HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161013AVU to Staff 5 Attachment C.pdfStaff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 1 of 33 Billir.g Number: Invoice Numbor: 64 05-03-11 TNV-l 67202 De~crl-pt.icn: At.Ln .: Lori H~rm-ansc,n, PPA. Bill To: Av~std Corporation 1411 Eas~ Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 992$2 Custr1mor Numb,... r: Prime Contr.ac~ Nti:nher : S1Jbcc ... utraccor Nurnbe1.: Project Number: Pr,,ject Nam": Pr,·•j~r::t Manager: T?.tms: Due Date: ASPLIN, AL:.ISON f BOYLE, B'!RUN 1' CI\RVTr.L, AUNA L CROPP, JEffRE'f s KRAWI\JA, M. SA!-11 KlLKENNY, R'{AN P KOLP, DANIELLE M LEE, Hl\l'INA F LEE, IVAN LOBKOl"llCZ, HOPE l.YONS, KENtlETH M MA'rTISOII, LAIJREtl R RAMEY, CAMEROll T WADWALKAR, SAURABH S Dl r •v:i: La..bor Tu1vel Pos rage & Deli very /\VISTA P-24469-Nu.l 6405 .0003 Avista 201 ~-1 ., Evdluation KOLP, :JAIIIELLE :1 IIET 30 02/21/H OthP!' Dir<>ct Cost s{Include,; Meters $870.00) DirPat C(ls~s I11voir;& Trtal Current: Incurred no~rs: CADMUS Cu.rrenc Hour s 6.00 20.'lO 10.20 C.50 3.50 6.50 9.90 0.30 25.90 E.00 t. 90 11. 50 4.50 8.00 114. 60 Invoice Pate : Remit ':'o : THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN : l\CCOIJNTS RECEIVABLB 100 5TH AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM, Ml< 0~451-8727 USA 01/28/14 B1.lling Period Fr om : 12/01 /13 Billing Currency: T ):12/28/13 Curcent Rate Amount l3S.OOOO $810 .00 125.0000 2,612 .50 135.0000 l ,37i .OO 175.0000 87 .50 235.0000 822 .50 150.0000 975.00 150.0000 1,485.00 125.0000 37 .50 75.0000 i. 9qz.so 135.0000 St 0.00 125.0000 112 . 50 150.000{) 1,725.00 135.0000 607 .5t1 135.0000 1,080 .00 SH,484.50 S728 . S5 319 .96 917 .95 $1,966.46 Sl6, ~50. % lH .60 Page 1 of 6 Corp,<)filte H~adc,uar1ers: 100 5th /\venue, Suite 100, v\/altham, MA 02451 I Voice:617.673.7000 I F.n<:617.673.7001 J\11 Employee-Owned Company www.cadmusgroup.com USD Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 2 of 33 To: From: Subject: CADMUS MEMORANDUM Lori Hermanson and David Thompson, Avista Danielle Kolp, Cadmus Date: Explanation of work for December February 9, 2014 ~142.oN Prepared for Payment 1& ;~ xZS-~I Approved for Payment 1 , The work billed for the month of December includ, Description Cct~J f ttJM/ fr.,-Z.Ol'J.-l.OIJ p.~od... • Perform nonresidential process interviews Project Task Exp. Type Org. Amount • Organizing and attending the two-day DS 02803400 242658 828 TS2 $ 7,625.98 02803400 242659 828 T52 4,194.99 • Panel study monitoring, contact with con 02803400 242663 828 T52 1,380.83 • Nonresidential field work including verifi< 02803400 242664 828 T52 11,968.17 02803401 242658 828 T52 996.86 • Prepare commercial kitchen equipment c 02803401 242659 828 TS2 548.37 • Ongoing TRM assistance 02803401 242663 828 T52 180.50 02803401 242664 828 T52 1,564.47 • Project management 03803300 242658 828 T52 1,345.76 03803300 242659 828 T52 740.29 03803300 242663 828 T52 243.68 Work expected for January: 03803300 242664 828 T52 2,112.03 Company FERC I Svc. I Jur. I ~~ I Amount 001 S-2293 (07-06) • Finish nonresidential process interviews w • Perform residential process interviews wit • Panel study analysis on existing data • Complete interviews with 20 commercial lighting contractors, including panel study questions • Create online data collection tool for commercial lighting contractors • Complete commercial kitchen equipment calculator • Obtain final program datasets, billing data, and samples • Revise participant surveys and general population survey • Project management 720 SW W<1shinglon Stree1 Sulte 400 Porl,l,ind, OR 97 205 vo,c.e: 503.46 7, 1 oo Fax: S03.22S.369o An Employee-Owned Company www.cadm usg rou p.corn 874618 Co11,.i.1rcJte He,1,lqu<1rte1~: 100 5th Avenue, Suite 100 Wc1llh.:Jrn. MA 02<151 Voice: 617.673 7000 F,;1.x: o 1 7 .6 n. n,o 1 Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 3 of 33 &Ul1-ng Numbe:i;: Tnvo~ce Nurnb+>r : 6405-03-1 7 INV-16721/? Descr1.pt!.on: Attn.:t or_ Hermansnn, PPA Bill To: Avista Corpora tion 1411 E:ast Mission Ave1\!.le Spokane, WA 9~252 Cust t•mer Number: Prime Conrra-:t Num.")er: Subc<•ntr~ct-cr liurnl:,t>r : Proiect Numb.,r: E-'roj ect ~atti:.o; Project Manaq~r: Te1m1<: Pu,;, Dat.e: KHAWAJA, M, SAt·!I KOLP, DANIELLE M LYONS, Kl:.NNcTH :•l Di t ect r.."lior Jnvo1ce Tor.al Currenl IncurreU Hours: AV1STA D-244 ~9-No .1 6405. J003. 0001 Ai.;ia:ta KOLP, DAHI 1::LLE t~ IIET 30 02/2? 14 Current; E!OULS J .50 5.BO O.YD 10.20 Invo1.c~ Da tr:?: Re:nir. To : THE CAD~lUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECE1VAB~E 100 5TH AVENUI:: SUITE: 1DO WALTHAM, MA GZ4 <;1-872? USA 01/28/14 ailling P~ri~rl F'rom:12/0l/J3 To : 12/28/13 !'i llit,g Currency: Rat,;, 235. 0000 150 .0000 C"utrenl Anoi:nt $82:!.SO 870 .00 125. 0()00 ____ ~11 __ 2'""'.'""s ... o $1,605 .00 $1,805.00 10.20 Page 2 of b USD Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 4 of 33 Bill l.ng Nlirnher: Tova.ic@ NumbPr; 6405-03-17 JKV-167202 De"CC"i.pt Ion: Attn. :1c:>ri Hennanso-n, PPA Bill To: Avista CQrporat.1on 14~1 East. Mission Avenue SpoJ<.lne, t~A <>'!252 Cust.omer Nureber: Prime C~ntract Nu~.bcr; Subc,•r.lractor Humb.er: Pr-,ipct NumLe'!: ProjPC:t NamP: Project t-~an.age:r: Terms: Du@ Pale: CRCPP, JEFFREYS MATTISON, LAUREN R ~11\DWA!..KAR, SAURAaH S f\i rect Li,n,~r Tnivel Other Dicect Costa (Meters) Dir~ct Cost$; Invoice Total Current :ncu~rcd Hours : AV!STA D-244h9-No .1 6405.0003.00()' A,•iat:a NR lmpact KOLP, DA!HEL..l:'. M m;T Jo 02/27 14 Current Hours 0.50 1:.so 8.00 20.00 Tnva1ce Oa~e: Remit To: THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN : ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100 ST,! AVENUE SUI7E 100 \'lfu..'l'l!AN, MA 0'.!451-&727 USA 01/28/14 B1ll~ng Period Fro:,: 12/01/13 6illin9 Currency: Tc,: 12/28/l 3 Cu:renl Race Amount 175.0000 $37 .50 150.0000 1,725.00 DS.0000 1,080.00 s2, on . ~o $728 .55 870 .00 $1,598 .SS $4,491.05 20 .00 Page 3 bf 6 USD Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 5 of 33 Bill 1.ng Nurr.ber: I n•,oice Numbr.-1·: 6405-0J-17 JNV-16720J Oescdption: ALt.n. : Lori 1-ler=nsnn, P!'A Bill 'l'o: Avista Corporation 1"11 E:ast ~:ission Ave11uei ~pokane, WA 9~252 C:ust(,1n ... r Number: Pn.m<? Contr.i~t Nurnbet: Snbcr,ntractor Humber : Project ~urr.ber: P'roject Saree: Proj~ot M~n~g~r: Torms: ·oue Data: ~EE, RANNA f RAMEY, l:A!1f:RUN T Di r<>OL Lc1hot Tnvo1 c<> 'fc-t.al Cu!'rent: Incurred Bour!!: AV!S7A D-2•!4 69-llo . J 6~05.0003 .0007 Avistd Res Process KOL!', DAH1E:..L£ M l'IE':' 30 02/27 114 Current Houts 0.30 4.'iO ~.80 tnvoice Date: R,;,m:.t To: THP. CAOMUS GROUP, INC . llITN: ACCOIJNTS PECE: 1 VABLE: 100 5'£H AVE!'o.'1JE SUITE 100 WALTEN1, Mh 02451-8727 OSA Bi.ling P<>riod Fi om:12/01/:3 T,>= 12ns1~3 Fate !25 .0000 L'urrenL Amonni $37.50 135 . 0000 _____ &0~'-·~s_o $645.00 $645.00 4 .80 Page 4 or 6 01/28/14 USP Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 6 of 33 Billing Number : Invoi ce Numt'et : 6~ 05-0)-17 INV-16120:? Descr-ipli.