Transaction Vchr No. FY/Pd Vendor Invoice ID Amount Line DescnQtmn: Airfare DIR-T ravel-Alr DIR-Travel-Air 531344 2015/4 Hodgson ER00038811_C1 $56,38 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Air DIR-Travel-Alf 531344 201514 Hodgson, Wyley Coursen ER00038811_C1 56.38 T otaJ Airfare $112.76 Line DescnQl!on: Lodg111g DIR-Travel-Lodging DIR-Travel-Lodging 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811_C1 $41 37 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Lodging DIR-Travel-Lodging 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811_C1 41.37 Wyley Coursen Total Lodging $82.74 Line Descclgllon: Ground Trans12ortat10 DIR-Travel-Ground Tr DIR-Travel-Ground Trans 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811_C1 $133.80 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Ground Tr DIR-Travel-Ground Trans 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811_C1 12.00 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Ground Tr DIR-Travel-Ground Trans 531344 2015/4 Hodgson ER00038811_C1 12.00 Wyley Courser, DIR-Travel-MIieage DIR-Travel-Mileage 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811_C1 8.92 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Mfleage DIR-Travel-Mileage 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811_C1 8.92 Wyley Coursen Total· Ground Transportatio S175.o4 Line Descri11tion · Meals DIR-Travel-Meals DIR-Travel-Meals 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811 _ C1 $15.69 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Meals DIR-Travel-Meats 531344 2015/4 Hodgson ER00038811_C1 15.69 Wyley Coursen Total: Meals $31 .38 Uoe Desi;n11t,on· Miscellaneous DIR-Travel-other DIR-Travel-Other 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811_C1 S1 .00 Wyley Coursen DIR· Travel-Other DIR-Travel-Other 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811_C1 '1.00 Wyley Coursen Total. Miscellaneous $2.00 Other Direct Costs $404.52 Page 10 of 13 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 29 of 73 Invoice Number INV-00001852786 Bi11To: Avista Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane. WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Number Subcontractor Number Proiect Number· Project Name Terms Due Date: Project Coordinator Kuech, Ashley J Michaels, Jessica A Analyst Sndhar Vikram Pro1ecl Analyst Penzkover, David J Seruto. Cher1yn M Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C Pnncfpal Roy Lynn M Consultrng Labor Airfare Lodging Ground Transportatio Meals Miscellaneous Other Direct Costs Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours Cumulative Incurred Hours For US Wire Transfers: Nexant Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Account756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A02410.000.003.39 ID Elec Impact NET30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date Remit To Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine. IL 60055-6356 Cost. Fee: Total: Contract Value $100,000.00 SO.DO $100,000.00 05/27/2015 Funded Value s100,ooo.oo $0.00 $100,000.00 CumulatJve Amount Billed $30.845.60 Current Hours 0.00 0.50 0.00 0 00 23.00 13.00 21.50 58.00 BIiiing Period From:04/04/2015 Rate 58.00 202.00 65.0000 65.0000 115.0000 130.0000 130.0000 160.0000 230.0000 To:05/0112015 Current Amount SO.OD 32.50 0.00 0.00 2,990.00 2,080.00 4 945.00 $10,047.50 $112.76 82.74 41.84 31.38 2.00 $270.72 S10 318.22 Billing Currency. Cumulative Hours 1 50 0.50 59.50 1.00 63.50 38.50 37.50 202.00 Page 11 or 13 USO Cumulative Amount S97.50 32.50 6,842.50 130.00 8.255.00 6,160.00 8,625.00 $30.142.50 $272.86 165.48 95.28 160.66 8.82 $703.10 S30 845.60 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 30 of 73 Nexant, Inc. Project Number- Invoice Number: lNV-00001852789 Project Name: A02410.000. 003.38 ID Elec Impact Labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Group Descnpt1011· Consulting Labor Labor T/S Current Cat Desc EmplNendor Date Hours Rate ADMN Project Coordinator Michaels. Jessica A 05/01/2015 0.50 65.0000 ADMN Michaels, Jessica A 0.50 ProJect Coordinator Michaels. Jessica A 0.50 65.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto, Cherlyn M 04/10/2015 10.00 130.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto, Cherlyn M 04117/2015 12.50 130,0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto, Cherlyn M 05/01/2015 0.50 130.0000 PRJANL Seruto. Cherlyn M 23.00 Pro1ecl Analyst Seruto. Cherlyn M 23.00 130.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson, Wytey C 04/10/2015 1.50 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson, Wyley C 04/17/2015 5.50 160.0000 SRCON Semor Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C 05/01/2015 6.00 160.0000 SRCON Hodgson. Wyley C 13.00 Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wytey C 13.00 160.0000 PRIN Principal Roy Lynn M 04/17/2015 5.50 230.0000 PRIN Principal Roy Lynn M 04/24/2015 6.00 230.0000 PRIN Pnnc1pal Roy Lynn M 05/01/2015 10.00 230.0000 PRIN Roy. Lynn M 21.50 Pnnclpal Roy, Lynn M 21.50 230.0000 Consulting Labor 58.00 Bflllng Currency: Invoice Date: Page 12 of13 USO 05127/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 31 of 73 Nexant, Inc. Project Number· A02410.000.003.36 Billing Currency: USO Invoice Number. INV-00001852786 Pro1ect Name. ID Elec Impact Invoice Date: 05/27/2015 Non-Labor Supporting Schedule Group Descnption Other Direct Costs JE No./ Current Current Description Transaction Vchr No. FY/Pd Vendor Invoice ID Amount Llne Descn12llon Airfare DIR-Travel-Air DIR-Travel-Air 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811 _ C1 S56.38 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Air DIR-Travel-Air 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811_C1 56.38 Wyley Coursen Total Airfare $1 12.76 Line Descrigtion. Lodging DIR-Travel-Lodging DIR-Travel-Lodging 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811_C1 $41.37 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Lodging DIR-Travel-Lodging 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811 _ C1 41 .37 Wyley Coursen Total: Lodging $82.74 Line Descri[!l.lon Ground Trans1:1ortalio DIR-Travel-Ground Tr DIR-Travel-Ground Trans 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811_C1 $12.00 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Ground Tr DIR-Travel-Ground Trans 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811_C1 12.00 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Mileage DIR-Travel-Mileage 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811 _ C1 8.92 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Mileage DtR-Travel-M1leage 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811_C1 8.92 Wyley Coursen Total Ground Transportalio $41.84 Line Descni:1bon Meals DIR-Travel-Meals DIR-Travel-Meals 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811_C1 S15.69 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Meals DIR-Travel-Meals 531344 2015/4 Hodgson. ER00038811_C1 15.69 Wyley Coursen Total Meals $31.38 Line Descrf11tion. Miscellaneous DIR-Travel-Other DIR-Travel-Other 531344 2015/4 Hodgson ER00038811 _ C1 $1 .00 Wyley Coursen DIR-Travel-Other DIR-Travel-Other 531344 2015/4 Hodgson, ER00038811_C1 1.00 Wyley Coursen Total Miscellaneous $2.00 Other Direct Costs $270.72 Page i3 of 13 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 32 of 73 Invoice Number INV-0000185278C BilJ To· Avista Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane. WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Number: Subcontractor Number ProJect Number· Project Name Terms Due Date: OTHER RIA Support Support RIA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 RIA Consultant 3 Consultant 3 Nathaniel Albers RIA Sr. Consultant Mersiha MCCiaren RIA Director Ryan Bliss Senior Consultant Benton, Nathanael H RIA Managing Director Mar1orie McRae Paul Schwarz Principal Roy, Lynn M Consulting Labor Subcontractor Other Direct Costs Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours Cumulative Incurred Hours· For US Wire Transfers: Nexant, Inc do Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco. CA 94104 Account 756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 0 -35110 A02410.000.004 Process Evaluation Repo NET 30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date Remit To Nexanl Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Cost: Fee. Total. Contract Value S355,000.00 $0.00 $355,000.00 05/27/2015 Funded Value $355,000.00 $0.00 $355,000.00 Cumulative Amount Billed. $54.690.13 Billing Period From: 04/04/2015 Bllrtng Currency· USO To:05/01/2015 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount 0.00 0.0000 ~0.00 Q.00 SO.OD 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 Current Current Cumulatrve Cumulative Hours Rate AmoL,tnt Hours Amount 