HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161013AVU to Staff 5 Attachment O.pdfStaff_PR_05 Attachment O Page 1 of 17 ~~NexanT Junel5.2015 Attn: Dan Johnson Dan.Johnson(a.iA vistacorp.corn Avista Corporation East 14 11 Mission Ave Spokane. WA 99220 Subject: Invoice Pe1iod: Invoice Number: Project Number.: Contract Number: Nexant, lnc. Fed. I.D. No.: May 2, 2015 185954 A02410.000 D-35110 94-3342927 Total Contract Value Cumulative Amount Billed Budget Available Task Name A024 I 0.000.00 I A024 I ().000.00 I. I A A024I0.000.001.1 B A02410.000.00J. IC A024 I 0.000.002 A024 I 0.000.()02.2A A024 I 0.000.003 A02410.000.003.3A A024 I A024 I 0.000.004 A024 I A024 I 0.1)00.004.48 A()24 I' A024 I 0.000.005 A024 I 0.0()0.005.SA A024 l0.0()0.005.5B Total Invoice Ammrnt Cash Terms: Eval Work Plan NG Work Plan Elec Work Plan Ek-c Work Plan Natural Gas Impact Evaluation WA Natural Gas Impact Electric Impact Evaluatation Elec Impact Elec Impact Process Evaluation Rcpllrt Elcc Process NG Process Elec Process Reports with Cost Effect Analysis Cost Effect C'ost EffocL Net30 Days Please remit payment to Nexant, Inc., Dept CH 16356 Palatine, lL 60055-6356 Current ruvoice Amount $0.00 $172.50 $0.0() $0.00 $5,275.88 $8,288.30 $5.373.29 $0.00 $0.0() $0.00 54.737.41 $309.87 $24,157.25 May 29. 2015 $1,138,575.00 $318,373.99 $820,201.0 I 52,gg .j>o ') (~-.i'f~ -a781.H 12078.23 ) Please contact Lynn Roy ar (303) 402-2488 if you have any questions concerning this invoice. Sincerely. Date C:, -1, -IS PreparedforPayment ~= Approved for Payment ==~.=..,.; ~·._ t .\ \ I.' Lynn Roy Principal Nexant, lnc. 994715 Description X 411 't ftl <¥-V Project Task Org. Amount Staff_PR_05 Attachment O Page 2 of 17 lm1oice Number INV-0000185954 Bill To: Avista Corp. Eas11411 Mission Ave. Spokane WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Number Subcontractor Number Pro1ect Number Proiecl Name Terms. Due Date Analyst Hope. Matthew H Consulllng Labor Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours Cumulative Incurred Hours For US Wire Transfers: Nexant, Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomer; Street 2nd Floor San Franasco, CA 94104 Account 756001459 ABA routmg 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 0-35110 A02410.000.0011A WA NG Work Plan NET30 0711512015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Dale Remit To Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine IL 60055--6356 Cost. Fee Total Contract Value $20 000.00 SO.OD $20.000.00 Cumulative Amount Billed S172.50 0611512015 Funded Value $20,000.00 $0.00 S20 000.00 81lllng Period From:05102/2015 BIiiing Currency USO Current Hours 1.50 1.50 Rate 1.50 1.50 115.0000 ToOS/2912015 Current Cumulative Cumulabve Amount Hours Amount $172.50 1.50 $172.50 $172.50 1.50 S172.50 S172.50 $172.50 Page 4 of5 Staff_PR_05 Attachment O Page 3 of 17 Invoice Number Group Descnpbon· INV-0000185954 Project Number Proiect Name: Nexant, Inc. A02410.000.001 1A WA NG Work Plan Labor Supporting Schedule • T&M Consulhng Labor labor T /S Current ----=C-"at----=D ... e __ sc _____ --~E~m=p=IN~e=n=d~o~r __ ~D=a=le~--_ ___.H .. o..,u..,_r"-s----'-'R,,,ac,::le,___ ANlYST Analyst Hope, Matthew H 05/15/2015 ------'1"-'.5=0 115.0000 ANL YST Hope. Matthew H 1 50 Analyst Consulting labor Hope, Matthew H 1.50 1.50 115.0000 Billing currency Invoice Date Page 5 of 5 USD 06/15/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment O Page 4 of 17 Invoice Number. INV-0000185.954A BIii To: Avista Corp. f=ast 1411 Mlssion Ave. Spokane WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Numoer Subcontractor Number Project Number Project Name Terms: Due Date PrQJect Coord1nacor Michaels, Jessica A Analyst Hope. Matthew H Sridha r Vikram ProJect Analyst Penzkover, David J Seruto Cherlyn M Senior Consultant Benton Nathanael H Hodgson. Wyley C Pnnopal Roy, Lynn M Consulting Labor Airfare Lodging Ground Transportatio Meals Miscellaneous Other Direct Costs Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours· Cumulallve Incurred Hours. For US Wire Transfers Nexant, Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Account 756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A02410.000.002.2A WA Natural Gas Impact NET30 07/15/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date· 06/15/2015 Remit To: Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine IL 60055-6356 Contract Value $85.000.00 SO.DO $85.000.00 Funded Value Cost: Fee: Total Cumulative Amount Billed. $54,802.98 Billing Perrod From:05/02/2015 Billing Currency: To:05/29/2015 Curren! Current Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours 1.00 65.0000 S65.00 4.00 0.00 115.0000 0.00 117.50 0.00 115.0000 0,00 19.50 0.00 130.0000 0.00 1.00 5.00 130.0000 650.00 81.50 0.00 160.0000 0.00 12.00 6.00 160 0000 960.00 62.00 14.50 230.0000 3,335.00 67.60 26.50 $5,010.00 365.00 $102.36 128.39 26.00 9.13 0.00 $265.88 $5,275.88 26.50 365.00 Page 10 of 12 $85 000.00 $0.00 $85 000.00 USO CumulaUve Amount S260.00 13.512.50 2 242.50 130.00 10,595.00 1 920.00 9.920.00 15,525.00 $54,105.00 S262.36 211.07 79.45 138.24 6.86 $697.98 $54,802.98 Staff_PR_05 Attachment O Page 5 of 17 Nexant, Inc. Project Number Invoice Number INV-0000185954A Project Name A02410.000.002.2A WA Natural Gas Impact Labor Supporting Schedule· T&M Group Description Consulting Labor Labor TIS Current Cat Desc ErnplNendor Date Hours Rate ADMN Pro1ect Coordtnator Michaels Jessica A 05/29/2015 1.00 65.0000 ADMN Michaels. Jessica A 1.00 ProJect Coordinator Michaels Jessica A 1.00 65 0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto Cherlyn M 05/08/2015 1.00 130.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Serulo Cherlyn M 05/15/2015 1 50 130.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto Cherlyn M 05/22/2015 2.00 130.0000 PRJANL Pro1ect Analyst Seruto. Cherlyn M 05/29/2015 0.50 130.0000 PRJANL Seruto. Cherlyn M 5.00 Pro1ect Analyst Seruto Cherlyn M 500 130.