HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161013AVU to Staff 5 Attachment K.pdfStaff_PR_05 Attachment K Page 1 of 14 CADMUS MEMORANDUM To: From: David Thompson, Avista Kate Bushman, Cadmus Subject: Date: Explanation of work for July-August 2014 September 26, 2014 The work billed for the months of July and August included the following major activities: • Finalize ID 2013 natural gas memo • Respond to WA data requests • Regulatory support for WA and ID • Write testimony for Idaho • Work on standby generator block heater memo • Ongoing project management The invoice also reflects the following: • Travel costs associated with evaluation presentations • An additional amount of $52,670.78, equivalent to the amount previously deducted from May­ June Invoice, which was in excess of the original contract ceiling. The contract has since been adjusted through Amendment No. 2 to Avista Contract No. D-24469 to authorize the increased contract value. Work expected for September: ~ cwi p.. r K Z.. ff Z. / t)l Prepared for Payment ..;,.Y~=AJ~~F,.:..=-----'-----------• Standby generator block heater mem, 10/(g/20/'i • Data cleaning for RTF data request Approved for Payment _ ___.!-\-----""'...---+------­ Description C ac.L-,) e;i,1,rv 2..0 J 2 ~ 0 JJ psm p<JY4-h(io • Ongoing project management 720 SWWd~hinywn St1t>el Suite .;oo Portland OR 972()5 Voice: 503 . ..167.7100 Fax; S03 228 36% An Empie• WWW.( Project I Task I ~:~ I Org. Amount 02803400 242658 828 TS2 $ 21,308.99 02803400 T52 242659 828 02803400 02803400 02803401 02803401 02803401 02803401 03803300 03803300 03803300 03803300 Company 001 242663 242664 242658 242659 242663 242664 242658 242659 242663 242664 FERC 828 TS2 828 TS2 8-28 TS2 828 TS2 828 TS2 828 TS2 828 TS2 828 TS2 828 T52 828 TS2 Svc. Jur. I ~~ I 3,307.48 24,347.58 2,785.49 432.35 3,182.69 3,760.41 583.67 4,296.63 s 64,005.29 Amount S-2293 (07-06) St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t K Pa g e 2 o f 1 4 The Cadmus Group Billing invoice INV-190266 Billing Period 6/29/14-8/30/14 Allocation reference David Thompson October 6, 2014 Project Number Project Name 6405.0002 Avista EM&V 6405.0002.0002 Avlsta TRM review 6405.0003 .0001 Avista 2012-2013 Evaluation 6405.0003.0004 Avista Res Impact 6405 .0003.0005 Avista NR Impact 6405.0003.0006 Avista ti Impact 6405.0003 .0007 Avista Res Process 6405.0003.0008 Avista NR Process 6405.0003.0010 Avista Regulatory Support 6405.0003.0013 Avista Panel Study 6405.0003.0014 Avista New Programs Total $ 3,657.5.0 187.50 3,262.50 897.01 3,330.00 52,670.78 --$ 64,005.29 Tasks (EM&V) Residential Low Income Regional General I 242658 242659 242661 242663 $ s $ $ 3,657.50 187.50 - 1,332.00 666.00 26,335.39 --- $ 27,854.89 $ $ $ 4,323.50 I Project Nonresidential I WA electric WA natural gas ID electric ID natural gas 242664 02803400 02803401 03803300 03803101 $ 76.5% 10.0% 13.5% 0% 3,262.50 897.01 1,332.00 26,33539 s 31,826.90 $ 48,964.05 $ 6,400.53 $ 8,640.71 s Project Task Exp Type Org. Amount 02803400 242658. 