HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080725AVU toStaff 195, 198, 200-201, 204.pdfJuly 24, 2008 ~~'iI'STJI. Corp. Avista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 \ ::lU Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, il 83720-0074 1\ttn: Scott Woodbury Deputy 1\ttomey General Re: Production Request of the Commission Staff in Case Nos. 1\ VU-E-08-01 and 1\ VU-G-08-01 Dear Mr. Woodbur, Enclosed are an original and three copies of Avista's responses to !PUC Staffs production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in this mailing are 1\vista's responses to production requests 195, 198, 200, 201 and 204. The electronic versions of the responses were emailed on 7/24/08 and are also being provided in electronic format on the CDs included in this mailing. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact me at (509) 495- 8620 or via e-mail atpat.ehrbar(Ðavistacorp.com Sincerely,Q~~ Patrick Ehrbar Regulatory Analyst Enclosures CC: Brad Purdy, CAP 1\1 (Paper and Email) . . . AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION JUSDICTION: C)\SENO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO )\ VU-E-08-01 / A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-1 95 REQUEST: D)\TE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPAATMENT: TELEPHONE: 07/21/2008 Tara Knox Tara Knox State & Federal Regulation (509) 495-4325 Please provide weather normalized Idaho retail sales in Mwhs for the year 2007 by month and forecasted normalized retail sales in Mwhs for 2008 by month. RESPONSE: The attached schedule (StafCPR_195-)\ttachment-A.xls) shows the requested monthly Idaho sales volumes as well as the associated base retail sales for the PC)\ retail revenue credit calculation. In the PC)\, the Potlatch contract is excluded from system costs, then directly assigned at 100% in concert with retail revenue from the load equivalent to the purchased generation. This requires separating the Potlatch contract generation equivalent sales from Idaho total sales and pricing them at the proposed Schedule 25P rates. The monthly base for Potlatch Revenue Related to Generation MWs at proposed rates is shown on the attached worksheet. The 2007 actual level of Schedule 95 Optional Renewable Power Rate revenue was included in the revenue requirement as an offset to cost recovered from rates. Curently these revenues are used to offset power costs as an addition. to the retail revenue credit in the PC)\. Once an amount is included in rates as a reduction to revenue requirement, only incremental Schedule 95 revenues are available to further offset renewable power costs in the PCA. The monthy base for Schedule 95 revenues is also shown on the attached worksheet. . . . AV I S T A U T I L I T I E S Id a h o C a s e N o . A V U - E - 0 8 - 0 1 Re s p o n s e t o S t a f f P r o d u c t i o n R e q u e s t N o . 1 9 5 20 0 7 N o r m a l i z e d I d a h o R e t a i l S a l e s b y M o n t h ( m W h s ) An n u a l T o t a l Ja n u a r y Fe b r u a r y Ma r c h Ap r i l Ma y Ju n e Ju l y Au g u s t Se p t e m b e r Oc t o b e r No v e m b e r De c e m b e r Pr o f o r m a m W h s 3, 4 2 9 , 1 7 6 33 6 , 7 9 5 28 7 , 6 8 7 28 3 , 0 7 9 25 9 , 2 4 5 26 3 , Q 2 26 4 , 6 4 9 28 3 , 2 3 7 28 1 , 0 5 2 24 7 , 1 5 3 29 0 , 0 2 2 30 1 , 3 5 2 33 1 , 8 6 4 Po t l a t c h G e n e r a t i o n m W h s 46 2 , 7 5 5 40 , 0 5 3 35 , 9 8 2 25 , 9 0 9 38 , 2 1 7 39 , 4 3 0 40 , 1 4 9 43 , 0 1 7 44 , 4 3 2 35 , 9 0 2 35 , 7 5 5 42 , 5 7 6 41 , 3 3 3 Ba s e R e t a i l S a l e s 2, 9 6 6 , 4 2 1 29 6 , 7 4 2 25 1 , 7 0 5 25 7 , 1 7 0 22 1 , 0 2 8 22 3 , 6 1 2 22 4 , 5 0 0 _ 24 0 , 2 2 0 23 6 , 6 2 0 21 1 , 2 5 1 25 4 , 2 6 7 25 8 , 7 7 6 29 0 , 5 3 1 Po t l a t c h R e v e n u e ( 1 ) at P r o p o s e d B a s e R a t e s Re l a t e d t o G e n e r a t i o n m W h s $ 20 , 2 7 3 , 1 6 0 $ 1 , 7 5 1 , 4 9 7 $ 1 , 5 8 9 , 2 7 9 $ 1 , 1 3 3 , 1 3 0 $ 1 , 6 7 6 , 4 3 1 $ 1 , 7 2 4 , 2 5 2 $ 1 , 7 6 1 , 1 8 2 $ 1 , 8 8 1 , 1 1 2 $ 1 , 9 4 2 , 9 8 6 $ 1 , 5 7 4 , 8 8 1 $ 1 , 5 6 3 , 5 4 8 $ 1 , 8 6 7 , 3 9 2 $ 1,8 0 7 , 4 7 0 Ba s e S c h 9 5 R e n e w a b l e P o w e r R e v e n u e $ 56 , 5 6 7 $ 4, 3 4 2 $ 4,3 1 7 $ 4, 4 2 3 $ 4, 6 7 4 $ 4, 8 1 4 $ 5, 0 1 1 $ 4, 8 8 0 $ 4, 9 0 0 $ 4, 8 2 7 $ 4, 7 4 4 $ 4, 8 1 3 $ 4, 8 2 3 20 0 8 F o r e c a s t e d I d a h o R e t a i l S a l e s b y M o n t h ( m W h s ) An n u a l T o t a l Ja n u a r y Fe b r u a r y Ma r c h Ap r i l Ma y Ju n e Ju l y Au g u s t Se p t e m b e r Oc t o b e r No v e m b e r De c e m b e r Fo r e c a s t C a l e n d a r m W h s 3, 5 2 2 , 1 1 0 33 8 , 2 7 2 30 8 , 4 2 6 29 5 , 5 2 4 27 3 , 0 2 8 27 1 , 3 2 4 26 5 , 3 7 4 29 1 , 2 2 5 28 0 , 9 8 8 26 2 , 7 2 3 28 9 , 1 3 6 30 6 , 4 0 4 33 9 , 6 8 7 Po t l a t c h G e n e r a t i o n m W h s 46 2 , 7 5 5 40 , 0 5 3 35 , 9 8 2 25 , 9 0 9 38 , 2 1 7 39 , 4 3 0 40 , 1 4 9 . 43 , 0 1 7 44 , 4 3 2 35 , 9 0 2 35 , 7 5 5 42 , 5 7 6 41 , 3 3 3 Ba s e R e t a i l S a l e s 3, 0 5 9 , 3 5 5 29 8 , 2 1 9 27 2 , 4 4 4 26 9 , 6 1 5 23 4 , 8 1 1 23 1 , 8 9 4 22 5 , 2 2 5 24 8 , 2 0 8 23 6 , 5 5 6 22 6 , 8 2 1 25 3 , 3 8 1 26 3 , 8 2 8 29 8 , 3 5 4 Po t l a t c h R e v e n u e ( 1 ) at P r o p o s e d B a s e R a t e s Re l a t e d t o G e n e r a t i o n m W h s $ 20 , 2 7 3 , 1 6 0 $ 1 , 7 5 1 , 4 9 7 $ 1 , 5 8 9 , 2 7 9 $ 1 , 1 3 3 , 1 3 0 $ 1 , 6 7 6 , 4 3 1 $ 1 , 7 2 4 , 2 5 2 $ 1 , 7 6 1 , 1 8 2 $ 1 , 8 8 1 , 1 1 2 $ 1 , 9 4 2 , 9 8 6 $ 1 , 5 7 4 , 8 8 1 $ 1 , 5 6 3 , 5 4 8 $ 1 , 8 6 7 , 3 9 2 $ 1, 8 0 7 , 4 7 0 Ba s e S c h 9 5 R e n e w a b l e P o w e r R e v e n u e $ 56 , 5 6 7 $ 4, 3 4 2 $ 4, 3 1 7 $ 4,4 2 3 $ 4, 6 7 4 $ 4, 8 1 4 $ 5, 0 1 1 $ 4, 8 8 0 $ 4,9 0 0 $ 4, 8 2 7 $ 4,7 4 4 $ 4, 8 1 3 $ 4,8 2 3 (1 ) Ca l c u l a t i o n o f P o t l a t c h R e v e n u e R e l a t e d t o G e n e r a t i o n m W h s a t P r o p o s e d B a s e R a t e s kW h s p u r c h a s e d 0. 0 3 9 6 3 46 2 , 7 5 5 , 0 0 0 40 , 0 5 3 , 0 0 0 35 , 9 8 2 , 0 0 0 25 , 9 0 9 , 0 0 0 38 , 2 1 7 , 0 0 0 39 , 4 3 0 , 0 0 0 40 , 1 4 9 , 0 0 0 43 , 0 1 7 , 0 0 0 44 , 4 3 2 , 0 0 0 35 , 9 0 2 , 0 0 0 35 , 7 5 5 , 0 0 0 42 , 5 7 6 , 0 0 0 41 , 3 3 3 , 0 0 0 kV a o n p u r c h a s e ( 1 0 0 % L F ) 3. 0 5 63 4 , 1 5 7 53 , 8 3 5 53 , 5 4 5 34 , 8 7 1 53 , 0 7 9 52 , 9 9 7 55 , 7 6 3 57 , 8 1 9 59 , 7 2 0 49 , 8 6 4 48 , 0 5 8 59 , 0 5 1 55 , 5 5 5 Pu r c h a s e R e l a t e d P o t l a t c h R e v e n u e $ 20 , 2 7 3 , 1 6 0 $ 1 , 7 5 1 , 4 9 7 $ 1 , 5 8 9 , 2 7 9 $ 1 , 1 3 3 , 1 3 0 $ 1 , 6 7 6 , 4 3 1 $ 1 , 7 2 4 , 2 5 2 $ 1 , 7 6 1 , 1 8 2 $ 1 , 8 8 1 , 1 1 2 $ 1 , 9 4 2 , 9 8 6 $ 1 , 5 7 4 , 8 8 1 $ 1 , 5 6 3 , 5 4 8 $ 1 , 8 6 7 , 3 9 2 $ 1, 8 0 7 , 4 7 0 St a f f _ P R _ 1 9 5 - A t t a c h m e n t - A . x l s Pa g e 1 o f 1 . . . A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUSDICTION: C)\SENO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: D)\TE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPAATMENT: TELEPHONE: 07/21/2008 Tara Knox Tara Knox State & Federal Regulation (509) 495-4325 IDAHO )\ VU-E-08-01 1 A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-1 98 REQUEST: What PC)\ Idaho retail revenue adjustment would the Company propose if actual Idaho retail loads in 2009 are less than the forecasted loads used to establish )\uthorized Power Supply Expense for the PCA? Please explain your answer. RESPONSE: The PC)\ retail revenue credit is calculated in thee pars. 1 )\ctual retail sales (excluding Potlatch generation load) are compared to the base retail sales, the difference is then multiplied by the retail revenue credit rate. )\ctual Schedule 95 Optional Renewable Power Rate revenue is compared to the base Schedule 95 revenue. Proportionate administrative expense is deducted from the incremental amount. The remainder is added to the amount computed in 1 (above) and that total is then deducted from the Idaho share of the difference between actual and authorized Power Supply Expense in the PCA )\ctual Potlatch purchased generation equivalent load retail revenue is computed from the actual purchased generation volumes (with related demand determined assuming 100% load factor). This amount is compared to the base Potlatch revenue computed in the same way on 2007 purchased generation volumes. The difference between actual and base Potlatch generation related revenue is then deducted from the difference between actual and base Potlatch generation purchase expense shown as separate line items in the PC)\ calculation. 