HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160906AVU to Staff 122 Attachment A.pdfAvista – Clark Fork River Annual Implementation Plans Approval Process Avista owns and operates the Noxon Rapids and Cabinet Gorge hydroelectric developments (Clark Fork Project No. 2058). The operation of the Clark Fork Project is conditioned by the Clark Fork Settlement Agreement (CFSA), signed in 1999, and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) License No. 2058, effective date of March 1, 2001. The CFSA and FERC license established Protection, Mitigation and Enhancement measures (PM&Es). The CFSA and FERC license also established a number of committees and a process for the review and approval of the implementation of all the PM&Es (see attached organizational chart). The ultimate decision making body is FERC, however, prior to Avista requesting FERC approval, all proposed PM&E activities are approved by the Clark Fork Management Committee (MC). The MC is comprised of the 28 signatories to the CFSA. The MC includes representatives from federal, state, and local government, five Native American tribes, non-governmental organizations and Avista. The MC strives to make all decisions, including approval of planned activities and expenditures, by consensus. The annual approval process begins on December 1st of each year, when the first drafts of Annual Implementation Plans (AIPs) are due to Avista. These draft AIPs are prepared by stakeholders and/or Avista. During this month all aquatic Protection, Mitigation and Enhancement (PM&E) AIPs (CFSA Appendix A, B, C, D, E, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 and T) are reviewed by the Aquatic Implementation Team (Avista, IDFG, MFWP and USFWS fishery biologists). The first drafts for the terrestrial PM&Es are also due December 1st of each year, and are developed by Avista with input of our stakeholders. Depending upon the resource being addressed, these draft Terrestrial AIPs are reviewed and refined by subcommittees of the Terrestrial Resource Technical Advisory Committee (TRTAC established in the CFSA) , such as the Riparian Implementation Team, Land Use Subgroup, or Recreation Resources Subgroup. Following this initial review process, all proposed individual projects that deal with stream habitat restoration, habitat acquisitions/easements and total dissolved gas mitigation efforts are ranked and prioritized following established Management Committee (MC) approved ranking criteria. Usually, these types of proposed projects are found within Appendix A, B, F1, H, and K. The process is undertaken by interested participants from the Water Resources Technical Advisory Committee (WRTAC) and TRTAC composed of representatives from the CFSA signatories. After this ranking process, all of the draft AIPs, including the top ranked stream habitat restoration, habitat acquisitions/easements and total dissolved gas mitigation projects, are collated and mailed, depending on subject category, to either the WRTAC or TRTAC for their review and consideration. The Cultural Resources Technical Advisory Committee also receives all of the AIPs for their review and consideration. Formal meetings of these Staff_PR_122 Attachment A Page 1 of 3 Technical Committees are held toward the end of January where all AIPs are reviewed, modified and/or approved to be forwarded onto the Management Committee. After a short internal editing period, all of the draft AIPs are collated and mailed to the MC for their review and consideration in the middle of February. During their March meeting, usually held in the middle of the month, the MC reviews, modifies and approves the AIPs for the year. All AIPs are then submitted for FERC approval by April 15th. Meeting notes from the Management Committee and all subcommittees are available upon request. Staff_PR_122 Attachment A Page 2 of 3 Management Committee The Clark Fork Project Resource Protection, Mitigation and Enhancement Reporting Process The AIT was created by Avista and is not a requirement of the Settlement Agreement or FERC License. AIT RIT (Riparian Implementation Team) Concepts, Proposals, Plans and Projects TRTAC (Terrestrial Resources Technical Advisory Committee) WRTAC (Water Resources Technical Advisory Committee) FERC CRMG (Cultural Resource Management Group) Terrestrial-Related Items Aquatic-Related Items Cultural Resource Specific Items Consultation regarding Ground-Disturbing Activities Consultation regarding Ground-Disturbing Activities Joint Projects Staff_PR_122 Attachment A Page 3 of 3