HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161013AVU to Staff 5 Attachment F.pdfStaff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 1 of 22 Billing Number : Invoice Number : 6405-03-19 INV-172532 Des<eription: Attn. ,Lori Hermanson, PPA Bill TO: Avi st a Corporation 1111 East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 Cuscomer NUmber: Prime Contract Number: Subconcractor Nuw.ber: Project Number: P,:-oject Name: Proj ect Manager: /\VI.STA 0-2~4 69-NO.l 6405 .0003 Avista 2012-13 Evaluation KOLP, DANIELLE M CADMUS Invoice Date , Remi t To: THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 1 00 5TH AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451-8727 USA 03/28/14 Terms: NET 30 Billing Period From:Ol /26/14 To :02/22/14 Billing Currency: Due Date , ASPLIN, ALLISON F BOYLE, BYRON T BROEKELSCf!RN, HENDR;rK B BUSHMAN, l(JITE M BUSKER, MADISON D CAROLLO, ANDREW M CARVILL, ANNA L CROPP, JEF!'REY S GEISLER, JULIA D HORVATH, ZACHARY E IQ!AWAJA, M, SAM! KI LKENNY, RYAN P KOLP, DANIELLE M LEE:, HAlfNJ\ P LEE, IVAN LYONS, KENNETH M MATTISON, LAUREN R PERUSSI , MATE! RAMEY, CAHJ::RON T 04/27/H Curr <ant Hours 3•1. 50 8.10 0.50 10.50 76.80 0 .40 12.60 15.00 a.so 2s .20 6.50 1.00 lJ .10 i3.00 15.SO 7.30 2 .50 3.00 32.00 Current Race AmOunc 135 .0000 $4 ,657.50 125.0000 1,012.50 125.0000 62.50 150.0000 1 ,575.00 125.0000 9 ,600 .00 135.0000 S4.00 135. 0000 l, 701.00 175.0000 2 ,625 .00 125.0000 62 .50 100.0000 2 ,62-0.00 235.0000 1 ,527.SC l.50.0000 1.50 .0C 150.0000 1.,965.0C 125.0000 1,625.0G 150.0000 2,325.0C i2S.0000 912. SC 150.0000 375 .0C 175.0000 52 S .00 135.0000 4,320.0C Page 1 of 9 Corporate He<1dquarlers. !00 1th Ava11ue, Sui Le 100, Wallham,MA 02451 I Voice:6 17.673.7000 I Fax:617 673 7(\()1 Ari Employee-Owned Company www.cadmu!>group.com 895728 USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 2 of 22 Billing Number: Invoice Number: REE\f.E!S, SCOTT C SCHAPFRR, !'E:TF.R G 6405-03·19 !NV-l 72532 SENGUPTA, SANCIUTA SHARP, M'THONY K VISSER, MICHAEL G woop, ANDREW w Direct Labor Travel Postage & Delivery Other Direct costs (Meters) Direct Costs Invoice Subtotal Invoice 167202 pai d t wice Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours : Project Number: 64GS.OOOJ Billing currency: Project Name: Avista 2012·13 Evaluation Invoice Date: Current. Hour!il 18 .80 1.50 1-5 .00 3.80 28.00 .!.SO 348.60 Ri!te 150.0000 100.0000 125.0000 125.0000 125.0000 150.0000 current Amount 2 ,820 .00 iso.oo 1,875.00 475.00 3,500.00 375.00 $46,890.00 $576.03 18.26 69-1. 00 $1,288.29 $48,178.29 348 .GO ~ ~ Date ,lr1~ lf..,ZoJY Prepared for Payment 1/~1~1 Approved for Payment Description Z<>lt-2.013'DJl?l.l:1>1~ /~ J frruCj · Project I Task I Exp. Type I Org. I Amount 02803400 242658 828 T52 11,444.07 02803400 242659 828 T52 7,555.68 02803400 242663 828 T52 478.13 02803400 242664 828 T52 4,793.53 02803401 242658 828 T52 1,495.96 02803401 242659 828 T52 987.67 02803401 242663 828 T52 62.50 02803401 242664 828 T52 626.60 03803300 242658 828 T52 2,019.54 03803300 242659 828 T52 1,333.36 USD 03/28/14 03803300 242663 828 TS2 84.38 'l , ..J 10 -/-o ,v,.Jd,,. I kVO# ~ 03803300 242664 