HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161013AVU to Staff 5 Attachment B.pdfStaff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 1 of 119 Billing N1,:moer: Invoice !'Jumber: 6405-03-lli INV-164321 Description: At tn. ;Lor. He rman.s,,n, .PPA Bill TO: Avist a CoL-por3tlon _411 Easl Miss~on Aven~e Spokane, WA 99252 C\l 5 tCime r Nt;Jmb,;n; : Prime Cont.1.act Numba r : Su1JconLr.1ctor !11,:mber: Project Number: Project: Name: ProjecL Manag~r: AVISTA D-244•9-No. l 6•105. ~003 Avista 2012-13 Eval,u;cion KOLP, DALIIELLE M CADMUS rnvo1ce Dnte: Remit To: Ti:1£ Ci".DMUS GROUI', INC, ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECErVABLE 100 5Tl:I AVENUE SUITE: 100 WA.LTHAH, MA 02-l 51-8727 USA Ol/06/14 Tetms : 0\H> On\.<': JIET 3-, Billing Peri od From:09/29/13 Bil l ing Currency: USD ALUNKAL, !•!AYA M ASPLIN, ALLISON F AVCl , ME.SUT BOYLE, BYRON T BUROEt,, RONALD F BUSHMJ,N, KA'rE M C/\ROLLO, ANDREW M CARV1LL, ANNA L CROPP, JEFFREY S DAVIES, THOMAS H GRJ'.NT, ANDREW J l<Ji.l'.WAJA, M. SAM! KILKENNY, !?YAN P !<OLP, DANIELLE M LEE, IVI\N Lr:E, PETER LillDQUIST, JOHN E LOBKOWICZ, Hon LYONS, KEN1ll!:1'H M MABEE, BENJAMIN J MATTISON, LAUREi~ R 02/05 _4 Cu.cren t Hours l.80 lJ.5 0 26.00 33.60 5~.50 4.50 7.00 23 .70 17 .oo 3.00 0.50 25 .00 1 .50 71 .30 5.00 2 .00 :J.50 14.30 o.:o 24 .50 7.00 Rate 125.0000 135.0000 150. 0000 -25.0000 125.0000 150.0000 135.0000 13S.OOOO 115. 0000 125.0000 12S.OOOO 235.0000 150. 0000 150.0000 75.0000 150. 0000 150 .0000 135. 0000 125.0000 125.0000 150 . 0000 To: 1 i /30/13 Current Alllount S22S.OO I. 417. 50 3,900.00 4,200.00 6,812.50 675. 00 945 .00 4,009.50 2,975.(10 375.00 62 .50 6,110 .00 22S.OO 10,695 .00 375 .00 300.00 75 .00 l,5130 .50 775 . 00 3,062 .50 1,050 .00 Page 1 of 10 Corporate Headquarters: 100 5th Avenue, Suite 100, Waltham, MA 02451 I Voice: 617.673.7000 I F.ix:6 17.673.7f An Employee-Owned Compcrny www.cadmusgroup.com 865555 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 2 of 119 Billing Number : Invoice Number: PARSEGr!IAN, GARIN P!stERS, OOMALD B l?FANN, DEC R 6405-03-lG INV-164327 PIANTEOOS!, MATTHEW A R.r.MEY, CAM,;.RON T REE:VES, SCOTT C ROWE, ERIN M SAVKAR, RASIKT>. V STEWAP.1', JAMES T WADWALK!\R, SAURi\BH S ~lrRTSHAFTER, /•.DAM D WISCH, CALEB J Direct Labnt Travel ~o5 t..i9e • ~~liveiy Sul,/C:ant ?roject ilurnber : Othei Ditect Costs (. Direct Costs . i ncludes meters $'-' 382 . 00·) lnvoice Total Current Incurred Hours : Project Task Exp. Type Org. 0405.0003 Avista 2012-13 Evaluation Current B0-urs Rat.e a.so 75.0000 8.50 100 .0000 5.00 75 .0000 1.50 150 .0000 13.50 135 .0000 2.70 150.0000 l. 70 150.0000 28.50 150 .0000 0.80 175.0000 21.00 135.0000 1.00 100.0000 1.50 75 .0000 4EO. 60 4 60. 60 Billing currency: Ir.voice Date: Current Amount 637.50 850.00 375.00 225. 00 4,522.50 405.00 255.00 4,275.00 HO.OD 2,835.00 100 .00 112.50 $64,927.50 l?age 2 of 10 USD 01/06/14 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 3 of 119 Billlng Numbor : Tnvoice Nurnl)or : 64tl5-0J-lo INV-164327 Description: Attn. :l-0:cl flermanson, PPA Bill To: Avista Corporation 141 1 East Mission Avenue Spokdll<l, WA g925z Customer t;L;rr,b~r: Prime Con~tdcr Number: Subcontractor tlumber : Project NumLer : Project nam,1: Project Manage r: Terms : Due Dat e : BlJSllMJl.N, KATE M KHAWAJ A, M. Slll'll KOLP, DA1'1EU.Z:: !~ :.YONS, KENtt.:'l'H M REE:VES, SCOTT C Di.r'!!C1. Ldh01 Travel Direct Cost.s Invoice Total Curr~nt. :.nC'u.r!'.'cd H-ours : t,VlBTA D-24H,9-l~o .1 6405.0003.0001 Avis.-. .a KOLP, Dl\H!Er.:.E ~ llE:T 30 02/05, 1q Curre nt flours 4.50 2 ... 00 53.60 O.LO 1.00 91.30 Invoice o,.ce: Ol /06/14 Remit To: THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 1()0 .!;Tri AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTllJl,'l, MA 0~4 S:-8727 OSA B1.llir1g Pedod r·rom :09/29/13 To : 11/30/13 Rate 150. 0000 :!35 . 0000 150.0000 125 .0000 150 .0000 91. 30 Current Amounr $675.00 6,110.00 8,040,00 775.00 150.00 $15,750.00 S'/83. 36 S783.3i> B~ling Currency: Task Pagel of 10 USD Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 4 of 119 Billlnq Nllmber: Invoice Number: 6405-03-16 INV-164327 D~scr.1.pt1on: Attn.: Lor.: He.unt:trl::Stlrl, PPA Bill To : Avista Corpordtion l411 East Mission Avenue Spokane, NA 992~2 Cirnl om-,r Number : Pr Lme Contr .. ct Number : Subc<.,nt:~actor tluntber : Projecl Num!Jer: Pr<Jjecc Name: Pr<Jject Manager: T~rms : Due D;ite: CAROLLO, ANDREW M !{OLP, 0/\NIELU: M RAMEY, CAMER.ON T Direct. Labor Invoice Tot.al Currenc Incurred Hours: AV:S":l, f'l-24469-No. l 6405. ]'103 . 000', hvista Res ImpoCt KOL.!', DAl'lIE:..Lr; M 115T 3u 02/05 '14 Current Hours i .00 2.50 l.')0 10.50 rnvoioe :Jate: Remit To: THE CADMUS GROUP, :NC. ATTN : ACCOUNTS RECE;IVABLE 100 5TH AVENUE: SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 02.4';1-8727 USA 01/06/14 BLl:nq Pedorl From:09/2':l/13 To : 11/30/13 aillinq Currency: Rate 135.0000 150.0000 Cur·ren-L Jmount $945.00 375 .QO 13a. oooo ____ -=-13'-"s""'.""o-'-o $1,455 .00 $1,455 .00 10.50 Paqe 4 of 10 USO l, <A.> Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 5 of 119 Billing Number : Invoice Nu;nber : 6405-03-lb UN -16<l327 Description: Attn.: Loci Hermans<"n, l?PA Bill ':'O: AvLst.a Corporati.on • 4 ll i::as~ Mis,;ion Avenue Spokano, WA 99252 Customor Number: Pn.me Contract l~mnbor: Subcont.ract-or Ul.lmber: ProjeC-l Numl.:er: Project. l'ld.rrie: Projuct M,;nager: Terms : Due Date: AVC!, f·lESUT BORDEN, RO!JALL1 F CROP?1 JEFFREYS D,W:ES, THOMAS H KOLP, DANIELLE M I..EI::, PETER MATTISON, LAIJRE:.N R PARSEGHiAN, GARIN Pl"I\NN, ERlC R P1ANTE00Sl. MAl"f liEW A ::iAVKAR, RASIKA V \sADr/ALKAA, SAUB,IBH s WIR~SaAF!ER, ADAM D WISCH, CALEB J Dire,;t Labor Travel Postage & Deli v~ry Other Diiect Costs (Meters) Di.r:ec, Costs Invoice Total CUi'LenL Incu.ued Hours: Av:s-:A D-2~469-tlo . l 6405. 003.0005 Avista NR I mpd ct KOLP, CiAtllELLE M t!ET 3C 02/051 H Current r.(our s 26 .00 54.~0 14.00 3.00 0.50 0.50 2.00 '.00 S.50 5.00 : . so 28.50 2 .. 00 : .oo ~.50 17~. so TnVOJ.CC Da cc : Rem.:t. :ro : THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECE!VASLE 100 5TH AVENUE SV!'l'E 100 WALTHAM, MA 02451-8727 OSA 01/06/1,! Billing Period Fwm:09/29/13 To: l 1 /30/13 Bil.l 1.11g Cuu. ency : Rate 15.0.0000 125.0000 l7S.OOOO 125.0000 12:i.DOOO 150.0000 l 50.0000 151). 0000 75.0000 75.0000 150 .0000 150 .0000 135.0000 100 .0000 ?S.0000 current Amour.t $3,900 .00 b,812.50 2,450 .00 375.00 62 .50 75 .01) J00 .00 1,050 .00 £,37 .50 375 .00 225 .00 4,21~.oo 2,83~.oo 100.00 112. 5() $23,585.00 $4, 174.4.0 673 .40 2,382 .00 $7,229.80 $30,814.80 Pagt> 5 of 10 OSCI Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 6 of 119 Bilhn9 Number: Invoice Number: 6405-1).J-16 INV-164321 Descrip tion: Actn~:Lori Harrnans<n, PPA Bill To: Avista Corporalion 1411 Ease 11.ls:,ion Avenue Spokane, WA 99257. Cust.omer Numb~r: hlme Conu.cc. Number: Subcon1.1:actor Number: PrujcCl Numuer: e.r JjA1:-t. Norrie: Projeci Manager : TPrrns : Due Date: MABl:.l!:1 BENJAMIN J PETJ;:RS, OOIIALCJ B REEVES, SCOTT C Di r<lc l Labor Invoice Tota.l Curt«'.!'nt: Jnc.u-cted Hours: AVISTA o-2q~ 69-tro .1 6405. 003 .0006 AVl!iL-a LI Impa,:~ KOL?, DANlE:.LE M tlE:I 3v 02/0~/H Current Hours 2~.50 :.70 3~. 70 Tnvo1ce Date ; Remit 1'o : THE CADMUS GROUP, INC. ATTN: ACCOUNT~ RECE:VABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SUITE 100 WALTHAM, MA 01451-8727 IJSA 01/06/H Billing Period Prom:09/29/13 To:H/10/11 Bi l l i ng Currency: 125.0000 100 .0000 Current f\moun-c. $3,06:?.50 850 .00 _ ~o . !looo ____ --'--2s __ s __ .""o ... o $4 ,167 .50 34 . 70 Pa<Je 6 o f :o OSD Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 7 of 119 iLll.inq Numbec: Invoice Numh<>r: 6405-03-16 !NV-164327 De,;ct i ptic,n: At.ti'!.: Lori He rmanson, l?PA Bill To: Avista Co1poteti )n 1411 Ease Miss~on !,venue Spokane, ~IA 9'l2,2 Customer Number: Prime Contract Number : Subcontracto r !lumber: Proj,;,ct Number: l?r'>ject Name: Project Manager: Terms: Due Date: KOLP, DANIELLE M RA.'ll::V, C1\l'IERON T Direct Labor sub/f':on,: Dite c t Costs Invoice Tot.al Curr ent Inc~Jt't'8d H .:,urs: l\VlSTA D-2~~69-llo.1 6405 . 0001 . ()007 Avistd Ren Proc~ss KOLP, DAllIE:LLE t•'. tlET 30 02/05/ :4 Current Hours 4.30 32.50 JE.80 Invoi re Date : Remit To: TliE CADMUS GROU!', ~NC. ATTN: ACC0UN'£S R!,CEI\IABLE 100 5TH AVENUE SOIT-E 100 WAL~RAM, MA 02,s1-a121 USA 01/06/H BillH19 E'<>riod Frcm:09/29/13 To : 11/30/13 Bill ing Currency : Rat.e 150 .0000 Current l\mo1:nt $645.00 135. oo oo ___ _,(.,_, =-38=-?C-''c.::sc:co $5,031.50 Sl6,056.13 Sl6,056 .1J sz~.oaa .63 36.80 Page 7 of 10 USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 8 of 119 Billlng Number: Invoice ~mnhPt.: 6405-03-16 !NV-1M327 Description: At tn .:Losi Herraanson, PPA Bill To: Avi sta Corpo1aLion 1411 East ~lission Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 Cuslotne1-Nt.m,ber: P?:ime Cont.rnct Number: Subcont,:-actor tlu;;iber: Project Number: Pr,:ij<?ct Name: Project Manage r: Terms: Due Date: ASPLIN, ALLISON F KOLP, DANfELLE M LOBKO~CZ, HOPE D1 rect Labor r nvo ice Tottll Cu.rrent :ric:itrrod Hours: AVISTA o-2446!"1-Uo. J 6405.0003 .ijOOS Avi::1ta NR Process KOLP, DANIELLE ~'. t!E'T 30 02/05/:4 Curr,;nt Hours IC.SO 5.20 14.30 Jt .00 l nvoice Dat.e : Remit: To: THE CADMUS GROUP, :NC. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100 5Til AVENUE SUITE 1DO WALTtlAM, MA 024Sl-8727 USA 01/06/14 Billing Peri od Fr~~:09/29/13 To : 11/30/13 Billing Currency : Elate 13$. ooco 150 .0000 Curront Amot:nt .Sl ,U 7 .50 780,00 13 s • ooco ___ ---=1.,_, ~93::.:0;.:.""s"'o !;4, 128.0() ,o.oo Page B of 10 USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 9 of 119 Bi 11 ing N:.ut\ber : Tm,oice Number: i,405-03-H. INV-164327 Description: 6ill To: At tn . :Lori Hermanson., PPA Avista C,:)1.pon,tion 1411 East Missicn Avenue Spokane, WA 99252 CusLomer Numbe r : Prime Con~racr Nuntner : Subconcractcr Humbe r: Projoct Number: Project Name : Proj~ct Man;,_ger: Terms: Due Date: ALUN.KAL, MAYA M BOYLE, BYRON T CARVILL, AIIN,\ L CROPP, JEfrREY S KILKENNY, RYIU, I? KOLP, DANlE:.LE ~1 LEE, l VAN LlJIOQU!ST, JOHN E ROWE, E:RIN M Dixect Labor Po~cnge & Del i very Other Dlrect Costs Direc t CO.";tS l nvoH;e Totdl Cui;cent !11curr-,d HGurs: AVISTA ['1-2~469-tlo.1 640S.000J.00l3 Avisca Panel 5tudy ,;OLP, DAIUELJ..E !1 IH:'.T 30 02/05/14 Current Hour s : .so 33. 60 2~. 70 ).00 : . 50 5.20 5.00 c .. so _.70 82.00 I nVO! ·-e Dn.:e : Remit To : THE CADMUS GROOP, l ~C. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RBCEIVAB:.E 100 5TH AVENUE SU!'r£ 100 WALTHAM, MA 024';1-8727 tJSA Ol/06/i4 Billing PP1100 From:09/29/13 To: 11/30/13 B~ll ing Currency: Race 125.0000 125.0000 135.0000 175.00110 150.0000 150.0000 75.0000 150.0000 150.0000 82 .00 CUt:CP!1t Amo1inc: $225.00 4,200.00 4,1)09.50 525 .00 225 .00 780 .00 375 .00 75.00 255.00 $10, 6&9. so $401.95 3,857 . l,l S4 ,259.36 $'.4 , 928.86 Page 9 o f 10 USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 10 of 119 Bill lng Number , tnvol <"'~ Number: 6405-03-16 INV-164327 Description: At t"n. :Lori Hermansen, !?PA Bill 'l:o: Avista Corporation 1411 East Misslon Avenue Spoknnc1 VlA 992~2 CusLome.r Norr.be.r: Prime Contra:-;t. Numbez:: Subcontractor Number: Project Kumber: f>roject Name: Project Manager: Terms : llue Date: STEWARTr JAMES I Direct Labo, lnvoice To;;al Curtent Incurrt::d Hour~: AVISTA D-244n~-tlo.l 64DS . OOO:.!.OOH Avista -new programs KOL!', 01\IIIE:LLE M IIET JO 02/05/14 CurrenL Hou rs C.80 C.f>O lr)voi.ce Dace : Remit ~o: THE CIIOMUS GROU?, :NC. ATTN: ACCOIJNTS RC:CEIVABLE 100 STl:I ,WE:NUE SUI'l'E 100 WALTHAM, MA 02.:51-0727 USA 01 /OF./U 81Urng l?enod E'.rc,m:09/29/13 To:11/30/13 Bill ing currency: C1JrrenL AmoUllL 1 7 s. oooo. ____ _.$""'..:..4 o;;...;...;. o ... o ~140.00 $140. DO 0 .80 Page 10 of 10 USO Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 11 of 119 Card Order Detail -Bank of America Visa Reward Card Page 1 of2 Bank of America~ Merrill Lynch Bank of America Visa Reward Card Order Detail Activation Information Activation Code: 80302 (You will need to provide this code to all card recipients.) This order has been processed using the activation code information above. If you would like to immediately activate all or the cards now. click the Activate All Cards button below. Do not Activate All Cards until you have received and verified the order. Payment Information Bank of America will debit your BANK OF AMER.I CA account for the total amount of your order using the routing number, account number, and the slate in which your account was opened as specllied in your Company profile. If you have any questions, please call us at 1.866. 709.8014. When calling Customer service, please have your order confirmation number available. PLEASE NOTE: Due lo heavy production schedules in preparation for year end, Reward Card orders placed between 9/26 and 11 /3 will take 5 business days to shlp. RUSH orders will not be permitted during thls hmeframe except on an exception basis. For each Reward Card, Purchaser shall maintain for one year from the date of distribution a record of the name of the re.cipient in order to assist Bank of America with providing protection for lost or stolen Reward Cards. Please provide the Reward Card recipient with the activation code you selected during your Reward Card ordering process. We are required to perform risk verification on new companies when lhe first Reward Card order is placed and on existing companies each year which may take up to 24 -72 hours. Risk verification will be performed on the primary shipping address in addition to the alternate shipping address (if selected). For first time companies, it may lake 7 to 10 business days to process your initial Reward Card order. You will receive an email when your Reward Card order has been completed and therefore you should receive your Reward Cards via express delivery in 3 to 5 business days after validation and rec,eipt of payment Order Confirmation Number Order Confirmation Number: Company Information Company Name: Address Line 1: Address Line 2: City: State/Province: Postal Code·: Contact Name: Phone Number: Phone Type: 000000335247301 The Cadmus Group Inc 1426 Pearl St Sle 400 Boulder co 80302-5340 Katie Albee 303-389-2544 Home phone https://prcpaid.ba11kofamerica.com/Bulk.RewardCard/Pages/OrderDetailBulk.aspx I l /27/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 12 of 119 Card Order Detail -Bank of America Visa Reward Card Email: Promotion Code Promotion Code: Payment Method Financial Institution Name: Contact Name: Phone Number: Payment Type: State/Province: Account Number: Routing Number: Order Information Order Total Card D••lgn Reward • Congratulations ribbon403 Reward. Gtobe517 Reward· Snow0akes478 kathryn.albee@cadmusgroup.com None BANK OF AMERICA MARK SELLITIO 617-434-4480 Direct Debit of BOA Accl MA 9429260260 011000138 Embossed Me»age A JOB WELL DONE YOU'VE EARNED IT THANK YOU Card VaJuo $100.00 $350.00 $100.00 Order Subtotal: Purchase Fees: Oroer Processing Fee: DetiVery Fees: Order Total: Page 2 of 2 Quantity Total 19 $1.900.00 5 $1,750.00 20 S2.00000 44 $5,650.00 $129.80 Free $20.00 $5,799.80 Thank you for your order. You will receive an email confirming your order after your account inFormation has been validated and payment has been received. Charge to: 6436.01.33 -$1,964.79 6405.03.13 -$3,835.01 https://prepaid.bankofamerica.com/BulkRewasdCard/Pages/OrderDetailBulk.aspx 11/27/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 13 of 119 Chudi Ekpunobi From: Byron Boyle Sent: To: Friday, November 15, 2013 10:19 AM Chudi Ekpunobi Cc: Anna Carvill Subject: Gift Cards Hi Chudi, We are starting a new phase for the Avist a Panel study (6405.0003.0013) and will need to order new gift card_s. We need 20 cards at $100, and 5 ca rds at $350. We will begin calls with contractors today, so if you cou ld order these as soon as possible that would be great. Thanks, Byron Byron Boyle I Analyst Cadmus, Energy Services Division 1426 Pearl St; Suite 400 I Boulder, CO 80302 Office: 303-389-2542 I Cell: 720-270-5128 www.cadmusgroup.com 1 St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t B Pa g e 1 4 o f 1 1 9 Company Name: Thi! Cadmus Grciup. lnc. Danielle Kol District/Office Portland Week Ending 11/9/2013 Purpose / Clients Visited: 1 Client presenvitions !Amount Paid by Travel Agent I I Project Fr: Fr: Fr: Fr: POX Fr:GEG Fr,. POX Fr: Cadmus Advances Received By Employee $532.08 Date: 11/3 11/4 11/5 11/6 1117 1--11! 1119 Amount Due Cadmus $ 90501 9075 90751 9100 Amount Duo Employee s 532.08 251 251 I I so.o Milea e Ex ense $13.88 $13.88 $27.75 S Amount Account Name Project/Acct. # Car Rental & Gas S532.0BI Avista ~05.0003.0001 r .anet Train, Bus I I I I S335.601 I I I $335.60 Is Amount I Account Name M,scellaneous Project/Acct. # Local Trans. I Taxi $Amount Account Name Project/Acct. # Toils' I Parking! I 1 Telephone/ Communicati, I 548 · 00 1 I I I $48.00IS Amount Account Name Project/Acct. # , . ~,u ..... ~-· -~p~ .. ~-~ I I I I !48.001 I I I s48.001S Amount .99.00 $99.00 Account Name rroject/Acct. # Hotel Taxes S13.88I I I I s1s.sa • Certificalion: I certify that this expense report contains no charges IT,ps I t t t ~ I I I /for alcohol and enterta~ment except as spe~fied in SECTION II. Per Diem _l~"& Per Diem 100% Actual s 7.85 Business Meals • If conference rule applies. explain: Purchased plane bckets for myself and Sarni $524.23 AD costs were actually incurred while performing company business. SIGNED Danielle Kolp DATE 11/21/13 APPROVED DATE i].85 $7.85 RECEIVED L_ ___________________________ -----\ By Ninette Stillman at 5:28 pm, Nov 22, 2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment BPage 15 of 119 11/21/13 3:59 PM Folio/I: 39979 Koll, Danielle Cum1rnny: Trans 11 Dale <160005 11/6/2013 460()06 I 1/6/2013 •160007 I 11612013 460008 1116/2013 460060 11/7/2013 Credit Can! lnformaliou Transl/ Card Type "'36807 /\MEX Membership Tier: Posti1114Dcscri1>_lion Rm: '115 LJ~cr Override TP/\ County Oct:. T;lx Room Snlcs Tax American Express Spokane Club Hotel 1002 W. Riverside Spokane, WA 99201 509-838-851 l * Already Processed Card Molder Nmnc KOLP/D Card# ... 