-n : Ar. tn. : t.ori Rermar1:: n, PPA Bill To: Av~~ta Cocp,-jrat~an l •Ll East Mission Avenue Spokane:, W,'\. ~9252 Customer Nt:n:ber : Pr:.:..mP Concract Number: Subcontracto r Numbe r: Pruje,!t Numl><-r : Pr..,j-f\ct. Nam19 : Projt1ct Managt!r : T"-'rms : Due Date: AS?L 11\, AL1.1SON E' !{OLP, DANIELLE M LOBKO•,ncz , ROPE Di re-:-t Lal>ot lnvoice Tota1 Current Incurred Hours: AVr5TA D-24'1h9-JJo . l 6105.0003.0008 Avista NR ProcPS3 KOLP, DAIITEU.E !-1 IIF.T 30 02/21 !4 Currenc Hours 6.00 !.40 6 .00 JJ .40 Invoice Date: Rernir-Tc: T11E CADMUS GROUP, INC . AT':'N: ACCO\JNTS RECEIVABLE 100 STH AVENUF. su:TE 100 WALTHAM, MA 0:'.451-8727 USA 01/28/14 Billing E·ericd From: 1.2/01/: 3 Billing CurrPncy: To:12/28/13 Ct>rrent Rarf? Amount 135.0000 $810.00 l5Q.OOOO 210.00 135.0000 810.00 $1,830 .00 $1, ll30 . 00 13.40 Page 5 of 6 csn Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 7 of 33 Billing Number: Invoice NumhPt: 6405-03-17 INV-ih?20:.> Description: At t.n . : I.or' P.e r. m1,ns,·n, PPA B:11 To: Avista Corporation 1411 East l{issi on Avenue Spokane, WA 9g252 Cnstome.r Ni..!nllier: Pr1me Conr.rdct Number; Subcontractor Nu:nLer: Project Number: Project N"am~: Projec:·t Manaaer : T'?xins : Pue Dae<,: BOYLE, eYRON T Cl\RVlLL, ANNA L KI.LKENNY, lt'!AN !> KOL!', DANIELLE M LEE, IVAN Oi.t:ect Labo1 Postage~ Delive,y Other Direct Costs Direct Costs Invoice Total Current IncLJrred Hours: AVIS?A D-24469-llo. l 6105.0003.0013 Avisl~ Panel Study .(01 P, OANIELJ,E ~! IIET 30 02/27/J•l Currenl flouts 20 .90 10.20 6.50 2.70 25.90 66.20 lnvoice Date : Remit: To : THE CADMUS GROUP, !NC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABL~ 100 oT!l AVE:NUF. SI.II':"E 100 WAL':'HAM, MA 024 51-8'/2·/ USA 01/28/14 BU ling P"'r iod f'iom: 12/01/: 3 ai,ling Currency: Tu: 12/28/: 3 C\lrrenl Ra.:.e Amount 125.0000 S2, 612 . 50 135.0000 1,377.00 150 .0000 975 .00 l :,0 .0000 40!>.ClO 75.0000 1 ,942 .50 $7,312.00 $319 . 96 17 . 95 S367 . 91 $7,679.91 66.20 Page 6 of 6 tlSD Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 8 of 33 CADMUS CHECK REQUISITION Check Payable To: Name: Byron Boyle Street: Date: 12/9/2013 ----------------------- City and State: --------------------For: Mailed six Visa gift cards via USPS to contractors that have a mailing address as a PO Box. Because fedEx will not deliver to PO Boxes. Charge to: 6405.0003.0013 Amount: _4_7_.9_5 ___ Approved By: ------------ D To Be Mail.ed: [j] Direct Deposi.t: D To Be Picked Up By: _____ _ * Please Attach Suppo1·ti11g Documentation * Fax: (617) 673-7330 Email: emploveepavables@cadmusgroup.com Ext. ------ RECEIVED By Ninette Stillman at 5:25 pm, Dec 09, 2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 9 of 33 ====---====---------------------------. -- BOULDER MPO Boulder, Colorado 803029998 0723550134-0092 11/25/2013 (800)275-8777 02 :30:58 PM ------------------------------------------------------------------------· ==== Sales Receipt== Product Sale Unit Description Qty Price Final Price @@ --CULDESAC ID 83524 $5.60 Zone-5 Priority Mail 3-0ay Fl at' Rate Env 2.40 oz. Scheduled Deliver Oa : Fri 11/29 La #:9114901159818211842711 In Issue PVI~:5fS. c..DVY\===;;~~~,, Total: Paid by : VISA Account#: Approval#: Transaction#: 23903030146 $5.60 $5.60 XXXXXXXXXXXX6233 01736D 800 @@ For tracking or inquiries go to USPS.com or call 1-800-222-1811. ************************************ ************************************ BRIGHTEN SOMEONE'S MAILBOX. Greeting cards available for purchase at select Post Offices. ************************************ ************************************ In a hurrv? Self-service kiosks -------------------=--===-------------------------------BOULDER MPO Boulder, Colorado 803029998 0723550134-0097 11/18/2013 (800)275-8777 05:05:52 PM ================---------------------- ==== Sales Receipt==== Product Sale Unit Description Qty Price Final Price --GRANGEVILLE ID 83530 $19.95 Zone-5 Priority Mail Express 2-Day Flat Rate Env PO-Add 2.60 oz . Label #:EK056462088US Scheduled Delivery Day: Wed 11/20/13 03:00PM -Money Back Guarantee Includes $100 insurance Signature ~~a i ved Issue PVI: Tota 1: Paid by: VISA Account#: Approval #: Transaction#: 23903030146 ---------------- $19.95 ----------· ----------· ,$19.95 $19.95 XXXXXXXXXXXX6233 063720 462 ************************************ ************************************ BRIGHTEN SOMEONE'S MAILBOX . Greeting cards available for purchase at select Post Offices. ************************************ ************************************ In a hurry? Self-service kiosks offer quick and easy check-out. Any n-.&.-~1 A--··-:-.&.---·· -1--• -·· 1--• Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 10 of 33 '-''"4t~W t\C\.oClt-'L ---= Product Sale Unit Description Qty Price Final Price @@ --SPOKANE WA 99211 $5.60 Zone-5 Priority Mail 2-Day Flat Rate Env 2.30 oz. Scheduled Delivery Day: Thu 12/12/13 Label #:9114901159818211908479 Includes $50 insurance ;:;;;;;: Issue PVI: $5.60 @@ --SPOKANE WA 99220 $5.60 Zone-5 Priority Mail 2-0ay Flat Rate Env 2.30 oz. Scheduled Delivery Day: Thu 12/12/13 Label #:9114901159818211908493 Includes $50 insurance .. ---------------Issue PVI: $5.60 O@ --COLFAX WA 99111 Zone-5 $5.60 Priority Mail 2-0ay Flat Rate Env 2.20 oz . Schedu led Delivery Day: Thu 12/12/13 Label #:9114901159818211906895 Includes $50 insurance ----------------Issue PVI: $5.60 @@ --TROY ID 83871 Zone-5 $5.60 Priority Mail 2-Day Fl at Rate Env 2.20 oz. Scheduled Delivery Day: Thu 12/12/13 Label #:9114901159818211906918 Includes $50 insurance Issue PVI: Total: Paid by: VISA Account#: Approval #: Transaction # : 23903030146 ---------------$5.60 --------------------$22.40 $22.40 XXXXXXXXXXXX6233 084440 713 @@ For t racking or inquiries go to USPS.com or call 1-800-222-1811. ************************************ St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t C Pa g e 1 1 o f 3 3 Company Name: Jeff Cro DistricUOffice ESD Week Ending 9/21/2013 Purpose / Clients Visited: Avista a.nd NEEA IFSA site visits Amount Paid by Travel AQent Fr: Fr: POX Fr: Fr: Spokane I Fr: Fr: Fr: Cadmus Advances Received By Employee To:PDX To: To: To: • Total Expenses (Employee ! 931.55 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sal Total 9/17 9/18 9/19 9/20 9/21 Amount Dl.le Cadmus $ Amount Due Employee $ 931.55 Mileage Exeense $ Amount Account Name ProjecUAcct. # Car Rental & Gas Plane, Train, Bus I I 'l:1<;1 Rn $ 728.5.5 I Avista Non-Res lmpactl6405.0003.0005 ~--··--5351.801$ Amount !Account Name !Project/Acct.# Miscellaneous $25.00 $25.00 $203.00 NEEA IFSA 6000.0023.0007 Local T ra.ns. / Taxi $26.24 <t:An k .C:: I I ""v.,~I I .. ~v .... vl I I I $66.aois Amount Account Name Project/Acct.