HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150901AVU to Staff 1 Attachment B.xlsAuthorized FERC Accounts RRC Instructions Our Focus Notes ID Rec Adjustment ID LCA IDmonthly ID summary WA RCC WA monthly WA summary Instructions Directions WA act vs auth WA bud vs auth AVARpt DefRpt GLAccts IDAVARpt IDRevRpt INputs WAAVARpt Line No. Actual 555 Purchased Power 501 Thermal Fuel 547 CT Fuel 447 Sale for Resale Authorized Net Expense Actual - Authorized Net Expense ACTUAL TOTAL Adjusted Actual Net Expense AUTHORIZED NET EXPENSE - SYSTEM 90% of Net Power Cost Change AUTHORIZED NET EXPENSE-SYSTEM 555 PURCHASED POWER Rocky Reach Wanapum Wells Small Power Non-Mon. Accruals 501 FUEL-DOLLARS Kettle Falls wood coal Colstrip 547 FUEL 447 SALES FOR RESALE Short-Term Sales 501 FUEL-TONS Colstrip 501 FUEL-COST PER TON Nichols Pumping Index Sale Boulder Park WPM Ancillary Services Merchant Ancillary Services WASHINGTON POWER COST DEFERRALS IDAHO POWER COST DEFERRALS Authorized Variance SYSTEM Retail Revenue Credit MWH Total Hydro Generation Kettle Falls-Wood Kettle Falls CT Gas Northeast CT Rathdrum Coyote Springs 2 Total Thermal 100 % Net Power Cost Increase (Decrease) 90% Net Power Cost above $9.0 million Company Band average short-term purchase price average short-term sales price Pend Oreille DES Peaker LLC/PGE Cap Sale TOTAL NET EXPENSE NO Amount in excess of $9.0 million Company Band?? Authorized Net Expense Settlement/Compliance Filing Adj. Credit CS2 1/2 Exchange WASHINGTON ALLOCATION @ 65.16% budget Potlatch 62 aMW directly assigned Potlatch 62 aMW directly assigned. CUMULATIVE YTD gas price $/dth Heat Rate BTU/MWh $/MWh gas rate CS2 Fuel Variance RRC Variance PV on Auth surplus/deficiency balancing the system KF Fuel Variance Colstrip Fuel Variance LADWP margin Douglas Settlement Reserve Sales + Asset Optimization Forward Sales MWh Forward Sales Rate Forward Purchase MWh Forward Purchase Rate SYSTEM TOTAL CS2 Transportation lowers def Washington Share @ 65.16% incr def Forward Sales $ not included in Authorized Forward Purchase $ not included in Authorized Native Load (Budget is net 40 aMW for Potlatch) KF MWh Variance Colstrip MWh Variance CS2 MWh Variance Boulder Park Fuel Variance Boulder Park MWh Variance when expense is higher, increases the deferral Hydro Average MW Native Load Average MW Hydro Variance @ 65.16% Other Load Variance @ 65.16% Total increase in deferral before RRC Washington Share + = increase deferral CS2 gas price $/DTH input and up check #-should be zero Deferral Amount, Monthly 565 Transmission Expense 557 Broker Fees Company Band Gross Margin Impact, Cumulative Kettle Falls fuel expense Colstrip fuel expense CS2 fuel expense Boulder Park fuel expense CS2 transportation Colstrip oil YTD Adjusted Net Expense KFCT fuel expense Stimson Lumber Soverign/Kaiser Load Following Rathdrum fuel expense SYS VAR WA SHARE $ IMPACT NET WNP3 Small Pwr Upriver AUTH Grant Displacement egy PPM Wind 2007 ANNUAL SMUD 50 and 25 SMUD 50 + 25 SMUD margin Stimson average ST purchase price average ST sales price SYS VARIANCE Colstrip $/MWh company absorbed WA ALLOCATION @ 65.83% 456 Transmission Revenue RRC-WA Share MWh Thompson River Northeast fuel expense Thompson River Co-Gen ACT BPA NT 555 + 447 Seattle + Douglas Capacity Payment small power receive less from customers Northwest Energy capacity revenue Priest Rapids Products/Grant Displ () = lowers deferral + = increases deferral NET SALES/PURCHASES Native Load less Potlatch gen lowers deferral 456100 ED AN 565000 ED AN 565710 ED AN Well's Tribe Grant Residential Exchg Credit Fiancial Swap out of money wnp3 Colstrip Oil-501160 Colstrip Coal-501140 Resource Optimization Clearwater (PFI) WNP3 Mid Point WA ERM / ID PCA WNP#3 needs adjustment for Mid Point in WA (Vol's from PTR) KFGS Hog Fuel and Colstrip Coal tons burned input form JV's Most data entry occurs on the WA Monthly tab (highlighted yellow) The ID Monthly tab then links as appropriate. deferral calculations (highlighted green). GL Wand updates are added for each specific account used in the on the WA & ID Summary tabs. Kettle Falls CT-547211 Boulder Park-547216 Coyote Springs2-547610 Rathdrum CT-547310 Econ Dispatch-557150 Gas Bookouts-557700 Fuel Dispatch-456015 Fuel Bookouts-456720 NE CT Gas/Oil-547213 565 Transmission Exp 456 Transmission Rev RESOURCE OPTIMIZATION Specific deal activity is input for 447 and 555 from NUCUT PTR or Sales and G&P reports. Overrides of GL can occur if necessary for all accounts 456016 rev's and 557160 exp's may require overides for special circumstances Clearwater Revenue 100% actual Clearwater Revenue 100% authorized Less Clearwater directly assigned to ID Clearwater Purchase @ 100% authorized Clearwater Purchase @ 100% actuals Lancaster-547312 565312 ED AN Lancaster Net Resource Optimization Net Power Cost (+) Surcharge (-) Rebate If new accounts added to GL etc make sure they are added/excluded as appropriate Fed Prod Tax credit for ID comes from J McCauley-Corp Authorized levels come from Bill Johnson after Gen Rate case settlements. Carbon Credits - ID only Res Opt - gas Lancaster Costs tracked seperately PCA - 100% of fixed PPA, Transmission, Pipeline charges identified. Backed out 100% in ID System costs, ID share added back in after 90/10 split. WA excludes 100%. Actual, and certain calculations, removed 100% from WA System. Deferred seperately in WA using WA share. Season - Nov-April, new rate in late summer, for following contract season ID uses actual dollars recorded in Purchases PTR. These contracts document actuals as filed in the initial Authorized expenses from GRC in ID/WA Certain costs/benefits may need tracked outside of Authorized accounts Econ Dispatch-557010 Fuel Dispatch-456010 FPTC - ID (From J. McCauley) Retail Revenue credits are calculated by Rates and input Wind REC Exp Authorized Intraco Thermal Gas-557730 Intraco Thermal Gas-456730 Total Fuel DispatchFin -456010 Fuel Bookouts-456711 Gas Bookouts-557711 Washington Allocation Washington Share Avista Corp. - Resource Accounting WASHINGTON ACTUALS Wind REC Exp Actual 557395 Wind REC Subtotal Total 547 Fuel Expense Total 501 Fuel Expense Total 