1.00 66.0000 $66.00 1.00 S66.00 86.50 114.0000 9,861.00 155.00 17.670.00 3.75 128,0000 480.00 9.00 1 152.00 56.25 128.0000 7,200.00 98.25 12.576.00 9.25 139.0000 1,285.75 13.25 1.841.75 18.50 158.0000 2,923.00 35.25 5.569.50 0.00 160.0000 0.00 9.00 1.440.00 7.50 191.0000 1,432.50 12.25 2.339.75 16.25 191 .0000 3,103.75 49.75 9.502,25 0.00 230,0000 0.00 8.50 1,955.00 199.00 $26,352.00 391.25 $54,112.25 SO.DO $577.88 :moo $577.88 $26,352.00 $54,690.13 199.00 391.25 Page 1 or 15 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 33 of 73 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Nurnber: Project Number INV-0000185278C Project Name: A02410.000.004 Process Evaluation Repo Labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Group Oescnpbon: Consulting Labor Labor TIS Current Cat Desc EmQINendor Date Hours Rate ADMIN RIA Support Support 1.00 66.0000 ADMIN Support 1.00 RIA Support Support 1.00 66.0000 CONS2 RIA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 86.50 114.0000 CONS2 Consultant 2 86.50 RIA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 86.50 114.0000 CN RIA Consultant 3 Consultant 3 3.75 128 0000 CN Consultant 3 3.75 RIA Consultant 3 Consultant 3 3.75 128.0000 CN RIA Consultant 3 Nathaniel Albers 56.25 128.0000 CN Nathaniel Albers 56.25 RIA Consultant 3 Nathaniel Albers 56.25 128.0000 SRCONS RIA Sr Mersiha McClaren 9.25 139.0000 Consultant SRCONS Mers1ha McClaren 9,25 RIA Sr Consultant Mersiha McClaren 9.25 139.0000 DIR RIA Director Ryan Bliss 18.50 158.0000 DIR Ryan Bliss 18.50 RIA Director Ryan Bliss 18.50 158.0000 DEPMGR RJA Managing Marjorie McRae 7.50 191.0000 Director DEPMGR Marjorie McRae 7 50 RIA Managmg Director Marjorie McRae 7.50 191.0000 DEPMGR RIA Managing Paul Schwarz 16.25 191.0000 Director DEPMGR Paul Schwarz 16.25 RIA Managing Director Paul Schwarz 16.25 191.0000 Consulting Labor 199.00 Billing Currency: Invoice Date Page 2 of 15 USO 05/27/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 34 of 73 Invoice Number INV-0000185278C Bill To: Avista Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane. WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Number: Subcontractor Number Project Number Project Name Terms. Due Date. OTHER Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours Cumulative Incurred Hours For US Wire Transfers: NexanL Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco. CA 94104 Account756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A02410.000.004.01 Process Evaluation Repo NET30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date: Remit To: Nexanl Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine IL 60055-6356 Cost: Fee· Total· Contract Value $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 05/27/2015 Funded Value SO.OD SO.OD SO.DO Cumulative Amolint Billed. $0.00 Current Hours 0.00 0.00 Billing Penod From:04/04/2015 Billing Currency· USO To:05/01 /2015 Current Cumulative Cumulative Rate Amount Hours Amount 0.00 0.00 0.0000 ___ __,s ... o::.,.D,.,,O ___ __,,Oc:,.Oc,cO -----'$"'0-'-'.0=0 so 00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 3 of 15 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 35 of 73 Invoice Number INV-0000185278C Bill To: Avista Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99220 Customer Number Prlme Contract Number Subcontractor Number Project Number ProJect Name Terms Due Date; RIA Consultant 2 Consultant2 RIA Managing Director Paul Schwarz Consulting Labor lnvmce Total Current Incurred Hours: Cumulative Incurred Hours: For US Wire Transfers Nexant, Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Account 756001459 ASA routing 121 1-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A02410.000.004.1A WA Process Eva! Res NET 30 06/2612015 Nexant, Inc. Retnlt To· Nexanl Inc. Dept CH 16356 Invoice Dale· Palatine IL 60055-6356 Cost. Fee Total. Cumulative Amount Billed: Contract Value $5.000.00 SO.OD $5,000.00 $0.00 05/27/2015 Funded Value $5.000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 Billing Period From·04/04/2015 Billing Currency. USO Current Hours 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rate 0.00 0.00 114.0000 191.0000 To 05/01/2015 Current Cumulative Cumulattve Amount Hours Amount so.co 0.00 SO.OD 0.00 0.00 0.00 SO.OD 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 4 of 15 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 36 of 73 Nexant, Inc. Project Number Invoice Number INV-0000185278C Project Name, A02410.000.004.1A WA Process Eval Res Labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Group Description: Consulting Labor Labor TIS Current Cat Desc Em12INendor Date Hours Rate CONS2 RIA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 0.00 114.0000 CONS2 Consultant 2 0.00 RIA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 0.00 114.0000 DEPMGR RIA Managing Paul Schwarz 0.00 191.0000 Director DEPMGR Paul Schwarz 0.00 RIA Managing Director Paul Schwarz 0.00 191 .0000 Consulting Labor 0.00 Billing Currency· Invoice Date Page 5 of 15 USD 05/27/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 37 of 73 Invoice Number· INV-0000185278C Bill To Avista Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane WA 99220 Customer Number Pnme Contract Number· Subcontractor Number Project Number Project Name Terms: Due Date: RIA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 RIA Consultant 3 Consultant 3 Senior Consultant Benton, Nathanael H Consulting Labor Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours Cumulative Incurred Hours For US Wire Transfers. Nexant. Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 941 04 Account756001459 ASA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 0-35110 A02410.000.004.1 B WA Process Eval NonRes NET30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date: Remrt To· Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Cost Fee Total Contract Value $5.000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 Cumulative Amount Billed· $0.00 05/27/2015 Funded Value $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 Billing Period From:04/04/2015 Billing Currency. USO Current Hours 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rate 0.00 0.00 114.0000 128.0000 160.0000 To·OS/01/2015 Current Cumulative Cumulative Amount Hours Amount S0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 S0.00 $0.00 SO.DO Page 6 of 15 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 38 of 73 Nexant, Inc. Project Number A02410.000.004.1 B Invoice Number INV-0000185278C Proje<:t Name. WA Process Eval NonRes Labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Group Descripbon Consuttmg Labor Labor T/S Current Cat Desc Em1;1I/Vendor Date Hours Rate CONS2 RIA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 0.00 114.0000 CONS2 Consultant 2 0.00 RIA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 0.00 114.0000 CN RIA Consultant 3 Consultant 3 0.00 128.0000 CN Consultant 3 0.00 RIA Consultant 3 Consultant 3 0.00 128.0000 Consulting Labor 0.00 BIiiing Currency Invoice Pate Page 7 of 15 USO 05/27/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 39 of 73 Invoice Number: INV-0000185278C Bill To Avista Corp East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99220 Customer Number: Prime Contract Number Subcontractor Number Pro1ect Number Proiect Name. Terms. Due Date RIA Support Support RIA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 RIA Managing Director Marione McRae Paul Schwarz Principal Roy Lynn M Consulting Labor Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours Cumulative Incurred Hours For US \/I.lire Transfers: Nexant, Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco. CA 94104 Account756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWlFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 0-35110 A02410.000 004.1 D WA Process Eval general NET30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date. Remit To Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Cost. Fee: Total. Contract Value $5,000.00 S0.00 $5,000.00 Cumulative Amount Billed. $460.00 05/27/2015 Funded Value $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 Billing Period From 04/04/2015 Billing Currency· USO Current Hours 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rate 0.00 2.00 66.0000 114.0000 191 0000 191.0000 230.0000 T 0·05/0112015 Current Cumulative Cumulative Amount Hours Amount $0.00 0.00 SO.OD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 460.00 SO.OD 2.00 $460.00 $0.00 $460.00 Page 8 of 15 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 40 of 73 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Number: Pro1ecl Number INV-0000185278C Project Name. A02410.000.004.1 D WA Process Eval general Labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Group Description: Consulting Labor Labor TIS Current Cat Desc EmQINendor Date Hours Rate ADMIN RIA Support Support 0.00 66.0000 ADMIN Support 0.00 RIA Support Support 0.00 66.0000 CONS2 RIA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 0.00 114.0000 CONS2 Consultant 2 0.00 RIA Consultant 2 Consullant2 0.00 114.0000 DEPMGR RIA Managing Marjone McRae 0.00 191.0000 Director DEPMGR Marjorie McRae 0.00 RIA Managing Director Marjone McRae 0.00 191.0000 DEPMGR RIA Managu1g Paul Schwarz 0.00 191.0000 Director DEPMGR Paul Schwarz 0.00 RIA Managing Director Paul Schwarz 0.00 191.0000 Consulting Labor 0.00 Billing Currency· Invoice Dale Page 9 of 15 USO 05/27/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 41 of 73 Invoice Number-INV-0000185278C BIii To Avista Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Number Subcontractor Number Project Number· Project Name Te,ms Due Date: RIA Support Support RIA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 RIA Consultant 3 Consultant 3 Nathaniel Albers RIA Sr. Consultant Mers1ha Mcclaren RIA Director Ryan Bliss Senior Consultant Benton, Nathanael H RIA Managing Director Marjorie McRae Paul Schwarz Principal Roy, Lynn M Consulting Labor Subcontractor Other Direct Costs lnvmce Total Current Incurred Hours Cumulative Incurred Hours For US li\/lre Transfers· Nexant, Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco. CA 94104 Accoun\756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A02410.000.004.4A WA Elec Process NET 30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Dale. Remit To Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatme, IL 60055-6356 Cost Fee. Total: Contract Value $75.000.00 S0.00 $75,000.00 05127/2015 Funded Value $75.000.00 $0.00 $75,000.00 Cumulative Amount Billed: $25,198.38 BH1ing Period From:04/04/2015 Bllling Currency USO To:05/01/2015 Current Current Cumula!Jve Cumulallve Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount 1.00 66.0000 S66.00 1.00 $66.00 45.75 114.0000 6,215.50 68.25 7 780.50 1.75 128.0000 224,00 3.25 416.00 16.50 128.0000 1,984.00 27.75 3,552.00 3.00 139.0000 417.00 7.00 973.00 8.75 158.0000 1,382.50 10.75 1 696.50 0.00 160.0000 0.00 9.00 1.440.00 7.25 191 .0000 1,364.75 9.25 1 766.75 10.25 191 .0000 1,957.75 30.25 5 777.75 0.00 230.0000 0.00 5.00 1.150.00 93.25 $12,631.50 171.50 $24.620.50 ~0.00 $577.88 $0.00 $577.88 $12,631 .50 $25.198.38 93.25 171.50 Page 10 of 15 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 42 of 73 Project Number Invoice Number INV-0000185278C Project Name· Nexant, Inc. A02410.000.004.4A WA Elec Process Labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Group Description· Consulting Labor Current Hours Rate 1.00 66.0000 1.00 Labor TIS ___ ,,.c..,_at:.....:::D""e""sc"--------=E"-m:cp,,.IN~e""'n"""d'""oc:...r __ .=D.::.a:::te ___ ----'-'="' ADMIN RIA Support Support ADMIN Support RIA Support Support 1.00 66.0000 CONS2 RIA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 45.75 114.0000 CONS2 Consultant 2 45.75 RIA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 45.75 114.0000 CN RIA Consultant 3 Consultant 3 1.75 128.0000 CN Consultant 3 1.75 RIA Consultant 3 Consultant 3 1.75 128.0000 CN RIA Consultant 3 Nathamel Albers 15.50 128.0000 CN Nathaniel Albers 15.50 RIA Consultant 3 Nalhaniel Albers 15.50 128.0000 SRCONS RIA Sr. Mersiha MCCiaren 3.00 139.0000 Consultant SRCONS Mers1ha McClaren 3.00 RIA Sr. Consultant Mersiha McClaten 3.00 139.0000 DIR RIA Director Ryan Bliss 8.75 158.0000 DIR Ryan Bliss 8.75 RIA Director Ryan Bliss 8.75 158.0000 DEPMGR RIA Managing MarJorie McRae 7.25 191.0000 Director DEPMGR Mal')one McRae 7 25 RIA Managmg D1reclor Marjorie McRae 7.25 191.0000 DEPMGR RIA Managing Paul Schwarz 10.25 191.0000 Director DEPMGR Paul Schwarz 10.25 RIA Managmg Director Paul Schwarz 10.25 191.0000 Consulting Labor 93.25 Billing Currency· Invoice Date: Page 11 of 15 USD 05/27/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 43 of 73 Invoice Number I NV-0000 18527 BC BIii To. Avista Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Number Subcontractor Number ProJect Number: Project Name: Terms: Due Date: RIA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 RIA Consultant 3 Consultant 3 Nathaniel Albers RIA Sr. Consultant Mersiha McClareri RIA Director Ryan Bliss RIA Managing Director Marione McRae Paul Schwarz Prindpal Roy Lynn M Consulting Labor Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours: Cumulative Incurred Hours· For US Wire Transfers. Nexant Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Account756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-351 10 A02410.000.004.48 WA NG Process NET30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date: Remit To: Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine IL 60055-6356 Cost Fee Total· Contract Value $75,000.00 $0.00 $75.000.00 05/27/2016 Funded Value $75.000.00 $0.00 $75,000.00 Cumulative Amount Billed. S16.588.25 BIiiing Period From:04/04/2015 Billing Currency USO To:05/0112015 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount 22.75 114.0000 $2,593.50 48.00 $5,472.00 2.00 128.0000 256.00 5.50 704.00 21.50 128.0000 2,752.00 37.00 4,736.00 2.75 139.0000 382.25 2.75 382.25 5.75 158.0000 908.50 15.25 2.409.50 0.25 191.0000 47.75 1.25 238.75 3.50 191 0000 668.50 13.25 2.530.75 0.00 230.0000 0.00 0.50 115.00 58.50 $7,608.50 123.50 $16.588.25 57,608.50 $16,588.25 58.SO 123.50 Page 12 of 15 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 44 of 73 Nexant, Inc. Project Number Invoice Number: INV-0000185278C Project Name. A02410.000.004 .4B WA NG Process Labor Supporting Schedule • T&M Group Oescnpbon: Consulting Labor Labor TIS Current Cat Desc Em!!INendor Date Hours Rate CONS2 RJA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 22.75 114.0000 CONS2 Consultant 2 22.75 RIA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 22.75 114.0000 CN RIA Consultant 3 Consultant 3 2.00 128.0000 CN Consultant 3 2.00 RIA Consultant 3 Consultant 3 2.00 128.0000 CN RIA Consultant 3 Nathaniel Albers 21.50 128.0000 CN Nathaniel Albers 21.50 RIA Consultant 3 Nathaniel Albers 21.50 128.0000 SRCONS RIA Sr. Mersiha McClaren 2.75 139.0000 Consultant SRCONS Mers,ha McClaren 2.75 RIA Sr. Consultant Mersiha McClaren 2.75 139.0000 DIR RIA Director Ryan Bliss 5.75 158.0000 DIR Ryan Bliss 5.75 RIA Director Ryan Bliss 5.75 158.0000 DEPMGR RIA Managing Mar/one McRae 0.25 191.0000 Director DEPMGR Mar1one McRae 0.25 RIA Managing Director Marjone McRae 0.25 191.0000 DEPMGR RIA Managing Paul Schwarz 3.50 191.0000 Director DEPMGR Paul Schwarz 3.50 RIA Managing Director Paul Schwarz 3.50 191.0000 Consulting Labor 58.50 Billing Currency: Invoice Date Page 13 of 15 USO 05/27/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 45 of 73 Invoice Number INV-0000185278C BIii To: Avista Corp East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Number Subcontractor Number Project Number· Project Name: Terms. Due Date: RIA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 RIA Consultant 3 Consultant 3 Nathaniel Albers RIA Sr. Consultant Mersiha McClaren RIA Director Ryan Bliss RIA Managing Director Marjorie McRae Paul Schwarz Principal Roy, Lynn M Consulting Labor Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours: Cumulative Incurred Hours. For US Wire Transfers: Nexant, Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Account 756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 0--35110 A02410.000.004.4C ID Elec Process Nf:T 30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. lnvotce Dale. Remit To: Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Cost Fee Total: Contract Value $75,000.00 so 00 $75,000.00 05/27/2015 Funded Value $75.000.00 SO.DO S75,000.00 Cumul'ative Amount Billed $12.443.50 BHllng Period From.04/04/2015 Billing Currency· USO To·OS/01 /2015 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount 18.00 114.0000 $2,052.00 38.75 $4.417 50 0.00 128 0000 0.00 0.25 32.00 19..25 128.0000 2 464.00 33.50 4.288.00 3.50 139.0000 486.50 3.50 486.50 4.00 158.0000 632.00 9.25 1,461.50 o_oo 191 0000 0.00 1.75 334.25 2.50 191 .0000 477.50 6.25 1,193.75 0.00 230.0000 0.00 1.00 230.00 47.25 $6,112.00 94.25 S12.443.50 $6,112.00 $12,443.50 47.25 94.25 Page 14 of 15 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 46 of 73 Nexant, Inc. Pro1ect Number- Invoice Number lNV-0000185278C Project Name. A02410.000.004.4C ID Elec Process Labor Supporting Schedule· T&M Group Descnpt1on· Consulting Labor Labor TIS Current Cal Desc Em12INendor Date Hours Rate CONS2 RIA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 18.00 114.0000 CONS2 Consultant 2 18.00 RIA Consultant 2 Consultant 2 18.00 114.0000 CN RIA Consultant 3 Nathaniel Albers 19.25 128.0000 CN Nathaniel Albers 19.25 RIA Consultant 3 Nathaniel Albers 1925 128.0000 SRCONS RIA Sr. Mersiha McClaren 3.50 139.0000 Consultant SRCONS Mersiha McClaren 3.50 RIA Sr Consultant Merslha McClaren 3.50 139.0000 DIR RIA Director Ryan Bliss 4.00 158.0000 DIR Ryan Bliss 4.00 RIA Director Ryan Bliss 4.00 158.0000 DEPMGR RIA Managing Paul Schwarz 2.50 191.0000 Director DEPMGR Paul Schwarz 2.50 RIA Managing Director Paul Schwarz 2.50 191.0000 Consulting Labor 47.25 BIiiing Currency· Invoice Date: Page 15 of 15 USO 05/27/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 47 of 73 Invoice Number: INV-0000185278D Bill To. Avista Corp. East 1411 M1ss1on Ave. Spokane. WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Number; Subcontractor Number· Pro1ect Number Project Name: Terms· Due Date. Analyst Hope Matthew H Sndhar Vikram Pnnc,pal Bums, Palnck A Consulting Labor Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours. CumulaUve Incurred Hours For US Wire Transrers· Nexant. Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Account756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A02410.000.005 Rpts w Cost Effect Ant NET30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date: Remit To: Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Cost Fee Total Contract Value $57,442.50 $0.00 $57.442.50 05/27/2015 Funded Value $57,442.50 $0.00 $57,442.50 Cumula!lve Amount Billed $53.590.00 Cu1Tent Hours 46.00 185.00 60.00 291.00 Billing Period From.04/04/2015 Billing Currency. To·05/0112015 Current Cumulative Rate Amount Hours 115.0000 $5,290.00 46.00 115.0000 21,275.00 250.00 230.0000 13,800.00 85.00 $40,365.00 381.00 $40,365.00 291.00 381.00 Page 1 of7 USD Cumulative Amount $5.290.00 28,750.00 19.550.00 $53,590.00 $53,590.00 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 48 of 73 Nexant, Inc. Project Number-A02410. 000.005 Invoice Numbei lNV-00001852780 Pro1ect Name: Rpts w Cost Effect Anl Labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Group Oescnption-Consulting Labor Labor TIS Current Hours 25.50 ___ .:::cC:::.at=-=D-=-es"'c"--------=E"-rn""p"-IN.:..;e::.:n.:.::d:.:o.:..r __ =D-"'a"'te'------''-=<= ANL YST Analyst Hope. Matthew H 04/17/2015 20.50 ANLYST Analyst Hope. Matthew H 04/24/2015 __ ~= ANL YST Hope. Matthew H Analyst ANL YST Analyst ANL YST Analyst ANL YST Analyst ANL YST Analy~l ANLYST Analyst PRIN Prrnclpal PRIN Principal PRIN Principal PRIN Principal PRIN Principal Consulting Labor Hope. Matthew H Sridhar Vikram Sndhar Vikram Sridhar Vikram Sridhar Vikram Sndhar Vikram Sndhar Vikram Burns Patrick A Bums. Patrick A Bums Patrick A Burns, Patrick A Burns Patrick A Bums Patrick A 46.00 46.00 42.00 53.00 56.00 34.00 04/10/2015 04/17/2015 04/24/2015 05/01/2015 __ _.,_ 185.00 185.00 6.00 13.00 22.00 19.00 04/10/2015 04/'17/2015 04/24/2015 05/01/2015 __ -'C.: 60.00 60.00 291.00 Rate 115.0000 115.0000 115_0000 115.0000 115.0000 115.0000 115.0000 115.0000 230 0000 230.0000 230 0000 230.0000 230.0000 Billing Currency: Invoice Date Page 2 of 7 USO o5rn,2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 49 of 73 Invoice Number: INV-0000185278D BIii To: Avista Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99220 Customer Number Pnme Contract Number Subcontractor Number Project Number Project Name Terms: Due Date: Analyst Srldhar, Vikram Principal Burns, Patnck. A Consultlng Labor Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours: Cumulative Incurred Hours For US Wire Transfers Nexant. Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Account756001459 ASA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A02410.000.005.01 Rpts w Cost Effect Anl NET30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date· Remit To· Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Cost· Fee. Total· Contract Value $4,485.00 $0.00 $4,485.00 Cumulative Amount Billed· S632.50 05/27/2015 Funded Value $4 485.00 SO.DO $4,485.00 Billing Period From:04/04/2015 Billing Currency: USO Current Hours 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rate 0.00 5.50 115.0000 230.0000 To:05/0112015 Current Cumulative Cumulative Amount Hours Amount $0.00 5.50 $632.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 S0.00 5.50 $632.50 $0.00 $632.50 Page 3 of 7 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 50 of 73 Invoice Number· INV-0000185278D Bill To: Avista Corp. East 1411 M1ss1on Ave. Spokane WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Number: Subcontractor Number: Project Number· ProJect Name Tenns. Due Date. Analyst Hope, Matthew H Sridhar Vikram Principal Burns, Patrick A Consulting Labor Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours. Cumulative Incurred Hours. For US VI/ire Transfers. Nexant, Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Account 756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SW1FT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A02410.000.005.SA WA Casi Effect NET30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date: Remit To: Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Cost· Fee. Total Contract Value $30,302.50 $0.00 $30.302.50 05/27/2015 Funded Value $30.302.50 $0,00 $30,302.50 Cumulative Amount Billed $30,302.50 Current Hours 33.50 86.50 37.00 157.00 Billing Perfod From:04/04/2015 B1lllng Currency: Rate 157.00 211.00 115.0000 115.0000 230.0000 To.05/0112015 Current Cumulative Amount Hours $3,852.50 33.50 9,947.50 125.00 8 510.00 52.50 S22,310.00 211.00 $22 310.00 Page 4 of7 USO Cumulative Amount $3,852.50 14.375.00 12.075.00 $30.302.50 $30,302.50 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 51 of 73 Invoice Number: Group Descnption Labor Cat Desc ANLYST Analyst ANL YST Analyst ANLYST Analysl ANL YST Analyst ANL YST Analyst ANL YST Analyst ANL YST Analyst ANLYST Analyst PRIN Pnnopal PRIN Pnnopal PRIN Principal PRIN Principal PRIN Principal Consulting Labor Nexant, Inc. Projecl Number INV-00001852780 Project Name. A02410.000.005.5A WA Cost Effect Labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Consulting Labor TIS Current Em12INend-0r Date Hours Rate Hope Matthew H 04/17/2015 13.00 115.0000 Hope. Matthew H 04124/2015 20.50 115.0000 Hope. Matthew H 33.50 Hope. Matthew H 33.50 115.0000 Sndhar, Vikram 04/1012015 21.00 115.0000 Sndhar Vikram 04/17/2015 28.50 115.0000 Sndhar, Vikram 04/24120'1 5 28.00 115.0000 Sndhar Vikram 05/01/2015 9.00 115.0000 Sridhar, Vikram 86.50 Sndhar, Vikram 86.50 115.0000 Bums. Patrick A 04/10/2015 3.00 230.0000 Burns. Patrick A 04/'17/2015 9.00 230.0000 Bums. Patrick A 04/24/2015 15.00 230.0000 Burns Patrick A 05/0112015 10.00 230.0000 Burns, Patrick A 37.00 Burns, Patnck A 37.00 230.0000 157.00 Billing Currency: Invoice Date: Page 5 of 7 USO 05/27/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 52 of 73 Invoice Number INV-0000185278D Bill To. Avista Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Number· Subcontractor Number: Project Number Project Name Terms Due Date: Analyst Hope, Matthew H Sr1dhar. Vikram Principal Bums, Patrick A Consulting Labor Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours: Cumulative Incurred Hours: For US Wire Transfers· Nexant. Inc Clo Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco. CA 94104 Account 756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A02410.000.005.56 ID Cost Effect NET 30 06/26/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date Remit To Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Cost Fee: Total: Contract Value $22,655.00 $0.00 $22.655.00 05/27/2015 Funded Value $22,655.00 $0.00 $22,655.00 Cumulative Amount Billed. S22.655.00 Current Hours 12.50 98.50 23.00 134.00 Billing Perfod From:04/04/2015 Billing Currency To:05/0112015 Current Cumulative Rate Amount Hours 115.0000 $1 ,437.50 12.50 115.0000 11 ,327.50 119.50 230.0000 5 290.00 32.50 $18,055.00 164.50 $18,055.00 134.00 164.50 Page 6 or7 USO Cumulative Amount S1.437.50 13.742.50 7.475.00 $22 655.00 $22,655.00 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 53 of 73 Invoice Number Group Descnptlon Labor Cat Desc ANL YST Analyst ANLYST Analyst ANL YST Analyst ANL YST Analyst ANL YST Analyst ANL YST Analyst ANLYST Analyst PRIN Pnnopal PRIN Pnncipal PRIN PrinClpal PRIN Principal PRIN Pnnopal Consult/rig Labor Nexant, Inc. Pro1ect Number INV-0000185278D Project Name: A02410.000.005.58 ID Cost Effect labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Consulting Labor TIS Current Em11INendor Date Hours Rate Hope. Matthew H 04/17/2015 12.50 115.0000 Hope. Matthew H 12.50 Hope Matthew H 12.50 115.0000 Sl1dhar Vikram 04/10/2015 21.00 115.0000 Sndhar, Vikram 04/17/2015 24.50 115.0000 Sridhar Vikram 04/24/2015 28.00 115.0000 Sndhar Vikram 05/01/2015 25.00 115.0000 Sndhar Vikram 98.50 Sndhar. Vikram 98.50 115.0000 Bums Palnd< A 04/10/2015 3.00 230.0000 Bums Patock A 04/17/2015 4 00 230.0000 Burns Patnd< A 04/24/2015 7.00 230.0000 Burns, Patrick A 05/01/2015 9.00 230.0000 Burns. Patrick A 23.00 Bums Patnck A 23.00 230.0000 134.00 Billing Currency Invoice Date Page 7 of 7 USO 05/27/2015 St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t P Pa g e 5 4 o f 7 3 Employee: Hodgson, Wyley C. (10831) Expense Report Number: ER00038811 Authorization Number: Expense Report Type: US Commercial Travel Description: Avista Evaluation PM interview Expense Class: US -Employee Expense Report Purpose: In-person interviews with Avista staff. Line No Printed: Feb 24, 2015 10:29 AM Airfare Lod.glng Expense Datec Incurred Amount Incurred Amount 1 Feb2,2015 2 Feb 3, 2015 3 Feb 4, 2015 338.20 Total 338.20 Signature: Hodgson, Wyfey C. (10831) (Feb 18, 2015} Approval: Roy, Lynn M. (10189) Feb 18, 2015 124.08 124.08 248.16 US-Nexant, Inc. Expense Report Summary Deltek.i-a Gmd Trans Pers Meals Bus Meals Incurred Amount Incurred Amount Incurred Amount 72.00 94.14 72.00 94.14 Other Trvl Incurred Amount Revision: Correction No: O Expense Report Status: Approved Expense Report Date: Feb 12. 