HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080616AVU to Staff 25, 69, 71, 73, etc.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 ¡;~ ::D J.~JiI'STA. Corp. zoun JUri l 6 9: 0 ! June 13,2008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, il 83720-0074 Attn: Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Re: Production Request of the Commission Staff in Case Nos. AVU-E-08-01 and A VU-G-08-01 Dear Mr. Woodbury, Enclosed are an original and three copies of Avista's responses to IPUC Staffs production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in this mailing are Avista's responses to production requests 025, 069, 071, 073, 076-077, 089-090, 093, 102, 106, 114, 119, 122 & 133- 134. The electronic versions of the responses were emailed on 6/13/08 and are also being provided in electronic fonnat on the CDs included in this mailing. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact me at (509) 495- 8620 or via e-mail atpat.ehrbar~avistacorp.com Sincerely,Q~~ Patrick Ehrbar Regulatory Analyst Enclosures . A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO A VU-E-08-01 / A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-025 DATE PREPARD: WITESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 6/11/08 Elizabeth Andrews Adam Munson Finance (509) 495-2471 REQUEST: Please provide a list of all leased items in 2007 and to date in 2008. Please separate capital leases from operating leases and show the dates, terms, amounts and accounts used for each lease. RESPONSE: The attached schedule is for leases with terms in excess of 12 months as disclosed in our 2007 10K. There have been no substantial changes in this list since December 2007. Lease Tenn (MM.YYY) Annual Payment Item I Counterparty Lease Type Start End (thousands)Account.Corporate Aircraft Operating 02-2005 02-2010 $949 931000 Airplane hangar Operating 02-2005 02-2010 $24 931000 Dark Fibre Lease - Columbia Fiber . Operating 07-2004 07-2009 $2 931000 Dark Fibre Lease - Columbia Fiber Operating 06-2004 06-2009 $7 931000 Utilty Poles (Joint Use Agreements)Operating various 07-2009 $204 589000 US Department of Lands - FERC Operating 03-2000 03-2045 $65 540000 Post Falls Park Operating n/a 12-2025 $25 537300 BPA Microwave Operating 10-2003 09-2008 $2 935000 BPAOther Operating 12-2002 12-2011 $84 935000 Gearon Building Operating 03-2007 03-2009 $4 935000 Glen Thompson Operating 10-2006 10-2009 $27 935000 Island West Roseberg Operating 03-2007 03-2009 $30 935000 Wilson Brothers Operating 04-2007 04-2009 $22 935000 Idaho Department of Lands Operating 01-2004 12-2013 $2 931000 Lewiston Communication site Operating 04-2004 04-2008 $2 935000 WFL Services Operating 08~2006 08-2009 $16 426400 Steam Plant Square Operating 03-2004 04-2010 $68 935000 Washington state parks Operating 01-2006 12-2009 $5 931000 State of Montana Operating 01-2007 NA $4,000 186360 Gas Servce Vehicles Capital 03-2004 03-2009 $305 227/431 . . . . JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-01 1 A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-069 DATE PREPARED: WITESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/11/2008 Elizabeth Andrews Patrick Ehrbar State & Federal Reg. (509) 468-4341 Please provide a schedule that identifies the' expected Date in Service of all 2008 capital projects included within the Company's case and identify the source of this information for each project. Please consider this an ongoing request and provide updates to those dates during the course of this case. Please provide the printout of this information and a CD in Excel format with formulas activated. RESPONSE: The estimated dates in service for all 2008 capital projects was included as Company witness Mr. DeFelice's workpapers and provided electronically to staff during their site visit in May. Updates of actual transfers to plant in service wil be provided as soon as they are available. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-01 1 A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-071 DATE PREPARD: WITESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/11/2008 Elizabeth Andrews Patrick Ehrbar State & Federal Reg. (509) 468-4341 Please provide all materials prepared and used to project the costs of 2008 plant in service by project contained in this rate case. In addition to printouts, please also provide any materials in Excel format on CD with formulas activated. RESPONSE: By agreement of the parties, materials prepared and used to project the costs of 2008 plant in service by project contained in this rate case wil be provided to Staff during their site visit during the week of June 23,2008. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-01 1 A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-073 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/11/08 Bruce Howard Bruce Howard Environmental Affairs (509) 495-2941 Please provide detail supporting the costs included in this case for Spokane River Relicensing not already included in Company witness Howard's workpapers (reference Company witness Howard, page 9, lines 10 - 22). In addition to printouts, please also provide any materials in Excel format on CD with formulas activated. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response to Staff-072. . . . A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO A VU-E-08-01 1 A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-076 REQUEST: DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/13/08 Scott Kinney Jeanne Pluth State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-2204 Please provide reports, printout and an electronic version on CD in Excel format with formulas activated, by project, which includes at least the following items: the project number, expenditure type, vendor description, transaction description, transaction amount, date posted, document/transaction number, and total amount posted. Please provide a report(s) showing each. of the following projects: a. Pine Creek Substation, b. Beacon-Rathdrum 230 kV, c. Dry Creek Substation, d. Beacon-Bell #4 230 kV, e. Beacon-Bell #5230 kV, f. Spokane Valley Reinforcement, g. WoH Telecom, h. WoH Telecom Line Upgrades, 1. Clark Fork RAS, J. Palouse Reinforcement, and k. Lolo Substation. RESPONSE: The detailed cost information has been provided as follows: . Transmission Upgrade Projects (2003) - see "StafCPR_076-Attachment A.xls" . Transmission Upgrade Projects (2004) - see "StafCPR_076-Attachment B.xls" . Transmission Upgrade Projects (2005-2007) - see "StafCPR _ 076-Attachment C.xls" The detail for costs incurred prior to 2003 ($2,972 milion) has not been provided due to the costs being incurred over multiple years and the small dollar amount in relation to total project costs. Electronic Excel spreadsheets have been provided in the files. Due to the voluminous nature of this data, it is being provided in electronic format only. . . . AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/13/08 Scott Kinney Jeanne Pluth State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-2204 IDAHO A VU-E-08-01 1 A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-077 REQUEST: If the project totals of the reports provided in response to the previous request do not equal those delineated by Company witness Kinney's Direct Testimony, page 17, Table 1, please provide a reconciliation in Excel format that accounts for any differences. Please include within your response the reason for any differences. RESPONSE: A revised Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 2, page 2 is being submitted with this Production Request (see file "PR 077 - Exhibit 1 0, Schedule 2, Page 2-REVISED.xls"). It was determined that the original exhibit as filed had 2 errors, as follows: Spokane Valley Reinforcement Project - 2004 Annual Costs were shown as $8.359 milion. Actual costs were $6.220 milion. Lolo Substation Project - $251,000 of costs were listed as 2003 expenditure. Actual costs were incured in 2004. The revised total cost of the Transmission Upgrade Project is $134,289,000. After these two adjustments, there are stil minor varances between the revised exhibit and the Detail of Costs Reports provided in StafCPR_076, as follows: Per Revised Detail Exhibit Expenses Variance Deta iled Information Prior $2,972,000 $2,972,000 $(Detail not provided) 2003 20,995,000 21,040,232 45,232 (Staff_PR_076-Attachment A) 2004 21,443,000 20,961,663 (481,337)(Staff_PR_076-Attachment B) 2005 26,974,000 27,080,441 106,441 (Staff_PR_076-Attachment C) 2006 30,084,000 30,021,020 (62,980)(Staff_PR_076-Attachment C) 2007 30,312,000 30,343,698 31,698 (Staff_PR_076-Attachment C) $ 132,780,000 $ 132,419,053 $(360,947) The variances between the revised exhibit and the detailed expense analysis provided ($360,947) are due to a variety of reasons. Primarly, because the Transmission Upgrade Project was multi-year, multiple project, and the timing of expenditure recording versus in-servce dates, it is diffcult to track the expenses by year. Due to the immateriality of the varance, the Company did not investigate this varance further. . . . Av i s t a 5 - Y e a r T r a n s m i s s i o n U p g r a d e P r o j e c t PR O J E C T I Pr i o r I 20 0 3 I ;¿ U U 4 I "U U O I ¿u u o C £ U U t I Su b - t o t a l I I 20 0 8 I To t a l Pi n e C r e e k S u b s t a t i o n 2, 2 3 1 2, 0 7 2 44 2 0 0 0 4, 7 4 5 0 4, 7 4 5 Be a c o n - R a t h d r u m 2 3 0 k V 49 8 15 , 7 0 6 3, 7 6 2 25 0 0 19 , 9 9 1 0 19 , 9 9 1 Dr y C r e e k S u b s t a t i o n 0 2, 1 3 9 8, 0 5 1 3, 4 0 0 86 4 0 14 , 4 5 4 0 14 , 4 5 4 Be a c o n - B e l l # 4 2 3 0 k V 0 2 5 1, 4 2 4 0 0 1, 4 3 1 0 1, 4 3 1 Be a c o n - B e l l # 5 2 3 0 k V 0 0 0 0 1, 9 5 2 1, 7 0 5 3, 6 5 7 0 3, 6 5 7 Sp o k a n e V a l l e y R e i n f o r c e m e n t 9 41 2 ~ 6, 2 2 0 1 12 , 2 3 1 2, 1 9 5 41 7 21 , 4 8 4 0 21 , 4 8 4 Wo H T e l e c o m 0 11 5 96 4 2, 8 9 4 2, 0 6 0 2, 1 5 1 8, 1 8 4 0 8, 1 8 4 Li n e U p g r a d e s 0 0 0 25 9 69 5 12 96 6 0 96 6 Cl a r k F o r k R A S 22 9 36 49 6 12 9 11 3 68 1, 0 7 1 0 1, 0 7 1 Pa l o u s e R e i n f o r c e m e n t 5 51 3 1, 2 5 2 6, 6 1 2 22 , 2 0 5 24 , 0 7 1 54 , 6 5 8 77 2 55 , 4 3 0 Lo l o S u b s t a t i o n 01 oi 25 1 1 0 0 1, 8 8 8 2, 1 3 9 73 7 2, 8 7 6 TO T A L 2, 9 7 2 20 , 9 9 5 21 , 4 4 3 26 , 9 7 4 30 , 0 8 4 30 , 3 1 2 13 2 . 7 8 0 1, 5 0 9 13 4 , 2 8 9 Ex h i b i t N O . 1 0 Ca s e N o . A V U - E - 0 8 - 1 S. K i n n e y , A v i s t a RE V I S E D - S c h e d e u l e 2 , p g 2 . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-01 1 A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-089 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06113/08 Greg Paulson Jeane Pluth State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-2204 Please provide a schedule of all meter reading expenses by year from 1995 through 2007. Please also include monthly meter reading expenses for Januar 2008 through present and additional months as they become available. RESPONSE: Data has been provided in StafCPR _ 089-Attachment A. AVISTA UTILTIES ELECTRIC.SYSTEM n IDAHO Direct Allocated Total Direct Allocated Total 1995 1,701,766 13,715 1,715,481 594,282 4,474 598,756 1996 1,855,410 34,072 1,889,482 656,417 11,230 667,647 1997 1,912,661 16,486 1,929,147 671,530 5,453 676,983 1998 1,961,716 36,096 1,997,812 680,337 11,994 692,331 1999 1,829,588 9,950 1,839,538 614,196 3,313 617,509 2000 2,032,774 11,982 2,044,756 699,769 4,010 703,779 2001 2,044,791 34,946 2,079,737 705,515 11,691 717,206 2002 2,290,798 30,183 2,320,981 757,384 10,129 767,513 2003 2,480,779 13,164 2,493,943 811,712 4,425 816,137 2004 2,595,364 8,959 2,604,323 903,000 3,022 906,022 2005 2,681,652 (40,415)2,641,237 914,440 (13,699)900,741 2006 2,415,032 2,415,032 686,250 686,250 2007 2,138,175 23 2,138,198 360,696 8 360,704 NATURAL GAS SYSTEM n IDAHO Direct Allocated Total Direct Allocated Total 1995 818,641 6,553 825,194 278,383 1,834 280,217 1996 872,545 16,049 888,594 282,610 4,621 287,231 1997 957,845 8,258 966,103 320,562 2,441 323,003 1998 1,032,447 6,951 1,039,398 341,324 2,109 343,433 1999 1,001,985 3,949 1,005,934 327,907 1,220 329,127.2000 1,175,917 5,329 1,181,246 388,123 1,668 389,791 2001 1,197,995 17,913 1,215,908 397,255 5,644 402,899 2002 1,334,105 14,014 1,348,119 436,008 4,443 440,451 2003 1,453,112 4,571 1,457,683 465,434 1,459 466,893 2004 1,495,814 3,672 1,499,486 490,132 1,193 491,325 2005 1,431,477 (23,502)1,407,975 419,801 (7,687)412,114 2006 1,292,242 1,292,242 287,296 287,296 2007 1,214,172 14 1,214,186 168,207 5 168,212 TOTAL SYSTEM n IDAHO Direct Allocated Total Direct Allocated Total 1995 2,520,407 20,268 2,540,675 872,665 6,308 878,973 1996 2,727,955 50,121 2,778,076 939,027 15,851 954,878 1997 2,870,506 24,744 2,895,250 992,092 7,894 999,986 1998 2,994,163 43,047 3,037,210 1,021,661 14,103 1,035,764 1999 2,831,573 13,899 2,845,472 942,103 4,533 946,636 2000 3,208,691 17,311 3,226,002 1,087,892 5,678 1,093,570 2001 3,242,786 52,859 3,295,645 1,102,770 17,335 1,120,105 2002 3,624,903 44,197 3,669,100 1,193,392 14,572 1,207,964 2003 3,933,891 17,735 3,951,626 1,277,146 5,884 1,283,030 2004 4,091,178 12,631 4,103,809 1,393,132 4,215 1,397,347 2005 4,113,129 (63,917)4,049,212 1,334,241 (21,386)1,312,855 2006 3,707,274 3,707,274 973,546 973,546 2007 3,352,347 37 3,352,384 528,903 13 528,916.Note: System includes only Washington and Idaho; Oregon costs are not included Annual 1995-2007 StafCPR_089-Attachment A.xls Page 1 of 2 AVISTA UTILTIES I ELECTRIC.SYSTEM n IDAHO Direct Allocated Total Direct Allocated Total Jan-08 184,364 184,364 24,445 24,445 Feb-08 196,168 196,168 12,641 12,641 Mar-08 177,068 177,068 15,118 15,118 Apr-08 193,417 193,417 21,514 21,514 May-08 Jun-08 Jul-08 Aug-08 Sep-08 Oct-08 Nov-08 Dec-08 NATURAL GAS SYSTEM n IDAHO Direct Allocated Total Direct Allocated Total Jan-08 114,364 114,364 18,421 18,421 Feb-08 113,683 113,683 4,811 4,811 Mar-08 104,134 104,134 6,620 6,620 Apr-08 109,414 109,414 9,453 9,453 May-08 Jun-08.Jul-08 Aug-08 Sep-08 Oct-08 Nov-08 Dec-08 TOTAL SYSTEM n IDAHO Direct Allocated Total Direct Allocated Total Jan-08 298,728 298,728 42,866 42,866 Feb-08 309,851 309,851 17,452 17,452 Mar-08 281,202 281,202 21,738 21,738 Apr-08 302,831 302,831 30,967 30,967 May-08 Jun-08 Jul-08 Aug-08 Sep-08 Oct-08 Nov-08 Dec-08 Note: System includes only Washington and Idaho; Oregon costs are not included. Monthly 2008 StafCPR_ 089-Attachment A.xls Page 2 of 2 . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-01 1 A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-090 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/13/08 Greg Paulson Jeanne Pluth State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-2204 Please provided the amount budgeted by Avista for meter reading expensès for 2008 and 2009. RESPONSE: Budgeted meter reading expenses for 2008 was $3,037,028. This amount is for all of Avista's services and jurisdictions since A vista does not budget to this leveL. 2009 budget data is not available since it wil be prepared later in 2008 during the annual budgeting process. . . . AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: A VU-E-08-01 1 A VU-G-08-01 REQUESTER:IPUC TYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO. Staff-093 DATE PREPARD: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/13/08 Liz Andrews Theresa Melvin State & Federal Regulation (509) 495-8165 REQUEST: Please provide the total straight time payroll (excludes overime and bonuses) per year for each of the past ten years for non-offcers. Please separate the bargaining unit employee payroll from the non-bargaining unit employee payroll. RESPONSE: Please see attached worksheet, "Staff PR 093- Attachment-AxIs", which provides total anual straight-time pay for each year 2004 through 2007. Total straight time payroll excludes overtime and bonuses and is broken down by Officers, Exempt, Non Exempt, Union and TotaL. Due to limitations with our payroll systems, requested data prior to 2004 is limited and compiling the data is a very manual process. However, in order to provide a level of historical information for review prior to 2004, the Company has provided Non-exempt, Exempt and Total straight-time pay infonnation (excluding overtime and bonuses) for the years 2000 and 2003, and again for years 2004 through 2007 for comparson purposes. Please see attached worksheet, "StafCPR _ 093- Attachment - B.xls". . . . AV I S T A U T I L I T I E S To t a l S t r a i g h t - t i m e P a y r o l l Ye a r Of f i c e r s Ex e m p t No n - E x e m p t Un i o n TO T A L 20 0 4 $2 , 6 2 2 , 4 4 1 . 0 5 $3 3 , 3 0 9 , 1 2 1 . 5 5 $1 1 , 6 6 8 , 1 2 5 . 2 8 $3 8 , 3 2 3 , 7 4 7 . 7 0 $8 5 , 9 2 3 , 4 3 5 . 5 8 20 0 5 $2 , 8 1 7 , 9 2 3 . 2 8 $3 4 , 0 1 9 , 1 8 5 . 5 2 $1 1 , 3 8 1 , 1 2 6 . 5 8 $3 7 , 2 3 4 , 0 9 0 . 4 5 $8 5 , 4 5 2 , 3 2 5 . 8 3 20 0 6 $3 , 3 1 6 , 7 7 9 . 5 7 $3 5 , 4 8 6 , 8 3 7 . 5 3 $1 1 , 7 2 4 , 0 4 9 . 1 9 $3 7 , 3 4 6 , 5 6 7 . 8 5 $8 7 , 8 7 4 , 2 3 4 . 1 4 20 0 7 $3 , 5 5 4 , 8 7 5 . 7 7 $3 7 , 3 4 7 , 3 8 0 . 3 4 $1 1 , 7 8 2 , 7 1 7 . 6 7 $3 9 , 3 1 7 , 6 1 9 . 3 7 $9 2 , 0 0 2 , 5 9 3 . 1 5 No t e : St r a i g h t - t i m e p a y r o l l i n c l u d e s r e g u l a r w a g e s / s a l a r i e s , o n e l e a v e t a k e n , s h o r t - t e r m d i s a b i l i t y , a l t e r n a t i v e / d u a l j o b w a g e s , h o l i d a y p a y , wo r k e r s c o m p , s e v e r a n c e , j u r y , r e t r o p a y , i n s t r u c t o r ' s p a y , a n d m i l i t a r y St a f C P R _ 0 9 3 - A t t a c h m e n t - A . x l s Pa g e 1 o f 1 . . . AVISTA UTILITIES Total Straight-time Payroll Year Non-exempt Exempt Total 2000 $42,482,320.86 $28,801,Ò13.08 $71,283,333.94 2003 $45,584,744.60 $32,411,980.81 $77,996,725.41 2004 $49,991,872.98 $35,931,562.60 $85,923,435.58 2005 $48,615,217.03 $36,837,108.80 $85,452,325.83 2006 $49,070,617.04 $38,803,617.10 $87,874,234.14 2007 $51,100,337.04 $40,902,256.11 $92,002,593.15 Note: Straight-time payroll includes regular pay, one leave taken, short-term disability, alternateldual pay, holiday, workers comp, severance, jury duty, retroactive pay, and military pay. StafCPR_093- Attachment-B.xls Page 1 of 1 . . . JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-01 1 A VU-G-08-01 ¡PUC Production Request Staff-l 02 DATE PREPARD: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 6110/08 Brian Hirschkorn Brian Hirschkorn State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-4723 What retail load was used by Company witness Hirschkorn to develop proposed rates? How was the load developed? RESPONSE: Recorded/iled retail load is used as a staring point to determine pro forma loadslrevenue and to develop the proposed rates. Large customer bilings are examined and adjusted for any known and measurable changes (schedule changes, biling adjustments, plant closing, etc.). As actual load is recorded on a biling period basis, a detailed unbiled revenue adjustment is prepared and applied to actual loads to reflect loads on a calendar year basis (unbiled revenue booked during the year is reversed). Calendar year loads are weather normalized to result in pro forma test year load. This process is ilustrated in Mr. Hirschkorn's workpapers and Ms. Knox's (weather normalization) workpapers. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-01 1 AVU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-106 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06110/2008 Elizabeth Andrews Elizabeth Andrews State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-8601 What is the total anual revenue requirement requested in this case due to relicensing the five Spokane River hydroelectric projects (excluding Little Falls)? RESPONSE: The total net revenue requirement included in the Company's general rate case due to relicensing the five Spokane River hydroelectric projects is approximately $2.5 milion (net revenue requirement, see below): Spokane River Relicensing PF9: Less: Production Factor Adj. Associated with the Spokane River Relicensing PF2: Net Spokane River Relicensing Rev. Req. Rev. Reg. $2,885 ($ 367) $2,518 . . . JUISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-01 1 A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-114 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06111/08 Don Kopczynski Chrstine McCabe Community Relations (509) 495-7979 Other than Project Share, did the Company or its shareholders contribute to community-based organizations for the purpose of providing services to or paying energy bils of low-income customers in Idaho? If so, please identify the organization and the dollar amount contrbuted by Avista in each of the past four years (2004-2007). RESPONSE: No, however the Company does have other programs in Idaho to provide additional service or rate assistance for low income customers, such as payment plans, comfort level biling, and CARS (Customer Assistance Referral and Evaluation Service). . . . JURSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-01 1 A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-119 DATE PREPARD: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/05/08 Don Kopczynski Amanda Reinhardt Customer Service (509) 495-7941 In each of the last 4 calendar years (2004-2007), how many customers who were on the Winter Payment Plan did not declare the need for winter protection from disconnection (Moratorium)? RESPONSE: In order to qualify for the Winter Payment Plan, customers must declare the need for winter protection from disconnection (Moratorium). There are no customers on the Winter Payment Plan who have not already declared for protection. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-01 1 A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-122 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/11/2008 Don Kopczynski DJ Kinservik Customer Servce (509) 769-1314 Please provide the Company's wrtten record of complaints and requests for conferences for calendar year 2007 kept pursuant to Rule 403 of the Commission's Utility Customer Relations Rules (UCRR) IDAPA RESPONSE: In December 2006, A vista began utilzing an escalated queue to assist customers that need further assistance beyond the first representative they speak with. The escalated queue is handled by senior customer servce representatives who can assist these customers or transfer them to a Team Lead/Manager. In 2007, there were 23 complaints noted on Idaho accounts (see attached file "Staff PR 122-Attachment AxIs"). Roughly half were received via wrtten communication and the other h~lfthrough phone interaction with the customers. None of these complaints resulted in a Commission Complaint. Below is a breakdown of the general natue of these complaints: Number of Complaints Service 4 Biling 5 Rates 1 Miscellaneous 10 Collection 2 Constrction 1 we s h u t o f f t h e e l e c t r i c t o p u t i n a m r . w h e n s h u t o f f e l e c t d i s a b l e d h i s w o o d s t o v e f a n a n d i t d i d n ' t co m e b a c k o n . S m o k e d u p h i s h o u s e / w a n t e d t o b e i n f o r m e d i n f u t u r e w h e n w e i n t e r u p t h i s 01 - 2 6 - 2 0 0 7 Se r v i c e Ca l l No se r v i c e s o i t d o e s n ' t h a p p e n a a i n . w a s n i c e a b o u t i t . re c ' d v e r y s i m i l a r r e - c a l c ' s o n h e r b i l l a s k i n g f o r a r e f u n d o f . 