# Tolls Parking $ Amount Account Name ProjecUAcct. # Teleohone / Communicati< I I $26.24 4:1:1.1.1: $125.00 $125.00 I ¥V~•VVI I I I $91.SOIS Amount $250.00 Account Name ProjecVAcct. # Hotel Taxes I I $17.00 ~17.00 $34.00 #VALUE! Certification: I certify that this expense report contains no charges l•;...:•i;;e:::.~----------111------+t -----t ------11------,11------+t-----t------11--------11for alcohol and entertainment except as specified in SECTION 11. p $727·.6QAII ~osts were actually incurred while performing company business. . 0.041 $142.00 SECTION II • Business Meals and Entertainment (USE PER DIEM OR ACTUALS BUT NOT BOTH) SIGNED Jeffrey S Cropp DATE 1/612014 Per Diem 75% Per Diem 100% APPROVED DATE Actual $61.381 $ 61.00 Is 81.57 $203.95 Business Meals By Ninette Stillman at 10:20 am; Jan 07, 2014 9/16 -dinner for three field enQineers, 9118 -lunch for three field engineers; 9/18 -$25 for ticket change, 9/17 -dally meal per diem for N EEA requi[ellle.!J.ts Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 12 of 33 Guest Name: Jeff Cropp Avista CLfl: CC#: XXXXXX"'"'** Arrive: 09/16/13 Time; 06:57 PM Date Description 09/16/2013 ROOM CHARGE 09/16/2013 LODGTNGTAX 09/16/2013 SALES TAX 09/16/2013 TPA ASSESSMENT 09/17/2013 TOWER ROOM SERVICE 09/17/2013 ROOM CHARGE 09/17/2013 LODGING TAX 09/17/2013 SALES TAX 09/17/2013 TPA ASSESSMENT 09/[ 8/2013 TOWER ROOM SERVICE * THE DAVENPORT HOTEL COLLECT I ON DAVENPORT • TOWEi\ • LUSSO USA Page No I Room#: 1765 Folio#: RA86B9 -1 Group#: Guests: I Clerk: Depart: 09/18/ J 3 Time: 07:34 :46 Status: FOL Reference Comment Charges Credits J 1765 $125.00 1765t LODGING TAX $4.12 L 765f SALES TAX $10.88 1765t TPA ASSESSMENT $2.00 3606 TOWER ROOM SERVICE T#:3606 $32.76 1765 $125.00 1765t LODGJNGTAX $4.12 1765t SALES TAX $10.88 L 765-t TPA ASSESSMENT $2.00 3602 TOWER ROOM SERVICE T#:3602 $32.76 I Folio Balance: $349.52 Guest Signature:---------------------------- www.thednvcnporthotel.com• IO S. Post St.rec~ Spokane, WA 9920 I• Phone (509) 455-8888 • Fnx (509) 624-4455 Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 13 of 33 TripDcta ils hrtps://travel.travelocily.com/chcckout/RetrievePurchase.do;jsession ... I ofJ H•lloJEffREYI . _.J;, .,. ;.;--- :,. • i • :~ • ; : Ho-me tloteb, Ca,s/R•II Your trip dclalls Know Boforo You Go l'linl th{li ru,!)~lif\d kftp for your rac0<d• • Readthe_~ Ccntact us lmrncdlo1:tcty if ~ny issues 4tlsewHh your re-se:n,1Uon be.rare ordurfng yourt,Jp. No!u: 'Mt sont a cooli:mnlio~ mes1a!)<l lO uw ernall addts>ss you provided (lcn,pp@runbo~.com). Your Traveloclty Trip ID Is: 5325 5010 3839 Your phone /llllllber lor Ulls lrip: 503.490.5805 ¢ This It. •n .. uekot, ,io no p•p<>r ticket wlll bo n1•llod 10 vou. Whoi i;J on o-!lckot7 Pio~$<> nolo: ~.Ql.!!UU a,e net gu•ranie<>d and nlilY be dWnl)ed by Uie airline In adflitloo, !lliJ.ht scheclutcs mav bo cha~ by lho !Mliino Thi$ Oookl119 Q11ntlfles for S20 Cash .Dack! > Continu• ~ Cll<k H>1re! Itinerary Pri1118fYCol\lot1:J 8'Fll!:Y CROPP Tr.vol Tools: locOu1 Cruts-es For priorlly VII' cusl$1er •..-.lea, ceff 1·000-1B2·i422 Q!>..illl!l~l\Jn I Lwll!ill.Jll!l!lU.tcl\tl Flight; 1 Rou,id ... TrJp Tlcket All llight times a11• 1o<•I IO ••ch city, Fat y....-bootd,ng pa ... ,ae tolerAf>Ce oode TfNXXN '°' ~ 0< alrpott checit·ln. Mon, Sep 16, 2013 Oep;,rt 05:35pm Arrive: OG:41pm Portl•nd (POX) to Spokane lnlern•tlonat Airport (GEO) Portland, OR (PDX) to Spol\ane. WA (GEG) • Requested Soni.. 1'.~D Total Travel T1111e: 1 hr 6 mins (la Alosk• Alrfinn Fight 2356 0peraletl by HDRl20/I AIR AS ALASKA AIRLINES EoOflOff\yClas• (on Oe liavillaru! Cllll3da otfC-8 Duh 8-400) ConfvmaU.,n I: TFNXXN For Y""' boo,dlng po$$, we re!erCl)ca code TFN)(](N for pJJlil!!I or ai,porl <lleck•in. Wu, Sep 18, 2013 Depart: 07;1Spm Amvo: 08:27pm Spok,ne tntemollonol Alrport (GEG) 10 Portland (POX) Spokane, WA (GEG) to f'ortlsnd, OR (PDX) Total Travel Tme: 1 ht 12 min• ~ Alaslot Alrllnes Ffljhl 2357 -aled by HORl20N AIR AS ALASKA AIRLINES Eeonomy Class (on 0a HavlllOfld C1i11•d• OHC.B Dosh S.400) Conf~m•flon I: TFNXXN lla.igagc foes: In most cases, tho applle.1bla boggago leos and nllow•nros-101 lho on!w~ trip will oo •~• ol Uie li,st c,,rncr lls!ed oo you, i!1ncmry, Alaaka Airtlnos Howll'lcr, in a iiml1<>d ntotnber ol m~Uple earner illncrar.os lo< intemallooal tmvel, the IIBI catner may apply tbc /001 and Ollowontes al MOUler arrk>! li>tt!d cr,your Uinen,ry. ~~. Including delailod bagg39e allowances aoo fott by e,vrier.11 yor, n,,ed add'dionat lntor:rnallal, res,11dlt1!J baggage ullov;•nce and loos. please COlllacl lh<l lirsl car~cr fisted on your 11/muory. Passcngc, Na,no JEFFREY CROPP Fr<Cqucnt Flyo.t lnform&tJoo 136296005 TSA Travel Information Yho TSA h~ dnterminod lhnt lfqe.ids, :aerosols and ge'a., ln lmlted <iosnbties .•. a.-o sarc LO bring uborud nn ••rcrar, Wl>"'1 paeking, please follow 01••• guldellncs: • AA liquids, gels .>r.d aerosol$ muit be in 3.~ ounoe (1C>Oc~O or >mal1ef ~Jos. • Aft contaiNl<s mu1t n, In ona quOll·•izl!d, r:1&01. r,lastic, zip.lOp baq • Gech poosonQer Is •~-ooly one bag. • F..&r.Jl ~ mu1t tJe placed lo ils own $(;tocl'llng bl!,t and X-r.a1.9d .scp.arate1y Myftc::(ount Costom<tr Support 1.866.207 .1488 Travel o .. ls Activtlles 9/12/2013 1:13 PM Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 14 of 33 TripDelai ls https://travel.Lravelocily.com/checkout/RetrievePurchase.dojsession ... 2 of3 • If )"OU are. carryi-09 DA la;gcr a.mounts of punoa-1~ liquid medication$_, b.iby f04"m\Jf a., and/or cfulbc,li:; glucou !roa1mon11. you mut.l dod.lro tl1<>•0 ot tho s;e<:ur,ty chec.kpolnt. AO'ivo at lho ;lrpo.r1 early. Etth.1nced 1ecunty mam.ure, ma)' mc-.on-longorl1nos at swlfl(y c:heoJ!.point.s.. This now se<:urity poll"Y appUos to oll doorosllc and lntomoUonol mg~ts cloparti119 lrom U.S. 011po11s. 1J\'o ,11ways recon1m<>nd tl10c~,ng tho TSA V.leb •,10 l~<;,l.,im) IOI th• 1nost up-to-<l<llo ln(Ofm3'1on t.1baul $fJCUrity procadures. tf you ato dtpa:iing from a nctn·U.S. aifport. ho .1urv to d1ock lhat alrpo,r• soauily pol>clQ.S and pock acc«dll)l)!y. Ptlclng IAdutt .fllw..!:Mtllilfffl. Total: S3JO.OO S2t80 $351.80 Wo tlWOt!d o tolal ol s:lS 1.80 lo )'<)I• Amcncon Exprou"Catd )()(XX-XXXX-XX.XJHG80. Travolod!y r-.... Md airline tlm,gos will b& s11own os ,aparoto lno ~om, on your c:tfdil card atmomoni.. Travel Checklist • PrmtQd ittnet'Jry-.As you will nol rocoivc a popur tidcct. we suggo\1 Y°'-1 ~ to truto along wtlh you on Y'J'lflnp. • Photo ID-Ev~ry pas.scogcr must have a v'L'llld goye,nm0f\t .. lS.$JJ(ld phO!Q 10 (,uch as, ;1 d(,vars la;.o.'\S8 or p.a,sport}. Platl-'e n~u lhat tho n.1mo on tho photo ,c,nust m;atGh lh.G p~1.$scnvcr n.o1R10 ln tho ~o-rvatjon. • TSA Sec:ur"C flight lnro.rnusllon-J\ny iofcmuition yot.1 provklOd has been a.ddl!d to }'Oll" ro,se,vatJon. • Spocfal Servfce.s./Mul Reque,ts-Ploas.o confirm your spoaal roqu~t oc meat ,~est wtih tho aulme. • Te,mlnaUgato lnlormotlon-Checl< w,th tho ilJ!l!Oll lar updalod 1ornvna1Jl!•I~ lnlormall<>o dlO day ot yo"r lnM>l All<I J!ioue nolc, ym1 con votl(y lhO lllllb1 Sli,11!