2015 From: Feb 2, 2015 To: Feb 4, 2015 First Day of Trip: N Last Day of Trip: N Non-Travel Incurred Amount Total 124.08 124.08 59.48 59.48 563.82 811.98 [·] Company-Paid: 0.00 [·] Advance: 0.00 [·] Personal: 0.00 [-] Non-Reimbursable: 0.00 [·] Payment Received: 0.00 Due Employee: 81 1.98 Page: 1 of 5 St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t P Pa g e 5 5 o f 7 3 Employee: Hodgson, Wyley C. (10831) Revision: 1 Expense Report Number. ER00038811 Correction No: O Authorization Number: US-Nexant, Inc. Expense Report Status: Approved Expense Re.port Type: US Commercial Travel Expense Report Date: Feb 12, 2015 Description: Avista Evaluation PM interview Voucher Distribution From: Feb 2, 2015 Expense Class: US -Employee Expense Report To: Feb 4, 2015 Purpose: In-person interviews with Avista staff. Deltek.i-First Day of Trip: N Printed: Feb 24, 2015 10:29AM Last Day of Trip: N Exp ID Expense Description Type Project Account Pay Type Organization Amount(USD) Feb 2. 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / DEN-Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1A 5050·001 01.01.2205 56.38 GEG-DEN / ECONOMY 1 Feb 2, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / DEN-Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1B 5050-001 01.01.2205 56.38 GEG-DEN / ECONOMY Feb 2. 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 /DEN-Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1 E 5050-001 01.01.2205 56.38 GEG-DEN / ECONOMY Feb 2, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / DEN-Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1 F 5050-001 01.01.2205 56.38 GEG-DEN / ECONOMY Feb 2, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / DEN-Under Ceiling A02410.000.002.1A 5050-001 01.01 .2205 56.34 GEG-DEN / ECONOMY Feb 2, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / DEN-Under Ceiling A02410.000.002.1B 5050-001 01.01.2205 56.34 GEG-DEN / ECONOMY 2 Feb 2, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1A 5050-003 01.01.2205 41.37 Spokane / WA 2 Feb2.2015/Feb4.2015/ Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1B 5050-003 01.01.2205 41.37 Spokane/ WA 2 Feb 2. 2015 / Feb 4. 2015 / Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1 E 5050-003 01.01.2205 41.37 Spokane /WA 2 Feb 2. 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1 F 5050-003 01.01.2205 41.37 Spokane /WA 2 Feb 2, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / Under Ceiling A02410.000.002.1A 5050-003 01.01.2205 41.34 Spokane/ WA 2 Feb 2, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / Under Ceiling A02410.000.002.1B 5050-003 01.01.2205 41.34 Spokane/WA 3 Feb 4, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / PERS Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1A 5050--004 01.01.2205 15.69 MEALS 3 Feb 4. 2015 / Feb 4. 2015 / PERS Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1 B 5050--004 01.01 .2205 15.69 MEALS 3 Feb 4. 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / PERS Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1 E 5050-004 01.01.2205 15.69 MEALS 3 Feb 4. 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / PERS Under Ceiling .A02410.000.003.1 F 5050-004 01.01.2205 15.69 MEALS 3 Feb 4. 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / PERS Under Ceiling A02410.000.002.1A 5050-004 01.01.2205 15.68 MEALS 3 Feb 4, 2015 / Feb 4. 2015 / PERS Under Ceiling A02410.000.002.1 B 5050-004 01 .01.2205 15.70 MEALS 4 Feb 4, 2015 / PARKING Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1 A 5050-002 01.01.2205 12.00 4 Feb 4. 2015 / PARKING Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1B 5050-002 01.01.2205 12.00 Page: 2 of 5 St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t P Pa g e 5 6 o f 7 3 Employee: Hodgson, Wyley C. (10831) Expense Report Number: ER00038811 Authorization Number: Expense Report Type: US Commercial Travel Description: Avista Evaluation PM interview Expense Class; US -Employee Expense Report Purpose: In-person interviews with Avista staff. Pdnted: Feb 24, 2015 10:29 AM Exp ID Expense Description Type 4 Feb 4. 2015 / PARKING Under Ceiling 4 Feb 4. 2015/ PARKING Under Ceiling 4 Feb 4, 2015 / PARKING Under Ceiling 4 Feb 4, 2015 / PARKING Under Celling 5 Feb 4, 2015 /TIPS Under Ceiling 5 Feb 4. 2015 / TIPS Under Ceiling 5 Feb 4. 2015 / TIPS Under Ceiling 5 Feb 4, 2015 / TIPS Under Ceiling 5 Feb 4, 2015 / TIPS Under Ceiling 5 Feb 4, 2015 /TIPS Under Ceiling 6 Feb 4, 2015 /MILEAGE / 93 miles Under Ceiling / airport, roundtrip 6 Feb 4, 2015 /MILEAGE / 93 miles Under Ceiling / airport, roundtrip 6 Feb 4, 2015 /MILEAGE / 93 miles Under Ceiling / airport. roundtrip 6 Feb 4, 2015 /MILEAGE / 93 miles Under Ceiling I airport. roundtrip 6 Feb 4, 2015 /MILEAGE / 93 miles Under Ceiling / airport, roundtrlp 6 Feb 4, 2015 /MILEAGE / 93 miles Under Ceiling / airport. roundtrlp US-Nexant, Inc. Voucher D1stnbut1on Deltek.ia Project Account Pay Type A02410.000.003.1 E 5050-002 A02410.000.003.1 F 5050-002 A02410.000.002.1A 5050-002 A02410.000.002.1 B 5050-002 A02410.000.003.1A 5050-099 A02410.000.003.1B 5050-099 A02410.000.003.1 E 5050-099 A02410. 000. 003.1 F 5050-099 A02410.000.002.1A 5050-099 A02410.000.002.1 B 5050-099 A02410.000.003.1 A 5050-006 A02410.000.003.1 B 5050-006 A02410.000.003.1 E 5050-006 A02410.000.003.1 F 5050-006 A02410.000.002.1 A 5050-006 A02410.000.002.1 B 5050-006 Revision: 1 Correction No: 0 Expense Report Status: Approved Expense Report Date: Feb 12. 2015 From: Feb 2, 2015 To: Feb 4, 2015 First Day of Trip: N l ast Day of Trip: N Organization 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 01 .01.2205 01 .01.2205 01.012205 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 01 .01.2205 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 Amount(USD) 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.91 8.89 Page: 3 of 5 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 57 of 73 Hodgson, Wyley From: Sent: Southwest Airlines < SouthwestAirlines@luv.southwest.com > Wednesday, January 21, 2015 9:21 AM To: Hodgson, Wyley Subject: Southwest Airlines EarlyBird Confirmation -FSCYSB My Account I View My Itinerary Online Southwest'• Check Flight Status Special Offers Hotel Deals Car Deals EarlyBird FAQs Ready for takeoff! EARLYBIRD CHECK-IN s12• Thanks for purchasing EarlyBird Check-In for your Spokane trip! Conveniently print your boarding pass with your pre-assigned boarding position anytime within 24 hours of departure. We'll see you onboard! Upcoming Trip: 0210211s-Spokane EarlyBird Check-In m Confirmation Number: FSCYSB Passenger Departure/Arrival Wy',ey Hodgson Depart Denver, CO {DEN) on Southwest Airlines at 12:05 PM Arrive in Spokane, WA (GEG) at 1 :35 PM Flight #1 177 Date Mon Feb 2 Travel Time 2 h30 m Wyley Hodgson Depart Spokane, WA (GEG) on Southwest Airlines at 2:10 PM #1266 Wed Feb4 Travel Time 2h 10 m Arrive in Denver, CO (DEN) at 5:20 PM Cost and Payment Summary Payment Information Cardholder: Wyley Hodgson Payment Type: MASTER_CARD Account# XXXXXXXXXXXX-0075 Payment Amount: $25.00 r•. I ' Price: $12.50 per person, one-way Total Cost: $25.00 1 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 58 of 73 • •• •• •• X Flight Status Alerts Stay on your way with flight departure or arrival status via text message or email. Get exclusive travel deals straight to your desktop or iPhone. Useful Tools ChE}Ck-ln_o_nlinE:1 Earty Bird Check-In View/Share Itinerary Change Air Reservation Cancel Air Reservation Check Fllqhl Status Flight Status Notification Book a Car §og_k a Hotel Subscribe Now • Know Before You Go In the Airport Baggage P-01icies Suggested Airport Arrjval Times Security Procedures Customers of Size In !he 11ir Purchasing and Refunds Legal Policies & Helpful lnfo~ation Privacy Polley Customer Service Commitment Notice of Incorporated Terms FAQs Download DING! • Special Travel Needs Traveling with Children Trav.eling with Pets Unaccompanied Minors Baby oo Board Customers wi_th Disabilities ~ f3ook Hotel ~_t Book Vacation.