1004 Mcm hers hip#: 1\llelhocJ of Pay: Credit Card s;, ....... ,,, I I Charges $99.00 $2.00 $3.27 $8.61 S0.00 NiteVision 2011 Room: ,115 Arrival: 11/6/2013 Departure: 11/7/20 IJ Payments Balance S0.00 $99.00 S0.00 $101.00 $0.00 $104.27 :moo s;11 :urn $1 12.88 S0.00 Bnlnncc: so.on Amount Datcffime $112.88 11/7/20 1.3 12:06:<18 PM Folio Susn mary Previous Balance: S0.00 Room Charges: Other Charges/Creel its: Phone Charges: Service Ch:1rge: Tax: Less l'ayn1cn ts: Total Amounl Due: $99.UU SO.OU so.oo SO.UO $13.88 SI 12.88 $0.00 ======:::::c:========~•IJ Thank you for choosin!!, to stay at the Spokane Club Inn. We appreciate your business. Please call us directly w .ilways receive the k1wesl room rates nvailable. We look forward lo your return visit! Page 1 of 1 Staff_PR_05 Attachment BPage 16 of 119Gmail -Confirmation Letter -JKLUMC 11/06/13 -from /\laska Air ... https://mail.google.com/mai Vu/0/?u i=2&ik-7 l 85J6efa3& view=pt& ... I of3 fc~~ l~,1 Danielle Cote-Schiff <dcoteschiff@gmail.com> 1.,< ,,,, ~·:I, Confirmation Letter -JKLUMC 11/06/13 -from Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines <Alaska.lT@alaskaair.com> Reply-To: Alaska Airlines <Alaska.Confirmationletter@alaskaair.com> To: DCOTESCHIFF@gmail.com Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 9:27 AM If you have trouble viewing this message, click here to request a plain text-only version of this email. ~k~r#n~ HOME PLAN & BOOK DEALS DESTINATIONS MILEAGE PLANT"' Home Reservations Deals Day of Flight Destinations Mileage Plan TM More ... Confirmation Code: JKLUMC Below is your booking confirmation. Thank you and enjoy your trip. Need to change your flight? Visit us in advance, online or through reservations. Flight Departs Arrives 41JtW Portland, OR {POX) Spokane (GEG) Alaska 2352 Wed, Nov 6 Wed, Nov 6 Bombardier Q400 9:00 am 10:05 am Operated By Horizon Air as Alaska Airlines. Check in with Alaska Airlines. 4 (/NI Spokane (GEG) Portland, OR (POX) Alaska 2041 Thu, Nov 7 Thu, Nov 7 Bombardier Q400 5:00 pm 6:18 pm Operated By Horizon Air as Alaska Airlines. Check in with Alaska Airlines. Summary of Airfare Charges Danielle Kolp Mileage Plan # "'***-+-9346 Ticket 0272134687758 Base Fare and Surcharges Taxes and Other Fees per person total: M Sarni Khawaja ncket0272134687759 Base Fare and Surcharges $135.82 $31.98 $167.80 $135.82 Class G {Coach) G (Coach) Traveler(s) Seat(s) Danielle Kolp 11E M Sami Khawaja llD Danielle Kolp 12A M Sarni Khawaja l2B Hotels & Cars I LOW I ,' I CUARANTEE I m. Provided by _?rhiu•t; ~ I mT Need a Hotel? Use our hotel deal finder to book a hotel In Spokane. ~ Need a Ride? Use our car deal finder to renl a car In Spokane. ll/18/20 I J 9: 19 AM Staff_PR_05 Attachment BPage 17 of 119Gmail -Confirmation Letter -JKLUMC 11/06/13 -from Alaska Air... hllps://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui==2&ik=7 18536efa3&vicw=pt& ... 2 of3 Taxes and Other Fees per person total: I $31.98 $167.80 ' Amount Due For Air Travel Total Charges and Credits (: USD $335.60 I $335.60 was charged to the American Express card WitlJ!~_un'!~r **"'********1004 held by Danielle Kolp on 10/07/2013. Trip Protection by Allianz Global Assistance Purchase trip protection benefits and travel assistance services for your trip from Allianz Global Assistance. Learn more Flight Status Alerts When you create a Flight Status Alert, we notify you in the event 6f delays, early arrivals, and cancellations of Alaska Airlines flights (email or text message). IJcreate Alert Check-In When traveling on Alaska Airlines, save time by checking in online 1 to 24 hours prior to departure. You can also check in at one of our airport kiosks or at the ticket counter. IJweb Check-In I For more information about minimum check-in times, required identification, international travel, and traveling with minors, please visit our website.> Manage Your Flight Reservation View full details about your flight reservation and fare. You can choose seats, make special requests, and save money by making changes online. Change and Cancel options are available for most reservations. IJManage Your Reservationl Alaska Airlines l-800-ALASKAAJR (1-800-252-7522) Baggage .. Get the Signature Card Apply now for the Alas.Isa Airlines ~oature @ cacd..and earn -, 25,000 Bonus Miles upon approval.§ 7'1hl,1m rrl!'!tQ -~ .. o h!l'' ;.,a Ill ;;mL"U;i ,\ .. ~.-mm .:.:.:,-•· lJ)'t l•IU 'l.>CI ltpplyl Sign up for the Insider EJ Our weekly email newsletter features exclusive fare sales, Discount Codes and Web specials tailored to your preferences, as well as Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan offers and rtews. fil9.ILUl2 > Special Service Requests Alaska Airlines provides a meet and assist service for travelers who need assista11ce through the airport. Request this service online or over the phone. View Res.filY.iillO..n. > InFlight Service Many Alaska Airlines flights offer the option to purchase a meal or rent an iofliaht enterta.i.rulliillt ~ for your enjoyment. We've also equipped almost all of our fleet with InFllght WiFl so you can surf the web or stay productive lnflight. For more info, please see our QD board ~- For Your Security Do you have a redress number? If so, and you did not provide it when you made your 11/21/2013 3:53 PM Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 18 of 119 Rec:,. iPt.. ::-t:mdard hrki n<J PO Box 56475 F'c,rt land, OR 9723B Gara.:ie Entr, -Exi t L;;ne c; (El/213) i'.ludi t#: in: 1l/0EJJ3 07,52,1::: (dJ l: 11107/13 18:24 Hrnount p.~id : $ 48. 0(1 A11\•nican E):FfE-SS. KOLPID J<xx;~ xxxxxx Y.~·;004 HMSHOS T STARBUCKS COFFEE, CONCOURSE C PORTLAND INT 'L AIRPORT 1425 NICOLE CHK 5674 NOV06' 13 8:22AM S UBT OTti.L GRND COD DARI< G 1. 95 GRNO CHAI LATTE 3.65 RF GINN COFF CAK 2.25 SUBTOTAL AMO Um PA ID xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AMEX A3 7.85 7.85 XX/XX 7.85 HMSHOST POR TLAND. OREGON SUSAN O'NEIL, DIR. OF OPERATIONS 503-249-3681 susan. o' ne i l@hmshost.com HMSHost Ma king The Trave l ers Day Bet ter HMSHost Sto re Code= 5904H09 Find Us On Facebook www .faceb oo k.com/Hmshost St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t B Pa g e 1 9 o f 1 1 9 Company Name The Cadmus Group. Inc. M. Sami KhawaJa C•stnc:t/Ortlce Portland, OR Weci. Ending 111912013 Purpose I Clients Visited: ,corpori1te M~ting & Avist.\l 7ticnt Visit I., .. ~ .. ' my .,y '•u·~· ~2~•n I --l Fr: Fr: Fr: Fr: POX Fr:J;EG Fr: Fr: 1oate: I 1_113 I 1114 I 1115 I 1116 I 1117 I 11/8 I 119 I Car Rental & Gas Plane,Tra_ln, Bus M1sce'laneous Amount Out! Ca<lm!Js Amount Oue Em ee S AmQUnl Account Na,..,.. 574 001 C:, S An1c>\lnl 5251 281 ;,v,sta ·ee S 32S.Z8 $ s 325.28 Prot!!CVAOCI - @10-010 ProJecVACCl • 1,.:os 0003 ooo· Loc;:il Trans I Tfl>!I I I $20 001 S26 OOI I I $46.00js Amount IAaroom Nam,. Proiect'A.~ # Tolls t------PanungJ I I I I S4800f I I S4800jS Amotint ACCOWU Name Prqea/Accl II , • V<O• .... ~-~~p ... ~n I I I I ::·:, $7 4 OO i I I ::::r A=nl Account Name PrQJer.t/Ar.r.i It Hotel Ta1tes $13.86 S13.88 ~!tcat;on I oertJfy th<lt lh•s expense repon contaJns no charges '' " I I'°'~ and en:erta1nmen1 except as speof ed '"SECTION II $_206.88 AlC oosts were actualtv Incurred while perfonn,ng comp3ny bUSltleSS $132.88 $74.00 DATE 1''23/2013 F'~l)icm 75% Per Oi_em 1 OOOA> DATE 11123/2013 A.Ou.II_ Bus,nes, lleals s 7400 $ 4440 --~--er,,.,.,..,,.,.-•-• ID1scu:is ESD $74-J>O 0r-,...,~~~-~ ,,_c_a r .... e......_ !Disc:uas Avista i__~ ().i__ntelle ne h<:ket RECEIVED By Ninette Stillman at 11:26 am, Nov 25, 2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 20 of 119 •.. / SPOKANE CAB- 56Sgm8000 YOUR PERSONAL DRIVER ________ _ CELLPHONE ____________ ~ DATE \\-{q-\3> AMOUNT S-£..-0--- SQ. nmxxxxm2104 VISA R;, •. 119: folal: tPl•> ~f!.!)f •t?r,1 , u-tOO "i.d:{L'.LI~ ~?r Codt: l16:23C YOU' Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 21 of 119 11/22/13 5:00 PM Folio#: 39980 Khawejn, Sarni Company: Trans# DRlC 460025 11/6/2013 460026 11/6/2013 460027 11/612013 460028 11/6/2013 460062 11/7/2013 Credit Card Information Trans# Card Type ·36809 VISA Membership Tier: Membership#: Posting Description Rm: 423 User Override TPA County 0cc. Tax Room Sales Tax VISA -~---~--- Spokane Club Hotel 1002 W. Riverside Spokane, WA 99201 509-838-8511 * Already Processed Card Holder ~ame KI-IAWAJA/M Cnrd# 2104 Method of Pay: Credit Cord Signaturc:I L ---------------------------' Charges $99.00 $2.00 $3.27 $8.61 $0.00 NiteVision 2011 Room: 423 Arrival: 11/6/2013 Departure: lln/2013 Payments Bah1ncc S0.00 $99.00 $0.00 $101.00 $0.00 $104.27 $0.00 SI 12.88 SI 12.88 $0.00 Balance: $0.00 Amount DntcrTime $112.88 I ln/2013 12:31:14 PM Folio Summary Previous Dalnncc: S0.00 Room Charges: Other Charges/Credits: Phone Charges: Service Charge: Tax: Less Payments: Total Amount Due: $99.00 so.on $0.00 ., $0.00 $13.88 $112.88 so.oo Thank you for choosing lo stay at the Spokane Club Inn. We appreciate your bus_iness. Please call us directly to always receive the lowest room rntc:s available. We look forward co your r~turn visit! Page 1 of 1 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 22 of 119 HMSHOST SPOKANE SPOKANE CHECK: TABLE: SERVER: DA TE : TAP ROOM INT'L AIRPORT 1976 102/1 925 ERIC NOV07'1 3 4:25P M CARD TYPE: VISA AO ACCT ~: EXP DATE: AUTH CODE: "TOTAL: XXXXXXXXXXXX210 4 XX/XX,: 05754r.··:" M K HA ltft,J A 38 .40 11P: --------------------------- TOTAL: ------------------------- X -----------------------------· I AGREE 10 PAV TH E ABOVE AMOUNl I N ACCORDANCE WITH THE CARD ISSUER'S AGREEMENi. Spokane Cab 784 E Pacific Ave, Spokane NA. u OATE HOV 87. 2813 TINE 15:51 CAB# 17 DRIVER 6682 JOB ID H£TER START EHO 6 25 tS:86 1s:se --·-·---------------·-FARE TOTAL VISA XXXXXXXXXXXX2184 SWIPE TIP TOTAL SIGNATURE 2l.B8 21. 08 --------~~~-----~~~~- CUSTOMER'S COPY Thank y()(J for your business! 589 568 8880 St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t B Pa g e 2 3 o f 1 1 9 Company Name: MesutAvci District/Office Portland, OR Week Ending 11/23/2013 Purpose/ Clients Visited: NEEA IFSA and Avista NR Impact Site Visits/ lnJand Empire, Spokane Mental Health, WSU-Spokane, Sterlin, I I I I I I I I Fr: Fr: Fr: Fr: Fr: GEG Fr: Date: I 11/17 I 11/18 I 11/19 I 11/20 I 11/21 I 11/22 I 11/23 I Beoinnin Endino Mileaoe Mileaoe Total Mlleaoe Exoense Car Rental & Gas $234.73 Plane, Train, Bus $331.80 $195.00 Miscellaneous $25.00 $33.07 Local Trans./ Taxi $44.20 Tolls Perking I I I s1s.00J $15.ool I I I Telephone/ Communicatl $40.00 $15.00 $77.27 $125.00 $125.00 $79.99 Hotel Taxes I I I $18.30 $18.30 $6.80 Tips I I I $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $5.00 - Travel Agent Cadmus Advances Received By Employee Total Ex enses Em lo ee $ 1,381.48 !Amount Due Cadmus s Amount Due Emolovee Is 1,381.48 S Amount IAcr.n1 1nt N::imA -TPmiAr.1/Ar.r.t # $234.73 $190.59 $526.80 $Amount Account Name Project/Acct.# $1,190.89 Avista NR Impact 6405.0003.0005 $44_20 $ Amount Account Name Project/Acct.# 530_001S Amount !Account Name I Project/Acct. # S132.27IS Amount !Account Name !Project/Acct.# $329.99 $43.40 514 00 1Certification: I certify that this expense report contains no charges • '1for alcohol and entertainment except as specified in SECTION II. $518.10 $161.30 $89.79 $512.00 $1,2S1.19JA11 cosls were actually incurred while performing company business. SIGNED Mesut Avoi !DATE 11/25/2013 PerDiem 75% APPROVED !DATE Per Diem 100% Actual $ 35.77 $ 2929 $ 27.75 $ 7.48 $100.29 By Ninette S·tillman•at 10:3-2 am, Nov 2&; 2013 $25 baggage fee per flight is included. Hardware (CM Wrench Comb 7/16) is purchased lo be used on site ($8.()7 ,. Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 24 of 119 11114/13 Delta -Book a flight SUPl'QRT COMM ENT/COM PLAINT/ SIIOP Flight Confirmation Number: HK235S YOUR PURCHASE IS COMPLETE. THANKS FOR CHOOSING DELTA. WHAT'S NEXT SSO St al ement Credit • 11 30,000 bonus miles First checked bag free SO introductory annual foe ,. I • "l Now that you've rrnlshed booking yourtrip Priority Boarding , , ,~ ... VHINC WITH l)S • Your e-Tickets, confirmatoons, receipts. and flight notific<1rions will be emailed to you at avc1mesut@gmail.com. • D~lta Me%engerwill send flight updates based on the contact preferences in your profile. Subscribe/edit your contact preferences now. • Obtain your receipt for Trip Extras purchaSed by selecting Email Receipts below. If you purchased a Delta 24 Ho,urWi-Fl Pass your receipt will be sent from Gogo•. • Visit My Trips to access youriunerary, manage yourrlightonllnc and purchase Trtp Extras . • Add Trip Protector to protect against tnp cancellations and interruptions with Allianz Global Assrstance . • Jfyou have asmartphone,get the Fly Delta app to check in,getalertson Oightand gate changes,aJ>d more. Email Receipts Get Notifications [.._1>_1_H_., __ <_N_r_1 _R_M_A_1 _ _,J[ OUTBOUND Tue, 19 Nov 2013 I 5:35PM POX to6:42PM GEG I Nonst(>p IDL 7594 1 Add to Calendar f; TRIP TO PR()F!U] .J Show Details 5:35PM PDX 6:42PM CEG Nonstop 1 hr 07 min DL 7594 1 Economy (SJ Operated by: Hori·zon AlrDba Alaska Alrlmes Complete Delta Air Lines Baggage Information RETURN Thu, 21 Nov 2013 I 7: l 5PM GEG to B: 33PM POX I Nonstop I DL 7595 1 7: I SPM GEG 8:33PM PDX Nonstop 1 hr 18 min Operated by: Horizon Air Oba Alask;:I Airlines Complete Delta Air Lines Baggage Information ln·Flight services and amenit ies may vary and are subject to change. Miles earned • 0 Medallion• Qual1fkation Miles (MQMs) earned = 0 Medallion Qualification Dollars (MQOs) earned= - DL 7595 1 Economy (M) (MQDs apply to Medallion quallficatJon beginning with travel m 2014 • U.S. ll'!!rnbers only.) J Show Derails Sl<l'MILES• I Search 11'XTOIILY e;l\ https://www,delta.com'bool<i ng/1.erifyf'urchase.do:jsessionid= PXG\A(yt!H F fzD3z?dispalchM ethod=displayC onfirmalion&hiddenFieldsld=PXGl,KyttH FfzD 3z#confirm 1/3 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 25 of 119 11/14/13 PASSENGER DETAILS Passenger From M r. M esut Portland, OR (PDX) Avci SkyM iles# 9159676817 Spokane. WA (GEG) To Spokane, WA (GEGJ Po,~land, 0 R (PDX) Seat Assignment Not Assigned Change Seats Delta -Booka flight Special Services (e .g.Whee le hair) Add/Edit Baggage lnformationO Not Assigned Change Seats Add/Edit Baggage Information Trip Extras Ion Delta operated flights, you may carry on one bag and a small personal Item at no charge. Cany-on allowances may differ and fees may apply for nights opctatcd by earners other than Delta. Contact the operating carrier for detailed carry-on hmir:atlons and charges. BOOK+ EARN SPOKANE,WA PICK-UP: TUE..19 NOV2013 6:42PM DROP-OFF: THU, 21 NOV 2013 7 15PM SPOKANE INTL (GEG) learn More SPOKANE,WA CHECK·IN: TUE. 19 NOV 2013 CHECK-OUT: THU, 21 NOV 2013 ROOMS: 1 WHY BOOK HERE? IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MI LES. PAYMENT INFORMATION Contact Billing Information Paymeru Type VISA. •~--721 5 Payee MesutAvci 6939 Sw Corbett Ave FIND CAR Shop Cars ~ BEST PRICE ~ GUARANTEE FIND HOTEL Shop Hotels Telephone numbers 30S·613-7101 (Cell). 305·613-7101 (Cell) Portland, OR 97219. United States EN C i• ..., nt f Mr. Mesut Avcl S33 I .80 tUSD) SO.O(USD) SBl.80 (USO) View fare rules I View Taxes/Carrier-imposed foes I View Extras Terms & Conditions https://www.delta.com'~ng/l.efifyPurchase.dojsessionid=PXG~lHFfzD3z?dispalchMethod=dlsplayConfirmation&hiddenFieldsld=PXG~HFfzD3z#confirm 2/3 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 26 of 119 11/25/13 Gmail -Confirmation Letter -OMXASV 11/19/13-from Alaska Airlines i I Confirmation Letter -OMXASV 11/19/13 • from Alaska Airlines Alaska Ai rlines <Alaska.lT@alaskaair.com> Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 4:57 PM Reply-To: Alaska Airlines <Alaska.ConfirmationLetter@alaskaair.com> To: AVCIMESUT@gmail.com If you have trouble viewing this message, click here to request a plain text-only version of this email. ~h;l~#n~ HOME PLAN& BOOK DEALS DESTINATIONS MILEAGE PLAN™ Home Reservations Deals Day of Flight Destinations Mileage Plan TM More ... Confirmation Code: OMXASV Below is your booking confirmation. Thank you and enjoy your trip. Need to change your flight? Visit us in advance, online or through reservations. t I Ot p C:!> r ,.., ~/V,111 Portland, OR {PDX) Spokane (GEG) Alaska 2356 Tue, Nov 19 Tue, Nov 19 Bombardier Q400 5:35 pm 6:42 pm Marketed By Delta Air Lines Inc. Check in with Alaska Airlines. ~~ Spokane (GEG) Portland, OR (PDX) Alaska 2357 Fri, Nov 22 Fri, Nov 22 Bombardier Q400 7 :15 pm 8:33 pm Operated By Horizon Air as Alaska Airlines. Check in with Alaska Airlines. Summary of Airfare Charges Mesut Avci Delta Frequent Ayer# ..... ***-*6817 Ticket 027-2137025239 Change Fee New Ticket 0272137025235 (previous ticket 0062345339315) New Ticket Value Additional Amount Due per person total: $125.00 $401.80 $70.00 $195.00 ,ss H (Coach) y (Coach) ,..r i11der(s) St t ... ) Mesut Avci 15D Mesut Avcl 2E Hotels & Cars LOW -GUARANTEE ll Provided by Orbi~ ....,. Ill'" Need a Hotel? Use our hotel deal finder to book a hotel in Spokane. ...,_ Need a Ride? Use our ca r deal finder to rent a car in Sookane . https://mail.google.convmail/?ui=2&ik=2col52abce&vieN"'pl&q=alasl<a&qs=-true&search=query&msg=1427303425txl2e7d 1/3 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 27 of 119 11/25/13 Gmail -Conti rmation Leiter -OMXASV 11/19/13 -from Alaska Airlines Amount Due For Air Travel Total Charges and Credits $195.00 was charged to the Visa card with number ************7215 held by Mesut Avci on 11/19/2013. Trip Protection by Allianz Global Assistance USO $195.00 Purchase trip protection benefits and travel assistance services for your trip from Allianz Global Assistance. Learn more Flight Status Alerts When you create a Flight Status Alert, we notify you in the event of delays, early arriva ls, and cancellations of Alaska Airlines flights (email or text message). a 1.. cate Alertl Check-In When traveling on Alaska Airlines, save time by checking in online 1 to 24 hours prior to departure. You can also check in at one of our airport kiosks or at the ticket counter. For more information about minimum check-in times, required identification, international travel, and traveling with minors, please visit our website. > Manage Your Flight Reservation View full details about your flight reservation and fare. You can choose seats, make special requests, and make changes online. Change and Cancel options are available for most reservations. a Manage Your Reservatioril Alaska Airlines 1-800-ALASKAAIR (1-800-252-7522) Get the Sign ture Card Apply now for the Alaska Airlines Visa Signature ® card and earn 25,000 Bonus Miles upon approval. § ~f?N.l 71»tf11tf II :,~,.