447 Sales for Resale Total 555 Purchased Power (1) Effective November, 2008, WNP-3 purchase expense has been adjusted to reflect the mid-point price, per Settlement Agreement, Cause No. U-86-99 Total 565 Transmission Expense Total 456 Transmission Revenue 456 TRANSMISSION REVENUE 565 TRANSMISSION EXPENSE WASHINGTON DEFERRED POWER COST CALCULATION - ACTUAL SYSTEM POWER SUPPLY EXPENSES IDAHO ACTUALS Idaho Allocation Idaho Share Clearwater Purchase Actual - Authorized Clearwater Revenue Actual - Authorized Total Clearwater Differences at 100% Total 555 Purchased Power IDAHO DEFERRED POWER COST CALCULATION - ACTUAL SYSTEM POWER SUPPLY EXPENSES Kettle Falls Gas-501120 Kettle Falls Wood-501110 Subtotal Resource Optimization Net Resource Optimization City of Spokane-Upriver Deal Number BPA 573 Fin Swaps Clearwater NonMonetary Bookouts Intercompany Ancillary from Nichols billing worksheet - POWERACC\BILLING\NICHOLS B on A Low Voltage - in Auth revenues Resource Optimizaton Subtotal Adjusted Actual - Authorized Net Expense WA Retail Revenue Adjustment (+) Surcharge (-) Rebate Deferral Amount, Cumulative (Customer) customer deferred W/O Interest Short-Term Purchases Net Power Cost Increase (+) Surcharge; (-) Rebate Acct 557280 Entry; (+) Rebate, (-) Surcharge Acct 557380 Entry; (+) Rebate, (-) Surcharge Misc Revs 456016 ED AN All LT charges (filter by LT in PTR) Total Power Cost Deferral (+) Surcharge; (-) Rebate REC Purchases Subtotal Paouse Wind in PCA at 100% until later GRC REC's Purchases & Sales Inland Power & Light - Deer Lake Rathdrum Power, LLC (Lancaster PPA ) 100074, 100075, 100076 Chelan County PUD (Rocky Reach Slice) Douglas County PUD (Wells Settlement) Grant County PUD (Priest Rapids/Wanapum) Bonneville Power Admin. (WNP-3)1 Douglas County PUD (Wells) Other Short-Term Purchases H:\Generation\Colstrip\Colstrip Fuel ….\YYYY Colstrip Fuel.xls - Used Burned amount for current month H:\Generation\KFGS Hog Fuel\....\YYYY KFGS SAUP.xls - use estimate Hog Fuel Consumed 573 - Enter $$$ Power Deferral Calculation lnstructions Open File H:\Power Deferrals\Power Deferral Calculations\YYYY WA & ID Actual Deferrals.xls Log into GLWand and recalculate all In WA Monthly TAB Expand Groups for Deal #s and hidden rows 555 Purchase Power Input Log into NUC PROD - Merchant Accounts Receivable and Payable System ---> Application Repots ---> Power Transactions Register (PTR) Enter actual volume 447 Sales for Resale From PTR above - query sales and enter deal data for current month Enter deal data for current month Exceptions: Nichols Pumping data from H:\Power Accounting\Billings\Nicholspump\YYYY\ Using current month file use estimated Hog Fuel Consumed Use current month file and total 501 Fuel Tons Kettle Falls H:\Generation\KFGS Hog Fuel\KFGSYYYY\YYYY KFGS SAUP.xls Colstrip H:\Generation\Colstrip\Colstrip Fuel\YYYY\Colstrip Fuel|YYYY Colstrip Fuel.xls Use Burned amount for current month REC Expense Authorized Wind REC Expense Authorized From Tara Knox Authorized Exhibits - only changes with Rate Cases - $0 for 2012 In ID Monthly TAB Input the Bonneville Power Admin (WNP-3) dollar amount from the PTR above In WA Summary TAB WA Retail Revenue Adjustment From Retail Revenue Credit Calculation H:\Power Deferrals\Power Deferral Calculation\WA Retail Rev YYYY.XLS In ID Summary TAB Palouse Wind - Remove from Power Purchase calculation once the contract starts. Data from the PTR above Authorized and Idaho Allocation From Bill Johnson and Liz Andrews - only update with Rate Case Updates Authorized & WA Allocation ID Retail Revenue Adjustment H:\Power Deferrals\Power Deferral Calculation\ID Retail Rev YYYY.XLS Clearwater Purchase @ 100% From Bill Johnson and Rick Lloyd - only update with Rate Case Updates Clearwater Revenue 100% Actual Before Finalizing Before printing regroup all groups on the individual pages To Begin Check with Gina Armstrong and/or Rick Lloyd if any new accounts need to be added For SMUD Deal filter PTR on all Long Term Charges WNP3 Mid Point (from PTR above) go to Bonneville Power Admin Deal #573 From Rick Lloyed - only changes with Rate Case Updates -- 2012 complete Rate (Nov-April) from Dave Spannagel REC Revenue Subtotal REC Rev in Base Rates and 01/01/2012 respectively. not been tracking 456016 Rev's against the proforma amounts, instead had been including 100% The revenues were included in Base Rates, thereby lowering Customer Rates. Resource Acct had of 456016 in Other Res Costs. This effectively gives the customers twice the benefits up to Starting Feb 2012 a separate calculation of actual REC Rev's as compared to proforma amounts (proforma amounts of $700K and $850K) in the last ID and WA GRC's effective 10/1/2011 the proforma amount in Rates (lower Base Rates, and credits in the ERM and PCA). Feb 2012 entry (surcharge direction). will be included in the ERM and PCA for 2012 A true up of Jan 2012 will be included in the While preparing the 2013 WA GRC it became appearent that 456016 REC Sales Rev had been included Spoke with Liz Andrews, Ron Mckenzie and Bill Johnson - start at 1/1/2012 both ID & WA. ID customers keep any benefit for 10-12/2011 (immaterial at 10%) REC's 456 Rev The 2013 WA GRC for Transmission Rev is to only include 456100, no other subtasks (700&705) Select Purchases for current month and submit query Misc. Power Exp. Authorized Misc. Power Exp. Actual-557160 ED AN Misc. Power Exp. Actual-557160 NE CT Gas-547213 Difference Cumulative Balance Palouse Wind City of Spokane - Waste-to-Energy Less SMUD RECs ID Load Change Adjustment (+) Surcharge; (-) Rebate City of Spokane- Waste-to-Energy 456705 ED AN - Do not include Low Voltage 456120 ED AN - BPA Settlement Misc. Power Exp. Subtotal KFWF Contract Buyout 456120 ED AN - BPA Trans. WASHINGTON POWER COST DEFERRALS - For Our Focus 456017 ED AN - Low Voltage 456700 ED ID - Low Voltage 456705 ED AN - Low Voltage WNP Correction* Resource Optimization - Subtotal Instructions on How to Calculate the Retail Revenue Credit To Calculate Idaho's Retail Revenue Credit Open File H:\Power Deferrals\Power Deferral Calculation\ID Retail Rev YYYY.xlsx Total Billed Sales Discoverer - Open an existing workbook - Revenue_RateSch_CM_YTD Report Period = YYYYMM Rate Schedule = % Choose the Electric Tab at the bottom of page Change the State Code (Top of Screen) from <All> to ID (for Idaho) Enter current month usage at "Total Billed Sales" Check that YTD Usage is correct Deduct Clearwater Paper Generation From a file provided by Cheryl Kettner called PotlatchGen.xls She will email this file to you every month Enter in Generation MWhs for correct month Prior Month Unbilled This is a calculation from the previous month Can be verified by checking the Prior Month Unbilled Calculation Information is provided by Rick Lloyd but the file can be found H:\Revenue\Unbilled Revenue\ Current Month Unbilled Rest of the file is based on calculations. The inputs only change with a new rate case. Bill Johnson, Tara Knox and/or Liz Andrews provide the inputs To Calculate Washington's Retail Revenue Credit Open File H:\Power Deferrals\Power Deferral Calculation\WA Retail Rev YYYY.xlsx Change the State Code (Top of Screen) from <All> to WA (for Washington) Idaho Electric Jurisdiction Retail Revenue Credit excluding Clearwater - MWh YTD Deduct Prior Month Unbilled Add Current Month Unbilled Difference from Test Year Load Change Adjustment Rate - $/MWh Total Revenue on Clearwater Purchases Values to Put in Deferral Calculaton Spreadsheet: Retail Revenue Credit (+Surcharge, -Rebate) Clearwater 100% Actual Revenue Budget Forecast Washington Electric Jurisdiction Retail Sales - MWh Total Retail Sales Test Year Retail Sales Production Rate - $/MWh Total Revenue Credit - $ Value to Put in Deferral Calculaton Spreadsheet: Test Year Consumption Total Load Change Adjustment - $ Incorrect Authorized Idaho REC Revenue Adjustment from 2013 Rebate PT Ratio Idaho Share - 100% Idaho Share - 90% As Recorded Corrected Correct Authorized Difference - Adjusted in Jan. 2014 2013 REC Authorized Adjustment 456020 ED AN-Sale of excess BPA Trans Change to only include "actual" months Change to include only "actual" months 223173-177 Capacity and Reserves excludes deviation energy 223178-180 Capacity only - RF (Regulation) Bonneville Power Admin Deal #573 Enter actual volume Nov - Apr Delivery period - need to update volumes (difference between midpt. & commodity rate Source: 2014 WA & ID Actual Deferrals Workbook Purpsoe: Identify FERC accounts currently being captured to compare to "Authorized". PB: T. Moses 12.12.14 FERC Description Purchased Power Purchased Power Financial Purchased Power Lancaster Energy Deviations Lancaster ID WPI & PFI Nonmon Expense Power Bookout Purchases Purchased Power Intraco Power Sale for Resale Physical - Merchant Sale for Resale Financial Energy Deviations - Lancaster Sale for Resale Bookout - Merchant Sale for Resale - Intracompany Transmission Revenue from Merchant Kettle Falls Hog Fuel Kettle Falls Gas Fuel Colstrip Coal Fuel Oil Colstrip Fuel Northeast CT Fuel Boulder Park CT Fuel Kettle Falls CT Fuel Coyote Springs 2 CT Fuel Commodity - Lancaster CT Fuel Rathdrum CT Transmission Revenue of Others Parallel Capacity Support Revenue Sale of Excess Transmission Low Voltage B on A Transmission of Energy by Others Transmission BPA Demand - Lancaster Transmissino of Energy by Others Broker Fees - Power Captured for deferral calculation only SV JD ED AN Quantity * Change in Mid-Point Price (mini surcharge) SMUD REC revenue included in 447000, remove to be captured in REC deferral Other Power Supply Expense - Financial Not an "Authorized" Fuel Economic Dispatch Line Item Turbine Gas Bookout Expense Turbine Gas Bookout Offset Other Power Expense - Intracompany Thermal Other Electric Revenue - Financial Other Electric Revenue - CT Fuel Sales Other Electric Revenue - Intracompany Thermal Other Electric Revenue - Revenue Bookout Offset Other Electric Revenue - Turbine Gas Bookout Miscellaneous Other Resource Costs Optional Renewable Power Expense Energy Recovery Mechanism (ERM) Retail Revenue Credit Calculation - 2015 EWEB REC WA EIA 937 Compliance WA EIA937 Requirement (EWEB) - Expense WA EIA937 Requirement (EWEB) - Broker Fee Exp WA EIA 937 Requirement (EWEB) - Broker Fee Exp WA EIA REC Purchase - Authorized 557 Broker & Related Fees Total 557 ED AN Broker & Related Fees 557172 ED AN 557170 ED AN From Dec '14 Mid Month (Budget) Arch Ford (Jim Ford) 100133, Glen/Rose Marie (Sheep Creek) 100151, Idaho County L&P (John Day) 100460, James White 100163, Mike Johnson (Hydrotech) 214285, Spokane Co. 186693, Deep Creek Place Holder Intercompany Transmission At 35.29% Feb Adjust At 64.71% Washington 100% Activity (EIA 937) Power Costs Adjustment (PCA) - Load Change Adjustment - 2015 Deferral Amount, Monthly Entry Spokane Energy Net Capacity Sale 456700 ED WA - Do not include Low Voltage 456130 ED AN - Ancillary Services Revenue 456020 ED AN - Sale of excess BPA Trans Total through June Error (Period) 555000.00 555100.00 555312.00 555313.00 555380.00 555550.00 555700.00 555710.00 447000.00 447100.00 447313.00 447700.00 447710.00 447720.00 501110.00 501120.00 501140.00 501160.00 547213.00 547216.00 547211.00 547610.00 547312.00 547310.00 456100.00 456120.00 456020.00 456705.00 565000.00 565312.00 565710.00 557170.00 557010.00 557150.00 557700.00 557711.00 557730.00 456010.00 456015.00 456730.00 456711.00 456720.00 557160.00 557395.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 ?1?/?31?/?2013 ?2?/?28?/?2013 ?3?/?31?/?2013 ?4?/?30?/?2013 ?5?/?31?/?2013 ?6?/?30?/?2013 ?7?/?31?/?2013 ?8?/?31?/?2013 ?9?/?30?/?2013 ?10?/?31?/?2013 ?11?/?30?/?2013 ?12?/?31?/?2013 1.00 $88,800,154.00 $18,508,249.00 $18,369,404.00 $16,707,284.00 $12,949,168.00 $10,442,007.00 $11,824,042.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2.00 1.00 ($73,600,275.00) ($11,643,072.00) ($10,823,998.00) ($13,235,802.00) ($14,504,101.00) ($13,592,868.00) ($9,800,434.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3.00 1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4.00 $13,516,667.00 $3,024,714.00 $719,974.00 $2,528,524.00 $2,524,040.00 $2,145,449.00 $2,573,966.