HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161013AVU to Staff 5 Attachment G.pdfStaff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 1 of 80 CADMUS MEMORANDUM To: David Thompson, Avista From: Danielle Kolp, Cadmus Subject: Explanation of work for March 2014 Date: May 22, 2014 The work billed for the month of March included th Date J~ ~ 20/':/.. Obtain additional program datasets, billing Prepared for Payment ~ ~ • Approved for Payment • Analyze program savings data, including lov Description C ,.~.> €h1 W ~Sm ,_orf+d It~ JV1 ,,._i.._ ZtJl't • Run general population survey Project I Task : Type I Exp. I Org. I Amount • Field nonresidential participant and nonparti< 02803400 242658 828 T52 $ 47,669.93 02803400 242659 828 T52 14,068.35 • Perform nonresidential site visits 02803400 242663 828 TS2 629.21 02803400 242664 828 T52 60,999.42 • Analyze nonresidential savings data and site " 02803401 242658 828 TS2 6,231.36 02803401 242659 828 T52 1,839.00 • Panel study analysis on existing data 02803401 242663 828 T52 82.25 02803401 242664 828 TS2 7,973.78 • Begin fielding data collection for commercial I 03803300 242658 82.8 TS2 8,412.34 03803300 242659 828 T52 2,482.65 contractors 03803300 242663 828 T52 111.04 03803300 242664 828 T52 10,764.60 • Project management $ 161,263.93 Work expected for April: Company FERC Svc. Jur. I ~~ I Amount 001 • Prepare for and deliver preliminary preser S-2293 (07-06) • Finalize program savings data, billing analyses, and NTG analysis • Conclude general population survey • Analyze nonresidential participant and nonparticipant survey results 900459 • Complete nonresidential site visits • Analyze nonresidential savings data and site visit results • Write draft reports for process evaluation, WA electric and gas, and draft testimony • Continue fielding data collection for commercial lighting contractors and residential HVAC contractors • Ongoing project management 720 SW Wdshinyton Street Suite 400 Pc,1 tland, OR 97205 Voice: 503.467.7100 FoY" 503.228 3696 A11 Employee-Owned Company www.cadmul>group.com Corporate Headqudrters. 100 5th Avenue. Suitt! 100 Wolthc1rn. MA 02451 Voice: 617.673.7000 Fc1x:617.67U001 St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t G Pa g e 2 o f 8 0 The Cadmus Group Billing invoice INV-177853 Bil ling Period 2/23/14-3/29/14 Allocation reference David Thompson May 27, 2014 Project Number Project Name 6405.0002 Avista EM&V 6405.0002.0002 AvistaTRM review 6405.0003.0001 Avista 2012-2013 Evaluation 6405.0003.0004 Avista Res Impact 6405.0003.0005 Avista NR Impact 6405.0003.0006 Avista LI Impact 6405.0003.0007 Avista Res Process 6405.0003.0008 Avista NR Process 6405.0003.0013 Avista Panel Study 6405.0003.0014 Avista New Programs Total s 6,710.00 41,910.00 61,492.17 16,502.50 14,042.00 11,884.00 6,680.76 2,042.50 $ 161,263.93 Tasks (EM&V) Residential Low Income Regional General 242658 242659 242661 242663 $ s $ $ 2,000.00 1,887.50 822.50 41,910.00 16,502.50 14,042.00 3,34038 1,021.25 --- $ 62,313.63 $ 18,390.00 s $ 822.50 I Project Nonresidential I WA electric WA natural gas ID electric ID natural gas 242664 02803400 02803401 03803300 03803101 $ 76.5% 10.0% 13.5% 0% 2,000.00 61,492.17 11,884.00 3,340.38 1,021.25 s 79,737.80 $ 123,366.91 $ 16,126.39 $ 21,770.63 s Project Task Exp Type Org. Amount 02803400 242658 828 T52 s 47,669.93 02803400 242659 828 T52 14,068.35 02803400 242663 828 T52 629.21 02803400 242664 828 T52 60,999.42 02803401 242658 828 T52 6,231.36 02803401 242659 828 T52 1,839.00 02803401 242663 828 T52 82.25 02803401 242664 828 T52 7,973.78 03803300 242658 828 T52 8,412.34 03803300 242659 828 T52 2,482.65 03803300 242663 828 T52 111.04 03803300 242664 828 T52 10,764.60 s 161,263.93 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 3 of 80 Billtng Number: Invoice Number: 640~-03-22 INV-177653. Bill To: Avista Corporation Attn: David Thompson, PPA 1411 East: Mission Avenue Spokane. WA 99252 Customer Number: Prime Cont:ract: Number: Subcontractor Number: Ptoject Number, Project .r,Jame : AVISTA D-24469 No.1 6405.0003 Av ista 2012-i:i Evaluation KO!,P, DANtELLE M CADMUS Invo i ce Oat.e: Remit To: THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE l.00 5TH AVENUE SUI'l'E 100 vlAJ...THA."1, MA 02451-8727 OSA 05/22/H Project Ma:ruiger, Terms: N.:1' 30 Billing Period From, 02/23/14 To, 03/?.9/H Bi lling Currency, Du(• Date, ASPLIN, ALLISON F' !WCI, MESUT BOYLE., BYRON •r BROEKELSCHE.N, HENDRI.K 13 BURDEN, RONALIJ F BUSHMAN, KATS M BUSKER, MADISON D CAROLLO, ANDRE'il M CARVILL, ANNA L CELUSTKA, ROBERT A CHRIST&'iSEN, JASON M CROPP, ,H:WRF.:Y S DRAKE-MCLAUGHLIN, NICHOLA FISCHBR, /\MB.ER M HORVATH, ZACHARY E IACCARrNO III, J OSEPH M KEELING, JOSHUA B KHAWAJA, M. S/\MI KIM, DAVID D 06/21/14 Current Hours 28.00 64 .so 28.l.O 2.00 32.00 11.50 106.50 5.00 11. )0 1.00 l.00 35.50 16 .00 0 .50 105 .60 87 .00 :LOO LSO 1.50 l.20 CUrrent Rate Amount. 135.0000 $3,780.00 150 .0000 9 ,675.00 125.0000 3 ,512 .50 125.0000 250.00 US.0000 4,000 .oo 150 .0000 l, 725 .00 125.0000 13,312 .50 135. 0000 67!'>.00 135.0000 1,525.50 125.0000 125.00 100.0000 100 .00 175.0000 6 ,?.12 .SO 125.0000 2,000.00 60.0000 30 .00 100.0000 10,560.00 125.0000 10,875.00 150. 0000 450 .00 235.0000 822 .50 150.0000 225. 00 125.0000 150 .00 Page 1 of 10 (Qrporale I leadquarLers: 100 5th Avenue.Suite l 00, Walth<1m. MA 02451 l Voi<.e: 617.673.7000 l Fax:617.673.7001 All Employee-Owned Comp1111y www.cadmusgroup.com USD Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 4 of 80 Billing Numben Invoice Number: KOLP, DANIELLE LEE, HANN/\ p LEE, IVAN LEE, PETliR LYONS, KENNETH MABEE, BENJA...,tIN M M J 6,05-03-22 INV-17"1853 . PERUSSI, MATEI RJ\NEY, CAl"lERON T REEVES, SCOTT C RI El'I'Z, ANDREW D ROHRBACHER, URIAH G ROWE, ERIN M SCJiAf'FER, PETER G SENGOPTA, SI\.NC!f!TA STEWART, JAMES I TODARO, LAUREN K VISSER, M!CHAE:L G WADWALKAR, SAORABH S WISCH, CALE:B J ROOD, ANDREW ~I Direct Labor Tra,rel Postage~ Delivery Sub/Cont Ocher Direct Costs Direct Costs Invoice Tot:al CUrrcnc Incur.red Hours, 6405.0003 Project Number, Project Na111e: Avi.ista 2012-13 Evalu11tion Current Hours Rate 35 .10 150 .0000 65.00 125.0000 17 .10 75.0000 73.50 150.0000 0.90 125.0000 6.00 125.0000 so .so 175.0000 52 .00 135.0000 :n.Go 150.0000 18.50 125.0000 24.00 75 .0000 57.40 150 .00()0 1.50 100 .0000 69.00 125.0COO 6.90 175.0COO 16.50 135.0000 37.50 125 .0000 "3.00 135 . 0000 3.00 75.0000 16 .20 J,50 .0000 1,119.90 1,119 .90 &illing Cun·ency: Invoice Date : currenr. Amount 5,265 .00 8,125 .00 l, 282.50 1.1,025.00 11.2.50 750.00 8,837 .50 7,020 .00 3,240 .00 2 ,312.50 1,800.00 8 ,610.00 150.00 8 ,625.00 1,207.50 2,227.50 4,687.SO -ios .oo 225.00 ::! , 43{) . .00 $148,343.00 $8,184.34 229.59 3,350.00 1,157 .60 $12 ,920.93 $161 ,263.93 Page 2 of 10 USD 05/22/14 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 5 of 80 Billillg Number: Invoice Number : ~405·03-22 INV-177853. Bill TO: Avisca Corporation At1=11: David Thompson, ?PA 1411 Bast lussion Avenue Spokane , WA 99252 customer Number, Pri me Contract Number: Si,ibcontractor Number: Project Number: Project Name: Project Manager, Te-i:ms: Due Date: BUSHMAN, KATE M KHAWAJA, M. SAM! KOLP, DANIELLE M LYONS, KENN£'!'H M Direct Labor Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours: AVISTA D-24469-No.l 6405.~00J .0001 Avista KOLP, DANIELLE M NE'r 3:1 06/21114 Current. Hours 11,50 3.50 27.00 0 .90 42. 9'0 rnvol.c.-, Date: Remit TO: Till:: CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECElVABLij l OD 5TH AV!lt.'OE SUITE 100 "'Al.THAM, MA 02451·8727 USA 05/22/14 Bi lling J?exiod Prom:02/23/14 Billing currency: To:03/29/H Cun.ant Rate Amount 1so .ooao $1,725.0C 235 .0000 822. SC 150 .0000 4,QSO.OC 125 .0000 112.SC $6,710.0C l!6, 710.00 42. 90 Page .3 of 10 USD Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 6 of 80 Billing Numbe1·: rnvo1ce Null1het: 6405-03-22 INV-177853. Bill TO: Avista Corporation Attn: David Thomp~on, PPA 1411 East: Mission 1\ven\le Spokdne, WA 99252 Cus&ome;r Numl)er: [Jrime Cont.race Nllmbet : Subcontractor Number: Project. Number: l'roj ec& Jqame: Project Manager: Te_rms: Due Date, BROEKELSCHF.N, HENDRIK B BUSKER, MADISON D CAROLLO, ANDREW M CELUSTKA, ROBERT A Cf4RISTENSEN, JASON M DRAKE-MCLAUGHLIN, NICHOLA HORVATH, ZACHARY E KEELlNG. JOSHUA B KOLP, DA.'lIELLE M P E:RUSSI . Wl1'F.:J Rl\MEY, CA."lERON T RlETZ, ANOR1;w 0 SCHAFFER, PETER G SENGUPTA, SANCHITA STEWART, Jr.MES I VISSER, MICHl'.JllJ G WOOD, ANORB~I W Direct Labor Invoice Total Cun·em: Incurred Hours, AVISTA D-24469-No.1- 6405. 0003 . 0004 Avista Res Impact KOLP, Dl\NIBLLE M NET 30 06/21/14 Current Hours 0 .50 7.00 s.oo LOO 1.00 16 .00 9Ll0 3.00 4 .80 50.50 J..00 18.SO 1.50 69.00 1-. 80 37 .50 16.20 328 .40 L'1voice Date : Remit To: THB CADMUS GROUP, INC . ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE J.00 5TH AVENUE SUITE 100 W11.LTHAM, MA 02451-8727 USA 05/22/H Billing Period From:02/23/H Bi 11 i ng· currency: TO: 03/29/14 CUrrenc Rate Amount: 125 . 0000 $62.50 1-25 .0000 97;; .00 135 . 0000 675.00 125 .0000 125. 00 :LOO .0000 100.00 125 .0000 2 ,000.00 100. 0000 9,41,0.00 150.0000 450 .00 150.0000 720 . 00 175.0000 8 ,837 .50 135.0000 135.00 125.0000 2 ,312 .SC J.00.0000 150 .0C 125.0000 B,625 .0C 175.0000 315.0C 125.0000 4,687.SC 150.0000 2 130. 00 $41,910 . QC $U,910.(}j) J28 , 4 0 Page 4 of 10 USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 7 of 80 Billing Numbet", Invoice Number, 6405-03 ·22 INV-177853. Bill To, Avista corporation lltt.n, David Thompson, PPA 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane. WA 99252 Customer Number: Prime Contract. Number; Subconcractor Number, Project Number: Project Name, Project Manager: Terms, Due Dace, AVCI, MESI.IT BURDEN, ROl'IALD P CROPP, JEFFREY S IACCARINO rn, JOSEPH M KIM, DAVlO D Llill, PETER ROHRBAC!!ER, ORIAli G ROWE, BRIN M WADWALRAR, SAORABH S WISCH, CALE:B J Direct LaboL Travel Postage & Delivery Other Direct Costs Direct COSLS Invoice Tolal Current Incurred Hou,s: AVISTA D-244 69-No. l 6405.0003.000:, AviStd NR lmpacL KOLP, DANI.ELLE M NET 30 06/'-1/14 Current. Hours 64 .so 32.00 35.SO 87.00 1.20 73.50 24 .oo 57.40 3.00 3.00 381..10 Invoice Date: Remit To, THE CADM!JS GROOP. me . ATTN: ACCOUNTS REC!!IVABLE 100 1,TH AV!lNUE SUITE 100 WALTHAN, MA 02451-8727 OSA 05/22/14 Billirtg Period From: 02/23/:4 Billing currency: To, 03/29/:.4 Current Rat.e Amount 150. 0000 $9,675.00 125.0000 4,000 .00 175.0000 6 ,212 .50 l '-5.0000 10 ,875.00 125.0000 150 .00 150.00DO 11,025 .00 75.0000 1,800.00 150.0000 8,610 .00 135.0000 40~.oo 75.00QO 225.00 $52,977.50 $7,158.34 199.3] 1.157.00 $8,514.67 $61,492.17 l!ll. 10 Page 5 of 10 OSD Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 8 of 80 Billing Number: Invoice Number: 6405-03-22 INV-177853. Bill TO: Avista Corporation Att.n: David 1'hompson, PPA 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 Customer Nu~ber: Prime Contract Number: Subcontractor Number : Project l'l\lmber, Project Name: Project Manager ~ Terms: Due Date, BUSKER, MADISON 0 KOLP, DANIELLE M /".ABEE, BEN.JAMIN J REEVES , SCOTT C Direct: Labor Invoice Tot~l Currer.t Incurred Ho-.u-s, AVISTA !J•24469•NO.l 6405.0003.000G Avista LI Impact: KOLP, DANIELLE M NET JO 06/21/14 Current Hout'S 99.50 0 . .