~···,, E a l\pply I Sign up for the Insider B Our weekly email newsletter features exclusive fare sales, Discount Codes and Web specials tailored to your preferences, as well as Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan offers and news. Sign UP • Special Service Requests Alaska Airlines provides a meet and assist service for travelers who need assistance through the airport. Request this service online or over the phone. View Reservation > InFlight Service Many Alaska Airlines flights offer the option to purchase a meal or rent an infliqht entertainment player for your enjoyment. We've also equipped almost all of our fleet with InFlight WiFi so you can surf the web or stay productive inflight. For more info, please see our on board guide. For Your Security Baggage https://mail.google,com/mail/?ui=2&ik=2cbf52abce&l.iew=pt&q=alasl<a&qs=true&search=quer;&nsg=1427303425bd2e7d 2/3 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 28 of 119 11/25/13 Gmail -Confirmation Letter -OMXASV 11/19/13-from Alaska Airlines Carry-On Baggage: On Alaska Airlines flights, each traveler is limited to one carry-on bag that measures up to 10 x 17 x 24 inches, plus one personal item. See our Carry-on Baggage page for more information. Checked Baggage : Alaska Airlines rules and fees apply for this itinerary. The first and second checked bag fees are $25 each. See the Checked Baggage page for details and exceptions. Your Rights Alaska Airlines® Baggage Service Guarantee Get your bags in 20 minutes guaranteed. Please review important information about your consumer rig hts and our limitations of liability. You may also wish to review the Contract of Carriage applicable to your trip. Please do not reply to this ema il. Do you have a redress nu mber? If so, and you did not prov ide it when you made your reservation, please visit www.alaskaair.com or call Reservations . To learn more about redress numbers go to www.dhs.gov/trip. Destinations View information for: Spokane Portland, OR Contact Us Share your thoughts with us, contact us.~ Alaska Airlines, PO Box 68900, Seattle, WA 98168-0900. &copy 2013 Alaska Airlines. All rights reserve d. This email was sent to avcimesut@gmail.com . Reference Number PL32302228. Requested at 11/19/20 13 04:33 PM https://mail .goog le.com'mal 1/?ui =2&ik=2cl:)152abce&\iew=pt&q =alasl<a&q s=true&search=q uer}&msg = 1427303425bd2e7d 3/3 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 29 of 119 11/14/13 TOTAL AMOUNTS CHARGED Flight: Trip Extras: Total amount charged: A GREENER WAY TO FLY Delta • Book a flight S331.80 (USO) S0.00 (USO) $331.80 (USO) Curre·nc y Calculator [J t· ;;,1r 11 i •11 p ... l I I d W ft· --. 1iJT LGt1 a1.; •1cy :• hrlJ )''OU (•ff~ft l-fhtl , ,Ln.r fr r tpr1'1t • r h t p AJ•tJ of'e, ·,nu o,h,.1 w.ay, r,, • ,-t.,v1 01.-r \.: rv1rom1•rtt Enter m English RECENT SAVED https:/lwww.della.com'bool<ing/\erifyf>urchase.do;jsessionid:PXG..+<ytlHFfzD3z?dispatchMelhod=displa}Confirmation&hiddenFieldsld=PXGvl<y.lHFfzD3z#confirm 3/3 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 30 of 119 Guest Name: Arrive: 11/19/B • PageNo. I THE DAVENPORT HOTEL COLLECTIO N DAVENPORT • TOWEi\ • L1.1$SO Mesut Avci A vista Corporation 6939 S. W. Corvette Ave. Portland, OR 97219 USA CL#: cc 11: xxxxxxx•••• Time: 07: 16 PM D~part: 11/21/13 Room#: 440 Folio#: RAB7Dl -1 Group#: Guests: 1 Clerk: Tim.;: 02:52:49 Status: FOL r------.. --·"--------.. --·-------··· ..... ·-----·--·-·--· .. ·---~ ........ ---·-----I Date Description Reference Comment Charges 11/19/2013 KEY DEPOSIT 11191130258 $10.00 I 1/19/2013 SALES TAX 11 191130258t SALES TAX $0.87 11/19/20 13 ROOM CHARGE 440 $125.00 I 1/19/2013 LODGING TAX 440l LODGING TAX $4.12 11/19/2013 SALES TAX 440t SALES TAX $10.88 I 1/19/2013 OVER.i"lIGHT SELF PARK Recur 339 Recurring: A vci 440 $15.00 11/19/2013 TPA ASSESSMENT 440t TPA ASSESSMENT $2.00 11/19/2013 SALES TAX Recur 339t Recurring: Avci 440 $1.30 I 1/20/2013 ROOM CHARGE 440 $125.00 11/20/2013 LODGING TAX 440t LODGING TAX $4.12 11/20/2013 SALES TAX 440t SALES TAX $10.88 11/20/20 13 TPA ASSESSMENT 440t TPA ASSESSMENT $2.00 ! 1/20/2013 SALES TAX Recur 339t Recurring: A vci 440 $1.30 l 1/20/20 13 OVERNIGHT SELF PARK Recur 339 Recurring: A vci 440 $15.00 l Folio Balance: $327.47 Guest Si~nature: ---------------------------- IO S. Post Street Spokane, WA 99201 Phone (509) 455-8888 Fax (509) 624-4455 www.davenportholelcollection.com Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 31 of 119 . " § ~ " u .: .Ii . • .. j , ' ~!: ~ ... ~ r "· ; '~ < " ..... ~ • !. u '! • -··- J $ 'j ~ ~; :--l ~ -~. ;-I T¥ / ( l .. ~ _; ,. I .,. !l ~ A " ;? ~ , " 'i. 4 It St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t B Pa g e 3 2 o f 1 1 9 T ,.i . . . .· -r N ~ PASSENGER TICKET AND BAGGAGE CHECK 2 1 3 7 O 2 3 6 4 O 6 A L AS KI:\ A I H L I NE: S St!UCT TO~ OF {;()IJTP..\CT r al al ~ mePV PASSENGER RECEIPT 1 OF 1 I <(t-i ALASKA A I RL INES 't9NOV13 WOOOOO ~ us -~~~ ~~~ I .c W s. P£l< 4RO I R:::t UtHO CR ~ _J W ;; NAMHYl'~Erlf10rtfWl:Sfi!WllE1 fAAEBA515 l'l'M~ ro I ~ a_ O: ~ ~ V~ I MES UT tAAA fl9f!-cu.ss'Mtt-1'1ME si,lll61iOlJJiD!'Bvll--,.~mf.li3 u <! 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Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 35 of 119 5Hg~ AKOUNO TH[ CORNE« 18 H POST ST ST£ 182 SPOXAHEt WI 992818785 TERMINAL IO: 888746486 t£RCMAHT M: 345723435888 UISA MxxXXMKXKXMKx0837 SALE BATCH: 888153 DATE: HOU 19, 13 so: 154 TOTAL IHUOICEI 853337 TIii: 22:44 AUlM HO: 831468 $2.87 CUSTOMER COPY . .... .. --. ..__ -.-= = --·· .......... ~ ............ -..... ~ ... .-........ ............ _ ................... --·---·-. -.. Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 36 of 119 ~ .... -.... -.. -. -.... -........ --... -....... -· ........... 1 CRAZV G,s BURGERS, PHILLVS & DOGS 821 N. DIVISION, STE. A SPOKANE, WA 509-315-8943 DATE 11/20/2013 WED 1 The Crazy l Combo FF~, *** EAT IN TAX1 AMT TOTAL Credit Card SALE ************7215 APP: 01059A REF: 00000000 REC: 21 TIME 15:57 ~, $ 6.20 $ 2.75 *** $ 0.78 $ 9.73 $ 9.73 $ 9.73 * ORDER# 0148 * EMPLOYEEl N0 .000048 REG 01 HOURS OF OPERATION ARE: MONDAY -SATURDAY 10:30 AM-9 PM THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS PLEASE VISIT AGAIN! ........................... ,,,,,.,,,,.,, .............. ... Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 37 of 119 Stee 1head Ba, & Gr 1 l le ( 509) 7 4 7 · 1303 218 North Hrn,,ard Street Server: Megan 08:52 PM DOB: 11/20/2013 11 /20/20 13 2/20154 6/2 'VISA 2097240 Card #XXXXXXXt(XXXXl21 5 1 Magnet1c l .. ard present : AVCI MESUT Approval: 00309A Amount : $ 19 . 56 1 T1p: _ 1(}{!_ = Total: _ _2tj,5-f; X ThanK you for your pa t ronage. </<< Guest Copy >>>> Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 38 of 119 STARBUCKS Store #3230 8901 E Trent Spokane, WA (509) 922-8675 CHK 665256 11/21/2013 12;41 PM 1729355 Drawer: 1 Reg: 2 Vt Mocha 4.25 Triple 0.75 Visa 5.44 XXXXXXXXXXXX9899 Subtotal Tax 8.7 % Total Change Due $5.00 $0.44 $5.44 $0.00 ---------·-"--Check Closed ---.. ··-···--·-----·-·- 11/21/2013 12:41 PM Get 30% off Starbucks VIA Christmas Blend or Tazo Tea. This week only 11/18 -11/24. At participating stores While supplies last Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 39 of 119 . ··~ * ·l NEL LY ~ T r afl a c t i (Jf t Vi Q '. -. .... -... --.-.-------..... -----... _ ..... --.at----··-· I b : M 7331 $2 .31 T -p: _________ qJ)O f AL : ___ _2_i__'3./ __ Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 40 of 119 THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING OTHELLO ACE STORY HARDWARE INC (509) 488-5667 11/22/13 1:44PM TMV 551 SALE 2299667 l EA 7.49 EA CM WRENCH COMB 7/16 7.49 SUB-TOTAL: 7.49 TAX TOTAL: BC AMT: BK CARD#: XXXXXXXXXXXX7215 ID: 670120428999 .58 8.07 8.07 AUTH: 03182A AMT: 8.07 Host reference #:977874 Bat#ll05 SWIPED CARD TYPE:VISA EXPR: XXXX II I I lllll llllllll 11111111111111111 ==>> JRNL#J77874 CUST # *5 THANK VDU MESUT AVCI FOR YOUR PATRONAGE Acct: CASH CUSTOMER <<== SERVING OTHELLO SINCE 1977 T Customer Copy J Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 41 of 119 ·' ic;·.,, -,-F-~. o 1 o · ,, ... ~~ .... :ll ·~,. I ::a .. ,-E 1 C"-""l" : ... (J LI -"· .. ~ . H~F DEh! JIA. ~lf:i;35 i ·.s·1 R:O l JlK ,HJ:T 1 !iL:292E800C8460-67e 1 (32·· 2 <;C [ • FIR )r ST. WAl~DEN 111 1\ •.:~f·-:]4 ::1··29 i~;. 988f:i 7 nu::, 1. IC\ 1 [ OUTDOOR ~ ECE I PT l~~ P :J ~) 1 f<C-DUC J' : U ~l [J :·1PFR01/~,l. :I (IJ:1058:A . Al L ()1,1 r.· ' q '3·:~•3 • • ... ~ ' ... I '\ I•~' ·; 1 c·1:.-, ·=·,: ..... •• l. 'I' ,., '····3 I I ~J • '•·~·· 1 [ 1 ~·t,LE .,1[: ... ~I r-~-o.,~. ~~JIK ~; , CCtlt•I E A Ci A I f\l Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 42 of 119 EXPRESS PAY \•IELCOME DEALERN 4543690-I7U SPEED! SHOPPE UUISA XXXXXXX7215 CARD II 721 UISA AUCI/MESUT IHU I 17U761.t5 RUTH I 084639 APPROUAL U I7U764 DATE 11/22/13 18:47 PUMP U 05 REG GALLONS PRICE/GAL TOTAL (C) 17U05 3_812 $ 3 .. 339 $12.73 THANK YOU HAUE A tlICE DAY Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 43 of 119 HMSHDST SPOKANE SPOKANE CHECK: fAP ROOM INTJL AIRPORT 5300 SERVER: DATE: CARD TYPE: ACCT # ~ EXP DATE: AUTH CODE: TOTA L: TIP: 129 Trina NOV22'13 6:34PM VISA AO XXXXXXXXXXXX7215 XX/XX 09883A MESUT AVCI 7.48 -_._._. •·-..,,_. --- - - - -----·--• --...,_ --· ._., ·-••• - -r .. • TOTAL: X ~ - --- - -------. . ·~ -··--. -·· - ---... -.. ---- - ------ _.,. -.-r---•• , ..... -• ~ - --,_ -· -.... --• -·· --· --• ·-··--1 AGREE TO PAY THE ABOVE AMOUNT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CARD ISSUER=s AGREEMENT. Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 44 of 119 . -------· ~- Union Cab Co-op 14415 SE Stark St. Portland. OR 97233 DATE TIME CAB# DRIVER NOV 22. 2813 20:59 142 7763 116--------------·· -----. ----·-----.. _,, ..... _____ _ JOB ID HETER START END FARE TOTAL TIP TOTAL -------------. -- VISA XXXXXXXXXXXX7215 00586A SWIPE CUSTOMER 'S COPY 0 5 20 :35 20:ss 44.20 44.20 5.80 49.20 Thank you for your busfness! 503-408-1234 www.unioncabpdx.com Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 45 of 119 11/25/13 Holels.com. Hotel rooms 1Mth rel4ews. Discounts and Deals on 8.5,000 hotels v.orldlMde Hotels.com Hotels.com Confirmation Number: 114743631720 Booked: Online -Thursday, November 21, 2013 4:55:30 PM PST Your Receipt Billing Name: Billing Address: Booking Details Guest Name: MESUTAVCI 97219 us MESUTAVCI Room Type: Check-in: Thursday, November 21, Hotel Details: Check-out: Number of Nights: Number of Rooms: Charges: 2013 Friday, November 22, 2013 1 Thursday, November 21 , 2013: Discount applied: Sub-total: Tax recovery charges and service fees: VAT: Total Price: Amount paid: Amount still due to Hotels.com: Payment Method: Credit Card Number: Cancellation Policy Free cancellation until 11/21/13 Standard Room, 2 Queen Beds, Non Smoking Comfort Inn Lewiston 2128 8th Ave Lewiston us +12087988090 USO$ $79.99 $0.00 $79.99 $6.80 $0.00 $86.79 $86.79 $0.00 Visa XX;()(X)(XX)00(215 • If you change or cancel your booking after 4:00 PM. 11121/13 ((GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana) you will be charged for 1 night (including tax) We wilfnot be able to refund any payment for no-shows or early check-out. https://ssl.hotels.comfcustomer_care/print_receipt.html 1/2 St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t B Pa g e 4 6 o f 1 1 9 Company Name: The Cadm_u_iJ,rQ!Je,Jnc. DistrlcVOffice Ron Burden Week Ending 11/16/1'3 Purpose I Clients Visited: !Avista Meterinq 6405.0003.000~ Avista Project Fr: D~te_~ 11/10 "1j_l~.9~xpense Car Rental & Gas PJa_l}j!i Train, Bus Misoel!aneous Local Trans./ Taxi Tolls Parkin, Tel~hOne / Commumcat,onsl H<>tel_Tul!.~ Per Diem .l~"& Per Diem 100'1!_ Actual Business Mealli. Fr: POX F_r_:_~l'_Q_ Fr: SPO Fr: SPO Fr: SPO Fr: Cadmus Advstnces Received By l;mployee .$ 11111 SZ4.45 $145.90 l25.01)J $25.00 $105.00 $15.90 - $366.25 Total E:x]Jenses (Employee· $_ 1,651.30 11/12 11_/11_ 11/14 11/15 11/16 Amount Due Cadmus $ Amount Due EmpJoy~e $ 1,_6_5j.30 $Amount Account Name ProjecVAcct. # $74.45 l125.94 $74.45 $135.76 $485.05 $1.651,30 ~ IS Amount Account Name ProjecVAocl 1/ S170.90 $Amount Account Name. ProjecVAcct. # $29.00 $25.00 $25.00 !1l!.i.'1!! $Amount Account Name ProjecVAccl. # $29.00 S25.00 $25.00 $104.00 1 Amount Account Name ProJecVAccL 11 $105.00 $105.00 $105.00 $420.00 $15.90 ___ $1~.90 $15.90 $63.60 Certijicat!gn; I certify that this expense report contains no charges for ------1-------1-------+-------1------~------lalcohol and entertainment except as specified ln SECTION II. All costs s 1,389_451were actually incurred while performlng company business. $1GN.EO Ron Burden 11/18/13 APPROVED DATE 21.22 1 $ 81.52 I$ 7Q"II.l_S 58.33 ! $ 30.01 F61.ss· RECEIVED By Ninette Stillman at 11:47 am, Nov 19, 2013 St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t B Pa g e 4 7 o f 1 1 9 # Date Fri Nov 15 2013 -- 2 Tue Oct 29 2013 - 3 Mon Nov 11 2013 -- 4 Fri Nov 152013 5 Wed Nov 13 2013 6 Fri Nov 15 2013 7 Fri Nov 15 2013 8 Fri Nov 15 2013 .--, 9 Fri Nov 15 2013 10 Thu Nov 14 2013 11 Thu Nov 14 2013 12 Thu Nov 1.4 2013 ~- 13 Wed Nov 13 2013 14 Wed Nov 13 2013 --- 15 Tue Nov 1.2 2013 ---16 Tue Nov 12 2013 17 Tue Nov 12 2013 18 Fri Nov 15 2013 19 Wed Nov 13 2013 20 Tue Nov 12 2013 21 I Tue Nov 12 2013 22 Fri Nov 15 2013 ~ 23 Tue Nov 12 2013 Grand Total Alaska Air --- Delta --- Hertz --- Chevron --- Conoco Davenport Hotel ---r -- Burger King --- Davenport Hotel ---f Tap Room --- Davenport Hotel --- Burger King --- 1 Arby's I McDonalds - Davenport Hotel Shop Around the Corner --- Europa Restaurant --- Davenport Hotel I Davenport Hotel ----- Davenport Hotel ----- Davenport Hotel ---J D~venport Hot~ Standard Parking --- WSU Parking Vendor Category Amount Airline $25.00 Airline $291 .80 I Car Rental $372.26 Fuel/Auto $61.39 I Fuel/Auto $51.49 Lodging/Hotel $483.60 I Me~ls/Restaurant $4.88 Meals/Restaurant $2.75 Meals/Restaurant $11.88 I Meals/Restaurant S45.00 - Meals/Restaurant $4.25 - Meals/Restaurant $9.08 --- Meals/Restaurant $6.77 I Meals/Restaurant $50.00 --Meals/Restaurant $12.37 I Meals/Restaurant - $16.00 I Meals/Restaurant S2.75 I Meals/Restaurants -- $10.50 Meals/Restaurants $14.00 1 Meals/Restaurants $21.00 Meals/Restaurants $29.40 1 Parking $40.00 I Parking -- $4.00 $1,570.17 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 48 of 119 25.00 , ... !!Jc 2.6. 00 -·­~10:0.coot tl)l1• or. :-.r. rr-T ..••.••••••.•• :-.•. :-:"" •• ~ !"-:". r:-: 027010&1280465 , ................................ . .~~ ........... . ~ .~"! .~.-•• -:--: .~ ....... -:"!" Vendor Alaska Air Date Fri Nov 15 2013 Amount $25.00 Sales Tax Payment Type AmericanExpress Category Airline Tax Category Non-deductible Reimbursable No Paid No Notes Flight change fee Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 49 of 119 2 SObi«t IKlNl\l..O~POflTlANOiU.OvU o.,, r.,,.,A,0ctcoc,n,w1,11slSm ?1,ltkoa,'!chtrllN) ftoffl! Oeh.lA11llnes to: rooboJ«lf!'hlltll'Ul/1,oom 4 0 ELTA :. YOUR mNERARY AND RECEIPT mtl]II 1]1111 To--yo1,1rb,l,W,lln•fllllfC tn,,1n,on,.,,.,~~-.,., ,:;r.-.,M4;~1111a'~a-.._ t.'leO••t,,~!l·;tffl,fl'lCll•,...,...111nott:­dc~~~e-bl.!V"l.,. ... itll-t'<! tit'O...•PCl· ... t!le(l,IGJ:'O tNn')C ~--·"Cl"•-..,~11",lm..,..-,,,e )1-~"fj-Cld ... lt«*ll,-:CNCOll!l 1111111.., .... l,.,.,a!IUNIH','l 11'!111!,1-vat:'Jl,)-{1.0.,U,~~;t=-nor ~.:161e&>:ll·IH1••• ~(l0rll111!,II, I TMW to, <ihOofitlO o.lQ.. fl«r.~ .. -u,,iy;1.;,.a.r~UU71G>lt El iii I ii FE I Your 111.'IJhll"tormatlon ,,--i:uov ,. • .-.·u.,., tol'l'Tl.oltC> .,..,..-.:.~11!'..c,,u;t(jljlU"'A{I~ "f\VtlfXi~ .. l"ICllil!i'Oo.m.-..Alh:0.1 yo..;rfllg:l'lt D..r..lll M1•...-,l•1t1• .... -,e--~ ...... ...., JltJfll•i.onrrot1u:ii:.•1111.QCN ortnn, "" ~l'lo-.''""''''1Ul'utll11"1 Ofll,'~J.) l)(t:U . .1117111 ~(H) DntAUI.S' 1u)!IQN"t(l'i! ll•-n16r' lt011...011U'.0«.1G,11II.OEN .... ,_,. .....-: 11,J, .. ,._,1n,,., Alt"'''''''''U:C!l 0061J.Cn1.11520 II•• ,l,t• °" ed. ,J,it ...... _A•'-"ttl'""W•l>1V1..._,_ .... , ........ 1,.,.... I ,.__.._ •1•t:.....,.jlfr,• ........-..T-...... ,,. I"! ,#1 -_..,-,,"-"..,.,_11"/I .... ·~·Pl.I -·---"'tt(-clllad111Jlt~ ..... 'Cl'.,..,.$ ... ~-,~ ~"" ... '"""' ... -~._,..._1,o ....... " .... ~·· -~, ........ r·•l\'lifa-:r.~-~ ..--.. ~ ... Dmcu,-TMJ<ff/C:a11htMfflfOMdfMI: TCIQIII •o.64 u:114Y ll(Vff" •« c, JU416 ..... o.,. . . IIOJ.0LGKU4~AONCtllPl)JlH •• !lf1Al4AGIMCUSOlS1.1H,«>ZPf'OlC£.t:OU ,c»,:at.SGlG•.S ..... -.,.: ll~ft!Of.ll:r-111.tlotN .... , .. ,,,_ •"",""le o•u...-~ -"41111U i-w:Jill.U -,,... tf)..00 ,~.00 Vendor Delta Date Tue Oct 29 2013 Amou·nt $291.80 Sales Tax Payment Type American Express Category Airline Tax Category Non-deduclible Reimbursable No Paid No Application Oullook Author Ronald Burden Title Untitled Notes Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 50 of 119 2 ..... CJU.TA GtG POX I IIU. .. ...... 1~_,_...,.,, ""'"•·--·'"--.-•-••,.,.,.....1--.,..,, ... _. l_ u,_,..,._.., /111..-..i, ...... ___ ...,__,_.._.__..._,.,..~M-U' ............. ,_.,,. ••U•"'-•<1-1,u _.....,i,r.,,.-ea,~ .. ,,.,,_""«,......_":!1ol-,w•...,....••'"'ott,.11ot--••­ '!fw .. ffl .. .....,..,.~ ,----...---~ ===:.::~~~~::.:Oi':.~~::'~'::.":!."!:~~i:-.;:~::: ..... ............ ..,. ... 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""-· ~,Wt,~· ri~·~--.-lllc •1t'Go, ......... ,.,,.,~·-""' ~aa'IIJlf•,-,,; t!ltroHH~ ~lc>ta!IIO .... «l ~.,,,.,.1tP9'" ~o;,w~Wlft -·- ._._ ~,..,,_,.,_ i,.,_.11,,#>tW" .. -··~--..~~!11.~t-,.rMo, """"'~"·-• ~..-.&i .. ,,~ -·•-·, ..... .,~ •. "°' ,._,, ,1.11 .. ,<11¥411<ot4~ ..... ,._ "'~~-Olllll'llllO.,i ...... ~,. ... «111"' .,.,11 .... .,... _,.21_~-'9i--­• _..,.,...~~Wlfflltl .. , .... , t1 1' ~ • ...,..,..,._,.,,, ,-,;-• .. ,.~ .._...,. ""'lfWI'~--. • .,,,.,.,.. .. ,; ... ~.~,,..---,,.,.,;.,.~t.,.wrlllll"'f'w:a~ ~*"~·~ ~W7"! Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 51 of 119 3 IUUrfO: ~-•~,. ll'lt~~, l'31tt.:1l :.1......., ... ,,1 -ftffll 111111:&U .!~·.ao lf1<1<11. U/lV.'31) l l.•l V(tilCLI: ffi614-6 n -·ro~OTA·•ill .. ,lt·S\\ •F#>n, ~IU ~ Uh l$U out: lU.!6 HH !S O,.IVEN: 646 PlN1 I W'llUf; AUO UlQ CLS: Q4 • DAYS UU6 SU!lfOUl DISCOU!IT U\ $UllTOTll COtlC.CSSION rtE •fh uc ru illOlflO!l Cl<A~h (H) Tl' U .-ON !U 11.' TOTtl C~lGt.D ON IJ« fT: Z£1- J:J .04 i;!L~ 41.16 l?l.U 10~ \.4" 1\.(!Q so l• 1n~:, 17l Z6 AA ••S VCMI OPEtl(NCf' llf 'D l llE lW'I fHOOJ.(< I) Co\ I 1-800·6~-~ta, or Yutt-"""'11,Wtt:iurve_y.;:..:. Vendor Hertz Date Mon Nov 11 2013 Amount $372.26 Sales Tax Payment Type AmerlcanExpress Category Car Rental Tax Category Non-deductible Reimbursable No Paid No Notes Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 52 of 119 4 AMERISTAR .13 29.18 N. Division STN 88384!5.13 OU .11./ l.!5/ .13 18:8.1 !48 E/VJSA xxxxxxxxxxxx5756 Invoio•# .1329220 Auth# 969299 Pump#: 5 .17.938C B $ 3.4.19/G 1. Un/S•lE s 6.1 .38 Total S 61,38 Learn how to EARN REWAROS with a Chevron or Te><aco Cr•dit Card Stte application Eor details EEL THE DIFFERENCE ITH QUALITY GAS HANI< YOU Vendor Chevron Date Fri Nov 15 2013 Amount $61.39 Sales Tax Payment Type Visa Category Fuel/Auto Tax Category Non-deductible Reimbursable No Paid No Notes Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 53 of 119 5 1-!ARPER'S CON.OCO 10083210 Div!NE HARPER 4 ~ 10 S FOSSEEN RO SPOKANE WA 99224 DATE 11/13/13 15:59 PUMP~ 06 PROD;JCT: REG E~0 GALLONS : '14. 