2 3 There is no difference in the calculation ifthe case occurs in some months where actual retail sales are less than base retail sales. Mathematically, deducting a negative amount effectively becomes an addition to the costs which merely offsets lower actual costs resulting from lower than expected loads. The Company prefers a retail revenue credit rate representative of production and transmission costs recovered from customers in approved rates. The production propert adjustment fuctions as a retail revenue credit in determining the revenue requirement to be recovered from 2007 biling determinants by removing the proportion of those costs assumed to be recovered through load growt. If the actual Idaho retail loads in 2009 are less than the forecasted loads (used for both the authorized power supply expense and the production propery adjustment), then the production property adjustment deducted too much fixed and variable cost from the revenue requirement and customers are not paying the full fixed costs in rates. )\ retail revenue credit rate in the PC)\ representative of the costs deducted in the Production Property adjustment repairs the differences caused by any volume variance, either higher or lower, to fixed and varable production and Page i of2 . . . transmission costs recovered from customers. See page 2 of Exhibit No. 14, Schedule 1 which shows the proposed Production/ransmission Revenue Requirement on the per kWh basis. Page 2 of2 . . . A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: D)\TE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPAATMENT: TELEPHONE: IDAHO )\ VU-E-08-01 1 )\ VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-200 REQUEST: 07/23/08 Elizabeth Andrews Jeane Pluth State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-2204 For each legal expense included in the rate case filing please provide a schedule with the following information: Name of Vendor Date Invoice Paid Voucher Number )\ccounts Invoice charged to Description of Services Provided Whle Staff may be in possession of the first four items requested, the description of each transaction is not accessible from the currently provided information. The description of servces provided should clearly define what the expenses have been incured for; however, on many invoices that Staff reviewed on site, these reference line statements are vague, such as "Regulatory Monitoring". In this instance, a better description is needed. Staff is requesting the information for all legal expenses in all accounts, not just those in account 923. RESPONSE: The data requested was provided in the Company's response to PR-008, specifically the written response "Staff PR 008.doc" and "Staff PR 008-)\ttachment B.xls".- - - - . . . AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPAATMENT: TELEPHONE: 07/23/08 Elizabeth Andrews Patrck Ehrbar State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-8620 IDAHO )\ VU-E-08-01 1 A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-201 REQUEST: In Order No. 29602, the Commission accepted Staffs adjustments removing non-recurrng extraordinary legal expense as reasonable and appropriate. Specifically Staff removed legal expenses related to subsidiary activities, and extraordinar and non-recurng events such as the banptcy proceedings of Enron Corporation and the FERC investigation into electrcity trading practices. Please provide a listing of all legal expenses included in the rate case filings, both gas and electric, for subsidiar activities, extraordinar events, and non-recurrng events. Specifically note any legal expenses related to subsidiares, the banptcy proceedings of Enron Corporation or the FERC investigation into electricity trading practices. RESPONSE: The Company provided a listing of attorneys used by )\ vista and a general description of the services performed in Staff DR 008. In addition, a detailed listing of all legal expenses incurred in 2007 was provided in Staff_DR_008-Attachment B. None of the 2007 legal expenses recorded to utility operations were related to subsidiares, the banptcy proceedings of Enron Corporation or the FERC investigation into electrcity trading practices. The Company's legal expenses were incurred in order to protect the interest of )\vista's customers and were both necessar and prudent. )\ vista believes that the costs incurred in 2007 were incured in the ordinary course of business. Going forward, the Company wil continue to incur some level of representative legal expenses that cover a multitude of matters. . . . JUSDICTION: C)\SENO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO A VU-E-08-01 1 A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-204 D)\TE PREPARD: WITNSS: RESPONDER: DEPAATMNT: TELEPHONE: 07/23/08 Dennis Vermilion John Lyons, PhD. Energy Resources (509) 495'"8515 Please provide copies of all documentation associated with CFI revenues, CFI expenses and CCX expenses. RESPONSE: Please see the following attachments: "StafCPR_204-)\ttachment-A.pdl' - Chicago Climate Exchange Invoice (dated October 17, 2007). "Staff_PR_204-)\ttachment-B.pdl' - Baseline, 2003, 2004, 2005 & 2006 Emissions Verification and Analysis (dated April 24, 2008). "StafCPR_204-)\ttachment-C.pdl' - 2007 Emissions Verification and Analysis (dated July 9,2008). i "StafCPR_204-)\ttachment-D.pdl' - Memo Update On The Sale Of Chicago Climate Exchange Carbon Mlowances (dated May 14, 2008). "StafCPR_204-)\ttachment-E.pdl' - )\ VU-E-08-02 - )\pplication of )\vista Corporation for an Order )\uthorizing Deferral of Net Revenues from Sales of Carbon Financial Instrents. This application was filed on May 21,2008 with the IPUC. On June 25, the Commission ordered that the )\pplication be processed by Modified Procedure. Comments of the Commission Staff are attached as "Staff_PR_204-)\ttachment-F.pdl'. StafCPR _ 204-Attachment-Ä. pdf Page 1 of 1 .~Invoice Invoice Number MD06665 Invoice Date: SaMTa: John Lyons A vista Coortion 1411 E. Mission Ave. Spokane, W A 99202 10/16/07 Please make ch eck payable to: Chcago Claie Exchange, Inc. 190 South Lalle Stret, Suite 1100 Chcago, II 60603 Contact: Doug Dobben (312) 229-5145 . Payment Terms .~et 30. Days '.