$0 6.00 21.60 J.27 .60 Invoice Date: Remit To: THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNT$ RECEIVJ\llLE 100 5TH AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTF!AM, MA 02451-8727 USA 05/22/H Billing Period From:02/23/14 Billing Currency: TO: 03/29/:.4 Current; Rate Ame>unt. 125.0000 $12,437 .!:iO 150.0000 75 .00 125.0000 750 .00 150.0000 3,240 .00 $16 ,S02.50 $16,502 .50 127.60 Page 6 of 10 USD Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 9 of 80 Billing Numbe1·: Invoice Number : 6~05·03 22 rNV-177853. Bill To : Avisc.a CorporaUon ALt.n: oavid Thompson, PPA i,; l.l 11:aSL Mission 1wenue Spokane, WA 99252 Cu.scorner Number , Prime conc.ract Number, Subcontri!ctor Nl.>ttlher: Project Number: Project Name: Project Manage~: ·rcrms : Due Dace: KOLP, OAN!ELLE LEE, HANNA f' RAMEY, CAMERON TODARO, tJ\UIIBN Direcc Labor Tntvel Direct. Costs Invoice Total Current I ncl.lrred M T K Hours: AVISTA D-2•\469•No .1 6~ os. ooo·i. 0001 Avista Res PrOCP.S9 ROLP, DJ.\NIBl,Lll M NET 30 06/21/14 cu.rient Bour-$1 0.50 36.10 51.00 16.50 10.; .10 rn~ice Date, Renti t To: THE CAJ;lMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECSIVAJ3~S 100 5TH AVRNUl'l SUITE 100 ~IALTHAM, MA 024 51 •8'127 OSA 05/22/1~ Bill.lng Period From:02/23/14 T0:03/29/14 BLi.ling currency: Rate 150 .0000 125.0000 Current Amounc $75. 00 ~.517..50 135 .0000 6,885 .00 1 % . 0000 ____ ~2=2~2~7~·~"~~ $13 ,700.00 $34 2 . 00 $342 .0(, $14,042 .00 104 .10 Page 7 of 10 USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 10 of 80 !lillin9 Number: LnvoJ ce Number : 6405-03-22 JNV-1778S3. ail l ·ro : Avista Corporacion AJ:t:n: David 'l'hompson, !"PA 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane , WA 99252 Custom~r Number: ~rime Contracc Number: Subcontractor Nulllber: !>roject Numbe1·, Project Name: Pt·oject Manage,·: Terms: Due Date: ASPLIN , ALt..l SON f' BROEKELSCHRN, HE!NORIK B KOLP, DANJJiLLE M LEE:, HJ\NNA f' Direct Labor Travel Sub/Cont Direct Costs tnvoice To~al Current Incurred Hout:"s: lW!S'rA D-24469 NO.l 6'105 .0003. 0008 Avi sca NR Process KOLP, DANIELLE M NET J O 06/21/14 Current Hours 28.00 1.50 l. 80 28.90 60.20 .Invoice Dace: Remic •ro: THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE l.00 5TH AVENUE SU!'l'E 100 WALTHl'\M, z.'.A 02'o51-8727 OSA 0',/22/H Billing Period From:02/23/:4 Billil1g currency: To:03/29/:4 CUirent Rate Amount. l.35.0000 $3 ,780.00 125.0000 187.SG 150.0000 270.00 125.0000 3 ,612 .SO $7 ,850 .00 $68-i . oo J ,]50 .00 $4,034.00 $11 ,884.00 60. 20 Page a of 10 USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 11 of 80 Billing Number: Invoice Numl>l?r: 6405-03-22 INV-177853. Bill To: Avi~ta Corporation Att.n: David Thompson, Pl>A 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane , WA 99252 Customer Number: Prime Contract Number: Subcontractor Number : ProjecL Numbei:-: Pro·ject Naine, Project Manager: Terms: Due Date, BOYLE, BYRON T CARVILL, ANNA L FTSCH:ER. NIBER M KILKENNY, RYAN P KOLP, DANIB!.,L.P. M LEE, IVAN DirecL Laboi:- Poscage ~ Delivery Direct Coses Invoice Total C\Jrrent. Incurred Hours: AVISTA D ?.4469 No . l 6405 .0003 .0013 Avista Panel Study KOLP, DANIELLE M NE'f 30 06/21/H Current Hou~s 28.JO 11.30 0.50 LSO a.so l"/ .10 59.00 Invoice Da,e : Remit •ro : THE CADMUS CROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECE;I:VABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451-8727 USA 05/22/H Billing PeJ'."iOd From,02/23/:4 Billing currency: To, 0 3/29/ :4 C.'urrcnt Rate Amount 125.0000 $3 ,51'-.50 135.0000 1 ,525.50 60 .00-00 30 .0C 150 . 0000 225 .00 150.0000 75 .00 75.0000 1,282.St $6,650.SC $30 .26 $30.26 ~61680 . 76 59.00 !?age 9 of 10 mm Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 12 of 80 Billing Numben Invoice Number: 6405-03-22 JNV-177853. Bill To: Avista CorporaLion Attn: David 'rhompsou, PPA Hl..l e:a;;t Mission Avenue Spok,rne, WA 99252 Cuacomer Number: !'Time Contract Number, Subcontractor Number: Project Number: .Pro;ect. Name: Project Manager: Terms: Due Da(:e: HORVATH, ZACJ-LARY E STf.WART, JJ\M8S I Direct t.abot· Iu:voice Tot:.al Current Incurred Hours, AVISTA D-244~9-N0.1. 6'1 OS. 0003. OOH Avista new prog-rams KOLP, DANIELLE M NET 30 06/21/11 current Hours ll .SO ~. l 0 15 .60 Jnvoict:.' Oat.e : Remit To, THE CADMUS CROUP, I NC. ATTN: ACCOCJNTS RECEIVABLE 100 5TH AVJ;:NUR SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451-8727 USA 05/22/1.4 Bil1-in9 Period From:02/23/l.4 Billing currency , To:03/29/1.4 Current Rate Amount:. 100 .0000 $1,150.00 175. 0000 892.50 $2,012.50 $2,042.50 16 . 60 Page 10 of 10 OSD St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t G Pa g e 1 3 o f 8 0 Company Name: Erin Rowe DistricUOffice ESD Week Ending 3/22/2014 Purpose I Clients Visited:Avlsta C&I Site Visits !Amount Paid by Travel Agent I I I I I I I Fr: Fr: POX Fr: Fr: Fr: Spokane I Fr: Fr: Cadmus Advances Received By Employee Total Expenses {Employee Amount Due Cadmus Amount Due Employee Mileage Expense $ Amount Account Name Car Rental & Gas S399.06 !399.06 $1,283.67 1 Avista Cl site visits IPl.ane, Train, Bus I j $452.001 I I I j I $452.001$ Amount Miscellaneous Account Name I Local Trans. /Taxi I I $2.501 I I I I I $2.501$ Amount Account Name Tolls Parkin $ Amount Account Name Telephone/ Communicati, l I I I I r Amount I'-~ n~v~, ;~p~,.wv I I $::::~1 fil9.0Q ~ $139.00 $3:~::~ Account Name Hotel Taxes s11.121 s11.121 I I I $22.24 $ 1,283.67 $ $ 1L283.67 Project/Acct.# 6405.0003.0005 Project/Acct.# Project/Acct.# Project/Acct. # Project/Acct.# . I I rertification: I certify that this expense report contains no charges ,T,ps I I I I I I .for alcohol and entertai.nment exce.pt as speci.fied In SECTION II. p $1,217.70 All costs were actually incurred while perforrrnng company business. SIGNED Erin Rowe DA TE 3/29/14 Per Diem 75% Per Diem 100% APPROVED DATE Actual l 2.10 I$ 36.57 Is 20.1a 11 6.52 $65.97 RECEIVED L----------------------------------1 By Ninette Stillman at 9:54 am, Apr 01, 2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 14 of 80 From: To: Subject: Date: Erla..8!llY.e Ninette Stl!hnan FW: Confirmation Letter· ZGNYES 03/20/14 • from.Alaska Airlines Tuesday, April 01, 2014 10:37:24 AM Here's my flight info From: Erin Rowe [mailto:rowe.erin@gmail.com] Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2014 9:13 AM To: Erin Rowe Subject: Fwd: Confirmation Letter -ZGNYES 03/20/14 -from Alaska Airlines -------Forwarded message ---------- From: Alaska Airlines <Alaska JT@a!askaajr com> Date: Tue, Mar 18.20 14 at 7:30 AM Subject: Confirmation Letter -ZGNYES 03/20/14 -from Alaska Airlines To: ROWE ERIN@gmail corn Lfyou have trouble viewing this message, click here to request a plain text-only version oftbis email. ii g----------------- Jill.ME IJPLAN & BOOK[I] DEALS ffj DESTINATION$ Jg Contim1ation Code: ZGNYES g Below is your booking confinnation. Thank you and enjoy your trip. Q Need to change your flight? Visit us in advance, .ill1liru:. or through reservations. llli]Flight g S &Alaska 2031 ~ 1Bombardier Q400 Slfi BJIB IJM ~ Departs Spokane (GEG) Thu, Mar20 5:10 pm [QSummary of Airfare Charges ,sErin Rowe ~MIieage Plan MVP Member .:t '***"'6731 New Ticket 0272143816333 ln(previous ticket 0272 143399 151) 16;New Ticket Value S 1!dAdditional Amount Due --~ !R per person total: ID L~,Amount Due For Ai.r Travel lg View Al l Taxes Fees and Charges @ Total Charges and Credits !Bno charge M An-ives Portland, OR (PDX) Class l!]Traveler(s) Seat(s) i] 8A y Erin Rowe Thu, Mar20 6:20 pm (Coach)IR lfll $452.00[f! $0.00lft I& ~ ft USO $0.00ifl [fl tR B Hotels & Cars lfJ tal !BR !11JB ID H Need a Hotel? [Ii Use our hotel deal finder to book a hotel in Portland, OR. !B iR 6lNeed a Ride? Use our car deal finder to t& rent a car in Portland, OR. tflA ~--..----igj!Get the Si nature Card fiR Apply now for the A11lska Arrnnes YJsa Signature® card .. _ lfl llJ_and earn 25,000 Bonus Ill ~J Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 15 of 80 !El Trip Protection by Allianz Global Assistance LB .Purchase trip protection benefits and travel assistance !fl services for your trip from Allianz Global Assistance. illfil lR ...[llQ[e fi Iii fiFtight Status Alerts ID When you create a Flight Status Alert. we notify you in the g event of delays, early arrivals, and cancellations of Alaska Airlines flights (email or text message). g ~'-!!!\@•-•. "N··"iffi•-"I I.ii ill ft Check-ln g When traveling on Alaska Airlines. save time by checking in on line I to 24 hours prior to departure. You can also check in at one of our airport kiosks or at the ticket counter. For more infonnation about minimum check-in times, required identification, international travel, and traveling with minors, o!ease visit our website. B R !fl !fl Manage Your Flight Reservation Ill g View full details about your flight reservation and fare. You can choose seats, make special requests, and make changes on line. s IBlRl, a Manage Your Reservation ill Alaska Airlines 1-800-ALASKAAIR < !-800-252-, 75?2) B.J 1B lflBaggage lg Carry-On Baggage: On Alaska Airlines flights, each traveler is limited to one carry-on bag that measures up to l Ox 17 x 24 inches, plus one personal item . See our Carry-on Baggu~ page for more infom1ation. Checked Baggage: Alaska Airlines rules and fees apply ~ ~ Miles upon approval. § R ---~l lR g 0Ltr weekly email newsletter features exclusive fare sales, Discount Codes and Web specials tailored to your preferences, as ~ well as Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan offers and news. ~ .s.!.g_o._up. 1B B ifj 6JSpecial Service Requests B lf!B MJ Alaska Airlines provides a meet and assist service for travelers who need assistance IRR through the airport. Request g this service on line or over 1 g the phone. · 1i lv1ew Reservation lfJ d lfJ !fl _gJinFlight Service -~ Many Alaska Airlines flights offer the option to purchase a meal or rent an iofllght entertainment ~ for your enjoyment. We've also equipped almost all fig of our fleet with In Flight WiFI so g you can surf the web or stay productive lnfllght. For more Info, please see our on board _g1lliie. .ll 1R LQ il1For Your Security !RR Do you have a redress number? If so, and you did not provide it when you made your reservation, please visit 1m, m • \<\'Ww,aJaskaa;r.com or call ig • Reservatlons. To learn more about redress numbers go to www dhs gay/trip. Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 16 of 80 for this itinerary. Tl,e first and second checked bag fees are $25 each. See the Checked Baggage page for details and exceptions. !&! Alaska Airlin~s® Ba~gage Service Guarantee = Get your bags 111 20 mmutes guaranteed. lR Your Rights 1M Please review important inforn,ation about your consumer eights and our limitations of liability. g g LD A .11111 _gJ You may also wish to review the contract of carriage applicable to your trip. Please do not reply to this email. lfi~ Destinations g lllR BJ RR View information for: g Portland OR Lil Q! _ijl IR illf -~Contact Us A gg A D!ll!Share your thoughts with us, fi ~ contact us. @R ll tRI Alaska Airlines, PO Box 68900, Seattle, WA 98168-0900. &copy 20 14 Alaska Airlines. All rights reserved. This email was sent to rowe erin@gmajl com. Reference Number PL35094214. Requested at 03/1 8/2014 07:I I AM Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 17 of 80 HMSHOST STARBUCKS A PORT LAND INTERNATIONAL AIRPOR T 29654 6 Jonathan , -------------------------------- CHK 16 45 MAR11 ·14 4 56PM TO GO 7 6 2 111 941169 1 GRAHM S MLKCHC 1 FRUIT SANA SUBTOTAL AMOUNT PAID xxxxx xxxxxxx 1 VISA -.. 296546 Closed TE LL O'NEIL 1 . 70 1 . 