828 T52 s 21,308.99 02803400 242659 828 T52 02803400 242663 828 T52 3,307.48 02803400 242664 828 T52 24,347.58 02803401 242658 828 T52 2,785.49 02803401 242659 828 T52 02803401 242663 828 T52 432.35 02803401 242664 828 T52 3,182.69 03803300 242658 828 TS2 3,760.41 0~803300 242659 828 TS2 03803300 242663 828 T52 583.67 03803300 242664 828 T52 4,296.63 $ 64,005.29 Staff_PR_05 Attachment K Page 3 of 14 CADMUS Billing Number: Invoice Number: 640!, 03-24 J;!W-190266 Bill To: Avista CorporaLion Attn: David Thompson, PPA 1411 Eilst Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 Customer Number: Prime ContracL Number: Subcontractor Number: Projeccc Number : AVTSTA D-24469 No.l 6405 _00()3 Projecc Name: Project: Manager: Avista 2012-13 @valuation KOLP, DANTELLE M Terms : Due Date : AVCI, MESU1' BUSHMAN, KATE M CARVILL, ANNAL CROPP, JEFFREYS K.HAWAJ'A, M. SAMJ LYONS , KENNE1'H M VJSSE:R, MICHAEL G WOOD, ANDREW W Direct Labor Travel Direct Costs lnvo~ce Subtocal NET 30 l.0/2q/H Pluss Amount Prev1ously l n 8xcess Invoice Tot:al Cur rent: Incurred liours: Current Hours 20.00 23.50 a.so l .50 11-50 0 .50 1. 50 4..20 63 .20 !nvoice Date: Remit To: THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECE;LVABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SU!TE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451-87:17 USA 09/24/14 Billing Period E'rom: 06/29/14 Billing Currency: To:08/30/14 Current Rate Amount: 150 .0000 $3,000 .00 150.0000 '3,525 .00 135-0000 67 .50 175.0000 262 .50 235.0000 2,702.50 125.0000 62 .50 125 . 0000 187.50 150.0000 630.00 ;il0,437.50 $897. 01 $897.01 $U, 334 . 51 -$52 670.78 $64,005.29 63-20 Page 1 of 6 Corpora ti! He;idqu;1rters: 100 Sth /\venue, Suite 100, Waltham, MA 02451 I Voice.: 617.673.7000 I Fax:6 l 7_673./00 I An Employee-Owned Company www.cadmusgroup.com USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment K Page 4 of 14 Billinq Number : Invoice Number, 6405·03·24 I N\7·190266 Bill TO: Avlst.a Co1:porat:ion Aten: David Thompson, P.PA 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 Customer Number: Prime Cont:rd.Ct Number: Subcontractor Number: Project Number.: Project Name: Project Manager: Terms ! Due Date : BUSHMAN. KATE M CARVILL, ANNA L KHAWA,JA, M. SAMI LYONS, KENNETH M Direct T,abor Invoice Total CUrrenr. Incurred Hours: AVISTA D-24469-No . l 6405 .0003 .0001 Avista KOLP, DANIEl,LE M NBT 30 10/J4/J.4 currem: Hou.rs S.50 0 . so 11. 50 0 .50 18.00 Invoice Date: Remit To: THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 024Sl-8727 USA 09/24/14 Billing Period From: 06/29/14 Billing Currency: To: 08/30/14 CUrrent Rate Amount 150.0000 $825.00 135 .0000 67 .50 23S.0000 2 ,702.50 125.0000 62.50 S3, 6S7. 50 $3 . 657.5{) 18. 00 Page 2 of 6 USD Staff_PR_05 Attachment K Page 5 of 14 Bi 11 i ng Number : Invoice Ntlmher, 6405·03 24 lNV·l.90266 Bill TQ: Avista Corporalion Attn: bavid Thompson, PPA 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA q9252 customer Number: Prime Contract Number : Subcontractor Number: Project: Number : Project Name, Project Manager: Terms: Due Date: VISSER, ~ICHASL G Direct Labor Invoice •rot.al Current Incurred Hours: AVISTA D-24469 No.J 6•105.0003.000~ Avis~a Res Impact KOLP, DANIELLE M NET 30 10/24 /14 current Hours 1.50 l. 50 Invoice Dace: Remit To: THE CI\.DMUS GROUP, INC. AT'l'N: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: 100 5TH AVENUE SU!'l'E 100 WALTH.A.