___"----'.,..._---- Fees based on estimates ar subject to chage based on acal baseline and elected opt-ins submitted to CCX DescriDtion Amount Phae I Enollment Fee (Memer)15,000..00 Phase II Enrllment Fee 10,000.00 2003 Annua Dues 35,000.00 2004 Annual Dues 35,000.00 2005 Annual Dues 35,000.00 2006 Annua Dues 35,000.00 2007 Annual Dues 35,000;00 WIRE INSTRUCTIONS ACH INSTRUCTIONSBank of Amri Bank of Amri 231 Sout Lasalle Stret 231 Sout Lalle Street Clicago.IL Chicago,ll AB #026009593 ABA #081904808 Creit To: Credìto: Ct"cago Climte Excharge. Inc.Chicago Climte Excharge. inc. NC# 0028-7993-645 AlC# 0028-7993-7645 Phoie Advise: Sophia Bobak Phoie Advie: Sohia Bobak 312-828.5073 312-828-5073 Subtotal Sales Tax Tota Invoice Amunt Payment/Cret Applied 200,000.00 200,000.00 ..US!i ""-AlA .f..A..2. .... .WARP,AS. C... P.t.AP-li 2.4 .4J;;4. _Ut 4bl4 9;(1'4.:.\ ÄsZC.J4 .co; (!l:i.'... . J._X.iØt;A#JU,4I$iX t L 1.. ...p;lW...... :, L9£1¥tJt4s.ai 4" AS ad; -i.£z.A sus, :z fit,"'" so~ 146.s~4s" HOXAl:\p:'t voc ui4..iJ, PMlO 4~:t..es~ CJu¡.:..."r', moi~luiil..7l1t s.CI 2~too CO ti:1i",tol s.~ i"-i-t.t). NOX ¿Sei:~ vrJi:4..i~ ~iQ¿ii:z..e"oC CH izr,+171i N2C' iasa',.n12 SF200..l_..._.i.lifq~..~~_lí!~Ja.._!l.lO.I.Ii_:tltJlI.mì.IIl_?,.!!!. li.. +7Sp Ilo.. +210¡i eu Chng 4O1u Ad Ra'1S li lllI +4 We +to ri_ +7St 81DdI) +2o, ei Cl'UO Mlll.u.. li Qul\ +4 We +I TOTAL USDS 200,000.00 Vt"A'W .cIicagoc!imateexchange.com StafCPR _ 204-Attachment-B. pdf Page 1 of 5 2CX~ ~ Chicago Climate Exchange 190 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1100 T 312.554.3350 Chicago, Ilinois 60603 . . F 312.554.3373 Apri24,2008 Mr. John Lyons Power Supply Analyst Avita Corporation 1411 East Mision Ave. Spokan, W A 99202 Re: Baselie, 2003, 2004, 2005 & 2006 Eussions Verfication aid Analysi Dear Mr. Lyons: The Chcago Clite Exchange ("CCX") Environmntal Compliance Commtte ("Commtte") reviewed thé reprt issed by FI, CCX' Regutory Seice Provider, regarding Avist Corpration's ("Avist") Baselie, 2003, 200, 2005 and 2006 emissions. On the basis of th inortion presented, the Commttee detered to accept the baselie and the 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 anua emission report sumittd on Decembèr 4, 2007. CO2 memc tons Direct Emissions Baselie 2,027,300 2003 Emssions 2004 Emisions 2005 Emissions 2006 Emisions CO2 memc tons 1,632,800 1,571,000 1,849,600 1,761,800 FI's combind Baselie, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 Emsions Report is enclosed CCX will cancel the appropnate numr of Vintaes 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 Carbon Financial Intrnts ("CFI") to cover Avista's emisions for 2003,2004,2005 and 2006. The atthed statements reflect Àviata's Registr Accunt Holdings as of Apri 24, 2008 based on the appved baseli level and net of th Vintages 2003, 200, 2005 and 2006 CFIs to be cacelled. The Commtte wishes to than Avita for its coopration dug the FIN review. Please address any questions you have to the undersigned at (312) 554-1019 or bboyk(eccx.com.;;~~-~ William G. Boyk Seor Vice Preident - Exchange Operations cc: Matt Reybur FIN . ww.chicagoclimateexchange.com .".' "." ,,,,_. ",.' ,,'. ~. ,'i ...,.. ,_. "'. S1.+1. S0 1465.+3. NQ 486sr2 VOC 1124+31. Pfl0432-61. CII12B'.+771. ~D 18983.+771. Sf6 ~D:~.. co~ ~.+I:'~02" 146'~+S~ NO 486'~ 'v¿c 1124+31. PMl04322-SI. CI 12ø3a+771. H2O 1898'.+771. Sf 2("'_íllr..J.'...:I.l.JJ.lIlIlIJlfillIiU...1Jf¥JJi.'ltli::::nlicn.UUII.ll.,....lt.lIt......lui.1 fo +76pt. Bitdve +211 COmate Clang.1O Aci Ran -t58pt AI QulJ +45 Weø +9Is Rai +7S B1odlt +21"" Cllini C.. .14l Ac Rain -1S AI Quti +l We . . . StafCPR _ 204-Attachment-B. pdf Page 2 of 5 Chicago Climate Exchange Carbon Financial Instrument (CFI) Positions Summary Vintae 2003 CFIs CCX Member: Avista Corporation Aso¡'Apri 24, 2008 All quantities are in CFIs, each of which represents one hundred metric tons carbon dioxide. I. Emission baseline, reduction objective, 2003 emissionsEnsion Baselie "20,273 Emision Reduction Objective (Rulebook section 4.6) 20,0702003 Emisions 16,328 II. Current Holdings and Alowed Bankig of Vintage 2003 CFI Exchange Allowance Intial Allocation 20,070 Net Sales or Purchaes via CCX Tradin Platfonn as of Apn124, 2008 o Net holdin as of Apri 24, 2008 20,070 LESS: CFIs to be cancelled for compliance (16,328) (Adjustment to Registiy Account) Gross Surlus of Vintae 2003 CFs before reclasifcations 3,742 Reclassifcations: CFI to be placed in Suer Reductons 1 (3,134) (Adjusent to Regitr Account) CFs that can be banked and/or sold i 6081 lThe applicable bang plus net sales lit for 2003 vintage is the lesser of the surlus, 3% of each Membts baselie (608 CF) or the Single Fin Sales Limt (SFSL) for Vintage 2003 CFIs, plus aucton purchaes and plumius net tradin activi. The difference between the ma recognd emissions rection (3% of baselie) and the SFSL wil be placed in Super Reductions. For the 2003 vitage, the SFSL has increased to 1,841 CFIs due to baselie growt. plese note: These colculations are based on: 4udited baseline, revised if appliable, audied 2003 emissions, revised if appliable, your purchases and sales of CFIs, your purchases and sal of CFls during the CCX Auction and any other necessar informtion yøu provided to ccx CCX asumes no libüit for the acuracy of informatn as provided to Ccx Due to roimding, your CCX Registr Account Holdings may var slightly from this statement. . . . StafCPR _ 204-Attachment-B. pdf Page 3 of 5 Chicago Climate Exchange Carbon Financial Instrument (CFI) Positions Summary Vintage 2004 CFIs CCX Member: A vita Corporation As of: April 24, 2008 All quantities are in CFls, each of which represents one hundred metrc tons carbon dioxide. I. Emision baselie, reuction objective, 2004 emissionsDirect Emission Baseline 20,273 Emission Redcton Objectie (Rulebook section 4.6) 19,8682004 Direct Emisions 15,710 II. Current Holdings and Alowed Banking of Vintage 2004 CFIs Exchange Allowance Intil Allocation 19,868 Net Sales or Purchases via CCX Trading Platform as of Apri 24, 2008 o Net holdigs as of Apnl24, 2008 19,868 LESS: CFIs to be cancelled for compliance (15,710) (Adjustment to Regitr Account) Gross Sulus otVine 2004 CFs before reclassifcations 4,158 Reclassifcations: CFIs to be place in Supe Reductons 1 (3,347) (Adjustment to Regstr Account) CFIs that ean be banked or sold1 I 811 I lThe applicable baning plus net sales limt for 2004 vintage is the lesser of the smlus, 4% of each Member's baselie (81 I CFIs) or the Single Fir Sales Limt (SFSL) for 2004 CFls, plus/mius net tradig actvity. The dierence between the maxum recogn emissions reducton (4% of baselie) and the SFSL wi be place in Super Reductions. For the 2004 vintage, the SFSL has incrased to 3,580 CFIs due to baseline growt Please note: These calculatons are based 0": audited blUeline, revised if applicable, audited 2004 emissions, revised if applicable, your purchases and sale of CFIs, your purchases and sales of CFls during the CCX Auction and any other necessary information you provided to CCX CCX assumes no liabilty for the acciirac of information as provided to CCX Due to rounding, your CCX Regi Account Holdings may vary slghtly from this sUtement. StafCPR _204-Attachment-B. pdf Page 4 of 5 . Chicago Climate Exchange Ca~bon Fiancial Instrument (CFI Positions Summary V'intage 2005 CFIs CCX Member: Avista Corporation As of: Apri124, 2008 All quantities are in CFls, each of which represents one hundred metric tons carbon dioxide. L Emision baseline. reduction objective. 