828 T52 8~ Page 2 of 9 I I ~~ I <:: Company FERC Svc. Jur. Amount 001 S-2293 (07-06) St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t F Pa g e 3 o f 2 2 The Cadmus Group Billing invoice INV-172532 BIiiing Period 1/26/14-2/22/14 Allocation reference David Thompson 19-May-14 Project Number Project Name 6405.0002 AvistaEM&V 6405.0002.0002 Avista TRM review 6405.0002.0008 Avista NR Impact 6405.0003.0001 Avista 2012-2013 Evaluation 6405.0003.0004 Avista Res Impact 6405.0003.0005 Avista N R Impact 6405.0003.0006 Avista LI Impact 6405.0003.0007 Avista Res Process 6405.0003.0008 Avista NR Process 6405.0003.0013 Avista Panel Study Total s 5,122.50 10,426.50 4,431.50 11,896.03 6,250.50 4,717.50 5,333.76 $ 48,17ll--29 Residential low Income 242658 242659 $ s 600.00 722.50 10,426.50 11,896.03 6,250.50 2,666.88 $ 19,943.88 $ 12,618.53 Tasks (EM&V) Regional General Nonresidential WA electric 242661 242663 242664 02BD3400 s s s 76.5% 1,527.50 2,272.50 4,431.50 4,717.50 -2,666.88 $ $ 1,527.50 s 14,088.38 $36,856.39 Project 02803400 02803400 02803400 02803400 02803401 02803401 02803401 02803401 03803300 03803300 03803300 03803300 Project WA natural gas ID electric ID natu.ral gas 02803401 03803300 03803101 10.0% 13.5% 0% s 4,817.83 S 6,504.07 s Credit carryover from INV-Net for INV· Task Exp Type Org. Amount 167202 172532 242658 828 T52 $ 15,257.07 S 3.,813.00 $11,444.07 242659 828 TS2 9,653.18 2,097.50 7,555,68 242663 828 T52 1,168.54 690.41 47$.13 242664 828 T52 10,777.61 5,984.08 4,793.53 242658 828 TS2 1,994.39 498.43 1.495.96 242659 828 TS2 1,261.85 274.18 987.67 242663 828 TS2 152.75 90.25 62.50 242664 828 T52 1,408.84 782.23 626.60 242658 828 T52 2,692.42 672.88 2,019.54 242659 828 T5Z 1,703.50 370.15 1.333.36 242663 828 TS-2 206,21 121.84 84.38 242664 828 T52 1,901.93 1,056.01 845.92 s 48,178.29 $16,450.97 $31,727.32 Staff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 4 of 22 Billing Number: Invoice Number, 6·105 03-19 I NV-172532 Description: Attn.:Lor i Hermanson, PPA Bill TO: Avista Corporation l4ll East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 Customer Number: Pr ime Cont.race Number: Subcontractor Number: ProJect Nwnber: Project: Name: Project Manager: Terms: Due Date : BUSHMAN, KATE M CARVILL, ANNA L KHJ\WAJA, M. SAM! KOl,P, DANI-ELLE M LYONS, KENNETH M Direct Labor Invoice Total current: Incurred Hours: AVISTA .D-24469-No .1 6405.0003.0001 Avista KOLP, DANIElLLE M ),IE'!' 30 04 /27 /14 CUrrent Hours 10.50 2.00 6 .50 10.50 1.40 30. 90 Invoice Date: Remit TO: THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. A'l'TN: ACCOU!,"fS RECEIVABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451-8727 USA 03/28/14 aillin9 Period From : 01/26/:.4 Billing Currency, TO: 02/22/:4 current Rate Amount 150 .0000 $1,575 .00 135.0000 270.00 235.0000 1,527 .50 l.50. 