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C 05/08/2015 4.50 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C 05/15/2015 0.50 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson. Wyley C 05122/2015 0.50 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson, Wyley C 05/29/2015 0.50 160.0000 SRCON Hodgson. Wyley C 6.00 Senior Consultant Hodgson Wyley C 6.00 160.0000 PRIN Pnnc1pal Roy, Lynn M 05/15/2015 3.00 2300000 PRIN Principal Roy Lynn M 05/22/2015 5.00 230.0000 PRIN Pnnc1pal Roy Lynn M 05/28/2015 0.00 230.0000 PRIN Pnnctpal Roy, Lynn M 05129/2015 6.50 230.0000 PRIN Roy. Lynn M 14.50 Prrncrpal Roy Lynn M 14.50 230.0000 Consulting Labor 26.50 Billing Currency Invoice Date· Page 11 of 12 USO 06/15/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment O Page 6 of 17 Nexant, Inc. Pro1ect Number A02410.000.002.2A WA Natural Gas Impact Invoice Number INV-0000185954A Project Name· Non-Labor Supporting Schedule Group Descnptlon Other Direct Costs JE No./ Current DescnpUon Transaction VchrNo. FY/Pd Vendor Line Description Airfare DIR-Travel-Air Apr 19 2015 / Apr 20 2015 / 535055 2015/5 Roy. Lynn SJ Apr 19 201 5 / Apr 20 2015 / SJC-PDX I ECONOMY Total: Airfare Une Description. Lodging DIR-Travel-Lodging Apr 19 2015 / Apr 20 2015 / 535055 2015/5 Roy. Lynn Po Apr 19 2015 / Apr 20 2015 / Portland / OR Total Lodging Line Descri12tlon Ground Trans11ortat10 DIR-Travel-Ground Tr Apr 20 2015 / TOLLS 535055 2015/5 Roy. Lynn Apr 20 2015 / TOLLS DIR-Travel-Ground Tr Apr 20 2015 / TAXI/LIMO 535055 2015/5 Roy, Lynn Apr 20 2015 /TAXI/LIMO DI R-T ravel-MIieage Apr 20 2015 / MILEAGE / 535055 2015/5 Roy, Lynn 861 h Apr 20 2015 /MILEAGE / 86 / home-DEN-home Total Ground Transportatio Une Descn11Uon: Meals DIR-Travel-Meals Apr19 2015 / Apr19 2015 / 535055 2015/5 Roy, Lynn PE Apr 19 2015 / Apr 19 2015 / PERS MEALS Total· Meals Otlier Direct Costs Billing Currency Invoice Date: Current Invoice ID Amount ER00041691 $102.36 $102 36 ER00041691 $128.39 $128.39 ER00041691 $5.47 ER00041691 404 ER00041691 16 49 $26 00 ER00041691 $9.13 $9.13 $265 88 Page 12 of12 USO 06/15/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment O Page 7 of 17 Invoice Number INV-00001859549 Bill To Avista Corp East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99220 Customer Number Pnme Contract Number Subcontractor Number Proiect Number: Project Name Terms Due Date Project Coordlna tor Kuech. Ashley J Michaels, Jessica A Analyst Sndhar. Vikram Proiect Analyst Penzkover, David J Seruto Cherlyn M ConsultanUConsulUng Engineer Johnson. Mary-Hall D Senior Consultant Hammer. Tyler G Hodgson VVyley C Smith, Jesse G Principal Roy, Lynn M Consulting Labor Airfare Lodging Ground Transportat10 Meals Miscellaneous Other Direct Costs Invoice Totc1I Current Incurred Hours: Cumulatrve Incurred Hours: For US Wire Transfers Nexanl, Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco CA 94104 Account 756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A02410.000.003.3A WA Elec Impact NET30 07/15/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Dale. Remit To: Nexant Inc. Depl CH 16356 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Cost: Fee. Total. Contract Value S100.000.00 $0.00 S100.000.00 06/15/2015 Funded Value S100,000 00 S0.00 $100,000.00 Cumulative Amount Billed S54.232 70 Bilhng Penod From 05/02/2015 Bilhng Currency USO To'.05/29/2015 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount 0.00 65.0000 $0.00 2.00 $130.00 1.00 