HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121109Staff 26-47 to Avista.pdfKARL T. KLEIN WELDON B. STUTZMAN DEPUTY ATTORNEYS GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION P0 BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0320/334-0318 IDAHO BAR NOS. 5156/3283 I DAH u 13L - UTILtTi5 L,0MfISSUN Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5918 Attorneys for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION DBA AVISTA UTILITIES FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE IN IDAHO. CASE NO. AVU-E-12-08 AVU-G-12-07 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO AVISTA CORPORATION The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities requests that Avista Corporation (Company; Avista) provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, by FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3O, 2012. This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and Avista is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents produced. Please provide answers to each question, including supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations. The Company is reminded that responses pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure must include the name and phone number of the person preparing the document, and the name, location and phone number of the record SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO AVISTA 1 NOVEMBER 9, 2012 holder and if different the witness who can sponsor the answer at hearing if need be. Reference IDAPA In addition to the written copies provided as response to the questions, please provide all Excel and electronic files on CD with formulas activated. REQUEST NO. 26: Please provide the line item detail for the Information Technology Refresh Blanket by project for 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. Please include both budgeted and actual-to-date costs for each project. REQUEST NO. 27: Please provide the line item detail for the Information Technology Expansion Blanket by project for 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Please include both budgeted and actual-to-date costs for each project. REQUEST NO. 28: Please provide all economic analysis including risk analysis of installing the new Rathdrum CT controller. REQUEST NO. 29: Please provide all economic analysis including risk analysis of installing the new Water Supply System for Kettle Falls. REQUEST NO. 30: Please provide the economic analysis for the CNC project, including any risk analysis done. Please also provide a copy of the agreement for the project. REQUEST NO. 31: Please provide the line item detail for the Elect Distribution Minor Blanket by project for 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. Please include both budgeted and actual-to- date costs for each project as available. REQUEST NO. 32: Please provide the entire budgeted and actual costs for each of the following projects by year: a.Noxon Rapids Living Facility Additions; b.Bronx-Cabinet 115kV Rebuild/Reconductor; c.Moscow City-N Lewiston 115 kV Reconductor; and SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO AVISTA 2 NOVEMBER 9, 2012 d. Burke-Thompson A&B 115 kV Reconductor REQUEST NO. 33: Please detail the expenses and budget for the Post Falls Intake Gate Replacement. If this project was proposed through a bidding process, please provide the competing bids and contract for the project as well. REQUEST NO. 34: Please reference Witness Andrews' Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 1, page 9, adjustment No. 3.08 Workpaper Reference E-ISIT and Schedule 2 page 9 Adjustment No 3.07 Workpaper Reference G-DS. In Witness Andrews' electronic workpapers, titled "IS & IT Costs," there is a $1,154,313 adjustment for Common Plant and a $230,029 adjustment for Generation Plant. Please provide the backup detail for those adjustments. REQUEST NO. 35: Please provide the total dollar amount paid for the "Performance Excellence Initiative" consultant Booz and Company contract. Please identify where these amounts are included in this rate case. Please illustrate the allocation of total system costs to each jurisdiction. Further break this amount down to its effect on electric and natural gas operations. Include with this information the completion date for this contract and the cost of service accounts posted. REQUEST NO. 36: In reference to Andrews, Exhibit No. 10 Adj. 3.07 Property Tax (Elec.) and 3.05 Property Tax (Gas), please provide actual property tax payments for each year from 2005 through the present. REQUEST NO. 37: Please provide the details of any land and plant sales assigned to Idaho during 2011 and 2012. Please include within your response the accounting treatment of those sales. REQUEST NO. 38: Please provide copies of the narrative monthly, quarterly and annual comparison of operating and capital budgets to actual expenditures for Idaho for the years 2011 and 2012 to date. Please include within your response any narrative explanations for budget variations. Your response should include, but not be limited to, written operating and capital SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO AVISTA 3 NOVEMBER 9, 2012 budget variance reports and explanations used by Company officers and managers to monitor and control budgets under their areas of responsibility. REQUEST NO. 39: Please list each capital project assigned to Idaho that was limited, deferred, rejected or reduced in scope in 2011 and 2012. In your response, please identify the original amount of each capital project and the amount that the capital actually contributed to the overall capital budget. REQUEST NO. 40: Please describe in detail the Company's capital expenditure process. Your description should