HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161013AVU to Staff 5 Attachment I.pdfStaff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 1 of 24 To: From: Subject: Date: David Thompson, Avista Kate Bushman, Cadmus CADMUS MEMORANDUM Explanation of work for May-June 2014 August 3, 2014 The work billed for the months of May and June included the following major activities: • Finalize analysis and reports for process evaluation, WA electric and gas, and WA testimony • Finalize ID electric report and turn in draft and final • Deliver ID 2013 natural gas memo • Present general population results • Deliver general population results PowerPoint, Xcel, and Access Database • Draft ID electric report and complete savings analysis • Work on standby generator block heater memo • Respond to WA data requests • Ongoing project management Work expected for July: • Finalize ID 2013 natural gas memo Date~ ~1.s; 2-0l '1 Prepared for Payment ~.nl Approved for Payment ~{ Description € hl-rll £.,--~h\~~ 1 2..,.. z.o L3 • Respond to WA data requests Project I Task I i::~ Org. Amount • Regulatory support for WA and ID 02803400 02803400 02803400 02803400 02803401 02803401 02803401 02803401 03803300 03803300 03803300 03803300 • Write testimony for Idaho • Ongoing project management 7.20 SW Wc1shinylon Street Suite 400 Portland OR 97205 Voh:e: 503.467.7100 Fax: 503.228.3696 Company 001 An Employ<:e-Owned Cotnpony www.cadmusgroup.com 242658 242659 242663 242664 242658 242659 242663 242664 242658 242659 242663 242664 FERC 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 Svc. 917690 TS2 TS2 T52 TS2 TS2 TS.2 TS2 T52 TSl T52 TS2 TS2 $ ]3,564.38 1,714.05 5,142.14 (4,974.09) 1,773.12 224.06 672.18 (650.21) 2,393.71 302.48 </'3 907.44 (877.78) $ 20,19L47 Amount S-2293 (07-00) Co1pordlP Hedclqur1rll"t~: 100 5th Avenue, Suite 100 Walth<lm, MA 0:>451 Voice: 617.673 7000 Fctx:617.673 ;001 St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t I Pa g e 2 o f 2 4 The Cadmus Group Billing invoice INV-185943 BIiiing Period 4/27 /14-6/28/14 Allocation reference David Thomp.son August 14, 2014 Project Number Project Name 6405.0002 Avista EM&V 6405.0002.0002 Avista TRM review 6405.0003.0001 Avista 2012-2013 Evaluation 6405.0003.0004 Avista Res Impact 6405.0003.0005 Avista NR Impact 6405.0003.0006 Avista LI Impact 6405 .0003.0007 Avista Res Process 6405 .0003.0008 Avista NR Process 6405.0003.0010 Avista Regulatory Support 6405.0003.0013 Avista Panel Study 6405.0003.0014 Avista New Programs Total $ s 22,405.84 7,147.50 8,642.81 5,069.50 15,067.50 1,575.00 5,787.50 {52,670.78) 7,166.60 s 20,191.47 s Tasks {EM&V) Residential Low Income Regional General 242658 242659 242661 242663 $ s s 6,721.75 2,240.58 6,721.75 7,147.50 5,069.50 15,067.50 2,893.75 {26,335.39) 7,166.60 --- 17,731.21 s 2,240.58 s $ 6,721.75 Project Nonresidential WA electric WA natural gas 10 electric 10 natural gas 242664 02803400 02803401 03803300 03803101 $ 76.5% 10.0% 13.5% 0% 6,721.75 8,642.81 1,575.00 2,893.75 {26,335.39) $ (6,502.08) $ 15,446.47 s 2,019.15 $ 2,725.85 s Project Task Exp Type Org. Amount 02803400 242658 828 T52 s 13,564.38 02803400 242659 828 T52 1,714.05 02803400 242663 828 TS2 5,142.14 02803400 242664 828 T52 (4,974.09) 02803401 242658 828 TS2 1,773.12 02803401 242659 828 TS2 224.06 02803401 242663 828 T52 672.18 02803401 242664 828 T52 (650.21) 03803300 242658 828 TS2 2,393.71 03803300 242659 828 TS2 302.48 03803300 242663 828 TS2 907.44 03803300 242664 828 TS2 (877.78) s 20,191.47 Staff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 3 of 24 ailling Number, Invoice Number: 6405-03 -23 UN-1S5943 Bill To: Avista Corporation Attn: David Thompson, PPA 1411 East Missi on Avenue Spokane , WA 99252 Customer NUJUber: l?rime C:oncract Number, Subcontractor Number: Project Number: Project Name: Pr o ject Manager: AVISTA D-24 46!!