HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161013AVU to Staff 5 Attachment E.pdfStaff_PR_05 Attachment E Page 1 of 13 CADMUS Bi 11 ing ~{umber: Invoice ~.:-umber: 6405-03-18 INV-169444 Desc ription: Attn.:Lori He~manson, PPA Bi:l To: Avlsla Corpo1at ion ir, 11 East Miss lon A venue Spok,me, WA 99252 customer Humbe r: Pri me Con~rdCt Number: Subcontractor Numbe r : P-roject Number: 1WISTJl. D-24469-llo. l 6405.COOJ Proj,;;c t Name, Projecc Manager: Avista 2012-13 Sval udt.icm KOLP, DA!IIELL?: M Terms : Due Dace: ANDERSON, LESLI.£ ASPLUI, ALLISON f BOYLE, BYRON T BUSHMAN, Kl\7E 11 BlJSKER, l'.ADISON D CARVI:..L, Al.NA L CELOSTKA, RCBERT A CROPP, JEFFREY S KEM/AJA, M. Si'11I KILKENNY, RY.~N P KOLP, DAN JELLE M LEE, HA!JNA F LEE, IVAN LOBI<OWICZ, HOPE LYONS, KENl!ETrl M 1-lA,'TlSON, LAUREU R RAMEY, CAMERON 'f REEVES, SCOTT C SHARP, ANTHONY K NET 30 OJ/27/14 Current Hours 1.50 6.00 10.00 l. 50 18.00 22.30 0.50 4.00 ~.so 10.00 30.20 3.90 13.00 7 .10 2 .30 24 .00 35.50 6.10 6.00 Invoi ce Oa.t.e: Remit. r o : THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS R~~EIVABhE 100 5Tll AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451-8 727 USA 02/2S/H ~illi ng P.eriod From:12/29/13 To :01/25/H Billing Currency : Rat.e 75 .0000 135 .0000 :25 .000() 150 .0000 125 .0000 135 .0000 125.0000 175 . 0000 235.0000 150 .0000 150.0000 125 .0000 75.0000 135.0UOO 125 .0000 150. 0000 135 .0000 150 .0000 125.0000 Current Amount $112.50 810.00 t ,250.00 225.00 2,250.00 3,010.50 62.50 70 0.00 1, ?E:2.SO J.,500.00 4,530.0 0 487.50 975.00 958.50 287.50 3 ,600.0 0 4 ,792.50 915.00 750.0 0 Paqe 1 or <> Corporate He.idqu,;rters: I 00 5th Avenue, Suite I 00, Waltham, MA 02451 I Volce:617.67 3.7000 I F;ix:617.673.700 l An Employee Owned Compmiy USD www.cadmusgroup.com 895727 Staff_PR_05 Attachment E Page 2 of 13 Billing Number : Invoice Nwnber: TODARO, LAUREN K VlSSE:R, MlCHAEL G WISCH, CALES J WOOD, ANDREI• W Diiect I.abor Trnvel 6405-03-18 {NV-l&q444 O~ner Direct tosl(Meters) Direct Cos~s lnvoice Toe.al Current incunf>d Hours: Projec:; Number: 6405.0003 Billing Currency: !JSD 02/25/14 Pro~ec-t. Name ; Avisia 2012-13 Eval ua tion Invoice Date: Current Hours 3.00 4.50 5.50 4.00 :!26 .40 Rate l'.>5.0000 125.000Q 75.0000 Current Amount 405 .00 562 .50 412.SO 1:.0. 0000 _______ 60 ___ 0 ___ . ___ co 226.40 S30,959.00 $98.44 780.00 Date ()'}~ '" t '2 OJ'I Prepared for PaymentLJ,..,.,~ Approved for Payment Description 2012.-2..0 13 Dsm £.1)\.-rl'i l~d#,J... fl~ Project I T-ask I Exp. Type I Org. I Amount 02803400 242658 828 T52 $ 9,373.35 02803400 242659 828 T52 3,972.98 02803400 242663 828 T52 02803400 242664 828 T52 11,009.31 02803401 242658 828 T52 1,225.28 02803401 242659 828 T52 519.34 02803401 242663 828 TS2 02803401 242664 828 T52 1,439.13 03803300 242658 828 T52 1,654.12 03803300 242659 828 T52 701.11 03803300 242663 828 T52 03803300 242664 828 T52 1,942.82 Company I FERC Svc. I Jur. I ~~ I Amount 001 S-2293 (07,06) !'age .! or -., Staff_PR_05 Attachment E Page 3 of 13 1Hll Lng Nun:b<>r: Invoice Number: 640S-03-18 INV-169444 Descript.ion: A.ttn. :Lori Hermans n, P.PA Bill To: Avista Corp-.1abun 1"11 East Mission Avenue Spokan<>, W!\ '19?