£.~ Special Oilers M11nnqe; Mv Accovnt 2 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 59 of 73 Hodgson, Wyley From: Sent: Southwest Airlines <SouthwestAirlines@luv.southwest.com> Wednesday, January 21, 2015 9:26 AM To: Hodgson, Wyley Subject: Flight reservation (FSCYSB) I 02FEB15 I DEN-GEG I Hodgson/Wyley Southwest• My Account I View My Itinerary Online Check In Check Flight Change Special Hotel Car Online Status Flight Offers Offers Offers Ready for takeoff! ~ Thanks for choosing Southwest® for your trip! You'll find everything you need to know ~ about your reservation below. Happy travels! Upcoming Trip: 02/02/15 -Spokane a AIR Itinerary • AIR Confirmation: FSCYSB Confirmation Date: 01/21/2016 Passenger(s) HODGSON/WYLEY Rapid Rewards # Ticket # Expiration Est. Points Earned 385274702 5262476375507 Jan 21, 2016 1590 Rapid Rewards points earned are only estimates Vlslt your (MySouthwest, Southwestcom or Rapid Rewards) account for the most accurate totals -including A-List & A-List Preferred bonus points. Date Flight Departure/Arrival Mon Feb 2 1177 Depart DENVER, CO (DEN) on Southwest Airlines at 12:05 PM Arrive in SPOKANE, WA (GEG) at 1:35 PM Wed Feb 4 1266 Travel Time 2 hrs 30 mins Wanna Get Away Depart SPOKANE, WA (GEG) on Southwest Airlines at 2:10 PM Arrive in DENVER, CO (DEN) at 5:20 PM Travel Time 2 hrs 10 mins Wanna Get Away What you need to know to travel: • Don't forget to check in for your flight(s) 24 hours before your trip on southwest.com or your mobile device. This will secure your boarding position on your nights. • Southwest Airlines does not have assigned seats, so you can choose your seat when you board the plane. You will be assigned a boarding position based on your checkin time. The earlier you check in, within 24 hours of your flight, the earlier you gel to board. • WiFl, lV, and related services and amenities may vary and are subject to change based on assigned aircraft. Learn more. 1 -=·. --· IH, NEED A HOTEL? Best Rate Guarantee Flexibility to Pav Later Eam upto 750 Rapkl Rewards Poktts Booka Hotel Guaranteed Low Rates 14 Car Companies Earn Rapid R~ds Points Book a Car Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 60 of 73 Remember to be in the gate area on time and ready to board: • 30 minutes prior to scheduled departure time: We may begin boarding as early as 30 minutes prior to your flight's scheduled departure lime. We encourage all passengers to plan to arrive in the gate area no later than this time. • 10 minutes prior to scheduled departure lime: All passengers must obtain their boarding passes and be in the gate area available for boarding at least 1 O minutes prior to your flight's scheduled departure time. If not. Southwest may cancel your reserved space and you will not be eligible for denied boarding compensation. • If you do not plan to travel on your flight In accordance with Southwest's No Show Polley, you must notify Southwest at least 10 minutes prior to your flight's scheduled departure if you do not plan to travel on the flight If not. Southwest will cancel your reservation and all funds will be forfeited. Air Cost: 313.20 Carryon Items: 1 Bag + small personal item are free. See full details. Checked Items: First and second bags fly free. Weight and size limits apply. Fare Rule(s): 5262476375507: NONREF/NONTRANSFERABLE/STANDBY REQ UPGRADE TOY Valid only on Southwest Airlines. All lravel involving funds from this Confirmation Number must be completed by the expiration date. Unused travel fur:ds may only be applied toward lhe purchase of future travel for the Individual named on the ticket Any changes to this Itinerary may result in a fare increase. Failure lo cancel reservations for a Wanna Get Away fare segment at least 10 minutes prior to travel will result in the forfelture of all remaining unused funds-. DEN WN GEG152.56QLN7WNR WN DEN1 12.56WDNUNNR 265.12 END ZPDENGEG XFDEN4.5GEG4.5 AY11.20$DEN5.60 GEGS.60 ~- A Learn About Our Boarding Process • EARLYBtRO l CliECK-1'(" Get EarlyBird Check-In® Details • Cost and Payment Summary II £\IR -FSCYSB Base Fare Excise Taxes Segment Fee Passenger Facility Charge September 11th Secunty Fee Total Air Cost . ~ $ 265.12 $ 19.88 $ 8.00 $ 9.00 $ 11.20 $ 313.20 !f! Flight_~_!atu~ _Are~ .... .... :11 .~, ur :,'.l, •;, ·i-II ,:'hi Jo>r ar· 1 c:, r ·,·r •• , .-:t.1t1,-,11 :e,1 n,~ -:..1 t, r "-· 11111 Subscribe Now • Payment Information Payment Type: Mastercard XXXXXXXXXXXX0075 Date: Jan 21 , 2015 Payment Amount $313.20 Fly Southwest To International Destinations ~> Learn More • 2 CLICK' SAVE" Join over 17 millioo email subsmbers saving big on trcJVel each week. \~, (). '.:. '-4' Sign Up : ' '' ·J • Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 61 of 73 Lynn Roy 585 Hartford Drive Boulder CO 80305 United States Company: Avista Cvrporation I _Date Description 02-02-15 Room Charge 02-02-15 Sa.les Tax -Rooms 02-02-15 Lodging Tax 02-02-15 TPA 02-03-l 5 Room Charge 02-03-15 Sales Tax -Rooms 02-03-15 Lodging Tax 02-03-15 TPA 02-04-15 Master Card I 1,L 111) 1L•'\h DAVEI\IPORl HOTEL Tota.I Balance Room Number: An·ival Date: Departure Date· CRSNumber: Rewards No: Charges 109.00 9.48 3.60 2.00 109.00 9.48 3.60 2.00 248.16 0.00 0308 02-02-15 02-0d-15 90 177201 Credits ] 248.16 248.16 As a rewards member, you could have earned points towards your free dream vacation today. Start earning points and elite status, plus enjoy exclusive member offers. Enroll today at the Front Desk or www.MarriottRewards.com. The Historic Davenport Hotel IO S Pos1 St, Spokane, WA 9920 I Telephone: (509) 455-8888 Fax: (509) 624-4455 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 62 of 73 Welcome To The Rusty Moose ------------------~---=.:;-=-.. - Date: Feb02'15 0B:23PM Card Type : Mastercard Acct #: XXXXXXXXXXXX0075 Card Entry : SIU PED Trans Type: PURCHASE Auth Code: 00450Z Check: 4612 Check IO : B rn Serve, ; 150 RAINEE P Subtota 1: 36.93 Tip 7.0~ Total __ . __ Sign: X ;)'~ t(~-'!3 Buyer agree&l{o; the tot a 1, according to agreement wi th the ca rd issuer. GUEST COPY Jamba Juice Concourse C Po Box 49310 Denver, co 80249 (303) 342-8469 Host: Cashier 02/02/201-... o orange Dream Machine Subtotal Tax To Go Total MasterCard #XXXXXXXXXXXX0075 Auth:013462 11 :35 AM 10313 5.60 5.60 0.45 6.05 6.05 TRANSACTION RECORD sot 11 ru l soups & Sp1rt·ts Spokane .. WA - CAIID fYPl :MASTFRCAl!I) Nll. ***•*U*****0075 EXPI.: **** cN mv :Slv!Prn t:11stomer : WYL~V HODGSON AU I HOll!ZA Tl ON :OOG77Z STOl!I: #:0001 l[RMINAL: I RFFl:fll:NCl :2bGb / l PLNlCHA$f' TIP I Of AL $I()_ ~)7 ~ (;"-<-= \~ SJ....-... THANK YOU ftBIWAIW 2,2015 1r1:33:J3 server's flame : COUNTER CIJSIOHf..R COPY Caribou Coffee Concourse C Po Box 49310 Denver, CO 80249 (303) 342-8469 Server: Cashier One Fast Close/1 Guests : 1 Scone Subtotal Tax Total MC #XXXXXXXXXXXX0075 Auth:03796Z 02/02/2015 11 :40 AM 20025 2.50 t 2.50 0.20 2.70 2.70 Staff_PR_05 Attachment P Page 63 of 73 Rastaur-ant Recelpt 10 Soutll Post Street SJX)kane, WA 99201 Server: Kelsey 07:31 N1 Fast Close/I 008: 02/04/201 S 02/04/2015 11/110083 SPLE M/C 1 l 5344[l(l Card tt>0(XXXXXY.XXXX0075 Magnetic card present: HOffiSDN WrlEY Ca,o Entry Method: S f\PPl'DVal: Cfll53Z Nmunt: $ 6.52 1_ 66 +Tip: ___ {_ = Total: Restauant Receipt 10 Soutt.Post street si:o<ane. \41\ 89201 1 -52- Ser--ver: Veronica Q?:25 N1 Fast CJose/1 ooo: 02/03/2015 02J03/21Jl5 11/110058 M/C I 1534401 Ccrd ttXXXX,XXXXXXXXD075 Magnetic card present: HDffiSON i4'MY Card Entry Method: S f'pprOVa 1 : CTo563Z /'m)Unt: + Ttp: = Total: $ 6.52 l-6u (-!77- 1 agree to pay the at..JOV€ total ~'Jl)I: ar..cordt1¥.J to the dard 1isuer/~11'€nt. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 8500 Pena Blvd. Denver , co 80249 Customer Service: 303-342-4083 Card Account: XXXXYJ(XXXXXX007S card Type: Master Au~hor i zation Code: 063282 Cashier: 237 Seq# 12764 License Plate: 109YJS Ent : 10:54 02/02/15 Lane 3 Exit : 18: 1102/04/15 Lane 36 Duration: 2D(s) 7H(s) 17M(s) Rate Code: 49 Shift : 85 FEE S AMOUNT TEND 1 CASH > CREDIT CARD $ CHECK $ CHANGE CALC $ 72.00 72.00 0.00 72.00 0.00 0.00 PAID AT CT $ 72.00 *** Thank You*** *** customer Copy ••w HMSH OS T QUIZNOS SPOK ANE A IR POR T 218 133 Co l in CHK 1037 GST 1 FEB04 '15 1:49PM SUB TURK RNCH M 7.69 RO SEMARY PARMSN ONL TURKEY ONL MO ZZARE LLA S ONL MA YO ONL LETTUCE ON L TOMAT O ONL OLIVE BLACK COOK IE MEG A 1. 79 SODA FTN M 2.39 SUBT OTAL 11 .87 TAX 1.03 AMOUNT PAID 1 2 . 