-No.1 64 05 . 0'()03 Avista 2012-13 Evaluat ion KOLP, DANIELLE M CADMUS Invoice Date: Remit To: THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SUIT.E 100 WALTHAM, MA 02-151 8127 U$A 08/06/14 Terms : NE1' 30 Billing P-eriod From: 04 /27 /14 Billing Currency: Due Date: ASPLIN, ALL1$0N F AVCI. MESUT BUSHMAN, KATE M BUSKER, MADISON D CAROLLO, ANDREW M CROPP, JEFFREYS FISCHER, AMBER M HORVATH, ZACHARY E HUCKE'l'T, J ENNI FER C KHAWAJA. M. SAMI KOLP, DANIELLE M LYONS, KENNETH M MABEE, BEN,JAMIN J PE:ROSSI, MATO:J RAMEY, CAMERON T RO:EVES, SCOTT C ROHRBACHER, URIAH G ROWE, ERIN M SEFERIAN, ALEC V SONG, LOUlSE 09/05/1 4 Current HOW:$ 1 .00 6.00 35 .50 18 .00 10. 50 13 .00 33 .80 ~6.70 4.50 18.50 134 . 50 1.10 6.50 1.00 68 .00 3 .60 0. 50 2 .50 :LOO 41. 00 Rate 135.0000 150 .0000 150.0000 125.0000 l35. 0000 175 .0000 ~O.OOOD 100 .0000 150.0000 235.0000 150 .0000 125 .0000 125 .0000 175 .0000 135 .0000 150 .0000 75 .0000 150 .0000 R0 .0000 135 .0000 To:06/28/1'1 Current Amount $135.00 900 .00 5,325.00 2,250 .00 l, 41'7. so 2 ,275 .00 2,028 .00 4,670.00 675.00 4,347.50 20,175.00 137.50 812 .50 175.00 ~.180.00 540.00 37.50 375 .00 160.00 5,535 .00 Pagel of 10 Corporate Headqu<1rter~: 100 5th Avenue, Suite 100, Waltham, MA 02451 I Voice:617.673.7000 I Fax:617.673.7001 An E111ployee.Qwned Company www.cadmusgroup.com USD Staff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 4 of 24 B11U ng ~lumber: Invoice Number: 6~05-03-23 INV-1 85943 STEWART, JAMES r TAVIS, NICHOLAS B TODARO, LAORE!J K VELONIS , AQUILA K VISSER, M1CHAEL G WADWALKAR, SAURABH S WOOD, AND!U:W W Direct Labor ·rravel Postage & Delivery Other DirecL COSLS Direct Costs lnvoice SubLotal LesA Amount In Excess rnvolce ToLal C\lrrent Jnq1rred Hours : Project Number: 6~05.0003 Billing Cu rrency: Project Name: Avi$ta ~012-13 Evaluation Invoice Date: Current Hours Rat:e 17.00 17!>. 0000 3.00 80 .0000 l.. 00 1-35. 0000 2.00 150.0000 17.00 l25.0000 l.50 l35.0000 27 .so 150 .0000 517.20 517.20 Cw:rent Amour~t 2, 9·,s.00 240 .00 13$. ,o 300.00 2,125.00 202.,0 4,125.00 $71,253.00 $934 . 94 394. 31 280 .00 $1,609.25 $72,862.?.5 $52,§29 18 <=:: $20,191.47 _) Page 2 of 10 USO 08/06/14 Staff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 5 of 24 Billing N\,ll!!ber: Lnvoice Number: 6405-03 •23 INV-J.85943 Bill To: Avista Corporation Attn: David Thompson, PPA 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA ~~252 Customer N\,lmber: Prime conu-act Number: Subcontractor Number: Project Number: Project Name: Project Manager: Tl?rrns: Due Date: BUSHMAN, l<ATEI M KHAWAJA, M. Si'\MI KOLP, DANIELLE M LYONS, KENNETH M VELONTS, AQUILA. K Direct Labor Travel DirecL Costs Invoice Tota 1 CurrenL Incurred Hours, A\T1STA 0-24469-No. 1 6405 .0003 .0001 Avistil KOLP, DANIE:t.LE X 1-ffiT 30 09/05/14 CUrrent Hours 30.50 18. 50 85. 80 1.10 2. 00 137.90 Invoice Dat:e: Remit To: THB CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 3.00 STH AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MJ\ 02451-8727 USA 08/06/14 Billing Period From: 04/27/H Billing Currency: To:06/28/14 Current Rate A.'llount 150.0000 $4,575.00 235.0000 4,347.50 150.0000 1.2, 870. 00 125.0000 137 .50 150 .0000 300.00 $22,230.00 $175.84 $175 .84 $7,2,405.84 137. 