65.0000 65.00 3.50 227.50 2.50 115.0000 287 50 98.50 11.327 50 0.00 130 0000 0.00 1.00 130.00 15.00 130.0000 1,950.00 89.50 11,635.00 1.50 140.0000 210.00 1.50 210.00 5.00 160 0000 800.00 500 800.00 5.00 160.0000 800.00 73.00 11.680.00 0.00 160.0000 0.00 7.00 1.120.00 17.00 230.0000 3 910.00 69.00 15,870.00 4700 $8.022.50 350.00 $53.130.00 $102.33 $375.19 128.35 293.83 25.99 255.07 9.13 169.79 0.00 8.82 S265.80 S1102.70 ~8,288.30 S54 232 70 47 00 350.00 Page 5 of 10 Staff_PR_05 Attachment O Page 8 of 17 Nexant, Inc. Proiect Number: A02410.000.003.3A Billing Currency: USO Invoice Number INV-00001859546 Profect Name WA Elec Impact Invoice Date· 06/1 5/2015 Labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Group Descnptlon Consulting Labor Labor TIS Current Cat Desc EmplNendor Date Hours Rate ADMN Project Coordinator Michaels Jessica A 05/29/2015 1.00 65.0000 ADMN Michaels. Jessica A 1.00 ProJect Coordinator Michaels. Jessica A 1.00 65.0000 ANL YST AnaJyst Sndhar Vikram 05/22/2015 1.50 115.0000 ANL YST Analyst Sndhar Vikram 05/29/2015 1.00 115.0000 ANLYST Sndhar Vikram 2.-50 Analyst Sndhar Vikram 2.50 115.0000 PRJANL Proiect Analyst Seruto, Cherlyn M 05/08/2015 1.00 130.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto, Cherlyn M 05/15/2015 5.50 130.0000 PRJANL ProJeci Analyst Seruto, Cherlyn M 05/22/2015 7.00 130.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto. Cherlyn M 05129/2015 1.50 130.0000 PRJANL Seruto. Cherlyn M 15.00 ProJect Analyst Seruto, Cherlyn M 15.00 130.0000 CONS Consultant/ Johnson. Mary·Hall D 06/29/2015 1.50 140.0000 Consulbng Engineer CONS Johnson. Mary·Hall D 1.50 ConsultanVConsulling Johnson. Mary·Hall D 1.50 140.0000 Engineer SRCON Senior Consultant Hammer Tyler G 06/15/2015 3.00 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hammer Tyler G 05/22/2015 1.00 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hammer Tyler G 05/29/2015 1.00 160.0000 SRCON Hammer Tyler G 5.00 Senior Consultant Hammer. Tyler G 5.00 160.0000 SRCON Semor Consultanl Hodgson, Wyley C 05/08/2015 3.50 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson Wyley C 05/15/2015 0.50 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson Wyley C 05/2212015 0.50 160.0000 SRCON Semor Consultant Hodgson, Wyley C 05129/2015 0.50 160.0000 SRCON Hodgson Wyley C 5.00 Senior Consultant Hodgson Wyley C 5.00 160.0000 PRIN Pnnc1pal Roy Lynn M 05/15/2015 4.00 230.0000 PRIN Pnncipal Roy Lynn M 05/22/2015 5.50 230.0000 PRIN Principal Roy. Lynn M 05/2812015 0,00 230.0000 PRIN Principal Roy Lynn M 05/29/2015 7.50 230.0000 PRIN Roy. Lynn M 17.00 PnncipaJ Roy. Lynn M 17.00 230.0000 Consulting Labor 47.00 Page 6 or 10 Staff_PR_05 Attachment O Page 9 of 17 Nexant, Inc. Pro1ect Number A02410.000.003.3A WA Elec Impact Invoice Number: INV-00001859548 Proiect Name: Non-Labor Supporting Schedule Group Descrlpbon: Other Direct Costs JE NoJ Current Description Transaction Vchr No. FY/Pd Vendor Line DescriQUon Airfare DIR-Travel-Air Apr 19 2015 / Apr 20 2015 / 535055 2015/5 Roy Lynn SJ Apr 19 20·15 / Apr 20 2015 / SJC-PDX / ECONOMY Total· Airfare Line Descri12t1on Lodging DIR-Travel-Lodging Apr 19 