0 8 . . . a m o n l y d o c u m e n t i n g a s s h e 2 02 - 1 6 - 2 0 0 7 41 0 0 2 4 0 4 3 Wr i t t e n No aw a r e o u r s s t e m r o u n d s t h e c a l c u l a t i o n s s e e p r i o r c o m p l a i n t 8 - 0 6 up s e t a b o u t h i g h b i l i n J a n . O u r m i s t a k e s h e s a i d s o s h o u l d n ' t h a v e t o p a y f o r i t . i o f f e r e d 3 02 - 1 9 - 2 0 0 7 15 2 6 8 4 5 Bi l l n Ca l l No la r r a n g e m e n t s , s h e r e f u s e d . D i d n o t a s k f o r c a l l b a c k , j u s t w a n t e d c o m p l a i n t o n f i l e 4 02 - 2 3 - 2 0 0 7 25 0 0 7 7 7 9 6 Mi s c e l l a n e o u s Wr i t t e n No I co m p e n s a t i o n - r e c ' d l e t t e r t h i n k s i t ' s c r i m i n a l f o r c e o t o e a r n m i l l o n s w h i l e t h e c u s t o m e r ' s c u t 51 02 - 2 7 - 2 0 0 7 I 73 0 0 4 9 8 7 9 I M i s c e l l a n e o u s I Wr i t t e n I No ¡b a c k o n f o o d a n d m e d i c i n e t o p a y f o r i V s n d i n g c e o c o m p e n s a t i o n l e t t e r t o c u s t o m e r no t e o n b i l s t u b r e c ' d - s z w e d i d n ' t g i v e a n y o n e e n o u g h t i m e t o c o m m e n t o n o u r r e - I i c e n s i n g - s z no t e v e r y o n e u s e s t h e w e b n o t e o n b i l s t u b r e c ' d - s z w e d i d n ' t g i v e a n y o n e e n o u g h t i m e t o 61 03 - 0 9 - 2 0 0 7 I 10 0 8 3 8 9 1 I M i s c e l l a n e o u s ! Wr i t t e n I No Ic o m m e n t o n o u r r e - I i c e n s i n g - s z n o t e v e r y o n e u s e s t h e w e b un s u r e i f r e c ' d a c o m p l i m e n t o r c o m p l a i n t - i s c o n g r a d u l a t i n g S c o t t o n h i s p r o m o t i o n / d o e s n ' t m i n d co m p a n y m a k i n g p r o f i b u t w o n d e r s i f a n y c e o i s w o r t h 4 m i l l i o n / t h e n s z g o o d l u c k o n n e w 71 03 - 2 3 - 2 0 0 7 I 13 3 1 2 2 4 I M i s c e l l a n e o u s I Wr i t t e n I No ~co m p e n s a t i o n - n o t e r e c ' d s z o n l y h o p e s o u r f a t c a t b o s s e s c a n s l e e p g o o d a t n i g h t . t h e y d o n ' t 8 04 - 0 4 - 2 0 0 7 49 0 1 0 2 1 8 0 Mi s c e l l a n e o u s Wr i t t e n No ha v e t o d e c i d e b e t w e e n f o o d , e l e c t r i c i t & m e d i c i n e Cu s t o m e r l i v e s b e h i n d c o n s t r u c t i o n o f f c e i n S a n d p o i n t . l o t s o f t r u c k s i n a n d o u t r i g h t n o w m a k i n g 91 05 - 1 1 - 2 0 0 7 I 53 0 0 9 6 9 0 8 I M i s c e l l a n e o u s L Ca l l I No Id u s t a n d w o r r i e d a b o u t k i d s , w o u l d l i k e s o m e o n e t o c a l l h i m a b o u t u s i n g P i n e s s t r e e t i n s t e a d . CU S T S E T U P T I M E F R A M E F O R M E T E R C H A N G E A F T E R 3 : 3 0 A N D S V S M A N C A M E BE F O R E 2 : 0 0 . I T H A P P E N E D T H A T F A T H E R - I N - L A W W A S T H E R E T O L E T H I M I N F O R RE L I T E S B U T H O T W A T E R R E L I T E W A S M I S S E D A N D W O K E U P T O C O L D S H O W E R . HU B B Y G O T I T L I T . H O W E V E R C O N C E R N E D T H E Y W E R E I N C O N V I E N C E D A N D W E 10 1 05 - 2 5 - 2 0 0 7 I 18 3 5 5 9 5 I C o n s t r u c t i o n I Ca l l I No ¡D I D N ' T H O N O R T I M E F R A M E . re c ' d c u s t o m e r n o t e t h a t i s w e w e r e n ' t s u c h g r e e d y * & 1 * & 1 * * , p r o j e c t s h a r e w o u l d b e u n n e c c e s a r y 11 1 06 - 2 6 - 2 0 0 7 I 77 0 0 7 7 4 6 6 I M i s c e l l a n e o u s I Wr i t t e n I No It h e p h a n t o m s t r i k e s a g a i n l go i n g t o s e n d l e t t e r t o I d a h o A t t y G e n c u z o f s / o n o t i c e b u c u z s h e s a y s s h e ' s b e e n a c u s t f o r e v e r 12 07 - 0 5 - 2 0 0 7 37 0 0 4 3 5 5 9 Co l l e c t i o n Ca l l No an d e v e r . CU S T O M E R V E R Y U P S E T S H E H A S N O T R E C E I V E D H E R R E F U N D Y E T - 1 S T R E P TA L K E D T O W A S R U D E A N D S H E W A S E V E N M O R E U P S E T - I T O L D H E R I W O U L D T R Y TO G E T R E F U N D A S A P - H A S B E E N W A I T I N G 4 W E E K S - S H E S T A T E D R E P H A D A B A D 13 1 08 - 0 4 - 2 0 0 7 I I Bi l l n g I Ca l l I No IA T I I T U D E A N D A S K W H A T S H E T H O U G H T S H E S H O U L D D O A B O U T I T ? CU S T U N H A P P Y P O W E R K E E P S G O I N G O U T - W A N T S S O M E O N E T O L E T H I M K N O W WH A T T H E Y A R E D O I N G T O F I X T H I S P R O B L E M - W A N T S R E S O L V E D B E F O R E H E G O E S 14 1 08 - 1 4 - 2 0 0 7 I 45 0 0 5 6 9 0 9 I Se r v i c e I Ca l l I No lO U T O F T O W N T H E 1 S T O F S E P T me t e r h a s n o t b e e n r e a d s i n c e m a y - c u s t w o u l d l i k e t o h a v e m e t e r r e a d a n d t h e r e i s a c c e s s t o 15 1 08 - 1 6 - 2 0 0 7 I 17 0 0 1 2 8 9 2 I Bi l l i n g I Wr i t t e n I No ¡m e t e r . s h e h a s t a l k e d t o m e t e r r e a d e r b e f o r e a b o u t t h i s t h a n k s St a f f _ P R _ 1 2 2 - A t t a c h m e n t A . x l s Pa g e 1 o f 2 Sh e w o u l d l i k e 16 08 - 2 9 - 2 0 0 7 Mi s c e l l a n e o u s Ca l l No re : r i c h p i c k e n s . . . s a y s h e o w n s h o u s e i n a r e a & h a s b e e n u s i n g A v i s t a e q u i p m e n t t o c u t t r e e s f o r hi s f i r e w o o d . . s a y s o t h e r n e i g h b o r s h a v e w i t n e s s e d . s h e u p s e t b e c a u s e s h e ' s t a l k e d w i t h h i m f o r 4 y r s a b o u t a p r o b l e m t r e e . . n o j o b w a s c r e a t e d p r i o r t o m y c r e a t i n g j o b f o r t r e e - - u p s e t R i c h 17 1 09 - 2 1 - 2 0 0 7 I 53 0 0 4 4 1 0 5 I M i s c e l l a n e o u s I Ca l l I No lu s i n g c o m p a n y e q u i p m e n t f o r p e r s o n a l u s e - - w o u l d l i k e c a l l f r o m m a r 18 1 11 - 0 5 - 2 0 0 7 I I Co l l e c t i o n I Ca l l I No I sw i t c h i n g m e t e r t o d a y , s v c m a n a d v t o t u r n o f f c o m p u t e r s . c u t p o w e r b e f o r e s h e c o u l d d o s o . 19 11 - 0 8 - 2 0 0 7 45 0 0 8 1 6 1 9 Se r v i c e Wr i t t e n No Se r v i c e m a n w a s n a t h a n s c h m i t t . cu s t c a l l e d v e r y u p s e t , c e r t a i n t h a t o u r f a u l t w e o p e n e d h i m a t i n c o r r e c t a d d r e s s ( v e r y s i m u l a r ad d r e s s P i n e H i l P i c ) a n d h a d o s m a t h i s d o o r a n d f e e l s w a s t r e a t e d r u d e l y b y h i m p u t i n g b l a m e 20 11 - 2 0 - 2 0 0 7 17 0 1 1 0 9 0 5 Ca l l No on t h e m . A 0 1 0 i s e d p r o f u s e l f o r t h e e r r o r / m i s u n d e r s t a n d i n . w a n t s i s s u e p a s s e d t o m r ra t e i n c r e a s e . s z n o t r i g h t t h a t w e c h a r g e l a t e f e e s - i f w e c o n t i n u e t o i n c r e a s e r a t e s h i s b i l w i l l b e 21 1 1 1 - 2 6 - 2 0 0 7 I 7 7 0 0 7 6 8 4 4 I Ra t e s I Wr i t t e n I No pa i d l a t e r & l a t e r - t h e n t h a n k s u s f o r o u r s e r v i c e 1 I I I I CU S T C A L L E D I N W A N T E D S E R V I C E R E M O V E D A S K E D S E V E R A L T I M E S W E F I N A L L Y WE N T O U T A N D S E R V I C E M A N T O L D M A N A T S I T E I T W A S D I S C O N N E C T E D D U E T O N O N PA Y M E N T . T H A T W A S N O T T H E C A S E C U S T W A S G O O D P A Y I N G C U S T O M E R . 22 11 - 2 8 - 2 0 0 7 49 0 0 9 2 2 2 9 Se r v i c e Ca l l No CU S T O M E R V E R Y U P S E T D O E S N O T N E E D C A L L E D J U S T W A N T E D M E S S A G E P A S S O N . 23 12 - 1 4 - 2 0 0 7 41 0 0 7 3 0 7 9 Mi s c e l l a n e o u s Wr i t t e n No IV R - r e c e i v e d c o m p l a i n t I t r a b o u t n o t b e i n g a b l e t o r e a c h a p e r s o n u s i n g o u r i v r r e c e n t l y - u n h a p p y St a f f _ P R _ 1 2 2 - A t t a c h m e n t A . x l s Pa g e 2 o f 2 . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-B3 DATE PREPARED: WITESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/10/2008 Wiliam Johnson Wiliam Johnson Power Supply (509) 495-4046 Please provide copies of the Priest Rapids contract that became effective after October 31, 2005 and Wanapum contract that wil become effective November 1, 2009. RESPONSE: Attached are the 2001 contracts for the Priest Rapids Project. Under the new contract, the Priest Rapids Project consists of the Priest Rapids Development and the Wanapum Development. The original Priest Rapids contract expired October 31, 2005. The original Wanapum contract expires October 31, 2009. There are two Priest Rapids Project contracts, the "Priest Rapids Project Additional Product Sales" (Attachment A) and the "Priest Rapids Project Reasonable Portion" (Attachment B) contracts. The "Priest Rapids Project Additional Product Sales" contract provides the Company with a small slice (approximately .5%) of the Project at project cost (via Conversion Amendment) and the "Priest Rapids Project Reasonable Portion" contract provides the Company with approximately 3% of the project at a market price determined by an anual auction. The Company share of Wanapum until November 1,2009 is 8.2%. E 02- Doqrei . . ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS SALES AGREEMENT . StafCPR_133 _Attachment-A. pdf Page 1 of 23 . . . Section Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Section 6. Section 7. Section 8. Section 9. Section 10. Section 11. Section 12. Section 13. Section 14. Section 15. Section 16. Section 17. Section 18. Section 19. Section 20. INDEX TO SECTIONS Page Term of Contract ........ ..................... .......... ............. ..... ........ ................ ...... .......................1 Definitions ................... ................ ............... ... ...................... ....... .............. ................. .......1 Purchaser's Products .... ......... ........... ............. ... ...... ............... .................... ............... .........2 Treatment of the Reasonable Porton...............................................................................2 Deternation of Product Availability and Product Costs ................ ..............................2 Scheduling of Products; Points of Delivery and Risk of Loss ........................................3 Payment for Products ....;.................................................................................................3 Liability of Pares ............................................................................................................4 Notices and Computation of Time.......................................................... .........................4 Governg Law .................................................................................................................5 Assignent of Agreement................................................................................................5 Remedies...........................................................................................................................5 Venue and Attorney Fees .............................. ..................... ..............................................5 Compliance With Law......................................................................................................5 Headings ...........................................................................................................................6 Entire Agreement; Modification ......................................................................................6 No Parership or Thrd Par Rights ..............................................................................6 Representations and Waranties.. ....... ............. .......... ........... ................. .............. .... ..... .... 6 Conflicts. . . . ... . .. ... . ., . .. .... .. . ... .. . ... .. . .., . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .... .. ... . .. . .... 7 Counterparts. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ..7 Exhibits Exhibit 1 - Non-Firm Generation Product Staff PR 133-J\tachment.A.pdf- - -Page 2 of 23 . . . ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS SALES AGREEMENT Executed by PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.2 9F GRAT COUNTY And A VISTA CORPORATION This Additional Products Sales Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of December 1t1 , 2001 between Public Utility Distrct No. 2 of Grant County, Washington (the "Distrct"), a muncipal coiporation of the State of Washington, and Avista Coiporation (the "Purchaser"), a coiporation of the State of Washington. The District and the Purchaser are referred to as a "Par and collectively as "Parties." SECTION 1. TERM OF AGREEMENT. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Agreement shall be in full force and effect from and after it has been executed by the District and the Purchaser. Unless sooner terminated pursuant to other provisions, this Agreement shall remain in effect until the earlier of expiration or termnation of the New FERC License or such time that the Distrct no longer has authority to market Priest Rapids Project Produ~ts. Except as otherwise provided herein, all obligations accruing under this Agreement are preserved until satisfied. SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. As used in this Agreement, the following terms when intial capitalization herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Priest Rapids Project Product Sales Contract, or as set forth below: "Agreements" shall mean ths Agreement and simlar agreements between the Distrct and other Purchasers. "Heavy Load Hours" shall mean those hours, as defined by then curent industr standards, that constitute the higher value, or higher demand hours in the week. Curently, these hours are defined as hour ending 0600 thrugh hour ending 2200, Monday though Saturday excluding holidays defied by the National Electrc Reliabilty CounciL. "Interest Rate" shall mean the Prime Rate for Large Bans as reported in the Wall Street Joural, as reported on the first day of the month in which payment was received by the District. "Light Load Hours" shall mean those hours, as defied by then current industr standards, that constitute the lower value, or 10wer demand hours in the week. Currently, these hours are defined as all hours that are not Heavy Load Hours. "Products" means those products that the Distrct agrees to sell to the Purchaser, and the Purchaser agrees to purchase as more parcularly described in Sections 3 and 5 hereof. StafCPR _133 =.lttachment-A pdf Page 30f23 . . . "Purchasers" shall mean the Purchaser and each person or entity that has entered into an agreement with the District substantially similar to this Agreement. SECTION 3. PURCHSER'S PRODUCTS. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Purchaser hereby agrees to purchase and the District hereby agrees to make available and sell to the Purchaser the Product set below. Non-Firm Generation Product SECTION 4. TREATMENT OF THE SALE OF THE REASONABLE PORTION. Pursuant to the PL83-544 Orders, the Reasonable Portion must be offered for sale. Purchaser has no claim or right under this Agreement to receive any of the Reasonable Portion, or any proceeds from the sale thereof; provided, however, that nothng in thís Agreement shall be interpreted as prohibiting the Distrct and the Purchaser from entering one or more separate agreements regarding the Reasonable Portion and the disposition of the proceeds of the sale of the Reasonable Porton. SECTION 5. DETERMNATION OF PRODUCT AVAILABILITY AND PRODUCT COSTS. (a) The amount of each Product that the Distrct wil make available to Purchaser during each Contract Year, and the cost of each Product that wil be charged to the Purchaser, will be determned by the terms of the exhibit listed below: N on-firm Generation Product - Exhíbit 1. (b) Purchaser agrees to pay to the Distrct, in accordance with Section 7, the costs of the Product listed in Section 5(a). (c) Deliveries of Product pursuant to this Agreement wil be termnated if the Distrct does not obtain an Anual FERC License or New FERC License, and may be reduced under any of the following conditions as determned by the Distrct: (1) Pursuant to Section 5. (2) If the Distrct is unable to deliver the Product to the Purchaser due to Uncontrollable Forces. (3) If failure to reduce dèliveries, together with deliveries to all other Purchasers and deliveries to the Distrct, would result in exceeding Priest Rapids Project Output or subject it or its operation to undue hazard or violate the FERC License, any applicable law, regulation, or Operating Agreement. (4) In case of emergencies or in order to install equipment in, ma1ce repairs to, make betterments, renewals, replacements, and additions to ("Improvements"), investigations and inpections of, or perform other maintenance work on the Priest Rapids Project. 'StafCPR_13:f_~itachment-A.Pdf Page 4 of23 . . . The Distrct wil use its reasonable effort to give advance notice to the Purchaser regarding any planed interrption or reduction, giving the reason therefor and statig the probable duration thereof. SECTION 6. SCHEDULING OF PRODUCT DELIVERIS; METERING, TRASMISSION LOSSES, POINTS OF DELIVERY AN RISK OF LOSS. (a) The scheduling of deliveries ofthe Product provided hereunder shall be governed by the provisions of Exhbit 1. (b) The treatment of meterig, transmission losses and Points of De Ii very of the Product provided hereunder shall be governed by the provisions of Exhibit 1. (c) Unless otherwise provided in Exhibit 1, title to and nsk of loss for the Product provided hereunder sha11 reside with the District until such Product reaches the Point of Delivery, at which time risk ofloss and title to such Product shall reside with the Purchaser. SECTION 7. PAYMENT FOR PRODUCT. (a) The Distrct shall provide to Purchaser for each Product provided hereunder as specified in Exhbit i, either a pro forma annual statement of estiated Product costs, or a monthly invoice for the costs ofthe Product made available to the Purchaser in the preceding month. (b) The monthly payments set fort in the pro forma annual statement of estimated Product costs shall be due and payable by Purchaser by electronic fuds transfer to the Distrct's account, designated in wrting by the Distrct, on the 20th calendar day of each month. The payment of monthly invoices by Purhaser shall be due and payable by electronic funds transfer to the Distrct's account, designated in writing by the Distrct, on the 20th calendar day after the date of issuance of the monthly invoice. (c) If payment in full of any monthly payment amount set forth on a pro forma anual statement or a monthly invoice is not received by the Distrct on or before the due date as set fort in Subsection 7(b), a delayed payment charge of 2% of the unpaid amount due will be made. Any bil which remains unpaid for more than 30 days after the due date shall, in addition to the delayed payment charge, accrue interest at the lesser of 1.5% per month or the maxmum rate allowed by law. If the due date as set forth in Subsection 7(b) is a Saturday, Sunday or a Distrct recognzed holiday, the next followig business day shall be the last day on which payment may be received without the addition of the delayed-payment charge. Additionally, if payment due to the Distrct under this Section 7 remains unpaid 30 days after the due date, the Distrct may thereafter suspend delivery of Products to the Purchaser which would otherwise occur until payment in full of all amounts due and owing (including any interest and delay charges) is received by the Distrct. (d) For Products that are biled on a pro forma anual statement of estimated Product costs, on or before 180 days after the end of each Contract Year, the Distrct will either credit against estimated Product costs due from Purchaser in the then curent Contract Year, or bil to Purchaser, the true-up amount, if any, as determined pursuant to the provisions of Exhibit i; Staff _PR _133:¡ttachment-A. pdf Page 50f23 . . . provided, that if a refund of costs are due to Purchaser following the expiration of this Agreement, the District shall make a cash refud of such amount to the Purchaser. ( e) In the event that the Purchaser in good faith disputes a monthly invoice, Purchaser shall pay the amount of the monthly invoice in full and designate in writing to the Distrct on or before the due date the portion of the monthly invoice that is subject to the dispute. The Paries shall in good faith attempt to resolve such dispute. If upon the final resolution of such dispute, whether by agreement of the Parties or otherwse, payment of all or any porton of the disputed amount is due to the Purchaser, such payment amount shall include interest on the amount to be paid to the Purchaser, calculated from the date of payment by Purchaser to the date of payment to Purchaser, using the Interest Rate. (f) If a payment due from Purchaser to the District pursuant to this Section 7 is due and unpaid for a period of sixty (60) days or more, the District may terminate this Agreement by providing to the Purchaser written notice of such termination not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of termination. SECTION 8. LIABILITY OF PARTIES. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, each Pary hereby releases the other Par and its commssioners, officers, directors, agents and employees from any clai for 10ss or damage arsing out of the ownership, operation, and matenance of the Prest Rapids Project including any loss of profits or revenues, 10ss of use of power system, cost of capital, cost of purchased or replacement power, other substantialy similar liabilty or other diect or indirect consequential loss or damage, except as provided in the Agreement Limiting Liabilty Among Western Interconnected Systems for paries to that agreement. Ths release shall not include any claim by the Purchaser for re:fds for over-payments made to the Distrct nor any claim for specific performance of the Distrct's obligation to deliver to the Purchaser durg the term of ths Agreement the Products to which the Purchaser is entitled under this Agreement. (b) The Purchaser shall have no claim of any tye or right of action against the Distrct: (i) as a result of a FERC or cour order or amendment; (ii) as a result of the failure to receive an Anual FERC License or a New FERC license or the adjustment of delivery of Priest Rapids Products pursuant to Section S(c) whether arising under the terms of this Agreement or otherwise; and the Purchaser hereby releases the District and its commssioners, offcers, agents and employees from any claim for loss or damage arising out of the events described in this paragraph. SECTION 9. NOTICES AND COMPUTATION OF TIME. Any notice or demand, except those provided for in Section 7, under this Agreement shall be deemed properly given if such notice is given pursuant to Section 18 of the Purchaser's Product Sales Contract. In computing any period of time from such notice, such period shall commence at 12:00 a.m. (midnight) on the date mailed. The designations of the name and address to which any such notice or demand is directed may be changed at any time by either Party giving notice as provided above. Staff PR 133-'1ttachment-A.Pdf- - -Page 6 of 23 . . . SECTION 10. GOVERNING LAW. The Paries agree that the laws of the State of Washington shall govern ths Agreement. SECTION 11. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT. Neither the Purchaser nor the Distrct shall by contract, operation of law or otherwse, assign this Agreement Qr any right or interest in this Agreement without the prior wrtten consent of the other Part, which shall not be unreasonably withheld; provided, however, a Pary may, without the consent of the other Party (and without relieving itselffrom liabilty hereunder) (i) transfer or assign this Agreement to an affiliate of the Part provided that the affliate's creditworthiness is equal or higher than that of the Party or (ii) transfer or assign this Agreement to any person or entity succeeding to all or substantially all of the distrbution and generating facilties of the Par whose creditworthiness is equal or higher than that of the Par; provided, however, that in each such case, any such assignee shall agree in wrting to be bound by the terms and conditions in this Agreement and the transferrg Par shall deliver such tax and enforceability assurance as the other Party may reasonably request. SECTION 12. REMEDIES. (a) A Party may take whatever action at law or in equity as may appear necessar or desirable to collect the amounts payable by the defaulting Par under this Agreement then due and thereafter to become due, or to enforce performance and observation of any obligation, agreement or covenant of the defaulting Par under this Agreement. (b) No right or remedy conferred upon or reserved to a Par is intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy, and each and every right and remedy shall be curulative and in addition to any other right or remedy given hereunder, or now or hereafer legally existing, upon the occurrence of any default. Failure of the Par to insist at any tie on the strct observance or performance by the other Par of any of the provisions of ths Agreement, or to exercise any right or remedy provided for in ths Agreement shall not impair any such right or remedy nor be constred as a waiver or relinquishment thereof for the futue. Receipt by the Distrct of any payment required to be màde hereunder with knowledge of the breach of any provisions of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of such breach. SECTION 13. VENUE AN ATTORNEY FEES. Venue of any action filed to enforce or interpret the provisions of ths Agreement shall be exclusively in the United States Distrct Cour for the Eastern Distrct of Washigton or the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Grant County and the Pares irrevocably submit to the jursdiction of any such cour. In the event of litigation to enforce the provisions of ths Agreement, the prevailng Par shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees in addition to any other relief allowed. SECTION 14. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. (a) The Parties shall conform to and comply with all laws, rules, regulations, license conditions or restrictions promulgated by the FERC or any other governental agency or entity having jursdiction over the Priest Rapids Project. The Purchaser shall cooperatè and take whatever action is necessary to cooperate fully with the Distrct in meeting such requirements. -5-StafCPR _133_ Attachment-A.pdf Page 7 of 23 . . . Obligations of the Distrct contained in ths Agreement are hereby expressly made subordiate and subject to such compliance. (b) The Purchaser shall ensure that Products available to Purchaser under this Agreement are not sold, resold, distrbuted for use or used outside the Pacific Nortwest in violation of the Bonneville Project Act, Public Law 75-329, the Pacific Nortwest Consumer Power Preference Act, Public Law 88-552, the Regional Act or in contravention of any applicable state or federal law, order, regulation, or policy. If such sales occur in violation of the foregoing, the Purchaser shall reimburse the District for any penalties imposed on and costs incured by the Distrct as a consequence of such violation. SECTION 15. HEADINGS. The headings of sections and paragraphs of ths Agreement are for convenience of reference only and are not intended to restrct, affect or be of any weight in the interpretation or constrction of the provisions of such sections and paragrphs. SECTION 16. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION. Ths Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Paries with respect to the subject matter of ths Agreement, and supersedes all previous communcations between the Pares, either verbal or written, with respect to such subject matter. No modifications of ths Agreement shall be binding upon the Pares unless such modifications are in wrting signed by each Par. SECTION 17. NO PARTNERSIDP OR THIR PARTY RIGHTS. (a) This Agreement shall not be interpreted or constred to create an association, joint ventue or parership between the Pares, or to impose any parership obligations or liabilty upon any Par. (b) This Agreement shall not be construed to create rights in or grant remedies to any third par as a beneficiary of this Agreement. SECTION 18. REPRESENTATIONS AN WARTIES. Each Part represents and warants to the other Par that: (a) It is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jursdiction of its formation. (b) The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement are withn its powers, have been duly authorized by all necessary action and do not violate any of the terms and conditions in its governing documents, any contracts to which it is a par or any law, rule, regulation, or order applicable to it. (c) This Agreement constitutes a legally valid and binding obligation enforceable agaist it in accordance with its terms, subject to equitable defenses and applicable banptcy, insolvency and similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally. Staff_PR_133-=~ttachment-A.Pdf Page 80f23 . SECTION 19. CONFLICTS In the event of a confict between any provision of this Agreement and those contained in the Priest Rapids Project Product Sales Contract, the provisions of the Priest Rapids Project Product Sales Contract shall prevaiL. . . SECTION 20. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in counterpars, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute the same Agreement. PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.2 OF GRANT COUNY, WASHIGTON, By )I /4 (SEAL)President ~ ATTEST:~ .~ Secar~ L, ~ A VISTA CORPORA nON (SEAL) -7-StafCPR_133_Attachment-A.pdf Page 90f23 . . . EXHIBIT 1 NON-FIRM GENERATION PRODUCT (and exchange for Load Following Product) Except as otherwise provided in this Exhibit 1 or in the Agreement, terms used herein with initial capitalization shall have the meanings set forth in Section 2 of the Priest Rapids Project Product Sales Contract. 1. Non-Firm Generation Product Description The Non-Firm Generation Product is a portion of the non-firm energy available to the Distrct from the Priest Rapids Project as and when such energy is available, as determined by the Distrct. 2. Purchasers Share of Non-Firm Generation Product The District wil make available Purchaser's Share (defined below) of the Non-Firm Generation Product that the Distrct determines is available each day durng the tenn of this Agreement in accordance with this Exhibit 1. The Purchaser's Share shall be the Purchaser's percent paricipation in the 1956 Contract divided by 63.5% from November 1, 2005 through October 31,2009 after which it shall be the average of the Purchaser's partcipation in the 1956 and 1959 Contracts divided by 63.5%. As par of the pro forma statement provided to Purchaser pursuant to Section 5(b) of the Priest Rapids Project Product Sales Contrct, the Distnct shall provide to Purchaser an estimate for the next Contract Year of the amount of Priest Rapids Project Non-Firm Generation by month that the Priest Rapids Project is expected to produce based on information available at the time such estimate is prepared. 3. Availabilty of Non-Firm Generation Product The Non-Firm Generation Product wil be available commencing November 1,2005. The amount of Non-Fir Generation Product for each day is the Project Non-Fir Generation for such day multiplied by a percentage equal to 100% less the sum of all Purchaser Power Allocations from all of the Priest Rapids Project Product Sales Contracts, less the Reasonable Portion and less 36.5%. For puroses of such calculation, Project Non-Firm Generation is the actual energy generation (in mwhrs) of the Priest Rapids Project Output less the product of firm energy calculated pursuant to Section 5(b)(2) of the Priest Rapids PrClject Product Sales Contract, distrbuted on a shaped basis over each day, and a factor of 1.08 for Monday though Friday, and a factor of 0.8 for Saturdays and Sundays. In the event that the calculation of Project Non-firm Generation is less than zero, the actual Non-firm Generation wil be zero. For example: If firm energy is 250 mw and actual generation is 300 mw, then Project Non-Firm StafCPR_13~Àltachment-A.pdf Page 10 of 23 . . . Generation on Monday though Friday would be 300-(250*1.08)=30 mw. Project Non-Firm Generation on Saturday and Sunday would be 300-(250*0.8)=100 mw. The Distrct wíl estimate the Purchaser's Non-firm Generation Product on a daily preshedule basis according to available data ("Estimated Purchaser's Non-firm"). On Monday through Saturday, such schedule shall be delivered with the same amount of megawatt-hours delivered in Heavy Load Hours as in Light Load Hours. On Sundays, such schedule shall be delivered in equal hourly amounts over all 24 hours. On an after-the- fact basis, the Distrct wil compute the amount of Purchaser's Non-firm and wil maintain a deviation account to track the difference in the daily Estimated Purchaser's Non-firm and the actual Purchaser's Non-firm. Positive and negative balances in the deviation account wil be used to adjust the daily Estimated Purchaser's Non-firm that is delivered on a preschedule basis. Positive and negative balances will carr through from month to month. Preschedule deliveries to Purchasers wil be reduced or eliminated in realtime in the event of a contingency that reduces or eliminates the Distrct's ability to generate the daily Estimated Purchaser's Non-firm at the Priest Rapids Project. 4. Pricing and Payment For each Contract Year durng the term of this Agreement, the Purchaser shall pay the Distrct in twelve equal monthly installments the product of the estimated Anual Power Cost contained in the pro forma statement prepared pursuant to Section 7(a) of the Priest Rapids Project Product Sales Contract and the ratio of Purchaser Estiated Non-Firm to the average total generation of the Priest Rapids Project estimated pursuant to the Operating Agreements. The pro forma statement provided to purchaser pursuant to Section 7(a) of the Priest Rapids Project Product Sales Contract shall separately set forth the Purchaser's estimated monthly payment obligation for Non-Firm Generation Product for the next Contract Year. The payments made by Purchaser for the Non-Fir Generation Product on an estimated basis will be trued up to actual values not later than 150 days after end of each Contract Year using actual Anual Power Costs prepared pursuant to Section 7(g) of the Priest Rapids Project Product Sales Contract, and actual metered amounts of Non-Firm Generation Product. Any amounts due to Purchaser wil be credited against Purchaser's payment obligation in the then current Contract Year, and any amounts due from Purchaser to the Distrct will be invoiced to Purchaser, all in accordance with such Section 7(g). 5. Exchange of Non-Firm Generation Product for Load Following Product (a) Exchange Defined - The Load Following Product provides capacity and associated energy for short periods of time. The Purchaser then retus the same amount of energy within 168 hours. Upon notice to the District by January 1, 2003, the Purchaser may make a one-time irrevocable exchange of their entire share of Non-Firm Generation Product for Load StafCPR_13:L~aChment-A.Pdf Page 11 of 23 .Following Product on the basis of 1.5 megawatts of Load Following Product for each megawatt of Non-Firm Generation Product. For the purpose of ths calculation of this exchange the Project Non-firm Generation shall be calculated pursuat to Operating Agreements based on the average historical river flows. The total amount exchanged by all Purchasers shall not exceed the Monthly Maximum Load Following Product defined below which shall be allocated on a first come first served basis. The Purchaser's Share of Load Following Product wil be the ratio of the number of megawatts of Non-firm Generation Product exchanged by an individual Purchaser to the total exchanged by all Purhasers. (b) Availabilty - The Load Following Product wil be available commencing November 1,2005. Load Following Product wil be available only after all other obligations of the Priest Rapids Project, including but not limited to, meeting and following the Distrct's loads, meeting commercial arangements entered into prior to this Agreement, requirements of Operating Agreements, meeting regulatory requirements, and after accounting for water conditions and the status of the Priest Rapids Project. Notwithstanding the table below the amount of Load Following Product wil be reduced if the Distrct is unable to meet these obligations or if it would otherwise be forced to the market to buy Load Following Product. .The monthly Maximum Load Following Product wil be 50 megawatts from November 2005 through October 31,2009 or 100 megawatts after October 31,2009 and associated energy. On or before the tenth day precedig each month the Distrct wil identify to the Purchaser the estimated Monthly Minimum Load Following Product (in megawatts) that the District expects to be available durng the next month, but wil not be less than the firm amounts shown below. 2005-2009 Nov. Dec.Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.May Jun.Jul.Aug.Sep.Oct. 0 50 50 50 50 0 25 25 50 50 50 0 2009 forward Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.Mar.Apr.May Jun.Jut.Aug.Sep.Oct. 100 100 100 100 100 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 Each day, the Distrct shall provide the Purchaser with the Daily Load Following Product (in megawatts) that the Distrct determines wil be available for the subsequent preschedule day or days. The actual Daily Load Following Product shall be between the Monthly Minium Load following Product and the Monthy Maximum Load Following product. .The Purchaser's Load Following Product shall be the lesser of the ~mount of Load Following Product exchanged pursuant to Section Sa of this Exhibit 1 or the Daily Load StafCPR_133~ÃiaChment-A.Pdf Page 12 of23 .Following Product times the Purchaser's Share. (e) Return of Energy - Energy associated with the Load Following Product used by Purchaser shall be retued to the Distrct in like quatities (hour for hour) on like days 168 hours after the delivery by the District to the Purchaser. Energy retured to the Distrct shall be delivered at the Distrct's Point of Delivery as specified in Section 7 of ths Exhibit 1. If, in real-time, the District determines that Purchaser's schedule of return energy to the Distrct is in excess of the estimated Purchaser's Load Following Product in future hours, and that such excess wil cause spil, then Distrct may, at its option, require the Purchaser to reduce its schedule. Purchaser shall reduce its schedule by such excess amount. Purchaser shall schedule the remaing energy to the Distrct at the earliest time possible for both Distrct and Purchaser. District shall meter the actual Load Following Product used to meet Purchasers load signal in each hour. . (d) Charge for Spil - The District wil chage the Purchaser for any spil allocated to the District if it is determined by the District that such spill was directly attrbutable to the actions of the Purchaser under this Agreement. Such charge wilequal the product of such spil (in megawatt-hours) and the Market Energy Rate for the daily diural period in which such spil occurred. Market Energy Rate shall mean the rate (in $/mwhr) at which firm energy is available on the wholesale power market, for quantities comparable to the spil caused by the actions of Purchaser, durig the diurnal period that the spil occurred, as determined by the Distrct. (e) Excess Load Following Product and Energy Not Returned - In the event that Purchaser takes in any hour Load Following Product in excess of its Purchaser's Share, Purchaser shall be subject to a charge equal to 150% of the Mid-C Market Capacity Rate for the daily diurnal period in which the Load Following Product was taken times the amount of Load Following Product (in megawatts) taen in excess of Purchaser's Share. Market Capacity Rate shall mean the rate (in $/mw-mo.) as quoted by the Bonneville Power Administration, for quantities comparable to the Load Following Product made available to Purchasers, durg the diurnal period that Purchaser took Load Following Product in excess of its Purchaser's Share. In the event that Purchaser does not return energy associated with Load Following Product delivered by Purchaser, then Purchaser shall be considered in Default pursuant to Section 22 of the Priest Rapids Project Product Sales Contract. . StafCPR_13t. Ã1\achment-A pdf Page 13 of23 . . . 6. Biling Purchaser shall pay the amounts set forth in the pro forma statement provided to Purchaser pursuant to section 7(a) of the Pnest Rapids Project Product Sales Contract. Not later than ten (10) days after the end of each month durng the ter, the Distrct wil prepare and provide to the Purchaser an invoice setting forth the payment due from Purchaser to the Distnct for the Load Following Product made available for the preceding month. 7. Points of Delivery The District shall make available to the Purchaser the Non-Firm Generation Product at the Points of Delivery specified in Section 11 ofthe Priest Rapids Project Product Sales Contract. The Distrct shall make available to the Purchaser the Load Following Product and associated energy, and Purchaser shall retur energy to the Distrct, at the Points of Delivery specified in Section 11 of the Priest Rapids Project Product Sales Contract. 8. Metering, Transmission and Losses Metering, transmission and losses will be in accordance with Section 12 of the Priest Rapids Project Product Sales Contract. 9. Information and Communications Purchaser shall be responsible for the costs of installng and maintaining any communcations equipment necessar to effectuate the delivery of the Non-Firm Generation Product or Load Following Product between the Distrct and the Purchaser. 10. Scheduling and Accounting Scheduling and accountig shall be pedonned according to then curent industr standards. 1-5Staff_PR_133_Attachment-A.pdf Page 14 of 23 602 -009l, / .AMENDMENT NO.1 TO THE ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS SALES AGREEMENT The Public Utility District NO.2 of Grant County, Washington, ("Distrct"), and Avista Corporation ("Purchaser"), hereby agree to this Amendment No. 1 to the Additional Products Sales Agreement dated December ~, 2001 (the "Product Agreement"). Unless otherwise defined herein, all capitalized terms defined in the Product Agreement shall have the meanings set forth therein when used in this Amendment. 1. Term of Amendment NO.1 This Amendment NO.1 shall take effect on upon the execution by the Distrct and Purchaser, and shall expire on the earlier of the expiration or termination date of the Product Agreement. 2. Amendments to Provisions ofthe Product Agreement Purchaser and the Distrct agree that the Product Agreement is hereby amended as follows: .2.1 The first paragraph of Section 2 of Exhibit 1 is amended by adding after the last sentence thereof the following: The amount of Non-Fir Generation Product available to Purchaser shall equal the product of Purchaser's Share and the Non-Firm Generation Product. 2.2 The second paragraph of Section 3 of Exhbit 1 is deleted in its entirety and is replaced with the following: . The amount of Non-Fir Generation Product for each day is the Project Non-Firm Generation for such day multiplied by a percentage equal to 100% less the sum of all Purchaser Power Allocations from all of the Priest Rapids Project Product Sales Contracts, less the Reasonable Portion and less 36.5%. For purposes of such calculation, Project Non-Firm Generation shall be the actual energy generation (in mwhrs) of the Priest Rapids Project Output less the firm energy calculated pursuant to Section 5(b )(2) of the Priest Rapids Project Product Sales Contract, times the shaping factors described below. For example, based on curent operating requirements of the Priest Rapids Project, the Project Firm Generation is distrbuted on a shaped basis over the week, using a factor of 1.08 for Monday through Friday, and a factor of 0.8 for Satudays and Sundays. These factors wil be changed by the District to reflect changes in operating constraints Additional Products Sales Agreement Amendatory Agreement NO.1 StafCPR_133_AttacñrJñt-A.pdf Page 15 of 23 .applicable to the Priest Rapids Project. In the event that the calculation of Project Non-firm Generation is less than zero, there wil be no obligation on the par of the Purchaser to schedule Non- Fir Generation Product back to the Distrct, but such negative amount wil be included in the deviation account. 2.3 The third paragraph of Section 3 of Exhibit 1 is deleted in its entirety and is replaced with the following: For example: Assume that flows durig the week are 324 MW and that flows durng the weekend are 240 MW. If firm energy (critical generation) is 250 MW then Project Non-Finn Generation on Monday through Friday would .be 324-(250*1.08);:54 MW times 24 hours ;:1,296 MWh for each weekday. The amount of power scheduled during the weekend would be 240-(250*0.8)=40 MW times 24 hours;: 960 MWh for each weekend day. 2.4 The fourh and fifth sentences of the fourth paragraph of Section 3 of Exhibit 1 are revised as follows: .Whenever they appear in such sentences, the phrase "Estimated Purchaser's Non-Firm" is revised to read "Estimated Purchaser's Non-Fir Generation Product", and the phrase "Purchaser's Non- Firm" is revised to read "Purchaser's Non-Firm Generation Product". 