~, MA 02451-8727 USA 09/24 / 14 Billing Period From:06/29/14 Billing Currency: To:08/30/14 Current. Rate Amount 125.0000 $1.87.50 $187.50 $187.50 1.50 Page 3 of 6 USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment K Page 6 of 14 B1ll1ng Number: rnvoice Number: 640!,-0J-24 INV 190266 Bill To: Avista Corporation Attn, David Thompson, PPA 1411 Bast Missjon Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 Customer Number, Prime Contract Number: Subcont r,;ct:or N1llnber: Project Number: Project. Name: Project Manager: Terms : Due Date: AVCl , ~!£SOT CROPP, JEFFREYS Direct Ldbor Invoice Total cur rent Incurred Hours: AVISTA D-24469 -No. l 6~05.0003.0005 AvisLa NR I mpact KOLP, DANIE:LLE M NET 30 10/24/14 Current Hours 20.00 1. 50 21. so Invoice Date: Remit To: THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOONTS RECE!VABLE 100 5Tfl AVENUE S01T£ 100 WALTHAM, MA 024 51-8727 USA 09/24/H Billing Period From:06/29/14 To:08/30/14 Billing Currency: Rate 150.0000 Current Amount $3 ,000 .00 175.0000~~~~~~2~6~2~·~5~0 $3,262.50 $3,262 .50 21.50 Page 4 of 6 USD Staff_PR_05 Attachment K Page 7 of 14 B1llin9 Number : Invoice Nui:,ber, 6405 03-24 l;NV·.190266 Bil] TO: Avista Corporation Attn: David Thompson, PPA 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane, IIA 99252 Customer Number: Prime Contract Number: Subcontractor Number: Project Number: Project Name : Project Manager: Terms : Dul:! Date: Travel Dire-ct Costs Invoice Total Cw: renL I ncurred Hours : AVISTA D-24469 -NO.l 6405.0003.0008 Avista NR Process KOLP, DANI EI,LE M NET 30 10/24/14 Invoice O;:ite: Remit To : THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN : ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SOITE J.00 WALTHAM, MA 02•151-872'1 USA 0'3/'Z'l/14 Billing Period From:06/29/14 To:08/30/14 Billing Currency: 0.00 Current Amount $897 .01 $89"1. 01 $897 . 01 Pages of 6 USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment K Page 8 of 14 Billing NumbeL: Invoice !':umber, 640!>·03 Z4 INV-190266 Pill To: Avista Cot·porac ion Attn: o~vid Thompson. PPA 1411 East Mission Avenue Syoka.~e, WA 99252 Custom,,.-Number: Prime Contract Number: Subcontractor Number: P1oject Number: Project Nl'lme : Project Manager: Te,ms: Due Date : BUSHMAN, KATE M WOOD, A.'IDREW W P rect. Labor TDvoice Tocal Current. rncurrl?d Hcna-s: AV1STA D· 24,H,9-No .l 640S.00C'3.00l0 Avi sen Regulatory S11ppor t KOLP, t)ANIELL£ M NET 30 10/24/1·, Curren'!"' Hour11 18.00 4 .20 21 .20 Invoice Date: Rern1 t To: THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100 Sn! AVENUE S011'£ 100 WALTHAM, MA 024Sc•8727 USA 0',/24/H Billing Peiiod From:06/29/14 To:08/30/14 Billir.g currency: Rat:e current Ar.1ount 150.0000 $2,100.00 1so.0000~~~~~~6_1~0_._o_o $3, 3.30.00 $3,330.00 :12.20 Page 6 of 6 USO St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t K Pa g e 9 o f 1 4 Company 'NIIIII~'. • I ..,,.,mvu-"'"". I • ·--·· -··-···o ~a!'