90 Page 3 of 10 USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 6 of 24 Billing NumbeL: Invoice Number: 6405-03·23 INV-185943 Bill To: Avista Corporation Aten: navid Thomp$On, PPA 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane. WA ~9252 Customer Number: Prime Contract Number: Subcontractor Number: Project Number: Project Name : Project Manager: Terms , Due Date: CAROI,LO, ANDREW M FISCHER, AMBER M HORVATH , ZACHARY E KOLP, DANIELLE M PERUSSI , MATEI RAMEY, CAMERON T VTSSER, MICHAEL G ~1000, ANDREW W Direct Labor Invoice Total current Incurred Hours : AVISTA D 24469-No.1 640S .000.3 .0004 Avista. Res Impact KOLP, DANIELLE M NET 30 09/05/14 Cu:,;rent Hours l. 20 1:L.30 7.40 9 .50 l. 00 0 . SCl 12 .00 1o . 00 58. 90 Invoice Date: Remit To: THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOONTS RECEIVABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SUITE 1-00 WALTHAM, MA 02451 ·8727 USA 08/06/14 Billing Period From:04/27/14 BU l ing Currerlcy: To :06/28/14 Cur,ent Rat.<: Amount 13S. 0000 $162 .00 60 .0000 678.00 100 .0000 740.00 150 .0000 1,425.00 175.0000 175 .00 135 .0 COO 67 .50 125.0000 1. 500 .. 00 150 .0000 2 ,400.00 $7, J.47. 50 $7,14'/.SO 58.90 Page 4 of 10 USD Staff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 7 of 24 Billin9 Number: Invoice N"urober: 6405 03-2.3 INV-185943 Bill To: Avista Corporation Attn: Dav;d Thompson, PPA 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 Customer Number: Prime contract Number: Subcontractor Number: Project: Number: Project Name: Project Manager: Terms, Due Date : AVCI, MESUT CAROL,LO, ANDREW M CROPP , JEFFREYS !'ISCflER, AMBER M HUCKETT, JENNIFER C KOLP, DANIELLE M ROHRBACHER, URIAH G ROWE:, E:RIN M SEFERI AN, ALF.CV TAVIS , NICHOLAS B WADWALKAR, SAURABH S Direct Labor Postage & Delivery Other Direat Coses Direct Costs Invoice Tor.al Current Incurred Hours, AVISTA D-24 46~-No .1 (>4 05 . OOJ3 . 0005 Avista :,!R '!mpact KOLP, DANIELLE M NE'f 30 09/05/14 Current Hours b.00 9.30 13 .ao 11. 30 4 .50 7.80 0 .50 2 .50 2.00 3.00 1. 50 61. 40 Tnvoice Date: Remit To: THE CADMUS GROUP, I NC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE J OO 5TH AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451-8727 USA Billing Period From:04/27 /14 To :06/28/14 current Rate Amount 1 50.0000 $900 .00 135. 0000 1,255 .50 175.0000 2,275 .00 60 .0000 618 .00 150.0000 675 .00 150.0000 1,170 .00 75.0000 37 .50 150 .0000 375 .00 80.0000 160.00 80.0000 240.00 135.0000 202 .50 $7,968 .50 $394 .31 280 .00 $6H. 31 $8,642.61 61..40 Billing Page 5 of 10 08/06/14 Currency: USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 8 of 24 Billing Number: I nvoice Number: 6405-03-23 !NV•185543 Bill To , Avisca Corporat ion Attn: David Thompson, PPA 1411 East Mission !'.venue Spokane, WA 99252 CUstomer Number: Prime ConLra,ct Number: Subcontractor Number: Project Number, Project Name: Project M;mager: Terms: Due Date : BUSKER. MADISON D FISCHER, AMBER M KOLP, DANIELLE M MABEE, BENJAMIN J RE£VES , SCO-TT C Direct Labor Invoice Tot;,l Current I ncurred Hours : AVISTA 0·24469-No. l 6405 .0003.0006 l\vistr., L,I Impact KOLP, DANIELLE M NET 30 09/0S/14 Current: Hours 18.00 11.20 ~.JO 6.50 3.60 44. 60 Invoice Date : Remit TO: 'rHE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451-872:'l USA Billing Period From:04/27/14 To:06/28/H current Rate Amount 125.0000 $2,250.00 60 .0000 672 .00 150. 0-000 795. 00 125.0000 812.50 150.0000 540 . 00 $5,069.50 ~5.069.50 44 . 60 Billing Page 6 of 10 08/06/14 Currency: USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 9 of 24 Billing Nwnb,n: Invoice Number: 6405-03-23 INV-185943 Bill To: Avista Corporation Attn: navi.d Thompson, PPA 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 Custome,: Number : Prime Cont..ract Number: Subcontractor Number: Project Nurnber: Project Name: Project Manager: Terms: Due Date: KO!..P, DANIELLE M RAMEY, CAMERON T SONG, LOUISE 1'0DAR0, w\UREN K Direct Labor lnvoice 'total Current Incurred Hours : AVISTA D· 24469-No.l 6405 . 000,3. 0007 .Avista Res Pl:ocess KOLP, DANIELLE M NET 30 09/05/14 Current Hours 5.50 63. !'JO 41. 0() 1. 00 l l 1.00 Invoice Dace: Remit To: THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECElVABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SUITE lOO ~IALTHA."l, MA. 02451-8727 USA 08/06/1 4 Billi ng Period From,04/27/14 Billing Currency: To :06/28/14 Current Rate Amount 150.0000 $825.00 135. 00{)0 8,572 .50 135. 0000 5,535.00 135.0000 135.00 $15,067.50 $15,067.50 ll.l. 00 Page 7 of 10 USD Staff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 10 of 24 Billing NumbE1r: tcvoice Number: 6~05-03-23 INV-185943 Bill To : Avista Corporation Attn: David Thompson, PPA 1·111 East Mission Avenue Spokane. WA 99252 Customer Number: Prime Cont ract Number: Subcontractor Number, Project Nun\bei , Project Name : Project Manager , Terms : Oue Date : ASPLIN, ALLISON I, KOLP, DANIELLE M RAMEY . CAMERON T Direct Labor (nvoice Total Current: I ncurred Hours : AVIS'IJ\ D-24469-NO.l 64-05 . 0003. 0008 Avista NR Process KOLP, CANIELLE M NET 30 09/05/1~ current Hours 1. 00 6.00 4.00 11. 00 Invoice Date, Remit To: THE CADMUS GROUP. INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SllITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451 8721 USA 08/06/14 Billing Period From:04/27/14 Billing currency : To:06/7.8/14 Current Ra.t e Amo\lnt 135.0000 $135 .00 150.0000 900 .00 ns.0000 510 .00 $1,575 .00 $1 ,!,75 .00 11. DO Page 8 of 10 USD Staff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 11 of 24 ail ling Number: Invoice Number, 6405-03-23 INV-i8594J Bill To : Avista Corporation Attn: David Thompson, PPA 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane, l•JA 99252 customer Number: Prime Contract Number: Subcontractor Number: Project Number: Pr oject Name: Project Manager: Terms: Due Dat.e : J3USHMAl!, KA'rE M HORVATH, ZACHARY E KOJ,P, DANTELLE M STEWART, JAMES I VTSSER, M!CHAl::L G WOOD, ANDREW W Direct Labor Invoice Total Current Incurr ed Hours: AVTSTA 0·24469-No.1 G40S.0C03.0010 Avi sta Regulatory Support KOLP, DANIELLE M NET 30 09/05/1-l Current Hours 5.00 1 .70 10.60 5.30 5.00 11. so 39.10 Invoice Date: Remit To: THE CADMUS GROUP, !NC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 024 51-8727 USA 08/0(,/14 Billing Period From: 04 /27 /14 Billing Currency: To : 06/28/ 14 Current Rate Amount 150.0()00 $750 .00 100.0000 1'10.00 150.0000 1,590.00 175 .0000 927.50 125 .0000 6,25. 00 150 .0000 1 ,725 .00 $5,787 .SO $5,787.50 39 .10 Page 9 of 10 USD Staff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 12 of 24 Billi ng N\,l.!r.be1·: Invoice Number : 6405-03-23 l NV-185943 Bill To : Avista Corporation Attn: David Thompson, !?PA 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 customer Number: Prime Contract Number: Subcontr actor Number : !>reject Number: Project Name: Pr oject Mamiger: Ter msl 01.te Dace : HORVATH, ZACHARY E KOLP, DA.~IELLE M STEWART, JAMES I Di rect Labor Trave1 Direct Costs Invoice Total current Incurred Hours : AVISTA D-24469 No.1 6405. OCO.l. 0014 Avista -new progi=ams KOLP, DANIELLE M NET 30 09/05/14 Current Hours 3"/ .6.0 4.00 11. 70 53.30 Invoice Date: Remit To: THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451-8.727 USA 08/06/H Billing Period From:04/27/14 Bill:utg Currency: To:06/28/H Current Rate AmOuuc 100.0000 $3,760.00 150.0000 600 .00 175.0000 2,047.50 $6,407 .50 $759 .10 $759 .10 $7,166.60 53 .30 Page 10 of 10 USO St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t I Pa g e 1 3 o f 2 4 Company Name Th..s,_<;;i,s!mw, _GtQ!