2015 / Apr 20 2015 I 535055 2015/5 Roy Lynn Po Apr 19 2015 / Apr 20 2015 / Portland I OR Total: Lodging Line Descn(;!tion Ground Transgortatio DIR-Travel-Ground Tr Apr 20 2015 / TOLLS 535055 2015/5 Roy, Lynn Apr 20 2015 / TOLLS DIR-Travel-Ground Tr Apr 20 2015 / TAXI/LIMO 535055 2015/5 Roy Lynn Apr 20 2015 / T AXIILIMO DIR-Travel-Mileage Apr 20 201 5 / MILEAGE / 535055 2015/5 Roy Lynn 86 / h Apr 20 2015 / MILEAGE / 86 / home-DEN-home Total: Ground Transportalio Une Descnption· Meals DIR-Travel-Meals Apr 19 2015 / Apr 19 2015 / 535055 2015/5 Roy Lynn PE Apr 19 2015 / Apr 19 2015 / PERS MEALS Total Meals Other Direct Costs Billing Currency Invoice Date Current Invoice ID Amount ER00041691 S102.33 $102.33 ER00041691 S128.35 S128.35 ER00041691 $5.47 ER00041691 4.04 ER00041691 16.48 $25.99 ER00041691 $9.13 S9.13 $265.80 Page 7 of10 USD 06(15/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment O Page 10 of 17 Invoice Number INV-00001859548 BIii To: Avista Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane WA 99220 Cuslomer Number Pnme Contract Numbe1 Subcontractor Number Pro1ec\ Number: Project Name Terms. Due Date ProJect Coordinator Kuech, Ashley J Michaels. Jessica A Analyst Sndhar Vikram Project Analyst Penzkover David J Seruto, Cherlyn M Consultant/Consulting Engineer Johnson Mary-Hall D Semor Consultant Hammer Tyler G Hodgson Wyley C Principal Roy, Lynn M Consulhng Labor Airfare Lodging Ground Transportat10 Meals Miscellaneous Other Direct Costs Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours· Cumulative Incurred Hours· For US Wire Transfers Nexant Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Account 756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A02410.000.003.3B ID Elec Impact NET 30 07/15/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date Remit To Nexanl Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine. IL 60055-6356 Cost· Fee: Total Contract Value $100 000.00 $0.00 $100 000.00 06/t 5/2015 Funded Value s,00.000 oo SO.DO $100.000 00 Cumulatwe Amount Billed: $36.218.89 Billing Period From:05/02/2015 B11hng Currency USO To: 05/29/2015 Current Current Cumulatlve Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount 0.00 65.0000 $0.00 1.50 S97 50 0.00 65,0000 0.00 0.50 32.50 2.50 115.0000 287 50 62.00 7.130.00 0.00 130.0000 0.00 1 00 130 00 15.00 130.0000 1 950 00 78 50 10 205 00 1.50 140.0000 2·10.00 1.50 210.00 3.00 160.0000 480.00 3.00 480.00 5 00 160.0000 800.00 43.50 6 960.00 6.00 230.0000 1 380.00 43 .50 10 005.00 33.00 S5 107 50 235.00 $35,250.00 $102.32 $375.18 128.36 293.84 25.98 121.26 9 13 16979 0.00 8.82 $265.79 $968.89 $5,373.29 $36.218.89 33.00 235.00 Page 8 of 10 Staff_PR_05 Attachment O Page 11 of 17 Nexant, Inc. ProJect Number A02410. 000.003.38 Bi111rg Currency USD Invoice Number INV-0000t85954B Project Name ID Bee Impact lnvmce Date 06/15/2015 Labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Group DescripHon Consulting Labor Labo1 TIS Current Cat Desc Empl/Vendor Date Hours Rate ANL YST Analyst Srldhar Vikram 05122/2015 1.50 115.0000 ANL YST Analysl Srldhar Vikram 05129/2015 1.00 115.0000 ANLYST Sndhar Vikram 2.50 Analyst Sndhar Vikram 2.50 115.