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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150717AVU to Clearwater 1-7.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220{500 Telephone 5094890500 TollFree 8OO-727-917O July 16,2015 frwstr '. i 1 ,: Z{lli JUL li AH l0: I I i t.J r\ I "i ..i '"; I JT lLli lL:l} tjijiiir,iisli,;' . Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC Mr. Peter Richardson 515 N.27tr Steet Boise,ID 83702 Re: Production Request of Clearwater Paper Corporation in Case Nos. AVU-E-15-05 and AVU,G-15-01 Dear Mr. Richardson, Enclosed are an original of Avista's responses to Clearwater Paper Corporation's production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in the mailing are Avista's responses to production requests 001 - 007. The electronic versions of the responses were emailed on 07lt6lr5 If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact me at (509) 495- 4584 or via e-mail at Regulatory Analyst Enclosures CC (Email): all parties electronic W AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0710812015 CASE NO.: AW-E-15-05 / AVU-G-15-01 WITNESS: Tara Knox REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Paul KimballTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation REQUEST NO.: Clearwater-0l TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4584 REQUEST: Please provide a working electronic copy of ExhibitNo. 13, Schedule 3 (the Electric Cost-of-Service Study) with the formulas intact that is attached to Tara Knox's testimony. RESPONSE: Provided electronically is ExhibitNo. 13, Schedule 3 as Clearwater_PR_Ol Attachment A. This is the same information that was provided on the CD's delivered with the original case filing. Sumcost Scenario: AVU-E-15-05 Company Case Load Factor Peak Credit Transmission By Demand 12 CP(b) (c) (d) (e) Description Plant ln SeMce1 Production Plant2 Transmission Plant3 Distribution Plant4 lntangible Plant5 General Plant6 Total Plant ln Service Accum Depreciation7 Production Plant8 Transmission Plant9 Distribution Plant10 lntangible Plant11 General Plant12 Total Accumulated Depreciation 13 Net Plant 14 Accumulated Defened FIT 15 Miscellaneous Rate Base16 Total Rate Base Revenue From Retail Rates Other Operating Revenues Total Revenues Operating Expenses Production Expenses Transmission Expenses Distribution Expenses Customer Accounting Expenses Customer lnformation Expenses Sales Expenses Admin & General Expenses Total O&M Expenses AVISTA UTILITIES Cost of Service Basic Summary For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2014 (0 (s) ResidentialSystem ServiceTotal Sch 1 462,520,000 185,60'1,024 228,650,000 101,336,136 518,091,000 268,384,769 81,039,000 39,578,104 (h) General Service Sch 1 1-12 56,795,187 29,553,862 74,768,105 10,794,232 (i) Large Gen Service Sch21-22 104,760,947 51,177,090 I 16,239,045 15,483,668 (k) Extra Large Service CP Sch 25P 61,798,348 23,591,167 2,904,536 7,324,154 64,320,521 (12,178,639) ldaho Jurisdiction Electic Utility (i) Extra Large Gen Service Sch 25 44,014,350 1 9,435,547 13,824,308 5,618,743 06/01/15 (l) (m) Pumping Street & Service Area Lights Sch 3'l-32 Sch 4149 7,964,545 1,585,598 3,154,266 401,933 17,395,138 24,575,100 1,478,734 761,365 20,642,129 (3,778,1271 1 5,902,51 5 (3,356,534) ,504 (1e5,006,000) (78,252,4291 (23,945,780) (44,168,929) (18,557,170) (26,055,195) (3,357,983) (668,514) (70,554,000) (31,269,056) (9,119,367) (15,791,596) (5,997,182) (7,27s,472) (973,305) (124,023) (184,500,000) (95,e38,435) (26,215,650) (39,999,659) (4,181,922) (714,960) (6,040,197) (11,409,177) (17,698,000) (9,350,629) (2,438,313) (3,067,175) (1,024,217) (1,276,958) (331,155) (209,552) (38,026,000) (21,2s0,108) (5,378,880) (6,073,687) (1,846,597) (2,173,39e) (72e,385) (533,943) (505,784,000) (236,100,657) (67,097,e91) (10e,101,046) (31,607,088) (37,4ee,983) (11,432,024) (12,545,210) 893,032,000 419,555,631 (165,948,000) (17,937,157\ 100,829,000 40,460,879 10,691,000 4,738,179 1'1,953,000 6,014,349 4,427,000 3,268,783606,000 494,40800 23,830,000 13,017,034 12,38'r,307 22,837,805 1,381,851 2,392,890 1,748,809 2,646,810704,988 219,81798,625 5,53100 3,352,708 3.995,545 120,163,276 (22,214,442) 195,892,376 (35,994,813) 56,555,551 (10,488,286) 17 18 19 22,14 9.980,398 204 704 1 938 244,977,000 104,939,000 36,296,000 54,364,000 17,152,500 23,458,500 5,277,000 3,490,000 32,379,000 13,468,504 4,056,599 7,314,573 2,882,234 3,890,874 572,708 193,508 