00 -3681 HMSH0St.COM Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 18 of 80 STARBUCKS Store #3200 1217 N, Hamilton Spokane" WA (509) 482-7623 CHK 660846 03/18/20 14 07:57 AM 1416152 Drawer: 1 Reg: 2 .... ~ .. -~..-. ~ ..... -~.., ..... ____ --·-----._ ....... ...,..._~ _____ ...., Spnch B rkfst ~~rap 3 .45 T1 Pfke Place 1~75 1/2 Decaf N/Ruom Visa 5.65 XXXXXXXXXXXXB109 Subtotal Tax 8.7 X T.otal Change Due $5.20 $0.45 $5.85 $0.00 ..... -------·--Check Closed -H ------------- 03/ 18/2014 07:57 AM Treat yourself to layers of sweet espresso dE?cadence wi th a NEW Vanilla Hacchiato, or try our other Macchiatos Caramel and Hazelnut. All delicious hot or iced. 1 -* c~_., ,.,lu 1 ~ _crun Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 19 of 80 Caf1a R1o Mex1can Grill 560 W Kathleen Ave. Ste C Coeur d1 Alene, ID 83815 Host: Megan 119 (208) 620-4000 Order Type: Dinein 03/18/2014 12:35 PM 10120 2 luesday Spec Chick3n Taco (@1.95) 3 .90 Tues Spec Rice and 13eans 2.00 Side Guacamole 1oz 1.50 Subtotal 7 Tax o. 44 Dinein Visa #XXXXXXXXXXXX8 Auth:035507 Don't want to Make your mast w;th Cafe Rio O www.caf3r ---Check Cl Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 20 of 80 UECTAR 10S hi 6TH ST MOSCOt,J IO 83841 208-881-5914 ae,· rnanl ti : 000000003769885 0 01 lerHlnal 1.D. : 004459,0 HAR 18~ 14 8:22 PH Ser\ler ID: 4 VISA '*** *'*******810 9 SALE BATCH ff: 996 RRtt: 401732497571 At·10Ufll TIP TOTAL X RE~tt:006 AUf ~ 4: 025313 I AGR[E TO PA\' A00U[ TOTAL Af~ouur ~CCOROiftu TO C~R~ ISSLER 8SP£EIIEfH (HERCHAtH AGR[Et1EHT If CREDI f lJOUCffEi } T~AH.K VUU 1 t>hlASE COl't£ AGAitl SOOtl1 __ ;...___ ......... ·-~..._, Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 21 of 80 ,. Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 22 of 80 13900 834 2.78 13900 834 278 Balance: 0.00 300 24' Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 23 of 80 « • l{ .• • cf' II! t\111 • • \ .. l'I ~ 1Wt ),<l "'•~ta 'M' n.llttn;ii ltl\.f .re.._ " "" m,J_ llloyw I!!·- boo, -• .. Qul ,~ I I II, \ • <t• •• .. tt, !• Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 24 of 80 Thomas Hammer Co4 fee 400 E Main St Suite A PLl1man, WA 99 63 123 Fabulous Megan --------------------------------------·- Check: 14 9 ~ 7 Gue~ts: i 03/20/2014 10:48AM -------------------~---------- 1 16oz Mighty leaf Tea . 90 l Bar 2. 15 Char~e Tip 1.00 VISA 5.37 ********~*~*8109 SUBTOTAL fax S'4t CHR-G PAYMUH Change Due 4.05 0.32 1.00 5.37 $0 .. 00 -~~--------Check Closed----------- 03/20/20l4 10:50 :01AM Tip: Total: ---~------- Sign X: ___________ ___ Please ~eave the signed copy w1th Your bar1sta. Go Cougs! Order Nutnber: 1479 j Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 25 of 80 · 11 1 Pe Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 26 of 80 Flying J tt963 3 ?89 S Ge i ser B lvd Spokane nvo1ce it ate .. 1rne uth M 83822 03/20/l..4 1&:88 855?48 I cct.M ................. 81.89 Ga I I on s Pr i c e l..1. 887 S 3 .439 roduct nlead&d Amoun t $ 48.88 otal Sale $ 40 .88 ALE -Card Swiped Thank Vou For Choosing Flying J Please Come Again '!hank you eo:r .shopping at Fls,ing J! Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 27 of 80 Mc0ona1d*s on Stad,Ull WaY 400 STADIUM WAV N Pll.LMAN WA 99163 l 1 ! 1HA~ VOU ! l ! 1Ell bOS .332.8819 Storel 19681 Mar.20 '14 (Thu} 12:39 QTY ITEM 1 S Fra,ch Fr1 es 1 L Coke Sl.btota 1 Tax Take-Out Total Cashless ctianl8 ~-52692802 CARO ISSUER ACCOUNTM TOTAL 1 . 29 1 .OD 2 .29 0 . 18 2.47 2.47 o.oo V1sa SALE •+•••••••••+8109 AUlltlllZATION C(X)E -035998 SEQ# 814598 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 28 of 80 Alaska Airlines Signature Visa -8109 Balance Summary:03/29/2014 Account Summary card Details Curre.nt balance: $3,713.44 Total credit line: Total cr~c2tt available.: $4,786 56 Cash credit hne. Cash creclll line ~v~llab'E!! Amount over ~ota:I $7.,600.00 cre.dit 1lne: Nl'!J<t dosing date; Rewards L.ast payment date: l.ast payment: $8,500.00 $2,600.00 so.oo 04/i3/2014 03/26/20l4 sJoo.oo Pay This Card Statement balance: Payment due dat..: Total minimum payment due: • AvaUable Cre<llt 1ndudes purchases mat h~ve been autnomed but nave not vet po.su,d to your account. Go to: ~11· " 2~. 201.i 03/18/2014 03/t4/2014 03/LJ/2014 Oescription TIUMEf lV/ol PORTLAND OR -831805032J87433 l:JCP~f>IA•SAl.ES flNM. 877·767·7186 WA· zzz~KFSGl,iN6&FKlZ AIASKA AIR 0~72143399 S1:AT1'LE WA • 03/U roXJGtG RNOTRP ,GeG/PDX • 11109 8-eginning balance a-s of 02/25/2014 Amount S;ltance $2.50 Sl,087,60 $3,0SS,lO $452.00 $3,984.99 04/22/201-4 $0.00 $568.11 St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t G Pa g e 2 9 o f 8 0 Company Name: Joseph laccarino Purpose / Clients Visited: AVISTA COMM M&V SITE VISITS Date: I 3116 3/17 3/18 3/19 3/20 Beoinnlno Mileaoe 22 Mileaoe Total 22 Mileaqe Expense $12.43 Car Rental & Gas $46.40 Plane, Train, Bus $859.00 Miscellaneous $25.00 $67.48 Local Trans./ Tax.i Tolls $6.00 Parkino Teleohone / Communicat1, Total Misc. Expenses $31.00 $67.48 Lodoino Expenses• $81.00 $81.00 $81.00 $96.00 $.92.99 Hotel Taxes $7.38 $7 .. 38 $7.38 $7.38 $7.44 Tips S7.00 $2.00 - Per Diem 75% Per Diem 100% Actual $49.40 $ 53.53 s 13.79 $ 30.57 $ 53.24 -- • If conference rule applies. explam: District/Office Waltham 3/21 $269.98 ~ / ......... $20.00 $284.86 $ 27.41 Week Ending 3/22/2014 3/22 Amount Paid by Travel Agent Cadmus Advances Received By Employee Total Expenses (Emplovee) Amount Due Cadmus Amount Due Employee - 22.0 $12.43 $Amount Account Name $316.38 $2,037.17 Avista NR Impact $859_00 $ Amount Account N·ame $ _2,277.03 s $ 2,277.03 Project/Acct. # 6405.0003.0005 ProJect/Acct. # ~6is Amount !Account Name !Project/Acct.# $6.00 $20.00 $ Amount !Account Name I Project/Acct. # $383_34 iS Amount !Account Name !Project/Acct.# $431.99 $36.95 $9.00 Certification: I certify that this expense report contains no charges for alcohol and entertainment except as specified in SECTION II. $2,049.09 All costs were actually incurred while performing company business. SIGNED Joseph laccanno !DATE 3-12-14 APPROVED IDATE $227.94 By Ninette Stillman at 2:3.,5 pm, Apr 0.7, 2014 Misc charges on 3/16 and 3/21 are for checked luggage. M1sc chafQE! on ·:3117 was for prlntin.g out pr9Ject files at FedEx office (no office cer-iter at Hotel,. High taxi Cab charge on :3122 was due to delayed plane landing after pt1bllc transit shut down, NOT BILLED Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 30 of 80 3/21/2014 Gmail -JOSEPH I BOSTON 16MAR14 i I J0SEPHIBOSTON16MAR14 De-lta Air Lines <OeltaAirLines@e.delta.com> Tue, Mar 11 , 2014 at 12:09 PM Reply-To: Delta Air Lines <support-b6ye98ebfpayqkau0hjt5qca5k7jgu@e.delta.com> To: joe. iaccarino@gmail.com Corn l.;!nt/Corr, la t .A.DELTA {~ delta.com My Trips Earn Miles YOUR ITINERARY AND RECEIPT To access your boarding pass at the airport, print email now and scan at a Delta self-service kiosk. Thanks for choosing Delta. Please review before your trip: Check in for your flight up to 24 hours prior to departure at delta.com or with the Fly Delta app -also check flights, change seats, reserve car and hotels, and much more. Make changes to eligible electronic tickets through My Trips at delta.com. If you need to contact Delta for assistance please call 1-800-221 -1212 or visit delta.com/help. CHECK IN ONLUff } Flight Confirmation#: G4XCMU I Ticket#: 00623542790091 Your Flight Information Sun 16MAR LV 2:25pm BOSTON LV 7 :50pm MPLS-ST PAUL Fri 21MAR LV 1:35pm SPOKANE AR 4:41pm MPLS-ST PAUL AR 8:59pm SPOKANE AR 6:23pm MPLS-ST PAUL DELTA 859 ECONOMY (Q) Snacks For Sale DELTA 759 ECONOMY (Q) Snacks For Sale DELTA 1488 https://mail.goog le.comtmail/u/Ol?ui=2&lk=db4cf92ebd&.iew=pt&q= DEL TA&qs=true&search=query&th= 144b28d11be986b3&siml= 144b28d11 be9B6b3 1/5 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 31 of 80 3/2112014 LV 7:35pm MPLS-ST PAUL Offset your Carbon Emissions Gmail • JOSEPH I BOSTON 16MAR14 AR 11:20pm BOSTON ECONOMY (U) Snacks For Sale DELTA 868 ECONOMY (U) Snacks For Sale We have partnered with The Nature Conservancy to allow you to offset your carbon emissions for this trip. Go to delta.com/CO2 to calculate your CO2 emissions and learn more about offsetting. Your Flight Details Manage Trip > Passenger Details JOSEPH IACCARINO Ill Seats 18E SkyMiles #*******184 Rights DELTA 859 DELTA 759 DELTA 1488 See delta.com 37B DELTA 868 24F ***Visit delta.com or use the Fly Delta app to view, select or change your seat If you purchased an Econorll{ Corrfort seat or a Trip Extra, please visit My Trips to access a receipt of your purchase. Receipt Information Billing Details Passenger: JOSEPH IACCARINO ID FARE: Taxes/Carrier-imposed Fees: Tk:ket Amount: Payment Method: CA************4586 758.13 USO 100.87 859.00 USO Tacket Number: 00623542790091 l11is ticket is non~refundable unless issued at a fully refundable fare. Sorre fares may not allow changes. If allowed, any change to your itinerary may require payrrent of a change fee and increased fare. Failure to appear for any flight without notice to Delta wlll result in cancellation of your rerraining reservation. Note: When using certain vouchers to purchase tickets, remaining credits rray not be refunded. Additional charges and/or credits rray apply and are displayed ln the sections below. Details -Taxes/Carrier-imposed Fees Total: 100.87 Itemized: 10.00 AY 18.00 XF 16.00 ZP 56.87 US https://mail.g oog le.com'rnail/u/0/?ui= 2&ik=db4cf92ebd&IAew= pt&q = DEL T A&q s=true&search=q uery&th= 144b28d11 be986b3&siml= 144b28d11 be986b3 2/5 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 32 of 80 3/21/2014 Gmail-JOSEPH I BOSTON 16MAR14 Fare Details BOS DL X/MSP DL GEG451.16QA03AOUC DL X/MSP DL BOS306.97UD07A0NC USD758.13END ZP BOSMSPGEGMSP XF BOS4.SMSP4.SGEG4.SMSP4.5 Ticketing Details Passenger: Ticket#: Place of Issue: JOSEPH IACCARINO III 00623542790091 LAX'NEB Issue Date: 11MAR14 Expiration Date: 11MAR15 Baggage Fees ~ 1, · , <, r, a va u c1J..to1re • The f :: belo,\/ ~re ba t..