~ onllne. Duo lo in<;roasod s01:lllit~ mea,nns you •hol*I ptaa to a,rive al Ore olfl)Orl lwO hours pJ!Of to departuto. Wh.at to &xpect at the altpQrt'-Tho oirli11e \WI Issue your boarding p.a~$1.JPQO ch~lc·ln. Some a!rwle.s .atow you lo p,e,pmt your bON"ding pass wi:h an onFoe ch~·m rcah.uc. • Sc.hedule Changes-The .obhnt rnny d~n:ge your flight lllnera,y o.t en)' Gmo.. If we a,o notified of en ilinenuy ch111111e, wv will ccnhlcl you by oma~ aod/0{ phone, 11 lhe airline MS m>I provide<! you wil)l an aa:eplal>lr> atlem&fivo Itinerary, our agc-nts wllf Ir, to ,~aeeo«lfl·io;jate you acco,CMI) to the ajrline's pt'.llicv ttnd .vullotilily 8.19:gc13ga gufdalfncs--80 sure to rf;mew your aloir\e~, baggage a~owactee gu1dellnr.s. A•~c roles for c:l)<,c:k<!d ~gnage allowances vary, Many carriers allow passengers r"" ct,,,cked bog• and Ol'IC cany,on while &OO>e only pe,m~ two checked bao, All tarry,.,,, ba911oga WIii be :,ubjocl to ""arch. Roviow lh<! illl!JiJ1.mt.1lilln.l>~~fll~l«1>,'1Jlg•ll<l Instructions and Pollclos • Tit:ke11 ca.nr.ot be refunded at 1.tansJerrod un!ess olheMisd no&od.. Narno ci'\Dnga.s: ara net per-mitlod~ • 'IJ!d g:gvemm0o&·1S!L1:d JO i1 ma,uffflety rnr you to_, t~ s.ecunly and boatd )"(11.Jf ffiol~. • lrib•I pnces Sllbjccl lo tllongn belof .. rinal poymenl P<Ht·purt:hllo inct~OSG• or govt(nmMt-wnposed 1a, .. or le&• may apply. • P~c .. do noi In-. any appldble j,;lggrn,o (C51i- • lntomatiOIIJII nlghls may be lreoled w1lh irulldlddes. ~ • Oih&rnusar,dr .. lric~on•mayepplyto tnlslaio Read~ • P~ase rttvieW ltnportaot.tomu & r;QCdkMi o1 lt'MI whtc;.h m.a.y r.rm your lego1 righls Help Onlln• Support: Soan;h "'b•0vt• cur FllQ• J ~tl!I.J!UlU!!!lfil Plc~a u:fcr lo Trlp 10 5325 50 IO 38\19 when calijng Trovelo<it(• Ct;11¢<00t· S""'lto c,;,,11,,, Nola: Th""' may be a p<!na~y and/Of t;.harges ro, <e.sJW•Uoo char,90$. lnlhe US Trovelocity VIP Help En Elp.>,'K>I TOO/Healing Impaired 01JLsldo u,e us 1.!366 207 .1483 1,BOO.~ln.2422 I 856,628.3933 \.800.655.7585 l 210521.S871 24 hou,s a day/ 7 d•1• a "'"'el< 2• hours a <1,,y 17 days a woelt 7.-0llam • !O;C)()pm CST 7:ooam , 11 :OOpm CST 2~ hour, • day 11 doys • woo~ l""'•llrilq Everyll~ng about your booking will be RIGHT, arwo'11 well< wilh our parlne11 10 mul<e h rinhl, rig,( away ~ Comploto Your Travel Plans for Spokane! Adel an Activity JiDll.!tmJ!l.!!Q Add a Hotol ~ Plan MW ard play la!<>rl Choose r,0.11 :>odl•• or Acitvitlc:. lo mako you, tti.p moro fun. llook your hO".cl ntJ'N itnd nnorvc a ux:m that"$ Just you, 11yte. ii' 1ust U,e •lllht $1)¢4. Economy Carlrom lli /day lnlermtdlate Car r,om ~ /day Comp.et Car Iron, fil ld<1y 9/12/2013 1:13 PM St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t C Pa g e 1 5 o f 3 3 TRANSACTION RECORD CARO TYPE:AMEX Nu. =t"-'***.J:'*****1680 t.XPI.: ***~' ENT RY ; S\'JJ PW Customer : JEFFREY S CROPP AUTIIORIZATIOM :32i016 fER~HMAL:3 REFERENC[:742921 PURCHASE TIP TOTAL $42. 1 2 ~-VD 5Jh)~-- TKANK YOU SEPTEMBER 16 ,2013 20:26:54 Server's name ; MELISSA GUEST COPY Mow ' s ~itiur d1a,,ce 'l o 1.J In ; : . 000. ono or Cl Maser a I 1 Gror1d Tur l Sl'IO P.•:91 s fer now Pill l i ondo l I a1·. cnbc col'I MMAID ORANGE 2ND NA fURE CAU !iE SCIENTIFIC AH~RICAN 1 SUBllHAL T11X0-1 TOTAL VlSA ~~*~~~ft~~~~ 8766 PURCHASF SWIPED APPROVAL 026708 AUTH11 026708 HJVOICE 1l : 75g·1 09/18/2013 06·J8PM l fEHS 3 09/18/13 O:S:35PH 5 . 99 ti 0983 02 32889 MARICRUZ Thank You for ShoPP1ns al $1'1 .rt $0.52 $15.49 $15 .'19 7587 The Parad1es Shops SPOKANE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CELEBfl/\'rlNG SO YE HRS ! N GUS INESS ! ! R,ista111 ,,r.t Rf,ceipt 1n South Pust Street Spokane . WA 99201 Server: H1:1r th.:i Hgr17G!'i/'I Guests: I Araa: Towe, RnaITT 5e rv The Tow~r Breakfast Over Eas>· Sou1dough Sausage Cu ff e~ Se1 v i r;,; Orange Juice Subtotal Service Charge rax r o ra 1 Gratuity 18.00% fntal RoomCharg~ ~R17S5 Addti Gratu ity: = Total: X Gues t: CROPP.JEFF Balance Due. 09/18/2013 0.34 AM 23000.' 15. fjQ ti .OCJ 4. 00 23.00 3.00 2.62 28.62 4 . 14 32.76 32 .76 0 .00 Dc1v,rnport Tuwe1 Rc,01n Service Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 16 of 33 •1 ., "' :-i L:. ..,J ... g ... . ,,. ,-. ,~ ,;, .... ..... .... ' ~ ., "' -.Jo 0 0 -"" -.. I---... 1..; ~ , .. ~· ,,: 3: ~ 5:2 ., < = ..., ,__ .,,, ~~ 0 "I ... ,. \ ..... M X co -..:; 0 0 0 N -,::, ...... <:r C"';) .... .. -co ....... ..., 0) 0) 0.. CD 0 0 -'-"" JJ +' o; ,..., U) m "' c:: .... < I/', ~ ..., :; C U- <Q '1. \.. C ~ .~ IQ C "' ::, .,, +-0 C > Ul (I) C. 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I-I-<.:J I-.:,:; ..,: 11 >< 980£"7"7090 ~0L20 oo·gz 9l'i?6S'9EE'r2 l20 » rno~L~ )000( 0091.~ oo ·s z St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t C Pa g e 1 7 o f 3 3 \ THE MARKET KIEHL'S PORTLAND INT 'L AIRPORT CHECK : 1 094 SERVER: 945 MAIRANTY DATE: SEP16'13 5:04PM CARD TYPE: AMEX A3 ACCT #: XXXXXXXXXXX1680 EXP DATE : XX/XX AUTH CODE: 177016 JEFFREYS CROPP TOTAL : 1 1 . 2 6 X ------------------------------! AGREE 10 PAY THE ABOVE AMOUNT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CARD ISSU ER'S AGREEMENT. Portland. OR 503-333-333 Date Time 09/18/13 18:3J:J16 DIST................... 10. 40 FARE. ................. $ 33. 80 EXTRA.S ................ $ O. 00 TIP ................... $ 6. 76 TOTAL ................ $ ao. 56 ATerican Express xxxx xxxx x~xx 1680 MIO 1145100500997 Authorization 186018 Signature: --·----------~-- 4 WAYS TO BOOK OUR TAXIS: -Cal I 503-333-333 -WWlil.broadwavcab. com -Text address to TMAGIC -Do~rnload Taxi Magic App Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 18 of 33 Jeff Cropp From: Sent: To: Subject: Square <noreply@messaging.squareup.com> Monday, September 16, 2013 6:55 PM Jeff Cropp Receipt from The Old Cab Guy for $26.24 I f \I 'I, Iii ti \' I l I !, ,f Custom Amount $26.24 Total $26.24 ~ $26.24 D Next time, leave your wallet at home . • 1 , ..... ,.,11,•1 11,11•,,1<1.·11 1u 1!1, .,11 ~·., i'f II<, , ii ... < < I I , ,,,< ! I/ t,, r· • nownlo11cl rhr-ln'\,-npp for 1Phorn, 'l! A11<11u!rJ Or Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 19 of 33 FedEx Billing Online Fed Ship FCcfEx Billing Online Plus Tracking ID Details Tracking ID Summary Billl,ig lnforma110,1 Trockm1} :o no. lnvoH,e no ACCCUOI !".O. Ship date Jnvoice dato Cuc d3IO itac~lno 10 B•l•n•• dao Slatus Vlfl':N lnvnica l:H&lot.)' Y r:NJ s,9r.t1Hlf P. tlh1c! <1-S d!tU\•P.(V Track Manage Learn 797368785650 2-497-14670 1094-6894-0 1:1111/201~ 12/1612013 1213112013 $0.00 Closed FedEx Office e· V1ow C&n :.~.1 Pn!)t'~r·frief)~y 0,t)O Messa.g~s Poc.,ogc Ool,vorod 10 Rooipienl Address, Rolcose A~ Di•tance Based P<lcing Zono 5 The Ea.r11ed Discoun1 tot this &hip d.a?e hill been~ ~ Fu•I Surd>a,ge • FodEl< ha> appijed a 1U<>I wrcharg r.oad Moro Pagel of 2 Score~ Stib1 -.. ··---------------------·---------------------------·----------··.....