2.5 The second paragraph of Section 5(a) of Exhibit 1 is deleted in its entirety and is replaced with the following: Upon notice to the Distrct by Januar 1,2003, the Purchaser may make a one-time irevocable exchange of their entire share of Non- Firm Generation Product for Load Following Product on the basis of 1.5 megawatts of Load Following Product for each average anual megawatt of Non-Firm Generation Product. For the purpose of the calculation of this exchange, the Project Non-firm Generation shal be calculated pursuant to Operating Agreements based on the average historical river flows. . For purposes of determinng Purchaser's entitlement to Load Following Product, the exchange ratio set forth above shall be applied to the amount of Non-Firm Generation Product initially available to Purchaser hereunder, but such ratio shall be applied in subsequent years to any increased amount of Non-Fir Generation Product to which the Purchaser would have been entitled absent its election hereunder.. Additional Products Sales Agreement Amendatory Agreement NO.1 StafCPR_133_Attacfikñt-A.Pdf Page 16 of23 .2.6 Section 5 of Exhibit 1 is amended by adding a new subsection 5(t) as follows: If the one-time exchange has been made as provided in this section 5, Purchaser's compensation to the Distrct for the Load Following Product shall be limited to the retu of energy and the charges set fort in Sections S(c), (d) and (e). Purchaser shall not be required to pay to the District as. compensation for the Load Following Product any porton of the Anual Power Costs of the Priest Rapids Project pursuat to section 4 of this Exhbit 1. 2.7 The Product Agreement is amended by adding a new Exhibit 2, Purchasers Product Percentage Allocations, which is attached hereto. In Witness Whereof, Purchaser and the District have caused this Amendment No. i to be executed in their respective names by their dily authorized officers. AVISTA CORPORATION .By: . PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.2 OF GRAT COUNTY, WASHIGTON . BY:_Îh 0. 07 Title: fì1Jlixuri ø£(kJ1IJU$tlXIlß Dare. ed:~/d~~ ~ek'" /!J .rmlS()et.; Additional Products Sales Agreement Amendatory Agreement No.1 Staff PR 133 Attacfi~eñt-A.Pdf- - -Page 17 of 23 PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.2 OF GRANT COUNTY MEETING OUR CUSTOMER ENERGY NEEDS IN A COST CONSCIOUS MANNER. P. O. BOX 878 . EPHRATA, WASHiNGTON 98823 . 509/754-0500 February 11,2002 Mr. Gary Ely, CEO A vista Corporation 1411 E Mission Avenue POBox 3727 Spokane W A 99202 Dear Gary: Attached are executed copies of Priest Rapids Project power sales contracts for your files. .These contracts have taken many years to prepare. On behalf of my fellow Commissioners and staff at Grant PUD I wish to acknowledge the steadfast cooperation and assistance provided by Dick Storro, Kelly Norwood, Lloyd Meyers and Gary Dalhke and his associates. Their role was in the finest traditions of your company. We look foiward to working with you in the decades to come. Sincerely, fr /"4 ¿Y. . Mike Conley~";~ Board of Commissioners MC:mlh . StafCPR_133_Attachment-A.pdf Page 18 of 23 . . . EX H I B I T A , A M ~ N D M E N T 1 Pu r c h a s e r s P r o d u c t P e r c e n t a g e A l l o c a t i o n s Re q u e s t e d N u m b e r o f S e c t i o n 3 c / e Se c t i o n 3 c / e S t e p 2 A l l o c a t i o n n i Ad l u s t m e n l f o r 2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 9 Hi s t o r i c a l S h a r e s Pu r c h a s e r C u s t o m e r s St e p 1 Re a s o n a b l e Ad d e d Di s p l a c e Re a s o n a b l e Ad d e d Pu r c h a s e r N a m e 19 5 6 19 5 9 Pr o d u c t % 20 0 0 Al l o c a t I o n Su r p l u s Di s p l a c e Po r t i o n Pr o d u c t s ( 7 ) Su r p l u s ( 2 ) W Po r t i o n ( 4 ) Pr o d u c t ! ( 7 A. 1 9 5 6 / 1 9 5 9 P u r c h a s e r s Pa c i f i C o r p 13 . 9 % t8 . 7 % 32 . 6 % 78 8 . 4 4 6 25 . 0 3 % 25 . 0 3 % 25 . 0 3 % 25 . 6 7 % 21 . 3 4 % 26 . 8 7 % 23 . 1 9 % 21 . 8 9 % Po r t l a n d G e n e r a l 13 . 9 % 18 . 7 % 32 . 6 % 72 6 , 0 3 9 25 . 0 3 % 25 . 0 3 % 25 . 0 3 % 25 . 6 7 % 21 . 3 4 % 26 . 8 7 % 23 . 1 9 % 21 . 8 9 % Pu g e t S o u n d E n e r g y 8. 0 % 10 . 8 % 18 . 8 % 91 5 , 8 5 1 14 . 4 3 % 14 . 4 3 % 14 . 4 3 % 14 . 0 % 12 . 2 8 % 15 . 5 1 % 13 . 3 6 % 12 . 6 0 % Av i s l a U t i l i t e s 6. 1 " 1 8. 2 % 25 . 0 % 30 9 , 9 8 6 10 . 9 8 % 10 . 9 8 % 10 . 9 8 % 11 . 2 6 % 9. 3 7 % 11 . 7 9 % 10 . 1 7 % 9. 6 1 % Co w l i z P U D 2. 0 % 2. 7 % 4. 7 % 44 , 3 6 1 3. 6 1 % 3. 6 1 % 3. 6 1 % 3. 7 0 % 3. 0 7 % 3. 8 8 % 3. 3 4 % 3. 1 5 % Eu g e n e W a t e r & E l e c 1. 7 % 2. 3 % 4.0 % 80 , 0 9 7 3. 0 7 % 3. 0 7 % 3. 0 7 % 3. 1 5 % 2. 6 1 % 3. 3 0 % 2. 8 4 % 2. 6 8 % Ci t y o f F o r e s t G r o v e 0. 5 " 1 0. 7 % (5 ) 8. 5 9 2 0. 9 2 % 0. 9 2 % 0. 9 2 % 0. 9 4 % 0. 7 7 % 1. 0 0 % 0. 8 4 % 0. 7 9 % Ci t y o f M c M i n n v i l e 0. 5 % 0. 7 % (5 ) 13 , 9 7 3 0. 9 2 % 0. 9 2 % 0. 9 2 % 0. 9 4 % 0. 7 7 " 1 0 1. 0 0 " / . 0. 8 4 % 0. 7 9 % Cil y 0 1 M i l t o n - F r e e w a t e r 0. 5 % 0. 7 % (5 ) 4, 5 8 1 0. 9 2 % 0. 9 2 % 0. 9 2 % 0. 9 4 % 0. 7 7 % 1.0 0 " , l 0. 8 4 % 0. 7 9 % B. 1 9 5 6 O n l y P u r c h a s e r s ( 2 ) Se a U l e C i t y L i g h t 8. 0 % nl a (5 ) 34 9 , 5 5 7 6. 1 4 % 6. 1 4 % 6. 1 4 % 6. 3 0 % 12 . 2 8 % 12 . 2 8 % 12 . 2 8 % 12 . 6 0 % CI Ta c o m a P o w e r 8. % nl a 16 . 0 % 14 7 . 8 1 9 6. 1 4 % 6. 1 4 % 6. 1 4 % 6. 3 0 % 12 . 2 8 % 12 . 2 8 % 12 . 2 8 % 12 . 6 0 % íi i= l Ki l l i l a s P U D O. 4 ~ ~ nl a 3. 0 7 8 0. 3 1 % 0. 3 1 % 0. 3 1 % 0. 3 1 % 0. 6 1 % 0. 6 1 % 0. 6 1 % 0. 6 3 % "U To t a l A + B 3, 3 9 2 , 3 8 0 97 . 5 1 % 97 . 5 1 % 97 . 5 1 % 97 . 5 1 % 10 0 . 0 0 % 97 . 5 1 % 11 6 . 4 0 % 10 3 . 8 1 % 10 0 . 0 0 % I~ C. N o . I d a h o P u r c h a s e r s (, Cl e a r w a t e r nl a nl a 10 . 4 3 % 9, 3 1 4 0. 2 7 % 0. 2 7 % 0. 2 7 % nl a 0. 2 7 % 0. 2 7 % 0. 2 7 % nl a I~ Id a h o C o . L i g h l & P o w e r nl a nl a 2. 4 1 % 3. 0 0 7 0. 0 9 % 0. 0 9 % 0. 0 9 % nl a 0. 0 9 % 0. 0 9 % 0. 0 9 % nl a íi Ko o t e n a i nl a nl a 16 . 2 8 % 16 , 2 4 4 0. 4 7 % 0. 4 7 % 0. 4 7 % nl a 0. 4 7 % 0. 4 7 % 0. 4 7 % nl a 0 No r t h e r n L l g h l s nl a nl a 12 . 3 0 % 14 , 5 4 1 0. 4 2 % 0. 4 2 % 0. 4 2 % nl a 0. 4 2 % 0. 4 2 " 1 0 0. 4 2 % nl a ::3CD D. S n a k e R i v e r P u r c h a s e r s t Fa l l R i v e r R u r a l E l e c nl a nl a (6 ) 10 , 9 9 2 0. 3 2 % 0. 3 2 % 0. 3 2 % nl a 0. 3 2 % 0. 3 2 % 0. 3 2 % nl a -0 Lo s t R i v e r E l e c t r i c nl a nl a (6 ) 2, 3 2 7 0. 0 7 % 0. 0 7 % 0. 0 7 % n/ a 0. 0 7 % 0. 0 7 % 0.0 7 " 1 . n/ a S; Lo w e r V a l l e y E l e c t r i c nl a nl a (6 ) 19 , 1 8 2 0. 5 5 % 0. 5 5 % 0. 5 5 % nl a 0. 5 5 % 0. 5 5 % 0. 5 5 % nl a Ra l l R i v e r R u r a l E l e c nl a nl a (6 ) 2, 9 2 7 0. 0 8 % 0. 0 8 % 0. 0 8 % nl a 0. 8 % 0. 0 6 % 0. 0 8 % nl a Sa l m o n R i v e r E l e c t r i c nl a nl a (6 ) 2, 5 7 0 0. 0 7 % 0. 0 7 % 0. 0 7 % nl a .0 . 0 7 % 0. 0 7 % 0. 0 7 % nl a Un i t e d E l e c t r i c nl a nl a (6 ) 5. 5 1 5 0. 1 6 % 0. 1 6 % 0. 1 6 % nl a 0. 1 6 % 0. 1 6 % 0. 1 6 % nl a As s o c i a t i o n T o l a l 1.2 4 % 43 , 5 1 3 1. 2 5 % 1. 2 5 % 1. 2 5 % nl a 1. 2 5 % 1. 2 5 % 1. 2 5 % nl a To l a l C + 0 86 , 6 1 9 2. 4 9 % 2. 4 9 % 2. 4 9 % 2. 4 9 % nl a 2. 4 9 % 2. 4 9 % 2. 4 9 % nl a To l a l 63 . 5 % 63 . 5 % 10 0 . 0 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 % 11 8 . 8 9 % 10 6 . 3 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 % NO T E S : ( 1 ) A l l o c a t e d p e r a v e r a g e 0 1 1 9 5 6 a n d 1 9 5 6 S h a r e s o r , f o r I d a h o P u r c h a s e r s . p e r n u m b e r 0 1 c u s t o m e r s . (2 ) A l l o c a t e d p e r 1 9 5 6 S h a r e s S u r p l u s P r o d u c l a n d . f o r I d a h o P u r c h a s e r s . p e r n u m b e r 0 1 c u s t o m e r s . (3 ) A l l o c a t e d p e r 2 5 % o f 1 9 5 6 S h a r e s a n d 7 5 % o f 1 9 5 9 S h a r e s f o r 1 9 5 6 / 1 9 5 9 P u r c h a s r s . p e r 1 9 5 6 S h a r e s l o r l h e O n l y 1 9 5 6 P u r c h a s e r , a n d n u m b e r o f cu s t o m e r s f o r N o . I d a h o a n d S n a k e R i v e r P u r c h a s e r s . (3 ) A l l o c a t e d p e r 7 5 % o f 1 9 5 6 S h a r e s a n d 2 5 % o f 1 9 5 9 S h a r e s l o r 1 9 5 6 1 1 9 5 9 P u r c h a s r s , p e r 1 9 5 6 S h a r e s l o r I h e O n l y ~ . 9 5 6 P u r c h à s e r . a n d n u m b e r o f "U cu s t o m e r s f o r N o . I d a h o a n d S n a k e R i v e r P u r c h a s e r s . II (5 ) H a v e I n t e n i t o S i g n C o n t r a c t L e i t e r w l t h o u l R e q u e s t e d P u r c h a s e r P r o d u c t P e r c e n l . coCD (6 ) S n a k e R i v e r P u r c a s e r ' s C o n t r a c t w i l h I h e A s s o c i a t i o n . .. (7 ) A 1 l o c a l e d o n l y t o t h e 1 9 5 6 / 1 9 5 9 a n d O n l y 1 9 5 6 P u r c h a s e r s p e r 1 9 5 6 S h a r e s f o r 2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 9 . t h e n a v e r a g e 0 1 1 9 5 6 a n d 1 9 5 9 S h a r e s p o s t - 2 0 0 9 . to saN(, .June 13, 2002 DRAFT Priest Rapids Project I've attached the one-page summares of the three Priest Rapids Project contracts. Product Sales Contract Reasonable Portion - Power Sales Contract Additional Products Sales Agreement These draft summares are for your review and comments. Thanks, Doug . . StafCPR_133_Attachment-A.pdf Page 20 of 23 . . I.PRIEST RAPIDS PROJECT PRODUCT SALES CONTRACT Avista Corp. and Grant PUD entered into this contract as of December 12, 200L. Termnation is either the expiration of new FERC license or Grant no longer has authority to market Priest Rapids Project products. First right of refusal is preserved against a successor licensee other than Grant. Varous sections within the contract take effect on November It 2005. Contract year is an annual year except the first one (Nov. 1,2005 ending Jan. 1,2006). Surplus Product: The project output that is surlus to Grant's needs is marketed with up to 25% available to A vista. The price wil be at cost. If the subscription is greater than 100% then the product is divided between old purchasers and Idaho co-ops based on retail customers. Then through Oct. 31, 2009 the surplus product shall be distributed in proportion to participation in the 1956 contract. After Nov. 1,2009 the surplus product shall be distrbuted in proportion to the sum of participation in the 1956 contract and 1959 contract divided by two. . Displacement Product: The project output that is available due to displacement resources being used to serve Grant's loads with up to 25% available to Avista. This product does not entail the resale of federal power. Exhibit A has monthly amounts of displacement resource. Grant may seek a resource to extend the availabilty of power identified in Exhibit A beyond 2011 (replacement contract). The price wil be Grant's cost including the costs of transmission and necessary services. If the subscription is greater than 100% then the product is divided between old purchasers and Idaho co-ops based on retail customers. Then through Oct. 31, 2009 the displacement product shall be distributed in proporton to paricipation in the 1956 contract and 1959 contract weighted 25% and 75%, respectively. After Nov. 1,2009 the displacement product shall be distributed in proporton to the sum of paricipation in the 1956 contract and 1959 contract divided by two. Annual power costs wil be all of Grant's costs and expenses resulting from the ownership of the two mid-Columbia hydro facilities. These costs shall not be limited to O&M, taxes, prevention/correction of any loss or damage to project, debt principal and interest, reserves, liabilties not covered by insurance, and license costs (FERC),. dG. "I A pro forma budget shall be provided by Grant on or prior to July 3 i st of each year, showing an estimate of project costs, output and Grant's loads. 30 days prior to each contract year Grant shall send out a pro forma statement for the next contract year with an estimate of annual power costs, cost of surplus product, cost of displacement product, Avista's estimated cost and monthly payments. Based on these numbers A vista pays monthly due on the 20th day of each month. A vista commts to providing support to Grant in the acquisition of a new FERC license. The scheduling of deliveries of surplus and displacement products is found in Section 9. Grant wil establish and maintain for A vista a pondage account. If project output is increased (not the result of law or order) Avista can termnate the contract, elect not to paricipate in the increase, or continue with its share of increase.. StafCPR_133_Attachment-A.pdf Page 21 of 23 l''e.PRIEST RAPIDS PROJECT REASONABLE PORTION - POWER SALES CONTRACT Avista Corp. and GrantPUD entered into this contract as of December 12,2001. Termination is either the expiration of new FERC license or Grant no longer has authority to market Priest Rapids Project output. Various sections within the contract take effect on November 1,2005. Contrct year is an annual year except the first one (Nov. 1,2005 ending Jan. 1,2006). Reasonable portion means the 30 percent portion of the Project output offered for sale. Avista's percentage allocation of the reasonable portion (purchaser revenue allocation) shall be 25%, but purchaser revenue allocation may not exceed twice the average of participation in the 1956 and 1959 contracts. The supplementary agreement wìl use the purchaser revenue allocation of the reasonable portion proceeds to purchase capacity and energy (or cash in lieu of power) for Avista. Reallocation: if allocations exceed 100% then the allocations are divided first by old purchasers and Idaho co-ops based on retail customers. Then through Oct. 31, 2009 the purchaser revenue allocations shall be distributed in proportion to participation in the 1956 contract and 1959 contract weighted 75% and 25%. respectively. After Nov. 1,2009 the allocations shall be distributed in proportion to the sum of participation in the 1956 contract and 1959 contract divided by two. .60 days prior to each contract year, Avista shall provide written notice if it elects to receive cash in lieu of energy and capacity of its reasonable portion. No action means Grant wil provide power to Avista. 30 days prior to each contract year, Grant shall send a pro forma statement showing: estimated Grant loads, firm energy (critical water). estimated unmet Grant load, estimated Grant power cost, and estimated reasonable portion procee. Grant shall take from the actual reasonable portion proceeds the estimated Grant power cost (cost of meeting the unmet load which is the 70% of output less Grant load) to meet the unmet Grant load. Avista shall have supplemental power with an amount equal to the proceeds received by Grant minus power costs multiplied by Avista's revenue allocation. If the project is capable of output but Avista's revenue allocation is projected to be zero, Avista may. terminate the contract. Annual power costs wil be all of Grant's costs and expenses resulting from the ownership of the two mid- Columbia hydro facilities. These costs shall not be limited to O&M, taxes, prevention/correction of any loss or damage to project. debt principal and interest, reserves, liabilties not covered by insurance, and license costs (FERC), etc. A pro forma budget shall be provided by Grant on or prior to July 3 i ii of each year, showing an estimate of project costs, output, revenue allocation and Grant loads. 30 days prior to each contract year Grant shall send out a pro forma statement for the next contract year with an estimate of annual power costs, cost of surlus product, cost of displacement product, Avista's estimated cost and monthly payments. Based on these numbers Avista pays monthly due on the 20iJ day of each month. On or before 150 days after contract year, Grant wil submit to Avista a detailed statement of estimated cost and actual cost for the year. .Avista commits to providing support to Grant in the acquisition of a new FERC license. Avista revenue allocation of the proceeds shall be paid to Avista monthly and shall be the product of the allocation and the difference between the actual payments of proceeds and the estimate Grant power costs. However if Avista elects to have Grant make purchases under the supplementary agreement then Avista receives power in lieu of these payments. StafCPR_133_Attachment-A.pdf Page 22 of 23 ~ i- .1.PRIEST RAIDS PROJECT ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS SALES AGREEMENT Avista Corp. and Grant PUD entered into this contract as of December 12, 2001. Terrnation is either the expiration of new FERC license or Grant no longer has authority to market Priest Rapids Project products. Grant's products for this agreement ar non-firm generation. The amount and cost of each product is deterrned by the terms of Exhibit 1. Grant shall provide to Avista for each product specified in Exhibit 1 either a pro forma annual statement of estimated product costs, or a monthly invoice for the costs of the product made available to Avista in the preceding month. Payments to Grant are due on the 20lh day of each month. Exhibit 1 Non-firm generation product is a portion of the non-firm energy available from the Priest Rapids project. Grant wil make available Avista's share of the non-firm that Grant determnes is available each day. Avista's share shall be Avista's percent paricipation in the 1956 contract divided by 63.5% from November 1, 2005 through October 31,2009 after which it shall be the average of the 1956 contract and 1959 contract divided by 63.5%. (Sentence added: The amount of non-firm available to Avista equals the product of Avista's share and the non-firm product avaiable..An estimate of available non-firm for next contract year shall be par of the pro forma statement. Project non-firm generation is actual generation less firm energy according to Product Sales Contract, with a factor of 1.08 for Monday though Friday and 0.8 for Saturday and Sundays (these factors can be changed by Grant). A vista wil pay montWy for the non-finn energy, the product of the estimate annual power cost contained in the pro forma statement from the Product Sales Contract and the ratio of A vista's estimated non-firm to the average total generation of Project estimted pursuant to the operating agreements. The payments wil be trued up to actual values not later than 150 days after end of each contract year. Upon notice to Grant by Januar 1, 2003 A vista may make a one time exchange of non-fir for load following on the basis of 1.5 MW for each MW ofnon-fi. Avista's share Of load following wil be the ratio of the number ofMWs of non-firm exchanged by Avista to the total exchanged by all purchasers. Load following product wil be available staring November 1, 2005. Load following product wil be reduced if Grant is unable to meet specified obligations. The monthly maximum load following wil be 50 MW from November I, 2005 though October 31,2009 and 100 MW after October 31, 2009. On or before the 10lh day precedig each month Grant wil estimate the monthly minimum load following product. Energy associated with load following shall be returned 168 hours after the delivery on like days/hours. Grant wil charge for any spill allocated to Grant if it is deterrned by Grant that such spil was directly attrbutable to the actions of the purchaser.. Excess load following taken shall be paid for at a rate (in $/mw-mo.) as quoted by BPA.. StafCPR_133_Attachment-A.pdf Page 23 of 23 . .PRIEST RAPIDS PROJECT REASONABLE PORTION POWER SALES CONTRACT . StafCPR_133_Attachment-B.pdf E02- DO'l(PO Page 1 of 34 . . . Section Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. INDEX TO SECTIONS Page Term of Contract ..............................................................................................................1 Definitions. ........ ............. ........... ..................................... ........ .... .......... ..... ............. ..........1 Proceeds From the Saleofthe Reasonable Portion.........................................................5 Determnation of Estiated Purchaser Revenue Allocation of Reasonable Porton Proceeds ........ .............. ....... .... .............................. ...... ....... ........ ....... ...... ....... ....... 8 Anual Power Costs. ....................... .......... ....................... ...... ........ .... ...... ........ ......... .....11 Payment For Priest Rapids Project Purchaser Revenue Allocation..............................14 Support and Cooperation................................................................................................16 Payment of the Reasonable Porton Proceeds ................ ....... ........... ....... ......................17 Information to be Made Available to the Purchaser......................................................18 Insurance......... .............. ... .......... ..... ........... ...... ............ ... ...... .... .......... ...... ............... .......19 Project Integration ..........................................................................................................19 Liability of Paries ..........................................................................................................19 Notices and Computation of Time.............................................................. ...................20 Distrct's Bond Resolutions and License.......................................................................20 Governng Law.............. ................. ...... ............ .................... ...... ......... .................. ....... ..20 Assignent of Contract ........ ......... .... ....... ...... ....................... ...... .......... ....................... ..20 Remedies on Default... ......................... ...... ..... ............... ....... ...... ............. ......... ........ .....21 Venue and Attorney Fees ......... ............................................. ................ .........................22 Compliance With Law............... ................ .....................................................................23 Headings .........................................................................................................................23 Entire Agreement; Modification; Confict in Precedence .............................................23 No Partership or Third Par Rights ............................................................................23 Purchasers' Committee; Arbitration ........... ................................... ................................23 Representations and Warranties ...................... ........... ...... ....... ....... ................................25 Counterpars ..... ....... ... .... ..... ......................... .... .......... ........ ...... ...... .................................26 Section 5. Section 6. Section 7. Section 8. Section 9. Section 10. Section 11. Section 12. Section 13. Section 14. Section 15. Section 16. Section 17. Section 18. Section 19. Section 20. Section 21. Section 22. Section 23. Section 24. Section 25. Exhbits Exhibit A - Bond Resolution Sections Exhibit B - Areas Served Outside Grant County Staff_PR_133=-~ttachment-B.pdf Page 2 0134 . . . PRIEST RAPIDS PROJECT REASONABLE PORTION POWER SALES CONTRACT Executed by PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.2 OF GRAT COUNTY And A VISTA CORPORATION This contract is entered into as of December ~, 2001 between Public Utilty Distrct No.2 of Grant County, Washigton (the "Distrct"), a muncipal corporation of the State of Washigton, and Avista Corporation (the "Purchaset'), a corporation organzed and existing under the laws of the State of Washington. The Distrct and the Purchaser are referred to as a "Party" and collectively as "Paries." SECTION 1. TERM OF CONTRACT. (a) Except as otherwise provided herein, this contract shall be in full force and effect from and after it has been executed by the Distrct and the Purchaser. Unless sooner termnated pursuant to other provisions, this contract shall remain in effect until the earlier of expirtion or termination of the New FERC License or such time that the Distrct no 10nger has authority to market Priest Rapids Project Output. Except as otheiwse provided herein all obligations accruing under this contract are preserved until satisfied. (b) Notwithstanding Section l(a), the affative obligations of the Parties in Sections 3(a), (b), (c), (d) and (g), 4 through 6, 8 through 12 and 23 (a) and (b) (1-2, and 5) shall tae effect on November 1, 2005. (c) Except as provided in Section l(d), all Eligible Purchasers shall have until December 31, 2001 to execute this contract. (d) If the City of Forest Grove, McMinnvile, Milton-Freewater or Seattle City Light provides the District written assurance on or before December 31, 2001, that its superintendent or its city manager supports the execution of this contract and wil so recommend to its city council, then if Seattle City Light provides such written assurance it shall have until March 31, 2002, to execute this contrct, and if Forest Grove, McMinnvile or Milton Freewater provides the Distrct such written assurance, the city providing such written assurance shall have until February 1,2002, to execute this contract. SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. As used in this contract, the following terms when initially capitalized shall have the following meanings: "1956 Contract" shall mean the contract entered into by the Distrct and varous paries durng May 1956 for the sale of capacity and energy from the Priest Rapids Development as supplemented and amended from time to time. StafCPR_133_1ttachment-S.Pdf Page 30f34 . . . "1959 Contract" shall mean the contract entered into by the Distrct and varous pares durng June 1959 for the sale of capacity and energy from the Wanapum Development as supplemented and amended from time to time. "Anual FERC License" shall mean a license for the Priest Rapids Project issued by FERC to the Distrct for an interim period before a New FERC License. "Bond Resolution" shall mean each and all of the resolutions adopted by the Distrct authorizing the issuance of outstading Debt for the Priest Rapids Project. "Contract Year" shall mean the 12 month period commencing at 12:01 a.m. on Janua 1 of each year and ending at 12:01 a.m. on the following January 1; provided, however, that the first Contract Year shall commence on November 1, 2005, and end the following January 1, 2006, and that the last Contract Year shall end on the last day of the New FERC License, or such tie that the Distrct no longer has authority to market Prest Rapids Project Output. "Contract(s)" shall mean t1s contract and similar contracts between the Distrct and other Purchasers. "Debt" shall mean any bonds, notes, or other debt obligations of the District, including, but not limited to all bonds outstanding at the effective date of this contract, a line of credit, installment purchase agreement, financing lease, interfund loan, derivative securties or payment obligations and any other obligation for borrowed money, the proceeds of which wil be used for the benefit of the Priest Rapids Project, including to finance betterments, renewals, replacements and additions to the Priest Rapids Project, to refud other debt, or any other lawful purose related to the Priest Rapids Project. Debt does not include the Columbia River-Priest Rapids llydro- Electrc Production System Revenue Bonds, Series 1956, which have been paid, or the Wanapum Hydroelectrc Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 1963, which are scheduled to be repaid on or prior to January 1,2004. ''Electrc System" shall mean the separate electrc utilty system of the Distrct, including all associated generation, transmission and distrbution facilities and any betterents, renewals, replacements and additions of such system, but does not include the Priest Rapids Project or any other utilty propertes designated as a separate utility system of the Distrct. "Eligible Purchasers" means the Purchasers who ar pares to the 1956 and 1959 Contracts, and the Kootenai Electrc Cooperative, Inc., Clearater Power Company, Idaho County Light and Power Cooperative Association, Inc., Northern Lights, Inc. and the electrc cooperative members of the Snake River Power Association, Inc. (collectively, the "Idaho Cooperatives") as of October 31,2000. "FERC" shall mean the Federal Energy Regulatory Corrssion or its successor. "FERC License" shall mean any license for the Priest Rapids Project issued by FERC to the Distrct. StafCPR_133~iitachment-B'Pdf Page 4 of 34 . . . "Marketing Plan" shall mean the plan for making available in a fair, equitable, and non- discriminatory manner pursuant to market-based principles and procedures the Reasonable Portion as required by applicable law or PL 83-544 Orders. ''New FERC License" shall mean the license issued by FERC to the District followig the expiration of the Original FERC License for operation of the Priest Rapids Project for a duration of30 years or 10nger, not including any subsequent anual or other license. "Operating Agreements" shall mean any agreements to which the Distrct is or may become a par, which provide for operation of the Priest Rapids Project, including but not limited to, the Pacific Northwest Coordination Agreement, the Agreement for the Hourly Coordination of Projects on the Mid-Columbia River, the Western Systems Coordinating Council Agreement, the Agreement Relating to Wanapum Development Encroachment on the Rock Island Project and the Northwest Power Pool, which is the voluntar association of utilities formed in the Pacific Nortwest for the purose of ensurng the adequacy and reliability of the electrc power systems in the Pacific Northwest. "Original FERC License" shall mean the Federal Power Commssion License for the Priest Rapids Project issued to the Distrct on November 4, 1955, together with amendments thereto. "Pacific Northwest" shall have the meanng ascribed thereto in Section 3(14) ofthe Regional Act. "Priest Rapids Development" shall mean the separate utilty system ofthe Distrct, including a dam at the Priest Rapids Development, all generation and transmission facilties associated therewith, and all betterments, renewals, replacements, and additions to such system, as fuer described in Section 2(i) of Exhbit 1 of Distrct Resolution No. 390 which is attched as Exhbit A, but shall not include any additional generation, tranmission and distrbution facilities hereafter constrcted or acquired by the Distrct as a par of the Electrc System or the Wanapum Development or any other utilty properties of the Distrct acquired or constrcted as a separate utility system. "Priest Rapids Project" shall mean the hydroelectrc project on the Columbia River in the State of Washigton designated by the Federal Power Commssion as Project No. 2114. The Priest Rapids Project consists of the Priest Rapids Development and the Wanapum Development. "Priest Rapids Project Output" shall mean the amount of capacity, energy (both firm and non- firm), pondage, reactive power, ancilary services and any other product from the Priest Rapids Development from November 1, 2005 to November 1, 2009 and from the Priest Rapids Project from November 1, 2009 through the term of this contract under the operating conditions which exist durng the term, including periods when the Priest Rapid Project may be wholly or parially inoperable for any reason, after correction for encroachment, Canadian entitlement, station and project use, and depletions required by the FERC License or other regulatory requirements. "Prudent Utility Practice" mean those practices, methods and acts which: (i) when engaged in are commonly used in prudent engineering and operations to operate electrc equipment and associated mechanical and civil facilities lawfully and with safety, reliability, efficiency and expedition or (ii) in the exercise of reasonable judgment considerig the facts known when engaged in could StafCPR_133J,ttachment-B.Pdf Page 50f34 . have been reasonably expected to achieve the desired result consistent with applicable law, safety, reliability, effciency and expedition. Prudent Utilty Practice is not intended to be the optimum practice, method or act, to the exclusion of all others, but rather to be a spectr of commonly used practices, methods or acts. "Public Law 83-544" (or ''PL 83-544") shall mean the legislation passed by the 83rd Congress authoriing the Distrct to develop the Priest Rapids Project. "Purchasers" shall mean the Purchaser and each person or entity that has entered into a contract with the District substantially similar to this contract. . "Purchaser Revenue Allocation" shall mean the fixed percentage (stated to the second decimal point, e.g., 0.01 %) as set fort in Section 3(b) of the proceeds from and the costs ofthe sale of the Reasonable Portion made available under this contract. For paries to the 1956 and 1959 Contracts, Purchaser Revenue Allocation may not exceed twce the average of their parcipation in the 1956 and 1959 Contracts except that for those Purchasers that were paries to the 1956 Contracts but were not paries to the 1959 Contrcts their Purchaser Revenue Allocation for the period November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2009 may not exceed twice their parcipation in the 1956 Contract. For any individual Idaho Cooperative, Purchaser Revenue Allocation shall not exceed the Purchaser Product Percentage of any individual par to the 1956 or 1959 Contract that is one of the Purchasers except when the provisions of Section 3( e) are applied. The Purhaser Revenue Allocation set fort in Section 3(b) is subject to revision pursuant to Sections 3(e), 3(f), 3(g), 3(h) and 4(f). "Reasonable Portion" shall mean that 30% portion of the Priest Rapids Project Output required by FERC pursuant to Public Law 83-544 to be offered for sale by the Distrct. ''Reasonable Portion Proceeds" shall mean the proceeds derived from the sale of the Reasonable Portion pursuant to the Marketing Plan. ''Regional Act" shall mean Public Law 96-501, the Pacific Northwest Electrc Power Plang and Conservation Act. "Uncontrollable Forces" shall mean any cause reasonably beyond the control of the Par and which the Par subject thereto has made reasonable efforts to avoid, remove or mitigate, including but not limited to acts of God, fie, flood, explosion, stre, sabotage, act of the public enemy, civil or militar authority, including court orders, injunctions, and orders of governent agencies with proper jurisdiction, insurection or riot, an act of the elements, failure of equipment or contractors, or inabilty to obtain or ship materials or equipment because of the afect of similar causes on suppliers or carers; provided, however, that in no event shall an Uncontrollable Force excuse the Purchaser from the obligation to pay any amount when due and owing under tms contract. ''Wanapum Development" shall mean the second stage of the Priest Rapids Project as more fully described in Section 2.2 of Distrct Resolution No. 474, which is attached as Exhbit A, but shall not include any generation, transmission and distrbution facilities hereafter constrcted or. -4-StafCPR_133_Attachment-B.pdf Page 6 of~4 . acquired by the Distrct as a par of the Electrc System or the Pnest Rapids Development, or any other utilty properties of the Distrct acquired or constrcted as a separte utility system. The following terms are defined in the cited sections of this contract: . "Act ofDefault" at Section 17(a). "Anual Power Costs" at Section 5(a). "Committee" at Section 23. "Coverage Requirement" at Section 5(a)(9). "Estimated Distrct Load" at Section 4( c )(1). "Estimated Distrct Power Costs" at Section 4( c)( 4). "Estimated Power Cost Shortfall" at Section 8(a)(4). "Estimated Unmet Distrct Load" at Section 4(c)(3). "Excess Costs" at Section 6(g). "Financing Costs" at Section 5(a)(3). "Idaho Cooperatives" at "Eligible Purchasers," "Improvements" at Section 4(f)(4). "Multi-Year Contracts" at Section 8(a)(3). "New FERC License Costs" at Section 5(a)(6). "Par" and "Pares" at the Preamble. "PL 83-544 Orders" at Section 3(h). "Purchaser Estimated Costs" at Section 6(a)(5). ''Refud Costs" at Section 6(g). ''Rock Island Hydroelectrc Project" at Section 11(b). "Zero Year" at Section 8(a)(3). SECTION 3. PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE OF THE REASONABLE PORTION. (a) Pursuant to the PL 83-544 Orders, the Reasonable Porton must be offered for sale. The Distrct, therefore, desires to mitigate the risk associated with generating the Reasonable Portion including, bllt not liited to, the uncertainty of future Priest Rapids Project Output, costs and market prices. The Distrct believes that this can be best accomplished by allocating to Purchasers the costs and proceeds from the sale of the Reasonable Portion. (b) Upon execution of this contract, Purhaser shall select a percentage allocation of the costs and proceeds from the sale of the Reasonable Portion as described below. The percentage allocation of the costs and proceeds from the sale of the Reasonable Portion ("Purchaser Revenue Allocation") shall be ~ percent. The amount of the proceeds and the costs from the sale ofthe Reasonable Portion are defined in Sections 4 and 6, respectively. ( c) The District wil use the Purchaser Revenue Allocation of the Reasonable Portion Proceeds to purchase capacity and energy for the Purchaser pursuant to a supplementar agreement between the Purchaser and the Distrct. The Distrct wil directly assign to the Purchaser the cost incured by the District in using the Purchaser Revenue Allocation to purchase such capacity and energy.. StafCPR_133~l.itachment-B.Pdf Page 7of34 . . . (d) By notification to the District pursuant to Section 4(b), the Purchaser may elect to receive its Purchaser Revenue Allocation of Reasonable Porton Proceeds in cash rather than receiving energy and capacity. i (e) REALLOCATION. If collectively Purchasers subscribe to Purchaser Revenue Allocations that total more than 100%, then Purchaser Revenue A110cations wil be determined as follows; provided, however, that the application of the following formula shall not result in the Purchasers being assigned a Purchaser Revenue Allocation larger than that included in ths contract on the date of execution: (1) Step 1. One-hundred percent of the Purchaser Revenue Allocation will be divided between the Purchaers who are paries to the 1956 and 1959 Contracts, as a group, and the Purchasers who are included in the Idaho Cooperatives, as a group, in proportion to the number of retail electrc customers 10cated in the Pacific Nortwest (deterined by the number of retail meters) served by each group as of October 31,2000. (2) Step 2. Each Purchaser's Revenue A110cation wil be determed as follows: (A) For Purchasers who are paries to the 1956 and 1959 Contracts, the proporton of such Purchaser Revenue Allocations frm Step 1 above will be distrbuted to individual Purchasers as follows: (i)For November 1, 2005 through October 31, 2009 the Purchaser Revenue Allocations shall be distrbuted in proportion to paricipation in the 1956 Contract and 1959 Contract weighted 75% and 25%, respectively. For the period afer November 1, 2009 the Purchaser Revenue Allocations shall be distrbuted in proportion to the sum of parcipation in the 1956 Contrct and 1959 Contract divided by two. (ii) (B) For the Purchasers who are included in the Idaho Cooperatives, the proportion of such Purchaser Revenue Allocations from Step 1 will be distrbuted to such individual cooperatives in proportion to the number of retail electrc customers located in the Pacific Northwest (determined by number of retaii meters) each cooperative sered as of October 31, 2000. (f) Ifthe reallocation procedure of Section 3(e) is implemented, then for the period November 1, 2005 through October 31,2009, the following shall apply to Purchasers who were parties to the 1956 Contracts but were not paries to the 1959 Contracts: (1) The Purchaser Revenue Allocation shall be adjusted to be in proportion to paricipation in the 1956 Contract (the Purchaser's percent paricipation in the 1956 Contrct divided by 63.5%). (2) The Distrct shall be obligated to provide the Reasonable Portion Proceeds pursuant to Section 5 using the Purchaser Revenue Allocation, calculated pursuant to Section 3(f)(1), and the Purchaser shall be obligated to make payments pursuant to Sections 5 and 6 using such Purchaser Revenue Allocation. StafCPR_133~íttachment-B.Pdf Page 8 of 34 . . . The adjustments to Purchaser Revenue Allocation pursuant to this Section 3(1) wil have no effect on the Purchaser Revenue Allocation of any other Purchaser. (g) If a Contract with one of the Purchasers is termnated pursuant to Section i 7 as a result of such Purchaser's Act of Default, the Distrct shall give the non-defaulting Purchasers notice of such default. Beginnng with the fist month that is at least 30 days following such notice, the Revenue Alocations (other than zero) of non-defaulting Purchasers shall be increased pro rata until either: (i) the Purchaser Revenue Allocation of the defaulting Puchaser have been fully allocated or (ii) a fuer pro rata increase to the Purchaser Revenue Allocations of the non- defaulting Purchasers would adversely affect the tax-exempt status of any outstanding Debt. In the event of (ii), the portion of the Purchaser Revenue Allocation of the defaulting Purchaser not yet allocated wil be offered to all Purchasers that can accept such allocation without adversely affecting the tax-exempt status of any outstanding Debt. If afer such offer there remains some portion of the Purchaser Revenue Allocation of the defaultig Purchaser not yet allocated, the Distrct at its discretion may elect to accept such unallocated portion. If after all of the foregoing there remains unallocated Purchaser Revenue Allocation of the defaulting Purchaser, the Purchaser Revenue A110cations (other than zero) of non-defaulting Purchasers shall be increased pro rata based on each such non-defaulting Purchaser's Purchaser Revenue Allocation before any allocation under this Section 3(g). In the event that the allocation described in the imediately preceding sentence adversely affects the ta-exempt statu of Debt, any increased costs resultig therefrom wil be included in Anual Power Costs. Nothng in ths subsection is intended to limt any claims the non-defaulting Purchasers may assert against the defaulting Purchaser. (h) REGULATORY APPROVALS. The Distrct and the Purchaser believe tht ths contract fully complies with the requirements of Public Law 83-544. FERC has ordered that a Reasonable Portion of the Priest Rapids Project Output be offered for sale based on market priciples and that Eligible Purchasers are to receive a meaningful priority. Additionally, FERG has stated that the Distrct may negotiate power contracts as part of the license application process provided that implementation of such contracts is contingent on receipt of license authority. The Distrct and the Purchaser agree that nothg in ths contract limits in any way the Distrct's abilty to conform to these FERC requirements. Nothing in tils contract, other than Section 7, limits the abilty of the Purchaser from paricipating in any FERC or cour proceedings that may address Public Law 83-544. The Paries understand that FERC's orders of Februar 11, 1998 and June 12, 1998 in Docket No. EL95-35 (the "PL 83-544 Orders") require the Distrct, as par of its application for a New FERC License, to file the Marketing Plan for makng available the Reasonable Porton in a fair, equitable and non-discriminatoiy manner pursuant to market-based priciples and procedures. The Pares furter understand and agree that nothig in this contract is intended to affect or limit in anyway the right of the Distrct to develop and file the Marketig Plan which it determines is consistent with the PL 83-544 Orders. In the event that FERC or a court of competent jursdiction shall by order determine that any provision of this contract violates a requirement of either PL 83-544 or of any of the PL 83- Staff _PR _133 jttachment-Sol?df Page 90f34 . . . 