~2 Customer .Nrnr.Uer: Prime Con~LcCt Nu«.oer: St>bctmtrilct.ot Number: Proj l'!CI: Numhe:-: Project Narnf}: Project Manager: Terms: Due Date: BOSHMAN, KATE M IUIAWAJA, M. SAMl KOLP, DA.\'TELLE ~ LYONS, KENNS'l'Fi M Direct: Lal>ot i nvoice Total Current In-currao Hours: AV:STA 0-2,141\9-110 .l 640S .C003 .0001 Avis"tn KO!,P, DANIELLE M tlET 30 03/21 / 14 Current Hours _ .50 ,.so 22.70 2. 30 34.00 Invo ice Date: RemiL To : !HE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN; ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100 5TH ,WENUE SUIT.E 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451-8721 USA 02/25/l 4 Billing Period From: 12/29/13 !1illil'lq Currency: To : 01/25/H Current :tace Amouni; 150.0000 $225.00 235.0000 1,762.50 1.so.0000 3,405 .00 125.0000 2s1 .sn $5,680 .UO $5,680 .00 34 .00 Paqe 3 of 9 USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment E Page 4 of 13 Billing Nu:nbe,:-: Invoice Number : u40S-03-1S INV-16Q4q4 Description: Att.Jl. :Lod i:!enrurnson , PPA Bi:l To : Avista Corpor at:ion !411 Ee.st Mission Avenue Spokane, WA qqz52 CusLon~r Numl>er: Prime ConcLacl Nurrl>er: Subconlt:actor Nnm.ber: t"rojec:t Number: Project Name: Project Manage r : Teims : Due Date: KOLP, DANIELLE M VTSSER, MICHAEL G WOOD, I\NDREW W Direct l.abot Invoice Tota.l Curre,,t Incurred Hours: /\VISTA D-24469-Ho .l M 05 . 0003 . 0004 Avista Re~ Impact KOLE', DA!UEL:..E M IIET 30 03/27 '14 Cu"?rent Hours 0.50 4.50 4.00 9.00 rnvo1ce Date: Remit To : ?HE CAm'.US GROUP, I NC . l\TTN: ACCOUNTS RECE:VABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTl!1'J~, Y.A 0~451-0727 US/'. 02/25/1~ Bill mg Period F.rom: 12/29/13 Billing Cu rrency: To:01/25/14 CurrP.nt Rate l\mp11nt. 150.0000 $75.00 125 .0000 562 .50 150.0000 600.00 $1,237 .50 n ,231.SC 9 .00 Page 4 of 9 USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment E Page 5 of 13 Billing Numcer : lnvcirP Numb~r-: 6405-03-18 INV-169444 Descripticn: !.liil To: Attn . :Lori H.erman5on, PPA Avls::a C•ap<:a a t H,n :-111 EasL Mission Avenue Spok.anr>, :vA 9gz52 Cuslome:r Uumbe r: Prin\e Contrdct Nuw.ber: Suhcontr;ictor Nnmller : Project NUIIll:,er : Project Name: Projec:t Mana-gcr : T~rmr;;: Due Date : CROPP, JEFFREYS MATTISON, LAURE?~ R WI SCH, CALEB J Direct Labor Oth&r Direct Cost (Me ters) Dire-::t Costs Invoice Total /\VISTA D-24 4 69-!lo .1 6405.0003 .0005 Av1~ta NR Imp.a;t KOLP, DAN:ELLE M l,F.T 30 03/27 14 Curce:it Hours 4.00 2',.00 5 .50 33.50 Jnvoi c-e Date: Remit To: THE CAD¥.US GROUP, !NC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECE!VAaLE :OO 5Tfi AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHJI.M, Mh 0~451-8727 TJSA 02/25/14 Blllin<r Peri od Frorn:12/29/:3 Billing C\lrtency : Tr>: 01/25/:4 Cu rrent Rate Amount. 175 . 0000 $700.00 150.000D 3, 6~10. 00 75 .0000 4 1:?.50 $4 ,711.50 $780. 00 $780.00 $5,492.50 33 .50 Page 5 of 9 USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment E Page 6 of 13 f!illlnq Namber: Invoice Nvml ,er: 1)405-03-18 INV-169444 Descrtp~ion ! Attn.:Lori Hermansen, PPA Bill To: Avista Corporalion 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 Customer Nu;ru)e.r: Prime Contrac~ Number : Subcontractor Number: Project Number: Project Na.1te : Prnjeot Manager : Te nr~s : Due Ddte : BUSKER, MADISON D Kl~KENNY , RYAN P REEVES, SCOTT C Direct Labor Travt>l DirecL Cosls Invoice Total CurrenL Incurred Hours : AVIS'!A U-2~•169-llo .1 €405.0003.0006 Av1sca Ll Tmp,acc KOLP, DA!ffELLE M IIE:'l' 30 03/27/14 Current Hours 18.00 7 .00 6.10 31.10 Invoice Date: Remit To: THE CADMU~ GROUP, lNC . ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVAELE 100 jT!l AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451-8727 USA 02/25/14 Bi.~l 1ng Period From: 12/29/:3 Billing Currency: To:01/25/:4 Current Rate AmounL 125.0000 $2 ,250.00 150.0000 1. 050. 00 150.0000 915.00 $4 ,215 .00 $98. 44 $98.44 $4 ,313.44 E .JO Page 6 of 9 OSD Staff_PR_05 Attachment E Page 7 of 13 Bil 1 ing N•.ill:be1: In-·Jo1-c-@ Nutti:~(iot : 6105-03-l.8 !NV-169-!44 Desi,ri ption : l>.ttn. : Lori He rmanso-n, PPA Bill To: Avista Co1poratior, 1411 East Mission Avenue !;pokane, l'IA 99252 CuNtume~ !~'.Jmber: Prime Cont::ac t Xurr:ber : Sub.contractor Number : Pri.">je.cl Number: I:' roj ect Naine: Project Manager: Tams: Due Date.: ANDERSON, LESLlE CELIJSTKJ\, ROBERT A KOLP, DANIELLE M LEE, HANN.l\ P RAME'{, CAt-lERON T 1'00.",RO, LAUREN K Direct Labor !nvoi<:-e Tr,Lal Current !ncutreo Hours: AVISTA D-244Ml-llo .l 6405 .0003.0007 Avisca Res Process KOLP, DAIUELLE M tlET 30 03/27/14 Current Hours : .so 0.50 0.80 3.90 35.50 3.00 <!5.20 Tnvoir-e Date: Rernlt To: TH£ CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCO~NTS RECEIYAELE 100 5Tll A VENUE SUITE 100 ~iALTHAM, MA 024 51-8727 USA 02/25/14 Billin<J Period e"rom: 12/29/13 Bi lling Currency: to:Ol/25/H Current Rate Amoun~ 75.0000 $112 .50 125.0000 62.50 150.0000 120.00 125.0000 487.50 135. 0000 4,792 .50 135.0000 405 .00 $!>,980.00 55,980.00 45.20 Page 7 of 9 USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment E Page 8 of 13 Bill iny Number: Invoice ~utrl"eL: &405-03-18 rnv-169444 De:scnption: Attn .:Lori H.ecmanscn, PPA Blll To: Avista Corporation 14_1 E:asl ~Ussion Avenue Spokane, ~IA 99252 Cus t omi!'r Number: Priroc Contract Number: Su.beontracLcr NUmt:.>er: Project Nl!ml>er: Ptoj ect Name: Pr-ojec:t Manager: •rermr,;: Du0 o.-,te: ASPL!N, ALLISON r BOYLE, BYRON T KOLP, DANIELLE M LOBKOWICZ, HOPE Direct. LtibOt 1nvoice To~al t'u.crent incur.red Hou.rs: AVIS'£!.\. D-24·169-!Jo.l 6405 .00GJ .OOOS Av1::;tc N:< Process KOLP, DANIELLE M NE'J' 30 03/27 / lll CurrenL Hours 6.00 5.00 1.80 7 .10 19 .90 lnvoice Date: Re.mil ro : THE CADMUS GROUP, I.NC. ATT'.11: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100 5TR AVENU.: SO!TE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451-8721 IJSA 02/2S/14 Billing Pedcd f,:om:12/29/13 Bi lling Currency: To:01/25/14 CurrenL Rate Amount. :35. 0000 $810 .00 :25. 0000 &25.00 _so.0000 270 .00 :)5.0000 958.50 $2,663.50 $2,663 .50 19.90 l?age 8 of 9 USD Staff_PR_05 Attachment E Page 9 of 13 Billing :.,umber: In-voi,:e N"u.mber : 6405-03-18 !NV-159444 Descriplion: ALtn.:Lori Hermanson, PPA Bill To: Avista Corporation 1411 East Mission Avenue SpokAne, WA 9'l2S2 C'uSll.lrrter Numbe.r: P.rune Contract Numoer: Subcontraccor !)111:nber: P.roj ect Nu:tiber: ProJect Name: Project Manager: terms : Due Date : BOY'...E, BYRON T CARVILL, AlfNA L KILKENNY, RYAN P KOLP, DANIELLE M LEE, IVAN SHARP, ANTHONY K Direct Labor Invoic" TGtal Current rncurred Ro~rs: /\VISTA D-24469-tlo .l 6405. 0003. 