277,356,000 118,407,504 40,352,599 61,678,573 20,034,734 27,349,374 5,849,708 3,683,508 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 9,595,094 13,471,992 t,736,265 345,659 908,749 1,103,053 147,484 18,793371,538 78,334 399,468 693,69377,293 82,842 57,483 15,79443 5 6,684 7040000 1,211,819 1,436,177 467,570 349,147 28 Taxes Other Than lncome Taxes29 Other lncome Related ltems Depreciation Expense30 Production Plant Depreciation31 TransmissionPlantDepreciation32 DistributionPlantDepreciation33 General Plant Depreciation34 AmortizationExpense35 Total Depreciation Expense 36 lncome Tax37 Total Operating Expenses Net lncome Rate of Retum Retum Ratio lnterest Expense Revenue Related Operating Expenses 152,336,000 1 1,233,000 1,223,000 9,929,000 4,135,000 '15,729,000 12,432,000 3,143,000 67,993,632 19,668,289 32,098,398 4,964,057 1,460,903 2,532,003701,548 174,974 188,265 3,984,331 1,219,233 2,248,922 1,832,604 534,464 925,507 8,304,311 2,406,094 3,409,076 6,960,465 1,758,540 1,985,696 1,273,999 388,011 710.797 12,164,536 16,172,402 830,736 1,032,1M54,451 61,797 944,864 1,326,63635'r,480 426,632374,078 50,083603,716 710,559 294.220 409.179 2,814,954 1,423,790 238,350 174,80823,667 18,298 170,976 34,03857,043 7,269 533,362 651,995 238,401 174,56454,311 12,483 45,368,000 1 8,236,000 228,396,000 48,960,000 6.53% 1.00 20,004,000 1,435,000 22,355,709 5,025,415 '101,040,362 17,367,142 4.94Yo 0.76 9,387,546 614,700 6,306,342 9,279,999 3,882,988 5,091,106 31,493,495 49,189,770 8,859,104 12,488,803 8.780/o 7.570/o1.34 1.16 2,693,509 4,404,899 212,611 318,448 2,923,089 1,054,153 880,349 2,211,545 484,684 323,892 22,400,977 4,615,808 2,821,137 2,568,358 1,216,371 16,834,451 38 39 40 41 42 3,200,282 4,948,397 1,233,901 862,371 6.730/o 9.20Yo 7.10Yo 6.61%1.03 1.41 1.09 1.01 1,268,870 1,436,799 464,296 348,080100,474 137,413 30,911 20.443 Exhibit No. 13 Case No. AVU-E-15-05 T. Knox, Avista Schedule 3, p. 1 of4CleaMater_PR_o1 Attachment A.xlsm Sumcost Scenario: AVU-E-15-05 Company Case Load Factor Peak Credit Transmission By Demand 12 CP(b) (c) Description AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue to Cost by Functional Component Summary For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2014 ldaho Jurisdiction Eleclric Utility 06/01/15 (d) (e) (0 System Total (s) 0) (D 0 ft) (r) (m) Residential General Large Gen Extra Large Exha Large Pumping Street &Service Service Sewice Gen SeMce Selice CP Service Area Lights Sch 1 &h 11-12 Sdt21-22 Sch 25 Sch 25P Sch 31-32 Sch 4149 Functional Cost Components at Cunent Reium by Schedule1 Production2 Transmission3 Distribution4 Common5 Total Cunent Rate Revenue 119,247,384 44,960,305 15,595,938 27,698,214 1'1,327,318 17,185,169 2,073,970 406,470 24,438,553 9,153,271 3,769,059 5,926,188 2,093,280 3,103,158 350,770 42,826 58,402,753 28,3't3,907 10,308,388 13,393,271 1,583,557 393,699 1,995,088 2,414,843 42,888,310 22,511,517 6,622,614 7,346,327 2,148,346 2,776,474 857,172 625,861 244,977,000 104,939,000 36,296,000 54,364,000 17,,l52,500 23,458,500 5,277,000 3,490,000 $0.03881 $0.03918 $0.04296 $0.03964 $0.03583 $0.03618 $0,03516 $0.02991 $0.00795 $0.00798 $0.01038 $0.00848 $0.00662 $0.00653 $0.00595 $0.00315 $0.01901 $0.02468 $0.02840 $0.01917 $0.00501 $0.00083 $0.03382 $0.17772 $0.01396 $0.01962 $0.01824 $0.01051 $0.00679 $0.00584 $0.01453 $0.04606 $0.07972 $0.09146 $0.09999 $0,07780 $0.05425 $0.04938 $0.08946 $0.25684 6 7 8I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Expressed as $/kWh Production Transmission Distribution Common Total Current Melded Rates Functional Cost Components at Uniform Current Return Production Transmission Distribution Common Total Uniform Cunent Cost Expressed as $/kWh Production Transmission Distribution Common Total Cunent Uniform Melded Rates Revenue to Cost Ratio at Cunent Rates $0.03848 $0.04136 $0.00787 $0.00934 $0.01931 $0.02789$0.01406 $0.02088 118,255,620 47,453,871 14,521,210 26,784,941 11,253,M7 15,800,402 2,036,349 405,401 24,185,192 10,718,714 3,126,026 5,413,198 2,055,773 2,495,329 333,63S 42,514 59,345,208 31,998,921 8,841,153 12,325,248 1,557,206 312,341 1,909,088 2,401,251 43,190,979 23,962,769 6,091,594 7,040,927 2,130,8'10 2,503,131 838,031 623,7'18 244,977,000 114,134,274 32,579,983 51,564,314 16,997,236 21,111,202 5,117,107 3,472,884 $0.04000 $0.03833 $0.03559 $0.03326 $0.03452 $0.02984 $0.00861 $0.00775 $0.00650 $0.00525 $0.00566 $0.003'13 $0.02436 $0.01764 $0.00493 $0.00066 $0.03237 $0.17672 $0.01678 $0.01008 $0.00674 $0.00s27 $0.01421 $0.04590 $0.07972 1.00 $0.09947 0.92 $0.08975 1.11 $0.07379 1.05 $0.05376 $0.04444 $0.08675 $0.25558 '1.001.1 1 Functional Cost Components at Proposed Return by Schedule 27 28 29 30 3'l 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 M Production Transmission Distribution Common Total Proposed Rate Revenue Expressed as $/kWh Production Transmission Distribution Common Total Proposed Melded Rates 22 23 24 25 26 122,451,134 49,137,451 15,036,277 27,735,343 11,652,732 16,361,002 2,108,552 419,777 26,570,274 11,775,764 3,434,234 5,947,100 2,258,524 2,741,424 366,522 46,705 64,171,429 34,487,154 9,544,395 13,436,803 1,699,649 345,281 2,074,158 2,s83,990 45,014,163 24,942,631 6,346,094 7,358,754 2,225,594 2,613,793 874,769 652,528 258,207,000 120,343,000 34,361,000 54,478,000 17,836,500 22,061,500 5,424,000 3,703,000 $0.03985 $0.00865 $0.02088 $0.01465 $0.04283 $0.01026 $0.03006 $0.02174 $0.04142 $0.00946 $0 02629 $0.01748 $0.03969 $0.00851 $0.01923 $0.010s3 $0.03686 $0.00714 $0.00s38 $0.00704 $0.03444 $0.03575 $0.03089 $0.00577 $0.00621 $0.00344 $0.00073 $0.03516 $0.19017 $0.00550 $0.01483 $0.04802 $0.08402 $0.10488 $0 09466 $0.07796 $0.05641 $0.04644 $0.09195 $0.27252 Func{ional Cost Components at Uniform Requested Retum Production Transmission Distribution Common Total Uniform Cost Expressed as $/kWh Produclion Transmission Distribution Common Total Uniform Melded Rates Revenue to Cost RaUo at Proposed Rates Cunent Revenue to Proposed Cost Ratio Target Revenue lncrease 0,95 0.87 1.06 't3,230,000 15,404,000 (1,935,000) 122,451,054 49,137,423 15,036,389 27,735,208 11,652,693 16,360,963 2,108,594 419,783 26,570,232 11,775,747 3,434,301 5,947,024 2,258,504 2,741,407 366,541 46,706 64,171,541 34,487,113 9,544,547 13,436,645 '1,699,635 345,279 2,074,255 2,584,067 45,014,174 24,942,615 6,346,149 7,358,709 2,225,585 2,613,785 874,790 652,541 258,207,000 120,342,899 34,361,385 54,477,586 17,836,417 22,06'1,435 5,424,180 3,703,098 $0.03985 $0.04283 $0.04142 $0.03969 $0.03685 $0.03444 $0.03575 $0.03089 $0.00865 $0.01026 $0.00946 $0.00851 $0.00714 $0.00577 $0.00621 $0.00344 $0.02088 $0.03006 $0.02629 $0.01923 $0.00538 $0.00073 $0.03517 $0.19017 $0.01465 $0.02174 $0.01748 $0.01053 $0.00704 $0.00550 $0.01483 $0.04802 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 114,000 0.96 1.06 684,000 (1,397,000) 0.97 0,94 ,47,000 213,000 Exhibit No. 13 Case No. AVU-E-15-05 T. Knox, Avista Schedule 3, p.2 ol 4Clearwater PR 01 AftachmentA.xlsm Sumcrst Scenario: AVU-E-15-05 Company Case Load Factor Peak Credit Transmission By Demand 12 CP(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) SYstemDescription Total Cost Classifications at Current Return by Schedule AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue to Cost By Classifcation Summary For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2014 83,297,726 133,789,480 27.889,754 (s) Residential Service Sch 1 29,272,301 55,814,981 '19,851,718 (h) (i) General LargeGenService SeMce Sch 11-12 Sch2l-22 10,529,372 19,443,695 20,457,257 34,415,079 5,309,371 50s,227 ldaho Jurisdiction Electric Utility t) Extra Large Gen Service Sch 25 8,404,276 8,713,778 34,446 06/01/1 5 (t) (m) Pumping Sheet& Service Area Lights Sch 31-32 Sch 4'l-49 1,620,539 367,365 3,243,502 1,350,962 412.958 1.771.673 (k) Extra Large Service CP Sch 25P 13,660,177 9,793,921 4.401 I Energy2 Demand3 Customer4 Total Cunent Rate Revenue Expressed as Unit Cost5 Energy6 Demand7 Customer 244,977,000 104,939,000 $0.027'11 $0.02s51$9.92 $7.01$18.42 $16.07 $/k\tvh $/kWmo $/CusVmo 36,296,000 54,364,000 17,152,500 23,458,500 5,277,000 3,490,000 $0.02901 $0.02782 $0.02658 $0.02876 90.02747 $0.02704$12.47 $18.18 $13.64 $10.71 $8.23 $32.29$21.55 $36.57 $318.95 $366.78 $24.73 $1,007.20 8I 10 11 12 13 14 Cost Classifications at Uniform Current Return Energy Demand Customer Total Uniform Cunent Cost Expressed as Unit Cost Energy Demand Customer $/rwh $/kWmo $/CusVmo 82,352,327 30,937,377 9,787,437 18,787 ,576 8,348,148 12,534,968 1,590,445 366,376 133,928,115 62,056,769 17,923,752 32,294,490 8,614,767 8,572,069 3,123,364 1,342,905 28,696,558 21,140,128 4,868,794 482,248 34,321 4,165 403,298 1,763,603 244,977,000 114,134,274 32,579,983 51,564,314 16,997,236 21,111,202 5,117,107 3,472,884 $0.02680 $0.02696 $0.02696 $0.02689 $0.02640 $0.02639 $0.02696 $0.02696$9.93 $7.79 $10.93 $17.06 $13.48 $9.37 $7.93 $32.10$18.96 $17.12 $19.76 $34.91 $317.78 $347.11 $24.1s $1,002.62 1.11 1.0315 Revenue to Cost Ratio at Current Rates Cost Classifications at Proposed Return by Schedule 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZO 27 28 29 Energy Demand Customer Total Proposed Rate Revenue Expressed as Unit CostEnergy $/kVVt'Demand $/kWmoCustomer $/CusVmo $/kwh $/kWmo $/CusUmo $0.02777 $0.02794 $0.02794 $0.02786 $0.02736$10.60 $8.32 $11.67 $18.23 $14.32$19.77 $17.82 $20.62 $36.64 $324.05 $0.02735 $0.02794 $0.02794$9.91 $8.51 $34.69$s55.07 $25.26 $1,064.2S 8,651,501 12,990,461 1,648,238 379,689 9,149,919 9,066,713 3,354,092 1,451,273 7 $0.02736 $0.02735 $0.02794 $0.02794$14.32 $9.91 $8.51 $34.69 $324.05 $355.07 $25.27 $1,064.32 1.00 85,344,885 32,061,590 10,143,013 19,470,372 8,65'1,530 12,990,492 1,648,204 379,683 142,932,773 66,271,366 19,138,038 34,501,466 9,149,972 9,066,747 3,353,957 1,451,227 29,929,342 22,010,044 5,079,949 506,162 34,998 4,261 421,839 1,872,090 258,207,000 120,343,000 34,361,000 54,478,000 17,836,500 22,061,500 5,424,000 3,703,000 Cost Classifications at Uniform Requested Re{um Energy Demand Customer Total Uniform Cost Expressed as Unit Cost Energy Demand Customer Reyenue to Cost Ratio at Proposed Rates Cunent Revenue to Proposed Cost Ratlo 8s,344,825 32,061,572 142,932,748 66,271,297 $0,02777 $0.02794$10.60 $8.32$19.77 $17.82 0.87 10,143,090 19,470,275 19,138,301 34,501,153 $0.02794 $0.02786$11.67 $18.23$20.62 $36.64 136998994 1.00 0.94 1.00 0.971,06 1.00 0.96 1.00 't.00 1.00 {.06 1.001.00 0,9531 Annual Consumption (mWh's) Estimated Annual Billing Demand (kW) Monthly Average Number of Customers 32 33 34 3,072,989 '13,489,000 126,154 1,147,395 362,993 698,804 7,966,469 1,640,1 10 1,892,799102,923 20,531 1,151 316,177 639,000 I 475,047 914,862 1 58,986 13,588393,923 41,8371,391 147 Exhibit No. 13 Case No. AVU-E-15-05 T. Knox, Avista Schedule 3, p.3 of4Clearwater PR 01 Attachment A.xlsm Sumcost AVISTA UTILITIES Scenario:AVU-E-1545CompanyCase CustomerCostAnalysis Load Factor Peak Credit For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 20 14 Transmission By Demand'12 CP(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (s) (h) (i) 0) (k) (l) (m) Residential General Large Gen Exira Large Extra Large Pumping Street &System Service Service Service Gen Service Service CP Service Area LightsDescription Total Sch 'l Sch 11-12 Sch2l-22 Sch 25 Sch 25P Sch 31-32 Sch 4149 Meter, Services, Meter Reading & Billing Gosts by Schedule at Requested Rate of Return ldaho Jurisdiction Electric Utility 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I o 10 11 Rate Base Services Services Accum. Depr. Total Services Meters Meters Accum. Depr. Total Meters Total Rate Base Retum on Rate Base @ 7.62% Tax Benefit of lnterest Revenue Conversion Factor Rate Base Revenue Requirement Expenses12 Services Depr Exp13 Meters Depr Exp14 Services Operations Exp15 Meters Operating Exp16 Meten Maintenance Exp17 MeterReading18 Billing 19 Total Expenses20 Revenue Conversion Fac{or21 Expense Revenue Requirement Total Meter, Service, Meter Reading, andtt Billing cost 23 Total Customer Bills 24 Average Unit Cost per Month 16,430,000 10,559,621 4,339,278 963,887 44,261,000 33,298,776 8,875,311 1,212,289 50,011,000 40,861,193 8,151,038 446,368 0 0 552,401 0 (22,180,000) (18,122,038) (3,615,005) (197,965) 0 0 (244,e91) 0 27,83'1,000 22,735,154 4,536,033 248,402 0 0 307,410 0 21,523,000 13,832,911 5,684,375 1,262,674 24,386 4,289 714,366 0 (5,0e3,000) (3,273,290) (1,345,0e7) (2e8,787) (5,770) (1,015) (169,041) 0 06/01/15 3,274 545,325 0 3,274 852,735 0 11,972,052 1,513,846 $7.91 1,235,079 $7.36 676,299 (82,939) 0.61459 965,453 246,375 39.49 s2,377 (1 1,32e) 0.61459 131,872 12,040 96,2 13 2,713 25,285 176 2,812 27,945 167,184 0.994222 168,156 300,028 13,816 $21.72 0 327 0 86 1 1,622 331 2,366 0.994222 2,380 2,736 12 $228.03 4,261 $355.07 417,326 $34,777.14 $3s,132.21 3,372,691 2,537,369 (413,613) (311,17210.61459 0.61459 4,814,696 3,622,229 18,615 18,6'15 't,418 (174) 0.61459 2,025 0 1,858 0 488 3 14,602 2,977 19,929 0.994222 20,045 22,070 108 $204.3s 34,998 $324.05 2,024,135 $18,741.99 $19,066.04 249 64,978(31) (7,e6e) 0.61459 0.61459356 92,760 0 0 0.61459 0 1,349,000 1j02,192 219,867 1,640,000 r,054,034 433,135304,000 248,381 49,547431,000 277,005 113,8303,000 1,928 792 324,000 251,412 50,152 3,065,000 2,498,095 498,323 7,116,000 5,433,049 1,365,647 0.s94222 0.994222 0.594222 7,157,355 5,464,624 1,373,584 14,901 54,433 3,358 