7 15 ?R!CE/G: $ 3.499 Fl:EL SALE $ 51. 49 VISA A~ct: 5756 AVTH : 00-026269 ZIP Ei-iTERED Batch : 64 Seq: 039 I NvO!CE: 15570~ T--an : 71234 DEAL~R~: 1e093210 Term ID: 21 !..JANT F"REE SAS'? ~EGISTER TO ~IN PT !,.iWi,.i. GAS1JISIT, COM THANK YOU HAVE A NICE DAY Complete a S·.;rve:.; www .Ga5vi ~it.~om *Regi~ter to Wi n* Vendor Conoco Date Wed Nov 13 2013 Amount $51.49 Safes Tax Payment Type Visa Category Fuel/Auto Tax Category Non-deductible Reimbursable No Paid No Notes Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 54 of 119 6 ,.,,.., ,.., Ron,J,JJ BurJcr, 1"11 S E Chsfcb !,: • T HE DAvtNl'ORT t1,tta, Cutt,, 11t•, .. -~ P,,rdanJ. OR r,·: 11 , ... ou,1 \'11,'1;,'-\.V·•• ,_ tt f'V 11trio ... ,~ ... ........ ti .~ , Ri.ft"l:h.f" { ........ ......... 1~: t.t•• kA\~4-t --~· t ...... , *-1t1\I , .... ...., l~, 111-:. I 1(1\i, I IUU_. '' 't,f-tl\ K I ..... 1u-.1111111M.""''l\1it.l l• ,•:. "' .. u u: I( A:Al(ll.U~J "•: 11··· u~ '(Jf...N.f.\.'( ,.. ' 11()(,1' '" .... II. , ... , "' .:,,.., "'·' " ,.. I Ii 1 it\lJI.' ,Ill ..... f f'A'lt iw-.. .. a.~s...,,..~ ,~,61, o}L»H 1'4A,'JJ \\\t" t,.l io,.:, ''"'"'-'"''~''' , ... .!IU~(I \\fl' ,.u. ..... ... ~6.,.,,,)H! "'" u .~~,. 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'4 'I~ )~I ,f~ ·: 'h, ... n..,J ~ : :) I i .• ,>t , l;se/1 ·,uu 11: l ,, : ,1 11: l ":,/, 0 , t ti/ £ti( \I ~; 5.\ l( 1' I', I .<:r'.J I) OX~~o >,U)f',l ·~:r. ·1 c,,r l ·'"'·~"·· dl•ltr ~n F ~A J • ; •rj • I If~ 11 t· d: 'l • c I c I : t ,j( RP t .. •·41,i tt~•· ,d IJ\,- < • 1 J , ! U Cl•J l t ~c • II ,fi l!J • I! <' /(L ~-~ef. Vendor Davenport.Hotel Date Fri Nov 15 2013 Amount $2.75 Sales Tax Payment Type Visa Category Meals/Restaurant Tax Category Non-deductible Reimbursable No Paid No Notes Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 57 of 119 9 HMSHOST SPOKANE TAP ROOM SPOKANE I NT'L AIRPORT CHECK: 3648 TA BLE: 100/1 SER VER : 1186 JU NE DA TE: NOV15'13 12:11PM CARO TYP E: VISA AO ACCT#: XXXXXXXXX XX X5756 EXP DATE : XX /XX AUTH CODE: 37591B RONALD F BU RDEN TOTAL: 9. 8 8 r-d -TIP: ------------··---------~---·- <jJ If ~ ~ OTAL · -------------____ · -··--··-- I AGREE TO PA Y THE ABOVE AMOU NT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CARD ISS UER'S AGREEMENT. Vendor Tap Room Date Fri Nov 15 2013 Amount $11.88 Sales Tax Payment Type Visa Category Meals/Restaurant Tax Category Non-deductible Reimbursable No Paid No Notes Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 58 of 119 10 R~sl o111 uid ll,«C:lf•l 10 ~ ... 11 th f'tn:.l :.t, .,ij \ S111,lar,a. l!A HSlO I !)aov111 : 1 hdst 111~ Ollil. 11114 L'ld1 06:00 f'/1 11, 14/?0 1 I hil l a l (lr,/ I IJ/l 'lOu l:l ~Al E Vf :,A I Jb J l~ 12 Co•~ JXX •XJ,Xll>A•bi~b HaS1ta 11, ,.c, Cl p, ~""" I : IJLl~Ol N RCJI\ALD ~ C11rtJ lrdr y /tetlw!l : ~ All'mllr,1 . S J8.IJ4 • 11µ. {,.~b Jute l' . . j:45" ~ J a91 ea 1u i,a1 l!t., dhvvl! totol dtllO•llll o, .. o, dir,J tco tt,e 1 a~l_},;s1.1t11 agr .,.,,.,er.t / (L---./y"\__ r.____ ·--· Vendor Davenport Hotel Date Thu Nov 14 2013 Amount $45.00 Sales Tax Payment Type Visa Category Meals/Restaurant Tax Category Non-deductible Reimbursable No Paid No Notes Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 59 of 119 11 BURGER KING R~~1 9.20 21ST STREET lfWISTON, ID 83SOl 1 I I ll/H/2013 06:-l9:SB 1 TIO: 049*417 I MIO: 000000000107565 .J56032802997 CREDIT CARO CARD; ItNOICE VISA SAlf ~57S6 Batdl #: ,WovalCode: Enirr ~~ttm: ~: SALE AMOUNT CUSTOMER COPY 0002 000136 38835B Swped c.ilne $4.25 Vendor Burger King Date Thu Nov 14 2013 Amount $4.25 Sales Tax Payment Type Visa Category Meals/Restaurant Tax Category Non-deductible Reimbursable No Paid No Notes Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 60 of 119 12 ARBY'S ~1543 0)2 . 6U-4 t.l APPlOIAY COEIJR 0' ALEN[, 10 8181 4 Mtrch,rnt ID: OOC000uil3Sl 7117 Ttria ID: 01 72i'i'l3 &111ql7CC79 Sale VISA ~XXXXXXXXXX~5r~D £ntrY Methoa: ~,iPea APPrva: Onl ine lltH113 Batchtt: 001266 13:42:01 Inv U: 000019 APPr tode : 649568 rota): 9. 08 (ustour CoP, Vendor Arby's Date Thu Nov 14 2013 Amount $9.08 Sales Tax Payment Type Visa Category Meals/Restaurant Tax Category Non-deductible Reimbursable No Paid No Notes Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 61 of 119 13 Vendor McDonalds Date Wed Nov 13 2013 --Thri-.,; foc Y1J.f ~\~ -Amount $6.77 4-45 E MAIM SI 1C001W.JJ ·s CF onru.o Sales Tax onru.o WI 993+HH6 Payment Type Visa I !! TIWI'. VIJJ II l Til.l 500 488 0721 Store41 12247 Category Meals/Restaurant <SI t3 Hov.13'!3 (I/ad) 12:28 'lf'Y SUE t {VS Order 39 Tax Category Non-deductible jlY DE>4 TOTAL l Gr1 !led \1l1Cl'I Clw.dli' 1.00 Reimbursable No 1 Ben Buf ljeh McC!l(n 2 .00 1 L Co(e 1.00 1 Da111 !k,,.ble 2 29 Paid No 3\btotal 6.29 Tax 0.48 Notes Take-M lotal 6.17 Cashless 6 77 :tlal1!Jtl 0.00 ,"1Ef!# 51 Sl)Jc.'12 CARO 159.ER ACm!NT 1 ~Isa SAlE tt#+•ntttt67f,6 -ur~mn~ ~ -B7522B Seo. JTS119 IOXJ!{AI_O'S 12247 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 62 of 119 14 k.,,-1.,.,, olol ft.,, 1:l p l 10 ~"" ll Pu:. l 5 t 1 "" t ,~dkbfiu , WA qg~ul S1t1 ,,;, : Cl,, t ~l Iha l.>llfl: I Ir 1.),~u t:J ~7:tl fH I l/l~/t013 lab lo 106/l IJ/!10ul? •,Atl >JI !>A IHJl!>lil ta,d 11JX~a1,J~Al,~l ~b ll<i!Jlld ( t ._ ""' d U.: uS«U I: illlfilll N IIONALD f Ca11l Enl r y Hdll1utl: S A•u,Jll t : • l t ~. -TotH I . I au,~-I H p .. y ti" a ~01b l ut c1I dlluutil ""'""' dll,lJ tu ti,e car e I ss,,e, ogr 01.;c,1m 1. ~----~ ~ - Vendor Davenport Hotel Date Wed Nov 13 2013 Amount $50.00 Sales Tax Payment Type Visa Category Meals/Restaurant Tax Category Non-deductible Reimbursable No Paid No Notes Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 63 of 119 15 5HOf' MOUND Ht: tOINfl 11 H POST ST STE 182 SPOKH, II 992111715 TERHIHAL. ID: t£RCHANT 11 UISA Nxxxxxxxxxxxx1828 SALE BATCH: 888145 DATE: HOU 12, 13 SQJ 119 TOTAL INUDICE: 845455 TII£: 2UZ6 AUTH *I: 121744 $12.37 CUSTOMER COPY Vendor Shop Around the Corner Date Tue Nov 12 2013 Amount $12.37 Sales Tax Payment Type Visa Category Meals/Restaurant Tax Category Non-deductible Reimbursable No Paid No Notes Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 64 of 119 16 TR~N$ACTION RffORD J l If 'Ol)d •~~, s _ Wall str-,:et ~-,()<) 4~ .. • _. '10~, l CA!lU l'r!i :Vl:,A tlU .• , •• u.tuH:1;•,ti I ·,J•I.: HHRY:S.i!l'tu Cu:-i I c,~1l': . l!ill,itlii , !\i ,,;1 ill AllfltUfl!/Al !llN:·q,JU,[! STOllf J:OliUl l(llJll hAl . .I Rll H<lHL'.I ::' 10/1!1 ..... t'LiHttlA!,t $ I :LO~, TIP lOIAI d-~i; ~,b ~ llW/!{ ,Ou ll!Jt'lMiiJr. 1;',:;1U 1~· 10:~-1 Sr:1 v,w· •. i•o1l!lc . JlH If ~- Clh lliMl ,< l.Uf'Y Vendor Europa Restaurant Date Tue Nov 12 2013 Amount $16.00 Sales Tax Payment Type Visa Category Meals/Restaurant Tax Category Non-deductible Reimbursable No Paid No Notes J Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 65 of 119 17 r v ~e~101rt1.t ,., . ..,q,t 1 ; !, '" If f (t, t .t .. ~ Sp ,Kttre . '' ~t!Ul 1flh 11 • 1 '', •• , : 2. J. l I: I !/: \r C !l/ ,!IJ( (I ,st ::J;~e:1 ,.t 3·1 ·1: ~111,I ~,.~~11· 8t llhLH ~ 'I~ J < :~d ·1 lry 11.,1r .. 11: . Jn: -l : I c I : lJrer \ f cs)' lf,• t,f 11\l-, IG ,J a11,.1 t i <><. •t d i t!J • '.1.- t r C .,·,.•~·~ L...------------------- Vendor Davenport Hotel Date Tue Nov 12 2013 Amount S2.75 Sales Tax Payment Type Visa Category Meals/Restaurant Tax Category Non-deductible Reimbursable No Paid No Notes Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 66 of 119 18 Rtis tau rant 10 South P Rece ipt Spokane o:t Street S ' A 9920 I erver· H 08. 35 . e Ii nda · AH TabJe 24217 DOB: I 1/15/20 13 i11 1s12013 221220002 SALf VISA 22020097 Card #XXXXXXXXXXXX5756 Ha9 net ic card present: BURDEN RONALD F Card Entry Method: S Approval: 914408 Amount: ~ Tip: s a. 1s {). 7:,~ = Total : -----~_lv:S D I agree to pay the above total amount according to the card issuer agreement. x _____ ~dL ________ _ Guest Copy Vendor Davenport Hotel Date Fri Nov 15 .2013 Amount $10.50 Sales Tax Payment Type Visa Category Meals/Restaurants Tax Category Non-deductible Reimbursable No Paid No Notes Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 67 of 119 19 Restau,ont Receipt 10 South Post Street Spokane. ~A 99201 Server: Jill 06:30 AH Table 254/1 006: 11/13/2{,13 11 /13/2013 22 t 220004 SALE VISA 22020~98 Card fXXXXXXX~XXXX5756 Magnetic card present: BUkOEN RONALD f Card Entry Method: S Approval: 2-07688 AaotJn t: S 11. 14 • T Ip: d:U Tot a I: l agree to pay the ab~ve total aaount according to :he x ____ ca;;z; agr??t--___ _ Guest Copy Vendor Davenport Hotel Date Wed Nov 13 2013 Amount $14.00 Sales Tax Payment Type Visa Category Meals/Restaurants Tax Category Non-deductible Reimbursable No Paid No Notes Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 68 of 119 20 R~blau,ant Recelp\ 10 South Post Streat Spo~ane. ~~ 99201 Se, ver: Hel Inda 06:57 AH rat:lle -244/1 SALE 008: 11/1 2/UllJ 11/12/2013 22/220002 VISA 23068675 ca,d ,~xxxxx~xxxxx5756 Hagnetlc card p,esent: BUROEH ROMP.LO F Card Entry Hetnod: S Approval : 710828 Aaount: , T 1p: l utal: S 17 . 94 °?.o(:, ------------- ______ j -;)/ .'OD I agr a~ t o pay tna above total a•ount accordi ng to the x_~su~nt. ___ _ Guest Copy Vendor Davenport Hole! Date Tue Nov 12 2013 Amount $21.00 Sales Tax Payment Type Visa Category Meals/Restaurants Tax Category Non-deductible Reimbursable No Paid No Notes Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 69 of 119 21 Restaui ant R~c~l~t 10 l~uth ?~s t Str~et Spokane . kA 99201 Server: Aodn,,. 09:03 PH !able l82/1 008; 11/12/2013 11 /12/tOl'.l i9/l 90053 SALE VISA Card aXXXXXXXXX(~X5756 10922993 Magne tic ca,d prbs~nt: 9UROEH RONAL D f Carn Encr~ ~ath~d: S Approval: 035349 S 24.40 ?-• r i o: ·---------·-· : Ta ta I: I e91 ee t.i pay It,,; obova total aaount a:ccor dl ng to the card lisuer agreeae~t. x------~~ ---"------ Gue:. t Copy Vendor Davenport Hotel Date Tue Nov 12 2013 Amount $29.40 Sales Tax Payment Type Visa Category Meals/Restaurants Tax Category Non-deductible Reimbursable No Paid No Notes Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 70 of 119 22 Ra cYt a=-t, Standard Parkin, !'Q 8o>C !!1,, ·ort land , OR 9,238 ~·,onOflN Lot -Exit Lant 19 '-iUditf: in : 11111113 20 rQ2:S2 ciut : 1111~113 14: 38 Amount ,aid: t 40 .00 Viii 8UROEN1ROHALO F :<XXX XXXX XXXX ~,~6 Vendor Standard Parking Date Fri Nov 15 2013 Amount $40.00 Sales Tax Payment Type Visa Category Parking Tax Category Non-deducllble Reimbursable No Paid No Notes Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 71 of 119 23 WSU Spokane Parking Spokane-Parking 360 13312551-1 11/12/2013 BR360 T192 C4 Tue Nov12,2013 08:16AH Trans#4-4 NAME: CADMUS GROUP 004 DAILY VISITOR PERMIT PERMIT#: 00143 SUBTOTAL: $ 3.68 SALES TAX: $ 0.32 1 ITEM(S): TOTAL: $4.00 Credit Card 4.00 -----~~~~~~~------ Vendor WSU Parking Date Tue Nov 12 2013 Amount $4.00 Sales Tax Payment Type Visa Category Parking Tax Category Non-deductible Reimbursable No Paid No Notes St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t B Pa g e 7 2 o f 1 1 9 Company Name: Saurabh Wadwalkar DistricUOffice Portland, OR Week Ending 9/20/2013 Purpose/ Clients Vlsited: 1 Avista C&I Ev~luation !Amount Paid by Travel Agent I I PortlandL OR Cadmus Advances Received By Employee Total Expenses@:rlployee)~~~~~-_ ]$ 1,602.45 Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Total Date: I 9/14 l 9/15 j 9/16 9/17 9/18 9/19 9/20 Amount Due Cadmus $ 25 25 Amount Due Emplovee $ 1,602.45 25 25 50.0 Mileaae Expense $14.13 $14.13 $28.25 $ Amount !Account Name IProjecUAcct. # Car Rental & Gas $265.19 $265.19 $1,332.211 Avista• Plane, Train, Bus $366.80 $366.80 $ Amount !Account Name IProjecUAcct. # MisGellaneous $4.68 $25.00 $270.241 Local Trans./ Taxi $ Amount !Account Name IProjecUAccl # Tolls Park.no $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $90.00 S150.ool$ Amount !Acco.uni Nama I Project/Acct.# Telephone/ Communicatic $19.68 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $115.00 $179.68 $Amount !Account Name IProjecUAcct. # $105.00 $105.00 $105.00 $105.00 $420.00 Hotel Taxes $12.60 $12.60 $12.60 S12.60 $50.40 Tips Certificalion: I certify that this expense report contains no charges for alcohol and entertainment except as specified in SECTION II. Total Section I Expenses $518.21 $132.60 $132.60 $132.60 $394.32 $1,310.32 All costs Were actually incurred while performing company business. SIGNED Saurabh Wadwalkar IDATE 11/5/13 PerDiem 75% I I I Per Diem 100% I I !APPROVED !DATE Actual $ 12.44 s 137.64 $ 40.30 $ 69.41 Is 32.34 I $292.13 By Ninette Stillman at 12:48 pm, .Nov 08, 2.01-3 9/17-Paid $98 for dinner for all three field en .ackage on 11'x17' size paper; 09/20113 • Change fee for earlier flight Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 73 of 119 ® Date 09/13/2013 09/16/2013 09/16/2013 09/16/2013 09/17/2013 09/1812013 09/18/2013 09/19/2013 09/20/2013 09/20/2013 09/20/2013 09/20/2013 09/20/2013 09/20/2013 09/20/2013 09/20/2013 Transaction Details Prepared for SAURABH WAOWALKAR Account Number XXXX-XXXXXX-81001 Description DELTA AIR LINES ATLANTA ALASKA AIRLINES KINESEATTL.E WA FEDEX OFFICE #0893 OHILLSBORO OR STARBUCKS A PD061519PORTLAND OR STEAM PLANT BREW PUBSPOKANE WA STEELHEAD BAR & GRILSPOKANE WA THE DAVENPORT HOTEL SPOKANE WA SCHLOTZSKY'S 1657 02VERAOALE WA ALASKA AIRLINES SPOKSEATILE WA CHEVRON CITY SERVICESPOKANE WA MVP SPORTS BAR00011 OSPOKANE WA NATIONAL CAR RENTAL SPOKANE WA POX AIRPORT PARKING 503-460-4848 THE DAVENPORT HOTEL SPOKANE WA THE DAVENPORT HOTEL SPOKANE WA THE DAVENPORT HOTEL SPOKANE WA Gold Delta SkyMiles®/ September 10, 2013 Amount 331.80 35.00 4.68 1.75 98-.00 20.00 '4.92 10.11 25.00 11.91 23,00 253:28 90.00 2.17 28.00 607.94 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 74 of 119 Portland, OR to Spokane, WA Passenger Information SAURABH WADWALKAR SkyMil.es Number: 90067 45294 Flight Information Date and Flight POX > GEG Mon 16Sep2013 QX 7583 GEG > POX Fri 20Sep2013 QX 7595 Status FLWN FLWN Class s M Check your flight information online at delta.com or call the Delta Flightline at 800.325.1999. Baggage and check-in requirements vary by airport and airline, so please check with the operating carrier on your ticket. Please review Delta's check-in requirements and baggage guidelines for details. You must be checked in and at the gate at least 15 minutes before your scheduled departure time for travel inside the United States. You must be checked in and at the gate at least 45 minutes before your scheduled departure time for international travel. For tips on flying safely with laptops, cell phones, and other battery-powered devices, please visit http:// Safe Travel.dot.gov Do you have comments about service? Please email us to share them. Billing and Ticketing Information Ticket Number: 0062340677155 Meals/Orders Seat/Cabin Key of Terms # -Arrival date different than departure date ** -Check-in required ***-Multiple meals *S$ -Multiple seats AR-Arrives B -Breakfast C -Bagels / Beverages D -Dinner F -Food available for purchase L-Lunch LV -Departs M-Movie R -Refreshments, complimentary S -Snack T-Cold meal V -Snacks for sale FARE DETAILS: POX DL GEG153.49SA03AOMC DL PDX134.88MA07AOMC USD288.37END ZP PDXGEG XF PDX4.5GEG4.5 Fare Taxes/Carrie r-1 m posed Fees Total Detailed Tax Information 288.37 USO 43.43 331.80 USO Paid with American Express ending ***********1001 AY 5.00 us 21.63 XF 9.00 ZP 7.80 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 75 of 119 Total 43.43 NON-REFUNDABLE / CHANGE FEE When using certain vouchers to purchase tickets, remaining credits may not be refunded . Additional charges and/or credits may apply and are displayed in the sections below. This ticket is non-refundable unless issued at a fully refundable fare. Any change to your itinerary may require payment of a change fee and increased fare. Failure to appear for any flight without notice to Delta will result in cancellation of your remaining reservation. All Economy Comfort and Preferred seats are Nonrefundable. Terms & Conditions Air transportation on Delta and the Delta Connection® carriers is subject to Delta's conditions of carriage. They include terms governing for example: -Limits on our liability for personal injury or death of passengers, and for loss, damage of delay of goods and baggage. -Claim restrictions including time periods within which you must file a claim or bring action against us. -Our right to change terms of the contract. -Check-in requirements and other rules established when we may refuse carriage. -Our rights and limits of our liability for delay of failure to perform service , including schedule change, substitution of alternative air carriers or aircraft, and rerouting. -Our policy on overbooking flights • and your rights if we deny you boarding due to an oversold flight. These terms are incorporated by reference into our contract with you. You may view these conditions of carriage on delta.com, or by requesting a copy from Delta. You have received this email because you elected to receive your Electronic Ticket receipt sent to you via email. If you would like to take advantage of other Delta email programs featuring special fare, promotions, information and flight updates, please visit delta.com/emailprograms or delta .com/notifications. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION This email message and its contents are copyrighted and are proprietary products of Delta Air Lines, Inc. Delta Blvd. P.O. Box 20706 Atlanta, GA 30320-6001. Any unauthorized used, reproduction, or transfer of this message or its contents, in any medium, is strictly prohibited. © 2013 Delta Air Lines, Inc. All rights reserved. Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 76 of 119 ~ Pag<' ,Vo / THE D11-VENPORT 1-1 oTEL c2.!:L 1;cT1 ON DAV[NrOo.T • Towcit • LUHO Guest Name: Saurabh Wadwalkar Room II: \252 I Folio II: RA8598 -\ Group II: Guests: Clerk: CUI: CCfl: xxxxxx .... Arrive: 09/16/13 Time: 03: 12 PM Depart: 09/20/ I 3 Time: 07:35:20 S1a1us: FOL G ate --------- Description Reference Comment Charges Credits --------09/\6/2013 ROOM CHARGE 1252 $105.00 09/\6/2013 LODGING TAX 1252t LODGING TAX S3.46 09/16/2013 SALES TAX 12521 S,\LES TAX $9.14 09/16/2013 OVERNIGHT SELF PARK Recur339 Recurring: Wadwalkar 1252 SIS.00 09/16/2013 TPA ASSESSMENT 12521 TPA ASSESSMENT S2.00 09/16/2013 SALES TAX Recur 3391 Recurring: Wadwalkar 1252 S 1.30 09/17/2013 TOWER ROOM SER VICE 3604 TOWER ROOM SERVICE Tll:3604 S27.63 09/17/2013 TOWER ROOM SERVICE 3604 TOWER ROOM SERVICE Tll:3604 S4.37 09/17/2013 SALES TAX 091735902711 SALES TAX S0.17 09/17/2013 BOITLED WATER 09173590271 S2.00 09/17/2013 SALES TAX 0917359027 lt SALES TAX S0.17 09/17/2013 BOITLED WATER 09173590271 S2.00 09/17/2013 ROOM CHARGE 1252 SIOS.00 09/17/2013 LODGING TAX 12521 LODGlNGTAX $3.46 09/17/2013 SALES TAX 1252t SALES TAX S9.14 09/17/2013 TPA ASSESSMENT 1252t TPA ASSESSMENT S2.00 09/17/2013 SALES TAX Recur339t Recurring: Wadwalkar 1252 $1.30 09/17/2013 OVERNIGHT SELF PARK Recur 339 Recurring: Wadwalkar 1252 S15.00 09/18/2013 ROOM CHARGE 1252 $105.00 8/2013 LODGING TAX 12521 LODGING TAX $3 .46 13 SALES TAX l252t SALES TAX $9.14 13 OVERNIGHT SELF PARK Recur339 Recurring: Wadwalkar 1252 S\5.00 13 TPA ASSESSMENT 1252t TPA ASSESSMENT S2.00 TAX Recur339t Recurring: Wadwalkar 1252 S\.30 ROOM SERVICE 3605 1'0WER ROOM SERVICE Tff:3605 S23.78 M SERVICE 3605 TOWER ROOM SERVICE T#:3605 $4.22 E 1252 $105.00 1252t LODGING TAX $3.46 1252t SALES TAX $9.14 12521 TPA ASSESSMENT S2.00 Recur 339t Recurring: Wadwalknr 1252 $1.30 Spokllllc, WA 99201• l'honc (509) 4SS-8888• Fax (509) 624--14SS Generated by CamScanner from intsig.com St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t B Pa g e 7 7 o f 1 1 9 Guest Name: Arri,,e: 09/ I 6/ 13 * THE DAVENPORT HOTEL COLLECTION DAVENPORT • TOWER • LUS~O Saurabh Wadwalkar ------.. • •• •m CL#: CC#: XXXXXX**** Page No. 2 Room#: 1252 Folio#: RA8598 - 1 Group#: Guests: 1 Clerk: Time: 0.3:12 PM Depart: 09/20/13 Time: 07:35:20 Status: FOL --------·----------------Charges L_~. Description ------Reference Comment -----·-----------------------·-·-· $15.00 Recurring: Wadwalkar L252 Credits OVERNIGHT SELF PARK Recur 339 09/19/2013 r------ \ Folio Balance: S607 .94 ---------- Guest Si~nature: -------------------------------- Generated by CamScanner from intsig.com Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 78 of 119 I Flight 2350 11 From Portland, OR . Operi'lted by 11011.:on All · Total Ch.ugeci: S3S.oo USO '1 t-rSHos- STA~BUcKs CJF~EE , COH[OURSE A P QR T U. ND t. :: RPO R f l i53 REir1::~,H4 ------ --........ ---- ----- -----.. -. ---- CHK 2010 SEP16'1J '0:30AM ... _______ ··-... -----.... _________ ,.. ---- T A LI. C O D fr A R ~: T 1 , i' 5 ~·UBTOTt\L PMOUII T ~ XX>:,,xxxxxxxxxx AME>: A3 1 • i' 5 1 . 7 !5 :0:1>:x l HMSHOST PORTLAND, OREGO~ SUSA~ O'IIE I L, DIR. OF OPERATIONS 503-249 -J68J Eusan .o'neilUhAshost.com ' HHSHost 1 • i'5 i Making ~h e rravelers 0ay Batter I, H M s:H o s t S t o r e Code :: S 9 5 0 Cir) 4 Fird Us On Facebook www.facebook.com/Hmshost To Spokane Generated by CamScanner from intsig.com oate 16SEP13 T1cke1 Dare l6SfP13 Record Locator: VRZCEX Ticker tio. 02721JJS05938 FOP: Axxxxxxxxxxxx1001 SALE RECEib~/lfi/l3 13:25:08 55212 tko Store # Sandv1i ches & s~ 1~1: e, ~g~~af Sprag~ie Ave· Sui \'IA 99212 Spokane Valley · r91613 509-535~0574 ~ 137 DMr l TROT . .J IN ~;~~,~t ~3 0565645463 ~~~ctD1·1~~~-M~15~ 29 ITEM ---OTY , 5 00$5FTFav 840 ~IEA TBA LL fr 1 10J a: 00$5FT Fa v l5003 $5FTFave 1 T $ 1. 80 ORK-30oz ---- ~UBTOTAL i 6·80 v T $ 0.59 Sales x ----- KE OUT **TOTAL$ ~:]§ 6~edCardAMT TEND$ ----- CHANGE DUE$ 0.00 . com for mue ,.1fu http ://\'Ml·J.SUO\•J3Y. 4B ApprovalN No: ~~J20350923 Reference 0 • s ipe Acquired: *~**t***+***65G4 Account No. isa Card Issuer:$ v7 39 Amount : · Take our 1-mlnute S~i~ere~~tve a ffe~ www. te \l~~bw~\g?,~ rece 1 pt and 1,1n e cook\ e • 1 r•ueeecouPon code YOI',. un . . -· here_ · ... ·. d. 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THANK YOU FOR VISITING THE STEAM PLANT ltt1:i l o1111111t H111111lpt 10 $1111 lh Puq S l1 uut !ip11L111t1, WA !l\ltO I S 11 1 VII I : (lllV \ 11 111111 I l!1.' / 1 ti II ii\, t :\ : I At tu,: lowu1 fh111m St11v flll1 l ow,11 1\1 ,iuk I it !, t Ovnr 11111 cl Wl1 l tu No Hnat Go t t du Survl co (3) Cr utlm S11uo, Sulllol<l\ Sorv i l:-.:i Ch c11 l]l1 lax foltll llt'Ullli ty lS .00% Total HoomChu1 gu UR 1~5;i Ad cltl llrc1h1 it y: ---_... .. ______ ·-···· -.. - = Total: U!l/1//.10 1:l ti::i.\ AM ;: :1 tl Oll ,1 l 5 . tHl 4.00 18. llO :i. l) 0 2 .2 1 i~ 4. 2 1 3.42 27.63 2·1. 63 ~£_,\JO ' --.__ -..... ---·--· ... --- X lhtes t: WA DWALKAR. SALIRi\13 B ca l a n r:-:t:J Duc.-i o.oo DHVt.ll)Jrnr t To wo1 Ronm Sui-v l ee ... , ... Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 80 of 119 ;::; 8 g 2; $~-8~ ..... 9i]..g ~ ~ c:, ~~--~ ~ c::,. C>, c!; rJ ,lj; -I ~ ~ ..:,:g "'° -G:f ;:::; m ig~~ ~ ;::? :::-~ -"' g2~ o-- """' LU ::,. t.:> ...... 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LL.I <X: ~ CL. 5 c..r> .=: .__ Steelhead Bar & Grille (509) 747-1303 218 North Howard Street Server: Karissa 08:35 PH DOB: 09/18/201~ 09/18/201~ 2/2010£ 9/2 AMEX Card #XXXXXXXXXXX1001 Magnetic card present: Approval : 582805 Amount: = Ton1 : / 209723: $ 17.' ----- x __________________ _ Thank you for ycur pat ror.JJe. <<<< Guest Copy >>~> ~, . t ~-·----...... ·----··---·---------·-------- ram 1n s1g.com St a f f _ P R _ 0 5 A t t a c h m e n t B Pa g e 8 1 o f 1 1 9 I C: ITV StAU J CE CHfUR 404 S 111\PLE STH 00092406 09/20/13 E/AtlfX )()ClCXX>CXXKKX1001 I Inuoicett 066iilli0 I\Uthll 5.S'e'5011 ,unp#: 4 3.134.G@ $ 3.799/G Unlt/Self' $ 11.91 Tohl $ 11.91 Lnt·n t.011 to EIIRK REIIARDS Iii.th• Cheuron or Texaeo credit Card See appl.ioation for details StHI UOll92"•e. CIIRI/ASII OP1'4 s11-11Pl1 . .1 o·i! if -:s -ail!i ~ YY!!.m~.t~_):~. Self Checkout Fasr. Fun. Easy. l 509 > 7!1.> -31191 NANActR lllllNl NANSFIELD 5025 E SPAACI£ AVE 5/>(l<A/£ VAl.f F.Y. VA. 99212 STI 5883 OP# 00009043 10 ~3 TR• 01386 fRN'flOCCINO l)()l;l(XX)(ll6n F 2. 78 N SUIIOIAL 2. 78 IOIAI. 2,78 vrsA T™' 2. 7B AC~T I •••• ......... 6564 S APPROVAL # O'IQIIOO ~ # 00 lRANS TO · 0583~9929!>156 VALlOATlON • ZXCS PAYlt.'NI SEllVlCI' • E tERKI NA!. # 34008723 09/20/13 09:38:51 owa: Ill o.oo # ITEMS SOLD 1 TC# 2857 9128 7968 Sl10 847 ........... _ ...... ~ .. ,.. ... rotlllf'lllilr · I air..wav Is l:Jat;k. C&l Gtar·t~1 rod.ly Sopl. 13 · (lee. 13 09/20/1:l 09:38:51 ua(lJSf()!f;R ci:f>Yo• ~: j-~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c,~000-~N-N ~ ~ I l~ -.. ---... ;,,l ::. • Ji II 8 !iJ §l 'i ' .ll; ;;:; ~ .::.:i ~ =~ Iii -;:;.:: I . .. -.!~~ - ii "' . 1~.u~.s!:! ~i.... i ~= Ii ~:!,~~;;g~ ll_i.e ... -=~i!i.,-1-~! . i i~l:.;.[ ~~~i$i ~-~~-~w· & -~~~-~-~ ~~ ~~ ~.~! ~=~ ~ A .~e~«~ I.!! c;'l..l:;.s~ !!'as x:.~-,~;---0 == -1'i·!l~ I ~i~l!i~J ~§6~~::_ ~ ~~i ~ j 5 -~a~s .i:w-•::asx 8.im t:1-::S1,,,. -~-t;;~ff, J! J • ~~'--~Y 1&£~~£~·6':r. ·,:·01,J:i::::\:; ·r. IIHSHOST /.1'/P SPOR IS SAR SPOXANE INT'L AIRPORT CHECK: 87 7 8 TABlE: 1 1 6 / 1 SERVER: 164 Heathe r OATE: SEP20'13 4:14PM CARD TYPE: ~HEX A:l ~rcr ~: xxxxxxxxxxx 1001 EXP DPTE: XX/XX AUTH CODE : 588213 S4U~4BH f1A011A LKAR TOTAL: 1 8. 66 TIP: --------------..... -------- TOTAL: _____________ 2.. r, ao, __ X ----------------! AGREE TO PAY THE ABOVE AHOUIT IN ACCORDANCE HIT H TH E CARD ISSUER'S AGREEMENT . SALE llfC:ElPT Stcre #55212 tko U9/20/l3 09:21 :24 SUbway Saodiliches & SalaiJs 5025 E. Snrague Ave. Suite l! Sookane Valley WA 99212 509-535·0514 I rans; 5 Clerk 156 Owr J !ROT C,~2013 Receipt # 0000045902 R!:!l·ID. REG-HAIN --rm --· orv PRICE MEMO PLU f<lChOm II Br I l'D$ l.75$3Bftob29221 S8CJ6R 1 Iii$ l .25$38fCcb19252 SOOlOlAL $ 3.00 Sa1es 1:< $ 0.26 TA!<E -our HTOlAL $ 3 .26 CredCardAMT TE!iO $ 3.26 CHAttcE DUES O .00 hHp://t.':-M.subway.cou for more Info I\Qprova l No 32487B Reference !lo 3263164722<l9 Acquired Swipe Account llo tuouo•·u6Sti4 Card Issuer Vl.sa Aliount $3.26 -.......... -------- Take Dltr l-1111nute Survey at l'll•M:tellsubwdy.cD111 and rece!v~ a free cookie. ~eep your receipt and write OU r t.ri I que coupon code re_._._s. ____ _ Staff_PR_05 Attachment BPage 82 of 119G) Cl) n L ::::::l Cl) ..., tu ,-+ . r-·, ·t -,--... Cl) ; : t. anda ri:J F' .3 t· kin·~ ,:fff O ,{.f~ tu _: • : ·r} tilt . -B 5 -4,5 ?.,t.--~ tJ ox t, .... l.!J.i::, ~ =·or t 1 and . , ... R· 9-:,·:,,c, _t.:??ff ::::::l • .J -,• L.. ·-· ·-· {{':~:· Cl) ,;' ;;;,·._. ' ~ ,r., ~ ~ -, ,.;t::1·· : / -.:-· a ,. .. ·. I t •, I ~-~a r a-;1 e Er, t r ·~ .. E >:: i t L ~:1 n e ,/ . ,,/ F ',,' 212 ··: ,-+ • ~ I <?5. 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WA n:1;111 1 S1•1 v111 : H111 lli.i 0!1/ 1 !1/r'II l:t H!1rl ;>!1,'/l /: 1!1 AH t,1111!, t ti : 1 ,' .lfllll'l!1 ,\ 11111; I nwu1 H1111111 S111 V I 1 111 t I' I n l 11 Ii' . 1111 t:ol lu11 Su i vli:11 ('I) 4.1111 Ct tl,lOI fi 11!1 ill S111! l n l,) I Ir; .110 Survlr:11 ChHI uu :1 .011 1 ax I . 00 lntal lir 11l11l ly 111.tltl'..t lo lril I< II u Ill t Ii 111 tJ II II fl I ~J !ii' Addtl 0111t11ily: ;,11. !JO i'. l!U ;i:i . '(!J i! '.i • '111 = rntal: --··~~-·•••"M __ ?-i .. o_ c1 x .... -. --..... -....... ··--~ .. -.... G11os t: WAl>WALK AH, SAIJHAB B1::11 ance 01Jc~ n . 00 l>avonport Tower nuum Serv 1 ca ll11:,tn1111111l ll11ct1l1,t Ill :;llqll, l'w,t iJtr 111,\ :1p11h11!U. 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Charge to: 6405.0003.0013 Amount: _2_2_.4_0 ___ Approved By: ___________ _ D To Be Mailed: Ii] Direct Deposit: D To Be Picked Up By: _____ _ Ext. _____ _ * Please Attach Supporting Documentation * Fax: (617) 673-7330 Email: emploveepavables(a).cadmusgroup.com RECEIVED By Ninette Stillman at 12:17 pm, Oct 07, 2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 85 of 119 ' ' Product Description --' --', ___ t ... "" Sale Unit Qty Price Final Price. $5.60 2 $5.60 $11 .20 Arlington Green Bridge Prior ity Mail PSA @@ --HAYDEN ID 83835 Zone-5 $5.60 Priority Mail 2-Day Flat Rate Env · 11 .20 oz. Scheduled Delivery Day: Wed 09/25/13 Label #:9114901159815309475745 Includes $50 insurance Issue PVI: @@ --RIGGINS IO 83549 $5.60 Zone-5 Priority Mail 3-Day Flat Rate Env 11. 40 oz. Scheduled Delivery Day: Thu 09/26/13 Label #:9114901159815309475769 Includes $50 insurance Issue PVI: Tota 1: Paid by: MasterCard Account#: Approval #: Transact ·j on #: 23903030146 ---·----------·-------$22.40 $22.40 XXXXXXXXXXXX9780 H03609 20 @@ For tracking or inquiries go to USPS.com or call 1-800-222-1811, ************************************ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ -· ............ . Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 86 of 119 RECEIVED fflDD By Lena Guebenlian at 10:46 am, Oct 08, 2013 Invoice Field S ervices DA TE INVOICE# BILL TO: TI1e Cadmus Group Inc I 00 Sih Ave -Suite I 00 Waltham, MA 0245 1-8727 PO# 640500030007 DESCRIPTION Avista Gen Pop, Online, Data Entry Programming Programming CATI Sample Setup Data Output Shipping surveys Data Collection -English CATT Data Entry Coding Data Entry Other Services Comments entered -Mail Project management DUE DATE 10112/2013 9/l2i2013 REMITTO: RDD Fiel.d Services 8959 SW Barbur Blvd. Ste 204 Portland, OR 97219 Terms Project Mgr. Net 30 cc QUANTITY RATE I 2,900.00 I 1,090.00 l l,000.00 I 1,000.00 l 75.57 100 18.48 858 5.00 382 0.33 I 1,000.00 151 I.SO I 2,500.00 On all sums 30 days past due. RDD field Services will charge an administrative late fee of 10% of the amount due plus interest at 1.5% per month. Email comments to: linance(!:!Jrddfa.com Phone (503) 245-4479 Fax (503) 245-9677 Total Payments/Credits Balance Due 24900 RDD Project# 130273 AMOUNT 2,900.00 1,090.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 75.57 I ,848.00 4,290.00 126.06 J,000.00 226.50 2,500.00 $16,056.13 $0.00 $16.056.13 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 87 of 119 l I FedEx Billing Online Fed ,. Ship FedEx Billfng Onli11e Plus Ground Shipment Details Tracking 10 Summary Track Manage Learn Billing fnlorm_~_t __ io_n ________________ _ Trec:klog :Ono. Invoice no. Ac,;ouotoo. sn;p doto lnv<Soo d01e 0:.1o~a\.e Tr0<:kino ro Baianeo duo S1a1us ~M.!.!i!~ 'fif{,v jainQ.)hJr§Jl!:M ot dP.l+ViffV. 7958'.!7650363 2-~23,75435 1632-~508·1 CS/2012013 \Q/()Jr.1013 10/2.2/2013 $0.00 Closod FMEx Office 40 Viow Can (ly) P,i"it.-;: .. rrfAt\dl:, a.co Mossagcs V./e ca'cL1latod your chatgu based Oil a dimel'l$ional .Bead MC">rn. The Additlo:,,al Han<{!ing S!A'charge was ass.e5sed tor Re;:id Mcm~ ~ Page 1 of 2 Sc.ircli SU.OJ _______________ ,__J ' ~---------·------·---·---------------·-----------·------------------··-·--·-Tra11saction Details l-----------------------------------------------1 _ s_o_n.d_e_r_J_llf_o_,_rn_a_ti_o_n ________________ _ KINKO'SIGO NONACCT BRCD!LOC 259 WSP~l'IE FALLS Bl.VD SPOKANE 'WA 99201·0123 us Shlpmonl DotalJs Si1i> aate ~1ynientty1WJ; SoMce:ypo Zone Patk:.90 :ypo A(laal we,ghl R816d wc,gtu Pieoea M$1erNo. oee:a,ed vatuc Original Reference Cus-tomer ro!etence r.o. Oepenmont oo. P1.1rehase order 110. F'rool or OOlivcry Se.~oo are.:J code Srgne<! by C912012013 Tl,r(f f'Mf Grouno 08 Customer Pac;1ag:ing, 25.00 lbs •%.00 lbs so.co 00.'2712013 00000 _R_•_•"'Jp_1e_,_,1_1,_,_ro_,_ma_1i_o_n ________________ _ TME CADMUS GROU? C. V\1SC1i f<EFI 6405.0C,03 0005 ,oosn, AVE WALTl'.AM fM 02451,S72725 us Charges r,ensponalion Ch0tgo l\d!f(,onal Ma.'l<ling Fuel Sur<:hargo OJCecl Sl;nalurc Toi.ti ch::itgo$ Updatod Rcrorr.nce Customer rof&te-oc.& no Dt.-pnr1mun.t no. Pu,cr.as6 order no Cost Atloca11on Refcronco Cos1 aflOOAlrOn Sh ,>rucnt Notes: 16.82 7.50 1.01 3.00 $26.,3 L _______ ._ https://wv-1w.fedex.com/fedexbil1ingontine/applications.jsp l 1/12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 88 of 119 FedEx Billing 0hline Ship Track Manage FedEx BIiiing Online PIUS I.earn $ FedEx Office Page 1 of2 V10W <::!fl :.in) Jl'Ml~t-ltte.nttly 0.00 ~t.'{.;uont Sumrn;;uy ff 5.:,;,(~.h/Oow1doad ~~plious jf Mtssage Cc~~; ] -· ·-· ....... -· -· Ground Shipment Details Tracking ID Surnmary 81111ng 1nrorrn•lion T racklnn IQ no ln'.ioico n:> Ac,c.ount,-:o. Shrp~ato 1n,•0tce 4lale Due<1a1e Trackino 10 eai:mcc. dU3 Stai.rs Y~w lft•.'$!/'Cl" His1c1!l View 1ign11t~H'P. coom ~ ~~livcri .. __ ,. ,-- T ransactlo n Details Sortd()( lnformotion KINKO'SKlO tlONACCT BRCOII.OC 259 WSPCKANE FALLS BLVD I I SPOt<AtJE WA 99201•0123 r us Slllprnont Details Shlpdato I Pa1mo,11 tyll<) Sorvice-li'fJ<l Zone Pa<kago typo ' Ac:tua1 wo.ght Rale<lwo,gt< Pieces Mow No. Oec,ear-od valu~ Original Roforcncc CuslGma_. rolGraneo n). l O!lpertn1oot no I Puret.a,e Older no, Proof of Oollvcry Oali-.·•ry~te Sc;vko aroa l!odo [ l ~!~,:"lum <)!Q<!F rd dt•ltY"IY j ll,Jg; -·--····----·---·· .1) !12!.e 13!:!!J!! Mes,agos 785837650374 W& cala.11&te-d your coorgcs basod on e ts.mensior..al ~ 2·423· 75435 The Additional Handling S1.1rcher9e was assesooc:f for ~ 1632-5508-1 09/20,'?01 ~ 10/07/2013 1Ql22l2C13 $0.00 Clo.,e<l ... -- l:lHfdo I :jiJ:!!.'.!11 ~0clplMt lnforma1fon --· THE CADMUS CROUP C. VIISCli REFS 6<0S.0:)()3.000S 100 STH AVG WALTHAM MA 02451-S72725 \JS Charges O!li2CY2013 Trnn,p0<1a1ion Oha,ge 18.66 Tnfrd l'•<IY A<!dl"iio-nat Hand! rig 7.50 Go'ound l'uo1Se<tl\argo 1.12 OB Direct Signature l.00 Cu~~oo,I)( PaCK.aQll'l.g Total charge, sSo:U 25.00 It>< 51.00 roo , sooc Updo1cd Reference ffi.!;lfil c.,~1omer refcronco no. Oepart""'nc no, Pure:ha$e crd"er no, Cost Allocation Rofcroncc ::l.sS!J! 09127/2013 00000 Co!il allocal!on Shipmoot NotG;s I --··-··----~ ------"-~---.---·--··· ._ .. __ ~ .,,,r.i;c 1,:,;·J ----------.-·~~ Comp.,nlot.. f<illow f!1.:trE1 https://\lo/\¥W.fedex.com/fcdexbillingonline/applications.jsp 11/12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 89 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Fed " Ship Track FCldEx Bllling Online Plus r I ! I -~. ···-· ·-·-- Ground Shipment Details Tracking ID Summary BillhlD Information Tt0Cl<il1!l lD0Q lnvo!te no. Al!COUI\I no. sr~pda!e Invoice date Oue date Tracking ID Balanc.o duo ~,tus 'YJ.f!!v lnvoic~ Hi~lOI~ ~~1,W'(!!'OOfolc1Riilf(l•)l - Transaction Det3i1S Sendc.r Information KINKO-SfGO NONACCT BRCO/LOC 25'.l W$P0KANE FALLS BLVD SPOKANE WA 99201-0123 us Shipniont ootall, SNpdat11 Payn-•,,,;n; type $Ofll1CO typo ZO!\€ P1Jcl«ge type WciQhl P~cas Mc:vrNo. Di!clArea 11aka8 Original Referunco Custoine.r reference tJO. n,~rlrnonl no, Purcllil$• Qrder no Proof of OoJlvory Delivery dale $er.o<:<, IWO& todO Si~nt>'J lly Vinw ~igmtlure prOQ(·o1 r;tr:i!,\'l;;"'i .. Learn ··--- 705!137650352 2,423-76435 1632,SS-::>ll-1 09/2Qrl013 16'0712013 16'22/2Q13 $0.00 c~.~ --·-- 09/20/2013 t hird P81\y G19uM 08 C1Js~omer Pa~O'llO 50.00 l!>s $1,500.CO 00127r.2013 00000 FedEx Office"' Vn)\V~rt @J f._l)t!lfl!·ffi01'1dty 0.00 -· Mossagos Tr.o Ad~1uo,,al Handlil'.lg SU<charga wa, a.,asoou lor Ro•~ !.lorn .. Roelptont 1nrorma1lo11 l'liE CADMUS GROUP C. V\1SCll REF# 6405.0003.0005 100 STHl1VE IM\l TH.._M MA 02451-87272~ \JS Charges Transportation C.~atto Dsc.lm<KfVDh.Ml Ad<llUonal H8!1dlinQ Fuel Sorc1>arvo Toto! chorgco Updated Reference Coslomer n~leJonoJ no D&partnte.nt nc». P~1rcha50 orde.r no. Coal Allocalio11 Rcferoneo Cost a·fxaUon Shipment No:os - ... 1a.ia 1050 7.50 1.10 'ffiTa Page 1 of2 S~JICh SUP,1 ~ :.?.l!!l!!P. 8!:!i!!s I ~J;l,,Q.!/2 El~ ! -. -···------·----·-----------···----·--------------··--------..... li"£t Cust(,i,,-ur t'-G'eur. r:c,!1Cns1.:.ctuitt:o,ll11-1 fC?:iturt'<I Scrv1(;0.S fcriE.;: S.)11,f,Oay COnlf);\l\f(l~ r\'<tDr:H,:p,~~ https://www.fedex.com/fedexbillingonline/applications.jsp foUQ'\v FedEx 11/12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 90 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Page 1 of2 Ship Track M,inage FedEx BIiiing Online Plus V,ow Con f,@) p.1r,1nt.frieac.1tv 00(\ r r:o ,,. ll Ground Shipment o·etalls -----------------·-----------·----·----Tracking ID Summary Billir19 lnformolion Tr.1&J:l{I tD no. l:'lvo!co fW ,\<:¢Cunt no si,;p dot• lnvo:eo dato Dt1i; 1,1ate: Tracking 10 Bi>fonca duo St.nu, v~w nvoicg Ms19ry v..:~w s?MaiH((; mW 9f dcl\yerv 79583765004 I 2·~23-75435 1632·55C'8·1 09/20i2013 10/07i2013 10/22/2013 $0.00 Ctowd Mos,;agos ----···----------~-~-!:!sm B Hido I 1--------------------------------------------Transactton Details Sen<lor lnrorrnation KHJKCl'$1GD NOl'i,._CCT SRCO!WC 259 W SPOKANE FALL$ 8LVO SPOKNtE W/\ 1)0201-0123 us Shlprnont Oot•ils·--------------- Shipdau, PayMOr.ttypo S<>r,,co ttP• Zono P~citttgo-typer WC,ght Piecos Meter No Oeeior~d v.:itue Orig.lnaf Referenco C·llsaonwr ,oro;onco no. O&pa1tme.nt nQ. Pc.itehaGe otdor no Proof or Oollvery °"'"";·date Sorvrte arw codo Si!,neat>y ~!!..l'UliUUf!}.f)rooC of f'.alive-Jy '----·-·· 09120/2013 Thlrd?arty Ground 08 Custom« Faekaging 76.CO lb> $1,500.00 Oll/2712013 00000 Rotiplont Information THE C/..OMllS GROUP C 1/,~SC!f RErl/. 6405 0003.0005 100 5THAVE WALlHl<M 1M 02451·872725 us Charge.