9 0 XXXXXX XXXX XX0075 MASTERCARD 12.90 --21 8133 Closed FEB04 01 :5 1PM--- St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t P Pa g e 6 4 o f 7 3 Employee: Hodgson, Wyley C. (10831) Expense Report Number: ER00038811 Authorization Number: Expense Report Type: US Commercial Travel Description: Avista Evaluation PM Interview Expense Class: US -Employee Expense Report Purpose: In-person interviews with Avista staff. Printed: Feb 24, 2015 10:29 AM Line No Expense Date Airfare Incurred Amount Lodging lncur~ed Amount 1 Feb 2, 2015 2 Feb 3, 2015 3 Feb 4, 2015 Total 338.20 338.20 Signature: Hodgson, Wyley C. (10831} (Feb 18, 2015) Approval: Roy, Lynn M. (10189) Feb 18, 2015 124.08 124.08 248.16 US-Nexant, Inc. Expense Report Summary Deltek.ia Grnd Trans Incurred Amount 72.00 72.00 Pers Meals Incurred Amount 94.14 94.14 Bus MeaJs Incurred Amount Revision: 1 Correction No: 0 Expense Report Status: Approved Expense Report Date: Feb 12, 2015 From: Feb 2, 2015 To: Feb 4, 2015 Other Trvl Incurred Amount 59.48 59.48 First Day of Trip: N Last Day of Trip: N Non-Travel Incurred Amount [·) Company-Paid: [·] Advance: [·] Persona.I: [·] Non-Reimbursable: [·] Payment Received: Due Employee: Total 124.08 124.08 563.82 811.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 811.98 Page: 1 of 5 St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t P Pa g e 6 5 o f 7 3 Employee: Hodgson, Wyley C. (10831) Revision: 1 Expense Report Number: ER00038811 Correction No: O Authorization Number: US-Nexant, Inc. Expense Report Status: Approved Expense Report Type: US Commercial Travel Expense Report Date: Feb 12, 2015 Description: Avista Evaluation PM Interview Voucher Distribution From: Feb 2, 2015 Expense Class: US -Employee Expense Report To: Feb 4, 2015 Purpose: In-person interviews with Avista staff. Dettek.ia First Day of Trip: N Printed: Feb 24, 2015 10:29 AM Last Day of Trip: N ExplD Expense Description Type -Project Account J L_ P;1y Type Organization -Amount(USO) Feb 2, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / DEN-Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1A 5050-001 01.01.2205 56.38 GEG-DEN / ECONOMY 1 Feb 2, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / DEN-Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1 B ----:-- 5050-001 01.01.2205 56.38 GEG-DEN / ECONOMY Feb 2, 2016 / Feb 4, 2015 / DEN-Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1 E 5050-001 01.01.2205 56.38 GEG-DEN / ECONOMY ~- Feb 2, 2015 I Feb 4, 2015 / DEN-Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1 F 5050-001 01.01.2205 56.38 GEG-DEN / ECONOMY Feb 2, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / DEN-Under Ceiling A02410.000.002.1A 5050-001 01.01.2205 56.34 GEG-DEN / ECONOMY Feb 2, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / DEN-Under Ceiling A02410.000.002.1 B 5050-001 01.01.2205 56.34 GEG-DEN / ECONOMY ~ 2 Feb 2, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1A 5050-003 01.01.2205 41.37 Spokane/ WA 2 Feb 2, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1 B 5050-003 01.01.2205 41.37 Spokane/WA 2 Feb 2. 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1 E 5050-003 01.01.2205 41.37 Spokane/ WA 2 Feb 2, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1F 5050-003 01.012205 41.37 Spokane/WA • I ' 2"". h'll., 2, 2015-i.feb 4, '.:0~5 / Ur,df.:r Cemre~ AOZ-l :G.OOQ.CC!2.~A.. 5050-003 o·; .o i .:::·205 41 .34 Spckane /W/l. 2 Feb 2, 2015 / Feb 4, 2016 / Under Ceiling A02410.000.002.1 B 5050-003 01.01.2205 41.34 Spokane/WA 3 Feb 4, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / PERS Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1A 5050-004 01.01.2205 15.69 MEALS 3 Feb 4, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / PERS Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1 B 5050-004 01.01.2205 15.69 MEALS 3 Feb 4, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / PERS Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1 E 5050-004 01.01.2205 15.69 MEALS 3 Feb 4, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / PERS Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1 F 5050-004 01.01.2205 15.69 MEALS 3 Feb 4, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / PERS Under Ceiling A02410.000.002.1A 5050-004 01.01.2205 15.68 MEALS 3 Feb 4, 2015 / Feb 4, 2015 / PERS Under Ceiling A02410.000.002.18 5050-004 01.01.2205 15.70 MEALS 4 Feb 4, 2015 / PARKING Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1 A 5050-002 01.01.2205 12.00 4 Feb 4. 2015 / PARKING Under Ceiling A02410.000.003.1B 5050-002 01.01.2205 12.00 Page: 2 of 5 St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t P Pa g e 6 6 o f 7 3 Employee: Hodgson, Wyley C. (10831) Expense Report Number: ER00038811 Authorization Number: Expense Report Type: US Commercial Travel Description: Avista Evaluation PM interview Expense Class: US -Employee Expense Report Purpose: In-person interviews with Avista staff. Printed: Feb 24, 2015 10:29 AM Exp ID Expense Description Type. 4 Feb 4, 2015 / PARKING Under Ceiling 4 Feb 4, 2015 / PARKING Under Ceiling 4 Feb 4, 2015 / PARKING Under Ceiling 4 Feb 4, 2015 / PARKING Under Ceiling 5 Feb 4, 2015 /TIPS Under Ceiling 5 Feb 4, 2015/TIPS Under Ceiling 5 Feb 4, 2015/TIPS Under Ceiling 5 Feb 4, 2015 / TIPS Under Ceiling 5 Feb 4, 2015 / TIPS Under Ceiling 5 Feb 4, 2015 / TIPS Under Ceiling 6 Feb 4, 2015 /MILEAGE / 93 miles Under Ceiling I airport. roundtrip 6 Feb 4, 2015 / MILEAGE / 93 miles Under Ceiling I a:rpo;t, ro:.mdtrip S· Fsb 4, 2015 /MILEAGE / 93 miles Under Ceiling / airport, roundtrip 6 Feb 4, 2015 /MILEAGE/ 93 miles Under Ceiling I airport, roundtrip 6 Feb 4, 2015 /MILEAGE/ 93 miles Under Ceiling I airport, roundtrip 6 Feb 4, 2015 /MILEAGE / 93 miles Under Ceiling I airport, roundtrip US-Nexant, Inc. Voucher Distribution Deltek.ia Project Account Pay Type A02410.000.003. 1 E 5050-002 A02410.000.003.1 F 5050-002 A02410.000.002.1 A 5050-002 A02410.000.002. 1 B 5050-002 A02410.000.003.1A 5050-099 A02410.000.003.1 B 5050-099 A02410.000.003.1 E 5050-099 A02410.000.003.1 F 5050-099 A02410.000.002.1A 5050-099 A02410.000.002.1 B 5050-099 A02410.000.003. 1A 5050-006 A02410.000.003.1 B 5050-006 A02410 000.003.1 E 5050-006 A02410.000.003.1 F 5050-006 A02410 000.002.1A 5050-006 A02410.000.002.1B 5050-006 Revision; 1 Correction No: 0 Expense Report Status: Approved Expense Report Date: Feb 12, 2015 From: Feb 2, 2015 To: Feb 4, 2015 First Day ofTrip: N Last Day of Trip: N Organization 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 --01.01.2205 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 / 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 01.01.2205 Amount(USO) 12.00 12.00 12.00 12-00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.91 8.89 Page: 3 of 5 Staff_PR_05 Attachment PPage 67 of 73 Hodgson, Wyley From: Sent: Southwest Airlines < SouthwestAi rl i nes@I uv .southwest.com> Wednesday, January 21, 2015 9:21 AM To: Hodgson, Wy!ey Subject: Southwest Airlines EarlyBird Confirmation -FSCYSB My Account I View My ltin.irary Online Southwest·• ........ :;, Check Flight Status Special Offers Hotel Deals Car Deals Early~[~ FAQs .f; .-,, Ready for takeoff! EARLYBIRD CHECK-IN • •12· Thanks for purchasing EarlyBird Check-In for your Spokane trip! Conveniently print your boarding pass with your pre-assigned bearding position anytime within 24 hours of departure. We'll see you onboardl ·~· .,. Upcoming Trip: 02102115 -Spokane EarlyBird Check-In n., : i.~. Confirmation Number: FSCYSB Passenger Departure/Arrival Wyley Hodgson Depart Denver, CO (DEN} on Southwest Airlines at 12:05 PM Arrive in Spokane, WA (GEG) at 1:35 PM W'jtey Hodgson Depart Spokane, WA (GEG) on Southwest Airlines at 2:10 PM Arrive in Denver, CO (DEN} at 5:20 PM Cost and Payment Summary Payment Information Cardholder: Wyley Hodgson Payment Type: MASTER_CARD Account# XXXXXXXXXXXX-0075 Payment Amount: $25.00 Flight #1177 #1266 Date Mot.1-:=eb 2 Travel Time 2 h 30 m We'.J Feb 4 Tr;v;il Time 2 h\<1~ m Price: $12.50 per person, one-way Total Cost: $25.00 '. '"-~~. (ll l:111 • l;!h:! < I '."-. 1,G1 :1.;1~1r J1 ·~!:lil .;>(:Ji ~ tx~ ·· ·· ~l')-·< l/ 1P} 1 ..... _: Staff_PR_05 Attachment PPage 68 of 73 I ~ ... Flight Status Alerts ••• ••• ~ ../ ..__ -,...-·--.... Get exclusive travel deals straight to your Stay on your way with flight departure or arrival status via text message or email. desktop or iPhone. · Useful Tools Qnec~;ln Onl~ Early Bird Check-In View/Share Itinerary Change Air Reservation C_Encet Air Rese!'