HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150729Staff 74-93 to AVU.pdfKARL T.KLEIN BRANDON KARPEN DEPUTY ATTORNEYS GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PU BOX $3720 BOISE,IDAHO 83720-0074 (208)334-0320/334-0357 IDAHO BAR NOS.5 156/7956 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W.WASHINGTON BOISE,IDAHO 83702-5918 Attorneys for the Commission Staff —rt flt.9 ‘‘‘L:H J.L.ri _• ‘-—-r. •:‘ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION DBA AVISTA UTILITIES FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE IN IDAHO. ) CASE NO.AVU-E-15-05 AVU-G-15-O1 )THIRD PRODUCTION )REQUEST OF THE )COMMISSION STAFF TO )AVISTA CORPORATION The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission requests that Avista Corporation (Company)provide the following documents and information as soon as possible,and no later than WEDNESDAY,AUGUST 19,2015. This Production Request is continuing,and the Company is requested to provide,by way of supplementary responses,additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents produced. Please provide answers to each question,supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations.The Company is reminded that responses pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure must include the name and phone number of the person preparing the document,and the name,location and phone number of the record holder THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO AVISTA ) ) ) 1 JULY 29,2015 and if different the witness who can sponsor the answer at hearing if need be.Reference IDAPA In addition to the written copies provided as response to the questions,please provide all Excel and electronic files on CD with formulas activated. REQUEST NO.74:Pages 4 and 5 of Ms.Knox’direct testimony describe the 10-year regression used to normalize weather data.Please provide monthly Idaho electrical usage by rate schedule for the years 2004 through 2013. REQUEST NO.75:Pages 5 and 6 of Mr.Miller’s direct testimony describe the 10-year regression used to normalize weather data.Please provide monthly Idaho natural gas usage by rate schedule for the years 2004 through 2013. REQUEST NO.76:Table 11 of the Electric Load Research Study presented in Ms. Knox’workpapers is a sample design.According to the accompanying text (page 14),this sampling plan is based on the ratio model.Please answer the following: a.Were samples (within each strata)selected randomly?If so,why was a Model Based Statistical Sampling (MBS$)methodology used instead of a design-based methodology? b.Were MBSS results compared to results of a design-based analysis?If so,how did system load factor estimates and class load factor,coincident peak,and non- coincident peak estimates compare? REQUEST NO.77:Equation 2 on page 21 of the Electric Load Research Study presented in Ms.Knox’workpapers is an expression for standard deviation as a power function of a variable,x.Please answer the following: a.for each class and strata,what values of GO and y were used? b.Was this standard deviation estimate used only for planning,or was it also used as part of the analysis?If used in the analysis,please explain how it was used. c.Would it have been possible to estimate standard deviation from actual data (e.g.the previous load study)?If so,why was this estimate of standard deviation not used? d.Please provide summary statistics (sample size,mean,and sample standard deviation) for the data used to estimate system load factor and class load factor,coincident peak, and non-coincident peak for each of classes listed in Table 11 (page 14). THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TOAVISTA 2 JULY 29,2015 REQUEST NO.78:Please provide a source for Equation 3 on page 21 (error ratio)of the Electric Load Research Study presented in Ms.Knox’workpapers. a.Why was this equation used,instead of the following? [N ‘ er= Lj=iI1i b.What is the justification for a summation on standard deviation,rather than variance? REQUEST NO.79:Pages 17 through 20 of the Electric Load Research Study presented in Ms.Knox’workpapers describe a method for editing the data.The editing method included processes for eliminating suspected outliers and for recreating missing data.Please answer the following: a.How were the spike elimination and data recreation methods validated? b.How sensitive are the estimates of load factors,coincident peaks,and non-coincident peaks to DNV-GL’s data editing methods? c.Would use of unedited data in DNV-GL’s model have resulted in a significant (>1%) difference in estimated load factors,coincident peaks,and non-coincident peaks? REQUEST NO.80:On pages 12 through 15 of Ms.Knox’testimony,the Company proposes changing the method it uses to classify and allocate production costs from its traditional replacement-cost-based peak credit methodology (traditional methodology)to a methodology based on system-wide load factor (load factor methodology).Under the traditional methodology, the costs of fuel,load dispatch,and water for power generation are classified as energy related costs.Under the load factor methodology,these costs would be allocated to both energy and demand using the Company’s system wide load factor.Please answer the following: a.Why does the Company believe it to be preferable to classify fuel,load dispatch,and water costs to both energy and demand under its proposed load factor methodology? b.Did the Company consider continuing its practice of classifying these as energy related costs under the load factor methodology?If so,how did this affect the total cost allocation for each customer class? REQUEST NO.81:Under the Company’s traditional methodology,the costs of peaking units are classified entirely as demand related,and the costs of hydro and thermal base THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO AVISTA 3 JULY 29,2015 generating units are classified as both energy and demand related.Under the load factor methodology,all production plant costs would be allocated to energy and demand using the Company’s system-wide load factor.Please answer the following questions: a.Why does the Company believe it to be preferable to classify peaking unit costs to both energy and demand under its proposed load factor methodology? b.Did the Company consider continuing its practice of classifying peaking unit costs to demand under the load factor methodology?If so,how would this affect the costs allocated to each customer class? REQUEST NO.