HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161013AVU to Staff 5 Attachment J.pdfStaff_PR_05 Attachment J Page 1 of 4 To: From: Subject: Date: MEMORANDUM David Thompson, Avista Kate Bushman, Cadmus Explanation of work for September 2014 October 10, 2014 The work billed for the month of September included the following major activities: • Analysis and writing standby generator block heater memo • Responding to RTF data request • Ongoing project management Work expected for October: • Finalize standby generator block heater memo • Data cleaning for RTF data request • Ongoing project management Project I Task I i::~ I Org. I Amount 120 5W W,1~h1ngton Street Suite 4lll} Portlc1nd OR 9720!:i Voice: 503.167.7100 Fax: :>O~ .228.36% Project 02803400 02803400 02803400 02803400 02803401 02803401 02803401 02803401 03803300 03803300 03803300 03803300 Task Exp Type Org. Amount 2426S8 828 T52 S Company 001 242659 242663 242664 242658 242659 242663 2426611 242658 242659 242663 242664 FERC An Emoloyee-Owned Compa, y www.cadmusgroup.com 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 Svc. Jur. 933372 TS2 TS2 T52 4,580.44 T52 T52 T52 T52 598.75 T52 T52 T52 T52 808.31 s 5,987.50 I ~~ I Amount S-2293 (07-06) Co1 porate Hl'tt<lqu,,nt'r): 100 5th Avenue, Suite I 00 Walth,m,, MA 02·15 I Voice; G 17 67 3 7000 Fax:617.6731001 St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t J Pa g e 2 o f 4 The Cadmus Group Billing invoice INV-190869 Billing Period 8/31/14-09/27/14 Allocation reference David Thompson October 10, 2014 Project Number Project Name 6405.0002 Avista EM&V 6405.0002.0002 Avista TRM review 6405.0003 .. 0001 Avista 2012-2013 Evaluatlon 6405.0003.0004 Avista Res Impact 6405.0003.0005 Avlsta NR Impact 6405.0003.0006 Avista LI Impact 6405.0003.0007 Avista Res Process 6405.0003.0008 Avista NR Process 6405.0003.0010 Avista Regulatory Support 6405.0003,0013 Avista Panel Study 6405.0003.0014 Avista New Programs Total $ 5,987.50 - $ 5,987.50 Tasks (EM&V) Residential Low Income Regional General N onreslden tia I 242658 242659 242661 242663 242664 $ $ $ $ $ 5,987.50 $ $ $ $ $ 5,987.50 Project WA electric WA natural gas ID electric ID natural gas 02803400 02803401 03803300 03803101 76.5% 10.0% 13.5% 0% $ 4,580.44 $ 598.75 s 808.31 $ Project Task Exp Type Org. Amount 02803400 242658 828 T52 s 02803400 242659 828 T52 02803400 242663 828 T52 02803400 242664 828 T52 4,580.44 02803401 242658 828 TS2 02803401 242659 828 TS2 02803401 242663 828 T52 02803401 242664 828 T52 598.75 03803300 242658 828 TS2 03803300 242659 828 TS2 03803300 242663 828 T52 03803300 242664 828 T52 808.31 $ 5,987.50 Staff_PR_05 Attachment J Page 3 of 4 aill:l.ng Number: Invo1c;e Number: 6405 -0.;-25 U,N-190869 Bill TO: Avista Corporation Att n: Davi d ThOJl!PSOn, PPA 1411 Bast Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 Customer Number: Prime Contract Number , Subcont.ractor t.'Wnber : Project Number: AVT.S'l:A 0-2446!1-i'lo.l 6405. 0003 Avista 2012-13 Evaluation KO~P. DANIELLE M CADMUS Invoice Date, Remit To : THE CADMOS GROUP, INC. ATrN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451-8727 USA 10/10/H Project Name, Project Manage1·, Terms, NET 30 Billing Period From:08/31/14 To:09/27/H Bi l ling currency: Due Date, i\VC.l, MESlJ1' i:\OSFIMAN, KA TE M CROPP, JEFFREY S Direct Labor Invoice Total current Incurred Hou-rs: 11./09/ 14 Current Hours 21.50 5 .00 ll. 50 38.00 Rate 150.0000 150.0000 C\lrrent Amount $3,225.00 750 .00 115.0000.~~~~~2"-'-'0~1~2~-~s""'o ~5,987.50 $5 987.50 ~8 .00 Page 1 of 2 Corporate Headquarters: 100 Sch Avenue, Suite 100. Wc1ltham, MA 02451 I Voice: 617.673.7000 I Fax:617.673.7001 An Employee-Owned Company www.cadmusgroup.com !JSD Staff_PR_05 Attachment J Page 4 of 4 B.i.ll ing N\lmber : Invoice Number: 6405-01 ?.5 rNV· 190869 Bill To: Avist:a corpot·ation Attn : David Thompsqn, PPA l,411 East Mis~ion Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 C\Jstomer Number: Prime Contract Number: SUbcon t ratter !lumber: ProjecL Nwnber: ProjecL Name: Project: Manager: Terms : Due Date-: AVCT, MBSU'r BUSHMAN, KATE M CROPP, JEFf'REY S Direct: Labor Invoice Total current; Incurred Hours: AVISTA D-24.469-No. l 6405. 0003 . 0005 Avist-a NR Impact KOLP, DANIELLE M Nl!T JC ll/09/14 Current. Hours 21.50 5.00 11.50 38.00 .Involce oat..e: Relidt TO : THE CADMUS GROUP, !:NC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS II.BCEJIVABLI! 100 5TH AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM. MA 02451•8?27 USA l0/1.0/1-1 Bi 11 ing Period Fro111, 08/31/14 Billing Currency: To:09/27/14 CUrrenc Rate Aul.Ount: 150.0000 $3,225.00 lS0.0000 750.00 175.0000 2 012.50 $5 ,987.50 $5 ,987.50 JS .00 Page 2 of 2 USD