HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160224AVU to Staff 1-20.pdfJean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Kimball, Paul < Paul.Kimball@avistacorp.com > Wednesday, February 24,2OL6 L:51 PM Jean Jewell Karl Klein; Bonfield, Shawn RE:Avista's Responses to IPUC Staff Production Requests AVU-E-l-6-01 Staff_PR_20.doc; Staff_PR_19.doc; Staff_PR_18.doc; Staff_PR_17.doc; Staff-PR-15.doc; Staff_PR_L5.doc; Staff_PR_L4.doc; Staff_PR_13.doc; Staff_PR_L2.doc; Staff-PR-LL.doc; Staff_PR_10.doc; Staff_PR_09.doc; Staff_PR_08.doc; Staff_PR_07.doc; Staff-PR-05.doc; Staff_PR_05.doc; Staff_PR_04.doc; Staff-PR_03.doc; Staff_PR_02.doc; Staff_PR_0L.doc February 24,2016 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,ID 83720-5918 Attn: Karl T. Klein Deputy Attorneys General Production Request of the Commission Staff in Case Nos. AVU-E-16-01 and AVU-G-16-01 Attached is Avista's response in connection to Staff production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in this email are Avista's responses to the following Production Requests: 1 through 20. The items not included in this email are: Staff_PR_lzc & Attachment - confidential in nature. CD copies of Avista's responses were mailed FedEx today, OZl24l16. If there are any questions regarding the attached information, please contact Paul Kimball at (509) 495-4584 or via e-mail at paul.kimball @ avistacorp.com Paul Kimball Senior Regulatory Analyst State & Federal Regulation Avista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Ave, Box 3727 Spokane, WA9922O-3727 (509) 495-4584 direct pa ul. kimbal [@avistacorp.com ,- ,i :. I:-: (;\ --*i*'t *il T! . ...i j: .. r'r I +'rr....'- (r) i-Il.-r..r'. ,.') C)r' '.'. -tr- ril!+?f -,:.-'t = I tl:-o { ...i ) f\) .:- c-)C) \.o AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0211712016 CASE NO: AVU-E-16-01 / AVU-G-16-01 WITNESS: N/A REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Shawn BonfieldTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation REQUEST NO.: Staff-0l TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2182EMAIL: shawn.bonfield@avistacorp.com REQUEST: Page 3 of the Company's Application states that in 2014, the Company's residential customers made a total of 249,852 payments by credit or debit card and 21,335 one-time unauthenticated payments. Please state whether these numbers reflect payments from customers Company-wide, or just from the Company's Idaho residential customers. RESPONSE: The numbers referenced and included on page 3 of the application are Company-wide numbers. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQTJEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-16-01 / AVU-G- 16-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-02 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: 021t7t20r6 N/A Shawn Bonfield State & Federal Regulation (s09) 495-2182 shawn.bonfield @ avistacorp.com Through discussions with other companies offering fee-free payments, has the Company discovered or does it anticipate that the number of electronic (paperless) bills will increase? Please explain. RESPONSE: The Company does anticipate the number of electronic (paperless) bills to increase. When the fee free payment program is offered it is likely that some customers will change the current method by which they make payments. Some customers that are currently paying by mailed check will most likely switch payment methods to debit or credit card and as a result may also sign up to receive paperless bills. JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: Production Request Staff-03 DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: AVU-E-16-OI / AVU-G-16-OI WITNESS:IPUC RESPONDER: o2n7l20t6 N/A Shawn Bonfield State & Federal Regulation (5O9) 49s-2782 shawn.bonfield @ avistacorp.com How does the Company propose to allocate the processing fees RESPONSE: separate jurisdictions? The Company proposes to directly assign costs to each jurisdiction, fees attributed to Idaho customers will be charged back to Idaho. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQT]EST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0211712016 CASE NO: AVU-E-16-01 / AVU-G-16-01 WITNESS: N/A REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Shawn BonfieldTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation REQUEST NO.: Staff-04 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2782EMAIL: shawn.bonfield@avistacorp.com REQUEST: Has the Company filed for fee-free payment approval in Oregon and Washington? If so, please provide the docket numbers for those cases. RESPONSB: The Company filed for approval of the fee-free payment program in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington on January 12,2016. The docket numbers for Oregon are UM 1759 and ADV 201 and for Washington they are UE-160071 and UG-16OO72. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQIIEST FOR TNFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0211712016 CASE NO: AVU-E-16-01 / AVU-G-16-01 WIINESS: N/A REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Shawn BonfieldTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation REQUEST NO.: Staff-O5 TELEPHONE: (5O9) 495-2782EMAIL: shawn.bonfield@avistacorp.com REQUEST: Assuming the Company's Application is approved, when does the Company plan to have its billing systems updated to support the fee-free payments, and when does the Company expect to have the program in place? RESPONSE: If the Company's receives approval of the fee-free payment program in all three of jurisdictions, it expects the program to be available to customers in the third quarter of 2016. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0211712016 CASE NO: AVU-E-16-01 / AVU-G-16-01 WITNESS: N/A REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Shawn BonfieldTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation REQUEST NO.: Staff-06 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2782EMAIL: shawn.bonfield@avistacorp.com REQUEST: Please provide the annual number of calls, inquiries, complaints, and suggestions the Company received regarding convenience fees in the last three years. RESPONSE: From our experience in our Customer Service Call Center, the Company knows that the requirement to pay a convenience fee when making a payment is one of the most expressed frustrations it hears, especially by phone. However, we have not tracked the specific number of calls, inquires, complaints, or suggestions. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E- 16-01 / AVU-G- 16-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-O7 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: 02tr7t20r6 N/A Shawn Bonfield State & Federal Regulation (509) 49s-2782 shawn.bonfi eld @ avistacorp.com Page 10 of the Company's application states that, "The more convenient the Company can make it for customers to pay bills, the more it can benefit all customers." Please quantify the benefits all customers will receive from eliminating convenience fees. Please describe why the Company proposes to recover costs for this request from all ratepayers when benefits are limited to residential customers that pay with credit or debit cards. RESPONSE: As described in the Company's application, the Company anticipates potential cost savings that will result from the fee-free payment program. Potential cost savings may include a reduction in phone calls into the Company's Customer Service Call Center, an increase in electronic (paperless) billing, a reduction in uncollectibles, and a reduction in collection expenses. At this time these benefits are not quantifiable as it is not possible to directly correlate cost savings for the items mentioned with the proposed fee-free payment program. The Company proposes to recover costs for the fee-free payment program from all customers as any potential cost savings or benefits that result will be realized by all customers. For example, every phone call that is eliminated saves approximately $6 in labor costs and for every additional customer that signs up for paperless billing the saves is approximately $7 per year. As these savings accumulate they are realized by all customers. Lastly, all customers currently pay for the payment methods that are available, regardless if they use them or not. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E- 16-01 / AVU-G- 16-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-08 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: ozt17t20r6 N/A Lisa Garrett Customer Service (s09) 49s-7994 lisa. garrett @ avistacorp.com Please provide the number of commercial and industrial customers that paid with debit or credit cards in the last three years. RESPONSE: The following table displays the number of non-residential accounts per year that made at least one payment by debit or credit card. Year #Accts 2013 866 2014 966 2015 1350 Feb-Dec 2015*1089 *The number of accounts that made a payment by debit or credit card may be duplicated for January 2015 payments and the remainder of the 2015. Due to our Customer lnformation System conversion on February 2,2015 all customers received new account numbers. We are unable to identify if accounts made payments in January by debit or credit card and again later in the year due to the change in account numbers. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-16-01 / AVU-G-16-01 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-O9 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: 02t17t20r6 N/A Lisa Garrett Customer Service (s09) 495-7994 li sa. garrett @ avi stacorp. com REQUEST: Please provide the percentage of customers within the commercial and industrial classes that paid with debit or credit cards in the last three years. RESPONSE: The following table displays the percentage of non-residential accounts per year that made at least one payment by debit or credit card. Year ';Vo of :,,Accts 2013 4Vo 2014 57o 2015 l7o Feb-Dec 2015*6Vo *The number of accounts that made a payment by debit or credit card may be duplicated for January 2Ol5 payments and the remainder of the 2015. Due to our Customer Information System conversion on February 2,2015 all customers received new account numbers. We are unable to identify if accounts made payments in January by debit or credit card and again later in the year due to the change in account numbers. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQITEST FOR INFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0211712016 CASE NO: AVU-E-16-01 / AVU-G-16-01 W[[NESS: N/A REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Shawn BonfieldTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation REQUEST NO.: Staff-l0 TELEPHONE: (5O9) 495-2782EMAIL: shawn.bonfield@avistacorp.com REQUEST: Please explain whether the Company has had discussions with its current third-party vendor to reduce or eliminate the $3.50 credit or debit convenience fee. If discussions have taken place, please provide a summary of the discussions, and the implications of the convenience fee cost reduction or elimination. If the discussions have not taken place, please explain why not. RESPONSE: The Company has had discussions with its current third-party vendor related to the Company offering a fee-free payment program. These discussions were primarily focused on the requirements to offer a fee-free payment program as well as the impact of the Utility Pay Program described in the Company's response to Staff_PR_ll. In 2015 the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission opened Docket A-150561 for the purpose of investigating "industry practices regarding fee-free programs for payments made by credit or debit card" and potentially issuing a policy statement on this topic.l Avista submitted comments on May 15, 2015 and participated in a workshop on June 9, 2015 in the investigation. As the Company developed its comments it consulted with its current third-party vendor for information that could support its comments. In addition, the Company's current third-party payment processing vendor participated in the Company's Request for Proposals (RFP) described in the Company's response to Staff_PR_t2. A