HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100624Staff 147-159 to AVU.pdfDONALD L. HOWELL, II DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312 IDAHO BAR NO. 3366 RECE n i~\1 JUR 24 PM 3: 49 KRISTINE A. SASSER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0357 BARNO. 6618 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5918 Attorneys for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ,// IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF A VISTA CORPORATION DBA A VISTA ) UTILITIES FOR THE AUTHORITY TO ) INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ) ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE ) IN IDAHO. ) ) ) ) CASE NO. AVU-E-I0-l AVU-G-I0-l SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO AVISTA CORPORATION The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission, by and through its attorney of record, Kristine A. Sasser, Deputy Attorney General, requests that Avista Corporation (Company; Avista) provide the following documents and information on or before THURSDAY, JULY 15,2010. SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO AVISTA 1 JUE 24, 2010 This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and A vista is requested to provide, by way of supplementar responses, additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that wil augment the documents produced. Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations. The Company is reminded that responses pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure must include the name and phone number of the person preparing the document, and the name, location and phone number of the record holder and, if different, the witness who can sponsor the answer at hearing if need be. Reference IDAPA In addition to the wrtten copies provided as response to the questions, please provide all Excel and electronic fies on CD with formulas activated. REQUEST NO. 147: Please provide a Cost of Service model run of the Company Case incorporating the appropriate corrections identified in Washington Data Request No. Staff - 056, revised from the current Washington general rate case. REQUEST NO. 148: In response to Production Request No. 57, Avista reports that in Januar of 2009 the service level was 48.70%. What is the reason(s) for the exceptionally low service level? REQUEST NO. 149: In response to Production Request No. 67, Avista reports that in June of2009 it received 6,800 emails in the customer service center. This is far more than other months in the year. Please provide the reason(s) for the large number of emails in June. REQUEST NO. 150: In response to Production Request No. 69, A vista indicates it wil allow landlords to provide sign-up information to Avista on behalf of tenants. Landlords may provide information about tenants. by several methods, including callng Avista or submitting a written Application for Service. For 2009, please provide the percentage of applications received from landlords on behalf of tenants for each method. Does A vista contact the tenant to verify that the information provided by the landlord is correct? If not, why not? SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO AVISTA 2 JUNE 24, 2010 REQUEST NO. 151: Once sign-up information is taken from the written Application for Service forms and entered into the computer system for biling puroses, are those forms retained by Avista? And if so, for how long are they retained? REQUEST NO. 152: When a new landlord/owner calls Avista and asks that service at his rental be transferred back into the landlord/owner's name between tenants (Open Between Tenants option), is the landlord/owner required to sign an application, contract or some other type of written agreement? REQUEST NO. 153: In Idaho, how many landlords have requested the Open Between Tenants option? How many have requested the Shut Off Between Tenant option? How many total landlords in Idaho participate in this landlord/tenant program? REQUEST NO. 154: In response to Production Request No. 69, Avista cited IDAPA 31.21.01 Rule 307 as the justification for allowing third paries to provide sign-up-for- service!biling information on behalf of the person(s) who wil ultimately be financially responsible for the utilty bils at an address. Rule 307 does not apply to applications for service, so please explain your answer to Production Request No. 69. REQUEST NO. 155: Please describe the dispute resolution process used by Avista to resolve customer disputes regarding bil payment responsibilty in situations where someone other than the customer of record signed up for service. REQUEST NO. 156: In response to Production Request No. 64, Avista answered the question by providing the total number ofCSRs by month for 2009. Please also provide for the same months, the number of FTEs. REQUEST NO. 157: In his testimony, Company witness Kopczynski refers to a study of heating assistance programs in Spokane County which was prepared for A vista by the Institute for Public Policy and Economic Analysis at Eastern Washington University. Mr. Kopczyski SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO AVISTA 3 JUE 24, 2010 states that the "results may have application to other pars of our service area." Please provide a detailed explanation of how this study has relevance to Avista's customers in Idaho. REQUEST NO. 158: On page 19 of his testimony, Company witness Kopczynski mentions Avista's parnership with KRM in producing television programs. Which communities in Avista's Idaho service territory receive KRM's broadcast signal? Are these programs carried by or available to other television stations that serve Idaho communities? REQUEST NO. 159: Once Avista's system is interconnected to BPA's system at the Lancaster generating facilty, thereby moving Lancaster to Avista's control area, what reserve requirement wil A vista have to meet for the Lancaster plant? What is the estimated cost for A vista to meet this reserve requirement? Wil A vista meet this reserve requirement with its own facilties. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 2 tllJy of June 2010. Donald L. well, II Deputy Attorney Gener 1 Technical Staff: Keith Hessing/#147 Marilyn Parker/#148 - 156 Beverly Barker/#157 - 158 Rick Sterling/# 159 i:umisc:prodreq/avueJ\Io.ikskh prod req7.doc SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO AVISTA 4 JUE 24, 2010 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 24TH DAY OF JUE 2010, SERVED THE FOREGOING SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST I OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO AVISTA, IN CASE NOS. AVU-E-1O-0~_AVU-G-1O-01, BY E-MAILING AND MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PR¡PAID, TO THEFOLLOWING: I i KELLYONORWOOD I VP STATE & FED REG A VISTA CORPORA TIOi PO BOX 3727 SPOKANE WA 99220-3717 E-MAIL: kelly.norwood~avistacorp.com HOWARD RAY I CLEARWATER PAPER fORP 803 MILL ROAD PO BOX 1126 ! LEWISTON ID 83501-11r6 E-MAL: howard.raYiCirarateipper.com LARRY CROWLEY I ENERGY STRATEGIES ÌNSTITUTE 5549 S CLIFFS EDGE AVE BOISE ID 83716 I E-MAIL: crowleyla(ßaol.pom DAVID J MEYER VP & CHIEF COUNSEL AVISTA CORPORATION PO BOX 3727 SPOKANE WA 99220-3727 E-MAIL: david.meyer(ßavistacorp.com PETER J RICHARDSON GREG M ADAMS RICHARDSON & O'LEARY 515 N 27TH ST BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: peter(ßrichardsonandolear.com greg(ßrichardsonandoleary.com DEAN J MILLER MCDEVITT & MILLER LLP PO BOX 2564 BOISE ID 83701 E-MAIL: joe(ßmcdevitt-miler.com ROWENA PINEDA ID COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK 3450 HILL ROAD BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL: Rowena(ßidahocan.org BRADMPURDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 2019N 17TH ST BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: bmpurdy(ßhotmail.com KEN MILLER SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE PO BOX 1731 BOISE ID 83701 E-MAIL: kmiler(ßsnakeriveralliance.org LEEANNHALL 3518 S EDMUNDS ST SEATTLE WA 98118 BENJAMIN J OTTO ID CONSERVATION LEkGUE POBOX 844 I BOISE ID 83701 I E-MAIL: botto idahoco' servation.or ROB PLUID PRESIDEN NORTH IDAHO ENERG LOGS PO BOX 571 . MOYIE SPRIGS ID 83845 E-MAIL: robpluid(ßgmaà.com I CLARK FAIRCHILD VICE PRESIDENT NORTH IDAHO ENERGY LOGS PO BOX 571 MOYIE SPRINGS ID 83845 E-MAIL: energylogs(ßgmail.com TOM OXFORD SECRETARY TREASURER NORTH IDAHO ENERGY LOGS E-MAIL: oxford(ßmeadowcrk.com (ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY) &~.ì(~ SECRETARY