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto, Cherlyn M 05/08/2015 1.00 130 0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Serulo Cherlyn M 05/15/2015 5.00 130.0000 PRJANL Project Analyst Seruto Cherlyn M 05/22/2015 7.00 130.0000 PRJANL Pro1ect Analyst Seruto Cherlyn M 05/29/2015 2.00 130,0000 PRJANL Seruto Cherlyn M 15.00 Pro1ect Analyst Seruto Cherlyn M 15.00 130.0000 CONS ConsultanU Johnson Mary-Hall D 05/29/2015 1.50 140.0000 Consulting Engineer CONS Johnson. Mary-Hall D 1.50 ConsultanUConsulllng Johnson Mary-Hall D 1.50 140.0000 Engrneer SRCON Sen101 Consultant Hammer Tyler G 05115/2015 2.00 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultanl Hammer, Tyler G 05/22/2015 0.50 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hammer Tyler G 05/29/2015 0.50 160.0000 SRCON Hammer Tyler G 3.00 Senior Consultant Hammer Tyler G 3.00 160.0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson Wyley C 05/08/2015 4.50 160,0000 SRCON Senior Consultant Hodgson Wyley C 05/22/2015 0.50 160,0000 SRCON Hodgson Wyley C 5.00 Senior Consultant Hodgson Wyley C 5.00 160.0000 PRIN Pnnclpal Roy, Lynn M 05/15/2015 2.50 230.0000 PRIN Principal Roy, L~ni, M os:2212015 2.00 230.0000 PRIN Principal Roy, Lynn M 05/28/2015 0.00 230.0000 PRIN Pnnc1pal Roy, Lynn M 05/29/2015 1.50 230.DOOO PRIN Roy, Lynn M 6.00 Pnnc,pal Roy Lynn M 6.00 230.0000 Consulting Labor 33.00 Page 9 of 10 Staff_PR_05 Attachment O Page 12 of 17 Nexant, Inc. Project Number· A02410.000.003.38 ID Elec Impact Invoice Number, INV-00001659548 Pro1ect Name: Non.Labor Supporting Schedule Group Descnption Other Direct Costs JENo./ Current Descnrit1on T ransactron VcnrNo. FY/Pd Vendor Line Descri12tion. Airfare DIR-Travel-Air Apr 19 2015 / Apr20 2015 / 535055 2015/5 Roy, Lynn SJ Apr 19 2015 / Apr 20 2015 / SJG-PDX I ECONOMY Total· Airfare Line Descr1gtion .bQ.Q9.!.llil DIR-Travel-Lodging Ap1192015/Apr20 2015 / 535055 2015/5 Roy, Lynn Po Apr 19 2015 / Apr 20 2015 / Por1land / OR Total. Lodging Line Descri12tion. Ground Transpor1at10 DIR-Travel-Ground Tr Apr 20 2015 / TOLLS 535055 2015/5 Roy, Lynn Apr 20 2015 I TOLLS DIR-Travel-Ground T1 Apr 20 2015 / T AXI/UMO 535055 2015/5 Roy, Lynn Apr 20 2015 / TAXI/LIMO DIR-Travel-Mileage Apr 20 2015 I MILEAGE/ 535055 2015/5 Roy, Lynn 86 /h Apr 20 2015 /MILEAGE / 86 / home-DEN-home Total Ground Transportatlo Lme Descn11tioo Meals DIR-Travel-Meals Apr 19 2015 / Apr 19 2015 / 535055 201515 Roy, Lynn PE Apr 19 2015 I Apr 19 2015 I PERS MEALS Total. Meals Other Direct Costs Billing Currency Invoice Date~ Current Invoice ID Amount ER00041691 S102.32 $102.32 ER00041691 S126.36 S126.36 ER00041691 S5 46 ER00041691 4.04 ER00041691 16.48 S25.98 ER00041691 $9.13 $9 13 $26579 Page 10 of 10 USD 06/15/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment O Page 13 of 17 Invoice Number I NV-0000 1859540 Bl11To. Avista Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane. WA 99220 Customer Number Pnme Contract Number Subcontractor Number Project Nurnber Project Name Terms Due Date· Analyst Hope. Matthew H Srldhar Vikram Principal Bums. Patrick A Consulting Labor