0000 1,575.00 125.0000 175 .00 $5 ,122 .50 $5,122.50 30 .90 Page 3 or 9 USD Staff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 5 of 22 Billing Number: Invoice Number: 6405-03-19 INV-172532 oescripLi on: Att:n. :Lori Hermanson, PPA Bill TO: Avista Corporation 1411 £ast Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 customer Number1 Prime Contract Number: Subcontractor Number: Project: Number: Project: Name, Project Manager: Terms: Due Date: BROBKELSCHEN, HENDRIK B BUSKER, MIIDISON D CAROLLO, ANDREW M HORVATH, ZACHARY E KOLP, DAN!El,Lll M PERUSSI, MATE! SCHAFFER, PETER G SP.NGUl?t'A, SANCHlTA VISSER, MICHAEL G WOOD, ANDREW ~I Direct: Labor Invoice Total CUrrent I ncurred Hours: AVISTA 0-24469-NO.l 6~ 05. 0003. 0004 Avista Res Impact KOLP, DANIELLE M NET 30 ()~ /27 /14 Current Hours o.so 10.00 0.40 25.60 a.so 3.00 1.50 15.00 28.00 2.50 8?.00 Invoice Date: Remit To: THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUN'l'S RECBIVABLE 100 5'J'H AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451-8727 USA Bi lliog Period From:Ol /26/14 To: 02/22/14 current Rate Aroount .l.25. 001)0 $62.SC 125.0000 1,250.0C 135.0000 54.0C 100.0000 ~.560.00 150. 00-00 75.00 175.0000 S25.00 100.0000 150.00 125 .0000 l, 875. 00 125 .0000 3,500.00 lS0.0000 375.00 $10 ,426.50 $10 426.50 87. 00 Billing Page 4 of 9 03/28/14 Currency: USD Staff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 6 of 22 Billing Number: Invoice Number: M05·03-l9 INV-172532 Description 1 Bill To: Attn. :Lori lierruanscn, PPA Avist~ Co)"poration 1'!,ll East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 Customer Number: Prime Contract Number, Subcontractor N\lmber: Project Nomber: Project. Name: Project Manager: Terms: Due Date: CROPP, JEFFREYS LYONS, KENNETH M MATTISON, LAUREN R Direct l,.aQOx Other Dir ect Costs (Meters) Direct Coses Invoice Total Current Incurred Hours 1 AVISTA 0·24469-No.l 6405.000l.0005 Avista NR Impact KOU>, 01\N.Ili:LLE M NET 30 04 /27 /14 cu.rrenl Hours 15.00 5.90 2.50 23.40 lnvoice D11te: Re.nit TO: TH!l CADMUS GROOP, INC. At'TN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SO,I:'TE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451·8727 OSA 03/28/H Billing Period From: 01/26/14 Billing currency, TO: 02/22/14 current Rate Amount 175.0000 $2,625.00 125.0000 737.50 150.0000 375.0Q $3,737.50 $694.00 $694.00 $,i , 431. 50 23.40 !?age 5 of 9 USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 7 of 22 Billing Number: Invoice Number: 6405-03-19 INV-172532 Description, Aun. : Lori Hermanson, PPA Bill To: Avista Corporation 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 Customer Number: Prime contract Number: Subcontractor Number: Project Number , Project Name, Project Manager: Te,;ms: Due Date: BUSKER, MADISON D IUJ.,K:ENNY, RYAN P REEVES, SCOTT C Direct Labor Travel Direct Costs Invoice Tot::al CUrrent Incurred Hou;,;i;: AVISTA D-2H69-No .1 6405.0003.0006 Avista LI Impact KOLP, DANIELLE M NET 30 Q4 /27 /14 current. HO\lTS 66.80 1.00 18 .so 86.60 Invoice Da~e: Remit To: THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ll.TI'N: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SUI'l.'ll 100 WALTHAM, MA 0.2451-8727 USA 03/28/14 Billing Period From:Ol/26/14 Billing currency, T0:02/22/H Current Rate Amount 12S.OOOO $8,3!