• Tran,pottslion Charge Declered Veiue Fuel $urcharg• AHS · W•iglll Total charges llpdat<>d Rolercnco Custo:nc, 101u,ence-nO. Department no. Purcha$t order n-o. CoS1 Allocation Rol<.>renco Co$\ ~1·oca11on S1fpm8,1I No!u, " ........ _ --------·---------··-·-----~-----------·-· Cu:aon,c( l-!"6ctrs Nt,,v Cut~l\',,h Ctt~il!tr fo-~tu,~d SttrvlCl"e rnt:f,,c t~m.eo.:.y C:otnpl'tnir.t~ f.'N:~f:Y.Pf'(.>'f https://www.fedex.com/fedexbillingonline/applications.jsp 27.78 10.50 1.67 7.SO s~.,.o:o mnw, n ----•-... ______ ~N 11/12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 91 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Pagel of2 $11ip Track Manage Learn FedEx Olflce "' FedEx Billing Online Plus VuYw Can 31!) ptln)c-t•tQend!y 000 I ·-:f~"'"'l~n~•'Y.I . So~r<:lll_E!~wul.?.:~UL MyOpllon~-][ Mo$$<>gOC.~ r:-i'!lli!!'fl/4; i i'li'ii I '51':V ' P'?'l¥877MZET77 re• Z llll'itlt'ffflfffllnM Tracking ID Details ·mnsrt I ·----------------------·---·-··----- I Trackl119 JD s~mmary DIiiing Information Traclciog 10 no. lnvoict\ M. Accoi.mtno. Shipd,10 IO\o"'OiC~03l6 Oue dote Tr"Gkfng ID Bilt.tnoo crue Status Tra11saction Details Sondor tntormation Byron Boylo Coomus C,,oup H 26 Po,rl Sitoe< BOL'l.Ol:R CO 80002 IJS Shlpmont Dotalls Shipdato Paynicnl 1yp& Servk.e!Y;>e z,:me Package .typa W4i9h~ Ptecet M:,cterNo. 0$-t.k"l(Gd vaioo Original Relororico Cus?omer teletenee no OopollJ»e~I no, Retoren¢e #2 R$!ererv;:e #3 Prooi of Delivery OeJ:-.·Ot)· <1a1e Serv,oo a,aa COC!e Si9ocd by xl~~~o Q!<>pl ol <kh~ty 700769119177 Z.416-80015 1094-6894·0 09/241:?01:} 09/30/2013 10/15/2013 $0.00 Ck)Se<i OG/241:?0ll S~lpper FectElC Pri:>tity Ovv,rtghl 05 FodE:X-E:nvefope 0.00 !bS 48075.75 SO,(),~ 091:?$/2();3 09.03 A1 ,\.COi.JR.SEY MoGsagos Diilance Bn:wd Prl:::in91 Zone 5 Tne: 681'NtrJ Dr~our,t for lhis ship date ttas .beet! c.a fl~ Fuel Surcho~c. FodEx nas appllod a fuel ,uteha<O [le.3,r Mo(l:_ Recipient Information Maya Alw,~ol The Cadm,.r.; Group 720 S\/'/Wasrjngioo Slree1 POR1'lANO OR 97205 us Charge$ T<11n>por.alloo Ctlargo fvel $urchargo Cour,o: F:ckup Ch&f98 v;,,ekclay Oeiwry Eamod Discount Autcma1ioo Bonu~ Ot5counl Total charges. Up(latod Rufercnco Cu,tomor <elet&f'iCe no. Q+3p3,r1men1 n.o. Refcrcnc.o •2 Roforonc-e#3 Cost Allocation Roferenco Co,I alloca6011 $hillf11Cnt !~oles 29.65 1.55 0,00 0,00 ·10.00 •2.97 $16.18 il)Jgdil I ---·-··-·· ----·----·-----~----·--.. ---------·-------- Cu~!omer Po~1t,. Cc..mptu1iu https://www.fedex.com/fedexbillingonline/applications.jsp Scorch ~~ 1 l/12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 92 of 119 l~edEx Billing Online Fed ... Ship FedEx BIiiing Onllne Plus Tracking 10 Details [Tracklng 10 Summary BIiiing lnformaclon Trac~•l9 10 no. lrwoiGe no ACCOl.11"11 n:> ShlpdOIG lovo1ce date 0Jodate Tracking 10 Balanc• duo S161u• y.;,v !m9f9 lftsJct·v .l/lt'lil!S~ Transactlon Ootalls Sender lnfo1ma1Jon Ayion 80-110 CADMUS GROUP INC. THQ 100 !,TH A.VE S1E 1C,(l WALTliAt~ MA. 02'-51·8n7 us Shipment Oecaila Sh\?da10 Payn,em typo Sorvleo typo une p ><:k.>ge ly,?O \\'otQl>t PiOC:06 MelfttNo. Ot(:ara.d '.'IUO Orlgln31 Rcforcnco Ctatcmes ,ercronce nc. Ooporrmonl oo Relbl<HlCO #2 Roforc,,ce 13 Track Manage Learn 7!1673,405988 2·' 1$.90315 t094-5894-0 08/20/2013 0913:V.013 1Cl15/20tl so.oo Close</ Ollr.!0/W\3 Sruppar FociEx Ptiomy O"ernight 05 FeoEK Enve!ope 1.00ll>S I -4607!;75 SO.CO FedEx Office® V1ow Con ·.(Q) [!nnlM,lt,Pt!O:y oco Pack.190 Oe'M!r~ 10 lltcipl;nl /.d<fttts • Release A~ FedEX hll au:i\«-d l!lls &h1)ffto~: for oorrocl pac-:a__g 8NO L'~rc. 1'1 attemr,c ~ 23, 2013 a, 112 < NA Ofiglnol odd10 .. · 19D!'JO N, Silver LnJROIMrum.iO B.!>~ Oislance Cased P1l,h¥.1, Zo,o 5 The Eamed O..coon! tot,,,;, sl'lp d>'t h>s boc-n ca ~ Fu<>J Su,a,e<ve • Fe<rex hes epp(ied a t\JCI "'"""''0 •~••~ w.nro nw :se1v,ctt sotectod 1.s not avaitabtG. 1,'l8'ei0f4!, f{(.':'\d Mt1'C Rccipitnl lnlormatlcn Mr.$heots Ken·.a Pll,nbng 10090 ti $1lVtR Lt,: RA TliORVM 10 83358 us Chargoc Trarspon;r. on Cha·g., Mdross Co<teclion F'u9l S..rchalg& Co~, Pr'..lwp C.'Ulr~e RO$.,.,..; .. Oe'we.')' W&.:.kcf!)y Det•Yl'f'/ eari\&d 01,count Aum1a11cn B~s OJscou""~ OAS EXlended Rest TOl<>l cha,g<>• Upda~d Rofetonce CUs!0tner roreumce no. o.3pa.rtm('nl t\O Rele1ence•2 Ro!er01e•f3 ,&es 1200 2.21 O.OG 3.20 0.00 -10.06 -2.97 360 nm Page 1 of2 1, l_p_~_:_~_f_:_fd_:_:_lv_o_ry ____________ OS/_Z_312-0 __ 13 _ 11 _:S3 ________ C_;_o:_~-~-~-lo_;_;_z_•_R_o_fo_r_o,_,c_o _____________ (,_,l_M!J_d_i, ____ -.J k•JCe 2"eil coda A9 ,... .. Signed by see BOOVO \fiPYI ~lQf!.)1\/tQ l)LQ~ l. ---·---·-·------·-----·----·----Jllfil, Fed:'. https://www.fedex.co1n/fedexbillingonline/applications.jsp 11/12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 93 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Fed Ship Track Manage FedEx Billing Online PIUS Learn FedEx Office£ Vl6w Coit :}j) Pnn1e:•lliet4t 0.00 Page I of2 Q) Tracking 10 Details ~ Tracking ID Summary J) lliili! 1°1.!.Ji!.!.~. Billing lnlorm~llon _M_c_s_s•_!J_•_•-------------------- Tlad<f:,g 10 n~ L'JVl)'('Ono. Account no Sr,ipdOIO IIWO.Qe do10 o.. .. -Traddng 10 8WnGe duP Statu• Vi(.w tmrg CO Hlg«y Viiw stn,:'-'t:W"I\ nrcc,f o( dn t'.UY 7967352f054a z.rn;.eo31s 1094-e694-I) Oi1120/ZOl3 09/30l2il l :I 1~5/2013 $0.00 Clo~d ---·-----·----------- Transaction Oetalls Sondor lnlormntion By1cn 8oyte Callmu• G·o.,p 1426f>cDIIStrcel !lOULDCR CO 803112 \IS Shipment Det~~s ShpCoto Paymorl type So.v,ce type zone Pacilage bi,e we,ght Pioce; Motot No Dede'..,••"-• Original Rofercnco Cus~OMet ttlcrenco no ~1ment"O. R&IOl$1l<e #2 Referonco p; Proot of Delivery I Oolivoiy dlM S•rJ,oo oroa lXl<lo 1, ~=~.~ .~~., .. f)roqj o( ®irt!X I. -- Fed···· .. 0900'201) S1'.ipper FodEx Poo1i\y Ove1nigl~ 06 F•dElC En,&10!'& 1.00 lbs 1 •80~576 S0.00 8406.0003.001:) 09/2)/2019 ll .!l4 PM see Gt::,t0 ·-----~--------- Plcta;.o 08',v1111<110 Ro,;'ll'ent Addte•S • R<>!UH A ~ 0t'1Jnc. 9ase<J Pndn9. Zcne 5 Tho e,.n•d o,.covnt 101 mis sn;, dale has beo11 ca illlaa More •. Fuel Svrc:ho19<> • l'edE• has ap;,lod a ruo1 su1ci\arg Si,JJ_~ Rcclplont lnlo11nallor1 M1 Pou., :>r«n er Ortwa1 fne. ?78 Lcisuto Ln SANDPOINT 10 03004 us Charges T~nso0t1a,ion Ch•roo ruot 6urchargo Courier PiGlcv;, Cl'la<QO Ro,ldo,>'ill! O.'ivt,Y 'A'111!1<d.-J O.liv"'Y l!ame.d 01Scotm1 Au!.Orna1!Cfl SOf\'JS Ois:eovn1 DASResi Tota.I charges Updated Rolere11co Custcme, relerMCo no, Oej:anmenl no. Roror,,n~#2 Refe,enco#3 Cost Allocation Reference Co,1,11ocation Shlp.•nen1 Noia, ~65 2.19 0.00 3.20 1).00 -10,06 -207 325 S2S.24 '"" .h .. j°l'•• I• t-'.tJ -·-----------··---.. ·-----~ https ://W\VW. fed ex. co m/fcdexbi llingonline/ applications .j sp 11 /12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 94 of 119 I I FedEx Billing Online Fed· Ship Track Fe<!El< BIiiing Online Plus Tracking ID Detalls Maoa9e Leam cedEx Oliice ® View C:tn ~Jg) P11ntar-tn~n.dly O.C,) r----------------------··------------- Tracking ID Summary Billing Information Trai,ld~ ID no. rn"·c:ce no. Account no. Shi;,dol<t rr,W'Jic(I dalo O\;e d&1a Tracking to Balance duo Sttitu• y,'!v:lnvs,i¢1t~ view 1:1an?tJure f)f0()$ 9L!la!lv\';!1 Transaction Details Se11dor 111rorn>a110,1 GEGAFEOEX FOX/ GEGA STATION 515 N Havens Sl SPOKANE WA 99202 US Shlpnlllnt Dolail& S!\1pao:o P>ymoot lypo SoNlto typo Zono Pstkage lype We11,ht Pi<Jces Melerrio. Oeclarod valuo Original Roferenco Cu,to.'lloCf roforcnoe no. Oop;u1men1 no. ~oferonco #2 Reforonco·ft3 Proof of Oollvery OnllvGf) dalo S1tt',..;e .oroa cede Signo111>y 7007~7645717 2·416-60315 1084-6894-0 0?/23/2013 O".J3Cl/2013 10/\S/2013 $0.00 Closed O;Ji~3/2C13 Rcclpiont FodE• E~pror.s Savor 05 FocfExPalt.. 1.00 lbs 1 4694374 so.oo o•~ ei, 790729274457 em;,307529 rt• per •hp< lind,oy 09/2$<'2013 12:3S A2 LST()()T Message• Dis1anc&. Bo sect PrirJno. Z.nl'\8 s Tr.e. Earned ~s.count tor this 5hip dalo h;'lS bee" <:a~ .. Fuel &Jtcharge • FedEx hos cpplied a !vqJ sw,:rn,rg ~ Recipient lnforrnalion ~)']On bcyle (:3Gmus _group 1426r,ea~ s, BOULDER CO 80302 us Chargo$ liaorportabon ChD<ge Fuel StJ-dl•f'.l• ;Neek~y De11Yli!IC'f Eamed Ci~coul"lt Automuti.on Bcnus Oiscount Total ol»rg0$ Upda1ed Roforonee Ct;~.omcr rofe-ronce no D<lp8!11Mfll no. Referenc.o 82 Referonco #3 Cos1 Alloca1lon R8fl)(ence Cos, alloealio.n Sl'IIPfl'HHll Nc!o.s 12.45 0.89 o.oo ·3.98 •1.25 sIT1 Page 1 of2 L ----·-·--. -. --·--·----·~·-·--·-·-·-----·---·-----------··-.. ----·-·-ll&. i;:,... .... , .;. •' ii~~·~· CuS,t(Jn.i~t 1,Zocu1o Follow Fcttl.;,c https://www.fedex.com/fedexbillingonline/applications.jsp 11/12/20 13 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 95 of 119 I FedEx Billing Online Fed Ship Traci< FedEx BIiiing Online Plus Manage Learn Fec'Ex Olfice ~ Vin-Carl ® e,...,,.,.,r,Mcily oco Page 1 of 2 Tracking ID Details ~ Tracking 10 Summary :..n Ji£!!! r:1~ BilJing lnformotion _M_o_s_sa_g_o_•------------------- r,~~l<ing ID no. lnV¢1GO ttO, Actoutn no. Shipc'-'oo l.iYCHeo da!o Due dato Tracking to Balanco duo St~us \/K';lw t~wo:c<t Historv Vi(H,'I S.i(1(U!1rn;c :){Op:' 6f sle!Jvery 1oonoooo3<14 2·416·803t 5 109•·E.89<-0 00125120,3 0!1130/2013 10/15/2013· $0.00 Closod -----·----·-·-------I Transaction Details I , Sen(ler Information 1\ng<ll C,o, l'lcOEX gega 51.S n nai.·on-a st Sl'OKAr!E WA 09202 vs Shlp1nent Oelails Snip 001G P3ymel1! 1ype $Gl'\'fcC type Zon& PackaO< lypo \·\'e.ghr Piec.e1. Meter No Oect~mdY~e Original Roforonco Customer toferen~o no. De;,ar.moot no, Reference d2 Re~erenco #3 Pcoof of Delivery- Se"'tee .>tea cotfe S:~ooo by 09,125/2013 Rec!pleru Feot:x Eicpro.s Sav~r OS FodExFwk 1.00 lb, A8 79e?03S34991 Oil/2712013 011'34 ,,:;, L.STOUT f'edE• ht!* a,idltod ,r.~ shipment for cmectpacl<39 ll<!M M<>n> 0.1ita·nce. B;tsed Priti/'\9, 2ooc 5 Tllo Earrou Di~<>um lor t11i• ship d••• h•st>eeo &a Jkl!.~~ FutJ St,tCharg~ · FedEx has app'ie::t ~ fool &u1charg fte:.d More ffle packagm woignl oxGeod's the enw.lmum for ihe pac. ~ Rociplont 1Morn,a1ion UNDSAYSTOUT CADMUS GROUP 1 '-26 PEARL ST BOULOl:R Co 8030.2 us Chargos Tran.SportallO'I C~a,ge Fuo! S<:r<l1.>tge Week3oy Dtlivery E'3rnod Discount Automation BonLl5 Ol'iC.Olil\t Total charges Updated Rolcronco Customer refarfme& no. ~partmor.1 no. Rtift!rence #2 Reference#3 Cost Allocation Roferenc& CO$! a•ocaticn Stl·p;r.ant NQ,105 12..15 0.69 0.00 -3.98 .1,25 IT'ii' I ____ ·-·-·---·------~ • • lill>!I ·-------·-·-··-··--.. ---------· -·--==--' https://www.fedex.com/fedexbi1lingonline/applications.jsp 11/12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 96 of 119 FedEx Billing Online FedEx Billing Online Plus [~1 Svmma,y JI ·--·· ... ~-~~ . . -··-~ ' Tracking 10 Details Tracking ID Summary Bllllng Information r,xk1"'9 10 no. lnYOiOO no. At:COulltnO S~ip dale lnvol:e d•·• Clu;>d&IG Troc~lng ID 8atanoo duo St.llu~ ViflN lrt.1£=S'<§: •••SIQ!% ~it·:! •9)Nt:·~ ~ of dt!iirruY Transaction Oelalls Son<lor lnformadon Byron ecvia Cadmus G«iap 142$ P"n S~eol ll0l/LD£R CO 80302 us Shipmont Ootaif6 Sit\> ciat• PoymonllYP<I Sotvlcc typo ZOAt Pac~:,~• w .. ghl P,em Meter No Oe<;ta•.clvo!IJ6 Original Referonco c ... tom .. re'$-:,, no 0.~MIAO Relorenee 12 Ref«encc#S Proof of Delivery Ootrv11<ydete Service .scr.a coda S.gnod by V•l~ i!SUh}hf!t: itllHlt g[ orbm CUS!olller Focut. . Track ·-· Manage Learn ----··---- 7G6r.?S1337S8 2·~16-80315 1094,5894-Q O!l/'20.'2013 OQ/'30/2013 10/15'2013 $0.00 Closed 0!1,!2Q/2013 Sh,pper i o-dEx?ti011ly Overnight c~ Fe<!E,c Envelope 1.oon,, <807576 $0.00 6405 0003.0013 09/23120',3 11 44 Afj -800Ye , .. -.... FedEx Office® VON Cat ~) Phn1~r.11~rg&y 0.00 Me$$'1)eCet11e1 ··--· Mosoages p~ Oot YWOd IO Re"'"'""' Mo=•. Relea,o A ll•nd IAo<o D ,1e.;oe B!•ed Prkir,;i. Zone S Tna Ea,necs Olioount 10, 1hr:; snip ~te has bo90 ca J{t1tnd Mt-m Futt1 Su_rch;nQO. foOEx has ai)pl'od Iii fuel strrc;:tlik'g llf:td MOfl" -· Recipient lnlorn1ation IAt ,Ms. Ve,1erthfflo.r Ve IWte.CJ'tar HVAC 18201 N C,uCl'<iOlt t.n COLSERT WA 09005 us Chargos Tron,po!lolion Charge fuel SufChOfgO Cou,.r Pid<up Charge R•<ido«.'al Oe~v~,y wce.'<l!r,y00,we,y Famotl OisCOI.M\1 AutomJti(ln Bonus Otsc:ot1nl OASRe<l Toti! chargos Updated R&forcnce Cu.:10.~ refo.renco no DOPOl"JnO!ltllO. Relerenre 112 Rofaren!lA#3 Coat Allocation Reference Cnst allO"'..allo~ Shipmen! N<>los - Con11h,nlc:. r clfow• rcdEx https://www.fedex.com/fedcxbillingonline/applications.jsp Page l of 2 '.J) ~ ~'!.19JJ.l Eltilil..t 20.es 2 19 0.00 320 0.00 .,o.os .2.97 3.25 11m IDEdit &'~ i I••,• ! ~ 11/12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 97 of 119 FedEx Billing Online I Shi::> FedEx Bllllng Online Plus Tracking ID Detolls I Tracking ID Summary BIiiing lnlo,motlon r,ael\ing 10 no. lm,"Oter.o A~eoun.t no. Smpda1• lnvo-ce date o.-.d,~ Traeluno ID 8tl~nco duo $toluc VjoNf~H;,,,sr, y r,v Jig1";ttue nmof ~ ttt-1:VffY I Transaclion Details Sondor lnlormallon B)ronB<>y.e CodmusGr°"p 14?0 Po>rl Sttotl B()JL~ CO 8()3.12 us Sllipment Oot~lls $1\pdalO Peym&Jll lype Sc,,,ic<; lype 201\0 P•d<a~e liP• Willgl'J PftCOfi MOIO< No. Oec!Mod valuo Original Rcforonco O.S10n10< 1•10.orce no. Ocp"1t1'""11 l\O Rolorcnoe t2 Ra!crane.eaii3 Proof of O.livtry ! _________ _ li::-,J. t'-'~·:; .. Ct~!>tot11r.tr f ecut. Tra~ Manage Learn 79G7:i.<GS921.S 2,416-6031S 1004<Qil9~·0 09/20/2013 00/3012013 10f1Sl201l $0.00 Clo.,oo 00,20'20,3 Srtt.pp11r FedEx S!andord OV<!rnighl 06 F•dE•C-~ope 1.00 lbs 1 4607575 $0.00 640S.0003.0013 09/23/2013 12:29 Al BSTENS"..A-1 Fa)ll\.Jl'ed Sarviccs FeoEx Office"' V1/,!\',J can ~~) P(tfl19t lrier'dV 0.0() CM:ta.nce Based Plicins,. Zone S Tne Eatnea 0,1«>u,t ~ tnts <I-.;, <!"'to na, bean ca~ fi.,el Su1ct.aroe • fed'Ex h:1s applle<f a fu11.iu,ctr.u9 llN1t1 f.ior". Recipient Information Mr.Ago Powe, Coy l:.lectnc 3327 E. Oiw• A\'O SPOKANE WA 99""°2 us Charge~ Ttarupon•>0n Cl\3/ge Fuol Sut,harge Ceurie: P1Cl\up Chorgo W.t~doy Oelivt:y 2810 150 000 0.00 ·9.SS -?.,81 Eamad O.sccunt .Au·:cmation 80M:S OiscOt.1\1 Toh.f c:h:iroos nm Updated RetfG<once Cu'°.om« , • ..,._~ n,0. 01'Pi!<11lwot no. Rere,..,e. U2 Reference ,J Cost Alloo11Uon Roforonco Ccst c!l1c,gation Sh P."""a:'tl Note_. FollcwFedl:x https://www.fcdex.com/fedexbillingonline/applications.jsp Page I of2 11/12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 98 of 119 FedEx Billing Online rec1·,. Shlp FedEx Billing Online Plus Tracking JO Details Tracking 10 Summary Billing Information Trac.king rO no. lnvoh~e oo ACCOl.r.( n~ Sh;,p dato lni.~dato Ouod;,le Tr~ckinQ 10 aeiancc due S1ato, v,ow ''°·'f9!CO l'fi.slOD: Vi,l\v !1.it)r;-".-rturn pr.oof <',1 oof~ttr..Y Manage Learn 7$734533078 2-416-!!0315 1094,869l•O 09/20/2013 09130.'2Cf3 10/15/2013 $0.00 Cl0«&d FedEx Office~ V1ow Cart (~) Ptiflt01-lrlo,.,d:x 0.00 Messages Pue1<aoo. Oo~vt1ted lo Rec,pi•nl Add1ess • Rele.oso A Ro,,rl Moro D1s1ar-,~ Sesod Pnci.'lg, Zeno S Thit Eetned OiscourJ iof' this ah:p d{'t,o r,.as been ea~ FuaJ $1JtCh3(96 -FocEi< ht1s app..1ed a tuol t-0rchorg ~ Page 1 of 2 ---------·-·------------------------- I I I Transaction Details Sondor !~formation Bi•011 00'/le Cadmu, Group 14-26 Poatl SUOO\ BOULOER CO 80302 us Shipment Details Ship data Payment l~·po Servico type Zon1J Package typo We,gni Pioc?.S M<eorNo. O&elareo ,aloe Orlghrnl Roforonce Customer ro'otOl'leG '101 Oapar1ment n, Refo,oncol/2 Re!l".ronc:o#3 Proof or Oollvoty Dellve:ry da!e Sftf\'100 a,041 codo Signed by L-·-··---.. -· 09/20f,/013 $1,,ppe, FedF.x Prlv<lty b,arnlg111 05 Fa<!Ex Enva'Cpe 1.00 lb< 1 q8()7511> S0.00 6-105,0003.001:l O!l/23!2013 l0.•16 AM seoato\•il Rcolptc.nt fnforma1i~1 t.1:'. \.'\'adclel, JP. ~!octr,e 111so N. Jimatn.on Avo MAYDEN ID 0~35 us Charge& l'tanr.portolloil Ch0tgo Fuol Suich-.,9" Cotirier Pickup Cha:s11 Ro~idQre al Daiivety Wcc,day OeWa,y Eamod 01SCOl.n'l! A.uiomatlon ac.,u, O~s:cO\lnl OAS Rosi Total charges Updalcd Rororence Customer re!crcnc:o. "''· Depor1111er,1 no Rorercr.ce#2 Rc/eroocc lt3 Cost Allocation Rofarence Coi,I alloc;1liQn Shipment No:os ·---------------·------·------- Comp:inios flollow Foc1Ex https://w,vw.fedex.com/fedexbillingonline/applications.jsp 291;15 219 0.00 3.20 0.00 -10.08 -2.97 3.25 m14 Vi~~;.:: ... 11/12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 99 of 119 FedEx Bi lling Online Fed Shir Ttack F<!dEx Billiog Online Plus Tracking 10 Details Man;ige Learn FedEx Otnce@ View CM ,m) !'r"';r,•f:iel)jj, oco Page l of2 ~----------------------------------------·---- Tracking 10 Sunimary Billing Information Ttac>onglDM ·=~"·· Aec.ouruoo Slltp •••• ln\lOcecJi\:a o_..,_ Tracking ID Baianco duo s,a,vs Vw::,,.i .. ,.12 tt Ii £20' VN MOOMY'9 aroof ~ tfft1t,ey Transaction Details Sond~f lnlormelion Uyroo 8oy1o ea~-,,, .. c; • ...., "26Pc111tS:re<>1 BOULDER CO a0302 vs Sllipmelll Ootails Sh!pdl)lO P•ymonl IYJ)(I Service IYl)G ZO.\C Pac~•DO 1tl'• W.,QI\! p,i,cu, Me.let No tleA:taJed \·•tue Original Rofororlce CustomE< rei«e,,ee no ~3rln10<'tno. Reloronco -2 RelorenC<I W3 Proof of Otllve,y Do'iv<.ry dal,t, ServJce •ta coco Signed by 7967292H<S7 2•41&6..."31S 109•·8S9"·0 09/201.013 09r.l0/2".ll 3 10/15.'2013 SO.OD Closed Oll/20/2013 s,~ppe, FedE• SIMdord Ovomighl 05 Fece. E.r\-e.to;::,e 1.00 II>$ 4807515 50.0:> 6405.C:l03.0013 0!1123/2013 17:31 A1 L. ·-------------··---------- [-:; I • ir'OO r:, .. Cu-stOrn.cr FOCLIG Mossages 111aaemp:Sop23.201sa111:56AM o .. ianeo &sod Pridn~. Zone S The Elltned OtlCOUiil for t"'lis ship dato hai be art Cl ,Be.~m­ Fuel Surchargo • Fe<Ex has appLod • fual s"rt/1~'0 RnM Mor• Unde!iverob!o Package, ------------·----------- Roclpient I nformallon Mr 8v1 eun Pum:.n, S-• 12708 E. 26!11 A\'<1 SPOi<r,NE WA 09206 us Ch"'98S Transpcna:,on CMroa Fuel &ltho·g• Courier Pickup Charge Rescd811tial 0..5'8'Y We>l<dot Oclivo,y E•med Olscoun1 Autc.mol,ot1 801'114 Oi•count Total chargts Updaled Refe,once Cus:t.oracr ,ereronce no.. Ooi:,.tMIMl!>G Roferoncc N2 Rore,unc,i#3 Cost Alloca&on Reference Corl •~ocat,cn Sl\lpmoNNoto• NIii' 2a.,o 180 0.00 320 0.00 .9,55 ·281 m:n PM ------·-------- https://www.feclex.com/fcdcxbillingonline/applicalionsjsp 11/12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 100 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Fed Ship Track Manage Learn FedEx Billing Online Plus --·· --·-·· -.. -~--~ ··- Tracking JO Details Tracking JO Summary Billing lnfom,atlon Trr.,.;,'9 JO r.o. 7987287&656\ IIWOltAlno 2·~1t;.&-:xl15 Aceot..111no. 1094 689•.0 l $hip d~l~ CWZ0/2013 IOVOCt dlil& Oll/3();'2013 D11ed•1t 10/151201:) Tracking 10 Balani;o duo So.oo Slatus Clc$ed V~l!:);ti[" ljiilS~ ~l'Jn!