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5.00 $38,704,298.00 $7,034,057.00 $4,606,393.00 $6,304,366.00 $6,287,738.00 $6,983,594.00 $7,488,150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 6.00 7.00 $8,561,671.00 $1,469,091.00 $1,407,165.00 $1,470,845.00 $1,429,297.00 $1,382,721.00 $1,402,552.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 8.00 $227,317.00 $31,393.00 $40,529.00 $36,550.00 $31,429.00 $45,056.00 $42,360.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 9.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10.00 $76,209,832.00 $18,424,432.00 $14,319,467.00 $13,811,767.00 $8,717,571.00 $7,405,959.00 $13,530,636.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total through June ?1?/?31?/?2013 ?2?/?28?/?2013 ?3?/?31?/?2013 ?4?/?30?/?2013 ?5?/?31?/?2013 ?6?/?30?/?2013 ?7?/?31?/?2013 ?8?/?31?/?2013 ?9?/?30?/?2013 ?10?/?31?/?2013 ?11?/?30?/?2013 ?12?/?31?/?2013 11.00 1.00 $67,667,968.00 $14,241,308.00 $12,816,216.00 $12,684,102.00 $10,157,992.00 $8,801,839.00 $8,966,511.00 $9,032,312.00 $10,449,135.00 $8,227,612.00 $8,950,494.00 $12,731,418.00 $12,617,776.00 12.00 ($46,735,623.00) ($5,385,864.00) ($7,026,454.00) ($8,167,295.00) ($8,655,099.00) ($9,111,902.00) ($8,389,009.00) ($5,130,621.00) ($3,284,320.00) ($4,661,364.00) ($4,875,558.00) ($6,000,154.00) ($4,742,812.00) 13.00 1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14.00 1.00 $12,972,288.00 $2,663,532.00 $2,484,671.00 $2,578,707.00 $2,068,252.00 $1,665,745.00 $1,511,381.00 $2,254,578.00 $2,621,357.00 $2,672,936.00 $2,757,933.00 $2,649,850.00 $2,700,185.00 15.00 $40,434,825.00 $10,133,311.00 $9,419,650.00 $9,305,476.00 $5,867,735.00 $3,112,735.00 $2,595,918.00 $5,623,100.00 $7,743,935.00 $8,219,145.00 $8,834,779.00 $9,035,104.00 $9,873,776.00 16.00 17.00 $8,395,035.00 $1,447,542.00 $1,429,504.00 $1,405,324.00 $1,394,208.00 $1,365,074.00 $1,353,383.00 $1,377,511.00 $1,429,273.00 $1,414,185.00 $1,374,889.00 $1,403,813.00 $1,423,031.00 18.00 $538,000.00 $89,667.00 $89,667.00 $89,666.00 $89,667.00 $89,667.00 $89,666.00 $89,667.00 $89,667.00 $89,666.00 $89,667.00 $89,667.00 $89,666.00 19.00 $83,272,493.00 $23,189,496.00 $19,213,254.00 $17,895,980.00 $10,922,755.00 $5,923,158.00 $6,127,850.00 $13,246,547.00 $19,049,047.00 $15,962,180.00 $17,132,204.00 $19,909,698.00 $21,961,622.00 20.00 ($7,062,661.00) 0.00 ($4,765,064.00) 0.00 ($4,893,787.00) ($4,084,213.00) ($2,205,184.00) $1,482,801.00 $7,402,786.00 0.00 21.00 ($5,170,883.00) ($706,789.00) ($739,146.00) ($906,411.00) ($781,452.00) ($985,070.00) ($1,052,015.00) 22.00 ($12,233,544.00) ($5,471,853.00) ($5,632,933.00) ($4,990,624.00) ($2,986,636.00) $497,731.00 $6,350,771.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 23.00 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 24.00 ($7,981,163.00) ($3,569,837.00) ($3,674,925.00) ($3,255,883.00) ($1,948,481.00) $324,720.00 $4,143,243.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 25.00 $557,805.00 $262,948.00 $910,309.00 $465,355.00 ($286,147.00) $214,781.00 ($1,009,441.00) 26.00 ($7,423,358.00) ($3,306,889.00) 0.00 ($2,764,616.00) ($2,790,528.00) ($2,234,628.00) $539,501.00 $3,133,802.00 27.00 ($3,306,889.00) 0.00 ($6,071,505.00) 0.00 ($8,862,033.00) 0.00 ($11,096,661.00) ($10,557,160.00) ($7,423,358.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 10000000.00 0.90 0.90 $0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($1,096,661.00) ($557,160.00) $0.00 4000000.00 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($257,548.00) ($234,192.00) ($154,660.00) ($1,158,879.00) 77.00 1.00 $173,760.00 $29,760.00 $26,880.00 $29,760.00 $28,800.00 $29,760.00 $28,800.00 $0.00 29760.00 0.00 $0.00 29760.00 0.00 $0.00 28800.00 0.00 $0.00 29800.00 0.00 $0.00 28800.00 0.00 $0.00 29760.00 0.00 $173,760.00 78.00 1.00 $812.00 $0.00 $477.00 $335.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $812.00 79.00 1.00 ($172,948.00) ($29,760.00) ($26,403.00) ($29,425.00) ($28,800.00) ($29,760.00) ($28,800.00) ($172,948.00) 80.00 1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7419.00 1.75 0.00 $0.00 7071.00 1.75 0.00 $0.00 7851.00 1.75 0.00 $0.00 6234.00 1.75 0.00 $0.00 6681.00 1.75 0.00 $0.00 5094.00 1.75 0.00 $0.00 5320.00 1.75 0.00 $0.00 6420.00 1.75 0.00 $0.00 5317.00 1.75 0.00 $0.00 81.00 1.00 $337.00 $16.00 $27.00 $37.00 $56.00 $85.00 $116.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $337.00 82.00 1.00 $337.00 $16.00 $27.00 $37.00 $56.00 $85.00 $116.00 $337.00 83.00 1.00 ($6,503,542.00) ($893,853.00) 0.00 ($894,089.00) 0.00 ($1,162,471.00) ($1,068,632.00) ($1,249,022.00) 0.00 ($1,235,475.00) 0.00 0.00 ($6,503,542.00) 84.00 1.00 $60,888,392.00 $16,085,085.00 0.00 $11,888,265.00 $11,119,202.00 $6,297,917.00 $4,792,730.00 0.00 $10,705,193.00 $60,888,392.00 Net gas not burned plus act v auth REC expense, and other misc rev's tzj0fg: from Tara Knox - comes from Authorized Exhibits tzj0fg: If Act<Auth (+) Surcharge If Act>Auth (-) Rebate tzj0fg: Exclude EWEB and other EIA-937 RECs tzj0fg: Clearwater included to offset any variance in SMUD sale 447 rev's for Brown Power gaa9730: For KFGS Hog fuel Contract buyout Clearwater Recs and Stateline Rec sale loss gaa9730: For KFGS Hog fuel Contract buyout Clearwater Recs and Stateline Rec sale loss gaa9730: Includes KFWF Contract buyout tmm8381: November through April only each year. Data Source: Nucleus, Power Transaction Register Deal 573 tmm8381: Was JP Morgan Wind: Contract ended April 2014 Page of ?1?/?31?/?2015 ?2?/?28?/?2015 ?3?/?31?/?2015 ?4?/?30?/?2015 ?5?/?31?/?2015 ?6?/?30?/?2015 ?7?/?31?/?2015 ?8?/?31?/?2015 ?9?/?30?/?2015 ?10?/?31?/?2015 ?11?/?30?/?2015 ?12?/?31?/?2015 1.00 $88,761,497.00 $18,494,805.00 $18,357,256.00 $16,700,647.00 $12,942,740.00 $10,442,007.00 $11,824,042.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2.00 1.00 ($73,600,275.00) ($11,643,072.00) ($10,823,998.00) ($13,235,802.00) ($14,504,101.00) ($13,592,868.00) ($9,800,434.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3.00 1.00 $13,516,667.00 $3,024,714.00 $719,974.00 $2,528,524.00 $2,524,040.00 $2,145,449.00 $2,573,966.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4.00 1.00 $38,704,298.00 $7,034,057.00 $4,606,393.00 $6,304,366.00 $6,287,738.00 $6,983,594.00 $7,488,150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5.00 1.00 ($8,551,924.00) ($1,400,657.00) ($1,484,436.00) ($1,486,907.00) ($1,313,165.00) ($1,319,151.00) ($1,547,608.