~ln,;, Purpose I Cllonts Visited: Presentation otWA and ID 0 Fr: Fr: Mon Tue Dato: 4'13 4114 4/15 Car Rental & Gas Jim Stewa.n Distnc1/0ffice POX s E.stlmatos at Avista Eneri Fr: Fr: POX Fr.Spokane !Fr: To: Wed Thu Fn 4f16 4/17 4/18 Wee~ E.rtd,ng 4/19/2014 Sat Total 4/19 Amount Paid by Travel Agent Cadmus Advances Rec.eh1ed Sy Ernp1oyee s 759.10 Amount Due Cadmus $ Amount Due Employee s 759.10 S Arn-0un1 Acrount Name Project/Acct # $759 101 Avista new progiams I 6405 0003 0014 I Ptcuie. Train, Bus I I I I I S40J ooj 525 001 I $432.001 S Amount !Account Name I Pro1ect/Acct ii Misceuaneous Local Trans I T ax1 ---t----~---+-----l--21S7~1 3.9.1---_sSll.91 I s152_60ISAmount Accouns Name Pro1ec.t1Acct # Tolls SAmo,mt Account Name ProiecU/~cct : 1 · --·· .... ___ --P!··.---I t I t I $71.301 $81.301 I $152.60( Amount g g St2700 $127.00 Account Name Pro1ect/Acct # Hotel Taxes S17 24 I I I $17.24 1 Ger1'fic:a11on I cert.,fy tna1 th•s eJr.pense report contains no charg\:s ITips I I I I I I I I for alcohol and emena1nmerr1 except as specified in SECTION II $728.84 All costs were actually incurred while performing company Pe, D1em 75% Per Diem 100o/~ /'.\c.tual Busines.s Meals s 430 Is 25 96 S4.30 $25.96 busmess APPROVED $30.26 $30.26 RECEIVED DAiE5 I J"t ft U {L{ DATE By Ninette Stillman at 3:12 pm, May 27, 2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 14 of 24 Gmail -Coofinnation Letter -AEZAHH 04/17/14 -from Alaska Airlines https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=f357bd4d8c&view=pt&q=S ... I of3 James I. Stewart <econjim@gmail.com> Confirmation Letter· AEZAHH 04/17/14 -from Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines <Alaska.lT@alaskaair.com> Reply-To: Alaska Airlines <Alaska.Confirmationletter@alaskaair.com> To: ECONJIM@gmall.com Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 4:24 PM If you have trouble viewing this message, click here to request a plain text-only version of this email. ~m~Un~ HOME PLAN & BOOK DEALS DESTINATIONS MILEAGE PLANrM Confirmation Code: AEZAHH Below is your booklng confirmation. Thank you and enjoy your trip. Need to change your flight? Visit us in advance, online or through reservations. Flight ~uliJ Alaska 2352 Bombardier 0400 Departs Portland, OR (POX) Thu, Apr 17 9:00 am Arrives Spokane (GEG) Thu, Apr 17 10:04 am Class Travefer(s) M James Stewart (Coach) Seat(s) 13A Operated By Horizon Air as Alaska Airlines. Check In with Alaska Airlines. Alaska 2029 Bombardier 0400 Spokane (GEG) Fri, Apr 18 8:50 am Portland, OR (POX) Fri, Apr 18 10:03 am y (Coach) James Stewart 30 Operated By Horizon Air as Alaska Airlines. Check In with Alaska Airlines. Summary of Airfare Charges James Stewart Delta Frequent Flyer# ******0473 Ticket 0272145328040 Base Fare and Surcharges Taxes and Other Fees per person total: Amount Due For Air Travel View All Taxes, Fees and Charges Total Charges and Credits $334.88 $47.12 USO $382.00 Nonrefundable fare of $382.00 was charged to the Visa card with number ************1109 held by James I Stewart on 04/10/2014. Hotels & Cars 1· ----------- / LOW ;;ld".'.f CiUARANTl!I! ! 11, __ ~vid~ ~ ~~j~ -j IT Need a Hotel? Use our hotel deal finder to book a hotel In Spokane. " Need a Ride? Use our car deal finder to rent a car In Spokane. Get the Signature Card 5/12/2014 12:21 PM Staff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 15 of 24 STEWART/ James ADDITIONAL FEES RECEIPT Flight 2352 M r-~ --.-.