$2:Page 102 of Schedule 3,Exhibit 11 to Ms.Schuh’s testimony states:“Please also see Company witness Labolle for further details regarding this program.” Please provide the Labolle details regarding Aldyl A Replacement referenced in Exhibit No.11. REQUEST NO.$3:Please describe why there are 12 IND and 1$ROT meters on Schedule 101.See Idaho Gas COS Excel spreadsheet (tab titled “Meters Average equip type”). REQUEST NO.84:Please describe how many times service has been curtailed,in the last two years,for interruptible customers by schedule.If service has not been curtailed,or is minimal,please describe how the discounted rate for these customers is justified and the methods used to determine their rates. REQUEST NO.$5:Please quantify the benefits large customers receive from the capacity that smaller (less than four inches)main and distribution lines provide. REQUEST NO.86:Please describe how IT/IS (Systems)costs are managed between the Company and its unregulated affiliates. REQUEST NO.87:Page 7 of Mr.Kensok’s testimony states:“Over the past several years,Avista has focused on reducing customer transaction costs through the prudent deployment of technology.”Please provide a three-year view of customer transaction cost changes (reductions,increases)as a result of technology deployment. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO AVISTA 4 JULY 29,2015 REQUEST NO.88:Page 9 of Mr.Kensok’s testimony states:“There will be a net increase of $663,188 over current operating expenses associated with the deployment of the Company’s new Customer Service and Work and Asset Management Systems implemented as part of Project Compass.The total for new operating expenses required to support these new Systems is $3,020,858;however,there is a corresponding offset in the amount of $2,357,670, which reflects the annual expense reduction in contract services and mainframe computer costs associated with the retirement of the Company’s Legacy Customer Service and Work Management Systems.”Please provide information on additional and future offsets,if any, including when they will occur and the amount of the offset. REQUEST NO.89:Page 11 of Mr.Kensok’s testimony states:“With automated outbound event processing and preference management for customers,Notifi pushes information to Avista customers,over the channel they want to receive it,including mobile text,email,social media and voice natively on iPhone and Android smart phone devices.”Please describe what percentage of the customer base is expected to adopt the Notifi system capability.Of the expected adoption rate,have all customer profiles been updated to include a Notifi preference? If not,why not?Also,please describe how the Company will manage customer communications for customers that do not utilize the Notifi system. REQUEST NO.90:Page 19 of Mr.Kensok’s testimony states:“Each project has formal project management and adheres to our Project Management Office (PMO)process.” Please provide a current copy of PMO process documentation to include manuals,policies, procedures,and any additional applicable worksheets or instructions. REQUEST NO.91:Page 21 of Mr.Kensok’s testimony states:“AFM COTS Migration —2015:$0;2016:$0;2017:$15,608,000.The project replaces the Company’s obsolete,custom Facilities Management system (Project Atlas)with a commercial,off-the-shelf application.” Please describe the reasoning,benefits,and risks associated with the AFM COTS Migration project being deferred until 2017. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO AVISTA 5 JULY 29,2015 REQUEST NO.92:Page 64 of Mr.Kensok’s testimony states:“Through this process, the efficiency and performance of the new applications is improved,and important technical knowledge is transferred from the application developers to those who will have responsibility for the long-term maintenance of the systems.”Please describe the process used to identify and manage defects,a current list of known or anticipated defects,and the status of any defects. REQUEST NO.93:Page 65 of Mr.Kensok’s testimony states:“In addition to changes for employees,customers were required to make changes to their accounts,to become familiar with a new bill format,and experience some process changes from those with which they were familiar.”Please specifically describe all the account and process changes customers were required to make relating to implementation of new systems. Dated at Boise,Idaho,this Z’day of July 2015. 4f Karl T.Klein Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff:Mike Morrisonl74-81 Kevin Keyt/$2-93 i:umisc:prodreq/avue15 .5_avugi 5.1 kkbkmmksk prod req3 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO AVISTA 6 JULY 29,2015 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMISSION STAFF TO AVU-E-1 5-05/AVU-G-15-01, TO THE FOLLOWING: KELLY NORWOOD VP -STATE &FED REG AVISTA CORPORATION P0 BOX 3727 SPOKANE WA 99220-3 727 E-mail:kelly.norwood@avistacorp.com DAVID J MEYER VP &CHIEF COUNSEL AVISTA CORPORATION P0 BOX 3727 SPOKANE WA 99220-3 727 E-mail:david.meyer(iiavistacorp.com DEAN J MILLER McDEVITT &MILLER LLP P0 BOX 2564 BOISE ID $3702 E-mail:I oe@mcdevitt-miller.com CLEARWATER PAPER CORP C/O PETER J RICHARDSON RICHARDSON ADAMS PLLC 515 N 27TH STREET BOISE ID $3702 LARRY A CR0WLEY THE ENERGY STRATEGIES INSTITUTE INC 5549 $CLIFF$EDGE AVE BOISE ID $3716 E-mail:crowleyla@aol.com DR DON READING 6070 HILL ROAD BOISE ID $3703 E-mail:dreading(mindspring.com E-mail:peter@richardsonadams.com BRAD M PURDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 2019 N 17TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 E-mail:bmpurdy@hotmafl.com SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE BOX 1731 BOISE ID 83701 E-mail:knunez@snakeriveralliance.org kmiIler@snakeriveralliance.org BENJAMIN J OTTO ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE 710 N 6TH STREET BOISE ID $3702 E-mail:botto@idahoconservation.org Jo SECRETARy - THAT I HAVE THIS 29TH DAY OF JULY 2015, THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE AVISTA CORPORATION,IN CASE NOS. 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