__ r-------·---------------------------T rans action Details t-----------------------------------------------1 Sencter Information Roclpiont Information ------------------------------------------------Bi•on Boyle Cadn,vs Group 1 ~26 Pearl &ieet BOULDER CO 80302 us Shipment Details Si1lp da1c Payme,,. 1yne ScNiC<!\ypa Zooo Pacilage lyj)G Weight P-!ooes Motor No Oeclwed value Ociginal Referaneo CustomM rofetenee no. Depa, tmenl '"'· Refc,ooce#2 RafotellC<!/13 I Proof of Oelfvcry I ::==-· Ston<>d by 12/11/2013 $hlpp,,r Fe<!Ex Siandard Ovolnfgt>t 06 fe<IEx Envelope o.oo lbs , 4307$75 S0,00 6405 0003.0013 12112/2013 11.04 AA see above Brti:o Ccopo, Coeur d' Aleno Custo..TJ Romod&I! 1•14 Mapl<! Ase COEUR DALENE ID 63814 us Charges Tr.u1:.por..mion Ch.:-r90 Fu.et SvtcharQC Cov.-ie, Pickup Charge Retsi<!d.nli!I Oetive-ry Woef.day Oel,very Ear(1ed Oisoo1.1.nt Automa~io1t Go.nus Discount Tot•I charges Updated Re!ereneo Custom~, ,e1erer.ce no O~p.;rtmf.nt no. Reroreoco #2 Reterence 113 Cost Alloca1ion Relerenco Cost DllocaUoo Shipment No:cs -------·-----...... _..._,. _______ _ Pc-aturetJ SC!n;icns Comp;i11lcs. l•cllo\'I FodCx ht lps://www.fedex.com/fedexbi llingonl ine/applications.j sp 26.10 1.llO 0.00 3.2~ 0.00 ·9.S5 ·2.81 ffi:f.l 1/15/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 20 of 33 FedEx Billing Online Fed Ship FedEx Billing Online Pius Tracking 10 Details Tracking 10 Su111mary Blllino lnfonnallon T,ad:u1g 10 no~ Invoice no. Account no Sh p<1a10 luvoice delo O\lo<lalo Tntc-king 1.0 Bal;,nco duo Stolus \11~\-.• lnvulco HiS:Qty V1\hv siqnttlUra 1>roof of ctlc:li'I01y Track Manage learn 79736SSG1263 2-<97-14870 1094-6&94·0 12111/2013 12/!6/2013 1,;3112013 $0.00 Closed Fed Ex Office(• ---··--1 Mcssago Cenw j ViuwCarl 0.00 fiU\ Pnntc1l'-fricu,cl1y ·-' 0) Page 1 of2 ~ ----------------------------- Massages Business Closed or Ad'..tl1 Rec:ipienl Url.'}vailab!9". O B1fil1.MsmL 1•1 attempt Oeo 13, 2013 at 12·00 PM. 0.,1,noo Ba,od P~,:.ng, 7.onq $ The Earned O.i;counl foe 1n1, •hip d•to I.!> beOfl ca~ Fuel S.,rci,arge • FedEx h,,s opp!ie<I a fuel St.'f<harg ReM Mor&,, ---·-------------------------------------·------------------------ I i L._ .. Transaction Details Sender Information Byron Boy!o CadttitJSG:O\lp 1<26 Pearl Screet BOUlD!!R 00 80302 l/$ Shipntent ootalls Snip dalG Paymen! type SeMcot~ Zone P•ckag• IYP'l 'Nei.ght Piec.M Melot NO. Declared value Ori9lnol Reference ~slome, 1eltfenco no. Oop:utn~l)l 1\0, R-eference #2 Reteren,;e #3 Proof of Delivery o.ellvory dale Ser.,,ce area codo Sr9Md by ~ 12(11/2013 Sh'pper Fede.'• Mo,i!y Ovomlgltl 05 ~edEx Emelope 0.00 lbs , 4807575 SO.OD f405.0003.0013 121\3/2;)13 1l:46 AM W.HALL Reolplo1\l lnrormaUon l.$e Pnelp$ l.eo's Efecu.ic Inc l0t18 N Tacy:,e HAY0["110 83335 us Charges Tninsponaiton Chtlf9e Fuel Surcharge Coorlcr Pickup O.~rg,t! Weekdey Oelive,y E'atned C11count Automation Bot.us Distount DAS Como, To'tat tharocs Updated Reference Customer re!erel\Ce no. Do;,artme.nt no. Rere1ene<1#2 R.ere.:cncc U-3 Cost Allocation Reference Cosl a1oeat,or'I S1'11p1h&1~t Notes Follow F'odl:~ https://www .fedex.com/fedexbillingon Ii ne/appl ica tions.j sp 29.65 1.78 0.00 0.CO -10.08 -2.97 2.15 $20.51 ·--•-: _r_r_·-_,_~_s_if¥_ .. __ ~_ .. __ "·:_ ··;~~ I 1/15/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 21 of 33 FedEx Bill ing Online Pagel of2 Fed Ship Track Manage Leatn FedEx Office I' FedEx Billing Online Plus Vtew Cart (~:)) Pnn11:r-fr1rultf!y o.co [-~~~·~! Sum~~ __ ._J~~~~~nlo~~. ..JG?· o~_tans Jr .~:!u~!~-~~nter J r~W,ap,ffl\M"fUoli'll?'e "1!V'lifl'il/llN!tl'! 1IG!"l'XtW'1 ' '' E!:'fflffi!:'l'i'WiWf ' ' 7111 fPt rmmrnsrmrs ,aw l Tracking JO Details !I Trackl119 ID Sumr11ary Billin9 lnforml\Uon _M_c_•_s_•ec.c_s ___________________ _ Trsclung ID no ln\'oice nc AC(;01}01 no. $hip da!O lnvo:eed•I• Oucdol{.i Tracking 10 Ba'lance due Slalus ?{IOV{ IOYO!Cll HlSIQt,J yie,v ~,anrm ,ro proof of (1t'lw..J.:!j" 797369184~ 2-497-14870 1094•6B94·0 12/1112015 12116/2013 12/3112013 $0.00 Oos;,d Package O&~vered to Recipient Addron -Release A~ Oislanoo &sod PriciOI). Zona 5 The Earned Discount (ot lhts.sh1p datoJ\Gs noon ca Ro-ad Mou, Fuel Surcharge -FedEx rn,s •pplled o l~ei SUftl\org Roa~ '---------------------------·-------"---------·------·---------------~ rransactlon Details Sender lnlorn1ation 8)•ron BoylG Cadmu,GtO<Jp 1426 Pea<I St<cc, OOUI.OER CO 80302 us Shipment Details SL'lrf)dO'h? Payn't<;nt t.,·p~ Service 1ype ZOAe P•e1<ago type Woigl11 Piece"s MGIQ, No Declared yaf1Je Original Reforoncc Cu:.tom~r te(o.tenea nea. Departmen1 no. Refo,ooc-e #2 Refernnco 11:) Proof ol Delivery Oorivcry date Sef'V'.ca aroa ec,a& Signed by Vlr,..y S1Ql\fl$;1{0 pr.£.ru._Q' tfoSvety L_ ···----------··· Customer l•otut 12/1112013 Shipper FedE>: Sta"dud overf'ligh: 05 F e<tEx Em-elope o.oo lbs 1 4807575 S0.00 f405.0003.0013 12i121:l013 12:23 AA see at>cvo Reclplenl Information 'rroy Ferderer 8!00 Moul"llam Bac1nc: 3011 1511\SI. LEl'YlSTON IO 63501 us Charges Transpc.na1:o.ri Cha19e Fuel Sun;harQo Coun01 Pic~up Cho,go Res,oonual Del/vary Weekday Oe~<efy Earr.oo 01scoolll Automatioo B<mus Discount Total cluirgo5 Upda.led Rcforcnce Cv$tome.r rareranet no. Department no Rele<once U2 Rowonco 113 Cost Allocation Roforonco CO$! auoc;,1ion Sh1pm0i1t N~es -------------------- f ottow J1odE-x. htlps://www.fedex.com/fedexbillingonline/applicatious.jsp 28.10 1.80 0.00 3.20 0.00 ·9.55 ·2.81 $26.f.i lllfu1il 1/15/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 22 of 33 FedEx Billing Online Fed Ship Track FedEx Billing Online Plus f . Aec-ov~: Su,-ma~J _,_] .. _. Sc~lt10 tw.·1llO,'\d Tracking ID Details Manage Learn My Options FedEx Office" V1$',.'V Can ~tP Prpolet•lc,o..ash: 0 00 -------------------------Track I 11 g ID Summary Billing Informal.ion Trae~J"ll 10 no. lnvoici' nQ. Ac<:0e.mtna Shlpdalc tnvoice date Ouoda10 1'racklng to Balance due Status yrnw fOVCIC'~ H1;.Ula ~J1.Q.,2r.poro1 dr.!1var,• Transaction Details Sender lnformaflon Byro» B0)'1e Cacknus Group 147.ll Pea.I Sireet BOVLOER co eo:io?. us Shinme111 Ootaits $hrp da:o PaytMn: type Servic9 1ype Zone Package rype Wo!ght PiOCC:S McferNo. ~c!.ar«s value Original Reference Cv~omer refe;enco no. Dcpartmw11 no. Rere,er.ce #2 Relereoco #3 Proof of Delivery 797570173358 2-497-14870 1004-5894-0 f2/1112013 ,V\612013 12/31/2013 so.oo C!oseef 12111/2013 Shtppet FedEx Sl01'1a1d Ovcmighl cs Fe<iEx Em-elopo 0.00 lbs 1 4807576 so.co 6405.0003.0013 Messages Distance Based Pticin9, Zone 5 Tne cameo o,seouni rcr Uiit sr,,p dater.as been ca~ Fuel Surcharge . FedEx has apµ'J<ld a lU!ll surcharg Roaf/1~!!!.S.. Recipient lnformallon BtfanChapman /Vll(;llg.