---.. , From Portland, OR Operated by Horizon Air Total Charged: $25.00 USO ~ 11:WAK I/ James ADDITIONAL FEES RECEIPT Flight From To To Spokane 2029 Y Spokane Operated by Horizon Air Portland, OR •bll Cfi;irged: $7.5.00 USD ** PAID BAGS** Date 17APR14 ncket-No. 0272145684412 FOP: VlXXXXXXXXXXXX4306 Ticket Date: 17APR14 Record Locator: AE~HH ** PAID BAGS ** Date 18APR14 Ticket No. 02721457413-99 FOP; VTXYX~"<Y' :xxxxX4306 Ticket Date: 18APR14 Record Locator: AEZAHH Staff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 16 of 24 Guest Name: .. THE DAVENPORT James Stewart Please Print Address Spokane, VIA 99202 CL#: CC#: XXXXXXX**u HOTE L COLLECT I ON OAVE!"PORT • TOWER • LUSSO USA NTIVe: 04/ \7 / I 4 Time:-68:46 Pivi Date 04/17/2014 04/17/2014 04/17/2014 04/17/2014 Description ROOM CHARGE LODGING TAX SALES TAX TPA ASSESSMENT Reference 9 12 9 12t 912t 912t LODGJNG TAX SALES TAX TPA ASSESSMENT Page No. 1 Room#: 912 Folio#: RB2F6F - 1 Group#: Guests: Clerk: &t1t~:. FOL - Charges $127.00 $4.19 $11.05 $2.00 r--. Credits ; Folio Balance~----~1_1~._24 Guest Signature:---------,-----·---------------- IO S. Post Street Spokane. WA 99201 Phone (509) 455-8888 Fax (509) 624-4455 www.davenporthotelcollection.com Staff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 17 of 24 5pol:ane Cab '84 E P ific Ave. ipokane WA I !Alf. APR 11. 2814 IIHF ll : 19 :AB 29 )R1 ~ER 6564 JOB IO iETER HART :ND =ARE fOTAL fIP fOTAL ii SA KXXXXXXXXXXX 1109 88846D SWIPE CUSTOHER'S COPY 0 8 11:08 II :!~ 30. 00 30. 00 5. 00 3~. 00 Thank you for your business! 589 568 8008 Date 'f • t Q' j L,,,4,,,1r, ~ ""'.J ~ ""'~ l~ ~ From To A,t :"fut~ ---1-~-_:__ __ Amount $ "l-4. 0 0 Thank you for your business! ----- 8725 NF r w:"' .. on St. P::i: ~ r ,•,.!. OR 503--~·;, · ]133 Date Tiirre ~IST .......... . ARE. ..... . EXTRAS. .. TIP ..... (JJ,. iBI 14 10:21:55 12. 20 · · · $ 37. 20 $ o. 00 RADIO C/1 .; 1613 NW KlAh·,: • PORTLAND. CJ:: 503-227-121 c' DATE: PICK-UP TTHI OROP-OFI r~: TRIP HI LOCATION­ CAR HUHBEH CARO TYPE CARO: EXPIRY: AUTH: FARE (S.· EXTRA (S> SUBTIL C$J TIP ($):. TOTAL (S) .. SIGNATURE:_ JUMP SH.. .'; :. · • • : 11,i:: I I at 10 ~, 28 81, I (49 . : 'iSlS6 0894 VJSA ,, 1109 ··!~• u1'l;MO ·;: 30 e 00 ,; 30 · $ 4. 50 24 HOUR 01:t '·· · \-1 : TOTAL .....•. · · · f 41. 70 Visa XXXX X)(X)( •.. . I , .. ~ MID 445100b'tf:JVJ . ._, A1Jthorizat 1or ·· -· 'lr • I )Vl1~:,t) Signature: 4 WAYS ,o ~·-··· -CJ : .. . -wi. .. . -f I!)< 1 -D011i1 ·1., I * * * * * * • • • ' ;!·~!$: .., .),)_, •. ·:(;;n ' ';rlf!t;·l ~i.:1.91 C 4~1.-. :E U,-1 :z; CC:T .:z: WO> I ::; C: .::.~ ::, IS) -· CO'< 0 t 0 :, -c: n "-) ~~2 f.- (. ·-il .;. ::, "' (I) <II n C: U) -I <:) :x m ~ U) ,.., ~ V,><< I -I GX~ I 0 ....,.XV> I ._... ~~::, : ~ X t X t X I X X X X CUSTOHER'S C, .... __,...,, I mu,xc... , c::,n~c::, ....io :1> :z:-1 mo : ::t:JJ:>-> -c~~lc,s;=a::<~~~ I I -':"'._ I m I ;:",CC I ' I ' I l ?' --I --!,11 ~!')!'): ~~ ' ~-:-:'~ ~ ~~~: ;;~c,cs.,: ~~;;:;: Staff_PR_05 Attachment IPage 18 of 24 HMSHOSI SIA RBUCKS COFl tE ltRMlNAL C SPOKA~E IN T'L AIR PORT 202 Leona ------------------------------· Cl1K 8826 P,PR 18' 14 7: 50 AH ---·--------------~ 1 AHERICANO T 2. 40 l \•JHO LE APPLE 1 . 30 SUBT OHL 3. 70 1AX 0 .3~ AMOUNT · 4 . 0 2 1 • 20 .0. CASH 1 " ,.. "' 'u .v.: CHA NGE YM~liost·Spol<ane Kev~~ Jones-General Mt ~l-: 509 ~624-3400 xx3300 kev ,n.jones2@hmshost .co1 HMSHost Ma ki ng The Travelers Da ~ HMSH OSt Stor e Cece = 5r F1nd Os On Facet \. · · ~ -,.. e" o ~ 1• r o'" / u · ~ u ,, • C'"' 1.1 Ur .. -m n' X r-+ 0 rt Q) ...... n -· ~~~ -· C: !B (/) ::, VI .-+ r-+ &J 0 i\ I d: ::, rt ~ r-+O II Ci £" ~ .. + I -i 6 rt =1 co I~ I...C ~ ...)) lo ~ ..(. C ~ ~ 'O ~ .. I HMSHOST STARBUCKS C PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL AIRPOR1 286428 Brenda -------------------------------· CHK 550 GST · APR17'14 7:44AM ---------------- ---------------. TO GO AM ERICANO G 2.55 BAGEL PLAIN 1.25 ADD CREAM CHZ 0.50 SUBTOTAL 4.3u AMOUNT PAID 4. 3 r CASH , 5. CHANGE 0 --286428 Closed APR17 07:4 THANK · Y () U FOR YOUR BUS JI'' TELL US ~BOUT YOUP SUS AN 0 ·1 503-249 -: SUSA N.O 'NElLGl H' ~t"S g§i 0. ~~ r,i (""+ - ro~ ~ :~'ij ~~ .. _. ~ ~:ii n· ~~~ !H ~ ai' a> 0 £" ~ g c; -:, ~ ~ ~d'~ <.nf~@ r'1 ~:x:, ~ ~ i~i ~ s § -.. .... .... ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ioo oo & ~~ ~ N"'°-"'" St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t I Pa g e 1 9 o f 2 4 Company Name: The Cadmus Group. Inc. M. ~ml Khawata District/Office Portl1ndL OR Week Ending 4119/2014 Purpose /Clients Vlalted:1Avista Cllent~Htlng ,~ .. ,vu .... -·~ wY .... ~,Ag~... I I Fr: Fr: Fr: Fr: Fr: POX Fr: GEG Fr: Cadmu.s Adve~ces R&ceiyed By Employee ! 726.68 t>.a.~: ~1_3 4/14 4/15 4/18 4/17 4/18 4/19 r ~ · "'•)~=J'.~" !Amount Due Cad mu$ $ ,- ~ .. ,?j,!,~~~.sJAmount Due Employ1111 $ !26.68 Mileage Expa.nse $Amount Account Name ProJecVAccl # Car Rental & Gas Plane, Train, Bua Misceflaneou, $175.841 Avista 640S.0003.0001 Local Trans./ Taxi S Amount !Account Name ProjecVAcct # ToCls I Par!ung! I Telephone/ Communications I I I I $S4.00I I $S4.00I$ Amount Account Name Project/Acct. # I p I I I I I I $64.001 j $&4.00I$ Amount Account Name Project/Acct # $107.00 $107.00 HoteUaxes $14.84 }14.S-4j Certjftcal!on: I certify that this expense repo.rt contains no charges for 1 ··r:: I I I I j t I I 'alcohol and entertainment except as specified in SECTION II. All pe $176.84 costs were actually lncurred while performing company business. DATE 5/20/2014 DATE 5120/2014 Danielle Kolp paid for Semi's Fl!9.hl RECEIVED Bv Ninette Stiflman at 10:57 am. Mav 28. 2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 20 of 24 * Page No I THE DAVENPORT H OTE L COLLE CT ION Of,VENPORT • row1:11. • Lt.JSSO Guest Name: Sarni Khawa ja Room#: 712 The Cadmus Gro up Folio#: RB10Dl.6-l 720 S W Washington Group#: Ste 400 Guests: Portland, OR 97205 USA Clerk: CL#: CC#: XXXXXXX**** Arrive: 04/17/14 Time: 08:46 PM Depart: 04/1 &/14 Time: 02:36:59 S1atus: FOL Date Description Reference Comment Charges Credits 04/17/20 14 ROOM CHARGE 712 $107.00 04/17/20 14 LODGING TAX 712t LODGING TAX $3.53 04/17/2014 SALES TAX 7121 SALES TAX $9.3 1 04/17/2014 TPA ASSESSMENT 7 12t TPA ASSESSMENT $2.00 I I Folio Balance: $121.84 Guest Signature:----------------------------- IO S. Post Street Spokane. WA 9920 I Phone (509) 455-8888 Fax (509) 624-4455 w, ... w.davt.'.nporthotclcullection .com St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t I Pa g e 2 1 o f 2 4 SUi>l'\dal'"O l-'61'"kU .. 9 Box 564?5 and, OR 97c3S 'S03 > 460-4386 .' Fax ( 503 > 460-4., 04 "18/14 17 •00 hon1 ffle coiP1 ~,,.,. P,1rlo(in'9 'et i!fi.r •~red 04 1~~!6·03 ~J.ld 1)1i 113/1~ 5 4 0(1 a•~.;;r-,l'th Ot s r.a-. I =;rdJ. ttl • 739301 101 tal Amount s edit Visa $ ~x xxxx xxx~ 2104 ~ Staff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 22 of 24 ... .__. ............ 0 ...... - Fed Ship • Track =edEx Billing Online Account Summary Search/Download Tracking ID Details Tracking ID Summary Billing Information Tracking ID no. Invoice no Account no Ship date Invoice date Due date Tracking ID Balance due Status View !ovoice History View signature proof of delivery Transaction Details Sender Information Alec Seferian Cadmus 100 5th Ave #100 LEXINGTON MA 02421 us Shipment Details Ship date Payment type Service type Zone Pacllage type Weight Pieces Meter No. Declared value Original Reference Customer reference no. Department no. Manage Learn MyOpbons T 770241838154 2 -686-87380 1094-6894-D 06t09/2014 06/16/2014 07/01/2014 S0.00 Closed 06/09/2014 Shipper FedEx Express Saver 08 FedEx Envelope o.oo lbs 4807575 $0.00 6405.0003.0005 My Profi !l Suµpart l.ocahons ~ Eng 1sh • FedEx Office ® View Cart ~ Printer-fnendlyfi @ ~fi {Dlfi 1:ie.!Q T! o.oo S !