HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140807Clearwater 4-7 to Avista.pdfPeter J. Richardson ISB # 3195 Gregory M. Adams ISB # 7454 RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise,Idatro 83702 Telephone : (208) 938 -223 6 Fax: (208) 938-7904 Peter@richardson*dol.*n. "o*gre e@richardsonandolear.v. com Attorneys for Clearwater Paper Corporation IN THE MATTER OF THE POWER COST ADruSTMENT (PCA) ANNUAL RATE ADJUSTMENT FILING OF AVISTA CORPORATION RECEI\r'[':D 20lq IUG -? Ail 9:2] ui tr?F$jciii;rir I 5 s I c'.., BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. AVU-E-14-06 SECOND PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION Pursuant to Rule 225 of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission"), Clearwater Paper Corporation ("Clearwater") by and through its attorney of record, Peter J. Richardson, hereby requests that Avista Corporation ("Avista") provide responses to the following with supporting documents, where applicable. This production request is to be considered as continuing, and Avista is requested to provide by way of supplementary responses additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the responses or docurnents produced. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION TN CASE NO. AVU.E-I4.06 _ PAGE I Please provide an additional electronic copy, or if unavailable, a physical copy, to Dr. Don Reading at: 6070 Hill Road, Boise, Idaho 83703, Tel: (208) 342-1700:' Fax: (208) 384-1511; dreading@mindspring.com and in electronic form to marv.lewallen@clearwaterpaper.com. For each item, please indicate the name of the person(s) preparing the answers, along with the job title of such person(s) and the witness at hearing who can sponsor the answer. Some of the following requests may include disclosures deemed by to be confidential. Counsel for Clearwater and Clearwater's expert witness, Don Reading, will execute a confidentiality agreement as necessary to facilitate complete responses. REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 4 Page three of William Johnson's direct testimony states, "Colstrip Unit 4 was unavailable due to a forced outage from July 1,2013 until January 22,2014." A. Please explain and document the circumstances causing the "forced outage." B. Please detail all efforts undertaken to correct the "forced outage." C. Was the event(s) causing the forced outage insured against? If so, please provide all documentation related to the insurance (policies, notices, claims etc.). If not, please explain why no insurance was secured against such events. D. Please explain and justifr why Avista's PCA mechanism should cover power supply expenses associated with a forced outage of a coal fired power plant? Provide copies of all Commission's orders relied upon. il il il il SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION TN CASE NO. AVU-E-14-06 _ PAGE 2 REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.5 Please provide, in electronic format with all formulae intact where possible, all workpapers and other documents used to calculate the $4,082,573 "Change due to Colstrip Generation and Fuel Expense" from the table on page 4 of Mr. Johnson's testimony. REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 6 Mr. Williams states on page three of his direct testimony: "Given that the power purchase rate was lower than retail rates, when the Clearwater purchase contract ended on June 30, 2013 and Clearwater chose to use its generation to reduce purchases from Avista, the result was an increase in PCA surcharge deferrals." A. Please provide, in electronic format with all formulae intact where possible, all workpapers and other documents used to calculate the $2,320,289 change due to the purchase contract for Clearwater Paper. B. Has Avista performed any studies relating to the base rate impact of the change in the purchase contract? If so, please provide. If not, does Avista believe there is any impact? Please explain fully. REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 7. Mr. Williams states on page three of his direct testimony that: "Palouse Wind is currently included in the authorized level of power supply expense (i.e. is not included in base rates)." A. Do the payments to Palouse Wind include a capacity component? If not, please explain why not? [f so, please document. B. [f payments to Palouse do include a capacity component, please explain the collecting the costs associated with that project on a kWh basis. for SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION TN CASE NO. AVU-E.14-06 - PAGE 3 B # 3195 RDSON ADAMS, PLLC I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 7th day of August, 2014, a true and conect copy of the within and foregoing FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST of Clearwater Paper Corporation in Case No. AVU-E-I4-06 will be served by HAND DELIVERY, to: Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, tdaho 83702 And on August 6 via electronic mail and U.S. Mail, postage prepaid to: Kelly O. Norwood Vice President State and Federal Regulation Avista Corporation 141I E. Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99220 Kelly. norwood@ avistacorp. com David J. Meyer Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Ave. Spokane, WA99220 David. meyer@ avistacorp. com SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION TN CASE NO. AVU-E-14-06 _ PAGE 4