>0.00 150.0000 lS0.00 150.0000 2,820 .00 $11,320.00 $576.0J $576.0:! $11,896 . Os 86.60 Page 6 of 9 USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 8 of 22 Billing Nwnber: Invoice Number: 6405-03-19 IN\1·172532 Description: Attn. :Lori Hermanson, PPA Bill To: Avista corporation 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 Cuscomer Number: Prime contract Nu~ber: Subcontractor Number: Project Number: Project Name: Project M.anagert Terms : Due Date : CARVILL, ANNA L GEISLER, JULIA D HORVATH. ZACHARY B KOLP, DANIELLE M LEE, HANNA P RAM:EY , CAM!ff\ON T Di rect Labor Invoice Total Curren t Incurred Hours: AVISTA D-24469-No. l 64 OS. 0003. 0007 Avista Res Process KOLP, DANIELLE M NET 30 04/27 /1-4 current Hours 0.80 o.so 0.60 o.so 13.00 32 .00 47.40 Invoice Date : Remit To : THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100 ST!'I AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02151•8727 USA 03/28/14 Billing Period Ft·om: 01/26/14 Bill i ng Currency: To :02/22/14 Current Rate Amount: 135.0000 $108.00 l2S.OOOO 62.50 100 .0000 60.00 150.0000 75.00 125.0000 1 ,62 5.00 135.0000 4,320.00 $6,250.50 $6,250.50 47 .40 Page 7 of 9 USD Staff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 9 of 22 Billing Number : Invoice Number : 6405-03-19 rNV•l72532 Description: Att:n. :Lori Herman son. PPA Bill To: Avisca Corporation 141I Bast Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 Customer N\miber: Prime Con~ract Number: Subcontractor Number, Projec~ Numbei·: Project Name: Project Manager: Tenn-s : Due Date: ASPLIN, ALLISON~ KOLP, DANIELLE M Direct Labor Invoice To.tal Cun:enc !ncin:re.d Hours: AVISTA D-24•16!1-N0.1 6405.0003 .0008 Avi sta NR Process KOLP, DANIELLE M NET 30 04 /27 / 14 Current Hours 34 .so OAO 34 .90 Invoice Date : Remit To : THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ll!rTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SUITE 100 WAL!'HAM, MA 02.451•8727 USA OJ/2.8/14 Bi lling Period From: 01/:!6/l•l Billing Curr0.11cy : To:02/22/14 current Rate Amount l3S.OOOO $4,657.50 150.0000 60 .00 $4,717 . so S4 717. SQ 34 . .90 Page 8 of 9 USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 10 of 22 Bi lling Number: Invoice NUMber: 64-05-03 19 HN-l'/2532 Description, Attn., Lori Hermanson, Pl?A Bill To: Avista corporation 1'1ll East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 Cuscomer Number: Prime contract Number: S1tbconcracco1· Number: Project. Number: Project Name: Project Manager1 Terms: Due Datil: BOYLE, BYRON T CARVILL, ANNI\ L KOLP, DANIELLE M LEE, IVAN Sf\ARP, ANTHONY K Di rect Labor Po,;tage & Delivery Direct Costs Invoice Total Current: Incurred Houris , AVI.STA 0-2H 69-NO. l 6405.0003 .0013 Avista Panel Scudy KOLP, DANIELLE M NET 30 04/27/H Current Hours 8.10 9.80 l.20 15.50 3.80 38.40 Invoice Date: Remit To , THB CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOU~rs RECEIVABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451-8727 USA 03/28/ 1" Billing Period From: 01/26/H Billing· currency : T0:02/22/14 CU-rrenL Rate AmOunt l.25.0000 $1,012.50 135.0000 1,323.00 150 .0000 180 .00 150.0000 2 ,325 .00 1.25. 0000 •175.00 $5 ,315.50 $1B.26 $18.26 $5 333. 