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 6.00 1.00 $8,561,671.00 $1,469,091.00 $1,407,165.00 $1,470,845.00 $1,429,297.00 $1,382,721.00 $1,402,552.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7.00 1.00 $67,391,934.00 $16,978,938.00 $12,782,354.00 $12,281,673.00 $7,366,549.00 $6,041,752.00 $11,940,668.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total through June ?1?/?31?/?2015 ?2?/?28?/?2015 ?3?/?31?/?2015 ?4?/?30?/?2015 ?5?/?31?/?2015 ?6?/?30?/?2015 ?7?/?31?/?2015 ?8?/?31?/?2015 ?9?/?30?/?2015 ?10?/?31?/?2015 ?11?/?30?/?2015 ?12?/?31?/?2015 8.00 1.00 $46,090,109.00 $10,717,432.00 $9,359,487.00 $8,546,885.00 $6,841,564.00 $5,337,699.00 $5,287,042.00 $5,648,618.00 $7,939,502.00 $5,551,282.00 $5,789,904.00 $8,437,276.00 $8,726,282.00 9.00 ($27,486,590.00) ($4,641,568.00) ($4,386,361.00) ($4,792,538.00) ($5,372,207.00) ($5,022,215.00) ($3,271,701.00) ($6,033,100.00) ($3,115,032.00) ($4,649,875.00) ($4,672,288.00) ($5,573,841.00) ($6,089,913.00) 10.00 $13,362,658.00 $2,789,917.00 $2,632,215.00 $2,785,057.00 $2,031,330.00 $1,718,372.00 $1,405,767.00 $2,715,972.00 $2,948,383.00 $2,925,528.00 $3,051,784.00 $2,909,636.00 $3,002,771.00 11.00 $33,158,340.00 $8,264,229.00 $7,537,533.00 $7,376,233.00 $4,927,841.00 $2,851,219.00 $2,201,285.00 $6,893,937.00 $8,303,984.00 $8,561,441.00 $9,099,171.00 $9,713,701.00 $10,900,577.00 12.00 ($7,474,480.00) ($1,324,260.00) ($1,118,308.00) ($1,231,356.00) ($1,159,556.00) ($1,231,179.00) ($1,409,821.00) ($1,563,830.00) ($1,439,516.00) ($1,361,638.00) ($1,498,286.00) ($1,294,553.00) ($1,278,524.00) 13.00 $8,726,347.00 $1,495,284.48 $1,530,877.00 $1,480,537.53 $1,427,248.00 $1,371,517.68 $1,420,882.00 $1,432,251.00 $1,480,124.00 $1,483,239.00 $1,547,809.00 $1,665,262.00 $1,635,447.00 14.00 $66,376,384.00 $17,301,034.00 $15,555,443.00 $14,164,819.00 $8,696,220.00 $5,025,414.00 $5,633,454.00 $9,093,848.00 $16,117,445.00 $12,509,977.00 $13,318,094.00 $15,857,481.00 $16,896,640.00 15.00 $1,015,550.00 ($322,096.00) 0.00 ($2,773,089.00) 0.00 ($1,883,146.00) ($1,329,671.00) $1,016,338.00 $6,307,214.00 0.00 16.00 ($6,503,542.00) ($893,853.00) ($894,089.00) ($1,162,471.00) ($1,068,632.00) ($1,249,022.00) ($1,235,475.00) ($5,313,000.00) ($4,347,000.00) ($966,000.00) 17.00 1.00 ($10,800,992.00) ($1,215,949.00) ($3,667,178.00) 0.00 ($7,392,617.00) 0.00 ($2,398,303.00) ($232,684.00) $4,105,739.00 0.00 18.00 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 19.00 ($3,754,425.00) ($422,664.00) ($1,274,711.00) 0.00 ($2,569,674.00) 0.00 ($833,650.00) ($80,881.00) $1,427,155.00 20.00 ($770,642.00) $150,034.00 $427,259.00 0.00 ($154,080.00) 0.00 ($172,986.00) 0.00 ($178,245.00) 0.00 ($842,624.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.00 $0.00 22.00 ($4,525,067.00) ($272,630.00) ($847,452.00) ($2,723,754.00) ($1,006,636.00) ($259,126.00) 0.00 $584,531.00 23.00 ($4,072,560.00) ($245,367.00) ($762,707.00) 0.00 0.90 ($2,451,379.00) ($905,972.00) ($233,213.00) $526,078.00 ($4,525,067.00) 0.90 24.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 25.00 $9,117,752.00 $1,684,910.00 $1,538,596.00 $1,141,844.00 $1,659,201.00 $1,652,935.00 $1,440,266.00 $1,665,897.00 $1,673,537.00 $1,533,746.00 $1,650,145.00 $1,669,545.00 $1,770,021.00 26.00 ($9,117,752.00) ($1,684,910.00) ($1,538,596.00) ($1,141,844.00) ($1,659,201.00) ($1,652,935.00) ($1,440,266.00) 27.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 28.00 ($10,293,225.00) ($1,896,882.00) ($1,746,450.00) ($1,285,700.00) ($1,875,387.00) ($1,860,881.00) ($1,627,925.00) ($1,875,474.00) ($1,884,078.00) ($1,733,585.00) ($1,857,742.00) ($1,886,753.00) ($1,992,699.00) 29.00 $1,896,882.00 $1,746,450.00 $1,285,700.00 $1,875,387.00 $1,860,881.00 $1,627,925.00 30.00 $1,175,473.00 $211,972.00 0.00 $207,854.00 $143,856.00 $216,186.00 $207,946.00 $187,659.00 31.00 ($2,897,087.00) ($33,395.00) ($554,853.00) ($2,307,523.00) ($689,786.00) ($25,267.00) $713,737.00 32.00 $33,395.00 $33,395.00 -1.00 $554,853.00 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$3,828.00 $3,828.00 $3,828.00 $3,828.00 $3,828.00 $3,828.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $22,968.00 79.00 1.00 ($22,707.00) ($22,707.00) $3,828.00 $3,828.00 ($42,137.00) $3,828.00 $3,828.00 ($181,250.00) $0.00 $0.00 ($181,250.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $312,968.00 80.00 1.00 ($5,170,883.00) ($706,789.00) 0.00 ($739,146.00) 0.00 ($906,411.00) ($781,452.00) ($985,070.00) ($1,052,015.00) 0.00 ($4,464,094.00) 81.00 1.00 $62,443,073.00 $16,380,943.00 0.00 $12,186,377.00 $11,508,941.00 $6,667,481.00 $5,192,230.00 $10,507,101.00 tzj0fg: Fin Swaps Net gas not burned plus act v auth REC expense, and other misc rev's tzj0fg: If Act<Auth (+) Surcharge If Act>Auth (-) Rebate tzj0fg: BuckaBlock from Tara Knox - comes from Authorized Exhibits zero in 2012 tzj0fg: Bookouts tzj0fg: Lancaster tzj0fg: Inter Company - Ancil Services tzj0fg: Inter Co - Transmission tzj0fg: Clearwater included to offset any variance in SMUD sale 447 rev's for Brown Power No Longer use included Clr water RECS her due to new REC Deferral gaa9730: H:\Power Accountingk\Billings\Nicholspump gaa9730: Add these together tzj0fg: Financial tzj0fg: Physical gaa9730: This should be the KFWF Contract buyout TMM8381: Inventory adjustment expense, physical less than book tmm8381: Removed Kootenai Electric, Fighting Creek April 2014 month end per Cheryl Kettner & Gina Armstrong tmm8381: PWRCAP deal 100078 tmm8381: ACCTPW deal 100131 tmm8381: Power, deal 107240 tmm8381: PWRCAP deal 100085 tmm8381: ACCTPW deal 100137 tmm8381: Power deal 185895 tmm8381: Power deal 186298, currently does not include deal 186297 tmm8381: Power deal 223063 tmm8381: Was JP Morgan Wind: Contract ended April 2014 tmm8381: Power "Lancaster CT" tmm8381: Power deal 181462 tmm8381: Deal 573, actual volume tzj0fg: If Act<Auth (+) Surcharge If Act>Auth (-) Rebate tmm8381: Contract ended 12.31.14 tmm8381: Excluded in ERM, activity picked up in REC deferral for WA. tmm8381: Booked Q1 NSJ 013 (201503) to recognize company benefit portion of Spokane Energy capacity purchase/sale to 557160 ED WA for WA portion. Do not want to capture in ERM deferral calculation. Already added in as Resouce Optimization on WA Summary tab, $1,449,000 per month for January, February & March to calculate monthly amount for interest. TM 4.8.15 CKettner: Prior to June 2015, per the note of "Do not include Low Voltage", it was not being picked up. It is in Authorized, so the past amounts and the June amount are being picked up for June. CKettner: Prior to June 2015, per the note of "Do not include Low Voltage", it was not being picked up. It is in Authorized, so the past amounts and the June amount are being picked up for June. - Page of 3 ?1?