.!m.11~ Gr211p .. i,J~ Allison Asplin 4/19/2014 Purposa I Clients Visited: Avista IFr: IFr: DCA I Fr: !Fr: IFr: PDX I Fr: GEG I Fr: Amount Paid by Travel Agent s 659.00 Cadmus Advances Received By Employee Expenses (Emplo}:'.ee) Is 1,556.01 Total Date: I 4/13 I 4/14 I 4/15 I 4/16 I 4/17 I 4/18 I 4/19 ~·:::. .,·' '·1l ··· ~i~, ., ·'~L _ Amount Due Cadmus :{~~lr · ~i=< . . -~1<-1::. ,~ ... ~': ' '· ... ~,Arnouot Due Employ,. MIieage Exeonse I I I I I I I 1 $ Amount I Account Name IProJecV/\cct. ft Car Rental & Gas 51,556.01 Avista 6405.0003.0008 Plano, Train, Bus _$184.50 $184.50 $290.00 $659_00 $ Amount Account Name ProJecUAcct. # Miscellaneous Local Trans. I Taxi $19.80 $48.00 $67.sol$ Amount !Account Name !ProjecVAcct. # Tolls Parklna IS Amount !Account Name I Projoct/Aoc\. # Tele hone/ Communicati, $19.80 $48.00 $67_80 S Amount Account Name I ProjeclfAcct. # $166.03 S166.03 $166.03 S498.09 Hotel Taxes Tips Certificat!Qn; I certify lhat lhls expense report contains no charges for alcohol and entertainment except as specified in SECTION II. $1,224.89 All costs were actually Incurred whlle performing company business . . . S1Gt,ll;D PerDlem 75% $49.50 $45.75 Per Diem 100% $ 66.00 s 66.00 $ 61.00 Actual I Note: Danielle Kole eaid for the whole group's hotel costs in Spokane and is expensing It Sj Rf ( f / Vf D By Ninette Stillman at 9:58 am, Aug 06, 2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment K Page 10 of 14 14 APR 2014 > 18 APR 2014 TRIP TO PORTLAND OR, OR PREPARED FOR ASPLIN/ALLISON FLETCHER WORLD TRAVEL 503 231-1600 reception@wtpdx.com \WORLD TRAVEL RESERVATION CODE WPRFSP AIRLINE RESERVATION CODE G3DTF5 (DL), WPRFCF (AS) Travel Arranger Priority Comments ALASKA -LUGGAGE FEES -1ST/2NO-25.00 EACH PIECE DELTA LUGGAGE FEES -1ST-25.00 2N0-35.00 ~ DEPARTURE: MONDAY 14 APR Please verity flight times prtorto departure ALASKA AIRLINES AS 0771 Duration: 05hr(s) :40min{s) Passenger Name: » ASPLIN/ALLISON FLETCHER Seats: =22c1 !confirmed ! DCA ._ POX Aircraft: PORTLAND OR, OR f BOEING 737-800 JET 1 WASHINGTON REAGAN, DC I ........... ·--..... _. _ ......... . • Departing At 5:10pm Terminal: TERMINAL B l....---·· ... . -··. -----·----- Arriving AL: 7:50pm Terminal: Not Available Distance (in Miles): 2334 Stop(s): 0 ·--'---·-----·------- C '.status·. eTicket lass: Frequent Flyer#: · Receipt(s): Meals: :economy:Confirmed 2668229251 / DELTA AIR LINES ,02n 381990133 iFood for ;INC iPurchase : ~ DEPARTURE: THURSDAY 17 APR Please verify flight times prior to depart..tre ALASKA AIRLINES AS 2048 Operated by: HORIZON AIR AS ALASKA AIRLINES Duration· 01hr(s) :10min(s) : POX i PORTLAND OR. OR ! Departing At 7:10am Terminal: Not Available i,, GEG SPOKANE, WA ............... ------· -···---.. -----··--..... : Arriving At 8:20am Terminal: Not Available Aircraft: DEHAVILLAND DASH 8-400TURB0PROP Distance (In Miles}: 0280 Stop(s): o ·-----··--··------ Passenger Name: Seats: Class: · Status: Frequent Flyer#: . e11cket Recelpt(s): Meals: » ASPLIN/ALLISON FLETCHERj09B / Confirmei EconomyiConflrmed. 2668229251 / DEL TA AIR LINES INC (0277381990133 ; ~ DEPARTURE: FRIDAY 18 APR Please verify flight times prior to departure DELTA AIR LINES INC DL 1488. Duration: 02hr(s} :47min(s} Passe~ger Name: » ASPLIN/ALLISON FLETCHER Seats: l21B / Confirmed : GEG I SPOKANE, WA > MSP MINNEAPOLIS ST PL, MN -----------Aircraft: MCDONNELL DOUGLAS MD-90 JET -~-..