544 Orders, the Paries shall, within 30 days of the entr of such an order, commence negotiations for the purose of reachig agreement on such amendments to this contrct, if any, as may be needed for the purpose of complying with that order and for the purose of preserving the basic benefits and obligations of the Paries. If, within 90 days of commencement of negotiations, the Paries are not able to resolve their differences and to agree upon any necessar amendments, either Pary may, afer notice to the other Par, cause the matter to be submitted to binding arbitration as provided in Section 23. If following the issuance of the arbitration decision, a Pary reasonably determines that acceptance of such amendments wil result in matenally decreased benefits or matenally increased obligations when compared to this contract, the Party may by notice to the other Pary explain its reasons for the determnation and, if given within 10 days of the arbitration decision, terminate this contract. SECTION 4. DETERMATION OF ESTIMATED PURCHASER REVENUE ALLOCATION OF REASONABLE PORTION PROCEEDS. (a) The estimated Purchaser Revenue Allocation of the Reasonable Portion Proceeds expected to be available to Purchaser during each Contract Year wil be determined by application of the following provisions of this Section 4. (b) On or before 60 days prior to the beginning of each Contract Year, Purchaser shall provide the Distrct with wrtten notification ifit wishes to elect, pursuant to Section 3(d), to receive its Purchaser Revenue Allocation of Reasonable Portion Proceeds in cash instead of the District purchasing energy and capacity therewith. In the event that Purchaser fails to make such annual election pursuant to this section, tle Distrct wil provide Purchaser with energy and capacity pursuant to Section 3(c). (c) For the purpose of determining the estimated Purchaser Revenue A110cation of the Reasonable Portion Proceeds for the next Contract Year, on or before 30 days prior to the beginning of each Contract Year, the District shall prepare and mail to the Purchaser a pro forma statement showing for the next Contract Year: (1) "Estimated Distrct Loads," which shall mean all projected retail electrc energy loads for the next Contract Year based on average' weather conditions, plus aggregated losses, proj ected to be used at 10cations served by" the District durng the next Contrct Year with the exception of (i) locations outside of the geographic boundares shown on Exhibit B and (ii) that portion of loads of individual retail customers that dunng a consecutive 12 month period after 2000 exceed by ten average megawatts or more the energy load of such customer for the immediately preceding consecutive 12 month period. Once load at a location is included in Estimated Distrct Loads, loads at such 10cation shall continue'to be included in full in futue Contract Years without regard to the source of supply for such load. For example, if a 10ad is expected to be served in all or par by an entity other than the Distrct dunng the next Contract Yea, the entire load shall continue to be included in Estimated Distrct Loads. If a new load or increased load of one average megawatt or more at a single retail customer has been included in Estimated Distrct Loads in the curent Contract Year, and less thn 90% of such new or increased load was actually measured in Staff_PR_133~iitachment-B.Pdf Page 10 of 34 .the curent year, then Estimated Distrct Loads shall be reduced for the next Contract Year by the diference between the amount included in the current Contract Year and the amount measured. If there are more than one such new or increased 1000s for the curent Contract Year, they shall be combined for determining both the 90% and the amount of any reduction. If in the curent Contract Year a load of one average megawatt or more is placed on the Distrct which was not included in the curent Contract Year's Estimated Distrct Loads, then the next Contract Year's Estimated Distrct Loads shall be increased by the amount of such load measured in the curent Contract Year. Except for such load correction. calculations, Estiated Distrct Loads for the next Contract Year shall be not less than the curent Contract Year's Estimated Distrct Loads. (2) The estimated amount of firm energy from the Priest Rapids Project for the next Contract Year based on critical water planing using the procedures of Operatig Agreements in effect on October 31, 2000, uness the Distrct and Purchasers whose Purchaser Revenue Allocation total 66% or more mutually agree to use procedures from a subsequent Operating Agreement. (3) The monthly amount of "Estimated Unmet Distrct Load" determned as follows: . (A) Prior to November 1, 2009, the Estiated Distrct Load as calculated in Section 4(c)(I) less 70% of the estimated fi energy output of the Priest Rapids Development less 36.5% of the estimated fi energy output of the Wanapum Development both as calculated in Section 4( c )(2). (B) On or after November 1, 2009, the Estimated Distrct Loads as calculated in Section 4( c)(1) less 70% of the estimated firm energy output of the Priest Rapids Project as calculated in Section 4(c)(2). (C) In the event that the calculation in Section 4(c)(3)(A) or (B) above is less than zero the Estimated Unmet Distrct Load wil be zero. (D) The difference so determed will be shaped on a monthly basis using the Distrct's historic 10ad patterns. ./ (4) The "Estimated Distrct Power Costs" which shall equal the estimated cost, including the costs of transmission and other necessar services, of acquig the monthly amount of capacity and energy identified in Section 4(c)(3) determed by references to published futues price data and firm power supply contracts entered into by the Distrct, and rates for tranmission and other necessar services. Prior to the star of the next Contract Year, any Purchaser may provide the Distrct with a wrtten fi and irevocable bides) for all or par of the capacity and energy needed to serve the Estimated Unmet Distrct Load from Section 4( c )(3) for the next Contract Year, and for which the Distrct has not procured a firm power supply. If such bides), or in the case of a parial supply bid the combination of the bid and the Estimated Power Cost for the remaining Estimated Unmet Distrct Load, is less costly than the Estimated Distrct Power Cost set forth in the pro forma statement as determined by the Distrct, the Distrct may either: (i) acquire from the PurcNiser the. -9-Staff_PR_133_Attachment-B.pdf Page 11 of 34 . . . capacity and energy offered and use the bid price in the calculation of the Estmated Distrct Power Costs for the Estimated Unmet Distrct load so served; or (ü) substitute the bid price for the portion of the Estimated Unmet Distrct Load that could have been served with the capacity and energy so bid in the calculation of Estimated Distrct Power Costs. (5) The estiated Reasonable Portion Proceeds. (d) Subject to Section 8, in those Contract Year when the Distrct has Estimated District Power Costs as determined pursuant to Section 4(c)(4), the Distrct sha11 be entitled to and shall tae from the actual Reasonable Portion Proceeds the Estimated District Power Costs calculated pursuant to Section 4(c)(4). (e) Subject to Section 8, the Purchaser shall have available the capacity and energy purchased pursuant to Section 3(~) with an amount equal to the-actual Reasonable Portion Proceeds received by the Distrct, minus the Estimated Distrct Power Costs as calculated in Section 4(c)(4), multiplied by the Purchaser Revenue Allocation; provided, however, if the Purchaser has elected to receive cash rather than capacity and energy, Purchaser shall be entitled to receive in cash an amount equal to the actual Reasonable Portion Proceeds received by the Distrct, minus the Estimated Distrct Power Costs as calculated in Section 4(c)(4), multiplied by the Purchaser Revenue Allocation. (f) The Purchaser Revenue Allocation of the Reasonable Porton Proceeds available to Purchaser may be reduced if the Distrct does not obtain an Anual FERC License or New FERC License, and under any of the following conditions as determined by the District: (1) Pursuant to Section 4. (2) lfthe Distrct is unable to produce the Reasonable Porton due to Uncontrollable Forces. (3) If failure to reduce deliveries of the Reasonable Portion would result in exceeding the capability of the Priest Rapids Project or subject it or its operation to undue hazard or violate the FERC License, any applicable law, regulation, or Operating Agreement. (4) In case of emergencies or in order to install equipment ii, make repais to, make betterments, renewals, replacements, and additions to (''Iprovements''), investigations and inspections of, or perform other maintenance work on the Priest Rapids Project. The Distrct wil use its reasonable efforts to give advance notice to the Purchaser regarding any planed interrption or reduction, giving the reason therefor and stating the probable duration thereof. (g) Notwithstanding any other Section of this contract, if the Priest Rapids Project is capable of producing Priest Rapids Project Output, but the Purchaser Revenue Allocation . of the Reasonable Portion Proceeds to be madè available to the Purchaser is projected to be zero for a Contract Year, the Purchaser may give the Distrct wrtten notice, no later than 100 days after -10-Staff_PR_133_Alachment-B.pdf Page 12 of 34 . . . the star of the Contract Year, that the Purchaser elects to termnate ths contract. In such event, ths contrct shall terminate effective upon receipt of such written notice by the Distrct. SECTION 5. ANNUAL POWER COSTS. (a) "Amual Power Costs" as used in this contract shall include, for the Priest Rapids Development beginning November 1, 2005 and for the Priest Rapids Project beginnng November 1, 2009, all of the Distrct's costs and expenses of every tye, both direct and indiect, resulting from the ownership, operation, maintenance of and hnprovements that are incured or paid by the Distrct durng each Contract Year and that are incured consistent with Prudent Utility Practice. Such costs and expenses sha for any Contract Year include, but not be limited to the following, in each case without duplication: (1) All operations costs, maintenance costs, administrative costs, taxes, in lieu of tax payments relating to production and delivery of Priest Rapids Project Output (excluding depreciation) including, but not limited to, those specified in the Uniform System of Accounts as prescribed by the FERC for electrc utilties and licensees. (2) Amounts that the Distrct determnes are needed to pay for the prevention or correction of any loss or damage and for Improvements to keep the Pnest Rapids Project in good operating condition. Subject to Section 23, the Purchaser agrees that the Distrct shall have the sole right to determne what costs and expenses shall be incured in connection with the ownership, operation, and maintenance of and Improvements to the Priest Rapids Proj ect. (3) Subject to Section See), interest that accrues and is payable into the debt service fund with respect to outstanding Debt; principal that accrues and is payable into the debt service fund with respect to outstanding Debt, whether at matunty or by reason of redemption (including premiums for redeeming Debt prior to its scheduled maturity), amounts required to restore any reserve accounts maintained to secure Debt to the level required by the resolution authorizing the Debt and Financing Costs. "Financing Costs" include, but are not limited to, discounts, insurance premiums, letter of credit fees, costs of hedging Interest rates, costs of compliance with disclosure requirements, legal and bond counsel fees, independent auditors, priting, financial advisor, bond registrar and trstee costs. (4) Subject to Section 5(e), costs of creating and replenishing any reserve or contingency fud required to be maintaied by any Bond Resolutions and working capital fuds. (5) Any liabilty or cost, including settlements and judgments, incured as a result of or related to the ownership, operation or maintenance of the Priest Rapids Project and not covered by msurance. (6) Costs incured by the District in applying for a New FERC License as recorded on the Distrct's books of account for the Priest Rapids Project (account number 183090), including but not limited to those costs and interest expenses incured before November 1, 2005 ("New FERC License Costs"). New FERC License Costs incurred pnor to November 1, 2005 will be recovered unformly over a 15-year amortization period -11-StafCPR_133_Åttachment-B.pdf Page 13 of 34 . . . commencing with the Contract Year staring on Januar 1, 2006. The estimated New FERC License Costs incured by the Distrct after November 1,2005 will be included in Anual Power Costs. In the event of termination of tlus contract for any reason subsequent to the effective date of the New FERC License, the Purchaser shall pay the Distrct an amount equal to the unecovered New FERC License Costs multiplied by the Purchaser Power Allocation at the time of termation. In the event of termnation of this contract for any reason prior to the effective date of the New FERC License, Purchaser shall have no liabilty for unecovered New FERC License Costs. (7) Obligations entered into by the Distrct as par of its effort to obtain a New FERC License, including but not limited to the cost of replacing Priest Rapids Project Products that may be committed in such obligations. (8) Costs incurred by the District to fulfill obligations, if any, to paries to the 1956 and 1959 Contracts who do not sign ths contract, as such costs are required or approved by a cour, or reasonably approved by the Distrct afer notice to the Purchaser. (9) An amount equal to 15% of debt service in that Contract Year or such higher amount as may be required by a Bond Resolution ("Coverage Requirement"). (b) The Distrct shall credit against Anual Power Costs the following: (1) Any insurance or other proceeds received by the District as reimbursement for damages, losses, costs or expenses included in the Anual Power Costs, and any insurance or other proceeds received as a result of the interrption or reduction of Priest Rapids Project Output. (2) Revenue, if any, received from obligations entered into by the Distrct as par of its effort to obtai a New FERC License. (3) Revenue, if any, received as a result of the Distrct fulfillng obligations to parties to the 1956 or 1959 Contracts that do not sign this contract, pursuant to Section (l)(b) of those contracts, excluding revenue required to be paid pursuant to the 1959 Contract. (4) The Coverage Requirement, to the extent that it is not expended durg a Contract Year for capital or other costs of the Priest Rapids Project (the amount not spent shall be credited against Anual Power Costs for the following Contract Year). (5) Interest earnings on funds of the Priest Rapids Project that are not required to be retained by such fud by a Bond Resolution. (c) Costs directly or indirectly associated with the District's Electrc System or any other separate system of the District shall not be part of Anual Power Costs other than the payment of Debt held by the Electric System. -1?-Staff_PR_133_Altachment-B.pdf Page 140134 .(d) Any payment received by the District as a result of the takng of the whole or any portion of the Priest Rapids Project Output by any state or federal governent agency shall be used by the District to credit Anual Power Costs or to retire, at or prior to maturity, Debt, whichever shall be proper under the circumstances existing at the time ofthe takg. (e) The Purchaser agrees that the Distrct shall have the sole discretion to deterne what porton, if any, of the Priest Rapid Project financing wil be accomplished by issuance of Debt and the terms and covenants of any Debt. . (1) To the extent that the Distrct makes Improvements to the Priest Rapids Project that are not financed by Debt proceeds, Anual Power Costs will include a cost as determined by the following: the Distrct shall determine all of the Improvements anticipated for the Priest Rapids Project for the Contrct Year and the District shall estimate the weighted average economic service life of the Improvements, and shall calculate a weighted average market interest rate assuming the Distrct were to issue Debt to finance such Improvements, both as reasonably determned by the Distrct. Based on such calculations the District shall include in Anual Power Costs an amount sufficient to amortize the costs (including both interest and principal pursuant to this Section 5(e)(1)) of such Improvements on a level basis over a period equal to the estimated weighted average economic service life of the Improvements. The amortization period for any Improvements shall not exceed 30 years and land shall be deemed to have a service life of 30 years. The District may adjust prospectively the amortization of any Improvements to reflect the actual costs of such Improvements, to correct any error in computation or to reflect a material change in the Distrct's estimate of the average economic life of the Improvements. The District shall not be required to amortize capital expenditures that are estimated to cost below the amount that in accordance with the District's capitalization policy are not required to be capitalized and may include such costs in Anual Power Costs. . (2) To the extent that the District issues Debt (i) with a final matuty that is not earlier than the expiration of the estimated weighted average service life of the Improvements, to be financed with the Debt and (ii) the tota anual amounts required for the payment of interest, principal and sinkng fund requirements of such Debt when due in a Contract Year do not vary by more than 10% from those required in any other Contract Year, then Anual Power Costs shall include the actual principal and sinking fud requirements that accrues and is payable into the debt service fud for that Debt for the Contract Year. To the extent that the District issues Debt that does not meet the requirements of (i) and (ii) in the prior sentence, then Anual Power Costs wil include, with respect to such Debt, an amount as determined by the District as of the date of issuance of the Debt, suffcient to amortize the original pricipal amount of such Debt on a level debt service basis over a period equal to the estimated weighted average economic service life of the Improvements financed or refinanced by such Debt, commencing on the later of (a) the date of issuance of the Debt or (b) the in service date of such Improvements, and based on an interest rate equal to, at the election of the Distrct, either (i) the weighted average interest rate of the Debt or (ii) the weighted average market rate at the time of issuance of the Debt for debt with similar terms and borrowers similar to the Distrct, as reasonably Staff_PR_133~~fachment-B.Pdf Page 15 of 34 . . . determined by the Distrct. The amortization period for any Debt shall not exceed 30 years, land shall be deemed to have an economic useful life of 30 years, and any Debt proceeds deposited into a reserve account shall be credited against Anual Power Cost in the final year of the Debt. The Distrct may adjust prospectively the amortization of the principal amount of any Debt to correct any error in computation or to reflect a material change in the District's reasonable estimate of the in service date or the average economic life of the Improvements. (3) To the extent that the District creates or replenishes reserve and contingency fuds required by Bond Resolutions or working capital fuds that are not financed by Debt proceeds, Anual Power Costs will include a cost determned in a manner analogous to the calculation in Section 5(e)(2) with such amounts amortzed over 15 years. Upon termination of this contract, any such fuds wil belong to the Distrct. (f) On or prior to July 31st of each year, for budgetary puroses only and not for determining Priest Rapids Project Products or Purchaser's payment obligations under this contract, the Distrct shall provide the Purchaser a pro forma budget showing an estimate of Anual Power Costs, Priest Rapids Project Output, Purchaser Revenue Allocation and Estimated Distrct Loads for the following Contract Year. SECTION 6. PAYMENT FOR PRIEST RAPIDS PROJECT PURCHASER REVENUE ALLOCATION. (a) On or before 30 days prior to the beginnng of each Contract Year begig in 2005, the Distrct shall prepare and mail the Purchaser a pro forma statement for the next Contract Year showing: (1) An estimate of Anual Power Costs specifically assigned to the Purchaser. Specific assignent shall occur whenever a Purchaser or a group of Purchasers cause identifiable costs to be placed on the Priest Rapids Project. (2) A detailed estimate of the Anual Power Costs, less those costs specifically assigned in Section 6(a)(I), for the Contract Year. (3) An estimate of the cost to the Purchaser attributable to the Purchaser Revenue Allocation of the costs of the Reasonable Portion, which shall be an amount equal to the product of the Reasonable Portion and the Anual Power Costs from Section 6(a)(2) multiplied by the ratio of the estimated Reasonable Portion Proceeds to be received by the Purchaser calculated pursuant to Section 4(e) to the estimated total Reasonable Portion Proceeds from Section 4( c)(5). (4) An estimate of the cost of purchasing capacity and energy with the Purchaser Revenue Allocation of the Reasonable Portion Proceeds pursuant to Section 3( c). (5) The sum of amounts (expressed in dollars) calculated pursuant to Sections 6(a)(1), (3), and (4), hereinafter referred to as the "Purchaser Estimated Cost." -14-StafCPR_133_Atlachment-B.pdf Page 16 of 34 . . . (6) The amount of the monthly payments to be made by the Purchaser to pay the Purchaser Estimated Cost durng the next Contract Year. (b) The pro forma statement provided pursuant to Section 6(a) shall be in lieu of the issuance of monthly bils to the Purchaser by the Distrct, and the Purchaser shall be obligated to pay the monthly amounts contained therein in accordance with this Section 6. (c) In the event of receipts or payments substantially affecting the Anual Power Costs durng any Contract Year, the Distrct shall prepare and mail to the Purchaser a revised statement of estimated Anual Power Costs and Purchaser Estimated Cost, which revised statement shall supersede any previous statement or revised statement, and the Purchaser shall be obligated to make monthly payments set forth on such revised statement for the balance of the Contract Year. (d) Purchaser Estimated Cost shall continue to accrue and the Purchaser shall make payment for the same up to the time of termination of this contract for whatever reason, irrespective of the condition of the Prest Rapids Project and whether or not it is capable of producing Priest Rapids Project Output, the Reasonable Porton or the Purchaser Revenue Allocation of the Reasonable Portion Proceeds. If the Priest Rapids Proj ect is not capable of producing Priest Rapids Project Output then the Purchaser Estimated Cost wil be based on Priest Rapids Project Output in the last full year of operation. In this event, at the request of the Purchaser, the Distrct wil makes its reasonable best efforts to acquire replacement Priest Rapids Products the cost of which wil be added to the Purchaser Estimated Cost. (e) The monthly payments of Purchaser Estimated Costs set forth in the statement or revised statement shall be due and payable by electronic fuds transfer to the Distrct's account, designated in wrting by the Distrct, on the 20th calendar day of each month. (f) If payment in full of any monthly payment amount set forth on a statement or revised statement is not received by the Distrct on or before the close of business on the 20th day of the month, a delayed payment charge of 2 % of the unpaid amount due will be made. Any bil which remais unpaid for more than 30 days after the due date shall, in addition to the delayed payment charge, accrue interest at the lesser of 1.5% per month or the maximum rate allowed by law. If the 20th calenda day of the month is a Satuday, Sunday or a Distrct recognized holiday, the next following business day shall be the