>d on your ongITTal ticket purcha'" f l"\'lttO ... , 011 1u dfv r r r e 01 d count d Che d h, ggage, his w be taken nto account -.he11 you c'1eck 111 Airline Rule Origin Destination Applied Sun 16 Mar 2014 DELTA BOS MSP FREE 1 CARRY ON DELTA MSP GEG FREE 1 CARRY ON Baggage $25 ARST FREE RRST Tax $35 $0.00 SECOND FREE $0.00 SECOND Visit delta.com for details on baggage embargos that may apply to your Itinerary. Fri 21 Mar 2014 DELTA GEG MSP FREE 1 \ ~ $25 ' $35 > " " $0.00 CARRY ON FIRST SECOND DELTA MSP BOS FREE 1 FREE FREE $0.00 CARRY ON F[RSf SECOND Visit delta.com for details on baggage embargos that may apply to your itinerary. Total $60.00 $0.00 $60.00 $60.00 $0.00 $60.00 1:0n Delta-operated flights, you may carry on one bag and a small personal Item free of charge. Carry-on allowances may differ and fees may apply for flights operated by carriers other than Delta. Contact the operating carrier for detailed carry-on limitations and charges. Busine55Elite/First/Business Class weight allowance reverts to 50 lbs for all checked bags beyond the regular free allowance. Travelers to/from Key Wes., Florida are limited to one checked bag. At the time of check fn with Delta for Delta-marketed and Delta-operated ftight(s) (including Delta connection), Sky Miles Medallion® members, Sky Team Elite & Elite Plus, Alaska MVP & MVP Gold and active US Military personnel are eligible for Fee waivers and other benefits. For more details, visit delta.com/baggage. At the time of check In w1th Delta for Delta-marketed and Delta-operated fiight(s) (including Delta connection), Basic Card members with a Gold, Platinum, or Reserve Delta Sky Miles Credit Card from American Express are eligible for the first bag fee waiver. Waiver is only for normal bag fee, if any I for the first checked bag that ls not overweight or oversize under Delta's applicable rules as set forth in Delta's contract of carriage. See delta.com/flrstbagfree for more details. https://mai I .g oog le.com'mail/u/O/?ui=2&ik=db4cf92ebd&'1if!!N= pt&q = DEL T A&q s=true&search=q uery&th= 144b28d 11 be986b3&sim= 144b28d11 be986b3 3/5 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 33 of 80 3/21/2014 Gmail -JOSEPH I BOSTON 16MAR14 A standard checked bag with Delta may be up to 50 lbs and 62 linear inches (per piece). Additional fees apply for oversize, overweight, and/or addibonal pieces of checked baggage. Please review Delta's baggage guidelines for details. Weight and size restrictions may vary when checking baggage on carriers other than Delta. Contract the operating carrier for detailed checked baggage allowances. You must be checked in at the gate by the applicable check-In deadlines or your reservation may be cancelled. Please review Delta's check-in requirement guidelines for details. Check-in requirements vary by airline, so if your ticket includes travel on other airlines, please check with the operating carrier on your ticket Do you have comments about our service? Please email us to share them Questions regarding your upcoming flight? Please contact us at the following: Delta 1-800-221-1212 I Air France 1-800-237-2747 1 Alitalia 1-800-223-5730 I KLM 1·800-618-0104 .11.oa&.tA SKYMILE5,~ ECONOMY COMFORT. > Enjoy up to four extra inches of legroom and Priority Boarding by upgrading to our new Economy Contortn·• seats. Learn More. Terms & Conditions Conditions of carriage rilnON ,.~ HHONORS HILTON HHONORS. > Earn up to 500 mies per stay or 1 nile per eligible dollar spent with Hilton HHonors. Allianz@) TRIP INSURANCE. > Protect your trip against trip cancellations and interruptions with valuable insurance from Allianz Global Assistance. SMART PHONE, SMARTER TRAVEL > Check in, change seats, check the upgrade list and more with the Fly Delta app. Air transportation on Delta and the Delta Connection(~) carriers is subject to Delta's conditions of carriage. They include term; governing for exarrple: • Units on our liability for personal injury or death of passengers, and for loss, darrage of delay of goods and baggage. • Claim restrictions including tirre periods within which you lTl.lst file a claim or bring action against us. • Our right to change terrrs of the contract. • Check-in requirerrents and other rules established when we rray refuse carriage. • Our rights and linitS of our liability for delay of failure to perform service, including schedule d1ange, substitution of alternative air carriers or aircraft, and rerouting. • Our policy on overbooking flights, and your rights if we deny you boarding due to an oversold flight. These terms are incorporated by reference into our contract w!th you. You may view these conditions of carriage on delta.com, or by requesting a copy from Delta. You have received this email because you elected to receive your Electronic licket receipt sent to you via errail. If you would like to take advantage of other Delta errail programs featuring special fares, promotions, information and flight updates, please visit: delta.corrvemailprograms or detta.corrynotifications. This docurrent establishes the creation of your electronic EMD(S) In our corrputer systems. It does not constltute a docurrent of carriage. Where this docurrent is issued for transportation or services other than passenger air transportation, specific terms and conditions may apply. These terms and conditions may be provided separately or may be obtained from the issuing agent. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION https://mail .g oog le.com/mai l/u/0/?ui= 2&i k=db4cf92ebd&1.1ew= pt&q = DEL T A&q s=true&search=q uery&th= 144b28d11 be986b3&siml: 144b28d11 be986b3 4/5 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 34 of 80 4l212014 Account Manager Transactions Cl ANSACTIONS • CHAt ASSWORO • C NGE' P N • JOSEPH IACCARINO Account Type: Private https:/A.w.w.ezpassma.com'(S(qe3gzt3sserbxeOyaeefld2e)F(qTf.lPW20xANIKOMP7Y53zl.?d-iSFA91Zh9x}<:tKw_L8QnglklqXghu_r0Zlf>8M1aZ)'IMMuVl8j5DQU5.. 1/1 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 35 of 80 ADVS CONV/C AR WASH 00000?981.32 J.815 E SELT I CE WAY POST FALLS I ID 0 3/20 /201.4 545089941 09:47:06 PM 4 586 MASTERCRD INVOICE 214545 AUTH 00-0 2f>59Z REF 920390320142145 PUMP• 8 REGULAR PRICE/CAL 5.464C 3.199 FUEL TOTAL $ 17 .4 8 CRED IT $ 17.48 Batch: 92 Seq Nun: 39 ler~ 10: 8 llorkstition JO: 88 IIAHT FREE cm REGISTER TO MIN Al 111111.&ASVISlt.eOH ,315 r~ 1-a1. $/9e'm ms s. ~~9fors mKRNE , 11A lluterCard X~S~ IW IACCAXllJJ/ JBtfFH nr.101C£ ctnm AUIK asmz Pint= 1 itg•Jllf 11.ltl/CAL tmc U\9 \ ?U} ~untcul i l&.12 la, • ~ i.11 tR[Oil C-redlt te?QJ Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 36 of 80 Hotel Ruby Spokane 901 West 1st Avenue Spokane, WA 99201 509-747-1041 hotelruby@hotelrubyspokane.com J oe laccarino 1oat; . .[ RoomJ Q~sc~iption / V~ucher 03/16/2014 120 Guest Parking· 4nights 03/20/2014 120 Visa/Mastercard· .. .4586 AP: 00374Z Balance Due Summary and Taxes Non Taxable Total Taxable Sales Tax Total Page 1 of 1 TAX ID: -~-~ --~ .... Folio Checkln _f~~ckOu~ f Balance Other 69940 03/16/2014 03/20/2014 0.00 L· Charges, 20.00 0.00 ' Credits 0.00 20.00 Balance 20.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 Thank you f or st cying with us! Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 37 of 80 4/3/2014 G i I Receipt from BostonBlackCar Square <noreply@messaging.squareup.com> To: joe.iaccarino@gmail.com Gmail -Receipt from BostonBlackCar Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 9:20 PM Things just got easier. Now when you shop at sellers who use Square, your receipts will be delivered automaticallt Learn more. BostonBlackCar Mar. 22, 2014 at 12:19am 2 Items Custom Amount Custom Amount Subtotal $239.86 Gas Surcharge (17%) Sales Tax (10%) IUX suv (10%) Tip Total MasterCard 4586 Receipt #A032 $138.50 $13.75 $152.25 $25.88 $15.22 $15.22 $31.29 $239.86 https://mail.google.coovmail/u/O/?ui=2&ik=db4cf92ebd&view=pt&q=in%3Ainbox&narre=lnbox&search=section_quer~th=144e8049fce230d7&siml=144e8049fce... 1/2 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 38 of 80 3/21/2014 Hotels.com-Hotel rooms v.ith review.;. Discounts and Deals on 85,000 hotels v,.orldwide Hotels.com Hotels .com Confirmation Number: 115947497538 Booked: Online -Wednesday, March 12, 2014 10:44:45 /lM PDT Your Receipt Billing Name: Billing Address: Booking Details Guest Name: Check-in: Check-out: Number of Nights: Number of Rooms: Charges: Sunday, March 16, 2014: IVbnday, March 17, 2014: Tuesday, March 18, 2014: joe iaccarino 02453 us joe iaccarino Sunday, March 16, 2014 Thursday, March 20, 2014 4 1 Wednesday. March 19, 2014: Discount applied: Sub-total: Tax recovery charges and service fees: VAT: Total Price: Amount paid: Amount still due to Hotels.com: Payment Method: Credit Card Number: CanceI/alion Policy Free cancellation untU 03/15114 https://ssl .hotel s.comlcustomer _care/pri nt_receipt.html Room Type: Hotel Details: Standard Room , 2 Double Beds. Non Smoking Hotel Ruby 901 W 1st Ave Spokane us +15097471041 USD $ $81.00 $81 .00 $81.00 $96.00 $0.00 $339.00 $29.51 $0.00 $368.51 $368.51 $0.00 MasterCard XXXXXXXXXXXX4586 1/2 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 39 of 80 3.'21/2014 Hotels.com-Hotel rooms with reviews. Discounts and Deals on 85,000 hotels v.orldwide Hotels.com Hotels.com Confirmation Number: 116049372461 Booked: Online -Wednesday, March 19, 2014 7:24:27 PM PDT Your Receipt Billing Name: Billing Address: Booking Details Guest Name: joe iaccarino 02453 us joe iaccarino Room Type: Check-in: Thursday, March 20, 201 4 Hotel Details: Check-out: Number of Nights: Number of Rooms: Charges: Thursday, March 20, 2014: Discount applied: Sub-total: Friday, March 21 , 2014 1 1 Tax reco~ry charges and service fees: VAT: Total Price: Amount paid: Amount still due to Hotels.com: Payment Method: Credit Card Number: Cancellauon Policy Free cancellation until 03/20/14 Standard Room , 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking Comfort Inn Near Lake Coeur D'Alene 3175 E Seltice Way Post Falls us +12087738900 USD $ $92.99 $0.00 $92.99 $7.44 $0.00 $100.43 $100.43 $0.00 MasterCard XXXXXXXXXXX:X4586 • If you change or cancel your booking after4:00 PM, 03120/14 ((GMT-07:00) /l/1ountain Time (US & Canada)) you will be charged for 1 night (including tax) https:/fssl.hotels.com'customer _ care/pri nt_receipt.html 1/2 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 40 of 80 SSP America l'lok N Rol ! MSP Minneapolis-St Pat.l 612-727-1856 Date: Mar16 q 05_47;;~1 Card Type: Master Car J Acr t fl : XXXXi<XXXX :,. 385 Ca rd Er:t ry: s;v IPEO Trans Type; O'fRCHi~£ lra:is i<.c>. flt')k··--1Elo:3 Auth Geode: ) 112~ ' 4Jo9 3erve;. Total 1 4.8 8 ***Merchant COPY*** Fresh c: t1 U:igan Imernat ior,a l k 1 r port Terminal A 2 Shift 1 Boston, MA 617-561-4700 Mar16' 14 01 :05P Gt,t O ------------·--· -~---- l Oi;:.t.i'~ G·~~ l'Jrap 6.29 l Bott led .'i.Her 1. 99 XXXXXX".. .,' ;o..XX4586 Master :ard 8.86 Sub!otal 8.28 State·Lcl T, 0.58 Payment Made 8 .86 IACCARINO III /JOSEPH **NOT VALID FOR** **TRAN SPORTATION** KU~ t>I 11:SJ" Ol t.J L I'll n J',. oo ~ .. ,. 7\ 00 USO 2 5 . 00 0 US0 25.00 In a Pickle 265 Moody St reet Wal tham, Ha 02451 781-891 -1212 Date: Mar16'14 08:47AM Card Type: Master Card Acct#: XXXXXXXXXXXX4586 Ca rd Entry: SWIPED Trans Type: PURCHASE Trans Key: FIF001471611432 Auth Code: 01223Z Check : 23 I~ Table: 12/1 Server: 1061 Daija I'/ Subtotal: 2 l . 66 TIP _______________ ~t-.:_\ ~------- T07AL.~~~-.:..~..::....:~=---' .::.(a~~'.__ SIGNATURE THIS IS CU:;TQMfPS COPY PASSENGER RECE IPT 16MAR14 0066 DL/KI BOS FTO 01 us PSGR TICK ET 0062354279009 EXCESS BAGGAG E TICK ET THIS IS YOUR RECI FOR CONDITION S "' <.4l<IUU /Ill CONTRACT -S EE PASSENG ER TI CKE BAGGAGE CHECK NOT VALID FOR TR 1 006 823 61313 34 1 1 006 8 23 61313 34 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 41 of 80 To Go Fi re Art isan Pizza Spakat1e 816 W Sprague Spokane ~IA, 99201 Phone ( 509) .1 t 3-1856 -~--~------===-==z-----------~-----~ Mar, 17, 2014 08:14 PH Tab 1 e " B 111 , 35 Merchant 394200104368 Reference n 407703299711 BRIAN Master Card *******'*'**'H586 S P u rchas e $ 32 .61 Tip ; G Total: 3 [, \o { Approved: 07219Z Cardho lder vn 11 pay card l si:;uer above amount pursuant to cardholder agreement Custo111er Copy .,. .. 1 7 2-D 0 85:t .4-39@ 5., 0 1 •S ... 2 6•:iL sr ----~o0 5C C,l o C c; 1 tt 7 2-U 985:!( -4c'.@ ST~RBUCKS Stare #14719 4727 N. Division St Spokane, WA (509) 483-5070 ------------------~--------------------- CHK 687082 03/17/2014 09 :14 AM 1846749 Drawer : 2 Reg : 3 ----·------------------------··---------- D r i v e Th r u Tl Latte 2.70 Caramel Sauce 0.60 Ham s~li ss Brk Sand 4 . 45 ~lastercard 8.42 XXXXXXXXXXXX4586 Subtotal Tax e.7 % Tota 1 Change Due $7.75 $0.67 $8.42 $0 .00 ------··----Check Closed --------------- 03/17/2014 09:14 AM 1:-eat yourself to layers of sti1eet espresso decadence t~ith a NE\'/ \lanll ia Macchiato. Or try our other Macchtatos Caramel and Hazelnut. A11 delicious hot or iced. Learn more at Starbucks.com Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 42 of 80 March 17, 2014 08:28 ?e1.tlip! #. 