/?31?/?2015 ?2?/?28?/?2015 ?3?/?31?/?2015 ?4?/?30?/?2015 ?5?/?31?/?2015 ?6?/?30?/?2015 ?7?/?31?/?2015 ?8?/?31?/?2015 ?9?/?30?/?2015 ?10?/?31?/?2015 ?11?/?30?/?2015 ?12?/?31?/?2015 1.00 $88,800,154.00 $18,508,249.00 $18,369,404.00 $16,707,284.00 $12,949,168.00 $10,442,007.00 $11,824,042.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2.00 1.00 ($73,600,275.00) ($11,643,072.00) ($10,823,998.00) ($13,235,802.00) ($14,504,101.00) ($13,592,868.00) ($9,800,434.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3.00 1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4.00 $13,516,667.00 $3,024,714.00 $719,974.00 $2,528,524.00 $2,524,040.00 $2,145,449.00 $2,573,966.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5.00 $38,704,298.00 $7,034,057.00 $4,606,393.00 $6,304,366.00 $6,287,738.00 $6,983,594.00 $7,488,150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 6.00 ($8,546,344.00) ($1,313,993.00) ($1,397,772.00) ($1,400,243.00) ($1,226,501.00) ($1,232,487.00) ($1,975,348.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7.00 $8,561,671.00 $1,469,091.00 $1,407,165.00 $1,470,845.00 $1,429,297.00 $1,382,721.00 $1,402,552.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 8.00 $227,317.00 $31,393.00 $40,529.00 $36,550.00 $31,429.00 $45,056.00 $42,360.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 9.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10.00 $67,663,488.00 $17,110,439.00 $12,921,695.00 $12,411,524.00 $7,491,070.00 $6,173,472.00 $11,555,288.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ?1?/?31?/?2015 ?2?/?28?/?2015 ?3?/?31?/?2015 ?4?/?30?/?2015 ?5?/?31?/?2015 ?6?/?30?/?2015 ?7?/?31?/?2015 ?8?/?31?/?2015 ?9?/?30?/?2015 ?10?/?31?/?2015 ?11?/?30?/?2015 ?12?/?31?/?2015 11.00 1.00 $67,667,968.00 $14,241,308.00 $12,816,216.00 $12,684,102.00 $10,157,992.00 $8,801,839.00 $8,966,511.00 $9,032,312.00 $10,449,135.00 $8,227,612.00 $8,950,494.00 $12,731,418.00 $12,617,776.00 12.00 ($46,735,623.00) ($5,385,864.00) ($7,026,454.00) ($8,167,295.00) ($8,655,099.00) ($9,111,902.00) ($8,389,009.00) ($5,130,621.00) ($3,284,320.00) ($4,661,364.00) ($4,875,558.00) ($6,000,154.00) ($4,742,812.00) 13.00 1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14.00 1.00 $12,972,288.00 $2,663,532.00 $2,484,671.00 $2,578,707.00 $2,068,252.00 $1,665,745.00 $1,511,381.00 $2,254,578.00 $2,621,357.00 $2,672,936.00 $2,757,933.00 $2,649,850.00 $2,700,185.00 15.00 $40,434,825.00 $10,133,311.00 $9,419,650.00 $9,305,476.00 $5,867,735.00 $3,112,735.00 $2,595,918.00 $5,623,100.00 $7,743,935.00 $8,219,145.00 $8,834,779.00 $9,035,104.00 $9,873,776.00 16.00 ($7,618,598.00) ($1,304,329.00) ($1,105,921.00) ($1,123,977.00) ($1,154,782.00) ($1,377,232.00) ($1,552,357.00) ($1,659,835.00) ($1,502,892.00) ($1,306,364.00) ($1,460,291.00) ($1,241,936.00) ($1,225,427.00) 17.00 $8,395,035.00 $1,447,542.00 $1,429,504.00 $1,405,324.00 $1,394,208.00 $1,365,074.00 $1,353,383.00 $1,377,511.00 $1,429,273.00 $1,414,185.00 $1,374,889.00 $1,403,813.00 $1,423,031.00 18.00 $538,000.00 $89,667.00 $89,667.00 $89,666.00 $89,667.00 $89,667.00 $89,666.00 $89,667.00 $89,667.00 $89,666.00 $89,667.00 $89,667.00 $89,666.00 19.00 $75,653,895.00 $21,885,167.00 $18,107,333.00 $16,772,003.00 $9,767,973.00 $4,545,926.00 $4,575,493.00 $11,586,712.00 $17,546,155.00 $14,655,816.00 $15,671,913.00 $18,667,762.00 $20,736,195.00 20.00 ($7,990,407.00) 0.00 ($4,774,728.00) 0.00 ($5,185,638.00) ($4,360,479.00) ($2,276,903.00) $1,627,546.00 $6,979,795.00 0.00 21.00 ($5,170,883.00) ($706,789.00) ($739,146.00) ($906,411.00) ($781,452.00) ($985,070.00) ($1,052,015.00) ($4,347,000.00) ($4,347,000.00) -4347000.00 ($966,000.00) 22.00 1.00 ($18,474,290.00) ($5,481,517.00) ($5,924,784.00) 0.00 0.00 ($9,613,890.00) 0.00 0.00 ($3,058,355.00) 0.00 0.00 $642,476.00 $4,961,780.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 23.00 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 24.00 ($12,043,391.00) ($3,573,401.00) ($3,862,367.00) ($6,267,295.00) ($1,993,742.00) $418,830.00 $3,234,584.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 25.00 ($49,532.00) ($22,707.00) $3,828.00 $3,828.00 ($42,137.00) $3,828.00 $3,828.00 ($181,250.00) $0.00 $0.00 ($181,250.00) $0.00 $0.00 26.00 $557,805.00 $262,948.00 $910,309.00 $465,355.00 ($286,147.00) $214,781.00 ($1,009,441.00) 27.00 ($11,535,118.00) ($3,333,160.00) 0.00 ($2,948,230.00) ($5,798,112.00) ($2,322,026.00) $637,439.00 $2,228,971.00 28.00 $0.00 29.00 ($3,333,160.00) 0.00 ($6,281,390.00) 0.00 ($12,079,502.00) ($14,401,528.00) ($13,764,089.00) ($11,535,118.00) 0.00 0.00 10000000.00 0.90 0.90 $0.00 $0.00 ($2,079,502.00) ($4,401,528.00) ($3,764,089.00) ($1,535,118.00) 4000000.00 to $#,##0,, M to $10M 0.50 0.75 $0.00 ($2,281,390.00) ($6,000,000.00) ($6,000,000.00) ($6,000,000.00) ($6,000,000.00) 0.00 to $#,##0,, M to $4M 0.00 0.00 ($3,333,160.00) ($4,000,000.00) ($4,000,000.00) ($4,000,000.00) ($4,000,000.00) ($4,000,000.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($1,711,043.00) ($6,371,552.00) ($8,461,375.00) ($7,887,680.00) ($5,881,606.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 ($1,711,043.00) ($4,660,509.00) 0.00 ($2,089,823.00) $573,695.00 $2,006,074.00 0.00 0.00 $5,881,606.00 $0.00 0.00 $1,711,043.00 $4,660,509.00 $2,089,823.00 ($573,695.00) ($2,006,074.00) ($3,333,160.00) ($4,570,347.00) 0.00 ($5,707,950.00) ($5,940,153.00) ($5,876,409.00) ($5,653,512.00) ($3,298,835.00) ($34,325.00) Updated Feb. 2013 to correct Authorized gaa9730: Authorized doesn't include SMUD RECS tmm8381: Contract ended 12.31.15 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 sw ?1?