last day on wmch payment may be received without the addition of the delayed-payment charge. Additionally, if payment due to the Distrct under tms Section 6 remains unpaid 30 days afer the due date, the Distrct may thereafter suspend payment of the Purchaser Revenue Allocation to the Purchaser which would otherwise occur until payment in full of all amounts due and owig (including any interest and delay charges) is received by the Distrct. (g) On or before 150 days after the end of each Contract Year, the Distrct wil submit to the Purchaser a detailed statement of the Purchaser Estimated Cost and the Purchaser Actual Cost for the Contract Year. Purchaser Actual Cost on such statement shall be calculated in the same manner as Purchaser Estimated Cost as set forth in Sections 6(a)(1)-(5) but using the actual costs incurred by the Distrct in the preceding Contract Year; provided, however, that StafCPR_133~~fachment-B.Pdf Page 17 of 34 . . . the estimated values calculated pursuant to Sections 4(c)(1)-(2) and 4(c)(5) shall not be modified. If the Purchaser Actual Costs exceed the Purchaser Estimated Costs on such statement ("Excess Costs"), the Distrct shall bil the Purchaser for an amount equal to such Excess Costs, and the Purchaser shall pay such bil withn 30 days or be subject to the delayed-payment and interest charges as provided in Section 6(f). If the Purchaser Actual Costs are less than the Purchaser Estimated Costs, or if credits are due pursuant to Section 5(b) or both ("Refud Costs"), the Distrct shall give credit to the Purchaser against the Purchaser Estimated Costs for the curent Contract Year in an amount equal to such Refund Costs; provided, that if Refud Costs are due to Purchaser following the expiration of this contrct, the Distrct shall make a cash refud of such amount to the Purchaser. (h) The Distrct may use any payments received from the Puchaser under this contract in any maner that the Distrct, in its sole discretion, shall determne. The Distrct agrees to payor cause to be paid for the Priest Rapids Project from lawfully available money of the Distrct, including payments from the Purchaser and other Purchasers, alI the operating costs, taes and assessments, capital expenditues, payments required for Debt and other costs of the Priest Rapids Project. If the District issues tax-exempt Debt based on the governental use of the Priest Rapids Project Output by the Purchaser, the Purchaser covenants that it shall not use any Priest Rapids Project Output in a maner, or take any other action, that wil or is likely to adversely affect the tax-exempt status of any Debt. SECTION 7. SUPPORT AND COOPERATION. (a) The Distrct shall make application and use reasonable efforts to obtain a New PERC License and obtain PERC approval of this contract, if required. The Distrct reserves the right to determe when such applications should be made. (b) In accordance with FERC direction contained in the PL 83-544 Orders, the Distrct commits to providing the Eligible Purchasers with a meanigful priority in the sale of the Reasonable Portion. (c) Purchasers may also paricipate in the development by the Distrct of a proposed Marketing Plan. This Marketing PIan wil be submitted to FERC for approval as par of the relicensing process application; provided, however, that nothing in this Section shall be construed as compellng the Purchaser to comment on or refrain from commenting on the Marketing PIan. (d) Purchaser covenants that it shall provide reasonable support, cooperation and assistance to the District in the Distrct's acquisition of a New and Anual PERC License, any necessar federal, state or local permits relating to the Priest Rapids Project, FERC approval of this contract, if FERC approval is requested by the Distrct; provided, however, that nothing in ths contract shall preclude the Purchaser from filing comments with FERC to protect the Purchaser's economic benefits provided by ths contract. (e) In the event that the Distrct believes that the Purchaser has violated any of the above covenants of Section 7(d), the District may by wrtten notice to the Purchaser describe the alleged violation in reasonable detail and give the Purchaser no less than 10 business days within which to cease the activity in question or to provide to the Distrct a written Staff_PR_133!Á?iãchment-S.Pdf Page 18 of 34 .explanation as to why the Purchaser believes the activity does not constitute a violation of any of the aforementioned covenants. If the Purchaser does not cure the alleged default and the Distrct contiues to consider the action to be in breach of the covenants, the matter shall be resolved pursuant to arbitration conducted under Section 23. If the Purchaser is determined to be in breach ofthe covenants, the District shall have the right to terminate this contract effective immediately upon written notice to the Purchaser, without any liabilty or furter obligation on the par of the District. In the event of such termination, the Distrct shall have the right to use or sell, in any maner the District determines, the Purchaser Revenue Allocation the Purchaser would have been otherwise entitled to under this contract. (f) Purchaser covenants that it shall refrai from filing or supporting any FERC license application for the Priest Rapids Proj ect other than that filed by the Distrct and refrain from filing or supporting any effort that would lead to modification of the FERG decisions on Public Law 83-544 contained in the PL 83-544 Orders, unless such a request or petition is fied by the Distrct and the Purchaser agrees with that request or petition. For puroses of this Section 7(f), "refrain from supporting" means prepare no documents, submit no testimony, sign no other agreement or contract other than this contract for Priest Rapids Proj ect Output or for other products or that is contingent upon a par other than the District receiving a license from FERC to operate the Priest Rapids Project, engage in no lobbying and provide no funding. .(g) The Purchaser covenants that it wil not take any action which, in the opinion of a neutral third party, would likely be constred as: (i) having a material adverse effect on the Distrct's abilty to obtain an Anual FERC License or a New FERC License or on the anticipated economic benefits of this contract or (ii) constituting a judicial challenge to the authority of the District or the Purchaser to enter into and implement the provisions of ths contract. This covenant does not apply to anticipated economic benefits under other agreements between the Distrct and third pares, such as with the Bonnevile Power Administration. (h) In the event that the Distrct believes that the Purchaser has violated any of the above covenants of Section 7(f) or (g), the District may by wrtten notice to the Purchaser describe the alleged violation in reasonable detail and give the Purchaser no less tha 4 business days after receipt of such written notice by Purchaser within which to cease the activity in question or to provide to the District a written explanation as to why the Purchaser believes .the activity does not constitute a violation of any of the aforementioned covenants. If the Purchaser does not cure the alleged default and the District continues to reasonably consider the action to be in breach of the covenants, the Distrct shall have the right to terminate this contract and the 1956 and 1959 Contracts, effective immediately upon written notice to the Purchaser, without any Ii ability or further obligation on the par of the Distrct. In the event of such termination, the District shall have the right to use or sell, in any maner the District determines, the Purchaser Revenue Allocation the Purchaser would have been otherwise entitled to under this contrct and any output from the Priest Rapids Project under the 1956 or 1959 Contracts. .SECTION 8. PAYMENT OF THE REASONABLE PORTION PROCEEDS. -17-StafCPR_133ji.tachment-B.pdf Page 19 of 34 . . . (a) The Purchaser Revenue Allocation of the Reasonable Portion Proceeds shall be paid to the Purchaser monthly, as follows: (1) The monthly payment to the Purchaser shall be the product of the Purchaser Revenue Allocation and the difference between the actual monthy payments of the Reasonable Portion Proceeds received by the Distrct and the monthly Estiated Distrct Power Costs pursuat to Section 4(c)(4); provided, however, if the Purchaser has elected to have. the Distrct make purchases of capacity and energy under a supplementa agreement puruant to Section 3(c), then Purchaser will receive such capacity and energy in lieu ofthe proceeds described in tms Section 8(a)(1). Nothing in ths Section 8(a)(1) will result in a negative payment or a bil to the Purchaser when such Estimated Distrct Power Costs exceed the actual monthly Reasonable Portion Proceeds received by the District. (2) Payments due from the Distrct to Purchaser pursuant to Section 8(a)(1) shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Section 6, and such payment shall be due not later than the 20th calendar day of each month. (3) During the term of this contract, the Distrct may be entitled to take durg a Contract Year all of the Reasonable Portion Proceeds pursuant to Section 4(d) resulting in a zero payment to purchaser ("Zero Year"). If in any Zero Year the Distrct has in place one or more multiple year contracts, the terms of which include or span the Zero Year ("Multi- Year Contracts"), then the payments to the Purchaser from such Multi-Year Contracts included in the calculations performed pursuant to Section 4(e) shall be proportional to the anual market price of power as forecast at the time the Multi-Year Contracts were agreed to by the District. (4) If in any month the Estimated Distrct Power Costs from Section 4(c)(4) exceed the actual Reasonable Porton Proceeds received in such month ("Estimated Power Cost Shortall"), the Estimated Power Cost Shortfall shall be cared forward to the next month or months remaining in the Contract Year in which such Estiated Power Cost Shortfall occurred until paid in full from the Reasonable Portion Proceeds received by the Distrct. SECTION 9. INFORMTION TO BE MAE AVAILABLE TO THE PURCHASER. (a) The District agrees to keep records of the Priest Rapids Project in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts as prescribed by FERC for electrc utilties and licensees; provided, if there are inconsistencies between the Uniform System of Accounts and ths contract, this contract shall control. The Purchaser, upon at least 30 days advance wrtten notice to the Distrct, shall have the right to audit or examne operating. and fiancial records relating to the Priest Rapids Project during the Distrct's normal business hours. To the extent practicable, the Purchasers shall conduct any such audit or examination jointly to minmie the disruption to the Distrct's business operations. All costs incured by the Distrct associated with such audit, including, but not limited to, Distrct labor, materials and reproduction services shall be biled to the Purchaser, and shall be promptly reimbursed by the Purchaser in accordance with Section 6(e). StafCPR_133~ÆfaChment-B.pdf Page 20 of 34 . (b) Upon request, any audit reports of the Priest Rapids Project by a firm of certified public accountants employed by the District or by the State Auditor's Office of the State of Washington wil be provided to the Purchaser. (c) Policies of insurance cared by the District pursuant to Section 10 shall be available at the office of the Distrct for inspection by the Purchaser. (d) The Purchaser's representatives shall at all times be given reasonable access to the Priest Rapids Project, subject to the Distrct's applicable safety rules and regulations. (e) Upon request, the Purchaser may obtain information to document the capabilty of the Priest Rapids Project to produce Priest Rapids Project Output. SECTION 10. INSURACE. The District shall have the right to self-insure and/or obtain and maintai insurance with policies payable to the Distrct for the following coverage: (a) Obligations of the Distrct under any state or federal Workmen's Compensation laws or other employer's liabilty; (b) Public liabilty for bodily injur and propert damage;.(c) Physical loss or damage to the Priest Rapids Project on a replacement cost basis; and (d) Any other insurance determined to be necessary. SECTION 11. PROJECT INTEGRATION. (a) It is the intention of the Parties hereto that the operation of the Priest Rapids Project shall be integrated and that all benefits accruing as a result of such integration shall be shared equally by the Priest Rapids and Wanapuni Developments. It is also agreed that before November 1, 2009 and after such date if required by any Bond Resolution, all joint costs of the Priest Rapids and Wanapum Developments shall be equitably allocated between them as determned by the Distrct. (b) The Paries agre that any compensation (whether energy or money) due or which may become due the owner of the Rock Island Hydroelectrc Project because of encroachment by the Priest Rapids Project after November 1, 2009 on the Rock Island Hydroelectrc Project wil either proportonately reduce the amount of Priest Rapids Project Output or be included in Anual Power Costs, as appropriate, but shall not reduce the amount required to be paid by the Purchaser under Sections 5 and 6. "Rock Island Hydroelectrc Project" shall mean the FERC Hydroelectrc Project No. 943 curently operated by Public Utilty Distrct NO.1 of Chelan County, Washington. .SECTION 12. LIABILITY OF PARTIES. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this contract, each Pary hereby releases the other Part and its commissioners, officers, directors, agents and employees from any claim for loss or damage -1 Q-Staff_PR_133_A'tachment-B.pdf Page 21 of 34 . . . arsing out of the ownership, operation, and maintenance of the Priest Rapids Project including any loss of profits or revenues, loss of use of power system, cost of capital, cost of purhased or replacement power, other substantially siinlar liability or other direct or indirect consequentialloss or daage, except as provided in the Agreement Limiting Liability Among Western Interconnected Systems for paries to that agreement. This release shall not include any claim by the Purchaser for refuds for over-payments made to the Distrct nor any claim for specific pedormance of the Distrct's obligation to deliver to the Purchaser durng the term of ths contract the Purchaser Revenue Allocation to which the Purchaser is entitled under ths contract. (b) The Purchaser shall have no claim of any tye or right of action against the Distrct: (i) as a result of a FERC or court order or amendment described in Section 3(h); (ii) as a result of the failure to receive an Anual FERC License or a New FERC license or the adjustment of delivery of Priest Rapids Products pursuant to Section 4(f) whether arsing under the terms of this contract or otherwise; or (ii) as a result of the Distrct's purchasing power or energy on behalf of the Purchaser pursuant to Sections 3(c), and the Purchaser hereby releases the Distrct and its commissioners, officers, agents and employees from any claim for loss or damage arsing out of the events described in this paragraph. SECTION 13. NOTICES AND COMPUTATION OF TIME. Any notice or demand, except those provided for in Section 6, by the Purchaser under this contract to the Distrct shall be deemed properly given if mailed postage prepaid and addressed to Manager, Public Utilty Distrct No.2 of Grant County, Box 878, Ephrta Washington 98823; any notice or demand by the Distrct to the Purchaser under this contract shall be deemed properly given if mailed postage prepaid and addressed to the Vice President, Energy Resources, Avista Corporation, P. O. Box 3727, Spokane, Washington 99220. In computing any period of time from such notice, such period shal commence at 12:00 AM. (midnght) on the date mailed. The designations of the name and address to which any such notice or demad is directed may be changed at any time by either par giving notice as provided above. SECTION 14. DISTRICT'S BOND RESOLUTIONS AN LICENSE. It is recognized by the Paries that the Distrct, in its operation of the Priest Rapids Project, must comply with the requirements of the Bond Resolution and with the FERC License together with aniendments thereof from time to time made, and the Distrct is hereby authorized to take such actions as the Distrct determines are necessar and appropriate to comply with such Bond Resolution and FERC License. SECTION 15. GOVERNING LAW. The Paries agree that the laws ofthe State of Washington shall govern this contract. SECTION 16. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT. Neither the Purchaser nor the Distrct shall by contract, operation of law or otherwse, assign this contract or any right or interest in this contract without the prior wrtten consent of the other Party, which shall not be umeasonably withheld; provided, however, a Party may, without the consent of the other Part (and without relieving itself from liability hereunder): (i) transfer or -2ri-StafCPR_133jmachment-B.pdf Page 22 of 34 . . . assign this contract to an affiliate of the Part provided that the affliate's creditworthiness is equal or higher than that of the Pary; or (ii) transfer or assign this contract to any person or entity succeeding to all or substantially all of thedIstribution and generating facilties of the Party whose creditworthiness is equal or higher than that of the Party; provided, however, that in each such case, any such assignee shall agree in writing to be bound by the tenns and conditions in this contract and the transferring Part shall deliver such tax and enforceability assurance as the other Par may reasonably request. SECTION 17. REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. (a) "Act of Default" shall mean: (1) The failure of a Part to make, when due, any payment required under this contract if such failure is not remedied within three days after wrtten notice, provided that the payment is not the subject of a good faith dispute pursuant to Section 23. If requested by the Distrct, the Purchaser shall deposit the disputed amount in escrow with a bank acceptable to the Paries. (2) Any representation or waranty in this contract is false or misleading in any materal respect when made or ceases to remain tre durg the ter ofthis contract. (3) The failure of the Purchaser, after Section 7 or any provision thereof has been found by a court to be void, unlawful or unenforceable, to perform in accordance with the provisions of Section 7, including without limitation any provision or provisions found to be void, unlawful or unenforceable. (4) A Pary shall make an assignent or any general arrangement for the benefit of creditors; fie a petition or otherwise commence or acquiesce in the commencement of a proceeding under any banptcy or similar law for the protection of creditors; or otherwise becomes banpt or insolvent or unable to pay its debts as they fall due. (b) If a Par commts an Act of Default durg the tenn of this contract, the non-defaulting Part may take anyone or more of the following remedial steps: (1) Take any action or exercise any remedy provided to the Part under the provisions of Sections 6 or 7. (2) Except where a different time period is set forth herein, if the defaultig Par fails to remedy an Act of Default withn ten days after receiving wrtten notification of the default, then the non-defaulting Par may give a wrtten notice of termation of this contract on a date specified in such notice, which date shall be not less than 30 days afer the date of such notice. If the Purchaser is given wrtten notice as provided herein, ths contract shall termate upon the date specified in such notice, the Purchaser thereafer shall have no right, title, or interest in, to, or with respect to the Priest Rapids Project, or any Purchaser Revenue Allocation, or any Priest Rapids Project Output, but the Purchaser shall remain liable for all amounts due the Distrct which have accrued prior to the date of termination. -21-Staff_PR_133_Ättachment-B.pdf Page 23 of 34 . . . (3) The Distrct may, prior to the termnation of this contract pursuant to Section 17(b)(2), at any time suspend any and all rights of the Purchaser to the Purchaser Revenue Alocation upon not less than five days' notice to the Purchaser. The Distrct may, without fuher notice to the Purchaser, grant any or all of such suspended rights to any person or entity for the duration of the suspension. In such event, the Purhaser shall, in addition to its other obligations under this contract, upon demand, pay to the Distrct all expenses and any losses incured in connection with such suspension and any grant of the suspended rights to another person or entity. No suspension of any or all of the rights of the Purchaser Revenue Allocation shal be constred as an election to termate the interests of the Purchaser in, to, and under ths contract unless a wrtten notice of termation is given to the Purchaser pursuant to ths contract or uness such termination be decreed by a cour of competent jursdiction. (4) The non-defaulting Par may begin and mantai successive proceedings against the defaulting Par for the recovery of damages or for a sum equal to any and all payments required to be made pursuant to ths contract. (5) A Part may take whatever action at law or in equity as may appear necessar or desirable to collect the amounts payable by the defaulting Part under this contract then due and thereafter to become due, or to enforce performance and observation of any obligation, agreement or covenant of the defaulting Par under this contract. (6) No right or remedy conferred upon or reserved to a Par is intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy, and each and every right and remedy shall be cumulative and in addition to any other right or remedy given hereunder, or now or hereafer legally existig, upon the occurence of any Act of Default. Failure of the Distrct to insist at any time on the strct observance or performance by the Purchaser of any of the provisions of ths contract, or to exercise any right or remedy provided for in this contract shall not impair any such right or remedy nor be constred as a waiver or relinquishment thereof for the future. Receipt by the Distrct of any payment required to be made hereunder with knowledge of the breach of any provisions of this contract shall not be deemed a waiver of such breach. In addition to all other remedies provided in this contract, the Distrct shall be entitled, to the extent permitted by applicable law, to injunctive relief in case of the violation, or attempted or threatened violation, of any of the provisions of ths contract, or to a decree requing perfonnance of any of the provisions of this contrt or to any other remedy legally allowed to the Distrct. (7) The Distrct shall not have the right to accelerate futue payment obligations of the Purchaser in the event of default under this contract. SECTION 18. VENUE AND ATTORNEY FEES. Venue of any action fied to enforce or interpret the provisions of this contract shall be exclusively in the United States Distrct Court for the Eastern Distrct of Washington or the Superior Cour of the State of Washington for Grant County and the Paries irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of any such cour. In the event of litigation to enforce the provisions of this contract, the prevailing Par shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees in addition t.o any other relief a110wed. StafCPR_133~,¡raChment-B.Pdf Page 24 of 34 . . . SECTION 19. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. The Paries shall conform to and comply with all laws, rues, regulations, license conditions or restrctions promulgated by the FERC or any other governental agency or entity havig jursdiction over the Priest Rapids Project. The Purchaser shall cooperate and take whatever action is necessar to cooperate fully with the Distrct in meeting such requirements. Obligations of the Distrct contaied in this contract are hereby expressly made subordinate and subject to such compliance. SECTION 20. HEADINGS. The headings of sections and pargraphs of this contract are for convenience of reference only and are not intended to restrct, affect or be of any weight in the interpretation or constrction of the provisions of such sections and paragraphs. SECTION 21. ENTIR AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION; CONFLICT IN PRECEDENCE. This contract does not modify the terms and conditions contaed in the 1956 and 1959 Contracts except as provided in Sections 1(b) and 7. This contrct constitutes the entie agreement between the Pares with respect to the subject matter of this contract, and supersedes alI previous communcations between the Paries, either verbal or wrtten, with respect to such subject matter. No modifications of this contract shall be binding upon the Paries unless such modifications are in writing signed by each Par. To the extent there are any conflicting provisions between this contract and the 1956 Contract, or this contrct and the 1959 Contract after November 1,2009, the terms and conditions in this contract shall take precedence and be controllng and the 1956 and 1959 Contracts are hereby amended accordingly. SECTION 22. NO PARTNERSHIP OR THI PARTY RIGHTS. (a) This contract shall not be interpreted or constred to create an association, joint venture or parership between the Pares, or to impose any parership obligations or liability upon any Par. Without limiting the foregoing, the Purchaser shall not be liable for, and the Distrct hefeby releases the Purchaser frm, the payment of Debt except as provided in Sections 5 and 6. (b) This contract shall not be constred to create rights in or grant remedies to any third part as a beneficiar of this contract. SECTION 23. PURCHASERS' COMMITTEE; ARITRATION. (a) There is hereby established a Purchasers' committee (the "Committee"). Each Puchaser may appoint one representative (and one alternate) as a Committee member to attend Committee meetings. The members of the Committee shall elect a char, and may adopt such rues for the conduct of business as it deems appropriate. Meetings between the Distrct and Purchasers shall be held routiely, but not more frequently than once a quarer, provided, however, that such meetings may be held more frequently than once each quarer at the request of the Distrct Of upon the request of members of the Committee whose Purchaser Revenue Allocations total 66% or more. All meetings between the Distrct and Purchaser wil be held in Grant County, Washington, unless the District and the Purchasers agree to another location. -2~-StafCPR_133_Ä1tachment-B.pdf Page 25 of 34 . . . (b) In addition to other matters subject to arbitration pursuant to other provisions of this contract, if approved by members of the Committee whose Purchaser Revenue Allocations total 66% or more, the Committee may submit to binding arbitration the following issues: (1) Have the Estimated Distrct Loads been forecast in accordance with Prudent Utility Practice and, if not, what is the appropriate Estimated Distrct Loads in accordance with Prudent Utility Practice for the Contract Year? (2) Have the Anual Power Costs been determined by the Distrct in accordance with Prudent Utility Practice and have such costs been incured for the benefit of Priest Rapids Project Output and, if not, what are the appropriate Anual Power Costs in accordance with Prudent Utility Practice for the Contract Year; provided that nothng in this Section shall be interpreted to liit the abilty of the District to meet its payment obligations under a Bond Resolution? (3) What modifications to this contract, pursuant to Section 3(h), are necessar to comply with FERC or court orders and to preserve the basic benefits and obligations of the Paries? (4) Has the Purchaser violated the covenants in Section 7(e)? (5) Are the annual proceeds from the sales of the Reasonable Portion pursuant to Multi-Year Contracts proportional to the anual market price of power, as forecast at the time the Multi-Year Contracts were agreed to by the Distrct, and if not, what adjustments are necessar to the payments to Purchaser pursuant to Section 4(e) to reflect such forecast anual market price of power for sales made pursuant to such Multi-Year Contracts? (c) The board of arbitrators shall be composed of three persons, one of whom shall be appointed . by the Distrct, one of whom shall be appointed by majority vote of the Committee, and the third person to be appointed by the two persons so appointed. The Distrct and the Commttee shall appoint their arbitrator within 15 days after notification of the Commttee's vote to submit a matter to binding arbitration. In the event the two members canot agree upon the appointment of a third person withn 10 days, then such third person shall be appointed by the presiding judge of the Superior Court of Kittitas County, Washington. The arbitration shall be conducted jointly by the participating Purchasers, and under rules as may be determined by the arbitrators; provided, however, that all paries shall be afforded discovery consistent with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; and, provided furter, if the arbitrators do not unanimously agree on the rules governng the arbitration, the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitrtion Association. The board so designated shall conduct a hearing within 30 days of completion. of their selection, and within 15 days after the hearng (unless such time is extended by agreement of the Pares) shall notify the Parties of their decision in wrting, stating the reasons therefore and separately listing their findings of fact, conclusions of law and order. Insofar as the Paries hereto may legally do so, they agree to abide by the decision of the board. All factual determinations made by the board shall be conclusive and binding on the -2.1-StafCPR_133_Ältachment-B.pdf Page 26 of 34 . . . Paries and not subject to judicial review. Any conclusions oflaw made by the board shall be subject to review by a court specified in Section 23; provided, that the order issued by the board shall be effective unless and until a stay is issued by the board or such court suspends the effectiveness of the order. SECTION 24. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARTIES. Each Party represents and warants to the other Part that: (a) It is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its formation. (b) The execution, delivery and performance of this contract are within its powers, have been duly authorized by all necessary action and do not violate any of the terms and conditions in its governng documents, any contracts to which it is a pary or any law, rule, regulation, or order applicable to it. (c) This contract constitutes a legally valid and binding obligation enforceable against it in accordance with its terrs, subject to equitable defenses and applicable banptcy, insolvency and similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally. -2S-Staff_PR_133_Auachment-B.pdf Page 27 of 34 . SECTION25. COUNTERPARTS. This contract may be executed in counterpars, each of which shall be an original and all of wluch shall constitute the same contract. '''E'A' .)~0 . .L .(SEAL) . PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.2 OF GRAT COUNTY, WASHIGTONBYk~~ PresidentATTES~ ~ secrei~ -L:: A VISTA CORPORATION -21\-StafCPR_133fitachment-B.pdf Page 28 of 34 . . . EXHIBIT A DEFINITIONS OF PRIEST RAIDS DEVELOPMENT AND W ANAPUM DEVELOPMENT RESOLUTION NO. 390 - DEFINITION OF PRIST RAIDS DEVELOPMENT Section 2(f) of Exhibit 1. "Priest Rapids Development" shall mean those properties and facilities consisting of the Priest Rapids dam, site, reservoir, switchyard and power plant, including all generating facilties associated therewith up to and including the first ten (10) main tubine generator units each with a nameplate rating of approximately 78,850 kilowatts and any additional generating facilities which may be installed as provided for in Section 19 of the Original Power Sales Contract, together with the associated transmission facilities consisting of two 230 KV transmission lines and terminal facilties interconnecting the Priest Rapids switchyard and the Bonneville Power Administration's Midway Substation and an undivided one-half (1/2) interest in the interconnecting facilities between the . Priest Rapids switchyard and the Wanapum switchyard. RESOLUTION NO. 474 - DEFINITION OF "V ANAPUM DEVELOPMENT Section 2.2. The Distrct specifies and adopts the plan and system hereinafter set forth for the acquisition, by purchase or condemnation, and constrction of the following generation and transmission facilties as a separate utility system of the District constituting the Wanapum Development of the District, to wit: A. The Distrct shall constrct an electrc generating plant and associated facilities on the Columbia River at approximately river mile 415 from the mouth of said river at the Wanapum site on said river, in Grant and Kittitas Counties, Washington, as authorized by the Federal Power Commission License for Project No. 2114, originally issued November 4, 1955, and all amendments thereto; said generating plant to have an installed nameplate rating of approximately 831,250 kilowatts, and said generating plant and associated facilities to include, but not limited to, a concrete gravity dam, a fully enclosed reinforced concrete powerhouse containing ten (10) tubo-generating units with provisions in the intake strcture for the installation of six (6) additional tubo- generating units, a reservoir, waterways, fish ladders and other fish protective devices; provisions for futue installation of navigation locks; transforming facilties; a switchyard; transmission facilties necessary to connect the powerhouse to the existing transmission facilities of the Priest Rapids Development and to the transmission facilities of the Bonneville Power Administration in the vicinity of said Project; railroad siding, shops, warehouses, construction camp, offces, and dwellings; and all other strctures; fixtures, StafCPR_13tÃÅaChment-S.Pdf Page 29 of 34 .equipment or facilities used or useful in the construction, maintenance and operation of the Wanapum Development; and all necessar water rights, development rights, pennits and licenses, easements, rights-of-way, flowage rights and rights permitting the storage of water, riparan rights and shore rights. . . A-2StafCPR_133_Attachment-B.pdf Page 30 of 34 29 30 .Exhibit C Grant County PUD Service Area 28 Service Arg Index Within Grant County outide Grant County 26 R23E 24 . T16N T15N.T14N Page 31 of 34 T27N T26N T25N T24N T23N T21N T20N T19N T18N T17N t=O 2 -oo9rao .AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE PRIEST RAPIDS PROJECT REASONABLE PORTION POWER SALES CONTRACT The Public Utility Distrct No.2 of Grant County, Washington, ("Distrct"), and Avista Corporation ("Purchaser"), hereby agree to this Amendment No.1 to the Priest Rapids Project Reasonable Portion Power Sales Contract dated December lL, 2001 (the "Reasonable Portion Contract"). Unless otherwise defined herein, all capitalized terms defined in the Reasonable Portion Contract shall have the meanngs set forth therein when used in this Amendment. 1. Term of Amendment No. 1 This Amendment No. 1 shall take effect on upon the execution by the District and Purchaser, and shall expire on the earlier of the expiration or termination date of the Reasonable Portion Contract. 2. Amendments to Provisions of the Reasonable Porton Contract Purchaser and the District agree that the Reasonable Portion Contract is hereby amended as follows:.2.1 The definition of the term Priest Rapids Project Output set fort in Section 2 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: "Priest Rapids Project Output" shall mean the amount of capacity, energy (both finn and non-fi), pondage, reactive power, ancilar services (including dynamic load following services) and any other product from the Priest Rapids Development from November 1, 2005 to November 1, 2009 and from the Priest Rapids Project from November i, 2009 through the term of this contract under the operatig conditions which exist during the term, including periods when the Priest Rapid Proj ect may be wholly or parially inoperable for any reason, after correction for encroachment, Canadian entitlement, station and project use, and depletions required by the FERC License or other regulatory requirements. 2.2 Section 4(c)(4) is amended by adding the following sentence after the last sentence thereof: . After the Distrct has acquired capacity and energy as needed to serve its Estimated Unmet Distrct Load, the Distrct shall not subsequently substitute therefore more costly capacity and energy, in order to provide the less costly capacity and energy to other wholesale or retail power customers of the District. Priest Rapids Project Reasonable Portion Power Sales Contract Amendatory Agreement NO.1 Staff_PR_13rJuãchment-B.pdf Page 32 of 34 .2.3 Section 7(h) is deleted in its entirety and is replaced with the following: In the event that the Distrct believes that the Purchaser has violated any of the above covenants of Section 7(f) or (g), the Distrct may by wrtten notice to the Purchaser describe the alleged violation in reasonable detail and give the Purchaser no less than 4 business days after receipt of such wrtten notice by Purchaser withi which to cease the activity in question or to provide to the Distrct a written explanation as to why the Purchaser believes the activity does not constitute a violation of any of the aforementioned covenants. If the Purchaser does not cure the alleged default and the District continues to reasonably consider the action to be in breach of the covenants, the District shall have the right to terminate this contract, effective immediately upon wrtten notice to the Purchaser, without any liability or furter obligation on the par of the Distrct. In the event of such termination, the Distrct shall have the right to use or sell, in any maner the Distrct determines, the Purchaser Revenue Allocation the Purchaser would have been otherwise entitled to under this contract..2.4 The Reasonable Portion Contract is amended by adding a new Exhibit C, Purchasers Product Percentage Allocations, which is attached hereto. In Witness Whereof, Purchaser and the Distrct have caused this Amendment No. 1 to be executed in their respective names by theIr duly authorized officers. AVISTA CORPORATION PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.2 OF GRAT COUNTY, WASHINGTON\By.: ~~~ . ~,1 Title: (!./Amm8! 1lFsTf''' l' (JEO Date Signed: FEB i 6J 2()O:l By: 'b.~ ¿~ Tit1;fl.e1 JI7f & .dZ~".- Date Sjd~t/~~~.. ?1 ~e.r7 /y-erd"f .Priest Rapids Project Reasonable Porton Power Sales Contract Amendatory Agreement No.1 StafCPR_133Jtiãchment-B.Pdf Page 33 of 34 . . . EX H I B I T A . A M E N D M E N T 1 Pu r c h a s e r s P r o d u c t P e r c e n t a g e A l l o c a t i o n s Re q u e s t e d N u m b e r o f S e c U o n 3 c f e Se c t i o n 3 c f e S t e p 2 A l l o c a t i o n 1 1 1 Ad j u s t m e n t f o r 2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 9 Hi s t o r i c a l S h a r e s Pu r c h a s e r C u s t o m e r s St e p 1 Re a s o n a b l e Ad d e d Di s p l a c e Re a s o n a b l e Ad d e d pu r c h a s e r N a m e 1M 19 5 9 Pr o d u c t % ~ Al l o c a t f o n Su r p l u s Di s p l a c e Po r t i o n Pr o d u c i s m Su r p l u s ( 2 1 m Po r t i o n ( 4 ) Pr o d u c t s m A. 1 9 5 6 / 1 9 5 9 P u r c h a s e r s Pa c i f i C o r p 13 . 9 % 18 . 7 % 32 . 6 % 76 6 , 4 4 6 25 . 0 3 % 25 . 0 3 % 25 . 0 3 % 25 . 6 7 % 21 . 3 4 % 26 . 8 7 % 23 . 1 9 % 21 . 8 9 % Po r t l a n d G e n e r a l 13 . 9 % 18 . 7 % 32 . 6 % 72 6 , 0 3 9 25 . 0 3 % 25 . 0 3 % 25 . 0 3 % 25 . 6 7 % 21 . 3 4 % 26 . 6 1 % 23 . 1 9 % 21 . 8 9 % Pu g e l S o u n d E n e r g y 8. 0 % 10 . 8 % 18 . 8 % 91 5 , 8 5 1 14 . 4 3 % 14 . 4 3 % 14 . 4 3 % 14 . 8 0 % 12 . 2 8 % 15 . 5 1 % 13 . 3 6 % 12 . 6 0 % Av i s ! a U t i l l i e s 6. 1 % 8.2 % 25 . 0 % 30 9 . 9 8 6 10 . 9 8 % 10 . 9 8 % 10 . 9 8 % 11 . 2 6 % 9. 3 7 % 11 . 7 9 % 10 . 1 7 % 9. 6 1 % Co w J í z P U D 2. 0 % 2. 7 % 4. 7 % 44 , 3 6 1 3. 6 1 % 3. 6 1 % 3. 6 1 % 3.7 0 % 3. 0 7 % 3. 8 8 % 3. 3 4 % 3. 1 5 % Eu g e n e W a t e r & E l e c 1.7 ~ ~ 2. 3 % 4. 0 % 80 , 0 9 7 3. 0 7 % 3. 0 7 % 3. 0 7 % 3. 1 5 % 2. 6 1 % 3. 3 0 % 2. 8 4 % 2. 6 8 % Ci t y o f F o r e s l G r o v e 0. 5 % 0. 7 % (5 ) 6. 5 9 2 0. 9 2 % 0. 9 2 % 0. 9 2 % 0. 9 4 % 0. 7 7 % 1. 0 0 % 0. 8 4 % 0. 7 9 % Ci l y 0 1 M c M i n n v i l l e 0. 5 % 0. 7 % (5 ) 13 , 9 7 3 0. 9 2 % 0. 9 2 % 0. 9 2 % 0. 9 4 % 0. 7 7 % 1. 0 0 % 0. 6 4 % 0. 7 9 % Cit y o f M i l o n . F r e e w a l e r 0. 5 0 / 0 0. 7 % (5 ) 4. 5 8 1 0. 9 2 % 0. 9 2 % 0. 9 2 % 0. 9 4 % 0. 7 7 % 1. 0 0 % 0. 8 4 % 0. 7 9 % B. 1 9 5 6 O n l y P u r c h a s e r s ( 2 ) (J Se a i li e C i t y L i g h t 8. 0 0 / 0 nl a (5 ) 34 9 , 5 5 7 6. 1 4 % 6. 1 4 % 6. 1 4 % 6. 3 0 % 12 . 2 8 % 12 . 2 8 % 12 . 2 8 % 12 . 6 0 % õi Ta c o m a P o w e r 8. 0 % nl a 16 . 0 % 14 7 . 8 1 9 6. 1 4 % 6. 1 4 % 6. 1 4 % 6. 3 0 % 12 . 2 8 % 12 . 2 8 % 12 . 2 8 % 12 . 6 0 % I~ Ki l l i l a s P U D 0. 4 % nl a 3. 0 7 8 0. 3 1 % 0. 3 1 % 0. 3 1 % 0. 3 1 % 0. 6 1 % 0. 6 1 % 0. 6 1 % 0. 6 3 % I~ To t a l A + B 3. 3 9 2 , 3 8 0 97 . 5 1 % 97 . 5 1 % 97 . 5 1 % 97 . 5 1 % 10 0 . 0 0 % 97 . 5 1 % i 1 6 . 4 0 % 10 3 . 8 1 % 10 0 . 0 0 % C. N o . I d a h o P u r c h a s e r s (. Cl e a r w a t e r nl a nl a 10 . 4 3 % 9. 3 1 4 0. 2 7 % 0. 2 7 % 0. 2 7 % nl a 0. 2 7 % 0. 2 7 % 0. 2 7 % nl a I¡ Id a h o C o . l i g h t & P o w e r nl a nl a 2. 4 1 % 3, 0 0 7 0. 0 9 % 0. 0 9 % 0. 0 9 % nl a 0. 0 9 % 0. 0 9 % 0. 0 9 % nl a Ko o t e n a i nf a nf a 16 . 2 8 % 16 , 2 4 4 0. 4 7 % 0. 4 7 % 0. 4 7 % nl a 0. 4 7 % 0. 4 7 % 0. 4 7 % nl a n No n h e m U g h t s nf a nl a 12 . 3 0 % 14 . 5 4 1 0. 4 2 % 0. 4 2 % 0. 4 2 % nl a 0. 4 2 % 0. 4 2 % 0. 4 2 % nl a ::3(1:: D. S n a k e R i v e r P u r c h a s e r s 'õ OJ Fa l l R i v e r R u r a l E l e c nl a nl a (6 ) 10 , 9 9 2 0. 3 2 % 0. 3 2 % 0. 3 2 % nl a 0. 3 2 % 0. 3 2 % 0. 3 2 % nl a -0!: Lo s t R i v e r E l e c t r i c nf a nl a (6 ) 2. 3 2 7 0. 0 7 % 0. 0 7 % 0. 0 7 % nl a 0. 0 7 % 0.0 7 % 0. 0 7 % nl a Lo w e r V a l l e y E l e c t r i c nl a nf a (6 ) 19 . 1 8 2 0. 5 5 % 0. 5 5 % 0. 5 5 % nl a 0. 5 5 % 0. 5 5 % 0. 5 5 % nl a Ra i l R i v e r R u r a l E l e c nl a nl a (6 ) 2, 9 2 7 0. 0 8 % 0. 0 8 % 0. 0 8 % nl a O. O B % 0. 8 % 0. 0 8 % nl a Sa l m o n R i v e r E l e c t r i c nl a nl a (6 ) 2. 5 7 0 0. 0 7 % 0. 0 7 % 0. 0 7 % nl a 0. 0 7 % 0. 0 7 % 0. 0 7 % nl a Un i l e d E l e c t r i c nl a nl a (6 ) 5. 5 1 5 0. 1 6 % 0. 1 6 % 0. 1 6 % nf a 0. 1 6 % 0. 1 6 % 0. 1 6 % nl a As s o c i a t i o n T o t a l 1. 2 4 % 43 . 5 1 3 1. 2 5 % 1. 2 5 % 1. 2 5 % nl a 1. 2 5 % 1. 2 5 % 1. 2 5 % nl a To t a l C + 0 66 , 6 1 9 2. 4 9 % 2. 4 9 % 2. 4 9 % 2. 4 9 % nf a 2. 4 9 % 2. 4 9 % 2. 4 9 ~ ~ nl a To t a l 63 . 5 % 63 . 5 % 10 0 . 0 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 % 11 8 . 8 9 % 10 6 . 3 0 % 10 0 . 0 0 % NO T E S ; ( 1 ) A l l o c a t e d p e r a v e r a g e 0 / 1 9 5 6 a n d 1 9 5 6 S h a r e s o r , l o r I d a h o P L l r c h a s e r s . p e r n L l m b e r o f c L l s t o m e r s . (2 ) A l l o c a t e d p e r 1 9 5 6 S h a r e s S u r p l u s P r o d u c l a n d , f o r I d a h o P u r c h a s e r s . p e r n u m b e r 0 / c u s t o m e r s . (3 ) A l l o c a t e d p e r 2 5 % o f 1 9 5 6 S h a r e s a n d 7 5 % 0 / 1 9 5 9 S h a r e s f o r 1 9 5 6 / 1 9 5 9 P u r c h a s r s . p e r 1 9 5 6 S h a r e s f o r t h e O n l y 1 9 5 6 P u r c h a s e r , a n d n u m b e r o f cu s t o m e r s l o r N o . I d a h o a n d S n a k e R I v e r P u r c h a s e r s . (3 ) A l l o c a t e d p e r 7 5 % o f 1 9 5 6 S h a r e s a n d 2 5 % o f i 9 5 9 S h a r e s f o r 1 9 5 6 / 1 9 5 9 P u r c h a s r s , p e r 1 9 5 6 S h a r e s l o r t h e O n l y 1 9 5 6 P u r c h a s e r , a n d n u m b e r o f 1J cu s t o m e r s f o r N o . I d a h o a n d S n a k e R i v e r P u r c h a s e r s . . . II (5 ) H a v e I n l e n l t o S I g n C o n t r a c t L e t t e r w l l h o u l R e q u e s t e d P u r c h a s e r P r o d u c t P e r c e n t co(1 (6 ) S n a k e R i v e r P u r c h a s e r ' s C o n t r a c i w i t h t h e A s s o c i a t i o n . (..¡ (7 ) A l l o c a t e d o n l y 1 0 l h e 1 9 5 6 / 1 9 5 9 a n d O n l y 1 9 5 6 P u r c h a s e r s p e r 1 9 5 6 S h a r e s l o r 2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 9 , t h e n a v e r a g e 0 1 1 9 5 6 a n d 1 9 5 9 S h a r e s p o s t - 2 0 0 9 . Q.(. .¡ . . . JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-134 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/10/2008 Elizabeth Andrews Lori Hamilton Resource Accounting (509) 495-4846 Please provide the account transaction detail for account 253890, the Idaho jursdiction subaccount for the Clark Fork PM&E expenses, by year, for the years 2005 through 2007, and for 2008 to date. Please provide the account transaction detail in an Excel spreadsheet format, including all subaccounts. Provide the name of the vendor, voucher number, expenditue type, transaction description, and jurisdictions that the transaction is spread to. Please provide a print out as well as an electronic copy of the Excel spreadsheet with formulas activated. RESPONSE: See the Excel workbook "StafCPR _134- Attachment AxIs". There is one tab for each of the years 2005 through 2008 to date. Due to the voluminous nature of this workbook, it is being provided in electronic format only.