Airfare Lodging Ground Transportauo Meals Other Direct Costs Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours Cumulative Incurred Hours; For US Wire Transfers Nexanl, Inc c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco CA 94104 Account756001459 ABA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C00000300B D-35110 A02410.000.005.SA WA Cost Effect NET 30 07/15/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Date: Remit To Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine IL 60055-6356 Cost. Fee· Total Contract Value $35.302.50 SO.DO $35,302.50 06/15/2015 Funded Value $35.302.50 $0.00 $35,302.50 Cumulative Amount Billed: $35.039.91 Current Hours 0.00 36.50 1.00 37.50 BIiiing Penod From 05/02/2015 Billing Currency Rate 37.50 248.50 115.0000 115.0000 230.0000 To 05/29/2015 Current Cumulative Amount Hours 50.00 33.50 4,197.50 161 .50 230.00 53.50 54,427.50 248.50 $1114.10 63.00 51 66 11.15 $309.91 $4 737.41 Page 5 of9 USO Cumulative Amount $3,852.50 18.572.50 12,305.00 $34,730.00 $18410 63.00 51 .66 11.15 $309.91 $35 039.91 Staff_PR_05 Attachment O Page 14 of 17 Invoice Number: Group Descnpl1on Labor Cat Dase ANL YST Analyst ANL YST Analyst ANL YST Analyst ANLYST Analyst PRIN Pnnc1pal PRIN Principal PRIN Pnnc1pal Consulting Labor Nexant, Inc. Pro1ect Number· INV-00001859540 Project Name A02410.000.005.5A WA Cost Effect Labor Supporting Schedule -T&M Consulting Labor TIS Current EmQINendor Date Hours Rate Sndhar Vikram 05/15/2015 850 115.0000 Sndhar Vikram 05/22/2015 21 .00 115.0000 Sndhar Vikram 05/29/2015 7.00 115.0000 Sndhar, Vikram 36.50 Sndhar Vikram 36.50 115.0000 Burns Patnci<. A 05/15/2015 0.50 230.0000 Bums, Patnci<. A 05/22/2015 0.50 230.0000 Burns Patrici\ A 1.00 Bums. Patnd< A 1.00 230 0000 37.50 Billing Currency· Invoice Date. Page 6 of 9 USD 06/15/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment O Page 15 of 17 Nexant, Inc. Project Number Invoice Number· INV-0000185954D Project N;;irne· A02410.000.005.5A WA Cost Effect Billing Currency Invoice Date. Non-Labor Supporting Schedule Group Descrlpbon Other Direct Costs JE No./ Current Current DescrlQlion Transaction Vchr No. FY/Pd Vendor Invoice ID Amount Line Oescri12tion: Airfare DIR-Travel-Air Apr 29 2015 / Apr 30 2015 / 533327 2015/5 Bums Patrick A. ER00041132 S182.10 DE Apr 29 2015 / Apr 30 2015 I DEN-GEG-DEN / ECONOMY DIR-Travel-Air Apr 30 2015 / AIR FEE 533327 201515 Burns. Palnck A. ER000411 32 2.00 Apr 30 2015 / AIR FEE Total· Airfare S184.10 Line Descri12tion Lodging DIR-Travel-Lodging Apr 29 2015 I Apr 30 2015 / 533327 2016/5 Bums. Patrick A. ER0004 1132 S63.00 Sp Apr 29 2015 I Apr 30 2015 / Spokane I WA Total. l odging $63.00 Une Descri12tion Ground TransQortat10 DIR-Travel-Ground Tr Apr 30 20 15 I RENTAL CAR 533327 2015/5 Bums Patrick A. ER000411 32 $40.66 Apr 30 2015 / RENTAL CAR DIR-Travel-Ground Tr Apr 30 2015 / PARKING 533327 2015/5 Burns. Patnck A. ER00041132 11 00 Apr 30 2015 / PARKING Total. Ground Transportallo $51.66 Line DesCflQlton Meals DIR-Travel-Meals Apr 30 2015 / Apr 30 2015 / 533327 2015/5 Bums. Patrick A. ER00041132 $7 44 PE Apr 30 2015 / Apr 30 2015 / PERS MEALS