0013 Aviate Panel St!Jd;• KOLE', DANIE'...LE M N8T 30 03/27/H Curre.nc J-ltmr5 5.00 22 .30 3.00 ~.40 13.00 6.00 53.70 Invoice Date: Remit ':'o : THE CADMUS GROUP, rNc. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451-8727 rJSA 02/2::./14 B1ll1n9 l'el'iod f:rom: 12/29/:3 To:01/25/~4 Bi lling Currency: Cur.rent. Rate Amount 125.0000 $62S.OO 135 .0000 3,010.50 150.0000 450.00 150.0000 660.00 75. 0000 975.00 125.0000 750.00 $6,470.50 53.70 ~ Page 9 of 9 USO St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t E Pa g e 1 0 o f 1 3 Company Name n.~1 ~~ Madlson Busker D1stncl!Office Boulder, CO Week Er<f ng 1/25/2014 Purpose/ Client~ Visited: Portland trip to work on Avl·sta1 SRP, and PPL I I I I AmQu_nl Pa~ byTrsvel Agent Fr: Fr: Fr: Fr. Fr: Fr: Cadmus Advances Rece;ved Sy Empbyee Date: 1/19 1/20 1/21 1/22 1/23 1/24 1/25 Amo.int Due Cadmus ~rne>unt Due Employee !Mileage Expense I 1 Car Rental & Gas I I I I I I 50% of Costs •.mount I Account Name $98.44 I AV!Sta LI Impact .Plane Train. Bus $149.50 $149.50 S Amount Account Name Miscellaneous $l9.21 ~---·-· · · · · --- Local Trans ITa,o S5 00 SS.00 S Amount Tolls 524.61 $Amount Telephone I Communicat1 $24.61 I· v,~ ..... ~~· --e~ .. -I I I I I I I SS.OOj ss.ools Amount Hotel Taxes S 196.87 s s 196.87 ProJeel/Accl # 6405 0003.0006 ProJect/Accl #- Cert1Rcahon I certify then this expense report contains no charges ll-"'c:.'t'c;"~--------11------11------+,-----t-----t-----r-----r-----t-------111or alcohol and ente,"ta1nmen1 except as spec.f,ed m SECTION 11 $154.50 All costs were actually incurred while perform,ng company business. Madison D. Busker 2/3/2014 Per Dl8m 75% Per Diem 1 DO% APPROVED DATE Actual $ 42.37 $42.37 1 IOOk the AB from Boulder 10 DIA which rs $2.50 The bus does not give rece pt1 RE ( E /VE D L------------------------------------By Ninette Stillman at 5:22 pm, Feb 12, 2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment E Page 11 of 13 Madison Busker From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: United Airlines, Inc. <unitedairlin1 s@united.com> Wednesday, January 15, 2014 7:3) AM Madison Busker eTicket Itinerary and Receipt for< onfirmation JESLNT Follow up Flagged u N I T E o m.1 A STAFl AlliANCEMEMBER vt.:· Issue Date: January 15, 2014 Traveler BUSKER/MADISONDMR FLIGHT INFORMATION Day, Date Flight Sat, 25JAN14 UA745 eTicket Number 0162393045400 Frequent Flyer UA-URTlXXXX Class Departure City and Time Arriva.l City and Time L DENVER, CO PORTLAND, OR (DEN) 7:31 PM (PDX) 9:18 PM Confirmation: JESLNT Check-In > Seats 28B/32A Aircraft A-320 Meal Purchase Fri; 3)}AN14 'IJAL062' K . ,• · · o · -A-~-· • -~1 .. 1;~· · --• ~ J'· ;~·7;-.• "'737~8'tlo lf:"i:>1.fr"-ch:ase· ~ :?Q\~T~9,.\91}i),~~" ..... "' :· 1t\'.:.;;<v-€fi~;~Et!~E .'t'p"ih ".,. ~~i.,~1 .. J .. '.; ,i'•E-!"i · . ; . (PDX) ;;s:'25 Pftl ; , ' ·:. " ... ,(~c:N) -· wi ... ;;i..