HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140818Protective Agreement.pdfPROTECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN AVISTA CORPORA'TION ANT) IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMIVIISSION STAFF kv a-E-t*oto (- r\t-{ ai:, =9= 73'fhis Protective Agreement is entcrcd into this l4'h ,lay ol'August :O#i-I;>, Rlr,Flc,l_ cD irl(iorporation (.{r'ista) and the Idaho Publio LJtilities Commission (Stall). lil,: =n ;-j .5Recitals: ;ii. tr ' ; L WHEREAS, r\vista and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission Staff (hereiridlter "$atf') anticipate that parties to this procceding may make requests to provide. ormake available lbrrcview, certain inlormation. considered by its custodian to be of a trade secret, privileged or confidential nature (as defined in lduho (bdc $$ 9-340 and 48-801). 2. WHEREAS, Avista and the undersigned parties agree that entering into a Protective Agrecment will expedite the production of documents: will alford the necessary protection to Iutility'sl and the undersigned partics'employees and/orrcprcsentatives in the [proceeding] who might review the intbrmation and subsequently be recluested to reveal its contents by setting fbrth clcar cut paramcters fbr use of Confidential Information, and will proteot Confidential Inlbrmation which might be provided during thc course of the proceedings, now therefore. IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED AS FOLLOWS: l. (a) Confidential Information All documents. data. infbrmation. studics and other materials lurnishcd pursuant to any requests tbr inlbrmation, subpoenas or othcr modes ol-discovcry (fbrmal or inlormal), and including depositions, that are claimed to be of trade sccret, proprietary or conlidential nature (herein relbrred to as "Conlidential Infbrmation") shall be so markcd by the party or entity providing the infbrmation by stamping the same with a designation indicating its trade secret, proprietary or conlidential nature and printed on "yellow" paper. IDAPA Any claim o1'contldentiality must be accompanied by an attorney's cc(ificate that the material is protected by law tiom public disclosure and cite the specific legal authority to support the claim. IDAPA (b) Protection of Confidential Information Access to and revier.v of Confidential Infbrmation shall be strictly controlled by the terms of this Agreement. Unless otherwise ordered, Confidential Intbrmation, including transcripts of depositions containing information to which a claim of confidentiality is made. shall remain under PROTIICTIVIl AGREIIMIlN'l' seal. shall continue to be subject to the protective requirements ol'this Agreement. and shall not be disclosed to individuals rvho have not cxccuted the nondisclosure agreement set tbrth in Exhibit "A." (c) Use of Confidential Information .,\ll persons who may be entitled to revicw. or rvho are allbrdcd access to any Confidential Infbrmation by reason ol'this Agreement shall neithcr Llse nor clisclose thc Contidential Infbrmation tbr purposes of business or competition. or any purpose other than the purpose ol'preparation fbr ancl conduct of the proceedings, and then solely'as contemplated herein, and shall keep the Conlidential lnfbrmation secure as trade secret, confidential or proprietary infbrmation and in accordance with the purposes and intent of this Agrccment. (d) Persons Entitled to Review r\cccss to Contidcntial Intbrmation shall be limited to counsel o1 the undersigned partics. cmployces. sxperts. agents or rcpresentatives of the undersigned parties who have cxccuted an Exhibit "A" to this Agreement. Such intbrmation will be clearly marked and protected fiom unauthorized public disclosure. (e) Non-disclosure Agreement Clonfldential Inturmation shall not be disclosed to any person who has not signcd a non- disclosurc agrecment on this fbrm, which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporatcd hcrein. l'he non-disclosure agrcemcnt or Exhibit "A" shall rcquire the person to "vhom disclosure is to be rnadc to read a copy of this Protective Agreement and to certity in writing that he or she has reviewed the same and has consentcd to be bound by its terms. 'fhe Agreement shall contain the signatory's full name, permanent address and employer. Such agreement shall be delivered to counsel fbr the providing pa(y. befbre disclosure is made. 2. Corries No copics or transcriptions of thc Clonfrdential Infbrmation shall be made by thc recipient oxcept as necessary to make the intbrmation available to individuals who have executed an Flxhibit "A" to this Protective Agreement. 