14,305 't00 3,399 33,772 0 0 0 0 0 3,558 9,086,853 2,339,037 124,267 3,558 0.994222 0.994222124,989 3,578 217,749 3,578 16,697 1,759 $13.04 $2.03 421,850 1,872,136 $25.27 $1,064.32 2,197,623 1,303,910 $131.62 9741.28 $1s6.88 $1,805.60 Distribution Fixed Gosts per Customer Total Customer Related Cost Customer Related Unit Cost per Month Total Distribution Demand Related Cost Dist Demand Related Unit Cost per Month Total Distribution Unit Cost per Month 29,929,427 22,010,030 5,079,994 $19.77 $17.82 $20.62 55J01,272 29,117,754 8,302,771$39.04 $23.58 $33.70 $58.81 $41.40 $54.32 25 26 27 28 29 506,159 $36.64 15,737,755 $1,139.10 $1,175.73 Exhibit No. 13 Case No. AVU-E-15-05 T. Knox, Avista Schedule 3, p.4 ol 4Clearwater PR 01 Attachment A.xlsm AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST f,'OR INF',ORMATION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO.: AW-E-15-05 / AVU-G-15-01 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUESTNO.: Clearwater-02 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 07108t2015 N/A Paul Kimball State & Federal Regulation (s09) 4es-4s84 REQUEST: Please provide all discovery responses along with the workpapers and attachments provided to all other parties. RESPONSE: Avista has not responded to any production requests at this time, but Avista will provide copies of production requests, along with corresponding production responses, from all parties to this proceeding as they are completed. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQITEST X'OR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO.: AW-E-15-05/AVU-G-15-01 REQUESTER: ClearwaterTYPE: Production Request REQUESTNO.: Clearwater - 03 DATE PREPARED: 0712012015 WTNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: Elizabeth Andrews Paul Kimball State & Federal Regulation (soe) 4es-4s84 REQUEST: Please provide copies of all material provided to the PUC Staffregarding the Company's application that were provided other than through formal discovery. RESPONSE: No additional material has been provided to PUC Staff other than through the formal discovery process. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0710212015 CASE NO.: AVU-E-15-05 / AVU-G-15-01 WITNESS: Patrick Ehrbar REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Patrick Ehrbar TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation REQUEST NO.: Clearwater-04 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8620 REQUEST: On page l0 of Patrick Ehrbar's testimony he states "The spread of the proposed increase generally results in the rates of return for the various electric service schedules moving approximately one-quarter closer to the overall rate of return (unity)." Please provide an explanation along with any workpapers and spreadsheets about how the one-quarter moving to unity was calculated. RESPONSE: The calculation of one-quarter movement is based on the difference between 1.00 and the calculated present relative rate of return from the cost of service study, multiplied by 25%. Forexample,thepresentrateofreturnforSchedule 1is 0.76as shownonpage2of ExhibitNo. 15, Schedule 3. The difference between 0.76 and 1.00 is 0.24. To calculate the one-quarter movement, you can multiply 0.24by 25o/o,with the result being 0.06. Adding 0.06 to the present rate of retum0.76 is the proposed relative rate of return of 0.82. Please see Clearwater PR 04 Attachment A for the calculation by rate schedule. r-{ o rloo0(o CL G,oEX^roNNFt(oFtEFioqqnq.qqqragOFFFrrr't a!oG sE.gEN.o".r".rFrr.oFr.SPEooqqnqflqq e gE E o rr.r F{ F{ Fr Fr ExHeeEEEssF8;+"eeeE = o(, F E.Ex S S I $ I IgE5;"ee"?+ i5 -bo o o o o o o.=ooooooo 5.j.j.j.i.i.i-i H.9t.osf'.o(nFtorr{6Ho\e.1 gneq E+EOFlt{rirlr-{Flo.; .9rrtrrl^crrOi2F{Nrn-Grvt$8E*='H^iRf+z xIx qo E u(o sto nl CL Llo (! BL(!o(J dqB .:2 - vtzg E,Eg gg Q- O'FEo E EE,Eg$ob-<t s E E E E E Po $SpeE,f;gEgF{Nm<l,1(Of\ otro =2 jo H(JV,t! &, co ^7 <e55t,l l- (\F{ lr.J+rsJocinE e3BufiH{urnuoiis q8 etrtrEftJIJ:92r-rroo4t^J-t--uJ=2SofiO's=fr>?drs AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0710812015 CASE NO.: AVU-E-15-05 / AW-G-15-01 WITNESS: Patrick Ehrbar REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Paul KimballTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation REQUESTNO.: Clearwater-05 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4584 REQUEST: Please provide a working electronic copy of Exhibit No. 15, Schedule 3, pages I through 4 with the formulas intact that is attached to Patrick Ehrbar's testimony. RESPONSE: Provided electronically is Exhibit No. 15, Schedule 3 as Clearwater_PR_0s Attachment A (pages l -3) and B (page 4). This is the same information that was provided on the CD's delivered with the original case filing. t.c)loo$ -Qtdqri ro'; uZY<--lU.:CiE-\ o'=J-Od)!