7 6 38.40 Page 9 of 9 USD St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t F Pa g e 1 1 o f 2 2 Company Name: Madison Buske-r Purpose/ Clients Visited: Visited Portland office for Avista, SRP, and PPL Fr: Fr: Fr: Fr: Fr: To: Wed Thu 1/29 1/30 Mileage Expense Car Rental & Gas PlaneLTrain, Bus Miscellaneous Local Trans./ Taxi Tolls Parkin, Telephone f Communicati, $145.00 $145.00 $145.00 $145.00 $145.00 Hotel Taxes $21.03 $21.03 $21.03 $21.03 $21.03 District/Office Boulder, CO Fr: Fri 1/31 $149.50 ~5.00 $5.00 Fr: Week Ending 2(1(2014 Amount Paid by Travel Agent Cadmus Adva!l_ces Received By Employee Total Expenses (Employee Sal Total 2/1 Amount Due Cadmus Amount Due Employee $Amount Account Name $576.03 Avista LI Impact $149.501$ Amount Account Name $288.01 $5.001$ Amount $144.01 $ Amount $144.00 $5_00 ,$ Amount !Account Name $725.00 $105.15 $ \152.05 $ $ 1,152.05 Project/Acct. # 6405.0003,0006 Project/Acct # Project/Acct. # Certification: I certify that this expense report contains no charges I Tips I I I I I I I I Jtor alcohol and entertainment except as specified In SECTION II. $984.65 All costs were actually Incurred while performing company business. PerDiem 75% !Madison D Busker 12/3/2014 Per Diem 100% !APPROVED IDATE Actual $24.20 $ 29.00 $ 44.70 $ 26.50 $ 43.00 $167.40 Business Meals .... $24.201 $29.ool $44.701 S26.5ol $43.ool T r Exe_enses • $167.40 • If conference rule applies. explain: The Portl,md Max was 2.50 and the AB from OJA to.Boulder was 2.50 RECEIVED--~-- ay Ninette Stillman at 2:24 pm, Feb 04, 2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 12 of 22 Madison Busker From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: United Airlines. Inc. <unitedairlirn s@united.com> Wednesday, January 15, 2014 7:3 b AM Madison Busker eTicket Itinerary and Receipt for< onfirmation JESLNT Follow up Flagged u N I T E D •. I A ST.AR .O.LllANCE MEMBER ,,:,:. Issue Date; JMuary ls, 20H Traveler BUSKER/MADISONDMR FLIGHT INFORMATION Day, Date Flight Sat, 2SJAN14 UA745 Fri, 31JAN14 UA1062 eTicket Number 0162393045400 Class Departure City and Time L DENVER, CO (OEN) 7:31 PM K PORTlAND, OR (PDX) 3:25 PM Frequent Flyer UA-URTlXXXX Arrival City and Time PORTI.AN DI OR (POX) 9:18 PM ... DfN~ER,CO (DEN) 6~50 PM Confirmation: JE5LNT Check-In > Seats 28B/32A Aircraft Meal A~320 Purchase 737-800 Purchase FARE INFORMATION Fare Breakdown Airfare: Form of Payment: U.S. Federal Transportation Tax: U.S. Flight Segment T~x: September 11th Security Fee: U.S. Passenger Facility Charge: Per Person Total: eTic:ket Total: The airfare you paid on this itinerary totals: 257.68 USO The taxes, fees, and surcharges paid total: 41.32 USO 257.68US0 19.32 8.00 5.00 9.00 299.00USD 299.00USO VISA Last Four Digits 0328 Fare Rules; Additional charges may apply for changes in addition to any fare rules listed. NONREF /OVALUAFTDPT /CHG FEE Cancel reservations before the scheduled departure time or TICKET HAS NO VA.LUE. Baggage allowance and charges for thfs Itinerary. Baggage fees are per traveler Origin and destination for checked baggage 1/25/2014 Denver, CO (DEN) to Portland, OR (PDX) 1/31/2014 Portland, OR (POX) to Denver, CO (OEN) 1" bag 2°• bag Max wt/ dim per oiece 0.00 US D 35.00 USD 50.0l.bs (23.0kg) -62.0in (157 .Ocm) 0.00 US D 35.00 USD 50.0lbs (23.0kg) -62.0in (157.0cm) MileagePlus® Explorer Card m ember and one companion on the same reservation are each eligible for waiver of the service charge for the first checked bag (within specified size and weight lim s). Must be a MileagePlus Explorer Card member at time of check-In, and ticket(s) must have been purchased using the ard in order to qualify. Applies only on United-and United Express-operated flights, and when baggage check-in occurs IVtth United. 