& B lll fi Message Center Messages Distance Based Pricing, Zone 8 The Earned Discount for this ship date has been ca Read More Fuel Surcharge • FedEx has applied a fuel surcharg Read More Recipient tnformation Danielle Cote-Schiff Kolp 720 SW WASHINGTON ST PORTLAND OR 97205 us Charges Transport.ition Charge Fuel Surcharge Weekday Delivery Ea.rned Discount Automation Bonus Discount Total charges Updated Reference Customer reference no. Department no. 17.25 0.95 0.00 -5.52 ·1.73 $10.95 IJ.JEdil Staff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 23 of 24 .................. 0 .......... .. Fed Ship =edEx Billing Online Account Summary Tracking ID Details Tracking ID Summary Billing Information Tracking ID no_ Invoice no. Account no. Ship date Invoice date Due date T(acking ID Balance due Status Yiey1 fnvorce HfsJory Track Sel!rchJDownload Manage Learn My Options .,.. 798816079952 2-658-02312 1094-6894-0 05/09/2014 05/19/2014 06/03/2014 $0.00 Closed Yiew signature proof of delivery Transaction Details Sender Information Caleb Wisch Cadmus Group 100 51h Avenue WAL THAM MA 02451 us Shipment Details Ship date Payment type Service type Zone Package type Actual welght Rated weight Pieces Meter No. Declared value Original Reference Customer reference no, 05/09/2014 Shipper FedEx Standard Overnight 08 Customer Packaging 20_00 lbs 49.00 lbs 4807575 $100.0.0 6405.0003.0005 My Profl~ <;uppaii l.oeai.OOS FedEx Office ® • View Cart~ Pdoter-friend!ytfl @ ~[R (J) ~ o.oo lfl lil R Iii R~ Message Center Messages FedEx has audited this shipment for correct packag Read More We calculaled your charges based on a dimensional Read More Distance Based Pricing, Zone B The Earned Discount for this ship date has been ca Read More Fuel Surcharge -FedEx has applied a fuel surcharg Read More Recipient Information Mesut Avci The Cadmus Group 720 SW WASHINGTON ST PORTLAND OR 97205 us Charges Transportation Charge Declared Value Charge Fuel Surcharge Weekday Delivery Earned Discount Additional Handling Charge -Package Automation Bonus Discount Total charges Updated Reference Customer reference no. 277.05 0.00 15.00 0.00 -91.43 8.50 -27.71 $181.41 l±IE.dil Staff_PR_05 Attachment I Page 24 of 24 ....... ~~ ...... .:, ... .-...... .... fed X Ship • Track =edEx Billing Online Account Summary Search/Download Tracking ID Details Tracking ID Summary Billing Information Trackir19 ID no. Invoice no. Aocounl no. Ship d<l!e Invoice date Due date Tracking ID Balance due Status View lovoice History View slooature proof of defiyecy Transaction Details Sender Information April Coursey Cadmus Group 720 SW Washington St. PORTLAND OR 97205 us Shipment Details Ship date Payment type Service type Zone Package type Actual weight Rated weigh! Pieces Meter No. Declared value Original Reference Customer reference no. Manage Learn MyOptions ..,. 798876941102 2-658-02312 1094-6894-0 05{15/2014 05/19/2014 06/03/2014 S0.00 Closed 05/15/2014 Shipper FedEX Priority Ov.ernight 08 Customer Packaging 30.00 lbs 40 .. 00 lbs 4807575 $6,000.00 6405.0003.0005 ® * FedEx Office • View Ca.rt fl@) Pciotec-ioendly[g ® l.QQ.Qw[& <DJd l:wl.a -...1 o.oo !W] fl t8 [6 I~ Message Center Messages FedEx has audited this shipmen! for correct packag Read More We calculated your charges based on a dimensional Read More Distance Based Pricing, Zone 8 The Earned Discount for this ship date has been ca Read More Fuel Surcharge -FedEx has applied a fuel surcharg Read More Recipient Information Matt Piantedosl The Cadmus Group, Inc. (Waltha 100 5th Avenue suite 100 WAL THAM MA 02451 us Charges Transportation Charge Declared Value Charge Fuel Surcharge Courier Pickup Charge Weekday Delivery Earned Discount Automation Bonus Discoun1 Direct Signature Total charges Updated Reference Customer referer\ce no. 237.05 54.00 12.84 0.00 0.00 •78.23 -23.71 0.00 $201.95