~tlng and 5Joctric LL 2307 N WOO<fdtul( Rd SPOY./INE WA 99206 us Charges Transp0<1ation Ct1aroa Fuel SurtnarQ& Courier Pickup Ct1ar90 wce~ay Delwory 28.10 t so 0.00 0.00 ·9.5S ·2.81 Earned Ojs-e:ouni Au1oma1h>n Bonus Discount Totil ohargcs $17.24 Updated Reference Customer roforan:e no DeparunMt no. Reference1J2 Rofereoca #3 Cost Alloc-.tfon Rofcroncc Page I of 2 Ooii,ery da,e 12/'1212013 10:42 Cos, allOCalicn I Sel\·ic~ :)lea COCfe A 1 Shipment N~les . Signod by C,STOTZ I ~~~~ ~ I '----------------------------~---y-----,~--.. -... -.. -. ---- !l-~ t.,,,1,1.,,,, 1=11'/ L --·-·-------· --·----------------·-·-··---------------·-·-·~ Cu!lltunor Fccue. https://www.fedex.com/fedexbillingonline/applications.jsp 1/15/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 23 of 33 FedEx Billing Online Fed Ship FedEx Billing Online Plus Tracking ID Details Tracking ID Summary Bitllng Information Tra::tu119IOno ltWc.eeno Accountnc>. Sh1pdato tn~teedate Cue dillO Troci<i119 IO Baton•• due S:atus V,ow lm:tJISN HJ$l2't Vt9W sig."lai "ft prpOf 9( gr{~y Tro11sactlon Dotalls Sender lnfor111a.Cion B)YOll lloyle CadmusG,oop 1426Pea,J S1<eoL BOULDER CO 00302 us Shipment Oolails Snip elate P•yme.,IIYP<l SeMeet;-pc1 Zona Pa~!ype We,sht PN!toS. Meter Ne. Oed.a:ed v31vo Original Reference Cus;omoi rnlotencG no. ~a.1m1n1no. Rclere11<e#2 Reier=• n Proof ol Oollvnry Oet:ve'Y4ate I ~c~~coc,c, S.gnea or I VnJW $1(1flaturn ocsmr~ l ~--- i._ Track Manage I.earn 79737020!!610 2·•97·1~8?0 1094-6894·0 12/1112013 12110/2013 1:lf.ll/2013 W.00 Closed 1~/11/2013 Shp~ FeoEx Stanaa•d O~rn<gllt 05 Fo<!Ex E•wetope 0.00 lbs 1 4807575 sooo 6405 0003.0013 12'12/2013 12.39 AA J.J1Vt.AS0N FcdExomce <11 MeHOQOS VICN COIi 1§) e"nle<-friM<IIY 0.00 0-.$\:,nu 8uod ~ Zono 5 The earned D=t lo, ~s st,ip clalo has been ca~ Fuel Surcharge · FedEA hais oppltud a fl.iel S\#ehoro ~ Recipient Information Cla,9S,ol>befs 1nton<1Mot~1, El~uic LLC 63S Sm SI. ClARKSTON WA 99403 us Charge, T1on;p1>11•1lon Charoo Fuel SurchAflle Co.,•lftt Plc;l<up Ch31QO WMl<day Oei'.'t!I'/ Eamad Discount Aulorn111ion Bonus Olsc;ount OAS Comm 20.10 1.70 0.00 0.00 .g55 ·281 2.15 Toi al c11aroe• rw.n Updatod Roference Cvstomer ,etorenco no Oepat1tr.tf,t no Rtf•ieoc.d2 Refe,encol/3 Cost Allocation ReforeJ\CO 1-·ouowrociU Tl I 'f MP https://www.fedcx.com/f edexbil I ingonline/appl ications.j sp Page 1 of2 1/15/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 24 of 33 FedEx Billing Online Ship Track Manage Learn r-edEx Office "' FedEx Billing Online Plus VtewCat1 :,ID) pnntM-fd.(!udly 0.00 6 .1.3· ?W UMMfif Tracking ID D<italls ·---------------------------·------··--·-·----- 1 Tracking ID Su;nmary Billing Information Trad.m.o fO llO, fnvooceno Accoun1no. Ship date lnvo:ee <ialo Dufldato Trac:kjno 10 Balanoe due 51:iws Y·<n-: h\•19:ir:1 HistQr'i )/.1ew ~1qf"!Ah•1f: {){oo, o! dtHive,y Transaction Details Sonae, lnlormalion A)·tc!l Ooy!o CadmY:s Group M26 Paa,r Su~r BOULDER CO 803C2 us Shipment Oetalls t,rupda~ P31111t1111 type Serv,co t~pe Zone Package iypc Wo;ghl Pieces Meter No, Doc!arod vaJue Original Refer~nce Custo,nCH' teferonc:c no. Oep~rtmen, no. ReferOJ1Ce-ti2 R0fc1enca #3 Proof of Dollvory Oeiiveryca.to S-OrMce utca code Sigood by V,ow ~,gn:.IJUl'f\ P'9:f:\l pl g'ol1very 79?372014933 2-4&7· 14870 1004-68,4-0 12/11/2013 12116/2013 12/31/2013 i0.00 Clo•ed 12/11/2013 Shippor FooE• P1l01lty Ovornl!)l11 05 FedEx Env•lope o.oo lbs 1 ~807575 S0.00 6405.0003.0013 12,1212013 10:36 RM sea above Package Oolf'..-efad to Recipien1 Ackkeu • Re'e.ase A Read Mo,e ... Oi$1anoe Based P1ici<19, Zone S The tamed Oisc0-t1nt lor thit ship dat() has-been to ftco<I Mnm Fuot Sutehe,ge -Feoex ho• "PP•i•d a lulll surcharg Read Mo,g Roclpion1 Information Emie Co.adall Ceel<ioll's Ligl\ti"I) 3.1025 VV,r.lChoster Gr&tfe: Eu< CITY 10 83525 US Charges Transponatlon Charg(I Fuot Surchatgs Courier Pick.up Chargo Resid;Jnllal Oeli\l'&ty WeeK-day Dativery Eatned Olscounl Aotomalion Be-nus Olscour\l DAS Ex:ended Res, Total ch.1rg:os Updated Reference Customer re~ecence 1'10, 08p3rtmfffit no. Refereoo, t2 Rofo,enco #3 Cost Allocation Ref ore.nee CO$\ allecation Shipmenl Nore, 29.65 221 o.oo 3.20 0.00 .10.oe •2.97 3.50 $25.51 Page I of 2 , Sesrcr S0)l1 ·1 -~ s!l!lE.!R El~ ------·--~----------------·-· .. --·---------·------------- rod,'~··. Compaoict. https://www.fedex.com/fodexbj llingonline/applications.jsp ]/15/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 25 of 33 FedEx Billing Online Page l of 2 Fed Shtp Track Manage Leam FedEx Office $) FedEx Billing Online Plus v,ow C:sn ~ ,!:Jln:er-tr!•~!!!l: 0.00 ~' -__ · ___ w _________ • _________________ !2i!£t_·_,· Tracking 10 Summary Billing lnformutlon Trad1tliQ ID no. ln\'*O;ee oo Aecounlno. Sh.pda\o invoice ca1e Oueca:e Tracki1,g 10 Balance duo $'Catus v,ow J1wo1ce f-1tSC.Q!.¥ Y/Jh·; ~:oo.ato,~ pr(I<}! of Qaflv<1cy Transaction Details Sendor Information l>)'tOll llO)llO Cadmus Group 1428 PeartSueel 801.it OER CO 80302 us Shipmont Details Ship dale PaymMtlyp., $6/V1Ce l)'pe Zooa Package type We•Oht Pieces Meter No. Oetclaradv&l\fO Original Releronco CV$IOl"tlet re!eccnce no. llcpat'.m~nt no H•lorooc&/12 R.efer~nC6 t:3 Proor of 0~11vory oer.very date Surv1ce area cQde Signod by V1ow §Ki"13ture: p,oor of dollygry 787360088•2• 2·497-14870 10114-0004·0 12/11/2013 :2/1612013 12/3112013 $0.00 Clcsed 12/11/2013 Shipper FedEx S1ar.:lalll Overn,ght 05 FedEx Envo!opo 0.00 !bS 1 41!07575 $0.00 6405.0003.0013 lJJt212013 13;33 A4 .so&.:ihovo Mess-ages Pecl<ao• Oo~v•re<J to Recipient Addre., • Roloast A~ Disl'111C8 Sa!ed P~cin;i. Zon<1 S The Earned Discount for ,~,s sllip date ~as been ca~!!!, Fuel Surcharge• FodEx tias apptieda luel s1J<clla<9 !iiM .. 11191""'- Recipient Information <:Ma-Ks,,rmon L•ke Ci:y Eleetoo rnc. 2'103 w. 8otivar Ave. COEUR O ALENE 10 &:\515 us Charge, Tt:an.s.pt1f:et1on Charge Fve, SU!cha,ge OO<Jrior PlcJ<u~ Charge Resident~! Oe'1very Weekday O.tivory 28.10 I.BO 0,00 32() 0.00 -9.55 -2.81 Earned Oi$t:O\ir.\ Auk>ma1iol'I Boni.r.-Di.s<;:ctall Total ohargos sio.74 Updated Roferonco Ct.1r.tomor rnfe,e.nee no. Oep-aitmenl no. Reforer.~#2 Rerorence/13 Cost Affocallon Roreronco Cost atJ~ation Sripmont NQAGS @Edit ~--------·----· ·-------.. -· ---··-----·-----· ruu;.ts Companios Follow l~cdCx https://www.fodex.com/fedexbillingonline/applica1ions.jsp 1/15/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 26 of 33 FedEx Billing Online FedEx Billlng Online Plus Tracking ID Details Tracking ID Summary Billing lnforma.lion Trad<"'lj 10 no. hwoice no. Accou~tno. ShiJ)date tnvo:Co date Due date 'rro1ti<il'l9 10 "BB1ance du~ Status Vim...-JQYCl•t!'" MisUJf)' yr(..oy/ SiQr'l,;'lltJ((!; Jlf(H'1f of ct~!n/()t'{ Track Manage Learn 1973691<Z491 2-497-14870 1004,6694·0 12/\112013 1211612013 1113112013 $0.00 Cfosod FedEx Office ,i; ViowCon ~J ~r,f£1ant1h1 C/00 Messages Pad<age Oelivere<I to Reeipien1 Address · Release A Rv.arl Moril_ Diltanc;o 8.l$Gd PI\C"1Q, Zanes Tho Earned O,$coun1 for this ship <J:a:e has been aa Rru,d Morn Fuol S\Jrc!>a!lle -FedEx !>as "PPlled a !