\LxaEaIJJAUJS.iE;o- o)1-coOau)o C) l-(f)(frO@t-rl O)ro(f)@(f)o)@Nl ol-rSo)St-@l sf(aoror@lr)ro(a'l @cDrf)rNf# @l(0r@AA@C!@@ ssssssssolr.?u?qqcllc!(9(r)rttNro(o'{, or@(90(a@ol o\t(f)@NlO@rl (f)(f)(f)roo(oc\lNl c\l F--N€3@@@l..)6@@E @lr)ooroorNl o)oorc{r\to)ol l- (O l'- (.o @ sf tr) (9l (9o(f)roN@(,lror@@@@C{@@ ssssssss r-d$'tcidqrut CD$c\lNr(OOrl c\l@CONt-r(OOl O NF-(oF-$r.r)col @r(r)lOrC.,l@@ll()r@e@@No@ o)@(f,0(o@ol ott(A()c\llr)@rl (')(a(f)1r,@(oNNI C{F-JNtD@@@l1r1@@@E o)(oo)c!@@ol C\l(A O) lr) lO tO l- Orl l-O) N (r) r tif_ Ot Sl Or-.t(o$F*cDloc"rl$O(f)IOTN(# @ltr@@@@Ne@ NN^NO' 'rNi Tc{NES E EEfl $ EE ?.IS"E; tlo- u'l E sEd E $ g#]=*-I".1 _!ubl EsHlo'(rcl 8,.!n Is I f d t H$Hlo,,, *":"1 adx sE$El= 588 -l Jurry E I s;tHe E I a*l- =H;Ee get#l' #8HEE 5 I =figE' g u nl,:AE E-EEI- E8E E IE s xp;|" f;Egr;-'-; ,1Efla-c =l-8zl Ib8l g Elo ;:l o =o(L bg oo- Eq)I(o(o O: =oE=oo -c)6o iaEE Eut6s, -LEF<dg LIJ iElr7N Bo9€fiPcOta,[E od o_ r\EE b,Eo oL-drEf:P.eo xa= YPE- EI L. 6po .= - |f,.S2 -c, a,tY EI ;; ets H8 6o =.o u,O ()o = c9 C/)E E 62 s'> H IP EB fi EEf:cL(l)q Eul q E$=r5-cH x-; b Et f;s E *E ;E E 6,9 bf; .E t' ^E fi6. E t, fir fi'Ea H5l El;+ U oEl 6lt E c)iil ElA t ^A= ctd I c)o Eo)ge.EE 9oosH8 g* E.F H g,E A* Ef; E o -5 g.E'€ g 'fi H $s E qe crOirJJ()(L(ul rN(A\ftO(Ol- AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC, CASE NO. AVU.E.15{5 PRESENT & PROPOSED RATES OF RETURN BY RATE SCHEDULE 12 TIONTHS ENDED DECEilTBER 31,2014 Line No. Type of Service (a) 1 Residential 2 General Service 3 Large General Service 4 Extra Large General Svc. 5 Clearwater 6 Pumping Service 7 Street & Area Lights 8 Total Prcsent Rates Present Present Rate of RelativeRetum ROR(c) (d) 4.94o/o 0.76 8.78o/o l.U 7 .57o/o 1 .16 6.730/o 1.03 9.20o/o 1A1 7 .10o/o 1.09 6.61% 1.01 6.530lo 1.00 Prooosed Rates Proposed Proposed Rate of RelativeRetum ROR 6.220/o 0.82 9.60% 1.26 8.53% 1.12 7.79o/o 1.02 9.95% 1.31 8.1'lo/o 1.06 7.690/o 1.01 7.620/o 1.00 Sch. Number (b) 1 11,12 21,22 25 25P 31,32 4149 Base Tariff Proposed lncrease (e) 7.00/o 3.7o/o 4.70/o 4.8o/o 2.80/o 5.40/o 6.5% 5.4o/o (s)(0 Exhibit No. 15 Case No. AVU-E-15-05 P. Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 3, p.2 ot 4Cleanrvater_PR_05 Attachment A.xlsm AVISTA UTILITIES ]DAHO ELECTRIC, CASE NO. AVU.E.I5.O5 PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPONENTS BY SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 2016 Residential Service - Schedule 1 Basic Charge Energy Charge: First 600 kWhs All over 600 kWhs General Services - Schedule 1l Basic Charge Energy Charge: First 3,650 kWhs All over 3,650 kWhs Demand Charge: 20 kW or less Over 20 kW $s.25 $0.00128 $0.08274 $0.00128 $0.09224 $10.00 $0.00432 $0.10066 $0.00432 $0.07610 no charge $5.2slkw $0.00370 $0.06667 $0.00370 $0.05743 $350.00 $4.75/kW $0.2o/kw $0.00303 $0.05515 $0.00303 $0.04717 $12,500 $4.50/kva $0.2olkw $683,420 $0.00292 $0.04546 $12,500 $4.50/kva $2.00/kva $0.2o/kw $617,940 $8.00 $0.00401 $0.09700 $0.00401 $0.08328 General ProposedRate Billinglnc/(Decr) Rate(e) (0 $3.25 $8.50 $0.00276 $0.08550 $0.00308 $0.09532 $3.00 $13.00 $0.00203 $0.r0269 $0.00000 $0.07610 no charge $o.2slkw $5.50/kw $0.00176 $0.06843$0.00151 $0.05894 $2s.00 $375.00 $0.75/kw $5.50/kw $0.2o/kw $0.00124 $0.0s639 $0.00105 $0.04822 $1,250 $13,750 $1.00/kva $5.50/kva $0.20/kw g7l I,110 $0.00003 $0.04s49 $l,250 $13,750 $1.00/kva $5.50/kva $2.00/kva $0.2olkw $633,270 $2.00 $10.00 $0.00460 $0.r0160 $0.00392 $0.08720 Proposed Base Tariff Rate (s) $8.50 $0.08422 $0.09404 $13.00 $0.09837 $0.07178 no charge $5.50/kw $0.06473 $0.05524 $375.00 $5.50/kw $0.2o/kw $0.0s336 $0.04519 $13,750 $5.50/kva $0.2o/kw $0.04257 $13,750 $5.50/kva $2.00/kva $0.2olkw $10.00 $0.09759 $0.08319 Exhibit No. 15 Case No. AVU-E-15-05 P. Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 3, Page 3 of4 Base Tariff Present Present Sch. Rate OtherAdj.