2893495258 MasterCard #: XXXXXXXXXXXX4586 2014/03117 07:41 Oty Oe:;cription 14 laptop & Internet Time/Minute '3 Laplop B&W Prints Leller/le9al · 1 Laptop B&W Prints Letter/Legal e Laptoµ B&W Prints Letter/Legal 1 Laptop B&W Prints Letter/Legal 1 Laptop B&W Prints Letter/Legal 1 Laptop B&W Prints letter/Legal 10 Laptop & Internet Thne/Minule 16 Laptop B&W Prints letter/legal Laptop B&W Print~ LeUer/Legal Laptop B&W Prints le1t11r/Legal 1 Laptop B&W Prints Letter/Legal Sub Total Taxes Total $ FedwOffice. March 17, 201411:34 Receipt #: 2893495280 MasterCard#: XXXXXXXXXXXX4~86 2014/03/17 11:12 Qly Description 5 PC Basic Station Time/Ml11ute 1 Computer 8&W Prints LetterJLegal 14 PC Design Stauon TimelM1nule Sub Total Taxes Total Page: 1 Amouril 2.80 1.47 C.49 2.94 0.49 0.49 0 49 2 00 7.84 o.49 0.49 049 20.48 1.36 21.84 Page: 1 Amount 1.50 0.49 8.30 8.29 0.72 U1 ~ ~Office. M.1rch 17. 201416:29 ReceiµI It 2894381018 MasterCard #: XXXXXXXXXXXX4588 2014/03117 18:0S Qty Description 18 Laptop & lnlemet Time/Minuit 1 laptop B&W Prints Leiter/Legat 1 laptoµ B&W Print!> Letter/Legal 2 Laptop B&W Prints Letter/Legal 1 Laptop B&W Prints Letter/legal 1 Laptop B&W Prims Leiter/Legal 1 Laptop B&W Prints Lelle1/Legal 1 Laptop B&W Prints Leiter/legal 1 Laptop B&W Prints Leiter/Legal 1 Laptop B&W Prints Leiter/Legat 1 Laptop B&W Prints LelterJLegal 18 Laptop B&W Prints Letter/Legal , Laplop B&W P1ints Letter/Legal 6 Laptop B&W Prints Leller/Legal 1 Laptop B&W Prints Letter/Legal 1 Laptop B&W Prints Leiter/Legal 1 Laptop B&W Prints Letter/Legal 4 Laptop B&W Prints letter/Legal 1 Laptop B&W Prints Letter/Le.gal 2 Laptop B&W Prints Leifer/Legal 3 La.plop B&W Prints Letter/legal 1 Laptop B&W Prints Letter/Legal 7 Laptop B&W Prints Letter/Legal 1 Laptop B&W Prints Let1er/Legal 4 Laptop B&W P1ints Leiter/Legal Sub Total Taxes Total Pagij.1 Amount 3.60 0.49 0.49 0.98 0.49 0.49 0 49 0.49 6.49 0.49 0.49 8.82 0.49 2.94 D.49 0.49 0.49 1.98 0.49 G.98 1.47 0.49 3.43 0.49 1.96 3U8 2.65 36.63 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 43 of 80 • t,£A10 8URl!ll" sn u 1s1 ~-...: ~-~99'M 509 8~7-123q 2"JOo5427 Sale 'fffiJJ!f.ffJJ.451 MST£ffl Entr, 11elhod: ~tPed Alootlt: {ip: lo al: r~at.ul t., Gi.i,Jel 1nt':I: ,; ... I.II'.> ~· l.qJ ~<-I .S 03J1M~ .• Inv ": 000043 ~Jd: Online $ 1.00 ---····· J -t- lB:52:41 APPr Cc~: um&I Bakr.ii. ~32 l at1.rt~ lo Pa,t J)b,;,v, tOt•l cuti11;~.rnl X LOl'~dtn9 tu cai-d J,.~. ~ t"'1a..c,,l 411t-r-chbnl .t,iff"tt ... nt ,r t.1 t'Un VQri.,dtt.t I ( ·····--·-····-····-···-··· . --1111..CAP!1,0, }r.,tl'H s··.Af~9UCXS Store #14719 ,l727 N. Jivisior, St Spokane. 1•:A ( 509) 433-5070 CHK 665403 03/18/2014 10:09 AM 1609104 Ora\~er: 1 Reg: 2 Rfrst:r Strwbry Lcl!l Tl latte Carar.i2 l S,r Soy Haste rc.i rd XXXXXXXXXXXX4585 St.btotal Tax 5.7,; ,eta 1 Change Due 2.45 2.70 0.50 0.60 6. 79 $6.25 $0.54 $6.79 $0.00 -----------Check :losed --------------- 03/18/2014 10:09 AM T rcct': yourse H to l B'/ers of sweet cspr~sso decadence with a NHI Va1i l la l~acchiato. Or ti-y our other Macchiatos Curamel a'ld Hazelnut. All deliciOU5 hot or iced. :..;an; more at Sta~bucks.Coill Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 44 of 80 1 t n q-4 '5 .t! 7-2?. o,r,r 2 1 •: (• 3 2•4Ci ~! O· ,. iit . •Sf CA l:l 0~ 9-·~ ,~~. j!f 1-.: 2 I ~ISHUP J immy Johns tt 1334 6n l \1Je.;t MRtn f;:t· U102 5119 8'.;'h :l;'. d IJ~i-19-201 1 Tl-~1 1 Ir' It! Pepe ll 304 Open 6.0~ PM 6:(15 PM ll4 i .irkeY Tom j1mniy Regu lar Ch1os 4 .98 4.99 1.30 Subtotal Safes Tax (8 .712%) 11 io 0.98 ------------·-------- Total i 12.26 ***PAID*** ~di t Tendered 12.26 l ip 0.00 INSHOP Order Taker: Kenney S,AFE \'J:t~:t' ,,. STDHE HONAi.. H 1,uli It, • 11 r '::{• : •1-< ,' HANk YOU I flP ',t!lil'I /.: 1 .;, vr Mi< !i ...,11p·;i i fi,li1dlit 3;!9/l'l I' S''· ru 111L S;i.·., ... 1.11111! Ji.; I '1 • t ~· ~.~f c;"t,1t~y M<!,<.l1 .. , 1 • , r ., . G Ii::, ~ :1 I I IHH I , TE/1., I our. ',:)9 l '"lf'PROA $ . ' ,b l o t!o~ " lns I ant 1 I Of:"f wOS SUSAN j I• 1°, lfl l •'di( ,';' l I itit f ()IJ ! • t ... ,,••· .!3fe:Y [~fl;: \.~n1 t .. ,,., • •'*"I ..; .~ ... ~ l ~~ 11.,-;:.lu ~·,~ H l CRl:Oll SAL[ U:SI J:Jl l'l O .,l CARD ij ~XKX~~XX~XXX1$86 ffEF .1 '1 03190 AUIH :000 4262Z I -, ·I ,-, uo 00 PRYHENl AHOUNT 15 /4 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 45 of 80 3/20/2014 Tf-flH 6 9:24:09 Al-I *MASTER CARO* $37.73 PURCHASE $ 37 .73 MASTER CARO #SXXXXXXXXXXXX4586 AUTH # 0\1692 EXP DATE **f** LANE # 06 CASHIER # 153 03/20/14 09:24 REF/SEQ# 069123 MRC\l::581167 TtRt,\=001 IC=CC £PS SEQUENCE # 069123 CHANGE OUE $0.00 YOU EARNED $0.10 IN 01SCOUNTS WITH fHIS TRAMSAC110N 3/20/2014 TERM 3 2:36 :43 PM HELLO, MY NAME IS MICAELA S. Wf WTR SPKL 1 @ .98 $0.99 TF >> YOU SAVED $0.06 SU610iAL ~lA lAX TOTAL DUE==> CHANGE DUE KFC/AW 325 Ross Point Rd. Post Falls, TD 8J8~4 (208)773-3534 2014·03~20 $0.99 $0.08 $1.07 $1.07 $5.00 $3.93 g 0 C'\ < --~~ ... ___ ... ____ : CREDIT SALE ~ ---------------< 0 z CHARG E DETAIL m )> 0 Name: .JOSEPH IACCARINO c Card Type: MasterCard Account: ***U*-******4586 S f,uth Gode : 02170Z r rans #: 4723 Auth Ref: 06000P6Y Sequence#: 031216 AUTH AMT: BALANCE: 0 0 0 G"I < tn )> ~ $14. 44 : $0 . 00 o 2 IJ) ~~~~---------~ 201 4-03-20 ll T4 6:09 PM :5 CUSTOMER COPY Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 46 of 80 ~ D E L T A ·;;:., PASSENGER RE CEIPT 21MAR14 0066 DL/KI GEG FTO o:. us EXCESS BAGGAGE TICKET IACCARINO III/JOSEPH **NOT VALID FOR** **TRANSPORTATION** PSGR TICKfT 0062354279009 T HIS I S YOUR RE CEIJ G OL "!SP OL 60~ ,n '/',.011 .I{ /\.00 lJSD 25.00 USD25.00 ,,_ FOR CONDITIONS o~ <A>-C•:u 101. CONTRACT -SEE PASSENGER T I CKET BAGGAGE CHECK NOT VAL ID FOR TRAVI 1 006 8237809 20 4 1 1 006 8237809204 1 SSP America l'Jok N Roll MSP Minneapolis-St. Pau I 612-727-1856 Date: Mar2l '14 06:27PH Card Type: Master Card Acct#: XXXXXXXXXXXX4586 Ca rd Entry: SWIPED Trans Type: PURCHASE Trans Key: CIC010153908081 Auth Code: 01723Z Check: 6607 Server: 159 Zhi Xin Total 1 2 .2 1 ***Merchant Copy**:t Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 47 of 80 IIHSHOS I OU lZ NOS SUBS SPOKAN~ INT'L AIRPORT 1304 TI MOT tH CHK 3832 MAR 21' 14 11 : 17 AH :LAS IC I fAL 8 \l Ii I TE SR EA 0 COi<F BTL 2007 ~U BTO TAL TAX AMOUN1 1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX6 rlSTRCARD A 1 7 .69 2.39 10.ua 0.8B 0 .96 XX/XX 10. 96 HM$Host-Spokane re,in Jones-General Manager 509-624 -3400 xx3100 kev in. j onesnnmshos1 . com liHSrlos t • Making The Travelers Day Bette r HHSHcs t Store Code = 5903N21 Find Us On F~cebook 1 :1~ 1J • t a c e n o o k . co rn / Ii m s h o s t ST :.f. 8,.t• tr,, Str.re ; 101'17 1:1Slt1 YI. '>i<l !,I t Cl SpDkilrie. \'JC1 i ~,ll}J: 4S~-JJ:,? LI¥ /tjblJ2L tl l/ LI /211 ! ~ 1)7 · 1/ i\~l H!u 753~ flr <i.·,,~i-: ;_ Reu. ,, D rive Thru r di d~1e I :,01:t:r. So:, 'l:t.:,( t:l t:•11 d ~, X ('/,'/,,X.'/..'t,1.'!, (.EJiJt : . /0 0.60 o.ao 4 . :,4 ~:tlllllto I -:-.-:~ 8.7 ~ lt,ta I C i 1.:j 11ge J.3.90 $11 .34 $·1 ./4 $(J .ltl°) Cl ,eek t I osei..l i1J/ ii/11114 0/: I/ A~l .... , ..... f$i National. RA 729541512 Bi I o Rantal 16·MAR·2014 09:11 PM ~ um AJPT ft.turn 2HIAR·2014 10:50 AM SP()(A1£ IHTL MPT JlS6lH IM!AA II() Vehlcl, # EC086604 Model aRll.LA Clm Or lven ICAR Clan Olarged ECAR License# AOm84 State/Province WA Mlw Driven S26 M /K,,s Ou I 2832 M!K..s In 3356 CACMJS cro.F. I It Olargts No Uni t lllf/UJW S Clays T&M tW I.NLl14 MtKM o 14/ICJl\s OKESS ICN RElllV fEE SPOO.'E ~T fEE ~ LIC CllST lmlV ST fEITAL TAX 15. 900 X SPCfiTS TAX II . 000 X SAl.fS TAX 18. 600 X lolal Olarges Oepos i t IC 4586 Amount Out Price 193.74 kounl 0.00 193. 744 o.oo• 21.76· 18.75 2.30 12.72 2.16 16.53 LSl 269.96 LSl 269.96 St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t G Pa g e 4 8 o f 8 0 Company Name: MesutAvci DistrlcVOfflce Portland, OR Week Ending 3/22/2014 Purpose I Clients Visited:, NEEA IFSA Sl~e Visit/ Poe A?phalt Paving 1,nc (Pullman, ~A) & Avista N~ Impact Site Visits/ Idaho Forest Group (GralAmount Paid by Travel Agent Fr: Portland, qFr: Lewiston, tFr: Lewiston, tFr: Lewiston, tFr: Moses Lak!Fr: Moses Lak!Fr: I I Cadmus Advances Received By Employee $ 1,231.46 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Total Date: 3/16 I 3/17 I 3/18 3119 3/20 3/21 3/22 Amount Due Cadmus $ BeC1innin!l MileaQ.e 7524 \ 7866 7943 81 10 8273 8403 Ending Mileage 7866 l 79~3 8110 8273 8403 8692 Amount Due Emplovee $ 1,231.46 167 163 130 289 1,168.0 Mileage Expense $193.23 I $4: 51 $94.36 $92.10 $73.45 $163.29 $659.92 $ Amount !Account Name IPrnjecVAcct. # Car Rental & Gas \ .$139.77 Plane, Train, Bus \ $ Amount Account Name ProjecVAcct. # Miscellaneous \ $1,091.69 Avista NR lmoact 6405.0003.0005 Local Trans./ Taxi \ I $ Amount Account Name ProjecVAcct. # Tolls ParkinJ I \ I I I I I I I 1$ Amount !Account Name IProjecVAcct. # Tele hone / Communicati, $Amount Account Name ProjecVAcct. # $47.00 143.00 $43.00 $69.00 $69.00 $271.00 Hotel Taxes I $9.36 ~7.26 $7.26 S11.83 $11.83 $47.54 Tips l l Certification: I certify that this expense report contains no charges for alcohol and entertainment except as specified in SECTION II. $144.62 $172.93 $154.28 $163.29 $978.46 All costs were actually incurred while performing company business. Per Diem 75% $34.50 I I $34.50 $69.ool SIGNED Mesut Avci I DATE 03/23/2014 Per Diem 100% $ 46.~0 $ 46.00 s 46.00 $ 46.00 $184•001APPROVED IDATE Actual I • If conference rule appliesL explain: RECEIVED By Ninette Stillman at 12:40 pm, Mar 25, 2014 L...-----------------------------------1. --~ Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 49 of 80 3119/2014 Priceline.com -Printer Friendly Receipt priceline.com· trip receipt ))Print Receipt »Back to Previous Page Ramada Moses Lake 1745 Kittleson Road, Moses Lake, WA 98837 1 509-766-1000 Check-In: Thu, Mar 20, 2014 / After 02:00 PM Check-Out: Fri, Mar 21, 2014 / 12:00 PM Rooms: 2 rooms Confirmation#· 82084016, 82084015 Priceline Trip fr 226-819-003-51 Summary of Charges Room 1: Room 2: Billing Name: Payment Method: Price: avg. per room, per night Rooms. Nights: Room Subtotal. Taxes & Fees: Prlceline Hotel Coupon: Total Charged to Card: 'Pncesare in US dollars, Important Information Mesut Avci , Confirmation #: 82084016 lpek Avci. Confirmation#: 82084015 Mesut Avci Visa (ending in 7215) $69.00 2 1 $138.00 $23.66 -$6.90 $154.76 Congratulations! 5% discount successfully applied! • Remember, your Priceline hotel reservation is non-refundable, non-transferable and non-changeable. • If you have any questions or require further assistance, please ..isit our Help Section. You may also contact our Customer Service Department toll-free at 1-800-657-9168 (when calling from United States/Canada), +1 212 444 0022 (when calling from anywhere else}. Please ha\€ your priceline trip number (226-819-003-51} and the phone number you used when you placed your request (305-613-7101} ready when you call. • All rooms will accommodate up to 2 people. Requests for bed types (King, Queen, 2 Doubles, etc.} or other special requests (including preferences for smoking or non-smoking rooms) should be requested through your confirmed hotel and cannot be guaranteed by Priceline. • Reservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you do not check-in on the first day of your reseMJtion and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. https:/lwvvw.priceline.corr/hotelld/receipt.do?jsk=344b050a354a050a20140320031414171010220686&plf=PCLN&hdsk=hszgwz.41<. 