/?1?/?2008 ?2?/?1?/?2008 ?3?/?1?/?2008 ?4?/?1?/?2008 ?5?/?1?/?2008 ?6?/?1?/?2008 ?7?/?1?/?2008 ?8?/?1?/?2008 ?9?/?1?/?2008 ?10?/?1?/?2008 ?11?/?1?/?2008 ?12?/?1?/?2008 555 Purchased Power $45,988,961.00 $18,508,249.00 $14,241,308.00 $4,266,941.00 $18,369,404.00 $12,816,216.00 $5,553,188.00 $16,707,284.00 $12,684,102.00 $4,023,182.00 $12,949,168.00 $10,157,992.00 $2,791,176.00 $10,442,007.00 $8,801,839.00 $1,640,168.00 $11,824,042.00 $8,966,511.00 $2,857,531.00 $0.00 $9,032,312.00 ($9,032,312.00) $0.00 $10,449,135.00 ($10,449,135.00) $0.00 $8,227,612.00 ($8,227,612.00) $0.00 $8,950,494.00 ($8,950,494.00) $0.00 $12,731,418.00 ($12,731,418.00) $0.00 $12,617,776.00 ($12,617,776.00) 501 Thermal Fuel $8,250,817.00 $3,024,714.00 $2,663,532.00 $361,182.00 $719,974.00 $2,484,671.00 ($1,764,697.00) $2,528,524.00 $2,578,707.00 ($50,183.00) $2,524,040.00 $2,068,252.00 $455,788.00 $2,145,449.00 $1,665,745.00 $479,704.00 $2,573,966.00 $1,511,381.00 $1,062,585.00 $0.00 $2,254,578.00 ($2,254,578.00) $0.00 $2,621,357.00 ($2,621,357.00) $0.00 $2,672,936.00 ($2,672,936.00) $0.00 $2,757,933.00 ($2,757,933.00) $0.00 $2,649,850.00 ($2,649,850.00) $0.00 $2,700,185.00 ($2,700,185.00) 547 CT Fuel $21,776,508.00 $7,034,057.00 $10,133,311.00 ($3,099,254.00) $4,606,393.00 $9,419,650.00 ($4,813,257.00) $6,304,366.00 $9,305,476.00 ($3,001,110.00) $6,287,738.00 $5,867,735.00 $420,003.00 $6,983,594.00 $3,112,735.00 $3,870,859.00 $7,488,150.00 $2,595,918.00 $4,892,232.00 $0.00 $5,623,100.00 ($5,623,100.00) $0.00 $7,743,935.00 ($7,743,935.00) $0.00 $8,219,145.00 ($8,219,145.00) $0.00 $8,834,779.00 ($8,834,779.00) $0.00 $9,035,104.00 ($9,035,104.00) $0.00 $9,873,776.00 ($9,873,776.00) 447 Sale for Resale ($40,370,971.00) ($11,643,072.00) ($5,385,864.00) ($6,257,208.00) ($10,823,998.00) ($7,026,454.00) ($3,797,544.00) ($13,235,802.00) ($8,167,295.00) ($5,068,507.00) ($14,504,101.00) ($8,655,099.00) ($5,849,002.00) ($13,592,868.00) ($9,111,902.00) ($4,480,966.00) ($9,800,434.00) ($8,389,009.00) ($1,411,425.00) $0.00 ($5,130,621.00) $5,130,621.00 $0.00 ($3,284,320.00) $3,284,320.00 $0.00 ($4,661,364.00) $4,661,364.00 $0.00 ($4,875,558.00) $4,875,558.00 $0.00 ($6,000,154.00) $6,000,154.00 $0.00 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0.66 50237.00 745365.00 782126.00 36761.00 791000.00 45635.00 -30042.00 0.66 -1914877.00 673392.00 700540.00 27148.00 695500.00 22108.00 -14554.00 0.66 -740944.00 726525.00 758273.00 31748.00 769600.00 43075.00 28356.00 0.66 -1331598.00 746122.00 784278.00 38156.00 760300.00 14178.00 9333.00 0.66 ($433,051.00) 945765.00 984142.00 38377.00 897100.00 48665.00 32036.00 0.66 $1,928,247.00 612060.00 0.66 610771.00 0.66 -1289.00 525998.00 0.66 539740.00 0.66 13742.00 460020.00 0.66 0.00 0.00 457848.00 0.66 457848.00 556497.00 559753.00 3256.00 507980.00 502124.00 -5856.00 476148.00 514703.00 38555.00 432520.00 437704.00 5184.00 398505.00 429845.00 31340.00 390087.00 414160.00 24073.00 434299.00 459551.00 25252.00 434143.00 474756.00 40613.00 15000.00 -146100.00 ($96,178.00) 0.66 0.00 323950.00 -323950.00 213256.00 0.66 $15,269,130.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 147400.00 1522642.00 $1,002,355.00 0.66 228850.00 228850.00 -150652.00 0.66 ($10,786,683.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 7080040.00 331554.00 157490.00 100221.00 73843.00 352500.00 337500.00 15000.00 -20946.00 -13789.00 $991,705.00 282837.00 282837.00 370700.00 359100.00 11600.00 -87863.00 57840.00 0.66 $3,893,789.00 331107.00 148074.00 124035.00 58998.00 343400.00 333300.00 10100.00 -12293.00 8092.00 0.66 $579,387.00 334852.00 473000.00 461600.00 11400.00 -138148.00 90943.00 0.66 $8,040,271.00 657019.00 450132.00 120566.00 86321.00 699200.00 687700.00 11500.00 -42181.00 27768.00 0.66 $1,480,034.00 698946.00 489979.00 116611.00 92356.00 697300.00 685000.00 12300.00 1646.00 -1084.00 0.66 ($17,929.00) 561735.00 484300.00 473100.00 11200.00 77435.00 -50975.00 0.66 ($2,946,865.00) 284087.00 289500.00 279900.00 9600.00 -5413.00 3563.00 0.66 227106.00 251337.00 229700.00 222500.00 7200.00 21637.00 -14244.00 0.66 -725162.00 272599.00 272599.00 232700.00 223900.00 8800.00 39899.00 26266.00 0.66 ($1,233,451.00) 280180.00 250100.00 240200.00 9900.00 30080.00 19802.00 0.66 ($918,813.00) 371146.00 191544.00 97343.00 82259.00 354400.00 342800.00 11600.00 16746.00 11024.00 0.66 ($663,535.00) 189009.00 191762.00 -2753.00 163948.00 154932.00 9016.00 5935.00 ($426,845.00) 153371.00 146356.00 7015.00 -4618.00 ($310,884.00) 163178.00 151397.00 11781.00 -7755.00 0.66 ($555,258.00) 150929.00 124649.00 26280.00 -17300.00 ($1,529,493.00) 137537.00 102558.00 34979.00 -23027.00 ($1,227,339.00) 73250.00 122128.00 -48878.00 32176.00 $532,191.00 140563.00 154838.00 -14275.00 9397.00 $543,241.00 153906.00 156448.00 -2542.00 1673.00 106637.00 134230.00 151403.00 -17173.00 11305.00 575538.00 163230.00 155183.00 8047.00 5297.00 ($248,747.00) 159637.00 151403.00 8234.00 5420.00 ($251,488.00) 163880.00 153931.00 9949.00 6549.00 ($394,184.00) 282523.00 3333167.00 -3050644.00 29837.00 33513.00 -3676.00 -2420.00 $174,046.00 30893.00 31625.00 -732.00 482.00 $32,448.00 29524.00 33969.00 -4445.00 2926.00 0.66 $209,502.00 5075.00 32618.00 -27543.00 18132.00 $1,603,050.00 469.00 2427.00 -1958.00 1289.00 $68,704.00 -216.00 0.00 -216.00 142.00 $2,349.00 0.00 31474.00 -31474.00 20719.00 $1,197,765.00 22350.00 33683.00 -11333.00 7461.00 475564.00 13504.00 32911.00 -19407.00 12776.00 650426.00 8562.00 34300.00 -25738.00 -16943.00 $795,643.00 27374.00 33194.00 -5820.00 -3831.00 $177,758.00 33336.00 34300.00 -964.00 -635.00 $38,221.00 -2736.00 11149.00 -13885.00 1083.00 117.00 966.00 636.00 ($45,741.00) 210.00 181.00 29.00 -19.00 ($1,279.00) 202.00 104.00 98.00 -65.00 ($4,654.00) 0.00 32.00 -32.00 21.00 $1,857.00 0.00 25.00 -25.00 16.00 $853.00 0.00 30.00 -30.00 20.00 $331.00 0.00 457.00 -457.00 301.00 $17,401.00 959.00 768.00 191.00 -126.00 -8031.00 157.00 833.00 -676.00 445.00 22655.00 0.00 385.00 -385.00 -253.00 $11,881.00 0.00 435.00 -435.00 -286.00 $13,270.00 151.00 180.00 -29.00 -19.00 $1,144.00 1356.00 -33311.00 34667.00 31.00 0.00 31.00 20.00 ($1,438.