DIR-Travel-Meals Apr 30 2015 / Apr 30 2015 I 533327 2015/5 Bums Patrick A. EROD041132 3 71 PE Apr 30 2015 I Apr 30 2015 / PERS MEALS Total· Meals $11.15 Other Direct Costs S309.91 Page 7 of9 USD 06/15/2015 Staff_PR_05 Attachment O Page 16 of 17 Invoice Number INV-0000185954D Bill To. Avista Corp. East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99220 Customer Number Prime Contract Number Subcontractor Number ProJect Number Project Name Terms: Due Date. Analyst Hope. Matthew H Sridhar Vikram Pr111c1pal Bums Patrick A Consulting Labor Airfare Lodging Ground T ransportallo Meals Other Direct Costs Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours Cumulative Incurred Hours. For US Wire Transfers· Nexant. Inc clo Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San F ranc1sco. CA 94104 Account 756001459 ASA routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 A-C000003008 D-35110 A02410.000.005.58 ID Cost Effect NET30 07115/2015 Nexant, Inc. Invoice Dale. Remit To Nexant Inc. Dept CH 16356 Palatine, ll 60055-6356 Cost· Fee. Total Contract Value $23 155.00 $0.00 $23 155.00 06/15/2015 Funded Value S23,155.00 SOOD $23,155.00 Cumulative Amount Billed: $22.964.87 Current Hours 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Billing Period From:05/02/2015 Rate 0.00 164.50 115.0000 115.0000 230.0000 To:05/29/2015 Current Amount $0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $184.09 62.99 51.65 11.14 $309.87 $309.87 Billing Currency Cumulative Hours 12.50 119.50 32.50 164 50 Page 8 of9 USO Cumulative Amount $1 ,437.50 13,742.50 7 475.00 $22.655.00 $184.09 62.99 51.65 11.14 $309.87 $22.964.87 Staff_PR_05 Attachment O Page 17 of 17 Nexant, Inc. Project Number· Invoice Number INV-0000185954D Project Name: A02410.000.005.58 ID Cost Effect BIiiing Currency: Invoice Date: Non-Labor Supporting Schedule Group Descnplion: Other Direct Costs JE No./ Current Current Descri[!lion Transaction Vchr No. FY/Pd Vendor Invoice ID Amount Line Descn1:1tion: Airfare DIR-Travel-Air Apr 29 2015 / Apr 30 20 15 / 533327 2015/5 Bums. Patnck A. ER00041132 $182.10 DE Apr 29 2015 / Apr 30 2015 / DEN-GEG-DEN I ECONOMY DIR-Travel-Air Apr 30 2015 / AIR FEE 533327 2015/5 Bums. Patrick A. ER0004 I 132 1.99 Apr 30 2015 / AIR FEE Total· Airfare S1 84.09 line Descd!:!tion. Lodging DIR· Travel-Lodging Apr 29 2015 / Apr 30 2015 / 533327 2015/5 Bums Patrick A. ER0004 1132 $62.99 Sp Apr 29 2015 / Apr 30 2015 / Spokane / WA Total· lodging S62.99 Line Descri11tion. Ground Trans11ortatio DIR-Travel-Ground Tr Apr 30 2015 / RENTAL CAR 533327 2015/5 Bums. Patrick A. ER00041132 $40.65 Apr 30 2015 / RENTAL CAR DIR-Travel-Ground Tr Apr 30 2015 / PA.RKING 533327 2015/5 Bums Patrick A. ER00041132 11.00 Apr 30 2015 / PARKING Total· Ground Transportat10 $51 .65 Une Descn1:1tlon Meals DIR-Travel-Meals Apr 30 2015 / Apr 30 201 5 I 533327 201515 Burns. Patrick A. ER00041132 S7 43 PE Apr 30 2015 / Apr 30 2015 / PERS MEALS DIR-Travel-Meats Apr 30 2015 I Apr 30 2015 / 533327 2015/5 Bums. Patnck A ER00041132 3.71 PE Apr 30 2015 / Apr 30 2015 / PERS MEALS Total Meals $11.14 Other Direct Costs S30987 Page 9 of9 USO 06/15/2015