------..--------··-' Departing At 1:40pm Terminal: Not Available Arriving At: 6:27pm Terminal: TERMINAL 1 - LINDBERGH Distance (In Miles): 1173 Stop(s): O -------------- Class: Status: Frequent Flyer#: r .EconomyiConfirmed 2668229251 /DELTAAIR lLINES INC I eTicket Rece!pt(s): Meals: i0067381990134;Refreshments for l 'Purchase Staff_PR_05 Attachment K Page 11 of 14 Fwd: Y Olli Monday afternoon ride with Uber -Allison Asplin Page I of2 Fwd: Your Monday afternoon ride with Uber adf4b@alumni.virginia.edu on behalf of Allison Asplin <allisonasplin@gmail.com> Mon 4/14/2014 10:59 PM ro:Allison Asplin <allison.asplin@cadrrusgroup.com>; ----Fo1warded message ---------- From: Uber Receipts <re:::eipts.washington.DC@uber.com> Date: Monday, April 14, 2014 Subject Your Monday afternoon ride with Uber To: Allisonasplin@cmail.com $19.80 r . • ·. r ,·. . }... -...., lk:· •• l;;. ··1 CD _.,r~.' ,1; r.r.r'.11 Map clsto ©2014 GQog~ 03:34pm 2313 Sibley Street. Alexandria, VA 03:56pm Aviation Circle, Ronald Reagan Washington National A\rport (DCA), Arlington. VA CAR uberX miles 7.35 https://outlook.office365.com/owa/ TRIP TIME 00:22:06 April14.2014 Thanks for choosing Uber, Allison Base Fare Distance Time Subtotal CHARGED FARE BREAKDOWN Personal •••• 8966 3.10 10.29 6.41 $19.80 $19.80 8/5/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment K Page 12 of 14 Receipt from Ben Bahmanyar 0 Apr. 17, 2014 at 5:33am £48.00 1 Item Custom A.mount Subtotal Tip Total .. Visa 8966 Ben Bahmanyar © 2014 Square, Inc. AJJ rights reserved. 1455 Market Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94103 bttps://squareup.com/r/x3rxe-lrfodsvckjo8i9 Pagel of2 Receipt #ev80 $40.00 $40.00 $8.00 $48.00 8/5/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment K Page 13 of 14 Pago 1 011 Her.el Vintage Piaza 422 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97205 T: 503.228.1212 F: 503.228.3598 R: 800.263.2305 www.vlntageplaza.com ASPLIN, ALLISON l 04/14/14 04/17 /14 XXXXXXXXXXXX8966 04/14/14 718 04/14/14 718 04/15/14 718 04/15/1'1. 718 04/16/14 718 04/16/14 718 04/16/14 718 04/17/14 718 04/17/14 718 04/17/14 718 ROOM CHARGE TAX-ROOM ROOM CHARGE TAX-ROOM PAZZO ROOM CHARGE TAX-ROOM VISA HONOR BAR FOOD RAJD THE MINIBAR KI M PTONi hotels & restaurants 'tfI NTAGE PLAZj\ ~ A KIMPTON HOTEL Room Number: 718 Daily Rate: 145.00 Room Type: KGPR No. of Guests: 1 / 0 CAM [NEG 12200276383 I #718 ASPLIN, ALLISON TAX -ROOM ;ma ASPLII'\, ALLISON TAX-ROOM 716/2004/18 :26/PAZZO :ma ASPLIN, ALLISON TAX-ROOM VISA LUNA BAR, KIND RAID THE MINIBAR $145.00 $21.03 $145.00 $21.03 $30.82 $145.00 $21.03 ($528.91) $10.00 ($10.00) TOTAL DUE: $0.00 800.KIMPTON • KIMPTONHOTELS.COM Staff_PR_05 Attachment K Page 14 of 14 i-tt tatn·ant ?.ei.:e10t iO Sui:.:1 Pr: i. strp.et Spukani~, I.\ Q92[l1 ~;erve.-: CI111J1 Ll9:45 l'./4 Table 7tl VISA ·!: ~ ""/ _JI!;. 1200i7 ·~ ··-Jr .J~\f ~ .. : Caro 4\··.::>-/,\r·xx·,.X·t ·'~-· Magr~; ;,_ : ~rd r.f·esei,: · ;l;:.)i' ~at d r iTrry t+~·d 1:-n · c ~~:~:.:-,· ~. + Tip: I agi ss to pav the. :::t:o t.r/.J::i i arrr,unt acr.Ji~ifoY. tD J "i card issu1::1· cGi-eeire,1t. Guest CQ:iY