1 Staff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 13 of 22 Page 1 of 1 Hotel Vintage Plaza 422 SW Broadway Portland. OR 97205 T: 503.228.1212 F· 503.226.3598 R: 800.263.2305 w-Nw. vintageptar.a. com BUSKER. MADISON --------- -----ARRIVAL DEPARTURE CREDIT CARO . . ;:====------ 01/26/14 01/31/14 XXXXXXXXXXXX0328 ------- 1 DATE ROOM NO. DESCRIPTION ~I,. .. RATE PLAN . ' A KIMPTON HOTH Room Number: 716 Daily Rate: 145.00 Room Type: EXKG No. of Guests: 1 / O CAT~GORY ACCOUN1 j tNEG 12200272951 ------·-.. _ -*--·-· -------------- I ----------i-,..-------AM~UNT ) 01/26/14 01/26/14 01/27/14 01/27/14 01/26/14 716 716 716 716 716 01/28/14 716 01/29/14 716 01/29/14 716 01/30/14 716 01/30/14 716 01/31/14 716 ROOM CHARGE TAX -ROOM ROOM CHARGE TAX-ROOM ROOM CHARGE TAX-ROOM ROOM CHARGE TAX-ROOM ROOM CHARGE TAX -ROOM VISA Kl MPTONeholels&restourants VISA CREDIT DUE: BOO.KIMPTON • KIMPTONHOTELS.COM $145.00 S21.03 $145.00 $21,03 $145.00 $21.03 $145.00 $21.03 $145.00 $21.03 ($830. 15) ($0.00) Staff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 14 of 22 nNr Travel Ho3pjtalfty Serv ices ; cienve: Intc·natlonal hirpo1·t t * .; t'li 1 ll II I g h G r I 1 I E! H CHEC K: 4 -348 1 s EF?'~ E R : ~ 1) 4 ·, AB El \ • , OA :-E : 2!jJ/\N'1 4 c,:3dPM CMW TYi~£: Visa ... ACCT#: XXXXXXXXXXXXOJ28 EXP DATE: XX/XX AUTH CODE : 05510C M 1\ D I :rn N BU SK ER t ': ,H: 33 .33 TIP $ __ ~-:-::-.• ____ .... _ TOTAi. $32~'-~·-····- ------...... ·--....... ____ ···-------· SfCliiATUJ?E SIGN OttE COPY AND RETURN *** THA~K YOU •1 • Oven & Shaker 1134 NW Everett Street Portland, OR 97209 Date: Jan27'l4 07;31PM Card Type; Visa Acct II: XXXXXXXXXXXX0328 Card Entry; S112PED Trans Type; PURCHASE Auth Code: 09247C Check: 945 Table: 87/l Server: 2109 Paul T Subtotal: 1 9 .0Q T1o:~~~~ ~ fota l : ___ Z:c....S_,_.,_,, crrJ""· =-- ****Customer Copy **** •• i ~-Houri~· 01~5/14 999 ·v. · \. th . 0643X':i. PORT1.,,,a,, OR .'It,• THE FR SH POT 721 SWWA GTONST POATI.ANO OR 9720S Olf28:20H 07:11:03 000000001913053 028601!9 Mttct.lnt ID: Tetmh.11(0: l1326,if888SS CREDIT AAD VISA CAAD ~ XXXX'XXXXXXXXOJ28 INVOICE 0001 Batch ii: 000935 Awtoval Codt: omoc fnb"y Mclhod; St/~ Mode: (xw,e MDSE/SfRVICES i6,50 TIP \ l.30 TOTAL AMOUNT -I · ~ CUSTOMER OPY sushi Sak.ura, Inc 506 SW Sixth Ave Port.land, OR 97204 5032608663 IEt'Ulflll lO. 1 S4·Z0!9804l~m 1£R£1!Alll I: 1 m: 1 sumo VISA ummmiom Exmtm SALE BQTCHI Hn260U IHU: 000~82 Jan 267 14 18 ·48 Rld: 40170mtm AUTH:05310C TRAIi SEQ tt: 0082 amo~r:o BASE TIP TOTAL 11a~1so11 susm fhank !:lou ror t.he busi CIJSIOliER COPY UNITED!B. Ol/2f1/W14 1Ji',{J/4!l It Ii POX lit:• i ,:e Ill !l X(X)04 lb I:? ll1!Cl:1Jll #: OlOO ' I 1.11,:;.u lin11· MtJ l:•·,;,1;):1!iMlS 1;, Sale P11,1!11rl P1 J.:e 0111 AINI. 1 lllli:JNI f '.J.'hJ l :1.