include, without limiting, the following information: a.method to establish total capital expenditure budget; b.prioritization and allocation of that budget to specific and blanket projects; c.reassignment of budget allocations based upon project variances (if one project is under budget is another project added to expend those unused dollars or the opposite); d.methodology to determine which projects are high priority and which can be deferred until the economic climate (or other factors) are improved; e.asset management transactional process (how projects are entered into that system and ultimately closed to the general ledger and by whom); and f.other items relevant to the process including a listing and copy of all documents and reports required and maintained throughout the process. REQUEST NO. 41: If not included within the response to the previous request, please identify all forms/studies/analyses required to substantiate the need for a project, including but not limited to, cost-benefit analyses and offsetting savings/revenues. REQUEST NO. 42: Please provide a matrix identifying the major capital expenditure approval levels. Please include with the matrix the dollar level of authorization by employee title, division, and company. Please include within your response the dollar level at which individual capital expenditure projects require approval by the Board of Directors or highest threshold of approval. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO AVISTA 4 NOVEMBER 9, 2012 REQUEST NO. 43: Please provide an updated schedule of the 2011 capital additions as proposed in Case Nos. AVU-E-1 1-01 and AVU-G-11-0l that includes the following by project: a.planned dates in service as proposed in those rate cases; b.actual dates in service; c.budgeted capital expenditures as proposed in those rate cases; and d.actual capital expenditures incurred. REQUEST NO. 44: Please provide copies of the contracts associated with plant additions listed on Exhibit 10, Schedule 2, page 5 for gas pro forma capital additions 3.08 and 3.09. REQUEST NO. 45: Please provide a schedule that identifies the expected Date in Service of all 2012 and 2013 natural gas capital projects included within the Company's case, the budgeted expenditures, and actual expenditures to date and identify the source of this information for each project. Please consider this an ongoing request and provide all updates to those dates in service and expenditures during the course of this case. Please provide the printout of this information and the underlying electronic file in Excel format with formulas activated. REQUEST NO. 46: For the natural gas pro forma capital additions 3.08 and 3.09 listed on Exhibit 10, Schedule 2, page 5, please provide the following information for Idaho separately for each project: invoice number, description of payment, vendor name, date posted and amount, from inception of project to date. Please provide the printout of this information and the underlying electronic file in Excel format with formulas activated. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO AVISTA 5 NOVEMBER 9, 2012 For Request No. 47, please reference Dave DeFelice Testimony, page 7, Table 1 in Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 below: Planned Expenditures ($ millions) Actual Expenditures ($ millions) Percentage of Planned 2007 $183.6 $198.4 108% 2008 $190.0 $205.4 108% 2009 $202.0 $199.7 99% 2010 $228.3 $213.5 94% 2011 $249.1 $237.7 95% Five Year Average $210.6 $210.9 100.0% Please also reference Dave DeFelice Testimony, page 6, Table 1 in Case Nos. AVU-E- 11-01 and AVU-G- 11-01 below: Planned Expenditures ($millions) Actual Expenditures ($millions) Percentage of Planned (%) 2007 $183.6 $198.4 108% 2008 $194.2 $205.4 106% 2009 $202.0 $199.7 99% 2010 $210.0 $206.8 98% REQUEST NO. 47: Please provide the supporting detail of the budgets and expenditures for each year. For those years where the planned expenditures and/or actual expenditures do not match (2008 and 2010), please provide a detailed explanation, including supporting documentation of the reason for those differences. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this day of November 2012. u -) ~L- Karl T. Klein Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Joe Terry/26-34 Shelby Hendrickson/35-46 Patricia Harms/47 i:umisc:prodreq/avuel2.8avugl2.7kkjtshph prod req2 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO AVISTA 6 NOVEMBER 9, 2012 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 9TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2012, SERVED THE FOREGOING SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO AVISTA CORPORATION, IN CASE NOS. AVU-E-12-08 & AVU-G-12-07, BY E-MAILING AND MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: DAVID J MEYER VP & CHIEF COUNSEL AVISTA CORPORATION P0 BOX 3727 SPOKANE WA 99220-3727 E-MAIL: david.meyer@avistacorp.com DEAN J MILLER McDEVITT & MILLER LLP P0 BOX 2564 BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: joe@mcdevitt-miller.com PETER J RICHARDSON GREGORY M ADAMS RICHARDSON & O'LEARY 515 N 27TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 E-mail: peter@richardsonandoleary.com greg(ZirichardsonandoIeary.com KELLY 0 NOR WOOD VP STATE & FED REG AVISTA CORPORATION P0 BOX 3727 SPOKANE WA 99220-3727 E-MAIL: kelly.norwood@avistacorp.com LARRY A CR0 WLEY THE ENERGY STRATEGIES INSTITUTE INC 5549 S CLIFFSEDGE AVE BOISE ID 83716 E-MAIL: crowleyla@aol.com DR DON READING 6070 HILL ROAD BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL: dreadingmindspring.com ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY: Howard Ray Clearwater Paper Corporation Howard.Ray@clearwateraaper.com SECRETARY/ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE