HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080822Letter to Counsel, Parties.pdfSTATE OF IDAHO OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL LAWRENCE G. WASDEN August 22, 2008 David J. Meyer Vice President, Chief Counsel, Reg. & Gov't Affairs A vista Corporation PO Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Conley E. Ward Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock Street (83702) PO Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 Kelly Norwood Vice President - State & Federal Regulation A vista Utilities PO Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Dennis E. Peseau, Ph.D. Utilty Resources, Inc. i 500 Libert Street SE, Suite 250 Salem, OR 97302 Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. i th Street Boise, ID 83702 Re:Case Nos. A VU-E-08-01 and A VU-G-08-01 Dear Counsel and Parties: In anticipation of your technical hearing next week regarding the proposed settlement, this letter is to advise you that the Commission may ask questions or seek comments of the parties regarding the two documents enclosed. First, is the Spokesman Review's aricle entitled "Avista Profits Jump 72 Percent" on page A6 of the paper for July 3 1,2008. Second, is the underlying news release issued by Avista Corporation on July 30, 2008. Parties should be prepared to comment on these two documents and to answer Commission questions concerning these two documents. Enclosure cc: Scott Woodbury Randy Lobb Commissioners blslL:AVU-E-08-01_AVU-G-08-01_sw Contracts & Administrative Law Division, Idaho Public Utilties Commission P.O. Box 83720, Boise, Idaho 83720-0074, Telephone: (208) 334-0300, FAX: (208) 334-3762, E-mail: Ipuc(§puc.state.id.us Located at 472 West Washington St., Boise, Idaho 83702 ,~ . . , ' ~ - . ~ ~ ~ - t : T - - - I f - ~ - ~ - - 4 ~ - ~ : - - c ; - ¡ ; ~ - : - ~ ~ ~ " ' - ' - . - ; ~ : c : - - ë : - ' - ' : : ~ ; ~ ; _ ,. . . . ' . . 1 j J ' y l j ! Q . , . . . " ' , ' r l - / ê " " , j ' : , l Æ , ~ . C Ã ~ ~ 7 . , , ' . . , . . . . /: : , : ~ : ; ~ : X - , : : ; j ; : " " . 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A v i s t a pl a n s t o - s e e k a ì O p e r c e n t t o 25 pe r c e n t î I c r é a s e i n th e ' p r i c e i t ch a r g e s f o r n a t u r a l g i i s ; T h e co m p a n y t o o k t h e u n u S l a l s t e p of i s s u i n g w h a t a i o U t t e d t o ' a .. A i s o . . R e á d p r e v i o ! J s , . . C o v e r a g e a b o u t . Av i s t a a n d d i s c u s s ' . t h e e a r n i n g s r e p o r . a t s p o k e s m a . ~. c o m ~~ ! "/ \ Avista MediaRoorn - News Releases Home ) About Avista ) Investors ) Avista Companies .Newsroom Welcome to Avista, providing energy and energy-related services.. welcome Outage Updates Newsroom News Releases News Releases Media Contacts Company Background FAQs About Avista Resource Center Page 1 of8 ) site Map ) Contact Us search ) Careers ) Community -c -c LBaçktQNewsReleases) Avista Corp. Reports Results for the Second Quarter and Year-to-Date 2008 In the News SPOKANE, Wash" July 30 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ .- Avista Corp. (NYSE: AVA) today reported net income of $23.5 millon, or $0.44 per diluted share, for the second quarter of 2008, an increase compared to net income of $14,2 million, or $0,26 per diluted share, for the second quarter of 2007. For the six months ended June 30, 2008, Avista Corpo's net income was $48.8 millon, or $0.91 per diluted share, an increase compared to net income of $28,3 milion, or $0.53 per diluted share, for the six months ended June 30,2007, The primary reason for the increase in cgnsolidated results on both a quarterly and year-to-date basis was increased earnings at Avista Utilities and the 2007 net loss from Avista Energy prior to the sale of the majority of the contract and ongoing operations of the business on June 30, 2007, Email and RSS Feeds Avista Multimedia, Logos, Photos, Graphics Polls and Surveys (Logo: httP.;1I1N,ww~,newsçQm,çQmlcg¡::bInlprnhûQQ4.QJ4SlSFWQ_~U,.Q,G.Q) "Our results for the first half of 2008 have positioned us well to meet our earnings targets for the year, Unusual weather patterns with colder than normal temperatures and a late spring runoff resulted in higher than expected resource costs. However, the cold weather increased retail natural gas loads, and we should recover a portion of the resource costs absorbed during the first half of the year primarily due to above normal hydroelectric generation for July," said Avista Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Scott L. Morris, Results for the second quarter of 2008 and the six months ended June 30, 2008 (YTD), as compared to the respective periods of 2007: ($ in thousands, except per-share data) Q2 2008 Operating Revenues $350,310 Income from Operations $56,490Net Income $23,545 Net Income (Loss) by Business Segment:Avista Utili ties AC\vantage IQ Other* Contribution to earnings per diluted share by Business Segment:Avista Utili ties Advantage IQ Other* Total earnings per diluted share $22,026 $1,579 $ (60) $0.41 $0.03 $- $0.44 1ittn'l/inri"ti:~()rn mp.ni ::ronm ~oml1nnex. nhn?