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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150818AVU to Staff 90 Attachment H.pdfLessons Learned Template Version #: 11 Avista Confidential Page 1 of 2 Please read all blue help text & follow process instructions carefully. Delete blue help text before completion. This template can be utilized for all Standard and Complex projects at the closing phase (at a minimum). Lessons Learned should be first be conducted with the Project Team, excluding SteerCo. Results should be reviewed at a subsequent SteerCo, as well gathering SteerCo feedback. This document should be submitted as an attachment to the PPR (Project Performance Report). The Program Manager will store the document on the PMO SharePoint with full access to be able to utilize for future projects. Do not submit through the Clarity workflow. Project Name: Clarity Project ID: Project Manager: Program Manager: Project Coordinator (if applicable): 1 Participants Fill in the names of those who participated in the Lessons Learned meeting. Lessons Learned Participants Project Team Stakeholders SteerCo 2 Project Performance Overview Present a high-level performance overview of the project to the Team (Scope/Schedule/Budget performance). 3 Lessons Learned Overview Lessons Learned is defined as the learning gained from the process of performing the project. The purpose of documenting Lessons Learned is to share and use knowledge derived from experience to: o Promote recurrence of desirable outcomes (What went well?) o Preclude the recurrence of undesirable outcomes (What opportunities were discovered for future improvement?) 3.1 What went well? Allow each participant to communicate what they thought went well and would emulate for future projects. List the area impacted or affected with feedback (i.e. Application, Infrastructure, Equipment, and Process). This allows the information to be categorized and searchable for future reference. Area impacted Feedback Example - CSS/Process Meetings were organized/efficient. 3.2 Opportunities for improvement? Allow each team member to communicate opportunities for improvement. List the area impacted by that person or feedback (i.e. Application, Infrastructure, Equipment, and Process). This allows the information to be categorized and searchable for future reference. Staff_PR_090 Attachment H Page 1 of 2 Lessons Learned Template Version #: 11 Avista Confidential Page 2 of 2 Area impacted Feedback Example - CSS/Process Deliverables were not clearly defined. Software setup in CSS is confusing and documentation is incomplete. 4 High Level Summary Provide a high-level summary of the meeting, if applicable. 4.1 Action Items (near term) Action items should include any activity that you believe can be improved immediately as an outcome of this meeting. 4.2 Initiatives Initiatives are defined as items that are either complex in nature or may take longer in duration to resolve to reduce risk, increase efficiencies, or improve overall future project performance. Typically a Program Manager would review the initiative take action via PMO approval. Staff_PR_090 Attachment H Page 2 of 2