(1) Billing Rate(a) (b) (c) (d) Larqe General Service - Schedule 21 Energy Charge: First 250,000 kWhs All over ! (2) lncludes all preser Demand Charge: 50 kW or less Over 50 kW Primary Voltage Discount $5.25 $0.08146 $0.09096 $10.00 $0.09634 $0.07178 no charge $5.25lkW $0.06297 $0.05373 $350.00 $4.75lkw $0.2o/kw $0.05212 $0.04414 $12,s00 $4.50/kva $0.2o/kw Present: $0.04254 $12,500 $4.50/kva $2.00/kva $0.2olkw Present: $8.00 $0.09299 $0.07927 Extra Larqe General Service - Schedule 25 Energy Charge: Flrst 500,000 kWhs All over 500,000 kWhs Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less Over 3,000 kva Primary Volt. Discount Annual Minimum Clearwater - Schedule 25P Energy Charge: all kWhs Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less 3,000 - 55,000 kva Over 55,000 kva Primary Volt. Discount Annual Minimum Pumpinq Service - Schedule 31 Basic Charge Energy Charge: First 165 kWkwh All additional kWhs (l) lncludes all present rate adjustments: Schedule 59 - Residential & Farm Energy Rate Adjustment, Schedule 66 - Temporary Power Cost Adjustment, Schedule 9'l - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment, and Schedule 97 - Earnings Test Rebate. AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC, CASE NO. AVU.E.15.O5 PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPONENTS BY SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 2017 General Proposed Proposed Base Tariff Present Present Rate Billing Base Tariff Sch. Rate OtherAdj.(1) Billino Rate lnc/(Decr) Rate Rate(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (s) Residential Service - Schedule 1 Basic Charge $8.50 $8.50 $0.00 $8.50 $8.50 Energy Charge: First 600 kWhs $0.08422 $0.00128 $0.08550 $0.00630 $0.09180 $0.09052 All over 600 kWhs $0.09404 $0.00128 $0.09532 $0.00704 $0.{0236 $0.10108 General Services - Schedule ll Basic Charge $13.00 $13.00 $3.00 $16.00 $16.00 Energy Charge: First 3,650 kWhs $0.09837 $0.00432 $0.10269 $0.00199 $0.10468 $0.10036 All over 3,650 kWhs $0.07178 $0.00432 $0.07610 $0.00000 $0.07610 $0.07178 Demand Charge: 20 kW or less no charge no charge no charge no charge Over20 kW $5.50/kW $5.50/kW $0.50/kW $6.00/kW $6.00/kW Larqe General Service - Schedule 2l Energy Charge: First 250,000 kWhs $0.06473 $0.00370 $0.06843 $0.00239 $0.07082 $0.06712 All over I (2) lncludes all preser $0.05524 $0.00370 $0.05894 $0.00204 $0.06098 $0.05728 Demand Charge: 50 kW or less $375.00 $375.00 $25.00 $400.00 $400.00 Over 50 kW $5.50/kW $5.50/kW $0.50/kW $6.00/kW $6.00/kW Primary Voltage Discount $0.20/kW $0.20lkw $0.20/kW $0.20/kW Extra Laroe General Service - Schedule 25 Energy Charge: First 500,000 kWhs $0.05336 $0.00303 $0.05639 $0.00197 $0.05836 $0.05533 All over 500,000 kWhs $0.04519 $0.00303 $0.04822 $0.00167 $0.04989 $0.04686 Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less $13,750 $13,750 $1,250 $15,000 $15,000 Over 3,000 kva $5.50/kva $5.50/kva $0.50/kva $6.00/kva $6.00/kva Primary Volt. Discount $0.20lkw $0.20/kW $0.20/kW $0.20lkw Annual Minimum Present: $71 1,110 $746,280 Clearwater - Schedule 25P Energy Charge:allkWhs $0.04257 $0.00292 $0.04549 $0.00074 $0.04623 $0.04331 Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less $13,750 $13,750 $1,250 $15,000 $15,000 3,000 - 55,000 kva $5.50/kva $5.50/kva $0.50/kva $6.00/kva $6.00/kva Over 55,000 kva $2.00/kva $2.00/kva $2.00/kva $2.00/kva Primary Volt. Discount $0.20/kW $0.20lkw $0.20lkw $0.20/kW Annual Minimum Present: $633,270 $656,410 Pumrinq Service - Schedule 31 Basic Charge $10.00 $10.00 $2.00 $12.00 $12.00 Energy Charge: First 165 kwkwh $0.097s9 $0.00401 $0.10160 $0.00478 $0.10638 $0.10237AlladditionalkWhs $0.08319 $0.00401 $0.08720 $0.00408 $0.09128 $0.08727 (1) lncludes all present rate adjustments: Schedule 59 - Residential & Farm Energy Rate Adjustment, Schedule 66 - Temporary Power Cost Adjustment, Schedule 91 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment, and Schedule 97 - Earnings Test Rebate. Clearwater_PR_05 Attachment B.xlsm Exhibit No. 't5 Case No. AVU-E-15-05 P. Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 3, Page 4 of 4 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0711012015 CASE NO.: AVU-E-15-05 / AVU-G-15-01 WITNESS: Bill Johnson REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Liz AndrewsTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation REQUEST NO.: Clearwater-06 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8601 REQUEST: According to the Multiparty Settlement Stipulation filed with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission in Dockets No. UE-150204 and UG-l50205 (consolidated) at page2,5.b (i), in the original filing by Avista there was a coding error contained in the AURORA model. Please confirm that the error was corrected in the development of modeled energy prices in the Idaho rate case filing. RESPONSE: The coding error correction referred to in the Multiparty Settlement Stipulation filed with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission in Dockets No. UE-l50204 and UG-150205 was discovered and corrected in April 2015,prior to the Company's filing in this IPUC Docket. Therefore, yes the coding error was corrected prior to filing. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0711012015 CASE NO.: AVU-E-15-05 / AVU-G-15-01 WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Liz AndrewsTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation REQUEST NO.: Clearwater-O7 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8601 REQUEST: The Multiparty Settlement Stipulation filed by Avista with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission indicates the AURORA coding error along with others agreed to adjustments has cut the Company's original request for a $33.2 million rate increase in Washington in about half. This would mean the two year proposed increase in Idaho is significantly higher than the stipulated Washington request. Please explain, given Idaho comprises only about one-third of the Company's total system, why the Idaho proposed revenue requirement is so much higher than in Washington. RESPONSE: A reconciliation between the two 2015 WA and ID general rate case (GRC) filings has not been prepared. However, in general there are many variables between each of the two respective states causing differences between the requested electric increases related to changes in capital and expenses. Current approved WA rates, effective January 1,2015, based on the Company's 2014 GRC (Docket No. UE-140188), utilized a 2013 historical test period. The current WA GRC (Docket No. UE-150204), utilizing a September 2014 test period, reflects an approximate one-year change in costs. ID rates, last adjusted October 1,2013, utilized a June 30,20t2 historical test period, adjusted for known costs expected in 2013. As a part of the settlement agreement in Case No. AVU-E-12-08, the Parties agreed to a "Rate FreezelStay Out" in which new base rates could not become effective until January 1,2015. An extension of the "Rate FreezelStay Out" to January 1,2016 was agreed to and approved by the IPUC in Case No. AVU-E-14-05, with no change in base rates during2015. The current ID GRC, therefore, reflects an approximate three-year change in costs. Specific examples (but not all inclusive) of changes in costs impacting Avista's WA and ID j urisdictions differently include : Power Supply - Although there are a number of differences between base power supply costs established within the WA and ID jurisdictions, certain costs have been included in base rates at different time periods in WA versus ID. For example, in case No. AVU-E-I2-08, the Parties agreed to recover costs related to the Palouse Wind Power Purchase Agreement ("PPA") through the Company's Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) mechanism, subject to the current sharing (90% customer, 10% Company) until these costs were included in base rates as a part of the implementation of new rates from the Company's next GRC. These PPA related expenses are included in the Company's requested base revenue in this proceeding. These costs, however, are already included in current WA base rates. Power Supply base rates were reset in WA as of January 1,2015, whereas ID power supply base rates (as well as the PCA) were last authorized October l, 2013. Net Rate Base Additions - Due to the difference in timing of base rate increases between the WA and ID jurisdictions, the incremental rate base additions and related costs included in each state's GRC request, compared to curent base rates, is significantly different between the two states. For example, the incremental net rate base requested in the WA GRC above that included in current base rates is approximately $54 million, reflecting a one year change. However, the incremental 2016 net rate base requested in the ID GRC above that included in current base rates is approximately $90 million, reflecting an approximate three-year change. The net rate base in WA reflects a 4Yo increase over the one-year period, whereas the net ID rate base increase reflects a ll .3Yo increase over the approximate three-year period (or 3 .8% annually).