\lei s,«harg ~ Page 1 of2 .t!r:ll '------------------------------------------------------------- I Transnction Details Sender Information Byro,, BDylo Cadmu!.Group 1426 Pearl S!reet BOULDER CO 80302 us Shlpmeru Details Ship dato Payment type Service type Zone Pac;l;B9otypo Weight Piccos: Meter No. Declared vatoe Original Roforoncc CYst.omor ,~ference no. Departmet\.l llO.. Refctct-.cc/12. P.oferenee #3 Proof or Delivery Del.very <:late Sc;cvtO& ar\'!a code Signadby 12/1112013 Shipper ForlE< P!IO!lty Overnight 05 fcdF., Envolope 0.00 lus 4807575 so.co C.105.0003.0013 1211212013 l2:C5 />.9 999991;9999 Recipient Information l"rct,t Cvrey TC Conko!s & El<>c~ie llC. 13702 W. Sv-nnyva,o Of NINE MILE f'AU.S WA 99026 us Charges Trnnspoctotion. Charg-e Fuet1 Surch3rge Couner Pcci<.vp Char~e R<nidonli<>I Oeijvel)' W""1<llay Oohe<y E.!!mtd Oiscounl Al•!Omat,c>ll Bonus O.iscoun! OAS E>ctonued Re•, TolaJ chargos: Updated Rolcrenco C1J$1omer referonu no Dopatlt''l\&t;l 1\(1 Refoienee t:2 Refe,encoh3 Cost Allocation Refcrenco Ccs:t n1:oc.ai1on st\ipmt,"11 Notas 29.65 2.21 0.00 3.20 0,00 -10,08 ·2.97 3.50 $25.51 mE,m !.=·------· --·-----------------·--·--···-----·-----------------------------=!Jilil:::or.::;.\,_, hltps://www.fedex.com/fedexbillingonline/applications.jsp I /15/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 27 of 33 FedEx Billing Online Fed Ship FC!dEx Billing Online Plus l Tracking 10 Details Tracking 10 Summary Billirlg Information TrackC[19 IO no. fnvoict nc,. AcCO\;n1 no. Sl14p<iale lt1VOlCO da1o !>JO daie Tntking 10 BaJancc dut.t Sta~us Vic;,tl hWoic.n-H!S~)N V1m.·1 suir,~n~1:e. o,oc-.f o! dl)lfvgry Transaction Details Sender Information By,on Ooy:o Cadnu,sG,""4> 1426 Pearl Strcot 80tJLOER CO 60302 us Slllpment Details St.pdote Payment type Scrv,ce type Zono Package t)lle we,oru Piooos M61.er No, Oe,:;lared va:'-le Odginar Reference Cu-stornor ,cfcrcrt<:O rio Oepati,\lenl 110. Rere,eoce lf2 Rercm1r,c.a *l Proof of Del Ivory Delivery date ScMcc area code Signed by View .S'$UHH\il'C p(Oo1' oJ !(111JY(#'Y Track Manage Learn 7!l73701t6836 2·497-1<1870 109<-Ge94·C 12/1112013 17/1(l/2013 12131/2013 so.oo Cioso<I 12/11/2013 Shipper FedEx Sl!Uldard Overn'1)ht 04 FedEx Envelo.po O.OOfbs 1 <80757S S0.00 6"05.0003.0013 17.11212013 12:03 AA see abovo FedE)(Offioe~ Massages View Cnrt ~.t~ PnnlM•lri~ndty 0.00 Packa~ Oeliverod to Reci/)ioot AdU!O$$ • Re!ca,e A. Rea~ Mo,c .. Oista~ Easea PnCil'\Q, Zone 4 The Earned O.Scou:il tot \his ship dato h.0$ befn ea ~..00..: Fuel Swoh•<go • Fc<iEx has oppllccl a fuel s,ll'Clwg ~~ Reoipionl Information M<.WOlton Fo1emos1 Electtie 3305 SaJ\dy o,. IDAHO FALLS ID 83<01 us Charges T<ensPo<ta!loo ChO!ge Fuei Swcharge Cwfier PiOkup Chm~e Re$fdem.al Delivery VVcckday Oetwery 26.65 172 0.00 3.20 0.00 ·9.06 ·2-67 Earned Olsccunt Au1oms1,on 80<l'J$ Ois<oJnl Tot:il c:tt.irgC$ mT4 Updated Roforenco Custc:ner rofeton:cc no. Cepartme11.t no Rofeumoo#2 Reforencc/13 Cool Allocation Roforonce C-0~1 allocaG0<1 S~·pmeot Noles Page 1 of2 l'>oy l!""k ----------·----.. ·-·----·--·-----·----------·-------····-·· ----------------=- FollowFodl:x https ://www.fcdcx..com/fed ex bi I lingonl ine/appl ications.j sp 1/15/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 28 of 33 FedEx Billing Online Fed Ship Track Manage Learn FedEx Office C> Fcc!Ex 8illh1f1 Online Plus VtfJ\Y C3rl :.tg) Pr,mtr-frienv~ 0.00 Tracking ID Details --·----· .. ·----------------------------- Tracking JD Summary Billing lnformalion Tracl<ilv; IOn<>. lnYOfO:G 1"0 Account no. Sh:p da,c tnvolc..edate DuedalS 797368824418 2·497-14870 1094-5594-0 1Z/11/2013 12/16/2013 l2/31/2013 ~o.oo Ctosed Messages Paekll!Jo D•llvefCd IO R•elplont Address • Relea.., A ~ OiSla/ltO Based Pricing, Zone 5 TM E;,tlrnod Ofocount ro1 lhit. ~hip dote hiss been ca ~More. Fuel S<Jrcherge • FedEx has appl,ed a fuel soroherg Ro;,d Mo,o._ Pagel of2 --·--------------------------·---·-···---·------ T ransacflon Detal Is Sender Information Byrcnl3r>yfU Ca®i-.~s GtO\;p 1~26 Poa,, Sir cot 80ULDER CO 80302 us Shipment Details Ship date Payment type Servu;e type Zone Pacl'.cago typo. wo,ght Pieces Mote, No. Oec,3reg"v3hre Original Reference Customer refe.renc:o ~o. Oepartmenl no. Reference #2 Relerence#3 P,oof of Delivery O~Uve<y~•le Smu:e ace.a corle SrgnMby ~v AIA•tolure ()!()(if q( dtllVifl'. 12/11/2013 Sh,pper FedEx St.anaatd O\"otn19ht OS FedEx Er.veloptJ 0.00 lbs 1 4807Sl5 S0.00 $405.0003.0013 12/i2i2013 12;7A Al ,SC-rt above Recipient fnformation JOH P11on JJ? EW-ctric tnc 6026 N Graonwood Blvd SPOl<ANE WA 99208 us Ch>r!JCS lfansponatio_n Chargo Fuel Su!tlhaise CoorierP,::kup Charge Rcsi<1enlia1 Oolivery Weekday oe1,.•ery Eerned Discount Automarti:m Bonus O!r,c<>tinl rotAI chargo.s l)pdalod Rofnronco Custome< rcfer;enco no. Oeparlmont no. Refere11ce t,2 Roratcru:o 03 Cost Allocatlon Re.feronco Coot e11=uon Shir,m~mt Noles 20.10 1.80 0.00 3.20 0.00 ·9.5~ -2.8i szo'Y-i l-...--------··----------------------------.. -------~------------'!!!l!:=~~- Cvst1..1mor focus FC!:aturt!d Sc,vh::.,.$ https://www .fedex.com/fedexbillingonline/appl ications .jsp 1/15/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 29 of 33 FedEx Billing Online Page I of2 Fed Ship Track Manage Learn F eoEx Office 0 FedEx Bi1H119 Online Plus V:cw Can ®_) fllnJM·•t1er.(8'f 0.00 ---Ji----,[ __ ,_ __ J So:irchmownlo,,d -~ .---. f'.:1y0pti~ MessageCerner _ Tracking ID Details Tracking 10 Summary --·--·---------------------------, Billing lnfonnation Traekina 10 no. lnvOlceno. Accounl no. s1,1pda10 Invoice dale Due dnto Tracking ID Bafan<:o duo S1&1US Vii,!\\' lnvoic¢ ti!l!t.2.Ct V11.. .... •1 s1~_w¢ ptoo, cf dnl!':Of'.Y Transaction Details Sender lnlonnation By1onaoy1e Cnelmus Gro1.1p 1~2S Pearl ~eot BOULDER CO 60302 \JS Shimnent Details Snip oa10 Payr11eot type Setvlc.t> type Zone Pad<a;;o lypo Weight Piec.1?$ Me;erNO. Decia,ed Vttlllo Original Roforenco 01.{.stome, 1eferenc4 no~ Oep811ment no. Rere,ence .n2 Rcfeccnco #3 Proo( ol Delivery Oi;,6ve,yde:te Servtc:o a:fea code Sigr,c-d by Y'GW 51QUt;tur<: pronr o! dnlwery I __ ... 79727S158.920 2-489-67277 1094-6894•0 1112912013 1210912013 1212412013 $0.DO C<o••d 11/29/2013 Shipper FedE.ic Pr,orlty Overnight 05 FedEK El\velope 0.00 lbs 4807~75 $000 ~405.0Dm.0013 1V02/2013 15:19 PM see aQOve Messages P~cio:nge Oetive-;ed to Recipient Adcn~s~· Rotease A~ Distance ease~ P1icln9. zone 5 Tho EarOO<! o,seoum tor 1has •hip date IIH b\!c-o ca &M..Ml:',m.. Fue, Surc.hlliS-O • Fedc'x has appl!'ed a fu<d surcharg Ronc1 MQf.b Rcclpiont Information Nolan Cocl'\relt Ccx:htom E!cckic 27531 Hwy 11 PIERCE 10 8'.!