~u lot.:il ll'ill :1. ~lll VISA li:li'U 11';1) '.I !~l Staff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 15 of 22 Madison Busker From: Sent: To: Subject: Square <noreply@messaging.sq .areup.com> Monday. January 27, 2014 1:36 M Madison Busker Recelpt from Korean Twist on St for $6.00 Jan 27, 2014 at 12:35pm Custom Amount Total ,~~ ()'•' ~ .J,, -D $6.00 $6. 0 Start accepting credit card today. ,'\er.apt all m..JJOr cred1I l:a,ds anytime. a 1ywhere on yoor 1Ph0ne (H t,ndroid Sign IJP !od-ay , ncl we'll mall you a free cr>?d•; card 1ea(1er Sign up~ r Square Or 1 Staff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 16 of 22 Flying Elephants @ Fox Tower 812 SI'/ Park Ave. Portl and, OR 97205 (503) 546-3166 342 Nohelia --------··------------------------------- Chk 8 Jan28' 14 l1: J8AM Gst 0 --------·· ------------------------------ Clos ed Ch e ck Repri nt 651538067043 l s~ieet Leaf Tea 2.25 1 Croque Monsieur 6.95 XXXXXXXXXXXX0328 Visa/M.C. 9.20 Subtotal 9.20 PaYment 9.20 ----------342 Jan28' 14 11: 19AM---------- Elephants Catering & Garden Room are ready to help you celebrate any occasion. Thank you for letting us do the cooking! Red Star 503 S.W. Alder St. Portland, OR 97204 (503) 222-0005 Ser er: Hanna 06:49 PM Ta le 146/3 SALE DOB: 01/28/2014 01/28/2014 4/40045 Car ~XXXXXXXXXXXX0328 4194331 Mag ·1etic card present: BUSKER HAOISON Car Entry Method: S APP uval : 07682C X Amount: $ 24 .00 +Tip:_~_ = Total: __ rw_ *** CUSTOMER COPY*** Staff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 17 of 22 Madison Busker From: Sent To: Subject: Square < noreply@messaging.sq areup.com > Wednesday, January 29, 2014 12 3 PM Madison Busker Receipt from The Dump Truck fo $6.50 503-877-3867 (@ Jan 29, 2014 at 11 32an, Mr Ma's .)l1'K l)u1)H1lin!'j Total $6.5 Laj !•Ii~ Staff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 18 of 22 -------. --------- SUSHI IClll l!A~ CO"ilPO 2~ II~ BROiltlllAV PO.'!TLANO, 08. 97203 S03·224·lU7 ll<rd.,nt (0: 00I3~lltl76l Teno lD: 00105~01?08313~?61000 Sale xxxxxxxxxd328 VIS~ A1ount: Tax: fip; Total: 01129'14 Inv fl: 000038 A!lPrVd: Onli nt Entry ~,thod: s~11>td $ 16.00 \ 0.00 __ y!_tB.2 . -~ 19:Je:Sb RPPr Code: 01i3SC lllAHi< voo, Staff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 19 of 22 Madison Busker From: Sent: To: Subject: Square < noreply@messaging.sq areup.com > Thursday, January 30, 2014 2:00 M Madison Busker Receipt from Left Coast Sausage o., LLC for $7 .00 I rouble viewing this e.rnml? Jan 30, 2014 al 12:59p1n ri,:.;,:p1 ~t ,:., ,, I\, Hawaiian Pork Burger Total ~ 03:':. D Start accepting credit cards oday. /\cc<>p! an major cradlt cards an~·hme, ~· ywhere er 1 yu..ir iPhone or i\nclro1d Sign up today a d we II mail yoo ld free cred,t owl I AadN Sign up fo Square Or St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t F Pa g e 2 0 o f 2 2 \ Pauo R ist,wanf e 627 Sii Na::;ltiogton Portland, OR 97205 503-228-1515 Server: I'/ 1 l l 1a111 07:48 PM 87/2 (JOB: 01/30/2014 Ol/30/2014 1/10087 SALE V[SA Card UXXXXXXXXXXXX0328 Nagnet ic Cdl"c/ present: Ytm Cc1rd J:ntry Method: S Approva