1/2 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 50 of 80 3/1512014 Priceline.com -Printer Friendly Receipt priceline.com· trip receipt »Print Receipt l>Back to Prev1ous Page Guesthouse Lewiston 1325 Main Street, Lewiston, ID 83501 1208-746-3311 Check-In: Sun, Mar 16, 2014 / After 03:00 PM Check-Out: Mon, Mar 17, 2014 / 11:00 AM Rooms: 2 rooms Confirmation #". QHDL9BBQY, QHDL9BBQQ Pricellne Trip # 237 -906-963-49 Summary of Charges Room 1: Room 2: Billing Name: Payment Method: Price: avg per room, per night Rooms: Bed Type: Nights: Room Subtotal: Taxes & Fees: Total Charged to Card: 'Prices are in US dollars. Mesut Avci, Confirmation#: QHDL9BBQY lpek Avci. Confirmation#: QHDL9BBQQ Mesut Avci Visa (ending in 0837) $47.00 2 Spacious 1 Queen Bed With Recliner Non Smoking Microwave Refrigerator Wireless 1 $94.00 $18.72 $112.72 Important Information • Remember, your Priceline hotel reservation is non-refundable, non-transferable and non-changeable. • If you ha-.e any questions or require further assistance, please '-lisit our Help Section. You may also contact our Customer Service Department toll-free at 1-800-657-9168 (when calling from United States/Canada), +1 212 444 0022 (when calling from anywhere else). Please ha1.e your priceline trip number (237-9()6..963-49} and the phone number you used when you placed your request (305-613-7101) ready when you call. • Your reserVcJlion has been made for the following bed type: Spacious 1 Queen Bed With Recliner Non Smoking Microwave Refrigerator Wireless • All rooms will accommodate up to 2 people. Special requests (including preferences for smoking or non-smoking rooms) should be requested through your confirmed hotel and cannot be guaranteed by Priceline. • Reservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you do not check-in on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance. the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be https:/r.w.w.priceline.com'hotelxd/receipt.do?jsk=354a050a364a050a201403160629260f7010246248&plf=PCLN&hclsk=hsty7zf8 1/2 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 51 of 80 3/16/2014 Priceline.com-Printer FriendlyReceipt priceline.com· trip receipt »Print Receipt »Back to Prev.ous Page Guesthouse Lewiston 1325 Main Street, Lewiston, ID 83501 I 208-746-3311 Check-In: Check-Out: Rooms: Confirmation # Priceline Trip#: Mon, Mar 17, 2014 / After 03:00 PM Wed, Mar 19, 2014 111:00 AM 2 rooms QHDL9BST3,QHDL9BSTH 237-993-043-49 Summary of Charges Room 1: Room 2: Billing Name: Payment Method Price. avg. per room. per night Rooms: Bed Type: Nights: Room Subtotal: Taxes & Fees: Total Charged to Card: ·Pncesare m US dollars. Mesut Avci , Confirmation#: QHDL9BST3 lpek Avci, Confirmation#: QHDL9BSTH Mesut Avci Visa (ending in 7215) $43.00 2 Spacious 1 Queen Bed With Recliner Non Smoking Microwave Refrigerator Wireless 2 $172.00 $29.04 $201.04 Important Information • Remember, your Priceline hotel reseMtion is non-refundable, non-transferable and non-changeable. • If you ha.e any questions or require further assistance, please \'isit our Help Section. You may also contact our Customer Ser.ice Department toll-free at 1-800-657-9168 (when calling from United States/Canada). +1 212 444 0022 (when calling from anywhere else). Please ha.e your prlceline trip number (237-993-043-49) and the phone number you used when you placed your request (305-613-7101) ready when you call. • Your reseMlion has been made for the following bed type: Spacious 1 Queen Bed With Recliner Non Smoking Microwa.e Refrigerator Wireless • All rooms will accommodate up to 2 people. Spec,al requests (including preferences for smoking or non-smoking rooms) should be requested through your confirmed hotel and cannot be guaranteed by Priceline. • Reservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you do not check-in on the first day of your reseMtion and you do not alert tt,e hotel [n advance, the remajning portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be https:/fv.N.t.N.priceline.com'hotel)Clj/recei pt.do?jsk= 344b050a364a050a2014031704362753e010317'£J7&plf= PC LN &hdsk= hs"9q z 1 q 1/2 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 52 of 80 3/18/2014 Priceline.com-Printer Friendly Receipt priceline.com· trip receipt »Print Receipt »Back to Previous Page Ramada Moses Lake 1745 Kittleson Road, Moses Lake, WA 98837 I 509-766-1000 Check-In: Check-Out: Wed, Mar 19, 2014 / After 02:00 PM Thu, Mar 20, 2014 / 12:00 PM Rooms: 2 rooms Confinnation #: Priceline Trip #: 81687297, 81687296 226-734-133-51 Summary of Charges Room 1: Room 2: Billing Name: Payment Method: Price: avg per room, per night Rooms: Nights: Room Subtotal: Taxes & Fees: Pricellne Hotel Coupon: Total Charged to Card: ·Pnces are in US dollars. Important Information Mesut Avci, Confirmation ft. 81687297 lpek Avci, Confirmation#:. 81687296 MesutAvci Visa (ending in 7215) $69.00 2 1 $138.00 $23.66 -$6.90 $154.76 Congratulations! 5% discount successfully applied! • Remember, your Priceline hotel reservation is non-refundable, non-transferable and non-changeable. • If you have any questions or require further assistance, please visit our Help Section. You may also contact our Customer Service Department toll-free at 1-800-657-9168 (when calling from United States/Canada), +1 212 444 0022 (when calling from anywhere else) Please ha-,e your priceline tnp number (226-734-133-51) and the phone number you used when y,ou placed your request (305-613-7101) ready when you call. • All rooms will accommodate up to 2 people. Requests for bed types (King, Queen, 2 Doubles, etc.) or other special requests (including preferences for smoking or non-smoking rooms) should be requested through your confirmed hotel and cannot be guaranteed by Priceline. • Reservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you do not check-in on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund. https:/tw.r.w.priceline.com'hotel)Qjirecei pt.do?jsk=334a050a344b050a201403190537 4398a010299621 &plf=PC LN &hdsk= hs~~u 1/2 St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t G Pa g e 5 3 o f 8 0 Company Name: District/Office Peter Lee Week Ending 3/15/2014 Purpose / Clients Visited: Avista 6405.0003.0005 I Amount Paid by Travel Agent I I , I I I I I I I OAK Fr: Fr: Fr: Fr: Fr: Cadmus Advances Received By Employee Total Expenses (Employee) I S 1,683.86 Tve Wed Thu Fri Sat Total Date: I 3/9 I 3/10 I 3/11 3/12 3/13 3/14 3/15 ' Amount Due Cadmus $ Beainning Mileaoel I I Jc ,- Amount Due Employee $ ~3.86 $ Amounl Account Name Projec~ Mileaae Expense Car Rental & Gas $248,31 $8.98 $257.29 $1,683.86 Avista 6405.0003,0005 Plane, Train, Bus $652.00 $652_00 $ Amount Account Name ProjecVAcct. # Miscellaneous Local Trans. I Taxi $50.0() $51.00 5101.00 S Amount IAccounl Name !Project/Acct.# Tollsl Parking I I I I I I I Is Amount !Account Name I Project/Acct. # Telephon-e / Cornmunicat,o Total Misc. Expenses $50.00 $51.00 $101.00 $ Amount ]Account Name IProjecVAccl. # Lodalna Exoenses • $106.50 $106.50 $106.50 $106.50 $426.00 Hotel Taxes $14.90 $14.90 $14.90 $14.90 $59.60 hips $5.00 $5.00 SS.00 S5.00 $20.00 Certification: I cenify that this expense report contains no charges for a1cohol and entertainment except as specified In SECTION II. $1,515-.89 All costs were actually Incurred while performing company business. - PerDiem 75% ' / --~ lDATEJ Per Diem 100% APPROVED ID~TE Actual $12.22 s 43.00 s 16.29 $ 65.00 s 32.46 $167.97 - By Ninette Stillman at 3:50 pm, Mar 25, 2014 • If conference rule applies. explain: Received $50 Discount from Hotels com. Subtrc1cted $12.5 f(9rn hotel {QQmsforeach day: 1'1';-1M1S§1NG ACAB FARE THAT! CANNOT FIND ON MY CBJ=DIJ OARD STATEMENT. Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 54 of 80 a ' AIR ltineraiy AIR Confirmation: 7M24RU Confirmation Date. 02•'2612014 Pass-e nger( s) LEEJPETER R.apid Rewards# Ticket# 312003565 5262195766644 Expiration Est. Points famed Nov 25, 2014 7032 RL;r;a F!~sros ooir;t; 1=1rr.e:i ;ir,; ort}' estm·:;;.1-6 Vrs;t }'"<>Ur ilJySni,tr.~e;I. S;;.1..thwest com or Rspd R;;,.1131:ts} .;coount 'or 1h, most ,ceuG(e rim;!s -mclv.:a"Q A-L1;;1 tA-ltH Pr;,f;;rri:i;i b:)r..n r,o1rts Date Flight Oepartu re/Arrival Sun Mar9 2500 Depart OAKLAtlO, CA (OAK) on Southwest Airlines at 7:25 PM Arrive in SPOKAt!E, WA (GES) a19:15 PM Thu Mar 1.3 559 Tra· cl i mte I 111 'i <=!) 11\lt•s Business Selaci Depart SPOKAtlE, WA (GEG) on Soutnwes1 Airlines at 08:00 AM ArriVe in OAKLAllD, CA (OAK) at 10:05 AM , r,3·,~ Time L 1' ~ r mil's Business Select Wha1 you need to know t o travel: • Don't forget1o check in for your flighl{s) 24 hours before your trip on soutmves1.com or your mobi~ device. This will secure your t>oardmg position on your flights. • Soufhwest Aklines does not have ass,gned seats, so you can cltoose your seat when you board fuP. plane. You wifl be assigned a boarding position based on your eheekin li;ri:,e. The earlier you cbeck in, withrn 24. hours of youdlight, the earlier you ge-t to board. Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 55 of 80 CAR Itinerary CAR Confirmation: G13030794F8 Onver Name: Peter Lee Aap•d Rewards #: 312003565 Pji;k-Up Location Drop orr Locanon Hertz-Rental Ceunter and Gar are both at the Hertz-Rental Counter and Car are both at the Airport Terminal. Spokane, VVA-GEG Airport Terminal. Spokane, WA-GEG Pjtk-Up Date Drop Off Date Sun March 9 . 20 I 4 Thu March 13, 2014 11-ehide Description; Compact. FORD-FOCUS OR SIMILAR Details: The rninimum rental age is 25 years old on most rentals. All drlvers m1jst IH11:e a rrrajor credit card and v-alid dri..,er's license In lhe driver's name. Remember1o s-how yo1.u Rapid Rewards card at eheckout Vendor terms and concht1ons: ZE CONTRACT ADDED 8ENEFrf3 l•,".AY NOT APPLY "'MIN AGE20. MOST CAR CLASSES 2~24-RATE DIFFERENTIALAPPLIESc::FOR RENTERS UNDER 25 fRS or AGE SEE KE'N.'OROAGE<EXTP..A DAY CHARGES APPLY AFTER:2300 MONDAY <RATE MAY BE SUBJECT TO VERff lCATJON OF ID Booking details Hotel Lusso ***" 4.5 f!i••.aJ 222 ratings E:1:i£ l>'i ripr-a;LP-A\•-a <;r,--,k~f'?. W.h :4B2J• LIS •'"e,:,g74 f!:t7!'\"'I Summar; 11, Room Ch.irges C~k,r· Cl>e~k PW:: C li.1St11;m: R"ltir'" typa: Tot31 roorr;: !hmd~y. l.taroh 9, 20-tA Thurs~y. Man:.h 1 l , WM .4 n;ghts Roon•. 1 Quet'n e?d 1 Estimated Car Cost: S '134.94 Room1 Room. 1 Q.,_.,~., Bed fbk11 c:llar,;ies to rc-oir rei;er., ;.bo~· X Car~t tos t:1-:>m 1'11..rr.ter ol r.i;,hu l\urrber :,z ;.u;:....3ts: Pti:'.Iererc;?.i; ... t.grtiy i:r~r;;i;;s 4 nights Peh>r u,,e . Z ~dulti; Noll Smol\ing, Qul'l!n Bed Sundly. lilar~h 9. 2014 l.fon.d'a)J. L&arch 10. ll114 Tuesday. 1.b rch 1t 2014 ~·ti;nr.esday. IA;rch t2, 2M4 Coupon applied; Tax rt:~VEi)' o J-5t;.:5 ;J"Jt: ~r·.•t&e t-~s Total: 5t19.S3 SH!l.93 s.uu~ ~119.9:! -SS0.03 ~ue $489.56 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 56 of 80 A flilR IWRE,l.lt:l. l>LAZ,l. 1.4.l.R'l(fTOAKLAtiD !!'A 51~.~ > 8 1:)t-L M~l-1 " -i:o ,c W.R U tf LEJ.1'DRO TRAtf!.POR51~i~I$ ;;,&:1)(} > 3 l1l!1-l f"'lMLc-~'i\ ~\ fll.,l,R KERTZ RElfl' /J. Cil.R ttEfi SPOK,J.NEW>I. 52J:,';jj > 10 2'1c£ CA-t.... (l. 1:.1..,,f.) L "'l Pl.AR l lUUlE$Ttfll.l~lJHJl~WOK.Af,lf'WA sz;oo :,. 10 21&1.i \11"~ ,.: P&.l.R Tl-'!:POIT -!.TREl:T llE !i.POl<AliEWA Sla.:>J > 10 2!01.i f1 Cr"O ,en+ ,AAR TttE PIT .l. PIT -OT !P$'0K.i:.l,E 1/11,l, SS..J3 ) 11 :191~ f"-uo \'> t.t.\R W.l.L<,;1lEEr. S IISll·l 7 «Jro<~K../4rtE W.l\ i7.