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 24.00 24.00 -16.00 ($1,415.00) 547.00 547.00 -360.00 ($19,188.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 103.00 -103.00 68.00 $3,931.00 985.00 140.00 845.00 -556.00 -35439.00 0.00 52.00 -52.00 34.00 1731.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 2899.00 23308.00 -20409.00 1611.00 45.00 1566.00 1031.00 ($74,150.00) -39.00 0.00 -39.00 26.00 $1,750.00 -18.00 -18.00 12.00 $859.00 -13.00 -13.00 9.00 $796.00 -30.00 -30.00 20.00 $1,066.00 28.00 27.00 1.00 -1.00 ($17.00) 1493.00 809.00 684.00 -450.00 ($26,015.00) 24.00 1196.00 -1172.00 772.00 49207.00 -45.00 697.00 -742.00 488.00 24844.00 206.00 0.00 206.00 136.00 ($6,387.00) -62.00 26.00 -88.00 -58.00 $2,691.00 9912.00 0.00 9912.00 6525.00 ($392,740.00) 8880.00 -306923.00 315803.00 5403.00 87.00 5316.00 3500.00 ($251,720.00) 600.00 65.00 535.00 -352.00 ($23,697.00) 84.00 125.00 -41.00 27.00 $1,933.00 3769.00 24.00 3745.00 -2465.00 ($217,931.00) 112.00 8.00 104.00 -68.00 ($3,624.00) 109.00 52.00 57.00 -38.00 ($629.00) 1145.00 906.00 239.00 -157.00 ($9,076.00) 3407.00 1419.00 1988.00 -1309.00 -83436.00 1577.00 1393.00 184.00 -121.00 -6160.00 233.00 349.00 -116.00 -76.00 $3,569.00 63.00 246.00 -183.00 -120.00 $5,568.00 4107.00 73.00 4034.00 2656.00 ($159,865.00) -3295275.00 -3817207.00 521932.00 188733.00 86897.00 101836.00 67039.00 ($4,821,445.00) 186014.00 96660.00 89354.00 -58822.00 ($3,959,897.00) 178323.00 92510.00 85813.00 -56491.00 0.66 ($4,044,756.00) 94865.00 48387.00 46478.00 -30596.00 ($2,704,992.00) 45002.00 40653.00 4349.00 -2863.00 ($152,598.00) 3274.00 31981.00 -28707.00 18898.00 $312,573.00 99684.00 103983.00 -4299.00 2830.00 $163,602.00 179819.00 134233.00 45586.00 -30009.00 -1912774.00 176348.00 155354.00 20994.00 -13820.00 -703576.00 189295.00 152825.00 36470.00 24008.00 ($1,127,416.00) 166974.00 153389.00 13585.00 8943.00 ($414,955.00) 187988.00 134092.00 53896.00 35480.00 0.66 ($2,135,541.00) -60840.00 -144722.00 83882.00 76140.00 66000.00 10140.00 6675.00 ($480,066.00) 68800.00 61700.00 7100.00 -4674.00 ($314,654.00) 37590.00 32600.00 4990.00 -3285.00 ($235,206.00) 36407.00 31600.00 4807.00 -3164.00 ($279,729.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 76757.00 63800.00 12957.00 8530.00 ($395,792.00) 79305.00 66000.00 13305.00 8759.00 ($527,204.00) 46090.00 -12933.00 59023.00 1081.00 1700.00 -619.00 -407.00 $29,271.00 942.00 1900.00 100.00 700.00 400.00 600.00 100.00 -958.00 631.00 $42,479.00 1433.00 2200.00 100.00 700.00 500.00 600.00 300.00 -767.00 505.00 $36,158.00 2335.00 3300.00 -965.00 635.00 $56,140.00 2879.00 2900.00 -21.00 14.00 $746.00 3170.00 3200.00 -30.00 20.00 $331.00 3174.00 2200.00 974.00 -641.00 ($37,056.00) 1907.00 900.00 1007.00 -663.00 -42260.00 1063.00 600.00 463.00 -305.00 -15528.00 833.00 800.00 33.00 22.00 ($1,033.00) 871.00 1000.00 -129.00 -85.00 $3,944.00 1131.00 1300.00 -169.00 -111.00 $6,681.00 116219.00 -69042.00 185261.00 3627.00 5300.00 -1673.00 -1101.00 $79,184.00 2814.00 8200.00 -5386.00 3546.00 $238,717.00 7693.00 9700.00 -2007.00 1321.00 $94,584.00 8035.00 10200.00 -2165.00 1425.00 $125,984.00 4725.00 9200.00 -4475.00 2946.00 $157,022.00 4682.00 5300.00 -618.00 407.00 $6,732.00 4257.00 0.00 4257.00 -2802.00 ($161,984.00) -269.00 -2000.00 1731.00 -1140.00 -72664.00 1109.00 -500.00 1609.00 -1059.00 -53914.00 2388.00 700.00 1688.00 1111.00 ($52,173.00) 2518.00 1100.00 1418.00 933.00 ($43,291.00) 4469.00 3100.00 1369.00 901.00 ($54,231.00) 27297.00 119536.00 -92239.00 1128.00 1800.00 -672.00 -442.00 $31,789.00 1110.00 1800.00 -690.00 454.00 $30,563.00 1716.00 2100.00 -384.00 253.00 $18,115.00 2078.00 2100.00 -22.00 14.00 $1,238.00 5219.00 3400.00 1819.00 -1197.00 ($63,800.00) 5982.00 4700.00 1282.00 -844.00 ($13,960.00) 4023.00 5100.00 -1077.00 709.00 $40,987.00 1935.00 3900.00 -1965.00 1294.00 82480.00 1010.00 1700.00 -690.00 454.00 23113.00 909.00 2000.00 -1091.00 -718.00 $33,717.00 918.00 1800.00 -882.00 -581.00 $26,958.00 541.00 1800.00 -1259.00 -829.00 $49,898.00 79239.00 72636.00 6603.00 12982.00 12900.00 82.00 54.00 ($3,884.00) 12227.00 12200.00 27.00 -18.00 ($1,212.00) 13140.00 13200.00 -60.00 39.00 $2,792.00 18845.00 18900.00 -55.00 36.00 $3,183.00 23684.00 23700.00 -16.00 11.00 $586.00 22750.00 22800.00 -50.00 33.00 $546.00 20526.00 20500.00 26.00 -17.00 ($983.00) 14649.00 14700.00 -51.00 34.00 2167.00 13667.00 13700.00 -33.00 22.00 1120.00 13947.00 13900.00 47.00 31.00 ($1,456.00) 13856.00 13800.00 56.00 37.00 ($1,717.00) 14298.00 14300.00 -2.00 -1.00 $60.00 392422.00 1243160.00 -850738.00 0.00 8500.00 -8500.00 -5596.00 $402,464.00 0.00 7900.00 -7900.00 5201.00 $350,131.00 0.00 8500.00 -8500.00 5596.00 $400,674.00 0.00 8200.00 -8200.00 5398.00 $477,237.00 0.00 8500.00 -8500.00 5596.00 $298,267.00 0.00 6000.00 -6000.00 3950.00 $65,333.00 0.00 8500.00 -8500.00 5596.00 $323,505.00 0.00 8500.00 -8500.00 5596.00 356689.00 0.00 8200.00 -8200.00 5398.00 274812.00 0.00 8500.00 -8500.00 -5596.00 $262,788.00 0.00 8200.00 -8200.00 -5398.00 $250,467.00 0.00 8500.00 -8500.00 -5596.00 $336,823.00 13767.00 24844.00 -11077.00 2667.00 3200.00 -533.00 -351.00 $25,244.00 2710.00 3000.00 -290.00 191.00 $12,858.00 3246.00 3200.00 46.00 -30.00 ($2,148.00) 3013.00 3100.00 -87.00 57.00 $5,039.00 3646.00 3200.00 446.00 -294.00 ($15,670.00) 3282.00 3100.00 182.00 -120.00 ($1,985.00) 2685.00 3200.00 -515.00 339.00 $19,598.00 3427.00 3200.00 227.00 -149.00 -9497.00 2570.00 3100.00 -530.00 349.00 17768.00 3625.00 3200.00 425.00 280.00 ($13,149.00) 3160.00 3100.00 60.00 39.00 ($1,810.00) 3549.00 3200.00 349.00 230.00 ($13,844.00) -140180.00 -277712.00 137532.00 6943.00 6200.00 743.00 489.00 ($35,169.00) 7619.00 4400.00 3219.00 -2119.00 ($142,651.00) 10000.00 6300.00 3700.00 -2436.00 ($174,418.00) 9549.00 5300.00 4249.00 -2797.00 ($247,283.00) 7320.00 6400.00 920.00 -606.00 ($32,300.00) 9736.00 6600.00 3136.00 -2064.00 ($34,139.00) 6745.00 6100.00 645.00 -425.00 ($24,569.00) 6050.00 6100.00 -50.00 33.00 2103.00 3633.00 5500.00 -1867.00 1229.00 62568.00 4605.00 5600.00 -995.00 -655.00 $30,759.00 4901.00 6400.00 -1499.00 -987.00 $45,797.00 6276.00 2700.00 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