l : 05618C 1048tl(JIJ Amount: ~ $ 30.00 + T·1p · <,-n"\ 0 Total: ~w Staff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 21 of 22 FedEx Billing Onhne FedEx Billing Online Plus Tracking ID Details Tracking ID Summary Billing Information Tracking ID no. Invoice no. Aocounlno. Ship date Invoice date Due date Tracking ID Balance due Status View Invoice History View s;gnature proof QI delivery Transaction Details Sender Information Byron Boyle Cadmus Group 1426 Pearl Street BOULDER CO 80302 us Shipment Details Ship date Payment type Service type Zone Package type Weight Pieces Meter No. Declared value Original Reference Customer reference no. Department no. Reference #2 Reference #3 Proof of Delivery Delivery date Senilee area COde Signed by 797883969567 2-561-25066 1094-6894-0 02/11./2014 02/17/2014 03/04/2014 $18.26 Past Due 02/1112014 Shipper FedEx Standard Overnight 05 FedEx Envelope 0.00 lbs 4807575 $0.00 6405.0003.0013 02112/2014 11:40 A1 D-MEAD Messages Distance Based Pricing, Zone 5 The Earned Discount for this ship date has be<!n ca Read More Fuel Surcharge -FedEx has applied a ruel surcharg Bead More Recipient Information Norm Thomson Specielty Insulation 2626 E. Trent Ave. SPOKANE WA 99202 us Charges Transportation Charge Fuel Surcharge Courier Pickup Charge Weekday Delivery Earned Discount Automallon Bonus Discounl Total charges Updated Reference .El1i1 Customer reference no, Department no. Reference #2 Reference #3 Cost Allocation Reference .El1i1 Cost allocation Shipment Notes hups.1/w,rn lci.lcx.c,)111, fode.,b, I I 111gonli11cipnges1pruucrlncodly/printc't'Fn'c111JI y hi ml!JI I() '2014 ~.06· 20 1'"1J 29.65 1.66 0.00 0.00 -10.08 -2.97 $18.26 Staff_PR_05 Attachment F Page 22 of 22 CADMUS MEMORANDUM To: From: David Thompson, Avista Danielle Kolp, Cadmus Subject: Date: Explanation of work for February 2014 April 8, 2014 The work billed for the month of February included the following major activities: • Obtain final program datasets, billing data, and samples • Analyze program savings data • Launch general population survey • Field residential participant survey • Revise non-residential participant and nonparticipant surveys • Prepare for non-residential site visits, choose sample, obtain documentation • Panel study analysis on existing data • Create online data collection tool for commercial lighting contractors • Project management Work expected for March: • Obtain additional program datasets, billing data, and samples • Analyze program savings data, including low income billing analysis • Run general population survey • Field nonresidential participant and nonparticipant surveys • Perform nonresidential site visits • Analyze nonresidential savings data and site visit results • Panel study analysis on existing data • Begin fielding data collection fo r commercial lighting contractors and residential HVAC contractors • Project management 7 20 SW Wtt)hinylun Str~t?l Suite 400 Portland. OR 97205 Voice: 503.467.7100 Fax: 503.228.3696 An Employee-Owned Company www.cadrnusgroup.com Cot pora1e Hl',~clqUdl ter~: 100 5th Avenue. Suite 1 oo Waltham, MA 024S Voice· 617.673.7000 F<tx:617.673.7001