&b ) 11 ~1l r.o.P l~R GUHl\1:RD.I.GGffiCUIU{E!POKC.HE V'll\ 511>11, '> 12 ~t fo•r" PAilR EIJRC,i:>t; RUTMfRAITT & SPOK.A1.E liV.il )SJ;)() > 12 ~.l f..,, 0 P rl-0.lt c'"_f llli:Ort P.lGGY rMRT'!SPOKAHE'll'I.I. .51>33 • > 13 2!>H YIH > ""'' .. ~R Oltl rtlE Pil.'t:!Calr -THAtlK YOU 4"':l~ ), 13 ~,u IMR $T.-,,ReUCIU CGE«ll~lPOKAt.ffWA 55.22 > 13 r-(/q .-Wi.l h'AR !.il'KttO rttAlwlll9:.92W.,;,KL,\lfC• CA 515.Ji ~ > 13 F-o(I t> t'\11,< M.J,R THE OA'tfli?ORT IIO'Tfl i?CiWAl{E WA u 1~ > 13 w ~fl..,11'\... 1'!Jj,L lt\AR TXP.GfT R.10:E MET -OAKOCtl{Ul.lID tr( 3510J > 13 ~. ~It St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t G Pa g e 5 7 o f 8 0 Company Name: The Cadmus Groue_, Inc. Purpose/ Clients Visited: !Avista Non-Re~identlal Impact ?405.0003.0006 Avista E_roJect Fr: Fr: POX E_r:_JlPQ_ M Date: 3_/J 3/10 3/11 1:1, Mileage Ex_11_ense Ron Burden Fr: SPO Fr: 3/12 3113 DistncVOffice Fr: 3/14 Fr: 3/15 Week Ending 3/15/14 Car Rental & Gas ~~~61 $85.951 ss2.96J I I I $191.87 Amount Paid by Travel Agent Cadmus Advances Received B}'J;mployee Tot11j~enses (Effil)loyee 1,061.96 Amount Due~_admus 1 Amount Due Emp.loyee $ 1L061.95 $Amount Account Name ProjecVAcct. # S 1 c061A15[~vi_st.i_~Qn·R~~idential_lrrulacl 6405.0003.ooos I Plane, Trafn1 Bus I I $176.001 I $236 001 I I I $412.001 $Amount Account Name IProjecVAcct. # Mlsceillc,1n_e9u_s_ l.,_o__Qlll Trans./ Taxi JQJ!.s Parkin! Telephone I Communic:.i_ti_()!'lsJ Lodging ExJ Hot~IJaice~ s2a.001 i28.00 $10'UlOI $14.84 S.107.00 S1:4.84 $30.00 i58.00' $ Amount Account Name ProjecVAcct. # $Amount Account Name ProJecVAcct. # 130.00 $58.00'$ Amount Account Name ProjecVAcct. # i214.00 $29.68 .Q.~fica.!icm;_ I certify that this expense report contains no charges for I "po I I I I I I I I . lalcohol and entertainment except as_ specified In SEC_TION II. All costs 1905.55 were actually incurred while performing company busmess. SIGNED Ron Burden 3/17/14 Pe1_Qiem 75% APPROVED DATE Per Diem 10_0% Actual $ 69.40 [ S nooJ s 11..00 $156.40 Business Meals_ RECEIVED By Ninette Stillman at 11 :12 am, Mar 18, 2014 St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t G Pa g e 5 8 o f 8 0 [ ~ N~AS.· SENGERTICKET ANDBAGGAG£CHECK 214344. 4154 1 ~ ALASKA A I RL INES , 'UI.\CITOCOOT'O<SOFtonllOic;T I al _,. PASSENGER RECEIPT 1 OF 1 i 4 ~i -ALASKA AIRLINES __ ., 1"2MAR14...JT~'i ... us \_Cf_ .. : UJ1 ~ <E3 4JF /SRJWE : a.REN/~IC la .....I we , ....,P!~tu:·--. .--'°"aa "' . fa. a:i' BURDEN# RONALDFREDERtla I\Off-euatl.-----.l..1111----.,,..2 : .. _ . . . . ;<t W t • ""NOT VALID FOR*• ..... RETAIN THIS RECEIPT••• ·SPOKANE Hn ::i:~l-'·rRANsP0RrAT10N·~'llRouoHour vouR JouRN v· ·"°>s'°2029Y1:JIM. v,OG:25 ! i • "'"' . PORTLAND OR ,. I r-~--tcol ~ ! C 8 J.AJ1JIE.~ I ••• • •• •• • •• ••• • •••• ••• • • ••• • •••• I • • ••• •1UONI.O-.i lOII ·-···. --· ------I s l ... __ -·~... • ....................... ' • .. ,_ t.ll ., • ...,.,.,. ! -:.. ciJ ~ -i5cJcl5. OCJJS02s. ()()Et.() : ••• • • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • • • •••••• • •• •• : • .. • ..... • IOIIIIIIEliilfl ....... ••t. ...... ..... g ·•····t ······~········~ i ~· :•·······l·········~···.··.·······.f ,. J l'O.. m.wf#C-·,.;,we,-· · , _,._tut-• • 1 u::iu 2 5 • o o AXlOOOCOOOOOOCt002 xxxx 1nosa , .,,... ....... ...-•.. ,,..,, .. 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ALASKA AIRLINES a-• 1~MAR14~2~0002 Us ,_ao_ E Wl & <E3 4JF ·-ISfO<»E , B.R:'&~/FOWIFREIERIC ~ ...J W II I ....,?.;•~r!'--1--1CUOCIDIII ,o Jo.. a:,1BuROEN/RONALDFREOERl.5 ______ ,.. _ 0 _____ .,..3 .. _ 4:: W j• 'ANOT VALID FOR••••••RETAIN THIS RECEIPT••• SPOKANE !~ J:;t• '·TRANSPORTATION• n,'JfROUGHOUT YOUR JOURNEY• ,w,s"°2029y 1.Mta sa.01/CXD ! I. 'e'A'G'Fl: .35 ,,..ab PORTLAND OR I i C , r-~ --.,.~&1 I ............................... . • ~ ....... ,-,,...o,.,~,°' t i c.-... .._... -~-------.!:. ·---_, • IQ •••••••••••••••••••• = .. ,.,..,_ ,JI! : ....... ~ :. ® ~5.00SCl.01/CXD 35,{)()811) •••••••••••••••••••••••·••••••••• . : . ~" . . ........... ...-~ . . ..... ! . ······r.·····~········ ! t . . . . •....... 1 .......... ~ ............ . ~ j , !~ '°"'""-IIOtWCl'--•n-• ~ 1 u::.u 3 5 • 0 0 AXXXXXXXXXXXX1002 XXXX 169318 ........... ..-..-.... -.-· • • • • • • • • • • • o ·,a .. wr IICll .,J O ' 0 "lr'O IC -tel Cit 1117 llal. tff IO 0C. Wf IN:ltlllf -to tel ca Wf IIGl WT C !l W 7-w .-.-. • ·• .-. • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • .. 9 e • 8 t,-.;• .... . ~~· .... tr , .... -. ··~· IO'lf~-" ~a-... a:~:... J I I ~T VALID FQR TRA~EL +m t . 0270110709.466'.(j' 027 2143444147 1 ~7 2Mq44147 1 Z .•ls> 3 5 e O • I --l. ·-..• -• ~ - --... 2 1 ALASKA AIRLINES 4 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 60 of 80 Sunday, March 9 , 2014 at 1 :49 :35 PM Pacific Daylight Ti me Subject: RONALD F PORTLAND 10MAR14 Date: Thursday, March 6, 2014 at 6:45:54 AM Pacific Sta ndard Time From: Delta Air Lines To: Ron Burden A .DELTA f~ deita.com My Trips Earn Miles YOUR ITIN ERARY AND RECEIPT To access your boarding pass at the airport, print email now and scan at a Delta self-service kiosk. Thanks for choosing Delta. Please review before your trip: Check in for your flight up to 24 hours prior to departure at delta.com or with the Fly Delta app -also check flights, change seats, reserve car and hotels, and much more. Make changes to eligible electronic tickets through My Trips at delta.com. If you need to contact Delta for assistance please call 1-800-221-1212 or visit delta.com/help. CH(CK IN ONLrnc > Flight Confirmation #: HMAZ3M I Ticket#: 00623537892622 Your Flight Information Mon lOMAR LV9:00am Wed 12MAR LV 1:45pm PORTLAND SPOKANE AR 10:04am SPOKANE AR 2:56pm PORTLAND *Flight 9255 Operated by HORIZON AIR As AS Flt 2352 *Flight 9243 Operated by HORIZON AIR As AS Flt 2053 Offset your Carbon Emissions DELTA 9255* ECONOMY (S) DELTA9243* ECONOMY (S) We have partnered with The Nature Conservancy to allow you to offset your carbon emissions for this trip. Go to delta.corn/CO2 to calculate your CO2 emissions and learn more about offsetting. Your Flight Details Manag.e Trip> Passenger Details flights Seats Page 1 of4 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 61 of 80 RONALD FREDERIC BURDEN SkyMiles #*******932 Silver DELTA 9255 DELTA 9243 NA NA ***Visit delta.com or use the Fly Delta app to view, select or change your seat If you purchased an Economy Comfort seat or a Trip Extra, please visit My Trips to access a receipt of your purchase. Receipt Information Billing Details Passenger: RONALD FREDERIC BURDEN FARE: Taxes/ Carrier-imposed Fees: Ticket Amount: Payment Method: AX***********1002 306.98 USO 45.02 352.00 USO Ticket Number: 00623537892622 This ticket is non-refundable unless issued at a fully refundable fare. Some fares may not allow changes. If allowed, any change to your itinerary may require payment of a change fee and increased fare. Failure to appear for any flight without notice to Delta will result In cancellation of your remaining reservation. Note: VVhen using certain vouchers to purchase tickets, remaining credtt:s may not be refunded. Additional charges and/or credits may apply and are displayed in the sections below. Details -Taxes/Carrier-imposed Fees Total: 45.02 Itemized: 5.00 AY 9.00 XF 8.00 ZP 23.02 US Fare Details POX DL GEG153.49SA03AOMC DL PDX153.49SA03A0MC USD306.98END ZP PDXGEG XF PDX4.SGEG4.5 Ticketing Details Passenger: RONALD FREDERIC BURDEN Baggage Fees Ticket #: Place of Issue: Issue Date: 00623537892622 LAXWEB 06MAR14 Expiration Date: 06MAR15 Thank you for being a valued customer. The fees below are based on your original ticket purchase 0 Information. If you qualify for free or discounted checked baggage, this will be taken into account when you check In. Page 2 of4 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 62 of 80 Her tz RENTAL, 03/10/14 10 :14 RETURN: 03/12/14 07 :12 SPOKANE, WA SPOKANE, WA BURDEN/RONALD OVERLAND WEST, INC. Hertz system Licensee FT : ZEl HG, (509 )747-3101 OWN/VEH: 95121/0702167 14 4RUN.NER TOYOTA T LIC : ID 8BEX856 LOW DECLINED MILEAGE I N: LIS DECLI NED MI LEAGE OUT: PAI ,PEC DECLINED MILES DRIVEN: FPO DECLINED -FUEL & SVC APPLIED TR-X MILES DRIVEN : $ 6.99 GL TK CAP: 23.00 MILES ALLOWED: E'UEL OUT: 8/8 FUEL IN: 8/8 JULES CHARGED: PLAN IN: AAAD ADDITIONAL CHARGES: PLAN OOT: AAAP CUSTOMER FAC-ILITIES FEE$ 7 .50 RAn CLASS: D AU'l11: S 462, 00/103192 TYP ROW WA.$ YOUR EXPSRIENC£? WE'D LUe;E Y-OUR PEl':iDBACP.. 11 Cal.I l-800-975-3420, or Viei t '-'W'\tt,hertzs.urveS,.com l t Bnt.e-r Acceu Code: '9-546!:i, TRANK YOU FOR REN'rI NG FROM HERTZ ll!:SKR'lA'l'l('A~ [Nf'ORMAnON: Gl3602:05'348 PREPAJUl;O BY: Sl' C-0KPt.£tt;O fH! BDG DRB: 03/12/14 S'l'A'l!EMENT OP Cl:IJ\RGES -NOT VALID l"OR RENTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ CDP: 95465-01 #02 RN 95465-01 DAYS 0000177 EX HOURS EX DAYS XDAY HRS MlLEAGE CHG 2 VEFI CLASS : L SUBTOTAL 4276 DISCOUNT 10% 4088 SUBTOTAL 188 0 CONCESSION FEE 0 VLCR* 0 ADDITION CHARGES LOW 64 .01 I DAY LIS 32 .01 I EX HOUR PAI/PEC 83 .99 I EX DAY FUEL & SVC 0.00 I EX WEEK TAXABLE SUBTOTAL 28.00 I XDAY HR TAX .15600 0.00 I MILE TOTAL CHARGES CHARGED ON AMX ,,.,,.,, •ooo•• L-5240629-2 (TX) $ 128 .02 (TX) $ .oo (TX) $ .oo (TX) $ .00 (TX) $ .oo $ 128 .02 $-12 .80 $ 115. 22 (TX) s 12 .99 (TX) $ 1.72 (TX) $ 7 .50 (TX) s . 00 (NT) s . 00 (NT) s . 00 (NT) $ . 00 $ 137 . 43 $ 21.44 $ 15~. 87 $ 158.87 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 63 of 80 ***REPRINT*** REPRINT*** REPRINT*** 822 W. 2nd Ave Spokane WA 99204 DIVINE HID CITY 00010083236 822 W 2ND AVE SPOKANE , WA 03/11/2014 239883768 05:58:16 PH 1002 AHEX INVOICE 1i5615 AUTH 00-521100 REF 120150311141756 PUHPM 3 REGULAR 9.853G PRICE/GAL 3.349 FUEL TOTAL $ 33.00 *** REPRINT *** REPRINT *** REPRINT *** CREDIT $ 33.00 ***REPRINT*** REPRINT*** REPRINT*** Batch: 12 SeQ Num: 15 Term ID: 3 ZIP ENTERED Workstatfon ID: 00 WANT FREE GAS? REGISTER TO WIN AT WWW.GASVISIT.COM WANT TO WIN FREE GAS? Register to win at: www.gasv1s1t.com *** REPRINT *** REPRINT *** REPRINT *** Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 64 of 80 Guest Name: Date Olfl0/2014 03110/2014 03/1012014 03110/2014 03110/2014 03/10/2014 03/1112014 03/11/2014 03/11/2014 03111/2014 03!12/2014 Guest Signature: Ronald Burden CL#: cc 'I/: xxxxxx· • •• .. THE DAVENPORT li(HI L C OLU:C I ION O"VENJ'O"T • TOWEi', • LUSSO PQ1Zr:No 1 Room #; 146 l Folio#: RBOCF5 Oroup #: Guests: Cleric r ATHFR TNF'l Time: 05:09 PM Depart: 03/12/14 Time. 12:56 P~ Status: HIST De.c;cription Reference Comment Charges Credits SALES TAX 031050157151 ~ fr, lSOJQ t.><Q<-...>~) MlSCCHARGE 03105015715 ~~~ 0°""'~1'i"€. S4.00 ~ ROOM CHARGE 1461 $107.00 LODGINGTAX 14611 LODGING TAX $3.53 SALES TAX 14611 SALES TAX S9.3l TPA ASSESSMENT 14611 TPA ASSESSMENT il.00 ROOM CHARGE 1461 SI07.00 LODGING TAX 14611 LODGING TAX SJ.53 SALES TAX 1461t SALES TAX S9.31 TPA ASSESSMENT 14611 TPAASSESSMENT S2.00 PAYAMIDC CkOu112:55 • ..... -••• • • • ••• 002 54620 (S24&.03) -q~f> Folio Bu.lanc-e: S0.00 1<---/Yl__ ~-t..><•v-f£"> ~ ~ \ 9"fD,,l, ~ d'4, .6~ IO S. Post Street Spokmi.e, WA 99201 Phone (S09} 4S.S-8888 wv.v.•.dn,=ponhotelcollcction.com Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 65 of 80 TRANSACTION RECORD Europa 125 s_ wa11 Street 509-455-4051 CARO TYPE:AMEX tlu. •0 ••*!