.','.atiQ!l Check Flight Status Flight Status Notification 6.ook ~ J;_a..i: Book a Hotet Subscribe Now • Know Before You Go Jn the Airport Baggage Policies Suggested Airport Arrival Times Security Procedures Cu~torners olSize In the Air Purchasing and Refunds Legal Policies & Helpful lnfo"!"atton Privacy Policy Customer Service Commitment Notice of lncorpor;ited Terms FAQs Download DING! • Special Travel Noeds Traveling with Children Traveling with Pets unaccompanied MJncrs Baby on Board Cu~tomers with Dlsat,iilnes C_ontact_U§ ~ Book Hotel Book Car Book Vs!C@lio,1 Pacl\ages Special Offers f)'lan~rt MY ACCIW'll )I, ,, ~l 2 Staff_PR_05 Attachment PPage 69 of 73 Hodgson, Wyley From: Sent: Southwest Airlines <SouthwestAirlines@luv.southwest.com > Wednesday, January 21, 2015 9:26 AM To: Hodgson, Wyley Subject: Flight reservation (FSCYSB) I 02FEB15 I DEN-GEG I Hodgson/Wyley ·"·' t Ir, yoi;r f'r·' Southwest"• My Account I View My Itinerary Online Check In Check Flight Change Specra·1 Hotel Car Online Status Flight Offers Offers Offers •,! .. Ready for takeofff ~ Thanks for choosing Southwest~ for your trip! You'll find everything you need to know ~ about your reservation below. Happy travels! Upcoming Trip: 02/02/15. Spokane ..... AIR Itinerary II AIR Confirmation: FSCYSB Confirmation Date: 01/21/2015 Passenger(s) HODGSON/WYLEY Rapid Rewards # Ticket# Expiration Est. Points Earned 385274702 5262476375507 Jan 21, 2016 1590 Rapid Rewards points earned are only estimates, Visit your (MyS0u1hwes1. Southwest.com or Rapid Rewards) account For the most accurate totals • Including A-List & A-List Preferred bonus points. Date Flight Departure/Arrival Mon Feb 2 1177 Depart DENVER, CO (DEN) on Southwest Airlines at 12:0fi ~M Arrive in SPOKANE, WA (GEG) at 1:35 PM Wed Feb 4 1266 Travel Time 2 hrs 30 mins Wanna Get Away Depart SPOKANE, WA (GEG) on Southwest Airlines at 2: 10 PM Arrive In DENVER, CO (DEN) at 5:20 PM Travel Time 2 hrs 10 mins Wanna Get Away What you need to know to travel: • Don't forget to check in for your flight{s) 24 hours before your trip on southwest.com or your mobile device. This will secure your boarding position on your flights. • Southwest Alr1ines does not have assigned seats, so you can choose your seat when you board the plane. You will be assigned a boarding position based on your checkin time. The earner you check in, within 24 hours of your flight. the earlier you gel to board. • WIFi, TV, and related services and amenities may vary and are subject to change based on assigned aircraft. Leam more. m~ NEED. AROTEL? , , Best Rate Guarantee FleXibility to P,lf Later Eamup to 750 Rapid Rewards Poktts Book& Hotel Guaranteed Low Rates 14 Car Companies Earn Rapid Rewards Pofnts Book .-car Staff_PR_05 Attachment PPage 70 of 73 Remember to be in the gate area on time and ready to board: • 30 minutes prior to scheduled departure time: We may begin boarding as early as 30 minutes prior to your flight's scheduled departure time. We encourage all passengers to plan to arrive in the gate area no later than this time. • 10 minutes prior lo scheduled departure time: All passengers must obtain their boarding passes and be in the gate area available for boarding at least 10 minutes prior lo your night's scheduled departure lime. ii not, Southwest may cancel your reserved space and you will not be eligible for denied boarding compensation. • If you do not plan lo travel on your flight: In accordance wfth Southwest's No Show Policy, you must notify Southwest at least 10 minutes prior to your flight's scheduled departure if you do not plan to travel on the flight. If not. Southwest will cancel your reservation and all funds wiil be forfeited. Air Cost: 313.20 Carryon Items: 1 Bag+ small personal Item are free. See full details. Checked Items: First and second bags fly free. Weight and size limits apply. Fare Rule(s): 5262476375507: NONREF/NONTRANSFERABLE/STANDBY REQ UPGRADE TOY. Valid only on Southwest Airlines. All travel involving funds from !his Confirmation Number must be completed by the expiration date. Unused !ravel funds may only be applied toward the purchase of future travel for the individual named on the ticket. Any changes to this itinerary may result in a fare increase. Failure lo cancel reservations for a Wanna Get Away fare segment at least 10 mfnuies pnor to travel will result in the forfeiture of all rernalnlnf1 unused funds. DEN WN GEG152.56QLN7WNR WN DEN112.56WDNUNNR 265.12 END ZPDENGEG XFDEN4.5GEG4.5 AY11.20$DEN5.60 GEG5.60 =· 1. Learn About Ou.r Boarding Process • l E.AR1.YBIRD Get EarlyBird ~ QiECK..W-1 Check-In® Delafls • Cost and Payment Summary 13 AIR-FSCYS8 Base Fare Excise Taxes Segment Fee Passenger Facility Charge September 11th Security Fee Total Air Cost ~ $ 265.12 $ 19.88 $ 8.00 $ 9.00 $ 11.20 $ 313.20 •• Flight Status Alerts , ... -· ·----· ,, ... ~LT, c" ,,~11.,r .V11, ·;11;r~·· ll1~nt ,:f~f1.Jrr,.1r!:" ,:r jfr'··J ~1: .. 11.J -.1.-, '~·,t n,t-;s·~.1.;~. , ... -:-·ntLltl Subscribe Now • Payment Information Payment Type: Mastercard XXXXXXXXXXXX0075 Date: Jan 21, 2015 Payment Amount: $313.20 Fly Southwest To International Destinations 'f<1t -~ir, nr,·,\' 1 :, ,:. :rho rrc:r-s.e:,..: ·.t t ·:i;<~ ~iJ ,,,~, 1;. -~ lfi9 t,,3(1,)! ~!:lt J ~ ... _l- ~O\,:h·ttf~f.t, rrn Learn More• 2 CLICK' ~ SAVE" join fJvcr 17 million email subsrnbers saving big Oil trill/el eJCh week. ~-k~~ SignUp ~ • .J ...• Staff_PR_05 Attachment PPage 71 of 73 Lynn Roy 585 Hartford Drive Boulder CO 80305 United States Company: Avista Corpora/ion r· Date w,m1111:1• Description \ _____ ---02-02-15 Room Charge 02-02-15 Sales Tax -Rooms 02-02-15 Lodging Tax 02-02-1 5 TPA 02-03-15 Room Charge 02-03-15 Sales Tax -Rooms 02-03-15 Lodging Tax 02-03-15 TPA 02-04-15 Master Card HI l I HilC;/\1( DAVENPORT HOTEL Room Number: Arriva l Date: Departure Date: CRS Number: Rewards No: 0308 02-02-15 02-04-15 90177201 ·"~~,.===-=-.~-.,~"'"~ ,,,,,.,=,,,,,,,,,,, --J Charges Credits ------- 109.00 9.48 3.60 2.00 [09.00 9.48 3.60 2.00 248. 16 T otlll 248.16 248.16 Balance 0.00 As a rewards member, you could have earned points towards your free dream vacation today. Start earning points und elite ~llttUs, plus enjoy exclusive member offers. Enrol I today nt the Front Desk or www.MarriortRcwards.com. The I listoric Davenport Hole! IO S Post St, Spokane, WA 9920 I Telephone: (509) 455-8888 Fax: (509) 624-4455 Staff_PR_05 Attachment PPage 72 of 73 We lcome To The Rusty Moose -------... ~-------·: '-::. . .::~--;..:":"!=~- Date: Feb02'15 08:23PM Card Type: Mastercard Acct#: XXXXXXXXXXXX0075 Card Ent ry : SNIPED Trans Type: PURCHASE Auth Code: 00450Z Check: 4612 Check IO : B rn Server : 150 RAINEE P Subtotal: 36 . 93 Tip _ --·--. 7.f0? Total __ --~-_ f~. 9? s· · X ~ B~~~~ agrP.e5 ·-0-~the -tota"f:­ according to t~ agreement with the card issuer. GUEST COPY Jamba Juice Concourse C Po Box 49310 Denver. CO 80249 (303) 342-8469 Host: Cashier 02/02/20)v O Orange Dream Mach1 ne Subtotal Tax To Go Tot a l MasterCard #XXXXXXXXXXXX0075 Auth:013462 11 :35 AM 10313 5.60 5.60 0.45 6 .05 6.05 1RANSACT!ON RECORD S ot J J f u I Soups & s µt r t 1.s Sp o k a f )P,.. WA . CAHO IYPL:MASffRCAIUl NII. ;,o,i:++.u:nnQ07!i EXPl.: "**" EN fHY :SWIP[f) t;us l 01;111 : UYLEY HOflGSON AU 11 IOH I /Af JON: 00&77 Z STOfif: #:0001 IERMINAL: I REFrnt NCI :thbb/l PlJlCIIA$f TIP IOIAL $~I()_':>~ ~-c--=, Y'S s 'J-- THAN!i YOU 11 BRUAllY 2,.2ll!5 !11:]3:~3 Set'VHr' ::i r.amP : COlM'HER Cl IS I r,11rn COPY . ' . ' CariboL• Coffee Concourse C Po Box 49310 Denver, CO 80249 (303) 342-8469 Server: Cashier One Fast Cl ose/1 Guests: 1 Scone Subtotal Tax Total MC #XXXXXXXXXXXX0075 Auth :037962 02/02/2015 11:40 AM 20025 2.50 t 2.50 0.20 2.70 2.70 Staff_PR_05 Attachment PPage 73 of 73 Restat.rant P,eceipt 1 O South Post Street Srokane, ~A 99201 server: Kels-ey 07:31 t"tl Fast Close/l 008: 02/04/2015 02/04/2015 11/1 10083 SALE MIC 115344()0 Card UXXXXXXXXXX.XX0075 /J;OOJiet I c card present: H!ESON ~YLEY Car·d Entry t-'.ethod: S /lroroval : 060532 i\!Jpunt.: $ 6.52 + T1p: }. lb = Total : I a-.:t"P.P. tn n::.11 th-. ~i-.~-,_ Restauant Receipt 10 Soutr. Post street Spokane, 14/\ 99201 7-CS2- server: Veronica 07:25 N1 Fast Close/1 DOB: 02/03/2015 02/03/2015 11 /110058 S!'LE MIC 11534401 card »xxxxxxxxxxxxoms Magnet l C card present; HO[tSON 1-i'rlEY Card Entn1 Method: s k.Jprova 1 : C6563Z /\lrount: + Tip: ~ Total: $ 6.52 ~-'CJ -7-s2--- I agree to pay the aboVe tota 11 arrc·Jfjt ai:1rr.d100 to U"le oard 1isuer,agraerrent. DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 8500 Pena Blvd. Denver , CO 80249 Customer Serv,ce: 303-342-4083 Card Account: XXXXXXXXXXXX0075 card Type : Master AtJ'thor izati or, Code : 063282 Cashier : 237 Seq# 12764 Lkense Plat e : 109YJS Ent : 1 O: 54 02/02/ 15 Lane 3 Exit: 18: 1102/04/15 Lane 36 Durati on: 2D(s) 7H(s) 17M(s) Rate Code: 49 Shift: 85 FEE $ 72.00 AMOUNT TEND $ 72.00 CASH S 0.00 CREDIT CARD $ 72. 00 CHECK $ 0. 00 CHANGE CALC $ O. 00 PAID AT CT $ 72.00 *** Thank You*** *** Customer Copy*** HMSHO ST bUIZNO S SP OKAN E AIRPORT 218133 Colin ----------------------- CHK 1037 GST 1 FEB04 ' 15 1 :49PM SUB TURK RNCH M 7 .69 ROSEMARY PARMSN 0 IH TURKEY ONL MOZZAREL LAS ONL MAYO ONL LETTUCE DNL TOMATO ONL OLIVE BLACK COOKIE MEGA l . 79 SODA FTN M 2.39 SUBTO TAL TAX AMOUNT PAID 1 2 XXXXXXXXXXXX0075 11 . 87 1 . 03 .9 0 MASTERCARD 12 .90 --218133 Closed FEB04 01 :5 1PM---