~F41&item=84 1 Q2 2007$304,005 $40,218 $14,183 YTD 2008 $846,617 $115,551 $48,776 YTD 2007 $763,192 $79,155 $28,277 $17,257 $1,310 $ (4, 384) $37,184 $2,894 $(11,80i) $45,340 $3,345 $91 $0.32 $0.02 $ (0.08) $0,85 $0,06 $- $0,70 $0.05 $ (0,22) $0,26 $0.91 $0.53 8/2212008 A vista MediaRoom - News Releases Page 2 of 8 * Results for Q2 2007 include a net loss from Avista Energy of $3,9 million, or $0.07 per diluted share, Results for YTD 2007 incl a net loss from Avista Energy of $11,6 million, or $0.22 per dilutedshare, Second Quarter and Year-to-date 2008 Highlights Avista Utilties: The increase in our utilty net income for both the quarter and year-to-date periods was primarily due to an increase in gross margin (operating revenues less resource costs), The increase in gross margin was primarily due to the implementation of the general rate increase in Washington effective Jan, 1, 2008. The increase in utilty net income on a year-to-date basis was also partially due to a decrease in interest expense, ThiS was partially offset by an increase in other operating expenses, Due to colder than normal weather and later than expected runoff, we absorbed $4,0 millon of costs in the second quarter of 2008 and $7.4 millon for the first half of 2008 uiider the Energy Recovery Mechanism (ERM) in Washington. In addition to lower than normal hydroelectric generation, fuel and purchased power costs were higher than expected to meet increased demand, Partially offsetting the negative effect of the costs absorbed under the ERM were higher than expected retail natural gas loads due to colder than normal weather. Primarily as a result of the costs absorbed under the ERM, our utility earnings were slightly lower than planned for the second quarter and first half of 2008. It is important to note that the amounts recognized under the ERM can vary significantly from quarter to quarter due to a variety of factors including the level of hydroelectric generation, as well as changes in purchased power and fuel costs. As previously reported, we filed requests for increases in electric and natural gas general rates in Washington in March 2008 and in Idaho in April 2008. Any rate adjustments, if approved by the regulatory commissions, would most likely become effective in late 2008 or in 2009, Advantage IQ: As previously reported, Advantage IQ acquired Cadence Network, Inc. (Cadence Network), a Cincinnati-based energy and expense management company, effective July 2, 2008, As consideration, the previous owners of Cadence Network received a 25 percent ownership interest in Advantage IQ. While we anticipate an increase in annual revenues as a result of the acquisition, the transaction is expected to be slightly dilutive to Avista Corp.'s consolidated earnings in 2008 by one to two cents per share due to transaction costs and the decrease in Avista Corp,'s, ownership of the subsidiary. "Advantage IQ's acquisition of Cadence Network is another step in our plans to grow Advantage IQ and bring increased value to our shareholders and its clients," said Avista's Morris, Advantage IQ's revenues for the first half of 2008 increased 11 percent as compared to the prior year and totaled $24.9 millon. In the first half of 2008, Advantage IQ processed bills totaling $6.9 bilion, an increase of 17 percent, as compared to the first half of 2007. Net income from Advantage IQ for the second quarter and year-to-date 2008 increased as compared to the respective periods of the prior year primarily due to an increase in operating revenues as a result of customer growth, This was partially offset by a decrease in interest earnings on funds held for customers and increased operating expenses from expanding operations. httn'l/::ii ~t~~om ,11ec1i::ioom .com/index. nhn ?s=4 3&item=841 8/22/2008 Avista MediaRoom - News Releases Page 3 of8 Other Businesses: Results from our other businesses improved as compared to the second quarter and year-to-date 2007 primarily due to the net loss at Avista Energy in the prior year. The remaining activities of Avista Energy are no longer a reportable business segment and are included in "Other" for segment reporting purposes, Liquidity and Capital Resources: In April 2008, we issued $250 milion of 5.95 percent First Mortgage Bonds due in 2018, The net proceeds from the issuance, together with other available funds, were