~blft it~52{sl5:IN!!!) I Transaction Details Sondcr lnfo1maU011 e,ron 8<>y!a Codm.,.Gtoup I ~G P .. ~ Sileo< OOULOER CO 80302 us Shipnl<lnt Dotalls S.f\;pdMG ~120/2013 Poymori type Shipper St/\!lco lypo F ea Ex Sta1k.1ar<S Overnight I zone 0) Paclogttype f odE,c Envelope we;shC 1 00 tbs Pioc;os , --- FedEx Off!ce :;,, ... _ ....... Mcssa9os Vi31W Cart :}j) fnntcr•IOt:.,d"' 000 P•c....e o,1n..,•od"' R•c;plint Address • Rel .... A ~ ~bnoo a.w<11'nc:,<ll). Zo<,o ~ 1 htt f ~rnad O.r-eounl 1or th'5 ,hip aatt has beffi Cl Hto:1d Morn Fuel su,c11a100. F&<fE• ha• app·,o~ a ~1 w,eh.sro ~!.!I., - Recipient lnforonatlon Mr MOfeJ-ead A » Z Plu'll!Jlng a.,o lioallllQ G2$5 N. l a RO<llfl>t Ot. COCU/l O ALENE 10 6$81S us Ch~rges Tr•nspc,na~on C11•roe Fuol Sureheroe Co<,r,e, Pld<vp Ch;>rgo Reo:dem8l Oe:lv•ry Wtt:«!ay Oe:,..,ry E arrm.is Oisco\.i111 Automattcn 00.1\Jf. D~coUfll Page 1 of2 '?1 ,_ !ls ~Ji!lill El!:!!!!! !•~ 8 ~ 2810 ,.au o.o:i 3.20 0.00 ·8.55 •2.81 Mele.rt~o 4807575 Toial ehorgos ffil'.'n Declared va1vo ~00 Original Rerorcnc:o Updated Roforonco IDE!!il Cuslomt11 re!erenc.o ro. 6~0S.0003.0013 0.Uto."r.t!' ttfet111nc• no. Ooponment no. O.por,mgr1no R<'fercncc ~2 Roro.umce 1r2 I Raroronco #3 Refilfenco~3 Proof of Delivery Coat Atloc-alion R8forence lill:llll 0.1,'0fy Oil& 0912312013 13:17 Cor.i alloeaios S.rvk:o "1118 code A4 Shlp.-.ont Noles Stgocd by see a'?)cvo ~,,~hlRQ!OO' Ol tle!·~ I l.--···---· ------· ---------·-··---·-----.. -··----- Custcmcl' i-:<icu, https://www.fedex.com/fedexbillingonline/applications.jsp l l/12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 101 of 119 FedEx Billing Online C.......J_·· .. [~ .... Ship FodEx BIiiing Online Plus I l'racking ID l){)tails Tracking ID Summary 6fllfr1g lntormatlon Tr&c~Jng ID M ln\·oic1M. Acocuntno. sn,p dalll ln'.JOlCO dak> DuGdate Tracking ID Balonco duo S1"lU< \[,cw,, 1r:v0tco9 Hjitrwy V1<1Av s;ic,n.ru.Y.!&J?!ODf of (1t,J1vm- Track Manage Learn -o•• ..... .. 700735198023 2-1.16-80315 1094-6$1?4-0 09/2012013 og1301201.a 10/1512013 $0.00 C'=d -·-·N·-------------• Page I of 2 FedEx Office 1ll V,o,v,,· Ca11 @.) PnnleHril!OYIY 0.00 ·-· ~ 2•~ 8~ Messages I I P•<*"S<! Detlvo1c1I \o Roetpll!<ll Ad~re•• • Reloose A R"a<I Moto DiSlaoco B;ncd P,icff\9. Zc.ne S Tne Earned DisCOul\l l>r lhls Sllfp <late h•• been c,i ~ Fuel Surdla!qo. FedEx has appl od a fual "1rchar~ ~ ----.... ·--" ,--------------------------·-----------.. -----------------, Transaction Details Sc11dcr Information Byronll")lle Cadmus Gro11p 1426 Poer! S,ree1 B0Ul= CO 80302 vs Shipment Dotalls S11,pcfa1e Pa:;meo1 l1P• Service tipa Zone Pacfc.oge typo Weight Places MoterNo Deel3ce,d valuo Orfgfnal Reforonco Customer ,etoronc,; nil. D0par1mOJ11 no Ra'er.oncl) rll Re~CJllnCts#3 Proof of Oolfvery Delver,, da!<> Service ar93 ¢0Cle Signodby l!L~.1!Pf~a1Llfe proci <:f dr.,tt'ffll)· I .. _ -·--... ___ ---·-- Customo, roeln: 09120/2013 SNppar FO<!Ex Priority Ovocnighi 05 FodEx Envotopo 1.00 lbs , 480?57S SO.OD 6405 0003.0-)13 OW:1.312013 10;10 A6 soe abo~o Roelplont Information Mr.K(amer Blue WilW PlWllllino 27719 N. Ro;i;,I Rd. CHATTAROYWA 00003 us Char9os Trsnsponetioo Clla.fli<> !="uc1 Surcha·ge Cou.iel Pi~kuj) Chlllfl8 RosioonHai DeWvery WoOltd•y Deliveiy Earned Discoo.1111 Aulorttalion Bom.($ Oiscount 01,s E.>cto":led Rosi Total elmg&S Updated Refaro,ice CuSIOme, relG<er~ no. Oepart.-ne,,11 no. Rorereo>co~2 R,H&tQ."'\C:8 #3 Cost Allocation Rotorenco Co.st allocation Shfpmenl NotH!> • 29.6S 2.21 0.00 3.20 0.00 ·10.08 -2.9i 3.50 S25.5·1 ~ ---·-· .. --------------..--·--~--·-------·----------~=e-, foUow~odE.)( https://vvWw.fedex.com/fedexbillingonline/applications.jsp 1 I/12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 102 of 119 ! FedEx Billing Online Fed Ship Trac~ FedEx Billing Online Plus Manage Leam FedEx om~~ vtow C&n (W Prin~·Jr.r,i,m>YY 000 U) 1 %5 ··nssmrr r •• m I e Tracking ID Details err mar:12wew,e NI Tracklng lD Summary Billing Information T1c1t.kina 10 no. lnv:>ir.'le no Accowur.o Sl\ip «•C& lnvoitoii C~l6 Oue oate.t Tnic:kiug ID l3abnc;.o duo S1atus Y!Sh':' frn.·Qi;e H?stqo: Vk.-w~gryaigr,; Qfoof of drirh:~ry Transaction Details Sonder lnforniiltlon ByronBoy:e Cadmvs Grou;;, 1426 Pearl S1ra81 BOULDER CO 90302 us Shipmcr,t Ootails Shf,0da1e Piymoni typo Service typo Zone Package typo ~ight Pieces· Mot(U No. Ceclate:to vaiue Original RofcrencG Ctft)tomer rotoronc\1' no. O.panmemri.o. ReforentA>l/2 Rofcr01lco IIS Proof of Delivery Oetivery<l&le SorvfcA at9a COde Sig.sod by Y'f.'W signQtb!~2 Artin1 of @I Y(f/ 11 -------------------------- 70072943(;900 2·416-80315 109<!,609•·0 00/20/201l Oat30/2013 10/15/l1013 $0.00 Oc!ad 09/2012013 s11,ppor FodEx St8ndard Ove1nigtt 05 FedEx E,we!opo 1,00 fb• 4807575 S0.00 6405,ocoaoon 00/23/2013 11;38 AM se.e.abovo Mess~gos Package D.:!1w4r~ to R<IC!plctil Adc$tuss -Relettse A.~ Di-$t3n«. Based P,ictno. ZcM ft Tll" Eamod o,,eounl 10r lhl$ Shlp date has been cu Rend Mora Fool Surchotg&. FoCEx has applieo a ruel su,eh~ug ~ Recipient Information w.Norn• Storm Mec~att!cal ~509 N,IJaploS1 MAYDEN 10 83835 us Charges Tr2n,p0<1ati0i>Chilge Fuot Surcharge Cootie., Ptekup Chart., Resldanti!il Oeliv~ry Weol<dO)' Olli very Eamed OlSC01.1nl Al,J.tOfns?!on 8on1JS Ols{.ount DASResi 28.tO 2.11 0.00 3.20 0.00 -0.55 •2.6; 3.25 lotal chargos s1m Updated Reference 01,JStomet rofarenc"J no, O&partme.nt no. Refereace#2 Rc(12rancs 1'3 Cost Alfocallon Rofcrence Cosl aJloeallOO Sl1i;,n1~111 Nole$ l!)E<lil Page I of2 Ill '--·-------------------------------------------·---------------·--' ! __ ,,,, _____________ .. , ___ _ ---------·---------·----·-~--· customer f ocu-. FotlbW l"°udEJ( https://wv,,1w.fedex.com/fedexbillingonline/applicatio11s.jsp 11/12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 103 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Fed Sh,p FcdEM Billing Online Plus Tracking ID Details Tracking ID Summary BIiiing lofornmlon Tra<,ar,gl!>no. 1fi\'O·c;o,:~ At(.¢Un1 J\O. Stu;, dalo t."\VOICO d3~0 Ouea.r..o Tr.eking 10 8>1.1nco du~ Sla:vs Vf(JJ,,.V 111 ... •(N''B HttlO'Y vi!IN,, sift:"L'Jh.11~ G'S'? 9I~ Track Manage Learn 7967345(),4414 2•41&.a<xl1S 1094·6894,0 Oll/20/2-013 09/30/2013 10/15/2013 ~0.00 Clcsod FedEx Office" V;{NtC.t!R Q;}) Pnc1c··tlicl'K11Y 000 Mesuges OSlonco B>so!!Prc,no. Zon. 5 Tht £amod 0.SOOUOl 'o< thi> <hip d,·e h3' boon ea~ Fuel SurchMoe • Fear!• ha, applied a l!,c1 ,..-c11aro l\m•d ~12,~ • Page 1 of 2 '------------·--------------------------------------------­ ----···-----------------·-----------------------------·--·------------.. Transnction Dotalls Sendor Information Byron &,te Cadmvs Grou11 1<28 Pc!WI SlfOOI BOULDER CO 00302 us Shlpmont Ool•ils Sh,p da:o Payment type Sen:tte f'JPO ~ Pacl<agel)'l)G ~hi PiOC85 MOlGrNO Otc>;lrcd\•.th.Jct Orlglflal Roferonco Oustcmer o,roronc.e no. oe~ar,me:,1 no. Rt!i'fenc02 Re!flenoi"3 Proof of DnllVO(y 0el,ve.1 <f<IIO Se..,.,.. .... -. S'19n&<11>y ;i.l(tw .£tQtllJWfO prgof Qt go 1,-ory fed:t,.:·. 09/20/2013 Sh ppo, l'edb Sl•n~d Ove<nigh: ()!, f e11E• Cn,o;cpe 1.00 lbs 1 •007S75 ~0.00 6405 0003 0013 05Ql/2013 14:<5 M WJERAZEI( COIHf'll\io.s Roclplont Information Ut,.,.'e<tetA~ Lol<AI Cll.y Heabng 2701 N. t~, S1ro01 COEUR O l\~EN"E 10 83ll t6 us Tr111Spo,U!lloa Chargo Fvel Surcharge CO.mt< P.c',wj> O>arge v·1oe~d:1 Del very Carnod Dltce.aM Avtomalion Oor.~s Ol~ccun1 Total ehorgcs Updatod Refen,nce c..,iome· refe:enw no. Otlpa1ment no .. R~«oncol/2 Rel<!r<Mtel/3 Cost AlloG~Uoo Roforonco ro11owredI::x https://www.fedcx.com/fodexbillingonline/applications.jsp 28.10 1.50 0.00 000 .9:;5 -2.81 fiIT,i 11/12/20 13 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 104 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Page I of 2 Fed Ship Traci< Mana.ge Learn FeoExomce::,, FedEx Billing Online Plus V19'N C•t1 tlg) pr1t119·~frienc;y 000 -.___ -.. ... --- Tracking 10 Dotnlts ~ Tracking 10 Summary ~ ll£ll1 Elt!J.il.!! l I Bii ling lnforrnalion Messagui T11Clon;i ID no. 71l8'134149a09 Di•to:,c,, S.>Cd Poong. Zone 5 UWO.'Ce~~ 2-41&-8n315 Tra Eamal! Oiscoun; tor U.• a-ip d.lta has b&ea ca RcO<I t.l,<o. Account no 1094--0&M-0 J'u&l S-g•. Fo4E, has app!:<>d a tua' 1:iroharv (3onp l!oro Sh!> <1•10 OQ/20/W13 lnV~dalG ~30/2013 O..adal$ 111115.'2013 i Tracking tO 81tanco duo $0.00 I I Su,1u, Clos&<I I ~l!Y'-~&!:§i·i::art I ~~~·t I - Transaction Oetalls 't>Ji!llll e~j Sonder lnlormallon Reeipitnl lnformalion Ely1ons,,,.e Mr F"hot I Cadmus G<OU/> Mo10, Eltctt,c 1•26 Pea,, S1reo1 202• N. 4•11 So. IIOULOE'l CO 60002 COi:VR D AlEI\E ID 83814 I vs vs ! ! Sl1ipmenl Ootall• Cllargos Sn,pd~ ()(lr.<)/2013 Transporu,:,on CNtrge 2810 P•ym~1ypo Shipper F1.el Svltl10rge 1 50 Sorvoce typa FcdEJ< Su,r,d111d Overnight Coutler Pickup Chacge 0.00 z.c,,o 05 \'Jeel<<loy Detlvel)" 0.00 Paekw.101ype FedEx emelope E*"8d O,,cxxm1 .9"55 WO-ghl l.OD 1:$ >.""10roat M Bonus Oucouru .2.91 Pt,e,os 1 T Ola.I ChUQOS r,rn MOIQJ tlO 007575 Oed11:ed \r&lua S-000 Original Roforonce 1/pClatoCI Roterenco OJ~ f C1.s;tofnie,f rele1anic;o no. i 6405.0003.0013 Cu$!CMeJ rtreumcl!I oo. I Onpantnonl no. Cepanm0t1t no. Refore1,,;e ,2 Rc(C/Cf'l~O #2 Releron;o #3 Ro!etanct "3 Proof of Dollvory Cost Al lo cation Referonco IDJ;J!l! Oet1very dJlu 09/23/2013 12:41 C<l$l aroce:.on $oMC1) at•o COCIO AA Sllill"'*'J Netts 5it-.nea bJ D FISHER Yrc:w :non-nitJrc D!~I 01 arn,yP,y i ... l G:Lt--•'h ... .,. .. ---·-------------H~·--··-·-· --·------·-···-·----··-·---·-.. ___ . ~ f~•toro<J SotvltOS Follow FedEx https://www.fedex.com/fedexbillingonline/applications.jsp 11/12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 105 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Fed Sl)fp FedEx Billing Online Plus Tracking 10 Details I Tracking 10 Summary Billing lnlonnatron Traclong 10 NI, trwoiee no. Acco.111 no Shii> d•:e lfl\"oice data 0J8dale Trtd<in; ID Balan04 duo Status. \!If\" hwg co HIJUrx y ,..,. .. :tkJnalll'A prop( otdrJ V'!(X l'ransnction Details Sender Information Dyron !lo)4f Cadrnu• Grouv 1428 f'eall Slr~'<ll 80Ul.OER CO 80002 us Shipment D0ui,1s Ship doll! P•vmont t;·po $61\'i;e lrpo Zone Pacbgo\ypo We!Jlh: P,eee~ ~orNo O~cialed va1ue Original Reforenco CU$tome, ,c!o<onco r.o, Oep-::l1m<!nl no, Rokwot1s .. "2 Rtlefeoce 03 Proof of Oollvo,y OeLse.-y da~ SeMCO araa codt Sl11,,edb'J VttJYJ ~·onr!h!t Q{9,9j cA dt'l'iv~ry Trock Manage Learn 7967:1<77aai57 2·416-00315 1094-6894-D 0912012013 0\\/30/"&13 1Clll!./2013 $0.00 Closed FooExomce® View Can :i9.) Pno•or,k,cnOly 0.00 0.•:.,,.., 83..,,S P:lcing ZO!'O 5 The Eameo Oi$coun1 for the ship dato ho• tl>OO C3 ~ Fuel S111ch•r9c • FedEx h.!s •pptled n fuel .urel>&fg !!••d Mo~ Page l of 2 ____ _J 09/20ii013 Sh ppe, F&dex Stall<la-O Overn,gt• 05 Fod:X Env<>lope 1.00 lbs , 4807575 S:i.00 &'106.0003.0013 OOl:!312013 12 05 A1 11 liARPER Roclplont Information w..1.1,ckln "'•rJ.11 $ liPlt Inc. 2G27 ll. Tien! five. SP0J<AHE WA S9202 vs Transpo,1ao0n Ch•roo f'utl Surdlmce COl.<le< Picll.up ~t Weet.dsy Oo:ve<y Earned Oisc.ct..01 Aut(>fH81,0n 60.,"'lUs Oi~OUN Tota! charges Updatod Reference Cu11omer re'e,ence no O.p,arltne.ntno. Rt:et&nee 11.? R•ftronce 113 Cos1 AUoea!ion Rofol'On<:e Cosi a1.ccaoon 2810 t 50 000 oco •i.$5 •2,81 'flY.z,i I Sl>PQt".INolo• ~ '-------------------------------:~~--~~---_-_-_-_-_-_-_------~---~-:~-~::~~-------,-:•.-.• -.-,~---1-~ ··---·-·--------- F olt0\1 FedEx https://wv,vv.fedex.com/fedexbiUingonline/applications.jsp 11/1 2/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 106 of 119 redEx Billing Online Fed FedEx Bllllng Onlino Plus I Tracking 10 Details Tracking to Summary BBllng Information TrO<l<i"IJ IDna. Invoice no Ac:counl nu. Sr1,po3\9 lnvo co oa1<1 Oueo~ie iracking ID B•lanoe d\lt Slatvt Y/IM l!'YOft!l. '1i.•J!'f.I Y!ryt J:19"\i)illfe ~ ol <1¢ Yftf( I Transaction Details Sendor lntonrration Byron Boyle Cadll'U') Gto.t;, 1426 Pear' S'.teet BOULDER CO 80002 us Shlpmer.1 Dotails Shipdala Pa~Gntlype $-OIVl&G l)'P(t zo.,. Poc~«gO l1P• WoigM P,ooea M~111No 00<:!$-e<IY- Origin ul Reletonctt Cu,tom« ref.o:once no. O•p•rtmenl""­ Roteronco *'2 Rororoneo /i3 Prool or Oelivory o,wo,yda,o Sorvleo 11ea c-ode Track Manage Learn 7lll!729:!37157 2·415-80315 1C94-B8S4-0 O\lf20/2013 O!Y30l2013 IOl151201S $0.00 Closed 09fm/2013 Slllppor FodEx Si•ndl!ro Ov,rn'(J'll 05 Ft4E~ El\'t-'Ope 1.0011,. , 4607575 S0.00 6405 0003.0013 0$123/2013 13.5: A2 KYC.'CKcY FedExOffic.'.!40 V,cw Can ~ Pr,nt,..,·kicntl\! 000 Messages Ds:ante easeo PriciJta. Z.one 5 The Eamod l><Kounl kl< :ca Ship dalO N S been c:., ~ Fuol SUrcrni:rgo • FodEx ha.s nppdiod a fuel Si.lfci\or,g Ocert MttH: . Roolpiont lnlormallon !vi. YockO)' Cc:uo,rr IAecha~IClll 3818 E Jo"-"" Ava Sf'OKANI: WI\ 00217 us Charges T!0nipo<ta1io., CT1.1rgo r-uel Surchargo Courier Plc'wp Cha,go WW.day Oc!.vory Ern>Od O;scoJ"l AulomatiOJ\ Bo.,ui Oisocur)1 Total ct!;i.rgcs Updated Rcre,onoe C!lltumet ,etere,,ce no. Oop:,rtmonl nc. Refore..0012 Re1erentet13 Cost Allocation Reference Coi1 alotat,O'\ Sh1p:nen1 Notes , ;; 28.10 1.50 0.00 0.00 ·955 ·2.01 m:'2{ • Page I of 2 l.l .:::· ... __ -_·· ______ _ -------------------·~-------------· ______________ Ll.!i.rt_ rcatut'td S()rvitt:s Con,pani~~ Follow Fcdftx https://www.fedex.com/fedexbilli ngonline/applications.jsp 11/12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 107 of 119 fc'edEx Billing Online Fed-' Ship FedEx Billing Online Plus Tracking ID Details Tracking ID Summary Billing tnforn1at1011 Tra:l<<e~IO no lnvok:. no. ACcqunl llO, Shpdalo 10.,<>tee t•u, 0--..ieC'a1e Tracking to 811:»nco duo Sta!\.JS YIOW lrw9:;99 th1:r,,y ~9,oa1u,-,; t)(IH')f n1 e1,.; .. ~y lrack Manage Learn 7ti6735364311J 2·4*90315 1094,6894·0 06120,"201~ OSiJ0/2013 10/1512-013 $0.00 Closed FedExOmce® Messages v,ow Ce• :!Q) E!!!!JW1~!1!U OCXJ t>ackag~ Doc,,orcd IO Roc\pionl Mere». RolHH A~ rtitarice 8&$.8d Pt1c.n,;. Zonn 5 Yr.o e~tt'lod Oi:teovn1 for thJs ship da.t~ h,u bcon u ll,llid ':4nrn F\lol Su•dmge. FadE,clu11 eppl,ed a r"ot £\lrcnorg ~Q!S.. Page I of2 -·----------------·-------------------------------------------, r I ,_ Transaction Details Sender Information ey;on~ CaamU>GICX,;) '1420 Peart St/cot 80ULDfR CO 60302 us Shlpmonl OotallS Shi;,cole Pairnenl cypt Se:v,ee \)'Ile Looft P-,cJ<evelt~ Woight Pie,es Meter No. OoCcarcdva!Uo Original Roforoncc, Customer riftrt"C1l no-. Oep•1m•nl no. Ro!..r.mca•2 Refe'9ll08t3 Proof of Dollvory Oo!fv«y <la!O Stlf\l'tC8 aro;a c.oc!o SiQ0$dlly YiGw~19 ,l'IIUfH woatc(drc!tt?Q' Cur.tomor FC!.eus. 09120,2013 St,,pper FNl:>t Pncnly O,'C1night 1)$ l'ooEi Envt,!opo ,.oo 11,s 1 ',601575 $0.00 eios.o.:lOl.0<>13 C9,'23/2013 1<.42 PM see a»-11e Roclpicnl lllf0<mallon Mt l1er1a Empilt L&C lnwalion 9r.O l'osh 11.i SAINT M"RlES 10 eJ061 us Charges Tt1n,po~a11on Chorgo fuet su,cnaroe C0«ner Pi:k.l? Charge Res domia' Oe:r,e,y \\'eekdoy O<,livOI)' Eamoa Cl1Seout11 Aulomf:11!on Bom.1:. O.»couN OAS Extendod Rosi Total charges UpdDlod Rcrcronco C1,,1jton,., ... role.rence r.o. 00~11men!IO. Re•erente '2. Reference 113 Cose Allocallon Rororonce cost e;loeabon sna_,,.,..,,.,, https://www.fedex.com/fedexbillingonline/applications.jsp 29,65 2 21 000 320 000 •1008 •2.07 3.00 m:s; 11/12/20 13 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 108 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Ship FodEx Bllllng Online Plus Tracking ID Details Tracking ID Summary llllllng lnformalion Tr•cidngi 10 t\O. IO\'OOCe no, Acecam1no. Shep c1.,10 lnvolco cialo o..o~alt Tr~ckfn:g 10 Balonoe dui> Status Transactloll Oelalls Sondor lnfor1M1ion 8)'1onlloyle Cadmus Group 1426 Pe.,t Siroet BOUI.DER CO 80l02 us Slllpmont Ooloils SI-•? <1818 P•yme.-i cypo Sorv,co typo Zeno Pa~b'Pt Waghl P,COO$ M6t«No. Oeda·edvaluo Original floluronco C..IICt!>e:' ,-i.,r.ce ro. D&pArlment no. f!eforenc,, #2 Rtt!e:e:,ca #3 Proof of Oe1ivory Oct.voiy cio» Sor~o arna codt s,oreaoy Y111ws·9aalureo~ t';v~t(,rr.or focuc. Track Manage Learn 79&734222996 2,416-9031! 1094-68g4,Q 09/20/2013 0000,2013 1<r15l201S $0.00 c,,.~ 09/2Cl20t:J Sh1ppe1 FodEx Standard Ovemfijh\ 05 FedEx E,weeo;>a 1.00lt>S 1 4807$76 sooo oga312013 oe,oo AA J,STE/\DMAN FedEx Office * Messago, w,wc..: ~i~!l!l:lll 0.00 04tar,:o 03<od P=og, Z<>ne S Th• Eamod Di«:our: lo( 111,s $i>f> cta1e nu"""'' ca,~ fuel S..rch~• • F$dEx hH alll)l~d • tv&I Surcltarg !Wllti:!Jl!L ReciJ>lenl lnformallon Mr.H.1rvo:, Appl:ed 1ndY~lfial Tt.~h 2010 31ci Avt. N 1.EW.ST0.'11> 83501 us Transpo,:\il:ion Ch•o-t Fuel Suteh.o1go COYriOI Pic•vp Ch>•O• W••"d"Y D•fver1 2810 1.50 0.00 0.00 -9.~ ·281 E.lmoll Oiscou•A Aulomat.on 8D."iU$ Oboounl TGtal charges fflJll Updated Relerencc Cuslom.e, ,r..iret1e• nQ. Oapatlft'l,(k\l l'IO. Reference#~ ReJornnce•3 Cost Allocation Rolareiico Costalloc,iilOfl S:',;>.'IUY'4No:tt .._-<-~ .. -• • .. f, .... -• ... :~ Page I of2 ------...... --------... ·---·---·-·-------·----·---~ . Follow FedEx https://v.,ww.fedex.com/fcdexbillingonline/applications.jsp 11/12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 109 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Page I of2 Ship Track Manage Learn FeaExOffce3 FedEX Bl1li11g Onlin& Plus Vlt!\v Can ~) e,,.,~!'r·foeoatx O.OG Tracking 10 Details 1-T-ra_c_k_in_o_1o_s_u_m_n_1a_ry _______________________________________ ;:,_!!£!1?_1 __ """' I Blllfng lnfotmillion Mossagos TrK!Or~ ID no. 79tl7l407382Z O.S1ance 1!4'cd Pnang. Zone S , lrwoioc no. 2-•16-8:>315 Tho ea.-nlld Dlscou"' fo, Iris ll~ dale has bee<>..,~ Account f'IO. 1004~&e94 .. o rual S.vrch,rgo · Poot:xhas applied a roe; surchiUO ~ Ship dlll• Olh'207013 lnvoito dlt6 09130/2013 o ... dllt 1()115/2013 Trackint ID Bohne• due $0 co St.ow, Closed Vw:,,,.v 1rwe.r,g Hfs!?!t ve,.x """'l"6"'•~ CteOl 2' ae h'e"'/ !._ ___ _ Transaction Details Sender Information Brron~fe Cooii~• Gtc,c, 1426 Pearl Sl•eet BOULDER CO 80302 us Shipment Ootailc Sl>pclalo P•ymor,trypo Sorvieo lyp-o 2on, PacAago typo Wo,ghl P1<1oes Me.terNo. ()ad.:&tO-d v.31ue Original Roforonco Customar ret••enco no Oep111111on1 ,.,, Relo:ent<tlf2 Ru1ere11co #3 Proof of Oolivory Do1<v•ryda1e Sarv1ce area codB Sig!14dlr/ ~'9t!ftutt pco~' P! d101,ery 0iJ/2ll/20S3 $hippu Fede, S:andtld O·,e!t',Qht 05 fot!Ex E.-.,o'o;,e 1.001:,o 1 4e07!>7S sooo 091231201314:21 M T.SMIYH Recipient lnlo,moUon Mr Morgon MyHVACG<JJ 2llOO N G:>vt<rrnent ·~ #15~ coeu1-1 DALENE 10 63815 us Charges Tr•n<portoijoo Ct,wg• Foot &irch119• C<l11rior Pic~vp Char~ W&et,day OoiiY.,y Ea'ftU Oiseoun1 AV'.Qmat.o., 9oi.;g !)(!GOI...W')I Total oh•roe, Updoted Rolofonco o. .. ..xner rtlt<-.i no Oepa:t<l,ent no. Refe,eoee 112 Rore,ene<t H3 Cost Allocation R•ference Cost l>llocatlon ShipmDl'II No1&.J ------·----·--------·· ------------------ Cusl()1t10" ~roo\l~ https://www .fed ex .com/fedexbi l lingonline/applications.jsp 2610 1.1)0 0 00 01)~ ·9.5S •2.81 nm .Im.Ii ·--···--- 11/1 2/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 110 of 119 FedEx Billing Online red·"'·.: Ship rrack FodEx Billing 011llne Plus ~--·- TrackinJJ 10 Details Trackh19 Io Su rnmary Biiling loformallon l<aolo<lglOno. lnvokeno. Accouncno Sltp dalo lnvo;;o data ouocuw Tf•ckino 10 Ballnce du• SlaM V1fW/ trwn·G" !iilU!'