2005 emissionsDire Emission Basline 20,273 Enuion Redcton Objectve (Rulebook section 4.6) 19,6652005 Direct Emissions 18,496 II. Current Holdings and Allowed Bankig of Vintage 2005 eFIs Exchange Alowance Intil Allocation 19,665 Net Sales or Puhass via CCX Traing Platorm as of April 24, 2008 o Net holdis as of Apri 24, 2008 19,665 LESS: CFs to be cacelled for compliance (18,496) (Adjustment to Regitr Accout).Gross Sulus of Vintage 2005 CFs before reclasifcations 1,169 Reclassifications: CFIs to be placed in Super Reductions!o CFI that ca be banked or sold1 I.1,1691 !The applicable ban plus net sales lit for 2005 vintage is the lesser of the surlus, 6% of eah Membets baselie (1,216 CFIs) or the Sinle Fir Sales Limt (SFSL), plumius net trding activity. The difference between the maum recognd emisions reduction (6% of baselie) and the SFSL wil be placed in Suer Reductons. For the 2005 vintage, the SFSL has increaed to 5,181 CFs due to baselie growt Please note: These calculttions are based on: audited basele, revised if applicable, audied 2005 emisions, revised if applicable, your purchases and sales of CFls, your purchases and rales of CFls during the CCX Aucton and any other necessary iiiformatin you provided to Ccx CCX assumes no liaili for tlie accurac ofinfonnatn as provided to CCX Due to rounding, your CCX Regist Account Holdings may var slighty from this statement. . . . . StafCPR_204-Attachment-B. pdf Page 5 of 5 Chicago Climate Exchange Carbon Financial Instrument (CFI Positions Summary Vintage 2006 CFIs CCX Member: Avista Corporation As of April 24, 2008 All quantities are in CFIs, each of which represents one hundred metrc tons carbon dioxide. I. Emission baseline. reduction objective. 2006 emissionsDirect Emission Basline 20,273 Emission Reuction Objective (Rulebook secton 4.6) 19,4622006 Diret Emisions 17,618 II. Current Holdings and Alowed Bankig of Vintage 2006 CFIs Exchange Allowance Inti Allocation 19,462 Net Sales or Puchases via CCX Trading Platfon as of Aprl 24, 2008 o . Net holdigs as of April 24, 2008 19,462 LESS: CFIs to be cacelled for compliance (17,618) (Adjustment to Regitr Accont) Gross Surlus of Vintage 2006 CF before reclassifcations 1,844 Reclassifcations: CFIs to be placed in Super Reductions '(425) (Adjutment to Regitr Account) eFIs that can be banke or sold1 1,4191 'The applicable bang plus net sales lit for 2006 vintage is the lesser of the surlus, 7% of each Member's baseline (1,419 CFls) or the Single Fin Sales Limt (SFSL). For Vintage 2006, the SFSL is 7,272 CFs, plus/mius net trdig activit. Please note: T/iese calcullons are based on: audited baseIe, revised if appliable, audited 2006 emissions, reiiised if applicable, your purchases and sals of CFls, yor" purchases and sales of CFIs durig the CCX Aucton and any other necessary information you provided to CCX CCX assumes no liabilit for the accurac of informaon as provided to Ccx Due to rounding, your CCX Regist Account Holdgs may lIary süghtly from this statment. StafCPR_204-Attachment-C. pdf Page 1 of9 T 312.554.3350 July 9. 2008 Mr. John Lyons p(Jwcr Supply Analyst A vista Corporation 14 i i East I'vlission Ave. Spokane, \VA 992Q2 Re: 2007 Emission Verification and Analysis Dear Mr. Lyons: The Chicago Climate Exchange ("CeX") Environmental Compliance Committee ("Committeen) reviewed ¡he report issued by FINRA. CCX. Regulatory Service Provider, regarding Avista Corporation's 2007 emissions. On thi~ basis of the information presented, the Committee determined to accept the 2007 emissions submitted as of June 4, 200S. CO2 metric tons 2.Q07 El1iissioiiS 1,841,800 FINRA '5 report is enclosed. The appropriate 2007 emission levels wil be used for the cex 2007 Final True-up scheduled for September 26,2008. Prior to the 2007 Final True-up, cex \vil communicate Avista Corporation's Vintage Holdings, the apprüpiiate 2007 emissions and the difference between the two levels. The difference between the eligible Vintage Holdiiigs and the 2007 cl1ùssions mayor may not require Avista Corporation to take appropriate actÎons to comply with CCX' 2007 Final True-up. The Conunittce wishes to thank Avista Corporation for its cooperation during the FINRA review. Please address any questions you have to the undersigned at (311) 554- 1 019 or QlJo\'~theccx,ç(Jm. For the Environmental Compliance Committee, WiTJiâm G. Bôyk Senior Vice President Exchange Operations ec: Matt Reyburn, FINRi\ ,..L,," ";"pt. S¡"dlv.,,.!t~ +21~pt. Climnte cò"og. .;lOOpis Acid Hal. .1S$pls ...1, Qusf!l +4Ôils Wcm:Q' +20pt$ Riinfe,em +iSpls Slooivsts! ..210¡ih Climate CMnge.iOQiI$Aeld Ral" .1SS¡ Air Quaity +4S;r Wea.het .5: . . . StafCPR_204-Attachment-C. pdf Page 2 of9 CCX 2007 Emissions Verification and Analysis Member Name:Avista Corporation Examiner:Marc Neri, Associate Examiner Supervisor:Matt Reyburn, Examination Manaqer Firm Contact:John Lyons, Power Supplv AnaiYst CCX Contact:Willam BoVk, Senior Vice President Date:July 8,2008 Executive Summary Avista Corporation ("Avista" or "the Company") submited its 2007 Emissions and Efectricity Purchases Reporting Form (trEEPRF") on June 4, 2008 to the Chicago Climate Exchange (UCCX". These documents were submited by Kevin Booth ("Booth", Environmental Compliance Coordinator, and disclosed direct emissions of 1,841,841 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions ("metric tons of CO2'? for the Compliance Year (trCY'~ 2007. Staff conducted a review of 100 percent of the Company's reported direct emissions by examining the emissions data repotted to the Environmental Protection Agency's ("EPA") Acid Rain Program and the consumption data reported to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC"), and noted no material deviations from the direct emissions reported on the Company's 2007 EEPRF. Comparing the repotted 2007 direct emissions with the Company's Baseline, Staff noted that ihis represents an apparent 9.15% reduction in direct emissions. On June 25, 2008, John Lyons ("Lyons"), Power Supply Analysis, indicated that the reduction in direct emissions is attributed to the annual fluctuations in stream flow which impacts the Company's hydroelectric generation levels, changing customer loads, and effciency upgrades were made to Colstrip Unit #3 during the CY2007. Metric Tons of CO2 Fillnr¡ #Date Submitted CY2007 Emissions I Baseline Emissions % Change 1 June 4,2008 1.841,841 I 2,027.336 9.15% i. Filng History The Company submitted its 2007 EEPRF to the CCX on June 4, 2008. These documents were submitted by Booth. and disclosed direct emissions of 1,841,841 metric tons of CO2 for CY2007. Staff conducted a review of the reporting form and supplemental worksheets provided by the Company, and noted no apparent concerns regarding these documents. In addition, Staff noted that the 2007 EEPRF was consistent with that submitted by the Company for prior emissions verifications conducted by FINRA. . . . Staff PR 204-Attachment-C.pdf CCX 2007 Emissions VerificatÎon and Ãnalysis Avista Corporation July 8,2008 Page 2 of 7 Page 30f9 H. Acquisitions and Divestitures The Company did not report any acquisition or divestiture activity on its 2007 EEPRF. Staff reviewed the Company's reporting form and other supporting documents, and did not find any reason to suggest that an acquisition or divestiture might have taken place during CY2007. Staff received a statement (via-email) from Lyons which stated that no ownership changes occurred during CY2007 on June 25, 2008. IIi. Sampling Guidelines and Information Request Staff examined the 2007 EEPRF submitted by the Company and identified a detection population of five direct emission sources for the CY2007. Staff noted that this includes a 100 percent ownership in Units #1 and #2 at the Rathdrum Combustion Turbine Project ('Rathdrum"), a 15% ownership in Units #3 and #4 at the Colstrip Generation Facility ("Colstrip"), and a 100 percent ownership in the Northeast Combustion Turbine ("NECT"). Staff noted that these units, facilities, and ownership percentages were consistent with those reported for the prior emissions verifications conducted by FINRA. Staff noted that the emissions data for the Units #1 and #2 at Rathdrum and #3 and #4 at Colstrip were calculated using Continuous Emissions Monitors ("CEMs") and reported to the EPA's Acid Rain Program under Title IV of the Clean Air Act. After the EPA reviews the quarterly submissions, it makes any adjustments it deems necessary and then reports the Company's emissions data as final on the EPA's Clean Air Markets Data and Maps website Within the Clean Air Markets Data and Maps website, the public can view quarterly and annual reports organized by individual emission stacks at Title IV reporting facilities. Staff noted, however, that due to time constraints governing the annual CCX emissions verification and the EPA's own timetable for the review of emissions data, all data reported by the EPA for the calendar year 2007 is considered preliminary as of June 30, 2008. Staff noted that the 'preliminary' classification is not specific only to Avista's emissions data, but rather all of the EPA's emissions data for the calendar year 2007. Based on this information, FINRA Staff wil do a comparison at the end of CY2007 emissions verification period and report any differences noted between the EPA's preliminary and final emissions data to the CCX for all electric generating members. In prior emissions verifications conducted for electric generating entities, the CCX considered these reports to be an acceptable verification source of a member's emissions data, as it was obtained from CEMs and reported to a United States regulatory authority. As such, Staff did not request supporting documents for #1 and #2 at Rathdrum and #3 and #4 at Colstrip. Staff conducted its review for these facilities using exclusively the data contained within the EPA's Clean Air Markets Data and Maps website. Staff noted that for NECT, which is a Non-Title iV facility, that emissions data was calculated using fuel consumption quantities reported to the FERC on its Annual Report for Major Electric Utiliies ("Form 1"). Staff further noted that these reports could be found online at theFERC's website and that in prior emissions verifications conducted for power generating entities, the CCX considered similar . . . Staff PR 204-Attachment-C.pdf CCX 2007 Emissions Verification añd Añalysis Avista Corporation July 8,2008 Page 3 of 7 Page 4 of9 reports to be an acceptable verification source of a member's emissions data, as ¡t was obtained from calibrated fuel meters and reported to a United States regulatory authority. As such, Staff requested that the Company provide its FERC Form 1 and the supplemental worksheet that was used to calculate the reported direct emissions for NECT for CY2007. This request was issued to Booth on June 19, 2008. On June 24, 2008, Staff received the requested documentation (via-email) from Booth. Staff noted that the documents provided were consistent with the documentation provided for NECT for prior emissions verifications conducted by FINRA. IV. CY2007 Data Analysis For the verification of the Company's Title iV reported direct emissions for the CY2007, Staff submitted queries of the preliminary EPA data and recovered emissions data for Units #1 and #2 at Rathdrum and #3 and #4 at Colstrip. For the verification of the Company's Non-title IV reported direct emisskms, Staff reviewed the Company's FERC Form 1 and recovered consumption data for NECT for the CY2007. During prior emissions verifications conducted for the Company by FINRA, Staff conducted a review of the Company's internal emissions monitoring and reporting system to ensure that the data being reported to the EPA's Add Rain Program and the FERC was accurate and that operational procedures were in place to ensure the accuracy of the data. Staff previously reviewed the Company's Relative Accuracy Test Audits, Electronic Data Reports, Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plans, and Flow Meter records for the CY2002, CY2004 and CY2006. Staffs review of these documents noted no apparent concerns regarding how the Company tracks and reports its emissions data. On June 25, 2008. Staff received an email from Lyons which stated that no material changes were made to the Company's internal emissions monitoring and reporting system. Based on this information, F1NRA deemed the information contained within the EPA's Clean Air Market Data and Maps website and on the FERC Form 1 to be acceptable verification sources of the Company's reported direct emissions for the CY2007. Title IV Facilties Staff's review of the preliminary EPA data for Units #1 and #2 at Rathdrum and #3 and #4 at Colstrip noted immaterial differences (less than 0.001%) from the direct emissions reported on the Company's 2007 EEPRF, which were likely attributed to rounding. Based on these findings, FINRA deemed the reported direct emissions for Units #1 and #2 at Rathdrum and #3 and #4 at Colstrip to be Completely Verifiable and Accurate for CY2007. The following table summarizes the findings of FINRA's data analysis for Avista's Title iV facility: Metric Tons of CO2 Facilty Reported to CCX Reported to EPA Diference % Rathdrum #1-2 10,969 10.969 -0.13 -0.001% Colstrip #3-4 1,829,300 1,829,318 -18.25 -0.001% . . . Staff PR 204-Attachment-C.pdf CCX 2007 Emissions Verification añd Añalysis Avista Corporation July 8, 2008 Page 4 of 7 Page 5 of9 Non~Tjtle IV Faciities Staff's review of the FERC consumption data for NECT and noted no differences from the consumption quantity found within the Company's supplemental worksheet. Staff noted that the calculation of the direct emissions reported on the Company's 2007 EEPRF was consistent with prior reviews. Based on these findings, FINRA deemed the reported direct emissions for NECT to be Completely Verifiable and Accurate for CY2007. The following table summarizes the findings of FINRA's data analysis of Avista's Non-Title iV facilties: Metric Tons of CO2 Facilty Reported to COX I Reported to FERC Difference % NECT 1.572 I 1,572 0.00 0.000% V. Verification Limitations and Guidelines This review was conducted to verify the validity and accuracy of Avista's 2007 EEPRF based on an evaluation of a representative sample of data. For purposes of the verification, FINRA representatives reviewed the 2007 EEPRF and the data found on the EPA's website. FINRA did not request independent verifications of raw data from vendors or other third parties, nor was FINRA made aware of any previous reviews of these records other than that mentioned in the text of this document. FINRA conducted this verification in accordance with the Statement of Work and subsequent determinations made under the mutual agreement of CCX and FINRA. FINRA representatives did not perform on-site testing at any of the Company's physical locations nor did FINRA verify the inclusion of all mandatory direct and inditect emissions sources in the Company's 2007 EEPRF. Our review was based entirely on documentation provided by the Company or obtained from the EPA website. FINRA's role is to assess the validity of the 2007 EEPRF based on our review of the Company's records. Vi. Conclusion The goal of this review was to generate conclusions regarding the expected accuracy and reliabilty of the Company's 2007 reporting form. For the verifcation of the Company's reported emissions for CY2007, Staff relied on the data contained within the EPA's Clean Air Markets Data and Maps website for the Company's Title IV facilties, and on the consumption data reported to the FERC for the Company's Non-Title iV facilties. Staff noted that these were both deemed to be acceptable. verification sources during prior emissions verifications conducted by FINRA. Staff's review of the preliminary EPA emissions data and the FERC consumption data noted only immaterial variances (less than 0.001%) from the Company's reported quantities for CY2007. Based on these findings, FINRA deemed the Company's report direct emissions to be Completely Verifiable and Accurate for CY2007. The following table summarizes the findings of FINRA's emissions verification for Avista for CY2007: Metric Tons of CO2 Submission Avista I FINRA Difference % June 4,2008 1,841,841 I 1,841,860 -18.38 -0_001% . . . Staff PR 204-Attachment-C.pdf CCX 2007 Emissions Verification añd Analysis Avista Corporation July 8,2008 Page 5 of7 Page 6 of9 Vii. Internal Controls During the course of FINRA's CY2007 emissions verification and analysis. Staff did not identify any areas of deficiency pertaining to the Company's internal emissions tracking and reporting systems. VIII. Follow-Up On June 24, 2008, Staff contacted Booth to provide him with an update regarding the status of the emissions verification and analysis of Avista's CY2007 reported emissÎons. No further follow-up was deemed necessary at that time. . . . Staff PR 204-Attachment-C.pdfCCX 2007 Emissions Verification and Analysis A vista Corporation July 8,2008 Page 6 of7 Page 7 of9 Avista Corporation 2007 Emissions Verifcation and Analysis Completed By FINRA for Chicago Climate Exchange Date: Associate Examiner Date: Examination Manager . . . Staff PR 204-Attachment-C.pdfCCX 2007 Emissions Verification añd Añalysis Avista Corporation July 8,2008 Page 7 of 7 Page 8 of9 Exhibit List: 1. FINRA Conflict or Interest Certification 2. FINRA Project Chronology 3. Avista Corporation 2007 EEPRF Submitted on June 4, 2008 4. Avista Corporation 2007 FERC Form 1 5. FINRA 2007 Data Analysis Spreadsheet 6. Email Received from John Lyons on June 25, 2008 . . . FI N R A : A v i s t a C o r p o r a t i o n 2 0 0 7 T r u e - u p D a t a A n a l y s i s I ME T R I C T O N S O F C0 2 DE V I A T I O N # F A C I L I T Y OR I S OW N E R S H I P % AV I S T A FI N R A DI F F E R E N C E % NO T E D SO U R C E FI N R A C O M M E N T S 1 R A T H D R U M 1 & 2 60 7 6 10 0 . 0 % 10 . 9 6 9 10 , 9 6 9 -0 . 1 3 0. 0 0 % No EP A C A M D W E B S I T E NO N E 2 C O L S T R I P 3 & 4 74 5 6 15 . 0 0 % 1, 8 2 9 , 3 0 0 1. 8 2 9 , 3 1 8 -1 8 . 2 5 0, 0 0 % No EP A C A M D W E B S I T E NO N E 3 N . E C . T - 10 0 , 0 0 % 1, 5 7 2 1, 5 7 2 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 % No FE R C F O R M 1 NO N E TO T A L 1, 8 4 1 . 8 4 1 1, 8 4 1 , 8 6 0 -1 8 . 3 8 0. 0 0 % en..Q) i : : "" I~o.¡~o::3 CD:;..I()"'a... '"Q) (Q CD CD sa CD . . . Staff PR 204-Attachment-D.pdf ~~'i'V'STAe -- Utilities Page 1 of 1 Interoffce Memorandum Power Supply & Resource Optìmìzatìon DATE:May 14, 2008 TO:Dennis Vermillon FROM:Dave Miler SUBJECT: Update On The Sale Of Chicago Climate Exchange Carbon Allowances As of end of trading today, May 14, 2008: ~ 70 individual sales have been concluded ~ 370,700 of 400,000 tons of carbon allowances have been sold ~ Gross sales = $2,383,650 for an average price of $6.43 per ton ~ Net proceeds = $2,365,150 ($18,500 commission paid cæ $0.05 per ton for an average price of $6.38. ~ Highest sale price received per ton = $6.60 ~ Lowest sale price received per ton = $6.30 Thank you - Dave Miller . . . Avista Corp. 1411 East Missioli P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 lii.srA. Corp.HEGEIVED zuna HAY 22 AM 10: 26 VI OVERNGHT MA JDß\f~f() r,'L1RLlC UTfLlTlES COi\lMISSlON May 21, 2008 Æ-vu-~-òS~ Ms. Jean D. Jewell Commission Secreta Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 Re: Case No. AVU-E-08-0"; Application of A vista Corporation for an Order Authorizig Deferal of Net Revenues from Sales of Carbon Financial Instrents Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed is Avista's Application for an Order Authorizing Deferrl of the Net Revenues from Sales of Carbon Financial Intrents. The filing consists of an origial and seven copies of Avista's Application. Please direct any questions regarding ths filing to Ron McKenzie at (509) 495-4320. Sincerely, 7' ,Jr'~ Kelly Norwood Vice President, State and Fedèral Regulation Enclosure c: See attched serce list Staff PR 204-Attachment-E.pdf Page 1 of 10 . . . ~:n: ('t: 'vr. ni..".\""...j .,~i", David J. Meyer, Esq. Vice President and Chief Counsel of Reguatory and Goverenta Afairs A vista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Avenue P. O. Box 3727 Spokane, VV ashington 99220 Phone: (509) 425-4316, Fax: (509) 495-8851 BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBUC UTITS COMMSSION 200BHAY 22 AM 10: 26 IDljlo:(".¡ PUPL'C UTlLlTí ES "COMMlSSIDN IN TH MATTR OF TH APPUCATION OF A VISTA CORP., dba A VISTA UTITS, FOR AN ORDER AUTORIG DEFERR OF NET REVENUS FROM SALS OF CARON FINANCIA INSTRUMS ) ) Case No. A VU-E-08-D;; ) APPUCATION OF ) A VITA CORPORATION ) I. INTRODUCTION 1. A vista Corporation, doing business as A vista Utilities (hereiafter A vista or Company), at 1411 Eat Mission Avenue, Spokae, Washigton, puruatto Secon 61-524 Idaho Code and Ru1e 52 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion ("Commission Ru1es of Procedure"), hereby applies to the Commission for an order authorig the deferal of net revenues from the sale of Carbon Financial Intrents ("CFIs")' on the Chicago Climate Exchange ("CCX"). Puuant to Commission Ru1e of Procedure 201, the Company reuests that this filing be processed under the Commission's Modified Procedure rues. 2. Avista is a utilty that provides serce to approximately 352,000 electrc customer and 215,000 natu gas cutomer in a 26,000-squae-mile area in easter Washington and norter Idaho. Avista Utilities also seres 95,00 natu gas customers in Oregon. The largest communty sered in the area is Spokane, VVashigton, which is the loction of the 1 The commodity trded at the Chicago Cliate Exchage (CCX) is the CFI contract, each of which represents 100 metrc tons of CO2 grouse gas equivalents. APPUCATION OF A VISTA CORP.Page 1 of6 StafCPR _ 204-Attachment-E. pdf Page 2 of 10 . . . corporate headquarers. Communcations in reference to ths Application should be addressed to: Kelly O. Norwood Vice President State and Federal Regulation A vista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Avenue Spokane, Washington 99220 Phone: (509) 495-4267 Fax: (509) 495-8851 E-mail: kelly.norwood(fvistacom.com David J. Meyer, Esq. Vice President and Chief Counsel of Reguatory and Goverenta Affairs A vist Corporation 1411 E. Mission Avenue Spokane, Washington 99220 Phone: (509) 495-4316 Fax: (509) 495-8851 E-mail: david.meyer(áavistacorp.com II. BACKGROUND 3. Avista is seeking to defer the revenues from the sale of credits relating to the reduction in greeouse gas emssions through a pilot program offered though the Chicago Climate Exchange ("CC:X"). CC:X is an emssion registr, reduction and trading system for greeouse gases ("GHGs"), including caron dioxide (C02)' CC:X is a self-regulated, nies- based exchange designed and govered by CC:X member. A vista became a member in November 2007 for Phase I and Phase II of the program, descnbed below. 