used to fund debt maturities of $293,5 milion (the majority being the $273 milion of 9,75 percent Unsecured Senior Notes that matured on June 1, 2008). We are planning to issue long-term debt during the second half of 2008 to fund other maturing debt, as well as to provide additional funding for capital expenditures and other corporate purposes. Avista has a sales agency agreement to issue up to 2 million shares of common stock from time to time. We are planning to begin issuing common stock under this sales agency agreement during the second half of 2008. in the second quarter of 2008, we completed the acquisition of a wind generation site. We expect to construct a 50 MW generation facilty at a total estimated cost of over $125 millon to be completed in 2011, Utilty capital expenditures were $90 millon for the first half of 2008. We expect utility capital expenditures to be approximately $200 milion for the full year of 2008 and over $200 millon in each of 2009 and 2010. These estimates do not include any costs associated with the wind generation project, Earnings Guidance and Outlook We are confirming our guidance for 2008, with consolidated earnings expected to be in the range of $1.35 to $1.55 per diluted share, We expect Avista Utilties to contribute in the range of $1.20 to $1.40 per diluted share for 2008. Our outlook for Avista Utilities assumes, among other variables, normal precipitation, temperatures and hydroelectric generation for the remainder of the year. Our guidance for Advantage IQ continues to be a range of $0.10 to $0,12 per diluted share. We expect the other businesses to be between break-even and a loss of $0.03 perdiluted share, ' NOTE: We will host a conference call with financial analysts and investors on July 30, 2008, at 10:30 a,m. EDT to discuss this news release. The call is available at (800) 798.2801, passcode: 25635502. A simultaneous webcast of the call is available on our website, http;/lwww.avistacorp.cOrril, A replay of the conference call wil be available through Wednesday, August 6, 2008. Call (888) 286-8010, passcode 30896634 to listen to the replay, Avista Corp. is an energy company involved in the production, transmission and distribution of energy as well as other energy-related businesses. Avista Utilities is our operating division that provides service to 351,000 electric and 310,000 natural gas customers in three Western states. Avista's primary, non-regulated subsidiary is Advantage IQ. Our stock is traded under the ticker symbol "AVA". For more information about Avista, please visit hl;P:/lwww.ayistacorp.com/. Avista Corp. and the Avista Corp, logo are trademarks of Avista Corporation. The attached condensed consolidated statements of income, condensed consolidated balance sheets, and financial and operating highlights are integral parts of this earnings release, httn:/ /¡:¡i stacorn. mediaroom . com/index. nhn ?s=4 3 &item=841 8/22/2008 A vista MediaRoorn - News Releases Page 4 of8 This news release contains forward-looking statements, including statements regarding our current expectations for future financial performance and cash flows, capital expenditures, financing plans, our current plans or objectives for future operations and other factors, which may affect the company in the future. Such statements are subject to a variety of risks, uncertainties and other factors, most of which are beyond our control and many of which could have significant impact on our operations, results of operations, financial condition or cash flows and could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. The following are among the important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements: weather conditions and their effect on energy demand and generation, including the effect of precipitation and temperatures on the availability of hydroelectric resources and the effect of temperatures on customer demand; changes in wholesale energy prices that can affect, among other things, cash needed to purchase electricity, natural gas for our retail customers and natural gas fuel for electric generation, and the value of surplus energy sold; volatilty and illquidity in wholesale energy markets, including the availability of wiling buyers and sellers and prices of purchased energy and demand for energy sales; the effect of state and federal regulatory decisions affecting our ability to recover costs and/or earn a reasonable return including, but not limited to, the disallowance of costs that we have deferred; the potential effects of legislation or administrative rulemaking, including the possible adoption of national or state laws requiring resources to meet certain standards and placing restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate concerns over global climate changes; the outcome of pending regulatory and legal proceedings arising out of the "western energy crisis" of 2000 and 2001, and including possible retroactive price caps and resulting refunds; the outcome of legal proceedings and other contingencies; changes in, and compliance with, environmental and endangered species laws, regulations, decisions and policies, including present and potential environmental remediation costs; wholesale and retail competition including, but not limited to, electric retail wheeling and transmission costs; the ability to relicense and maintain licenses for our hydroelectric generating facilties at cost-effective levels with reasonable terms and conditions; unplanned outages at any of our generating facilities or the inabilty of facilties to operate as intended; unanticipated delays or changes in construction costs, as well as our abilty to obtain required operating permits for present or prospective facilities; natural disasters that can disrupt energy production or delivery, as well as the availabilty and costs of materials and supplies and support services; blackouts or disruptions of interconnected transmission systems; the potential for future terrorist attacks or other malicious acts, particularly with respect to our utility assets; changes in the long-term climate of the Pacific Northwest, which can affect, among other things, customer demand patterns and the volume and timing of streamflows to our hydroelectric resources; changes in economic conditions in our service territory and the United States in general, including inflation or deflation; changes in industrial, commercial and residential growth and demographic patterns in our service territory; the loss of significant customers and/or suppliers; default or nonperformance on the part of any parties from which we purchase and/or sell capacity or energy; deterioration in the creditworthiness of our customers and counterparties; our ability to obtain financing through the issuance of debt and/or equity securities, which can be affected by various factors including our credit ratings, interest rates and other capital market conditions; the effect of any change in our credit ratings; changes in actuarial assumptions, the interest rate environment and the actual return on plan assets for our pension plan, which can affect future funding obligations, costs and pension plan liabilties; increasing health care costs and the resulting effect on health insurance provided to our employees and retirees; increasing costs of insurance, changes in coverage terms and our abilty to obtain insurance; employee issues, including changes in collective bargaining unit agreements, strikes, work stoppages or the loss of key executives, as well as our ability to recruit and retain employees; the potential effects of negative publicity regarding business practices, httn'!!m,idllrnrn mprlillT(()m r,()m/inrlAx nhn?c:=41&itAm=R41 8/22/2008 Avista MediaRoom - News Releases whether true or not, which could result in, among other things, costly litigation and a decline in our common stock price; changes in technologies, possibly making some of the current technology obsolete; changes in tax rates and/or policies; and changes in our strategic business plans, which may be affected by any or all of the foregoing, including the entry into new businesses and/or the exit from existing businesses. For a further discussion of these factors and other important factors, please refer to our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended Dec. 31, 2007 and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended Mar, 31, 2008, The forward-looking statements contained in this news release speak only as of the date hereof. We undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statement or statements to reflect events or circumstances that occur after the date on which such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for management to predict all of such factors, nor can it assess the impact of each such factor on our business or the extent to which any such factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. AVISTA CORPORATION CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (UNAUDITED) (Dollars in Tbousands except Per Share Amounts) Operating revenues Operating expenses: Resource costs Other operating expenses Depreciation and amortization Utility taxes other than income taxes Total operating expenses Income from operations Other income (expense): Interest expense, net of capi tali zed interest Other income - net Total other income (expense) - net Income before income taxes Income taxes Net income Weighted-average common shares outstanding (thousands), basic Weighted-average common sharesoutstanding (thousands),diluted Total earnings per common share, basic Total earnings per commonshare, diluted Dividends paid per common share httn:/lavistacorn.mediaroom.comJindex, nhn ?s=4 3&item=84 i Second Quarter2008 2007 $350,310 188,610 67,020 22,967 15,223 293,820 56,490 (21,361)1,721 (19,640) 36,850 13,305 $23,545 53,301 53,704 $0.44 $0,44 $0,165 $304,005 153,906 72,363 22,468 15,050 263,787 40,218 (20,793)3,547 (17,246) 22,972 8,789 $14,183 52,775 53,313 $0.27 $0.26 $0.150 Page 5 of8 Six, Months Ended June 30,2008 2007 $846,617 512,756 132,584 45,418 40,308 731,066 115,551 (41,145) 2,764 (38,381) 77,170 28,394 $48,776 53,160 53,543 $0.92 $0,91 $0.330 $763,19 461,61 138,54 44,83 39,04 684,03 79,15 (41,867,25 (34,60 44,55 16,27 $28,27 52,73 53,32 $0.5 $0,5 $0.29 8/22/2008 Avista MediaRoorn - News Releases Issued July 30, 2008 Page 6of8 AVISTA CORPORATION CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (UNAUDITED) (Dollars in Thousands) Assets Cash and cash equivalents Accounts and notes receivable Current utility energy commodity derivative assets Funds held for customersOther Current assets Total net utility property Other property and investments Regulatory assets for deferred income taxes Regulatory assets for pensions and other postretirement benefitsOther regulatory assets Non-current utility energy commodity deri vati ve assets Power and natural gas deferrals Unamortized debt expense Other deferred charges Total Assets Liabili ties and stockholders' Equity Accounts payable Current portion of long-term debt Short-term borrowings Customer fund obligations Deposi ts from counterparties Current regulatory liability for utili ty deri vati ves Other current liabilities Long-term debt Long-term debt to affiliated trusts Regulatory liability for utility plant retirement costs Pensions and other postretirementbenefits Deferred income taxes Non-current regulatory liability for utility derivatives Other non-current liabilities anddeferred credits Total Liabilities Common stock - net (53,495,520 and 52,909.013 outstanding shares) Retained earnings and accumulated other comprehensive loss Total Stockholders 'Equi ty Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity Issued July 30, 2008 June 30, 2008 December 3 2007 $5,384 $11,839 149,379 105,440 98,438 12,078 90,574 89,885 103,263 112,943 2,398,913 2,351,342 120,173 116,157 114,441 117,461 48,737 51,006 37,917 43,004 117,322 55,313 74,320 85,885 32,383 32,542 8,625 4,902 $3,399,869 $3,189,797 $86,740 $117,546 110,383 427,344 48,500 90,574 89,885 79,240 12,510 76,613 123,976 116,364 778,328 521,489 113,403 113,403 212,246 209,357 79,595 90,555 444,557 440,918 115,060 53,414 74,833 83,046 2,434,048 2,275,831 733,583 726,933 232,238 187,033 965,821 913,966 $3,399,869 $3,189,797 AVISTA CORPORATION FINANCIAL AND OPERATING HIGHLIGHTS (Dollars in Thousands) httn://avistacorn.rnediaroorn, com/index, nhn?s=4 3&itern=841 8/22/2008 Avista MediaRoorn - News Releases Second Quarter2008 2007 Avista Utili ties Retail electric revenues $138,185 Retail kWh sales (inmillions) 2,026Retail electric customers at end ofperiod 350,635 Wholesale electric revenues Wholesale kWh sales (inmillions) Sales of fuel Other electric revenues Retail natural gas revenues Wholesale natural gasrevenues Transportation and other natural gas revenues Total therms delivered (in thousands) Retail natural gas customers at end of period Income from operations (pre-tax) Net income AdvantageIQ Revenues InCome from operations (pre-tax) Net income Other Revenues Income (loss) from operations (pre-tax) Net income (loss) Issued July 30, 2008 $'38,219 700 $409 $3,859 ' $75,303 $67,433 $3,237 156,424 310,266 $53,913 $22,026 $12,401 $2,563 $1,579 $11,264 $14 $ (60) Photo: NewsCom :i:tiP;l/www,newsçQm,çOmlçgi: ,bi,n/pini:/?QQ4,Qi?s/s,FWQ~,iLQGQ AP Archive: http://pl1otoarchive.ap.org/ PRN Photo Desk, photodesk(§prnewswire.com SOURCE: Avistá Corp, Page 7 of8 Six Months Ende June 30,2008 200 $126,612 $315,872 1,999 4,523 344,928 350,635 $32,790 $6 $4,401 $63,564 $37,757 $2,867 137,173 304,444 $45,938 $17,257 $11,415 $2,185 $1,310 $24,593 $(7,905) $ (4, 384) $68,895 677 1,010 $14,987 $7,155 $259,636 $126,294 $6,078 420,087 310,266 $109,713 $45,340 $24,921 $5,568 $3,345 $22,779 $270 $91 CONTACT: Avista 2417 Media Access, +1-509-495-4174; or Media, Jessie Wuerst, + 1-509-495-8578, jessie.wuerst(§avistacorp.com, or Investors, Jason Lang, +1-509-495-2930 jason.lang(§avistacorp,com, both ofAvista, Corp. Web site: http://www.avistacorp.com/ Print httn' / /::vi~t::C'orn m~ni::room,C'om/inclex .nhn?s=41&item=R41 $278, 4, 344, $59, 1, $8, $8, $241, $81, $5, ,383, 304, $96, $37, $22, $4, $2, $58, $ (21, S (11, R/22/2008