~6 us Chargos 1'1anspor1atlon Ch.:i,go Fvol Surti1ar90 Courier Pickup Cl>argo ResidonOol Dot,vory Wookda1• DDUvory Earned OiSCO\IAI AU1Cmatlon Bonut Oiscou!'I\ DAS Extonaeu Rosi total Ch:Jrgcs Up<latod Roleronce Cu.stomCf rrJteronco no Oej)llrt111en1 no. RefOfQ1\CD#2 Rcferc.ncc#3 Cost Allocalion Reference Cost nllocat',oa Shipmen, N¢l8S 29.6S 2.33 0.00 3.20 0.00 -10.08 ·297 3.50 $25.63 ---------------------~----· - Fc;,turcd ::icrv~s Followf.c(jEx hUps ://www .fed ex. corn/fedexbill i ngonline/applications .j sp 1·:,y 1/15/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 30 of 33 FedEx Billing Online Page 1 of2 red . Ship Tra(;k Manage Learn FedEx Off,ce (I, FedEx Billing Onrlne Plus Viow Catt :JQ:) f rtflh?r,fr.,-~mf.iy 0 00 Tr3cking ID Details ·--------------------------··----·--·--·-------, I Tracking ID Summary Billing Information Tra-tk1ng 10 no. Invoice no. Acco1.m: r.o. Ship date ln'ICICO d.l!Q Ot1C<'.13ta Track·ing ID Balanced~• St.alus View lnys;:c:o lij"Stnt't'. \fi4.'rVJ ~(lnA!~1r¢; [!u:>of ()( goli'li!r_x Transaction Details Sender lnformation ByfO!\ Gojl.o C.admu:. Group 1428 f)aacl Strcel 80ULOloR CO 80302 us Shlpn,eut Details sh·p dn1e Payment type Se.rvice type l¢no Package type W&ghl Pieces /Aeter No. Oectar~d v;fuo Original Reference Cus1oml!r rnf1uonco no. Deparunenl no. Reforonca #2 Rel0fenco#3 Proof of Oollvery !:ierv.ee af&a COCe Signed by 797275232349 2·469-S-7277 1094·6894-0 1112912013 12J011f.Z013 12124f.Z013 $0,00 CIOSO<I 11129/2013 $hipper FedEx Slandacd OvGrniOht 05 FedEx Eiwoloj:a 0.00 lbs , 480757S $0.00 £,405.000$.0()13 12/0212013 10'42 AA soo aoo ... e Messages Pucks99 OCJivered to Recipient Address · R~c~c A~~ Di•Janc:o Basoo PricJno. Zeno 5 n,e Earood o;,count rw this ship dal• nos l>aan ca R,1R<t ¥0'" Fuol Su.1Ghcu9c • FcdEK has apptli,d i::J luel 5\.lfci~rg Rc;11j~ R~cipfont tnfo,maHon AnlOsCsu A + Coostrue!:oti 1007 Red 1-l•w~ Dr. LE'A1STON tD 83501 us Charges Tronsporto6cn Ch01go Fuel Surd'large Covrie.r Pic!(-.1p ChJIQO Ras!dentfa, Oolivery Woekday Oefivo,y 28.10 1.89 0.00 320 000 •9.SS -281 Eatoed cY.Gcoun! Amoma1lo1\ eoous Ois:::cun1 Tot31 charges s26.8J Updated Roforcoce Customer rafere.r.co no. DopanmMtno~ Retere.ico 112 Rolo<on"' 1/3 Cost Allocat1on Reference Cost a:loealioo Sh'pment Nows IDE<llt OJ Ec!il BM.It l~==·~·_·._,y _____________________ _ ----------··-----· Cu~tu1ft(l:i' l~<JCU6 fti'ltUl'a4 Services Follow Fodl!J< https://www.fedex.com/fedex:billingonline/applications.jsp 1/1 5/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 31 of 33 FedEx Billing Online Page l of 2 Track Manage Learn FedEx Office ~' FedEx Billiug Online f>l·us Viow Can ~JQ) ~:-hiendty [ AGCCtLnl Summ,1ry J !lo:lrcl\/0!,.)WlllG/'I(! . __ lL!:'Y c~r Message Ce_ntei J 0.00 Tracking ID Details ~ Tracking ID Summary '..:>!.!.ruJ?. 1:1~ Billing Information _M_o_ss_a--'9'-o_s ___________________ _ frocking ID no, lnvoioe no ACCO'Vf\t no, Ship date lnvotco <Jaco Due <1•ie Trackh1g JO B:tlanc:o due S1atus y1"w lnvoir:e I I~ V•~W ssgQattrrc, pfO()f 01 do:ivm's' Transaction Details Sender Jr1lonnalion Gyron Boyl<! Caam11> GrouJ) 1426· Pea,1 Street 80ULOER CO 80302 us Shi1>ment Dotails ShJp oaoo Paymonl Lyp<> So!Vicetype Zooo Pac<ago rype Weiglll Pieces Mt."l_er _llio. Dtlctared valUo Original Rcrorenc:e Cut!oiner ,eforonee no. 0Gpatunen1 no. Reference #2 Rbfcrnnc:o Jf3 Proof ol Oollvery Oet!very date Service .-roa codo Signed by Vrrn:~:}!_Y}:tl1fl} prOQr of dCIIV0(Y 797275084502 2,.\8\J.67277 1094-SS!l<l·O H/29/2013 12/09/2013 12124/2013 so.co Closed 1 l/29i2o13 Shipper FedEx Priori!)' O••rnlght 05 fr,qEx Env<!lopo 0.00 , •• 4807576 so.co 6~05.0003.0013 12;0212013 11: 17 Pt.: BWEISTER -------------··-----·------ fod ;.,·. Oistanoe Ba~od PNC!t\9, Ze11e 5 The Eamed Discount fer U1is ship <lale has been ca Road Mom Foot S\1rct,,a1go • Fed.Ex has app1ierl a fuet sureherg ~~iid Morn Roclplont Information am V1los1er Fa1mers E;lecttic 30 EaS1 Honllock St. OTHELlO WA 9~3•4 us Charges Tn11\sportauon Che19e Fuel Su:a;argo Courier Plc~up CMroo Wook<lay Oatlvery earoea Oiscocnt Auton,aliM Bo.nus Ols~ont 0/\S ElcleMed Comm Total chatgc~ Updated Raleronco Cus:tet11-ct r,detenc,a no. Dep.1rtmenl no Ref(tl'COCI? #2 Rofo-.;enctt fJ3 Cost Allocation Rolcranco Cost 8llocoliQ11 Sh!pm~t NOie$ 29.eS UIS 000 0.00 ·1008 -2.97 2.15 $20.63 Un..;..,h.• ·-----s•--•---------,/1.!!e P'oflowFodE,: https://www.fedex.com/fedexbillingonline/applications.jsp 1/15/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 32 of 33 FedEx Billing Online Page l of2 Fed Stvp Track Manage learn FeoExOffice e FedEx BIiiing Online Plus ViowCtvl !Jg) Orinle:•(fr("l"lg y :J.> 0.00 Tracking JO Dctalls &l!;!; Trackir19 10 Smnmary .!)!i£!.e G!f!!! 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FodEi< 11as applood a ruel "'1chorg ~ .-------------------------------------------------, Transaction Details 1------------------------------------------------l Sender Information ------------------------8yr0rl Ooy.o Cads"MJSGn,_p l<QG Po.Ill Stree, BOULDER CO 803()2 us Shipmont Details ------------------------Sl,pda:e Payman:1ype S,,,vlco typo Zone Pacu~IYP• 'A'eignt Pi6C0S Me,«No. Oedateo va..u@ Orlglnol Reference 11/2912013 S~lpper FedEx Standard OVernigbJ OS rec1e, enve·cpe 0.00 to• 1 46G7575 sooo ------------------------Custom°'• ,e~cence no. De""'1mffllno. Rctercmce/12 Re!oronco 113 Proof of Delivery 8'105 0003 0013 ------------------------ Oo&.Yaty da!G Servieo a,ea code Signadby 12!0212013 16:20 AM ueabove I J __ ------------·-----·-----·----- Cusli.lmrr Focu, Compnnlr:1.. Recipient Information ------------------------Jesse L2.n<.hs CMf:«>8ew,c 92311a."ddS1 MOSCOW ID 83843 us Charges ------------------------ TranspoMboo Charo• P'uel SUr.cllargo Cou,ler Ptcku;> Charge Ruic"""°! Oawt,Y Wffkelay Oefv9,y earned Oiscounl Automa(lon Boous OiscounJ OAS Resi Toblclurgu 28.10 2.n 000 320 000 .9 55 -?.81 3.25 $24 41 Updated Rolorcnco (D Ji!!!! ------------------------Cu II om er tefet611CO no. OOilort"'ent no Relerente#2 R•'"'°''""n3 _c_o_S1_A1_1oca __ 11_o_n_R_e_rc_ren __ ce _____________ 111-'~'-<1-,1 Cost a:localllon Snipo\ont NOIH FGtlow r;'.uoCx https://www.fedex.com/fcdexbillingonline/applications.jsp 1/15/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment C Page 33 of 33 FedEx Billing Online Fed Ship Track Manage FodEx Billing Online Plus Leain FedEx Office* Vtt/H Ca11 @ Pnn~N.fr1ctVOx 000 Page 1 of2 !,1) Tracking ID Oclalls ~ Tracking JO SLin1mary ~!i£le El.t!!il!!. Billing Information -~·_,e_s_u_g:..c_s ___________________ _ T1acldno 10 no. Invoice oo. Accaw1tno. 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The dot very c:cnmwnc,n1 fo1 FedEx 20oy to ,011denc~ Oi,1anco Bated Ptiting, Zono S TI\O Earned O!seoun1 for 11~, shlp dato has l>oon cil ~ Fuot Su~harge • FedEx has opplie<I • fuel ,.,c1w9 RoO<I N"org Roclpiont lnformati<>n Ctw•• Potctson Con,fot Etee11i; ?.4100 N. Madison RO Cl1A TT AROY WA 99003 vs Chargos Tuuu;ponatlon C~tgo Fuel Sorcharoe Cwr,e, Piclwp et,aive Rosid4n, cal Ocwo,y V\'cekaay C6!.v&f)' E.arnod o,scoun1 AulOl')!Utio" Bom.1" Discount OAS E>.1•1l<lad Rosf 1555 ,S7 000 3,20 000 .499 ·156 350 Total c~rges m:n Updated Rolerenco Cus:orncc rofetento no O.pa,~,ient oo. Re!tftr.u'2 Retc,ren,e @3 Cost Altooa~on Roforonce Foi!ow fttdE ... https://www.fedex.com/fedexbiJlingonline/applications.jsp i" ;,:.~ .. 1/15/2014