•0 •1002 EXPI. : •0 • ENTRY:SW1P£O Customer : Rf BURDEN AUTHORJZATJON:541207 STORE 1:0001 TERHINAL:I REFERENCE:229212 PURCHASE $9_46 §'3_ oY TIP TOTAL J(l';l.5t) THAflK YOO HAROf 11,2014 15:30:37 Server's name : JLUE s. CUSTOMER COPY Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 66 of 80 AKBYS or SANOPOINI 4U flflH AV( SAHOPOINJ IO 43864 2ee-2,a-3t84 · n,r,hant 10: 798136774 Tera IO: 1122 Sale AHEX xxxxxxxxxxne02 Entrv nethod: StiPed APJrvd: Onllnr 8atchl: 008009 03110114 17:22:39 Invl: 00900024 APPr Code: 588625 Total: $ 9.19 c ... to••r COPY THANK VOil roa VISITING Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 67 of 80 Resta1.1rtnt ~ecelpt -. 10-south Post Stree-: Spokane. WA 99201 Servar: Rachal ~7: 3a Pl' ?Ht Clcse/1 008: 03/11/2014 03/11/2014 20/200049 SALE .. ii SA 2097 1561 :t(d IXIXXXXXXXXXX182B ~t;natlc card tresent: BURDEN ~G"ALO ~t rd ·Entry Hathod: S AmoLnt: $ 4.95 /. 0 f5 • Tip : = Total: ---·---------- I asree to pay the above total eeount according to the card issue r agreetent . (-~-~---------~----------~-- G1.1H t C:ipy Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 68 of 80 Restaurant Receipt 10 South Post Street Spokane , NA 99201 Server : Gale 10:05 AH Table 252/1 SALE DOB : 03/11 /20 l4 03/11/2014 21/210018 AHEX 23068691 Card IXXXXXXXXXXX1002 Magnetic card present: BURDEN RF Card Entry Method: s Approval: 553149 Aloun t : $ 18. 75 + Tlp: ----~----~~?_:? = Total: ~ dd-'So ------·------. J agree to pay the above total amount accordlng to the x_ :·,~-·~·--~-- Quast Copy Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 69 of 80 Restaurant Receipt to South Post Street Spokane. WA 99201 Server: Chrlstlna DOB: 03/12/2014 06:27 AH 03/12/2014 Table 242/1 22/220002 SALE AHEX 22020098 Card IXXXXXXXXXXX1002 Hagnettc card present: BURDEN RF Card Entry Method: S Approval: 538329 Alllount: ... Tip: = Total: --. $ 11.14 d.7& --·-·------------ 16 (4-------------- I agree to pay the above total amount according to the card issuer agreement. x ______ ~ /Yh __ _ Guest Copy Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 70 of 80 Restaurant Receipt 10 South Post Str eet Spokane. WA 99201 Server: J 11 l 07 :02 PH Tabla 242/1 DOB: 03/11/2014 03/ll/2014 21/210046 SALE AHEX 22020158 Card IXXXXXXXXXXX1002 Magnetic card present: BURDEN RF Card Entry Hethod: S Approval: 561618 Amount: .. Tip: = Total: S 26.58 ts,(J'c) . I agree to pay the above total amount according to the card Issuer agreement. x_~ ~~----~-- Guest Copy Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 71 of 80 Restaurant Receipt 10 South Post Street Spokane, WA 99201 Server: Christine DOB: 03/10/2014 10:37 PH 03/10/2014 Table 106/1 13/130016 SALE AHEX 13631514 Card IXXXXXXXXXXX1002 Magnetic card present: BURDEN RF Card Entry Hethod: s Approval: 546281 Aaount: $ 44.02 • TJp: i--·------------- = Total: f1 &j~.co --------------- l .agree to pay the above total amount accordlng to the x __ ~e;;c:nt. ____ _ Guest Copy Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 72 of 80 Pa,.adies Shops -Pwtland PO!ULANO JUTEP.NATlO~lfd. tURPORT PORTLAND; (IREr,or, CHNKY EG(i SALAD SNOW 15f:'l l 5'}0•)00 BOYOS COFFEE 12 OZ .,_. 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OR 503-333-3333 Date Time 03/10/14 01:30:25 DIST................... 8. 10 FAR£ .•.••............ S 25. 50 EXTAAS. ••••••••••••••• S 0. 00 TIP ••.•.........•••..• S 2.50 TOTAL.......... . ...•. S 28. 00 Aaierican E)(l)ress xxxx xxxx xxxx 1002 llt D 445100500997 Authorization 503286 Signature: -·----·-·-·--·----- 4 ldAVS TO BOOK 000 TAXIS: -Cal I 503-333-3333 -www. broadl::aycab. com -Text address to TMAGIC -Download Taxi llagic ADP Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 75 of 80 RECEIVED By Lena Guebenlian at 1 :55 pm, Apr 03, 2014 VuPoint Research BILL TO: The Cadmus Group Inc 100 5th Ave -Suite 100 Waltham. MA 02451-8727 PO# DUE DATE 6405.0003.0008 5/2/2014 DESCRIPTION Avista Participant Commercial 6405.0003.0008 Programming Data Output Data Collection -English per On all sums 30 days past due, VuPoint Research will charge an administrative late foe of 10% or the amount due plus interest al 1.5% per month. Email comments LO:linance@vupointrcscarch.com Phone (503) 245-4479 Fax (503) 245-9677 DATE 4/2/2014 REMITTO: 8959 SW Barbur Blvd, Ste 204 Portland, OR 97219 Terms Project Mgr. Net 30 cc QUANTITY RATE I 900.00 1 350.00 75 28.00 Total Payments/Credits Balance Due Invoice INVOICE# 253 11 ROD Project# 140099 AMOUNT 900.00 350.00 2,100.00 $3.350.00 $().00 $3.350.00 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 76 of 80 Cadmus Group 100 Flfth Ave Ste 100 Waltham MA 02451-8727 Phone: +1 (503) 228-2992 Issue Dt Invoice No Ticket No Passenger 3/11/2014 564993 7381990133 Asplin/Allison 7381990134 Asplin/Allison Asplin/Allison 3/18/2014 565295 7390560756 Ramey/Carner Ramey/Carner 3/18/2014 565296 7657270176 Ramey/Carner 4/1/2014 2:22:21 PM World Travel, Inc 2525 NW Upshur St Portland, OR. 97210-2549 Client Statement Vendor Start Dt Itinerary Alaska Airline 4/14/2014 DCAPDXGEG Delta Air Lines 4/18/2014 GEGMSPDCA SeNice Fee 10/18/2014 Alaska Airline 4/17/2014 PDXGEGPDX SeNice Fee 10/18/2014 Southwest Airl 4/12/2014 DENPDX Client Statement: Cadmus Group Client ID: 5032282992 Client No: 337 46 Fare Remarks 369.00 6405.003.008 290.00 6405.003.008 25.00 6405.003.008 684.00 168.00 6405. 0003. 0007 25.00 6405.0003.0007 193.00 149.00 6405.0003.0007 1,121.00 Page 1 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 77 of 80 FedEx Billing Online Plus Tracking ID Details Tracking ID Summary Billing Information Tracking ID no. Invoice no. Account no. Ship date Invoice date Due date Tracking ID Balance due S1atus Vjew lovoire History View signature oroof of delivery 798275914470 2·597-65209 1£32-5508-1 03/20/2014 03/24/2014 04/08/2014 $0.00 Closed Messa_ges FedEx has audited this shipment for correct packag Read More We calculated your charges based on a dimensional B!l.l~ Package sent from: 99201 zip code Fuel Surcharge -FedEx has applied a fuel surcharg Read More ~----------------------------------------------------------, Transaction Details 1----------------------------------------------------------1 Sender Information Joseph laccarino Cadmus Group 100 Fifth Ave, Suite 100 WAL THAM MA 02451 us Shipment Details Ship date Payment type Service type Zone Package type Actual weight Rated weight Pieces Meter No. Dedared value Original Reference Customer reference no. Department no. Reference #2 Reference #3 Proof of Delivery Delivery date Service area code 03/2012014 Shipper FedEx Priority Overnight Customer Packaging 2.00 lbs 3.00 lbs 1062333 $1,000.00 6405.0003.0005 0312112014 09;5B A1 Recipient Information Caleb Wisch 100 Fifth Ave WALTHAM MA 02451 us Charges Transportation Charge Dedared Value Charge Fuel Surchargla! Weekday Delivery Direct Signature Total charges Updated Reference l;t1i1 Customer reference no. Department no, Reference #2 Reference #3 Cost Allocation Reference l;t1i1 Cost allocation Shipment Notes 6.23 7,00 0.44 0.00 0.00 $13.67 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 78 of 80 ~---· .......... 0 .............. FedEx Billing Online Plus Tracking ID Details Tracking ID Summary Billing Information Tracking ID no. Invoice no. Ac;:count no. Ship date Invoice date Due date Tracking ID Balance due Status View Invoice His!ory View signature peoor or delivery 798210748914 2-598-52485 1094-6894-0 03113/2014 0312412014 04/08/2014 $0.00 Closed Messages FedEx has aud~ed this shipment for correct packag Read More We calculated your charges based on a dimensional Read More Distance Based Pricing, Zone 8 The Earned Discount for this ship date has been ca Read More Fuel Surd1arge -FedEx has applied a fuel surcharg Read More ---------------------------------------------------------~ Transaction Details 1----------------------------------------------------------I Sender Information Caleb Wisch Cadmus Group 100 5th Avenue WALTHAM MA 02451 us Shipment Details Ship date Payment type Service type Zone Package type Actual weight Rated weight Pieces Meter No. Dedared value Original Reference Customer reference no Department no. Reference #2 Reference #3 Proof of Delivery Delivery date Service area code 03113/2014 Shipper FedEx2DilY 08 Customer Packaging 10.00 lbs 12.00 lbs 4807575 $4,000.00 6405.0003.0005 0311512014 10:36 A1 Recipient Information GUEST: Joe laccarino Hotel Ruby 901 W 1ST AVE SPOKANE WA 99201 us Charges Transportation Charge Dedared Value Charge Saturday Delivery Fuel Surd1arge Earned Discount Automation Bonus Discount Direct Signature Total charges Updated Reference Ew1 Customer reference no. Department no. Reference #2 Reference #3 Cost Allocation Reference f.w1 Cost allocation Shipment Notes 70.20 36.00 16.00 5.67 -22.46 -7.02 0.00 $98.39 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 79 of 80 FedEx Billing Online Plus Tracking ID Details Tracking ID Summary Billing Information Tracking ID no. Invoice no. Account no. Ship date Invoice date Due date Tracking ID Balance due Status YJew Invoice History View siooatwe proof o1 delivery Transaction Details Sender Information Matt Piantedosi The Cadmus Group 100 5th Ave WAL THAM MA 02452 us Shipment Details Ship date Payment type Service type Zone Package type Weight Pieces Meler No. OecJared value Original Reference Customer reference no. Department no. Reference #2 Reference #3 Proof of Delivery Delivery date Service area code Signed by 796224336515 2-597-65209 1632-5508-1 03/14/2014 03/24/2014 04/08/2014 $0.00 Closed 03/14/2014 Shipper FedEx Prionty Overnight Customer Packaging 64.oo lbs 1062333 $3,000.00 6405.0003.0005 03/17/2014 10:21 AA C.BULLOCK Messages Fuel Surcharge • FedEx has applied a fuel suroharg Read More Recipient Information Guest: Mesut Avci Guesthouse Inn & Suites Lewist 1325 Main Street LEWISTON ID 83501 us Charges Transportation Charge Dedared Value Charge Fu~ Surcharge Weekday Delivery Direct Signature Total charges Updated Reference Edit Customer reference no. Department no. Reference #2 Reference #3 Cost Allocation Reference Edit Cost allocation Shipment Notes &1.93 21.00 4.34 0.00 0.00 $87.27 Staff_PR_05 Attachment G Page 80 of 80 ........., •• ~u , ... b""••••••'"' FedEx Billing Online Plus Tracking ID Details Tracking ID Summary Billing Information Traci<ing ID no. Invoice no. Account no. Ship date Invoice date Due date Tracking ID Balance due Status Yiew I a voice History Yiew siaaaJure proof pf delivef\' Transaction Details Sender Information Bymn Boyle Cadmus Group 1426 Peart Street BOULDER CO 80302 us Shipment Details Ship date Payment type Service type Zone Package type Weight Pieces Meter No. Declared value Original Reference Customer reference no. Department no. Reference #2 Reference #3 Proof of Delivery Delivery date Service area code Signed by 798254805913 2-598-52485 1094-6894-0 03/18/2014 03/24/2014 04/08/2014 $0.00 Closed 03/18/2014 Shipper FedEx Standard Overnight 05 FedEx Envelope 0.00 lbs 4807575 $0.00 6405.0003.0013 03/20/2014 12:27 A1 $,THORTON Messages Incorrect reciplent address. 1sl attempt Mar 20, 2014 at 08:22 AM. Original address -PO Box 2505/SPOKANE,WA 99220 Distance Based Pricing. Zone 5 The Earned Discount for this ship date has been ca Read More Fuel Surcharge • FedEx has applled a fuel surcharg Read More Recipient Information Andy Thornion Thornton & Sons Electric 11616 E MONTGOMERY S SPOKANE WA 99206 us Charges Transportation Charge Address Corredion Fuel Surcharge Courier Pickup Charge Weekday Delivery Earned Discount AutomatJon Bonus Discount Total charges Updated Reference Edit Customer reference no. Department no. Reference #2 Reference #3 Cost Allocation Reference Edit Cos1 allocation Shipment Notes 29.65 12.00 1.66 0.00 0.00 -10.08 ·2.97 $30.26