3. Non-waiver of Obiection to Admissibilifv 'l'he furnishing of any document, infbrmation. data, study or other materials pursuant to this Protective Agreement shall in no \vay limit or waive the right of the providing party to object to its rclevance or admissibility in any proceedings befbre this Commission. PROTECTIVE AORITUMEN'| -1. Challenee to Contidentiality (a) Initial Challenee 'fliis Protective r\greemcnt cstablishes a procedure lbr the expeditious handling of infbrmation that a party claims is conlidential. Any party may challenge the charactcrization of any inlbrmation. document. data or study claimed by the providing party to be a trade secret. proprictary or confidcntial infbrmation. A partv seeking to challenge thc confidentiality of an-v" intbrmation shall lirst contact counsel tbr the providing party and attempt to resolve any dift'erence by stipulation. Resolution may include removing the contidential classifications. creating a non-contidential summary. re'lbrmatting the inlormation. etc. (b) Subsequcnt Challenee ln the event that the parties cannot agree as to the character of the infurmation challenged. any party challenging the conlidentiality may petition the Commission to rule upon the disputed infi>rmation. 'l'he Petition shall be served upon the Commission and all parties to the case who have signcd on Uxhibit "A" as provided in this Protective Agreement. The Petition shall designate with specilicity the document or material challenged and state the grounds upon which the subject material are deemed to be non-coniidential by the challenging party. (c) Challense Ilearins 'fhe challenging party shall request that the Cornmission conduct an in curnera procecding rvhere only thosc persons duly authorized to have acccss to such challcngcd matcrials under this Protective Agrecment shall be present. This hearing shall be commenced no earlier than tive (5) business days after serving the Petition on the providing party and the Commission. 'l'he record of the in cameru hearing shall be marked'"CONFIDENTIAL - Subject to Protective Agreement." 'fo the extent neccssary, the transcript ol'such hearing shall be separately bound. segregated. sealed, and withheld tiom public inspection by any person not bound by the terms of this Agreement. (d) Determination 'l'hc parties will ask the Commission to issue an Order determining whether any challenged inlbrmation or material is not properly deemed to be exempt lrom public disclosure pursuant to the Idaho Public Records Act(lclaho Code $$ 9-335, 9-337,9-3404). If intbrmation is tbund to be not exempt tiom disclosure. no partv shall disclose such challenged material or use it in the public record. or otherwise outside the proceedings fbr at least five (5) busincss days unless the providing P R()'f FlCl'lV H AGRITI]M IiNl- party conscnts to such conduct. 'l'his procedure enables the restrictions of this Agreement fiom material claimed to bc contrdential. Such rclief rnay be sought liclrn thc Commission or a court of c ompetent j urisdiction. 5. (a) Receirrt Into Evidcnce Provision is hereby made lbr receipt into evidence in this proceeding of materials claimcd to be contjdential in the tbllow'ing manncr: (1) Il'the requesting parly intends to use Coniidential Intbrmation or to make substantive rcl'erence to C'ontidential Inlbrmation supplied to it under this Agreement, it shall give reasonable prior notice of such intention to the providing party and shall provide copies of the used Confidential Intbrmation or suhstantive rel'erence to Contidential Inlormation only to the providing pafty. and such othcr partics, if any. who have executed an Exhibit "A" to this Protectivc Agreement. (2) One ( I ) copy of the used Confidcntial Intbrmation or substantive ref'erence to Contidcntial Infbrmation or substantive rcf'crence to Contidential Intbrmation described in paragraph 5(aXl ) shall be placed in the sealed record. (3) 'l'hc copy of the documents to bc placcd in the sealed record shall be tendered by counsel lbr the providing party to the Commission, and shall be maintained in accordancs with the terms of this Protective Agreemcnt. (b) Seal While in the custody of the Commission. materials containing Confidential Intbrmation shall be markcd "CONtr'IDENTIAL - SUB.IECT TO ATTORNEY'S CERTII,'ICA'I'E OF CONFIDENTIALITY" and shall not be examined by any person except under the conditions set torth in this Agreement. i1'applicable. (c) /n Camerrr Hearing and Transcripts .,\ny Confidential Information that must be orally disclosed at a hcaring in the proceedings shall bc of fered at an in camera hearing, attended only by persons authorized to have access to the information under this Protective Agreement. Similarly, any transoription of any examination or other rel'erence to Contidential Intbrmation (or that portion of the record containing Confidential Infbrmation) shall be marked and treated as provided herein lbr Confldential Infbrmation. (d) Access to Record r\ccess to sealed tcstimony. rcoords. and intbrmation shall b<: limited to thc Commission and persons who have signed an Hxhibit "A" as provided in this Protective ;\greement, unless such inibrmation is rclcascd liom the restrictions of this Agrecment either through agreement of the parties or aiter notice to the parties and hearing, pursuant to the order of the Commissicln and/or the final order ol'a court having final jurisdiction. (e) Arrpeal Should an appcal lrom the proceeding be taken, sealed portions of the record may be ftlrrvarded to any court of competent jurisdiction fbr purp<lses of an appeal, but under seal as dcsignated herein lor thc inlbrmation and use of thc oourt. If a portion of the record is firrwarded to a court under seal filr the purposes of an appeal, thc providing party shall be notitied which portion of the sealed record has becn designated by the appealing party as necessary to the record on appeal. 