HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121113Avista to Staff 1-6,14-25.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 TOIL Free 800-727-9170 :i 13 At t11O:3 AVISTA' Corp. • ••- u November 12, 2012 j SION Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83720-0074 Attn: Karl T. Klein Weldon B. Stutzman Deputy Attorney General Re: Production Request of the Commission Staff in Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G- 12-07 Dear Mr.Klein and Mr. Stutzman, Enclosed are an original and three copies of Avista's responses to IPUC Staffs production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in this mailing are Avista's responses to production requests 001 - 006, 014 - 025. The electronic versions of the responses were emailed on 11/12/12 and are also being provided in electronic format on the CD included in this mailing. Also included are Avista's CONFIDENTIAL responses to PR 003C, 005C, and 025C. This response contain TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code, and pursuant to the Protective Agreement between Avista and IPUC Staff dated October 15, 2012. It is being provided under a sealed separate envelope, marked CONFIDENTIAL. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact Paul Kimball at (509) 495-4584 or via e-mail at paul.kimball@avistacorp.com Sincerely, Paul Kimball Regulatory Analyst Enclosures CC: all parties AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION R E CE I VE 0 JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/06/201-2 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Tara IlWi NOV 1 3 AMID: l3 REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Tara Knox TYPE Production Request DEPARTMENT State REQUEST NO.: Staff-001 TELEPHONE: (509) 432' REQUEST: Please provide all data used in the regression analyses found in Ms. Knox's work papers entitled "2010 Electric Regressions.xls" and "2010 Gas Regression.xls." Please provide the data in Excel format. RESPONSE: Please see the Staff _PROO1 Attachment A, an Excel file which contains the data that was loaded into the E-Views program where the regressions were calculated. I have also provided the E-views work file as Staff PR 001 Attachment B. Do to the voluminous nature of the files they are being provided in electronic form only. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/15/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Clint Kaliich REQUESTER: WUC RESPONDER: James Gall TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-002 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2189 REQUEST: Please provide the daily trade volume used to establish the 1-month average of calendar-year 2013 monthly forward prices referenced on page 17 of Mr. Kalich's direct testimony. RESPONSE: Avista does not receive forward natural gas price trade volumes from ICE (see PR 4); therefore Avista is unable to provide this data. The Company believes the ICE is the most liquid natural gas futures market available. These prices provided are used for multiple company initiatives including mark to market calculations reviewed by our external auditors and used for the forward market projections incorporated into the Purchased Gas Cost Adjustments. A rolling four day Henry Hub-trade information page is available on the ICE website, and includes daily trade volumes. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/15/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Clint Kalich REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: James Gall TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-003 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2189 REQUEST: Please provide calendar-year 2013 monthly forward prices by day from January 1, 2012 through present. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 003C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 3 1.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. Please see Staff_PR_003C Confidential Attachment A for the requested forward price data. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE -PREPARED: 11/15/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Clint Kalich REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: James Gall TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-004 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2189 REQUEST: Please identify the source for the monthly forward natural gas prices found in the "Nucleus Data" spreadsheet in the Excel workbook "Natural_Gas_20 1 3_0730 1 2.xls." RESPONSE: The data for the forward prices is provided by the IntercontinentalExchange "ICE". More information about the IntercontinentalExchange can be found on their website www.theice.com . AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/15/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Clint Kalich REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: James Gall TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-005 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2189 REQUEST: Please provide a maintenance file for Coyote Springs similar to those provided for Coistrip (Coistrip Maintenance_Final.xls), Kettle Falls (Kettle Falls Maintenance_Final.xls), and Lancaster (Lancaster Maintenance Final.xls). Please provide the file in Excel format. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 005C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. Please see Staff PR_005C Confidential Attachment A for the Coyote Springs 2 maintenance file. The outages included on this worksheet are considered planned outages. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/15/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Paul Kimball TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Rates& Tariff Admin. REQUEST NO.: Staff-006 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4584 For calendar years 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 please provide the trial balances by month, by FERC account, and by FERC sub-account in an Excel spreadsheet with all formulas intact. RESPONSE: Please see Staff_PROO6 Attachment A. Do to the voluminous nature of the files they are being provided in electronic form only. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/09/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Ryan Finesilver TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Rates & Tariffs REQUEST NO.: Staff-014 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4873 REQUEST: Request Nos. 14-16 refer to the following information from the Investor Relations section of Avista Corn's- website: Period Ended 1 12/31/2011 12/31/2010 1 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 Employees 1 2,8091 2,499 -------- 2,435 2,127 2,117 See Reference webpage: http://investor.avistacorp.comlphoenix.zhtml ?c=97267&pirol-fund BalanceA. Please describe how the number of employees for each year is calculated. For example, are only full-time employees included in the December 31, 20XX number? Does the number reported include all employees or are part-time employees excluded? Does the Company use the actual number of full-time employees or does the company use full-time equivalents? RESPONSE: These numbers represent the number of full-time, part-time and seasonal employees, as reported, as of the fiscal period end date. Each employee is counted as one body. The numbers include utilities operations and all subsidiary employees. Please also see Staff _PR_015 and Staff PR _0 16. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/09/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Ryan Finesilver TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Rates & Tariffs REQUEST NO.: Staff-015 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4873 REQUEST: Request Nos. 14-16 refer to the following information from the Investor Relations section of Avista Corn's website: Period Ended 12/31/2011 12/31/2010 1 12/31/2009 1 12/31/2008 1 12/31/2007 Employees 2,809 1 2,4991 2,435 1 2,1271 2,117 See Reference webpage: http://investor.avistacorp.com/phoenix.zht l?c=97267&p=irol-fund BalanceA. How many employees, by year, are attributable to each subsidiary of Avista? For example, how many employees, by year, are attributable to Avista Utilities, both regulated and non-regulated operations? How many of the employees are attributable to Ecova? Are any employees attributable to more than one subsidiary? RESPONSE: Please see Staff-0 15 Attachment A. Note that the Investor Relations employee data (included in the question above) varies slightly from the attached information. This is due to employee count information received from Ecova and the timing of when the information was received and presented. Employees are counted as one body and are not reflected in multiple subsidiaries. Avista Utilities and Subsidiaries utility(l) Subsidiary Total # of Employees # of Employees # of Employees 2008 1482 727 2,209 2009 1538 925 2,463 2010 1554 1,030 2,584 2011 1594 1,356 2,950 Utility Subsidiary Total # Increase # Increase # Increase 2008-2009 56 198 254 2009-2010 16 105 121 2010-2011 40 326 366 Employee Count by Subsidiary 2008 2009 2010 2011 Ecova, Inc.* Advanced Mfg and Dev, Inc. Steam Plant Brew Pub, LLC 727 925 1,030 1,356 (1) Utility employees who perform non-utility operating activities charge their time to non-operating expenses. This typically equates to less than .2% of total hours. * Consolidated, Includes Ecos IQ Staff _PR_015 Attachment A.xlsx Page 1 of 1 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/09/2012 -CASE NO: AVU-E- 12-08-] AVU-G- 12-07 WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Ryan Finesilver TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Rates & Tariffs REQUEST NO.: Staff-016 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4873 REQUEST: Request Nos. 14-16 refer to the following information from the Investor Relations section of Avista Corp's website: Period Ended 1 12/31/2011 12/31/2010 1 12/31/2009 1 12/31/2008 1 12/31/2007 Employees 1 2,809 2,4991 2,435 1 2,1271 2,117 See Reference webpage: http://investor.avistacorp.comlphoenix.zhtml ?c=97267&pirol-fund BalanceA. Please explain, by calendar year beginning with 2008, the increase in the total number of employees. Please include in your explanation job descriptions for new positions, the Avista subsidiary for each new position or employee, (Avista Utilities, Ecova, other subsidiary). For example, there was an increase of 10 employees in 2008 over 2007. Please describe why there was an increase in employees, what subsidiary or subsidiaries the new employee numbers are attributable to, and the justification for the increase in the number of employees. RESPONSE: Please see Staff _PR_015 Attachment A The Company does not have in place a mechanism to track each individual position added. However, the largest increases in number of employees for the utility occurred between 2008 and 2009, where 56 employees were added, and between 2010 and 2011, where 40 employees were added. The increase for 2008-2009 was driven by our Process Improvement initiatives, Smart Grid projects, 14 additional customer service rep positions, 4 additional positions for the housing facilities at the(cabinet and noxon hydro generating facilities and replacement of vacant positions from 2008 and early 2009 hiring freeze. The increase for 2010-2011 was driven primarily from the Enterprise Technology sourcing realignment project (29 positions added with an offsetting reduction in contracted employees), regulatory compliance of different types, and analytical positions due to technology enhancements and additions. The majority of subsidiary increases, mainly Ecova, were driven by the acquisition of new companies and additional employees to support revenue growth. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/09/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVTJ-G-12-07 WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Liz Andrews TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Reg. REQUEST NO.: Staff-017 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8601 REQUEST: The October 22, 2012 news release states: "Certain programs are expected to be implemented at Avista Utilities in 2012 to achieve long-term cost savings." Besides the voluntary severance incentive program, what other programs are being implemented? Please provide a narrative description, including the costs and savings of the other programs. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response to Staff's PR 025. At this time no other specific programs have been implemented or identified for cost savings. We are, however, evaluating all operating and maintenance activities, including administrative and general expenses, to identify where we can slow the growth in expenses. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/09/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Liz Andrews TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Reg. REQUEST NO.: Staff-018 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8601 REQUEST: If Avista does not receive the required participation in the voluntary severance incentive program, will the Company initiate a mandatory severance program? Please explain. RESPONSE: The Company has not made that determination at this time. Please see Avista's response to Staff PR 025. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/09/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Liz Andrews TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Reg. REQUEST NO.: Staff-019 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8601 REQUEST: How many utility employees planned or needed to accept voluntary severance to meet Avista's savings goals? RESPONSE: The savings that will be realized from the Voluntary Severance Incentive Plan (VSIP) will be a part of the planned $14 million reduction to 2013 O&M/A&G expense. As stated in Avista's response to Staff PR 025, we do not know at this time how many employees will sign up for the VSIP, or whether the Company will say "Yes" to all those that sign up (under the double "Yes" provision of the Plan). We currently do not have an estimate of the costs associated with the VSIP, or the future reduction in expense associated with the VS[P. Please see Avista's response to Staff PR 025. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11109/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Liz Andrews TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Reg. REQUEST NO Staff-020 TELEPHONE (509) 495-8601 REQUEST Although the Company has not stated what it expects its severance costs to be, please estimate those costs if: (a) all utility employees identified in Request No. 19 were to accept the buy-out; (b) 50% of those employees accept the buy-out; and (c) 25% of those employees accept the buy-out. RESPONSE: Please see the Company's response to Staff PR 019. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE To REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/09/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Liz Andrews TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Reg. REQUEST NO.: Staff-021 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8601 REQUEST: Please provide the calculation showing how the reduction in force will affect pension costs on a system basis and an Idaho basis. RESPONSE: This information is not available at this time. Please see Avista's response to Staff PR 019 and Staff PR 025. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/09/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Liz Andrews TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Reg. REQUEST NO.: Staff-022 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8601 La 1'J pa Please provide a calculation showing how the reduction in force will affectpost retirement benefits besides pension on a system basis and an Idaho basis. RESPONSE: This information is not available at this time. Please see Avista's response to Staff PR 019 and Staff PR 025. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED 11/09/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Liz Andrews TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Reg. REQUEST NO.: Staff-023 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8601 REQUEST: Please provide a revenue requirement calculation (System and Idaho) based on 100% of planned utility employees accepting the buy-out, 50% accepting the buy-out, and 25% accepting the buy-out. If severance costs are included, please specify the costs in a separate column or adjustment. RESPONSE: This information is not available at this time. Please see Avista's response to Staff PR 019 and Staff PR 025. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/09/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Liz Andrews TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Reg. REQUEST NO.: Staff-024 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8601 REQUEST: Please provide a calculation showing the allocation of the voluntary severance program savings between operating expenses and capitalized expenses on a system basis and an Idaho basis. RESPONSE: This information is not available at this time. Please see Avista's response to Staff PR 019 and Staff PR 025. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/15/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Paul Kimball TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Rates & Tariff Admin. REQUEST NO.: Staff-025 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4584 REQUEST: Please provide any and all information about the voluntary reduction in force provided to each regulatory jurisdiction. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 025C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. Please see Staff PR 025C Confidential Attachment A. Do to the voluminous nature of the files they are being provided in electronic form only.