requirement of the RFP was that participating vendors provide the costs for both a convenience fee based pricing model (similar to what the Company has in place today) and a fee-free pricing model in which all fees are charged to the Company. One of the reasons for offering a fee free payment program is the reduction of the cost per transaction for debit and credit card payments, and other one-time payments where customers are charged the convenience fee. By offering the residential fee-free payment program the Company expects the costs per transaction to be reduced by approximately $2.00, which would be a significant reduction from the $3.50 fee charged today. The Company's contract with its current vendor expires in July 2016. Rather than simply signing a contract extension with the current vendor the Company chose to evaluate its current vendor alongside other vendors in the marketplace. As the Company's technology needs change and the Company considers its future requirements related to its payment processing partner, the desire I Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, httu//www.utc.wa. gov/docs/Pages/Docketlookup.aspx?FilingID= l -5056 1 was to ensure that the Company selected a partner that provided the most value to its customers over the long term. With the timing of the RFP it was an ideal time to propose the fee-free payment program as the Company would be negotiating a new contract with the partner it chooses and then be implementing and integrating with that partner from a technology perspective. Also, the Company is in the process of rebuilding its website and developing a mobile application (app) for its customers to access their Avista account. Launching the new website and mobile app with the fee-free payment program for residential customers provides for an easier implementation and integration and smoother transition for our customers. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0211712016 CASE NO: AVU-E-16-01 / AVU-G-16-01 WITNESS: N/A REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Shawn BonfieldTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation REQUEST NO.: Staff-ll TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2782EMAIL: shawn.bonfield@avistacorp.com REQUEST: Please provide a summary of discussions that have taken place with major card providers offering a Utility Pay Program. If discussions have taken place, include a summary of processing transaction costs by provider. If discussions have not taken place, please explain why not. RESPONSE: All discussions Avista has had related to the Utility Pay Program have been with payment processing vendors. If Avista's proposed fee-free payment program is approved, its payment processing vendor will be responsible for managing the processing of payments and any necessary requirement needed for the Company to qualify for the Utility Pay Program. The benefit of the Utility Pay Program is lower interchange rates for certain card types, which translates into a lower fee per transaction that payment processing vendors charge for processing payments. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQI]EST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E- 16-01 / AVU-G- 16-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-12 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: o2n7t20t6 N/A Shawn Bonfield State & Federal Regulation (509) 49s-2782 shawn.bonfi eld @ avistacorp.com Please provide a detailed explanation of criteria used to select a digital payment processing partner. If applicable, please include copies of completed RFPs and RFQs. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response l2C, which contains TRADE SECRET, CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. PROPRIETARY or separately filed under Please see Confidential Staff PR 12C. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: CASE NO: AVU-E-16-01 / AVU-G-16-01 WITNESS: REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER:TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: REQUEST NO.: Staff-l3 TELEPHONE: EMAIL: o2n7t20r6 N/A Shawn Bonfield State & Federal (509) 49s-2782 shawn.bonfield @ avistacorp.com REQUEST: Page 3 of the Company's application references discussions with other utilities and processing vendors. Please provide a summary of these discussions. Additionally, describe how per transaction costs of $ 1.50 contained in Table No. 1 of the application were determined. Avista has had many discussions with other utilities, processing vendors, and Staff members from the Commissions in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington related to the arrangement utilities have with payment processing vendors and the process by which a customer makes a payment that is then processed by a payment processing vendor with the funds later being remitted to the utility to be applied to a customer's account. These discussions, for example, have touched on topics such as convenience fees, payment caps or limits, processing fees, interchange rates for various card types, payment posting, remittance processes, the transition from a fee based payment to a fee-free payment program, and adoption rates of various payment methods. The transaction cost of $1.50 per transaction contained in Table No. 1 of the application is an estimate of the transaction cost the Company expects to incur for payments made within the fee-free payment program. The cost is based on the proposal from the payment processing vendor the Company is in contract negotiations with. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQTIEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0211712016 CASE NO: AVU-E-16-01 / AVU-G-16-01 WITNESS: N/A REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Shawn BonfieldTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation REQUEST NO.: Staff-l4 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2182EMAIL: shawn.bonfield@avistacorp.com REQUEST: How many credit and debit card payments over $3,000 were made by residential customers for Calendar Year 2014 and2015? What was the average charge per transaction and the total cost for all transactions? RESPONSE: The Company received zero debit or credit card payments over $3,000 from residential customers in2014 and 2015. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E- 16-01 / AVU-G-16-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-15 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: 0211712016 N/A Shawn Bonfield State & Federal Regulation (so9) 49s-2782 shawn.bonfi eld @ avistacorp.com Would the current transaction limit remain the same for credit/debit payments? If not, what limit would be established? RESPONSE: The current transaction limit of $3,000 over 26 periods would change. Under the proposed program the transaction cap would be limited to $1,000 per debit or credit card payment for residential customers. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0211712016 CASE NO: AVU-E-16-01 / AVU-G-16-01 WITNESS: N/A REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Shawn BonfieldTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation REQUEST NO.: Staff-16 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2782EMAIL: shawn.bonfield@avistacorp.com REQUEST: How would eliminating fees for payment provide additional options for residential customers to pay their bills? RESPONSE: Eliminating fees for payments made by residential customers would provide additional free payment methods that are currently not available. Although customers can pay by credit or debit card today, most choose not to do so due to the transaction fee. Additionally, many customers that call the Company's Customer Service Call Center and desire to make a payment by phone choose not to when presented with the transaction fee required. Lastly, if the fee-free payment program is approved customers will be able to sign up for automatic payment service using a debit or credit card, which is an option not currently available. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0211712016 CASE NO: AVU-E-16-01 / AVU-G-16-01 WITNESS: N/A REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Shawn BonfieldTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation REQUEST NO.: Staff-l7 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2782EMAIL: shawn.bonfield@avistacorp.com REQUEST: Does the Company anticipate that by offering a fee-free payment program, the amount of residential customers who do not pay on time will decrease? If yes, please explain why. RBSPONSE: The Company does anticipate a potential decrease in the number of customers who do not pay on time. Some residential customers who choose not to pay by credit card today due to the transaction fee may pay by credit card in the future if the fee is eliminated. These customers may do so for the purpose of deferring when they actually have to pay for their utility bill. This could in effect decrease the number of residential customers who do not pay on time. Another example of why the Company may see a decrease in the number of residential customers that do not pay on time could be for those residential customers that wait until it's too close to their due date and mail a check that ends up being processed after their due date. If any of these payments are switched to debit or credit card through the fee-free program it could decrease the number of customers that do not pay on time. If the program is approved, the Company will be able to monitor the impacts of residential payments received on time. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0211812016 CASE NO: AVU-E-16-01 / AVU-G-16-01 WITNESS: N/A REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Shawn Bonfield TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation REQUEST NO.: Staff-l8 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2782EMAIL: shawn.bonfield@avistacorp.com REQUEST: If Idaho approves the proposed fee-free payment program and Oregon and Washington do not, can the Company implement the program in Idaho only? If the Company cannot implement an Idaho-only program, please explain why. RESPONSE: Per Avista's discussions with payment processing vendors, the Company has learned that if it offers a fee-free payment program to any of its residential customers, it must do so for all residential customers it serves in any of its jurisdictions. As discussed in the application, the Company is not willing to offer the program unless all three states approve and allow costs to be recovered through rates. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0211912016 CASE NO: AVU-E-16-01 / AVU-G-16-01 WITNESS: N/A REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Shawn BonfieldTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation REQUEST NO.: Staff-I9 TELEPHONE: (5O9) 495-2782EMAIL: shawn.bonfield@avistacorp.com REQUEST: Under the proposed program, will residential customers be able to set up automatic bill payment using a credit or debit card? Please explain. RESPONSE: Under the proposed program, residential customers would be able to set up automatic bill payments with a credit or debit card. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0211712016 CASE NO: AVU-E-16-01 / AVU-G-16-01 WITNESS: N/A REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Shawn BonfieldTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation REQUEST NO.: Staff-20 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2782EMAIL: shawn.bonfield@avistacorp.com REQTJEST: Under the proposed program, will residential customers still be charged for paying by phone or online using a checking or saving account? Would there continue to be a distinction between customers depending on whether they have a "My Avista Account"? Please explain. RESPONSE: Under the proposed program residential customers would not be charged an up-front transaction fee for any payment method they choose, including payrnents made by phone and for customers without a "My Avista Account". If the program is approved, there will no longer be a distinction between customers on whether they have a "My Avista Account" through any payment channel.