6. Use in Pleadings Where ref'erences to Conf-rdential Intbrmation in the sealed record or with the custodian is requrired in pleadings, brief's, arguments, or motions (except as provided in Paragraph 5), it shall be by citation to title or exhibit number or some other description that will not disclose the substantive Confidential Inlormation contained therein. Any use of or substantivc ref'crcnccs to Contidential Inlbrmation shall be placed in a separate section of the plcading or brief and submitted to thc Commission pursuant to Paragraph 5. 'l'his scalcd section shall be servcd only on counscl of rccord who have signed the nondisclosure agreements set forth in Uxhibit "A" attached to this Protective Agreement. and ntay, in tum, be discloscd by thcm only to individuals who likewise signed tlxhibit "A". 7. Summary of Record If deemed necessary by the Commission. the providing parties shall prepare a written summary of the Confidential Intbrmation referred to in Orders to be issued to the public and the parties. 8. Rcturn or Destruction of Confidential Information (a) lJpon rcquest of the providing party, all original documcnts and copies of the Contidential lntbrmation shall be: (l) returned to the providing party; or (2) or at the option of the rccipient destroyed within thirty (30) days after the final settlement or conch"rsion ot'the proceedings, PRO"I"EC'I'IV ti AGRtiEMUN'I' including administrative or judicial review thereof. ,\fter rcturn or dcstruction o1'docunrcnts pLlrsuant to this paragraph, and upon requcst, a written receipt verilf ing return or destruction shall be provided by counscl. (b) On a case-bv-case basis and upon notilication to the utility, the Commission Statl' may retain onc copy of the Contidential Inlbrmation undcr seal. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreemcnt, any member of Staff may review and use that copy ol'thc Contldcntial Intbrmation <lutside this procceding while pertbrming his or her duties as a StalTmember. Staff s use and disclosure of the Clontidential Information in a latcr Commission proceeding shall be subject to any protective agreement signed in the proceeding. (c) Any notes maintained bv a recipient ol'Confidential Intbrmation which embody or rellect any of the Clonfidential Infrlrmation provided under this Agreemcnt shall, upon request of the providing part,y, be either returned to the providing party or, at the option of the recipient. dcstroycd. 9. Effective Date 'fhis Protective Agreement shall becomc ellbctive on the date hereof. PRO'IBC'l'lV l, AGRITITMHN'f DA'IED this / .,I-' r ',ioy uf ,tugust 2014. ,\VISTA CORPOITATION .-;--_.--Iiv,/,,"/"D*i$^f. Meyel Avista Corporation PO Box 3727 l4l I Il. Mission Avenue Spokane, WA99220-3727 Vioe President and Chief Counsel fbr Regulatory and (iovernment Affairs - Avista Clorporation IDAHO PUBI,IC UTILITIES COMMISSION S'TAFT{' { '-* Karl'f. Klein Depuly Atlorney General Idaho I']ublic Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Iloise. ID 83702 z\ttorney Reprcscnting Idaho Public Utilities Cornrnission Staff ,u "jBy PRO'fIiC'l'lVI1 AGRHEM ENT EXHIBIT *A" I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated this l4th day of August 2014 in Case No. AVU-E-14-06 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. Terri Carlock Idaho Public Utilities Commission Employer or Firm 472 West Washington Street. Boise. ID 83702 Business Address Commission StafT Party Date EXHIBIT ..A'' I have reviewed the tbregoing Protective Agreement dated this l4th day of August 2014 in Case No. AVU-E-14-06 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Employer or Firm 472 West Washineton Street. Boise. ID 83702 Business Address Commission Staff Party EXHIBIT "A' I have reviewed the fbregoing Protective Agreement dated this l4th clay of August 2014 in Case No. AVU-E-14-06 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Employer or Firm 472 West Washineton Street. Boise. ID 83702 Business Address Commission Staff Partv Matt EIam Date EXHIBIT ..A' I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated this l4th day of August 2014 in Case No. AVU-E-14-06 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Employer or Firm 472 West Washington Street. Boise. Id 83702 Business Address Commission Staff Party Mike Louis EXHIBIT ..A'' lhave revierved the fbregoing Protective Agreement dated this l4th day of August 2014 in Case No. AVU-E- l4-06 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. 'l '.r [. ii9ouI \ ) \'1,.-l i . BeVerly ,Uur\91 v / Idaho Public Utilities Commission Employer or Firm 472 West Washington Street. Boise. ID 83702 Business Address Commission StafT Party EXHIBIT ..A'' lhave reviewed the fbregoing Protective Agreement dated this l4th day of August 2014 in Case No. AVU-E-14-06 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. Q Daniel Klein Idaho Public Utilities Commission Employer or Firm 472 West Washineton Street. Boise. ID 83702 Business Address Commission Staff Party g- /v- // Date