.!1'." v,~w l!\i•at:!l:IW2 C!!ZS!I ~ S!PltiitX [ Transaction Ootolls Snnder lnfom1•1lon llncl•ayS:out C;;~mu, Grwo 1426 Poat! Ruw. S0ULO€R CO 00302 us Shlpmont 0.IAUa Sropooto P•ymont l)'l)O S<,e,loe typo z,,,,., Pack-tyoo we,~n1 Pi1;K:VS: Mola<No Oecl.areo vu·ue Orl9inal Rolorenco Cultomer rokm1neo no. Oepartme.,11 ro. Refe,~,r2 Rererenco n Proof or Oollvo,y ~kveryda~ SGN,,oo i!'Q.t toe. I l [_ ____ ··-·-· Cosuu11cr Fo~ll~ Page 1 of2 Manage Learn FedEx Office 41 -•V•-·-··-.. 790703834W7 2·41&80015 101M-6S04•0 091171<013 09130/201;! 10/lS.'2013 $0.00 Closod - 09117/2013 Shlppor fe<Jcx SUtndal'd Ov,,ml~·; 05 FedEx Er.v..'l:lpe I.OClbl 1 4807~75 S0.00 O<l()S.0003.Cllt, 09.?51201) 12·49 ... , ---------- .. ...... Messages Vrow Ca"t @) Pr..nt"t•rp,,:ndl'f 000 Sta:e ot cme:-gmcy. ut atten,pt Sep 18. 2013 at 02 57 PM. 01,1oneo Based Ptlclr,o, 7.one 5 TM eamed Oiswun1 fer lhio ,t,;p dalo hos b<IC""" tls.oP..M<l.!!1. Qs ;"()J:!!!!n El !ilil2 Futti Surcn.11rgs. FaCIEx n,:u app!iod a 11.tol eurcha,9 ~ UMJetr~obl• Fack.,go. Recipient lnform;,tion "!!t!!!!i! L=lllii!9. I W.CCl/on Glonrost PkJmbing & H~allrQ 2,00 N P,:tsbu1g s~ SPOKANE WA 99207 us Charges Tron1po11;1ion Cha(Oe 28.10 Fuel Surctmge 150 c-,· l'id<l.<P C-v• 000 VJM,oay Oe.rve:y 000 Earllld Oisc:oonl .955 Auiornatton 8onUG o.ceou,,t •2.81 Tola! Cll•rgos ffl'.'24 Updatod Reference ~~ Cus1on1•r tererence n:,. Oeptument no, Referonce '2 Relerence•3 Cost Atlocat10J1 Roforonco lilEdlt Cott ollocat;on SN;metll Note$ l'.,y l·o!low fodl:x I https://www.fedex.com/fcdexbillingonline/applications.jsp 11/12/2013 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 111 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Fed ". Ship Track FedEx Billing Online Plus Tracking ID Details Manage Learn FedEx Oflice Q V:!JW Can 'i2) Pr10IN•lfl(t1td:,, 0.00 ,-----------------------------·--------Tracking ID Summary BIiiing lnformat,on l/lcssagos Oistar.ice Bas<>d Pncing, ZOilo 6 T,ac~ing iO no. ln11oico rm. Ac:ccunl tto, Shlpaat& 1nvoie:ec1a1e Ou*dale 7971$5120396 .2·474-65905 1632..55()6•1 11/19/2-313 11125/2013 12/1()12013 Fuol &,rc!urgo. FedEx has appli•d a fW1 •utel1ar9 B.~~ Tr.:cking JO 8ala11eo <f~ StslUS Y•f'll'I .. 1 .... 0 ee Htf!9fY V1nw$n,r,;1t~!!!tl!\·r.n S0.00 Closed .----------·-·------··--··---------------------··-· irnnsaclion Detail~ Sender' lnformatio11 M31l p,;:intodosi fM Cocows Gsoup 1.0051nAv<> WAl Ti<AM MIi 02451 us Shipm<W1 Details Sh.ip da1;) Paymorn 1ype Senlico rype zone Paci<ago 1)'1)• W"'!lill Piece!: Me1erNo. Oac1.1,oe1 v-a~uo Original Roference Cu311cn1ec-r:ero,en~o no. Oap.3,,tfW:\\ no. llo!erenco U2 Ro!oronce #3 Proof or Delivery 11/18/2013 Shipper rodEl< First o,emfgl~ O& Customer Pack39fng 13.00 lb$ 1 1062333 $0.00 6•05.0003.000~ Reclplen1 Information Guesr MO$o! Avci Hclel l uuo 80a VV$pt89r.$Av8 SPOKANE WA 99201 us Charges Tron<ponation Ch&rgo Fool Su<er.arge Weekday O.!fvory 0.$¢01.l«ll Total chatge, Updaled flelcrence Cus1a.•1;;!r roferc.nc.o "° OapaM>ent no. R&fer~ooe 112 Rc:fomrtce-#3 14 •. $0 7.13 0,00 -43.11 rrom Cost Allocalion Reference (i}Ei!i.j Ot:!live,ydeto Se(v!C& Oftu code ; S1;ncd bJ I l ~)!\~S.Jl!."'''"'d•';.,.,, 111ion<l13 07:31 A1 OJONi:S Cos, allccalion Shi~m~nt No:os t•~ ;11.,,'.'t· Page l of2 j 1t.,. 1------., .... -.---··----------·-···-·-----·····-··. .. --~-··· ------···-~ -~ _j Cu~IOllielr !':mar .. r:('aluro::cl Set\'iC~S Follov, Fodl:x https://www.fedex.com/fodexbillingonli.ne/applications.jsp 1/6/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 112 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Fed Ship Track FodEx Bllling Online Plus Tracking 10 Oolalls Manago Lt!arn Fe<iE><-omoo ~ v,~.v Ca,t ~fl) Pn~i~'·'Ot,,®' 000 Page I of 2 ~,,•. Sup, --------------------------------------------------, I I Tracking 10 Summar{ Billing lnlorn1aliot1 Trl!ciuno 10 no ln\'Cke n~ ACCO<ll\l !'IO. Sn·p doio lmc-;ce d.:110 °'1Gda1e Tr.d;in.g 10 8a.011cc due S!31us ~tin:{("t:l'ln t-1~~1f"l£ \j1t/l\'J ~ig,.~1ta,g prOQf t7' ctr:L-,,'t'fY Transaction Ootalls Sondor lnforniallon RONBUllDEII 1005THAVE PORTLAIIIO OR onos us Shipment Oo1d, Sh p dSte Pa1111<1nt lype S&r<JJco type Zooe Pactage lype Aclu;ll•,w!fjhl Rated woiglY. Piocc.s Bundre no Rate,a rt\C.thc>d Mo;erNo~ OCda.icd vo, ue Orlginol Rofo1cnco Cu.1to:Ye< tettrtirC6 no Oc,.;,.:;m·emrio. Re!e.-ence 1/2 RefetenCi! #3 Proof of Oollvory SNVicG 9'00 CO(IG S,gn&d l>y L ___ . ______ -·---... eC41GG97W.36 2•474•85005 1tt)2,5500• 1 11/15/2013 11125/201~ 12J1C.'2013 SO.Ol C1<>$<1d 11/1512013 Roc,plO<',I i'edE• StoMord o...,rni~l Menages Foofahos au:!itedlh.1silfl,T.ent!«tot1e<.1p .. >o; ~ Pach;• """' lro,n· 93206 •~ CG<le FuOI S+.1rcharge • Fed!:x hat appl·ed tt fuel sv1cho,9 n:e11e1 i\~<uo we Cftb1ft11&d your cha<9•u base,d M .ad mens1ana1 Road M2W.w Reclplcnl lnlorniacion CAR/1.!VSGROVP 100 ~TH AVE WAl.1HAM MA 02<51 us Chergea TraMp-OIWt10.'"'\Ch31gc, OOGlatod V31U<l ChSl(le FuC"I S,utd,argc WHk~y Oth-&/Y OiltCI Signa;.,;re 7876 34 99 &.51 000 000 Cus!<>M<r~ 30.00 lbs 101.0;) ID• 3 l!Q:11%UQ?C'i: Total c:h•rgt:$ sii'Gi OC:2 $5,0C-0.00 M) REFEREIICE INFORMATION Updalod R•lerenee eu,1oir.or ,ere..-er.,o no. O<tpoc"""'" n• Rertre·me#2 Rofcmmc:o#.3 C051 Alloca1io,1 Rof11rence 111\8,'?013 11:<0 co.i .,oc.~•n A 1 Shfp:narn N(l(es MSTIU.MAN ··-------------· --··--.. ····-·----- A Edie https://www.fcdex.com/fedexbillingonlinc/applications.jsp l/6/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 113 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Page I of 2 Ship Traok Leam FedEx Ortioo i;, FedEx Billing Online Plus I Acco-.iot S..mine,y ][ Souchlll~JL-.• My Op~o"~ l[ Mes""9e C,,n7,'; .. ] ~-~i2S!RWNP15JC£ffl~~ &Ni bbU 19mm'. 4 111!FilsP!FDT3'NIW£1914 I Tracking 10 Octails iliA\iN&k& ::1 ·------------------------------ Tracking 10 St1mmary Billing lnformotion Ttac""'!I IOnc> lm"OtCt:I\O ACCOOtll no Slop dale lnv0tce cfaKI 0..10date Ttacking to 8al1nee du~ S1atu, View ltwa:c:9 H~ Ytlh" $,OC,/a'\'Ojl nte<f.t. (1~'-'rfi" 7117' 196756~7 2•407·2!i,027 1632,5!,08, 1 11/00/2013 11/18/2013 12'03r.013 $0.00 Clo<t><f -tJ.t:!!!!J2 Glfu!J! -----------·-------·--------------------------------··-----Transaction Details Sender Information Gaf,n P.;,r,egh:an Cadr1us Grwp 1005111 \WO WAL THAM MA 0?•5 I us Shlpffl(!nt Oot,~• Ship d•t• Payme,,1 1yr,tt Sun:,ce type Zone P~type Wei~, Pieoas W-&1or No O&c1a,ed0>alUCI Origin al Rclorcncc Customer re'or<meo no Oepartmeot no Rele:en:• fl Ra~en.:e.-3 Proof o! Oollvcry Qi!,bve:y data Sef\' ce aru COG6 5'lP'>Od oy Y~~U<il\:!!.! .. U!M9.! Of det,YC.~ Cu11lon:e, Fecut. 11/0812013 Sllipper F«lE~ S1Jnch1td O.cm,ght C~to:,-er Padcag,,g Ga.00 lb• 1 1062333 $10.000.00 11111/2013 13'.J:> A1 LMAA'Tl'I Roclpiont lnformailcn Ron Bvtd&n 10 $0.th l'ost S1<ool SP0-<ANE WI\ 89201 \IS Ch•rgos Tt111,&,p0t1JJ1.1:.m Cha,ge oec1&rod VE1 ... c•111go Fut1Sutc:hat~ \\'tit.day Ott WJf'/ 01rtct S:9ns1.1..,re TOIIII Chir(JiU, Updotod Rofo1ence Cul(Ot"le, rf'tirence no 0.p,w-nt IIO. Re~tfonce d2 R~.,orce,/:l Co&! Alloco!ion Rofcronco Cos18flo>cation Shopmt'I' N<>lb$ bttps://www.fedex.com/fcdcxbillingonline/applicalions.jsp 6032 69911 ~ 22 oco 000 mn, Ill Edit (•lrullf :h~.,:;, .. :, l•:r. 1/6/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 114 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Fed Ship Track FedEx Billi11g Online PIU$ ,--·--------L_~. /l.cc.oun1 S,.r1n1m11y Tracking 10 Details Learn (!; FedEX Office Vi~w Ct1H ~~) fD..ll!fil,f1IC1ldly 000 ··-----·-------------------------------- Trackin(J ID Summary Ttac-k1r9 ID no. lol/otee no. Aeco,1r\lno. Sh1P dale lrwol~dalt! Duodato Ttae;king lO Bal;a,noo d\.lo S.•tu• ~W ftlVOI(".(., lfi§lQl'i \.'ti;!"..., F.10.n,~l\lfQ moot c.i..9.Q!oc.QCY 797140069007 2·488-22263 1094-6694-0 1111212013 1'11612013 12/0312013 $0.00 C!csG'<! Messages Dl<'.2:nce Ela$ad Proe,ng. Zooe S The Earned 0 1sa:iur\l tor u,•s. ship d•ito has bo!ifl ca Re.an Mr,ro. Foul Syrcr..eroe • FeaEx has 3J>t""~icd a fui~ ~hoirg fh~,,e1 Ms,:<' Page 1 of2 CD r·-·----- 1 Transaction Dofails ··--·-·----------. Sondcr lnform.aUon C~IOb't~Sd> Cathll.us G1ot.p ,oo !Jlh A\'ORua W'ALTl V,M MA 02~5i us Shipo,cn1 Dolalls Ship da:e Pay,m,u lypo Service ;ype Zoao Piu:;ikage type We'glU PJOC&S lv.Eit&1 No. 0eC!3fed V;il'U8 o,lginar Refcre11ce Custome, ref ore nee no oepa1trnent no. Relerono.#i Rali!rtlnco 'It;) Proof of Oo!lvory 11/1212013 Sh1ppc1 FedtX Slanrl3,t Ovcmi;ht OS custon10, Pacl<ag"'g 3.5.CO lbs 4!l07:7$ ssoo.oo 6405.0003.0005 Roelpient ln(onnofion G'JEST' llon aurden Tno Oav<1opo11 Hotol ano TOW<ll 10SPOSTST SPOKANE WJ\ 99201 us Charges Trsasp0rtation Clwse Declared Valuo CMIQO Fu~S1.wc..fla!ge Weok<iay Oolivery E&rMdOiscount Adcf<:,ooal H"ne~ng Chergo • Paek.>go Auto,natl.tlt\ ~nt.IS OisCCK.;nt O;<ect Sigmslure Tol,11 ch1,9os. Updated Roferonue Customer rer<$rP.-nce r.o. Oep81tmen: no. Refe:.,,<o 712 Hela1enoe #3 Cos! Allocatlon Roforonce 06l•C<)'do10 11/13/2013 11·57 C0<1 alloc;atioa 204 40 4.25 11.65 0.00 -67.46 0.50 -20A4 U.00 mrr,- Sitrv!co ;in,3 oodo At Shl:;:ment Nbttl'$ J Slgoon by LLEVI .__"_'"'_·'_'_'9_'"'_· i_"_rr_"_'°_S_'_WlJ_"_'l_,1,_m: _________________________________________________ _ !·•1, .. ____ ,, ________ ... _,, _____ . ______ .. _________ ,._ ----·-··--·-·-----~ h ttps ://www. fed ex. com/fedexbi llingonl ine/applications.j sp 1/6/20!4 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 115 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Fed·. Ship Track tvianage FedEx Bl1ll1l9 Online Plus ~,~=~:.zJL;::;.••1n10,\0 _ .. JI _ MyOp~ona l I Ground Slilpmont DetaJJs Page I of2 FedEx Office '°' Vicw.0Drt ~l PtiOll.'.lt•ff~1tcll,• 000 ---] -·· M&tta.Qrt Cd~1.8t --.. - ! Trac~i119 10 SLunmary ·------------·--------·-------- Billing lnfQ<f!1a1ion Tra<kioq 10 ,'IC. l~vol«iM. ACC()un1 no. Shipdat« 1nv0ice daio 0U6(f3.lii Tn,cking 10 81la1'tC duo SloUJI v,ow tnvofcs HJur,;ry y.c-w .sit}!~A111u~ 11f0c:tr pf (.MiyJJq/ 1ssa:1·1sso:iea 2-42:l-7S435 1632-SSCB-1 00/20/2013 10/0712013 10/2212()13 S0.00 Closed r,,e$sa9cs V\fa ca!cula.tod Your CNrges ba,od on a d1mens1onal Esasi M~ro. rhe Addltioru>I H:at1dling So•charge WO$ aso•$1<!d (CJ( Rr,:.~ M£l!!L .-------·--------------------------------------- 1'ransac11on Details Sonctcr h)forma:tion KINK(l"$1GO NONACCT BRC!l/LOC 2~'9 W SPOKANE FhlLS BLVD SFOKA~lsWA 09201-0123 us Ship1nnn1 Oaiails ----------------­ Ship dalO 0ayn,etl type Scrv,co lypo Zen<; P•.<:~oge 1ype A<IU3lweigl1l Rated v~'6~1'4. "'°""' ~-clertJo Oectarod V-D'uo Origin~! Reforcnco Cu$tom01 roto,once no. Cepatlme~ no. Purchase (ltd.et no Proof 01 Dellvo,y Dru,vory d>lo Sarv1f.e .area cOdo Si9ned oy v,r,w !i:(2fll:11Unt ;vo!'>f of ~('f.l\f't""Y [ --·-----______ ,, __ Oil/2012013 ThirdPartt G/0\J~ 08 Cus!omer Pac.kagmg 2!l.OO lbs 46 oo ll>s SO.DO o~.mr.1013 00000 Ocmp:11110, Recipient lnform11[lon THF. CACMUS GROUP C. \'ASCH REF# S-105.0003.00CS 1005THAVI: WALTHl,.M MA 004$1-8727?.5 us Charges Transponal,on Ch••G• Addilor.al Ka,,011119 Fuel Sur<hargo D,rect Slgna:.ure Tot:st chartJ~5 Update~ Roforonco Custom.er tE!fe.renee l'U) Dep:,11mont no P\JrclllJse ordet no, Cost A llocation Roforonc& Cost allot.Bl!(!n S~,tmon\ No1e, https://www.fedex.com/fedexbillingonline/applications.jsp 16.62 7.50 1.01 3.00 SZll.33 1/6/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 116 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Page 1 of 2 Ship Traci< FedEx Ofhce" FedEx BiUlng Online PIUS v,oN Cart (~) r"11nf6f·'~ C.00 Ground Shipment Details --------------·--------------·-----·---------, Tracking ID Summary e,mng lnfomt•tlon T•aclJogtO no lrwotce no Acoounti~. Ship <Sato ln"~.ce <Salo 0\.1$0.!!.e lr•c~mg 10 Balance duo Sla~us Y.:fP:Wll\\'Ot.':~ Hi"IMY V1,;-w !otHQa!Utr) OM" o( (19-:['rf!'fY 7$S837650374 2·42!•7543S 1632,650e, 1 09120,2013 10/07i2013 10.'22/2013 so.co c1, .. <1 Mossagos Wt ea1eu1,10!1 ycc,, d>orgos oaseo c, a o rncnslooa Rr • ...i 11/0fe. lf\o Add1,onal Ham:fllng Sur-eri,2:rgc was as.soa.Bd faf ~ _______________ .. _________________ , _________________ _ Tnmsactlon Ootalls Sendar lnform.idon KINl<O'SIGO HONAOCT BRCOILOC 259WSP0KANE FALLS BLVD SPOY.J\NE WA 9!1<01•0123 IJS Shipment Dctolls 00/20/2013 Tl1'rdP&rty °'°""d 06 Roclplont l11for111Mion THE C/.OMUS GROJP C. l\4$CH REF# 6405.0003.000S 100 STH /\VI: WALTHAM W.. 02451•872725 us Charges TtMsporta,;o., Chltgo Ad.:!11on~· Hand! ng ~uet Suteha1ge OirKl S1one1We 18 66 7.$0 1.12 300 Sltipd::tto Pa>·ment l:,f)(; S6'Nica <ypo Z<illo Pacl.aoo eype /\clualwe1g1t1 R~IGd w•1g1,1 Fiete£ eu,10.,,er Pacl<a;i,n~ To,., thorges m:re Origin~! Ruforonce Cuslomar ,etoronCG no.. O<!C)IOnen: r.o Pl.'fCNIH Of'dtt no. Proof of Dellvc,y Ceav~d.a~ Se-n"t:e atea coo• s.g,\Od by ~'t~Llf'lt'!l!urc 9f'001 nf drui:mtt 25.00 lb• 51.00 ll» 1 soco OOJ27/2013 00000 Updated Reference Customer ,efetal"IO! no. ~ef\ln.>. PutCl'\lise otdot 11~ Cusl Allocation Reference COSI 1'1"°""°'' Sl-.p11en1 Notes hUps://www.fedex.com/fedexbillingonline/applications.jsp 1/6/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 117 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Fed Ship Traci\ Manage FedEx BIiling Online Plus Learn FedEx Orffce 0 Vlew(',afi ~@ ~,01m-f:j~ttdry 0.00 Pagel of2 St>Olth Su),1 Ground Shipment Del.ills Il.l!Sll ·-------, ....... ._.:... ____________________________________________________ , ____ _ Tracking JO Sw111nary Billing lolormaiion T1ackh19 10 t\O, ifi'IO!CO no Aceoootno. Ship date lrwoico dalO C-ue<late 795837650352 2·'123, 7.S.:135 1632-S!:08·1 09120/2013 ,om1r . .m1·3 :0/22/2013 SO.DO Ci=• Messages I ~~:::~·- t··.v<,q,. ... , .. p,,,,,roro,,.iv .. y --·---·------------------------- Transaction 00talls Sender lnlorma11on i~INKO'S!GD NONACCT 131~CDILOC 2S9WSFOKANE FALLS BLVD SPOKAN,; WA 9U201-01i3 l;S Shipment Details Sh:p d61e P&Jmenl typo $1?Nit:cttypo Zono Pael<aget)'l)c Wmght PiO<:'es Me!e,NO Di,cli!rcd vofve Original Reforer>c.e Customer raferenC(I no. Oep.a:1mfini •¥>. Purchase Ofderno. Proof o! Oollvcry oeavery da:o SeMce J..(Ofl CQ(IG s,~1,&d oy V@·I SJGlli!1Lff:2~Q19.0!1\'tlQ'. 00.'201201:'l Third Pony Orou.od Cij Cusl0111or P•ckeging 50.00 1bs $1,500.00 Ol!fZ7120\3 00000 Cui-;w1,1Qr f:or.us; f.lrr,·: r:1r~.:<i1<·r Co:ttt..1 F,ey.:.1u:-cd Scr~1CC.S F.<'l:c.f: ... t:irr10{!1,,., C:>n1pariiCf. F.:rdl;.~ [;Y.;,tCS$ Recipi(lnt lnfonnation THE CADMUS GROUP C 'MSCH REFI/ 640S.0003 OOOS 10C., 5TH AVE WAL THAM MA 02451-872725 vs Charges Tr~ns<>Of18\ion Ch•,~ Doc!a·od Vatuo Add11i<mol Haodllt19 F uol Sur""3r90 Total Cl\arQC$ Updated Roferonco Custom&r refereor.c no Oepa,1ment oo. PlJIC:Oase orc~r f'lO. 10.20 10.cO 7.50 1.10 $37.38 Co:,t Allocallon Reference m J;i!J.I Co&t a'i¢Coli<>o ~II ·-S-h-ipm_•_n,_N_ot_•• _____ ·---.-..• -. --~----. -~ _____ ... ,, .. ,,___ ... ______ _ ______ ,_ .. ,~,~~: .. _:~ https://vvww.fedex.com/fedexbillingonline/applications.jsp 1/6/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 118 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Fed $hip FedEx Bitling Online PILI$ Grou11<l Shipment Delails Facking ID Sw~mal)' l!lllng Information "fract<i119 to no. lnVOice no Acc.oum no. Stnpdalc Invoice date O..oootc Trac.klno 10 aat.anc;e due Status Vlowln~ Y.!'E'-.~l!~!l.2Lt.<tf or ct1rllv~cy rrausaction Details Sender lnformalion Track KII\IKO'S/GD NONACcT BRCD/LOC 259 W SPOKANE FALLS CILVO ~POKA~E WA $9201,D123 us Shipmen( Detail& Sllip dato P;iymom type S01viee, type Zone Package •rp• Wolphl Pie, .. 6.1eicr ~o. Oodnted VOl\1e Original Rererenee C'.1$l0me.r reterooce: no. Department no, Porcbase ortrcr no. Proof of Oelivery S1?t\'1eo area coda J I • S,;:nedby i ~,ew ~,or <1 oah,e,y '-·-···---... ,. Manage Learn 1%8376~05~ 1 .2-~i3-75435 1632-5506-1 09120/2013 1007/2013 10/22/2013 so.oa Closed Fed!:X Ofti:;e -~ Mcssogos Vfew Cin !~) !!w.!~f:!}9f..X 0.00 Page I of2 ·----------·-----·------------·--.-·---.·-·-------' 09.'2Ci2013 Th,rdPa,1y Ground 08 C.1$10.l>Or Pacsa;Jin9 70.00 IDs 1 $1,!:-00.00 09127/2013 ·00000 Recipient lnformaUon THE OAOMUS GROUP C. \\1SCh REFi 640S.C003.00ilS 10-,f>THAVE WALl~M MA 02~51-8i2i26 us Chargos TronY,>cr1alion Charge OoclnrodVo•ve Fue: S1.1rcharQe Al-IS-Weigl~ Tot•I ehargu 27.79 10.50 1.67 7.50 mAil Updated Refornnce ______________ _ Cutlomc.r roteranct no. D6p.,r1monl no. l~rd'la,e otdet flO. _c_o_:._t A_llo_c_a_i_io_n_R_e_f_ero_n_ce ____________ l!l§:\l!! Cornt\ltoc.ati.,n Sh!pmant Note:. . J 1 -----------··--··--·--·--· -~--r,,,r .. ,,, ,>~ Cu~:tv1110,r 1:c:•ctH.: r-ici1,· Gt•r.tt,mv, Center Fc:ihrrr.,d Scn,,6t:!> f cdEtt S:JMt-..D.ly Comp~11ft's r-Nli:x (xpccss. ht tps://www .fedex.com/fedexbi II ingonl ine/appl ications.j sp 1/6/2014 Staff_PR_05 Attachment B Page 119 of 119 FedEx Billing Online Ship Track FedEx Billing Online Plus SCJ.>rc!1.roow1110:td Tracking ID Details T racki 119 ID Sum rnary Bllli11g Information r,o,r.;ng 10 no. lnvclro no Account no. Sn,p do:c fnvo1ce date 0\JO ($.311! Tt:lckhlB ID B;i1ance dUf> Stat~s \ri<,w frt\'C!'ce lifa!91x ~UH! moot o! <fr,!wcrv Mal\.;ge Le.im 797119669ne 2.~67-26027 1632-5508· 1 11/(18/2013 1111&'2013 12/03/2013 so.o~ Closed -----·----------------· ~---------·-·--·-···· Tra,1sact1on Details Sel\cler lr1form11tlon Go.nr. ~DCS.-OIJhlall C:)dJnu~ GJoup 1t>0 su, a,,e WALTHAM MA 02~51 vs Shl1>men1 Delall~ Snipda1• Poymenl type s«,1cc type Zona P.><:1«1gc1ype Ac!tiafwolg!"ol R&tOd\WIQN Pi~C!, Motertlo. Oodared \t-alue Origin al Reference Custome; retetence no Department no. R61erence #2 Re!wetteeV3 Proof or Ocnvery Dadvoryda-te. Sc1vi-:c aru.i cooo. S1gM<!I))' View ~t1•\.i>ltiH' gg;t1r,I Oirtr.J;:i!!!Y 11IOSl201~ Sluppar fe<!Ex'S10neard Ovem,ohl CustomerPact"..agktg 900 "" 17.00 Ibo i 10623~ Si.00().00 11111;2013 13:30 Al l.MARTIN FedEx Office ti Motsagcs. V[UW C,11 @) l't:ntCt•lr.end!t 000 (ii'~ .. ~ Fwex l\lis llC'Oi!Od thl• >!llpnient fl;I C0((4i:I packa9 Rf>d Moro • We CAlCl.Jtate-n )'Our Ct~tg&! bMed en I rtifnansionsl f?~./1!1 f.10111 Fuel Sutcha1ge -fL"CE"X ha.s applled v fuel sufa~r1 ~ Page 1 of 2 ·-------------------- Recipient lnlor.natlon Ron euroon 10 Souih Pesa Suc.c1 SPCKAl~E WA 99201 OS Cha.rges Tr4nopona1.on Cl\2,ge Osciafed Value Cha.roe i=ucl SUfcharge Weck<r:,y Delivery Oirocl Signatu·e Tolal charges Updated Rofer11ncc Cu~toriler 1o~ronce no, oepart.Mer.d "<>· Rera.ra."1.ce n2 Reference #3 Cost Allocation Rcfc-r:cnce Cost airooat,on St)ip."l!om. No1es 18.05 7,00 1.26 0.00 000 SlS..31 ,-----····--·---·------.. -----------.. ---·----·-····· ---··--------···--------.!1..:!i https://www.fedex.com/fedexbi llingonline/applications.jsp 1/6/2014