·~-.,.. _ • •. FARE INFORMATION Fare Breakdown Airfare: U.S. Federal Transportation Tax: U.S. Flight Segment Tax: September 11th Security Fee: U.S. Passenger Facility Charge: Per Person Total: eTicket Total: The airfare you paid on this itinerary totals: 257 .68 USD The taxes, fees, and surcharges paid total: 41.32 USO 257.68US0 19.32 8.00 5.00 9.00 299.00USD 299.00USD Form of Payment: VISA Last Four Digits 0328 Fare Rules: Additional charges may apply for changes in addition to any fare rules listed. NONREF /OVALUAFTDPT /CHG FEE Cancel reservations before the scheduled departure time or TICKET HAS NO VALUE. Baggage allowance and charges for this itinerary. Baggage fees are per traveler Origin and destination for checked baggage 1/25/2014 Denver, CO (DEN) to Portland, OR (PDX) 1/31/2014 Portland, OR (PDX) to Denver, CO (OEN) l '1 bag 2nd bag Max wt / dim per piece 0.00 US b 35.00 USO 50.0lbs (23.0kg) -62.0in (157.0cm) 0.00 US D 35.00 USD 50.0lbs (23.0kg) -62.0ln (157 .0cm) MileagePlus® Explorer Card member and one companion on the samE reservation are each eligible for waiver of t he service charge for the first checked bag {within specified size and weight lim s). Must be a MlleagePlus Explorer Card member at time of check-in, and ticket(s) must have been purchased using the ard in order to qualify. Applies only on United-and United Express-operated flights, and when baggage check-in occurs Nith United. 1 Staff_PR_05 Attachment E Page 12 of 13 DNC Travel Hospitality Ser v i ces * Oenve ~ Intc·national Ai rport * u Mil l! lllgh Gr1 l le ** CHEC K: 4 -348 SERVER: ~041 ABEL V DA-:-E: Z!lJAN'14 6:~laPM CA RO rv,~E; I! i sa ACCT#: X~XXXXXXXXXX0328 EXP DATE: XX/XX AU:H CODE: 0!551 OC M ,\ D 1 :rn ,~ BU S K H: 33 .33 TI P $_ $"'-_________ _ TO TAi. $~~'-~--.. ··- -,-..... ------................ _. ____ .... ··------- SIGNATURE SIGN O~E COPY ANO RETURN *** THA ~K YOU ••• ~­ -Hour ',i Ol;e'5/\4 M•rch c 1740,. 600999 'V. · VlSi:l· n1 ·-1h. 06~3Jc'~ .\,I PORT1.1;1u , OR UN I TED ta. 01/2ri/2U14 IJA0/4!1 lJI-N·l-'OX llt:vic:e Ill Cl X(Xl(J41!.il2 llecci11t #: OHlO l,.111:1.11 lfn11 · ll\(lt:J',,Jl?3!i!i41[il? Sale P1 n,h1r:l Pt i(~ Qty Aiwt . 111111\'INlf :J.'l!J :1.!J!J I ot:il llSll :Ul!l vt~A ru;111 11·-;11 :i !Ill Staff_PR_05 Attachment E Page 13 of 13 To: From: Subject: Date: David Thompson, Avista Danielle Kolp, Cadmus CADMUS MEMORAN DUM Explanation of work for January 2014 March 3, 2014 The work billed for the month of January included the following major activities: • Finish nonresidential process interviews with Avista staff • Perform residential process interviews with Avista staff • Panel study analysis on existing data • Complete interviews with 20 commercial lighting contractors, including panel study questions • Create on line data collection tool for commercial lighting contractors • Complete commercial kitchen equipment calcu lator • Obtain final program datasets, billing data, and samples • Revise participant surveys and general population survey • Project management Work expected for February: • Obtain final program datasets, billing data, and samples • Analyze program savings data • Launch general population survey • Field residential participant survey • Revise non-residential participant and nonparticipant surveys • Prepare for non-residential site visits, choose sample, obtain documentation • Panel study analysis on existing data • Create online data collection tool for commercial lighting contractors • Project management 720 SW W.i'>hington Stre~t Suite 400 Pm tldnd, OR 97205 Voice. 503.467.7100 Fax· 503.228.3696 An Emoloyee-Ow1,ed Company www .cad m usgrou p.corn Ccn µorate Htic1dnur1tlft:,: 100 5th Avenue.Suite 100 Waltha,n, MA 02451 VOitl! 617073.7000 F,,x:61 H,73.7001