4. The CC:X GHG reduction commtment is divided into two phases: Phase I commts member to emission reductions from 2003 to 2006; and Phase II commits member to emission reductions between 2007 and 2010. Members pledge to reduce emissions by 1 % per year for Phase I, for a total 4% reduction in four years. For Phase II, member pledge to reduce 0.5% per year durg 2007-201 0, for a 6% tota reduction though 2010. Membeship in CC:X is wholly volunta (for Phase I or Phase 11; however, the pledge for emssions reductions is legally bindig under the ters of the CCX Accord. 5.The emission reductions any member must make are made against a calculated baseline. The baseline for Phase I equals the emissions average for the perod beginnng APPLICATION OF A VISTA CORP.Page 2 of6 StafCPR _ 204-Attachment-E. pdf Page 3 of 10 . . 1998 to the endof200l. The baseline for Phase IT can be either the 1998 -2001 average or year 2000 emissions. 6. The CCX has built-in provisions that protect member from beig overly penalized if they miss thei reduction targets by growing too rapidly, and it also has built-in provisions or safety valves to prevent members from gaming or unfaily capitalizig the market. As a result, there is a maximum amount of credits that Avista wil be allowed to sell each yea. Starng in 2003, member do not have to purchas more than 3% over thei baselie and also canot sell more than 3% of any reductions under their baseline. These caps increae to 9% by 2010. Reductions that exceed the sales cap in Phase I are deemed as Super Reductions, which can be used to offset a portion of Phase IT emissions or may be sold outside of the normal CCX trading system to the general public. 7. Under Phase I of the program, Avista is able to trade a certn number of credits baned from Phase I years. The CCX allows member to ban credits each yea bas on the allowed growt provisions minus the anual sales amount. A vista's baned credts for 2003 to 2006 total 4,007 Carbon Financial Instrents (CFls), and are shown in Exhbit A attched to ths Petition. Avista has sold 4,007 surlus Phase I CFIs for $2,557,065, net of . the CCX commissions. 8. Under Phase IT of the prgram, the CFIs that wil be eaed in the yea 2007 though 2010 wil be available for sale by A vista in each of the subsequent years aft completion of an audit. 9. Intial membership fees to join the CCX amounted to $200,000 and were paid in 2007. Ongoing membership fees will amount to $35,000 per year for each of the year 2008 thrugh 2010. Total fees for Phase I and IT amount to $305,000, and are shown in Exhbit B APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORP.Page 3 of6 Staff _PR _ 204-Attachment-E. pdf Page 4 of 10 . attached to ths Petition. CCX memberhip fees paid by A vista in 2007 were recrded in FERC Accunt 186 - Miscellaneous Suspense Account. i o. In ths filing, the Company is requesting an order allowig for the deferal of the net revenue (revenues from sale of CFIs, less cost, including membership fees paid) for both Phase I and Phase II. A vista will address the proposed method of ultimate ratemakng treatment in its next general rate cae filing or other proceeding, as appropriate. III. PROPOSED ACCOUNING TREATMENT . 11. The Company requests authority to defer the CFI revenues in Account 254 - Other Regulatory Liabilties. Upon approval, the Company will transfer the membership fees paid in 2007 from FERC Account 186 to Accunt 254. In addition, the Company reuests authority to defer the futue anual memberhip dues payments for 2008 - 201 0 in Account 254. The net revenues wil be allocated to the Washington and Idaho jursdictions based on the curent Production!rasmission allocation of 64.59% to Washigton and 35.41 % to Idaho, and place in separate Washington and Idao 254-accounts. Interest would accre on the Idahò share of the deferls at the customer deposit rate. The Company would propose a method of ratemakg treatment of the net revenues and accred interest in its next gener rate case filing or other proceeding. . APPLICATION OF A VISTA CORP.Page 4 of6 Staff _PR _204-Attachment-E. pdf Page 5 of 10 . . . IV. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 12.WHREFORE, A vista respectfuly requests that the Commssion issue an Orer allowing the deferal of net revenues from the sale of CFIs. The ultiate ratemalng treatment of the net revenues would be addressed in its next general rate cae filing or other proceeding. 13. The Company requests that the matter be processed under the Commission's Modified Procedure rules though the use of wrtten comments. Dated at Spokane, Washigton ths 21 st day of May 2008. A VISTA CORPORATION r;vi(2 :c. - Vice President and Chief Counsel of Reguatory and Goverenta Affai APPLICATION OF AVITA CORP.Page 5 of6 Staff PR 204-Attachment-E.pdf Page 6 of 10 .VERIICATION STATEOFWASHlGTON) )County of Spokane ) David J. Meyer, being fit duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: That he is the Vice President and Chief Counsel of Regulatory and Goverental Affairs of A vista Utilities and makes ths verfication for and on behalf of A vista Corporation, beig thereto duly authorized; That he has read the foregoing filing, knows the contents thereof, and believes the same to be tre. 9-1~7 SIGNED AN SWORN to before me ths 21 st day of May 2008, by David J. Meyer. .~\\\"'''llni,1i11'!\\\'l "l OI~ li""§.'*~~~"'--""~&~:: ,in-," ~':U' ~.:- '... ~ ~~ ... . ~ § I *OTA." ~\ ~~. . ~ ¡= l __ l-.. , ~ \ \ lfLt, i!~,,~, ~ JA~"~~~ ~ ..~~ "p!~7 tv;:~ ""'.Æ"'~_22 ..-;~~". ,. ~ A -_.. ..\+... ~""~/i ttF W, ''' ,~~.:fll"'iiini"'\\~ . a~ .NOTAR~or the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. Commssion Expires:.:/~lor / . APPLICATION OF A VISTA CORP.Page 6 of6 StafCPR _ 204-Attachment -E. pdf Page 7 of 10 . . . AViSTA UTILITIES Credits in CCX 2003 -2006 2003 I 2004 I 2005 I 2006 I Total I Emissions Baseline 20,273 20,273 20,273 20,273 Emissions Reduction Objective 20,070 19,868 19,665 19,462 Actual Direct Emissions 16,328 15,710 18,496 17,618 Gross Surplus CFls 3.742 4,158 1,169 1,844 10,913 Reclassifcation to Super Reductions (3,134)(3,347)(425)(6.906) NetCFls 608 811 1,169 1,419 4,007 All quantities are in CFls, each of which represents one hundred metric tons carbon dioxide. Exhibit A Page 1 of2 StafCPR _204-Attachment-E. pdf Page 8 of 10 ExhibitS.A VISTA UTILITIES Membership Fees for CCX 2003.2010 Phase I Phase II Total Enrollment Fee $15,000 $10,000 $25,000 2003 Annual Dues 35,000 35,000 2004 Annual Dues 35,000 35,000 2005 Annual Dues 35,000 35,000 2006 Annual Dues 35,000 35,000 2007 Annual Dues 35,000 35,000 2007 Payment 155,000 45,000 200,000 2008 Annual Dues 35,000 35,000 2009 Annual Dues 35,000 35,000 2010 Annual Dues 35,000 35,000.$155,000 $150,000 $305,000 . StafCPR _ 204-Attachment-E. pdf . Page20f2 _____ _ _Page 9 of 10 . CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have served Avista Corporation's Application for an Order Authonzing Deferrl of Net Revenues from Sales of Carbon Financial Instruments by mailng a copy thereof, postage prepaid to the following: Ms. Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83720-5983 Scott Woodbury Deput Attorney Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-0074 . Pamela Mull Vice President & General Counsel Potlatch Corporation 601 Riverside Ave., Suite 1100 Spokane, WA 99201 Dated at Spokane, Washington this 21st day of May 2008. pa~dL Rates Coordinator . Staff PR 204-Attachment-E.pdf Page 10 of 10 . . . F~,E(~E .,... WELDON B. STUTZMA DEPUTY AITORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION POBOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0318 IDAHO BAR NO. 3283 ZûûH JUt i 6 P!1 3:18 UJß~f.îi) UTIliTiES Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W WASHIGTON BOISE ID 83702-5983 Attorney for the Commission Sta BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF AVISTA CORPORATION DBAAVISTA ) CASE NO. AVU-E-08-2 UTILITIES FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING ) DEFERR OF NET REVENUS FROM SALES ) OF CARON FINANCIA INSTRUMNTS. ) COMMENTS OF mE ) COMMSSION STAFF ) COMES NOW the Sta of the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion, by and though its Attorney of record, Weldon B. Stutz, Deputy Attorney General, and in response to the Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure issued in Order No. 30580 on . June 25, 2008, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On May 22, 2008, A vista Corporation filed an Application requesting an Order from the Commission authoring the Company to defer net revenues from the sale of carbon finacial instrents (CFIs). The revenues result from the sale of credits relating to the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions though a pilot progr offered though the Chicago Climate Exchange. Paricipants in the Exchange are required to reduce greenhouse gas emissions durg two phases. The Exchange allows members to sell greenhouse gas credits based on greenouse STAFF COMMENTS JULY i 6t' 2008 Page 1 of5 1 StafLPR _ 204-Attachment-F .pdf . . . gas reductions compared to a baseline. A vista baned credits for 2003 though 2006, and was able to sell surlus Phase 1 CFIs for $2,557,065, net of the Exchage commissions. In this filing, the Company is requesting an Order allowing for the deferral of the net revenue (revenues from sales of CFIs, less cost, including membership fees pad to the Exchange). The net revenues will be allocated to the Company's Washigton and Idaho jursdictions bas on the curent production/trsmission allocation of 64.59% to Washington and 35.41% to Idaho. The Company requests autority to defer the CFI revenues in Account 254 - Oter Regulatory Liabilties. The Company proposes to accrue intereSt on the Idao share of the deferrals at the customer deposit rate. The Company will propose ratemakng treatment of the net revenues and accrued interest in its next general rate case filing or some other proceeding. STAFF REVIEW The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is an emission registr, reduction and trding system for greenhouse gases. Membership in CCX is volunta for Pha I and Phae II, although the emission reduction pledges are legally binding under the CCX Accord. Curently members represent varous industres with emission soures and offset projects worldwide. In the Electrc Power Generation industr there are 17 members. A vist became a member in November 2007. The Carbon Financial Instrent (CFI) is the traded commodity. Each CFI contract represents 100 metrc tons ofCOi equivalents (COie). Emissions from six greenhouse gases (OHOs) are converted to metrc tons COie using the one-hundred-year Global Warg Potential values established by the Intergovernenta Panel on Climate Chage. The six GHGs include carbon dioxide (COi), methane (C~), nitrous oxide (NiO), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfuorocarbons (PFCs) and sulfu hexafuoride (SFs). Members paricipating in Phase I and Phase II commit to meet emission reduction tagets for Phase I of 1 % per yea for 2003 - 2006 and Phase II of 0.5% per yea for 2007 - 2010 or a 6% reduction. Members joining during Phase II commit to a 6% reduction by 2010. Exhbit A to the Application shows Avista's quaifying reductions for Phase I, 2003 - 2006. CCX has built-in provisions to protect members from extreme penalties or gains. Members are not required to purchase more th 3% of its baseline to cover missed reduction tagets if its operation grew rapidly. A cap on sales of3% is established to prevent gaming or unai capitaization of the market. These caps increase to 9% by 2010. Reductions that exceed the sales cap in Phase I are STAFF COMMENTS IDLY 16,20082 Staff_PR_204-Attachment-F .pdf Page 2 of5 . . . reclassified to Super Reductions that may be baned to offset a portion of Phase II reductions or may be sold outside of the normal CCX tradg system to the general public. Avista quaified for 6906 CFI Super Reduction credits leaving 4007 CFI baned credits in Phase I as showÌ on Exhbit A. These Phase I baned credts are the 4007 surlus CFIs sold by A vista for $2,557,065, net ofCCX commissions. A vista requests authority for deferred accounting in Account 254 - Other Reguatory Liabilty. The deferred accounting tratment covers booking of the net revenues, revenues from the sale of CFIs less costs including coinissions and fees durng both Phase I and Phase II of the CCx. The tota CCX fees paid in 2007 or to be paid in 2008 - 2010 amounts to $305,000 as shown òn Exhibit B to the Application. A vista proposes to address the ultimate ratemaking treatment in its next general rate case fiing or other proceeding, as appropriate. Sta intends to address the ratemang treatment in the curent rate case A VU-E-08-1 when it verifies the expenses are not included in the base year. Deferred accounting is appropriate to provide customers benefits from the sale of CFIs. Deferred accounting is consistent with the authority grted by ths Commission for sulfu dioxide (S02) credits. The revenues are derived from utility propert and should be allocated to customers payig for tht 'propert. Avista proposes to establish separe Washington and Idaho accounts using the curent Production/rasmission allocator of 64.59% to Washington and 35.41% to Idao. Sta believes ths allocation factor is appropriate. For futue Phase II acvity the p~centage allocation wil change reflecting the then curent Production/ranmission allocator. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staf recommends the Commission grant Avista's request for deferred accountig treatment authority utilzing the following components: The revenues should be deferred in Account 254 - Other Regulatory Liabilty with an offset shown for associated CCX commissions and fees. Separate regulatory sub account will be established for Washington and Idao based on the Production/ransmission allocator. Ratemaking treatment will be established in a separte case. Sta intends to make its recommendation in the curent rate case, Case No. AVU-E-08-L. STAFF COMMNTS JULY 16, 20083 StafCPR_204-Attachment-F .pdf Page 3 of5 . . . Respectflly submitted ths \~ Y- day of July 2008. t.-~~ Weldon B. Stutzan Deputy Attrney General Techncal Staff: Terr Carlock i:umisc:commentsavue.2wstc STAFF COMMENTS 4 JULY i 6, 2008 Page 4 Of5StafCPR _ 204-Attachment-F. pdf . . . CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 16TH DAY OF JULY 2008, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMNTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. AVU-E-08-02, BY MALING A COPY THREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID; TO TI FOLLOWIG: DAVIDJ.MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL AVISTA CORPORATION POBOX 3727 SPOKA WA 99220 E-MAIL: david.meyerißavistacol".com KELLY NORWOOD VICE PRESIDENT - STATE & FED. REG. A VISTA UTILITIES POBOX 3727 SPOKAE WA .99220 E-MAIL: kelly.norwoodißavistaor..com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE StafCPR_204-Attachment-F .pdf Page 5 of 5